"Szybki Kurs Zarzdzania Czasem dla Zajtych" |
"""Krtki Kurs Zarzdzania Czasem"" to rozwizanie zaprojektowane z myl o osobach, ktre chc osign wicej w krtszym czasie... a moe nawet pokusi si o to, aby dziki lepszej organizacji... pracowa mniej i mie wicej wolnego czasu. Wielk zalet tego kursu jest jego praktyczno i prostota. Studiuj efektywno osobist i zarzdzanie sob w czasie od kilkunastu lat, dlatego wiem co mwi, a nie mwi co wiem ;) W tym kursie dostajesz samo ""miso"", czyli konkretne wskazwki inspirowane rozwizaniami najlepszych specw od produktywnoci.Te wskazwki doprawione s moimi kilkunastoletnim dowiadczeniem jako przedsibiorcy oraz prac z polskimi przedsibiorcami, managerami i sprzedawcami.Dostajesz zatem gotowy system, ktry moesz przyj w caoci, albo wykorzysta jego poszczeglne elementy. Otrzymujesz gotowe danie, ale moesz te potraktowa ten kurs jak szwedzki st z ktrego moesz wybra to, co uznasz za najodpowiedniejsze. To Twj wybr. Czego dowiesz si z kursu?Dlaczego warto planowa swj czas?Jak to jest, e nie ma nic prostszego ni bycie zajtym i nic trudniejszego ni bycie efektywnym?Jakie s podstawowe koncepcje i narzdzia planowania? Jak pewne narzdzie moe pomc Ci spojrze przenikliwiej na swoje ycie? Jakie jest podstawowe narzdzie rozeznawania wagi poszczeglnych zada? Jak planowa tydzie w kontekcie swoich rl yciowych?Czym jest odwrcony harmonogram i jakie korzyci daje jego zastosowanie?Jak efektywnie planowa swj dzie?Jaka jest jedna z kluczowych zasad planowania?Jak radzi sobie z zadaniami pojawiajcymi si w cigu dnia i odcigajcymi nas od priorytetw?Jaki jest mao znany sekret produktywnoci?Co zrobi jeeli Twoja lista zada Ci demotywuje?""Jaki kalendarz moe dodatkowo uatwi Ci funkcjonowanie? Jak utrzyma koncentracj w trakcie pracy? Jeeli s to dla Ciebie interesujce zagadnienia, zapraszam do skorzystania z kursu.Co o mnie mwi Klienci?""Rewelacyjny Coach i Mentor. Odpowiednia Osoba na odpowiednim miejscu, a co najwaniejsze, w odpowiednim czasie. Mamy zaszczyt wsppracowa z Nikodemem i korzysta z jego wiedzy przekazywanej w sposb pyncy z gbi... oraz szczypt dawki niesamowitego humoru . Podejcie i dystans do tego co robi sprawia, e po szkoleniach chce si tylko wicej i wicej czerpa i korzysta z jego wskazwek.""- Artur, przedsibiorca budowlany""Braam udzia w webinarium dotyczcym wyznaczania celw. To krtkie szkolenie dao mi wicej ni jakiekolwiek inne szkolenie na ten temat dlatego, e pokazao i uzmysowio mi jak tworzy wasne cele i ktrych aspektw ycia powinno to dotyczy, aby byo moje wasne, rzeczywiste i eby chciao mi si nad tym przez cay rok pracowa. Przed tym szkoleniem wydawao mi si, e to co robi w peni mnie satysfakcjonuje i teraz to ju mog tylko patrze w gwiazdy. Praca z koem ycia pokazaa, e pracy i nowych zada jest przede mn cakiem sporo :) Chyba po raz pierwszy tak wiadomie postawiam nowe cele i tym razem odzwierciedlaj one mnie sam. Polecam Wam Nikodema. Profesjonalizm 100% :)""- Joanna, Doradca Ubezpieczeniowy""Wspaniay Coach i bardzo motywujcy czowiek! Indywidualne konsultacje u Nikodema okazay si strzaem w dziesitk. Pomg mi uzmysowi sobie wiele rzeczy, rozwia sporo wtpliwoci i znale odpowiedzi na nurtujce mnie pytania. Pokaza w ktrym kierunku i a jego zdolnoci motywacyjne przerosy moje oczekiwania - tego wanie potrzebowalam. Dzikuj Nikodem i nie mog doczeka si najbliszego szkolenia."" - Anna, przedsibiorca z brany nieruchomoci"
Price: 399.99 |
"Quick Time Management & Productivity Course For The Busy" |
