"Sifirdan Uzmaliga Javascript Ogrenin ES6 - ES7" |
"web tasarim alaninda tasarlanmis gelistirmek icin ve aradiginiz kaliteli egitimi bulamadiysaniz bu egitim tam size gore herseye en bastan basliyoruz ve sizin hic bir bilginiz olmadigini varsayarak herseyin en basit halinden uzmanliga up faydali ornekler ve aciklamalar ile hic bir tecrubeniz olmasa safra safra safra ksa surede istediginiz seviyeye gelmesini sagliyacagimSFRDAN HTML5 ve CSS3 DERLERMZN devami olan bu kurs devam artk web tasarim alaninda eksiginiz kalmayacak memnun kalmadiginiz taktirde paranizi iade edilir eger ogrenmeye ack ve hazrsaniz hadi baslayalim ..."
Price: 49.99 |
"Sifirdan Vegas Pro 16 Dersleri ile Uzmanliga" |
"profesyonel video tasarim programina gecis yapmak icin harika bir kurs sizde cektiginiz videolari kendiniz tasarlamak istiyor ve bunu nasil yapacaginizi bilmiyorsaniz ve bu iste kendinizi gelistirip para kazanmak istiyorsaniz bu kurs tam size gore vegas pro 16 programinin butun ozelliklerini tek tek anlattigim bu kursta aciklayici ornekler ile size yol gostermeye calisacagim sizde bir seyler ogrenmek istiyorsaniz bu kursa hemen kayit olup kendinizi gelistirmeye baslayabilirsiniz"
Price: 49.99 |
"Pilates Matwork Balangtan leri Seviyeye" |
"Bu kurs daha nce pilates yapmam veya uzun zamandir pilates yapmam olan bireylerin pilatesi doru alarla renmesi iin uygun bir kurstur. Omurga ve eklem rahatszlklar olan bireyler iin uygun egzersizler ve uyarlar ierdiinden, bu problemlere sahip bireylerin korkmadan yapabilecei ve rehabilitasyonunu amalayan bir eitim program ierir.Pilates yapan bireylerse bu kursta kendilerini gelitirmeye devam edebilir. Snrlar zorlayan egzersizler ve snflaryla kas kuvvetini doru alarla ve etkili zorlayacak egzersizler deneyimleyebilir. Temel pilates snfnda pilatesin ve omurganin doru duru paternini ve karin kaslarinizi (core blgesini) aktive etmeyi reneceksiniz. En az haftada 2 gn dzenli uygulandnda 4 ders sonrasnda bel, boyun ve srt arlarnzn azaldn ve sklamaya baladnz farkedeceksiniz. Bir sonraki seviyeye en az 1 ay (8 seans) uyguladktan sonra gemeniz uygun olacaktir.lk defa yapanlar dersten sonra bir ka gn kas ars yaayabilir bu olduka normaldir. Ilk du ve 1 gn arayla tekrar egzersiz yapmak bu sorunu ortadan kaldracaktr. ivi iviyi sker, pes etmeyin :)lk derslerde omurga ve eklem problemleri olanlar egzersizleri yaparken bu blgelerde hafif zorlanmalar hissedebilir. Fakat karn kasn ve egzersizi yaparken kullanlacak kaslar daha iyi pekitirildike bu problemler azalr. ok zorlayan egzersizleri bir sre atlayn. Size ar veren egzersizler olursa uygulamayn bu konuyu benimle paylaabilirsiniz , nedenini beraber sorgularz.-----Orta seviye snfnda artk nefes kullanmn ve egzersiz iin doru alar daha iyi pekitirdiiniz kabul edilerek daha ok eitli egzersizler ierir. Pilates ekipmanlar ( top, lastik ve ember kullanlabilir) Snrlarnz daha ok zorlamaya frsat sunar ve tm kaslarnz ok eitli altrr. Kaslarnz glenir ve sklama hznz artar. Bu seviyede vcudun tm kaslarnn birbiriyle orantl glenmesi hedeflendiinden, bu seviyede daha uzun sre kalmanz nerilir.Haftada en az 2 gn ( 3 - 5 ay )----- leri Seviye Snf ; yeterince glendiinizi hissediyorsanz, fiziksel nemli bir rahatszlnz yoksa ve baarl bir ekilde orta seviye snflarn tamamlayabiliyorsanz ileri seviye egzersizlere geebilirsiniz. Bu seviyede karn kas kontrol, doru omurga hareketlilii ve vcut stabilizasyonu konular artk renilmi kabul edildiinden daha az uyar ierir. Ve kontrol daha zor egzersizler ierdiinden, balang seviyesi bir renciyi gereinden fazla zorlayabilir!Bu snf doktor tarafndan tehisi konmu, egzersizi kontroll yapmas gereken rahatszl olan bireyler iin ( ileri seviye bel ft, osteporoz, kala protezi, ileri seviye diz veya boyun sorunlar vs...) uygun deildir. Bu bireyler orta seviye snflarda da yeterli alma seviyesine ulaabilirler. Rahatszl olan bireylerin yalnzca doktor onay aldktan sonra ileri seviye snflara katlmas nerilir. Seviyeleri atlarken ltfen yeterince almay ve baarl bir ekilde renmeyi hedefleyin. Kaliteli egzersiz yapmak en etkili egzersiz eklidir. **Seviye deitirirken sabrl olun, nk tm snflarda tm vcut kaslarnz alacaktr ve sklama garantidir. :) ***Bir harekette rahazszlk veya ar hissediyorsanz ltfen doru alarla yaptnzdan tekrar inceleyerek emin olun ve problem hala devam ediyorsa sonlandrn. Egzersiz yaparken kendinizi konforlu hissetmeniz birinci nceliktir. Tm rencilerime Baarlar Dilerim Sevgilerimle Sinem"
