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"C# ile Web Kazma (Web Scraping & Web Crawling), Fiddler"
"Veri madenciliinin en nemli gerelerinden biri olan scraping ve crawling gn getike daha da yaygn hale gelmektedir. zellikle yapay zeka ile btnleeceini/btnletiini dnrsek crawler uygulamalarna olan ilgi gzle grlr seviyelere gelmi durumda. Crawler kavramn bir basamak daha rneklendirecek olursak;Kasko ve zel salk sigortas hizmeti verenbir brokerlik dnn. Bir ara kaskosu iin yaklak 15 ile 20 arasndasigorta paneline girerek mterinizden aldnz (TCKimlik, ara plaka ve ruhsat bilgileri, tarihler, aracn hangi segmentte ve trafikte hangi kategoride olduu bilgileri, renk bilgisiv.s.) parametrelerle formlar doldurup bir cret kartarak mterinize bu teklifleri sunuyorsunuz. Tek bir mteri iin bir personelin harcayaca sre en az 30 dakika olacaktr. Oysa bu 15 sigorta panelini crawl ettiinizde uygulamann bir mteri iin oluturaca 15 teklifin sresi 1 dakikadan daha az srecektir. Baka bir rnekte ise;elinizde 1000 tane website listesi olduunu varsayn. Bu website ierisinde aradnz bir kelime veya cmlenin hatta bir paragrafn analizini yapabilecek ve elde edilen bu veriyi eitli ihtiyalarnzda kullanabileceksiniz. Crawl ile alveri sitelerinde elde edilen verilere gre siyah beyaz oduncu gmleinin yln hangi mevsiminde, mevsimin hangi aynda sat rekoru krd analizini yapabileceksiniz. Ksaca hayatn her kesinde iinize yarayacak bu sistemi renmek iin vakit kaybetmeden kursa abone olmay unutmayn. Kurs boyunca sorularnz en erken ekilde yantlanacak, gerektii yerde danmanlk hizmeti verilecektir. Yorumlarnz ve mesajlarnz sabrszlkla bekliyor olacam. :-)"
Price: 159.99

"Wake Up, Mom: Effective Tools For a Happy Life"
"Hello! I am a wife and a mother of two children. This course is not for your children. This is for you, moms!Are you tired or even exhausted? Is every your day the same? If your answer is yes, I invite you to my course!At the beginning of my motherhood I have tried to be a perfect mum, but after some time I felt so tired, I did not have energy to do anything. It was difficult time for me.But one day I stopped myself, because I wanted to be a relaxed happy woman and mum again. And I did it! Today I enjoy time with my children, I feel happy.Do you know where is your happiness? It is inside you and I will help you to wake it up again.The course consists of effective tools that I prepared for you sharing techniques that I am using in my own life. My goal is to help moms. I want more and more women enjoy their life and to move focus from negative to positive."
Price: 19.99

"Dchiffrez le bilan comptable comme un as de la comptabilit"
"Le but de ce cours est de vous permettre de dcrypter le bilan et le compte de rsultat des entreprises avec le mme regard que celui qu'y porte un financier de mtier.L'analyse financire des entreprises et la comptabilit gnrale sont standardiss pour permettre la comparaison des entreprises entre-elles.Ainsi, quand vous aurez appris interprter les tats financiers d'une entreprise, (peut-tre la vtre ?), vous pourrez reproduire votre analyse critique en interprtant les synthse de comptabilit de n'importe quelle entreprise.Les enjeux :faire une critique objective des risques et opportunits que prsentent la situation d'une entreprisecontribuer plus efficacement aux changes avec des professionnels tels votre banquier ou l'expert-comptabledensifier votre culture conomique : le mcanisme conomique dont les tats financiers sont la synthse sont universels.Notre promesse : vous mettre l'aise avec le jargon et dmystifier les principes de comptabilit.Ceux-ci sont affaire de simple logique et donc accessibles aussi aux ""non-financiers"".Bonus : explication de la faillite de la banque Lehman Brothers, des bulles financires et des subprime, suivi d'une vido explicative des enseignements tirer de cette crise conomique, afin de ne pas soi-mme dpendre de fonds pourris.Bonne progression."
Price: 189.99

