"Feltro - Enfeites de Natal" |
"Nesse curso vamos ensinar 5 enfeites de Natal, todo feito mo no sendo necessrio ter uma mquina de costura, esses enfeites voc pode usar em guirlandas, no pinheirinho ou chaveirinhos. Com um metdo fcil e todos os moldes disponibilizados para voc imprimir e fazer na sua casa. Voc vai aprender todo o passo a passo dos pontos usados e de como fazer cada enfeite."
Price: 19.99 |
"C# Refactoring Powerful code optimization" |
"Do you want to improve your coding skills?The main tool great software developers use is code refactoring. In this course I will introduce you to the concept of this powerful practice.If you have a beginner or intermediate level knowledge or even if you have great experience writing code this course would be helpful to you.During this course you will learn the following:Get familiar with the main types of code smells. Learn to find them in the codeYou can optimize your code, make it clearer, more logical and readableLearn about the most popular refactorings, get acquainted with their mechanicsLearn how to step-by-step apply refactorings in your codeBasic Code Smellscomplex expressions and computationsmultiple assignments to a temp variablemagic literals in codehard to understand conditionsnested if statements logiclong method parameter listscomplex method bodiesclasses with mixed responsibilitiesWhat is RefactoringCode refactoring is the process of changing your existing code so that it becomes more readable and easy to modify in future.But these changes should preserve the existing functionality. Code refactoring is a continuous process and it is done in small incremental steps.change of existing codepreserves functionalitycontinuous processsmall incremental stepsRefactoring Goalsbetter designreduced complexityreadabilitymaintainabilityimproved architectureImportant to KnowIf refactoring is done well, it will greatly improve your code.by simplifying the underlying logic and eliminating unnecessary levels of complexity.If done poorly it may change functionality or introduce new bugs.RefactoringsIn this course we will discuss in detail the following refactorings:Introduce Explaining VariableSplit Temporary VariableReplace With ConstantSimplify ConditionSplit ConditionalCombine ConditionalReplace Conditional With Guard ClauseIntroduce Parameter ObjectExtract MethodExtract InterfaceExtract ClassExtract Super Class"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to paint on a Denim Jeans" |
"This course to painting on a denim jeans will drive you through the whole process of painting letters, shapes, illustrations, to adding style and rendering it with bright colors!At the end of this course, you will be able to paint fun things on your clothes.You don't need any prior experience in painting - just your imagination! Equipment:Fabric PaintDifferent sets of brushesPrinted designs on paperA pair of jeansCrystals or beads to add as accessories"
Price: 19.99 |
"Desarrolla y transforma tu vida integralmente" |
"Deseas tener una vida conresultados diferentes?Deseas sentir que eres el nico dueo de de tu vida, y quesolo de ti depende tu felicidad?Deseas tener la capacidad de transforma tu vida con herramientas prcticas y sencillas que puedas emplear en cualquier momento y lugar?Si la respuesta es S, este programa es para ti!Hoy puedes transformar tu vida a travs de practicas herramientas que te ensear a travs de este curso y te ayudaran a conseguir los resultados que deseas!!!En este curso comparto contigo las herramientas que han cambiado mi vida y la vida de muchas personas que he podido ayudar!!! Reconocers como tus pensamientos crean tu realidad y estars en la capacidad de modificar tus creencias y emociones limitantes, para actuar de manera diferente y as tener RESULTADOS EXTRAORDINARIOS!!!Conocers la formula mgica de pensamientos + emociones + acciones = resultados! Tendrs la posibilidad de vivir tu vida por creacin y no por reaccin. Porque en ti reside todo el poder para crear la vida que deseas.Es un entrenamiento en el que me enfoco a desarrollarte a nivel integral en donde te entrego informacin absolutamente valiosa junto con herramientas prcticas para que puedas actuar y manifestar la vida que sueas rapidamente!Estas list@ para hacerlo! Escucha tu corazn! Vamos, lanzate a crear y vivir la vida de tus sueos.Recuerda:Cada da es un muy buen da para nacer de nuevo! Cul es la nueva persona que quieres crear?Gracias por permitirme caminar junto a ti en el sendero de transformacin! Es para mi un honor servirte!Marcela Crdoba"
