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".net core 3.0 api development"
"This course will get you started with .net core 3.0 API development or .net core API development in general. We will start with the basics - controllers, actions, routes, with that we will figure out how to access different pieces of requests and responses. Once we are done with the  basics, we will move on to dependencies which will be explained in a very clear, simple and quick way. Finally, we will touch on authorization, you will learn how to use action filter and then later you will see how to possibly secure a public API.--source code included"
Price: 99.99

"Calling an API in c#"
"C# language offers many ways to access your web api resources, this lecture will introduce you to the best and most efficient options to achieve that. We will start with the most basic way - web request, see how to do it in a plain way with ultimate customization ability, then we will move to http client, which has lots of properties and will make your life easier. Finally, we will touch on the most modern way, only available for web development, which allows you to automatically retrieve resources and sent them as JSON object.--source code included"
Price: 29.99

"Online adverts: popular platforms and newcomers"
"You may spend hours, days and even weeks figuring out which platforms will work for you, which ones will not and finally how to use them. This course will get you through all that explaining the benefits and negatives of each platform alongside showing you how to use it. This way you will be able to get started quickly and efficiently."
Price: 59.99

"Postman is a tool that allows you to test your APIs - send requests, retrieve responses and a lot more. This course will get your started with postman in no time. We will start with the basics - send request, read response, attach cookies and more. After the basics, we will see how you can share data between different devices and how easy that is. Finally, you will see what you can do to ease your development, especially front-end development."
Price: 29.99

"Get started with Microsoft Excel"
"In this course, you will learn all that you need to know to use Microsoft excel for your business or personal needs. The course is very straightforward and simple, therefore it will not take to much. You will start with basic inputs and calculations, moving on to various formulas and in the end covering some other features - such as charts or file properties."
Price: 19.99

"Learn PowerPoint"
"PowerPoint is the perfect tool for building beautiful and exciting presentations. Unfortunately, most people do it all wrong - to much text, difficult to read etc. This course is designed to get you through what you need to know quickly and simply. So, by the end of this learning experience you will be able to build attractive and easy to use presentation efficiently and with not a whole lot of effort."
Price: 19.99

"Build full-stack web applications using only C#"
"This course will get you started with modern web development - that is building the back-end and front-end using only C# programming language. That is now made possible because of Blazor and it has never been easier or more efficient to build such software. We will get started with some basics for Blazor and API development using .net core, then we will move on to some more advanced topics and merging the two together. Last, but certainly not least - will be an example of classroom quiz program, you see the whole thing in action and pick up some great tips and tricks in it."
Price: 149.99

"Odoo V12 : Formation fonctionnelle Module Ventes"
"Ce cours vous guidera sur l'installation des modules appropris au traitement des ventes dans Odoo et leurs configuration , il vous fournira la pleine matrise sur l'utilisation des diffrentes fonctionnalits du module de vente afin de mieux administrer vos talents au sein d'une entreprise.Ce cours s'adresse tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre, mettre en uvre ou analyser le traitement des ventes avec l'ERP Odoo.Si vous tes dbutant ou si vous avez dj de l'exprience avec Odoo, ce cours vous sera certainement bnfique, car il explique en profondeur les processus et illustre chaque tape du systme.La meilleure faon dutiliser ce cours est de disposer dun systme Odoo afin de reproduire les exemples prsents.Inscrivez-vous ce cours et commencez le afin de pour booster votre carrire et votre matrise de l'ERP !"
Price: 34.99

"Odoo V12 : Sales Functionnal Training"
"This course will guide you through the installation of the appropriate Odoo sales processing modules and their configuration, it will provide you with full control over the use of the various features of the sales module to better manage your talents within a company.This course is for anyone who wants to learn, implement or analyze sales processing with the Odoo ERP. If you are a beginner or if you already have experience with Odoo, this course will certainly benefit you, because it explains in depth the processes and illustrates each step of the system.The best way to use this course is to have an Odoo system to replicate the examples presented.Sign up for this course and start it in order to boost your career and your mastery of Odoo ERP!"
Price: 49.99

"Best type of Facebook Marketing to create results"
"As of September 2018, more than 2.2 billion people are using Facebook.That huge, global audience means Facebook is a key marketing platform for just about every business. But the ever-changing Facebook algorithm can make it a challenge to connect organically with fans.Thats where Facebook ads come in. With micro-targeting features that allow you to reach your exact target audience based on demographics, location, interests, and even behaviour. You can always get your message in front of the people who are most likely to want your products or services. In this course I will give you a step by step process to market anything you want."
Price: 69.99

"Best type of Instagram Marketing for results"
"Instagram Stories or Instagram Ads are full-screen ads that appear between users Stories.With 500 million Instagram users viewing Stories every day, you have the potential to reach a massive audience with your ad!With Stories ads, you can target your audience and choose how often they see your ad. Because Stories expire after 24 hours, theyre the ideal format for sharing limited-time offers and promotions. Imagine being able to have to power to generate money for anyone and anything because you know marketing. In this course I will give you step by step process from start to beginning."
Price: 54.99

"Call Centre Agent"
"Basic knowledge of what to expect when working in a Call Centre environment. You will have a better understanding in the different types of Call Centre positions that are available. You will learn what to expect in the different working departments & also know what to do when dealing with a difficult customer. How to answer the call, take messages or to transfer a call from one department to another. You will receive a certificate for training that you can use to update your CV that can encourage companies to give you preference in your interview, showing, you have an interest in the call centre industry in general."
Price: 19.99

