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"Matlab ile Bilimsel Hesaplama"
"Matlab bir bilimsel hesaplama, veri ileme ve uygun ktlar elde etme programdr. Alan fark etmeksizin matematiksel modellerin zmleri iin hzl, uygun ve rahat kodlanabilir bir programdr. Herhangi bir vesile ile Matlab ihtiyacmz doabilir. Fakat alma prensibini derinden rendiimizde, btn dncelerimizi hayat geirebileceimiz ve matematiksel soyut yaplarn nasl ilediini gzlemleyebileceimiz bir matematiksel deney makinesi olarak grnecektir. Matlab ile Bilimsel Hesaplama 1 kursu sfrdan balayan eitim ve eitli matematiksel problemler ile sizleri Matlab ile program yazabilen, problem zebilen ve zmleri yorumlayabilen duruma getirecektir. Ayn zamanda kursun devam ile spesifik uygulamal matematik alanlarndan (diferansiyel denklemler, saysal analiz, uygulamal lineer cebir, optimizasyon, graf teori) eitli uygulamalar anlayp kodlayabilecek yeterlilii salam olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"VirtualBox toutes les Cls pour se Lancer et tre Autonome"
"Oracle VM VirtualBox est un logiciel de virtualisation multi-plateforme (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux et Solaris). Il vous permet d'excuter plusieurs systmes d'exploitation la fois sur votre PC. Par exemple, vous pouvez faire tourner Windows sur votre MAC ou bien un Linux sous Windows Server. Cest cela quon appelle la virtualisation. VirtualBox est une solution de virtualisation trs complte et performante, amplement suffisante pour crer vos machines virtuelles personnelles ou professionnelles pour des besoins personnel et professionnel.Dans cette formation VirtualBox, vous allez dcouvrir le systme de virtualisation Oracle et les postes de travail personnel. elle vous permettra dacqurir les connaissances et comptences pour:- Tlcharger et installer Oracle Virtual Box et son pack dextension sur votre machine personnelle ou de bureau (cest gratuit ont en profite).- Matriser la gestion des machines virtuelles Oracle Virtual Box dans un environnement de test personnel ou professionnel.- Grer les modes de connexion rseau utiles pour lintercommunication de vos Lab.- Crer et dployer vos machines virtuelles MS Windows et Linux dans toutes leurs versions. - Crer des partages de fichiers entre machines virtuels- Cloner des machines virtuelles- Crer et grer des captures instantanes de vos machines virtuelles- Ajout de matriels (RAM, Disque Dur, cartes rseaux...)- Et plus!Il existe plusieurs autres logiciels de virtualisation. Le concurrent le plus connu tant VMWare Workstation, malheureusement ce dernier est payant !"
Price: 99.99

"VMware Workstation Tout pour vous Lancer et tre Autonome"
"Oracle VMware Workstation Pro est un logiciel de virtualisation multi-plateforme (Windows, Linux). Il vous permet d'excuter plusieurs systmes d'exploitation la fois sur votre PC. Par exemple, vous pouvez faire tourner Ms Windows sur votre machine Linux ou inversement. Oracle VMware Workstation Pro est une solution de virtualisation trs complte et performante, amplement suffisante pour crer vos machines virtuelles personnelles ou professionnelles pour des besoins personnel et professionnel.Dans cette formation dedie Oracle VMware Workstation Pro, vous allez dcouvrir la virtualisation de postes dans son ensemble. cette formation vous permettra dacqurir les connaissances et comptences pour:- Tlcharger et installer VMware Workstation Pro sur votre machine personnelle ou de bureau.- Matriser la gestion des machines virtuelles Oracle VMware Workstation Pro dans un environnement de test personnel ou professionnel.- Grer les modes de connexion rseau utiles pour lintercommunication de vos Lab.- Crer et dployer vos machines virtuelles MS Windows et Linux dans toutes leurs versions. - Crer des partages de fichiers entre machines virtuels- Cloner des machines virtuelles- Crer et grer des captures instantanes de vos machines virtuelles- Ajout de matriels (RAM, Disque Dur, cartes rseaux...)- Et plus!Il existe plusieurs autres logiciels de virtualisation. Le concurrent le plus connu tant oracle VirtualBox."
Price: 99.99