Price: 19.99 |
"Simulado conselho de contabilidade (CRC / CFC)" |
"Questes aplicadas no conselho federal de contabilidade desde 2017.2, com a resoluo comentada com os devidos embasamentos nas leis, normas brasileiras de contabilidade e livros dos estudiosos das rea. Para os simulados contidos neste curso forma excludas as questes anuladas nas provas. Em breve as questes referente as provas 2019.1 e 2019.2 sero publicadas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Excel Dashboard: Criando um Painel de informaes de dados" |
"O curso traz uma abordagem simples e direta as principais necessidades dos profissionais que buscam relatrios a partir de um banco de dados. Com uma linguagem simples e exemplos diretos, com este curso voc ir aprimorar a forma como elabora seus relatrios, cria infogrficos e paineis como dashboard. Com ele voc poder imprimir os relatrios de forma simples, analisando vrios meses a partir de um banco de dados.J viu planilhas que atualizam os dados automaticamente a partir de um banco de dados? Achou que parecia mgica? Entre neste curso e descubra vrias dicas de como se aprimorar e gerar um Dashboard no Excel."
Price: 249.99 |
"Islamic Finance Key Concepts for Shariah Law Students" |
"Do you need to quickly understand the key concepts of Shariah Finance? This course, which is taught in an accessible language, will teach you what is not permitted under Islamic Finance Law and what is the rationale behind the prohibition. The course is intended for students of Islamic Finance Law and for people interested in transacting in Shariah compliant ways. It is an introductory course, which will serve as a foundation for Course Two, which will look at different Islamic financial instruments in more detail and Course Three, which will explore the link between Islamic Finance and FinTech.By the end of this course you will learn:The meaning of ShariahHow Shariah differs from FiqhWhich takes precedence over the otherThe proximity between the two conceptsHow this plays out in practiceThe main points of the teachings of Imam Juwayni, Imam al- Ghazali and al-ShatibiAbout Sukuk and WaqfWhat is Riba, Qimar, Maysir and GhararThe prohibitions on certain products and industries under Islamic Law"
Price: 19.99 |
"Blockchain and cryptocurrency explained" |
"This course will teach you:The history of blockchainWhat a blockchain is? Creation of blocksBenefits of BlockchainSecurity and other issuesWhat is a block?How do we create a block and how it functions?How do we add blocks to the chain?What makes Blockchain secure and transparent?What are the main issues with Blockchain?How were Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash separated?What is Soft Fork and what is Hard Fork?What is a digital wallet?Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: Advantages and Disadvantages"
Price: 19.99 |
"GGPLOT2 R Package Master Data Visualization Course" |
"Interested in creating mind-blowing data visualizations with ggplot2? Join this course now!This course is designed for people who are enthusiastic about presenting trends & patterns in data using amazing GGPLOT2 R Package. GGPLOT2 gives you complete control over your charts & graphs. This is an extensive course with more than 4 hours of content. With each lecture, you will gain advanced skills of GGPLOT2 package and you will be able to create mind-blowing data visualizations you've always dream of!This course is hands-on and you can use these reproducible R codes on your datasets! Isn't it cool that you will be able to use the learning right away in your day-to-day life!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Pass your Job Interview ..." |
