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"Discrete Transforms"
"This course takes a detailed mathematical and also an intuitive graphical approach to learning and understanding the discrete transforms. We start off with a recap of the continuous Fourier Transform and from this we derive the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) then the Discrete Frequency Fourier Transform (DFFT) or as it is commonly known The Fourier Series. We then move onto deriving the Discrete Time and Frequency Transform which is commonly known as The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Finally we look at the mathematics and implementation of an FFT algorithm.If you want a deep mathematical as well as an intuitive grasp of Discrete Transforms then this is the course for you. This is a continuation of the course Fourier and Laplace Transforms. You do not need to have taken the Fourier / Laplace course in order to do this but if may help."
Price: 19.99

"What Is Transformer, Working Principal, Types & Application"
"Transformer working principal and types in this course we were explained all the basics and necessary things about transformer. After completing the course you should able to tell what is transformer, working principal, types and application. We hope youy will like this knowledgeble course very much. According to construction and operating principal transformer has different types such as Distribution Transformer, Power Transformer, Single Phase and Three Phase, Instrument Transformer etc in this course all the types explained in very well manner."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Computer Network Part 1"
"In this course you will be able to learn Fundamentals of Computer Network. Needs, uses of computer network, Defination of Computer Network, How does computer network works?, Disadvantages of computer Network, Advantages of computer network: Sharing of information, Sharing Resources, Centralized management of resource: Managing Software, Maintaining the Network , Backing up of Data."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management - Build Your Million Dollar Team"
"Project managementis the practice of organizing, planning, executing, and assisting in the work load of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria by a specified time. With Project management software and practices, your team will run much smoother. You'll be able to free up more hours of your time and your teams will feel more empowered.If youare readytoproduce more income,free up more time, andbuild a huge TEAMthen I can certainly help you."
Price: 19.99

"For Sale By Owner- How To Sell Your Home On Your Own!"
"How I've Helped Home Owners Save Thousands of Dollars Selling FSBOThe average seller is handing close to $24K to real estate agents on one transaction!Are You Thinking About Selling Your House Without An Agent. Before you do....Listen up!  I've been investing in real estate for 11 years now, I'm a 3x Number 1 Bestselling Author I've been inside and out of thousands of homes around the country! I've been a realtor for 6 Plus years. (Get the Game Changing Best Strategies an agent would give you)Use my best strategies for a smooth pain free sale of your home!Here Is A Preview Of What Youll LearnEstablishing the Right List PriceMaking the Property Look and Feel AttractiveHow and When to Close the DealNegotiating an Acceptable PriceInspection Items to Be Aware OfMuch, much more!BONUS: In the final Lesson I also Include My How To Sell Your Home on your own guide!"
Price: 19.99

"Ingls ao seu alcance Iniciantes"
"O propsito do curso o ensino de ingls da forma mais agradvel possvel, nele voc aprender a construir frases, treinar a leitura de textos, poder praticar a pronncia com a certeza de que finalmente voc est entendendo o to temido ingls. O curso utilizar o portugus apenas para explicao e a cada Section o portugus ir sendo reduzido para que sua experincia seja cada vez mais completa. O curso Ingls ao seu alcance Iniciantes contm aulas tericas sobre gramtica, mas tambm apresenta situaes do dia a dia, para que de forma simples e prazerosa o ingls faa cada vez mais parte de sua vida e sua necessidade seja atendida."
Price: 39.99

"33B/S : Balance SheetP/L : Profit and Loss StatementC/S : Cash Flow Statement3 S/S : Statements of Shareholders' Equity3 253+S/S"
Price: 24000.00

