"Introduction to Business" |
"There are six practice tests in total all related to different business topics. It is a perfect selection of practice tests for business students preparing for their Introduction to Business or related exam. All the relevant material is covered in an organized and practical way. Students are encouraged to review the related terms which are listed before every test in order to get the most out of the practice. Following topics are included:1. Business of today2. Starting and growing a business3. Quality and Competitiveness management4. Human resources5. Marketing 6. Finance"
Price: 24.99 |
"Eletrnica para Iniciantes - Simples e rpido." |
"Curso com o objetivo de explicar as principais grandezas de medidas eltricas, como tenso, corrente e resistncia eltrica, assim como as duas mais famosas leis que regem todos os circuitos eltricos, a Lei de ohm e Lei de kirchhoff, onde sero abordas as principais caractersticas dos circuitos e como as leis no explicam as relaes do circuito.Indicado para profissionais que esto iniciando no mundo da eletricidade e querem saber mais informaes sobre a eletricidade e quais so as frmulas que regram as interaes dos circuitos eltricos."
Price: 84.99 |
"Arduno: Programando C++ do bsico ao avanado com TinkerCad" |
"No treinamento voc aprender os componentes bsicos da eletrnica de maneira simples e rpida, o instrutor responde as questes rapidamente quando surgem. No precisa nenhum conhecimento prvio de eletrnica e programao, isso ser tratado no curso de maneira simples e clara. durante o treinamento o instrutor da dicas das aplicaes dos comandos em todos os quesitos, ento no perca essa oportunidade de aprender a profisso de mais futuro da atualidade."
Price: 69.99 |
"Aprenda circuitos eletrnicos, do simples ao projeto!" |
"O curso foi pensando para resolver justamente essas dvidas que voc mais tem. Como ligo um transistor? Como ligo um LED? Como controlo a velocidade de um motor eltrico?Isso e muito mais sero tratados no nosso treinamento que dividido em 3 sees:A primeira delas visa acessar a plataforma online de simulao e o site do instrutor com as simulaes prontas.A segunda parte trata sobre especificamente de cada componente, como LED, transistor, capacitor, diodo e muito mais, visa entender o funcionamento independente de cada componente.A terceira parte vamos trabalhar em cima de projetos, para estudar como os componentes estudados na segunda parte interagem entre eles para o controle de iluminao, velocidade de motores, teste de circuitos e monitoramento de carga de baterias.Ento, o treinamento foi pensado e voc ter a disposio todo o material e suporte, seja pelos meus contatos ou pela Udemy para o melhor aprendizado, as simulaes prontas e demais suportes sero fornecidos.Est esperando mais, se inscreve e confere l."
Price: 39.99 |
"Um guia de Tecnologias Habilitadoras para a Indstria 4.0" |
"Nesse curso voc ir visualizar as metodologias utilizadas para implantao da indstria 4.0 a sua empresa, quais os impactos positivos que isso ir trazer e como a maneira de produzir e consumir est mudando, entender que se trata mais de uma evoluo que uma revoluo, e descobrir que as tecnologias so de fcil implantao e que diversos conceitos tratados no so novos e como podemos utilizar os mesmos para a aplicao em nossas empresas, alm de todo o suporte do professor, o curso visa uma explicao de todas as suas ramificaes da indstria e que o assunto muito extenso e que vamos ter mais treinamentos especficos visando a implantao de cada uma das tecnologias. Se inscreva agora e fique atualizado no ramo que mais cresce no mundo."