"This is the first course to learn job interviews by HR manager , it is very important to know How HR department thinks about you during interview , so this course reflects the knowledge of HR manager , it will be very useful & unique , the course contains :1- Introduction & main topics of the course.2- Required Competencies in interviews.3- First impression of interviews4- The mistakes made by company during interviews.5- Types of interviews.6- Scope & types of interview questions.7- Expected questions in interview.8- Recruiting Committee and candidates filtering.9- Why job interviews.10- How companies create jobs .11- Job interview and CV"
Price: 19.99 |
interviews |
": - . - . - :1- .2- .3- .4- .5- .6- .7- .8- .9- 10- ."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 39.99 |
"Educao 4.0" |
"Seja bem-vindo (a)!Neste Programa de Formao Profissional Continuada (PFPC) voc ir compreender porque e como as rpidas, profundas, silenciosas e irreversveis mudanas no contexto cultural e socioeconmico global e local, decorrentes da chamada 4 Revoluo Industrial (4RI), impactam a educao, as escolas e sua profisso. Esta mudana de paradigma ir transformar de forma nunca antes experimentada o perfil sociocultural e econmico das sociedades, principalmente durante os prximos dez anos, afetando todos os setores profissionais ativos e criando novas oportunidades para quem estiver atento ao que est acontecendo.Mas, o que a Educao 4.0 oferece?A Educao 4.0 oferece condies fundamentais, necessrias e suficientes para a inovao da sua carreira, proporcionando oportunidades nicas para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional e, consequentemente, colaborando para que sua atuao em educao seja diferenciada e esteja acima da mdia, o que proporciona novas e valiosas oportunidades de crescimento para voc.Os cursos - unidades integrantes de um completo PROGRAMA DE FORMAO PROFISSIONAL CONTINUADA (PFPC) fundamentado em Educao 4.0 - vo lhe entregar valor para a sua formao e demonstrar como voc ser capaz de realizar um Plano Estratgico dedicado sua Formao Profissional Continuada, para atuar, de forma inovadora, como docente, coordenador pedaggico, gestor ou em outros nveis de cargo ou funo em instituies educacionais e empresas. Com esta viso e atitude, em pouco tempo voc estar apto (a) a empreender uma inovadora transformao em sua carreira profissional, diferenciando-se no segmento em que atua e criando novas e melhores oportunidades de realizao pessoal e remunerao financeira.A Educao 4.0 um modelo terico-tecnolgico que apresenta primazia e originalidade e tem como autor o Prof. Dr. Cassiano Zeferino de Carvalho Neto. Cassiano Zeferino tem licenciaturas em Pedagogia e Fsica e realizou dois ps-doutorados no Instituto Tecnolgico de Aeronutica/ITA. A experincia do autor, com mais de 40 anos de atuao na educao e um extenso currculo de realizaes que passa pela Academia, Iniciativa Privada e Terceiro Setor, estar integralmente sua disposio para que voc possa construir um novo patamar de excelncia em sua atuao profissional, alm de entregar valor efetivo s instituies em que voc trabalha, ou diretamente aos seus clientes.A Grande Revoluo da Educao 4.0 j comeou, no fique de fora nem se tarde muito a tomar uma deciso que poder fazer toda a diferena para os prximos dez, vinte ou trinta anos da sua vida e profisso. chegada a hora, venha! Educao 4.0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ........ > Avance, voc pode."
Price: 34.99 |
"Alcohol and Drug Abuse Recovery Program" |
"I am dedicated to providing the best online alternative to traditional addiction treatment.I know this material works because it works in my facility.This is a spaced learning program designed with the intent of you taking 8 modules over 8 weeks. It is important that you pace yourself and have a chance to review materials, complete all the assignments and put the tools into practice, to give you the best chance for building a sustainable sobriety/recovery program. Each module consists of a 15 - 20 minute video presentation and a number of downloadable exercises for you to complete.By the end of Module 8 you will have completed over 60 exercises which will help you get clean and sober and develop a Recovery Plan to help you stay that way."
