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"Learn Daily Chinese with easy and effective way"
"         If you will work in China or will travel to China, maybe you will have a conversation with Chinese people in your daily life. These videos can help you to learn daily Chinese.  You can learn how to communicate with new friends or business partners, how to greet each other, how to take taxi, how to pay for the fee, how to address Chinese people, and so on. Your Chinese speaking will be more fluent in your daily life after you learn these videos."
Price: 19.99

"Como Viajar de Forma Economica y Trabajar Desde Donde Estes!"
"Este un curso que se film en distintos pases alrededor del mundo. (USA, Tailandia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mxico, etc) Te enseare como viajar y trabajar por todo un ao alrededor del mundo. En este curso aprenders a viajar sin parar, de forma econmica y segura. Convirtete en un Nmada Digital y aprende a encontrar trabajo en cada lugar a donde vayas. Si eres ms aventurero te dar todas los trucos para que seas un Mochilero Viajero exitoso."
Price: 19.99

"Ganime nl - Muhasebe Soru zm"
"Bu kursta, KPSSA Muhasebe, SMMMve kurum muhasebe test snavlarnn hepsine ynelik tarzda tm soru tiplerini ieren sade bir anlatm ve pratik soru zmeye ynelik sorular ve ayrntl video zmleri yer almaktadr..Sorular tm muhasebe konularn kapsamaktadr. Bu paketi satn aldnzda mr boyu sahip olacaksnz ve gireceiniz tm snavlarda yararlanabileceksiniz."
Price: 249.99

"Planilha de Oramento Pessoal sem Mistrio"
"Pode ser que voc j tenha tentado montar diversas vezes uma planilha de oramento pessoal mas no sabe nem por onde comear.Quem sabe voc pode at pensar que lhe falta o conhecimento necessrio em EXCEL para fazer isso. Esse curso vai lha ajudar a suprir essa necessidade pois vou lhe presentear um modelo completo de planilha de oramento pessoal prontinha para ser preenchida com os seus dados.Mas tenho uma triste notcia para lhe dar. Ter uma planilha no basta para manter as suas finanas em dias. necessrio saber como preenche-la corretamente.Exatamente por isso que montei esse curso. Vou lhe ensinar como MANTER A SUA PLANILHA ATUALIZADA SEM MISTRIO. Ter sucesso financeiro e conseguir fazer com que o seu dinheiro sobre no final do ms ao ponto de conseguir investir mais simples do que voc pode imaginar. Eu vou lhe ensinar como."
Price: 39.99

"Integrao SAP com Excel (VBA)"
"Integrar o SAP com o Excel e o VBA algo que facilita muito nossa vida. Neste curso isso que voc vai aprender: facilitar sua vida quando for trabalhar com o SAP.Aprenda a preparar, configurar e ajustar o SAP para a integrao.Aprenda a preparar e ajustar sua planilha do Excel.Aprenda a preparar e ajustar o VBA (Visual Basic).Por fim, aprenda a Integrar tudo: SAP + Excel + VBA. Veja como suas atividades dirias, semanais, mensais ou anuais podem ser parcial ou totalmente automatizadas.Seja bem vindo ao curso de Integrao SAP e Excel (VBA)."
Price: 249.99

"Introduction to Microsoft SQL server"
"Hi ,In this course we will give a quick introduction to Microsoft SQL server. We will discuss about Data, Database and finally Data base management system. Then will start by discussing about SQL. After we describe about SQL, We will go in the details of DQL SQL statements. DQL is Data Query Language SQL statements , which we use to retrieve data for a data base management system or DBMS. Then will discuss abut DDL statements , and will create a new table alter table structure by adding more columns then remove columns from a tables. We will discuss about How to retrieve entire data from SQL server table, Select relevant columns from a table , then restrict row based on our requirement. We will discuss about Select statements with where clause and ( will see how to use = , > ,>=,<,<= , in , or and between)"
Price: 19.99

