"Blockchain for Business 2020: 50+ Real World Applications" |
"You must have heard of Blockchain, the path breaking technology behind various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether, shaking up the world of finance. But do you know that this technology is finding applications beyond these cryptocurrencies. This technology is being leveraged in more inventive ways each single day.If you are thinking to apply this technology to your particular business, domain or your potential startup, then you are at the right place. In this course, we will discuss all of these aspects along with 50 real-world applications of Blockchain and uncover the benefits that this technology offers.After going through this course, you will understand how Blockchain can affect the industry where you are working and how you can take advantage of this and stay ahead of the curve. We sincerely believe that this course will open new horizons for your career growth and for many of you this may even act as a facilitator and a trigger to start your own venture in this nascent Technology.You will find tons of great courses about the underlying theory of Blockchain and the role of Blockchain in cryptocurrencies but none of them describe the real world applications of Blockchain in detail. Here in this course you will find in-depth knowledge about 50 real world applications of Blockchain along with the basics of this technology.This course is perfect for:1. A beginner, who is looking to understand the latest buzz word Blockchain 2. An expert, who wants to explore more about the practical business applications Of Blockchain Technology3. A Blockchain Developer, who is looking for potential business use cases of Blockchain Technology to build the next Google or Microsoft4. An Entrepreneur, who is looking for startup ideas in this nascent domainFurther with a 30 day return policy, there is nothing to lose for you here. If you feel the course is not worth your money, you can return it and get your money back. Though, we assure you that you will not be disappointed by your wise decision of buying this course.Key Takeaways from this course:What is Blockchain?Properties of BlockchainComponents of blockConsensus mechanismHash & its functionsWhat are smart contracts?Criteria for choosing Blockchain for businessBlockchain application in Big DataBlockchain application in Land RegistrationBlockchain application in Vehicle RegistrationBlockchain application in VotingBlockchain application in AirlinesBlockchain application in CharityBlockchain application in Electronic Health RecordBlockchain application in combating fake newsBlockchain application in Birth & marriage certificate registrationBlockchain application in Dairy industryBlockchain application in food safetyBlockchain & IoT data marketplaceBlockchain application in Diamond & gold industryBlockchain & IoT for smart healthcareBlockchain application in Health InsuranceBlockchain application in connected carsBlockchain & IoT for smart homesBlockchain application in aiding refugeesBlockchain application in Pharma industryBlockchain application in clinical trialsBlockchain application in Human ResourceBlockchain application in KYCBlockchain application in Poultry industryBlockchain application in Hotel IndustryBlockchain application in efficient implementation of government schemesBlockchain application in EducationBlockchain application in Helping farmersBlockchain application in Beauty industryBlockchain application in Sports industryBlockchain application in Fashion industryBlockchain application in GenomicsBlockchain & IoT in LogisticsBlockchain application in International tradeBlockchain application in CustomsBlockchain application in Automobile industryBlockchain application in carbon emissionsBlockchain application in wine industryBlockchain application in utility servicesBlockchain application in fine artsBlockchain application in IoT industrial use casesBlockchain application in Artificial Intelligence (AI)Blockchain application in Advertisement & marketingBlockchain application in Aviation industryBlockchain application in DefenceBlockchain application in RoboticsBlockchain application in Identity managementBlockchain application in sharing economyBlockchain application in Power industryBlockchain application in Telecom industryBlockchain application in Fishing industry"
Price: 99.99 |
"TOEIC Listening and Reading Tests" |
"Are you studying for the TOEIC test?Do you want a high TOEIC score?Do you want to practice as many questions as you can?People who study for the TOEIC usually buy books which can only be used once.We all know that practice makes perfect so the more questions you see, the higher your score should be.Why are you throwing away money buying workbooks you can only use once?Use our online practice exams anytime, anywhere, with no limit to how many times you can use them!You get lifetime access and a 30-day money back guarantee so if at anytime youre not satisfied, youll get a full refund!Today, for a low price, you get 4 TOEIC tests which you can use forever!Well even give you a bonus test because the more questions you see, the better your score will be!Thats 5 TOEIC tests5 listening sections. 5 reading sections. A total of 1,000 questions.Start practicing now!"
