"Cisco CCNP TSHOOT 300-135 : Full Kurs & Uygulama rnekleri" |
"CCNP 300-135 TSHOOT eitimi, CCNPsertifika snavna hazrlanmanzda size fayda salayacak aklamal ve rnekli ileri dzey troubleshooting (sorun giderme) videolarn iermektedir. Bu kursile ada meydana gelebilecek problemlere daha kolay mdahale ederek zebilir hale gelecek ve Cisco CCNP sertifikasyon snavna dahahazr hale geleceksiniz. Eitimdeki teorik videolar, adm adm sorun giderme rnekleri ile desteklenmektedir, bylece konular kolaylkla anlayabilir ve siz de bir a profesyoneli olabilirsiniz!BU ETM N GEREKSNMLER NELERDR ?Bu eitimden en iyi ekilde yararlanmak iin temel a bilgisine (En azndan CCNA seviyesine) sahip olmanz gerekir. Pratik yapmak iin GNS3 veya Packet Tracer uygulamalarn bilgisayarnza kurmalsnz.BU KURSTAN NE ELDE EDECEM ?leri dzey troubleshooting (sorun giderme) hakknda nemli bilgiler edineceksiniz. CCNP snavna hazrlanmak istiyorsanz, bu kurs sizin iin harika bir adm olacaktr.ETMN HEDEF GRUBU KM ?CCNP snavna hazrlanmak isteyen herkes Profesyonel seviyede troubleshooting (sorun giderme) renmek isteyen herkesimdi kayt olun ve geleceinizi bizimle ina edin!"
Price: 209.99 |
"CompTIA Network+ N10-007 (2020) Video Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to the ""CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Full Course"".This course isdesigned to help prepare you for the CompTIA Network+ N10-007 certification exam (the latestversion)andcovers the five domains for the Network+ N10-007:1.0 Networking Concepts2.0 Infrastructure3.0 Network Operations4.0 Network Security5.0 Network Troubleshooting and ToolsCourse totallyconsists of70 lessons in the five domains aboveand %100 compatible with the latest version of Network+ Certification Exam (N10-007).You can watch our """"CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Full Course"" videos from anywhere you want with any device such as laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc. ! If you dont understand about a topic in the lesson, you can easily rewind the video and watch that part again and again."
Price: 99.99 |
"Como Ganhar Crditos em AdWords para sua ONG" |
"Imagine o que voc poderia fazer com at US$10 milpor msempublicidade do AdWords, uma soluo de publicidade on-line do Google. Voc poderia recrutar mais voluntrios. Atrair mais doaes ecompartilhar sua histria com pblicos de todo o mundo. Tudo isso possvel com o Google Ad Grants.O Google Ad Grants funciona como a publicidade on-line do Google AdWords, exibindo sua mensagem para pessoas que esto pesquisando organizaes sem fins lucrativos como a sua. Se voc fizer parte de uma organizao sem fins lucrativos qualificada, receber US$10 milmensalmente na forma de publicidade do AdWords.Aprenda como configurar a conta da sua Ong para receber esse crdito em Adwords todo ms para sua Ong!"
Price: 249.99 |
"OKRs Aprenda a Definir Metas como Gente Grande" |
"John Doerr, um dos primeiros investidores do Google e um atual membro do Conselho de Administrao, aprendeu sobre OKRs comAndy Grove enquanto estava na Intel. Quando ele ingressou na Intel, a empresa estava passando de uma empresa de memria para uma empresa de microprocessadores, eGrove e a equipe de gerenciamento precisavam de uma maneira de ajudar os funcionrios a se concentrar em um conjunto de prioridades para fazer uma transio bem-sucedida. OKRs os ajudou a comunicar essas prioridades, manter o alinhamento e fazer essa mudana.Algumas dcadas depois, em 2000, Doerr introduziu OKRs para a liderana do Google, que viu o valor e comeou a test-los. Hoje, o Google - alm de muitas outras empresas do Vale do Silcio -define os OKRs anuais e trimestrais e realiza reunies trimestralmente para compartilhar e classificar OKRs.Conhea os conceitos dessa metodologia consolidada e defina suas metas como gente grande!Lembre-se que a Google no era grande quando comeou a usar os OKRS,voc pode aplicar com seusprojetos pessoais ou parao seu negcio."
Price: 99.99 |
"Pense com o Google! Dados e Insights para seu Negcio Online" |
"Coletamos os dados mais relevantes sobre comoos consumidores esto pesquisando na web.Essas informaes podem gerar insights importantes para o seu negcio na web.Think with Google, Pense com o Google, uma fontepara ideias, tendncias e pesquisas em marketing digital.Voc ter acessoa inspiraes criativas, inteligncia de mercado e as melhores prticas para o seu negcio."
Price: 99.99 |
"Tcnicas para Ter o Melhor Site para Dispositivos Mveis" |
"Aprenda a aplicar25 princpios de design mvelque traz tcnicas para a navegao ideal, da pgina inicial busca, dos formulrios s melhores maneiras de converter os usurios.Uma coisa certa: quando seu consumidor procura sua marca no mobile, ele precisa encontr-la. E quando encontrar, ele precisa ter uma boa experincia. Se sua presena no estiver otimizada para o mobile, h grandes chances de que ele procure o seu concorrente.Fique atento aos detalhes, pois os usurios de dispositivos mveis percebero e ficaro contentes com as pequenas coisas que voc fizer por eles para melhorar sua experincia."
