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"Contabilidade para no contadores"
"Use o cdigo de cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto, copie e cole na opo ""aplicar cupom"".D791BD86D92FE5168708Apesar do nome desse curso ser contabilidade para no contadores direcionado tambm estudantes de cincias contbeis, administrao, processos gerenciais, economia e afins, pois vai ajudar a dar uma acelerada no aprendizado do assunto. O curso foi montado de tal modo onde os participantes podero mesmo sem ter feito algum curso anterior de contabilidade, conhecer os aspectos mais importantes da cincia contbil. Nele sero abordados dentre outros tpicos, relatrios contbeis e princpios contbeis, como o curso no para contadores, no foi preciso se atentar a parte de escriturao, mas to somente os conceitos do patrimnio, abordando ativos e os passivos, e princpios contbeis  etc."
Price: 144.99

"Introduo a contabilidade e o direito tributrio bsico"
"Use o cdigo de cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto, copie e cole na opo ""aplicar cupom"".D09B019E9B121EA869EFCurso de contabilidade bsica e intermediria e introduo a legislao tributria. Curso voltado para todos os interessados no assunto, seja alunos de contabilidade, administrao, processos gerenciais, economia e pessoas que trabalham na rea. Nesse curso os alunos iro aprender o bsico da contabilidade, anlise de balanos e DRE, ndices de liquidez do balano patrimonial. Na parte do direito tributrio, ser abordado a legislao tributria na constituio federal e no cdigo tributrio nacional, ser mostrado os princpios e abordado alguns tributos de modo bsico e muitos outros assunto, veja na grade curricular."
Price: 129.99

"Simples Nacional (aprendendo a calcular tributos)"
"Use o cdigo de cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto, copie e cole na opo ""aplicar cupom"".B905BA5E9EAED619F088Nesse curso de Simples Nacional ser apresentado o regime jurdico atualizado conforme as novas regras dadas pela lei 155. Nesse curso iremos aprender o bsico da teoria, conheceremos os anexos, aprenderemos a questo das receitas, diferenciando receitas no mercado interno e externo, aprenderemos a calcular a alquota efetiva etc. Tambm iremos conhecer as atividades permitidas para entrar no simples e aquelas impedidas. No ser um curso de nvel especialista, porm o aluno aprender os aspectos mais importantes do assunto e aquelas que nunca ouviram falar no assunto entendero at calcular os tributos mensais."
Price: 144.99

"Compliance - Conceitos e pilares"
"Nesse curso iremos aprender um pouco desse assunto que cada dia mais vem se destacando nos crculos acadmicos e dos negcios. Compliance no apenas mais um assunto qualquer, a tendncia mundial para combater a corrupo. Hoje o mundo dos negcios repudia qualquer indcio de corrupo em suas relaes com os entes pblicos ou outros entes privados, ningum quer ter o nome de sua marca na imprensa veiculado como pagadora de propina para conseguir contratos, ou compra de polticos, mas no pensemos que a corrupo acontece apenas na relao entre privado-pblico, acontece tambm entre empresas privadas, quando um funcionrio de uma organizao privada vai fazer uma cotao de preos, ali tambm, mesmo que no exista participao de funcionrios pblicos, necessrio tomar cuidado para que no acontea suborno para""facilitar"" a compra. E no adianta pensarmos que tais erros so ""roupa suja que se lava em casa"", a tendncia que nem mesmo nos pequenos negcios particulares, pequenos atos de corrupo sejam tolerados, a corrupo no diz respeito a uma pessoas, mas uma comunidade. A operao lava jato no Brasil veio trazer a tona o quo somos atrasados no combate a corrupo, graas a ela, estamos vendo bons resultados e por isso, o gestor brasileiro bem como o estudante que em breve ser um, deve se atentar a aprender como tratar desse assunto to delicado."
Price: 144.99

"Contabilidade tributria"
"Esse curso atualizado.Obs: Leia a descrio para saber se o curso o que voc busca.O curso abordo:- Teoria da contabilidade tributria- Conceitos e comentrios sobre ISS, ICMS, IRPJ e CSLL.- Lucro presumido - Teoria e clculo de TODOS tributos empresariais- Lucro real - Teoria (LALUR)- Simples nacional - Teoria e clculo dos tributos- Olhe a grade curricular com ateno.- No abordarei ICMS substituio tributria pois j existe muito contedo na internet disponvel.- No ser usado sistema fiscal, pois o objetivo entender o sistema de tributao."
Price: 39.99