"Minutes of a meeting Basic Intro Course"
"In this course you will learn a better and clearer understanding of why and when minutes of a meeting will be done.  What is an agenda.  You will know the keypoints that are important to remember when noting a meeting and you will understand what every member is responsible for in regards to the purpose of the meeting."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Assistant (P.A.)"
"In this very easy to understand course we teach you the basics of being a personal assistant.  We will touch on skills and attributes as well as qualities needed for this position.Skills do you need to be a personal assistant?Organization and Time Management. ...Written and Verbal Communication. ...Accuracy and Attention to Detail. ...Knowledge of Relevant Software. ...Tact and Discretion. ...Administrative Skills.Communications Skills.Financial Skills."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership is a skill.  Implement change and create more leaders.  We encourage change at workplaces to implement ideas in creating a great working environment.  A great leader increases all aspects in the company including having teams work together well. A type of coaching ability also helps in becoming a great leader.  When you are in your workplace, it is important to set a great example of being a leader by having a strong, yet firm personality."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Wordpress Training - Beginner To Advance Level."
"In this course, learn the Basic + Advance Wordpress.This course is for Students who want to build their portfolio and start a Career as a Freelancer.This course is for Working Professionals who want to have a parallel source of income by working as a Freelancer.This course is for Business owners who have an idea and want to create a presence for their Business.This course is for Anyone who wants to start and maintain his own Blog.What Will You Learn?In this course, you will learn how to create a Professional Website or Blog from Scratch using Wordpress.You will learn how to capture Leads for any business using Signup Form Learn to build one.You will learn to add Social Sharing Icons to your Content.You will learn an Advance Page Builder to help you structure your webpages.You will learn how to Secure and Backup your website."
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Game Character Workflow 02 Texturing and Rendering"
"This course demostrates the process of texturing, making materials, lighting, and rendering of a complete character in depth.It is following the character modeling series and continues on the rest of the character createion, It covers state of the art techniques and tools to bring a modeled character to life and beyond. Substance, PBR workflow, Unreal Engine realtime rendering will be taught in detail. Color, Composition and Lighting will also be introduced in order to help the student to achieve good aesthetic. Many other small trick including animation, quick rig, and dynamic simulation will also be demostrated in the course to give the student more power on their presentation."
Price: 199.99

". 'flywithsuji' . 2013 PPL . 2012 . 10 4 , , . , . , .2017 , 2018 PPL . ,   . . 100% ."
Price: 99.99

"Cessna 172"
"! . - - - , , , - - : - - - - - - , - - (POH) - , .- .- (Pilots Operating Handbook) .1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. ? - 6. ! - 7. , - 8. -"
Price: 199.99

"Planejamento Trabalhista para Empreendedores"
"No curso completo de Planejamento Trabalhista, o aluno estudar, em uma primeira parte, a importncia do planejamento empresarial, de que forma as negociaes coletivas podem ser favorveis aos empregadores, a atuao preventiva e a relao direta com a reduo dos riscos e custos trabalhistas, dentre outras questes fundamentais.Em um segundo momento, o curso estar voltado ao estudo dos direitos bsicos dos empregados e de que forma o empregador pode utilizar as normas trabalhistas a seu favor, sem violao de direitos, obviamente.Nestes pontos, temos como: anotao da carteira de trabalho, formas de contratao de empregados, jornada de trabalho, salrio e remunerao, alterao do contrato, frias, adicionais e resciso do contrato sero analisados.Em sntese, um curso completo para que o Direito do Trabalho possa ser aplicado adequadamente na sua empresa."
Price: 219.99

"Mundo dos Patriarcas"
"No Oriente Mdio trs grandes religies nasceram e se desenvolveram. Todas tiveram um nico ponto de origem, mas que ainda permanece obscuro para a maioria das pessoas.Os patriarcas viveram em um mundo completamente diferente do nosso e que, se quisermos entender nossas grandes religies, precisamos conhecer seu mundo e como viveram.Navegar no mar de informaes confuso, por isso esse curso fruto do desejo de ajudar cada vez mais pessoas a desvendarem os mistrios bblicos, a conhecerem o suficiente para ensinarem a outras pessoas e a fundamentarem seus prprios estudos bblicos. Aqui voc vai compreender a vida dos patriarcas e o mundo em que viveram, nos passos de Abrao, Sara, Isaque, Jac, Raquel e Jos."
Price: 99.99

"Unreal Engine 4: Sistema de inventrio"
"Curso para todos os tipos de programadores de jogos, desde os iniciantes aos mais avanados.Neste curso ensino voc a criar um sistema que pode ser implementado em vrios tipos de jogos:- Inventrio com: Diviso de items, empilhamento de items, raridade, tela de ao, tela de popup com demonstrativo de descrio e caracteristicas.Estou a espera de vocs neste curso e espero agradar com o contedo!"
Price: 54.99

"Curso de Produo de Vdeo COMPLETO - Mais de 23 Mil Alunos"
"O Curso de Produo de Vdeo da OZI Escola de Audiovisual existe desde 2003 e desde l foi sendo aprimorado com as sugestes dos nossos mais de 23 mil alunos.Ns acreditamos que o vdeo a forma de comunicao mais fcil e importante do presente e tambm do futuro e criamos este curso para que voc possa se comunicar melhor com a sua audincia, seja ela qual for.No curso voc ver todas as etapas necessrias para criar um vdeo do zero, partindo desde os princpios do cinema e vdeo, filmagem, captao de som, edio, tratamento de cor e exportao do seu vdeo.Ns optamos por disponibilizar ambos o Adobe Premiere e tambm o Apple Final Cut X no curso para que voc tenha acesso aos 2 softwares mais utilizados do mercado. Basta escolher o que voc usa e seguir por ele.Com mais de 16 anos no mercado de ensino de vdeo, a OZI orgulha-se de trazer este curso ao pblico da Udemy."
Price: 489.99