Price: 99.99 |
"Google Drive e Documentos Google para Iniciantes" |
"No Google Drive, tudo fica armazenado automaticamente na nuvem. Voc comea com 15 GB de armazenamento on-line gratuito do Google para fotos, histrias, designs, desenhos, gravaes, vdeos, apresentaes, PDFs e at arquivos do Microsoft Office. No importa o tipo de arquivo, tudo pode ser armazenado com segurana no Drive.O Google Drive muito mais que um Dropbox. Se voc conhece o Dropbox e usa esse recurso como um repositrio online dos seus arquivos, voc vai adorar conhecer os recursos do Google Drive e entender como utiliz-los para substituir os aplicativos Pacote Office."
Price: 99.99 |
"American English Consonants for Indian IT Professionals" |
"In this American English pronunciation course, specifically designed to meet the needs of speakers from India, learn to accurately produce the American consonantswhich Indian speakers of English often confuse. These tricky consonantsinclude learning to distinguish between ""Tap"" and ""Tab"" and between ""vow"" and ""wow."" Also learn to distinguish between ""IT"" and ""ID"" and many other troublesome pairs. Computer professionals can learn to reduce or minimize their accentsin an IT vocabulary context. Take advantage of the repetition audios in the supplemental materials section to retrain your muscle memory."
Price: 19.99 |
"Effective Presentation and TED like Public Speaking" |
"A public speaking , presentation or a story that can ignite inner fire, educate or motivate people, or even trigger movements, achieving this goal is one of the greatest accomplishments. Who wouldn't want to experience this? Of course, it does not come easy as it sounds but with the right guidance, mindset, determination and practice it is absolutely reachable for anyone.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN IN EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION and TED LIKE PUBLIC SPEAKING COURSE?This course is designed to give you both the right skillset and the mindset that help you to focus and overcome any adversity along the way to be a great public speaker. You will be equipped with: Content Structure DeliveryCase Studies and AnalysisCustomized Feedback on your assignmentsWHY SHOULD YOU LEARN FROM ME?I have 15 years of experience in business world including managerial positions in the multinational companies as well as being an entrepreneur, lecturer, consultant and TEDx speaker who is constantly, day to day in front of any size of audience from 1 person to thousands of people. I have first hand experience in structuring highly impactful speeches as well as coaching many students and clients based in Shanghai. My students, on a constant basis evaluate my courses highly and comment on the passion I have, how engaging my courses are and also how simple I make things for them. Here are some of the feedback I received after my speeches, workhops and coaching sessions:""Evrim is an excellent speech coach. She made big improvements on a speech about my passion. Generally I'm quite timid speaking in front of larger audiences, but the energy she brought to my speech gave the confidence that people would be truly interested. I was most impressed by Evrim's ability to organize my speech in a way which captured the audiences attention and left a strong impression on them long after the speech. I'd definitely recommend Evrim's course to anyone who fears public speaking or wants to make lasting impression on their audience."" -Ryan Conohan, Photographer, USA. ""I appreciate the tips shared by Evrim and I am inspired by her energy. A lot of what she was saying was also problems I have had in the past and at the moment. Her words gave me strength and patience. I think the way she is expressing things, not just practical advice, but also the energy, is helpful to us."" -Tamer Sara Salant, Financial Advisor based in Shanghai. ""I am inspired by the public speaking, self-management and people-management skills shared by Evrim."" -Helen Huang, ChinaI hope you can join this group of satisfied students and learn one of the most essential skill set of your career, Effective Presentation and TED like Public Speaking. So take this course now and build a solid foundation in public speaking / presentation and storytelling and take it to the next level. "
Price: 199.99 |
"Economics: Elasticity, the key metric of pricing" |
"Elasticity is the concept where economics meet with business strategy in terms of pricing.How do companies decide about which price point to implement?How do policy makers decide how much tax they should put on a product or service? or even whetherto implement anyinterdiction or not? Elasticity is the key conceptof economics whether it isfor a micro setting or a macro setting as well as the pricing, one of the most important business decisions.WHAT YOU'LL LEARNThis isthe complete online course on elasticity which is one of the key metrics of pricing as well as economics. You'll be learning Elasticity from the beginning to the end, from the economics perspective to the business aspect.In this course we break down elasticity into 3 chapters:""Price Elasticity of Demand"",""Price Elasticity of Supply"" and""the business aspect of Price Elasticity"" in terms the relationship of elasticity with sales forecasting, pricing and non-pricing decisions,total reveue, cost and tax incidence.1.Price Elasticity of Demand: You will learn whatPrice Elasticity of Demand(PED) is, how to calculate PED withtwo formulas, the factors affecting PED and other demand elasticities.2.Price Elasticity of Supply:You will learn whatPrice Elasticity of Supply(PES) is, how to calculate PESwithtwo formulas, the factors affecting PES..3.The business aspect of Price Elasticity:You'll learn the reasons why business need to know their products' or services' elasticity, how they use Price Elasticity in sales forecasting and pricingand non-pricing strategies as well asthe relationship between elasticity, total reveue, cost and tax incidence, thebusiness aspect of other price elasticities and the common mistakes that managers make with price elasticity.4. Case studies:You'll have articlesand short caseanalysis on elasticity of different products and services.As a bonus, I also include a fullPDF notesdocument that summarizes all the major points we go over in the course as well as articles.REMINDERThis is not a complete pricing course, this course is related with one of the metrics andmost mistaken concepts of pricing decisionswhich is elasticity.Why Learn From Me?I have 15 years of experience in business world including managerial positions inthe multinational companiesas well as being abusiness owner, lecturer and consultant. I have first hand experience in pricing decisions and ecnomic anlaysis of price elasticity in tech related industries.My students on a constant basisevaluate my courses highly and comment on thepassion I have, how engaging my courses are and also how simple I make things for them. I hope you can join this group of satisfied students and learn one of the basic metrics for pricing.Sotake this coursenow and understand elasticity and its importance in business decisionswhat it can do for your business and marketing efforts!Who is the target audience of this course?If you're selling anything, you need to know the impact ofelasticity on your pricing, total revenue and even on your cost structure.This applies to people selling both online and offline, and it appliesboth for products and services.If you want to understand the quantitative as well as qualitative factors of your product's or service's elasticityand how to maximize yourtotal revenue with the most important metric, this course is vital."
