"Desenvolvedor Web : Criando Servidor cPanel WHM Iniciante" |
"O MELHOR E NICO CURSO DE SERVIDOR EM CLOUD PARA DESENVOLVEDORES WEBCriando servidor em Cloud com cPanel e WHM.Curso para Desenvolvedor Web e Programador PHP.Se voc um Desenvolvedor Web, um Programador PHP ou um estudante que est procurando conceitos tericos e prticos de como criar um servidor VPS do zero, utilizando cPanel, WHM e Cloud, este curso ser ideal para voc.O curso ira proporcionar o conhecimento tcnico, dos Administradores de Servidores, que voc poder usar para criar o seu prprio servidor dedicado, privado ou virtual seja na Amazon Cloud, Google Cloud ou at mesmo na prpria DigitalOcean. Apesar que no curso foi utilizado os recursos da DigitalOcean, a teoria para criar um servidor dedicado, privado ou virtual prprio a mesma em qualquer empresa. As nicas diferenas so os detalhes do painel de controle das empresas, mas pelo lado do servidor fornecido pelas mesmas a teoria a mesma. Tais detalhes podem ser resolvidos utilizado a documentao da empresa desejada e escolhida por voc, exemplo : Na Amazon nos criamos uma instancia EC2 e na DigitalOcean ns criamos Droblets antes de iniciarmos com a instalao e configurao de um servidor linux para rodar nossos sistemas para web e websites que so desenvolvidos em PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, nodeJS e afins.Este curso tem como finalidade, capacitar voc criar o seu prprio servidor e tambm dar algumas ideias do potencial que um Desenvolvedor Web tm quando se tem o conhecimento de Servidores Web.Um exemplo disso voc poder criar a sua prpria hospedagem, agncia digital ou at mesmo franquia digital de hospedagens. E ao invs de pagar um valor muito alto outra empresa por esses servios, voc poder criar o mesmo servio e faturar alto prestando os mesmos servios terceiros.No atual momento do mercado se um profissional da rea de Desenvolvimento Web possuir conhecimentos tericos e prticos sobre servidores, como : criar e saber fazer manuteno. Este profissional ter um diferencial e ser visto como um profissional completo. Porque qualquer Desenvolvedor Web, ou Programador PHP, que desenvolve websites, ou sistemas de web no geral, ter em algum momento que contratar uma hospedagem para jogar o sistema na internet ( rodar online ). E em muitos casos, muitos profissionais enfrentam problemas com suas hospedagens por causa de um mau suporte ou at mesmo por inadimplncia da equipe de suporte da hospedagem. ** Por este motivo, que este curso ser ideal, voc ser o dono do servidor, ter o conhecimento e capacitao em servidores, ter a possibilidade de uma renda extra e ainda ter um grande diferencial no seu curriculum. **Fico na torcida para que goste do curso, preparado para novas e grandes atualizaes do curso. =)Um grande abrao."
Price: 249.99 |
"Desenvolvedor Web : Criando Plugin utilizando jQuery" |
"Este curso dedicado interessados em criar plugin, do zero, utilizando a biblioteca jQuery. comprometido em ensinar os mtodos que visam, de forma conceitual, terico e aplicado, em como criar plugins profissionais utilizando a maior e mais completa biblioteca javascript do mercado.No curso ser visto, comentado e mostrado os seguintes pontos :Conceito sobre jQuery;Conceito sobre plugins do jQuery;Importncia das boas praticas de programao no frontend;Como evitar alguns erros, que muitos comentem;Ser criado a estrutura, do zero, de um plugin com jQuery;Sera criado plugins para firmar os conceitos;O curso visa, de forma conceitual, teoria e aplicada, em como criar plugins profissionais utilizando a maior e mais completa biblioteca javascript do mercado.Hoje, a biblioteca jQuery est presente em 99.99% dos sites, ou aplicaes, no geral no mundo web.Qualquer interao que seja feita com o usurio, certo dizer que est sendo feita por jQuery.Por este motivo, no se pode deixar de lado os conceitos sobre plugins e os mtodos para criar plugins utilizando a biblioteca jQuery."