"Os 72 Anjos da Cabala - Guia Prtico de Conexo e Meditao."
"Daqui a um ano, voc vai desejar ter comeado hoje - Karen LumbA Cabala ser o combustvel de nossa aeronave nessa viagem e voc encontrar aqui a base de todo o trabalho cabalstico.Um autntico manual de iluminao, composto por ferramenta cabalstica para sua real transformao e viso espiritual.O curso foi elaborado a partir de obras de mestres, que iro ajud-lo a transformar seu ambiente e a si mesmo de forma eficaz, prevenindo e at curando questes fsicas e emocionais prprias, de amigos e membros da sua famlia.Segundo a Cabala, tudo que manifesto no mundo possui um aspecto fsico e um extrafsico. Uma perspectiva finita e outra infinita. Nossa tarefa buscar esses aspectos infinitos em cada pessoa e situao. O primeiro vulnervel dor e ao sofrimento. J o segundo composto de pura plenitude, um estgio em que no existe mais a insatisfao.A grande questo que somos ns os responsveis por colocar o foco em uma ou outra perspectiva. Em outras palavras, podemos dizer que nosso estado de esprito direcionado no pelos fatos externos, mas sim por onde colocamos o foco de nossa ateno.Assim, se algo me perturba, preciso tirar o foco disso e desviar minha ateno para algo luminoso. Dessa forma podemos nos nutrir e no deixar drenar nossa vitalidade. Esse o grande segredo da paz de esprito.Todas as meditaes e conexes apresentadas so ferramentas que podem ajudar muito nessa direo. Ao colocar o foco nas letras sagradas dos anjos, nas vocalizaes ou na leitura dos salmos, voc pode se permitir tirar seu pensamento de uma situao negativa e coloc-lo em algo genuinamente luminoso.As conexes com os 72 anjos da Cabala so foras essenciais, que funcionam como as turbinas capazes de colocar um avio de centenas de toneladas suspenso no ar. Espero, que todos os ensinamentos e prticas abordados nesta Vdeo Aula tragam muita fora a sua vida. Que o ajudem a lembrar quem voc e o que veio fazer neste planeta.Quanto maiores a dedicao e alegria que o aluno injetar no processo, maiores sero as bnos!Ento, prepare-se voc est a poucos passos de ter uma nova tica da realidade que o cerca."
Price: 39.99

"Orculo Cabalstico - O Poder Oculto das Letras da Cabala"
"Daqui a um ano, voc vai desejar ter comeado hoje - Karen LumbO curso essencial para o aluno que deseja refinar suas prprias capacidades intuitivas, que possa transformar a si mesmo de forma eficaz, prevenindo e at curando questes fsicas e emocionais prprias, de amigos e membros da sua famlia.Seu objetivo abrir acesso direto ao conhecimento universal via smbolo, s chaves dos mais profundos arquivos da conscincia.A prtica da Cabala consiste em nos tornarmos melhores a cada novo dia, como pessoas, como pais, mes, filhos, patres, empregados. um processo contnuo de crescimento em todos os sentidos. Como o cabalista um canal que recebe para compartilhar, ele se aprimora para fazer do mundo um lugar melhor para todos convivermos.Cabala no aquisio de bens, tais como livros e talisms, mas aquisio de valores que possam nos alinhar com o propsito da existncia humana: o retorno unidade, ao bem comum, ao interesse pblico maior do que o particular."
Price: 39.99

"App Kinemaster"
Price: 19.99

"Java Programming for Absolute Beginners ( )"
"Java Programming Computers IT ..; Java"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de word 2016 bsico"
"En este curso de Word 2016 aprenders desde 0, es decir, sin conocimientos previos de la herramienta a utilizarlo.  Vas a encontrar una enseanza muy prctica para que aprendas de la mejor manera y conmigo podamos disfrutar de esta experiencia.Lo particular de este curso es que personalmente me aseguro que mis estudiantes aprendan.  Cmo lo hago?... Haciendo nuevos videos de clases para reforzar lo que no entendieron o profundizar algn tema deseado"
Price: 34.99

