"Practice Tests for Certified FATCA Professional" |
"Welcome to theCertified FATCA Professional: Practice Testsfrom Regtechtimes.Are you ready to pass theCertified FATCA Professionalexam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 2 full practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your expertise over the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take yourCertificationexam.The tests in this series are time based, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official examination allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual Certification examination"
Price: 19.99 |
"Haz dinero con bases de datos" |
"Haz dinero con bases de datosHacer crecer tu negocio con bases de emails no es cuestin de invertir ms dinero o tiempo, sino de ser ms efectivo al momento de la captacin. En este curso aprenders de forma simple a entender tu negocio y los mejores formas para atraer clientes.Te ensear los distintos caminos para llegar hasta el xito de la captacin de leads/prospectos/emails y quedarte all produciendo ms ventasCon este curso logrars ms ventas en menos tiempo, mayor interesados por intento y ms cierres por cada interesado.Haremos un rpido recorrido para que entiendas los canales existentes para captar datos online para que luego los utilices para hacer crecer tu negocio.Define tu target, armar tu base de datos e incrementa tus ventas. No compres bases de datos por internet que no te van a servir, crea las tuyas, reduce la tasa de rebote, mejora la calidad de tus envos e incrementa las oportunidades de negocio.En este curso aprenders a crear de bases de datos, a partir de fuentes internas y externas, y a limpiarlas (tasa de rebote), a partir de herramientas gratuitas y pagas.El email marketing sigue siendo el canal digital con el mayor ROI para sacar a flote tu negocio, arma tus bases de datos y empieza a explotar este canal.En este curso aprenders:Qu es una base de datos y para qu sirve.Cmo utilizar Google para armar Bases de Datos.A utilizar distintas herramientas para armar bases.A crear bases de datos a partir de tus canales.A limpiar tus bases de datos, eliminando los correos inexistentes.Aprende y domina las herramientas ms eficientes para armar bases de datos.Todo comprimido en 45 minutos de video, 32 clases y prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso, de forma simple de entender y directo al punto. GARANTAY como si todo esto fuera poco, recuerda que tienes una garanta de reembolso de 30 das."
Price: 49.99 |
"Los mtodos ms efectivos y rpidos para atraer clientes" |
"Los mtodos ms efectivos y rpidos para atraer clientesAumentar las ventas no es cuestin de invertir ms dinero o tiempo vendiendo, sino de ser ms efectivo al momento de la captacin. En este curso aprenders de forma simple a entender tu negocio y los mejores formas para atraer clientes.Te ensear los distintos caminos para llegar hasta el xito de la atraccin de clientes y quedarte all produciendo ms ventasCon este curso logrars ms ventas en menos tiempo, mayor interesados por intento y ms cierres por cada interesado.Haremos un rpido recorrido para que entiendas sobre marketing digital y adquisicin de clientes, yendo de lo general a lo particular.Al iniciar un proyecto nos enfrentamos con un multiplicidad de cuestionamientos: cmo crear una marca, cmo posicionarla, cmo acercamos al cliente y cmo transformar una visita o contacto en una en ventas. Sin importar si somos empleados o emprendedores, debemos planear estrategias de marketing que nos permitan llegar a nuestros clientes y generar la mayor cantidad de ventas.Es por esto, que entender de marketing digital es fundamental para comprender los caminos que tenemos sin inversin de dinero para la adquisicin de clientes como as tambin la forma en que estamos invirtiendo nuestro dinero. En elCurso de Los mtodos ms efectivos y rpidos para atraer clientes encontrars informacin sobre cmo aplicar distintos mtodos efectivos y rpidos para atraer clientes, as como tcnicas especficas para comenzar a crear tu estrategia de marketing digitalCONTENIDO Y OBJETIVOSIniciaremos un plan en el que trabajaremos teniendo en cuenta:1. Conocer tu negocio al 100%2. Mejorar tu presencia convirtiendo tu negocio en la respuesta3. Identificar quin es y dnde esta tu cliente ideal4. Encontrar los mejores canales para atraer clientes a tu negocio5. Entender el rol de las ofertas y descuentos irresistibles6. Aprovechar el poder del boca - odo7. El rol de los concursos y desafos en la atraccin de nuevos clientes.8. Aprovechar las redes sociales9. Acciones offline para atraer clientes: Sirve repartir flyers/volantes?10. La importancia de la medicin y el seguimiento de los resultados.Yfinalizaremos explicando en detalle los mejores canales para la adquisicin de clientes, de forma simple que cualquiera los pueda entender y aplicar a su negocio:a. SEOb. Emails en frioc. Programas de afiliadosd. Notas de prensae. Redes Socialesg. Recursos gratuitosg. Influencersh. Google adsi. Facebook AdsUn mtodo probado con xito por miles de personas.Aprende y domina las tcnicas ms eficientes para atraer ms clientes.Todo comprimido en ms de 1 hora de video, 24 clases y prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso, de forma simple de entender y directo al punto. GARANTAY como si todo esto fuera poco, recuerda que tienes una garanta de reembolso de 30 das."