Price: 164.99 |
"Curso de Corvid - rea de membros com contedo (Wix)" |
"Este curso cumpre uma demanda de usurios da plataforma wix, por conhecimento da lgica por trs da entrega do contedo exclusivo para membros logados. Aqui voc ver como funciona o fluxo de informao e como ele pode ser manipulado, para que somente determinados dados cheguem a viso dos membros do seu site."
Price: 474.99 |
"Blockchain Implementation with JavaScript" |
"Almost everybody now has heard about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but few people actually know how the technology behind these work. In this tutorial we will create a simple Blockchain in JavaScript to demonstrate how they work internally. The training will include an introduction to Blockchain and to learn how traditional business network work. Then we will move on to tracking ownership with/without blockchain and key business benefits. We will be learning the followings:Building Trust with blockchainWhy it is called Blockchain?Transaction records with blockchainWorking of BlockchainHow are Bitcoin and Blockchain differentPropelling Business with BlockchainsBlockchain in Action: Use CasesSteps to create Blockchain ApplicationDecentralized ApplicationsStructure of Smart ContractsEtheureumGeth and InstallationNodeJS and SoliditySolidity Data TypesCreating Blockchain with JSAnalysing Output of Blockchain in JSChecking if Blockchain is Valid through JavaScriptProof-of-work in BlockchainMining of BitcoinGenerating headers in BitcoinSolving the Proof of Work ProblemOverview of the structure of BlockTransactions of the BlockchainBitcoin NodeJSBitcoin Part 4- Create a Brain Wallet"
Price: 119.99 |
"Framework 7 - Develop Hybrid Apps with Framework 7" |
"In this training, we will begin by preparing a dev environment and learning how to install and configure framework 7 and use it for web development. Framework7 is a free and open source framework for mobile HTML. It is used for developing hybrid mobile apps or web apps for iOS and Android devices. The training will include Overview, Environment, Layouts, Navbars, Toolbars, Side Panels, Content Block, Preloaders etc. There after we will be learning the following topics:Progress BarList ViewsAccordionCardsChipsButtonsAction ButtonFormsTabsSwiper SliderPhoto BrowserAutocompletePickerCalendarRefreshInfinite ScrollMessagesMessage BarNotificationsLazy Load"
Price: 69.99 |
"GIT - Master GIT Version Control System" |
"Version control systems are a group of software tools that help a software team accomplish changes to source code over time. Until now the most widely used modern version control system in the world is Git. Git is a mature, actively maintained open source project originally developed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the famous creator of the Linux operating system kernel. This tutorial is about getting started with using Git, understand the version control tools and getting the setup done. This tutorial will help beginners learn the basic functionality of Git version control system. This training covers the following points:Introduction to Version Control SystemTerminologies and TypesUnderstanding SVN-Life CycleUnderstanding SVN-Life Cycle -2Demo of Svn working repositoryWorking of GitGit Life CycleOperations in Git"
Price: 89.99 |
"Data Science with R - Beginners" |
"This training is an introduction to the concept of Data science domain and its application using R programming language. The web is full of apps that are driven by data. All the e-commerce apps and websites are based on data in the complete sense. There is database behind a web front end and middleware that talks to a number of other databases and data services. But the mere use of data is not what comprises of data science. A data application gets its value from data and in the process creates value for itself. This means that data science enables the creation of products that are based on data. The tutorials will include the following;Introduction to R programmingReproducible AnalysisData ManipulationVisualizing DataWorking with Large DatasetsSupervised LearningUnsupervised LearningIn depth R programmingObject oriented ProgrammingBuilding an R packageTesting and Package CheckingVersion ControlProfiling and Optimizing"
