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"Aprenda Opes Binarias & Operao com Robs"
"Quem se interessa por Investimento e opes binarias com certeza j viu aqueles grficos de preo da bolsa de valores, muitas vezes pode deixar voc assustando , e pensado que aquilo impossvel de se aprender , ou poder gastar muito tempo para aprender, porem pensando nisso , criamos robs que opera para voc , no caso voc no precisa fazer nada , apenas colocar o rob para trabalhar e ficar vendo ele operando para voc.Ou seja, voc obter lucros sem saber nada de grfico.O fato que investir  muito mais simples do que parece e tem inmeras vantagens para praticamente todo tipo de investidor (do mais arrojado ao conservador).Em questo de lucros como funciona?Funciona basicamente assim , os robs no so perfeitos , a chance dele ganhar enorme porem ele pode perder tambm , ai voc pensa se eu perder perdi todo meu dinheiro? No pois os robs tem um sistema inteligente de a cada perda , recuperar oque ele perdeu e te dar lucros.Posso operar todos os dias?Sim , voc pode ganhar dinheiro com opes binarias todos os dias, a qualquer hora , pois leva apenas cerca de 10 minutos para obter lucros com opes binarias.Animado para comear a usar a Opes binarias E Robos?Ento se inscreva e bons estudos!"
Price: 189.99

"CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 Practice Exams"
"With 5practice exams containing 40 questions each and after passing these exams, you will be:Prepared to take CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 exam.Prepared for CCNA Routing and Switchinginterview questions.Get confident of your skills in Routing and Switching.For every question you answer correctly that is great to measure your skills and for the questions you answer incorrectly that is a chance for you to learn something new and spot the light on a newarea you did not know about, so you are winning either ways.Not only you will be ready for the exam but you can test your skills and knowledge in CCNA Routing and Switchingwith these exams.Some of the questions are going to be easy, some are intermediate, some are hard and some are really hard.After each practice examattempt, you will receive your total final score after each exam.The exams are :Time based with a score to simulate a real exam.No duplicate questions in all of the exams. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stayscurrent and up-to-datewith the latest release of the CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!So what you are waiting for let us test yourskills."
Price: 49.99

"Apps entwickeln mit Unity 3D Touchinput"
"Ein Kurs ber den Touchinput in Unity und wie man ihn fr seine Spiele und Programme nutzen kann. In diesem Kurs erfahrt ihr wie man den Touch lokalisieren kann und auch Touchgesten in sein Spiel implementiert. Ich werde euch an verschiedenen Beispielen den Nutzen solcher Eingaben zeigen. Ihr werdet lernen wie man die Kamera steuert, Objekte durch den Touch beeinflusst, einen Charakter durch den Touch steuert und vieles mehr. Ich werde euch einen groen berblick ber dieses Touchsystem geben, sodass ihr es in euren Projekten individuell verwenden knnt."
Price: 19.99

"Tu huerta orgnica en casa"
"Te invito a este curso de huerta orgnica para contarte todas mis experiencias y lo que fui procesando a lo largo de estos aos para que puedas llevar esto acabo, puedas hacerlo de la mejor forma posible. Quiero demostrarte que es fcil e intuitivo, que no necesitas tener un don especial, sino los conocimientos necesarios.En el curso encontrars:Cmo pensar qu plantas cultivarQu tener en cuenta de cada unaLos 3 pilares de la huerta saludableCmo seleccionar los canteros o macetasCmo hacer el diseo de tu huertaDesde la siembra hasta el platnComo poner todo en la prcticaCuidados y mantenimientos diariosAdems, al finalizar el curso, accedes a una videollamada de 40 min conmigo para sacarte todas las dudas y para que conversemos sobre tu futura huerta."
Price: 19.99

"REST API Using Java and BDD Cucumber: API Testing"
"What makes this course unique:*Helps to gain the spirit of what to be an automation engineer*Solving the problems during the automation process: getting the mindset approach*Reduce huge lines of complex code*Basic Java Programming experience required (guidance for API coding provided)*Guiding through the each step from creation to the reporting stage*Real business technology experience with the most trading tools and approaches*End to end automation*85% of the current course contest is day to day activity of Rest API Automation Engineer (the rest is depending on the project uniqueness that you WILL work)P.S. Hello and thanks for taking my course, it is really important to put rating and good feedback from you guys; please support me and give an opportunity to create a new course!"
Price: 19.99