Price: 144.99 |
"Adobe Audition :Conceitos Bsicos Gravao e Edio de udio" |
"APRENDA OS CONCEITOS BSICOS PARA GRAVAO E EDIO DE UDIO Sei o quanto difcil ter um belssimo material, gravar e no momento da edio...No conseguir tirar todos os rudos e deixar o material produzido com 100% da qualidade desejada.Por este motivo, que neste curso, voc ira aprender, no passo passo, como gravar e assim diminuir os rudos ao mximo. Para quando for editar, este mesmo material produzido, conseguir deixa-lo com um alto padro de qualidade.Instrumentos udio visuais necessrios para obter um bom udio;Acessrios para ajudar na gravao;Instalao e utilizao de plugins para editar no Adobe Audition;Utilizao do Adobe Audition para remover rudos, ecos, clicks, cracklers e nivelar o volume final.Prevenir o Reverb - Eco;Diminuir o Reverb - Eco - na edio; Deixa o volume final padronizado, audvel em todos os aparelhos de play;Voc aprender os conceitos necessrios para obter um excelente udio e assim agradar o seu pblico.Um grande problema, que se encontra muito, a edio forada dos udios, por parte de alguns produtores.Este tipo de edio distorce a voz e assim deixa o udio totalmente ""sujo"" e irreconhecvel.Por este motivo, e outros, que neste curso voc aprender a como tratar o seu udio com profissionalismo e tambm aprender conceitos udio visuais que te ajudara muito em muitas outras edies.Um exemplo de conceito : conceito sobre o comportamento das ondas sonoras que originam o reverb - eco."
Price: 144.99 |
"Desenvolvedor Web : Sistema de Login PHP sem Banco de dados" |
"Sistema de Login em PHP sem Banco de dadosAprenda a criar um Sistema de Login em PHP sem Banco de dados com Notificao !Um sistema que no necessita de banco de dados bem comum e muito utilizado em momentos que no existem muitos usurios e o contedo, da rea restrita, padronizada a todos os usurios.Por exemplo : um sistema de edital de uma pequena empresa que possui 5 colaboradores e 1 chefe.No caso do exemplo, o contedo o mesmo para todos, por ser um sistema de edital, e por isso no h necessidade de criar um sistema de Login com Banco de Dados.Vantagens : voc, como programador, ira economizar tempo na Programao com Linguagem PHP, entregara o projeto muito rpido, consequentemente ira faturar antes do prazo, vai economizar memoria do sistema e principalmente... Vai entregar um Sistema coerente com o tipo do projeto.Por este motivo que muito legal e profissional saber criar um Sistema de Login sem Banco de Dados, utilizando a Linguagem PHP.Criar lgica para verificar os dados de acesso;Analisar e Projetar antes de iniciar qualquer projeto;Enviar informao por um formulrio;Centralizar as configuraes;Criar um pequeno Framework PHP;Utilizar a SESSION PHP;Utilizar ARRAY PHP;Utilizar PASSWORD_HASH;Utilizar PASSWORD_VERIFY;Utilizar FUNCTIONS PHP;Utilizar a REQUISIO POST;Recuperar os valores da REQUISIO POST;Construir SESSION;Destruir SESSION;Conceito bsico MVC;Criar TICKET;"
Price: 144.99 |
"Complete Microsoft Orleans .NET: From Zero to Hero" |
"Are you a student or professional in the field of softwareengineering using .NET and are you ready to disrupt old way of backend development?Time to use Orleans .Net!Orleans is an open source programming framework for .NET, originally built by the eXtreme Computing Group at Microsoft Research that simplifies distributed app development using virtual actors. These are single-threaded objects with their own state, that dont share any memory and communicate by exchanging messages using asynchronous remote procedure calls, that are activated on demand, garbage collected when theyre no longer in use and reactivated seamlessly as required.Because the runtime takes care of activation, cleanup and distributing virtual actors (which Orleans calls grains) across servers, developers can write their code as if it was going to run on a single machine without worrying about concurrency and scale it out to as many servers as necessary.Amazed?Take this course and disrupt the old way of development!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Ethical Hacking:Beginner Guide To Web Application Pentesting" |
"Welcome to the basics of web application hacking where you will learn how to look for security flaws in web applications and how to execute them.We will cover the basics that any beginner should have, you will not have to write any code during this course and Icreated this course keeping in my mind that my students won't have any prior knowledge.You will learn lots:You will learn how to setup your labYou will get comfortable with Kali LinuxYou will find and execute exploits related to web application vulnerabilitiesThat's only the tip of the iceberg, there's still much more to come.This course is made for anyone looking to start educating themselves in web application security and start their career in this field, Web Developers will also understand how these attacks happen and will help improve their security."