Price: 22000.00 |
"150 Must-know vocabulary for the TOEIC, TOEFL, iBT Test" |
"Do you want to know more vocabulary?Do you hate memorizing word after word after word?Do you want higher test scores?There are so many words in the English language. How can you memorize them all?Use flashcards for every word? Write each word and definition over and over?These practices do workbut are usually only effective for simple vocabulary tests.What about reading comprehensionwhen you see the word in a paragraph?Or listening comprehension?What if there was a skill you could learn where you dont have to memorize thousands of words?A skill that all native English speakers know about?Once you practice and learn this skill, you will instantly be able to know the meanings of vocabulary whenever reading or listeningjust like a native English speaker!The skill that you MUST practice is Context Clues.Learning to look or listen around the word you don't know is how you understand its meaning.It sounds simple enoughand it isbut it must be practiced. And that is what this practice test will help you with.Once it becomes a habit, you will see your English skill improve dramatically!We have been using this method in our academies with great results. And now we want to share it with you!*BONUS PACKAGE*Receive a BIG discount for our ""TOEIC Listening and Reading Tests"" course when you purchase this practice test!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Die 7 universellen Gesetze zum Glck - Einfach glcklich" |
"Seit mehr als ber 10 Jahren habe ich nun Erfahrung mit Menschen. Ich helfe ihnen ein noch glcklicheres Leben zu fhren. Dabei habe ich etwas erstaunliches herausgefunden. Gerade wenn es um die Frage geht:""Wie kann ich glcklich werden"" gibt es 7 universelle Gesetze, die wie eine Art ""Zauberformel"" wirken knnen. Die Menschen, die sich an die Gesetze halten, erfahren mehr Glck in ihrem Leben. Das geniale dabei ist, dein Hintergrund spielt keine Rolle. Die Gesetze knnen das Leben von jedem Menschen bereichern. Einige Menschen wenden auch nur 1 oder 3 Gesetze von den 7 universellen Gesetzen an und verspren schon eine deutlich positive Vernderung in ihrem Leben. berzeuge dich einfach selbst. DOCHACHTUNG!!!Die 7 universellen Gesetze zu kenne reicht nicht. Sie funktionieren nur, wenn du sie auch anwendest. Und ich lade dich nun hier ein einmal neugierig zu sein, wie spannend es sein kann genau dies zu tun. Ich wnsche dir ganz viel Spa und Erfolg. Hole dir jetzt deinen Kurs und begebe dich auf die spannende Reise."
Price: 19.99 |
"Contrabaixo Iniciante ao Avanado" |
"Curso do Incio ao AvanadoEste curso foi projetado no intuito de que o aluno aprenda o Contrabaixo da maneira correta, comeando os primeiros passos junto com partitura, pois ideia tornar o estudo mais fcil de ser intendido, pois partitura veio para somar com os estudos e assim naturalmente aperfeioando com rtmicas dentro da pauta, neste curso voc aprender escalas maiores e menores naturais e alteradas sustenidas e bemis, ritmos dentro das escalas para que voc possa desenvolver s escalas dentro do ritmo, e no s um desenho qualquer, entre os ritmos voc vai aprender os mais conhecidos como; Forr, Sertanejo, Pop, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Samba, e tambm Improvisos dentro dos campo harmnicos maiores e menores harmnicos e frases e licks dentro do Soul Music, Escala Pentatnica e aplicao e Tcnicas de Slap e Groove, este curso tem 12 horas de aulas e aproximadamente 123 exerccios. 23 aulas e mais de 123 exerccios em PDF e udioPartituras, Escalas, Ritmos, Tcnicas, Improvisao"
Price: 69.99 |
"Frases e Licks no Contrabaixo" |
"Voc quem tem dificuldade em criar frases, est sua chance de entender este mecanismo importante e como funciona s combinaes que o grande segredo, muitos acham que s ouvindo baixistas e bandas e tirando de ouvido frases o suficiente, e quando vai tocar uma msica no consegue aplicar, sabe o porqu? Eu sei o segredo! devido anos tocando e lecionando descobrir alguns macetes e caminhos que so mais fceis chamados combinaes onde voc poder aplicar em qualquer msica."