"A Exam Readiness Course For AWS CSAA CS Architect Associate"
"This is a exam readiness Ccourse for AWS CSAA - Architect Associate. A dedicated video course for AWS certified solutions architect practice tests. We will cover over 130 Unique CSA Questions with video Explanations.Two AWS CSAA practice tests. Detailed videos tutorials for most of the common AWS Certified Solutions Architect csa Practice Test.Bonus lecture and coupon for other course. About our CSA Practice Test:These two practice tests are the final step in your Solutions Architect - Associate preparation. We spent lot of effort to make this course to reflect the difficulty of the real AWS exam. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.Practice Test 1: This part contain 60 questions and you will get 90 minutes to complete this test. After the test you could see your score and detailed explanation for all this question with links to AWS documents. Please read AWS Documentation, FAQs/White Papers for the latest information and updates about AWS cloud.Practice Test 2:This part is under development. Will try to finish part by the end of this week. Still there are 28 questions and detailed answers for each questions.8 Quizzes:So far we added 8 Quizzes. That will give a clear idea about around 100's of Solution architect questions and answers. We are working on creating HD videos to explain each quizzes. Soon will upload those videos.Summary:We cover more than 150 CSA questions and answers.20 video lecture to explain the most common exam questions and answers.Total 3 plus hours of videos explaining basics of AWS.Will give good introduction EC2 (compute services) & IAM (user access management) services.30 days money back guaranteeMore than 150 practice questions will provide you a deep insights around the questions that appears in AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination. This course will  make you mentally ready to attend an AWS solutions architect exam with full confidence. If you are not satisfied for any reason there is 30 days money back guarantee. I hope you will enjoy this course."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Alteryx Designer Core Certification Preparation New"
"Want to become an Alteryx Designer Core Certified Developer, want to get certified Alteryx Designer Core, than you are at the right place. This is a number one course to prepare you to get certified as designer core. We will teach you everything you need to know in order to pass this exam. Welcome to this  Bootcamp to Alteryx Designer Core Certification, an Ultimate Alteryx Designer Core Certification Preparation New.  I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest Alteryx Designer Core Certification exam 2020. So if you are looking for a Alteryx designer core certification course, you are at the right place. What is the Alteryx ?According to wikipedia,  Alteryx  is an American computer software company based in Irvine, California, with a development center in Broomfield, Colorado. The company's products are used for data science and analytics.The software is designed to make advanced analytics accessible to any data worker.Alteryx currently offers four main products as part of an analytics platform Alteryx Connect.Alteryx Designer.Alteryx Promote.Alteryx Server.Alteryx also hosts a cloud-based website known as the Alteryx Analytics Gallery. Alteryx was recognized by research firm Gartner as a leader in the 2018 Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms.Alteryx and Tableau:Alteryx and Tableau are powerful tools that can revolutionize data analytics and data consumption in any organization. Alteryx is a simple and user-friendly ETL platform with a many tools, including data clean and predictive analytics. Tableau is the best tool for visualizing your data. Use Alteryx to clean your datasets, and fed this data in to Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, or Tableau Online.So you could use Tableau to visualize and share with right people.  So if you are an Tableau developer, learning alteryx & get certified will boost your career. Please not that, this is a course focusing only Alteryx designer core certification and we are not going to touch any visualization tools like Tableau, Qlikview, Qliksense or power BI.  Alteryx has many tools. It is the best tool for a data  analysts to transforming, cleaning, calculating, joining and preparing data. But when it comes to visualize, it is not the right choice, even though alteryx provide few reporting tools. Son no one use Alteryx  at displaying a final result. Thats where Tableau and other visualization tools steps in. Tableau can work really well, if you share some data in a .tde (Tableau Data Extract).With  Alteryx you can process large amount of data, and export that final product as a .tde for visual analysis and make the findings transparent, secure and dynamic for an entire organization.What we cover in this course ?The Alteryx Certification Program  validate technical skills and  expertise to grow your career as Alteryx developer. Your knowledge and technical skills will be tested on  tools, that are used for data preparation and analysis.This course is for all students who is either completely new to Alteryx Designer or those who have some basic idea about this tool. In this course, you will learn all the configuration of basics Alteryx tools, Including data input output operation tools, data preparations tools and transformations tools and many more.This course is focusing on Core certification and you will be tested on few the tools. Most of them will be basic tools and hence this course does not require any prior knowledge of Alteryx. It is a fast rack course to get you certified as Alteryx designer core.We divided this course into multiple modules and each module will focus on Alteryx designer core certification question and answers. Pleas Note: We won't provide any exam dumps or sample questions. Instead we will teach you everything you need to know in order to pass this exam with very high score. If you don't like this course, Udemy will provide 100% money back guaranteed,  (in 30 days) .If you don't like this course, Udemy will provide 100% money back guaranteed,  (in 30 days) .If you have any complaints about the content of this course are attached materials you could contact me"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete 2020 Software Testing Bootcamp"
"All the basics that you need to know in software testing field, these include:-Basic theoretical concepts-Test case writing &bug reporting-Test management tools (Testlink)-Agile Testing Basics-Agile Tools (JIRA)-Black Box Techniques (Equivalence Partitioning-Boundary Value Analysis-Decision Table Testing-State Transition Testing-Use Case Testing)-White Box Techniques (Statement Coverage-Decision Coverage-Path Coverage-MC/DC-Loop Coverage)-Freelance Testing (Bugfinders-Utest-Testerwork-Crossover)-Automation Testing-Performance Testing-APITesting-Mobile Testing-Interview questions-C.VTips -ISTQB Certificates"
Price: 19.99