Price: 189.99 |
"Cambodian Language for Travel and Holidays (A1)" |
"Learn Cambodian Language before you go on holiday!Are you planning to go on holiday or travel to an Cambodian speaking country? Are you nervous about speaking to people and making yourself understood? Don't be! This course is here to help you. I've designed this course, Cambodian Language for Travel and Holidays, specifically for people like you. You will learn key words and phrases that will make your trip smooth. We'll also provide you with downloadable pdf file. Once you've finished the course, you should be able to communicate with people with confidence, and hopefully make some friends before you return!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Cambodian Survival Phrases For Beginners: Speak like native" |
"Learn to speak Cambodian as native speakerAre you planning to travel to Cambodia? Are you nervous about speaking to people and making yourself understood? Don't be! This course is here to help you. I've designed this course for beginner foreigners aiming to travel to Cambodia. You will learn key words and phrases that will make your trip smooth. We'll also provide you with downloadable PDF file. Once you've finished the course, you should be able to communicate with people with confidence, and hopefully make some friends before you return!What will you learn from this course:- Speak Cambodian using simple expressions and greetings- Learn to speak Cambodian like native speaker- Make simple sentences, ask questions and have simple conversations in Cambodian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Cambodian (Khmer) Alphabet (,, ...) For Beginners" |
"Khmer is a Mon-Khmer language spoken mainly in Cambodia, and also in Vietnam and Thailand. In 2015 there were about 16 million Khmer speakers in Cambodia, and there were about 1.2 million speakers of the language in Vietnam in 2009. In Thailand a variety of Khmer known as Northern Khmer is spoken by 1.4 million people. This is considered a separate language by some people.This course will teach you all Khmer alphabet such as Consonants, Sub-Consonants, Vowels, How to read, How to write...etc. After you complete this course you will not think Khmer alphabet is difficult anymore.Welcome to learn Khmer alphabet with this course. "
Price: 19.99 |
"Easy Cambodian Grammar For Beginners" |
"With slow and clear explanations, you will learn fast and after watching each video lesson, you will be guided to do some activities to settle down the knowledge you have gained. You will just need to watch the videos and do the activities.Besides, we uploaded PDF documents attached to each video, on which the words used in the video are written.This course is the best fit for the people all around the world, who are learning Cambodian as beginners or intermediate. If you know some basic Cambodian and want to improve your skills, this course will really help you a lot. After watching the videos and doing the activities, you will see the difference in your speaking skill."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Cambodian Conversation For Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to make conversation in Cambodian language. There are 11 lectures in this course that can help you in learning Cambodian as well as when you are in Cambodia for a short time.With slow and clear explanations, you will learn fast and after watching each video lesson, you will be guided to do some activities to settle down the knowledge you have gained. You will just need to watch the videos and do the activities."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Cambodian Vocabulary with Picture (P-1)" |
"In this course you will not learn any sentences but you will learn only Cambodian vocabulary with pictures from various topics. In this course you will see four columns that column 1 is Khmer Alphabet, column 2 is Phonetic, Column 3 is English and the last one is pictures. So this course is really useful for students who want to learn Cambodian words. In this course not only for beginners but also for all levels."
Price: 19.99 |
"Experiencia del Cliente y Herramientas de Gestin" |
"Clientes hay muchos, fieles pocos!En un mundo cada vez ms globalizado y en donde el cliente ha pasado de ser pasivo a co-creador de marcas, las empresas e individuos necesitan ofrecer experiencias memorables, diferenciadoras y personalizadas para que el cliente se convierta en un promotor fiel de la marca.Lograr que el cliente se integre pasa por la gestin de la experiencia en todo el ciclo de vida del cliente y aqu aprenders cmo hacerlo.Algunos de los tpicos ms interesantes que vers en este curso son: El cliente actual. Economa de la experiencia y cmo llegamos all. La experiencia del Cliente / Hechos. El Recorrido del Cliente y herramientas de Medicin / Gestin. El NPS Como sistema de gestin de la experiencia."