Price: 19.99 |
"Teoria Musical" |
"Segue os contedos1 Captulo 1 Propriedade do Som 2 Nota e Pentagrama 3 Clave 4 Exerccios 5 Figura da Nota e Pausa 6 Ligadura Ponto de Aumento Duplo Ponto de Aumento Fermata Ponto de Diminuio 7 Compasso 8 Compasso Simples e Composto 9 Exerccios 10 Exerccios Ditado Rtmico Srie 1 11 Regras e Grafia12 Andamento13 Marcao de Compasso14 Quilteras 15 Contratempo - Sncopa16 Articulaes17 Sinais de Repeties18 Ditado Rtmico 19 Solfejo Musical Clave de Sol20 Solfejo Musical Clave de F21 Exerccios 22 Noes de Intervalos Tom e Semitons 23 Sinais de Alteraes24 Notas Enarmnicas e Semitom Cromtico e Diatnico25 Escala Modo26 Modo Maior Parte 127 Modo Maior Parte 228 Modo Menor29 Modo Menor Harmnico e Meldico30 Solfejo Clave de Sol31 Solfejo Clave de F32 Pozzoli 3 Srie"
Price: 39.99 |
"Aprenda Tocar Msicas estilo Forr no Contrabaixo" |
"Aprenda tocar vrias msicas no ritmo forr vanero, romntico, pisadinha, arrasta chinela, Forr das antigas entre outros, em cima de um repertrio vasto com msicas conhecidas e vrias combinaes, enfeites e tcnicas de groove e Slap e melhor, o curso tem atualizaes de msicas, segue o set list baixoInquilinaAmor da sua camaElas GostamVai MalandraCorpo Sensual5 MinutosNoite FriaVoc Fugiu de Mim (Romntico)Voc Fugiu de Mim (Arrasta Chinela)Ningum de FerroDiga sim pra mimEu vivi pra voc"
Price: 39.99 |
"Contrabaixo Iniciante ao Avanado Mdulo 2" |
"Curso do Incio ao Avanado Mdulo 2Este curso a continuao do INICIANTE AO AVANADO, comeando com RITMOS em cima das msicas mais conhecidas, pois ideia aprendendo tocar s msicas e estilos de ritmos diferente como SERTANEJO, COUNTRY ARROCHA, VANEIRA, FORR, POP, dentro das escalas e combinaes harmnicas para que voc possa desenvolver no s o ritmo mais tambm tcnicas e combinaes que tem nas msicas e assim este curso vai te ajudar tocar com uma banda ou sua banda. este curso ter mais TCNICAS SLAP E GROOVE, HARMONIAS E IMPROVISAES.1 Ritmo Xote2 Ritmo Sertanejo 3 Ritmo Pop 14 Ritmo Sertanejo 25 Ritmo Vaneira 16 Ritmo Country 17 Ritmo Vaneira 28 Ritmo Vaneira 3 9 Ritmo Arrocha 110 Ritmo Country 211 Ritmo Country 312 Ritmo Arrocha 213 Ritmo Vaneira 414 Ritmo Vaneira 515 Ritmo Vaneira 616 Ritmo Sertanejo 317 Ritmo Arrocha 318 Ritmo Vaneira 719 Ritmo Forr 120 Caminhos da Improvisao - Campo Harmnico Menor Meldico21 Ritmo Samba Combinaes"
Price: 39.99 |
"Campo Harmnico Menor Harmnico Caminhos da Improvisao" |
"Caminhos da improvisao, como o nome j diz mostrarei alguns caminhos da improvisao, para voc que est perdido e no sabe por onde comear, neste curso estou improvisando nos modos do campo harmnico menor harmnico, em cada modo fao solos de improviso e mostro o que usei na aplicao de cada modo, notas de tenso, notas evitadas e notas caractersticas, combinaes de graus, intervalos de trades e de teras ascendente e descendente, notas do acordes e muito mais!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Sertanejo Aplicao" |
"Voc quem tem dificuldade em criar frases no Sertanejo, est sua chance de entender algumas combinaes e como funciona s frases que o grande segredo, muitos acham que s ouvindo baixistas e bandas e tirando de ouvido msicas o suficiente, e quando vai tocar uma msica no consegue aplicar, sabe o porqu? Eu sei o segredo! Devido anos tocando e lecionando descobrir alguns macetes e caminhos que so mais fceis chamados combinaes onde voc poder aplicar em qualquer msica basta somente entender s harmonias, frases dentro de uma combinao. "
Price: 39.99 |
"Samba do Zero" |
"Voc quem tem dificuldade em fazer ritmos no Samba, est sua chance de entender algumas combinaes e como funciona os ritmos e s combinaes que o grande segredo, muitos acham que s ouvindo baixistas e bandas e tirando de ouvido msicas o suficiente, e quando vai tocar uma msica no consegue aplicar, sabe o porqu? Eu sei o segredo! Devido anos tocando e lecionando descobrir alguns macetes e caminhos que so mais fceis chamados combinaes onde voc poder aplicar em qualquer msica basta somente entender s harmonias, frases dentro de uma combinao. "
Price: 39.99 |
"Frmula dos Modelos de Negcios: Inove ou Crie do Zero!" |
"Aprenda de Forma Prtica, Rpida e Intensiva a Criar ou Recriar Negcios (Empresas) Lucrativos e Inovadores!Voc tem uma ideia de negcio e no sabe como comear ou tir-la do papel?J tem um negcio e no est satisfeito com os resultados e deseja mudar ou inovar?No consegue organizar as ideias para saber se seu negcio pode agregar valor para voc e para seu cliente?Est com dificuldades com planejamento ou confeco de estratgias em seu negcio?Se Respondeu SIM para, pelo umas dessas perguntas, esse curso para voc!"