"Mobile App Testing Practical + Certified Mob. Tester"
"All you need to know about Mobile Testing. The course is designed for two purposes:1-To give you all the knowledge you need to perform mobile testing on your mobile apps2-To prepare you to be a Certified Mobile TesterEach Section focuses on the two goals, that's why you will find each concept explained in a theoretical way which is followed by a real-world practical examples.All information in this course are updated in September 2019, no old tools or concepts are used in the course. If you are planning to become an ISQB Certified Mobile Application, so this course is the best fit for you.=================================The course also contains a bonus section that will prepare you for the ASTQB Certified Mobile Tester exam, which is the certificate that is used inside the U.S."
Price: 19.99

"Software Test Design Techniques Black Box & White Box"
"In this course we explain the test techniques that help you in performing test analysis and design. Using these techniques will help you in choosing the best test conditions and test cases that will cover critical parts of your system. They will also help you in testing your code efficiently and making sure that it performs its intended functions properly."
Price: 19.99

"  2020. :-ISTQB Foundation Level-ISTQB Agile Tester-ISTQB Mobile Tester-Testing Tools (JIRA-TFS)-Test Case & Bug Report Writing (Excel-Google Sheets-Trello)-API Testing using Postman-Performance Testing using JMeter & HP Loadrunner-Automation Testing using Selenium"
Price: 199.99

"DC Circuit Analysis using MATLAB SIMULINK (Models Included)"
"Circuit analysis, or solving a circuit, means figuring out voltages and currents in each element. This course starts off covering how to design your DC circuits using MATLAB SIMULINK and compute all required parameters.This course will help you to revise the basics of direct current analysis and be skilled in using MATLAB SIMULINK."
Price: 19.99

"AC Circuit & Power Analysis using MATLAB SIMULINK"
"Circuit analysis, or solving a circuit, means figuring out voltages and currents in each element. This course starts off covering how to design your AC circuits using MATLAB SIMULINK and compute all required parameters including but not limited to the following:Voltage.Current.Impedance.Active Power.Reactive Power.Apparent Power.Power Factor.This course will help you to revise the basics of AC circuit and power analysis and to be skilled in using MATLAB SIMULINK."
Price: 19.99

"Power Flow Analysis for Electrical Engineers"
"Power or load flow studies are probably the most common of all power system analysis calculations. They are used in planning studies to determine if and when specific elements will become overloaded. Major investment decisions begin with reinforcement strategies based on load-flow analysis. In operating studies, load-flow analysis is used to ensure that each generator runs at the optimum operating point; demand will be met without overloading facilities; and maintenance plans can proceed without undermining the security of the system.The objective of any load-flow program is to produce the following information: Voltage magnitude and phase angle at each bus. Real and reactive power flowing in each element. Reactive power loading on each generator."
Price: 19.99