Price: 49.99 |
"Aprende a armar tu Pitch Deck y consigue financiamiento." |
"Aprende a armar tu Pitch Deck y consigue financiamiento.Crea el Pitch de inversin perfecto para tu startup, bajo el consejo de alguien que ya cerr inversionistasEn este curso los emprendedores aprenders como se hace un Pitch Deck, la herramienta clave para levantar dinero, para que puedan salir a buscar inversin para susemprendimientoSi deseas que un inversionista se interese en tu proyecto o emprendimiento, tendrs que estructurar unpitch deck, para resumir de forma breve lo que haces y por que te deben apoyar.No slo sirve para vender nuestro proyecto a inversores o para participar de una competencia de emprendimientos, sino que nos ayuda asintetizar las ideas clave de nuestra startup.Sin dudas que preparar el pitch deck puede quitarle el sueo a muchos emprendedores, por lo que este curso veremos de forma simple qu incluir en cada punto y cmo hacer que tu presentacin tenga ms posibilidades de xito.En este curso aprenders:Qu es un Pitch DeckLa importancia del Pitch Deck para levantar inversin.Cmo disear presentaciones de impacto.Tcnicas de comunicacin que te servirn para presentar de forma eficiente tu Pitch Deck.Ejemplos de Pitch Deck.Aprende y domina la herramienta ms eficiente para levantar capitales para tu emprendimiento.Todo comprimido en 1 hora de video, 23 clases y prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso, de forma simple de entender y directo al punto. GARANTAY como si todo esto fuera poco, recuerda que tienes una garanta de reembolso de 30 das."
Price: 39.99 |
"Encuentra las mejores promociones para tu prximo viaje" |
"Aprendiendo a encontrar promociones para tu prximo viajeEncontrar precios promocionales para tus viajes nunca fue tan fcilSoamos con viajar, recorrer el mundo y conocer otras culturas. Sin embargo el dinero es un elemento muy importante a la hora de definir un viaje, dado que nuestras ganas de iniciar una nueva experiencia chocan contra las posibilidades de cada uno. O tal vez no, tal vez entiendas que existe la posibilidad de pagar menos por lo mismo, es decir, pagar una tarifa inferior por un mismo pasaje de avin.En este curso vamos a explicar todas las formas que existen hoy en da, principalmente gracias a la tecnologa, para que tu prximo viaje tenga un costo inferior a los ltimos o para que efectivamente puedas subirte a esa aventura que desde hace tanto tiempo aoras.Hablaremos sobre esos errores de tarifa, las aplicaciones y/o sitios web te ayudaran a encontrar mejores precios o esos convenios con aerolneas que no todos tienen en cuenta. Hablaremos sobre qu da y en que horario es mejor hacer las bsquedas, si es importante borrar cookies y muchas cosas mas.Regstrate en este curso y aprende a encontrar las mejores promociones para tu prximo viaje.En este curso aprenders:Planificar tus viajes teniendo en cuenta la modificacin de tarifasEncontrar tarifas mas econmicas para fechas definidasQu es un error de tarifas y cmo aprovecharlo.Programar alertas de precios.Utilizar la tecnologa a tu favor para pagar menos.Aprende y domina las herramientas ms eficientes para organizar tu prximo viaje al menor costo.Todo comprimido en 45 minutos de video, 32 clases y prcticas personalizadas te llevan al xito del curso, de forma simple de entender y directo al punto. GARANTAY como si todo esto fuera poco, recuerda que tienes una garanta de reembolso de 30 das."
Price: 49.99 |
"Become a Conscious Creator" |
"Do you want less stress, anxiety and lack in your life? Would you like more peace, purpose, abundance and success in your life?In this course, youll learn the dynamics of meditation and how you can use it to transform self-limiting beliefs into joy, fulfillment and success in your life. (Beginner friendly, no meditation experience needed)Science has proven that meditation can rewire the brain for success, better concentration, more peace and composure, greater compassion, less stress, and amazing improvements in all areas of life. The fact is that we use meditation to create results in our lives all the time, but they are mostly unconscious and reactive. This course will teach you how to respond to and become the conscious creator of your life. Learn to manifest what shows up in your outer world by managing your inner world.For thousands of years, masters have taught meditation as a way to profoundly alter the experience of life. Learn how to use these powerful techniques to create the life you were meant to live.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO:-Meditate Properly and effectively-Upgrade the minds software-Uproot beliefs that dont serve you and install empowering ones-Transform self-defeating habits into joy, fulfillment and success in your life.-Overcome anxiety and stress-Manifest new or better relationships-Create more financial abundance-Find more meaning and purpose in life-Use your life to benefit others and yourself in a positive way-Enjoy your life more!I cant tell you how many times Ive heard people come up to me and say, Brian, I just cant meditate. But the truth is, youre meditating all the time; 24-hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, you are meditating right now.Chances are when we think of meditation we think of sitting crossed legged, eyes closed, back straight and yes this is what we call formal meditation where we can skillfully direct our practice, but right now there are unconscious thoughts, or meditations, playing like tape loops in your head.Let me explain. We have these views or beliefs that weve cultivated since childhood. These views were fed to us by our parents, friends, teachers, TV and anything else we were exposed to throughout our lives. Theyre our cultural conditioning and we all have them. Those views become our meditations, our unconscious thoughts and most of them were not even consciously aware of. They cycle around deep in our unconscious mind and when the time is right all of our actions come out of those views, creating our lives because action is the bridge between thought and creation. So formal meditation can serve as a way to not only become aware of those inner views and beliefs that are creating our outer reality but also a way for us to skillfully create more