"GNS3+VirtualBox:Test des architectures relles d'entreprises"
"GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulation) est une solution libre disponible sous Windows, GNU/Linux et MacOS permettant lmulation ou la simulation de rseaux informatiques via une interface graphique.Ce logiciel peut servir travailler diffrents protocoles ou mme reproduire une architecture complte (SI) en y ajoutant des machines virtuelles (VM). Idal galement pour crer de petits LAB et prparer des certifications telles que CCNA, CCNP de chez CISCO par exemple.A travers cette formation GNS3, vous allez dcouvrir l'outil GNS3 d'une manire simple, pratique et surtout pdagogique, avec des tudes de cas clair et pratique."
Price: 99.99

"Solidity, Ethereum - Mdulo Bsico - Crie a sua criptomoeda"
"Voc aprender a ler e escrever contratos inteligentes para a rede Ethereum. Mesmo que voc no seja programador, sair deste curso sabendo criar a sua prpria criptomoeda escrita em Solidity. um curso prtico: vamos mergulhar direto na criao de contratos inteligentes, em vez de discutir a teoria por trs da Blockchain e da rede Ethereum."
Price: 54.99

"Piano Classics: Super Sonatinas #1"
"These piano lessons teach Clementi's Sonatina in C, Allegro. They not only teach how to play Sonatina in C, but also how to approach learning a new piece. The structured approach works well with any piece you'd like to learn. This course is intended for intermediate students who have enough piano skills to play scales, chords, and arpeggios."
Price: 119.99

"Sistemas de Ecuaciones Lineales. Aprende desde cero"
"En cursos previos de matemticas y lgebra, encontraste la solucin de problemas y ecuaciones. Sin embargo, existen problemas ms estructurados que implican varias situaciones y se requiere ms de una ecuacin.Los mtodos de solucin son procedimientos que ayudan a resolver con exactitud un sistema de ecuaciones es decir, encontrar una pareja de valores que al sustituirlos en cualquiera de las ecuaciones del sistema stas se satisfacen.En este curso aprenders los siguiente mtodos para resolver sistemas de ecuaciones lineales:ReduccinIgualacinSustitucinDeterminantesGauss-Jordan"
Price: 19.99

"Formatao dinmica de TCC - Microsoft Word"
"O Microsoft Word uma ferramenta incrvel e com ferramentas focadas para a produo de trabalhos acadmicos, como artigos, monografias, dissertaes, teses e etc. Porm, a maioria esmagadora dos seus usurios fazem um uso muito raso dessa ferramenta, ou at mesmo um uso inadequado, de modo que no aproveita todos os recursos disponveis e deixa pra se preocupar com a formao apenas como um ltimo passo do processo, sendo que isso poderia ter sido desenvolvido logo no incio com grandes benefcios durante o processo de escrita cientfica.No decorrer do curso sero apresentadas, formas de uso do Word que provavelmente voc nunca tenha visto, e que iro facilitar todo processo de desenvolver seus trabalhos acadmicos. Onde muitas coisas que voc leva um determinado tempo para fazer de maneira manual, o prprio programa ir cuidar disso pra voc."
Price: 99.99