"Check out probably the quickest and most efficient time management course on Udemy. The ""A Quick Time Management Course For The Busy"" is a solution designed for people who want to achieve more in a shorter time and, thanks to better organization, work less and have more free time.The great advantage of this course is its practicality and simplicity. I have studied personal efficiency and self management for a dozen years and that's why I know what I'm saying, not saying what I know. In this course you get ""the essence"" itself, that is specific tips inspired by the solutions of the best productivity specialists. These tips are spiced up with my several years of experience as an entrepreneur and working with entrepreneurs, managers and sales people. So you get a ready system that you can accept in its entirety or use its separate elements. You get a ready dish, but you can also treat this course as a Swedish table from which you can choose what you think is the most suitable. It's your choice.What will you learn on the course?Why is it worth planning your time?How is it that there is nothing simpler than being busy and nothing more difficult than being effective?What are the basic concepts and planning tools?How can a tool help you look more vividly at your life?What is a basic tool for recognizing the importance of individual tasks?How to plan a week in the context of your life roles?What is an inverted schedule and what are the benefits of using it?How to plan your day effectively?What is one of the key planning principles?How to deal with tasks that arise during the day and distract us from our priorities?What is a little-known secret of productivity?What if your task list demotivates you? ""Which calendar can additionally facilitate your functioning?How to maintain concentration during work?What productivity apps can help you organize yourself better and achieve more?If these topics are interesting for you, feel free to join the course.What do customers say about Nikodem?""A sensational Coach and Mentor. The right person in the right place, and most importantly, at the right time. We are honored to work with Nicodemus and use his knowledge conveyed in a way flowing from"" depth ""... and with a pinch of incredible humor. Approach and the easygoingness to what he does means that after training you just want to get more and more and use his tips. "" - Artur, a contractor.""I took part in a webinar on goal setting. This short training gave me more than any other training on this subject because it showed and made me realize how to create my own goals and which aspects of life it should concern so that it was my own, real and make me work on it all year round. Before this training, it seemed to me that what I do fully satisfies me and now I can only look at the stars. Working with the wheel of life has shown that there is quite a lot of work and new tasks ahead of me :) I think I set new goals so consciously for the first time and this time they reflect me. I recommend Nikodem to you. 100% professionalism :) "" - Joanna, Insurance Advisor""A great coach and a very motivating person! Individual consultations with Nicodemus turned out to be bull's-eye. He helped me realize many things, dispel a lot of doubts and find answers to questions that bothered me. He showed which direction to go and his motivational abilities exceeded my expectations - this is what I just needed. Thank you Nicodemus and I can't wait for the next training.""- Anna, an entrepreneur from the real estate industry"
Price: 129.99 |
"Flexibilidad en los Roles de Pareja. Construyendo una pareja" |
"Hablamos de los roles en la pareja que deben establecer y asumir los integrantes de una relacin de pareja para que formen un modelo a la medida que les funcione a ambos ya que para lograr una pareja fuerte es necesario decir que amar es un verbo, hay que hacer cosas."