"Detonando no After Effects: Curso COMPLETO!"
"Nesse curso voc aprender como trabalhar com o Adobe After Effects para a criao de animaes, vinhetas, efeitos e muito mais! O curso Detonando no After Effects foi feito para que voc saia do zero sua idia realizada no menor tempo possvel!So mais de 5.400 alunos que j esto mandando ver no After, agora s falta voc!Convidamos o Motion Designer e Animador Francisco Cato, que atualmente trabalha na Austrlia para os Studios Disney, para gravar o curso em sua nova verso.O curso est mais objetivo e mais completo. Com aulas que vo desde os princpios bsicos da operao do After Effects CC at exerccios de composio e processos criativos.Se voc quer detonar no AFTER, esse curso pra voc. Domine o programa de animao e composio mais utilizado no mundo."
Price: 189.99

"Como Criar Vdeos Incrveis com o Seu Smartphone"
"Os smartphones tem se tornado cada vez mais presentes no universo do vdeo.Com cmeras de alta qualidade e uma imagem invejvel, os smartphones tem entrado diretamente no fluxo de trabalho de vrios profissionais de vdeo.Nesse curso ns vamos te mostrar o que voc precisa saber para tirar o melhor do seu smartphone e transform-lo numa ferramenta indispensvel nas suas produes."
Price: 99.99

"Bhagavad-Gita na Prtica: O Autoconhecimento descomplicado"
"Buscando por um sentido pra vida? Comeando no autoconhecimento?Cansado de informaes rasas e sem fundamento?Neste workshop iremos introduzir um dos mais antigos mtodos de Autoconhecimento, o Vedanta. Iremos aprender a olhar para ns mesmos, percebendo nossas sombras e resolvendo nossas limitaes.Para nosso estudo, vamos ler um dos captulos da Bhagavad-Gita, livro base da Yoga e do Hindusmo, que inspirou mestres e intelectuais ao redor do mundo. Estudaremos o capitulo 2 intitulado ""O Resumo da Gita"", onde todos os principais pontos dessa obra do Autoconhecimento so apresentados e discutidos.O que abordaremos nesse curso:- O verdadeiro Autoconhecimento- Quem sou EU?- O Eterno e o Temporrio- Ao e Dever (Karma e Dharma)- Apego e Desapego- O Conhecimento Transcendental"
Price: 54.99