Price: 129.99 |
"The Art of Energy Healing Summary" |
"This is a step by step summary on how energy healing works, how to release karma, how everyone gets meditation wrong, and how to apply all of this with those who have less time and do not want to go through 10 hour+ courses and get straight to the point. Learn how everyone gets karma wrongLearn what meditation really is and how to apply itUnderstand energy healing is nothing about Reiki or any special techniqueKnow how to learn this subject quicker and not drag on into a course loopBe confident and know yourself by actually understanding what confidence isSave a lot of time, it's about comprehension not how long the course you're taking ends up to be"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Stop Worrying Without Drugs Summary" |
"More than 65%of Americans are on prescription drugs, and the rest of the world is catching up to that number. What can we do to stop it?The first thing you can do, is changing how you are inside, and the only way you can do that, is to begin to take a step forwards and improve who you are. This course is designed to have you comprehend what anxiety is faster and how to eliminate it with much shorter time. Ifelt that courses that take tons of hours but never get to the point seem to rob us of time, and I'm here to help you understand the principles. In this course you will learn to:How to stop attracting bad patterns Get out of your mania phasesStop anxiety in terms of overthinkingStart doing things and stop panicking that leaves you in a frozen modeLearn this subject much faster instead of taking 10+ hour courses"
Price: 19.99 |
"Freeing Ourselves With Mindfulness Summary" |
"Selfishness and Mindfulness, even though these two things sound similar, they are mistook for the same many times because they are not comprehended well by others.I wanted to make a course that not only was quick but got to the principles of what mindfulness was and how selfishness is constantly mistook for mindfulness, and how it can lead many towards extremely bad outcomes if you do not understand the two clearly.In this course we will talk about these two subjects, how to clearly understand them, and how to correctly be mindful."
Price: 19.99 |
"Uncover Your Life Purpose With Numerology In Summary" |
"Learn the most important principles of each life path number Know what most people miss on their life path number and how to resolve your challenges Know which challenges you should be looking out for so you don't waste time Have a concrete and clear roadmap what your life path is about so you can avoid tons of problems in the future"
Price: 19.99 |
"Remove Blocks with Past Life Therapy Summary In Principle" |
"Learn how to transition into the age of Aquarius quicker and not be left behind in the new age Understand it's not about being psychic but more about how to practically let go of things Know how to correctly solve blocks so you will not be held back by the age of Pisces Feel more certain about yourself and what direction you want to be headed Avoid terrible patterns in your life such as bankruptcy, divorce, etc."