Price: 174.99 |
"Marble Effect Nails, made easy!" |
"No matter what level you are, these designs are easy to follow and will teach you new techniques that you can use every day within your salon. If you are already an active nail technician then you will already have most of the tools needed to carry out these techniques. With a video demonstration and downloadable step by step guide for each section you will soon be able to use Blooming Gel, Alcohol Spray and Gel 'Blobs' to create stunning marble effects. These designs are salon friendly and will be sure to impress your clients."
Price: 39.99 |
"Felting class - Golden peacock shawl" |
"Create a Felted Master piece from the First fiber to the Final project! This course is to go deeper into the Art of Felting. To gain knowledge and confidence.To Learn how to draw and paint with fibers. To create a felted master piece.After finishing the class you will be able to create a similar felted shawlThe class will provide you with step by step instructions, demonstrated with video tutorials.A Handout page for reference.Felting skills ."
Price: 69.99 |
"Felting class - Peacock/Gem beads and more" |
"Welcome This video class will expand your knowledge into the Art of Felting.I will share with you How to make pre felt - elements - Peacock beads .The design element can be added into any Felting project and will bring your Felting art from the ordinary to extraordinary one!The only material for this class is merino wool.You can substitute merino wool with any type of wool suitable for felting.If you do not have the materials , we will be happy to provide them for you, or you can order from the wholesale supplier listed on the bonus section."
Price: 49.99 |
"Felting class - Butterfly Poncho" |
"This class is for beginners , as well for Felting artists with some experience.There is some gems for everyone.With the knowledge and skills from this course you will be able to Create Boutique style poncho within a day.There is no sewing - Only fibers, fabrics, soap, water and you!This is a turbo Jump into the art of Felting.Easy, clear and Joyful !See you at class!PS. If you have not taken Felting class one - The foundation of feltingandFelting class two - The foundation of FeltingI highly recommend to do so.There is information about all major felting techniques and Felting stitches.They will give the knowledge to move with confidence into the art of Felting!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Felting class - Flowers" |
"In this class you will learn how to create Three Beautiful flowers.I will share with you my personal designs and approach.After more than ten years experience in this field I developed my personal techniques and very unique approach to any felting project.In this class I will share it you.After the class, you will be able to work in your project with ease, joy and confidence!Enjoy!"