empowering habits and thus more empowering actions.The Tibetan word for meditation is Gom, it literally translates into to familiarize so thats what we are doing in mediation, learning to familiarize our minds with positive and empowering thoughts. Even in basic breath meditation were learning to familiarize our minds with concentration and peace, but the possibilities are limitless. Think of your mind like a muscle, you can train it to serve you and the world. The unconscious mind has been our masters our entire life, dictating to you what to do. Through meditation you can consciously train it and become its master because the mind makes a far better servant than a master.WHY AM I DOING THIS?I have twenty years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of yoga and meditation. Ive traveled throughout India, South East Asia, and the United States, studying and practicing intently with many credible teachers, healers and masters.Ive lived in monasteries and ashrams where I studied the mind and discovered powerful techniques that transformed my life from being in massive financial debt and homeless, broke in every sense of the word; in my relationships, spiritually and emotionally broke to applying what I learned and transforming my life into success and fulfilment in all of those areas. I now dedicate my life to teaching others these amazing transformational tools.Throughout my life Ive struggled with addictions and self-limiting beliefs that held me back and caused a lot of pain and suffering in my life. I used to work in TV & Film production, I worked at Comedy Central and had my own production company, but no matter how great my life seemed, I always had this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction that kept me searching & chasing more. And so of course I left my career and company and booked a one-way ticket to India. At that time I was studying a lot of Buddhist Psychology and Yoga in New York and really thought this was the answer, that I was going to go there and come back enlightened. So I went high up into the Himalayan Mountains and all throughout India and South East Asia studying with a lot of great healers, teachers and masters. I went on crazy adventures and I brought what I studied in Yoga and Buddhist Psychology back to New York with me only to realize that a lot of the crap I went to India to get away from was still there inside of me. I then went through a hard and dark time in my life. I battled not only addictions to substances but also addictions to my thoughts, addictions to expectations, addictions to how other people should be, addictions to how I should be and after years and years of this I had a profound experience in meditation one day that shifted my entire mind, I then began to apply everything I had learned and I had amazing results in my life. I started to uproot and transform beliefs and habits that werent making me the best I could be in the world and the greatest benefit to other people. And now I devote my life to teaching this powerful stuff to my students all around the world.What youre about to learn can have immense transformational effects on your life and I cant wait to begin this journey toward success, meaning, purpose and abundance with you!~Brian"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Meditation and Mindfulness Course" |
"Science has proven time and again that meditation can restructure the brain and rewire it for success, better concentration, more peace and composure, greater compassion, less stress, and amazing improvements in all areas of life.At the end of this course youll have extensive knowledge of the science and practice of meditation. Youll be able to not only implement a meditation practice into your own life but also teach these tools to your friends and loved ones, if you wish, so they can also share in the immense benefits of meditation. Look, you dont have to meditate for hours a day or resign yourself to a cave like a monk to receive the awesome benefits of meditation, as youll learn, even a small amount of meditation can have immeasurable results in your life.Masters throughout history have taught meditation as a way to profoundly alter our experience of life, as a means to eliminate our suffering, and to cultivate more love, joy, and abundance.Join us for this amazing course where youll learn not only the fundamentals of various types of meditation but youll also learn the science and immense benefits of what these meditations are doing to you both psychologically and physically and learn how to implement them into your daily life. So dont wait, join us today and transform your life.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO:-Meditate properly and effectively -Set up a home practice-Implement meditation and mindfulness into your daily life-Overcome anxiety and stress-Rewire the brain for success-Cultivate better concentration-Cultivate more peace and composure-Cultivate greater compassion-Use your life to benefit others and yourself in a positive way-Enjoy your life more!I cant tell you how many times Ive heard people say, Brian, I just cant meditate. But the truth is, youre meditating all the time; 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In fact, youre meditating right now.Chances are when we think of meditation we think of sitting crossed legged, eyes closed, back straight and yes this is what we call formal meditation where we can skillfully direct our practice and were going to be learning a lot of this in this course, but right now there are unconscious thoughts, or meditations, playing like tape loops in your head.Let me explain. We have these views or beliefs that weve cultivated since childhood.These views were fed to us by our parents, friends, teachers, TV and anything else we were exposed to throughout our lives. Theyre our cultural conditioning and we all have them. Those views become our meditations, our unconscious thoughts and most of them were not even consciously aware of. They cycle around deep in our unconscious mind and when the time is right all of our actions come out of those views, creating our lives because action is the bridge between thought and creation.So formal meditation can serve as a way to not