Price: 79.99 |
"Course 1: Introduction" |
"Teal Kimball EntrepreneurManufacture and Distributor1: Boosts Mental Clarity, Cognitive, Vitality, & Longevity. 2: Charges, Purifies & Neutralizes Water, Increasing the Frequency Vibrations of Water Molecules, Rendering Toxins Inert. 3: Raise The P.H. (Potential Hydrogen) level above 7. 4: Promotes Self DNA-Regeneration, and Vigorous Vegetation Growth. 5: Tuned and Calibrated With 52800Hertz, Aiding With High Sensory Awareness. 6: Invigorates and Protects Your Immune System Using Frequencies. 7: Eliminates Isotope Particles of CO(2), NO x(2) By Scrubbing present Elements.After all Tealgonite is the universal life force (prana, chi. Ki) which is found freely in the nature where it hasnt been energetically corrupted or polluted. (OR)Tealgonite is the life force energy that is present in everything, it is known as 'chi', 'ki', 'prana', negative ions or negative entropy.All rights reserved Copyright 2018"
Price: 39.99 |
"How To Accelerate Your Career Development In Global Company" |
"Why are some people able to stand out over others, even in the same job or company situation? Why are they able to go higher and get their faster? What exactly are they doing better and more of them most? These are the questions that I set out to answer when I wrote my two career development books: ""know the game, play the game"" and ""How to Develop Yourself as a Future Executive, Today"".Well, there's a saying: ""if you want to do it well, you need to understand it well first"". So, one of the biggest factors that leads to their greater success is that they have a better understanding of what their management pays attention to most when viewing and assessing talent. And then, beyond just having a good sense of what will most impact their success, they proactively demonstrate and develop these things"". In these lessons series, I share insights and tips from a top global employers' perspective on...how top global executives view thingshow global employers and executives identify top talentIn addition, I'll teach you...how to develop a self-development mindset and approachhow to develop yourself faster in a global companyhow to develop your key soft skillsEach of the 50 short videos in this series contain a practical and intuitive lesson that will raise your career sense (or Career Success IQ, CSIQ) and awareness of the things that your boss and top management care about. They include a Golden Rule and a daily exercise to help you develop the key skills and qualities you need to be more successful as a global-caliber professional."
Price: 19.99 |
"Handling the Buyer's Excuses and Resistances in Sales" |
"Clients objections and resistances dont mean I dont want to buy. They just mean Not yet. They offer an insight into the client's worries and they help us better reframe our proposition to better fit their needs. This course will give you a clear methodology for answering examples. It also provides very practical and tried responses to use when the prospect or client says: ""Your price is too high""""I'm busy""""Let me think about it""""We are already using another supplier""""We are not interested""""We've had a bad experience with you in the past"""
Price: 19.99 |
"Visualizing data using Stata" |
"This course introduces the student to the graphical capabilities of Stata. The course assumes only basic knowledge of data management in Stata. The student should be familiar with the graphical user interface, as well as with loading data sets into memory. The goal of this course is to teach the student the logic of extracting meaning from data sets using visualization tools. This is accomplished by using a single data set from the start of the course up until the very end. Students will learn how to use histograms, quantile plots, and symmetry plots. In addition, students will also learn how to use these tools in order to investigate whether group differences exist. The course then introduces students to bar graphs, box plots, and dot plots, and how these graphs can be used to study differences in groups that are divided along more than one dimension. Finally, the course shows students how to produce graphs that describe the relationship between two variables. Students are taught how to decide which type of plot is best suited for their needs. Throughout the course, students will also learn how to customize the colors and shapes used in the graphs."
Price: 24.99 |
"Linear Regression using Stata" |
"Included in this course is an e-book and a set of slides. The course is divided into two parts. In the first part, students are introduced to the theory behind linear regression. The theory is explained in an intuitive way. No math is involved other than a few equations in which addition and subtraction are used. The purpose of this part of the course is for students to understand what linear regression is and when it is used. Students will learn the differences between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression. They will be able to understand the output of linear regression, test model accuracy and assumptions. Students will also learn how to include different types of variables in the model, such as categorical variables and quadratic variables. All this theory is explained in the slides, which are made available to the students, as well as in the e-book that is freely available for students who enroll in the course.In the second part of the course, students will learn how to apply what they learned using Stata. In this part, students will use Stata to fit multiple regression models, produce graphs that describe model fit and assumptions, and to use variable specific commands that will make the output more readable. This part assumed very basic knowledge of Stata."