"After Effects: Animando Personagens do Zero ao Mercado"
"Esse curso tem como objetivo central te ensinar do absoluto ZERO, como se anima personagens dentro do after effects. Ns vamos focar nas tcnicas da base essencial para voc comear no mundo do motion design e aprender uma das animaes mais pedidas, bem pagas e divertidas de se fazer.Esse curso composto por 4 mdulos focado nas 4 tcnicas da base da animao de personagem. Cada uma delas vai ensinar como animar tipos diferentes de personagens. Combinadas elas vo te permitir animar uma infinidade de estilos desse tipo de animao.E no se preocupa que ns vamos comear do absoluto zero. Ns vamos ilustrar juntos os personagens no illustrator. Preparar ele para ser animado. Vou te mostrar como importar no after effects. Organizar o seu projeto da forma mais correta, eficiente e profissional. E finalmente em seguida vou te mostrar como animar o seu personagem.No mdulo 01 ns vamos aprender animao com shapes. Uma tcnica bem simples mas que voc vai ver que s com ela, voc j consegue animar muita coisa. Inclusive at j poderia vender para algum cliente.No mdulo 02, ns vamos animar um personagem inteiro usando apenas rotao. Isso vai ampliar o seu repertrio de animaes, te tornando capaz de pegar uma quantidade ainda maior de tipos de trabalho.No mdulo 03, ns vamos seguir para o walkcilcle ou, traduzindo, o ciclo de caminhada. Que vai te ensinar a animar um personagem andando. Essa tcnica tem fama de ser muito difcil, mas nesse mdulo eu vou te mostrar que no um bicho de sete cabeas. E ao final voc conseguir animar um personagem andando sem problema algum!No mdulo 4, eu j vou te ensinar a usar a mesma ferramenta que grandes profissionais da rea usam: o DUIK. Depois desse mdulo voc ver o quanto essa ferramenta vai facilitar e evoluir o resultado do seu trabalho. Depois desses 4 mdulo dificilmente voc vai negar um cliente por no saber animar um personagemVou revelar todo o meu fluxo de trabalho. A forma mais eficinte de voc criar e animar um personagem.Outro ponto importante que eu fiz questo de explicar o porqu de cada passo. Com isso voc no vai apenas repetir, como nos tutoriais de youtube, voc vai entender o raciocnio por detrs. O que vai te dar a capacidade de criar produzir o que vier na sua mente.Nesse curso eu fiz questo de escolher apenas animaes que tenham valor de mercado. Isso significa que tudo que voc aprender aqui, desde do primeiro mdulo, j tem algum querendo pagar por aquele tipo de animao. Diferente de outros cursos que ensinam coisas mirabolantes que que voc nunca vai ver um cliente pedindo.Ento em resumo, eu preparei esse curso aqui para que voc no cometesse os erros mais comuns, que foram os meus erros tambm, de quem quer tentar aprender animao de personagens. Tudo que voc aprender nesse curso, tem valor de mercado. Voc vai aprender tcnicas que so pedidas no mercado real. Eu quis projetar o meu curso assim, por que mais estimulante para quem est aprendendo, saber que aquele tempo e dinheiro investido vai trazer um retorno financeiro. E isso que eu mais quero para voc, que depois desse curso, ou durante mesmo, voc j saia conquistando clientes pra todo lado!Mas voc, assim como eu ficava quando terminava um curso de AE, deve est se perguntando como faz para comear a pegar clientes. Por isso, eu decidi incluir nesse curso um BNUS onde eu vou te entregar todo o meu mtodo e estratgia para conseguir clientes do mundo todo, receber em dollar e trabalhar de onde quiser! Eu vou abrir para voc o meu segredo de ter liberdade e trabalhar com o que gosta! Mas no adianta saber como pegar clientes e no ter um demoreel, traduzindo, um portfolio. E a eu entro em outro ponto importante que muitos dos meus alunos se sentem inseguros de fazer por conta prpria. E com razo, eu passei exatamente por essa situao. Ento eu preparei um segundo bnus. Nele eu vou te passar todos os macetes de se montar um bom portflio. Todas as boas prticas e cuidados que voc deve ter ao montar a ferramenta principal na hora de conquistar um cliente.Voc ver o quanto vai valer a pena aprender esse tipo de animao. Uma das minhas maiores dores no corao era negar trabalhos super bem pagos por no ter determinao de aprender animao de personagem. Depois desse curso isso no vai acontecer com voc.Voc simplesmente acabar esse curso dominando um dos tipos de animao mais pedidas, bem pagas e divertidas de se fazer no mundo do motion design.Bom isso pessoal! Voc est diante de uma oportunidade de aprender animao de personagem da melhor forma possvel. Esse curso vai te fazer evitar todos os erros que eu cometi. De forma enxuta e direta voc vai sair desse curso dominando o essencial para comear a fazer dinheiro com esse tipo animao. Agora a escolha est nas suas mos, seguir por conta prpria ou aprender com quem j conhece o caminho. isso, espero te ver l dentro do curso! Grande abrao!"
Price: 294.99

