"Cmo crear hbitos de lectura en los nios." |
"Un mundo mgico se abre ante sus ojos, su imaginacin vuela a lugares insospechados. Cierra el libro, lo coloca a un lado y comienza a contarte, con emocin, todo lo ledo. Lo escuchas, sonres, de vez en cuando insertas una pregunta. l se explaya cada vez en la explicacin y el lenguaje que utiliza es muy elocuente para su edad. Te sientes orgulloso de l, de ti. Si esta imagen te motiva, has llegado al lugar adecuado. Este curso te ayudar a conseguirla; te guiar, paso a paso, para formar el hbito de lectura en tu nio o nia.No solo se trata de los numerosos beneficios que trae la lectura para una persona, sino de lo triste que resulta haberse perdido ese regalo por parte de la vida. Es un hbito que, por lo general, solo se enraza cuando se inicia desde las primeras edades y nunca debe ser forzado, sino que debe fluir naturalmente. Con este curso, vamos a lograrlo.As que no esperes ms. El futuro de tu pequeo te espera. Smate al curso y comienza a construirlo!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Cmo crear tu negocio online y ser tu propio jefe." |
"Me encanta trabajar desde casa! Me encanta trabajar online! Me encanta sentirme libre y decidir sobre mi tiempo y mis ingresos!Odiaba trabajar para otras personas. Era miserable al ir a la oficina y hacer lo que alguien deseaba que hiciera. Era realmente buena en ello, pero me senta insatisfecha.Tuve un sueo. Decid luchar por l.Si sientes lo mismo, de alguna manera, este es el curso correcto para ti y este es el mejor momento. Hay tantas opciones en el mundo de hoy para trabajar online, desde el lugar del planeta que elijas, para disfrutar de tu familia, para tener una mejor calidad de vida.Este curso te ayudar con eso. Paso a paso, lo bsico: entiende los negocios online, elige el ms adecuado para ti y acta.Tu sueo est a solo un clic de distancia de tu computadora o telfono. nete al curso!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Twitter 2020: Consigue Trending Topic Seguro Y Genera Ventas" |
"nico curso en Udemy (en espaol) que le ensea a realizar un Trending Topic exitoso en Twitter. Estrategias propias no publicadas nunca antes en la red. Este curso no se basa nicamente en los pasos generales a seguir, sino que aprendes a ejecutarlo correctamente una vez acabado el curso. Tambin he querido centrar un mdulo en el enfoque de ventas.Bienvenido a este curso! Tienes una cuenta en Twitter? Alguna vez te has preguntado cmo hay personas que consiguen crear una tendencia y quieres lograr lo mismo? Aqu aprenders paso a paso a alcanzar un Trending Topic en Twitter de una manera muy efectiva, cuentes o no con audiencia en su cuenta, la cual me ha permitido durante toda mi etapa en esta red social, realizar ms de 100 Trending Topic con diferentes cuentas y tipos de comunidades, de una manera muy sencilla y sin invertir presupuesto, usando estrategias con la que vamos a captar a travs de millones de impresiones a una audiencia muy activa y participativa, haciendo uso de una mecnica dinmica y divertida. A pesar de que los Trending Topic nos generan grandes beneficios, una alta visibilidad, interaccin o aumento de nuestra audiencia, he querido destacar la importancia que nos brinda para generar ventas. Este mtodo no es en ningn momento intrusivo. Este curso est basado en mis casos reales de xito, los cules voy a usar como ejemplo."
Price: 104.99 |
CityEngine2018 |
Price: 34.99 |
"Drawing 25 Cute characters in Procreate Like a Pro" |
"This Course is a Series, which includes 25 different demos,Every Single demo is going to cover each drawing from Beginning to End.We are going to go over every Detail, every Step, every Tool that is use to create the finished product, So that you can see how I go step by step from a complete beginner level basic sketch to a finished rendered painting.There are 25 different drawings, Duration ranging from 15 to 25 minutes each. I have plans to keep making more on demand.The step by step method will work for Any layer-based applications Like Photoshop, Procreate and many more.This is a practical steps course. Where we will be going through a step by step process of each painting. your assignments are to just recreate the same drawing and to master the Trick.You need to have 3 things to go through this course smoothly.Any drawing TABLET , any STYLES , any Layer based Drawing SOFTWARE. If you dont, then you might have a hard time re- creating the drawing.I am Sure you will Love it ."
