"Certificao Mestre das Vendas - Nvel 1" |
"Sejam bem-vindos ao curso Mestre das Vendas Nvel 1 - Sete passos e estrutura da venda.Todos sabemos como as habilidades de negociao so importantes para o sucesso no mundo moderno.Ainda que voc no seja um profissional da rea de vendas ou um gestor de equipe comercial, em algum momento de sua vida ter a necessidade de vender sua ideia, sua habilidade, seu conhecimento ou sua valorizao pessoal e profissional. melhor estar preparado para isso, no?Aqui, vamos aprender um pouco mais sobre os sete passos da venda, uma metodologia muito interessante para se aplicar em vendasativas ou passivas, bem como outros conhecimentos importantes, como o ps-venda e o fechamento experimental.Prepare-se para se tornar um Mestre das Vendas de primeiro nvel!"
Price: 114.99 |
"Lder Singular Nvel 1 - A Nova Liderana" |
"Sejam bem-vindos ao curso Lder Singular Nvel 1 - O Novo Lder.A liderana uma competncia fundamental para o sucesso no mundo moderno. atravs dela que podemos conciliar equipes, obter bons resultados, levar as pessoas ao seu potencial mximo e evoluirmos como profissionais em uma escada de conquistas. Voc pode ser um lder de equipe, almejar a liderana em algum aspecto de sua carreira ou mesmo ser lder de si mesmo, no importa! Desenvolver a habilidade de liderana vai fazer toda a diferena em sua vida, pode acreditar!Existem diversas tcnicas de liderana espalhadas por a, em livros, filmes, workshops, treinamentos e nas mais variadasrotinas de trabalho. O Lder Singular a forma como a Universidade Andarilho encara a liderana!Aqui, vamos aprender sobre essa forma diferente de liderar, comeando com as 4 aes que o novo lder pode ter para melhorar suas habilidades e levar sua equipe ao sucesso!Prepare-se para se tornar um Lder Singular de primeiro nvel!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Saia do piloto automtico e alcance seus objetivos" |
"Sejam bem-vindos ao curso Saia do Piloto Automtico e alcance seus objetivos - Como tomar o controle de sua vida com 5 atitudes simples.Voc tem sonhos e ambies, eu sei. Na realidade, todos ns temos. A grande dificuldade da vida, porm, est em conciliar os nossos sonhos, os nossos maiores desejos, com a vida que levamos at que eles se tornem realidade.O caminho ensinado a ns durante toda a vida bem simples e parece funcional: crescer, estudar, trabalhar, comprar e, se sobrar tempo, descansar e aproveitar a vida. Ser que as coisas precisam ser assim mesmo?Aqui, vamos discutir sobre o piloto automtico que nos leva para o caminho padro e nos afasta cada vez mais dos nossos verdadeiros caminhos. Vamos entender, tambm, que para nos livrarmos do caminho comum, precisamos estar sempre em movimento, guiados por 5 atitudes que parecem simples, mas fazem toda a diferena em nossas vidas!Prepare-se para deixar de lado o modo automtico e tomar o controle da sua histria!"
Price: 114.99 |
"4 caminhos para uma vida plena - Motivao e determinao" |
"Sejam bem-vindos ao curso 4 Caminhos para uma Vida Plena.No existe receita para a felicidade.Cada pessoa entende a vida de um jeito e vai definir sucesso de uma maneira completamente diferente. Enquanto alguns buscam incansavelmente por dinheiro, outros podem se interessar mais em experincias, momentos, viagens ou at mesmo paz de esprito.Ainda que cada um de ns seja diferente, porm, alguns princpios podem se aplicar a todos e, se estivermos de acordo com eles, certamente podemos nos tornar pessoas melhores.Neste curso, vamos conhecer os caminhos do cavaleiro, do samurai, do arqueiro e do monge, e entender como honra, disciplina, preciso e sabedoria podem contribuir para que nos tornemos pessoas muito melhores!"