Price: 49.99 |
"A Crash Course in APIs using AWS" |
"What to take your apps to the next level? With this course, we will give you the complete crash course in APIs. We will teach you how APIs are structured, where to find them, how to interface with them, and even how to create your own.Not only will you get familiar with modern web development architectures such as serverless. This video series will teach you the basics of AWS using Lambda, DynamoDB, and APIGateway as a foundation.After finishing this course, not only will you understand everything you need to know about APIs but you will also be able to add serious functionality and features into your existing applications.What are you waiting for?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Simple Idea to Six Figure Deal in Six Weeks" |
"Have you every come up with a good idea for a new product and wished you could turn that product into a pile of cash with next to no effort and next to no cash out of pocket?Everyone has good ideas and were sure youre no different.However, a good idea wont find its way onto the shelf without an easy to follow step-by-step guide.This course will unlock for you the potential of licensing your simple idea to well-known global brands. Licensing is the best kept secret of the millionaire elite, but is truly one of the simplest ways to generate passive income for life.Receive CHEQUES in your mailbox instead of BILLS by licensing your simple IDEAS for PASSIVE income!Consider thisInvestment properties are generally the go to when it comes to generating passive income. However, the minimum you would have to spend to make a good financial return is upwards of $200,000 straight out of your back pocket. On the other hand, licensing your simple idea can be done for less than $1,000 and has the potential to generate more passive income than that $200,000 investment property!Does this sound too good to be true?Its not. Weve done it.In the space of just 6 short weeks we brainstormed a unique idea, spent just $1,000, and licensed our concept to one of the largest novelty product companies in the United States.So What is Licensing for Passive Income in a Nutshell?Licensing allows the stay at home mum, single mum, the full time student, or everyday worker on the 9-5 grind an opportunity to license simple concepts to large companies across the globe in exchange for a cut of every product they sell. Licensing means these global companies will manufacture and market your product to their thousands and thousands of loyal customers.There is a misconception out there that you need an expensive prototype that breaks the bank. We can happily tell you that is not the case. All of our licensed concepts have been achieved with nothing more than a simple idea, a couple of design renders that wowed our licensees and a budget of less than $1,000.In this Course,You'll Learn:How to brainstorm the next BIG ideaHow to SELL your idea to potential licensees with a budget of less than $1,000How to get in the door and get your idea NOTICED by the largest companiesHow to negotiate a WINNING licensing deal that allows you to kick back and receive cheques in the mailHow to LEVERAGE the resources of your licensee to make passive income for many years to comeThere's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enrol today and decide later!"
Price: 149.99 |
"AzureAZ-103 Azure" |
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Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
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"Azure AzureAZ-103AzureAzureAZ-103Windows/Linux) Azure"
Price: 19.99 |
"AzureAZ-103 Azure" |
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Price: 19.99 |
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"Azure AzureAZ-103AzureAZ-103 Azure Active DirectoryAAD Azure AD"
Price: 19.99 |
"L2. HOW TO Attain Financial Freedom." |
"Being possessive has always been tricky. It's even more so in our time. On the other hand, it's more possible than ever for common people. Wealth and income are different issues similar to financial freedom or independence. It could mean anything from being a hunter-gatherer to living cosmopolitan life in a luxurious urban penthouse apartment - and anything in between. A basic skill set is presented to make living your life more with ease. Financial planning is a slightly different field that should be said. My first course was a toolbox course. This a how-to course which is different. There are remaining questions since how to live as an Eskimo is different from how to become a billionaire in the future. The whole point is to liberate yourself which could only be achieved by focusing, having the right frame of mind, being creative, take actions from a state of being, have the right expectations, and allowing it to happen. People often allow failures to happen and don't even recognize it. Don't invite gremlins and crunches. Quitting too early is a typical example. It should also be said that the conclusion could also be that you are already liberated enough, or good enough when it comes to both wealth and income. Always ask yourself, then what? I'm not saying that being a billionaire implies miserable or living in a studio apartment implies bliss. Our own experience is always a mental construct meaning we create it; more or less sheer design. What is necessary could always be argued. Right-sizing is complicated. Always be fully accountable when it comes to your success or failure whatever that means. Have ambitious goals and know-how to achieve them. And fully enjoy this wonderful journey. Always learn and correct the path when necessary.I could guarantee that I would never twist your arm or force you to read one single personal finance book. I'm not going to torture you with seventy hours of video presentations. Neither would I recommend visiting a financial adviser. I'm not going to guarantee financial success, whatever that means. However, I'm going to hand out a certificate of sorts that you are fully prepared to swim with the sharks - whatever that is worth. Always prepare and respond. Don't be reactive when it comes to your personal finance. Always be a realist and relate to the real world as it is. Don't relate to the world as it's described by others. All descriptions are mental constructs to start with. Make your construct how to live a life of financial freedom. Rich or poor is always sheer construct. Starting your day with a few cups of freshly ground Ethiopian coffee beans in the morning means that you are rich by definition; spiced-up oatmeal and a bottle of mineral water is sheer luxury already. Fruits, nuts, berries and other plants are life. You get the picture..."