Price: 19.99 |
"Brand building for startups: how to win consumer mind?" |
"This brand management course can help your business build a strong brand with a clear unique value proposition in a practical way that will:>>> win consumers' heart by defining key drivers>>> win in competition by being outstanding and differentiated>>> make sure your brand is highly recognized and remembered.FOCUS! FOCUS! This course mainly focuses on building brand equity and perception in consumers' minds and all related to Brand health.The course is divided into 4 sections. Section 1 will introduce the importance of brand, brand building, and the unique value proposition of the course.Section 2 is to define where to play in terms of study. It means what concepts you MUST know and understand clearly to build strong brand equity.Section 3 will show you how to win consumer mind practically. It means how you apply part 2 in the real business rather than just learning theory.Section 4 will show you how to prepare for the launch of the brand practically with a low budget.Who this course is for:Start-up owners who want to find out their way to differentiate their business in the first stageEntrepreneurs getting started with their project and want to know how to manage brand development, brand building, and brand management tasksSmall & Medium enterprises willing to create their brandBrand Managers & Marketing Managers who are challenged to demonstrate the brand asset in business value.StudentsReasons to Believe:Ryan Holmes had 10-year experience in brand strategy, brand development and brand building with leading brands including OMO Detergent (revenue: 250 million EUR in 2013), 0 Degree Green Tea (revenue: 200 million USD in 2015), Number 1 Energy Drink (100 million USD in 2012).He successfully led over 20 new product launches for corporates and 5 new business launches for his own startups.#brandmanagement #branddevelopment #startup #marketing #brandstrategy #marketingstrategy #businessbranding #FMCGmarketing #FMCGbrandmarketing"
Price: 119.99 |
"Teknik Resim ve Makine Meslek Resim iin Zirve Yolu" |
"32 yllk makineci, tasarmc ve 20 yllk Teknik retmenden,Kurs 5 blmden olumaktadr:1.Teknik resim nedir? 2. Elle izimin Altn kurallar 3.SO-E standartlar 4. Makine meslek resmi 5. Makine projesi oluturma ve okumarnek bir montaj tasarmn cad programnda grsel olarak gerekletirirken olmas gerektii gibi resimde gsterilmesi gereken tm yzey ilem ve iaretleri ve toleranslar neden ve nasl sememiz gerektiini ayrntlaryla gsterdikten sonra bunlarla beraber ilgili tasarm projesinin proje resmini nasl oluturmamz gerektiini de birlikte irdeleyeceiz. Hem proje resminde neden ve nasllar zeceiz hem de proje resmini okurken aslnda neleri aramamz gerektiini kefedeceiz.Yeni mezunlarn kabusu ie balarken neyle karlaacaklarn, nasl karlanacaklarn bilememe stresidir. En byk sebebi mesleki eksiklikleridir. Oysa teknik ve mesleki resmi hakkyla bilen kii bilir ki; resmi bilmek mesleki bilgilere de hakim olmak demektir. te o yzden mesleki resim dersini, mesleki bilgi eksikliini giderebilecek bir hocadan renmek tm bu skntlar nemli lde giderecektir.Her teknik meslee zel meslek resmi vardr ve hepsinin temeli de teknik resimdir. Bu meslekler arasndaki zel dil olan teknik resmi adnz gibi bilmeli ve uygulamalsnz. Tm meslek hayatnz ve kariyerinizi belirleyen kriterlerin banda teknik izim okuma ve uygulama beceriniz gelir. Bundan ka sz konusu olamaz. Kurallar tm dnyada geerli ortak bir dildir teknik resim. Gelin bu dili ne kadar biliyoruz bir bakalm...Teknik resim dersinde el ile izim yaparken neden zorlanyoruz? Doru cetvel tutuundan tutun da doru kalem darbelerine kadar el ile izimde baarl olmann altn kurallarn bu kurs iinde bulacaksnz.Teknik izimlerden neleri ne kadar bilmeniz ve uygulayabilmeniz gerektiini kavramak, el ile neden resim izmek zorunda olduunuzu anlamak ve makine meslek resmini renmek iin doru kurs. Btn bunlarn yannda proje resimlerin nasl oluturulduunu ve okunduunu da reneceksiniz."