"Curso de excel 2016 bsico"
"LO QUE APRENDERSAcceders al programa de diferentes formas.Comprenders el funcionamiento de Excel.Podrs aplicar Excel en tu trabajo o vida personal.Manejars formulas sencillas (Intermedias a Solicitud).Tendrs ms oportunidades laborales.REQUISITOSUn computador con el programa de Microsoft Excel instalado.No se requiere tener conocimiento de la herramienta.El deseo de aprender es lo ms importante.DESCRIPCINEs un Curso sencillo en donde aprenders con ejercicios de la vida cotidiana el uso de esta herramienta.La hoja de clculo de Excel es uno de los programas ms utilizados en hogares y empresas. Tiene una gran cantidad de funciones que facilitan muchas tareas que se realizan con frecuencia en el mercado laboral.Nos centraremos en los fundamentos, para hacer clculos sencillos y prcticos, para cualquier persona que desee empezar a manejar esta herramienta.Para quin es este curso?Personas que nunca han utilizado Excel.Quienes deseen llevar control de ingresos y gastos personales y/o de un negocio."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de edicin de Videos para emprendedores"
"Hola mi nombre es Marlon y soy amante de la tecnologa y el emprendimiento. En este curso aprenders los conceptos y aplicaciones bsicas e intermedias para la edicin de video que pueden ser utilizadas de manera personal, para tu negocio o para un tercero.Lo primero que vas a aprender son los requerimientos bsicos o caractersticas que debes tener en cuenta al momento de comprar tu computador e instalar este programa.Vamos a comenzar con lo ms bsico y no importa si no tienes conocimientos previos del tema, ya que conmigo aprenders desde cero y as como yo, poder vivir de ello."
Price: 54.99

"Assertive Communication: Award-Winning Assertiveness Course"
"THE COMPLETE SELF-ASSERTIVENESS AND COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS MASTER COURSE***********************************************Thousands of thrilled, satisfied students, have taken her courses in 114 countries!Taught by the renowned, licensed psychologist, Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes Ph.D., LPC-MHSP, LMHC ***********************************************The Breakthrough Mastery Course to Become Assertive & Self-Confident, Fast and Easy--Fully GuaranteedLearn Assertiveness Training that Can Transform Your Clients Lives - How To Be More Assertive and Communicate EffectivelyHere, youll get the the tools you need to understand and overcome assertiveness issues that can transform your clients lives.If youre working with people who suffer from the isolation, anger or depression that comes with lacking assertiveness, then this course is for you because well teach you the methods to identify and change their behaviorsquickly and easily.Youll also learn how to identify the root causes of assertiveness issues and explore the difficulties associated with being more assertive. What Causes Problems with Assertiveness?To help understand where each person is coming from, this course helps you identify the root causes of assertiveness issues and how you can communicate your needs more calmly and effectively.The most common causes that we explore in-depth are: Previous punishment when attempting to be assertive Fear of rejection from others The need for external validationLet's Move Forward!We also explore the three major barriers that prevent people from making positive change.The Stress BarrierBecoming assertive is stressful, because you have to change the way you interact with others. The Social BarrierChanging your behavior can be confusing to others, so we need tools to express ourselves even when others may not like it.The Belief BarrierBecause reality is just 10% fact and 90% perception, youll be able to show them step-by-step techniques to transform their entire belief system and invite them to consider new possibilities for their lives and their relationships.Being able to assert yourself and communicate your needs calmly and confidently is the key to successful personal and professional relationships. Best of all, your communication skills can be learned, quickly and easilybecause this course is taught by the expert's expert and structured with you in mind.Discover for yourself how 40 minutes can produce a deep and permanent shift in the quality of your life, because that's all it takes for you to begin to enjoy the benefits of this engaging and dynamic course. The Experts Zone produces courses that are a cut above the rest. All of our educators are recognized leaders in their respective fields, highly trained with Ph.D.s from Ivy League Universities and the worlds top schools. Moreover, each course is produced by an award-winning team of professionals to make sure that you get the most up-to-date research to enhance your skills and advance your careerWe respect your time and what you want to accomplish, which is why all of our courses are tailor-made with you in minda complete PRACTICAL education in about one hour.In fact, youll be able to see the difference right away. All of our courses are preview-enabled right from the first course, so you can see just how we start outwith a bang! Theres no fluff, no repetition, no distracting graphics or impractical examples. Rather, youll enjoy an interesting, fun and engaging presentation chock full of proven, practical tools and strategieswith real-life examples. Perfect for both professional in the helping fieldssuch as, therapists, clergy, psychiatristsas well as the everyday person who wants to enrich their own lives and perhaps even help those around them who may be struggling. Empower yourself today and gain a massive understanding of human behavior... because if youre ready to offer Professional Assertiveness Training, then enroll now and the first life you change, may be your own.Get your education from a REAL PROFESSIONAL with more than 20 YEARS experience and a course that has TOP reviews from students in almost 100 countriesMeet Your Instructor:Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes Ph.D., LPC-MHSP, LMHCRenowned psychotherapist and author of Journey to Recovery: A Comprehensive Guide to Recovery from Addiction and Mental Health Prob,Foundations Recovery Network,Meridian Behavioral Healthcare #bemoreassertive #assertivecommunication #selfconfidence #beingassertive"
Price: 179.99