Price: 129.99 |
"Produtividade e gerenciamento com o Mtodo dos Drages" |
"Sejam bem-vindos ao curso Produtividade e gerenciamento com o Mtodo dos Drages - Vena um drago por dia e gere motivao de maneira ldica.Existem incontveis ferramentas de produtividade e gerenciamento de projetos por a, mas uma coisa certa: nenhuma delas trabalha com drages!O mtodo dos drages tem como finalidade contribuir para mudanas de hbitos, gerenciamento de projetos, motivao para realizao de tarefas, incentivo para aumento de desempenho e desenvolvimento de competncias de maneira gradativa e ldica.Com esta ferramenta, que pode ser facilmente modificada para atender qualquer que seja sua necessidade, voc poder acompanhar seu progresso, ou o progressso de sua equipe, distribuindo tarefas de diferentes graus de dificuldade e impulsionando o resultado atravs de um contexto divertido e motivador.Prepare-se para derrotar os seus drages e alcanar um nvel cada vez maior de sucesso!"
Price: 159.99 |
"Clientologia - Vendas, atendimento e Excelncia Disney" |
"Todos somos vendedores, ento por que no dedicarmos esforos para sermos timos naquilo que fazemos?A Disney sempre um timo exemplo no que diz respeito excelncia de atendimento e encantamento. Por isso, a Universidade Andarilho traz aqui os melhores ensinamentos da grande criadora do Mickey Mouse para atender e impressionar seus cliente, garantindo maior retorno e despertando sensaes e estmulos inesquecveis.Aumente suas vendas e melhore suas converses com tcnicas que funcionaram perfeitamente na maior criadora de sonhos do mundo!"
Price: 219.99 |
"Gamificao e RPG para educao - Ensinando com Jogos" |
"Em algum lugar do mundo, um professor est utilizando jogos, eletrnicos e analgicos, para tornar suas aulas mais interessantes. Ao contrrio do que quase sempre acontece, ele tem a ateno de seus alunos, o interesse e o engajamento de uma turma toda. Parece incrvel, no?Esse professor, ou essa professora, precisa ser voc!Com o apoio da gamificao, da utilizao de mecnicas de jogos, dos recursos ldicos e do envolvimento criado pelos RPG's, podemos mudar a forma como o aprendizado acontece, trabalhando diverso e entretenimento ao mesmo tempo em que permitimos que diversos contedos sejam assimilados, trabalhados e disseminados.Entenda melhor como funciona a interpretao de personagens, como utilizar fichas para controlar evolues gradativas, como aplicar mecnicas de conflitos e como criar sistemas ldicos interessantes para suas aulas!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Crie seu Curso Online - Design Instrucional e Educacional" |
"Que tal vender o seu conhecimento e obter uma renda extra?Muita gente ainda desacredita da ideia, mas a venda de cursos online um mercado que no para de crescer, como voc pode ver em plataformas como Udemy, Coursera e diversas outras. Transformar o seu conhecimento em um infoproduto,distribuir para todas as partes do mundo e ganhar dinheiro enquanto dorme era um sonho distante, mas agora pode ser uma realidade na sua vida!Neste curso, vamos explorar incontveis tcnicas, dicas, conceitos e estratgias de design instrucional e educacional para a construo de um curso online. Atravs de microcontedos que podem ser acompanhados em qualquer lugar e revisitados facilmente, voc vai aprender vrias formas de transformar as suas competncias em algo que muita gente por a adoraria comprar!Vamos conversar sobre formatos de aulas online, como criar contedo, como estruturar seu curso, como nivelar o conhecimento, como criar uma trilha de aprendizagem, como desenhar seu curso com o modelo ADDIE e o modelo JORNADA (exclusivo da Universidade Andarilho), como aplicar o EaD e muito mais!No perca tempo, comece a aprender agora mesmo, no seu ritmo, onde estiver!Bom desenvolvimento!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Certificao de Negociao e Vendas" |
"Todos somos vendedores, isso um fato!Vendemos ideias, credibilidade, interesse, ateno e diversas outras coisas o tempo todo, isso sem falar nos momentos em que vendemos produtos, servios e similares. Ento, j que todos somos vendedores, por que no sermos vendedores melhores?O processo da venda pode ser definido como um dilogo entre vendedor x consumidor, no qual o interese maior descobrir a necessidade, atender as expectativas, oferecer a melhor opo, criar um relacionamento e conquistar a fidelizao e a satisfao de seu cliente. Para isso, diversas tcnicas podem ser utilizadas, e isso o que discutiremos aqui, neste curso.Prepare-se para mudar sua viso de negociao e melhorar seus argumentos, suas vendas adicionais e suas propostas de valor!Tenha um timo momento de aprendizado!"