Price: 169.99 |
"Mastery in Java Web Services in less than 3 hours !" |
"RESTful web services are loosely coupled, lightweight web services that are particularly well suited for creating APIs for clients spread out across the internet. And to build Web services that are lightweight, maintainable, and scalable in nature. A service which is built on the REST architecture is called a RESTful service. The underlying protocol for REST is HTTP, which is the basic web protocol. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. We do have different types of frameworks to Develop Rest API, the following frameworks are widely used for API implementation.Apache CXFJersey, the reference implementation from Sun (now Oracle)RESTeasy, JBoss's implementationRestletWebSphere Application Server from IBM"
Price: 9920.00 |
"Mastery in Python - For Beginners from Zero to Hero !" |
"What is Python?Python is a popular programming language. It was created in 1991 by ""Guido van Rossum"".It is used for:web development (server-side),software development,mathematics purpose,system scripting.What can Python do?Can be used alongside software to create workflows.Can be used on a server to create web applications.can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.Can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.Can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.Why Python?it works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc).Has a simple syntax similar to the English language.Has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages.Runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.Can be treated in a procedural way, an object-orientated way or a functional way.Good to knowThe most recent major version of Python is Python 3, which we shall be using in this tutorial. In this tutorial Python will be written in a text editor. It is possible to write Python in an Integrated Development Environment, such as Thonny, Pycharm, Netbeans or Eclipse which are particularly useful when managing larger collections of Python files.Python Syntax compared to other programming languagesDesigned to for readability, and has some similarities to the English language with influence from mathematics.Uses new lines to complete a command, as opposed to other programming languages which often use semicolons or parentheses.Relies on indentation, using whitespace, to define scope; such as the scope of loops, functions and classes. Other programming languages often use curly-brackets for this purpose.Thanks,Arun Ammasai"
Price: 12480.00 |
"Learn Python in Tamil" |
"What is Python ? . 1991 "" "" . : (-), ,, .What can Python do? . . . . . .Why Python? (, , , ). . . , . , . , .Good to know ?Python Python 3 , . . , Thonny, Pycharm, Netbeans Eclipse .Python Syntax compared to other programming languagesDesigned to for readability, and has some similarities to the English language with influence from mathematics.Uses new lines to complete a command, as opposed to other programming languages which often use semicolons or parentheses.Relies on indentation, using whitespace, to define scope; such as the scope of loops, functions and classes. Other programming languages often use curly-brackets for this purpose.,"
Price: 12480.00 |
"Python from Intermediate to Expert" |
"RequirementsJust need basic Idea about Python programming.This Course guide you to the advance concepts including reference from basic tutorial.Description I will take your through a series of lectures and tutorials on python programming. I'll be teaching how to program using python advanced concepts in easy way.Python is a programminglanguage is well-known for being easy and simple to use, mainly because it allows the programmers to use a method rich in styles, instead of doing in a complex way. It also features the possibility of extending over other customization interfaces. What we are going to Learn in this Course ?Working with Files and DirectoryWorking with different database [Oracle and MySQL]Exception Handling in PythonWhy Use Lambda Functions ?Python DatesPythonJSONPythonRegExThis course is for: Interested in learning python programmingStudents and TeachersEntrepreneurs"
Price: 12800.00 |
"Working With Python and CSV with Oracle Database" |