Price: 99.99 |
"MuseScore-FREE music notation software-Full course" |
"MuseScore is the best FREE music notation software available.This course is for anyone that wants to write professional sheet music, lead sheets or chord sheets with MuseScore.Every musician and music teacher needs to write sheet music and should know about this fantastic music notation software.Learn how to easily and efficiently write scores for one or more instruments (up to a whole orchestra).You can even enter notes using a MIDI piano keyboard.It's possible to print (or export as a PDF file) the individual parts for the instruments in the orchestra or band.MuseScore is also a great tool for music composers and also for people that want to write accompaniment music to rehearse their instrument.MuseScore features an extensive sound library used to playback (and loop) your score.In this course, you will learn in detail how to do all of this, explained by a teacher with more than 25 years of teaching experience.Some of the topics covered in this course:MuseScore installation on Windows, Mac and LinuxEntering notes, chords, accidentals and restsComputer keyboard shortcuts for quicker note entryHow to enter notes with a MIDI piano keyboardNavigating through MuseScoreCustomizationsMultiple voicesGuitar tablatureCut, copy & paste selectionsPage layoutKey/time signature changesAdding lyrics, chord symbols, repeats & jumps, fretboard diagrams, rehearsal marksCreating individual parts for each instrumentExport MIDI / audio filesPlaybackPrinting & exportingPlugins"
Price: 64.99 |
"The Complete Jazz Theory Course - Jazz Chords/Scales & More" |
"FINALLYACOURSETHATWILLUNVEILALLTHESECRETSOFJAZZTHEORYYou want to get better in jazz improvisation? By doing this course, you will get a clear overview of jazz theory on a high level, that will help you with your jazz improvisation.QUICKLY UNDERSTAND WHICH NOTE(S) WILL WORK ON A CHORD & WHICH SCALE(S) TO APPLYDetailed explanation by an experienced teacher (25+ years of teaching experience) and lots of sound samples will let you quickly advance and let you exactly understand everything in detail.THIS COURSE WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER JAZZ MUSICIANIn order to become good in jazz, you need to know jazz theory. And I know: the word ""theory"" scares a lot of people. But the way it is done in this course, with very clear explanations and lots of sound samples and examples, make it a pleasure to learn jazz theory.TRY THIS COURSE WITHOUT ANY RISKStill not convinced? Why not give it a try? It's without any risk: if for whatever reason this was not the right course for you, you can get a full refund within 30 days after purchase.So, no need to wait any longer: just hit that enroll button and get access to this complete jazz theory course!About this course:This course covers the jazz theory that every jazz musician should know.This course is for all instrumentalists, whether you're a guitar player, a bass player, a singer, a trumpet player, a piano player, a saxophone player, etcetera, so this course is not focussed on one single instrument.This is definitely not a course for those who don't know the basics of music theory, you should know about intervals, about the major and natural minor scale, how minor (7th), dominant (7th) and major (7th) chords are formed and you should be able to read sheet music.This course consists of the following 9 sections:Introduction (3 lectures)Adding notes to chords (7 lectures)Major scale harmony (11 lectures)Melodic minor scale harmony (13 lectures)Diminished scale harmony (4 lectures)Whole tone scale harmony (2 lectures)Other scales (5 lectures)Slash chords (4 lectures)BONUS: Basics of reharmonization (5 lectures)Course characteristicsClear explanations by an experienced teacher with:lots of examplessound samples of chords & improvisation linesSummaries of each section, also as downloadable PDF-filesSome of the topics covered in this courseReview of intervalsReview of minor 7th, dominant 7th, major 7th and diminished chordsAdding notes to chords to let them sound more colorful, more 'jazzy'The altered chordThe modes of major scale harmonyThe modes of minor scale harmonyThe altered scaleThe half/whole and the whole/half diminished scaleThe whole tone scaleSlash chordsBasic reharmonization techniquesAnd much, much more..."
