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"Veri Yaplar Eitim Serisi"
"Veri Yaplar zellikle akademik alanda yazlm eitimi alan lisans rencilerinin kar karya kaldklar derslerin banda gelir. Veri Yaplar Eitim Serisi videolar sayesinde hem bu g dersi aabilecek, hem de yazlm alannda kendinizi inanlmaz derecede gelitirebileceksiniz.  Eitim boyunca her konuda yeterli dzeyde teorik bilgi verildikten sonra srekli olarak adm adm kod yazlmakta ve anlatlmaktadr. Eitim serisinin %95'i kod yazmak ve rnek yapmakla gemektedir. Veri Yaplarn renmenin en iyi yolu kod yazmaktan geer. Bu seride bol bol kod yazyoruz.Bu Eitim serisi yalnzca niversitede yazlm eitimi gren bireylere ynelik deildir. Ancak u da ok iyi bilinmelidir ki, yazlma yeni balayan birisi iin de uygun olmamakla birlikte ar gelebilir. Eer gemite yazlm ile uratysanz, zellikle C ve/veya C++ ile altysanz ve kendinizi ilerletmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre."
Price: 49.99

"Python ile Algoritmalar (Bol Teori, Bol Kod)"
"Hayatmzn her alanna yn veren algoritmalar yazlmclarn en ok bilmeleri gereken konularn banda gelir. zellikle i hayatnda, gerek uygulama alannda gerekse de mlakatlarda en ok ihtiya duyacamz olgu algoritmalardr. Kursumuz dahilinde Bilgisayar mhendislii ve yazlm mhendislii blmlerinde anlatlan algoritmalara yer verilmitir. Kursumuzda her konunun anlatm ikiye blnmtr. Birinci para teorik anlatmdr. Teorik anlatmn ardndan python programlama dili ile kod yazm satr satr gsterilmektedir. Doal olarak programlama srecinde python veri yaplar kullanlmaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Oracle 11g: Inst. S.O / Pre-Config. / Inst. SGBD"
"Esse curso tem como objetivo ensinar a instalao o Sistema Operacional Oracle Linux 6 e fazer a Pre-Configurao do S.O para a instalao do SGBDOracle 11g, o intuito e deixar clara todas as etapas necessrias para que a instalao do SGBD Oracle ocorra sem problemas e ao final se tenha uma instalao operacional.Roteiro:- Introduo - Instalao do S.O - Pre-Configurao Instalao dos Pacotes Ajuste dos Parametros de Kernel Criao do Usurio Oracle Criao dos Grupos do S.O Configurao de Rede Configurao dos Diretorios Base - Variaveis de Ambiente - Instalao SGBD Oracle (Single Instance) - Criao do Listener - Criao do Banco de Dados e Enterprise Manager (EM)"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 12c: Inst. S.O / Pre-Config. / Inst. SGBD"
"Esse curso tem como objetivo ensinar a instalao o Sistema Operacional Oracle Linux 7 e fazer a Pre-Configurao do S.O para a instalao do SGBDOracle 12c com a arquitetura Multitenant, o intuito e deixar clara todas as etapas necessrias para que a instalao do SGBD Oracle ocorra sem problemas e ao final se tenha uma instalao operacional.Roteiro:- Introduo - Instalao de S.O e Pre-Configurao - Instalao do S.O - Pre-Configurao Instalao dos Pacotes Ajuste dos Parametros de Kernel Criao do Usurio Oracle Criao dos Grupos do S.O Configurao de Rede Configurao dos Diretorios Base - Variaveis de Ambiente - Instalao SGBD Oracle Instance) - Criao do Listener - Criao do Banco de Dados (Arquitetura Multitenant) - Habilitar Enterprise Manager Express"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 11g: Instalao SGBD StandAlone"
"Nesse curso sera ensinado ao aluno como fazer a instalao StandAlone do Oracle 11g onde sera utilizado os instaladores do Grid para que os recursos do ASM sejam instalados e esteja aptos a serem utilizados. Ao final teremos um banco de dados usando todos os recursos do ASM no que se diz de armazenamento.Roteiro:- Pre-Configurao do S.O Instalao dos pacotes do ASMCriao do usurio e grupos do ASM Ajuste dos parmetros de Segurana do S.OConfigurao start automtico ASM- Adio dos disco para o ASM - Instalao Oracle Grid StandAlone - Instalao SGBD Oracle - Criao do Banco de Dados com EM (Enterprise Manager)"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 11g: RMAN na pratica - Backup"
"Esse curso tem com objetivo da uma noo inicial sobre como executar backup no SGBDOracle com o RMAN desde sua configurao, execuo e gerenciamento dos backups:Roteiro:- Introduo Apresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteO que e o RMAN(Recovery Manager)Backup consistente(cold ou offline) / Backup inconsistente(hot ou online)Archivelog e NoarchivelogComo logar no RMAN - Como configurar o rman CONFIGURESComo alterar os CONFIGURES Como voltar para a configurao DEFAULT- Comandos para execuo de backups Backup set Backup copy- Comandos para gerenciamento dos backups- Tipos de comandosStandAloneJob- Scripts para backups"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 11g: RMAN na pratica - Restore"
"Esse curso tem com objetivo da uma noo inicial sobre como executar restore no SGBDOracle com o RMAN:Roteiro:- Introduo Apresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteO que e o RMAN(Recovery Manager)- Boas praticasMultiplexar controlfiles Multiplexar redo logfiles- Identificando falhasAlert LogHM (Health Monitor)DRA (Data Recovery Advisor)- Apresentar cenarios de desastrePerca de datafile criticoPerca de datafile no criticoPerca de datafile temporarioPerca de controlfile Perca de grupo de redos - INACTIVE - ACTIVE - CURRENT- Fazendo restore completo do banco de dados Ajustando pfile Restaurando controlfileSincronizando metadados Catalogando backups Restaurando datafiles e aplicando todos os archives- Fazendo restore incompleto do banco de dados - PITR (Point in Time Recovery)Ajustando pfile Restaurando controlfileSincronizando metadados Catalogando backups Restaurando datafiles e aplicando archive ate um momento no tempo especifico"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 11g: DATAPUMP (expdp e impdp) na pratica"