Price: 219.99 |
"Gesto, controle e inteligncia emocional - Mdia que Ensina" |
"Inteligncia emocional? Gesto de emoes? Como isso pode me ajudar?Muitas vezes, quando nos pegamos impulsionados por raivas e medos, recuando por nojos, errando por alegria descontrolada ou desistindo por tristezas sem fim, pensamos que seria muito melhor congelar tudo isso, deixar de sentir, ignorar, virar um completo rob. No somos mquinas, feliz ou infelizmente, portanto, nunca poderemos deixar de lado os sentimentos e as emoes. O que podemos, porm, entend-los melhor, e somente assim poderemos trabalhar com eles, lidar, controlar, gerenciar e, principalmente, aceitar.Neste curso, vamos abordar a inteligncia emocional embasada na animao Divertidamente, conversando sobre a importncia da alegria e da tristeza, a proteo do medo e do nojo, a impulsividade da raiva, a confuso entre fatos e opinies e, acima de tudo, sobre como podemos ser pessoas melhores atravs do autoconhecimento, dominando, assim, aquilo que temos dentro de ns, responsvel por mover nosso corpo em direo aos nossos objetivos.Venha fazer parte dessa jornada de autodescobrimento!"
Price: 159.99 |
"Contracts, Delays and Claims with Primavera P6" |
"Welcome toContracts, Delays & Claims with Primavera P6online training course. This course is brought to you byCEM Solutions, who are providing construction engineering and management services worldwide for about 7 years. The creators of this course are well versed with contracts, claims and Primavera P6, and beside their vast experience in large scale projects, they have spent about 1 year in research, just to bring an ultimate solution of claims for you. You will see a lot of interesting concepts, best practices and real project samples in this course, which will help you a lot in developing new concepts and skills.This course is an ultimate solution for the people who want to learn about contracts, delay analysis and claim management procedures, and this course also covers an advance training of delay analysis on Primavera P6 software. Whether you are an owner, consultant or a contractor, this course will teach you everything you need to know.On successful completion of this course, you can start your own consultancy of claim management services, or you can implement this knowledge on the projects you are working on."
Price: 199.99 |
"Prinzipien der Fettverbrennung - Effektiv Abnehmen" |
"Vergiss die leeren Versprechen der ""Wunderditen"" und nimm endlich ab - OHNE Jojo-Effekt und Hungern.Wann warst Du das letzte Mal mit deiner Figur so richtig zufrieden?Lass mich raten, dies ist lange her und es ist nicht dein erster Versuch, Gewicht zu verlieren. Du hast sicherlich schon einmal eine dieser Wunderditen ausprobiert, in denen Dir unglaubliche Erfolge in krzester Zeit versprochen wurden.Und, hattest Du Erfolg? Viele Menschen verschwenden unglaublich viel Zeit damit abzunehmen und Diten zu testen, die dann doch nicht funktionieren. Dabei gibt es nur einige einfach verstndliche Konzepte, die hinter diesem Prozess des Abnehmens stecken. Wenn diese Konzepte verstanden wurden und Du sie dir mit den hier vorgestellten Methoden zu eigen machst, dann ist Abnehmen ein Selbstlufer. Ich sage nicht, dass es einfach ist, aber du kennst dann die Methoden und Konzepte die dahinter stecken.Ich gebe dir auerdem Aufgaben, damit die Umsetzung optimal funktioniert.Dieser Kurs erklrt keine Dit. Er ist eine Zusammenstellung von den Methoden, die wissenschaftlich fundiert wirklich funktionieren. Kohlenhydratarme Ernhrung und intermittierendes Fasten sind die Hauptsulen. Neben einer extrem schnellen Fettverbrennung fhrt dieser Plan noch zu einer besseren Gesundheit, erhhter Leistungsfhigkeit und er kombiniert das, was viele fr unmglich halten: Ein angenehmes Sttigungsgefhl und schnelles Abnehmen. Ja, intermittierendes Fasten bedeutet nicht, dass du hungerst. Ganz im Gegenteil, bei richtiger Umsetzung wirst du enorm konzentrationsfhig sein, whrend du nicht isst und dich danach satt essen. Es klingt nicht wie die Diten, die du vorher probiert hast. Es stimmt, mit diesem Plan wird Kalorienzhlen unntig und du wirst trotzdem rasanter Fett verlieren, als dies bei allen anderen Wunderditen der Fall war.Was du in Prinzipien der Fettverbrennung lernen wirst:Was die eigentliche Ursache hinter bergewicht ist