Price: 720.00 |
"Comprehensive English Grammar: IELTS,TOEFL,PTE,FCE,CAE,CPE" |
"Welcome to this Edition of Grammar program, which is aimed at improving your Grammar to get a great score in International exams. In this course, I will teach you how to say what you mean and mean what you say. I have seen time and time again, students who are not able to use complex structures and yet fail to get their meanings across to their audience. There are number of reasons why IELTS or TOEFL Candidates fail to at getting a great score in their Writing or speaking, because they simply suffer from lack of in depth and practical knowledge of Grammar that is a vehicle of transferring what lies in their minds unto the paper or whatever medium they are operating in. This course is designed for whom they are willing to learn Necessary grammar points and Structures to get a higher Score in their exams. Also, this in depth course will brush up your English language. One of the spectacular features of this course is that it has been prepared both for International Exams candidates or any English learners from beginner level to Advanced. It will teach you from simple things to more complicated points. Even if you are familiar with all the Topics of this lesson I thoroughly recommend you to watch it because all the structures have been taught fully with all details."
Price: 199.99 |
"The complete TOEFL iBT Top secrets course: All skills" |
"Warning: If you Do Not Want to Succeed in TOEFL exam, Do NOT Watch This Secret Video course. Two years ago an unknown person gave me a phone call, he told me that he was going to give me whatever money I wanted if I could show him a way to get a high score in TOEFL exam in a short time. He gave me a really thick check. He got me to design a full comprehensive TOEFL course in which I teach him not only the TOEFL techniques, but also General English. So I designed this course which didnt have even a name. In this video course I taught him how to learn English, Grammar for TOEFL, TOEFL Reading, TOEFL Speaking, TOEFL Writing and TOEFL Listening. Furthermore, I taught him the secrets of Improving his English Skills which he had never been taught before. After 5 months that I gave him the Video course to him with 5 secret pamphlets, he came over to my office went like this bro you save my life with your Top Secret TOEFL course, I got my TOEFL Score which was fantastic. Now, this is the TOEFL Top Secrets Course that I am sharing it with you. By working on this Course I guarantee that You do not need any other courses or books to get a high score in TOEFL."
Price: 199.99 |
"Weather & Meteorology - A Basic Understanding" |
"A short, condensed crash-course in the basics of weather and meteorology instructed by a professional meteorologist. Learn about why weather exists, the different aspects of weather fronts, climate zones, and the atmosphere. Learn about the basic tools that meteorologists use to observe and predict the weather, and how to understand various weather alerts."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fotografia em Estdio-Ganhe muito dinheiro, Monte o seu!" |
"O curso proporcionar ao aluno domnio total em Iluminao de Estdio. Conhea o Equipamento: O Flash de Estdio, Light Stands, C-Stands. Acessrios: Sombrinha, Soft-Box, Beauty Dish, Grids, Color Gel. Posicionamento das Luzes, Medio precisa usando o Flash Meter, reproduzir fundo BRANCO e fundo PRETO tecnicamente perfeitos. Uso do Color Gel - Padres de Iluminao - Posicionamento do Sujeito. Diagramas de Iluminao em 3D."
Price: 49.99 |
"Salesforce Heroku Masterclass" |
"Why Heroku?Heroku is a platform as a service that allows developers to build, run, and operate applications in the cloud. In practical terms, allows developers to no longer have to manage servers. Need to scale up? Add it with a few clicks and never worry about it.Unlike other cloud providers such as AWS, Heroku removed all the pesky configurations that you need to have a web application making it a simple yet powerful solution. Due to its simplicity it's considered as a more startup/hobby user friendly as the resources and time you need to get an application running is significantly lower than it's rivals. Heroku's Moto is ""the fastest way from idea to url""On top of that, Heroku also offers out-of-the-box features such as: Salesforce Integration, so that you can share data bi-directionally between your Heroku Applications and have it in the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM).General OverviewFrom the basic setup to advanced features this course covers it all. From weekend hobbyist to enterprise user this course will provide you with information to get the maximum out of Heroku.RequirementsKnow the basics of programmingBasic git knowledge (Repo, commits, push)Desire to learn new things :)Who is this course for?Developers - who want to upskill themselves and leverage Heroku for their applicationsDevOps - That want to learn how to manage and maintain applications using HerokuWhat will you LearnHeroku Fundamentals: How Web Applications are created, built and maintained.General overview the platform features such as: permissions, metrics, pricing, code deploy etc..Use Heroku Add-ons to give your apps increased capabilities. (Add-ons can be a lot of things: Databases, Search, SMS & Email, Metrics, Testing etc..)Setup a development pipeline following continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) best practices.Use Heroku for your future Apps.This course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Join me in this course if you want to become proficient in heroku and master it! :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mobile Home Park Investing Experts" |
"Invest in your portfolio by learning how to invest in Mobile Home Parks.In nine modules you'll learn:1. You'll learn why mobile home parks is the #1 asset class in America (and it's not just because of Accelerated Depreciation).2. 20 Hidden and 8 not so hidden places where you can find mobile home park deals. Anywhere. 3. Should you fire your manager in the first 30 days of owning a park? Answer in module 7. 4. Module 4 will show you how you can tell if a park is a good investment in 30 seconds (or less).5. What to say to a seller who's afraid to sell because ""You'll fire all my staff if you buy?"" Find out in Module 6. 6. Is hiring a husband and wife team a good deal to run your parks? That depends...this course tells you why. 7. Module 4 shows you what one thing needs to be near every single mobile home park that can save you thousands, if not millions. 8. Your first phone call with the seller. What questions should you ask him-and what questions you must AVOID."