"Este curso tem como objetivo mostrar os recursos do DATAPUMPcom as ferramentas expdp e impdp, mostrando os principais recursos dessas ferramentas:Roteiro:- Introduo Objetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteO que e o DATAPUMP(expdp, impdp)Objeto de directory- Export usado expdp expdp help expdp estimar tamanho backupexport todo database export apenas tablespace export apenas schema export apenas table export com flashbackexport somente dados ou metadadosOutras opoes para export- Import usando impdpPre-requisitosCaractersetTablespace impdp help import todo database import apenas tablespace import apenas schema import apenas schema remapeandoimport apenas tableimport apenas table remapeandoimport apenas table renomeandoimport apenas table remapeando e renomeandoimport somente dados ou metadadosOutras opoes para import- Extraindo informaes do backup logico- Export e import com arquivo de parmetros- Scripts"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 12c: Migrao Non-CDB Database para CDB Database"
"Este curso tem como objetivo mostrar as tcnicas que podem ser utilizadas para migrao de um banco que no e CDB (Multitenant) para um banco que e CDB (Multitenant) entre as verses 12c para 12c e entre as verses 11g para 12c.Sesso 1: Migrando Non-CDB Database 12c para Multitenant CDB Database 12cRoteiro:- Introduo Objetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteO que e o Multitenant?Sesses do curso (12c p/ 12c 11g p/ 12c)- Migrando atraves do DATAPUMP Validando MultitenantFazendo export Database Non-CDB 12cImport Database Multitenant CDB 12c- Migrando usando DBMS_PDB (Non-CDB Database)Iniciar banco READ ONLY Usar a procedure DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBEDesligar banco - Criando PDB (Multitenant CDB Database)Criar PDB do arquivo XML do banco Non-CDBRodando script ""noncdb_to_pdb.sql""Validando novo PDBSesso 2: Migrando Non-CDB Database 11g para Multitenant CDB Database 12c- Migrando atraves do DATAPUMP Fazendo export Database Non-CDB 11gImport Database Multitenant CDB 12c- Migrando atraves de Transportable TablespaceFazendo checagem EndianCriando tablespace 11gCriando user 11gFazendo export Transportable Tablespace 11gCopiando backup e arquivos Fazendo import Transportable Tablespace 12c Validando os dados 12c"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 12c: Adm. de banco de dados - Dia a Dia DBA - parte 1"
"Este curso e um primeiro compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteVariveis de ambienteVariveis necessriasArquivo env_db_sidBash_profileGerenciando startup e shutdownManeiras de fazer startupManeiras de fazer shutdownVerificando status do banco Configurando startup automticoGerenciando o listenerStart, status e stop listenerExplicando pontos que envolvem o listeneriphostname Gerenciando tnsnamesCriando arquivo tnsnames.ora netcanetmgrarquivo Criando entradas no tnsnames.oraTestando entrada do tnsnames.oraFerramentasInstalando client Oracle Overview sobre a ferramentaCriando arquivo tnsnames.ora Criando entradas no tnsnames.oraTestando entrada do tnsnames.ora SqlplusOverview sobre a ferramentaFormas de conectarComandos uteisSqldeveloperOverview sobre a ferramentaComo criar uma conexo"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 12c: Adm. de banco de dados - Dia a Dia DBA - parte 2"
"Este curso e um segundo compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteObtendo informaes do banco Views do dicionario de dados dba_all_user_Views dinmicasv$ (v_$)Quando usar?Gerenciando Tablespaces e DatafilesObtendo informaes sobre tablespaces e datafilesTipos de tablespacesTablespace permanente default Tablespace temporria defaultCriando tablespacesDropando tablespacesAjustando tablespacesredimensionando datafilesadicionando datafiles/tempfiledropando datafiles/tempfilealterando definio de datafiles/tempfileoutros comandos uteisRenomeando ou alterando localizao de datafilesGerando comando para criao de tablespacesQuando usar? Possveis errosalert logGerenciando RedosObtendo informaes sobre redosColocando banco em archive log modeCriando grupos de redos Multiplexando redos Dropando redos Redimensionando redosQuando usar?Possveis errosalert logGerenciando ParmetrosObtendo informaes sobre parmetrosArquivos de parmetrospfilespfileParmetros dinmicos e estticos Parmetros de sesso e de instanciaComo alterar parmetrosParmetros no documentadosQuando usar? Possveis errosalert logGerenciando MemoriasObtendo informaes sobre memoriasTipos de configurao de memoria AMMASMMManualParmetros de memoria Alterando memoria do banco relao memoria banco memoria S.OQuando usar?Possveis errosalert log"
Price: 54.99

"Oracle 12c: Adm. de banco de dados - Dia a Dia DBA - parte 3"
"Este curso e um terceiro compilado de rotinas e tem por objetivo mostras quais atividades so mais comuns no dia a dia do DBA Oracle, e mostra tambm como o DBA deve agir caso seja necessrio em um determinado cenrio.Roteiro:IntroduoObjetivo do cursoApresentao do roteiroApresentao do ambienteGerenciando UsuriosObtendo informaes sobre usuriosCriando usuriosAlterando usurios senha tablespace permanente e temporria default atribuindo quota em tablespacebloqueando e desbloqueando alterando profile Dropando usuriosMtodos de autenticaoautenticao por senhaautenticao por aquivo de senhaautenticao pelo S.Oautenticao externaGerando comando para criao de usuriosQuando usar? Possveis errosGerenciando ProfilesObtendo informaes sobre profilesCriando profiles Alterando profiles Verify FunctionDropando profiles Quando usar? Possveis errosGerenciando PrivilgiosObtendo informaes sobre privilgiosPrivilgios de sistema e de objeto Atribuindo privilgiosSinnimosRevogando privilgios Quando usar? Possveis errosGerenciando RolesObtendo informaes sobre rolesCriando roles Dropando roles Atribuindo e revogando privilegio para roleVer privilgios de uma roleAtribuindo e revogando role de usurio"
Price: 54.99

"Camtasia 9.1 Sfrdan Herey"
