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"Struts Framework: Crea aplicaciones Java Web con Struts"
"Domina Struts Framework. Te gustara ser ms eficiente en el desarrollo web de tus aplicaciones Java? Tienes que aplicar Struts Framework en tu trabajo o proyecto laboral Java?Struts es un framework Java que te permitir reducir el tiempo de desarrollo. Su carcter de ""software libre"" y su compatibilidad con todas las plataformas Java Web y Entreprise, lo convierte en un framework muy poderoso.Preocupado por tu conocimiento en Struts Framework?Te ha paso que cientos de ofertas laborales te solicitan Struts Framework, pero tu conocimiento en esta tecnologa es muy limitado?No te preocupes ms, aprende paso a paso y desde cero a utilizar este potente Framework Java. Aprovechars tus nuevas oportunidades laborales y sers ms productivo en el desarrollo de tus aplicaciones Web y Empresariales JavaQu Aprender exactamente?Mdulo I. Introduccin a StrutsConoce el Frameworks de Struts desde cero. Estudiaremos el patrn MVC y aplicaremos las mejores prcticas al utilizar el Framework de Struts.Estudiaremos el concepto de Framework, el cual es un conjunto de clases Java que nos permiten resolver un problema en especfico.Revisaremos a detalle en qu consiste el Framework de Struts, y conoceremos la forma en que implementa el patrn de diseo MVC.Instalaremos el software de MyEclipse, el cual utilizaremos a lo largo del curso con el objetivo de incrementar la productividad en nuestros desarrollos con Struts.Crearemos nuestro proyecto HolaMundo con Struts y explicaremos paso a paso la creacin del ejercicio.Mdulo II. Acciones y Formas con StrutsEstudiaremos el concepto de Acciones y Formas en Struts, y revisaremos los elementos que utiliza Struts para implementar el patrn de diseo MVC.Estudiaremos la implementacin de patrn MVC por parte del Framework de Struts y revisaremos las clases Java y/o elementos que realizan las funciones de Modelo-Vista-Controlador.Aprenderemos a utilizar las clases Action en Struts, las cuales cubren el rol de Controlador en el patrn MVC implementado por Struts.Revisaremos las clases de tipo FormBeans (ActionForm), los cuales nos facilitarn el procesamiento de un formulario HTML.Revisaremos la configuracin del archivo struts-config.xml y veremos los elementos bsicos la configuracin del framework.Crearemos un ejercicio donde integraremos los elementos Action, ActionForm y el archivo struts-config.xml para tener una configuracin inicial paso a paso.Mdulo III. Acciones y Formas AvanzadasEn este mdulo estudiaremos las Acciones y Formas Avanzadas, como son DispatchAction o DynaForm para facilitar el uso de estos conceptos en Struts.Revisaremos las Acciones y Formas Avanzadas en Struts y veremos como sacar el mejor provecho de cada opcin.Estudiaremos la clase DispatchAction, la cual nos permitir procesa ms fcilmente una o varias peticiones HTTP de un formulario HTML.Analizaremos las Formas Avanzadas (DynaForm) las cuales nos permitirn procesar ms fcilmente un formulario HTML evitando configuraciones innecesarias.Crearemos un ejemplo paso a paso aplicando el concepto de Acciones y Formas Avanzadas.Mdulo IV. Internacionalizacin y ExcepcionesEn este mdulo aprenderemos a configurar nuestra aplicacin Web para soportar varios idiomas de una manera muy simple, y estudiaremos el concepto de Excepciones con Struts Framework.Aprenderemos el Manejo de Mensajes (etiquetas) en las pginas JSP utilizando Struts.Agregaremos el concepto de Internacionalizacin a nuestra aplicacin de Struts, bajo el estndar I18N de Java, para soportar varios lenguajes.Estudiaremos el manejo de Excepciones en Struts, y revisaremos las excepciones globales, excepciones por cada clase Action y excepciones por medio de una clase particular (handler) y as manipular de manera personalizada las excepciones.Mdulo V. Validaciones con StrutsEstudiaremos el concepto de Validaciones Manuales y Automticas, las cuales nos permitirn enviar informacin previamente revisada y validada a nuestro servidor Java.Analizaremos el proceso para aplicar la Validacin Manual en Struts.Crearemos un ejercicio donde veremos a detalle cmo validar manualmente los campos de un formulario utilizando Struts.Estudiaremos paso a paso el proceso para utilizar los Validadores Automticos que nos brinda Struts.Por medio de un ejercicio, pondremos en prctica la Validacin Automtica por medio de archivos externos (validation.xml y validator-rules.xml), pudiendo activar esta validacin del lado del cliente con JavaScript o en el servidor Java.Mdulo VI. Plantillas con Struts (Tiles)En este mdulo estudiaremos el concepto de plantillas en Struts Framework, tambin conocido como Tiles.Revisaremos en la necesidad del uso de Plantillas. Este concepto nos permitir definir secciones en nuestras pginas Web dinmicas, evitando duplicacin de contenido y creacin de pginas Web con mayor rapidez y facilidad de mantenimiento.Por medio de un ejemplo, pondremos en prctica el concepto de Tiles, para crear pginas dinmicas a partir de la definicin de plantillas.Revisaremos el Laboratorio Final, donde incluiremos todos los conceptos aprendidos a lo largo del Curso, el cual es una Aplicacin Web con Conexin a Bases de Datos utilizando JDBC, creando un proyecto multicapas listo para utilizarse como base (esqueleto) para proyectos propios.Recuerda, tu satisfaccin est garantizada, o tu dinero de vuelta.Inscrbete YA MISMO!SaludosIng. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99