"I knew it wouldn't take much code to do this, but there was still a little fiddling around and some odd errors along the way. Anyhow if you want to do this here is some helpful tipsFirstly download the latest stable version of Python. Next download and install the cx_Oracle extension, from Oracle official website. You will then need to download and install the Oracle Client ensuring you select the version specific to your installation ie. 10g or 11g etc. You can get the download from here Oracle software downloads.Make sure that you have the ORACLE_HOME variable set and the bin is in your PATH variable, otherwise you will get cx_Oracle DLL load failure messages.If you have a fairly, long complex SQL statement then encase the query within triple single quotes. It works a treat and takes care of new lines without need for you to do any formatting orstring manipulation. Lets StartNote : This Course explicitly for working with CSV, Python and Oracle . Good Luck !!!Thanks,Arun Ammasai"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Stepping into Python Web Services - Flask" |
"RESTful Web Service is an architectural style, where the data or the structural components of a system is described in the form of URI ( Uniform Resource Identifier) and the behaviors are described in terms of methods. The resources can be manipulated using Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations. The communication protocol for REST is HTTP since it suits the architecture requirement of being a stateless communication across the Client and Server.There are many frameworks available in Python for web development, Django and Flask stands out of the crowd being a full stack frameworks. but Django is not preferred for beginners since its bit complicate. I prefer Flask framework since it is very small and easy to learn for beginners."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Lambda with Functional Programming in Java8" |
"This Course basically designed for the people who has knowledge in prior knowledge about java.We will Cover the Followings in this course , LambdasStreamsParallel StreamsOptional New Interface Concepts Here the Sub Topics we are going to cover in this tutorial , 01 About the Course02 Why Java8 03 Java7 vs Java8 Example Part 104 Java7 vs Java8 Example Part 205 What is lambda06 Implement Runnable Using Lambda Expression07 Implement Comparator Using Lambda Expression08 How to install Java Decompiler in Eclipse09 Introduction to Functional Interfaces10 Consumer Interface Part-111 Consumer Interface Part-212 Consumer Interface Part-313 BiConsumer Interface Part 114 BiConsumer Interface Part 215 Predicate Interface Part 116 Predicate Interface Part 217 Predicate Interface Part 318 Predicate Interface Part 419 Function Interface Part 120 Function Interface Part 221 Function Interface Part 322 Unary and Binary Functional Interface23 Supplier Functional Interface24 Method Reference 25 Method Reference and Constructor Reference26 Lambda Local Variable27 Streams Introduction27 Streams Introduction 128 Streams Example Part 129 Streams Example Part 230 Streams Example Part 331 Streams Map Example Part 132 Streams Map Example Part 233 Streams FlatMap Example Part 134 Streams FlatMap Example Part 235 Streams FlatMap Example Part 336 Streams FlatMap Example Part 437 Streams Filter Example38 Streams Reduce Example Part 139 Streams Reduce Example Part 240 Streams Filter Map Reduce Example41 Streams MinBy, MaxBy Example42 Streams Limit Skip Example43 Streams AllMatch, AnyMatchExample44 Streams FindAny , FindFirst Example45 Streams Factory Method Example46 Numeric Stream Example 47 Numeric Stream Factory Method Example 48 Numeric Stream Factory Aggregation Method Example 49 Stream Boxing and UnBoxing Example 50 Numeric Stream Map Example 51 Stream Joining Example52 Stream Mapping and Counting Example53 Stream Summing and Averaging Example54 Stream Grouping By Example Part 155 Stream Grouping By Example Part 256 Stream Partitioning By Example57 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 158 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 259 Sequential vs Parallel Stream Use Case60 Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 160 Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 261 Optional Class Introduction62 Optional Class Example Part 163 Optional Methods Example Part 164 Optional If Present Method Example65 Optional Methods Example Part 266 Optional FlatMap Filter Example67 Interface Default and Static Method Introduction68 Default Method Sort Example69 Default Method Custom Sort Example70 Interface Method and Static Method Example"
Price: 12800.00 |
"Aprenda TypeScript do Zero" |
"O curso tem como objetivo ensinar o desenvolvedor a desenvolver com TypeScript, que uma linguagem muito utilizadas em Frameworks JavaScript como Angular e Vue. O TypeScript veio para facilitar a vida do desenvolvedor que no possui muitos conhecimentos em JavaScript.Nesse curso vc aprender TypeScript forma simples, objetiva e do jeito Certo."