Price: 24.99 |
"Refactoring to Design Patterns by Example" |
"This course begins with examination of a realistic application, which is poorly factored and doesn't incorporate design patterns. The demo application converts text into subtitles for videos, which makes it quite useful in practice. Yet, it is nearly impossible to maintain and develop this application further, due to its poor structure and design.That is the point at which the course begins. As demonstration after demonstration will unfold, we will refactor this entire application, one function and one class at a time. During refactoring, many design patterns will fit into place almost without effort. By the end of the course, you will know how code refactoring and design patterns - one coding practice and one design practice - can operate together and help each other create great design."
Price: 39.99 |
"Earn Income on YouTube Advanced Masterclass" |
"In this course, I show you the exact techniques and strategies I have used to make money on YouTube without making videos and scale my YouTube income from zero to six figures. As of writing this in January of 2019, I have made$126,740.33 from a SINGLE CHANNEL in the last 365 days. That's just ONE of my channels. In total, I have made$154,293.09in the past year with all my channels combined.This course is an addition to myfirst courseand it shows the advanced strategies I use to scale my YouTube earnings and income to the next level. It touches on all aspects of making money on YouTube without making videos. Some of the topics covered include:My EXACT top niches I USEHow to get around copyright ID and avoid strikesMultiple examples of the full process of finding, making, and uploading videosThe best advanced techniques to optimize your videos for views and subscribersHow you can get a monetized channel FAST"
Price: 199.99 |
"IELTS General Information & Advices & Experiences" |
"As an English tutor who scored 8.5 from IELTS exam, in this course, I am going to share my advices, knowledge and experiences with my students on the processes and needs of IELTS, both in a wholistic manner, and also digging deep at every IELTS section (Listening, Writing, Reading and Speaking). This course is for anyone who is interested in taking the IELTS exam."
Price: 19.99 |
"Entrepeneurship 101 - From Failure to Success" |
"In this course, Bosphorus Story House founder and former failed entrepreneur Perin mrek shares his insights on entrepreneurship, going through his story as an entrepreneur, from beginning to the end. He talks about his experiences, advices, failures and successes and gives great insight to all entrepreneurs. This course is for anyone who is interested in the topic of entrepreneurship."
Price: 19.99 |
"Constructive Feedback Examples and Experiences" |
"This course is for everyone who wants to develop their knowledge and skill on giving and receiving Constructive Feedback.Gular Pashayeva is currently working as a manager for an international company for more than 5 years and is experience situations related to constructive feedback on a daily basis.''Bosphorus Story House'' trainer, corporate lawyer Gular Pashayeva will be speaking about her experiences on constructive feedback, using everyday real life examples. She says:''Giving and receiving feedbacks are inevitable parts of our daily lives, and as a manager of more than 5 years, Ill be sharing my personal experience on how to make your feedbacks constructive, and how in overall to give and receive constructive feedbacks. At the end of this course, you will understand the fundamentals on giving & receiving constructive feedback and using it as a force for our personal & professional lives."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Learn English" |
"''Learn to Learn English'' course will help you understand the fundamentals of integrating English to your daily life. We will speak about every aspect on the process of learning English, from its psychology to its challenges, from its advantages to tools you can use in your daily life. At the end of this course, students will have the information and motivation to start a journey that potentially can make them competent English speakers."