Price: 99.99 |
"Jazz Piano Chords - Rich Sounding Jazz Chords for the Piano" |
"THE COURSE THAT REVEALS ALL THE SECRETS OF JAZZ PIANO CHORDSYou always wondered how experienced jazz piano players create those rich sounding jazz chords? This course will teach YOU how to play them on the piano.DISCOVER QUICKLY HOW CHORDS WORK AND HOW TO ADD THAT RICH JAZZ SOUND TOBASICCHORDSDetailed explanation by an experienced teacher (25+ years of experience) makes that you will quickly understand how to form even the most complicated jazz piano chords.YOU WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO PLAYALL THE JAZZ TUNES YOU WANT ON THE PIANO, HAVE A ""LIBRARY"" OF CHORD VOICINGS AT YOUR DISPOSAL, AND EVEN CREATE YOUR OWN CHORD VOICINGSYou will be able to play every chord-type that exists in all the inversions possible, in close position and with the notes more spread out, so that with one and the same chord, you can create different emotions, with more or with less tension.TRY THIS COURSE WITHOUT ANY RISK. If youre still not sure, why not just give it a try? Its without any risk: if for whatever reason this is not the course for you, you can get a full refund within 30 days after purchase. So theres no need to wait any longer: just hit that enroll button and get access to more than 3 hours of video and all of the resources. It only takes you one click to have access to ALL of this. Course characteristicsSince this course is for all levels, beginners to more advanced jazz piano players, this course starts with how basic chords (major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 7th, diminished & augmented) are formed, and continues to advanced chords with added notes and alterations, ""So What""-chords, fourth-chords, upper structures and how to create your own chords.More advanced piano players that already know how basic chords are made, might want to skip the first sections and jump directly in into the more advanced sections: have a look at the curriculum and decide depending on your level where to begin.As said: beginning jazz piano players can do this course. But be aware that ""beginning jazz piano player"" doesn't mean a total beginner on the piano: you need at least some ability to play simple songs on the piano and you need to be able to play the major and natural minor scales in as many keys as possible on the piano.For an even better understanding of how jazz 'works', it would be good to study also some jazz theory, but this is not absolutely needed to follow this course.This course can very well be done as a course 'on its own', but could also complement any other jazz piano course.Topics covered in this courseBasic triads (for beginners)Basic 7th chords (for beginners)II-V-I chord progressionsSus-chordsAdding notes to chordsChord voicings in several positionsSo What chordsFourth chordsUpper structuresCreate your own chordsInformation about comping (accompanying)Tritone substitution"
Price: 59.99 |
"Corso pratico di Chitarra Elettrica" |
"La chitarra uno strumento che ben si adatta ai principianti assoluti di tutte le et e pu essere approfondito sotto innumerevoli aspetti.In questo corso, oltre a essere guidati passo passo nel mondo della chitarra elettrica, verranno fornite anche quelle informazioni di teoria musicale finalizzate allesecuzione strumentale che permetteranno allallievo di acquisire consapevolezza della teoria che c dietro uno strumento musicale e di seguire un percorso didatticamente completo sotto qualsiasi aspetto.STRUTTURAZIONE DEL CORSOFin dalla prima lezione verranno insegnate le basilari forme di accordi, in modo che lallievo sia in grado di accompagnare un qualsiasi brano nel minor tempo possibile.Verranno affrontate tutte le problematiche relative allimpostazione della mano sinistra, alluso del plettro, al movimento della mano destra e alla tecnica dellarpeggio.Le Song che troverete nel corso sono dei brevi brani appositamente composti per introdurre lallievo alla chitarra solista: in questo modo verranno illustrate le diverse tecniche solistiche e affrontati i problemi relativi alla gestione del suono e degli effetti (di fondamentale importanza nel mondo della chitarra elettrica).Indice dettagliato del corso:Lezione 1:Accordatura, Strumming (plettrata in gi), accordi in prima posizione parte 1, esercizi preparatori, scala cromatica, solfeggio ritmico 1 (note e pause di semibreve, minima e semiminima), uso della tablatura e riconoscimento delle note sul pentagramma parte 1.Lezione 2:Strumming (plettrata alternata), accordi in prima posizione parte 2, arpeggio 1 (uso delle dita della mano destra o del plettro), solfeggio ritmico 2 (uso delle crome), scala maggiore e minore, riconoscimento delle note sul pentagramma parte 2.Lezione 3:Accordi con il barr parte 1, Strumming (plettrata alternata con luso delle sincopi), Riff 1 (power chord e uso della distorsione), Song one (melodia solista in stile pop con corde a vuoto e note lunghe), solfeggio ritmico 3 (uso delle sincopi, legatura di valore e note puntate), teoria degli intervalli e costruzione delle triadi.Lezione 4:Accordi con il barr parte 2, Strumming (il giro blues), arpeggio 2, Riff 2 (in stile rock&roll con power chord e palm muting), Song two (melodia in stile rock&roll, tecnica del Hammer On e Pull Off), armonizzazione scala maggiore e minore per triadi.Lezione 5:Strumming (ritmica con semicrome, sequenza di accordi mista), arpeggio 3 (in stile rock-blues, uso del chorus), Riff 3 (in stile rock-blues), Song Three (in stile rock-blues, tecnica del banding), Armonizzazione scala maggiore e minore per quadriadi.Lezione 6:Strumming (accordi in forma ridotta, ritmi in levare, uso dello wha-wha), Song four (in stile reggae-ska), Riff 4 (in stile reggae, uso delle sincopi), arpeggio 4, solfeggio ritmico 4 (la terzina ), scala pentatonica.Lezione 7:Strumming (in stile hard-rock e funky), riff 5 (uso delle distorsioni lead), Song five (in stile hard-rock), uso della scala pentatonica e prime indicazioni di improvvisazione.Lezione 8:Strumming (ritmiche funky e shuffle Texas Blues). Song six (uso dei bicordi e doble stop), tempi composti, indicazioni di improvvisazione.Per ogni lezione saranno fornite la relativa dispensa in PDF, la video lezione e le basi mp3 su cui esercitarsi.DESTINATARI DEL CORSOIl corso rivolto a qualsiasi appassionato di musica che voglia addentrarsi o approfondire il mondo della chitarra moderna. La strutturazione tale da poter accontentare sia i principianti assoluti, sia coloro che gi hanno alcune conoscenze dello strumento: per questultimi il corso sar necessario a migliorare limpostazione tecnica, correggendo eventuali errori di impostazione, e ad acquisire consapevolezza teorica che generalmente viene a mancare nella formazione degli autodidatta. Tutte le lezioni sono applicabili sia su chitarra acustica che elettrica, chiaramente leSongin cui segnalato luso degli effetti sono composte e rivolte alla chitarra elettrica, qualora uno volesse suonarle con la chitarra acustica raggiunger comunque gli obiettivi didattici per cui stato composto il brano non incorrendo in alcun rischio di impostazione."