und wie du sie angehstWie eine kohlenhydratarme Ernhrung dazu fhrt, dass du rasant abnimmstWarum Intermittierendes Fasten so gut bei der Fettverbrennung hilftWelche Lebens- und Nahrungsergnzungsmittel fr Dich die richtigen sindWie du Dich auch auf Arbeit, in der Uni oder unterwegs an den Plan halten kannstWarum der gefrchtete Jojo-Effekt bei dieser Methode keine Chance hatWie Du deine Motivation und dein Durchhaltevermgen dauerhaft aufrechterhlstWie es fr Dich automatisch wird, die richtigen Essensentscheidungen zu treffenWelche kleinen Helfer und Apps dir es noch leichter machen und den Prozess beschleunigenWie du Heihungerattacken loswirstUnd ganz wichtig: Wie Du deine Resultate langfristig hlst, oder gar verbessern kannstDie Methoden, die ich dir hier vorstelle, zwingen deinen Krper dazu Fett zu verbrennen ohne dass du dafr hungern musst. Dieser Kurs hat das Ziel, dass Du dich endlich wieder wohl in der eigenen Haut fhlst. Nicht nur durch das Erreichen deines Wunschgewichts, sondern auch durch erhhte Leistungsfhigkeit, Energie und allgemein einem verbesserten Krperbewusstsein.Genug Vorgeplnkel: Klicke auf Jetzt kaufen und wir knnen sofort beginnen!Medical disclaimer: The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. The author assumes no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen. Music in Promo Video: Sunrise By Nicolai Heidlas soundcloud(punkt)com/nicolai-heidlas"
Price: 94.99 |
"Gewohnheiten meistern leicht gemacht: Die Methode der Profis" |
"Lass mich dir zwei Fragen stellen:Hast du das Gefhl, dein Leben bewegt sich in ausgetrenen Pfaden? Hast du nicht den Erfolg, in den verschiedenen Bereichen deines Lebens, den du haben willst?Gewohnheiten haben eine riesige Macht ber uns. Sie bestimmen wie erfolgreich, glcklich, fit und zufrieden wir sind. Viel zu oft halten sie uns allerdings davon ab, unsere wahren Ziele zu erreichen.Genauso gut knnen sie uns aber auch dabei helfen das Leben zu kreieren, das wir wollen.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir die Methoden, die erfolgreiche Menschen nutzen, um mchtige Gewohnheiten aufzubauen und schlechte abzulegen.Es istgarantiert, dass sie funktionieren, oder du bekommst dein Geld zurck.Du wirst die Strategie sofort umsetzen knnen und so jeden Bereich deines Lebens verbessern.Du wirst herausfinden:warum Gewohnheiten die Basis fr ein erfolgreiches Leben sind und wie sie dein Leben verndern knnenwie du Motivation und Willenskraft am effektivsten einsetzt um Gewohnheiten aufzubauenwarum die traditionellen Herangehensweisen an das Thema zum Scheitern verurteilt sindund warum die allermeisten Menschen nicht ihre Neujahrsvorstze erreichenwie du lernst zu handeln, auch wenn du dich nicht danach fhlstwie du innere Widerstnde berwindest und unaufhaltsam wirstwie du die effektivste Gewohnheitsstrategie meisterst und dein Leben vernderstDas Ziel ist es, dir Material an die Hand zu geben, dass du schnell und effektiv durcharbeiten kannst, um es sofort in deinem Leben anzuwenden.Klicke rechts auf Jetzt kaufenund du kannst sofort beginnen die Stratgien und Methoden einzusetzen.P.S. Du hast eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie und ich stehe dir jederzeit fr Feedback und Fragen zur Verfgung, falls du Untersttzung auf dem Weg brauchst.Music in Promo-Video: Title: Start your DayArtist: Nicolai Heidlas Title: Hip-Hop/Rap Beat - Piano and Organ style (Instrumental) Kanye West Inspired Artist: David Hyde"
Price: 94.99 |
"Penetration Testing with PowerShell Empire" |
"Penetration Testing with PowerShell Empire teaches you how to harness the awesome power of Windows PowerShellto conduct modern enterprise computerattacks against high security networks. In this course, you will learn how to leverage all of PowerShell Empire's features and capabilities so that you can conduct realistic, high-value penetration tests in high security networks.If you're a pentester and you're not using Empire...you're doing it wrong!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Master Bulma CSS framework and code 4 projects with 14 pages" |