Price: 19.99 |
"Online ngilizce retimi" |
"Halihazrda ngilizce reten ya da ngilizce retmek isteyen arkadalarmz iin hazrladm ''Online ngilizce retimi'' eitim serisi, ngilizceyi online platformlardan retmek adna tm temel bilgileri ve sreleri 300'den fazla online ders veren Perin mrek'in tecrbeleri zerinden anlatacak.Eitim ile ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz olursa, ya da eklemek istediimiz bir ey olursa, her zaman bize ulaabilirsiniz.yi seyirler:)Perin mrek"
Price: 49.99 |
"Teaching English Online" |
"''Teaching English Online'' course will give your everything you need relating to online English teaching, from creating your community of students to giving high quality classes, from getting to know good platforms to teach English to managing your finances and pricing your classes.We also have an example of an online lesson, to give you a better idea on how it is done.Enjoy:)Perin mrek."
Price: 19.99 |
"Kitlesel Fonlama 101" |
"Kitlesel Fonlama 101, lkemizde yeni yeni poplerleen, projelerinizi birok kiinin/kurumun desteiyle oluturacanz ortak bir havuz ile gerekletirebileceiniz ''kitlesel fonlama'' konseptini bandan sonuna kadar anlattmz ve bu srete kendi kitlesel fonlama tecrbemi ve hikayemi paylatm bir eitimdir.5 projesini kitlesel fonlama ile gerekletiren Perin mrek, size konu hakknda bildii ve deneyimledii her eyi anlatacak.imdiden iyi seyirler:)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Crowdfunding 101" |
"In this course, trainer Percin Imrek, who has successfully crowdfunded 5 projects (4 of them the books he published) will share all his knowledge, experience and understanding of crowdfunding, sharing his insights through personal and practical stories.After this course, you will have a general understanding of crowdfunding, how it works and what are the important criteria to succeed in your crowdfunding campaign, as well as platforms you can use, and some examples of successful and unsuccessful projects and their reasons.Enjoy :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Nifty Intraday Trading by Option Chain Analysis" |
"This course explains method of Nifty Option Chain Analysis and using the same for Nifty intraday trading.Course covers below Topics> Understanding Open Interest> Understanding Option Time value & Intrinsic value> Introduction of Nifty Option Chain> How to read Nifty Open Interest for Intraday Trading> Intraday Strategy based on OI Analysis> Real Examples"
Price: 4800.00 |
"Stock Market Basics Learn Charts Technical Fundamentals" |
"In today's world everyone wants to become financially secure and tries to find independent earning source, Stock market is one of the option for it.In this course you will learn how stock market works and how can one become part of it to earn money from trading and investing.Topics :A] Stock Market Basics- What is Share and Share Market or Stock Market- Stock Exchanges: NSE, BSE- Stock Indices : Nifty, Sensex- How Buying & Selling of shares takes place- What is IPO [Initial Public Offering]- What is Primary & Secondary Market- Why we need Trading and Demat Account- Why stock prices rise or fall.?- How to judge or read people sentiment.?- Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis- Difference between Investing and TradingB] Technical Analysis Part 1- How to read Stock Charts- Types of Candlesticks- Candlestick Patterns- Chart PatternsC] Technical Analysis Part 2- Indicators- Support & ResistanceD] Fundamental Analysis Basics- Market Capitalization- Important terms and Ratios- Company Analysis - IntroductionE] Other Important Terms- What is SEBI- Short Selling"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Brazilian Portuguese Language For Beginners - Course 3" |