Price: 99.99 |
"Phalcon PHP Framework for Beginners" |
"Through this training you will learn Step by step installation along with developer tools and creating a project. Once created a project in xampp/wamp , understanding the files and folders present in it. This training is a complete guide to understanding how the Phalcon Framework works right from its installation, configuration, operations and comparing with other frameworks. we will be learning the followings in this course:The workflow of phalcon framework along with the diagramsThe config directory, as the name implies, contains all of your applications configuration files.How are controllers created in phalcon, its functionality with example.Creation of models along with example and functionality.Creation of views along with example and functionality (Volt files information)Basic routing along with exampleConnectivity with database with exampleCRUD application in phalconWorking with each of these operationsCombination of Phalcon and SQL (Unique feature of Phalcon)Migrating between databases usage and advantages with exampleCookies with definition and usage in PhalconSessions with definition and usage in PhalconSupport of different languages in Phalcon.Managing javascript and css filesMongoDb and its implementationPassword hashing and many moreHow Phalcon is different from other PHP frameworks"
Price: 99.99 |
"Mercurial - Mastering Version Control Systems with Mercurial" |
"We have planned and create the training structure to most effective. The training includes the following sequences:Introduction to MercurialBasic TerminologiesComparison of Mercurial with other version toolsEnvironmental SetupLife CycleCreate RepositoryCreating userChange OperationsReview ChangesCommit ChangesPush Changes (Push Operation)Merge OperationUpdate OperationManaging historical recordsCopy operationRename OperationFix MistakesWorking with branchesFile namesResolve ConflictsManaging ReleasesRepository events with hooksQueuesExtensionsWorkflow modelsManaging multiple projectsThis tutorial is about getting started with using Mercurial, understand the version control tools and getting the setup done. Version control systems are a group of software tools that help a software team accomplish changes to source code over time.This tutorial will help beginners learn the basic functionality of Mercurial sub version control system."
Price: 99.99 |
"Web Apps Development with CakePHP - Beginners" |
"The course starts right from scratch where in you shall learn how to install and configure CakePHP. Step by step we will create a working application. You will go through database access methods and manipulating queries and using sub-forms. This course also covers how to use the tools such as PHPUnit and Selenium, uploading images, use of themes, debugging and logging. This beginners training on Cake PHP Framework gives the absolute description of every feature in it. The cake PHP course will help you learn how to use it to develop a practical Web application and its usage most systematically."
Price: 99.99 |
"Web Development with New Framework" |
"Aurelia is a JavaScript client framework for web, mobile and desktop. It allows you to write clean, modular JavaScript. The framework follows simple conventions and is focused on web standards. Through these tutorials we shall learn about web and mobile app development using open source UI framework Aurelia JS.The training will include the following;Introduction and Overview of AureliaJSEnvironmental SetUpApplication StructureES6 and ES7Components of Aurelia ApplicationComponent Life CycleData BindingCustom ElementsDependency InjectionsBasic ConfigurationBinding BehaviorPluginsConvertersEventsEvent AggregatorFormsHTTPRefsRouting Life CycleRouting ImplementationHistoryAnimationsDialogLocalizationToolsBundlingDebuggingCommunityBest PracticesSample Project description An Aurelia sample app that lets you browse and edit contacts."