"JBoss Administration: Aprende a configurar el servidor Java"
"Te solicitaron administrar el servidor JBossde tu empresa?Si te solicitaron administrar el servidor de aplicaciones de tu empresa y nunca antes has administrado un servidor Java, habrs notado que se requiere no solamente de conocimientos tcnicos, sino de una curva de aprendizaje extensa.Con nuestro curso online podrs aprender rpidamente a administrar el servidor de aplicaciones JBoss y as crear ambientes de alta disponibilidad aplicando conceptos como Clster, Balanceo de Cargas, Tolerancia a fallos y varios temas ms.Pero... Por qu aprender la Administracin de JBoss?Las aplicaciones empresariales Java requieren de conocimientos de programacin, pero llega el momento en que todo programador debe enfrentarse a temas de administracin de Servidores Java, tales como Tomcat, Glassfish, Weblogic o JBoss.JBoss es uno de los servidores de aplicaciones Java ms estables y maduros al da de hoy. Cuenta con el apoyo de la comunidad Java y empresas de todos tamaos confan en sus soluciones, ya que se encuentran respaldados por RedHat, empresa lider en el desarrollo de software.Adems, JBoss tiene una versin TOTALMENTE LIBRE DE USO.QuAprenderexactamente?Mdulo I. Introduccin a JBoss Administration.En este mdulo estudiaremos una introduccin al servidor de aplicaciones JBossEstudiaremos qu es JBoss Enterprise Middleware Stack y cules son sus productos.Analizaremos qu es JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) y cuales son sus caractersticas.Veremos qu archivos se necesitan para la carga e inicializacin de JBoss y algunos ejemplos.Revisaremos las opciones de Arranque en JBoss, as como algunos parmetros de configuracin.Veremos la Instalacin de JBoss EAP paso a paso.Mdulo II. Estructura de JBossEn este mdulo revisaremos las carpetas y archivos para entender a detalle la estructura del servidor de aplicaciones JBoss.Revisaremos la Estructura de Directorios en JBoss y mencionaremos las carpetas y archivos ms importantes.Estudiaremos que el concepto de Instancias o Perfiles en JBoss y recomendaciones para crear una nueva instancia.Analizaremos la Estructura de una Instancia en JBoss.Como ejercicio, crearemos una nueva instancia en nuestra instalacin de JBoss.Mdulo III. Tipos de Aplicaciones Desplegables en JBossEn este mdulo revisaremos los tipos de aplicaciones que podemos desplegar en nuestro servidor de aplicaciones de JBoss.Revisaremos los diferentes tipos de Aplicaciones Desplegables en JBoss.Estudiaremos la estructura de una aplicacin Web en Java (archivos .war)Analizaremos la Estructura de una aplicacin Empresarial (archivos .ear)Estudiaremos cmo configurar un DataSource en JBoss y sus parmetros.Despliegue de Aplicaciones en JBoss con un ejercicio.Mdulo IV. Consolas de Monitoreo en JBossEn este mdulo estudiaremos las distintas consolas que tenemos disponibles para administrar nuestro servidor de aplicaciones JBoss.Estudiaremos las caractersticas y funciones de los distintos tipos de Consolas de JBoss.Analizaremos la Consola de Administracin de JBoss y su configuracin.Veremos qu es la Consola JMX, en qu casos se utiliza y algunas de sus caractersticas.Analizaremos la Consola Web, su configuracin y cmo podemos habilitarla.Estudiaremos qu es Jconsole y sus caractersticas.Mdulo V. Conectores en JBossEn este mdulo estudiaremos las distintas formas que tenemos para establecer comunicacin con nuestro servidor de aplicaciones, tambin conocidos como Conectores.Estudiaremos cules son los conectores que soporta la Capa Web en JBoss.Analizaremos cmo activar/desactivar los conectores en JBoss y algunos ejemplos.Veremos cules son los conectores que soporta JBoss en la en la capa de Servicio.Analizaremos como eliminar servicios innecesarios para hacer ms segura y ligera nuestra instancia en JBoss.Con un ejercicio, configuraremos el protocolo HTTPS en JBoss, utilizando SSL.Mdulo VI. Clster en JBossEn este mdulo estudiaremos el concepto de Clster y como configurar un ambiente de alta disponibilidad en nuestras aplicaciones Java.Estudiaremos qu es un Clster y explicaremos sus caractersticas.Analizaremos la terminologa que maneja el concepto de Clster como son: escalabilidad, alta disponibilidad, balanceo de cargas, tolerancia a fallos entre otros.Estudiaremos la Integracin entre Apache y JBoss para manejar el concepto de Alta Disponibilidad y Tolerancia a Fallos.Crearemos un ejercicio para la construccin de un Clster en JBoss.Crearemos un ejercicio Final para aplicar el concepto de Balanceo de Cargas y Tolerancia a Fallos integrando Apache Web Server y JBoss Application Server.Recuerda, tu satisfaccin est garantizada o tu dinero de vuelta.Inscrbete YA MISMO!SaludosIng. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99

"Hibernate Framework: Crea aplicaciones Java Hibernate y JPA"
"Deseas facilitar el almacenamiento y recuperacin de informacin Java a travs del mapeo objeto/relacional?Con Hibernate explota la informacin de cualquier Base de Datos y agiliza el desarrollo Java aplicando conceptos de ORM (Object/Relational Mapping), as como varios patrones de diseo tales como DAO, DTO y varios ms.QuAprenderexactamente?Mdulo I. Introduccin a Hibernate y JPAEn este mdulo estudiaremos una introduccin al Framework de Hibernate y JPA (Java Persistence API), incluyendo el concepto ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), el cual resuelve muchos de los problemas que se presenta en la capa de datos en una aplicacin de Java Empresarial.Estudiaremos una introduccin al Framework de Hibernate y JPA, y la esencia de trabajar con este Framework Java.Instalaremos nuestro IDE, en este caso MyEclipse, para trabajar con el Framework de Hibernate y JPAInstalaremos nuestra base de datos MySql, con la que trabajaremos a lo largo del cursoConfiguraremos un primer ejemplo con Conexin a Bases de Datos con MyEclipse y HibernateCrearemos un primer ejercicio para explicar cmo trabajaremos con los objetos de Java y su representacin en una tabla de base de datos aplicando el concepto de ORMMdulo II. Configuracin de HibernateRevisaremos los patrones de diseo relacionados con el uso de Hibernate y la capa de datos en una aplicacin Java.Revisaremos los Patrones de Diseo con los que trabajeremos de manera particular en la capa de presistencia, como son DAO (Data Acess Object) y DTO (Data Access Object).Operaciones con Hibernate: Pondremos en prctica las operaciones bsicas (alta, bajas y cambios) que comnmente utilizamos en nuestras tablas de base de datos aplicando los patrones de diseo DAO y DTO.Crearemos una aplicacin Web donde utilizaremos JSPs y Servlets, aplicando el patrn de diseo MVC, y estableceremos comunicacin con nuestra capa de datos creada en Hibernate para mostrar cmo utilizar el cdigo Java generado hasta el momento.Mdulo III. Manejo de AsociacionesEn este mdulo estudiaremos el manejo de Asociaciones en Hibernate, como son uno a muchos, muchos a uno y muchos a muchos.Estudiaremos los tipos de Asociaciones en Hibernate, que son las mismas que se manejan en la teora de base de datos relacionales.Revisaremos cmo aplicar relaciones de tipo uno a muchos, muchos a uno y muchos a muchos, utilizando el Framework de HibernateEstudiaremos el concepto de Clases de Entidad que nos ofrece Hibernate, con el objetivo de guardar objetos Java directamente en registros de una base de datosMdulo IV. Ciclo de Vida en Objetos de EntidadEstudiaremos el ciclo de vida en los objetos Java, administrados por el Framework de Hibernate.Estudiaremos el concepto del Ciclo de Vida en Objetos de Entidad utilizando el framework de Hibernate.Revisaremos los distitnos estados de persistencia que Hibernate nos ofrece.Analizaremos el flujo necesario para recuperar un Objeto Persistente y los pasos para iniciar una transaccin y mandando llamar a los mtodos ya sea load (id) o get (id) pasando a un estado de persistente donde cerrando nuestra sincronizar de vuelta los cambios en nuestra base de datos..Aprenderemos el concepto de Persistencia en Cascada, el cual nos sirve para agregar informacin de varias tablas relacionadas al mismo tiempo.Mdulo V. Ejecucin de Consultas con HQLEn este mdulo aprenderemos una de las caractersticas ms importantes de Hibernate, su lenguaje de consultas HQL (Hibernate Qyery Language).Estudiaremos el lenguaje HQL, el cual es similar a SQL, sin embargo su objetivo es manejar objetos de Java, y de manera indirecta crear el cdigo SQL a utilizar en nuestas bases de datos.Estudiaremos el concepto de JOINS en HQL, muy similar al concepto de uniones en SQL, pero utilizando objetos de JavaEstudiaremos el concepto de Lazy Loading y Fetch en HIbernate, el cual nos sirve para indicar qu informacin se va a recuperar de nuestra bases de datos segn las tablas y objetos Java que estn relacionados.Revisaremos las mejores prcticas para evitar excepciones de tipo LazyLoadingException en nuestras aplicaciones JavaMdulo VI. Consultas con el API de CriteriaEn este mdulo aprenderemos a utilizar el API de Criteria de Hibernate, el cual es nico en su clase, ya que permite los queries de SQL a travs de cdigo Java, simplificando varias tareas que de otra manera resultan muy complejas al utilizar HQL o SQL directamente.Estudiaremos el API de Criteria y en qu casos es conveniente utilizar esta API de Hibernate.Revisremos con base en comparaciones cmo realizar queries utilizando el API de Criteria y su equivalente en HQL.Analizaremos el concepto de Query by Example y Criteria, los cuales simplifican la creacin de queries sobre clases de Entidad.Crearemos una aplicacin Web del mundo real que se conecte a una base de datos va JDBC, crearemos el anlisis y diseo del mismo, as como la capa de presentacin, la capa de datos para esta aplicacin y as desplegar la informacin en nuestro servidor Tomcat para simular un ambiente productivo.Laboratorio Final: Veremos la integracin de todos los temas estudiados a lo largo del curso en una aplicacin Java Web del mundo real.Recuerda, tu satisfaccin est garantizada, o tu dinero de vuelta.Inscrbete YA MISMO!SaludosIng. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring y Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99