"Warning:To take this course, you must first take the Brazilian Portuguese Beginner course - Module 1 and 2Have you ever imagined what it would be like to learn Portuguese quickly, easily, and without all the complicated grammar rules?And without having to translate everything you learn? Learn Portuguese...by speaking Portuguese?So stop imagining and start learning! In the course ""Brazilian Portuguese - Beginners, Module 1""you learn exactly in this way, through the Direct Method, the method by which living languages are taught. The way you learned your native language! Learning without translation: through examples, images, listening and speaking. It is the ideal method for anyone who needs to learn a language quickly and effectively.We teach Brazilian Portuguese through short, colorful and fun videos. Some tell small stories with a beginning and an end. Each lesson uses only vocabulary you've learned in earlier lessons, and adds to it. (For that reason, it is important to follow the exact order of the videos.)Buy the first module now and see how easy it is to learn Portuguese with us!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso de Plantaciones Forestales con ArcGIS" |
"Es un curso dedicado y aplicado a Plantaciones Forestales mediante la tcnica de sistema de informacin geogrfica; donde conocers las herramientas esenciales para poder emplear una planificacin y operativa dentro del rea de Plantaciones Forestales en nivel Tcnico. Eres estudiante universitario y quieres aprender el rea de SIG? O no tienes tiempo de ir a clase? Necesitas aprender y sobre todo ejercitar tus habilidades SIG de una manera sencilla, rpida y amena? Si has contestado s, este curso es para ti."
Price: 69.99 |
"Automao de Testes Com Selenium WebDriver e C# - COMPLETO" |
"Gostaria de fazer esse curso com um super desconto? Saiba mais ao se inscrever em nosso curso gratuito para iniciantes:Curso Completo de Automao de Testes Para Iniciantes +Bnus O curso mais completo sobre Selenium com C# em portugus. Suporte em grupo privado do Telegram com mais de 500 membros. Dvidas respondidas em at 24 horas. VEJA O QUE OS NOSSOS ALUNOS ESTO DIZENDO SOBRE O CURSO:""O curso foi timo e a execuo dos testes foi bem prximo da realidade, esbarrando em problemas e buscando soluo."" - Ricardo Amorim-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Agregou com sucesso novos atalhos para automao. Parabns pela iniciativa em compartilhar o conhecimento e desde j desejo sucesso nesta nova era. #Selenium #DotNet #Docker Tks4Sharing: Hugo Peres."" - Caio Castro-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Gostei do curso por explicar todo o entorno do projeto de teste. Desde a configurao de ambiente e todas as outras ferramentas que auxiliam o projeto. Aguardando as aulas bnus."" - Julcilea LourenoAprenda as principais tcnicas e tecnologias que abrangem uma das melhores solues em automao de testes, o Selenium.Identifique os princpios e fundamentos da Automao de Testes;Elabore, execute e exporte scripts de testes automatizados;Execute os scripts de testes em mltiplos navegadores (Cross Browser Testing);Execute testes dirigidos dados (Data Driven);Crie sua prpria ferramenta de execuo de testes;Construa seu prprio rob (bot) para executar os testes de forma robotizada;Implemente o padro Page Object nos scripts de testes para torn-los mais flexveis s mudanas do sistema;Agrupe vrios comandos em um nico comando utilizando o conceito de Procedure;Execute comandos nativos do Javascript nos scripts de testes;Construa um projeto de teste do zero;Melhore o cdigo-fonte do projeto de teste atravs de tcnicas avanadas de refatorao;Execute testes em paralelo (Parallel Testing);Execute remotamente testes nos mais variados dispositivos de uma rede (Teste Distribudo);Execute testes em Containers;Execute testes em dispositivos mveis;Controle verses do projeto de teste;Automatize as principais etapas de uma Integrao Contnua.Soluo completa e gratuita para automatizar testes funcionaisDesenvolvido por profissionais de grandes empresas (Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Opera), o Selenium uma das melhores