"Amazon FBA Escape Plan - From Complete Beginner To Expert"
"WANT TO START LIVING LIFE ON YOUR OWN TERMS?Are you struggling to make sense of all the information out there?Do you feel stuck?Or just don't know where to start?LET ME KNOW IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR:Youve thought about (or actually tried) selling on Amazon FBA or other online businesses.But the idea never comes to fruition or your products werent as successful you had hoped.You feel like the market is just too competitive or the whole thing is just a big scam.And even though you've watched video after video on Youtube.Enrolled in a couple free webinars or trainings.Read through endless Facebook and Reddit posts.And maybe even taken a $1,000 Amazon FBA course!The issue still remains.Youre still in the EXACT SAME spot as when you started out.You arent living the life you know you deserve.If this sounds right, then keep reading...Do you want someone who ACTUALLY makes a living selling products on Amazon to guide you step-by-step through the entire process?To answer every single question you have about selling on Amazon FBA?To simplify the entire process into terms you can actually understand?Access to proven strategies to exponentially increase your chance of success (even if you have ZERO experience)?With unique strategies to save money and even get started with $0?If you want to learn how to achieve real financial freedom through Amazon FBA - sign up to this course today.No other course anywhere gives you all the information you needNONE!No nonsense, no fluff.Just life-changing video tutorials, packed with real-world, step-by-step processes, tools and techniques.Let me emphasize that again.STEP-BY-STEP That's the key to your success, right?If youve taken other Amazon FBA courses and found them to be lacking in vital information it's probably because the instructor doesnt actually sell on Amazon or sells very little.Which is such a shame!Because they leave out so much opportunity on Amazon that has the potential to change everything for you.WELCOME and great to see you here!My name is Sumner and Im currently generating $40,000/ month in revenue through my Amazon FBA Private Label business alone.I started as a complete beginner, having sold NOTHING online before the summer of 2018.The idea of being able to choose WHERE I work, WHEN I work, WHAT Im working on and WHO Im working with gets me SO excited to get out of bed every morning.On top of that, today Im generating the same income as my previous, full-time salary in less than a QUARTER of the time! I couldn't ask for anything better.I believe selling products on Amazon FBA is THE greatest opportunity of this decade.And I genuinely cant wait to share what I've learned with you.It doesn't matter who you are or where youre from ANYONE can sell products on Amazon.You could be a freelancer, teacher, stay-at-home mom, engineer, marketer, business owner, cashier, landscaper or anything else.If you want to achieve your dreams, it all comes down to your DESIRE. How badly do you want a better life for yourself and your family?Yes, your DESIRE.When you channel that desire towards learning to sell products that people desperately want on the world's largest eCommerce platform the possibilities are endless.So whether youre a complete beginner or youre looking to drastically improve your existing Amazon business, this course is for you.And I'm going to walk you through the exact steps I take with my own business -- and how I implement them to fuel the life of my dreams.And how YOU can too. :)_______________________________________________________________________________WHAT THIS COURSE ISN'TThis course isn't about theory.Nor does it require hours of additional research, figuring out the missing pieces, until youre pulling the hair out of your skull.This course is about taking you from complete beginner to expert as quickly and confidently possible.It's about practical and proven formulas and strategies you can put to work (even starting today).In fact, I'm so confident you will LOVE IT, that if you don't, Udemy is offering a 30-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.You have nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain.Are you ready to get started?Pull up a chair, grab your laptop and lets begin this exciting adventure together, today.BY THE END OF THIS COURSEYou'll have EVERYTHING you need to create a highly successful Amazon FBA business.You will learn skills that will increase your ability to make more money.Whether that's to...- Launch your own product(s) on Amazon.- Help existing brands expand or improve their Amazon presence in return or a percent of their revenue.