only become aware of those inner views and beliefs that are creating our outer reality but also a way for us to let go of beliefs and actions that are leading us to suffering in our lives and in the lives of others. Meditation is an amazing tool that helps us skillfully create more empowering habits and thus more empowering actions.The Tibetan word for meditation is Gom, it literally translates into to familiarize so thats what were doing in mediation, learning to familiarize our minds with positive and empowering thoughts. Formal meditation will help us to become aware of the thoughts and sensations in the body and then skillfully choose the ones that empower us to be the greatest benefit to ourselves and others.Come and learn some amazing meditations that will make you more aware, mindful, focused, clear and stronger both mentally and physically. Think of your mind like a muscle, you can train it to serve you and the world. The unconscious mind has been our masters our entire life, dictating to you what to do. Through meditation you can consciously train it and become its master because the mind makes a far better servant than a master.WHY AM I DOING THIS?I have twenty years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of yoga and meditation. Ive traveled throughout India, South East Asia, and the United States, studying and practicing intently with many credible teachers, healers and masters.Ive lived in monasteries and ashrams where I studied the mind and discovered powerful techniques that transformed my life from being in massive financial debt and homeless, broke in every sense of the word; in my relationships, spiritually and emotionally broke to applying what I learned and transforming my life into success and fulfilment in all of those areas. I now dedicate my life to teaching others these amazing transformational tools.Throughout my life Ive struggled with addictions and self-limiting beliefs that held me back and caused a lot of pain and suffering in my life. I used to work in TV & Film production, I worked at Comedy Central and had my own production company, but no matter how great my life seemed, I always had this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction that kept me searching & chasing more. And so of course I left my career and company and booked a one-way ticket to India. At that time I was studying a lot of Buddhist Psychology and Yoga in New York and really thought this was the answer, that I was going to go there and come back enlightened. So I went high up into the Himalayan Mountains and all throughout India and South East Asia studying with a lot of great healers, teachers and masters. I went on crazy adventures and I brought what I studied in Yoga and Buddhist Psychology back to New York with me only to realize that a lot of the crap I went to India to get away from was still there inside of me. I then went through a hard and dark time in my life. I battled not only addictions to substances but also addictions to my thoughts, addictions to expectations, addictions to how other people should be, addictions to how I should be and after years and years of this I had a profound experience in meditation one day that shifted my entire mind, I then began to apply everything I had learned and I had amazing results in my life. I started to uproot and transform beliefs and habits that werent making me the best I could be in the world and the greatest benefit to other people. And now I devote my life to teaching this powerful stuff to my students all around the world.What youre about to learn can have immense transformational effects on your life and I cant wait to begin this journey toward success, meaning, purpose and abundance with you!~Brian"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Art of Breathing" |
"Would you like less stress and anxiety in your life? Would you like more energy, increased mental clarity and general well being?In this course youll learn how to use the breath to transform your life. You might think you breathe correctly, but according to experts, most people only breathe at 10-20% of their full capacity, which decreases energy levels in the body, causes anxiety and stress and is a major cause of most illness and dis-ease. Our overstressed, anxious culture, with sedentary jobs and lifestyles have caused us to develop the habit for improper, shallow breathing and its wreaked havoc on our brain and body. But the good news is, we can easily change this.Breath is the bridge between mind and body so this is the perfect place to start to establish not only a great meditation practice but also improve your overall health including your immune and brain functionality which will make you better at everything else you do in life. Learn basic breathing methods along with methods to combat anxiety, sleeplessness, create ultimate energy and clarity and so much more. Sign up today and learn the tools to live a more fulfilling and energetic life.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO:-Decrease stress-Reduce and eliminate anxiety-Create more energy and vitality-Improve immune function-Balance your mind and body-Find greater harmony and peace in your life-Increase mental clarity-Easily correct improper breathing habits -Enjoy your life more!-And so much moreThe simple act of breathing is amazing and breathing is something we rarely even think about, unless we lose our breath. We can live for days without eating food or drinking water but go only a few minutes without breath and youre dead.Each breath brings in life and regeneration and expels things that attempt to harm us. According to experts, most people only breathe at 10 to 20% of their full capacity. Restricted breathing greatly decreases respiratory function, which in turn decreases energy levels in the body, causes anxiety and stress and is a major cause of most illness and dis-ease.Two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg revealed to the world that the cause of most disease is lack of sufficient oxygen in the body. This is in part due to poor breathing habits. The fact is that most of us dont breathe properly, weve unconsciously trained ourselves to breathe shallow due to stress and other lifestyle factors. But