Price: 129.99 |
"Master in Social Media Marketing" |
"Il Social Media Marketing una delle pi grandi sfide professionali di tutti i tempi. La cosiddetta rivoluzione digitale, la thank-you economy ed il web publishing implicano un nuovo approccio al marketing.I social hanno moltiplicato e amplificato le opportunit di comunicazione tra aziende e consumatori.Questo implica lemergere di nuove figure professionali in grado di:progettare piani di comunicazione sulle piattaforme socialicreare e gestire campagne pubblicitariecreare e alimentare la brand awarenesscreare e gestire una community onlinecreare contenuti originali e di valore realecoinvolgere il proprio pubblicoLe aziende ormai hanno intuito che occorre creare e gestire la propria presenza online con un linguaggio e una comunicazione radicalmente diversi da quelli utilizzati dai media tradizionali.Tutto questo implica che la figura del social media manager sia oggi una professione emergente e fortemente richiesta sul mercato.OBIETTIVI DEL CORSOLobiettivo principale del corso di Social Media Marketing fornire ai partecipanti le conoscenze teoriche, le competenze pratiche e le giuste chiavi di lettura delle logiche del marketing online, con particolare riferimento allutilizzo dei social media.Inoltre, si acquisiranno le indispensabili competenze teoriche e pratiche della comunicazione digitale e del web publishing, al fine di formare degli figure professionali in grado di progettare, lanciare e gestire campagne marketing che promuovono business, progetti e aziende sul web.Saranno forniti gli strumenti teorici ed operativi per sviluppare le competenze strategiche del social media manager, tra cui lacapacit di creare brand awareness sui mezzi digitali, lincremento del traffico web, lacquisizione di contatti e clienti e la misurazione delle performance delle campagne online.STRUTTURAZIONE DEL CORSOIl corso articolato in12 moduliper un totale di46 video lezionie27 dispense.Indice dettagliato del corso:Modulo 1: Social Media Strategy Dal marketing al digital marketing Il marketing 4.0: da brand a friend Il marketing del cuore per attrarre clienti Il content marketing per soddisfare i bisogni Il marketing omnichannel per la fidelizzazione Engagement marketing per rafforzare il brand La gentilezza come vantaggio competitivo La Unique Selling Proposition (USP)Modulo 2: Web Publishing & Content Marketing Regole editoriali per il web Content Curation & Social Media Come creare una guida PDF Come creare un News Radar Come creare una Collezione di Risorse Come creare unInfografica Perch fare i video (attrezzature)Modulo 3: Social Media Manager Social media chi? I compiti del social media manager La ricerca delle fonti feedly / scoop Planning e publishing: strumenti e piattaforme per dar vita al piano editoriale piano editoriale su postpickr Moderation: come e quando intervenireModulo 4: Facebook Marketing La comunicazione sui social Strategia social e community management Pagina aziendale o profilo? Pagina Facebook: Copertina Professionale e Foto Profilo Pagina Facebook: Video-Copertina e Informazioni di Base Pagina Facebook: Link, Post e Bandiere Sociali Pagina Facebook: Insights & Advertising Analisi case studiesModulo 5: Twitter Marketing Cos e come usare Twitter Creare una presenza professionale su Twitter Analisi case studiesModulo 6: Youtube SEO & Marketing Le basi della Search Engine Optimization (SEO) La SEO on-site La SEO off-site La SEO per Youtube Come creare un canale Youtube di successo Come aumentare gli iscritti Come aumentare le visualizzazioni Come creare titoli efficaci per i tuoi video Come creare un Video: attrezzature e strumenti Analisi case studiesModulo 7: Google My Business Cos Google My Business Creare e ottimizzare un profilo business Analisi case studiesModulo 8: LinkedIn Perch un business ha bisogno di LinkedIn Ottimizzazione del profilo LinkedIn Best practices per il marketing su LinkedIn Analisi case studiesModulo 9: Pinterest Cos Pinterest Come integrare Pinterest nella social strategy Profilo Pinterest e pagina business Best practices per il marketing su Pinterest Analisi case studiesModulo 10: Instagram Statistiche sullutilizzo di Instagram I motivi del successo di Instagram Come fare marketing su Instagram Come ottimizzare il profilo Instagram Analisi storie di successoModulo 11: Whatsapp e Snapchat Marketing Statistiche sullutilizzo di Whatsapp in Italia Whatsapp Marketing Analisi case studies Cos Snapchat e perch integrarlo nella social strategy Come usare Snapchat per fare marketing Analisi case studiesModulo 12: Come Costruire un Business Online Serio e Sostenibile La strategia di Keope Long tail e piano dei contenuti La landing page Basi di email marketing Analisi business online realiTest finaleDESTINATARI DEL CORSOIl Master di Social Media Marketing si rivolge a tutti coloro che ambiscono a diventare social media manager e desiderano sviluppare soluzioni concrete e contenuti innovativi attraverso i Social Network.Il corso indicato per chi completamente a digiuno della materia e vuole iniziare il proprio percorso professionale nellambito della comunicazione digitale, ma anche a chi gi un professionista del marketing e vuole aggiornare le sue conoscenze e dare spessore al proprio profilo professionale."