Price: 199.99 |
"Database Design with CouchDB and PostgreSQL" |
"PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. This tutorial is designed to give details to PostgreSQL, relational database concepts, and the SQL language. It has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the concepts related to PostgreSQL Database. The PostgreSQL training will include the following;OverviewEnvironment SetupSyntaxData TypesCreate DatabaseSelect DatabaseDrop DatabaseCreate TableDrop TableSchemaInsert QuerySelect QueryOperatorsExpressionsWhere ClauseAND & OR ClausesUpdate QueryDelete QueryLike ClauseLimit ClauseOrder By ClauseGroup ByWith ClauseHaving ClauseDistinct KeywordApache CouchDB is open source database software and these tutorials are for you to gain a quick overview of the same. This training is to learn about CouchDB, the processes to set it up, and the ways to interact with CouchDB server using cURL and Futon. We will learn how to create, update and delete databases and documents. The training will include the following;IntroductionDifference between SQL and nosql databasesEnvironmental SetupCurl and FutonCreating your first Couch DB databaseIntroduction to JsonHTTP APICreating a documentUpdating a documentDeleting a documentDeleting a databaseAttaching filesIntroduction to couchDb ViewsMechanics of CouchDb deployment"
Price: 119.99 |
"Deep Dive on Version Control System" |
"This tutorial is about getting started with using Git, understand the version control tools and getting the setup done. Version control systems are a group of software tools that help a software team accomplish changes to source code over time. Until now the most widely used modern version control system in the world is Git. Git is a mature, actively maintained open source project originally developed in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the famous creator of the Linux operating system kernel.This tutorial will help beginners learn the basic functionality of Git version control system. This training covers the following points:Introduction to Version Control SystemTerminologies and TypesUnderstanding SVN-Life CycleUnderstanding SVN-Life Cycle -2Demo of Svn working repositoryWorking of GitGit Life CycleOperations in Git"
Price: 119.99 |
"Octave for Data Scientists" |
"Basics of Octave Neural Network:Working with neural networks can seem to be a scary task, even if you have some programming experience. There are many trainings and a lot of examples of what the neural network is and what it does. Many a times it is not explained the way it should be and makes it a little difficult to understand whats going on, not to mention how to implement it in actual code.With this course you shall be learning Octave in a very simple yet effective manner wherein we actually code using examples and programmed in Linux ( Fedora 16) operating system.Below we have outlined all that you will learn through this course.Section 1: Introduction- In this sections we are getting started with Octave wherein we would understand the basics, environment setup, running octave and getting started with basic commands.Section 2: Basics- Here we start with the first step where we will learn about the basic commands, various data types, variables (storing variables) and operators.Section 3: Statements- In this section we will cover if statement, switch statement, while statement, do while statement, do until statement, for statement and break/continue statement.Section 4: Functions- here we are going to understand defining a function, multiple return values and returning from a function.Advanced Concepts of Octave Neural Network:Working with neural networks can seem to be a scary task, even if you have some programming experience. There are many trainings and a lot of examples of what the neural network is and what it does. Many a times it is not explained the way it should be and makes it a little difficult to understand whats going on, not to mention how to implement it in actual code.With this course you shall be learning Octave in a very simple yet effective manner wherein we actually code using examples and programmed in Linux ( Fedora 16) operating system.Below we have outlined all that you will learn through this course.1. Plotting2. Matrix Manipulation3. Arithmetic Operations like Trignometry4. Set Operations5. Image Processing6. Audio Processing7. Data Containers"
Price: 119.99 |
"Understanding Blockchain - Build Blockchain from Scratch" |
"Decentralized Application Development with Solidity:Have you heard the term Blockchain & Smart Contracts? Or want to know more about decentralized blockchain apps. You are at the right place. While there are abundance of guides available around the web, this ones the right one for you.These tutorials will help you build a decentralised Blockchain Application. Through this you would learn Solidity & Become A DApp Dev.The training will include the following;Bridging the Blockchain Knowledge GapThe Mist BrowserThe EVMSolidity ProgrammingSmart Contracts and TokensMining EtherCryptoeconomics SurveyDapp DeploymentCreating Private ChainsUse CasesAdvanced ConceptsBlockchain Implementation with JS:Almost everybody now has heard about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but few people actually know how the technology behind these work. In this tutorial we will create a simple Blockchain in JavaScript to demonstrate how they work internally.The training will include the followingIntroduction to BlockchainTraditional Business NetworkTracking ownership with/without blockchainKey Business BenefitsBuilding Trust with blockchainWhy it is called Blockchain?Transaction records with blockchainWorking of BlockchainHow are Bitcoin and Blockchain differentPropelling Business with BlockchainsBlockchain in Action: Use CasesSteps to create Blockchain ApplicationDecentralized ApplicationsStructure of Smart ContractsEtheureumGeth and InstallationNodeJS and SoliditySolidity Data TypesCreating Blockchain with JSAnalysing Output of Blockchain in JSChecking if Blockchain is Valid through JavaScriptProof-of-work in BlockchainMining of BitcoinGenerating headers in BitcoinSolving the Proof of Work ProblemOverview of the structure of BlockTransactions of the BlockchainBitcoin NodeJSBitcoin Part 4- Create a Brain Wallet"
Price: 119.99 |
"Azure Stack - od zera do bohatera - kurs praktyczny" |
"Azure Stack, czyli instancja Chmury Publicznej Microsoft zainstalowana w naszej serwerowni, naszym komputerze lub nawet laptopie! W przypadku Azure Stack Development kit zupenie bezpatnie nie musimy paci za adne licencje!W kursie omawiamy jak zbudowany jest Azure Stack nie tylko w wersji darmowej oraz przechodzimy przez wszystkie kroki instalacji. Robimy to na ywym sprzcie bez skrtw mylowych i niedopowiedze.Po obejrzeniu tego kursu bd mogli Pastwo zainstalowa Azure Stack DK na swoim komputerze i tworzy aplikacje dla Azure bez ponoszenia kosztw Azure."
