"FM8 Master Class (How To Use This Plugin)" |
"Confused like John Travolta about what to do with a legendary synth, but you still want to learn the gear that every major producer uses? Then, Welcome to class. In this course Dan Larsson covers all of the functions and features so that you can create your own amazing sounds.MasterIn this first video we will have a quick look at the interface and preset browser. And to wrap it up we will analyze the master page.ArpeggiatorDont be intimidated by the arpeggiator in FM8. While it is exceptionally complex, it is easy to use. Well show you how.EffectsIn this video we will take an in depth look at some of the great effects that the FM8 has to offer.OperatorsThe main strength of the FM8 is the FM algorithms that you can make using the FM matrix. Ready to learn how its done? Lets get to it.EnvelopesThink you really know how to use envelopes? FM8 says, think again.ModulationAside from the FM Matrix, there are also tools to build up some crazy modulations in the Mod Matrix. In this video youll learn how its done and how you can do it.Easy MorphThe most exciting and unique tool in FM8 is without a doubt the morph square and the easy morph tools. Today you will learn how to create some really twisted sounds."
Price: 49.99 |
"Making Neuro / D&B Bass In Ableton" |
"Making a Neuro Bass sound is one of the hardest things to master. Ever feel that despite the millions of ways to go about it, none of them seem to work for you? In this course Dan Larsson opens the doors and sheds some light on this mysterious topic. 1. Video - Neuro SamplerIn out first video we are going to use the Abelton Sampler to make a source sound, add effects, and turn it into a huge growling Neuro Bass.2. Video - Neuro Operator 1Operator is the best tool to create some insane neuro bass lines. In this video we use it to make some sounds that will rumble your kidneys.3. Video - Neuro StabNo DnB song can breathe life without a proper stab. Today we will cover how to create a nice stab that can be applied ,not only to DnB, but many other styles as well.4. Video - Neuro Operator Pt. 2If round 1 didnt prove how powerful Operator is for creating Neuro Bass, welcome to Round 2, as we show you how to generate some amazing and crazy Neuro Bass."
Price: 49.99 |
"Making Dubstep Snare From Scratch (In Ableton)" |
"It doesnt matter what style of music you are into, we all share some common ground. We all love a heavy, hard hitting snare. In this course Dan Larsson instructs us on how to synthesize a legit Dub snare using Ableton Operator. Video 1 - BottomWe will learn the buildup of a synthesized snare and how to make one on our own. We will follow up with the most fundamental part, the bass, or what Dan calls the tummy or the bottom.Video 2 - TransientA transient, or that click, can give your snare sound a real punch, and if you do it right your snare will always cut through the mix. In this video Dan demonstrates 2 ways of synthesizing some exciting transients.Video 3 - TailSynthesizing a snare tail isnt as easy as you may think. While it is a white noise, we need to add some metallic content to it. Abelton Operator is a perfect tool for creating the perfect snare tail.Video 4 - MixWhen all 3 layers come together all we need to do is make some minor adjustments and then glue them together into 1 amazing sound. Also, resampling the snare can make a surprising improvement to your end result."