Price: 189.99 |
"Flute Masterclass: 5 Methods to Improve Your Tone Today" |
"Are you an intermediate to advanced level flutist who wants to improve your tone? This course is designed for intermediate flutists on up to learn 5 methods to improve their tone. If youre a band director, or instrumental music teacher but flute is not your primary instrument, this course can help you identify 5 areas that you can help your flute students improve their tone. Well cover: Improve Your Tone on the Flute with Advanced Breathing Techniques Improve Your Tone on the Flute with Teeth Spacing Improve Your Tone on the Flute by Relaxing Your Embouchure Improve Your Tone on the Flute at the Lip Plate Improve Your Tone on the Flute with Your Sinuses This course is taught through video lessons where I take you step by step through each topic. I will demonstrate and give pointers along the way. Come and join me and improve your tone on the flute today!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Implementacin de soluciones en Microsoft Azure" |
"Microsoft Azure es conjunto en constante expansin de servicios en la nube para ayudar a su organizacin a satisfacer sus necesidades comerciales. Le otorga la libertad de crear, administrar e implementar aplicaciones en una tremenda red mundial con sus herramientas y marcos favoritos.Como profesionales de TI debemos estar actualizados con la tecnologas que tenemos en el momento, antes administrbamos todos los servidores debajo de nuestro escritorio en algunos casos y otros mejores en el centro de datos, lleg la virtualizacin y simplific un poco las tareas de administracin de nuestras infraestructuras de TI pero el tiempo y las nuevas tecnologas no nos dejan en paz, siempre debemos estar actualizando nuestros conocimientos y este es el caso de Microsoft Azure, este conjuntode servicios por parte de Microsoft y sus Datacenter los cuales nos facilitarn mucho mas la vida como administradores al no tener que preocuparnos por nuestras instalaciones fsicas, no preocuparnos por el Hardware, por la electricidad, por los Centros con un buen ambiente, todo esto debemos aprender a administrar.En este curso aprenderemos a conocer Azure, sus soluciones, como implementarlas y administrarlas para que podamos llevar nuestra infraestructura On-Premises hacia la nube, una nube que nosotros podemos adaptar de muchas formas con nuestros recursos locales y sacar su mayor beneficio para nuestro negocio."
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduccin a la administracin con Windows PowerShell" |
"Windows PowerShelles un lenguaje de scripting y shell de lnea de comandos basado en tareas diseado especialmente para la administracin del sistema. Creado con Microsoft.NET Framework, Windows PowerShell ayuda a los profesionales de TI y a los usuarios experimentados a controlar y automatizar la administracin tanto del sistema operativo Windows como de las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en Windows.Como administradores de TI en servidores y equipos clientes PowerShell es la herramienta predilecta para realizar la administracin rpida y automatizada, TODO lo que tu ejecutas en la internas grfica corre por debajo con PowerShell. Todos los productos y/o soluciones creadas por Microsoft utilizan PowerShell y en muchas de ellas existen procedimientos que no se pueden realizar por interfaz grfica y que solo se pueden realizar con PowerShell.Ahh se me olvidaba, tambin existe PowerShell para Linux :D"
Price: 49.99 |
"Scribble effects on videos - using an iPad" |
"In this class I am going to show you how to make a scribble effects on videos.The best part of this class is that you will be making this effects using only your iPad.You have probably seen some music videos or youtube intros with this kind of effects, and always wondered how do people make this effects. Well, People have some very expensive programs on their computers to be able to do all of these. One of the programs that is able to make scribble effects on a video is a Adobe After Effects. If you have creative cloud subscription, then you can try to learn how to use it. But I have a very short and mobile technique to show you in order to save time and money.If you are like me, making videos on the go, with your smartphone, and also edit them on it or your iPad, than you are probably looking for a mobile solution for making video effects. And since there are no desktop Adobe apps like After Effects on our iPad Pros, we are looking for other ways to make our video effects.In this classI will show you what app you will need to download to your iPad in order follow all tutorials that come after that.See you in the class."
Price: 99.99 |
Amazon21.5 |
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Price: 4200.00 |
"Xamarin Forms, NetStandard2 & Sqlite using Entity Framework" |
"This course will teach you about converting PCL project to .Net library and also about using Microsoft Sqlite nuget package using Entity framework. This course also focuses on importance of using Singleton pattern to create database connection and about Repository pattern on write less code and do more with CRUD operations by reusing existing code with different entities, which enables our code to more on tests coverage."
Price: 19.99 |
"Xamarin forms XAML - Novice to Expert" |
"This course is about getting clear understanding of XAML used in Xamarin Forms, gaining good knowledge of XAML and design UI for Page First Development approach is really important. Although this do not focus on Page First Development but give best possible start to understand how important it is to understand XAML to create Best Xamarin Forms Apps."