"ABOUTBulma - one of the world's most popular front-end frameworks!This course covers all the different parts of the latest version of one of the world's most popular front-end framework, Bulma 0.8.0. Bulma has been used by thousands of people around the world and have been carefully developed to cover a wide range of typical user interfaces.Web pages built with Bulma works across all kinds of devices, browsers and screen sizes and will have a clean and modern design.This course is for the beginner who want to learn Bulma from the bottom up. It goes through all the different parts, but each lecture can be watched independently.In addition to just learning about the different parts of Bulma you will find a detailed walk-through of how to build four different responsive and modern complete projects using only Bulma.PROJECTSCreate the following projects with BulmaProject 1: Resume and CV PageProject 2: Small Business WebsiteProject 3: Knowledge BaseProject 4: Online ForumLEARNING STYLEMore than just video lecturesIn addition to the video lectures this course contains the following kinds of learning materials:44 coding exercises:A total of 301 automatic tests against your code. This is one of the best ways to learn how to code - no downloads or installations required.Bulma Learning Kit:Downloadable ZIP file that works offlineA custom built learning kit with source code for all parts of Bulma. Features a reference section with many examples and a practice section, which you can use while learning about Bulma. More than 100 source files included in this learning kit.UPDATESUpcoming future updates for this course will include the following:New projects will be added: online shop, social network, portfolio, CMS admin, dashboard and more...New components, utilities and other features in future versions of Bulma will be addedAdvanced section on how to customize Bulma with SassQuizzes and assignmentsTESTIMONIALSDon't take my word for it read what other students are saying:If you want to learn Bulma, this is the course to buy. (...) The course is direct to the point and it doesn't waist your time. At the end you'll know everything you need about Bulma. Nelson Prado(...) i am looking forward to the projects which seem to be promising :D Martin NirtlI'm enjoying the course, the explanation (...) Leonardo Isso Campos de Oliveira"
Price: 199.99 |
"Angular 5 - Moderne Webseiten erstellen" |
"In diesem Kurs soll die neueste Version des Angular Frameworks vorgestellt und erklrt werden. Angular ist ein weit verbreites Framework fr Website-Entwicklung und liefert ein verstndliches Konzept, das fr gngigeSoftwareentwicklungspraxen volle Untersttzung bereitstellt. Es untersttzt nativ Desktop und mobile Umgebungen und bleibt dabei schnell und robust.Dieser Kurs ist fr ambitionierte und moderneWebentwickler gedacht, die sich ernste Jobchancen sichern mchten. Es sollten hierbei Vorkenntnisse in den Grundlagen der Webentwicklung (HTML, CSS und JavaScript) sowie TypeScript vorhanden sein. Ist dies nicht der Fall, empfehle ich meine weiteren Kurse."
Price: 34.99 |
"PyTorch - 6 Neuronale Netze einfach in Python erstellen" |
"In diesemKurs wird der Teilnehmer lernen, leicht und effizient neuronale Netze in Python zu programmieren, sowie sie auf der Grafikkarte trainieren zu lassen.Diese Methodik wird anhand von 6 sehr unterschiedlichen Beispielen erklrt, welche die verbreitetsten Netzarten abdecken:Einfache Feed-Forward NetzeHandschrifterkennung und Bilderkennungmit Convolutional NetzenNamenserkennung mit rekurrenten NetzenPasswortgenerierung mit rekurrenten NetzenReinforcement Learning fr SpieleVorkenntnisse in Python und der Theorie von neuronalen Netzen sind vorausgesetzt. Letzteres umfasst die Funktionsweise, wie etwa Convolution arbeitet, was Pooling Layer sind oder wie der Softmax funktioniert."
Price: 29.99 |
"Netzwerktechnik, Netzsicherheit und Wireshark" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Netzwerktechnik - von TCP/IP ber LAN ist alles abgedeckt. Danach gehen wir in die hheren Schichten, wo wir unsmit einem Fokus auf IT-Sicherheit die gngigsten Protokolle ansehen:Kerberos oder wieso Wifi eigentlich sicher ist hat dich schon immer interessiert? Dann ist das genau deine Serie.Du solltest ein grundlegendes Wissen im Bereich Informatik mitbringen, da der Kurs sonst zu schnell fr dich sein knnte, aber spezielles Wissen bentigst du keines. Selbstverstndlich kann man den Kurs auch vollstndig ohne Vorwissen verstehen und absolvieren. In diesem Fall empfehle ich schwere Lektionen eventuell ein zweites Mal anzusehen."