Price: 29.99 |
"Using And In Music Production" |
"In this series we are going to explore creative ways of using the numbers and as foundation for aesthetically pleasing sounds. Numbers (3,14) and (1,618) are irrational numbers and they are defined by geometric construction. Both numbers express ratios used in many forms of science and art. Phi appears in, the proportions of the human body and other animals, plants, DNA, the solar system, art and architecture, population growth, the stock market, the Bible and in theology and music. Musical frequencies are based on Fibonacci ratios.Notes in the scale of western music are based on natural harmonics that are created by ratios of frequencies. We can consider the octave in terms of cents. Cents are a musical measurement of pitch which divide the octave into 1200 equal parts. This means that 200 cents are equivalent to an equal-tempered whole tone, 100 cents are equivalent to a semitone, 50 cents are equivalent to a quartertone, etc.Video 1 - Organic Synths.The term organic refers to the natural harmonic content of the synth and the characteristics of overtones that give it its signature sound. We are going to use the sequence of numbers to carve frequencies out of pure noise, and then combine them to create a capitative, natural synth patch. Those synths are perfect for many styles of electronic dance music, pop, and commercial music.Video 2 - Ambient Soundscape.In this section, using the geometrical progress of number we can generate ambient sounds that occupy the listener instantly. The design of an aesthetically beautiful sound is a process where calculating additive and subtractive synthesis in terms of this geometrical construction. Similarly, because the human auditory system is designed with the same principles, any sound that carries these attributes is perceived as better. Those sounds can be used in film making, and even advertising.Video 3 - Golden EQ.Every sound needs to be treated differently to fit a mix. Especially the low-mid frequencies are a trouble to identify, and they are the most common reason for a muddy overall mix. With this technique, we can remove these areas using any equalizer, maintain the original dynamics, and achieve a natural result that sweetens percussive sounds and loops. It works on just about any sample and uses a principle of psychoacoustics that can trick the ear into auditioning compression.Video 4 - Pi and Phi.This plugin is a magic touch plugin that uses the numbers and as the name suggests. A ten-band interface covers the spectrum, and lets the user add on any of the selected area. The frequencies selected are given by the number (1.618) and the filters of those areas use (3.141) to achieve the unique sound of this plugin. The plugin is not using measurement units because, due to psychoacoustics, the acoustical energy transmitted is greater than the electrical current affected.The process is achieved by following the geometrical progress of . We are going to use it to enhance an already mastered dance track and bring out the sparkle from another dimension."
Price: 39.99 |
"Adobe Lightroom: Convirtete en un experto en retoque" |
"Adobe Lightroom: Convirtete en un experto en retoqueHoy en da, el dominio de la fotografa no est completo sin los detalles de post-produccin. El retoque digital es tan importante como la toma misma de las fotografas e incluso puede ayudarnos cuando la iluminacin o encuadre de las tomas no salieron como esperado. En este curso aprenders todo sobre Adobe Lightroom, el software utilizado por los mejores fotgrafos profesionales, que te permite organizar, editar y compartir fotografas, para perfeccionar nuestras tomas y as poder subirlas a nuestro portafolio digital.Te ensear todo lo que necesitas para convertirte en un experto del retoque, partiremos desde cero con una introduccin al software e instrucciones para importar tus fotografas por primera vez, abordaremos temas desde el retoque bsico como recorte, filtro y otros ajustes, hasta ediciones ms complejas como el manejo de luces y sombras, correccin de lente y eliminacin de halos y manipulacin del color. A lo largo del curso realizaremos varios ejercicios para prepararnos para Las practicas finales donde editaremos una fotografa de paisaje y una de retrato paso a paso utilizando todos los ajustes y herramientas aprendidas en el curso.Adems, sers capaz de crear tus propios ajustes preestablecidos (presets) para usarlos en proyectos futuros e ir desarrollando tu propia marca personal.Este curso est dirigido a aficionados, fotgrafos profesionales, estudiantes de fotografa y carreras afines interesados en la edicin de fotos, no hay necesidad de tener conocimientos previos sobre Lightroom, ya que empezaremos de cero. Para desarrollar el curso necesitars tener instalado el software Adobe Lightroom (no importa la versiona que tengas) en tu computadora.QU INCLUYE ESTE CURSO?TEMARIOINTRODUCCINQU ES LIGHTROOM?IMPORTACINSELECCINREVELADO BSICO HISTOGRAMAENCUADRETRATAMIENTO DE COLORCURVASHSLCOLORDIVIDIR TONOSDETALLEENFOQUEREDUCCIN DE RUIDOEFECTOSVIETASCORRECCIN DE LENTEFILTROSPINTELFILTRO RADIALFILTRO GRADUADOCALIBRACION DE CAMARAPRCTICA DE EDICINEDICION DE FOTOGRAFIA DE PAISAJEEDICION DE FOTOGRAFIA DE RETRATOPRESETCMO EXPORTAR UN PRESETCMO IMPORTAR UN PRESETCOMO ADAPTAR UN PRESET A CUALQUIER FOTOGRAFACOMO CREAR UN ESTILO PERSONALEXPORTACINCMO EXPORTAR CORRECTAMENTE TUS FOTOGRAFAS PARA IMPRESIN Y COMPARTIR EN DIGITAL Y REDES SOCIALESESPACIO DE COLORPRO Y CONTRAS DE LIGHTROOMMOTIVACINPROMOCIN.QU VAS A LOGRAR CON ESTE CURSO? Al finalizar este curso, sers un experto en Lightroom,tendrs todas lasherramientas y tcnicas necesarias para retocar fotos y crear un portafolio que transmita tu estilo y cause impacto."