"Finanas empresariais"
"Use o cdigo de cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto. Copie e cole na opo ""aplicar cupom"".37ADA260D6970B7C9BD8Nesse curso de finanas empresariais iremos entender dos conceitos mais bsicos do que so finanas, passando pelo intermedirio entendo sobre custo de capital, estrutura de capital, decises de investimentos e financiamentos, at ao mais avanado, quando conheceremos demonstraes contbeis e analisaremos algumas delas como balano patrimonial e demonstrao do resultado do exerccio. O aluno aps o cursos pode-se dizer que no mais um leigo no assunto. um pequeno curso de gesto financeira."
Price: 129.99

"Contabilidade societria basica"
"Sejam bem vindos ao curso de contabilidade societria.A contabilidade societria avalia as leis relativas constituio das sociedades, empresas que devem ser registradas diretamente na Junta Comercial ou cujas pessoas jurdicas devem fazer o registro civil. Essa designao surgiu somente em 2007 com a Lei n. 11.638, que aborda os aspectos contbeis societrios.Nesse curso, iremos ver de modo resumido sem enrolao a mesma grade curricular de um curso de graduao.Sobre o contedo utilizadoIremos usar o manual da contabilidade societria da FIPECAFI, o melhor livro no Brasil sobre o assunto.Apostilas de direito empresarial da FGV.Manual do direito comercial de Fbio Ulhoa."
Price: 129.99

"Contabilidade para no contadores 2.0"
"Use o cdigo de cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto, copie e cole na opo ""aplicar cupom"".E93D44E9074E2C269EBCOBSERVAO: Esse curso no de contabilidade para empreendedores, para pessoas que desejam conhecer profundamente as informaes contbeis de uma empresa, anlises avanadas de demonstraes contbeis e outros elementos avanados de contabilidade.Sobre o cursoJ foi lanado um curso de contabilidade para no contadores aqui, e foi um sucesso, muitos alunos inscritos, nesse curso de contabilidade para no contadores 2.0, abordaremos contedos mais profundos ainda, como anlise de rentabilidade e endividamento, estrutura de capital e muito sobre finanas.Nesse cursos de contabilidade para no contadores 2.0 tambm ser abordado sobre as questes tributrias, onde aprenderemos o que so regimes tributrios, alguns tributos empresariais, e assuntos legais, tais como tipos de empresa e empresrios. Teremos muitos outros assuntos.Da metodologiaIremos os analisar demonstraes contbeis de empresas verdadeiras, reais, durante as aulas, e interpretar tais demonstraes.Gravarei a tela do computador durante o curso, apresentarei textos, nmeros, relatrios etc para os alunos, pois mais importante que o aluno veja mais contedo que o instrutor.Do contedoOs contedos usados nos cursos so de livros e apostilas de autores e universidades de renome, bem como textos e resumos de autoria prpria. Utilizaremos contedos abordados na FGV, FIPECAFI, apostilas do CRCs, livro ""anlise das demonstraes contbeis"" de Jos Carlos Marion, e outros textos que julgamos ser de grande valia.Eu estarei sempre a disposio para tirar suas dvidas caso tenha, sempre que me perguntar algo, responderei o mais breve possvel embasado em normas tcnicas, leis ou livros de especialistas.Desde j, agradeo por ter lido at aqui, e j espero voc para nossas aulas."
Price: 144.99