"Sfrdan Matematik Kursu 24 saatte temel Matematik"
"24 saatte matematik temelinizi atacaksnz, Videolar ve kitabn en nemli zellii Matematik renmede zorluk eken rencilerinmatematii kolay ekilde renebilmesi iin konular sihirli ekilde dizilmitir. Bu dizilile birlikte rahat bir ekilde ilerlediinizi greceksiniz.Bu videolar TYT KPSS DGS ALES ve bilimum (bu kelimeyi seviyorum) snavlarda 0 net yapan renciler iin faydal olacaktr. 0 netten 5 net ve zerine kabilirsiniz. Bu kursu bitirince Matematik n yargnz kracak ve Matematik temelinizi atm olacaksnz. Kursla birlikte 24 saatte temel matematik kitabnn beraber zlmesini tavsiye ediyorum. Kitab iler kitabevinden ya da internetten alabilirsiniz. Kitabn ismi: 24 saatte temel matematik Kursla ilgili sorularnz sormaktan ekinmeyin. Mesaj yazn.Kitabmzn n sznden...Deerli renciler,Matematik dersinde baarl olmak iin dersi sevmek, dersi sevmek iin ise sorularzmek gerekir. Bu kitaptaki sorular 24 saatte znce matematii sevecek,bu derse kar n yargnz kracaksnz.Kitabmz matematik temeli atmak isteyen renciler iin zel olarak hazrlanmtr.Her saatin banda o saat iin gereken konu anlatm ve zet, anlalr ekildeverilmi, o saatteki soru zmnde kullanlmayan zelliklere bilinli ekilde yerverilmemitir.Kitabmzda test sorular zellikle drt k olarak hazrlanmtr. k saysnataklmayn, nemli olan k says deil doru cevab bulmaktr.Bu kitabn en nemli zellii alma planna sahip olmas ve konularn sizinrenmenizi kolaylatracak, motivasyonunuzu ykseltecek ekilde sihirli diziliidir.24 saatte temel matematik kitabmz ile ilgili renci grleri:""ok gzel dizayn edilmi altka kendini sevdiren ve alma istei uyandran bir kitap ok teekkrler hocam"" Dilara T.""Hocam gerekten ok gzel bir kitap alal 4 gn oldu 10. Saatini de bitiriyorum 1.saatte acaba ok  mu kolay kitap bana bir ey retmez mi ki dedim ama iinde her eit soru rnei var severek zyorum matematik kitabni ele almayan ben imdi her gn bu kitapdan zyorum nallah netlerim de de geliime olur saolun hocam sayglarmla""  Danla""Kitaba ilk baladmda yine kitabin yarsna gelmeden brakrm diyordum ama yle olmad ilk defa bu matematik kitabnda bu kadar ilerledim ? kitab zlm grdke mutlu oluyorum"" Nihal G. ""Kitap gercekten asiri harika ?"" Beyza T. (1. yorum)""Kitap hic bitmesin istemistim ?"" Beyza T.  (2. yorum)""ncelikle hocam bana matematigi sevdirdiginiz icin size cok tesekkur ederim Allah sizden razi olsun hakkinizi odeyemem. Kitap almakta kararsiz olan arkadaslar icin kendi fikrimi soyluyorum bana cok sey katti. Onceden korktugum sorulara bakamazdim. Simdi her soruya korkusuzca bakabiliyorum netlerim de artti. Hepsi sayenizde hocam tekrardan Allah sizden razi olsun hakkinizi helal edin...""                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Beyza T.  (3. yorum)""Teekkrler hocam kitap bir harika temelimiz zayf olduu iin baz sorularda taklma olsa da iyi gidiyor. Kitap elime alnca zaman nasl geciyor anlamyorum. Teekkrler."" Mustafa . (1. yorum)""Hayatmda ilk defa bir matematik kitabna balayp bitirdim sklmadan tesekkurler hocam Allah sizden raz olsun benim gibi on yargl insanlarn yarglarn yendiniz ya hemen dier kitabnza balyorum bugn bitti ilk kitabnz"" Mustafa . (2. yorum)""Hocam tam olarak amacna uygun bir kitap olmu zerken hi sklmadm finallerim baladndan biraz ara vermek zorunda kaldm ama final alrken bile aklmda bu kitap vard. Unuttuklarm hatrladm ve yeni eyler rendim artk matematie ksen grdm herkese kitabnz tavsiye ediyorum.""  T. T. Yorum yapan tm arkadalara gnlden teekkr ediyorum. brahim_hocca Kursumuzda yer alan videolarla ilgili renci yorumlar:""Hocam birok kii dinledim ama sizden anlyorum brakmayn video ekmeyi ltfen"" Adem Sefa A. ""Hocam allah razi olsun nceden 1-2 net yaparken simdi 5-6 seviyelerine geldim . nsallah daha iyi olacagim "" Alican Y.""Hocam Allah sizden raz olsun ok teekkr ederim iyi ki varsnz"" Betl T.  (4. yorum)""Hocam harikasnz ,ok gzel olmu :)"" Hatice . ""Birinci derste biraz n yarglarm vard onlar ykld. 10. saate geldiimde bu matematii yapabileceimi artk zevk almaya baladm fark ettim. nallah dahada ilerletip dahada fazla netler yapmama neden olacak. Birde 24 derste bir yorum yazacam hocam. Teekkrler emekleriniz iin."" Mustafa . (3. yorum)""hocam spersiniz"" Elif . ""Hocam ok ciddi sylyorum gayet sper anlatiyorsunuz. Dier kanallar sadece kolay anlatiliyor. Siz kolaydan zora doru ilerliyorsunuz. Matematii sizin sayenizde anlayacam ok teekkr ederim :)"" Can Resl K. ""Sayenizde matematii seviyorum artk"" Beyza T. (5. yorum)""hocam gerekten bu seri cok gzel olmu matematik calmay brakmtm ama sizin sayenizde tekrar baladm. teekkr ederim :))"" Glseren B. ""Normalde matematik hi sevdiim bi ders degil ama inanlmaz akc dinledim ?"" Tuba K. ""Harikasiniz hocam"" Beyza T. (6. yorum)""Allah raz olsun hocam"" Elif . ""Emeinize salk hocam"" Nihal G. (2. yorum)""Matematigi sevdiren muhtesem adamsiniz hocam. Size ne kadar dua etsem azdir. Seviliyorsunuz hocam ?"" Beyza T. (7. yorum)""u ana kadar sizin sayenizde hocam matematii sevmeye baladm sa olun var olun hocam. Matematik o kadarda zor ve skc bir ders deilmi."" Mustafa . (4. yorum)  ""Hocam aznza salk derslerden hi sklmadan dinliyorum. Valla vakit ne ara geiyor video sonlar ne ara geliyor kitabla ilgili konu ne ara bitiyor anlamyorum. Teekkrler."" Mustafa . (5. yorum) Yorum yapan tm arkadalara gnlden teekkr ediyorum. brahim_hocca"
Price: 39.99