"Azure Cloud and ARM Templates for beginners"
"This course immerses you to Microsoft Azure worldIn scope of the course you will learn how to create, deploy and troubleshoot Azure deployment templates.We will create a site based on dotnet core web application and provision it to Azure App Service. We will explain the most useful tips and tricks that will save your time in creating and using your Azure solutions. Increase your Azure Experience. All you need is 1.5 hour of free time and the desire to create."
Price: 19.99

"Crie Vdeos Animados com VideoScribe: CURSO COMPLETO [PT-BR]"
"*** Curso entre os mais bem avaliados da Udemy e o mais vendido curso de animao em lngua portuguesa ***Se voc quer aprender como fazer suas prprias animaes no estilo mo que desenha, em vez de pagar algum para faz-lo.Quer ganhar dinheiro criando ou editando vdeos animados para empresas, ou at mesmo para o seu projeto?Se a sua resposta for 'SIM', ento voc est no lugar certo!Este curso online ensinar como criar ANIMAO DE QUADRO PROFISSIONAL com o software VideoScribe.No h necessidade de qualquer experincia anterior, seja com edio de vdeo ou at mesmo criao de Vdeos Animados!Eu descobri o VideoScribe quando precisei divulgar meus projetos e criar o ""branding"" dele, vi que os videos animados geram muito mais interao e engajamento dos clientes, fazendo com que o seu PRODUTO OU EMPRESA, tenha mais acessos nas redes sociais, visibilidade, reconhecimento e ganhe cada vez mais seguidores fieis.No novidade que reter ateno do seu pblico hoje uma das principais dificuldades das empresas de marketing e empreendedores que tentam a todo momento chamar a sua ateno para a soluo de mercado deles!Foi assim que eu comecei a perceber a importncia de fazer videos chamativos e que realmente prendessem a ateno do meu pblico!Aps alguns meses de estudo e aplicao das tcnicas de criao de vdeos animados, divulguei a minha empresa e os projetos pessoais, fazendo com que eles decolassem e as principais redes sociais fossem mais visitadas! Consequentemente aumentei a produtividade e retorno financeiro, podendo investir em outras reas da minha marca!Assim que terminei essa fase da jornada, vi que tinha no s a habilidade de Criar Videos Animados, mas a de ensinar essa ferramenta de vdeo, e uma oportunidade excelente de compartilhar todo o conhecimento com vocs.Foi por isso que criei esse curso!Aprendendo essa nova habilidade voc consegue divulgar suas marcas, ou se no for esse o seu caso, pode fazer para outros empreendedores, ganhando dinheiro com a Criao e Edio de Vdeos Animados.Em mdia uma Animao tem custo de R$ 700 - 1.400 / min de vdeo. E com o crescimento constante de novos empreendedores e empresas mais antigas que esto levando seus produtos para o Marketing Digital, a procura por profissionais que tenham essa habilidade tende a crescer cada vez mais!Essa mais uma forma de ganhar dinheiro dentre tantas outras atravs da Criao de Videos Animados Com VideoScribe.Eu j garanti meu futuro com essa nova habilidade, e estou mais tranquilo sabendo que a qualquer momento posso criar grandes divulgaes e contedos virais que vo ganhar espao no mercado mundial. No perde tempo porque 2019 comeou e voc pode dar esse passo gigante na frente de milhares de pessoas que no vo ter essa oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro durante essa alavancagem do Marketing Digital.Ento aproveita e comece hoje mesmo, o software VideoScribe fornece uma verso TRIAL de 7 dias, tempo o suficiente para voc concluir o nosso curso e aprender uma nova habilidade extremamente importante nessa Nova Era Digital!Pra te incentivar mais ainda, criei alguns Cupons de Desconto com a mesma Data de Validade...Somente 77 Cupons foram lanados para vocs que encontraram o curso atravs da Promoo de Divulgao.Um grande abrao e nos vemos em nosso ambiente de Aprendizagem!FAQ*Porque escolhi o VideoScribe?O VideoScribe um dos softwares de animao em quadro branco mais populares e fceis de usar. Ele tambm o programa mais usado para criar animaes de quadro branco devido sua intuio, biblioteca de imagens e baixo custo. amplamente utilizado por proprietrios de empresas / sites, profissionais de marketing, Youtuber e proprietrios de pequenas empresas para divulgar seus produtos / servios ou apresentar algo. Alm disso, usado por instrutores online que desejam criar vdeos explicativos e envolventes de alta qualidade para seus alunos.Esses vdeos so timos para pequenas empresas, startups e at mesmo professores.O objetivo aqui aprender o bsico sobre como usar o VideoScribe, tcnicas avanadas dentro do programa e, finalmente, abordar o design de animaes de quadro branco com um olhar mais artstico.Se voc um artista ou no tem habilidades de desenho, este curso ensinar como criar incrveis animaes de quadro branco! O Videoscribe inclui milhares de arquivos de imagem j criados para usar nos vdeos das animaes, isso te auxilia muito mais a desenvolver um timo vdeo e despertar a sua criatividade do que simplesmente usar uma tcnica de criao/edio de vdeos.Se voc um:Profissionais de Marketing e ComunicaoJornalistas e outros profissionais que atuam com contedoProfessores e educadoresPalestrantes e consultoresProdutores de vdeo / Youtuber / Editor de vdeosIlustradores / ArtistaAutnomoCriador de curso onlineEmpreendedor Ento este o curso para voc!Seu instrutor para este curso o Gustavo Freitas. Empreendedor no marketing digital, editor de vdeos e produtor de contedos online.Fundador do Dicas de Aprendizagem, onde desenvolve contedo educativo e preparatrio para vestibulares, publicando contedo interativo e vdeos animados como os do VideoScribe, produzindo vdeos tanto para projetos pessoais como para outros empreendedores, e um especialista em Videoscribe.O VideoScribe oferece uma avaliao gratuita de 7 dias, portanto baixe-o hoje e inscreva-se neste curso para aprender como levar suas habilidades de criao de vdeo para o prximo nvel!Espero que voc esteja gostando do curso. Por favor, entre em contato comigo a qualquer momento para perguntas adicionais / suporte. Estou sempre aqui para ajud-lo a alcanar seus objetivos de aprendizado e ansioso pelo seu sucesso.Agora hora de criar alguns Vdeos Animados Incrveis!!! Ento te vejo em nosso ambiente virtual de aprendizagem!"
Price: 579.99