"Desarrollo con Java Frameworks: Struts, Spring y Hibernate!"
"Incrementa tu productividad con los Frameworks Java ms utilizados.Conoces la tecnologa utilizada enSistemas Bancarios, Instituciones de Gobierno, entre muchas empresas ms?Aprende cmo utilizar e Integrar los Frameworks Java para crear Aplicaciones Web y Empresariales Profesionales.Integracin de Frameworks Java.En este increible curso aprenderemos los Frameworks Java ms populares. Utilizaremosuna arquitectura de 3 capas,aplicaremos patrones de diseo tales como MVC (Model-View-Controller), DAO (Data Access Object), DTO (Data Transfere Object o Value Object)entre varios ms y sobre todo, aplicaremos las mejores prcticas al integrar estosFrameworks JAVA.El Proyecto Final de este curso Java Frameworks representa nuestra experiencia en el desarrollo de Sistemas Java de gran escala a lo largo de varios aos, debido a estas buenas prcticas en tus proyectos del mundo real encontrars muchsimas similitudes que harn tu trabajo y el desarrollo de tus proyectos bastante ms sencillos.El proyecto final te servir de gua para tus propios proyectos, incluyendo la integracin de los Frameworks Struts, Spring y Hibernate, lo cual es muy difcil de encontrar en un solo curso.""Parecen los Frameworks Java muy complejos...Cmoaprenderemos a manejarlos fcilmente?""Si bien los Frameworks Java parecen temas muy extenso y complejos, su aprendizaje no tiene por qu ser as. El problema surge cuando la forma en que se ensea no est orientada a problemas del mundo real y/o los cursos son impartidos por instructores con poca experiencia en la tecnologa, adems los ejercicios de Integracin entre Frameworks no son los adecuados para aprender realmente a crear aplicaciones Java Robustas, Simples, Flexibles y Escalables aplicando los Frameworks Java.Los Frameworks Libres como Struts, Spring y Hibernate han marcado la tendencia del desarrollo Java en los ltimos aos, adems existen miles de proyectos a nivel nacional y mundial que han integrado estas tecnologas en sus proyectos.""Pero... Por qu estudiar Frameworks Java?""Te ha sucedido alguna vez que en un nuevo proyecto necesitas rehacer mucho cdigo desde cero, como si no hubieras adquirido ninguna experiencia previa?.Los frameworks nos permiten simplificar muchas de las tareas que nos encontramos da a da como programadores Java.Adems, estos Fameworks Java son TOTALMENTE LIBRES DE USAR.Adems, conocer estas tecnologas te puede generarbastantes ofertas laborales, tanto nacionales comointernacionales.QuAprenderexactamente?Struts desde las Bases:Conoceel Frameworks de Struts desde los Fundamentos.Agiliza el desarrollo Weben tus aplicacionesJava. Estudiaremos el patrnMVCy aplicaremos las mejores prcticas al utilizar el framework de StrutsQu es Struts Framework?Este es framework que utilizaremos en la capa de presentacin en nuestras aplicaciones Web. Aplicaremos el patrn de diseo MVC para su uso y explicacin.Instalacin de Struts Frameworkutilizando herramientas que nos facilitarn el uso de este framework. As mismo, veremos una introduccin al archivo struts-config.xml el cual es el core del framework de Struts.Acciones de Strutsque nos permitirn mantener el control de nuestra aplicacin, procesando las peticiones del framework.FormBeans (ActionForm)los cuales nos facilitarn el procesamiento de un formulario HTML.Acciones Avanzadas (DispatchAction)que nos permitirn procesa ms fcilmente una o varias peticiones de un formulario HTML.Formas Avanzadas (DynaForm)las cuales nos permitirn procesar ms fcilmente un formulario HTML evitando configuraciones innecesarias.Struts del Mundo Real:Crea una aplicacin Java Web del Mundo Real utilizando Struts. Aplicaremos todos los conceptos vistos de este Framework tan popular en el mundo Java.Manejo de Mensajes e Internacionalizacinlo cual nos permitir manejar varios idiomas en nuestras aplicaciones Web de una manera muy simple.Concepto de Validacin Manual y Automticalo que nos permitir enviar informacin previamente revisada y validada a nuestro servidor Java.Plantillaseste concepto tambin conocido como Tiles, nos permitir definir secciones en nuestras pginas Web, evitando duplicacin de contenido y creacin de pginas Web con mayor rapidez.Integracin de una Aplicacin Web con Conexin a Bases de Datosutilizando JDBC, lo que nos permitir separar responsabilidades y crear un proyecto multicapas.Hibernate desde las Bases:Conoce el framework de Hibernate desde sus fundamentos. Explota la informacin de cualquierBase de Datosconeste framework, yagiliza el desarrollo Javacon patrones de diseoDAO,DTO, entre otros.Qu es Hibernate?Estudiaremos el Framework Hibernate, el cual nos facilitar el trabajo de persistencia de Objetos Java hacia una Base de Datos, y viceversa. Utilizaremos MySql como manejador de Base de Datos, aunque se puede utilizar cualquier otro Manejador de Base de Datos.Cmo instalar y configurar Hibernate.Veremos los pasos necesarios para instalar y configurar de manera correcta Hibernate, y as poder conectarnos a cualquier base de datos.Ejemplos con Mysql. Crearemos varios ejemplos para demostrar cmo realizar consultas, inserciones, modificaciones y eliminacin de datos sobre una base de datos de MySql utilizando Objetos Java y el framework de Hibernate.Patrones de Diseo en la creacin de la Capa de Datos. Aplicaremos las mejores prcticas y patrones de diseo para la creacin de una capa de datos efectiva con Hibernate. Los patrones de diseo que estudiaremos sonDAO (Data Access Object) y DTO (Data Transfer Object).Estados de Objetos y Consultas con Hibernate:Domina los estados de los objetos de Entidad de Hibernate y aprende cmo realizar consultas a travs de objetos por medio del lenguaje HQL y el API de Criteria (exclusivo de Hibernate).Ciclo de vida de los Objetos de Entidad en Hibernatelo que nos permitir entender cmo manejar correctamente los objetos Java que administra Hibernate.Crearemos una aplicacin Webque nos permitir explotar la informacin de una capa de Datos construida con Hibernate, y veremos el uso de las mejores prcticas como puede ser la separacin de responsabilidades (loose