"Contabilidade e finanas para administradores"
"Use o cdigo de cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto, copie e cole na opo ""aplicar cupom"".FBF519B071F1BC161BADSeja bem-vindo ao curso, recomendo que voc assista como aulas gratuitas para conhecer nossa metodologia e qualidade antes de matricular. Obrigado.J adianto, voc ter 30 dias para reembolso.Esse curso aborda a introduo de finanas corporativas e contabilidade, duas reas bastante importantes em uma empresa.O curso foi construdo de modo lgico, onde o aprendizado um passo a passo e todas as aulas devem ser assistidas na sequncia.Comear abordando questes de finanas, objetivos de finanas, funes financeiras, decises de investimentos, financiamentos e dividendos. Planejamento financeiro de curto prazo e longo prazo etc (veja uma nota curricular).Na seo de contabilidade, estude os conceitos voltados para informaes contbeis, disque iremos ver os itens bsicos de contabilidade, ou o foco j iniciado abordar anlises contnuas.Todas as suas perguntas so respondidas sempre que sua pergunta e tiver disponibilidade (resposta antes de 24h).Recomendo que voc assista como aulas gratuitas para conhecer um pouco da nossa metodologia."
Price: 144.99

"How to stop worrying - learn a smart way."
"*** EXCELLENT! Very helpful executable actions to take. Simple but works!***Do you want to stop wasting your time and energy worrying?Do you know that worry and anxiety destroys your life but for some strange reason you can't stop doing it?Do you want to eliminate stress, worry and anxiety from your life forever?The fact is that  we worry about the past, present and future. We worry about our health, money, relationships. A lot of people suffer from illnesses which aroused  because of worries.So your goal must be to stop worrying once and forever. But how do you do it?Most people try to get rid of stress and anxiety using a wrong approach like alcohol, cigarettes, food especially dessert, drugs.But this behaviour creates only more problems. Which leads to more stress, worry and anxiety. How do I know?I was no different. I started to worry at school. I worried that I wasnt smart enough to finish it, I worried that I wasnt beautiful enough to find myself a wife, I worried that I wont find a well-paid job and would work as a cleaner and on and on...Its hard to live when you have so many worries At a young age I tried to drink beer, wine, vodka so much that the next morning I remembered nothing from the last day, but I worried that my parents will know what I do and will criticise meI took the habit of worrying to the extreme. One morning I woke up in a hospital and noticed a fresh scar on my belly from chest to navel I didnt remember the day before. I started to worry that someone took organs from my body to sell them Because of pain I could not move only to shout, so I shouted as hard as I couldA few days later I have learned that I've fallen out of 13th floor, survived by luck and should lay in a sofa for the next 3 months to restore my body.  Only after two weeks my memory was restored. I remembered that after whole day of drinking beer and wine at the age of 14 feeling stressed and worried I decided to jump out of window.... By luck, I survived and for the last 9 year I studied psychology, philosophy, self-help books and biographies of great people to find out how to stop worry and I found a simple system anyone can use to eliminate stress, worry and anxiety.So what is the smart thing to do?Well, there is a logical method to overcome stress, worry and anxiety.You can learn it in this course.Is that possible to get rid of worry and anxiety?Worry and anxiety are bad habits, it's your reaction to problems real or imagined.   You probably forgot where and how you learned to worry. But right now you can learn a better way of dealing with problems which will enable you to deal with problems effectively without stress, worry and anxiety.You are going to learn:3 steps method to solve any worry in your lifeQuick method to eliminate stress and anxietyShocking method to deal with worryAfter you practice those methods 20-30 times instead using ""worrying approach"" wonderful thing will happen.You will install in yourself a powerful habit of a superior person. You will deal with worries so effectively that you will never worry for long time ever again.. Does it make sense to you?If so, start this course  now."
Price: 24.99

"Make Your First 2D Game with Unity & C# - Beginner Course"
"In this game development course you'll learn how to make your first game using the Unity game engine and the C# programming language.Here is a list of the keys things that you will learn by watching this course : First of all you'll have a very good understanding of the basics of Unity once you've finished this course : you'll know how to navigate its interface, create objects, manipulate those, use the prefab system and lots more.You'll learn all about the C# fundamentals, in other words understand what are variables, functions, arrays, loops, conditionals and a wealth of other key programming tools. You'll also be given challenges so that you don't only copy what we do but gain a much deeper understanding of this amazing programming language.Once we've covered the basics of both Unity and C# we'll create an entire game : Raining Apocalypse ! There we will learn how to make simple game art using a 2D drawing application of your choice like Ps or Gimp, and how to rig and animate your 2D characters in Unity.Create a simple player controller, falling hazards and a spawning system in C#.Learn how to use Unity's UI to make an awesome main menu, game over screen and to display the player's health.Learn how to add cool sounds and music to your game.And of course, publish your game on Itch io for the world to play and enjoy :) !Why learn from us ?Me and my brother created this course to share our passion for making games and help others bring their unique visions to life !We've been teaching aspiring game developers how to use Unity, code with the C# programming language and make game art and animations. Our tutorials have been viewed by thousands and are very popular, every day we get dozens of developers thanking us for helping them out on their own game dev journey ! We've not only made tons of tutorials but we've also created plenty games using Unity, both 2D and 3D !So we know what it's like to create a complete, polished experience from A to Z, and really want to equip you with the right tools and knowledge so you can do the same !"
Price: 74.99