Price: 19.99 |
"Productivity Tricks to Have More Time In Principle" |
"Learn what it means to be productive instead of looking productiveUnderstand your own ways of being productive rather than following othersAvoid adopting the wrong productivity systems so you don't learn something that hurts youHave more control over your decisions and know every decisions isn't required at the momentApply these principles faster and trim the fat on this subject so you can be even more productive"
Price: 19.99 |
GTD. |
"- . , :- , ;- , - ;- , ;- , ;- , ;- , ;- ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Erfolgreich selbststndig machen - Dein Grnderkurs Nr. 1" |
"Du trumst von Deiner eigenen Selbststndigkeit?Du willst selbstbestimmt Dein eigenes Ding machen?Dir fehlen jedoch der Leitfaden und die Struktur?Dann ist dieser Onlinekurs absolut richtig fr Dich! Von erfahrenen Unternehmern und Grndern.Was sagen Teilnehmer dieses Onlinekurs darber:Christian Borcherding (5 Sterne Bewertung)Diesen Kurs kann ich wirklich nur empfehlen. Der ist wirklich super. Ich wnschte, es htte ihn schon gegeben bevor ich mich selbstndig gemacht habe. Aber auch wenn man schon eine Weile selbstndig ist (ich bin nebenberuflich selbstndig), kann man hier noch viel lernen. Gerade die Motivations- und Mindset-Videos haben mich in den letzten Tagen motiviert dran zu bleiben und weiter zu arbeiten. Auch der Podcast ist super gut und gibt viel Motivation! Vielen Dank dafr und viele liebe Gre in meine alte Heimat Flensburg!Daniela Sophia (5 Sterne Bewertung)Sympathisch, motivierend, nicht aufgesetzt, nicht von oben herab------------Elementares GrnderwissenBusinessplan, Bankgesprch, Steuern, Rechtsformen, Marketing, Finanzierung, Gewerbeschein etc. Dieser Kurs erklrt Dir genau diese Begrifflichkeiten und vermittelt Dir darber hinaus wertvolle Tipps aus der Praxis. Wir liefern Dir Wissen, welches sinnvoll aufbereitet, angenehm unterteilt & in Reihenfolge gebracht ist.Denkweise / MindsetErfolg beginnt im Kopf! Aber wie denken erfolgreiche & glckliche Menschen? Wie programmierst Du Dich am Besten auf Erfolg? Welche Glaubensstze blockieren Dich und wie lst Du diese langfristig auf? All das und noch viel mehr bekommst Du in unseren ber 35 Mindset-Videos.Motivation / Mentale UntersttzungDer Weg in die Selbststndigkeit ist ein Abenteuer. Gleichzeitig ist der Weg jedoch steinig und mhselig. Wir zeigen Dir den Weg, nehmen Dir Deine ngste, motivieren Dich jede Woche und begleiten Dich ber 14 Wochen auf Deinem Weg.------------Wir begleiten Dich 14 Wochen lang Step by Step auf Deinem Weg in die Selbststndigkeit. Dich erwarten ber 100 Videos in HD-Qualitt.Unser Onlinekurs basiert auf 3 elementaren Sulen:WISSEN, DENKWEISE & MOTIVATION.Das Fundament fr eine erfolgreiche Grndung. Dieser Kurs beruht auf Fachwissen, dem Wissen von erfolgreichen Persnlichkeiten und unseren Erfahrungen, welche wir exklusiv an Dich weitergeben. Dieser Kurs ist genau das, was wir uns damals bei unserer Grndung gewnscht htten und das Beste: Dieser Kurs spart Dir Zeit, Geld und Nerven.Du willst:Endlich Dein eigener Chef seinUntersttzung von GleichgesinntenErfahrung & Wissen von SelbststndigenGebndeltes Wissen, anstatt tagelang nur zu recherchierenDeinen Kopf auf Erfolg programmierenEndlich Struktur im KopfchaosDeine Trume verwirklichen und Dein eigenes Unternehmen grndenEine extra Portion Motivationbersichtliche PDFs und ChecklistenEndlich Deine Grndung durchziehenWarum gibt es diesen Onlinekurs?Dieser Kurs spart Dir Nerven, Zeit & viel Geld bei Deiner Grndung die perfekte Abkrzung auf den Weg in Deine Selbststndigkeit. Dieser Kurs ist das, was wir uns bei der Grndung unseres ersten Unternehmens gewnscht htten!Wir haben uns damals geschworen, dass wir anderen Menschen dienen mchten, wenn wir einmal erfolgreich sind! Unser Wunsch ist es, Grndern Trnen, Lebenszeit, groe Fehler, Schwei, Nerven und unntige Ausgaben mglichst zu ersparen! Dieser Onlinekurs enthlt gebndeltes Wissen, Tipps & Tricks sowie viele Erfahrungswerte von erfolgreichen Unternehmern.