Price: 249.99 |
"Passive Income: A Beginner's Guide to Domain Trading" |
"Start Making Money From Domain Names! ""Best course I have ever seen in domain name investment"" ""Amazing course.Gave me more ideas how to create passive income"" ""Good Content and precisely explained"" ""I liked this course very much, Learn how easy it is to get into the business of selling domains. And also his method of choosing domain names is very interesting"" ""I highly recommend this course. I found Victor a great instructor, his explanations are concise and very clear and even for a beginner like me, buying and selling domains will turn out a piece of cake. One aspect to highlight is how quick the instructor replays to all the questions that come up when going through the course. Thanks a lot for kindness, Victor.""******************************************************************************************In this course you will learn how to Make Passive Income from Domain Trading.In today's world everyone has a website and people are selling domain names every day.I want to show you how you can benefit from this simple Business Model and make extra money.This course is NOT a ""get rich quick scheme"" - it requires WORK upfront, from which you will reap the benefits later - just like any passive income business.You will learn Step by Step:How to Evaluate the Price of a Domain NameHow to Buy Domains for a Few DollarsHow to Sell Domains for Much Higher Price ($200 - $3000)This course will cover everything you need to know to start buying and selling domains for profit as a Complete Beginner.You don't need any previous experience, we will cover everything from the beginning to the end.You will also get Bonus Materials to help you from the beginning.Making more money means Less Stress and More Free Time for Ourselves and Our Families.If You Are Someone Who:Want to Start an Online BusinessWant to learn how to start with Domain TradingWant to have More Free TimeWant to Work for Yourself or just want to Make Extra MoneyWant to Create Passive IncomeWant to achieve Financial FreedomEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started! This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, I will refund your course - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Passive Income: Top 10 Legit Ways to Make Money Online" |
"Start Making Passive Income TODAY! ""A great introduction to passive income and the best ways to achieve it!"" ""Useful, in-depth walkthroughs. Instructor is knowledgeable, genuine and speaks in a calm, paced manner."" ""This course is a MUST if you want to learn how to make money on the internet!"" ""Great course with good sources of passive income!"" ""Thank you for this useful information! This course is easy, not too fast and not too slow. Everything is explained clearly and to the point. I recommend this course!""******************************************************************************************You will learn different ways to make passive income from anywhere in the world.This course will give you the foundation and confidence to start your own business and start working for yourself.You WILL start making money from:Selling Private Label Products on Amazon FBAAffiliate MarketingSelling your Photos and VideosDropshippingYoutube MonetizationDomain Trading (Buying and Selling Domains - Website Flipping)Online CoursesPatreon - Crowdsourcing Business ModelYour T-Shirt business with Teespring and Facebook AdsYour own BlogInvesting in Peer to Peer Lending PlatformsInvesting in StocksInvesting in Real EstateYou don't need any experience to enroll, you will be guided step by step through this course .You will also get Bonus Materials to help you from the beginning.This course requires work in the beginning - just like any other business model.But the best thing in the world is when your business start making you money while you sleep.This course teaches you the best ways to make passive income and start from zero.If You Are Someone Who:Want to Make Money OnlineWant to learn how to start Passive Income BusinessWant to have More Free TimeWant to Work for Yourself or just want to Make Extra MoneyWant to achieve Financial Freedom and Enjoy LifeEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, I will refund your course - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99 |
"C# Basics for Beginners: Learn Coding with C#" |