- Build a new skillset to blow open career opportunities.Fact is: Amazon FBA can change your life.PLEASE NOTE: This isn't magic or a get rich scheme!You must put the work in. (As with anything in life).You must be willing to take action and invest.But with these skills as your foundation, I'm confident you will have everything you need to get started.IS THIS YOU?You're fed up with the contradicting and outdated information from Youtube videos & Facebook posts.You feel overwhelmed by all the free Amazon FBA webinars and trainingsYou don't have the time (or let's be honest... brain space) to try to guess and figure everything out for yourself.You want actionable tactics that get you to where you want to be quickly and confidently.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THIS COURSE (NOW WITH EXTRA RESOURCES): IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to all the systems and techniques you need to make a living on Amazon FBA. FIND PRODUCTS THAT GENERATE PASSIVE INCOME in low competitive markets. READ YOUR FUTURE CUSTOMERS MINDS To know EXACTLY what they want. FIND PHENOMENAL, HIGH-QUALITY SUPPLIERS that can produce anything your heart desires. SAFEST AND CHEAPEST METHODS FOR SHIPPING PRODUCTS TO AMAZON (even from China). CREATE A LISTING THAT GETS SEEN BY THOUSANDS OF HUNGRY CUSTOMERS with hypnotic images and copy. MASTER THE WORLDS 3rd LARGEST ADVERTISING PLATFORM - Amazon PPC. UDEMY'S 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. DOZENS OF RESOURCES worth the price of the course alone.WHY TAKE THIS PARTICULAR COURSE?Yes, there are other Amazon FBA courses out there promising to teach you some of these skills.BUT, most instructors DONT EVEN SELL on Amazon! (Trust me - Ive taken more Amazon FBA courses than just about anyone.)Not only is this course designed to walk you step-by-step through how I went from knowing nothing and making $0 to running a successful multiple 6-figure Amazon business....It's also EASY TO IMPLEMENT. (Because if you can't practice what you've learned, then what's the point?)Take This Amazon FBA Course and you'll be on your way to building a better life in just a few months.BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS...The Amazon FBA Freedom Course is designed to give you EVERYTHING you need...(In your own time. At your own pace).A WORTHWHILE investment for a skill that can change your life forever, don't you agree?WHAT'S IT LIKE TO TAKE THE AMAZON FBA COURSE?It's COMPLETE, and to-the-pointIt's also very practical and personal... like Im right there helping you alongIt covers the most effective, proven and POWERFUL techniques the top 1% of Amazon Sellers use.If you're a beginner, it'll quickly take you to the advanced level.Already an Amazon Seller? The information contained in this course will EXPONENTIALLY increase your products visibility, conversion rates, and ultimately profit.WHAT CAN THIS COURSE DO FOR YOU? This course is for you if you want to work from anywhere in the world, whether you want to spend more time relaxing at home or take long trips to exotic destinations. This course is for you if you're fed up with the 9-5 and want to make more your same income (or more) in less than 40 hours per week. It's for you if you're looking to skyrocket your career prospects and earning potential - no matter what you do for a living. It's also for you if you're an eCommerce entrepreneur looking to expand/ improve your product line to generate significantly more profit. It's for you if you want to live life on your own terms: choose where you work, when you work, and who you work withIn essence, it's for ANYONE that wants to achieve real and lasting financial freedom.IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Absolutely.It doesn't matter if youve never sold anything in your life.It's suitable for all levels.Take it in your own sweet time, or power through in a week.FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED... NO EXPERIENCE REQUIREDThe great thing is... To take The Amazon FBA Freedom Course, you don't need to be a marketer or entrepreneur.And, you don't need any previous experience.That's because selling products on Amazon isn't some mystical, unattainable skill only achieved by the lucky few born with a MENSA-level IQ.It's a learned skill.I'm living proof that you can generate a substantial income on Amazon FBA WITHOUT any prior skills or experience.All you need to get started is a laptop, this course, and a hunger to change your life for the better.Are you ready?WHY START NOW?Right this minute, hundreds of people just like you are quitting jobs and clients they cant stand to sell on Amazon.Amazon FBA is arguably the greatest opportunity of this decade.But you have a distinct advantage.No other course will ACTUALLY walk you step-by-step through the entire Amazon FBA process.Enroll today, and see how this course can transform your life.(Don't forget Udemy offers a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee - so there's no risk involved if it's not for you).THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMEI honestly can't wait to help you transform your life, for the better, forever.- SumnerP.S. I'd love to get to know more about you and your goals for taking this course! Enroll in The Amazon FBA Freedom Course now, introduce yourself in the Q&A and let's begin this exciting adventure today."
Price: 199.99