Price: 114.99 |
"Learn Photoshop 2017 CC in 1 HOURBEGINNER COURSE" |
"Hi friends we know Photoshop is an awesome software to edit images.But It's little bit complicated.We can edit in lot of ways.Lot of people misunderstand it's a complicated software usually people with lack of knowledge in editing can't learn Photoshop,It's just a misunderstanding.And we can edit an image if you only learn the basic tools.I'm gonna give a clear account about 60+ Photoshop tools and awesome Photoshop effects.So let's get started."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Learn to make stunning animated graphs in After effects" |
"Hi After Effects is an interesting software to make 2d and 3d animations.Here I just gonna teach you to make 4 different kind of graphs.You can create shapes and animate in after effetcs. We can easily create graphs using trim paths.Hopefully this is my second course in Udemy.Keep supporting me.I will make more creative courses."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Learn Photoshop with Filters Filters complete course" |
"Hi everyone my name is Ashok K M. I'm a freelancer. A few months ago I started making tutorials on udemy regarding different video,image,graphic editing software. This is a complete course I did after a couple of weeks hard work.So you can learn a lot of helpful things probably you haven't heard in photoshop. I just added most of all important parts of filters including Filter gallery, camera raw filter, wide angle Filter GalleryArtistic filterBrush strokesDistortSketchStylizeTextureLiquify filter Adaptive wide angle filterCamera raw filterLens correctionBlurAverageBlurBlur moreGaussian blurMotion blurRadial blurSmart blurSurface blurBlur GalleryField blurIris blurTilt ShiftPath blurSpin blurDistortDisplacePinchPolar coordinatesRippleShearSpherizeTwirlWaveZigzagNoiseAdd noiseDespeckleDust & scratchesMedianReduce noisePixelateColor HalftoneCrystalizeFacetFragmentMosaicPointilizeRender1.Picture frame2.Tree"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Learn to make stunning text effects in photoshop" |
"All the designers and hobbyist have a dream to learn Photoshop effects.Here we gonna learn 8 featured text effects. Actually we gonna play around with blending modes, layer options , brush styles to make the effects. This is really helpful for creating stunning posters, cover pages, letters and designing your home projects.The first effect here we gonna cover isEXPOSURE EFFECTThis is a really simple text effect that we keep branches inside text.PORTRAIT TEXT EFFECTYou may noticed these kind of pictures on social media. One side of the image is covered with text and rest is our body.This is really cool once you studied you can make with in seconds.WATER DROP TEXT EFFECTMaking water drop text effect is competitively simple. Here we convert a text to water drop text.RETRO EFFECTThis is really the one of the best text effect of all time. This is a classic vintage text effect with little bit confusing steps. Make sure to use the same font and textures for making.WATER COLOR EFFECTWe can make a text then make some appropriate brushes and paint it like a boss SNOW TEXT EFFECT Another simple text effect with some simple layer settingsSTAIN TEXT EFFECTThis is your turn . Make sure to use the same font for making this effect. Actually a simple text effect matches coffee stain or tea stain on our clothes.GOLDEN GLOSSY TEXT EFFECTThis is a really great text effect with some simple blending modes and layer settings. SO ENROLL NOW."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Learn Photoshop from Zero to HeroAll in One Edition" |
"Hi friends I know Photoshop is always strange to newbies because it contains a lot of features. You may be confused to get started. How to start? where to start? what are the things we want to learn? and how to learn everything. Actually before I started making this course I just thought about these queries of a newbie. Also I just discussed with my friends, what are the problems I faced when I was a newbie, how I get started on Photoshop. Finally I mad some conclusions, I will teach you what I was needed in the beginning of Photoshop career.We can start from Tools. We have 60+ tools available in Photoshop. Some of the tools are not used for simple editing or regular editing okay anyway we are coveringPhotoshop tools & practical uses27 Blending modes- Practical uses Normal,Dissolve,Darken,Multiply,Colour burn,Linear burn,Darker colourLighten,Screen,Colour dodge,Linear dodge(add),Lighter colourOverlay,Soft light,Hard light,Vivid light,Linear light,Pin light,Hard mixDifference,Exclusion,Subtract,DivideHue,Saturation,Colour,LuminosityBlending mode short cutsOpacity Vs FillMaking any photo into comic book illustration effectColour pencil sketch effectCleanup faceContour makeupApplying lipstickRemoving dark under eyesChanging eye colourUse fill and content aware toolAll 10 layer styles including Bevel and Emboss Gradient overlay Colour overlaySatinInner glowInner shadowStrokePattern overlayOuter glowDrop shadow.Learn text designing like neon glow text effect3D text effectSimple text effectGlass text effectPoster designing- Classic orange colour and a simple war designingSignature extraction from an imageHow to fit images in the canvasLaptop masking using pen toolMasking mobile screenMasking textKeeping objects inside car using blend if and maskingRemoving backgroundDescribing some confusing icons and it's usesUsing blend ifHiding objects inside skyMaking fake sun shine effect in an image using blend ifAll 19 adjustments briefly describedIncluding solid colour adjustmentsPattern overlayGradient overlayBrightness/contrastColour correction adjustments- Levels and CurvesVibranceHue saturation brief section 4 videosBlack and whiteChannel mixerColour balanceColour lookupExposureInvert & posterizePhoto filterSelective colourThreshold and Gradient MapAfter completing the course you will lose the fear to handle the software because most of people think Photoshop is one of the hardest thing to learn but you will get a clear idea about the interface, each categories, drop down menus, effects, and eventually you can make miracles with Photoshop."