"The Ultimate Guide to making a 2D strategy game in Unity"
"In this game dev course you'll learn how to make a 2D turn by turn strategy game using Unity, C# and Photoshop (or a free alternative).Here is a list of the keys things that you will learn by watching this course: First of all you'll gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to create an entire game from A to Z, from art to programming to sounds to game design! By the end of the course you'll be able to make your very own 2D local multiplayer strategy games, which you can share with family and friends. The game we will bring to life is simple, but will teach you the fundamentals of many tactic/strategy games such as turn by turn systems, attack & defense, moving characters on grid like environments, placing units, gaining resources and more! All with the C# programming language- if you uderstand the basics of coding, then this is the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of those fundamentals (such as functions, arrays, vectors, if statements) and learn extra tips and tricks related to turn by turn games. You'll also learn how to make your own game characters. Starting with sketching, inking and coloring using a 2D art application like Photoshop (but most of what is taught can be done using free alternatives, such as Gimp or Krita).We will also learn how to rig and animate those characters inside of Unity using a simple bone based method. There will also be tutorials on particle effects, sounds, game juice and UI. Everything that is needed to make a game will be covered in well edited, fun, engaging videos. This course will immerse you in the life of a game creator, as you go on an epic journey to bring your visions to life.Why learn from us ?Me and my brother created this course to share our passion for making games and help others bring their unique visions to life!We've been teaching aspiring game developers how to use Unity, code with the C# programming language and make game art and animations for over two years. Our tutorials have been viewed by thousands and are very popular, every day we get dozens of developers thanking us for helping them out on their own game dev journey! We've not only made tons of tutorials but we've also created plenty games using Unity, both 2D and 3D, on Itch io, Newgrounds and Steam.So we know what it's like to create a complete, polished experience from A to Z, and really want to equip you with the right tools and knowledge so you can do the sam !"
Price: 49.99

"Criando um jogo de Infinite Runner na Unreal 4 com blueprint"
"Neste curso usando a Unreal Engine 4.21.1 - Ensino a criar um jogo no estilo Infinite Runner ( Corrida Infinita) usando somente blueprints ( Cdigo grfico). O nosso intuito e demonstrar atravs de seqncia lgicas como os eventos e funes da engine arquitetada de forma correta podem construir jogos de qualidade. Escolhemos este jogo em questo , devido ao fato de podermos recriar varias codificaes partido de um elemento base fazendo apenas as alteraes necessrias o que facilitara que o aluno fixe o contedo com mais facilidade. O curso e aberto a todos os nveis, mas creio que poder ser melhor aproveitado se o aluno tiver noes bsicas de lgica . Pois o nosso foco e no desenvolvimento do jogo em questo usando a Unreal Engine."
Price: 54.99

"Bitcoin, Kripto Para ve Blokzinciri Temelleri"
"Kripto paralara yatrm yapmann en hzl, en kolay ve en ayrntl yolunu renmek ister misiniz? Eer yleyse, Mert tarafndan hazrlanm bu ders tam size gre. Mert'in ayn zamanda kripto paralarla ilgili gncel haberleri paylat bir YouTube kanalda mevcut.Bu kurs, Kripto paralara iin kesin bir rehberdir ve bilmeniz gereken her eyi size retecektir - Bitcoin, Ethereum ve tm Altkoinleri anlamak, gvenli bir czdan oluturmak, Bitcoin ve kripto para borsalarnda herhangi bir kripto paray satn almak iin gerekli btn bilgiler bu kursda mevcuttur."
Price: 199.99