Price: 29.99 |
"Logistic Regression using Stata" |
"Included in this course is an e-book and a set of slides. The course is divided into two parts. In the first part, students are introduced to the theory behind logistic regression. The theory is explained in an intuitive way. The math is kept to a minimum. The course starts with an introduction to contingency tables, in which students learn how to calculate and interpret the odds and the odds ratios. From there, the course moves on to the topic of logistic regression, where students will learn when and how to use this regression technique. Topics such as model building, prediction, and assessment of model fit are covered. In addition, the course also covers diagnostics by covering the topics of residuals and influential observations.In the second part of the course, students learn how to apply what they learned using Stata. In this part, students will walk through a large project in order to understand the type of questions that are raised throughout the process, and which commands to use in order to address these questions."
Price: 29.99 |
"Modeling Count Data using Stata" |
"Included in this course is an e-book and a set of slides. The course is divided into two parts. In the first part, students are introduced to the theory behind count models. The theory is explained in an intuitive way while keeping the math at a minimum. The course starts with an introduction to count tables, where students learn how to calculate the incidence-rate ratio. From there, the course moves on to Poisson regression where students learn how to include continuous, binary, and categorical variables. Students are then introduced to the concept of overdispersion and the use of negative binomial models to address this issue. Other count models such as truncated models and zero-inflated models are discussed.In the second part of the course, students learn how to apply what they have learned using Stata. In this part, students will walk through a large project in order to fit Poisson, negative binomial, and zero-inflated models. The tools used to compare these models are also introduced."
Price: 29.99 |
"Understanding Regression Techniques" |
"Included in this course is an e-book and a set of slides. The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to regression techniques. The course covers linear regression, logistic regression and count model regression. The theory behind each of these three techniques is described in an intuitive and non-mathematical way. Students will learn when to use each of these three techniques, how to test the assumptions, how to build models, how to assess the goodness-of-fit of the models, and how to interpret the results. The course does not assume the use of any specific statistical software. Therefore, this course should be of use to anyone intending on applying regression techniques no matter which software they use. The course also walks students through three detailed case studies."
Price: 59.99 |
"An Introduction to Factor Analysis" |
"Included in this course is an e-book and a set of slides. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to factor analysis, when it is used and how it is used. The course does not assume the use of any specific statistical software. Therefore, this course should be of use to anyone intending interested in factor analysis. The theory is explained in an intuitive way while keeping the math at a minimum. The course starts with a simple one-dimensional example where the concepts of reliability, loadings, and eigenvalues are explained. The course then moves to two-dimensions where the concept of rotation is explained. Different rotation techniques are discussed in addition to the differences between them.In the second part of the course, students walk through a case study in a step-by-step approach in order to see how the techniques are applied and what sort of logic is used in each step. In this part, students will walk through a large project in order to understand the type of questions that are raised throughout the process."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learning Russian Language. Learn Russian language." |
"This course give more words to speak in Russia.The grammar is given dosed by following the instructions.Speaking is with me and I speak very slowly in Russian to make your hearing stronger. I give extremally need words and sentences for life in Moscow. It is very easy way to learn Russian Language in 2 days! You can repeat and repeat this video. If you know Lenin, he said ""Learn, learn and learn!!"""