------------ber den Grnder & Unternehmer:Marco KindermannNach knapp 12 Jahren in greren Werbe- & Digitalagenturen fasste Marco den Entschluss und machte sich unter erschwerten Bedingungen (keine finanziellen Reserven, unbekannt und als werdender Vater) selbststndig.Heute ca. 6 Jahre spter zhlt er mit seinem Unternehmen social medias finest GmbH & Co. KG zu der Nummer 1 Dienstleister in Norddeutschland in Sachen Online-Marketing und Social Media Marketing. Marco beschftigt mehrere Mitarbeiter und wird deutschlandweit von groen Firmen und Konzernen fr Seminare, Vortrge & Strategieentwicklungen gebucht. Zuletzt war er im Fernsehen auf ProSieben und SAT.1 als Experte zu sehen.Der Onlinekurs ist ein absolutes Herzensprojekt, da Marco genau wei welchen Herausforderungen sich ein Selbststndiger heutzutage stellen muss.Carolin HasenpuschCarolin kommt beruflich aus dem Gesundheitssektor somit ist Sie Expertin in Sachen Motivation, Prvention und dem Zusammenspiel von Krper, Geist und Seele. In ihrem vorherigen Beruf hat Sie an zahlreichen Beispielen erlebt, dass Arbeit krank machen kann.Nach ihrer Elternzeit stieg Sie in das Unternehmen ein und grndete gemeinsam mit Marco social media's finest. Carolins Kerngebiete sind Mindset, Motivation und Kommunikation, um unseren Kunden den bestmglichen Nutzen bieten zu knnen, bildet Sie sich in diesen Bereichen regelmig fort.------------Erfolgreiche Absolventen:Von Anfang an habe ich gemerkt, mit wie viel Herzblut die beiden ihr Projekt umsetzen. Die professionellen Videos im Mitgliederbereich sind in die drei Bereiche Denkweise, Motivation und Wissen aufgegliedert und bauen Woche fr Woche aufeinander auf. Man merkt wirklich, dass die beiden sich auskennen und all das, was wir Grnder nun durchmachen, aus ihrer damaligen eigener Grndung genau kennen, sodass sie sich perfekt in die Lage hineinversetzen knnen.Annika Beckmann // HoflandliebeIch war noch etwas unsicher, ob ich den richtigen Weg einschlage und sa gerade an meinem Businessplan. Durch den Onlinekurs wurden mir nach und nach die Unsicherheiten genommen. Jede Woche gab es Motivationsvideos, durch die ich verstand, dass Zweifel und Motivationslcher whrend der Grndung normal sind. Durch die Powertipps lernte ich auch, mich selbst auszutricksen und meine Grndungsngste zu umgehen. Der wchentliche Wissenspart ist clever aufgebaut, sodass die Dosis nicht berfordert oder demotiviert. Es gibt ntzliche Tipps rund um Themen wie Businessplan, Werbung, Rechtliches und Finanzielles whrend der Grndung.Sabine Kathe // Meer-Content UGMit jedem Tag wurde die Liste lnger... Was ist die richtige Rechtsform? Welche Konten bentige ich? Was fr Steuern muss ich zahlen? Sobald der Entschluss zur Selbststndigkeit einmal gefasst ist, wird man regelrecht berhuft mit zahlreichen ""To Dos"" besonders, wenn man sich komplett ohne Partner in das Abenteuer wagt, verliert man sehr schnell den berblick und damit auch die Motivation. Dieser Kurs ersetzt dabei effektiv, die 3 bis 4 Partner, die man sich an seiner Seite wnscht und schafft endlich Licht ins Dunkle. Auf alle meine Fragen und ""To Dos"" fand ich in diesem Kurs gezielte Antworten und Lsungen, die meinen Weg in die ""Freiheit"" deutlich beschleunigten!Garret Hallman // Digital Marketing GH"
Price: 129.99 |
"Imagen y Estilo para Hombres" |
"En este curso vamos conocer las principales herramientas que nos ayudaran a mejorar la Imagen y el Estilo. Enfocado en la Imagen masculina, conoceremos los tipos de cuerpo y las prendas ideales. Tambin abordaremos la colorimetria, y descubriremos los colores que mas favorecen a cada hombre. Realizaremos un recorrido por los Estilos, y un modulo dedicado al Traje. Tambin conoceremos el Fondo de Armario Masculino y las prendas ms representativas que son claves en el vestidor de todo hombre."