"En iyi videolarnz Camtasia 9 kullanarak yapn!Camtasia 9 yeni balayanlar, programn neyle ilgili olduunu renmekten, animasyonlar birletirme konusunda daha fazla bilgi renmeyi renmek isteyen ve 9. srmdeki yeni davranlar kullanmay renen deneyimli kullanclara, bu dersin tm deneyim dzeylerindeki renciler iin birok bilgi vardr.Yeni balayanlardan uzun sreli kullanclara kadar, Camtasia Studio'yu en iyi nasl kullanacanz reneceksiniz. Camtasia Studio'yu en iyi nasl kullanacanz reneceksiniz.Camtasia'da yeniyseniz, nceki bilgilerin zerine ina edilen dersler iin videolarn srasn izlemeniz yeterlidir.ou video sadece birka dakika srmektedir.htiyacnz olduunda tam olarak ihtiyacnz olan elde edebilirsiniz - ihtiyacnz olan bilginin bir nuggetini bulmaya almak iin artk saatlerce video izlemeyin.Neden buna ihtiyacn vard?Camtasia Studio gl, kullanm kolay ve kullanc dostu bir video dzenleme yazlm.Bununla nasl allacan bilmek kullanl olacaktr.Okul, Ofis, Ev, , Sat, ovlar iin Fantastik Videolar Yapn - Tm Sektrler in Uygun!Bir retici yapmak ve PC ekrannz kaydetmeniz gerekiyorsa, Camtasia Studio sizin iin nemlidir.Videolar profesyonel yapabilmeniz iin bilmeniz gereken her ey hakknda konuacam.Yaratclnz fade Edin.Mesajnz Dnyaya Gnderin.Camtasia 9 ile eitim videolar oluturuyorsanz, size zaman kazandrmak ve videolarnzn harika grnmesini salamak iin pf noktalarn ve ipularn reneceksiniz!Size szmBen tam zamanl bir video editr ve evrimii eitmenim.Yolun her admnda senin iin burada olacam.Kurs ierii veya bu konuyla ilgili herhangi bir konu hakknda herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, kursa her zaman soru gnderebilir veya dorudan mesaj gnderebilirsiniz.Sorularna cevap vereceim.Devam et ve kayt dmesine tkla, 1. derste grrz!"
Price: 49.99

"Change Your Life in 30 Days"
"Take less than 10 min for the next 30 days to change your life. Get focused. Get organized. Get moving! This is your year and this program can help you make it the best year ever. Every day you will have homework, every day you will have a mindset to focus on, every day you will prepare for a better life."
Price: 29.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 Heavyweight Vol.1/2 - The Crash Course"
"Instructor's recommendation: If you are a total beginner in EPLAN or you would just want to see the key features of this program then I recommend you check the course: ""ePLAN Electric P8 - The Essentials - For Beginners"". This one is going to get you going and speed up your learning progress in the Eplan Heavyweight courses.*** UPDATES *** - September 09, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).IMPORTANT NOTICE:Please find a folder/file """" in the Lecture 18 of the course, as a downloadable resource. In the Lecture 2 I show you how to integrate the files from this folder into your EPLAN platform. To be able to follow this course, you don't need Data Portal.In that folder you can also find all the pages I created in the course. So the page macros. If you would like to see how I did it, then you would just drag and drop those pages to your newly created Eplan project. Or, as I recommend, try to do as much as possible on your own :)Dear student,I welcome you to my first course in the series about EPLAN Electric P8.In this course I have covered the essential topics / sections in EPLAN to get you going as soon as possible and to prepare you for the real-life scenarios in the electrical design.That is why I decided to work on a real-life example of a project in the field of Industrial Automation. Simple but effective concept. Typical industrial automation systems consist of many different segments. Here are some of them:- typically more than one electrical cabinet (that's why we work with 3 cabinets in our EPLAN project for our exercise)- power distribution (in our EPLAN project some motors (fans) and a general device that needs 400VAC power supply)- PLC cabinet (CAB3 in our EPLAN Project) - we work with Siemens S7-1500 PLC- control and exchange signals (to control our motors and to exchange signals with a higher-level control system)- analog input signals (in our case temperature measurement with transmitter in head of the instrument - typical industrial application)- Technology overview (also in our EPLAN project, to get better understanding of what we are designing)Moreover, throughout the lessons we cover EPLAN specific topics. Here are some of them:- Creating new EPLAN project- Editing plot frame and forms (advanced)- EPLAN's ""Check Project"" Functionality (advanced)- Rounding up our EPLAN project by adding various reports to the project (Title page, table of contents, terminals diagrams, cable overview)- Learning how to exchange EPLAN project, pages and parts of schematics (in different formats, such as EPLAN files, DWG/DXF, PDF) with our customer and our team members- And much more***IMPORTANT NOTICE***In this course we are NOT going to be working with parts data and with 2D Panel Layout. I've decided to cover those segments of EPLAN in a separate course since (and I speak from my professional experience) not all of the customers demand that I assign parts to elements in the schematics and create a 2D Panel Layout in EPLAN. I work on projects ranging from couple of tens of thousands dollars up to multimillion projects and in most cases the customer give their own parts database and standardized 2D panel layouts. The purpose of this course is to get you going ASAP in EPLAN and for those segments I do not find crucial I will be making separate courses. Beginning from assigning parts and 2D panel layout (Eplan Course Vol.2), then later on Translation, Wire-numbering, custom PLC schematics etc.I have decided not to talk to much during the lessons (the concept applied only in this course), but instead occasionally share with you some short real-life stories, additional tips and tricks and little assignments you could do on your own while working your way through lessons. I believe that you should take time, dive into the lessons, follow them with good concentration and try to repeat all the things I do, on your own. Harder path, but pays off better.As mentioned, by the end of this course you will be able to create any type of schematics in EPLAN. The proper way. And by generating reports, checking your project for errors, being able to exchange various type of files with your team member and with a customer you will be able to create a well-rounded electrical project created in Eplan Electric P8.I have been working in this software for almost a decade now and not once considered trying out software in the same category (Computer Aided Engineering).It is today's standard on the CAE market so if you invest some quality time and effort, it will pay off.It has done a lot for me over the years. Just by knowing how to properly work in EPLAN I always was able to acquire new job, clients, projects, anywhere in the world!I hope you will find my course interesting and valuable and I wish you a lot of fun and a great success in mastering Eplan Electric P8.Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 99.99