"The Procrastination Cure: Conquer Procrastination Now"
"If youre tired or starting and stoppingor even struggling to get started, then theres a solution right now for you: THE PROCRASTINATION CURE***********************************************Thousands of thrilled, satisfied students, have taken her courses in 114 countries!Taught by the renowned, licensed psychologist, Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes Ph.D., LPC-MHSP, LMHC ***********************************************Based on award-winning research, youll discover the proven method to overcome the psychological hurdles that keep you from moving forward in your lifeand learn the skills to help your clients and patients to do the same! This means that you can move forward, fast, even when you You Don't Feel Like Doing It"" or wonder What if Im Not Successful? and especially when its just Plain Boring!Discover for yourself how 40 minutes can produce a deep and permanent shift in the quality of your life, because that's all it takes for you to begin to enjoy the benefits of this engaging and dynamic course. The Experts Zone produces courses that are a cut above the rest. All of our educators are recognized leaders in their respective fields, highly trained with Ph.D.s from Ivy League Universities and the worlds top schools. Moreover, each course is produced by an award-winning team of professionals to make sure that you get the most up-to-date research to enhance your skills and advance your careerWe respect your time and what you want to accomplish, which is why all of our courses are tailor-made with you in minda complete PRACTICAL education in about one hour.In fact, youll be able to see the difference right away. All of our courses are preview-enabled right from the first course, so you can see just how we start outwith a bang! Theres no fluff, no repetition, no distracting graphics or impractical examples. Rather, youll enjoy an interesting, fun and engaging presentation chock full of proven, practical tools and strategieswith real-life examples. Perfect for both professional in the helping fieldssuch as, therapists, clergy, psychiatristsas well as the everyday person who wants to enrich their own lives and perhaps even help those around them who may be struggling. Get your education from a REAL PROFESSIONAL with more than 20 YEARS experience and a course that has TOP reviews from students in almost 100 countriesMeet Your Instructor:Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes Ph.D., LPC-MHSP, LMHCRenowned psychotherapist and author of Journey to Recovery: A Comprehensive Guide to Recovery from Addiction and Mental Health Prob,Foundations Recovery Network,Meridian Behavioral Healthcare Empower yourself today and gain a massive understanding of human behavior... because if youre ready to offer The Procrastination Cure, then enroll now and the first life you change, may be your own."
Price: 179.99

"Anlise Tcnica - Guia Essencial ( Anlise Grfica )"
"Objetivos desse curso:  Conhecer os temas mais importantes da Anlise Tcnica para o ambiente Real de mercado. Dominar os Fundamentos da Anlise Grfica para ter sucesso no Day Trade & Swing Trade Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: animaes para facilitar o aprendizado.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao. Veja o contedo completo do curso logo abaixo. Extras:Acesso vitalcio a este curso, sem limites!Tire suas dvidas online diretamente com o instrutor. -- Satisfao: Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias. --"
Price: 114.99

"Day Trade - Dicas & Tticas Pro"
"Objetivo desse curso:  Ensinar contedo especfico de Day Trade para acelerar seu aprendizado.Conhea tcnicas eficazes de Day Trade e tenha Sucesso como Trader. Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: animaes para facilitar o aprendizado.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao. Extras:Acesso vitalcio a este curso, sem limites!Tire suas dvidas online diretamente com o instrutor. -- Satisfao: Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias. --"
Price: 189.99