Price: 114.99 |
"Retoque Profesional De Fotografa De Retrato" |
"Hola este es el intro de nuestro nuevo curso donde aprenders paso a paso como editar de manera profesional un retrato impactante que no pasara desapercibido en ningn lugar, en este curso aprenders paso a paso como se edita una fotografa desde cero en PortraitPro 18 Estudio para luego pasar por camera RAW donde aprenders algunos truquillos de color y ajustes bsicos para terminar en photoshop con una fotografa casi lista para compartir pero nos detendremos en photoshop para terminar de darle unos toques mgicos y dramticos de color y contraste a nuestra fotografa con la que tendremos la foto hecha para exportar que sera nuestra ultima clase donde aprenderemos como exportar correctamente una fotografa para redes sociales e imprimir sin perdida de calidad.TE VER EN EL CURSO NO TE LO PIERDAS!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Data Science -" |
"This course is in arabic !This course is all you need to start your learning about data science This course is still under construction if you have any comment and recommendation please don't hesitate to contact me :) :)"
Price: 34.99 |
"Lazy Lovers In-Bed Spooning Massage (For Couples ! )" |
"This Short & Sweet, FIRST TIME EVER and One-Of-A-Kind Massage Course for Couples is a true game changer for relationships and Couples Massage !With the""Lazy Lovers In-Bed Spooning Massage, you can transform aching and stress - into Joy. In just 7 to 10 minutes.You don't need a massage table or special chair to give quick, amazing healing AND sensual mini-massages to your partner. Even when you're BOTH tired.These Fun and Easy-To-Learn Techniques can all be performed right in your Lazy Bed.There's a magic healing power in your hands to make your Home World a better Place. This course will show you how. With Tantra / Light Tantric Touch, to Qi-Gong pressure Techniques, rocking and more.So make their day, make them crazy for you, make their heart melt.Click below and join the enjoyment!Beautiful Chillout Music Included.7 minutes to Heaven"
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduo Esteganografia (ocultao de mensagens)" |
"Este curso aborda de maneira didtica o conceito de esteganografia, as tcnicas antigas, as tcnicas modernas, as aplicaes prticas e a relao do tema com as propriedades da segurana da informao (vistas no curso de ""Fundamentos da Segurana da Informao"" - Disciplina 01), alm de exerccios prticos utilizando Windows e Linux.Compreenda a relao da esteganografia com a segurana da informaoApreenda o que esteganografia.Conhea as tcnicas antigas e modernas.Vejas as aplicaes prticas.Entenda a relao da esteganografia com as propriedades da SI.Pratique como ocultar uma informao dentro de outra.Esteja apto a ingressar na prxima disciplina do curso de Formao em Segurana da Informao.Aprimore os seus conhecimentos.Capacite-se.Contedo e Viso Geral Esta disciplina (curso) foi desenvolvida por dois motivos: 1. Fornecer elementos para voc entender de maneira simples, organizada e com clareza do que trata a esteganografia e a sua relao com as propriedades da segurana da informao. 2. Este curso a segunda disciplina de um curso maior, que eu chamo de Formao em Segurana da Informao, onde importante seguir a ordem correta dos cursos (disciplinas) publicados.Aqui, aprenderemos o conceito, as tcnicas antigas, as tcnicas modernas, as aplicaes prticas, a relao com as propriedades da segurana da informao. Teremos videoaulas conceituais e com aplicaes prticas, alm de questionrios e tarefas a serem realizadas."