"Electrical Design Bootcamp - LV Power Calculations"
"*** UPDATES *** - September 23, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to my tutorial about low voltage power calculations using Simaris Design and Simaris Curves from Siemens.Planning of an automation project and the electrical wiring on that project starts with power calculations. This is one of the first steps I take when I start to work on a new automation system - I plan and dimension my low voltage power system.I've tried years ago different software from all the biggest manufacturers and concluded that Simaris Design is, according to my experience, by far the best one out there to quickly setup a project, create single line diagrams and output all the possible documents that one needs when performing power calculations (project documentation, different list in Excel, e.g. busbar, cable, device settings, selectivity documentation etc., single line diagrams in PDF and i DWG/DXF).Language support is great, meaning that you can set your workspace and the single line diagram to the language of your choice. The same goes for the output documentation.When creating single line diagrams in Simaris Design the devices you use are grouped into three categories: System infeed: (transformer with primary and secondary side, transformer only with secondary side, coupling to use when you have also emergency power supply, like a diesel aggregate (generator) etc.) Distribution boards: (with busbars, without busbar, sub-distribution boards etc.) Final circuits: (electrical consumers) ranging from general devices,  motors (including DOL, softstarter, reverse-duty and frequency converter), power outlets up to special dummy loads. You even have a possibility to insert a charging unit for electric cars. Talking about awesomeness :)I definitely highly recommend this software to all of you who work in the electrical engineering field. Even if you don't enroll in my course, I recommend that you invest some time to get to know this program. It's worth it.I've been using Simaris for years now on many different project across industries and it has always served me well.One of the last project where I had to do some serious dimensioning of my protection devices and cables was a one from the refrigeration industry.We had about 715 A of current consumption in our cabinet. Total of 3 power enclosures and 1 PLC enclosure.In one of the cabinets I had to design a power distribution system for two softstarters to power two screw compressors. One of them 160kW and the other 132 kW. Not to mention that in the area where we had to install our cabinets and pull all the cables the temperature goes up to 38 C in summer. So I had to be very careful when dimensioning the cables. And we did it! We commissioned the system this summer in July and everything went in perfect order (talking about the worst case scenario - summertime).Simaris Design has been a great companion during the dimensioning and in general electrical design on this project.I hope you will enjoy working your way through my course on Simaris Design and I hope you will learn a lot.Don't forget to have fun on the way!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 69.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 Heavyweight Vol.2/2 - 2D Panel, Parts"
"*** UPDATES *** - September 11, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).IMPORTANT NOTICE:Please find a folder/file """" in the Lecture 2 of the course, as a downloadable resource. In the Lecture 2 (free preview) of the EPLAN Vol.1 Course I show you how to integrate the files from this folder into your EPLAN platform. To be able to follow this course, you don't need Data Portal.In that folder you can also find all the pages I created in the course. So the page macros. If you would like to see how I did it, then you would just drag and drop those pages to your newly created Eplan project. Or, as I recommend, try to do it on yourself :)Dear Student,In this tutorial we are going to continue to work on our automation project we created in the EPLAN Vol.1 Course. We are going to further expand our project by assigning parts to all the elements in the schematics and then we are going to create 2D mounting panel layouts for all of the cabinets.Of course, as in the previous course, I am going to share with you a number of useful tips and tricks as you make your progress through the lectures.If you feel that you are still somewhere on the beginner's level in EPLAN then I recommend that you check my first EPLAN course (Eplan Heavyweight Vol.1) where I show you how to start to work in EPLAN from scratch - i.e. from creating a project all the way up to creating circuit diagrams for PLC and some advanced topis like editing plotframe/form and EPLAN's ""Check project"" functionality.I hope you will find this course valuable and I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of success in mastering Eplan Electric P8!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 89.99

"Electrical Design Bootcamp - Power Dissipation Calculations"