coupling)Qu es HQL?Revisaremos a detalle el lenguaje de consultas de Objetos Java de Hibernate conocido como Hibernate Query Language (HQL).Qu es el API de Criteria?Veremos el uso del lenguaje nico del framework de Hibernate para ejecutar consultas, conocido como el API de Criteria. Crearemos varios ejemplos prcticos que nos permitirn entender a detalle esta tecnologa.Ejemplo de Integracin de las Caractersticas ms importantes de Hibernate.Al finalizar este mdulo crearemos una aplicacin Web donde pondremos en prctica todos los conceptos estudiados de Hibernate.Spring desde las Bases:Integra y agiliza tus aplicaciones Java con elframework de Spring. Utilizaremos las mejores prcticas que te permitirn crear Aplicaciones Java Web y Empresariales muy robustas y flexibles.Qu es Spring?Este es el framework libre ms completo que se haya creado utilizando el lenguaje Java.Inyeccin de Dependencias. Estudiaremos los conceptos de Dependency Inyection (DI) lo que nos permitir obtener objetos Java a travs de lo que se conoce como la Fbrica de Spring.Spring JDBCMostraremos cmo Spring puede simplificar el uso de JDBC sin necesidad de frameworks como Hibernate.Spring MVC.Veremos la propuesta de Spring para la capa de Presentacin, similar al Struts.Integracin entre Spring MVC y Spring JDBCAl finalizar este mdulo crearemos algunas una aplicacin Web para integrar correctamente las tecnologas Spring MVC y Spring JDBC.Integracin de Frameworks Java:En este ltimo mdulo veremos cmo se debe realizar una correcta integracin entre los frameworks de Struts, Spring y Hibernate para crear aplicaciones Java Web y Empresariales totalmente profesionales.Manejo Avanzado de BeansVeremos conceptos ms avanzados en la configuracin de la fbrica de Spring, aplicacin conceptos de Inversin de Control (IoC).Integracin entre Spring y Hibernate. Estudiaremos la manera en que se integran estos 2 frameworks para brindar caractersticas como es el manejo de Transacciones en una aplicacin Java Empresarial.Programacin Orientada a Aspectos.Aprenderemos a aplicar esta tcnica para simplificar y agilizar el desarrollo de varios aspectos en una aplicacin empresarial, como pueden ser la seguridad, el manejo de bitcoras, el manejo de errores, el manejo de transacciones, entre otros aspectos.Creacin de una aplicacin Java Web.Al finalizar nuestro curso, crearemos una aplicacin Web Empresarial aplicando las mejores prcticas e integrandoTODOSlos frameworks descritos anteriormente, la capa de datos con ayuda de Hibernate, la capa de negocio o servicio con ayuda de Spring y la capa de presentacin con ayuda de Struts Framework.En el laboratorio final aplicaremos una arquitectura multicapas con el objetivo de que esta aplicacin sirva de base para tus proyecto Java Web y Empresariales aplicando estos frameworks.Por si fuera poco, como bono de regalo te obsequiamos totalmente gratis el Curso de Java Server Faces. El cual complementa perfectmente la integracin de frameworks y tecnologas Java. Este curso incluye:JSF 2.xen JEE:Conoce la tecnologa JSF en su versin 2.xpara crear aplicaciones Java EE basadas en web, simplificando el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario.Estudiaremos la introduccin a JavaServer Faces y sus caractersticasEstudiaremos las caractersticas bsicas de JSF, as como los cambios ms relevantes en su versin 2.xY Crearemos el ejercicio de HolaMundo en JSF 2.x.Analizaremos el concepto de Managed Bean en JSF, los cuales son clases Java que nos permitirn manejar la responsabilidad del Controlador desde el punto de vista del patrn MVC.Realizaremos algunos ejemplos para aplicar el concepto de ManagedBeans en JSF.Estudiaremos cmo JSF implementa la navegacin entre pginas incluyendo la sintaxis de la versin 1.x y la versin 2.x.Estudiaremos el tema de Convertidores en JavaServer Faces, los cuales nos ayudan asignar valores entre la vista y el modelo de manera automtica manejando tipos distintos al default (String).Crearemos un ejemplo estudiando varios componentes para entender a detalle el manejo de eventos en JSF.Pondremos en prctica lo visto en el curso con un ejercicio utilizando JSF, EJB y JPA para integrar una aplicacin que sirva como base para tus propios proyectos.Quin es el Instructor?Este curso, las asesoras y cada una de sus lecciones son explicadas por el Ing. Ubaldo Acosta, fundador de Global Mentoring, y Certificado en la Tecnologa Java,con ms de 15aos de experiencia en la tecnologa Java y creador de sistemas empresariales para distintas empresas, tanto privadas, gubernamentales, nacionales ydel extranjero.El curso eLearning en video es 100% prctico, en espaol y con ejercicios del mundo real Java.Comienza a aprender losframeworksJava del mundo real hoy mismo.Te esperamos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaPasin por la tecnologa JavaFundador de Global Mentoring y Universidad Java"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Microsoft Teams (2019)"
"Conversations, Channels, and Chatbots: Learn How To Get The Most from Microsofts New Communications Hub - TeamsThe ability for teams to work together productively is perhaps the most important function in any business, and its the central focus of the new Microsoft Teams application.From file sharing and co-editing to video calls, persistent chat, screen sharing, and more, learn how Microsoft Teams gives you the tools to stay in touch and get work done with your colleagues and partners."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Outlook 2016 - Advanced"
"From Time-Waster To Productivity Booster: Change The Way You Use Microsoft Outlook Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master Topics covered include: Inserting Charts and Objects into Messages Configuring and Customizing your Options Grouping and Sorting Messages Using Filters, Clutter, and Junk Setting Up Automatic Replies and Conditional Formatting Using Advanced Calendar Options Sharing and Delegating Access to Email, Calendars, and Contacts Assign and Manage Tasks This course builds on the topics covered in our Mastering Outlook BASICS course."
Price: 34.99