"Start Learning C# from Scratch!Learn C# Fundamentals in 2 Hours, Not Months!This course is for beginners or people who want to refresh their knowledge in programming with C#.C# is very intuitive and easy to learn programming language, which can be used for many different purposes, such as:Building Web ApplicationsGame DevelopmentMobile Development (iOS and Android mobile applications)Desktop ApplicationsWindows client applicationsWindows servicesBackend servicesBlockchains and CryptocurrencyInternet of Things (IoT) devices and much moreIn the beginning of your C# learning experience, programming will be hard and that's why you should not try to learn everything at once.In this course you will learn basic coding skills with C# and all the information you need to transfer to the IT field.As a complete beginner you need to focus on the Fundamentals and build a solid foundation of your basic programming skills.In this C# course you will get the best step-by-step training with real life coding examples and exercises.You don't need anything to start with the course. We will start from absolute zero.First - We will Install Visual Studio - this is the environment where we write our code.Next - You will understand the basics of programming (doesn't matter the programming language).After that I will teach you Fundamentals that you need to start with, such as:VariablesMethods/FunctionsClassesNext - We will start writing logic in our code, using:Conditional StatementsLoopsInheritance (Basic OOP Principle)And we will finish with more complex programming, introducing you to:EnumsPropertiesInterfacesDebugging your code and moreIf You Are Someone Who:Want to Learn Programming with C#Want to have Better Career OptionsWant to make More Money at Your Job or as a FreelancerWant to achieve Financial Freedom and Enjoy LifeEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, I will refund your course - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99 |
"C# Basics for Beginners: Introduction to Programming with C#" |
"Start Learning C# from Scratch!This course is for beginners or people who want to refresh their knowledge in programming with C#.The course is an Introduction to Programming and It is going to give you an overview of C# Console Application Development.C# is very intuitive and easy to learn programming language, which can be used for many different purposes, such as:Building Web ApplicationsGame DevelopmentMobile Development (iOS and Android mobile applications)Desktop ApplicationsWindows Client ApplicationsWindows ServicesBackend ServicesBlockchains and CryptocurrencyInternet of Things (IoT) devices and much moreIn the beginning of your C# learning experience, programming will be hard and that's why you should not try to learn everything at once.In this course you will learn basic coding skills with C# and all the information you need to transfer to the IT field.As a complete beginner you need to focus on the Fundamentals and build a solid foundation of your basic programming skills.In this C# course you will get the best step-by-step training with real life coding examples and exercises.You don't need anything to start with the course. We will start from absolute zero.First - We will Install Visual Studio - this is the environment where we write our code.Next - You will understand the basics of programming (doesn't matter the programming language).After that I will teach you Fundamentals that you need to start with, such as:VariablesMethods/FunctionsNext - We will start writing logic in our code, using:Conditional StatementsLoopsAnd we will finish with more complex programming, introducing you to:ArraysIf You Are Someone Who:Want to Learn Programming with C#Want to have Better Career OptionsWant to make More Money at Your Job or as a FreelancerWant to achieve Financial Freedom and Enjoy LifeIs asking yourself ""Is Programming for Me?""Enroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, I will refund your course - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 24.99 |
"HTML5 Coding from Scratch - Build Your Own Website" |
"Start Learning HTML TODAY! ""Excellent course for beginners!"" ""An excellent course and an excellent and very communicative instructor. Thank you!."" ""Useful course! Instructor is knowledgeable, genuine and speaks in a calm, paced manner.!"" ""It is really helpful and clear !!! AMAZING !!! THANK YOU !! Doing your other courses for sure !!!"" ""Thank you very much for this amazing course.""******************************************************************************************You will learn how to create your first website using HTML5.This course will give you the foundation and confidence to start programming in HTML and.You WILL learn:Basics of HTMLCode your first website from scratchLearn the fundamentals of web development and every website layoutYou will be able to make your own website using HTMLTag SyntaxHeadingsParagraphsListsTablesQuotationsHow to make footer and navigation bar for your websiteHow to use internal links and meta tagsYou don't need any experience to enroll, you will be guided step by step through this course .You will also get Bonus Materials to help you from the beginning.If You Are Someone Who: Want to Become a Developer Want to Learn Programming with HTML5 Want to have Better Career Options Want to make More Money at Your Job or as a Freelancer Want to achieve Financial Freedom and Enjoy LifeEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, I will refund your course - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Quality Assurance Mastery - Manual Software Testing" |