Price: 1280.00 |
"3ds max ve Vray ile banyo modelleme, realistik render" |
"Bu eitimimizde 3ds max ile banyo modelleyeceiz ve Vray ile foto gereki render alacaz. Banyo duvar ve zemin seramiklerini modelleyeceiz, duakabin, lavabo,lavabo zeri objeler, havlupan gibi hazr model objelere material ve kaplama oluturup, klar yerletirerek, penceresi olmayan kapal bir alan nasl aydnlatacamz reneceiz. Hazr model ve materyalleri nasl indirip kullanacamz greceiz. Ayrca Vray mens ile ilgili nemli ipularn reneceiz.(In this tutorial we will model a bath with 3ds max and we will get a photo-realistic rendering with Vray. We will model the bathroom wall and floor ceramics, and we will learn how to illuminate a closed area without windows, by creating materials and coverings for ready-made model objects such as shower cabin, washbasin, washbasin objects, towels. We'll see how to download and use ready-made models and materials. We will also learn important tips about the Vray menu.)"
Price: 49.99 |
"3Ds Max ve Vray ile realistik araba sahnesi oluturmak" |
"Bu eitimimizde 3ds max ile araba sahnesi modelleyeceiz ve Vray ile foto gereki render alacaz. Sahnemizi sfrdan oluturup, bina malzemeleri, su birikintisi modelleme ve malzemesini oluturma, arabann tm aksamlarna ayr ayr malzeme hazrlama, aydnlatma, vray test render ayarlar yapacaz. In this tutorial we will model the car scene with 3ds max and take photo-realistic rendering with Vray. We will create our stage from scratch and create building materials, pond modeling and material, separate material preparation for all parts of the car, lighting, vray test render."
Price: 49.99 |
"3D's Max- Vray Villa D mekan modelleme" |
"Bu kursumuzda 3D's Max ve Vray ile Autocad zerinden Villa projesini modelleyeceiz, D mekan: Havuz, peyzaj alanlar, plugin kullanarak im yapm,hazr model aa ve bitki kullanm, vray proxy yapm, Tiles,cam, su, ta, ahap, metal ve parlak malzemelerin nasl oluaca hakknda bilgi edineceiz.Ayrca vray kamera ve klar ile, render element kullanarak ve yakn detaylarda DOF (Depth of Field- Blur )kullanarak bunlar Photoshopta nasl dzenleyebileceimizi greceiz. Vray k, kamera ve render.. GENEL KULLANILACAK ERKLERModelleme:Pencere, at, cam tula, giri kaps modelleme, evre yollar ve yeil alanlar oluturma, havuz, evre duvarlar,kolon, korkuluk,garaj kaps modelleme, basamak ve i deme oluturma.Vray:Vray test ve Final ayarlarVray materyal ierikleriVray mtl, Vray Override Mtl, MultiSub mtl kullanmAydnlatma:Vray Sun, Vray Sky, Vray light , es Light, Direct target ve ayarlar Kamera: Vray Physical Cam, Standart Camera ve ayarlar, Render element ve Render sonras Photoshopta dzenlemeVray Light, Vray Globalillumination, Vray Reflection, Vray Refraction, VrayZDepth photoshopta kullanm ve dier dzenlemeler."
Price: 99.99 |
"3D's Max&Vray Mekan Aydnlatma" |
"Bu kursumuzda hazr modelleri ve kaplamalar bulunan bir sahneyi aydnlatmay reneceiz.Photometric, Standart ve Vray klar ile gndz ve gece aydnlatmas yapacaz.Vray ve Standart kamera kullanmn greceiz.Vray HDRI ve Vray Sky kullanm ile aydnlatma salayacaz.Vray mensn uygulama yaparak inceleyeceiz.Vray Test render ve Final render ayarlarn yapacaz.Vray znrlk ayarlar bilgisi sayesinde katalog almalarnz kolaylkla teslim edebileceksiniz.Kurs bitiminde her trl i mekan aydnlatmay renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 119.99 |
"Rapidly Read Music Like a Pro" |
"This course is designed to dramatically increase your musical horizons. It will take you from little to no knowledge of written music, to being able to read and interpret music.It will thoroughly cover a variety of subjects: Understanding clefs in musicUnderstanding major and minor scalesIdentifying key signaturesInterpreting time signaturesUnderstanding note pitches within the stave, and the use of ledger linesAll note values and namesRhythmsAccidentals (sharps and flats)Dynamic markingsSyncopationand so much more....!The course will comprise of video lectures, easily broken down in to identifiable sections, and course material such as summary sheets, quizzes, transcripts, and audio examples."
Price: 24.99 |
"How To Create A WordPress Website Using Elementor Pro" |
"In this course, I will show you how to use WordPress CMS and Elementor Page builder to create a business website and walk you through the entire process step by step.You will come to know about WordPress CMS and how to build a website with WordPress and Elementor Pro without knowing any code. You will find the process of customizing your site is super easy with elementor.Elementor is a popular WordPress Page builder plugin. In This Course, I showed how to use this page builder to design a webpage without having any programming knowledge.I will show you how to install WordPress CMS and other tools. This course will be suitable for any level of users from beginners to advanced.I believe, after the end of the course, you will be able to use WordPress and Elementor together to build any website to improve your business.I will create a modern and clean profession business webpage and that will be fit for any business type."