Price: 19.99 |
"L4. HOW TO Postpone Heart Failure." |
"Getting heart failure could either be a hundred percent lethal or the best thing ever happening to you. I'm not recommending it. All reason to have a precautionary approach. It's a lot more than stress management. Stress and anxiety are synonyms to start with. The terminology is insidious since words like fear, worries, concerns or discomfort are to be preferred. These lists are very actionable. The main rule is either replacement or rejection. Redirection is no drama.There is a convenient toolkit in terms of dietary change that is highly precautionary. You might want to get rid of visceral fat. It's measured by MRI. Diminish both glucose and insulin. Boost vitamin D, minerals like Magnesium and Potassium, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Insulin syndrome is a truly sad global pandemic associated with wealth. Test both insulin and blood glucose, please. The time series tells everything. It describes hunger and how you feel. However, your insulin resistance will drop for sure in case you have worries or discomfort. Stress hormones will mess up both the circulatory-respiratory and neuro-endocrine-gastric system, of course. Your mortality rate will improve a lot if you're neither diabetic nor have hypertension. Oatmeal and whole-grain are underestimated while refined carbohydrates and vegetable oil are unhealthy. Olive is a fruit, and coconuts are drupes which are different. Ultraprocessing is a serious health matter. Your gut is the remedy. Treat it with all respect it deserves. It could be summarized quite simply as an inflammatory environment. Hence, take hefty doses of anti-inflammatory food, drugs and address the causes for the inflammation. A coronary calcium score and CT scan might be helpful to validate what is going on. In terms of TIA - diminished blood flow to the brain, spinal cord and eye - there are three basic mechanisms in terms of embolus, thrombus, and aneurysm. Thrombus stems from atrial fibrillation and is a blood clot - different from plaque. All kinds of arrhythmic difficulties occur as a consequence of electrolyte problems - soon connecting to diet. Angina pectoris is the chest pain that happens because there is insufficient blood flowing to parts of your heart. It occurs when something blocks the arteries or there's a decreased blood flow in the arteries that bring oxygen-rich blood to your heart. It usually goes away quickly. There is a lot of muddy waters and revenue streams in this matter should be remembered. I'm an expert on multi-variate analysis but would never use it in this context. The more specific issue causes and resolution is tricky to predict but probably screams at you even at a very superficial look. However, knowing what you're doing and having faith it will work is always a relief. Make sure you're ecosystem has basic functionality. Addressing those issues is an equal opportunity.It's also a means for becoming more understanding of people around you - particularly older folks for obvious reasons. Always seek and find sympathy, empathy, and respect from other people. Solid personal experience quite obviously. It's supposed to be unscientific. However, the academic level is decent. I'm the reference standing on the shoulders of all the giants so to speak. Practice and academia are equally fascinating. The intention is to provide you with the knowledge and information that I should have had before entering heart failure. There is a lot more information on the fifth course - natural health toolbox. I would recommend taking them together. If you ask me, mindfulness and accountability when it comes to perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and actions are much more profound than dietary changes. However, don't choose between those two toolboxes. Use all tools and toolboxes, of course. On the other hand, fasting on juice and vegetable stock is probably more efficient than both of these. In an emergency, make sure that you have a drink with cayenne pepper. I eat pineapple, beetroot, berries, and nuts as staples. Foods that are rich in nattokinase and rutin are other hacks. Aspirin prevents blood clots to build. Expectations are always paramount. Expect full recovery from food, drinks, and exercise. If you ask me, food and exercise have long-term benefits while as fasting is instant gratification. Ketones are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.All emotions are physiological if you think about it. All the senses are physiological. This means that negative emotions affect the body in a detrimental way and vice versa. The last thing you want is repressed emotions. The simple reason why compassion is sheer literal healing. There are also other remedies like mindfulness when it comes to thoughts, actions, and perceptions. A prudent approach when it comes to needs, motivation, and ability are beneficial. Lifestyle, health, and economy are complicated. It's not linear. More wealth doesn't cause more health or the other way around. What could be said, is that financial stress is very detrimental similar to toxic people and environment. A mindful approach when it comes to functionality, ecology, and culture is thereby very beneficial."