"*** UPDATES *** - September 25, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to this short but powerful tutorial about Rittal Therm, a program I use very often on my projects. It's primary goal is to help the user to calculate the heat loss (also called power loss or heat dissipation) inside electrical enclosures and to dimension the climate system (fan, air conditioning) accordingly.In this short tutorial you are going to learn about:the program itselfthe basics of heat dissipation and how to find this parameter for different devicesthe dimensioning of the climate system in the electrical cabinetto calculate the heat loss and dimension the climate system for the example cabinet from our EPLAN courses (CAB2 - power distribution cabinet)This is the 3rd major topic in electrical design.The first one was the dimensioning of the power distribution system (we cover that one in the Simaris Course)The second one is the creation of various circuit diagrams (we covered that one in EPLAN Electric P8 courses)Now it makes sense to go further and to calculate the heat loss inside the cabinets and to dimension the necessary climate system in the cabinet.That's why this course came to life.Feel free to check my free preview videos and enroll if you find this topic important.And I wish you a lot of fun working in Rittal Therm!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 39.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 - Translation in EPLAN"
"*** UPDATES *** - October 03, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to my third in the series course on Eplan Electric P8.In this one we are going to cover the Translation Module in EPLAN. So, we are going to learn how to work with multiple languages in an EPLAN project, the right way.By the end of this course you will become confident to work on international project where you need to have multiple languages within your EPLAN project.Join me on this course and I wish you a lot of fun on your way through the lessons!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 39.99

"Electrical Design Bootcamp - Project.1 - Packaging Machine"
"*** UPDATES *** - October 10, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to my first in the series course on electrical design - electrical design of an industrial packaging machine.So far, in the previous courses I created for you, we learned:- how to use tool EPLAN Electric P8 to create various circuit diagrams- how to size cables and protection devices in SIMARIS DESIGN for a power distribution system- how to calculate the heat dissipation and dimension fans and air conditioning in RITTAL THERM for an electrical enclosureNow we can start mastering electrical design.This is a project I was designing for my customer about two years ago. In this course I am going to talk about this project, first the basic info and then with every further lesson we are going to dig deeper into the project.We are going to learn about the power system, about the control system (PLC Siemens S7-1200) and about the safety system (SICK Safe EFI-pro System).I am also going to explain how this machine is controlled and I will explain why we need the input and output signals we used in the project.By the end of the course you will be able to understand how to design an electrical system for this kind of machine.I also highly recommend that you take the document I provided as a download (circuit diagrams in PDF) and the videos I created for you and that you create EPLAN project, for your exercise. With all the circuit diagrams, with the 2D panel layout and if you are really interested, all that in 2 languages.If you are a beginner in EPLAN then please refer to my EPLAN courses where I will teach you how to use EPLAN properly, with a lot of examples.I hope you will enjoy this course I created for you and I wish you great success in mastering electrical design!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 89.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 - Intense Intermediate"
"*** UPDATES *** - October 26, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to, according to my opinion, the intermediate course on EPLAN Electric P8.In this short but intense course we are going to cover the following sections / function in EPLAN: Symbols and symbol libraries - masterclass - everything you need to know about custom symbols in EPLANLayer management in EPLAN - what layers in EPLAN can do for us in the real-worldHow to be more effective when working in EPLANBonus lecture - very interesting way to tag cables (a requirement from some customers in the real-world)This is going to be one of my last courses on EPLAN Electric P8. I might do another one and for that one I will ask for a feedback from you, my students, to tell me which are the things you would like me to cover in the last one.After EPLAN courses I will concentrate more on electrical design, with examples of projects I have worked on so far.To help you master electrical design on a professional level so that you can consider a career in this field of electrical engineering.I hope you will find my course valuable and fun and I wish you a great success in mastering EPLAN and electrical design!Also please don't forget to rate my course and leave a short review. I thank you for that in advance.Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 69.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 aus der Praxis"