"Como Ganar Dinero con Airbnb"
"(Nueva Actualizacin) Agosto 20, 2019 Se parte del fenmeno de Renta-prendedores  que tomo el mundo y la industria hospitalaria por sorpresa. Empieza hacer dinero ya! Con Internet, sentido comn y ganas de emprender tu propio negocio ahora tienes la clave del xito financiero que traer grandes satisfacciones a tu vida personal, familia y en el mbito financiero.  Estos Mtodos son infalibles y te tomara poco tiempo ponerlos en practica. Empieza a rentar tu casa, tu cuarto o tu sof ya!  Convirtete en Sper Anfitrin (Super Host) y goza de los beneficios:-Sociales-Financieros-Crecimiento Personal"
Price: 34.99

"Eneagrama - Apresente-se a Si mesmo."
"No curso do Eneagrama da Personalidade voc aprender qual o padro da sua personalidade dentre os 9 tipos da Teoria do Eneagrama, como ela funciona e como funciona a dos outros. Com este conhecimento voc ganha conscincia para transformar os aspectos de si mesmo que desejar e melhorar seus relacionamentos. So 2,5 horas de informao que poder mudar a sua vida. OEneagrama uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento pessoal e de autoconhecimento muito utilizada por grandes corporaes e por indivduos que desejam, de fato, transformar suas vidas."
Price: 39.99