"Swing Trade - Dicas & Tticas ( Anlise Tcnica )"
"Objetivo desse curso:  Ensinar contedo especfico de Swing Trade para acelerar seus resultados. Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: animaes para facilitar o aprendizado.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao. Extras:Acesso vitalcio a este curso, sem limites!Tire suas dvidas online diretamente com o instrutor. -- Satisfao: Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias. --"
Price: 189.99

"MindSet para Day Trade & Swing Trade ( Anlise Tcnica )"
"Objetivo:  Ensinar contedo especfico sobre Psicologia do Trading para melhorar seus resultados no Day Trade e Swing Trade. Conhea tcnicas de MindSet e melhore sua performance.Entenda porque 80% do sucesso do trader depende do seu MindSet.Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: apresentao com linguagem simples.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao.Extras:Acesso vitalcio a este curso, sem limites!Tire suas dvidas com o instrutor--Satisfao: Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias. --"
Price: 129.99

"Ondas de Elliott - Guia Essencial ( Anlise Tcnica )"
"Objetivo desse curso:  Ensinar passo a passo como utilizar as Ondas de Elliott na prtica.Estratgia eficaz combinando Ondas de Elliott & Price Action. Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: animaes para facilitar o aprendizado.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao. Extras:Acesso vitalcio a este curso, sem limites!Tire suas dvidas online diretamente com o instrutor. -- Satisfao: Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias. --"
Price: 189.99

"Day Trade - Do Bsico ao Avanado Completo"
"Objetivo desse curso:  Tudo que voc precisa saber sobre Day Trading reunido em um nico curso.Guia passo a passo para iniciantes.Aprenda desde a anlise grfica at taticas especficas para day-trade.  utilizado uma plataforma gratis durante o curso. Qual o diferencial desse curso ?1) Autor Experiente ( Trader desde 2007 )2) Didtica: animaes para facilitar o aprendizado.3) Curso objetivo e sem enrolao.--"
Price: 159.99

"Curso o Segredo Pensar!"
"Nesse Curso o que eu vou falar no contedo terico aprendido em sala de aula e sim o que eu apliquei na minha vida e que funciona para qualquer pessoa. Vamos falar sobre o que PRECISO TER para que a vida mude de forma imediata; Vou te mostrar tambm como mudar crenas que aprisionam, ou seja, programaes mentais que nos impede de GANHAR DINHEIRO e viver o melhor da vida; Eu vou te mostrar como conquistar qualquer Sonho e Objetivo na Vida; E muito, muito mais;"
Price: 159.99