Price: 149.99 |
"Webentwicklung mit Python Flask" |
"In diesem Kurs lernt jeder PythonEntwickler, wie man auch mit der Lieblingssprache schnell und einfach Webanwendungen ausliefern kann - und ein robustes Backend nutzen kann. Flask stellt alles bereit, was man braucht und verlangt nur eine minimale Einarbeitung.Dieser Kurs ist fr dich perfekt, wenn du schon Python kannst und dich mit REST APIs auseinandersetzen mchtest, um deine Webseite zu modernisieren. Auch SQLzu knnen schadet nicht, da das immer noch der de facto Standard fr Datenbanken ist. Natrlich werde ich dir zeigen, wie duauf Datenbanken in Pythonzugreifen kannst, jedoch - um den Kurs schlank zu halten und nicht alles zum 5. Mal zu erklren - spare ich uns die Details ber SQL."
Price: 29.99 |
"Hacken von Webseiten und Web Anwendungen" |
"Web Anwendungen sind berall, ebenso wie ihre Angreifer. Tglich hrt man von Hackingangriffen auf groe Seiten und ihre verheerende Wirkung.In diesemKurs lernt der Zuschauer, wie dieseAngriffe funktionieren und wie man sie verhindern kann. So lsst sich die eigene WebAnwendung testen und Sicherheitslcken knnen beseitigt werden, bevor echt Angreifer ihren Weg ins System finden."
Price: 74.99 |
"Master Your Arabic listening, Pronunciation and Writing" |
"This course covers three areas of Arabic language Pronunciation,Writing and Grammarrules for Writing.(1) Pronunciation (Beginner Level )Learning Arabic Soundsstart with learn how to pronounce Arabic alphabet and where the articulation points of the letters inside the mouth and then learn the sounds of other aspect of the pronunciation such as short and long vowels, Sukoon, Shaddah and Tanween.(2) Writing using Dots Method (Beginner Level )Learning Where Is The Start Point To Write (Alphabets - Words) Via Dots MethodStart with learn how to write Arabic Alphabet individually each after that learn the shapes of the letters whether the letters in thebeginning, middle or end of the word and then learning the rules of how to write word on lines.(3) Grammarrulesfor Writing (Intermediate and Advanced Level )The rules will be in details for:- Alif at the end of theword- Hamzah in thebeginning, middleor endof the wordDon't skip lessons. They go in a series and each one depends on the one beforeYou should take every lesson in thiscourse. If you miss a lesson, the next lesson will be confusing"
Price: 29.99 |
"Xamarin- tworzenie aplikacji cross-platform na iOS i Android" |
"[RUSZYA WITECZNA PROMOCJA] Kliknij po prawej stronie mam kupon i wprowad kod rabatowy MIKOLAJ19, aby naby ten kurs nawet do 90% taniej! Liczba kuponw jest ograniczona.OSTATNIA AKTUALIZACJA: 11/2019Chciaby napisa jedn aplikacj, ktra bdzie dziaa na rnych platformach mobilnych? Nie chcesz uczy si 3 rnych jzykw programowania, aby tworzy na wszystkie najpopularniejsze systemy?Mamy dla Ciebie rozwizanie. Technologia Xamarin umoliwia programowanie aplikacji mobilnych jednoczenie na trzy najwiksze platformy mobilne - iOS, Android oraz Windows. Piszesz cay kod wycznie w jednym jzyku - C#. Wszystko, co moesz zrobi przy pomocy jzyka Swift, Objective-C (w iOS) lub Java (w Android) moesz bez problemu zakodowa w Xamarin przy uyciu C#. Aplikacje, ktre napiszesz bd aplikacjami natywnymi, czyli dokadnie takimi, jak gdyby pisa je w Swifcie, Objective-C lub Javie.Co zyskasz programujc aplikacje w rodowisku Xamarin:oszczdzasz czas, nie musisz przepisywa kodu w rnych jzykach - wszystkie wersje aplikacji napiszesz w jzyku C#,zaawansowane kompilatory zadbaj o dostosowanie interfejsu aplikacji do domylnych rozwiza, wykorzystywanych przez kad z platform,aplikacje zachowuj wydajno projektw tworzonych w sposb natywny,moesz korzysta ze wszystkich API stworzonych dla systemw iOS i Android,masz dostp do zawsze aktualnych wersji systemw operacyjnych,moesz testowa swoje aplikacje na fizycznych urzdzeniach podpitych do serwerw Microsoft.Realizujc szkolenie dowiesz si, jak korzysta z technologii Xamarin do tworzenia aplikacji biznesowych na platformy iOS i Android. Poznasz rne rozwizania na wspdzielenie kodu, dowiesz si, ktre jest najbardziej optymalne i pozwoli Ci wykorzysta nawet 95% napisanego wczeniej projektu. Wraz z trenerem stworzysz aplikacje, ktre krok po kroku przeprowadz Ci przez najwaniejsze elementy i funkcje wykorzystywane w standardowych projektach Xamarin. Teraz moesz stworzy jedn aplikacj, ktra bdzie dziaa na rnych platformach mobilnych. Zaoszczdzisz czas i pienidze, a take przyspieszy publikacj swojej aplikacji!Podczas szkolenia trener pracuje gwnie pod systemem macOS w rodowisku Xamarin Studio. Wszystkie przykady oraz wiczenia mog by jednak z powodzeniem wykonane pod syste mem Windows w rodowisku Visual Studio."