alternativas para quem pretender automatizar os testes funcionais de projetos web. No toa que foi adotado como principal tecnologia de testes em nuvem (Testing Cloud) de famosas empresas do ramo tais como: BrowserStack, SauceLabs e CrossBrowserTesting.Por ser um projeto Opensource, o usurio no s conta com vrios recursos gratuitos, mas tambm fica livre para aprimor-los e assim criar solues de testes. Contedos e Viso GeralNeste curso, vou te ajudar a criar seu primeiro ambiente de testes automatizados. Comeando primeiramente com uma boa base terica acerca de inovao e automao em testes de software. Em seguida, comearemos a parte prtica, explorando todos os recursos das ferramentas Selenium IDE e Selenium Remote Control.Alm disso, vou te ajudar a dominar as mais avanadas tcnicas e tecnologias de automao de teste com o auxlio do Selenium WebDriver para a linguagem de programao C#. Com base nos conhecimentos adquiridos no curso anterior, daremos continuidade com a construo de um projeto de teste por meio da importao dos scripts. Em seguida, iremos melhorar o cdigo-fonte do projeto com boas prticas de refatorao.O uso de ferramentas e frameworks complementares, tais como: Selenium Grid, Docker e Appium, permitiro que nosso projeto execute remotamente os testes em ambientes de diferentes configuraes, como por exemplo: mquinas virtuais, containers e at mesmo em dispositivos mveis.E seguindo o embalo de metodologias como Agile e DevOps, mostrarei na prtica, como voc (profissional de Teste de Software) pode trabalhar em conjunto com a equipe de desenvolvimento por meio do controle de verses com o versionador Bonobo Git Server e integrao contnua usando o Jenkins."
Price: 114.99 |
"Processo de Automao de Testes Funcionais Com Selenium" |
"Voc iniciante na rea de automao de testes? Anda com pouco tempo para estudar? E est em busca de uma forma simples e rpida de implementar seu primeiro ambiente de testes automatizados?***** SE VOC RESPONDEU SIM PARA TODAS ESSAS PERGUNTAS, ENTO ESSE CURSO PARA VOC! ***** Mais de 7 mil alunos aprendendo o PROCESSO MAIS RPIDO de automao dos testes funcionais para aplicaes web. Suporte em grupo privado do Telegram com mais de 500 membros. Dvidas respondidas em at 24 horas. VEJA O QUE OS NOSSOS ALUNOS ESTO DIZENDO SOBRE O CURSO:""Gratido por ter encontrado o seu curso (o melhor) de Selenium. Seu diferencial principal? Seu SUPORTE! Mantenha-se assim!"" - Marcelo Miranda-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Curso objetivo, claro e com bastante informao. Pra quem precisa aprender sobre o Selenium, esse o curso certo!"" - Anderson Vidal-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""O curso superou as minhas expectativas, gostei bastante"" - Lucas, o Javoso.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Um dos melhores cursos de automao de testes que j assisti."" - Warley Xavier-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""A parte prtica do curso muito boa. :) O instrutor domina o assunto."" - Wagner de MeloUma automao bem sucedida dos testes funcionais consiste em executar as atividades de forma padronizada e organizada.De uma forma dinmica, esse curso proporciona ao aluno, a experincia de passar por todas as etapas que compe um bom processo em automao de testes, usando duas excelentes solues do Selenium: A IDE e a API WebDriver.Soluo completa e gratuita para automatizar testes funcionaisDesenvolvido por profissionais de grandes empresas (Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Opera), o Selenium uma das melhores alternativas para quem pretender automatizar os testes funcionais de projetos web. No toa que foi adotado como principal tecnologia de testes em nuvem (Testing Cloud) de famosas empresas do ramo tais como: BrowserStack, SauceLabs e CrossBrowserTesting.Por ser um projeto Opensource, o usurio no s conta com vrios recursos gratuitos, mas tambm fica livre para aprimor-los e assim criar solues de testes."