Price: 159.99 |
"US Mortgage" |
"You might be wondering what is US Mortgage? Why it is important? What role it plays in US economy? Why it is important to learn about US Mortgage? Who should learn this domain? Why they should learn this domain? What is the complete life cycle of the Mortgage, right from Origination of the loan to selling the same loan in secondary market, who are the players involved? What all the processes involved? What all the consumer Affairs Laws & Regulations? And Key Terms and Concepts. The US Mortgage in a nutshellLets understand What is US Mortgage in a nutshell? US Mortgage, in this course you going to essentially learn about what is US Mortgage Banking, what all the risks involved in mortgage banking, What all the different types of Mortgages available in market? As fundamentals of US Mortgage.When it comes to Mortgage Production, you will learn about what all the different processes like Loan Origination, Processing, Underwriting, Closing & Funding. Each process again has multiple processes in order to make sure both borrower & lender are in compliance with federal laws. Lets see what we going to learn in Mortgage Servicing. This section of the course will talk about Loan servicing processes such as Cash Management, Investor Accounting & Reporting, Document Custodianship etc. Also, this section of the course will talk about Loan Servicing Players such as Loan Servicers, Trustees, Paying Agents, Primary Custodians, Primary Collateral Trustee etc.Last section of this course is the more exciting one. This section will throw light on Mortgage Secondary Marketing, who are all players, How the Securitization process is structured? What all the government sponsored entities are involved in securitization process? Which are called private conduits and their role in secondary market.So, who are target audiences? This course is meant for someone who wants to build their career as a business analyst, product owner/manager for Mortgage products, This course is for someone who is interested in Mortgage Business as an investor or financier, This course is meant for academicians who wants teach on US Mortgage domain, This course is prepared for all the people who works in the are of US Mortgage, but do not have complete understanding of how the mortgage is originated and finally sold in the secondary market. This course is intended for anyone who is in finance domain.So, at the end of this lesson, you will be able to understand the whole process of Mortgage production right from origination to selling them in secondary market, you will be able to answer all the questions related to US Mortgage, if you are investor in mortgage business, you will be much comfortable in your decisions since the decision you make will be informed decisions. If you are a product owner for a mortgage product, you will be enhanced with additional knowledge of mortgage.So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enroll this course and learn about anatomy of US Mortgage right from its inception to selling the mortgage in secondary market."
Price: 19.99 |
"Concepts of IT Data Warehousing" |
"Lets understand what is Data Warehousing. Data Warehouse is a collection of software tool that help analyze large volumes of unrelated data. The goal is to derive profitable insights from the data. This course covers advance topics like Data Marts, Data Lakes, Schema among-st others.There are various topics you going to learn in this course. Those topics are Database Vs Data Warehouse: Key Differences, Data Warehouse Concepts, Architecture and Components, ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) Process, Must Know Differences between ETL & ELT, what is Data Modelling? What are Conceptual, Logical, & Physical Data Models, what is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing): Cube, Operations & Types, MOLAP (Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing), What's the Difference between OLTP & OLAP? What is Dimensional Model in Data Warehouse, what is Star and Snowflake Schema in Data Warehousing, what is Data Mart, Types & Example of Data Mart, Know the Difference between Data Warehouse & Data Mart, what is Business Intelligence? Definition & Example, Process, Techniques, Tools & Examples of Data Mining, Difference between Data Mining and Data Warehouse, Difference Between Fact Table and Dimension Table, Difference between Information and Data."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Definitivo de Investimentos para Iniciantes" |
"J ensinei mais de 16.000 pessoas e tambm quero te ensinar de forma simples, prtica e segura como se tornar um investidor.***Atualmente este curso ocupa o 3 lugar no ranking de pesquisa por Investimentos na Udemy.***Investir to simples e seguro quanto pagar uma conta pela internet.Quando falamos sobre investimentos as pessoas costumam pensar que algo complexo, demorado ou que necessrio muito dinheiro para comear.Voc vai aprender que justamente o contrrio e que podemos comear com apenas R$30,00.Aps 6 anos de estudos e prticas no mercado financeiro, este curso foi elaborado para o pequeno investidor.Sero apresentadas tcnicas utilizadas por investidores experientes, que so referncias no mercado financeiro.Todos os meus cursos na Udemy j impactaram mais de 16.000 alunos e tambm posso te ajudar!Este curso no indicado para:Quem busca ganhos expressivos no curto prazoInvestidores de nvel intermedirio a avanadoGarantia Total de SatisfaoCaso no gostar do contedo apresentado, voc pode solicitar o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias."