"Graphic Design Bootcamp with Only Free Software"
"Hello, my names Michael Schwartz and Ive been designing graphics, logos and building software applications for over 10 years. Throughout the years people have asked me hundreds of times about graphic design. So I will just be blunt with you. This course is designed so it doesnt matter what your experience level is or what device youre using, well be designing on a phone, tablet and even a laptop using only free software! I built this course so I can share all my knowledge on graphic design in a single resource."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Self-Storage Investment Course"
"Self-storage is an investment that offers outstanding returns and diversification along with downside protection!High YieldsAccording to the National Association of REITself-storage had an average annual return of 17.43% from 1994 2017.This is higher than apartments, residential, industrial, office properties and the S&P 500! Excellent DiversificationThe most common advice given to investors is to diversify your portfolio to protect yourself. You need assets that are low risk, yet give you passive income (especially for retirement.) But if youve been watching the stock market (or the price of Bitcoin), you know that the world is incredibly unpredictable. Do you throw some money into an IRA and pray it works out? Purchase some rental properties and be woken up at 2AM by angry, who always pay late and will leave the property in shambles when they leave? Instead of only having a few tenants, you can diversify because you can have 50 self-storage units in the same place as you had 3 rental units! And Self-storage investments are not directly correlated with the market and produce reliable cash-flow. Recession Resistance:What you need is an asset that will perform well when the economy takes a turn for the worst.Americans have way too much clutter and that clutter can make you some serious money! When the economy is good people buy more stuff and need somewhere to store it. On the other hand, when times are bad, people lose their homes or downsize, and utilize self-storage as a short-term holding area and wait for the economy to improve. This is why I love self storage! It offers Impressive cash-flowDiversityRecession ProtectionWhat are you waiting for? Enroll Now and StartGenerating Passive Income!If for any reason you are dissatisfied with this course, we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee & Refund Our instructor for this course is Glenn Brook,He has invested in real estate for 14 years with his wife, Lisa.They have done everything from notes to apartments, self-storage to fix& filps and have been able to finally retire on the passive income from their investments and want to give back to the world in a small way by creating courses.** please note that this course was originally Self-Storage Investing: Make Passive Income Now! We have updated the audio and moved it to a Udemy account specifically for Self Storage.**"
Price: 24.99

"How to make Cutscenes With Playmaker in Unity"
"In this course you will learn how to make cut-scenes in Unity using playmaker. You will learn camera movements, controlling objects and animations as well as playing sounds and music in your cut-scenes all using Playmaker. With what is learned in this course you will have the knowledge to make all kinds of cutscenes that you can imagine and make."
Price: 19.99

"NCERT 10th Math - Part 1 Learn Concepts with solutions"
"This course contains NCERT Solutions to Maths Class 10 textbook for the following topics:Chapter 1 - Real NumbersChapter 2 - PolynomialsChapter 3 - Pair of Linear Equations in two VariablesChapter 6 - Triangles (Will be uploaded by 20th January, 2019)Chapter 8 - Trigonometry Chapter 9 - Applications in TrigonometryChapter 14 - StatisticsNote: Solutions are provided for all questions in all Exercises (Excluding additional exercises which are not from exam point of view)There are total 250+ video solutions (7 chapters - 27 exercises) - More coming soon...Note: Students who buy the course now will automatically get more contents for free at a later date. More syllabus adding to this course soon... So, buy now at a cheaper rate."
Price: 4480.00

"dropshipping internacional 2020"
"Neste curso completo em video aulas vou te ensinar como criar um negocio de sucesso em at 5 dias na plataforma de e-comerce Wish! com milhes de usurios todos is dias procurando todo tipo de mercadoria,aprenda passo h passo, em 6 videos explicativos e detalhados,obtenha sua liberdade financeira em 2019 com este e-comerce que s cresce cada vez mais com o passar dos anos,faa como os lojistas que fazem milhes vendendo para mais de 80 pases do mundo todo!A plataforma se encarrega do marketing e venda de seus produtos pois tem um grande trafego de clientes"" loucos"" para fechar negocio com voc,Alem de ter a opo de promover seus produtos com campanha paga dentro da prpria plataforma para upar muito mais rpido sua mercadoria e conquistar milhares de clientes adquira o curso que esta top e pode muder sua vida para melhor,basta dedicar 1/2hrs por dia do seu tempo!Te encontro do outro lado...TRANSLATE In this complete course in video lessons I will teach you how to create a successful business in up to 5 days on the e-comerce platform Wish! with millions of users all days are looking for all types of merchandise, learn step by step, in 6 explanatory videos and detailed, get your financial freedom in 2019 with this e-comerce that only grows more and more over the years, do as the tenants who make millions selling to more than 80 countries around the world! The platform is in charge of the marketing and sale of its products because it has a great traffic of ""crazy"" customers to close business with you, besides having the option to promote its products with paid campaign within the own platform to upar much faster its merchandise and conquer thousands of customers get the course that this top and can change your life for the better, just dedicate 1 / 2hrs a day of your time! Meet you on the other side ..."
Price: 84.99