Price: 39.99 |
"Functional Testing Automation Process With Selenium" |
"Are you new to testing automation? Are you short of time to study? Are you looking for a simple and fast way to implement your first automated testing environment?***** IF YOU ANSWERED YES FOR ALL THESE QUESTIONS, THEN THAT COURSE IS FOR YOU! ***** Over 6,000 students learning the FASTEST testing automation process for web applications. Questions answered within 24 hours. SEE WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE COURSE:""I took this course I had no Idea what is Selenium and how it works but now I am learning a lot from this course thank you so much, I think my career in automation testing is very bright."" - Nkonzo Mkize-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""this course actually bursh up my skills and it will give great enhancement on my future career."" - Purnima Sachan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""El curso me permiti de una manera clara y precisa poder aprender y colocar en practica pruebas de automatizacin. Excelente lo recomiendo. Gracias Hugo!!"" - Jennyfer Del Castillo-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Es clara la informacin y los ejemplos son prcticos, con el fin de realizar las distintas pruebas en distintos navegadores, agradezco mucho por la dedicacin de brindar un material e informacin con calidad para el aprendizaje de todos."" - Jaime RomeroSuccessful automation of functional testing consists of performing the activities in a standardized and organized way. In a dynamic way, this course provides the student with the experience of going through all the steps that make up a good process in test automation using two excellent Selenium solutions: IDE and the WebDriver API.Complete, free solution to automate functional testingDeveloped by professionals from large companies (Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Opera), Selenium is one of the best alternatives for those who want to automate functional testing of web projects. It is no wonder that it was adopted as the main technology of testing in Cloud (Testing Cloud) of famous companies of the branch such as: BrowserStack, SauceLabs and CrossBrowserTesting.Because it is an Opensource project, the user not only has several free resources, but also is free to improve them and thus create testing solutions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel e Access - Integrao e Manipulao de Dados" |
"O Excel no foi desenvolvido para armazenar dados, mas sim para analis-los! O resultado de se usar o Excel para guardar massa de dados a lentido e o travamento da planilha, mas a soluo muito simples ! Neste curso estarei te ensinando passo a passo de como criar bases de dados externas ao Excel e fazer a integrao dele com essas bases, transformando suas planilhas em ferramentas de Anlises, rpidas e eficazes !"
Price: 84.99 |
"Reconhecimento de Voz e Sintetizao de Fala com Python" |
"indiscutvel que a inteligencia artificial est cada vez mais presente em nossas vidas! E para o programador que deseja ter uma carreira de sucesso, essencial ter o domnio dessas tecnologias! Este curso vem te esclarecer e ensinar o processo de desenvolvimento de duas grandes reas da IA, o reconhecimento de voz a qual encontramos em diversas aplicaes como o Google tradutor, Android, Smart homes, entre outras, e a sintetizao de fala, que tambm est muito presente no nosso dia a dia. Aprenderemos tudo isso criando projetos reais e usaremos a linguagem de programao numero 1 da IA o Python."
Price: 84.99 |
"O INGLS BSICO I Teacher Leandro Cruz um curso de ingls pensado para o aluno brasileiro, sabemos que para se aprender ingls no Brasil paga-se muito caro e nem todas as pessoas tem as mesmas possibilidades de estudar em instituies de qualidade, muito menos fazer aulas particulares com bons professores. Pensando muito sobre essa questo eu decidi criar esse curso online, um curso que pudesse possibilitar e viabilizar o aprendizado de milhares de brasileiros que buscam uma forma de aprender ingls e dessa forma lutar por melhores posies e cargos no mercado de trabalho. Estudantes do ensino mdio e universitrios tambm encontram nesse curso a possibilidade de aprender ingls, interagir com uma cultura diferente e obter maior conhecimento de mundo, j que a maior parte dos livros e artigos cientficos so lanados primeiramente em ingls e muitos acabam nem sendo traduzidos para a nossa lngua.E caso voc queira aprender ingls apenas por lazer e diverso, para curtir a suas musicas e sries favoritas e conseguir entender o que voc est ouvindo e/ou cantando, seja bem vindo, esse curso tambm feito para voc. Eu no sei qual o seu objetivo ou motivao para aprender ingls, mas de uma coisa eu tenho certeza, eu posso te ajudar a percorrer esse caminho te mostrando alguns atalhos que te levaro ao seu sucesso. Teacher Leandro Cruz."
Price: 39.99 |
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Price: 99.99 |