Price: 84.99 |
"Segurana Digital de Crianas e Adolescentes #01" |
"Este curso aborda de maneira didtica os conceitos bsicos da segurana digital de crianas e adolescentes, os grupos de ameaas, as estratgias de proteo e as polticas de acesso.Segurana digital de crianas e adolescentesConhea os conceitos bsicos para iniciar no assunto da segurana digital de crianas e adolescentes.Conhea as estratgias de proteo.Apreenda como elaborar uma poltica de acesso e diminuir os riscos.Esteja apto a ingressar no prximo curso sobre segurana digital de crianas e adolescentes.Aprimore os seus conhecimentos.Capacite-se."
Price: 54.99 |
"How to use the 12 English verb tenses ELE-INT ESL learners" |
"This 12 English Verb Tenses SparkEnglish e-learning course is designed for Elementary to Intermediate level learners of English (ESL). Every sentence in English requires a verb, and this course shows you how to use the 12 varieties of verb tenses and their aspects. Each tense, albeit past, present, or future, has 4 aspects simple, perfect, continuous, and perfect continuous. This course demonstrates each of the verb tenses, with examples, tests, and bonus course material. There are tasks for you to complete in your free time, and you can watch each lecture as many times as you like because you own the course for life.You are also able to interact with SparkEnglish teachers via the Udemy notice board.SparkEnglish courses are studied by students around the globe. Will you be next?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Jak napisa idealny list motywacyjny" |
"Jeste bezrobotny i szukasz pracy przez duej ni miesic?Wysyasz podanie po podaniu ale wci nie otrzymujesz adnej odpowiedzi?Masz dugi list motywacyjny, ktry starannie dopracowujesz przed wysaniem kadego podania?Albo moe masz 1 list motywacyjny i jedno CV, ktre wysyasz na kade ogoszenie o prace?Czy moe uwaasz, e nie potrzebujesz listu motywacyjnego i wysyasz samo CV?Jeli odpowiedziae tak, na chocia jedno z tych pyta oznacza to, e ograniczasz swoje szanse w dostaniu pracy!List motywacyjny jest kluczow czci procesu rekrutacyjnego. Jeli nie jest napisany odpowiednio, Twoje szanse na zdobycie pracy s sabe.Nazywam si Mateusz i rekrutowaem ludzi na wszelakie stanowiska, od bankierw, poprzez sprzedawcw, a po pracownikw fizycznych, przez co widziaem setki rnych poda o prac. Z dowiadczenia wiem jakie bdy najczciej zostaj popenione w CV i listach motywacyjnych.Z czasem zdaem sobie spraw, e nie ma znaczenia czy osoba ma 30 letnie dowiadczenie, czy jest wieo po szkole. Napisanie listu motywacyjnego i CV moe by nie lada wyzwaniem dla kadego.Wanie dlatego zdecydowaem si na stworzenie tego kursu. Chc pomc poszukujcym prac znalezienie ich wymarzonego stanowiska jak najszybciej to moliwe, ale eby to byo moliwe potrzebujesz zarwno wietne CV, jak i list motywacyjny.Celem listu motywacyjnego jest przekonanie rekrutera eby przeczyta Twoje CV. Celem Twojego CV jest przekonanie rekrutera eby do Ciebie zadzwoni i umwi si z Tob na rozmow rekrutacyjn.Ten kurs skupia si wanie na napisaniu idealnego listu motywacyjnego.Dlatego jeli nie miae dotychczas szczcia w swoim poszukiwaniu pracy, jeli czujesz, e wysyasz podanie po podaniu, kadego tygodnia. Ten kurs moe Ci pomc.Zapisz si ju teraz i dowiedz si jak przygotowa perfekcyjny list motywacyjny w mniej ni godzin!Lepsze podanie o prac znacznie zwiksza Twoje szanse na dostanie pracy. Do zobaczenia na kursie."