"Start Learning Quality Assurance TODAY! ""This is one of the best QA software introduction courses, the instructor explains the testing concepts clearly and concisely."" ""A great introduction to the QA profession for every beginner, great course!"" ""Useful, in-depth walkthroughs. Instructor is knowledgeable, genuine and speaks in a calm, paced manner."" ""The best course for starting out with testing software. Every beginner QA should watch this."" ""Thank you for this useful information! This course is easy, not too fast and not too slow. Everything is explained clearly and to the point. I recommend this course!"" ""A good beginner course for someone who is looking for a QA profession. Very nice presentation!! Thanks.""******************************************************************************************You will learn different ways of Software Testing and everything you need to start your first job as Junior Quality Assurance Engineer.This course will give you the foundation and confidence to enter the IT Industry.You WILL Learn:What is a Test Case and how to write a Test CaseWhat is Software Development Life CycleWhat is Agile - Scrum and KanbanDifferent Types of TestingWhat is a BUG?Black Box TestingWhite Box TestingUAT - User Acceptance TestingRegression TestingCross Browser TestingJIRA - Bug Tracking ToolWhen You Should Move on to AutomationYou don't need any experience to enroll, you will be guided step by step through this course .You will also get Bonus Materials to help you from the beginning.This course requires work in the beginning - just like any other thing in life.But the best thing in the world is when your start making positive changes in your life.This course teaches you the simplest way to enter the IT field - Quality Assurance!If You Are Someone Who: Want to Become Quality Assurance Engineer Want to learn Software Testing Want to Change Career Want to achieve Financial Freedom and Enjoy LifeEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, you can get a refund - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionNow go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Como fazer um plano estratgico na pequena e mdia empresa" |
"O planejamento estratgico contempla as grandes decises de uma empresa, aquelas que tm impacto significativo sobre seu futuro. essencial que a empresa pequena e mdia tenha um plano estratgico e que o execute com disciplina e zelo, para conquistar maior segurana de sobrevivncia e desenvolvimento no ambiente competitivo do mercado.O plano no precisa ser sofisticado, mas tem de tocar nos pontos certo. Pode e deve ser feito em grupo, pelas pessoas efetivamente capazes de colaborar para a construo do futuro da empresa. Sua forma de elaborao , por si s, elemento de motivao e aperfeioamento do pessoalMuitas empresas, entretanto, no sabem por onde comear a elaborao do seu plano. Aqui encontraro uma orientao clara.O curso vai propiciar um instrumento de trabalho eficaz para o empreendedor, para o executivo, para o consultor e treinador de pessoal de pequenas e mdias empresas.Vai ser de grande valia tambm para profissionais que trabalham em empresas mdias e grandes mas ainda no atingiu cargos de liderana. O curso vai propiciar uma viso adequada sobre o papel e os desafios dos dirigentes dos mais altos escales, propiciando assim dilogo mais fcil com essas pessoas e capacitao para acesso a cargos mais altos.Consultores internos (e tambm os externos, evidentemente) tero no curso uma ferramenta de trabalho das mais valiosas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso Rpido de Redao" |
"O propsito deste curso dar dicas prticas para que a pessoa, com qualquer que seja o conhecimento que j tem da gramtica, melhore sua capacidade de redigir. No um curso terico e nem completo, mas, traz dicas relevantes, porque so derivadas da prtica de quem escreve profissionalmente. o curso ideal para pessoas que nunca aprenderam tcnicas de redao. Ele conscientiza sobre questes fundamentais relacionadas com a escrita, inspira para a pessoa melhorar nessa rea, e e apresenta ""macetes"" e truques teis para criao de um bom texto. O curso ser muito til tambm para estudantes de comunicao e profissionais iniciantes na rea, que ainda no desenvolveram plenamente a habilidade de expressar-se pela escrita. Dado ao seu carter prtico e s orientaes que visam ao desenvolvimento no prprio trabalho de escrever, ele vai permitir um avano mais rpido na conquista dessa competncia."
Price: 54.99 |
"Criao e sustentao de uma cultura de engajamento" |
"O curso mostra a importncia do engajamento do pessoal para que a empresa supere os desafios das transformaes ambientais e indica caminhos para conquist-lo. Indica qual o papel da empresa no engajamento e qual o papel do lder - diretor, gerente, supervisor. Indiretamente aponta diretrizes para a rea de recursos humanos, que gerencia o processo maior de engajamento."