"French Phonetics 101-Part 2. French Language for Beginners"
"The Ultimate How-To-Read Guide in French for all beginners in French Language. Part 2.For better result, complete Part 1 before proceeding with Part 2or read attentively the detailed Cheat-Sheet with letters A-L (Part 1 Overview)This course is: short: to complete the whole Course (Parts 1&2) you need about 3 hourseasy-to-follow: the course is divided into short classes, each lesson lasts between 1 and 3 each lesson is about a new topic, so every 2 minutes you learn a new rule and practice a new sound not overwhelming: step-by-step approach, each rule is followed by a practical exercise.complete: the course covers and resolves all difficulties a student might face at the beginner level (A1) multi-purpose: whatever French Language Course you are attending or planning to attend, the French Phonetics 101 is a must-have basis for your quick progress in reading, speaking and writing.HD quality: high quality sound and imagefeedback guaranteed: I am open to all your questions. If you don't find the answer in this course, just ask. Your progress is my concern.100% practical: you listen and you read from the first to the last class. I just don't give you other choice but to progress.This is Part 2 of the French Phonetics 101. To be sure you don't miss anything, check the content of both parts.Part 1 ( letters and sounds A-L)letters of the French alphabetbasic rules of French pronunciationaccents: , , vowels a, e, i and their combinations ei, aiconsonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l and their combinations ch, gn reading simple words Part 2 (letters and sounds M-X)nasal soundsvowels o, u, y, w and their combinations (oi, ou, au, eau, eu)consonants m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z and their combinationsreading simple words and sentences you can use in your every-day lifeUPCOMING FEATURES TO BE ADDED BY THE END OF THE APRIL 2019:new activities including basic sentences to communicate easily from the first French Language Classa possibility to get instructors feedback about your progress by submitting audio-assessments."
Price: 69.99

"Desenhe seu Projeto Eltrico com Auto Cad na Prtica"
"Este curso para voc eletricista ou estudante da rea de eltrica. O objetivo do curso ser de orientar o aluno de como desenhar um projeto eltrico no Auto Cad a partir de um esboo de projeto, j feito pelo aluno no papel. recomendado fazer o curso ""Desenhe uma Planta Baixa com Auto Cad na Prtica"" caso o aluno no saiba desenhar ainda uma planta baixa no Auto Cad."
Price: 39.99

"UX & Web Moderna + TapLearn: Uma revoluo no ensino!"
"Ol pessoal, sejam muito bem-vindos ao nosso curso de UX e Web Moderna. Sero 6 cursos onde aprenderemos todo o necessrio para desenvolver sistemas incrveis, desde a prototipagem at a implementao. Vamos aprender a trabalhar com Axure a ferramenta de UX Design lder de mercado utlizada por grandes empresas como Audi, Amazon, Apple, entre outras. Com Axure vamos desenvolver um projeto completo do zero, baseado no site da Beats. Tambm vamos aprender tudo sobre a Web Moderna, com os nossos cursos de HTML, CSS e JavaScript. Vamos aprender a layoutar com eficincia utilizando Flexbox e a novssima especificao CSS, o Grid Layout. Alm disso ainda temos uma surpresa especial para fechar com chave de ouro, o TapLearn, confira no nosso vdeo promocional!"
Price: 19.99