Price: 69.99 |
"Naucz si programowania tworzc gr w Python" |
"Umiejtno programowania jest jedn z najwaniejszych umiejtnoci, ktrych moesz si nauczy w XXIw.Komputeryzacja przejmuje wiele dziedzin ycia i prawd jest, e niezalenie od tego co chcesz osign zrozumienie dziaania komputera oraz podstaw programowania bdzie mogo Ci w tym pomc.W tym kursie nauczysz si podstaw programowania w Python, jednym z najbardziej popularnych jzykw programowania, ktry wykorzystywany jest od bankowoci, przez automatyzacje dziaa, na autonomicznych samochodach koczc!Jednak zapisujc si na ten kurs nie bdziesz klepa pustych reguek. Tutaj podwiniesz rkawy i sidziesz za sterami tworzc wasn gr w Python! Uwaam, e praktyczne wykorzystywanie umiejtnoci i podejcie do nauki w ktrym nie tylko jeste biernym suchaczem, ale podasz z kursem na swoim komputerze, tworzc, edytujc i dostosowujc elementy poznane w poszczeglnych lekcjach pozwoli Ci na dugotrwae zapamitanie zdobytej wiedzy oraz wycignicie z tego kursu czego fajnego do pochwalenia si przed znajomymi, czy przyszymi pracodawcami.Do przystpienia do kursu nie potrzebujesz adnej wczeniejszej wiedzy. Wystarczy ch do nauki, troch czasu i komputer na ktrym bdziesz mg poda z programowaniem kolejnych elementw Twojej gry. Oczywicie na wstpie kursu pokae Ci wszystkie niezbdne programy i powiem Ci skd je cign. I nie musisz si obawia dodatkowych opat. Wszystkie s darmowe.Dodatkowo, od momentu zapisania si na kurs bdziesz mie dostp do kontaktu ze mn, gdzie z chci pomog Ci z jakimikolwiek pytaniami, ktre mog pojawi si w Twojej gowie w trakcie, jak rwnie po kursie.Jeli jeszcze zastanawiasz si czy klikn przycisk ""zapisz"" powiem Ci, e kurs objty jest rwnie 30-dniow gwarancj zwrotu pienidzy. Bez adnych dodatkowych pyta. Jeli uznasz, e cokolwiek w tym kursie Ci si nie podoba po prostu oddam Ci za niego pienidze i o nic nie bd pyta. Nie zastanawiaj si duej i zapisz si ju teraz!"
Price: 204.99 |
"Sociedades e Sucesso em Clnicas e Consultrios" |
"Para Udemy:Bem-vindo(a) ao curso Sociedades e Sucesso em Clnicas e ConsultriosO curso visa explorar os mais diversos aspectos societrios com intuito de chamar a ateno dos alunos sobre o que j foi vivenciado em clnicas e consultrios mdicos e, especialmente, sobre as possibilidades que se afiguram para que se possa evitar os problemas mais comuns nesse ramo de atividade.Ele est dividido em 10 conversas e abrange entre outros: a criao e evoluo das sociedades, papis do scio, do mdico (ou dos cirurgies dentistas, fisioterapeutas, psiclogos...) e do gestor no negcio, o processo de tomada de deciso, regras de convvio entre os scios e aspectos da sucesso.No final do curso, o participante que acertar mais do que 50% das perguntas dos questionrios de cada conversa ter o direito de imprimir o certificado reconhecido pela Interact Gesto de Negcios.O curso foi elaborado sob a direo e administrao de Jeanete Herzberg, scia da Interact Gesto de Negcios, autora do livro Sociedade e Sucesso em Clnicas e produzido pela Educere.QUEM DEVE FAZER ESTE CURSO:Mdicos, cirurgies dentistas, psiclogos, fisioterapeutas, fonoaudilogosProfissionais da SadeGestores de Clnicas e Consultrios"
Price: 144.99 |
"Oracle 25" |