"Der kreative Mensch"
"Jeder Mensch ist ein Knstler, bedeutet nicht, dass jeder ein Picasso oder Mozart ist. Es bedeutet und das glauben wir zutiefst,  dass jeder Mensch den Hunger und die Sehnsucht nach dem eigenen Ausdruck in sich trgt.Kunst kommt nicht von Knnen, sondern vielmehr von Wollen, und Drfen. Wenn Sie also bereit sind, zu wollen und zu drfen, um eben selbst abzurufen, was in Ihnen an kreativen Mglichkeiten steckt, dann sind sie hier genau richtig.Wirtschaft trifft Kunst, eine Symbiose fr die nun die Zeit gekommen ist. Jeder kann vom Anderen lernen, davon sind wir berzeugt.Programm:Wir mchten Sie ermutigen und begleiten, die Kraft selbst zu schpfen und selbst rauszulassen, was in Ihnen schlummert.In einer Onlinebegleitung werden wir Werner Sattlegger (Grnder Art of Life) und Oliver Welter (Mastermind von Naked Lunch) Ihnen in 8 Modulen bisher noch unbekannte, sehr praktische Zugnge zur Kreativitt und dessen Phnomene erschlieen.Wir haben fr Sie kein Allheilmittel oder magische Geheimrezepte, weil es die unserer Meinung nach gar nicht gibt.  Aber wir haben was anderes: viel praktische Erfahrung ber Flow, Scheitern und Blockaden, ber die Glckseligkeit schpferischen Ausdrucks und eine lebendige Freude, uns darber auszutauschen.Mittels verschiedener bungen und Zugnge werden wir Sie dahingehend anleiten. Und wir werden Sie fordern. Fordern zu tun, worin Sie vielleicht noch nicht gebt sind, fordern verschlossene Tren aufzustoen.Am Ende der Reise nmlich, wenn sich verschlossene Tren geffnet haben und das eigene kreative Potenzial zu Tage gekommen ist, dann werden wir belohnt werden mit Lust, Freude und einem Hochgefhl, das nur Kreativitt im Stande ist in uns zu entfachen. Mehr geht nicht!"
Price: 149.99

"Meu Aplicativo de Sucesso"
"SAIBA COMO TRANSFORMAR SUA IDEIA DE APP EM UM NEGCIO DE SUCESSO!O treinamento meu aplicativo de sucesso um guia para transformar seus apps em empresas bem-sucedidas.Neste treinamento, apresento o caminho das pedras para voc faturar com o seu negcio de apps. No importa se voc um novato total neste mercado ou um desenvolvedor experiente, voc aprender a criar um negcio que lhe permita levar o estilo de vida que voc quer, enquanto sua conta bancria aumenta ano aps ano.Nele voc aprender:- Selecionar a melhor ideia para o seu app, levando em considerao as caractersticas dos aplicativos de sucesso e as tendncias mobile- Como conseguir os recursos financeiros para bancar os custos do desenvolvimento e como montar uma equipe capaz de construir o aplicativo- Montar um estratgia de marketing que traga resultados para o seu aplicativo- Avaliar a performance do seu aplicativo e a implementar mudanas que faam os downloads crescerem- E por fim voc aprender como gerar receita com seu aplicativo implementando as estratgias que melhor se encaixem ao seu app e ao seu pblico.Este um momento na histria em que a tecnologia nos deu as ferramentas para viver como ns queremos. Tudo o que voc precisa o desejo e o plano certo. No importa o seu histrico, sexo, raa, educao ou situao, voc pode construir um imprio de aplicativos enquanto est vivendo a vida que merece.Voc no tem que esperar at sabe l quando para realizar seus sonhos. Voc pode comear hoje."
Price: 39.99

"Android P& Kotlin -Complete Android App Development Bootcamp"
"In this course you will learn how to make your own apps from beginning to end, whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced android developer and wants to learn some tips. We will use Kotlin, android's new language, with kotlin you can write clean and concise code, you will need less time to write, less time to read and you will have less bugs to debug. In this course I tried to explain every line of code you write. and I tried to explain the usefulness of every new thing we are going to the end of this course you will be able to create every app that you want and put your app idea into action"
Price: 199.99