"***WICHTIGES INFO***Kein Zugang zum Data-Portal erforderlich, um die Lektionen erfolgreich zu folgen und gemeinsam mit mir zu arbeiten.Alle Projektdateien kannst du in der Lektion 1 herunterladen (Die Datei heit """") z.B. :alle Seiten des Projekts als ein Seitenmakro (solltest du mal was checken mchten)Artikeldatenbank (Edu100.mdb) - hier findest du alle Artikel die wir im Kurs verwenden (Siemens, Phoenix Contact)Siemens S7-1500 Eplan Makros (du kannst SPS Makros von der Siemens website herunterladen, als "".edz"" Datei)Dateien die wir whrend der Lektionen erstellen usw_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Lieber Student,herzlich willkommen zu meinem ersten (auf Deutsch) Eplan Electric P8 Kurs.Eigentlich habe ich schon 7 Kurse auf Udemy verffentlicht (Stand Oktober 2019).Jetzt habe ich endlich Zeit gefunden, auch meine Kollegen in der DACH Region mit meinen Kenntnissen zu untersttzen. Deswegen dieser Kurs fr dich. Gut abgerundet und total praxisorientiert, mit Beispielen aus einem Projekt in der Automobilindustrie (Karosserierohbau), an welchem ich vor ein paar Jahren als E-Planer gearbeitet habe.In diesem Kurs werden wir ein typischer Eplan Projekt bauen. Das heit, wir werden ein Eplan Projekt erstellen und danach uns mit den Strukturen in Eplan richtig auskennen (mit Beispielen aus der Praxis).Nachdem wir die Strukturen absolvieren, wir werden erlernen, wie ein Eplan Standard-Normblatt nach unseren Wschen zu anpassen. Das gleiche machen wir mit einem Formular (Deckblatt als Beispiel). Danach werden wir verschiedene Schaltplne erstellen, erstmal Leistungstechnik (400/230VAC, Siemens Artikel) und danach Steuerungstechnik (24VDC Verteilung und SPS - Siemens S7-1500)Nachdem wir mit den Schaltplnen fertig werden, werden wir daran arbeiten, unser Projekt zu optimieren, von Fehler und Warnungen zu bereinigen und unser Projekt erfolgreich zu abschlieen.Mit jeder Lektion werden wir Neues erlernen und unsere Kenntnissen ber Eplan weiter vertiefen.Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du bereit, ein gut abgerundetes Eplan Projekt aus dem Gebiet Automatisierungstechnik eigenstndig  zu  erstellen und an Kunden zu bergeben.Ich wnsche Dir viel Spa mit der Lektionen und wir sehen uns bald!Beste Gre,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 69.99

"Eplan PRO PANEL Vol.1 - Let's 3D - Beginner Course 2019"
"Dear student,I welcome you to my first course in the series about EPLAN Pro Panel.In this course I have covered the essential topics / sections in EPLAN Pro Panel to get you going as soon as possible and while demonstrating also some real-world issues you might encounter when working in Pro Panel.By the end of the course you will be ready to do the following on your own:create new layout spaceinsert enclosures and accessories for the enclosuresinsert and effectively work with cable ducts and mounting rails (including special rail for Siemens S7-1500 PLC)isolate and add different parts of the enclosure for better efficiencylearn nad use collision check functionlearn and apply different placement and positioning options - change length, adopt length, place centered, change handle etc.learn and apply mounting clearances for special devices such as for PLC, DC power supplies, frequency converters (VFD or VSD)export model views and 2D panel layoutsgenerate and filter enclosure legend for example only for the enclosure doorlearn about drilling views and drilling patternsexport drilling patterns to DXF and PDF and also integrate to your EPLAN projectand much moreI invite you to join the course and I wish you a lot of fun and success in mastering Eplan Pro Panel.Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 99.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 - The Essentials - For Beginners"
"*** UPDATES *** - January 10, 2020 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated). PS: it's so boring to do CC's but I had to do it for my students...Hello,after some feedback from my students I've finally invested time and energy to create this EPLAN beginner's course. Only the essentials, only EPLAN (no design this time).If you're into learning the basics of EPLAN, the essential functions and sections to be able to create some decent circuit diagrams in EPLAN then you've come to the right place.It doesn't matter whether you are a total beginner with EPLAN and electrical design or you are already an accomplished electrical designer and you just want to experience what does it mean to design in EPLAN, you will find this course an interesting starting point into EPLAN and into Electrical Design field.Or you might be a company owner / freelancer and want to see if EPLAN is worth investing your time and money to incorporate it into your design standards - this course will help you decide.I originally planned to keep this course under 1 hour of length, but then, while I was filming the lectures I realized that anything under 2 hours would not be fair to my students, and that's only to show you the basics :oSo, without further ado, check the free preview videos and if you like what you see, enroll and let's start the journey!See you in the course.Yours sincerely,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 39.99

"Electrical Design Bootcamp - German Automotive (Karosserie)"
"Hello,this is one of the highest value courses I published so far. I wish I have had such information available when I was planning to find a job as an electrical designer in the automotive industry. That's why I've created this course for you.This kind of insight information is not possible to find anywhere on the internet, decently put together in one place.This course is going to cover two major topics related to electrical design in the car body manufacturing sector in Germany,First the general info how the system works, what are the qualifications needed to increase your chances to land a job in Germany in the car body manufacturing sector. Then the software you need to know in depth to dramatically increase your chances for employment (these software are going to be your entrance ticket at the beginning, like they were for me). Also, when you land a job, what happens then in the company and how is it organized in case you have no previous experience in the automotive industry but have a decent experience generally in the electrical design.Second part of the course is going to be all about a