like anything else, this is a habit and we can change it. In this course were going to learn the basics of proper breathing and how to use it to increase our energy and achieve optimal health and well being.The two main functions of proper breathing are to bring more oxygen to the blood and brain and to control and increase our energy. Two major functions that affect everything else in our life. Respiration is the most important function of the body. So its astonishing how little attention we pay to the importance of breathing correctly.Luckily, its not too difficult to change our habits of breathing from improper to proper.WHY AM I DOING THIS?I have twenty years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of yoga and meditation. Ive traveled throughout India, South East Asia, and the United States, studying and practicing intently with many credible teachers, healers and masters.Ive lived in monasteries and ashrams where I studied the mind and discovered powerful techniques that transformed my life from being in massive financial debt and homeless, broke in every sense of the word; in my relationships, spiritually and emotionally broke to applying what I learned and transforming my life into success and fulfilment in all of those areas. I now dedicate my life to teaching others these amazing transformational tools.Throughout my life Ive struggled with addictions and self-limiting beliefs that held me back and caused a lot of pain and suffering in my life. I used to work in TV & Film production, I worked at Comedy Central and had my own production company, but no matter how great my life seemed, I always had this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction that kept me searching & chasing more. And so of course I left my career and company and booked a one-way ticket to India. At that time I was studying a lot of Buddhist Psychology and Yoga in New York and really thought this was the answer, that I was going to go there and come back enlightened. So I went high up into the Himalayan Mountains and all throughout India and South East Asia studying with a lot of great healers, teachers and masters. I went on crazy adventures and I brought what I studied in Yoga and Buddhist Psychology back to New York with me only to realize that a lot of the crap I went to India to get away from was still there inside of me. I then went through a hard and dark time in my life. I battled not only addictions to substances but also addictions to my thoughts, addictions to expectations, addictions to how other people should be, addictions to how I should be and after years and years of this I had a profound experience in meditation one day that shifted my entire mind, I then began to apply everything I had learned and I had amazing results in my life. I started to uproot and transform beliefs and habits that werent making me the best I could be in the world and the greatest benefit to other people. And now I devote my life to teaching this powerful stuff to my students all around the world.What youre about to learn can have immense transformational effects on your life and I cant wait to begin this journey toward success, meaning, purpose and abundance with you!~Brian"
Price: 199.99 |
"Pintura em Tecido" |
"O artesanato uma arte que est presente nas casas, ruas e comrcios do mundo inteiro. O segmento tem grande popularidade e continua causando interesse de diversos pblicos e idades, tanto para o lazer e terapia, quanto para o incremento de renda no oramento familiar. O Curso contm o Mdulo Iniciante com 24 aulas e conta com material suporte (Risco, Foto e Passo a Passo)."
Price: 39.99 |
"Wreath Making Class" |
"This Class Includes:HD Videos that show you the step-by-step processSupply ListPrintable templateOpportunity to questions along the wayUnlimited access to class contentYour wreath will be a beautiful addition to your home this holiday season! Over the years Ive taught many of my family and friends and I can tell you that even people that are not crafty at all can make an amazing wreath following this process.Join the class today!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Materias primas y fermentacin de la cerveza" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar cada una de las materias primas, los errores ms comunes que hay durante el proceso de fermentacin, as como calcular la cantidad de levadura.En la parte de fermentacin, aprenders la bioqumica bsica de la elaboracin de cerveza y los procesos cientficos que ocurren durante los procesos de maceracin y microbiolgicos que tienen que ver con el fascinante mundo de la elaboracin de cerveza."
Price: 104.99 |
"Elaboracin prctica de la cerveza artesanal" |
"En este curso aprenders la forma en la que en nuestra cervecera hacemos cerveza.Una serie de pasos que va desde la molienda del grano, hasta obtener nuestra cervezaEn este curso se elaborar una cerveza clara llamada personalmente como Pale Ale MexicanaEsta cerveza es una cerveza ligera de 4.6 % alcohol que es fcil de tomar y tambin muy fcil de elaborarVas a encontrar el equipo necesario para realizar tus primeros lotes en tu casa o bien para tu negocio si ya cuentas con un restaurante o bar y deseas ofrecer una experiencia tuya a tus clientes."
Price: 104.99 |
"HOU-REN-SOU cho ngi mi bt u/HOU-REN-SOU for beginners" |
"""Phn m t kha hc bng Ting Vit bn di. Hy click ""See more"" pha di. "" ""HOU-REN-SOU"" is a communication method for effective business operations used in many Japanese companies since 1980s. In this course, the participants would learn how to HOU-REN-SOU as subordinates in their workplace. Lecture 1: What is ""HOU-REN-SOU""? Lecture 2: How we should report (Houkoku)?Lecture 3: How we should inform (Renraku)?Lecture 4: How we should consult (Soudan)?Lecture 5: Let's build network with HOU-REN-SOUHOU-REN-SOU l mt phng php giao tip cho cc hot ng kinh doanh hiu qu c s dng trong nhiu cng ty Nht Bn t nhng nm 1980. Trong kha hc ny, chng ta s hc v HOU-KOU-KU km theo mt vi trng hp thng xuyn xy ra ti ni lm vic. Lecture 1: ""HOU-REN-SOU"" l g?Lecture 2: Chng ta nn bo co nh th no (Houkoku)?Lecture 3: Chng ta nn lin lc nh th no (Renraku)?Lecture 4: Chng ta nn tho lun nh th no (Soudan)?Lecture 5: Xy dng mi quan h vi HOU-REN-SOU."