"Personal Investing : Beginner's Guide To Cryptocurrency"
"A Personal Investing course for the technically challenged.Opportunities like cryptocurrency investment come around once in a generation. If youve been watching from the Blockchain sidelines with a growing sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because you didnt know how to begin or thought crypto investing was only for large institutions or technological experts, stop. The Personal Investing : Beginner's Guide To Cryptocurrency course will put those fears to rest and help get you in the Blockchain game immediately.This course is your not-so-technical-how-to guide on crypto-investing.Easy-to-use and resource-rich, There is No Cryptoclub is a simple, step-by-step guide to investing in Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple and many more. It will help you take advantage of one of the greatest investment opportunities of your lifetime. From now on everyone has the same access to a new financial system as institutions. Including you.Some of the things youll learn:How to open an account with an online crypto brokerageAvoiding scams and theftTransferring and storing money on digital walletsBuying/Selling cryptocurrencies on the exchangesSecuring your investments/legacyMethods to help prepare your crypto taxesLearning safe crypto practicesOwning a crypto portfolio!Not your average Blockchain TutorialIf your aren't an infosec smarty pants, or a nerdy lightening network developer, or dark hoody wearing Blockchain coder, this personal investing tutorial is for you! You are a parent, or a grandparent, or a student - you may have never invested in anything in your life but cryptocurrency and the Blockchain really peak your interest; you may be a CEO but knowing how to Copy & Paste escapes you, so securing digital assets will make you and your board tremble! Not - a - problem.This Cryptocurrency Tutorial holds your hand and walks you through it with humor, grace, and patience. At the end you will have a crypto portfolio you can be proud of!The Blockchain ExplainedDeconstructed into an understandable format, this course breaks apart the mystery of the Blockchain and shows you its every day usage potential in such a way that it will inspire you to embrace this new technology wave like it was your long lost friend!The cryptocurrency revolution is real and its just beginning. Join this socially conscious, upwardly mobile, profoundly inclusive, politically tolerant, consensus-based, racial/class neutral, diverse, and ever-evolving asset class today! #Cryptocurrency #Beginners #PersonalInvesting #Blockchain #Investment #Tutorial"
Price: 199.99

Price: 199.99

"Mit Psychologie berzeugen [Audiokurs/Podcast Format]"
"""Knapp eineinhalb Stunden Audio Training zu spannenden wissenschaftlichen Studien aus der Psychologie und deren Anwendung im echten Leben. Sebastian Schlnkes verbindet Theorie und Praxis mit angenehmer Stimme. Ich habe den Ausflug in die Psychologie genossen und werde das ein oder andere versuchen umzusetzen."" - Martin Eschsttt Mit Psychologie berzeugen (Audio / Podcast) ~90 MinutenHoher PraxisbezugHoher wissenschaftlicher BezugEinsteigerfreundlichDiskussion und Fragen sind ausdrcklich erwnschtVerkufertrainingPersnlichkeitsentwicklungAudio/Podcast Format"
Price: 29.99