Price: 279.99 |
"Ruby on Rails REST API: The Complete Guide" |
"Build an APIapplication that you can use EVERYWHERE and hook up ANYTHINGinto it!Check out!SUPER productive videoswith a total focus on what is important!CODESNIPPETSfor each codinglesson!Comprehensive resources and articles!Learn Test Driven Development like a PROGet familiar with best Practices for APIdevelopment!In this course, you'll know how to create professional APIapplicationinRuby on Rails with TDD!You probably heard about a popular trend tocreate web applications with a split APIand frontend parts. Having a pure APIapplicationallows you to hook up ANYfrontendyou will ever wish.Knowledgeabout creatingpure APIapplications is necessary for modernmicroservice architecturesfor REALLYBIGprojects!-------------------------------------------------What Will You Build?All of my courses are 'learn-by-doing': I'll create a real-life application and you can follow each step to make similar one for yourself. In this course we'll build one complete APIapplication, that can work as a link-log, similar to RubyFlow project. We'll do all this using Test Driven Development, the way the best developers in the world develop their applications every day.This mega app will include the full set of features, including everything from authentication to managing comments. You'll learn how to create an app that allows multiple users to log in, publicize articles and list them as a newsfeed. It's my goal to ensure you understand each feature we build into this app so you can apply them to your own personal or professional projects in the future. I can always help in case of any troubles so if you'll encounter some, just write through one of our communication channels.----------------------------------------------------------------Here is what we'll learn:Basic/Intermediate APICreate modern Ruby on Rails API applications with the best practices.Create backend for a LinkLog application, similar to RubyFlow.Authenticate users using their logins and encrypted passwords!Authorize your applications using Social Media as leverage to get registered users!Register new users!Integrate application with Github using oAuth!Write microservices that you can hook up anything into!You will be able to get a job on those professions: Ruby on Rails developer, backend developer!Find and Kill any bugs in your Rails applicationsTest application responses in a very convenient wayWrite REAL applications that actually worksDeploy application so it will be publicly availableWork with database relationships and manage related objectsMaster CRUD ( create, read, update, destroy ) with REST APISerialize responses using the most popular formatProfessional API topicsBe an expert with TDD (Test Driven Development)Authorize requests and manage accessWrite automatic tests like the best developers do every single dayAdvanced APIError Handling!Continue and improve your skills even after the course ends using our communication channels and external resources!I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to build RESTful APIfor my applications. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and understand them.I know your time is expensive, so Iprepared really compressed videos, including only what's important!Feel free to check it out!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Modeling from Photo Reference in 3ds Max ( English )" |
"In this coursewe'll learn how to recreate an interior scenein 3ds Max based on photo reference. This course will mainly be specific to modeling techniques, which can be used to create any kind of scene. Mostly modeling work ininterior design projects, are based on plans and photo references. So when you are in need of unique furniture models, properdimensions in a scene, or you would like to add your models to a real image, it may be a problem at first, but we'll focus on discussing many techniquesto solve the issue. By the end of this training, you'll be able to expertly model a scene in 3ds Max from photo reference."