Price: 19.99 |
"L1. Human BEING TOOLBOX." |
"I'm honored to have you onboard on this course! We certainly live in an exciting new world filled with opportunities - if we only grasp them. The path to life fulfillment and quality of life is always a possibility. All we need is compassion and a decent toolbox how to bring it to use. Taking actions from a state of being is a learning curve for most people. Certainly in my case. It took a lot of correction of the path before finding a worthy, decent and civilized lifestyle that works for yours truly. Human existence and having positive emotions take you a long way. Finding what you want to do is secondary. Only perform what you prefer and enjoy what you perform. It's one thing striving to be or have whatever. A whole other matter trying to achieve whatever. Please learn how to turn your back to people in a very friendly and polite way with all due respect. Taking full responsibility, having consciousness and abundance-consciousness are the keys. Silence and having a silent mind is paramount. Another key aspect is to always expect the best while as only preparing for the worst. Always mindfully consider accountability and expectations. Always focus on the solution. Seek and find functionality.I'm not going to twist your arm or force you to read any book. I'm not even going to torture you with seventy hours of video presentations. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Life is easy if we live in the present. Living in the past is complicated and should probably be avoided. Make sure you have positive emotions about the past. Living in the future is unhealthy - probably meaning that you aren't living at all. Scripting your life is a slightly different approach which usually works. Be clear about your short-term intentions. Making life simple and taking simple actions from a state of being works. Simple or sophisticated when it comes to the human being is sheer (social) construction. However, it makes life super-interesting and worth living. Always live and let live. Don't compare yourself to others.The most important aspect of this course is the expedient tools. It's not a skill set. I'm not going to tell you how to fill-in-the-blank. I'm consequently ignoring relations and intimacy similar to both success or failure. There are a few assignments that are supposed to present a call for action. It's pointless to perform assignments unless you know the purpose in the first place. Life is a pleasure - if the path is reasonably right. If you find yourself in the wrong place, there is all reason to be optimistic and correct it with a few simple actions. Always enjoy and feel grateful for what is - as it is."
Price: 19.99 |
"L3. Knowledge TOOLBOX." |
"Having consciousness and knowledge is tricky in our time of information overload. It doesn't have to imply cognitive load or a stressful health hazard. It might be a walk in the park - in case you know what you are doing. All it takes is a mindful approach. The best tool might well be a decent pair of an over-ear headset to cancel out the noise. Everyone could do that.This course is super-deceptive since epistemology is rocket science philosophy. The science is very cumbersome. It could be argued that epistemology shouldn't even be considered. However, these matters are needed to get somewhere with digitization and knowledge management. They are sometimes forced ignorance and delusions rather. The reasons aren't always obvious unless you have a trained eye for epistemology. Machine learning and information architecture are rocket science AI. There is a fantastic job market for IA people. Try to view the world in terms of leverage of datasets as an experiment if you're prepared for the digital age. Reasonably actionable and hands-on. If you want to spare yourself some conundrum, skip beliefs, opinions, and truths and jump straight to knowledge. Know-that are sometimes neglected and sometimes totally over-emphasized. We all need a list of facts now and then. Don't buy the narratives, or other constructs, without questioning. Socratic reasoning might sometimes be necessary but don't take it to extremes, please.It should also be said that the most important knowledge is knowing what you don't know and how to acquire that information - if and when needed. Don't seek abundance when it comes to knowledge. Possibly, seek abundance when it comes to wisdom which is a whole other matter. Faith is a type of knowledge. Have absolute faith in both your ability as well as the ability of your squad."