"Unity 3D"
"- 3D Unity Step to Science. game-developer: , , , . , , . 5- Unity junior . , , . , , ."
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"Apache NiFi - A Complete Guide (Hortonworks Data Platform)"
"Congratulations! You've found the most popular, most complete, and most up-to-date resource online for learning Apache NiFi.What is Apache NiFI?Apache NiFi is a robust Data Ingestion, Distribution framework & ETL Option. Apache NiFi is the core of the Hortonworks Data Platform. It can propagate any data content from any source to any destination.NiFi enables the collection, curation, analysis, and action on any data anywhere (edge, cloud, data centre) with built-in end-to-end security and provenance.  These unique set of features makes NiFi the best choice for implementing new data-centric use cases that require geographically distributed architectures and high levels of SLA (availability, security, and performance).NiFi is based on a different programming paradigm called Flow-Based Programming (FBP).It is one of the fastest-growing Apache Projects and expected to grow exponentially in the coming few years.=============================Right Time For You To Start Your Big Data JourneyThe Big Data job market is still hot. Big Data positions are tough to fill, demand for experienced Big Data engineers is intense, knowledge premiums are high, and more and more people are picking up Big Data skills in hopes of making more money.The field of big data is quite vast, and it can be a very daunting task for anyone who starts learning big data & its related technologies. The big data technologies are numerous, and it can be overwhelming to decide where to begin. There is a lot of scope for big data and its related technologies like Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Elastic Search, etc.So, start your BigData journey today by learning about Apache NiFi which can integrate well with almost all the popular big data technologies like Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Elastic Search, etc.=============================What this Course Delivers, and Who is it for?I have created this course for all skill levels. You may be entirely new for Data Flow or Data Pipeline world. You may be already using any other Commercial ETL Tool and want to move to an Open Source solution.I have kept the course with the right balance between theory and hand-on, which makes it the Ultimate Guide for Beginners. I also kept the course relatively short to kept it interactive and delivered the required skills you need to start working with Apache NiFi.""In this course, we will focus only on Apache NiFi and the various features of NiFi. We will not focus on any other specific big data technology integration with NiFi. But by the end of this course, you will have all the required skill sets to work on your Big Data Pipeline / ETL requirements using NiFi"".""What are you waiting for? Enroll Now !"" and become an Apache NiFi Expert (From Zero to Hero) in less than 3 hours. This course curriculum includes:1) Apache NiFi Introduction2) Apache NiFi Installation3) Apache NiFi Basics4) Hands-on with Apache NiFi5) Apache NiFi Advanced Concepts (Data Provenance, Back Pressure, Prioritization, Expiration, etc.)6) Monitoring in NiFi7) NiFi Registry for Version Control8) NiFi Custom Processors9) NiFi in Cluster-ModeWhom isn't this course meant?This course is not for students who already know all the topics given in the course curriculum and looking for a more hand-on oriented class or various integration examples using NiFi and other Big Data technologies like Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Elastic Search, etc.=============================About the InstructorI'm a Big Data Evangelist, JavaScript Lover, Web Developer & Performance Freak. I'm passionate about programming since I was 14, and I'm always willing to learn new things and continue to seek to improve myself.I have decided to teach what I have learned and started to train in Udemy & YouTube.""My main objective is to provide high-quality course content to all my students in an easy and understanding way.""=============================What do my Students think about this Course?Nick says, ""Previous to this course I had a walkthrough of NiFi by a colleague and took another 2 hr introduction course, and did some playing around by myself. Even though this course is 3 hrs long, it covers many topics without wasting time, and so I felt that despite my previous exposure to courses and hands-on, that I probably benefited from more than half of this course with new and useful material, maybe even 2/3 of it. I'm very happy to see treatment being given to NiFi Registry plus Git integration. I never knew the purpose of the Funnel before, let alone things like clustering with ZooKeeper, making use of the Variable Registry and/or property files, and a working example of building your own custom data processor. Each of these things may have only been touched on somewhat briefly - enough to clear the fog on a topic so you know where to start and what to use it for so that you can then dig into it further yourself if need be. Really good job in concisely getting this quantity of material across in a relatively short time frame, and I feel a lot more empowered to use my new NiFi skills as a result."" (Rated with )Akash says, ""The way this course was, I completed in a single day. I was new to this tool and since one interview was lined up and I had clearly no clue what is Apache Nifi. This is seriously the most comprehensive and lucid course that I have ever gone through."" (Rated with )Truman says, ""The instructor did a great job of taking me from beginner Nifi to clustering Nifi, to understanding how to build custom processors. I would recommend this course if you are interested in NiFi."" (Rated with )Priya says, ""The course is easy to understand and covers all the basics of NiFi. The theory is explained with hands-on videos by the instructor. One needs to practice with all that has been covered in the course and will be good to go! Great instructor!"" (Rated with )Venkatesh says, Best NIFI Course on Udemy. I have started with no idea about NIFI, but now I learned a lot. The instructor is Knowledgeable and explained in simple and easy terms. Highly recommended for NIFI beginners. (Rated with )Vivek says, If you are new to Apache Nifi, then this course is best for you. This course is incredibly detailed, beautifully made, and amazing for the beginner like me. The instructor is knowledgable and was able to explain everything very clearly. (Rated with ) =============================Important InformationAs if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week.You also have lifetime access to the course and 30 days money-back guarantee, so click on the Enroll Now button now and see you inside the course!"
Price: 12800.00

"How to Master Opal stone purchasing""Professional secret"" !"
"If you are a jewelry maker, jewelry designer or just someone who loves gems and jewelry ,you are at the right destination ! In this into-point course I will tell you little secrets that no one in the jewelry industry would ever do about how to buy the perfect opal stone for your project or collection ! After finishing the course please let me know how it was and what difference it would do for your next purchase !"
Price: 99.99