"Practical JUnit 5 : Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5"
"JUnit 5 is the most popular and widely used Java unit testing framework. In this course, you will learn step by step, how to configure and use JUnit 5 testing framework. This course will teach you how to write unit tests with JUnit 5, covering topics like why unit tests are important, the structure of good unit tests, assertions, assumptions and parameterized tests and more.The course consist of following sections - 1. Getting Started and Source code (Github link)2. Introduction to JUnit 5 (Architecture)3. Writing Tests in JUnit 54. Assertions in JUnit 55. Testing Collections6. Testing Performance7. Testing Exceptions8. DisplayName in JUnit 59. Disabling Tests in JUnit 510. Assumptions in JUnit 511. Test Instance Lifecycle12. Parameterized Tests in JUnit 513. Repeated Tests in JUnit 514. Conditional Test Execution in JUnit 515. Dynamic Tests in JUnit 516. JUnit 5 Maven Integrationand many more ..."
Price: 1280.00

"Como elaborar un libro Ilustrado con Adobe InDesign CS6"
"Es un curso prctico de Proyecto, se utilizar el programa Adobe InDesign CS6 para Windows en Ingles, para crear una revista o un libro. Trabajaremos con texto, con muchas imgenes y fotos. Disearemos las portadas y contraportadas. Usaremos un enfoque metdico con los estilos de prrafos, estilos de caracteres y estilos de objetos, y mantendremos todo el material ordenado con una combinacin de cuadrcula de diseo y el uso de pginas maestras. Este curso est constituido por siete (7) clases que cubren la totalidad de lo que deberas aprender del manejo de Adobe InDesign CS6, dando una explicacin detallada paso a paso de las operaciones a seguir en el uso del programa, para lograr al final del curso, el objetivo de la elaboracin del diseo de una revista o un libro ilustrado. del cual crearemos dos versiones, una para Imprimir y otra para Publicacin Digital. Las clases y sus temas son las siguientes:Introduccin del Curso. Duracin 6m 13sClase 1: Espacio de Trabajo, Paneles y Herramientas. Duracin 7m 29sClase2: Creacin y Configuracin de Documento. Duracin 14m 36sClase 3: Pginas Maestras y Reticulado. Duracin 35m 47sClase 4: Integracin y Composicin de Texto. Duracin 1h 2m 53sClase 5: Integracin de Imgenes. Duracin 46m 21sClase 6: Comprobacin Preliminar y Empaquetar. Duracin 26m 56sClase 7: Exportacin e Impresin. Duracin 59m 15sCulminacin del Curso. Duracin 1m 54sLa duracin total del curso incluida la Introduccin y Culminacin es de 4h 21m 27s, y la duracin solo de las siete clases es de 4h 13m 17sAdobe InDesign CS6 es un programa de maquetacin para la edicin de productos multipgina, con gestin de estndares de salida para productos analgicos (impresin de todo tipo de publicacin) y tambin digitales (tabletas, pantallas). Es interesante para adaptar con facilidad las publicaciones para una gran variedad de medidas de pgina, orientaciones y dispositivos. Permite un gran control y versatilidad en el uso de las imgenes y las tipografas."
Price: 19.99

"Leverage Twitter Marketing To Increase Sales & Lead Gen"
"In this course you will learn:- How to set up your Twitter account so it is the face of your business and it is a platform to promote your products and services.- How to segment your audience to optimise your efforts- How to do content marketing (sourcing, managing and monitoring)- How to use #s efficiently to reach potential clients and grow your target audience even if they don't follow you- How to build a database of people that need what you have, increase sales and run campaigns with Twitter- How to run efficient PPC campaigns and lead generation Ads to build faster your LIST and increase sales- How to automate your Twitter efforts- How to automate the growth of your followers and grow them in Auto Pilot- NEW! How to bring traffic and clients in Auto Pilot using Twitter Promote Mode!- NEW Twitter Ads"
Price: 64.99