"Mastering Word 2016 - Advanced"
"Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley well show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.Whether Youre Just Getting Started Or Want To Move On To Certification This Course IS For You Microsoft Word is more than a Word Processor. If you know the skills taught in this course you will be more productive, in less time, and be able to maximize the potential functionality of what is probably the worlds most common program. Manipulating Images Using WordArt, SmartArt, and Shapes Sharing and Co-Authoring Compare and Combine Multiple Documents Restricting Document Access Quickly Search For And Find The Skills You Want To Master Then Just Point, Click, And Learn Over 2 hours of high quality HD content in the Uniquely Engaging TM Bigger Brains Teacher/Learner style!"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Forms Essentials"
"Learn How Microsoft Forms Makes It Easy to Collect Data via Forms or QuizzesEasily create online forms, surveys, and quizzes, and view the results as they come in with Microsoft Forms! In this course well take a close look at all the features and benefits of this new Office 365 tool! Forms is super easy to use, but also powerful enough to be used for a variety of business purposes, so well also cover what you need to know to keep your data secure and private."
Price: 19.99

"UP-CYCLE cards, ribbons, labels & scraps & make cards"
"Here are some brilliant ideas to help you see how you can up-cycle, rather than throw away, your cache of used wrapping paper, stamps, envelopes, feathers, old books, sheet music, magazine cuttings and more and turn them into fabulouspersonalised greeting cards for family and friends.Just for fun this is a great littlecourse to help you not only recycle paper and other pretty paperproducts but to encourage you tobe creative,to help youoccupy your hands andflex your brainby sourcing and coordinating cuttings and colors.You will be amazed at what you can up-cycle when youstart making your own cards, to save money, feed your soul and smile as you see your beautiful creations.The course takes you through a creativeprocess of making your cards as youworkin themes, colours and look at how to assemble your treasures.Make yourself happy, you know you are worth it."
Price: 29.99

"URBAN sketching. Drawing & painting fast & fun. PART 1"
"REVIEW: 'I really liked this class. The explanations were easy to follow. It all seems possible to do after watching this simplification of the process.' LizThis type of 'pen and wash' drawing and painting, is a simpleway to get ideas, memories and other little illustrations down in a sketchbook, quickly and in a fun style. This playful approach gives youa'feel good' factor with no expectations. It is NOTa learn how to draw and paintcourse.If the thought of learning to paint withwatercolour paintsis overwhelming, this could be a way to break you in gently, to see how you like working with this medium in a relaxed way.This course can be taken on THREElevels.Learnhow to sketch quickly without the constraints of any rules. Here you are not aiming for a realistic representation, or a painting style, you are just aiming to create funimagesof what you see around you, quickly.It canreally helpthose of you who overthink your painting, it will help you with drawing decision making.It is also greatfor the budding painter to practise andto get into the habit of keeping a sketchbook for gathering information in preparation for painting watercolourpictures.Here I simply give you a 'how to get started' approach.' It is a simple and brief course for you to take what you want to makeholiday memories orperhaps illustrating thoughtsthrough a challenging period in life in your journal. Or better still to spur you ontolearn to paint with watercolours in a more traditional style and start painting picturesIt is a stand alone art form, do with it as you will but most of all have fun.Why choose one of my courses?Because, as a self taught artist I understand how a lot of people feel about their creative work, sometimes anxious, sometimes overwhelmed and often that it's not 'good enough'. I will hold your hand as you overcome these fears as I offer a friendly, relaxed and sensitive teaching style.I also have years of experience of teaching people of all levels both in person and via the internet.Do one of my courses and you will feel as if I am in the room with you every step of the way.Enjoy your painting, love NicolaPSPLEASE always read the lecture descriptions."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA Security 210-260 - IINS v 3.0 - PART 2/6"
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Security candidates for the exam topics covered by the 210-260 IINS exam.This is Second partof 6 partsof the Complete CCNASecurity 210-260 Exam..This course allows learners to understand common security concepts, and deploy basic security techniques utilizing a variety of popular security appliances within a ""real-life"" network infrastructure. It focuses on security principles and technologies, using Cisco security products to provide hands-on examples.This Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training.Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectivenessThe revised CCNA Security (IINS v3.0) curriculumis designed to bring data, device, and administration together to have better network security, which is more relevant and valuable than ever. It is destined to meet the current business demand so that the network security professionals are able to acquire new knowledge, training and vital skills to be successful in evolving job roles.1.Security Concepts This section includes security principles, threats, cryptography, and network topologies. It constitutes 12% of the questions asked in the exam.2.Secure Access This section deals with secure management, AAA concepts, 802.1X authentication, and BYOD. It makes 14% of the exam.3.VPN (Virtual Private Networks) This focuses on VPN concepts, remote access VPNs, and site-to-site VPNs. It is 17% of the exam.4.Secure Routing & Switching This section concentrates on VLAN security, mitigation techniques, layer 2 attacks, routing protocols, and overall security of Cisco routers. That is 18% of the exam.5.Cisco Firewall Technologies This section is 18% of the exam and focuses on stateful and stateless firewalls, proxy firewalls, application, and personal firewalls. Additionally, it concentrates on Network Address Translation (NAT) and other features of Cisco ASA 9.x.6.IPS It is 9% of the exam and this portion focuses on network-based and host-based IPS, deployment, and IPS technologies.7.Content and Endpoint Security Constituting 12% of the exam, this section checks your understanding on the endpoint, web-based, and email-based threats. Later it leads to apt and effective mitigation technology and techniques to counter those threats."
Price: 199.99

"CCNA Security 210-260 - IINS v 3.0 - PART 3/6"
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Security candidates for the exam topics covered by the 210-260 IINS exam.This is Third of 6 partsof the Complete CCNASecurity 210-260 Exam..This course allows learners to understand common security concepts, and deploy basic security techniques utilizing a variety of popular security appliances within a ""real-life"" network infrastructure. It focuses on security principles and technologies, using Cisco security products to provide hands-on examples.This Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training.Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectivenessThe revised CCNA Security (IINS v3.0) curriculumis designed to bring data, device, and administration together to have better network security, which is more relevant and valuable than ever. It is destined to meet the current business demand so that the network security professionals are able to acquire new knowledge, training and vital skills to be successful in evolving job roles.1.Security Concepts This section includes security principles, threats, cryptography, and network topologies. It constitutes 12% of the questions asked in the exam.2.Secure Access This section deals with secure management, AAA concepts, 802.1X authentication, and BYOD. It makes 14% of the exam.3.VPN (Virtual Private Networks) This focuses on VPN concepts, remote access VPNs, and site-to-site VPNs. It is 17% of the exam.4.Secure Routing & Switching This section concentrates on VLAN security, mitigation techniques, layer 2 attacks, routing protocols, and overall security of Cisco routers. That is 18% of the exam.5.Cisco Firewall Technologies This section is 18% of the exam and focuses on stateful and stateless firewalls, proxy firewalls, application, and personal firewalls. Additionally, it concentrates on Network Address Translation (NAT) and other features of Cisco ASA 9.x.6.IPS It is 9% of the exam and this portion focuses on network-based and host-based IPS, deployment, and IPS technologies.7.Content and Endpoint Security Constituting 12% of the exam, this section checks your understanding on the endpoint, web-based, and email-based threats. Later it leads to apt and effective mitigation technology and techniques to counter those threats."
Price: 199.99