real-life project from the car body manufacturing sector I have worked on a couple of years ago.So I am going to talk a about the project, first the general info and the technology. Then, as we progress deeper into the course I am going to concentrate more and more on the technical side of the EPLAN project. So starting from how do you even start to design such a complex automation systems (that also has robots) and then I am going to cover the power system (400VAC distribution across cabinets), the control system (Siemens S7-319F CPU and ET-200s distributed peripherals and how this looks like in EPLAN project) and the network topology (PROFIsafe and the architecture of the control, safety and networking system on this project). In the last lectures I am going to cover also examples of the sections in the safety system (laser scanner, light barrier, emergency stop pushbutton, maintenance door safety switch etc.)So altogether a highly valuable overview of how thinks work when you work as an electrical design engineer in the automotive industry in Germany, in the car body manufacturing sector plus a very nice example of a project, a production line, a robotic cell with all of its features.PS: I unfortunately don't have photos of the robotic cell and the elements (we are going to instead google some of the special elements found in a cell) but I do have an overview of the robotic cell inside EPLAN project where you see the robots and the manual infeed stations and all the important elements including the safety elements. All that with the part numbers for the most important devices that you can check those datasheets and manuals on your own.Hope you'll enjoy this course and I wish you a lot of fun in the lectures!Yours sincerely,Ivan (aka EplanTutor)"
Price: 89.99

"Eplan PRO PANEL - Schaltschrankaufbau in 3D - Einsteigerkurs"
"Hallo,herzlich willkommen zu meinem EPLAN Pro Panel Kurs.In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir wie man einen professionellen Schaltschrankbau in 3D erstellt und wie man diese Info vom 3D-Bauraum (Schaltschankaufbau und Bohrbilder) in ein EPLAN P8 Projekt einbindet.Kein Zugang zum Data-Portal erforderlich! Alle Artikel die wir in diesem Kurs benutzen findest du entweder in der offiziellen Eplan Artikeldatenbank oder auf Siemens und Phoenix Contact Webseite. In der zweiten Lektion zeige ich Dir wie du diese EPLAN-Dateien herunterladen und in deine EPLAN-Artikeldatenbank einbinden kannst.Wir werden unter Anderem folgende Bauteile in 3D platzieren:Im 3D-Bauraum:Rittal Schaltschrank (TS-Serie)Zubehr fr diesen Schrank (100mm Sockel)Auf die Montageplatte:VerdrahtungskanalTragschiene (DIN-Schiene TS35/15)SicherungsautomatenMotorschutzschalterPhoenix Contact Klemmen inkl. Zubehr (Endhalter, Abschlussdeckel, Klemmenleisten-Kennzeichnungstrger)Siemens S7-1500 TragschieneSPS S7-1500 (Kopfmodul, Digital Ein-/Ausgabemodul, Analog Eingabemodul)Frequenzumrichter (SEW)24VDC Netzteil (Siemens)Auf die Tr:Not-Halt Taster (Komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Unterlegschild (4-sprachig), Halter und Kontaktmodule)Knebelschalter I-0-II (3-Schaltstellungen, komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Halter, Kontaktmodule, Schildtrger und Bezeichnungsschild)Doppeldrucktaster (fr manuelles Ansteuern von Motoren, komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Schildtrger fr Doppeldrucktaster, Halter und Kontaktmodule 1xSchlieer und 1xffner)Wie werde unter Anderem ber folgende Sonderfunktionen lernen:KollisionskontrolleEinbauabstand (SPS, Netzteil, Frequenzumrichter)Bohransicht und wie das Bohrbild fr die Siemens S7-1500 Tragschiene zu erstellen (das offizielle Siemens Makro enthlt nicht das Bohrbild)und viel viel mehrWenn es dir gefllt was du hier siehst dann lade ich Dich ein, dich in meinen Kurs zu einschreiben.Ich wnsche die viel Spa in den Lektionen und auch viel Erfolg mit EPLAN Pro Panel!Beste Gre,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 99.99

"Eplan Electric P8 + Eplan Pro Panel - Premium-Kurs 2 in 1"
"Hallo lieber Student,herzlich willkommen zu meinem EPLAN Premium-Kurs.2 Kurse in einem, alles was du in der Praxis bentigt wirst, um in EPLAN hochwertige Schaltplne zu erstellen.EPLAN ELECTRIC P8 Kurs Inhalt:***WICHTIGES INFO***Kein Zugang zum Data-Portal erforderlich, um die Lektionen erfolgreich zu folgen und gemeinsam mit mir zu arbeiten.Alle Projektdateien kannst du in der Lektion 1 herunterladen (Die Datei heit """") z.B. :alle Seiten des Projekts als ein Seitenmakro (solltest du mal was checken mchten)Artikeldatenbank (Edu100.mdb) - hier findest du alle Artikel die wir im Kurs verwenden (Siemens, Phoenix Contact)Siemens S7-1500 Eplan Makros (du kannst SPS Makros von der Siemens website herunterladen, als "".edz"" Datei)Dateien die wir whrend der Lektionen erstellen usw.Gut abgerundeter und total praxisorientierter EPLAN Electric P8 Kurs, mit Beispielen aus einem Projekt in der Automobilindustrie (Karosserierohbau), an welchem ich vor ein paar Jahren als E-Planer gearbeitet habe.In diesem Kurs werden wir ein typischer Eplan Projekt bauen. Das heit, wir werden ein Eplan Projekt erstellen und danach uns mit den Strukturen in Eplan richtig auskennen (mit Beispielen aus der Praxis).Nachdem wir die Strukturen absolvieren, wir werden erlernen, wie ein Eplan Standard-Normblatt nach unseren Wschen zu anpassen. Das gleiche machen wir mit einem Formular (Deckblatt als Beispiel). Danach werden wir verschiedene Schaltplne erstellen, erstmal Leistungstechnik (400/230VAC, Siemens Artikel) und danach Steuerungstechnik (24VDC Verteilung und SPS - Siemens S7-1500)Nachdem wir mit den Schaltplnen fertig werden, werden wir daran arbeiten, unser Projekt zu optimieren, von Fehler und Warnungen zu bereinigen und unser Projekt erfolgreich zu abschlieen.Mit jeder Lektion werden wir Neues erlernen und unsere Kenntnissen ber Eplan weiter vertiefen.Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du bereit, ein gut abgerundetes Eplan Projekt aus dem Gebiet Automatisierungstechnik eigenstndig  zu  erstellen und an Kunden zu bergeben.EPLAN PRO PANEL Kurs Inhalt:In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir wie man einen professionellen Schaltschrankbau in 3D erstellt und wie man diese Info vom 3D-Bauraum (Schaltschankaufbau und Bohrbilder) in ein EPLAN P8 Projekt einbindet.Kein Zugang zum Data-Portal erforderlich! Alle Artikel die wir in diesem Kurs benutzen findest du entweder in der offiziellen Eplan Artikeldatenbank oder auf Siemens und Phoenix Contact Webseite. In der zweiten Lektion zeige ich Dir wie du diese EPLAN-Dateien herunterladen und in deine EPLAN-Artikeldatenbank einbinden kannst.Wir werden unter Anderem folgende Bauteile in 3D platzieren:Im 3D-Bauraum:Rittal Schaltschrank (TS-Serie)Zubehr fr diesen Schrank (100mm Sockel)Auf die Montageplatte:VerdrahtungskanalTragschiene (DIN-Schiene TS35/15)SicherungsautomatenMotorschutzschalterPhoenix Contact Klemmen inkl. Zubehr (Endhalter, Abschlussdeckel, Klemmenleisten-Kennzeichnungstrger)Siemens S7-1500 TragschieneSPS S7-1500 (Kopfmodul, Digital Ein-/Ausgabemodul, Analog Eingabemodul)Frequenzumrichter (SEW)24VDC Netzteil (Siemens)Auf die Tr:Not-Halt Taster (Komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Unterlegschild (4-sprachig), Halter und Kontaktmodule)Knebelschalter I-0-II (3-Schaltstellungen, komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Halter, Kontaktmodule, Schildtrger und Bezeichnungsschild)Doppeldrucktaster (fr manuelles Ansteuern von Motoren, komplett inklusive Aktor (Taster), Schildtrger fr Doppeldrucktaster, Halter und Kontaktmodule 1xSchlieer und 1xffner)Wie werde unter Anderem ber folgende Sonderfunktionen lernen:KollisionskontrolleEinbauabstand (SPS, Netzteil, Frequenzumrichter)Bohransicht und wie das Bohrbild fr die Siemens S7-1500 Tragschiene zu erstellen (das offizielle Siemens Makro enthlt nicht das Bohrbild)und viel viel mehrWenn es dir gefllt was du hier siehst dann lade ich Dich ein, dich in meinen Kurs zu einschreiben.Ich wnsche die viel Spa in den Lektionen und auch viel Erfolg mit EPLAN!Liebe Gre,Ivan"
Price: 119.99

"Introductory Financial Accounting-A Simplified Approach"
"This course is designed to develop and enhance the accounting knowledge and skills of students. Students will be introduced to important accounting concepts and learn a range of accounting skills which include:1. Classifying and analyzing transactions2. Preparing general journal entries3. Posting journal entries to the general ledger accounts4. Preparing a trial balance5. Preparing a profit/loss statement6. Preparing a balance sheet7. Preparing a cash flow statement Students can successfully complete this course with minimal or no prior knowledge of accounting. Understanding and application of basic maths is recommended. A calculator, pen and writing paper are required. Students will learn about the accounting equation and all the components which make up the accounting equation such as assets, liabilities, equity, capital, drawings, profit, revenue and expenses Students will learn the double-entry rules of accounting and how to apply the rules to classify and record transactions. Students will also learn how to record transactions using the general journal and general ledger. The course structure is as follows:- Section 1-introduction Section 2-accounting concepts Section 3-accounting equation Section 4-double-entry rules of accounting Section 5-transaction analysis Section 6-general journal entries Section 7-general ledger accounts Section 8-trial balance Section 9-profit and loss statement Section 10-balance sheet Section 11-cash flow statement Section 12-practice quiz 1 Section 13-assignment-calculate monthly profit Section 14-practice example 1 Marys tuition service Section 15-practice example 2 Alberts car wash Section 16-accounting for merchandise businesses Section 17-practice example 3 Janes perfume shop Section 18-GST transactions Section 19-practice example 4 Harrys stylish hairdressing Section 20-course review practice example 5 J&J gourmet chocolates Pty Ltd Section 21-course review Section 22-course review quiz"
Price: 19.99

"Financial accounting for a service business"
"This course will facilitate the development of accounting knowledge and skills for students.Students will be introduced to the conceptual foundations of accounting including the accounting cycle and double-entry rules of accounting.Students will learn how to:Classify and analyze transactions.Process general journal entries.Construct general ledger accounts.Prepare an adjusted trial balance and 10-column worksheet.Prepare financial statements such as an income statement and balance sheet.Course requirementsStudents can successfully complete this course with minimal or no prior knowledge of accounting.Understanding of basic math is recommended.A basic calculator, pen and writing paper are required."
Price: 19.99

"I will teach you how to play chess openings - 4 beginners"
"If you just learned the very basics of how to play chess, or are a chess beginner, this is the perfect chess opening course for you!With the lessons in this course, I guarantee you to get much better in chess with the materialI have gathered here for you!50videos with over 7 hours ofvaluable lessons- ranging from strategies to tactics- how to defend and attack- use tactical moves to give your opponent the final blow- exercise 64 tactical chess problems- advance to the chess(ck)list to improve the most essential opening principles- find your favorite opening with a personality test- etc, etc, etc...I was working on this course for over 4 months and deleted hours and hours of repetition, to make this course a ""chess beginners opening bible""on how to become better in chess.If you enjoyed my first course ""I Will Teach You How To Play Chess"", this course is perfect to continue with."
Price: 169.99