Price: 2400.00 |
"HOU-REN-SOU cho cp qun l/HOU-REN-SOU for managers" |
"""Phn m t kha hc bng Ting Vit bn di. Hy click ""See more"" pha di. "" ""HOU-REN-SOU"" is a communication method for effective business operations used in many Japanese companies and the managers are expected to learn how to change HOU-REN-SOU depending on whom they are talking to at workplace. In this course, we are going to learn following lessons with some cases at the workplaces. Lecture 1: What are HOU-REN-SOU expected for managers?Lecture 2: HOU-REN-SOU to superiorsLecture 3: HOU-REN-SOU to for subordinatesLecture 4: HOU-REN-SOU with the other partiesLecture 5: Let's facilitate HOU-REN-SOU at workplace HOU-REN-SOU l mt phng php giao tip cho cc hot ng kinh doanh hiu qu c s dng trong nhiu cng ty Nht Bn v ngi qun l c mong i p dng Hou-Ren-Sou ph hp cho tng i tng. Trong kha hc ny, chng ta s hc nhng bi hc sau y km theo mt vi trng hp thng xuyn xy ra ti ni lm vic. Lecture 1: HOU-REN-SOU c k vng cho ngi qun l l g?Lecture 2: HOU-REN-SOU i vi cp trnLecture 3: HOU-REN-SOU i vi cp diLecture 4: HOU-REN-SOU i vi cc i tng khc Lecture 5: To iu kin p dng HOU-REN-SOU ti ni lm vic"
Price: 2400.00 |
"5S cho ngi mi bt u/5S for beginners" |
"""Phn m t kha hc bng Ting Vit bn di. Hy click ""See more"" pha di. "" ""5S"" is a set of activities for lean production used originally in many manufacturing Japanese companies started from 1980s. It is now used not only in factories but also the offices and service fields. In this course, the participants would learn what is 5S and how they apply it as a member of the workplace. 5S l 1 b nhng hot ng cho sn xut tinh gn c thng xuyn s dng trong cc cng ty sn xut Nht Bn t nhng nm 1980. Ngy nay, khng nhng c s dng trong nh my v cn c ti vn phng v lnh vc dch v. Trong kha hc ny, hc vin s c hc v 5S v cch p dng vo ni lm vic."
Price: 2400.00 |
"Lp k hoch kinh doanh cho qun l / Biz plan for manager" |
"""Phn m t kha hc bng Ting Vit bn di. Hy click ""See more"" pha di. "" Business planning is a starting point of your business success. Some managers say that If you don't make your business plan, it is the same as making a business failure plan. In this course, the participants would learn the practical process of business planning step by step. Business planing skill is one of the necessary management skills for higher position managers.Lp k hoch kinh doanh l bc khi u cho s thnh cng trong kinh doanh ca bn. Mt s ngi qun l ni rng nu bn khng lp k hoch kinh doanh, th n ging nh l bn ang chun b mt k hoch cho s tht bi trong kinh doanh. Trong kha hc ny, hc vin s hc v quy trnh thc t ca lp k hoch kinh doanh tng bc mt. K nng lp k hoch kinh doanh l mt trong nhng k nng qun l cn thit cho cc cp qun l v tr cao."
Price: 3000.00 |
"Gluten Free Vegan and Plant Based Cooking 2019,The Basics" |
"This is a course for people with little or no knowledge of vegan,plant based and gluten free cooking.You will get37 video classes with over 3 hours of videoEasy to follow recipesBasic recipes to learnEquipment guideHow to chop and safety hintsRecipes in grams and oncesFull recipe pdfsA grains guide on how to cook grains and usesSolve the problems of changing your diet withEasy to sauces to makeDesserts and cakesBasics breads and dessertsSnacks and main coursesPutting all together.The sections of the course areIntroduction and recipesGrains guideBasic SaucesSnacks and Main mealsBreads desserts and sweetsPutting it altogether.This course is for people who want to change their lifestyle and introduce more plant based cuisine into their diet.This course is for people who want to learn the basic skills to cook and feed themselves family and friends.This course is NOT for people with a lot of vegan and gluten free cooking experience.The course will enable families to add more vegetables into meal times.The course also enable you to cook for different diets including, gluten free, vegan, dairy free, egg free.So take the plunge check out the full list of what is on offer and I look forward seeing you soon.Cheers Gavin"
Price: 94.99 |
"A fun way of learning Japanese language - JLPT N4 and N5" |
"When you were a baby, did you study grammar to learn how to speak?Im sure none of us did.Theres only one way babies learn, and that is through repeating what others say.In this course, there will be 136 interesting personality.They will speak a total of 1000 sentences using short dialogues.All you need to do is to repeat what they say.But with passion.Learning Japanese does not simply come from listening to it.Please keep listening to it repeatedly and recite what the characters are saying.I have made the lessons interesting so you will not get tired of them.Dont try and learn the grammar theoretically. Learn it through practice.If you dont understand grammar, you can learn the phrase itself.This course is not just about watching or listening to the videos.Please utilize the Q & A format like a chat room, and communicate with others using Japanese.Fortunately, this course is full of people from all over the world who are keen to learn Japanese.I will advise in the comment section if I notice any strange wording.Lets learn together.This course consists of 5 hours of video lessons.Section 3vocabulary Lv1~25 can be downloaded.You can listen to these in the background when you are unable to watch the video lessons.When there are Kanji in the conversation, the meaning of the Kanji and the pronunciation will both be written to help you understand."