"Docker od podstaw - dla programistw i nie tylko"
"Przygotuj si na przyszo zwizan z kontenerami i konteneryzacj.Bez wzgldu na to jakiego jzyka jeste programist niemal pewne jest, e w najbliszej przyszoci w swojej pracy spotkasz si z kontenerami oraz konteneryzacj. Nie czekaj i ju dzi przygotuj si na to co nastpi.Wedug ostatnich bada ju ponad 80% firm wykorzystuje kontenery (Portworx container adoption survey report 2018). Jeszcze w roku 2017 ten wskanik wynosi 58%. Prawdopodobiestwo tego, i dziki znajomoci takich narzdzi jak Docker bdziesz w stanie wypromowa si na rynku pracy jest ogromne a ju w niedugim czasie znajomo omawianych w tym kursie zagadnie bdzie nalee do abecada kadego programisty / inyniera IT.Docker to narzdzie, ktre zrewolucjonizowao rynekCo pewien czas w brany ITzachodzi do rewolucji w podejciu do infrastruktury IT. Kiedy mielimy maszyny typu mainframe, nastpnie nastpia era PCi maszyn fizycznych, pniej pojawia si wirtualizacja a ostatnie lata to boom na rozwizania typu cloud a w wraz z nim dominacja kontenerw. Jeeli jeste programist lub inynierem DevOps zapewne zetkne si z chmur lub Twoja firma planuje wykorzystanie tego typu rozwiza. Bd pionierem i ju teraz zacznij uywa kontenerw w codziennej pracy.Dla kogo jest ten kursKurs przygotowany jest z myl o wszystkich tych, ktrzy chc zacz przygod z Docker-em. Gwny nacisk jest pooony na cz praktyczn i wskazanie co daje Docker w codziennej pracy programisty. Niemniej jednak kurs tumaczy rwnie szersze aspekty Docker-a jak i mechanizmy ktre skadaj si na to narzdzie dziki czemu nie tylko programici mog wykorzysta wiedz zawart w tym kursie.Poznaj Docker-a od podstawKurs poprowadzi Ci od podstaw w ktrych omwione zostan zalety kontenerw, pokazana zostanie architektura Dockera, podstawowe koncepcje i pojcia zwizane z tym narzdziem a nastpnie bdziemy przechodzi do bardziej skomplikowanych tematw.Zapoznasz si z uruchamianiem i monitorowaniem kontenerw. Poznasz jak dziaaj sieci wDockerze i jakie daj korzyci.Nastpnie nauczysz si tworzy i przygotowywa wasne obrazy i poznasz wygod jak daj one w codziennej pracy w zespole programistw. W przypadku jeeli do teraz musiae konfigurowa serwer aplikacyjny przez kilka godzin z wykorzystaniem Docker-a wszystkie te problemy znikn jak za dotkniciem czarodziejskiej rdki.Dowiesz si take jak bezpiecznie zapisywa Twoje dane z kontenerw i gdzie przechowywa wasne obrazy.Do bardziej skomplikowanych celw i jak rwnie do wygody poznasz narzdzie docker compose, ktre znacznie uatwi Twoj pracy w przypadku gdy bdziesz musia przygotowywa rodowisko zoone z wielu kontenerw.Na koniec wska gdzie dalej szuka informacji i dlaczego warto zgbia nadal temat kontenerw.O autorzePrzemysaw Nowak - Software Engineer skupiony gwnie na ""backend developmencie"" oraz kulturze DevOps. Uwielbia automatyzacj i prostot w kodzie. Od ponad 10 lat pracuje z jzykiem Java oraz JVM. Ostatnio coraz wicej z NodeJS oraz Python.Fan Docker-a oraz Kubernetes-a ze wzgldu na prostot, ktr te narzdzia wprowadzaj do wiata mikroserwisw. Od kilku lat pracuje z kontenerami na produkcji."
Price: 219.99

"Chinese language for beginners : Mandarin Chinese HSK1-HSK3"
"In this course you can start learning Chinese language from scratch or refresh it if you have learned it long ago and you have forgotten a lot. You don't need any knowledge of Chinese language to attend the course, but you can be on HSK1 or HSK2 level as well (just skip the parts you already know). We have made this course for people who are looking to learn Mandarin Chinese in a simple and easy way.After you finish the course, you'll be able to manage most communication in Chinese when traveling or living in China.Learn Chinese language with lessons made by real teachers.The course includes HSK1, HSK2 and HSK3.HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or the Chinese Proficiency Test is an international standardized exam which assesses non-native Chinese speakers' Chinese language proficiency. It contains the most common Mandarin Chinese words and sentences. It fits all Chinese language learners, not only people who want to take the exams. You will gain confidence in using most common Chinese language words and phrases learned in this courseHSK1 Course includes 150 words,  Around 200 sentences, 19 conversations and one HSK1 test.HSK2 Course includes 150 words, Around 300 sentences, 17 long conversations and one HSK2 test.HSK3 Course includes 300 words, Around 900 sentences, 25 stories and one HSK3 test.The course includes flashcards which can help you review and practice words and sentences from the lessons in a easy and funny way. We also added downloadable audio for every lesson (so you can keep learning while driving, running etc.) and PDFs. With all these things learning Chinese will be even easier!This course is easy to follow as it is divided into 3 parts:Part 1: learn new Chinese words and sentencesPart 2: learn a conversation or a story Part 3: review and homeworkThe course will help you with:1. Practicing both speaking and listening2. Understanding the most useful Chinese grammar rules3. Learning most useful words and phrases After studying HSK1 course you can understand and use very simple Mandarin Chinese phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further your Chinese language studiesAfter studying HSK level 2 you have an excellent grasp of basic Mandarin Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.After studying HSK3 you can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in your daily, academic and professional life. You can manage most communication in Chinese when traveling or living in ChinaIn the course you don't have to learn Chinese characters, but it's strongly recommended to do it. Lets have some fun and learn Mandarin Chinese together!"
Price: 199.99