Price: 19.99 |
"L5. Natural Health TOOLBOX." |
"Natural healthcare couldn't be considered alternative medicine. It's the primary healthcare that should always be considered. Even if you already have some kind of illness, ordinary medical treatment is still secondary. There is a common practice to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. Take a close look at diet and sleep first of all. Toxins could mean a lot. It prevents healing. Synonymous with inflammations which are the leading cause of most lethal diseases. Lots of matters are toxic and inflammatory such as excess carbohydrates. I'm not saying that alternative medicine is to be considered either inferior or superior. I'm agnostic when it comes to the medical profession. Don't expect any reviews in this matter.Everybody knows that a prudent balance of all the necessary food and drinks is needed to stay healthy. However, there are various levels of healthy food. Unfortunately, science is complicated and controversial. Furthermore, it's not possible to specify what each of us should eat. Everybody is very special. A fair amount of trial and error is needed. I'm vegan, practice dry fasting and sometimes time-restricted fasting. My recommendation is to try seventeen to nineteen hours of dry fasting for a lot of health issues. It's a very effective means of healing your body. Another important aspect is that food and drinks add quality of life. A literal appetite typically means an appetite to live your life to the fullest. Make sure that you seek and find hedonism.As I mentioned in the fourth course - how to postpone heart failure, I consider accountability and mindfulness when it comes to thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and actions the primary cure. Still, mean that dietary changes are very profound. I would recommend taking these two courses together. High-quality diet, social and emotional hygiene usually work in conjunction and vice versa. Use all tools and toolboxes - if and when needed. Another irony is that fasting on juice and vegetable stock is probably more efficient than both of these. Fasting is controversy should be mentioned. I'm not going to twist your arm to perform anything. It's a toolbox. Perform what you consider best for you. Don't forget to experiment. Have an open mind."
Price: 19.99 |
"Python - Introduccin a la programacin" |
"Adntrate en el mundo de la programacin con Python. Aprende las bases de la programacin y crea tus primeras aplicaciones con este curso. Python es el lenguaje de programacin con mayor crecimiento en los ltimos aos y con mejores expectativas de futuro.Despus de terminar este curso, podrs enfocarte en las diferentes ramas de la programacin, ya que Python se utiliza en muchos campos como:-Desarrollo web.- Big Data.- Hacking.- Inteligencia artificial.- Aplicaciones mviles.- Juegos"
Price: 34.99 |
"Fundamentals of Social Media" |
"After years of building my own businesses and selling products, I made the decision to start my own media marketing business. The reason was of how the industry runs itself. So many people get the old information, people get charged way too much and overall people are not marketing to how the world should be.I designed this video course to teach you what I would teach a client in one of my consultations. I want to help you open your mind about social media and start running social media with a higher understanding of the do's and don'ts.This course will give you the understanding to build your own business or brand over social media and also the chance to do it the way that you want to do it."
Price: 49.99 |
"Airplane Engineering From Zero to 100" |
"In this Course, We tried to talk about all the Components of the plane's details and how it functions in different parts of it from the time it is Takeoffuntil it is Landing and explain about the function of the engines , airfoils , rudder and anything else about the entire plane"
Price: 34.99 |
"Solar Heat Exchanger" |
"This course takes an application-led approach which will guide you through an entire buyout valuation model for a newly operational solar planet .You'll take a comprehensive a approach learning the business & risk fundamentals of solar power plants' business, including how to find relevant information in technical engineering reports.You won't just be taught how to build a solar collector model - you'll learn how to use it ."
Price: 19.99 |
ukulele-walk-down-chord-progressions |
"Ukulele walk down chord progression ( ) Walk down chord progression ? C KEY Example : l C G/B l Am7 C/G l F C/E l Dm7 F/G l ? Chord 4th progression , semitone walk down Walk down progression , By : Daniel Leo ( The founder of D Leo music Academy )"
Price: 19.99 |
"Practitioner in Business Analysis" |
"This course will equip you with the fundamental understanding of business analysis. You will learn how to identify and analyze complex business problems. Who are stakeholders, how to identify, analyze and manage them. About different types of SDLC. How to write user stories, create use cases and wireframes. How to elicit requirements and different techniques you can use."
Price: 199.99 |
"Agile Scrum Fundamentals + Scrum Master Exam prep" |
"Scrum is the most widely used agile framework and this course provides you with a complete understanding of how scrum works, what are the roles, artifacts, events and metrics of scrum and how to get a scrum master certification.Everything on this course is based on the Scrum guide so you are learning all the accurate facts. This course also includes quizzes after each chapter and plenty of practice questions at the end of it to prepare you well for the CSM Certification Exam."
Price: 199.99 |