Price: 29.99 |
"Building Desktop Applications with Python and Kivy" |
"This course is designed for python developers who have been building console programs and would like to now tap into the world of graphical user interfaces. The goal of this course is to teach you everything you need to know about the kivy framework and help you build slick and modern graphical user interfaces to engage your users.By the time you finish this course, you will be able to build virtually any GUI you set your mind at."
Price: 49.99 |
"Hands-On Mobile Development with Kivy: Create A Task Manager" |
"This course Is designed to walk you through the whole process of creating an actual android app from scratch, covering everything from The Design up until you Generate an APK file and Show Ads on your app. With that said, this app is live coded, that means I create this course the same time Im creating the app to show you all the raw details that go into building an app."
Price: 39.99 |
"Top Drugs 1 - Medications you NEED to Know - Pharmacy" |
"Learning medications is one of the most intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult aspects of entering a healthcare field.Where do you start? There are THOUSANDS of medications.Top Drugs is designed to break down what you NEEDto know into easily understandable / easy to learn chunks. This course follows which conditions are most prevalent, and which drugs are most popular. This way, the student learns which drugs are actually used in practice. Which drugs are fast movers in every pharmacy. The gold standard drugs for each condition. This course will provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge to enter a healthcare field, preparing them to excel. Benefit in having the advantage over other applicants. Imagine already knowing a bulk of basic medications while applying to Pharmacy, Medical, Nursing, PA, or Dental school. How impressive would you be to the administrators? Avoid the overwhelming feeling of starting your first rotation at a hospital, with only a few weeks of school under your belt. Avoid being completely clueless about what is going on! Go in with a foundation of knowledge, putting yourself above the competition. Ihave been through professional school. The first couple of years were rough. Had Iknown what Iknow now, I would have prepared. I would have gone in with a foundation of drug knowledge. That is what this course provides. Whatever healthcare field you are entering, or considering entering - go in with a strong foundation! Blow away your competition, outshine the other applicants. This is possible with some determination, and made simple with these courses.Entire semesters of schooling can be dedicated to certain conditions. This course provides concise, relevant MUSTKNOWeducation about each condition.Different career paths require different pieces of medicinal knowledge. For example, a pharmacy technician does not need know the mechanism of action for every drug class. A nurse may only need to know the most popular drug for a certain condition (the one used in hospitals) or NCLEX topics - whereas a pharmacist would need to know it all. This course can be used by students in ALL of the different healthcare career fields. Medications are sorted into a hierarchy. Each medication will have a popularity designation. I will tell you when medications are hospital only, over the counter, retail pharmacy only, etc. Iwill tell you when a medication is an absolute MUSTKNOW. Iwill tell you when a drug is not very popular and only certain professionals will need to remember it. The point of this course is to provide drug information that can be used for any future healthcare professional, at any step of their education journey. You can decide how to utilize the information, you can decide what you need to take note of. Iwill present every angle of the information. The Drugs and Conditions NEEDto Know Medication courses are broken into conditions. Under each condition, there will be:Condition Overview: Learn about the condition. What are the signs and symptoms? What causes the condition? What are the treatments? What are the treatment goals? Who needs treatment?Medication Overview: The bulk of the course will focus on medications. What medications are used to treat this condition? What are the first line medications? When would you use other medications? When and how are these medications used? Medications will be broken into drug classes and popularity. Each medication will have a hierarchy designation. How important is it to know this medication? They will be sorted in importance. MUSTKNOWMedication Conclusion: Going over the important medications at the end of each condition presentation. You have learned about the condition and the medications used for it, now what do you absolutely need to remember? Condition Outline: A printable, downloadable, one page Word document summarizing every drug discussed in each presentation. Sorted in the usual hierarchy. Brand and generic names will be listed. You can print these documents prior to the presentations, and use to take notes that are relevant to you and your career. Part 1:Blood Pressure/HypertensionDiabetesCholesterol/HyperlipidemiaOTC - Cough, Cold, AllergyPart 2:Depression/AnxietyGERD - Gastrointestinal Reflux DiseasePain Thyroid DisordersPart 3:AntibioticsAcute SicknessADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderImmunizations/VaccinesIam a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) and a topic expert in medications. I'm a currently practicing pharmacist, with experience in retail and hospital settings -As well as academia/consultation areas of healthcare. With the purchase of my course you are obtaining advice/Q&A/expertise on medication related healthcare topics, as long as you are enrolled. I will be open and responsive to questions or discussion in the course pages."