"CCNA Security 210-260 - IINS v 3.0 - PART 4/6"
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Security candidates for the exam topics covered by the 210-260 IINS exam.This is Fourthof6 partsof the Complete CCNASecurity 210-260 Exam..This course allows learners to understand common security concepts, and deploy basic security techniques utilizing a variety of popular security appliances within a ""real-life"" network infrastructure. It focuses on security principles and technologies, using Cisco security products to provide hands-on examples.This Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training.Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectivenessThe revised CCNA Security (IINS v3.0) curriculumis designed to bring data, device, and administration together to have better network security, which is more relevant and valuable than ever. It is destined to meet the current business demand so that the network security professionals are able to acquire new knowledge, training and vital skills to be successful in evolving job roles.1.Security Concepts This section includes security principles, threats, cryptography, and network topologies. It constitutes 12% of the questions asked in the exam.2.Secure Access This section deals with secure management, AAA concepts, 802.1X authentication, and BYOD. It makes 14% of the exam.3.VPN (Virtual Private Networks) This focuses on VPN concepts, remote access VPNs, and site-to-site VPNs. It is 17% of the exam.4.Secure Routing & Switching This section concentrates on VLAN security, mitigation techniques, layer 2 attacks, routing protocols, and overall security of Cisco routers. That is 18% of the exam.5.Cisco Firewall Technologies This section is 18% of the exam and focuses on stateful and stateless firewalls, proxy firewalls, application, and personal firewalls. Additionally, it concentrates on Network Address Translation (NAT) and other features of Cisco ASA 9.x.6.IPS It is 9% of the exam and this portion focuses on network-based and host-based IPS, deployment, and IPS technologies.7.Content and Endpoint Security Constituting 12% of the exam, this section checks your understanding on the endpoint, web-based, and email-based threats. Later it leads to apt and effective mitigation technology and techniques to counter those threats."
Price: 199.99

"CCNA Security 210-260 - IINS v 3.0 - PART 5/6"
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Security candidates for the exam topics covered by the 210-260 IINS exam.This is Fifthof6 partsof the Complete CCNASecurity 210-260 Exam..This course allows learners to understand common security concepts, and deploy basic security techniques utilizing a variety of popular security appliances within a ""real-life"" network infrastructure. It focuses on security principles and technologies, using Cisco security products to provide hands-on examples.This Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training.Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectivenessThe revised CCNA Security (IINS v3.0) curriculumis designed to bring data, device, and administration together to have better network security, which is more relevant and valuable than ever. It is destined to meet the current business demand so that the network security professionals are able to acquire new knowledge, training and vital skills to be successful in evolving job roles.1.Security Concepts This section includes security principles, threats, cryptography, and network topologies. It constitutes 12% of the questions asked in the exam.2.Secure Access This section deals with secure management, AAA concepts, 802.1X authentication, and BYOD. It makes 14% of the exam.3.VPN (Virtual Private Networks) This focuses on VPN concepts, remote access VPNs, and site-to-site VPNs. It is 17% of the exam.4.Secure Routing & Switching This section concentrates on VLAN security, mitigation techniques, layer 2 attacks, routing protocols, and overall security of Cisco routers. That is 18% of the exam.5.Cisco Firewall Technologies This section is 18% of the exam and focuses on stateful and stateless firewalls, proxy firewalls, application, and personal firewalls. Additionally, it concentrates on Network Address Translation (NAT) and other features of Cisco ASA 9.x.6.IPS It is 9% of the exam and this portion focuses on network-based and host-based IPS, deployment, and IPS technologies.7.Content and Endpoint Security Constituting 12% of the exam, this section checks your understanding on the endpoint, web-based, and email-based threats. Later it leads to apt and effective mitigation technology and techniques to counter those threats."
Price: 199.99

"CCNA Security 210-260 - IINS v 3.0 - PART 6/6"
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Security candidates for the exam topics covered by the 210-260 IINS exam.This is Last of 6 partsof the Complete CCNASecurity 210-260 Exam..This course allows learners to understand common security concepts, and deploy basic security techniques utilizing a variety of popular security appliances within a ""real-life"" network infrastructure. It focuses on security principles and technologies, using Cisco security products to provide hands-on examples.This Cisco self-paced course is designed to be as effective as classroom training.Course content is presented in easily-consumable segments via both Instructor Video and text. Makes the learning experience hands-on, increasing course effectivenessThe revised CCNA Security (IINS v3.0) curriculumis designed to bring data, device, and administration together to have better network security, which is more relevant and valuable than ever. It is destined to meet the current business demand so that the network security professionals are able to acquire new knowledge, training and vital skills to be successful in evolving job roles.1.Security Concepts This section includes security principles, threats, cryptography, and network topologies. It constitutes 12% of the questions asked in the exam.2.Secure Access This section deals with secure management, AAA concepts, 802.1X authentication, and BYOD. It makes 14% of the exam.3.VPN (Virtual Private Networks) This focuses on VPN concepts, remote access VPNs, and site-to-site VPNs. It is 17% of the exam.4.Secure Routing & Switching This section concentrates on VLAN security, mitigation techniques, layer 2 attacks, routing protocols, and overall security of Cisco routers. That is 18% of the exam.5.Cisco Firewall Technologies This section is 18% of the exam and focuses on stateful and stateless firewalls, proxy firewalls, application, and personal firewalls. Additionally, it concentrates on Network Address Translation (NAT) and other features of Cisco ASA 9.x.6.IPS It is 9% of the exam and this portion focuses on network-based and host-based IPS, deployment, and IPS technologies.7.Content and Endpoint Security Constituting 12% of the exam, this section checks your understanding on the endpoint, web-based, and email-based threats. Later it leads to apt and effective mitigation technology and techniques to counter those threats."
Price: 199.99

"Build a Coaster Cart Game Asset in Maya with Substance"
"In this course students will learn how to use Substance Painter 2 and multiple approaches forcreating details for texturing. Students will learn how to heavily leverage multiple masking techniques to create believable dirt, grunge, and wear in your textures. Students will learn how to prep images in Photoshop for use in Substance Painter 2's projection tool for graffitior labels. We will also look at how to reimport updated meshes and how Substance Painter 2 handles modifying a mesh mid texturing process. In this course wewill take a look at how to utilize Substance Painters default alphas and procedural textures to paint complex and unique masks for grunge and damage. Once our texture is completed we do a brief overview of Marmoset Toolbag 3 and how to get the most out of the real-time rendering software. Students will learn how to use Marmoset Toolbag 3's lighting to get the most out of their texture work and have a portfolio ready screenshot.More about the Instructor:Morrissey Alexander isa Graduate of the Art Institue of California and isa Freelance 3D Artist. He'sbeen doing freelance 3D work ranging from mobile game prop development to Product Design for advertising for the last 3 Years. Hespecializes in creating realistic 3D props and environments for games."
Price: 24.99

"An Introduction and Understanding of Normal Maps with Modo"
"In Intro to Normal Maps, Warren Marshall will be providing a crash course on normal maps and walking you through the technical know-how to fix commonly encountered errors in your normal maps. Knowing what's going on under the hood will make you a better artist because you'll not just be able to fix errors, but you'll understand why those errors are happening, which is a much stronger position to be in. During this course he'll start at the fundamentals and work our way up to advanced trouble shooting techniques. This will include covering topics such as: What a Normal Is, What a Normal Map Is, What Normal Maps Do and Don't Do, What Causes Seams, and various baking related topics to name a few. We won't cover specific applications or workflows because the idea here is to give you the core knowledge of what a normal map is - specifically, what it's doing for you and what it's not doing for you. Near the end, he'll talk about how to avoid projection error when baking your normal maps and he'll be showing you an easy way to add details to your high poly mesh in the form of floaters. Lots of great introductory content here, so don't miss out!More about the Instructor:Warren Marshall has been making games professionally for almost 20 years. He'sworked at Epic Games for the bulk of that time doing everything from level design to programming to environment art. He'ssince taken up freelancing and hasbeen spending the last few years working on a wide variety of fun projects."
Price: 19.99