"Android Development"
"Aprenda criar Aplicativos nativos para Android sem complicao e sem experincia, sem programao!No preciso ser profissional e nem ter formao para ter seu Aplicativo publicado na play store,Basta se inscrever neste curso e voc j estar apto para criar muitos apps AndroidVoc tambm vai aprender monetizar seu App e gerar receita com ele ganhar em USD direto na sua contaVou te ensinar passo h passo!Desejo bons estudos!"
Price: 19.99

"Shopify criando sua loja do zero"
"Criei este curso com o propsito de te ajudar a mudar de vida, para melhor nos prximos anos! trabalhando a partir de casa, com apenas uma conexo a Internet,um Smartphone, ou PC, e muita vontade de vencer na vida! Vendendo para os maiores marketplace  Do Mundo e sendo recompensado por seu esforo, sim a liberdade financeira est mais prxima do que voc possa imaginar basta querer e lutar por isso!Este curso o ponta p inicial em sua jornada rumo ao sucesso!Voc ser o seu proprio chefe!"
Price: 29.99

"Python The Quickest Way: Python Essentials Course - Rapid!"
"Hello, and welcome to Python The Quickest Way: Python Essentials Course - Rapid!  , Hands-on The Basics of Python Fast!. The Rapid Modern Python 3.7 Guide for promising your Development career.Python is a high-level, structured, open-source programming language that can be used for a wide variety of programming tasks.In this course you will learn understand how Python works, how to write correct and clean Python code and its core principles by examples at high speed, intensively and high quality.The Python The Quickest Way: Python Essentials Course - Rapid!  course has all what you need to learn Python.The course will coverPython Programming language OverviewInstallation and First step for coding with Python 3.7.Assigning  values to variables and combination.Using Input for Asking user and Math.Strings, Quotes and Formatting.All About Lists and its methods.Python Tuples, its uses and methods.What's Dictionary and its methods.Types of numbers and importing random.different type of operators inside editor and interpreter.if conditional statement for a test.While loop for counts with options.User Functions, calling and returning.Standard Library built in functions.Looping through iterators by using for with in.Functional Programming with lambda.Classes and Objects in Python 3.7.Inheritance in Python 3.7.Different types of Modules.Exceptions handling in practice.Files handling.Displaying date, time and full calendar.Most importantly, you will master Python 3.7 the practically way and in a short time without much effort.If you want to save your precious time, join us in this rapid course and start practicing python now."
Price: 19.99

"Python Advanced Concepts: Advanced Python Going Fast"
"Hello, my name is Ibra, and welcome to Python Advanced Concepts: Advanced Python Going Fast.Python is a beautiful language, very simple, easy to use, powerfully expressive and well suited for rapid application development.Python is understood and preferred all over the world for development because It's a general-purpose, high-level Object Oriented Programming Language based interpreted language, used for dynamic applications, widely across the globe. Python is extremely popular for its versatility and scope of applicability.-------------------------------------------------------------In order to build real applications in Python or dive deeper into Python frameworks and libraries, there are many important concepts and features that you need to master Which are covered in this course Rapidly.By the end of this Advanced Course, you should have a good understanding of some of the most important features of The Modern Python from the practical side that will benefit you in creating python applications the right way.-------------------------------------------------------------This training is in practical way and If we need some theoretical hint, I will put them at the bottom of the lesson or as a reminder in the last part of the lesson and If you do not understand any point of this course you can ask me about it and i will answer your question quickly.what we cover in this course:First we will explain in practice how to build iterators and stop sequences by using related exceptions.You will see how to build and use generators.Then,We will jump into advanced concepts of closures for locally and globally.Also decorators, you will master the using of decorator by seeing a real example.We will discuss and use the most important built in arguments *args, **kwargs and more.You will know how to use the property method the right way.All about Itertools and its methods.Working with stacks.Working with Queues.Working with Deques.Using LifoQueue method.Using and implement mutable and immutable multisets.Immutable Frozenset method.Working with Counter module.Swapping and Reversing Examples.How to Join items.Modules directories.Hands-On python Enumeration.Multiple and frequent values.Handling Object Size.Anagrams and Zipped dictionaries with Examples.Universally user id and more."
Price: 99.99