Price: 54.99 |
"Top Drugs 2 - Medications you NEED to Know - Pharmacy" |
"Learning medications is one of the most intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult aspects of entering a healthcare field.Where do you start? There are THOUSANDS of medications.Top Drugs is designed to break down what you NEEDto know into easily understandable / easy to learn chunks. This course follows which conditions are most prevalent, and which drugs are most popular. This way, the student learns which drugs are actually used in practice. Which drugs are fast movers in every pharmacy. The gold standard drugs for each condition. This course will provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge to enter a healthcare field, preparing them to excel. Benefit in having the advantage over other applicants. Imagine already knowing a bulk of basic medications while applying to Pharmacy, Medical, Nursing, PA, or Dental school. How impressive would you be to the administrators? Avoid the overwhelming feeling of starting your first rotation at a hospital, with only a few weeks of school under your belt. Avoid being completely clueless about what is going on! Go in with a foundation of knowledge, putting yourself above the competition. Ihave been through professional school. The first couple of years were rough. Had Iknown what Iknow now, I would have prepared. I would have gone in with a foundation of drug knowledge. That is what this course provides. Whatever healthcare field you are entering, or considering entering - go in with a strong foundation! Blow away your competition, outshine the other applicants. This is possible with some determination, and made simple with these courses.Entire semesters of schooling can be dedicated to certain conditions. This course provides concise, relevant MUSTKNOWeducation about each condition.Different career paths require different pieces of medicinal knowledge. For example, a pharmacy technician does not need know the mechanism of action for every drug class. A nurse may only need to know the most popular drug for a certain condition (the one used in hospitals) or NCLEX topics - whereas a pharmacist would need to know it all. This course can be used by students in ALL of the different healthcare career fields. Medications are sorted into a hierarchy. Each medication will have a popularity designation. I will tell you when medications are hospital only, over the counter, retail pharmacy only, etc. Iwill tell you when a medication is an absolute MUSTKNOW. Iwill tell you when a drug is not very popular and only certain professionals will need to remember it. The point of this course is to provide drug information that can be used for any future healthcare professional, at any step of their education journey. You can decide how to utilize the information, you can decide what you need to take note of. Iwill present every angle of the information. The Drugs and Conditions NEEDto Know Medication courses are broken into conditions. Under each condition, there will be:Condition Overview: Learn about the condition. What are the signs and symptoms? What causes the condition? What are the treatments? What are the treatment goals? Who needs treatment?Medication Overview: The bulk of the course will focus on medications. What medications are used to treat this condition? What are the first line medications? When would you use other medications? When and how are these medications used? Medications will be broken into drug classes and popularity. Each medication will have a hierarchy designation. How important is it to know this medication? They will be sorted in importance. MUSTKNOWMedication Conclusion: Going over the important medications at the end of each condition presentation. You have learned about the condition and the medications used for it, now what do you absolutely need to remember? Condition Outline: A printable, downloadable, one page Word document summarizing every drug discussed in each presentation. Sorted in the usual hierarchy. Brand and generic names will be listed. You can print these documents prior to the presentations, and use to take notes that are relevant to you and your career. Part 1:Blood Pressure/HypertensionDiabetesCholesterol/HyperlipidemiaOTC - Cough, Cold, AllergyPart 2:Depression/AnxietyGERD - Gastrointestinal Reflux DiseasePain Thyroid DisordersPart 3:AntibioticsAcute SicknessADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderImmunizations/VaccinesIam a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) and a topic expert in medications. I'm a currently practicing pharmacist, with experience in retail and hospital settings -As well as academia/consultation areas of healthcare. With the purchase of my course you are obtaining advice/Q&A/expertise on medication related healthcare topics, as long as you are enrolled. I will be open and responsive to questions or discussion in the course pages."
Price: 54.99 |
"Top Drugs 3 - Medications you NEED to Know - Pharmacy" |
"Learning medications is one of the most intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult aspects of entering a healthcare field.Where do you start? There are THOUSANDS of medications.Top Drugs is designed to break down what you NEEDto know into easily understandable / easy to learn chunks. This course follows which conditions are most prevalent, and which drugs are most popular. This way, the student learns which drugs are actually used in practice. Which drugs are fast movers in every pharmacy. The gold standard drugs for each condition. This course will provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge to enter a healthcare field, preparing them to excel. Benefit in having the advantage over other applicants. Imagine already knowing a bulk of basic medications while applying to Pharmacy, Medical, Nursing, PA, or Dental school. How impressive would you be to the administrators? Avoid the overwhelming feeling of starting your first rotation at a hospital, with only a few weeks of school under your belt. Avoid being completely clueless about what is going on! Go in with a foundation of knowledge, putting yourself above the competition. Ihave been through professional school. The first couple of years were rough. Had Iknown what Iknow now, I would have prepared. I would have gone in with a foundation of drug knowledge. That is what this course provides. Whatever healthcare field you are entering, or considering entering - go in with a strong foundation! Blow away your competition, outshine the other applicants. This is possible with some determination, and made simple with these courses.Entire semesters of schooling can be dedicated to