"An Introduction to Quixel's MegaScans Studio"
"In this course we cover using the resource Megascans to find and use basic texture scans to create interesting dynamic materials. Students will be able to more intelligently evaluate textures based on color, visual characteristics of textures, and how to blend textures based on color while understanding how this affects the visual color balance. Students will learn how to use megascans studio to take plain textures and tell a story through texture blending by understanding how materials in the real world behave and how to use color and reflectivity to convey this story. Through the use of visual storytelling in textures we learn how to use megascans studio to create stunning textures. This course will teach how to use Marmoset Toolbag 2 as a way to present quality screenshots of art. While learning Toolbag 2 the course covers the qualities that make a render portfolio ready. The course covers how to set final presentation of an asset from how to use Marmoset Toolbag to lighting qualities to improve a final image to Learning how to emulate camera effects and post effects to improve final renders.More about the Instructor:Morrissey Alexander isa Graduate of the Art Institute of California anda Freelance 3D Artist. He'sbeen doing freelance 3D work ranging from mobile game prop development to Product Design for advertising for the last 3 Years. He specialize in creating realistic 3D props and environments for games."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to ZBrush for Games and Film"
"In this Intro to ZBrush course, students will learn better practices for workflows to movea project from A to Z as well as learn how to use a combination of tools within ZBrush to easier create the work needed. We'll investigate how quickly Qmesher can interactively, and on the fly, create proxy/stand-in meshes that will later lead to creating more complex meshes. With GoZ, students can use their particular 3D program to directly export/import their meshes to model with in conjunction with ZBrush to achieve better results. We'll explore using the layers palette when adding in details as well as the deformation palette for easy scaling and mirroring. Other key functionalities within ZBrush are the modify topology palette and, especially useful, the transpose action tools. Both have a great number of features to facilitate our workflow and help speed up the process of production. We'll look to create separate elements in separate Ztools and then merge each mesh into one single scene for a final completed piece.More about the Instructor:Having 25 years of experience in the videogame development/entertainment arenas, Stephen iswell versed in a variety of programs and production pipelines and strives to work as cleanly and efficiently as possible. He'sdone pretty much everything, andenjoys getting to share hisknowledge and experience in the hopes that hecan help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of what 3D computer art (in all its varying forms) has to offer."
Price: 29.99

"Create a Realistic Roof Shader with Substance Designer"
"In this Roof Shader in Substance tutorial we will go over on how to create a roof texture using 3ds Max, ZBrush and Substance Designer. We will first create our low poly tiles in 3ds Max, after that we will go into ZBrush and sculpt a few variations of our tiles, before adding some nice damage and then optimizing it so that we can export it back to 3ds Max. We will thensetup ourtexture so that it will tile perfectly and so that it has a lot of variation in size, rotation, and shape. We will also make everything ready for baking like assigning different materials for the color map. Once that is all done we will set up a baker scene in Marmoset Toolbag 3 and bake out all our texture mapsusing their new baker. When all the baked maps look good we will then move into Substance Designer where we will start creating our final texture maps. We will first improve the normal map with smaller details and then create our final albedo, roughness, and metallic map. We will wrap things up with a final polish over the entire texture and render the final texture in Marmoset Toolbag 3.More about the Instructor:Emiel Sleegers is 20 years old,originally from The Netherlands butcurrently livingin the UK. He's a 3Denvironment artist working in the game industry. He'sworked for companies like Playground Games and ubisoft with so far one announced title on hisname: Forza Horizon 3, and another title on the way. He'sa self taught artist whoone day, 4 years ago, decided he wanted to know how the amazing games healways played were made. The rest is history."
Price: 19.99

"Mixing EDM Vocals: Create Professional Vocal Tracks"
"Mixing professional vocals can mean the difference between an amateur sounding track and a hit.Whether youre an EDM producer who wants to create a song people will remember, or a singer who wants to transform their vocal recordings into polished, radio ready vocals, this course has everything you need.Learn how to take a less than perfect vocal recording and transform it using volume automation, EQ, multiband compression, layering, reverb, delay and many other creative tips and tricks you wont learn anywhere else.In this course, youll learn how to make your vocals sit perfectly in the mix so that they become the star of your track. Youll learn how to develop your vocal mixing and production workflow and achieve great sounding vocals every time."
Price: 69.99

"Learn C#/C# 7 through Web Pages and Visual Studio 2017"
"Very Important:1. Friends, please take the time to review the curriculum carefully before buying so you can see exactly whether this is the right course for you. Please do not join until you have completed this step. 2. Please watch the free preview videos so you can see whether the presentation style works for you. Please remember Iam just one person, and Imake my videos often after Ihave been working for many hours already. PLease do not join until you have completed this step. 3. If something needs fixing, please let me know. Again, I'm just one person and not a big team of people. Iwill try to fix it as quickly as possible. Thank you.Video Information:1. These are straightforward coding videos2. Iexplain things sometimes in excruciating detail3. There are questions embedded throughout the videos4. There is no talking head or fancy graphics5. There are zips under lesson resources with the project files where needed6. If you want to push your skills up, you have to type and run the code just as Ido. Experience is the greatest and most effective teacher.7. As you create the code, stop and ask yourself this question:can you make one meaningful change to the code to produce a new effect or to show something slightly different?If you do this repeatedly, even if slowly at first, your programmer's ""brain"" will grow much faster.8. This course uses classic ASP.NET, and NOT MVCor anything like that where the templates are already very elaborate. My code is built from scratch, line by line.9. For the hearing-impaired, closed-captions are added automatically. Ido not have control over those, so they might not be perfect. I'm the author of ""Beginning C# Hands-On The Core Language"" and ""C# Hands-On The Advanced Features"", both from PACKT."
Price: 19.99

"From 1st Year to Seasoned Teacher"
"Do you stay up at night wondering how tomanage it all--observations, standardized tests,classroom behaviors, parent expectations,reflecting onwhether you chose the right profession, or evenburnout? We examine these real-world fears and how you can master them.Why is this the very best time in history to be an educator? The answer is one word--technology. Technology has evened the playing field, like never before. Educators are now able to infuse technology rich lessons with a powerful concept known as Multiple Learning Styles. Multiple Learning Stylesis what I haveused for 10 years as an educator to meet my student's learning needs and to exceed my school district's expectations.In this course, Igive you an in-depth walkthrough of your student'sLearning Styles and how to implement them in your classroom today. These techniques will empower your teaching. As an educator it is important that we think big so that we can pass that energy and enthusiasm onto our students. It is when we Think Bigthat students gain the confidence to truly excel.This course is designed for new teachers who desire to gainan edge in their teaching careers. More importantly, this course is designed for teachers who love their students and want to ensure that the student's educational needs are met."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Classroom Management"
"There is nothing more frustrating for a teacher than classroom management. Imagine stepping into a classroom and students are yelling at each other, throwing paper airplanes across the classroom and pushing and shoving each other, all while you are trying to teach.Now imagine, walking into that one master teacher's classroom. She is teaching her lesson.Her students are attentive, respectful and none of them call out of turn. She models appropriate and acceptable behavior,and herstudents willingly follow her lead. What's the magic or her secret sauce?The answer: she is a classroom management master. She has planned for and prepared for obstacles and challengesbefore they ever appear. Each and everyday she walks the line as classroom Queen, coach, mentor and teacher. This is her superpower and it too can be yours.In this course, Classroom Management Mastery: Overcoming Behavioral Obstacles, you will learn to become aclassroom King/Queen. You will learn how to overcome student behavioral issues such as students who call out, the use ofnon-verbal cues, dealing withstudents withattention deficits, excessive talking and creating a warm, welcoming classroom environment.Implement these strategies today and be well on your way to becoming a classroom master."
Price: 24.99