"Geometri Yapamyorum Diyenlere genler zel Anlatm"
"Geometride konuyu biliyorum ama soru zemiyorum diyenlere balang-orta dzeyde, bir rencinin dndkleri sesli ekilde dnlp cevaplandrlarak zel bir konu anlatm yaplmtr. Bu sayede renci yalnz bana kaldnda -bu videolar zel konu anlatmn izledikten sonra- sorular daha kolay ekilde zdn fark edecektir. Geometri dersinde en nemli konu genler konusudur. Bu konu bilindiinde dier konular daha kolay ekilde zlecektir."
Price: 39.99

"Learn To Network Even If You're An Introvert"
"It's not what you know, it's who you know. In this fun and easily approachable course, Michael Whitehouse, author of The Guy Who Knows A Guy, will share with you a series of exercises to get you on the right track for building your personal and professional network. Whether you are a social butterfly or a wallflower, this course will be valuable for helping you make connections in your local business community, improve your reputation, and access new resources and contacts that you have never known before."
Price: 19.99

"What Online Business To Start in 2020 (And How)"
"This course is a comprehensive guide for starting online business for dummies. It offers a short, but very detailed overview of 10 popular online business ideas for 2020, which can be grown into profitable and sustainable online businesses, if done right. Each lesson covers one business model and provides a concise step-by-step guide on how to launch it, which includes a list of costs for each business. Almost all models in this course require very little capital and can be run from any location. The first lectures, however, also introduce very classic types of online businesses, so that the students can clearly understand how they operate. The goal of this course is to give a good understanding of what online business opportunities exist, and which of them is right for YOU, based on YOUR strength and skills. There are plenty of business models and each course creator will try to convince you to start a business that they know or built themselves. Each business model, however, has its PROs and CONs, many of which are not  so obvious for an absolute beginner. Many new entrepreneurs end up investing a lot of time and money in a business, that was not right for them in the first place, and as a result they don't achieve success that they hoped for. That's why it is so important to get an objective overview of each businesses and understand what it really takes to start and bring them to success. This course will help you to make the right choice of a business model and avoid costly mistakes as a new entrepreneur."
Price: 44.99

"First Steps Into Critical Thinking"
"Critical thinking is very important in the workplace.Why? Being able to think well and solve problems systematically is an asset for any career. ""Critical thinking is the key to creative problem solving in business.""Richard Branson, CEO and Founder, Virgin Group""It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.""Aristotle""If you want to succeed in 21st-century business you need to become a critical thinker""Barak ObamaWhat is it? Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. By improving the quality of your thoughts and your decisions, better critical thinking skills can bring about a big positive change in your life.Someone with critical thinking skills can:Understand the links between ideas.Determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas.Recognise, build and appraise arguments.Identify inconsistencies and errors in reasoning.Approach problems in a consistent and systematic way.Reflect on the justification of their own assumptions, beliefs and values.Why wait? Enroll in this course today and learn to become a critical thinker. Iwish you a happy learning!"
Price: 109.99