"Just Enough Data Structures in Python By Examples"
"Hi, Welcome to Just Enough Data Structures in Python By Examples course for Python Built-in DS .In this course we will discuss in details the core built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets that are used in different types of Python Apps . The Data Structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification.It is a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied to the data.By the end of the course, you will understand:Creating Lists and storing Different Types of Data using lists.Multiple Tasks like inserting, extending, sorting, counting or reversing sequences .Using Operators for Extending Lists in Python.Implementing Queue in Python and Filtering the items.Working with Sequences of immutable Python objects.Working with different Types of built-in methods for sequences.Creating and Handling keys and Values for Dictionaries and copying sequences.Working with collections of mutable and immutable data.In this quick course youll learn more than just enough about Python Data Structures very Fast ."
Price: 49.99

"PMP 6th edition exam simulator >300 questions 2019"
"This course includes >300 practice questions [in the future it will be 1000 and will have 5 full mock exams of 200 questions each]. This way you can practice 5 mock exams of 200 questions each to pass your PMP exam.  If you want to practice to pass the PMP exam as per the PMI certification - this course is for you.The exams cover The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) Sixth Edition.You will get a real sense of the PMP exam and develop practical skills in business, leadership and of course the processes with 5 process groups and 10 knowledge areas for successfully passing the Project Management Professional Certification Exam (Sixth Edition).This course will help you to achieve PMP certificationThe goal of this course is to provide you condensed mock exams and practice tests which allow you to become comfortable with the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the PMP exam.If you get results higher than 75% you can expect to pass the PMP exam at 'Target'. If you get more than 75% you can expect 'Above Target'. Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to prepare for and pass the PMP exam in 2019 based on the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition."
Price: 19.99

"A Deeper insight to Quantum Energy Healing Techniques part 2"
"MORE Awesome techniques to add to your repertoire to give you greater possibilities for self awareness and healing. From Arram's 22 years experiences he has designed it to make you want to probe more within yourself to KNOWTHY SELFBETTER. You are given more tools, explanations, different points of views of the same topic so that you can live the life you choose and not being tied down to the consensus of the majority. In short THINKOUTOFTHEBOX. Be a leader, not a follower. Design the life of your choice. Arram founded ""Arram Kong Healing Academy"". This course is aimed at those who desire to live a Stressless and Emotional FREE existence . You will find these techniques simple to follow. For the seasoned therapist, there are techniques in the course you have never come across before and will be useful as additional tools for your practice.This powerful course is designed to allow youto have a stress free, joyous, peaceful and abundant life. It allows you a greater understanding to what the purpose of life is. These simple powerful techniques created by Arram are to serve you in every area of your life. Arram's easy to learn modules include:How to think differently and access information from your Higher SelfWhat to do when you get triggeredChallenges of RelationshipsWhy Manifestations seldom works.Learning to live in the present MOMENT. The past and future are illusionsHow to systemically resolve all past traumas that have been holding us prisonersNobody can upset you except you.What dreams , soul contracts meansEvery word carries frequencies and you are taught to catch yourself and change into a positive wordAll videos are live session, you get to see how Arram work."
Price: 99.99

"An introduction to Quantum Energy Healing Techniques"
"In this introductory course you will learn from Arram Kong's 22 years experience in the Energy Healing Field. This powerful course enables you to support yourself from your Negative patterns. You will understand how to cope with the Negative side of you and turn it into positive within a very short time. It has been tried & tested over thousands of hours during sessions. You now have a peep into the blue print to live a hassle free existence."
Price: 99.99

"Connecting the dots.......Final part on Quantum Healing Pt 3"
"Here is a great opportunity to learn from Arram's 22 years experiences . In this course with over 26 sessions of live mentoring he shares his ideas and shifts clients from their troubled situations into a positive state. You are able to identify your own situations as you watch these videos. Notice how they are so taken in by your negative chatterbox. Arram explains that you are the your creator, he teaches you how to ask questions and challenge your negative side. Relief is quick once you learn to identify your patterns. These modules should be like a medical journal kept in the house. Refer to it every time you have challenges. Once you make it a habit of watching the videos on a daily basis your life changes for the better within a very short time. Repetition in watching the videos is the key to achieving the state of blissfulness. . You are able to help yourself and others when they ask for your assistance. For therapist this is an additional tool for you to add to your many techniques you already have."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda sobre Fonte Chaveada Automotiva com SG3525"
"Ensina analisar, consertar e montar Fontes chaveadas, como exemplo utiliza-se de um prottipo kit, fonte automotiva de 12,-14,5 Volts e 50 Amperes. Serve como base para entender toda e qualquer fonte chaveada, cujo principio seja a topologia Half bridge. Esta uma especializao dentro do segmento da Eletrnica de fundamental importncia, principalmente porque a maioria dos equipamentos possuem a mesma tecnologia de fabricao."
Price: 234.99