"Blogging Success Traffic Generation Strategies"
"This is your opportunity to learn how to generate hundreds or thousands of people to your website/blog.This is for anyone with a website not just a blog, as you could put your business in the most visited websites online by just having some articles in your website.This is better than doing Press Releases or Google Ads!In this course you will learn:- How to create and manage easily content for your blog- How to establish your blog as a leader in your niche (Industry)- How to generate thousands of visits a day- How to monetise your blog- Publish your blog articles and promote your blog on the Times, Wired and the biggest blogs online.- The workshop ticket includes:- The access to the live and downloadable recording of the workshop- Skype live chat support for 6 monthsAfter you finish this course you should be able to skyrocket your blog traffic and lead generation."
Price: 99.99

"Android App Development Course"
"Android App Development Course For Every Level of StudentsSo You want to Build Apps ?Then you are right place and you want to build apps at your on time , on your selected place from the comfort of home and you without having to read articles and books and you want see how the professional apps are created.In this course i will teach you from scratch to the Expert and This course will make you  hero from zero. In this course i have taught from the very basic level to the advanced level.You will be able to build real world applications and lead the world with your innovative ideas to apps and you can earn from those apps.Why Learn Android ?There are 2.1 billion Android users and android has 88% of Market share and its growing day by day. Android is Ruling the Mobile World. What is In this Course ?First we will learn java and Object oriented programming concepts and practice them and Once they are ready then i will introduce you to the android development and we will learn the basics. Once are base is strong the we will try making apps and believe i will enable you to build apps like whatsapp, uber, Google News and Mx Player. If you were able to build these apps then no one can stop or come in way of your bright future.Who is this Course for ?Any one who is eager to learn, any one who want to be a successful android developer, any one who want to show the world that he can do it.No Prior Programming Knowledge Required !! i have taught everything you need to know ..The only requirement is will, believe and concentration.Who Am I ?I am a computer science graduate and i am eager to teach since i was in university. I have 3 years of Professional android development course, i have built plenty of android apps but the apps i cannot forgot are Mx Player Clone , Uber and Whatsapp ,Browser.I started learning android 5 years ago when i even did not know programming but within year everything changed so quickly that now i am teaching Android.Its my second course my first course was How to build Mx Player Clone. First course success with over 5000+ happy studentsmotivated me to create this course.Why I Created this Course ? When i started learning android there was no one who was teaching how to create real apps every one just teaching the basic android, No one taking it to the advanced level, No one was sharing the process of creating apps. So i messed my head here and there to build apps and it took lot of time but it polished my skills and motivated me. Then i decided that one day i will create the course that will make the student understand how the professional apps are created and i will share my Experience with the world and final Here I am !!So what are you Waiting For ?Do you want to learn or you want to keep reading and reading !!. Enroll In the course to make your ideas Reality."
Price: 19.99

Price: 19800.00

"--5--1. Q&A 2. 3. 4. pythonpython5. ----"
Price: 19800.00

"Full Stack PHP Router ( MVC - PHP 7 - PHP Router )"
"In the context of a server-side web application, a routing system is the part of the web application that maps an HTTP request to a request handler (function/method). An HTTP request consists of a header and optionally a body. The header contains information about the request for example the method, path and host. Some methods like GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS do not make use of the request body while others like POST, PUT, and PATCH use it to pass data from a client to a server.Using a routing system allows us to structure our application in a better way instead of designating each request to a file.A routing system works by mapping an HTTP request to a request handler based on the request method and path specified in the URL of the request. This is exactly what we are going to build in this tutorial.Who this course is for:Php programmersFans of PHP programming languagethe studentsDevelopers WebsitesDevelopers electronic business sitesProfessional PHP programmingWho aspires to improve PHP language"
Price: 19.99