"First Steps Into Talent Management"
"Did you know that talent management isnt just another industry buzzword its the missing piece of your HR puzzle?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++The job market is more competitive than ever, which means your job as an HR professional needs to evolve in order to keep up with the latest HR trends and a great talent management strategy could be what helps you edge out the competition.Some view talent as employees who are top performers or those with high potential, while others view talent as everyone in an organisation.Which one is a talent?++++++++++++++++++++Many companies still don't have a talent management strategy in place. If you don't, your hiring is probably reactive, being done on an as-needed basis.If you are a new manager or small business owner you also need to learn this piece of HR. So, what are you waiting for?Let's get started!+++++++++++++++"
Price: 99.99

"Core Negotiation Skills Masterclass"
"Welcome to Negotiation Skills Masterclass!Did you know ...... people who can master the art of negotiation find they can save time, save money, develop a higher degree of satisfaction with outcomes at home and at work, and earn greater respect in the workplace.Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. John F. Kennedy""There's no road map on how to raise a family: it's always an enormous negotiation."" Meryl StreepThe most important trip you may take in life is meeting people half way. Henry BoyleNegotiating is a fundamental fact of life at any level. Whether you are working on a project or fulfilling support duties, this course will provide you with a basic comfort level to negotiate with both internal and external clients.So, shall we get started?Hit the ""Enroll Now""Button. We wish you a happy learning!"
Price: 119.99

"Effective Delegation Skills for New Managers"
"There are many reasons why a manager or owner feels reluctant to delegate.Delegation is the process of granting authority. In simple words, delegation is the assignment of any responsibility or authority to another person. Delegation helps managers to free up their time from routine and concentrate on other tasks that will lead to their promotion or success. However, managers still do not feel confident at delegating. Perhaps due to their lack of delegation skill or they feel a need in controlling things. Whatever the reason, the skill should be learned and improved upon. What we will learn?So, in this course we will learn together why and how to delegate, what to delegate and how to pick the right person. We will also look at how to monitor delegation and give feedback.Who can join this course?Anyone that managers others and is reluctant or find it challenging to delegate."
Price: 69.99

"Become a New Trainer: Improve Your Trainer Skills"
"Trainers get started when they want to make some changes. =====================================================Some individuals become trainers because they are passionate about sharing their knowledge and about helping people. Others become trainers because their employer asks them to get involved in mentoring, training, or coaching new or existing employees.It involves a lot of passion, patience and dedication.=============================================So, if you are thinking about becoming a trainer, or have started doing some training already and want to know more about what will help you to become an excellent trainer, this course is for you.Am I Right For the Training Job? ============================Find out more by click on ENROLLNOWbutton. Happy learning!"
Price: 119.99

"Become a New Supervisor: Skills for Supervising Others"
"There is a saying that ""if you didn't vote in the election, don't complain about who's in office."" It's the same about becoming a supervisor.As a supervisor you will be a vital player in the development of your subordinates and the department itself. You will be the leader!And ... great leaders, inspire their people to reach higher, dream bigger, and achieve greater. Perhaps the most important leadership skill you can develop is the ability to provide inspiration to your team. If you inspire them to reach for the stars, they just might bring you back the moon.If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. - John Quincy AdamsYou dont lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case. - Ken KeseyA man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. - Max LucadoLearning how to supervise your new employees on a trial and error basis can lead to discouragement. Therefore, this course can help you overcome many of the problems a new supervisor may encounter. So what are you waiting for? Lets get started and I wish you a happy learning!"
Price: 119.99

"Project, Risk and Safety Management"
"Integrated project, risk and safety management throughout a project improves production, manages risk, protects employees and dramatically affects economic performance.Project Management is an incredibly powerful skill for accelerating your career, together with Risk and Safety Management you will become someone who is calm and confident running a project, no matter how big or small a project is. In this course you'll learn practical techniques to master project management. Introduce a safety culture into your organization.The risk management framework provided in this course is flexible enough for any organization. So, lets get started and I wish you a happy learning!"
Price: 99.99