"Geology: Basic Principles of Geochemistry"
"If you are a Geology curious lover or student at a beginner or intermediate or even advanced and feeling stuck with the complicated geochemical syllabuses ,this is the right course for you ! No complicated terms !No complicated equations ! Just simple , easy every day language used to deliver to your mind the what is geochemistry is all about ! your subconscious mind will automatically get the basics so you easily can build on it further later !Discussing the basics of geochemistry what any geology student must be fully aware of. This course is a perfectly simplified basics what will ease the process of geology studies at any further stage !"
Price: 29.99

"Manutenzione WordPress: per un sito sicuro e funzionante"
"Con questo corso imparerai a mantenere il tuo sito WordPress. Per chi ha un progetto web, avere un sito sicuro e ottimizzato fondamentale per evitare di perdere tempo e soldi.Gestisco dozzine di siti WordPress da anni, e questo mi ha permesso di capire quali sono gli errori da evitare e le cose importanti per portare un progetto web al successo.Imparerai esattamente cosa fare per tenere il tuo sito funzionante in modo sicuro, ottimizzato e efficiente. Vedrai quali operazioni devono essere effettuate regolarmente, e ne capirai l'importanza.Un sito WordPress non mantenuto mette a rischio te e la tua azienda. Un sito lento fa scappare i clienti e ti fa perdere soldi. Un sito non funzionante mette a rischio la tua credibilit.Perch correre questo rischio?"
Price: 94.99

"*** ****** ****** ****** (, , , , ., , , )*** 20 - (Hay Mercer) 100% : -, - ( , -) ,"
Price: 29.99

"Data Science"
"""  DATA SCIENCE: - 100% ..."" ( - : AMAZON, OZON, , RIDERO...) - (, , , , , , , , , ..) , - , , - , ( , , , , , , , ..) , ( ) , , (, , ). , , - (, , , , , ....), (, , , ...). -; , ( Excel SPSS R). - .   , - , - , ..."
Price: 119.99

"- ( - : AMAZON, OZON, , RIDERO...), "": "" - - . - . , Stamford Global , . (, ) - - , , ... () - , : - , . : - , - , - . , "" "" ( )"
Price: 74.99

"- HR"
", 10- HR- - , , , HR-. ""HR : , , "" ( , ) HR- (, , , ...)  , , , , . 2018 . : - ... HR . , , , , . HR - HR-.   - HR- ( HR .) HR , ,  . - ... , - ,   , , "" "" ...!   (, , ) , ."
Price: 49.99

"Playing Fr Elise by Beethoven"
"In this class we are going to talk about Fur Elise by Beethoven. We've divided this course in three different musical sections.Section 1: Bar 1 - 23Section 2: Bar 23 - 59Section 3: Bar 59 - end of the pieceIn each section each of us presents an idea, either from our own view as performers, or from a teacher's point of view ( aka. what most students find difficult )The best way to follow along with each lesson is to use the digital score we've provided for you. You can download and print it, then sit behind your piano and follow with ease. Pause the lesson whenever necessary and try out our suggestions.Please let us know if you have any questions or requests about this piece, or any other piece you're playing. We'd be very happy to hear from you and help you.Other Courses on Udemy: L. v. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata W. A. Mozart - Rondo Alla TurcaFor Skype lessons and more, feel free to contact us!"
Price: 29.99

"Playing the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven"
"In this class we are going to talk about the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. We've divided this course in three different musical section.Section 1: Bar 1 - 23Section 2: Bar 23 - 42Section 3: Bar 42 - end of the pieceIn each section each of us presents an idea, either from our own view as performers, or from a teacher's point of view ( aka. what most students find difficult )The best way to follow along with each lesson is to use the digital score we've provided for you. You can download and print it, then sit behind your piano and follow with ease. Pause the lesson whenever necessary and try out our suggestions.Please let us know if you have any questions or requests about this piece, or any other piece you're playing. We'd be very happy to hear from you and help you.Other Courses on Udemy: L. v. Beethoven - Fur Elise W. A. Mozart - Rondo Alla TurcaFor Skype lessons and more, feel free to contact us!"
Price: 29.99