Price: 39.99 |
"Pontuao e tpicos de grafia bsica em portugus" |
"Todas as pessoas que escrevem precisam pontuar seus textos. Isso essencial para a clareza, para a expressividade e para o destaque dos pontos desejados. O problema que as pessoas frequentemente no conhecem suficientemente os sinais de pontuao e suas regras fundamentais e por isso acabam tendo dificuldade para expressar suas ideias, de um lado, e produzindo textos confusos, de outro. So apenas os dez sinais principais e seu uso pode ser compreendido de modo direto, sem que se recorra a conhecimentos gramaticais mais completos. o que o presente curso se prope a fazer. Destinado a pessoas sem maior qualificao na rea gramatical o curso propiciar a compreenso de regras simples que faro toda a diferena tanto na habilidade pessoal de escrever quanto na qualidade dos textos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Criao e promoo de um negcio de T&D" |
"Antigamente as pessoas estudavam no primeiro tero de sua vida, trabalhavam no segundo e viviam aposentadas no terceiro. Esse tempos mudaram. Hoje todos tm de estudar pela vida toda, seja porque se prolonga a carreira e necessrio fazer frente aos desafios da sociedade tecnolgica em permanente evoluo, seja porque se sabe que aprender no s uma das atividades mais gratificantes mas tambm a mais capaz de inserir a pessoa na sociedade de modo produtivo e feliz. Com isso, as atividades de treinamento e desenvolvimento ocupam um lugar de destaque crescente na sociedade e no mercado.Novas oportunidades para empreendedores: negcios de treinamento. As grandes empresas de tecnologia, praticamente todas, ganham muito com o treinamento e desenvolvimento (T&D). Mas, nesse segmento altamente fragmentado h lugar para pequenas e mdias empresas de todas as reas, para empreendedores autnomos, para organizaes de outros segmentos. O T&D comporta todas as experincias.O que uma empresa de T&D oferece a seus clientes? A experincia mais gratificante que existe: aprender. Logo, so empresas alinhadas com as tendncias do mercado que mais e mais deseja experincias em vez de posses. Jovens de pases desenvolvidos vm crescentemente preferindo gozar a vida a ter bens como carro, casa prpria. O T&D faz parte desse mundo da nova economia.O presente curso, curto e direto, fruto da experincia do autor: muitas dcadas de atuao na rea, seja como executivo de organizao multinacional de treinamento, seja como treinador, seja como empreendedor autnomo da rea, seja como parceiro de outras organizaes. um curso que atm-se ao que interessa: como criar uma empresa ou operao de T&D e promov-la para que se consolide.O curso destinado a empreendedores em busca de ideias, a treinadores autnomos, a executivos de organizaes de servios, a especialistas de todas as reas que tenham potencial para ampliar seus negcios com o treinamento."
Price: 54.99 |
"Professor Universitrio - Incio de carreira" |
"O curso traz informao para profissionais de todas as reas que desejam ingressar, em tempo parcial ou integra, no ensino superior. Baseado na prtica e na realidade dos sistemas de ensino, indica como buscar trabalho, como conduzir uma aula, como planejar a disciplina e as aulas.O professor tem dcadas de experincia na docncia de ps-graduao, atuando em diferentes instituies."
Price: 39.99 |
"Introduo redao jornalstica" |
"A redao jornalstica tem um conjunto de preceitos e tcnicas que levam produo de textos de leitura mais rpida e eficiente. O leitor, espectador, ouvinte, internauta capta mais em menos tempo, obtendo economia de esforos e recursos. Alm disso, a redao jornalstica permite enfoque adequado nos assuntos, de tal modo que se tornem mais atrativos: escolha de ngulos certos, tratamento adequado de cada parte, etc. Por fim, a redao jornalstica - com suas regras tcnicas e tambm com a tica inerente - leva produo de contedos de maior valor, que cria relaes sustentveis e mutuamente satisfatrias entre veculo e seus pblicos. Esse um curso rpido, introdutrio, sucinto que vai mostrar a base inicial da redao jornalstica. Para pessoas sem formao especfica ele trar ideias bastante vlidas, capazes de mudar a qualidade e o impacto de seus textos. Com isso podero escrever blogs, matrias para sites, e-books e outras peas com maior qualidade e facilidade.Para gente que j tem alguma profissionalizao em jornalismo pode ser um curso de reviso e reciclagem. Mas, tem um valor: a longa experincia do professor na rea indica quais regras so efetivamente mais vlidas. Regras simples e eventualmente conhecidas de jornalistas iniciantes so negligenciadas porque muitas vezes eles no percebem seu imenso valor. O professor eventualmente falar de algo simples e conhecido (para jornalistas), mas com a legitimidade da experincia, de saber das coisas testadas e consolidadas."
Price: 39.99 |