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit from Scratch" |
"LTMC - S / 4 Hana Migration CockpitThe SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit is a new migration tool that is shipped exclusively with S/4HANA. The focus is to support customers in the migration process with the SAP S/4HANA New Implementation transition scenario. The tool is based on proven migration technologies. It is available for S/4HANA Cloud and for on-premise release 1610 and up. In this course we will learn: SAP S/4 HANA Migration Cockpit with Step by step transactions and detailed configuration. How to upload master and transactional data using S/4 HANA migration cockpit. Explore the limitations of the standard migration objects and how to overcome them. How to create a custom migration object, use of custom rules and error handling. How to use recordings in migration objects. Troubleshooting of real-time problems faced during implementation. No sap help documents or blogs or videos are available as of now. You can always come back to this course for such troubleshooting."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Curso de AutoCad 2D do bsico ao avanado" |
"Curso foi desenvolvido para quem deseja aprender e investir em sua carreira profissional, o curso detalha as funes do AutoCad, demostrando o uso de suas ferramentas, desenvolvendo uma planta de um apartamento. O AutoCad um software que utilizado em diversas reas, alm da construo civil, por isso desenvolvi este curso de uma maneira que todos podero aprender a utiliza-l. O curso no mensal, voc pagar apenas uma vez e ter acesso a uma gama de contedo. (VALOR PROMOCIONAL)"
Price: 159.99 |
"An RTOS Based Software Development for Embedded Systems" |
"This course is designed to keep in the mind to give you not only the technical experience of the RTOS rather how to use it to build the real time projects which requires timing constraints.All the scheduling algorithms are implemented using the c language by which students can get the exposure to the use of advanced c language also.With this you will also get an exposure to building a software architecture for a product and learn how to deal with startup files, managing directory structure, and many more techniques which is useful to build an embedded systems software. We have shared an organized source code for some sample projects which you can use to build your own source code. The mentors of the course are experienced in software designing for embedded products in countries, Japan & India and we have tried to share the same experience via this course. We have chosen a small, low cost STM8S103F3P6 Mini Dev Board and ST-LINK V2 Programmer for porting RTOS which is a less than a $10 investment on hardware to start with this course and can be used to build cost effective products.Motivation Behind This CourseWe have seen many Engineers or fresh graduates starting their carrier in embedded industry have not clear vision how to use there skills for building products .Because the ultimate goal of having embedded skills is you can build something usefull either for the Industry or Consumer and the software has a major role in it.Many embedded engineers do not take the software seriously.They don't understand the one simple fact that the company makes products only for profit.Company don't care about the level of technology someone is using if there is no profit inside it.Still there is no machine invented which can analyse the product requirement and write the whole software automatically.So only humans can do it and company invests a lot on humans to build the software.The software building needs to be cost effective , reliable ,simple ,reusable. Learning to use any specific Microcontroller, RTOS or Tools in embedded systems will help you to increase your embedded skills.But the skill to use these technical skills to build a product will actually boost it up and the same has been shared with you via this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"C++ STL" |
"C++STLvectorC++listdequeC++vector, array, deque, list (forward_list), set (unordered_set, multiset), map (unordered_map, multimap)0<>1vectorlist<>2vectorreserve<2.1>Avectorvector3<3.1>4<4.0><algorithm>7"
Price: 3600.00 |
"UNIX Getting Started" |
"Why this course? Internet is flooded with lot of resources already related to UNIX. Then why we need another in the same category? The answer to this lies in following points.1. This course is a compact version of UNIX with all the details to start.2. It talks less theory and more action.3. Simple explanations are given for different commands.4. The lectures are created in step by step fashion.5. More than 70 different commands are included in this course.6. You will not be burdened with so many UNIX commands, because they are placed in a simple fashion in different chapters.7. With real examples of different commands which you can try on your system easily.8. Exercises were included in different modules based upon what you learned. This will make you more familiar with the usage of different concepts and commands.9. This course is also compiled, keeping in mind that any naive user who are eager to learn to computer and start basic programming. That's why the title ""Getting Started""."
Price: 19.99 |
"Marketing (Knowledge that makes you to think like marketer)" |
"This Course is Prepared by Muhammad Hanzla. I'm a student of Bachelors In Business Administration. I love to share information. The basic reason of making this course is to provide necessary and perfect information to everyone those who are interested in learning marketing. It will gonna help you in so many ways. But only if you have a passion and wants to learn that."
Price: 34.99 |