Price: 19.99 |
"Promoo de Vendas - Como aplicar ofertas e atrair clientes" |
"Ao fazer este curso voc ter acesso modelos de oferta que podem ser aplicados de acordo com o problema que precisa ser resolvido.Evite queuma promoo mal feita possa gerar resultados desastrosos para um negcio.Tenha sempre mo o acesso a estas solues e aplique sempre que julgar importante.Se voc um colaborador de uma empresa, aproveite este curso para sugerir oportunidades de negcio.Se voc um estudante de marketing e vendas, use este conhecimento para propor solues em clientes.Se voc um empreendedor, escolha a melhor iniciativa para seu negcio e comece a captar clientes imediatamente.Um curso prtico e dinmico que vai agregar contedo tilao seu conhecimento.Se voc tem um negcioem casa, ou algum da sua famlia possui um pequeno empreendimento, oferea um pacote de ideias para que as vendas aumentem.Saber utilizar a ferramenta Promoo de Vendas em um negcio, ir gerar resultados surpreendentes no curto prazo."
Price: 99.99 |
"Plano de Negcios - os bastidores dos melhores planos" |
"O curso Plano de Negcios apresenta a estrutura de um plano de negcios, o que importante na perspectiva do investidor, e principalmente o que faz o plano ser um Plano campeo.O curso tambm relaciona os principais tpicos de um plano, e indica o que no fazer.O Plano de Negcios um exerccio que tem muitos benefcios, incluindo a transformao de uma ideia em uma oportunidade.O curso rene questes chave dos melhores planos de negcio existentes. um curso importante para quem pensa em montar um projeto empreendedor e precisa estruturar suas ideias. um curso obrigatrio para quem est em busca de financiamento para seus projetos.O investimento no curso muito atrativo pois ir qualificar as suas ideias e ir lev-lo a outro nvel de trabalho.Este um curso para deixar em sua prateleira de conhecimentos, ele fatalmente lhe ser til."
Price: 99.99 |
"Dinmica Estructural I: Sistemas de un Grado de Libertad" |
"Curso orientado a proveer al estudiante con los conceptos fundamentales del anlisis estructural dinmico para sistemas que pueden describirse con grado de libertad. Se profundiza sobre todo el anlisis de estructuras para edificios.Se pretende fomentar el adecuado entendimiento de estos conceptos para aplicarlos con herramientas de software mediante hojas de clculo, generacin de algoritmos o bien programas especializados en anlisis y diseo estructural. Estudiantes de pregrado de ingeniera civil pueden encontrar las respuestas a temas complejos de aprender en clase a travs de clase magistral y demostracin con ejemplos. Estudiantes de postgrado o especialistas en el tema pueden afianzar sus conocimientos. Inicialmente se aprendern los conceptos a travs de resolucin manual de ejemplos. Posteriormentese desarrollar una herramienta en MATLAB y SIMULINK para analizar sistemas simples. Adicionalmente se iniciar en el uso de SAP2000 buscando se integren los conocimientos previos adquiridos y desarrollando modelos matemticos validados por el criterio del estudiante. Los temas clave son:Ecuaciones diferenciales del movimientoImportancia de la rigidez, la amortiguacin y la masa de un sistema en sus propiedades dinmicas.Anlisis de Historial de TiempoEspectro de RespuestaEs indispensable tener cursado Anlisis Estructural I:Mtodos Clsicos y Anlisis Estructural II:Mtodos Matriciales. Se espera tener dos actualizaciones mayores con temticas complementarias.Cada semana se subir entre 1.5 y 2 horas de contenido hasta completar el contenido necesario."
Price: 199.99 |
"How to prepare for exams?" |
"This course has been designed for all students who want to get best results in their exams. It helps students in identifying their learning styles. It also helps them in finding their triggers and guides them in planning and organizing the resources. It also identifies and explains examination day techniques. Panjtan paak ki barakaatAshaab e Kahaf kitmeer Yamli ha Muksul Mina Kashf uttaalKi barakaat"
Price: 19.99 |
"Public Speaking for Novices- Exude Confidence & Clear Speech" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about public speaking. Buying this course will allow YOU to learn the foundations, transforming you into a great presenter, overcoming fear of public speaking, whilst utilizing the power of microphone. Guaranteed.With this course youll discover aproven step by step system, applying this knowledge in every interaction, in your life. Masteramazing public speaking skills the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have a fear of public speak, presenting or have had difficulty public speaking in the past. What will I be able to DO after I enroll? PROJECT security when presented to any audience IMPROVE your experience with the microphone HANDLE your breathing OVERCOME the fear of public speaking REDUCE unnecessary stress LEARN how to use the microphone You will learn simple tricks that will totally transform your life. Everyone will respect you, no matter how long you have know each other. What will I learn specifically?....How To:Warmupyour voice, ensuring clarity and a clear tonal pitch.Project your new confidence and position your message perfectly.Read aloud in front of an audience, exuding self-assurance.Learn to put aside the fear of speaking or singing, publicly into a microphone.Implement techniques, so your presentations achieve the highest appraisal.And more!In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to speak and think when you are in front of an audience. What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Enroll Now!! Best of all,you'll have my helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. CLICK THE GREEN BUY BUTTON NOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Facebook Marketing- Desde Principiante Hasta Avanzado" |
"Curso completo de Facebook Marketing. Este curso est diseado de forma estratgica para brindarte a tu ritmo el aprendizaje correcto de las prcticas ms recomendadas del marketing en Facebook. Todo el contenido est trabajado detalladamente paracualquier persona que desee conocer a fondo de cmo anunciarse eficazmente en Facebook, estoyseguro queal finalizar el curso sers un experto en esta plataforma digital.Aprovecha al mximo cada minuto y cada dlar que inviertasEsts listo para publicar anuncios efectivos? aqu te mostrarcmo crear anuncios para llegar a las personas adecuadas en los lugares correctos con campaas optimizadasque le permita llegar a cualquier mercado objetivo."