certain conditions. This course provides concise, relevant MUSTKNOWeducation about each condition.Different career paths require different pieces of medicinal knowledge. For example, a pharmacy technician does not need know the mechanism of action for every drug class. A nurse may only need to know the most popular drug for a certain condition (the one used in hospitals) or NCLEX topics - whereas a pharmacist would need to know it all. This course can be used by students in ALL of the different healthcare career fields. Medications are sorted into a hierarchy. Each medication will have a popularity designation. I will tell you when medications are hospital only, over the counter, retail pharmacy only, etc. Iwill tell you when a medication is an absolute MUSTKNOW. Iwill tell you when a drug is not very popular and only certain professionals will need to remember it. The point of this course is to provide drug information that can be used for any future healthcare professional, at any step of their education journey. You can decide how to utilize the information, you can decide what you need to take note of. Iwill present every angle of the information. The Drugs and Conditions NEEDto Know Medication courses are broken into conditions. Under each condition, there will be:Condition Overview: Learn about the condition. What are the signs and symptoms? What causes the condition? What are the treatments? What are the treatment goals? Who needs treatment?Medication Overview: The bulk of the course will focus on medications. What medications are used to treat this condition? What are the first line medications? When would you use other medications? When and how are these medications used? Medications will be broken into drug classes and popularity. Each medication will have a hierarchy designation. How important is it to know this medication? They will be sorted in importance. MUSTKNOWMedication Conclusion: Going over the important medications at the end of each condition presentation. You have learned about the condition and the medications used for it, now what do you absolutely need to remember? Condition Outline: A printable, downloadable, one page Word document summarizing every drug discussed in each presentation. Sorted in the usual hierarchy. Brand and generic names will be listed. You can print these documents prior to the presentations, and use to take notes that are relevant to you and your career. Part 1:Blood Pressure/HypertensionDiabetesCholesterol/HyperlipidemiaOTC - Cough, Cold, AllergyPart 2:Depression/AnxietyGERD - Gastrointestinal Reflux DiseasePain Thyroid DisordersPart 3:AntibioticsAcute SicknessADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderImmunizations/VaccinesIam a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) and a topic expert in medications. I'm a currently practicing pharmacist, with experience in retail and hospital settings -As well as academia/consultation areas of healthcare. With the purchase of my course you are obtaining advice/Q&A/expertise on medication related healthcare topics, as long as you are enrolled. I will be open and responsive to questions or discussion in the course pages."
Price: 54.99 |
"Impulsione o Desempenho de Sites WordPress e seus Lucros" |
"Vou Ensinar voc todas as Principais Tcnicas que eu utilizo para Turbinar o Desempenho dos meus prprios sites, alm prestar suporte online clientes gerando uma renda recorrente e residual, e tambm oferecendo o servio de otimizao de desempenho cobrando por cada otimizao que poder executar em apenas 1 hora*.Esta pode ser sua chance de IMPULSIONAR seus negcios, e os negcios de empresrios e empreendedores na internet!Voc vai aprender a Identificar os Sites WordPress, Analis-los e Gerar Relatrios que serviro de base para criar propostas de alto valor para novos clientes.Por que decidimos focar em WordPress neste Curso Rpido - Em torno de 2 horas apenas!?Mais Metade dos Sites usam WordPressWordPress Vtima do seu Sucesso25% das Pessoas deixam o site que no carrega em 4 segundos40% deixam, se demorar mais de 3 segundosAprenda DEFINITIVAMENTE aTestar a VelocidadeIdentificar ProblemasFazer BackupsIniciar o Processo de OtimizaoOtimizar as Imagens e Banco de DadosUtilizar o Poder do CacheOtimizar a Experincia nos Dispositivos Mveis - Celulares, Tablets, etcOtimizar o Desempenho de Sites vai ajudar a:Evitar os Principais Problemas, Erros, Bloqueios e PuniesMelhor sua Classificao no GoogleDiminuir sua Taxa de RejeioAumentar o Trfego e ConversesPoupar Recursos do Servidor de HospedagemGerar mais Oportunidades e NegciosCriar um Negcio Digital DO ZEROCriar Renda Recorrente* Quanto mais praticar, mais rpido fica na execuo."
Price: 39.99 |
"German for You A2/B1: Grammar, Elementary to Intermediate" |
"If you are studying German anywhere from the beginning of A2 until the end of B1, this course is for you!How does a German 'complain himself'? What is the difference between 'kennen' and 'wissen'? Why do I need three different ways of expressing the subjunctive mood? And where do I place the word 'nicht'? These and many more questions will be answered in this course.You will learn all the important German grammar points and more on an elementary to intermediate level (A2 to B1). Please make sure that you have covered the A1 grammar points as they are a prerequisite for this course. You can check the lecture/topic list of my A1 grammar course to see which topics exactly are concerned.I will illustrate the grammar points with many real-life examples that are translated in-course, so you will be able to pick up quite a bit of vocabulary as well. There is also a pdf-worksheet attached to almost all lectures with exercises, and some of them contain additional information.The German language levels concerning grammar (A1-B1) don't have a clear-cut curriculum. Some topics are typically taught on certain levels but depending on the course they might come up sooner or later. So if you switch courses, you might miss out on some material. To give you a better orientation, I added the levels to my course lectures in which the topic typically appears first. Lecture (A2): usually comes up in level A2Lecture (B1): usually comes up in level B1Lecture (Plus): Often not or not covered in the common level-oriented curriculumIn my experience, the A2 topics are of interest to intermediate learners because in common textbooks they are often brought up but not worked out in detail. Many learners go into the B1 level with a lot of A2-questions unanswered. That's why I included them - in detail, with hopefully all questions answered.I hope your learning experience will be splendid! And now let's get started - Los geht's!"