"Amazon Product Research - 7 Secret Product Research Methods"
"WANT TO FIND AMAZON FBA PRODUCTS THAT GENERATE PASSIVE INCOME EVERY SINGLE MONTH?Are you struggling to make sense of all the information out there?Do you feel stuck?Or just don't know where to start?LET ME KNOW IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR:Youve thought about (or actually tried) selling a product on Amazon FBA.But youre not sure if your product ideas are good or maybe your products wasnt a success.You feel like the market is just too competitive or selling products on Amazon is just a big scam.And even though you've watched video after video on Youtube.Enrolled in a couple free webinars or trainings.Read through endless Facebook and Reddit posts.And maybe even taken an Amazon product research course.The issue still remains.Youre still in the EXACT SAME spot as when you started out.If this sounds right, then keep reading...Do you want someone who ACTUALLY makes a living selling products on Amazon to guide you step-by-step through the entire Amazon product research process?To answer every single question you have about selling private label products on Amazon FBA?To simplify the entire Amazon product research process into terms you can actually understand?Access to proven strategies to exponentially increase your chance of success (even if you have ZERO experience)?With unique strategies to save money and even get started with $0?If you want to learn how to achieve real financial freedom by selling products on Amazon FBA - sign up to this course today.No other course anywhere gives you all the information you needNONE!No nonsense, no fluff.Just life-changing video tutorials, packed with real-world, step-by-step processes, tools and techniques.Let me emphasize that again.STEP-BY-STEP That's the key to your success, right?If youve taken other Amazon product research courses and found them to be lacking in vital information it's probably because the instructor doesnt actually sell on Amazon or sells very little.Which is such a shame!Because they leave out so much opportunity on Amazon that has the potential to change everything for you.WELCOME and great to see you here!My name is Sumner and Im currently generating $40,000/ month in revenue by selling private label products on Amazon.I started as a complete beginner, having sold NOTHING online before the summer of 2018.The idea of being able to choose WHERE I work, WHEN I work, WHAT Im working on and WHO Im working with gets me SO excited to get out of bed every morning.On top of that, today Im generating the same income as my previous, full-time salary in less than a QUARTER of the time! I couldn't ask for anything better.I believe selling private label products on Amazon FBA is THE greatest opportunity of this decade.And I genuinely cant wait to share what I've learned with you.It doesn't matter who you are or where youre from ANYONE can sell products on Amazon.You could be a freelancer, teacher, stay-at-home mom, engineer, marketer, business owner, cashier, landscaper or anything else.If you want to achieve your dreams, it all comes down to your DESIRE. How badly do you want a better life for yourself and your family?Yes, your DESIRE.When you channel that desire towards learning to sell products that people desperately want on the world's largest e-Commerce platform the possibilities are endless.So whether youre a complete beginner or youre looking to drastically improve your existing Amazon FBA business, this course is for you.And I'm going to walk you through the exact steps I take with my own business -- and how I implement them to fuel the life of my dreams.And how YOU can too. :)_______________________________________________________________________________WHAT THIS COURSE ISN'TThis course isn't about theory.Nor does it require hours of additional research, figuring out the missing pieces, until youre pulling the hair out of your skull.This course is about taking you from complete beginner to expert as quickly and confidently possible.It's about practical and proven formulas and strategies you can put to work starting today!In fact, I'm so confident you will LOVE IT, that if you don't, Udemy is offering a 30-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.You have nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain.Are you ready to get started?Pull up a chair, grab your laptop and lets begin this exciting adventure together, today.BY THE END OF THIS COURSEYou'll have EVERYTHING you need to find high-demand, low-competition products that will generate monthly passive income through Amazon FBA.You will learn skills that will increase your ability to make more money.Whether that's to...- Launch your own private label product(s) on Amazon.- Help existing brands identify new product opportunities.- Build a new skillset to blow open career opportunities.Fact is: Amazon product research can change your life.PLEASE NOTE: This isn't magic or a get rich scheme!You must put the work in. (As with anything in life).You must be willing to take action.But with these skills as your foundation, I'm confident you will have everything you need to get started.IS THIS YOU?You're fed up with the contradicting and outdated information from Youtube videos & Facebook posts.You feel overwhelmed by all the free Amazon FBA webinars and trainingsYou don't have the time (or let's be honest... brain space) to try to guess and figure everything out for yourself.You want actionable tactics that get you to where you want to be quickly and confidently.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THIS COURSE (NOW WITH EXTRA RESOURCES): IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to all the systems and techniques you need to find profitable products on Amazon FBA. FIND PRODUCTS THAT GENERATE $2K - $5K+ IN MONTHLY PROFIT in low competitive markets. READ YOUR FUTURE CUSTOMERS MINDS To know EXACTLY what they want. SELL YOUR PRODUCT IDEAS FOR CASH WITHOUT spending a penny of your own money. FIND PRODUCT IDEAS FOR FREE without any paid tool. SECRET STRATEGIES to finding private label products based on what YOU love. SPOT GOOD & BAD PRODUCTS like a pro. 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE with no questions asked. DOZENS OF RESOURCES worth the price of the course alone.WHY TAKE THIS PARTICULAR COURSE?Yes, there are other Amazon product research courses out there promising to teach you some of these skills.BUT, most instructors DONT EVEN SELL on Amazon! (Trust me - Ive taken more Amazon FBA courses than just about anyone.)Not only is this course designed to walk you step-by-step through how I went from knowing nothing and making $0 to generating a full-time income selling private label products on Amazon FBA....It's also EASY TO IMPLEMENT. (Because if you can't practice what you've learned, then what's the point?)Take the Amazon Product Research Course and you'll be on your way to building a better life.BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS...The Amazon Product Research Course is designed to give you EVERYTHING you need...(In your own time. At your own pace).A WORTHWHILE investment for a skill that can change your life forever, don't you agree?WHAT'S IT LIKE TO TAKE THE AMAZON PRODUCT RESEARCH COURSE?It's COMPLETE, and to-the-pointIt's also very practical and personal... like Im right there helping you alongIt covers the most effective, proven and POWERFUL techniques the top 1% of Amazon Sellers use.If you're a beginner, it'll quickly take you to the advanced level.Already an Amazon Seller? The information contained in this course will EXPONENTIALLY increase your ability to find new, profitable products to grow your product line.WHAT CAN THIS COURSE DO FOR YOU? This course is for you if you want to work from anywhere in the world, whether you want to spend more time relaxing at home or take long trips to exotic destinations. This course is for you if you're fed up with the 9-5 and want to make more your same income (or more) in less than 40 hours per week. It's for you if you're looking to skyrocket your career prospects and earning potential - no matter what you do for a living. It's also for you if you're an e-Commerce entrepreneur looking to expand/ improve your product line to generate significantly more profit. It's for you if you want to live life on your own terms: choose where you work, when you work, and who you work withIn essence, it's for ANYONE that wants to achieve real and lasting financial freedom.IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Absolutely.It doesn't matter if youve never sold anything in your life.It's suitable for all levels.Take it in your own sweet time, or power through in a week.FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED... NO EXPERIENCE REQUIREDThe great thing is... To take The Amazon Product Research Course, you don't need to be a marketer or entrepreneur.And, you don't need any previous experience.That's because selling products on Amazon isn't some mystical, unattainable skill only achieved by the lucky few born with a MENSA-level IQ.It's a learned skill.I'm living proof that you can generate a substantial income on Amazon FBA WITHOUT any prior skills or experience.All you need to get started is a laptop, this course, and a hunger to change your life for the better.Are you ready?WHY START NOW?Right this minute, hundreds of people just like you are quitting jobs and clients they cant stand to sell private label products on Amazon FBA.Selling products on Amazon FBA is arguably the greatest opportunity of this decade.But you have a distinct advantage.No other course will ACTUALLY walk you step-by-step through the entire Amazon product research process.Enroll today, and see how this course can transform your life.(Don't forget Udemy offers a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee - so there's no risk involved if it's not for you).THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMEI honestly can't wait to help you transform your life, for the better, forever.- SumnerP.S. I'd love to get to know more about you and your goals for taking this course! Enroll in The Amazon Product Research Course now, introduce yourself in the Q&A and let's begin this exciting adventure today."
Price: 54.99