"MMC Library Interface With PicMicroController (MikroC)"
"Multi Media Card LibraryThe Multi Media Card (MMC) is a Flash memory card standard. MMC cards are currently available in sizes up to and including 32 GB and are used in cellular phones, digital audio players, digital cameras and PDAs. mikroC PRO for PIC provides a library for accessing data on Multi Media Card via SPI communication. This library also supports SD (Secure Digital) and high capacity SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) memory cards .Secure Digital CardSecure Digital (SD) is a Flash memory card standard, based on the older Multi Media Card (MMC) format. SD cards are currently available in sizes of up to and including 2 GB, and are used in digital cameras, digital camcorders, handheld computers, media players, mobile phones, GPS receivers, video games and PDAs.Secure Digital High Capacity CardSDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity, SD 2.0) is an extension of the SD standard which increases card's storage capacity up to 32 GB by using sector addressing instead of byte addressing in the previous SD standard. SDHC cards share the same physical and electrical form factor as older (SD 1.x) cards, allowing SDHC-devices to support both newer SDHC cards and older SD-cards. The current standard limits the maximum capacity of an SDHC card to 32 GB. Important :Routines for file handling can be used only with FAT16 file system.Library functions create and read files from the root directory only.Library functions populate both FAT1 and FAT2 tables when writing to files, but the file data is being read from the FAT1 table only; i.e. there is no recovery if the FAT1 table gets corrupted.If MMC/SD card has Master Boot Record (MBR), the library will work with the first available primary (logical) partition that has non-zero size. If MMC/SD card has Volume Boot Record (i.e. there is only one logical partition and no MBRs), the library works with entire card as a single partition. For more information on MBR, physical and logical drives, primary/secondary partitions and partition tables, please consult other resources, e.g. Wikipedia and similar.Before write operation, make sure you dont overwrite boot or FAT sector as it could make your card on PC or digital camera unreadable. Drive mapping tools, such as Winhex, can be of a great assistance.Library uses SPI module for communication. The user must initialize the appropriate SPI module before using the MMC Library.For MCUs with multiple SPI modules it is possible to initialize all of them and then switch by using the SPI_Set_Active() function. See the SPI Library functions.MMC FAT 16 Library works with PIC18 family only.The SPI module has to be initialized through SPIx_Init_Advanced routine with the following parameters:SPI MasterPrimary prescaler 64Data sampled in the middle of data output timeClock idle lowSerial output data changes on transition form low to high edge Tip : Once the MMC/SD card is initialized, SPI module can be reinitialized at higher a speed. See the Mmc_Init and Mmc_Fat_Init routines."
Price: 19.99

"USB Library Interface With PicMicroController (MikroC)"
"USB Library Interface With PicMicroController (MikroC)USB LibraryUniversal Serial Bus (USB) provides a serial bus standard for connecting a wide variety of devices, including computers, cell phones, game consoles, PDAs, etc.USB Library contains HID routines that support HID class devices, and also the generic routines that can be used with vendor specified drivers.USB HID ClassThe HID class consists primarily of devices that are used by humans to control the operation of computer systems. Typical examples of HID class devices include :Keyboards and pointing devices, for example: standard mouse devices, trackballs, and joysticks.Front-panel controls, for example: knobs, switches, buttons, and sliders.Controls that might be found on devices such as telephones, VCR remote controls, games or simulation devices, for example: data gloves, throttles, steering wheels, and rudder pedals.Devices that may not require human interaction but provide data in a similar format to HID class devices, for example, bar-code readers, thermometers, or voltmeters.Many typical HID class devices include indicators, specialized displays, audio feedback, and force or tactile feedback. Therefore, the HID class definition includes support for various types of output directed to the end user.Descriptor FileEach project based on the USB library should include a descriptor source file which contains vendor id and name, product id and name, report length, and other relevant information. To create a descriptor file, use the integrated USB HID terminal of mikroC PRO for PIC (Tools USB HID Terminal). The default name for descriptor file is USBdsc.c, but you may rename it. Important :The USB library routines have been changed. Please, have this in mind when migrating projects from previous versions of the compiler.Also, this relates to the descriptor source file, so it is necessary to create a new descriptor file in order to make your project work.Library RoutinesHID_EnableHID_ReadHID_WriteHID_DisableUSB_Interrupt_ProcUSB_Polling_ProcGen_EnableGen_ReadGen_WriteHID_EnablePrototypevoid HID_Enable(char *readbuff, char *writebuff);DescriptionEnables USB HID communication.Parametersreadbuff: Read Buffer.writebuff: Write Buffer.These parameters are used for HID communication.ReturnsNothing.RequiresNothing.ExampleHID_Enable(&readbuff,&writebuff);NotesThis function needs to be called before using other routines of USB HID Library."
Price: 19.99