"Whatsapp Marketing training Get software increase your sales"
"In this course you will whats-app marketing software which with alot of features and you can advertise your products and business very easily and no cost of sending message.Whatsapp is quickly becoming a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers in a new way. With over 1 Billion active monthly users and one of the most used apps, businesses need to learn the strategies of how to jump on and take advantage of this network. This course teaches you how to leverage the power of Whatsapp to quickly grow, multiply and expand your business! The course has easy to follow case studies and examples that allow you to take immediate action so that you can get started quickly! The course is organized into 8 sections with videos and pdf's that will guide you step-by-step through the lessons. You will complete the course in an hour and be on your way to being a Whatsapp Marketing pro! Don't miss the opportunity to jump on this platform while your competitors aren't there yet! Who this course is for: This course is for any business owner or any marketer who has businesses as clients. This will walk you through step-by-step on how to incorporate Whatsapp into your strategy so you can grow, expand and multiply your business!Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just you need Laptop or andriod phoneWho this course is for:Business ownerFreelancerHome base people"
Price: 19.99

"In 7 Days Get Mini MBA + Diploma in business management"
"GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY EDUCATIONNoted:i am just business consultant and give overview of Mini MBA course but you once you enroll in the Mini MBA so universtivity professor will teach you directly online.Lifestyle has changed and so should education. In a time of movement, flexibility, and information overflow, we are determined to create a new learning experience that meets both your needs and todays business standards. we put you in the center of everything we do. With our expertise in distance learning, we seek to push your career ahead and offer you a high-quality learning experience.All of our courses were designed by business managers, finance experts, graduate economists, political scientists, marketing professionals, project managers, entrepreneurs, and top executives from around the world.The Mini MBA are designed to suit all ages, all academic levels, and all professions. No more classroom attendances or weekly assignments no more limitations. Because you simply know best when and where to study.Highly Keens Mini MBA is the essence of the management tools, which are necessary to perform in a corporate world where knowledge is power and personal development is the key to success. Highly Keens Mini MBA Program allows students to gain the training of procedural and strategic business knowledge and management skills offered in a more convenient manner. Further this program provides students with the opportunity to engage with complex business problems and learn from real-world scenarios through international and local case studies.The Benefits of Highly Keens Mini MBA You will learn practical Business Administration in extremely less time and cost. You will get promotion at job on managerial cadres. As an Entrepreneur and Family Business Owner you can manage your business in more efficient and effective manner through modern business management practices. You will gain knowledge and managerial skills that can be immediately applied to your work, your organization and your career in general. You will increase your ability to think outof-the-box and develop a holistic approach toward your organization. You will increase your self-awareness regarding your personality type, motivational drivers and personal values to set your future life goals. You will be able to develop leadership skills in a more practical way. You will become a part of inspiring and diverse professional network.A mini-MBA can be a wonderful alternative to the traditional MBA and thousands of business leaders are taking advantage of this learning opportunity all over the world. If you are looking for a way to obtain new skills, learn new business tactics, brush up on modern business practices, taking mini-MBA certification course is a right choice for you."
Price: 19.99