Price: 24.99 |
"The complete React Native course ( 2nd edition )" |
"Doyou want to learn thewhole process of building an App?.This is the course for you.We will start from the verybeginning, from ""I don't even know how to install it to actuallyunderstanding how React Native works and make it communicatewith other technologies like Firebase and Redux.You will learn all thelogicandpracticebehindReact Native in different modules, and as we advancethroughthe course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fullylearn is by coding,after each important section we will puteverything inpracticewith a very large practice project, using third party libraries, firebase and redux.Since React Native is bases on React for web, you need to know a little bit about React.But dont sweat it, if you dont know anything about React for web, as a bonus you get a small React for web course.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The verybasics of React Native.How to install it and the logic behind it.Once you know the basics ofReact Nativewe will journey into the confusing stuff.Install and apply Third party libraries.We will connect our React Native project with Firebase.Everybody is usingRedux, so we will learn how to use redux with our React Native App.Applysecurity, authentication, restricting routes.We will create aPractice app to put everything into practice.You also get aSmall React for web courseWhat about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies likeCiti,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications inReact or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your codingto the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 84.99 |
"Real Estate Development in Excel (Includes Template)" |
"This course will teach you how to financially model a multi-family real estate development project and comeswith a downloadable, complete Excel model. The model that comes with this course is plug and play with minimal work necessary to adapt it to any kind of multi-family development project.This course will teach you how to use the model, the industry standard terms, metrics and valuation techniques which developers use on a daily basis.Here are some strengthsof the model:The model dynamically calculates various metrics, including IRR, Debt Service Coverage, Yield to Cost, Loan to Cost and Project Valuation so you can see how every variable you change affects the project.This model is used in industry for actual real estate projectsDesigned to model equity investors for syndicated projects. The model will show equity IRRs and investor returns.Designed to modela construction loan, a take-out permanent loan, a balloon payment and all of the debt service payments along the way.The model comes with integrated amortization tables for quick analysis of loans.Themodel isspecifically designed to be easy to adapt to any kind of multi-family project. The video content of the course will show you everything you need to know to re-tool the model to handle any varietyofunit mix, stabilization period, rent, loan, and exit date.This course will demonstrate how to financiallymodel the development ofa 36 unit apartment complex, from equity contribution up through the sale of the project.Welcome toReal Estate Development in Excel."
Price: 64.99 |
"Complete Options Trading Crash Course" |
"This course will walk you through how to place options trades with pre-determined probabilities of success.Learn how to read options chains and use the Options Delta to determine what risk/reward trade-off is best for you.In this course you will learn about:Time DecayLeverageOptions GreeksHow to Read Options ChainsHow to Use Cash Secured Puts and Covered Calls for Monthly IncomeHow to Place Credit Spreads such as Iron Condors, Bear Calls and Bull Puts with 80%or higher chance of success.How to escape a bad trade with minimal lossHow to use the Relative Strength Index to findexceptional trading opportunitiesIf you have ever wanted to learn from someone who trades options for a living; this course is for you.This course will take you from no options background to confident in the options market.Welcome to the Complete Options Trading Crash Course."
Price: 74.99 |
"Unity 2017 Beginners Course" |
"Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customersHave you ever had a brilliant idea for a game, but havent been sure how to execute it? If so, Unity 2017 Beginners Course is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"iOS 11 Swift 4 and Xcode 9 Beginners Course" |
"Developing Apps for Apple platforms puts the cutting-edge technology of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS at your fingertips, giving you limitless ways to bring incredible apps to users around the world. These powerful platforms each offer unique capabilities and user experiences, yet integrate tightly to form a true ecosystem. Hardware, software, and services are designed from the ground up to work together so you can build intuitive, multi-faceted experiences that are genuinely seamless."
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Paint 3D Beginners Course" |
"Whether youre an artist or just want to try out some doodlesPaint 3D makes it easy to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life. Classic Paint has been reimagined, with an updated look and feel and a ton of new brushes and tools. And now, create in every dimension. Make 2D masterpieces or 3D models that you can play with from all angles."
Price: 19.99 |