"2019 LinkedIn Influencer Crash Course"
"With over 575 million users, LinkedIn is an extremely powerful platform if used right. In this day and age it is more important than ever to become an influencer in your area of expertise so business comes to you, appose to you looking for business. This course will help you develop the knowledge you need to successfully grow your LinkedIn profile by covering three key areas;1. Understanding how you wish to be portrayed on LinkedIn is crucial. If you don't understand your reason for posting and your purpose on LinkedIn you are less likely to put in the effort. We will work together to understand your niche and target audience so you can post effectively. This also comes with a guide that asks key questions to ensure you are on track and have a clear idea on how you wish to become a LinkedIn influencer. 2. Creating an influential LinkedIn profile is very important to ensure you attract the right following and opportunities. In this topic we will identify the secret to an excellent profile by covering all areas of how your profile is seen today. This lecture also looks into key LinkedIn influencers and includes a booklet that identifies incredible influencers to follow whilst breaking down their profiles and seeing what they are doing right, and how you can follow in their footsteps..3. Becoming a LinkedIn Influencer is an incredible process, from learning how often to post, to what content you should focus on, this part really gets into the key elements of how you should now tackle LinkedIn and showcase your skills in the best possible way. This also includes a success guide with 2019 LinkedIn tips so you have something to keep you on track for the rest of the year!This course has been created from personal experience after growing three successful companies and achieving over 60,000 organic followers, I feel very passionate about LinkedIn and have obtained many great clients from this strong platform - I look forward to helping you do the same."
Price: 19.99

"Find Your Soul Mate"
"Learn spiritual techniques that will help you find your soul mate. Based on my real-life experience of meeting and marrying my soul mate, I (Nicole) walk you through powerful methods of getting clear about what you want in a soul mate, how to manifest this kind of love into your life, and we'll even go over why loving yourself is so important. This is a step-by-step proven process where you'll learn what to do and what not to do. In addition to the videos, there are helpful downloads and meditations. If you're ready to stop dating or settling for relationships that just don't work in the end, and you know you have a soul mate who's waiting for you...this is YOUR COURSE!"
Price: 74.99

"The Complete Autocad 2017 2D+3D Training"
"Learn AutoCAD From ScratchStarting with understanding the Interface of AutoCAD 2017 you will be amazed where you reach by the end of this course. With the wide applications of AutoCAD in Architecture and Civil And Mechanical fields, this is one software that you need to know to put down your engineering ideas on paper. Learn to draft 2D And 3D models.About CourseThis course is AutoCAD 2017 Complete 2D+3D learning package which contains almost all of the topics that you will ever need to work with this software. The course is designed for a beginner as well as Advance Level users.A beginner can start learning the software right from scratch by following the course along just from lecture one and Advance AutoCAD user will also find this course very comprehensive and they can choose the topics they want to learn about skipping the basics. comprehensive AutoCAD course online with 127 HD video lectures Taught By Well Trained Professional Instructor"
Price: 99.99

"Primavera P6 Professional Beginner To Expert Urdu/Hindi"
"Welcome to Primavera P6 Professional online training course. it is focused on practical application of Project Management using Primavera P6..This course is a field oriented course and containsreal examples and a full fledge real project for better understanding This course is so designed that it covers every aspect of implementation. If you are working in large scale firms then you will get a brief concept of how projects are managed there. This Course will make you able to organize projects, control access to projects, organize and control resources and in effectively planning, monitoring and controllingof the project.Similarly if you are working in a Small Industry or if you are new to Project Managementand Primavera, you will get to know all the required core concepts of Project Management along with examples and you will learn their implementation in Primavera P6 from start to end.By the end of the course you will learn that to plan any project successfully you should have a great tool. Primavera P6 is that tool. Primavera P6 helps you in the planning phase of any project. You will also get to know how a construction schedule is created with the minimum data. You will get insights in the construction scheduleAfter successful completion of this course, you will be able to develop a schedule, update The Schedule , look ahead schedule, Resource allocation, Duration To Activities , Material Planning In Primavera , Procurement, Stacked Histogram, Financial S-CURVE, Global Changes In Software, Activity Codes And Roles In Primavera And Much More"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete AutoCad 2020 2D+3D Course"
"Learn AutoCAD From ScratchStarting with understanding the Interface of AutoCAD 2020 you will be amazed where you reach by the end of this course. With the wide applications of AutoCAD in Architecture and Civil And Mechanical fields, this is one software that you need to know to put down your engineering ideas on paper. Learn to draft 2D And 3D models.About CourseThis course is AutoCAD 2020Complete 2D+3D learning package which contains almost all of the topics that you will ever need to work with this software. The course is designed for a beginner as well as Advance Level users.A beginner can start learning the software right from scratch by following the course along just from lecture one and Advance AutoCAD user will also find this course very comprehensive and they can choose the topics they want to learn about skipping the basics. comprehensive AutoCAD course online with 160 HD video lectures Practice Question And Quiz Are Added For Better Learning Over 100 Of House Plan Drawings In AutoCAD Are Added For Download Architectural And Structural Drawing Are Added For Download Taught By Well Trained Professional Instructor"
Price: 119.99