"Aprenda sobre Amplificador Classe D (Digital ?) _ Nvel I"
"Os amplificadores de udio ocupam  aproximadamente 80% de participao na vida das pessoas. Desde pequenos equipamentos como celulares, como grandes equipamentos profissionais. Com a evoluo da sociedade e suas exigncias, requer tambm que os circuitos de amplificao evoluam fisicamente e tecnologicamente. Os Amplificadores Classe D, que tambm popularmente so chamados de digitais, representa o que h de mais moderno atualmente, principalmente no quesito custo/beneficio.     "
Price: 234.99

"Faa voc mesmo ""Fonte Automotiva 120 A com SG3524"""
"Com este curso voc estar apto a montar sua prpria Fonte Automotiva, desde a anlise, clculos e construo.Faremos juntos uma viagem por entre os componentes eletrnicos que formam a fonte e ao fim deste com certeza estar pronto para no s consertar, mas tambm montar e entender o processo de montagem."
Price: 234.99

"Aprenda Analisar Esquemas Eletrnicos"
"_ Conhecer os smbolos mais e elementares necessrios da eletrnica_ Analisar diagramas esquemticos e dividi-los em Blocos- Conceitos elementares dos principais componentes para interpretar e entender os circuitos eletrnicos- Dicas e uso do diagramas para diagnosticar defeitos em equipamentos eletrnicos- Como analisar diagramas simples e mais complexos- Vamos viajar por entre o mundo deslumbrante dos circuitos eletrnicos ...Venha conferir!"
Price: 234.99

"Aprenda Montando e Divertindo, Circuitos eletrnicos!"
"Aprenda montando e brincando com estes pequenos, mas teis circuitos eletrnicos. Anlise dos circuitos, que foram testados em laboratrio, devidamente funcionais e aquisio dos componentes fceis de encontrar. Forma mais prtica e objetiva de aprender conceitos da eletrnica.Voc, com certeza vai tirar algum aprendizado interessante deste curso, foge dos extensos cursos de teoria tornando mais divertido o aprendizado."
Price: 84.99

"Crypto trading bot - Creare un trading bot automatico"
"In questo percorso vedremo come sviluppare il proprio Crypto Trading Bot per operare in modo automatico 24h su 24h, 7 giorni su 7, senza dover star davanti al pc/mac. Vedremo come usare alcuni strumenti come il framework Laravel, le operazioni Cron e le api di Telegram per realizzare il nostro bot automatico che sar in grado di inviarci delle notifiche quando effettuare delle operazioni sulla piattaforma Binance.Alla fine di questo percorso avrai tutte le competenze per personalizzare il bot a secondo le tue strategie di Trading, ma non solo....Grazie a queste competenze potrai sviluppare anche altri tipologie di Bot per qualunque piattaforma online.Infatti lo scopo del corso non quello di sviluppare un trading system articolato ma quello di farti apprendere quali siano gli strumenti e su come utilizzarli per applicarli in qualsiasi piattaforma.Alla fine del corso potrai infatti crearti dei bot automatici per twitter, facebook e tutti i principali social network. Questo perch grazie alle competenze apprese durante il percorso dello sviluppo del bot automatico per Binance, avrai tutti gli strumenti necessari per sviluppare qualsiasi progetto che tu abbia in mente."
Price: 29.99

"Lean Six Sigma White Belt for Service Industry Professionals"
"Lean Six Sigma Certification is undoubtedly in demand. The average Lean Six Sigma graduate makes $82,000.00USD per year, as reported bythe company, Indeed. Google it and check out for yourself. That's how you know your investment in this Course is worth more than you can imagine! WHATTHISCOURSECONTAINSThiscourse consists of three (3) videos that come with excellent audio-visualdemonstrations with high quality professional narrations. The concepts areexplained with easy to understand practical examples. You can download thecourse material.After you complete the course, you will have the opportunity to become a ""Certified Lean Six Sigma WhiteBelt Professional"". There will be one online (paid) test for certification. You will have 5 attempts to clear this test. Thequestions will be based on the course material that is provided to you as partof this course.NOTE:This additional cost for certification is due to state and country testing that cannot be done via Udemy. You will get more details about the cost and the certification procedure in the last (Bonus) lecture."
Price: 19.99