Price: 109.99 |
"German for You Intermediate: Business Language & More" |
"Formal German and business language is different from everyday language. How German business language is different from general German is one thing you will learn in this course. This knowledge is essential for your language acquisition because you need to know on which areas of the language you have to concentrate.From each of those areas I collected material that is especially useful for studying formal and Business German. We will create a very solid foundation for you, and you will learn a lot of words, expressions and phrases. You will be able to apply these in various situations, correctly and in an adequate context.Apart from specific areas of language acquisition, I will also give you some additional information to enable you to keep on studying after having completed this course."
Price: 79.99 |
"German for You A1/A2: A German Language Course for Beginners" |
"This course combines elements of digital language learning, established teaching techniques and personal tutoring. I put together the best from each of these sections to help you learn German.The practice lectures have been designed for on the go situations as well as for home studying. That way, you can pick whichever version suits your situation better: fully digitalized or with pen and paper, or - best case scenario - both. The two test versions to choose from will be available from section 3, after we have covered some basics.I will show you how to use the language by giving you plenty of examples and by explaining the grammar and the structures that apply. Grammar and structure will be explained, so you can understand how to use the language, not as an isolated topic.I also included some hands-on step-by-step explanations for course exercises, so you will fully understand why the solution applies and/or why others don't.This course should not only give you an enjoyable learning experience, it should also make your German last. Why not start today? Learn German with German For You: A German Language Course For Beginners."
Price: 199.99 |
"Englisch fr Anfnger - English for Beginners" |
"Englischkurse gibt es viele - vor allem von Englisch-Muttersprachlern. Es kann aber fr Lerner - gerade fr Anfnger - sehr anstrengend sein, Erklrungen in einer Sprache zu folgen, die man gerade erst lernen will. Aus diesem Grund habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt.Hier kannst du ganz entspannt die englische Sprache lernen.- Die Erklrungen sind in deiner eigenen Sprache und somit sofort verstndlich.- Die bersetzungen werden gleich mitgeliefert. Du sparst dir also viel Zeit mit dem Herumblttern oder -klicken in Wrterbchern.- Du kannst dich ganz auf die Lehrinhalte konzentrieren und musst nicht parallel Untertitel mitlesen.- Du lernst effektiv, weil du Englisch aus der deutschen Perspektive lernst, das heit du wirst sehen, welche Strukturen du einfach genauso benutzen kannst wie in deiner eigenen Sprache, welche Parallelen es gibt oder was eben ganz anders ist.Ich bin als Englischlehrerin TEFL-zertifiziert (Teaching Englisch as a Foreign Language - Englisch als Fremdsprache unterrichten) und habe viele Jahre als Sprachlehrerin gearbeitet. Ich hoffe, dass ich dich mit diesem Kurs bei deinen ersten (oder zweiten oder dritten) Schritten mit der englischen Sprache gut untersttzen kann.Ich wnsche dir ganz viel Spa und natrlich auch viel Erfolg!Was der Kurs bietet und was er nicht bietet:Es handelt sich hier um einen Englisch-Grundkurs zum Erlernen der Sprache von Grund auf. Er beinhaltet ein paar gngige Phrasen, ist aber kein Phrasenkurs nach dem Baukasten-Prinzip, d.h. man lernt nicht, in welchen Situationen man was sagt, sondern man lernt in erster Linie, wie man selbstndig Stze formulieren kann und entwickelt dabei ein Verstndnis fr die Struktur der englischen Sprache.Es wird ein solider Grundwortschatz vermittelt, das heit aber nicht, dass man diesem Niveau nicht auch noch viele andere Wrter zuordnen kann (und dafr vielleicht andere weglassen knnte), und genauso verhlt es sich mit der Grammatik. Der Niveaustufeninhalt ist dem Ziel angepasst, sich in Alltagssituationen mit einfachen Stzen verstndigen zu knnen. Daher unterscheiden sich Kurse der Niveaustufe A1 hufig formalinhaltlich, fhren aber zum gleichen Ergebnis. Letztendlich muss hier fr jeden Kurs eine Auswahl getroffen werden.Fr zustzliches Vokabular habe ich zwei Dateien beigefgt (Vokabular 10+11), thematisch sortiert nach z.B. Reise, Krper, Essen. Diese kann man zur Erweiterung des Wortschatzes ber die im Kurs benutzten Vokabeln hinaus nutzen. Insgesamt umfasst der Wortschatz damit ber 1000 Wrter.Die IPA-Angaben im Kurs entsprechen der Aussprache des britischen Englischs (BE). Obwohl sie nicht immer notwendig sind, habe ich sie zur Gewhnung an die Lautschrift vor allem am Anfang regelmig hinzugefgt."