"Quantity Surveying/Bar-bending Schedule (B.B.S) Course"
"Learn Bar Bending Schedule From ScratchStarting with understanding the Basic Of Bar Bending Schedule you will be amazed where you reach by the end of this course.We Will Start Barbending From Footing And We Will Find Bar-bending Of Different Structures like B.B.S For Footings B.B.S For Columns B.B.S For Beams B.B.S For Two way slab B.B.S For Circular Slab B.B.S For Stairs B.B.S For Box CulvertAbout This Course comprehensive B.B.S course online with 31 HD videos lectures B.B.S Sheets in Excel Drawings Of Different Structures Taught By Well Trained Professional Instructor"
Price: 99.99

"5 minute French, Arabic and spanish - Course 1"
"Start your apprenticeship today! 30 days, 5-10 minutes a day is enough.Tips to easily improve your way of speaking French, Arabic and Spanish.Learn easily: This course offers a quick and easy method of acquiring and improving your accent because it is adapted to your native language.The English accent is charming! But you want to be better understood when you speak in French, Arabic and Spanish, do not you? Here is a course specially designed for you!Included in this course:Power-point presentations for all learning styles:Exercises to practice your pronunciation in conversation situationsAudio files to practice the sentences you find personally the most difficultStart today to improve your French, Arabic and Spanish accent with Level 1 courses."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende todo sobre Vectores (Geometra analtica 2 D)"
"Quieres convertirte en un autntico genio y que ningn ejercicio se te resista para solo sacas 10 en tus exmenes?Este curso te ensear todos los ejercicios, desde el ms fcil hasta el ms difcil, para que tanto principiantes, como gente que ya tenga conocimientos llegue al objetivo de ser un GENIO y sacar siempre 10.Este es el temario que te har conseguirlo (resumen de los vdeos, tareas y exmenes para que compruebes si es lo que necesitas):Elementos de un VectorSuma, Resta, Multiplicacin y combinacin Grfica de Vectores.Calcular coordenadas de un vectorOperaciones (Suma, resta, multiplicacin)Producto escalar, y sus propiedadesAplicaciones del producto escalar (ngulo entre vectores, vectores perpendiculares y paralelos)Distancia entre dos puntos, punto medio y punto simtrico.ALGUNOS COMENTARIOS DE MIS ESTUDIANTES:Excelente forma de explicar y muy bien realizado, gracias por compartir, me has ayudado a comprender mejor crack!Gracias por esta explicacin! Esta fcil y sencilla! Enhorabuena! Me sirvi de mucho No puedo creer que entend la materia, estoy sorprendida porque a la profe no le entiendo ninguna cosa, Gracias eres el mejor. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo me ha ayudado bastante Explicas muy bien me ir bien en el examen de hoy Muy bien explicado! excelente trabajo y gracias por compartirlo!"
Price: 19.99