Price: 7800.00 |
"Con este entrenamiento, el estudiante obtendr las herramientas necesarias para transformar su vida y su realidad a travs de la msica consciente, logrando diferenciar y comprender el impacto de la msica en su vida y en especial en sus relaciones. Asimismo, el estudiante podr reconocer y diferenciar con mayor facilidad letras de msica consciente y con ello podr elegir de tal manera de que la msica que cante o escuche a diario impacte de manera positiva en su vida."
Price: 44.99 |
"Make games on Buildbox Complete Course: beginner to Advance" |
"In this course you will learn the basics to advance level of making games on buildbox.We will start it from start to end how to use different tools of buildbox software and how to create a professional game and we will take you step by step to become a Master in Creation of Games with BuildBox including like Animating Characters, Jumping, Walking, Creating Wonderful Scenarios with Platforms and Best Game Creation Practices and much much more. after this course you will be able to create your own Games on buildbox.The best Online course to learn how to Create Games without writing a single line of code in Buildbox. So ensure success in the Creation of Your Game on Buildbox and Publish it to the World whether for PC, Android Smartphones, Iphone iOS and other Game devices.I teach you in detail how to use different tools of buildbox and how this tools make your game a professional, you don't need to write any programs at all.Just have a good idea, find pictures, and all that can be assembled.Just click and drag and drop.The games making on buildbox really easy. Kids can do it.Of course, the game you create may be a big hit.and may be the main income, extra income for you so,,Don't waste your time. Go ahead in this course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Make Car Racing Games On Unity 3D - Complete Course 2020" |
"Enroll Now And Become A Professional Unity 3D Car Racing Game Developer!If you are interested in developing amazing, commercial quality Car Racing games that are playable on a variety of platforms, then you've come to the right place. his course will take you down a guided learning path. This is the most comprehensive course on Unity 3d on the Internet.Not only will you build Car Racing games 2020 also it is a vehicle game, but you will learn how to do it the way the pros do. We'll even cover advanced topics like lighting, UI, Menus and multiplayer.This is the most comprehensive online course that will take you from beginner to creating stunning Unity 3D Car Racing games in Unity Game Engine!The course is completely project-based, and we are going to create Complete Car Racing 3D games from scratch using Unity Game Engine.We will start with simple things so you will be comfortable even if you are using Unity 3D for the first time. This also applies to your coding skills, if you did not know how to code, don't worry, we will deeply cover C# from basic to advanced features.I have more than 5 years of online teaching experience and have structured this course in a professional way. I had beginners and intermediate game developers on my mind when I structured this course, so it will not only give you all the information you need as a beginner, but it will also teach you advanced Car Racing game development techniques Of 2020 if you already know how to make Car Racing games. Every section in the course starts with basic information about the specific topic and slowly progresses in difficulty as we finish every video.Some of the things you will learn in the course:. Installation & setup Unity's interface. Pathfinding Importing Assets Organizing The Project Basic, Intermediate And Advanced C# Programming Path Finding Basic And Advanced Animations Camera Animations And Cut scenes Sound FX And Music Pooling Techniques Learn How To Use Unity's UI System Create And Animate Menus Create Animation Trigger Create Play Rounds Create Multiplayer Navigate the Unity Engine and discover unique features such as the Asset Store. And a ton more...That And Much More Is Awaiting You In This CourseIf You ever had an idea for an awesome game, then enroll in this course and learn the tools that you need to develop Your next hit game!!!Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"SEO 2020: Complete SEO Training, SEO For WordPress Websites" |
"This course, SEO 2020: Complete SEO Training, SEO For WordPress Websites is all about 36 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) factors on how to reach top spot on Google search with Search Engine Optimization.SEO is one of the most cost effective marketing strategies out there as it can deliver hundreds of targeted leads per day to your business for FREE.Take this SEO Training Course to follow a proven step by step guide to rank #1 in Google. Everything is explained in plain english and all tools recommended are free!Implement the 3 Pivotal Steps to Get Higher Rankings & Traffic with SEO Keyword Research: Find Low-Competition, High-Converting Keywords On Page Optimisation: Optimise Your Content Around These Keywords Off Page Optimisation: Build Authority Around Your Keywords & Content with Back Links.If you implement these 3 steps correctly as shown in the course, you'll blow your competitors out of the water. Soon you'll be at the top of the search results and benefitting from the massive traffic, increased authority and boost in sales that comes with that.SEO is NOT a Cost but an Investment. This course is specially designed for Webmasters, Bloggers, Business owners, Search Engine Optimization Beginners / Experts and Website owners, who want to rank #1 in Google.This course will help you toMaster Technical SEO factors The entry ticket to search EnginesMake your website load in less than a second. The interesting