Price: 194.99 |
"Google Ads - Curso Completo Desde lo Bsico Hasta Avanzado" |
"Vamos a trabajar con la nueva experiencia de Google Ads, ya eso es genial! pero no es todo. Con el curso completo de Google Ads llevar su negocio al nivel ms alto de la publicidad, aprendiendo realmente como un experto todo el manejo de la plataforma. Sabias que tus clientes utilizan Google todos los das para buscar los productos y servicios que ofreces?, y es muy probable que tu competencia ya est usando de manera optimizada las campaas que tiene Google Ads. Es hora de ser los mejores y desarrollar campaas profesionalmente. Te garantizo lo siguiente:1. Llegars a las personas adecuadas en el momento exacto - Las personas encontrarn tu negocio cuando busquen en Google lo que t o tu empresa ofrecen2. Atraers ms clientes- Si deseas aumentar las ventas online, recibir ms llamadas a tu negocio, deseas tener ms visitas a tu sitio web, este curso de Google Ads es el indicado para ti, te puede ayudar. 3. Sers capaz de crear anuncios poderosos- Un anuncio no es slo texto, imgenes o videos, hay muchas pero muchas cosas que debes saber antes para que ese anuncio sea efectivo y de calidad, las estrategias de ofertas que elijas sern determinantes para lograr tu objetivo. 4. Optimizar campaas en Google Ads- Desarrollar correctamente las campaas en Google Ads, es quizs una de las labores ms complicadas en la plataforma, pero vamos a ir paso a paso para que puedas comprender al 100% cmo tener la campaa indicada a tu estrategia digital.5. Obtener los mejores resultados con tus anuncios- Vas a descubrir herramientas funcionales que te ayudarn a aumentar la eficacia de tu estrategia en Google Ads.Son muchas las maneras de llegar a tus clientes, y en este curso completo de Google Ads las conocers detalladamente. Te invito algunos ejemplos gratuitos para que conozcas el nivel del contenido que tengo para ti. Nos vemos dentro del curso!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Wordpress Einfach & Komplett: Erstelle deine eigene Website" |
"Mit Wordpress und diesem Kurs baust du jede Art von Website. Egal ob persnlicher Blog, eine Portfolio-Website oder einen schicken Online-Auftritt eines Unternehmens. Umfangreicher GrundkursNEU: Neuer Wordpress Editor umfangreich erklrt!Viele einfache und kurze LektionenErstelle DSGVO-konforme WebsitesVerndere bestehende Themes mit einem Child-Theme (Download-Vorlage inklusive)Erstelle dein eigenes Wordpress Theme mit Bootstrap 4! (Downloads inklusive)bertrage deine Wordpress-Website auf einen Live-Server (oder einen alternativen Webserver)Die eigene Website mit Wordpress: Von 0 auf 100 in wenigen Stunden!Dieser Kurs ist fr alle, die mit Wordpress erfolgreich durchstarten mchten. Dabei begleitet Dich der Kurs durch die Grundlagen von Wordpress bis hin zu erfolgreichen Websites fr dein eigenes Business! Ob privater Blog oder Unternehmenswebsite - fr Jeden ist etwas dabei!Umfangreicher Grundlagenkurs!JETZT NEU: MIT GUTENBERG-EDITOR (neuer Wordpress Editor) UPDATE!Neben der Installation auf dem heimischen PC oder online lernst Du auch, wie du deine Wordpress-Website einrichtest, wie man schnell das Design mit Themes ndert, wie man gute Beitrge schreibt und Wordpress sinnvoll mit Plugins erweitert.Live-Projekte: Mehrere Wordpress-Beispiel-Websites!In diesem Kurs erstellen wir eine Portfolio Website fr Fotografen, einen persnlichen Blog, eine Produkt-Landingpage und eine Unternehmenswebsite mit allem, was dazu gehrt!Groer Design- und Theme-Teil: Inklusive eigenes responsive Theme mit Bootstrap 4 zur eigenen Verwendung!Wie ndere ich bestehende Themes nach meinen Geschmack? Was ist ein Child-Theme und wie lege ich es an? All diese Fragen werden in diesem Kurs behandelt und umfangreich in Praxis-Videos Schritt fr Schritt beantwortet. Mit diesem Kurs erhltst Du ein Basis-Theme, welches Du fr eigene Zwecke komplett umgestalten kannst. Es basiert auf das beliebte HTML-CSS Framework Bootstrap in der aktuellen Version 4. Wordpress-SEO Teil:Damit deine Website erfolgreich durchstartet, gehen wir in diesem Kurs alle Kniffe und Tricks durch, die deine Website erfolgreich starten lsst. Fr dauerhaft mehr Traffic auf deiner Website!"
Price: 199.99 |