"ORCALE 10GexpdpimpdpOracleOracle Data Pump technology enables Very High-Speed movement of data and metadata from one database to another.Very High-Speed1. 2. 3. Database Link4. Remap_schemaRemap_datafileRemap_tablespace5. /IncludeExclude"
Price: 34.99 |
"Oracle 26" |
"LogMiner OracleOracle LogMinerPL/SQLOracle"
Price: 29.99 |
"Oracle 27" |
"Oracle 11gR2 RAC =================================RACDNS1DNS2DNSracnode1racnode21racnode1racnode22racnode1racnode2ASM1racnode12racnode1ASM3racnode2ASMOracle Grid Infrastructure1Oracle Grid Infrastructure2Oracle Grid Infrastructure3Oracle Grid Infrastructure4Oracle Grid InfrastructureOracle DataBase1FRA2Oracle DatabaseDBCAOracle Database 11gR2 RAC"
Price: 54.99 |
NoSQLMongoDB1 |
"MongoDBC++WEBMongoDBjsonbsonMongo ==================MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDBMongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDBMongoDB*Mongo Shell*Mongo Shell*Mongo Shell*MongoDBWebCRUD*insert*find***Aggregation*PipeLine*MapReduce*MapReduce*MapReduceTroubleShooting*********"
Price: 49.99 |
NoSQLMongoDB2 |
"MongoDBC++WEBMongoDBjsonbsonMongo ==================*MongoDB**MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDBMongoDB*MongoDB*WiredTiger*WiredTiger*WiredTiger*WiredTiger*MMAPv1*inMemory*MongoDBJournalMongoDB***MongoDBMongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*Oplog**MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB***MongoDBMongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB*MongoDB"
Price: 49.99 |
"Weblogic Server1" |
"WebLogic Oracle WebLogic Server 11gWeblogic ServerWebLogic WebLogic Server,Weblogic Server ======Weblogic=====**Linux*JDKVNC**J2EEWeblogicWeblogic Server*Weblogic*Weblogic*Weblogic*Weblogic Server******Console*Weblogic Server*******MSI**packunpackJava EE**Web****"
Price: 44.99 |
"Weblogic Server2" |
"Weblogic Server 11gWeblogic ServerWLSTJMSWeblogic ServerWeblogic Server 11g======Weblogic=====WLST*WLST*WLST*WLST*WLST*WLST*WLST*Weblogic*Weblogic*WLST*JDBC*JDBC*JDBC Driver4*JDBC****Weblogic*Weblogic*Weblogic*WLST***MachineWLST** 1NodeManager 2NodeManager 3NodeManager 4NodeManagerJavaJMS*JMS*QueueTopic*WeblogicJMS*Weblogic JMS*Weblogic JMS*JMSJDBC*Apache Kafka**Weblogic*** 1 2WLST 3***WeblogicOPSS***WeblogicWeblogic**SSL*WeblogicSSLWeblogic**Weblogic"
Price: 59.99 |
NoSQLRedis1 |
"Rediskey-valueMemcachedvaluestring()list()set()zset(sorted set --)hashpush/popadd/removeredismemcachedredismaster-slave() =========Redis=========**LinuxGCCMemCached *MemCached*Memcached*MemCached*Memcached*MemcachedJava API*Memcached*Memcached*KeepAlivedMemcachedHARedis*Redis*RedisRedis*RedisRedis*Redis*Redis*RedisJava*Redis*JavaRedis*Redis*JavaRedisRedis*RDB*AOFRedis*Redis**Redis*TwemproxyRedis"
Price: 39.99 |
NoSQLRedis2 |
"Redis ClusterRedisRedis 3.0RedisCluster=====================Redis Cluster*Redis Cluster*Redis ClusterRedis Cluster**ruby*redis-trib*create-cluster*Redis ClusterJavaRedis Cluster*Redis Cluster**Redis Cluster"
Price: 24.99 |
NoSQLRedis3 |
Price: 19.99 |
NoSQLRedis4 |
Price: 19.99 |
Docker1 |
"Docker 2013 dotCloud Google Go Linux Apache 2.0 GitHub Docker dotCloud Docker IncRedhat RHEL6.5 DockerGoogle PaaS Docker Docker Linux LXC LXC Docker Docker"
Price: 69.99 |
"BigData (Hadoop+Spark)1" |
Price: 19.99 |
"BigData (Hadoop+Spark)2" |
Price: 29.99 |
"BigData (Hadoop+Spark)3" |
Price: 39.99 |
"BigData (Hadoop+Spark)4" |
Price: 44.99 |