"Practice and Play Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart"
"Welcome to our course on Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart. We've divided this course in six different sections: Section 1: Bar 1 - 9 Section 2: Bar 10 - 26 Section 3: Bar 27 - 35 Section 4: Bar 36 - 61 Section 5: Bar 97 - 105 Section 6: Bar 106 - the end of the pieceIn each section we present an idea, either from our own view as performers, or from a teacher's point of view ( aka. what most students find difficult )The best way to follow along with each lesson is to use the digital score we've provided for you. You can download and print it, then sit behind your piano and follow with ease. Pause the lesson whenever necessary and try out our suggestions.Please let us know if you have any questions or requests about this piece, or any other piece you're playing. We'd be very happy to hear from you and help you.Other Courses on Udemy: L. v. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata L. v. Beethoven - Fur EliseFor Skype lessons and more, feel free to contact us!"
Price: 54.99

"Practice and Play the Indian Song, Alfred's Basic Piano"
"Welcome to our course on the Indian Song from the Alfred's Basic Piano Library Lesson Book 1A. We've divided this course into five different lessons: Lesson 1: Reading the First Bar Lesson 2: Reading the Right Hand Lesson 3: Reading the Left Hand Lesson 4: Hands Together Lesson 5: Musical IdeasThis is a course for almost complete beginners, however to follow along, you have to be able to read notes and sharps/flats. In each lesson we help you read the score, explain the musical terms you need to know, and give you some useful practicing exercises and tips.The best way to follow along with each lesson is to buy the lesson book, which you can find on Amazon look for:Alfred's Basic Piano Library Lesson Book 1A*You can also get the Kindle version on Amazon.It's a very popular book, used by many people to start learning piano, so maybe some of your friends or family still have an old Alfred's book that you can use or borrow. Or check out your local library to see if they have a copy.When you have your book, mark the bar numbers so you can follow along easily with this course.Please let us know if you have any questions or requests about this piece, or any other piece you're playing. We'd be very happy to hear from you and help you.* Join our YouTube channelFollow us on: Instagram FacebookFor Skype lessons and more, feel free to contact us!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Play Una Mattina by Einaudi"
"Welcome to our course on the Una Mattina by Ludovico Einaudi. We've divided this course into five different lessons: Lesson 1: Reading the First Bar Lesson 2: Bar 1 - 12 Lesson 3: Bar 13 - 20 Lesson 4: Bar 33 - 44 Lesson 5: Practice With Us!This is a course for intermediate pianists who already have some experience with piano playing. To follow along with this course you have to be able to read notes, sharps and flats, understand basic rhythm and know what 16th notes are. You also have to have some technical skills and some experience with different pieces. An example of a piece of the same level is the C major Prelude by J.S. Bach. If you're able to play that piece, you'll be able to play Una Mattina.In each lesson we help you read the score and help you practice the piece. We also point out all the places that our own students have trouble with and give you useful tips and practicing advice about these spots.It would be a good idea to find the score of Una Mattina online so you can follow along with the course and practice the piece afterwards. The sheet music is very easy to find online. Due to copyright reasons we're not allowed to upload it for you here.Please let us know if you have any questions or requests about this piece, or any other piece you're playing. We'd be very happy to hear from you and help you."
Price: 49.99

"Aumentar Converso da Sua Loja Virtual - Mais Vendas por Dia"
"O SEU SITE NO GERA VENDAS?Aprenda o quepode fazer.Converso um dos pilares de sucesso para uma loja sustentvel. O site como uma loja fsica, uma oportunidade de comunicar com um cliente, ajudar a esclarecer todas as suas dvidas, responder aos seus desejos e ter a capacidade de fechar uma venda.A grande diferena que tudo digital!Com o digital existem outras dvidas e solues para comunicar com outras pessoas etentar explicar o valor do nosso produto.+Converso E-Commerce uma pequena amostra de como que as ferramentas podemser utilizadas para persuadir os clientes e gerar mais vendas.O incio de um caminho onde nada feito ao acaso.Junte-se a esta equipa para gerar mais resultados!"
Price: 24.99