part of this section is, your page speed insights score will up to 100 /100 for desktop and 100 / 100 for mobileGet indexed by search engines fasterImplement the best User experience for your visitors The future SEO factor. Reduce user abandonment rate and increase users time spent on your siteLearn Keyword Research in SEO - Get targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional / informative long tail keywordsAll backlink myths demystified - Learn the important attributes of backlinks and ignore the ones that don't work anymoreProtect your website against Negative SEO Its not a black hat SEO. This is your line of defense against negative SEO attacksLearn everything from Positive SEO factors to Negative SEO factors, master them and implement on your website to get top ranking in search engines.Though SEO is not a rocket science. Its not that easy to grasp the impact of various terminologies used in SEO like Doorway pages, keyword stuffing, bounce rate etc.Thats why, for each and every SEO factor, not only youll learn what that SEO factor is, but also youll learnWhy is that a SEO factor?When and how to use them?Negative SEO is a must know section for every WordPress owner, because you may rank #1 in top pages of Google search, for your popular keywords now.What if, Google penalizes your website and you lose ranking for your popular keywordsWhat if, your invisible / unknown competitor attacks your website with Negative SEOWe have covered everything regarding Negative SEO attack, how to recover from it etc., in this course.Now you should have realized, this course is not just a collection of information, its highly efficient, streamlined and it will give you the solid results, you have expected.NO PRIOR SEO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! If you have no experience, don't worry! This course is the perfect fit for you. This course will be the best choice you make in your step-by-step journey towards being a professional SEO Expert.Note: All lectures are quickly updated following any changes in SEO techniques or the free tools recommended.""If you have ever dreamed of getting to top #1 position in Google search results, then you've come to the right course. Take this course Click on Add to Cart and enroll now""."
Price: 149.99 |
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Price: 6000.00 |
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Price: 6000.00 |
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Price: 6000.00 |
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Price: 6000.00 |
"Personal Transformation : Live with Thankfulness in 4 days" |
"Personal Transformation happens when you know what to change or develop or when you chalk down a transformational roadmap and start implementing. And you can only do that when two things happen : You are motivated to change and You know what you have and what to changeAs you know, there are two sides of everything, when you see what you have in a negative way, the chances of staying motivated reduce and hence reducing the chances of personal transformation as well. The first step to any personal transformation is the feeling of satisfaction and the feeling of happiness. And it can only happen when you are happily accept what you have. So, thankfulness can be named as the first step to personal transformation. With this short course on Start Living with Thankfulness in 4 days, you will be:Aware of what Thankfulness isKnowing what are the benefits of thankfulnessUnderstanding why we are not ThankfulAware of how thankfulness transforms us or upgrades usBuilding ThankfulnessPractice Daily Thankfulness PrayerStart Writing Thankfulness Journaland much moreIn this course, you will be getting : 13 lecturesMore than 1 hour of contentScientifically designed modules to be completed in 4 daysUnderstand the areas of life.Downloadable MP3 on Thankfulness Prayer for Daily PracticeActivity Book to support your learningAdditional Resources to dig deep learningSupport via Message - expect a reply in next 48 hours. So, I welcome you to this first step towards personal transformation - start living with thankfulness in 4 days. The benefits of thankfulness is really huge and it positively affects all areas of life - be in intellectual, or financial, or relationships, or emotions, or handling stress - whatever it be, thankfulness plays a vital role everywhere in life. Please note : Thankfulness or Thankfulness Prayer has nothing to do with any religion.It has only link with you as a person.This course must be completed in 4 days only. Please don't rush.This course can only be effective if you practice thankfulness daily."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hypnosis-Babys Sanfte Geburt" |
"Hypnosis-Babys ist ein deutschsprachiges, innovatives sechswchiges Trainingsprogramm zur entspannten Vorbereitung auf eine sanfte, idealerweise schmerzfreie, natrliche Geburt mit Hypnose. Dieses Programm ist in erster Linie fr werdende Mtter und ihre geburtsbegleitenden Helfer fr die Anwendung zu Hause in einer ruhigen Umgebung gedacht. Sie werden eingeladen, Geburtshypnose fr sich selbst bei freier Zeiteinteilung zu ben.Fr das Mentaltraining stehen Ihnen praxisnahe Skripte im eBook (ePub) und insgesamt 10 Audiodateien (MP3), sowie 26 Videos zur Verfgung. Alle verwendeten Werkzeuge und Methoden sind anschaulich in Videos erlutert und knnen von Ihnen, auch wenn Sie in der Hypnose ungebt sind, sofort angewendet werden. Darber hinaus enthlt das eBook wertvolle Tipps zur Schwangerschaft und zur konkreten Geburtsvorbereitung. Sinnvoll ist, mit dem Programm von Hypnosis-Babys in der dreiigsten bis zweiunddreiigsten Schwangerschaftswoche zu beginnen. Sie knnen dabei nichts falsch machen. Sie und Ihr Kind knnen von diesem Training nur profitieren!"
Price: 39.99 |