"Alibaba To Amazon FBA - Product Importation Masterclass"
"WANT TO SOURCE HIGH-QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE?Are you struggling to make sense of all the information out there?Do you feel stuck?Or just don't know where to start?LET ME KNOW IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR:Youve thought about (or actually tried) sourcing products through Alibaba.But youre nervous to get started or you ran into some issues with your supplier or shipment.You feel overwhelmed even thinking about sending money oversees and hoping your products arrive safely at Amazons warehouse.And even though you've watched video after video on Youtube.Read through endless Facebook posts.And maybe even taken an Alibaba course!The fear still remains.Youre still in the EXACT SAME spot as when you started out.If this sounds right, then keep reading...Do you want someone who has ACTUALLY spent tens of thousands of their own money successfully importing product from Alibaba to guide you step-by-step through the entire process?To answer every single question you have about sourcing products from Alibaba to Amazon?To simplify the entire process into terms you can actually understand?Access to proven strategies to exponentially increase your chance of success (even if you have ZERO experience)?With unique strategies to save money?If you want to learn how to source the highest quality products at the lowest possible price (fast AND safely) - sign up to this course today.No nonsense, no fluff.Just life-changing video tutorials, packed with real-world, step-by-step processes, tools and techniques.Let me emphasize that again.STEP-BY-STEP That's the key to your success, right?If youve taken other Alibaba to Amazon courses and found them to be lacking in vital information it's probably because the instructor doesnt actually source tens of thousands of dollars worth of products from Alibaba themselves.Which is such a shame!Because they leave out so much opportunity on Amazon that has the potential to change everything for you.WELCOME and great to see you here!My name is Sumner and Im currently generating $40,000/ month in revenue importing products from Alibaba and selling them through Amazon FBA.I started as a complete beginner, having known NOTHING about Alibaba or sourcing products before the summer of 2018.I have since successfully found, sourced, shipped, and sold tens of thousands of products from Alibaba to Amazon FBA!I believe sourcing products from Alibaba to sell on Amazon FBA is THE greatest opportunity of this decade.And I genuinely cant wait to share what I've learned with you.It doesn't matter who you are or where youre from ANYONE can import high-quality products through Alibaba.You could be a freelancer, teacher, stay-at-home mom, engineer, marketer, business owner, cashier, landscaper or anything else.If you want to achieve your dreams, it all comes down to your DESIRE. How badly do you want a better life for yourself and your family?Yes, your DESIRE.When you channel that desire towards learning to source and sell products from Alibaba to Amazon FBA the possibilities are endless.So whether youre a complete beginner or youre looking to drastically improve your existing Amazon business, this course is for you.And I'm going to walk you through the exact steps I take with my own business -- and how I implement them to fuel the life of my dreams.And how YOU can too. :)_______________________________________________________________________________WHAT THIS COURSE ISN'TThis course isn't about theory.Nor does it require hours of additional research, figuring out the missing pieces, until youre pulling the hair out of your skull.This course is about taking you from complete beginner to expert as quickly and confidently possible.It's about practical and proven formulas and strategies you can put to work (even starting today).In fact, I'm so confident you will LOVE IT, that if you don't, Udemy is offering a 30-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.You have nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain.Are you ready to get started?Pull up a chair, grab your laptop and lets begin this exciting adventure together, today.BY THE END OF THIS COURSEYou'll have EVERYTHING you need to source quality products for pennies on the dollar using Alibaba.You will learn skills that will increase your ability to make more money.Whether that's to...- Launch your own private label product(s) on Amazon.- Help existing brands improve their products quality, profitability, or cut lead times.- Build a new skillset to blow open career opportunities.Fact is: Alibaba and Amazon FBA can change your life.PLEASE NOTE: This isn't magic or a get rich scheme!You must put the work in. (As with anything in life).You must be willing to take action and invest.But with these skills as your foundation, I'm confident you will have everything you need to get started.IS THIS YOU?You're fed up with the contradicting and outdated information from Youtube videos & Facebook posts.You don't have the time (or let's be honest... brain space) to try to guess and figure everything out for yourself.You want actionable tactics that get you to where you want to be quickly and confidently.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THIS COURSE (NOW WITH EXTRA RESOURCES): IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to all the systems and techniques you need. FIND, SOURCE, & SHIP inexpensive, high-quality products from Alibaba to Amazon FBA fast & safely! KNOW & AVOID THE #1 BIGGEST MISTAKE first-time importers make . SPOT & AVOID fake Alibaba suppliers like a pro! SECRET WEBSITE HACK that will give you instant negotiation leverage. INSIDER METHOD to get your product samples! COMMUNICATE WITH ANY SUPPLIER IN ANY LANGUAGE! UDEMY'S 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. ALIBABAB SUPPLIER RFQ + SUPPLIER AGREEMENT TEMPLATE ($195.00 Value!)WHY TAKE THIS PARTICULAR COURSE?Yes, there are other Alibaba to Amazon FBA courses out there promising to teach you some of these skills.BUT, most instructors DONT EVEN USE Alibaba!Not only is this course designed to walk you step-by-step through how I went from knowing nothing about Alibaba to making multiple 6-figures selling product sourced through Alibaba on Amazon....It's also EASY TO IMPLEMENT. (Because if you can't practice what you've learned, then what's the point?)Take The Alibaba Masterclass and you'll be on your way to building a better life in just a few months.BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS...The Alibaba Masterclass is designed to give you EVERYTHING you need...(In your own time. At your own pace).A WORTHWHILE investment for a skill that can change your life forever, don't you agree?WHAT'S IT LIKE TO TAKE THE ALIBABA MASTERCLASS COURSE?It's COMPLETE, and to-the-pointIt's also very practical and personal... like Im right there helping you alongIt covers the most effective, proven and POWERFUL techniques the top 1% of importers use.If you're a beginner, it'll quickly take you to the advanced level.Already an Amazon Seller? The information contained in this course will EXPONENTIALLY improve the quality and margin of your product line.IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Absolutely.It doesn't matter if youve never used Alibaba in your life before.It's suitable for all levels.Take it in your own sweet time, or power through in a week.FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED... NO EXPERIENCE REQUIREDThe great thing is... To take The Alibaba Masterclass Course, you don't need to be a marketer or entrepreneur.And, you don't need any previous experience.That's because importing products isn't some mystical, unattainable skill only achieved by those with a network and connections.It's a learned skill.I'm living proof that you can generate a substantial income by sourcing products on Alibaba WITHOUT any prior skills or experience.All you need to get started is a laptop, this course, and a hunger to change your life for the better.Are you ready?WHY START NOW?Right this minute, hundreds of people just like you are quitting jobs and clients they cant stand to sell product on Amazon.Alibaba with Amazon FBA is arguably the greatest opportunity of this decade.But you have a distinct advantage.No other course will ACTUALLY walk you step-by-step through the entire Alibaba sourcing and shipping process.Enroll today, and see how this course can transform your life.(Don't forget Udemy offers a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee - so there's no risk involved if it's not for you).THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMEI honestly can't wait to help you transform your life, for the better, forever.- SumnerP.S. I'd love to get to know more about you and your goals for taking this course! Enroll in The Alibaba Masterclass now, introduce yourself in the Q&A and let's begin this exciting adventure today."
Price: 194.99