Price: 219.99 |
"Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes" |
"Investir to simples e seguro quanto pagar uma conta pela internet.Quando falamos sobre investimentos as pessoas costumam pensar que algo complexo, demorado ou que necessrio muito dinheiro para comear.Voc vai aprender que justamente o contrrio e que podemos comear com apenas R$30,00.Aps 6 anos de estudos e prticas no mercado financeiro, este curso foi elaborado para o pequeno investidor e ensina de forma simples e prtica como comear a investir em ttulos pblicos atravs do Tesouro Direto.Todos os meus cursos na Udemy j impactaram mais de 16.000 alunos e tambm posso te ajudar!Garantia Total de SatisfaoCaso no gostar do contedo apresentado, voc pode solicitar o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias."
Price: 54.99 |
"Teste Prtico de Investimentos - Nvel Iniciante" |
"Para o processo de aprendizagem fundamental voc realizar atividades prticas.Trouxe questes que temos que resolver ao investir, tenho certeza que voc vai gostar!O objetivo destes exerccios validar o que voc aprendeu nos meus Cursos de Investimentos - Nvel Iniciante.Sero abordados os mdulos abaixo:Introduo a InvestimentosRenda FixaTesouro DiretoFundos de InvestimentosFundos ImobiliriosAes"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Create a Sustainable & Thriving Homeopathy Practice" |
"I wish I had done a course like this before I started my practice 15 years ago. I've learned many lessons over the years and on this course I will be sharing this essential knowledge with you. I will be talking about good therapeutic relationships, creating a welcoming working space, basic business practice, peer support etc. Although this course is directed at Homeopaths there are many ideas that would also really help any Complimentary practitioner. We need to be good practitioners but we also have to be effective at marketing, business and know how to take care of ourselves in the process. Many Homeopaths succeed as Homeopaths but without these other skills they don't sustain in practice. This is a real shame as Homeopathy is amazing and I want to help change this. So please sign on to become a more successful Homeopath."
Price: 44.99 |
"Journey To Healing with Medical Intuition" |
"This course answers some essential questions about what is Medical Intuition and teaches the student how to begin their journey or deepen their experience of becoming a Medical Intuitive. Through the history of Medical Intuition and some theories of what Intuition is, you will gain a context for your own Medical Intuitive development. In this course I will discuss where intuition comes from; a Divine Source, our unconscious or our previously forgotten knowledge? And look at what do some of the great thinkers and philosophers have to say about Intuition. You will learn ways to deepen your Intuitive/psychic abilities in order to help you on your 'journey to health' and I will talk about how I use Medical Intuition in my practice."
Price: 44.99 |
"Sacred Relationships; Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Soul Kin" |
"This course is a comprehensive, inspirational and informative journey into the world of Sacred Relationships. Whether you have had personal experiences of a twin flame, soul mate or soul kin or you are interested in knowing more about them or wanting to find ways of bringing these kind of relationships into your life, this course is for you. I will be looking at the history and social context of these relationships, exploring why and how they happen and offering a mediation to connect with your sacred relationships. As a Psychic Medium I have gathered this knowledge through my own experience and the studies I have been drawn to. This work has enhanced my work as a Psychic Medium as I have deepened my understanding of human soul relationships and how the energy of Spirit contributes to the flow of destiny within which we all live."
Price: 39.99 |