"PMP Certification Update 200 Question bank ,MBOK 6th Edition"
"If you purchased this course PMP Exam Prep 2019 : 2 Full Real Exams &Detailed PMP Math you may need to enroll in this course as well! Practice on the most important 200PMP questions (Timed tests).The practice tests are based on PMIs project management framework as explained in thePMBOK Guide, 6th Edition.You can pause the test in between and you are allowed to re-take the test later. Your test will resume from where you left, but the test time will be reduced by the amount of time you've taken in the previous attempt.This simulated PMPExam may be used in several ways. If you take it as a final, you will get a very good idea how you would do if you walked right in to take the PMP Exam. In that way, it can be a very good readiness indicator.The best way to use this exam is to take it again and again, reviewing the answers that go with each question. The answers and explanations will give you insight into the formation of each question and the thought process you should follow to answer it.Practice on 200 highly realistic PMP Exam sample questions that were developed based on the current PMP exam specifications and cover all Knowledge areas of PMBOK 6th.Edition.2 full high-quality real PMP Exams,questions has designed as you will see in the real PMP exam.Each Exam consists of200 questionsto be answered within 4 hours.If you score more than 70% in the Practice Tests,then you have a verygood chance to Pass easily the RealPMPExam.2.How to get every math questions in the real PMPExam correctly.Estimates activity duration and estimate costs and solved examples. Earned value management (Special focuses in EVM For the pmp Exam )Critical path and how to solve the question related (CPM) correctly in the real PMP Exam.All Contracts types and special focuses in the contracts types for the PMP Exam .Special focuses in cost of quality for the pmp exam.Communication channels and solved questions.Risk analysis.Make or buy analysis and how to solve the question correctly in the real pmp exam.Tricks for estimate costs and how to solve them correctly.-So if you are serious about earning your PMPCertificate this course for you. Who this course is for: Project managers who are preparing to PASS their PMI PMP examinationWho are needed to take the PMP Exam.Project managers who want to pass their PMP exam on the first trypeople who are interested in entering the field of project management engineers.Project Managers Planners, Cost Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Project Control Engineers Sr. Managers and Executives All employees working in projects"
Price: 19.99

"Fire Safety Interview Prep Question & Answer"
"If you purchase this course so its will helpful in your job interview because it is prepared by our one high level expert team In course are knowledge from beginner to advance levelWho this course is for: who want pass fire safety job interviewwho want make career in first safety industryafter taking this course you have to confident yourself that you will pass the fire safety job interview."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA-Networks Certification Real Exam Practice Question"
"The objective for this course is to take the exam simulation with real questions for the exam 200-125 and gain confidence for it.After taking this course. Students should be prepared to take the certification exam and pass it. I've included around all real questions for the exam with. You can take this course any time you want.We all know that the Cisco CCNAis one of the most sought after certifications in IT. It's also one of the hardest testing your knowledge and hands-on experience configuring and troubleshooting topics such as:Basics 1 Basics 2 Configuring VLANsAccess Networks Applying IPv4 and IPv6 access listsPhysical Layer Data Link Layer IPSecurityVirtual Private NetworksSMISNMPTelnet 1Telnet 2 Configuring BGP, EIGRP, OSPF and RIPTopologyNetwork ManagementNetwork UtilitiesEthernet MultiplexingDelays and Loss Understanding Cloud Computing modelsNetwork AttacksPhysical MediaOSPFOSPF ConfigurationDatagram NetworksFirewalls Packet Switching & Circuit Switching Securing routers and switchesApplication Layer 1World Wide WebIPv4IPv4 AddressingApplication Layer 2HTTPHTTP & FTPSocket ProgrammingCookiesWeb CachingPacket Forwarding and RoutingSecurity in the Internet FTPSMTP 1SMTP 2DNS Configuring DHCP, DNS and NTPUnderstanding WAN technologies (PPP, HDLC, MPLS)ICMPTransition from IPV4 to IPV6IPV4 and IPV6 ComparisionAnalyzing Subnet MasksDesigning Subnet Masks In order to pass the exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.The CCNA exam currently costs around $300. It consists of around 50 multiple choice questions as well as several hands-on lab scenarios. The pass mark is around 85%. The pass rate is only 50% which means that half of the students taking it walk out of the exam feeling dejected and of course $300 worse off.If you combine practice exams with reading and hands-on lab time you greatly increase your chances of passing the exam. Let me help you by testing you on all the latest CCNA exam topics. I hit you with subjects from all exam areas and for many of the questions I give you explanations and tips to increase your understanding.There are verious practice exams in total, broken into various CCNA syllabus topics. There are over 700 plus exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing. we are been prepping students for their CCNAexams since 200, let me help you too.See you on the inside.Who this course is for:IT students who want to pass their Cisco examsCisco engineers who want to test their knowledgeStudents who want to assess their exam readiness"
Price: 19.99