"Amazon SEO , PPC , & Reviews - Improve Your Listing's Rank"
"WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR RANK ON AMAZON?Are you struggling to make sense of all the information out there?Do you feel stuck?Or just don't know where to start?LET ME KNOW IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR:Youre planning on (or have actually tried) creating a product listing on Amazon.Youre nervous you wont get it right or maybe youve already tried but your listing just doesnt get/ stick to the first page.You feel like the market is just too competitive.And even though you've watched video after video on Youtube.Enrolled in a couple free webinars or trainings.Read through endless Facebook posts.And maybe even taken an Amazon FBA course!The issue still remains.Youre still in the EXACT SAME spot as when you started out.Your product isnt getting the results it deserves.If this sounds right, then keep reading...Do you want someone who is ACTUALLY successfully launching dozens of products on Amazon to guide you step-by-step through the entire process?To answer every single question you have about selling on optimizing your Amazon listing?To simplify the entire Amazon SEO & launch process into terms you can actually understand?Access to proven strategies to exponentially increase your chance of success (even if you have ZERO experience)?With unique strategies that you wont find ANYWHERE else?If you want to learn how to optimize and rank your Amazon FBA listing like 8-figure sellers - sign up to this course today.No nonsense, no fluff.Just life-changing video tutorials, packed with real-world, step-by-step processes, tools and techniques.Let me emphasize that again.STEP-BY-STEP That's the key to your success, right?If youve taken other Amazon FBA courses and found them to be lacking in vital information it's probably because the instructor doesnt actually sell on Amazon or sells very little.Which is such a shame!Because they leave out so much opportunity on Amazon that has the potential to change everything for you.WELCOME and great to see you here!My name is Sumner and Im currently generating $40,000/ month in revenue through my Amazon FBA Private Label business alone.I started as a complete beginner, having sold NOTHING on Amazon (or online) before the summer of 2018.Since then Ive launched DOZENS of successful private label products on Amazon with highly optimized listings and systems that automatically harvest verified reviews.I believe selling products on Amazon FBA is THE greatest opportunity of this decade.And I genuinely cant wait to share what I've learned with you.It doesn't matter who you are or where youre from ANYONE can become an Amazon SEO expert.You could be a freelancer, teacher, stay-at-home mom, engineer, marketer, business owner, cashier, landscaper or anything else.If you want to achieve your dreams, it all comes down to your DESIRE. How badly do you want a better life for yourself and your family?Yes, your DESIRE.When you channel that desire towards learning to market products that people desperately want on the world's largest eCommerce platform the possibilities are endless.So whether youre a complete beginner or youre looking to drastically improve your existing Amazon business, this course is for you.And I'm going to walk you through the exact steps I take with my own business -- and how I implement them to fuel the life of my dreams.And how YOU can too. :)_______________________________________________________________________________WHAT THIS COURSE ISN'TThis course isn't about theory.Nor does it require hours of additional research, figuring out the missing pieces, until youre pulling the hair out of your skull.This course is about taking you from complete beginner to expert as quickly and confidently possible.It's about practical and proven formulas and strategies you can put to work (even starting today).In fact, I'm so confident you will LOVE IT, that if you don't, Udemy is offering a 30-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.You have nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain.Are you ready to get started?Pull up a chair, grab your laptop and lets begin this exciting adventure together, today.BY THE END OF THIS COURSEYou'll have EVERYTHING you need to create well-optimized, highly successful Amazon FBA listingYou will learn skills that will increase your ability to make more money.Whether that's to...- Optimize your own products Amazon listing and generate more reviews.- Help existing brands optimize their listings and exponentially increase their revenue and reviews.- Build a new skillset to blow open career opportunities.Fact is: becoming an Amazon SEO expert can change your life.PLEASE NOTE: This isn't magic or a get rich scheme!You must put the work in. (As with anything in life).You must be willing to take action and invest.But with these skills as your foundation, I'm confident you will have everything you need to get started.IS THIS YOU?You're fed up with the contradicting and outdated information from Youtube videos & Facebook posts.You feel overwhelmed by all the free Amazon FBA webinars and trainingsYou don't have the time (or let's be honest... brain space) to try to guess and figure everything out for yourself.You want actionable tactics that get you to where you want to be quickly and confidently.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THIS COURSE (NOW WITH EXTRA RESOURCES): IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to all the systems and techniques you need to optimize & rank your Amazon FBA listing. LOW COST, STEP-BY-STEP METHODS to get your product in front of thousands of hungry customers FAST!. AMAZON TEMPLATES for your title, bullet point and description ($200 value)! ACCESS to the most powerful (and accurate) Amazon keyword research tool! 3 (SECRET) HACKS that will SKYROCKET your Amazon listing's rank! 7 WAYS TO GENERATE AMAZON REVIEWS ethically and FAST! GET STUNNING, HIGH-CONVERTING Amazon product photos WITHOUT breaking the bank! STEP-BY-STEP AMAZON PPC - BEST method for maintaining & increasing rank for your Amazon product. UDEMY'S 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.WHY TAKE THIS PARTICULAR COURSE?Yes, there are other Amazon SEO courses out there promising to teach you some of these skills.BUT, most instructors DONT EVEN SELL on Amazon! (Trust me - Ive taken more Amazon FBA courses than just about anyone.)Not only is this course designed to walk you step-by-step through how I went from knowing nothing about optimizing and ranking my listing to successfully launching multiple products that now generate $40k/ month in revenue....It's also EASY TO IMPLEMENT. (Because if you can't practice what you've learned, then what's the point?)Take The Amazon SEO Course and you'll be on your way to building a better life in just a few months.BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS...The Amazon SEO Course is designed to give you EVERYTHING you need...(In your own time. At your own pace).A WORTHWHILE investment for a skill that can change your life forever, don't you agree?WHAT'S IT LIKE TO TAKE THE AMAZON SEO COURSE?It's COMPLETE, and to-the-pointIt's also very practical and personal... like Im right there helping you alongIt covers the most effective, proven and POWERFUL techniques the top 1% of Amazon Sellers use.If you're a beginner, it'll quickly take you to the advanced level.Already an Amazon Seller? The information contained in this course will EXPONENTIALLY increase your products visibility, conversion rates, and ultimately profit.IS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Absolutely.It doesn't matter if youve never sold anything in your life.It's suitable for all levels.Take it in your own sweet time, or power through in a week.FROM BEGINNER TO ADVANCED... NO EXPERIENCE REQUIREDThe great thing is... To take The Amazon SEO Course, you don't need to be a marketer or entrepreneur.And, you don't need any previous experience.That's because launching and ranking products on Amazon isn't some mystical, unattainable skill only achieved by the lucky few born with a MENSA-level IQ.It's a learned skill.I'm living proof that you can create high-converting, highly-visible Amazon listings WITHOUT any prior skills or experience.All you need to get started is a laptop, this course, and a hunger to change your life for the better.Are you ready?WHY START NOW?Right this minute, hundreds of people just like you are quitting jobs and clients they cant stand to sell on Amazon.Amazon FBA is arguably the greatest opportunity of this decade.But you have a distinct advantage.No other course will ACTUALLY walk you step-by-step through the entire Amazon SEO process.Enroll today, and see how this course can transform your life.(Don't forget Udemy offers a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee - so there's no risk involved if it's not for you).THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMEI honestly can't wait to help you transform your life, for the better, forever.- SumnerP.S. I'd love to get to know more about you and your goals for taking this course! Enroll in The Amazon SEO Course now, introduce yourself in the Q&A and let's begin this exciting adventure today."
Price: 124.99