"Freedom From Depression Using Yoga & Hypnotherapy."
"On the inside you feel like you are not quite good enough. You're exhausted from doubting yourself and the impact this is having on your relationships, your career and other aspects of your life. You feel depressed.You may feel sexually shut down or overwhelmed. You may be feeling closed off from your heart or struggle with money issues, lack of confidence or losing weight. You may find it difficult to speak in public, or have fear come up in meetings or in social situations. You may even have forgotten the joy and pleasure of feeling your sensual flow... and you want to be free of this once and for all.Let me help you...I understand how you feel because I had debilitating low self-esteem & depressionfor years. It affected many areas of my life including my relationships and my career.As an expert in treating depression, I have been honoured to help 1000s of people like you to feel confident, secure and radiant. I have learnt so much on my journey with depressionand in my work as a Therapist and Yoga Teacherand I am sharing all of this in this program.I am so grateful you're here. My own personal and professional journey as a Yoga Teacher & Therapist has taught me so much about overcominglow self-esteemand sparked a passion to help people like you by providing a holistic approach to help you to heal and love yourself and your life. Idesigned this programto help you to develop amazing self-esteem so that you thrive in love, in your career, in your business or as a mother. I know how hard it is to do this on your own.When we are nourished, resourced, supported, and filled-up we have so much more to give. We feel great about who we areself-esteemcomes more effortlessly, and so does abundance, love and joy.This iswhat I callgrounded self-esteemI invite you to join us on this program. It isnotabout adding another thing to your already relentless to-do list. Not another obligation to fulfil. Not another responsibility demanding your time, your best performance or your perfect offering.""Thank you Teagan for creating such a beautiful space for us all. Space to connect, a space to learn, a space to understand how the mind affects ournature. Thank you for being a Goddess embodied, one who has given me the tools, inspiration and trust in my ability to connect more with myreal self. Your presence and wisdom is profound."" A-M, Dawson AUS""Teagan, you create such a safe and open and nurturing environment for us to open up to our deepest selves. Every experience has furthered my self knowledge and brought more meaning into my life. It has helped me find new ways to love and transform my life. Thank you! RB Melbourne""About The ProgramThis program is a rich combination of education and dailypractice. Through self-reflection, understanding, anddaily practice youwill heal your subconscious mind so that you have greatself esteem.Daily practice is a vital component in healing depression.YOGA,MEDITATION, MINDFULNESS & HYPNOTHERAPY are the cornerstones of this program because they are the most powerful tools that rewires negative beliefs.If this all sounds like a lot of daily practice, it isnt. To get the most out of the program you will need to practice for at least 30-40 minutes each day. This can be broken up throughout the day.Come join us!"
Price: 149.99

"American Accent for Mandarin Speakers 101"
"In American Accent for Mandarin Speakers 101 you'll learn the skills thatMandarin speakers need to know for speaking clear American English.Skills include:How to pronounce words correctly using syllable stressHow to pronounce the American T soundsHow to pronounce word final S soundsHow to link and blend words together for smooth speechHow to ask questions with friendly intonationSkills are presented using 17 video lessons.Course includes8homework assignments with audio files.American Accent for Mandarin Speakers 101 Skills Checklist and audio is included."
Price: 44.99

"Adobe Lightroom: Mster en Fotografa Digital"
"Apoyndose en dos caminos (presentacin de Power Point y la propia aplicacin Lightroom de Adobe)el Alumno recorrer las diferentes estructuras en que est conformada esta magnficaherramienta de clasificacin y retoque fotogrfico digital.Aprender a actuar ante cualquier situacin que se le presente, sea profesional del Diseo Grfico, ReporteroFreelance, o simple aficionado a la Fotografa Digital, y obtener resultados profesionales."
Price: 99.99

"SAP MM Training for all"
"A Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.Get your first job interview for SAP MM."" Get a recession proof skill at 1/10th the cost of training ""A career which can easily help you learn valuable skill.There is no other module which is as central to SAP MM implementations and support as SAP MM. with SAP MMskills, you get exposure to all elements of business as each function involves SAP MMconfiguration.It is also easy to learn and forms a good entry module for beginners. Excel in SAP MM.The author will teach you with live videos and other aids all the basic skills needed to be an SAP MMprofessionalin an organization. In no time will you have a good insight into all SAPMMroutine administration and developmenttasks.The course is intended to be lucid, easy to follow not theoretical as are most of the courses taught online.crack sap interviews successfully and get a 6 figure job.Get a career break in SAP MM.This course for SAPMM has been developed by a Trainer who has trained a lot of employees of companies like Siemens. its lucid and easy to follow and contains all topics to give you a boost in SAPMMworld. Following topics are includedIntroduction to SAPMMOrganization structureMaterial masterpart 1Material master part 2Vendor masterProcurementPurchase requisitionPurchase ordersand a lot more."
Price: 49.99

"SAP ABAP training for all"
"A Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.Get your first job interview for SAP ABAP ."" Get a recession proof skill at 1/10th the cost of training ""A career which can easily help you learn valuable skill.There is no other module which is as central to SAP ABAPimplementations and support as SAP ABAP. with SAP ABAPskills, you get exposure to all elements of business as each function involves SAP ABAPconfiguration.It is also easy to learn and forms a good entry module for beginners. Excel in SAP ABAP.The author will teach you with live videos and other aids all the basic skills needed to be an SAP ABAPprofessionalin an organization. In no time will you have a good insight into all SAP routine administration and developmenttasks.The course is intended to be lucid, easy to follow not theoretical as are most of the courses taught online.crack sap interviews successfully and get a 6 figure job.Get a career break in SAP ABAP."
Price: 49.99

"SAP PP training for all"
"A Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.Get your first job interview for SAP PP."" Get a recession proof skill at 1/10th the cost of training ""A career which can easily help you learn valuable skill.There is no other module which is as central to SAP implementations and support as SAP PP.with SAP PPskills, you get exposure to all elements of business as each function involves SAP PPconfiguration.It is also easy to learn and forms a good entry module for beginners. Excel in SAP PP.The author will teach you with live videos and other aids all the basic skills needed to be an SAP PPprofessionalin an organization. In no time will you have a good insight into all SAP routine PP administration and developmenttasks.The course is intended to be lucid, easy to follow not theoretical as are most of the courses taught online.crack sap interviews successfully and get a 6 figure job.Get a career break in SAP."
Price: 49.99