"Leadership Skills for New Managers"
"Why leadership skills are important in the workplace?Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.-Steve Jobs, Apple co-founderThe pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.-John MaxwellIf your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.-John Quincy AdamsAssuming a position of power can make you a boss but not necessarily an effective leader. So what are the most important leadership skills and how do they benefit you?In this course you will learn how to manage your time, how to become a good leader, you will learn situational and coaching leadership models where you will be examined from a personal and organizational perspective. Remember, leadership skills improve your ability to find new ways of doing things in an organisation. You are driven by the ability to change or re-invent common practices, all of which can serve to benefit an organisation.So, why wait? Join us today and assess your current personal leadership styles.I wish you a happy learning!"
Price: 69.99

"First Steps in Writing Reports at Workplace"
"Welcome to Writing Reports at Workplace!Knowing the purpose of each section in a report is a must in any workplace.The ability to write clear, concise documents is a highly desirable skill that is much different from writing letters, emails, or website content. The creation of effective materials requires discipline, organisation, and a keen eye for detail.Reporting helps owners of businesses, companies ,organisations, or government to make prompt decision, plan accordingly and solve current problems. It is also a means of internal communication within the organisation. Reports provide stakeholders an update on developments, future plans, readiness of a business in changing technology or government policy.So what are you waiting for? Let's get started..."
Price: 79.99

"Getting It All Done Masterclass"
"Life feels chaotic most of the time. If you have an insane life of too much to do, and not enough time to do it in, then you it is time for you to get organized. Afterall ...You cant build a reputation on what you are going to do. Henry FordIt always seems impossible until its done. Nelson MandelaWhile others were dreaming about it - I was getting it done. - Nathan MorrisSo, it doesnt matter whether its in a company or for personal productivity. The most important thing for getting it all done is to get everything out of your head and into a trusted system that operates efficiently and smoothly. Therefore in this course we will learn together how to:Identify skill sets that can improve your personal productivityIdentify the characteristics of a good organizational systemLearn about a system that will allow you to process any type of informationExplore why you procrastinate and develop methods for tackling tasksAnd ... at the end of the course, you will emerge with a plan that works for you, so that you can start regaining control of your life!So what are you waiting for? Let's get started ..."
Price: 109.99

"First Steps to Conflict Resolution at Workplace"
"Conflict is a common, inevitable part of life. It exists because people dont always get along or agree. Because conflict is a normal part of everyones life, conflict resolution, or the ability to resolve conflicts effectively, is a crucial skill for everyone to have.Sometimes, God doesnt send you into a battle to win it; he sends you to end it. Shannon L. Alder""Sometimes you need conflict in order to come up with a solution. Through weakness, oftentimes, you can't make the right sort of settlement, so I'm aggressive, but I also get things done, and in the end, everybody likes me."" Donald TrumpEveryone experiences conflict and has a choice about whether or not to resolve it effectively. When conflict is resolved effectively, it leads to many benefits, such as accomplishing goals and strengthening relationships. But conflict can also be damaging. If handled ineffectively, conflict can quickly turn into personal dislike, and even lead to a breakdown of relationships.So, let's learn together about positive and negative aspects of conflict, types and stages of conflict, and how to manage anger and stress during conflict.Enroll in course today!"
Price: 69.99

"Become an HR Professional: HR for Non HR Managers"
"Many people are eager to start a career in HR- Human Resources, as it is a fast-growing field with lucrative opportunities. Career analysts expect the number of HR jobs to increase in the projected future and the median annual income is above the national average for all jobs.So, think about it, do you have a genuine passion for people? Would you like to dedicate your career to helping others reach their full potential? Are you a natural people person with excellent communication skills and a hard-working attitude?If your answer is yes, you could be the perfect candidate for a rewarding career in HR!Next logical question is: Do you need a degree? Not really, many HR professionals have developed successful careers in Human Resources without degrees. There are many HR positions available out there and there will be more opportunities in the future. With the proper training and some diligent job searching, you can join other HR professionals in what is a most lucrative and satisfying career.Get started now to learn more. Enroll now."
Price: 119.99

"First Steps into Emotional Intelligence"
"Many of us are aware of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), right? Have you also heard of Emotional Intelligence? (sometimes called EQ Emotional Quotient)...When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion. Dale Carnegie He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger. Japanese proverbAs much as 80% of adult success comes from EQ. Daniel GolemanEmotional Intelligence (EI or sometimes EQ Emotional Quotient) is a modern concept and was only fully developed in the mid-1990s, by Daniel Goleman, among others. Many experts nowadays believe that a persons emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) may be more important than their IQ and is certainly a better predictor of success, quality of relationships, and overall happiness.Higher IQs indicate better cognitive abilities, or the ability to learn and understand. Which means people with higher IQs are more likely to do well academically. But in everyday life just 'being clever' is not enough!If you think emotional intelligence is only important for those who always have to interact or communicate with people, think it again. Emotional intelligence is a gateway to a balanced-life. Its essential to basically every aspect of life.So what are you waiting for?Enroll in course today and wewish you a happy learning!"
Price: 69.99