Price: 109.99 |
"Host WordPress 5 sites, Linux LAMP Stack and AWS Lightsail" |
"In this project based course we explain and demonstrate:How to host websites professionally and inexpensivelyHow to Register Domain NamesLaunch and configure a Linux Instance in AWS LightsailHow Configure DNS in AWS Lightsail and Route 53How to obtain a free email address using your own domain name for a professional lookThe basics of Linux and various distributionsHow to install Linux on a virtual machine running on Windows and Mac. We will install Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Desktop, Mint and LubuntuLinux file system basicsMany Linux commands to navigate search and manipulate files and directories and permissions. Configure a swap file for Linux server to optimum performanceHow to install Apache web server and configure it to run multiple websites on a single server with a single IP address and tune it for WordPress 5.How to encrypt the website on Apache with SSL / HTTPS for freeHow to install MySQL and create databases and users. How to assign rights to user to databases.How to install PHP and tune it for WordPress (include email)Install 2 WordPress sites, with the unique domain names we registered earlier, on the Linux serverBuild a website with a slide show on the homepage.WordPress Plugins:Child ThemesSecurityEmailSearch Engine OptimizationBackup..and moreWhat new in WordPress 5How to backup WordPress sites and the Linux server they run on Securing your AWS Account:1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account.2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console."
Price: 94.99 |
"Linux and LAMP Stack Fundamentals (Hosting Websites)" |
"DescriptionIn this project based course we explain and demonstrate:How to host websites professionally and inexpensivelyLearn about Multiple Linux Distros with Desktop VirtualizationHow Domain Name Services (DNS) workLaunch and configure Linux Instance in AWS LightsailHow Configure DNS in AWS Lightsail and Route 53The fundamentals of Linux and various distributionsHow to install Linux on a virtual machine running on Windows and Mac. We will install Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Desktop, Mint and LubuntuLinux file system basicsMany Linux commands to navigate search and manipulate files and directories and permissions. Configure a swap file for Linux server for optimum performanceHow to install Apache web server and configure it to run multiple websites on a single server with a single IP address and tune it for WordPress 5.How to encrypt the website on Apache with SSL / HTTPS for freeHow to install MySQL and create databases and users. How to assign rights to user to databasesInstall and use a GUI for database managementHow to install PHP and tune it for WordPress (include email)Install 2 sites (well just a single page this isnt a web development course), with the unique domain names we registered earlier, on the Linux serverSecurityBackupSecuring your AWS Account:1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account.2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console. "
Price: 19.99 |
"Alexa Skill Coding Class for Beginners - (new 2019)" |
"Description In this project based course we explain and demonstrate how to create an Alexa Skill for a Business, School or Organization:How to Build an Alexa Skill with the Latest SDKWe build and Publish 2 skills in this CourseDeep Dive of the JavaScript / Node.js Sample CodeBut not an Exhaustive JavaScript / Node.js CourseYou will Understand the Sample Code and how to Manipulate itNot just plug in data textBuild Alexa Skills, Code Alexa Skills, Publish Alexa SkillsSynonymsNot just the Interaction Model, we will modify the Code to use the SynonymHow to work with Multiple Languages and have Alexa Respond with the Language that reflects the Locale of the Echo DeviceBuild an Alexa Skill with Alexa Self Hosted, no AWS Account NeededBuild an Alexa Skill that uses AWS Lambda and how to make it with the Interaction ModelAWS S3 Object Storage BucketsPicture CardsVerify Cards look good on all types of devicesProfessional looking Alexa Skills for Business or School should have picture cardsSSML and Playing MP3 files for ResponsesFiltering the SSML Codes out of the Alexa CardsHaving code show up in the card will prevent the skill from passing Certification for Publication in the Alexa Skill StoreCreating Dialog in an Alexa Skill that Normally doesnt have itTest the Alexa Skill Code in AWS LambdaCustom SlotsCustom IntentsCustom Intent HandlerscanHandle()File DependenciesHow to Publish a real Skill and Re-Certify it after ChangesHow to use a Code EditorSecuring your AWS Account:1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account.2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console. a. We use the Free Tier for everything in this course, but you can set up a billing alert in case you go over 1,000,000 requests and there is some spend on your account."
Price: 49.99 |
"Alexa Skills Fundamentals (New 2019)" |
"In this project based course we explain and demonstrate how to create 2 engaging Alexa Skills with no prior coding experience required. You will know how to create a skill with no coding.Understand and modify the sample code.Create an Alexa skill for a business, school, church or city.Create an Alexa skill that gives random tips.Create a city guide (and understand what you are doing and how to make changes).We walk you through everything you need to know to build a skill, from a detailed lecture to step by step demonstrations.See a skill get published, and how to modify the skill after it is published.Did I mention, you don't need any coding experience?! All coding is done via copy / paste.Learn how to make cards look right.Learn JavaScript and Node.js basics (no exhaustive lecture on either).Write Alexa SkillsPublish Alexa SkillsSecuring your AWS Account: 1. How to create Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for you AWS Root Account. 2. How to create billing alerts for your account with CloudWatch, SNS and the Billing Console. a. We use the Free Tier for everything in this course, but you can set up a billing alert in case you go over 1,000,000 requests and there is some spend on your account.Write Alexa SkillsCode Alexa SkillsUS English"
Price: 99.99 |