"Criar Loja Virtual no Shopify Curso Completo"
"Criar uma Loja no SHOPIFY?No queremos defender nenhuma plataforma, possvel criar uma loja que vende em qualquer plataforma. Mas o Shopify a que normalmente ns aconselhamos, e tem algumas razes lgicas...No necessita de saber programar (foco no que interessa, vender);Foi criada e desenvolvida a pensar em pequenas estruturas e em facilitar a vida a quem nunca lidou com este mercado; simples, fcil e muito verstil sendo capaz de se adaptar a qualquer volume de negcio;O custo de entrada muito baixo, permite deixar o oramento todo para anncios (Fundamental);So mais de 600.000 lojas e todas elas contribuem para uma otimizao diria da plataforma;Qualquer desenvolvimento, da equipa com mais de 4000 funcionrios, ns beneficiamos sem pagar mais por issoPARA QUEM O CURSO? Pessoas que querem criar um negcio Online.Criar Loja E-Commerce - Shopify foi desenhado como um produto de entrada para estudantes e empreendedores que esto a desenvolver o seu negcio e querem criar uma loja online.Empreendedores que querem vender o seu produto a cliente final;Pessoas que no conseguem mexer na sua loja online e querem transitar de plataforma;Pessoas que no entendem de programao mas no querem ficar limitadas na sua soluo e prejudicar com isso o negcio.O QUE UMA BOA LOJA ONLINE?A verdade que o mercado no mostra... importante passar a mensagem que possvel construir um negcio E-commerce sustentvel em praticamente qualquer plataforma.Este curso foi desenhado para dar uma soluo imediata, acessvel e com muita capacidade para quem ainda no comeou ou pretende reestruturar a sua loja online.Uma boa loja online sobretudo uma loja que tem a capacidade de estar completamente enquadrada com o nosso cliente ideal, que responda s dores e desejos, elimine as objeces e facilite a experincia do utilizador.Os sites E-commerce no so produtos fechados, estticos e chave na mo. Temos de ter a capacidade de o alterar todos os dias em funo dos nossos clientes e da taxa de converso.Se inserimos limitaes tcnicas nossa plataforma estamos a ferir a performance do nosso negcio.Importante garantir que a plataforma vai dar continuidade aos restantes 90% do trabalho para um E-commerce ter sucesso.A razo pela qual criei o curso Criar Loja E-Commerce - Shopify?Eu fao consultoria de muitos produtos de sucesso na rea do E-Commerce, criao de lojas e produtos prprios. Durante os ltimos 5 anos trabalhei e transformei projectos de parceiros e existiu muitas vezes barreiras relacionadas com o site: ""Qual a plataforma ideal para trabalhar?"", ""No consigo mexer no site"", ""Fazer uma plataforma de raiz muito caro""...Grande parte das pessoas acredita que criar o site o resultado para vender online, mas a verdade que 99% do mundo e-commerce falha e no gera resultados positivos.O Website apenas 10% do trabalho de um negcio com uma loja online.Desenvolvemos este curso inicial para resolver um bloqueio inicial das pessoas e permitir que estejam focadas em questes mais importantes e avanadas. Nenhum tema, curso ou ferramenta funciona isoladamente no E-Commerce, este apenas o incio.Eu estou aqui para ajudar, vamos l comear!"
Price: 199.99

"Controle dispositivos remotamente com ESP8266"
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender programar o nodeMCU com a IDE Arduino e criar aplicaes para controlar dispositivos remotamente, tanto como web server local, quanto com protocolo MQTT.So apresentados exemplos de programas que voc pode aplicar na prtica e fazer acionamento de dispositivos em sua casa ou qualquer outro local atravs da internet.Voc aprender configurar um broker MQTT online e atravs da programao da nodeMCU estar apto a publicar valores em tpicos para acionamento de dispositivos, assim como exibir valores de informaes em um aplicativo grfico no seu Smartphone android.Alm disso, apresentado uma introduo a IoT e o bsico de eletrnica.Ao final do curso apresentada uma aula bnus para leitura do sensor DHT11.Aproveite o curso e use a plataforma da Udemy para tirar suas duvidas comigo quando precisar.Te espero no curso!"
Price: 249.99

"VEX IQ Eitimi"
"VEX IQ nun imkanlarn kefedin!VEX IQ, rencilere bilim, teknoloji, mhendislik ve matematik (STEM) alannda zengin ve heyecan verici bir tantm platformu sunmak zere tasarlanm, leklenebilir, birleebilen bir robotik sistemdir. VEX IQ nuzu zelletirerek farkl deneyimler kazann!lkokul rencileri bile paralar herhangi bir alet kullanmadan kutudan karttklar gibi yapmaya balayabilirler. rnek robotlarmzdan birini oluturmak veya kendi robotlarnz tasarlamak iin adm adm talimatlar uygulamanz yeterli olacaktr."
Price: 99.99