Price: 199.99 |
"API-570 Piping Inspection - Full Exam -2019-2020" |
"The exam is 150 questions (50 questions open book + 100 questions closed book) will cover all API-570 BOK and questions will cover the knowledge of the following codes and standards:API Standard 570, Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-Service Piping SystemsAPI Recommended Practice 574, Inspection Practices for Piping System ComponentsAPI Recommended Practice 577, Welding Inspection and MetallurgyAPI Recommended Practice 578, Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping SystemsAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Section V & section IX)American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME B16.5 & ASME B31.3API Recommended Practice 571, Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry"
Price: 19.99 |
"API - SIFE Exam - 2019" |
"The API SIFE Source Inspector Fixed Equipment certification exam tests the applicants core knowledge in relevant standards/codes, inspection reference documents, source inspection practices, manufacturing processes, and inspection tools and methods. The focus of the exam is on source inspection issues and activities rather than design or engineering knowledge contained in the reference standards.Questions on the API SIFE exam are derived from the publications listed in the Effectivity Sheet.1. The API SIFE exam is 3.25 hours long.2. There are 110 questions, of which only 100 are scored. The remaining 10 are pretest, which are not scored. All questions are multiple-choice and closed-book. Paper and reference materials are not allowed into the examinations."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Integrales Indefinidas desde cero a experto" |
"Son ms de 100 ejercicios explicados detalladamente en video, con los que aprenders a integrar desde las funciones ms bsicas empezando por algebraicas, pasando por trigonomtricas, exponenciales, logartmicas y hasta las trigonomtricas inversas que te permitirn resolver ejercicios de dificultad media y avanzada usando el mtodo de cambio de variable apoyado en la integracin directa."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn How To Be A Pitcher" |
"General Manager and Pitching Coordinator, David Birkby takes you on a mini crash course on how to become a pitcher. With five different sections he goes from toeing the rubber to release point. He also gives you four drills you will be able to work on to help improve your game and put the information to practice immediately."
Price: 54.99 |
"Embryology : SSB Lectures" |
"Embryology in a nutshell for medical students. Dental, paramedical , nursing students can also learn.Very useful for USMLE, NEET PG, MCI SCREENING, MEDICAL, DENTAL, MD, PG COACHING lecture series and notes.Also useful for MBBS, BDS, Paramedical students in college. The courses are detailed starting from Basics and going upto the required details. We have given all the information needed for a student to understand this topic for competitive exams as well as theory and practical exams both in India and other countries."
Price: 4800.00 |
"SSB Lectures : Radiology, Ultrasound, MRI, Medical Imaging" |
"All topics of radiodiagnosis is covered for medical students, residents, radiographers, radiologists, sonologist and anyone interested in radiology. The lectures are detailed but divided into short sub-series to increase concentration and focus in our busy schedule. We ave started from basics, radiology physics and eventually covering all systemic radiology. The language is simple English for everyone to understand. A note-taking format has been recorded at a comfortable pace for students to absorb and memorize simultaneously. "
Price: 139.99 |
"Stomach & Gastrointestinal Tract Radiology : SSB Lectures" |
"This course will teach all the imaging findings of esophagus, stomach, bowel. All pathologies like cancer, ulcerrative colitis , crohn's , achalasia etc are covered in detail. We start with esophagus, stomach, bowel, rectum. Barium findings are also explained. Enteroclysis vs enterography, crohns vs Ulcerative colitis, vascular pathologies of abdomen. The language is kept simple and no need of a book is require to understand and memorise for exams. This course is complete !"
Price: 49.99 |
"Der Weg zum erfolgreichen Kommunikations-Profi" |
"Du denkst, im Gesprch kommt es auf den Inhalt an? Weit gefehlt! Bei einem Dialog nimmt Dein Gegenber nur zu 7% Deine gesprochenen Wrter wahr. Der (unbewusste) Fokus liegt stattdessen auf anderen Faktoren wie Deiner Gestik. Viele Gesprche verlaufen nicht so, wie Du Dir das vorstellt? Mitten im Gesprch kippt die Stimmung oder die Gesprchspartner reden aneinander vorbei?Lerne, wie Kommunikation zwischen zwei Gesprchspartnern abluft und welche Stolpersteine Du vermeiden solltest.Fhre erfolgreiche Gesprche, die Dich und Deinen Gesprchspartner weiterbringen. Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du...Professionelle Gesprche fhren,Kommunikation wirkungsvoll einsetzen,Dialoge gezielt steuern undDeinen Gesprchspartner und sein Verhalten verstehen.Starte jetzt mit diesem Kurs und werde zum Kommunikations-Profi.#Kommunikation #Gesprche #Meeting #Erfolg"
Price: 79.99 |