"Programming Advanced MVC PHP 7 From Scratch"
"You have created a framework using PHP programming languageIn this context I have used the advanced MVC method used by large companiesStyle MVCIs an advanced programming style that allows the possibility of separating the templates from the programming code so that it is easy for the programmer when you return to edit the templates or code everythingSo this method is found by a user in the largest international companiesSo I decided to offer a full course in programming and developing this methodWho this course is for:Amateur studentsInterested in earning moneyProgrammers working in the field of web programmingUniversity studentsBeginners and Professionals"
Price: 19.99

"The Face-Reading Masterclass"
"Face Reading is a powerful skill for any person who wants to have strong influential skills. Whether you are naturally shy and introverted or you are the life of the party, Face Reading will significantly improve your ability to be understood. More importantly, it FaceReading helps you to get better clarity and understand what people are actually saying to you and why. The Face Reading Masterclass has been designed for you to rapidly acquire the information to help you implement the skills immediately. Joseph McGuire is a 30-year veteran in Face reading and has applied it as a therapist, counsellor, coach and mentor to CEO's and leaders. Face Reading can be used at home, your social life and any profession that requires strong communication skills, including:NegotiatingRecruitingSellingCounsellingCoachingTherapyMentoringHealth/Medical professionsTeam buildingDecision-makingCustomer or client engagementFace Reading is a 3,000 year old technology, which is even more vital to enhance human communication. During this course, you will learn:How to analyse different facial featuresHow to understand what different facial features mean How to make better decisions by communicating in manner that the other person can comprehendHow to minimise errors in judgment when communicating with peopleHow to understand people's communication styles before they have even spoken"
Price: 99.99

"Going Further With Apple Motion 5"
"Motion 5.4.2 (Latest Version December 2018)I have been training Apple customers Motion 5 for over 10 years at Apple stores in the UK and around the world.Now it's your chance tojoin me in learning ""Going further in Apple Motion 5' So here it is! This course includes lots of great examples of motion graphics 2D& 3D used in real world scenarios.Ideally you will have already watched my previous course in 'Getting Started in Motion 5'Lets Get startedJamesRickards - Apple Pro Certified in Motion 5 and Final Cut X"
Price: 99.99

"Getting Started in macOS : Your Mac Guide Jan 2019"
"ABRANDNEWCOURSEFOR 2019This is the missing manual...Moving over to Mac or just upgrading your Mac can be a daunting experience. In this course I explain the very basics of your Mac Operating system.My aim is to get you up and running without any fuss or unnecessary commentary.What are you waiting for? let's get started!**Mac OS Mojave is the Operating system used (Ver 10.4) - Jan 2019"
Price: 19.99

"Going Further in macOS : Your Mac Guide Jan 2019"
"Welcome to 'Going Further in macOS' In this course we take a look at the Core Applications of your Mac.You will learn how to use dictation, navigate the web using Safari and send emails and much more!Jump in and get to know your Mac a little better!I've been training people to use the Mac for 10 years in Apple stores around the world, I'm a certified Apple trainer and have a huge passion for Apple and everything it has to offer.Let's begin."
Price: 19.99

"Apple Motion 5 : Create Titles for Final Cut X"
"Motion 5.4.2 (Latest Version Jan 2019)Final Cut X 10.4.5 (Latest Version Jan 2019)I have been training Apple customers Motion 5 &Final Cut X for over 10 years at Apple stores in the UK and around the world.Now it's your chance tojoin me in learning ""Motion 5 Titles for Final Cut X : Motion 5 Projects' In this Course I demonstrate the process of building a 3D graphic then go on to animate it and then save the whole project as a Preset for Final Cut X's Title library. Ipromise you haven't seen anything like this on UDEMY It's a first and you won't look back once you start creating your own titles in Motion 5.*** Included in this course is the Motion 5 file which has the 3D title built and animated ****Ideally you will have already watched my previous course in 'Getting Started in Motion 5' &'Going further in Motion 5'Lets Get startedJamesRickards - Apple Pro Certified in Motion 5 and Final Cut X"
Price: 29.99