"Employee Onboarding Masterclass"
"Did you know that an effective onboarding reduces the time it takes a new employee to effectively contribute to the organization?============================================No matter if you are a small business owner or an HRin a big corporation, you need to realise the importance of onboarding sooner than later.This is important, as increased retention impacts organizational characteristics including culture, morale and productivity.============================================You know, actually, 22% of companies have no formal onboarding program at all, while 49% only have a partially successful process. What does unsuccessful onboarding look like? New employees are less productive, stressed, feel disconnected from the rest of the team, and are likely to look for work elsewhere.So, What is Onboarding?Onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into an organization.Let's learn more together in this course. Happy learning!"
Price: 69.99

"Difficult Conversations: Personal Hygiene in the Workplace"
"One of the more uncomfortable situations a new manager or supervisor can face is confronting an employee about personal hygiene. There is no way around it discussing issues of personal appearance, odor, and cleanliness can be downright awkward. However, the damage done by doing nothing can be even worse. If left unchecked, a hygiene issue can not only damage an employees reputation, but it can damage the companys reputation and business performance.Before stepping into a conversation with an employee over personal hygiene, a manager should be sure to have first-hand knowledge of the situation. The next step is having a conversation with the employee.In this course you will learn to address the issue sooner rather than later. The longer the discussion is delayed, the more likely that the employee becomes the victim of office gossip.Needless to say, this type of conversation is not easy. The more comfortable a manager is with the facts of the situation and how to approach the discussion, the more likely it is that a successful outcome can be found. Remember that your role is to support your employees success. Ignoring hygiene issues does your employees no favor.So, what are you waiting for? Let's Talk About it ... Talk to Employees about their Personal Hygiene!"
Price: 84.99

"First Steps into Risk Management"
"First Steps into Risk ManagementIn an uncertain, complex world with increased risks from societal, environmental and operational factors the role of a future ready Risk Manager is critical for any successful business.The risk management framework provided in this course is flexible enough for any organization. You can apply it to a single project, a department, or use it as a basis for an enterprise-wide risk management program.++ Keeping the risk management plan up to date can transform it from a door stop into a vital project management tool. Remember: what you don't know can kill your project.Bruce PittmanSo, lets get started and I wish you a happy learning!"
Price: 199.99

"The Mini MBA Training"
"This Mini MBA Training Course can help transform your thinking, your career and your potential, giving you the knowledge that will encourage you to think more critically, delegate and manage more effectively.You will be introduced to a wide range of different top management topics normally covered in a full MBA.Discover the principles of strategy and leadership Get equipped with managerial skills that will support the development of your management career. Learn to manage risksManage people and write reportsThis Mini MBA Training Course will introduce you to and challenge you in a wide range of different business and top management topics normally covered in a full MBA.This course will enable you to use MBA critical thinking and take your business knowledge, practice and leadership to a new level, which you can apply every day.So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Become an Administrative Assistant in 2020"
"Administrative assistants are essential parts of day-to-day operations in many companies. They organize files, prepare documents, schedule appointments, and support other staff.Often an entry level position, the administrative assistant position can lead to a career in operations or project management.Being an excellent administrative assistant means gaining trust and that starts with showing up reliably, always being available to help when youre needed, and not having to be managed closely, since your main responsibility is taming the chaos of the office, not adding to it.What skills are needed?Interpersonal skills: Administrative assistants interact with clients, customers, or staff. They should communicate effectively and be courteous when interacting with others to create a positive work environment and client experience.Organizational skills: Administrative assistants keep files, folders, and schedules in proper order so an office can run efficiently.Writing skills: Administrative assistants write memos and business emails when communicating with managers, employees, and customers. Therefore, they must have good grammar, ensure accuracy, and maintain a professional tone.Administrative assistants work in nearly every industry. Most work in an office setting. Some administrative assistants may work out of their own homes as virtual assistants too.Let the journey begin!"
Price: 119.99