"Ecuaciones de la Recta (geometra Analtica 2D)"
"Quieres convertirte en un autntico genio y que ningn ejercicio se te resista para solo sacas 10 en tus exmenes?Este curso te ensear todos los ejercicios, desde el ms fcil hasta el ms difcil, para que tanto principiantes, como gente que ya tenga conocimientos llegue al objetivo de ser un GENIO y sacar siempre 10.Este es el temario que te har conseguirlo (resumen de los vdeos, tareas y exmenes para que compruebes si es lo que necesitas):Ecuaciones de la recta (vectorial, paramtrica, continua, general, explcita, punto-pendiente)Posiciones relativas de la rectaDistancias y ngulos entre rectasALGUNOS COMENTARIOS DE MIS ESTUDIANTES:Excelente forma de explicar y muy bien realizado, gracias por compartir, me has ayudado a comprender mejor crack!Gracias por esta explicacin! Esta fcil y sencilla! Enhorabuena! Me sirvi de mucho No puedo creer que entend la materia, estoy sorprendida porque a la profe no le entiendo ninguna cosa, Gracias eres el mejor. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo me ha ayudado bastante Explicas muy bien me ir bien en el examen de hoy Muy bien explicado! excelente trabajo y gracias por compartirlo!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende todo sobre Nmeros complejos"
"Quieres convertirte en un autntico genio y que ningn ejercicio se te resista para solo sacas 10 en tus exmenes?Este curso te ensear todos los ejercicios, desde el ms fcil hasta el ms difcil, para que tanto principiantes, como gente que ya tenga conocimientos llegue al objetivo de ser un GENIO y sacar siempre 10.Este es el temario que te har conseguirlo (resumen de los vdeos, tareas y exmenes para que compruebes si es lo que necesitas):La unidad imaginaria.Potencias de la Unidad imaginaria.Nmeros complejos en forma binmica.Representacin grfica de nmeros complejos en forma binomica.Suma y resta nmeros complejos en forma binmica.Multiplicacin de nmeros complejos en Forma binmica.Divisin de nmeros complejos en forma binmica.Nmeros complejos en Forma polar.Calcular Argumento en Forma polar.Pasar de forma binmica a polarPasar de forma polar a binmicaMultiplicacin nmeros complejos en forma polarDivisin nmeros enteros en forma polarRadicales/Races de nmeros complejos en forma polarALGUNOS COMENTARIOS DE MIS ESTUDIANTES:Excelente forma de explicar y muy bien realizado, gracias por compartir, me has ayudado a comprender mejor crack!Gracias por esta explicacin! Esta fcil y sencilla! Enhorabuena! Me sirvi de muchoNo puedo creer que entend la materia, estoy sorprendida porque a la profe no le entiendo ninguna cosa, Gracias eres el mejor.Muchas gracias por tu trabajo me ha ayudado bastanteExplicas muy bien me ir bien en el examen de hoyMuy bien explicado! excelente trabajo y gracias por compartirlo!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Reacciones cido-Base"
"Quieres convertirte en un autntico genio y que ningn ejercicio se te resista para solo sacas 10 en tus exmenes?Este curso te ensear todos los ejercicios, desde el ms fcil hasta el ms difcil, para que tanto principiantes, como gente que ya tenga conocimientos llegue al objetivo de ser un GENIO y sacar siempre 10.Este es el temario que te har conseguirlo (resumen de los vdeos, tareas y exmenes para que compruebes si es lo que necesitas):Formacin equilibrio del cido base, con diferentes incognitas: (gr, moles, Ka, concentraciones, constante disociacin, pH, pOH, Mezclas de diferentes productos,etc)Reaccin de neutralizacin (ejercicios bsicos, intermedios, difciles, y tericos)Ejercicios de ValorizacinEjercicios de HidrlisisPreguntas TericasEjercicios con grficasALGUNOS COMENTARIOS DE MIS ESTUDIANTES:Excelente forma de explicar y muy bien realizado, gracias por compartir, me has ayudado a comprender mejor crack!Gracias por esta explicacin! Esta fcil y sencilla! Enhorabuena! Me sirvi de muchoNo puedo creer que entend la materia, estoy sorprendida porque a la profe no le entiendo ninguna cosa, Gracias eres el mejor.Muchas gracias por tu trabajo me ha ayudado bastanteExplicas muy bien me ir bien en el examen de hoyMuy bien explicado! excelente trabajo y gracias por compartirlo!"
Price: 19.99