"The four French irregular verbs"
"This course is for beginners and for learners who want to brush up their basic knowledge of French verbs.Students will learn about the four major French irregular verbs in the present indicative. They will acquire the skills on how to conjugate these four verbs. Each verb conjugation is clearly pronounced by experienced bilingual teacher.The course includes adequate sample sentences demonstrating the usage of the verbs in present tense along with english translations.All examples are from day to day use of the language, with each of those in clear audible expression.The characteristics of each of these verbs and their application in different contexts are well explained.Students will have the opportunity to practise a variety of the verb forms.By the end of this course, the learner will be familiar and confident in using the four major irregular verbs in French."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Mastery"
"JOIN THE BEST LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM COURSE FOR NEWBIE LINUX USERS!!Hi. My name is Mustafa and I'm the author of the 'Linux Mastery' course. I started working as a network and computer systems administrator since January 2011. I have a bachelor degree in engineering from Alexandria University. After finishing university, I concentrated on learning the Linux system administration. I have many certifications in Linux system administration, network administration, database administration, and some programming languages 'C, C++, and Python'. I have a large experience in working on Linux using RHEL, CentOS, and Ubuntu Linux distributions. I have a desire to teach others and transfer my experience to them in an easy and simplified way.A High Benefit Course to Learn the Linux Operating System Step by Step.A Large Number of Linux Important Shell Commands is Included in this Course.The Course Include Quizzes on All Sections.The Course is Manually Captioned.The Course is Compressed to Achieve the Course Goal in a Short Time. Course Content:Background & Introduction.Beginning with the introduction of the Linux Operating System and mentioning its history.What is an operating system?The pieces that makes up the operating system.Definitions of the bootloader, the kernel definition, daemons, the shell, graphical server, desktop environment, and applications.The main differences between Linux and Windows Operating Systems.Linux Pros & Cons.What is Linux distribution?The most popular Linux distributions for desktops & servers.How to choose the right distribution for you?The meaning of the open-source.What is GNU?Linux Installation.Linux live distribution.Creating a bootable Ubuntu USB stick from Microsoft Windows.Trying Ubuntu without installing.Introducing the VirtualBox program and showing the step by step procedure of downloading and installing it.Creating a new Virtual machine for the Ubuntu OS.Steps for downloading and installing the Ubuntu 18.04 OS.Installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions.Having a full-resolution Ubuntu VM on your computer.Starting the Ubuntu OS.Logging in and Logging out.Introducing the Ubuntu OS.Introducing the Shell or Terminal ""the command line interface"".Installing software on Ubuntu intro.Steps for adding and removing applications from the Ubuntu OS Graphically and using the Command line.The sudo command.The apt-get command.The apt-cache command.Opening a list of your currently installed programs in terminal using the dpkg command.The aptitude command.The Ubuntu Software Center.Installing and uninstalling software in Ubuntu using Debian package 'dpkg'.Manual download of a .deb (Debian package) method.Quick Start.The Linux system basic modes.Ways of launching a terminal on Ubuntu.Describing the command prompt in the terminal.How to get into the text mode 'virtual consoles' and how to switch back to the graphical mode.The Important Basic Commands of the Linux OS.The pwd command.The cd command.The absolute path.The relative path.The ls command.The passwd command.The file command.The cat command.The exit command.The Linux shell special keys.Getting help in Linux.The man command.The info command.The whatis command.The which command.The --help option.The graphical help.The gnome-help command.The yelp command.About Files and the File System.The shell built-in commands.Overview of the Linux File System.The files types.The file type signs.What is the partition?The kinds of major partitions on a Linux system.The data partition.The swap partition.The important files and directories on the Linux operating system.The standard root partition.The swap space.The /boot partition.The /usr partition.The /home partition.The /var partition.The /opt partition.The mount points.The df command.Orientation in the file system.The PATH environment variable.The echo command.Displaying and setting paths.Adding a new directory to the PATH variable.The export command.The ( ~/.profile & ~/.bashrc ) files.The source command.The kernel.The shell.The shell types.The sh or Bourne Shell.The Bash or Bourne Again Shell.The csh or C Shell.The tcsh or Turbo C Shell.The ksh or the Korn shell.The file /etc/shells.The SHELL variable.The HOME variable.Navigating through the Linux File System.The /etc directory.The /dev directory.The /var directory.The ls command popular options.Creating, copying, moving and removing files and directories.Finding files and paths.The which command.The find command.The locate command.Linking Files.The hard link.The soft link or symbolic link.Creating a symbolic link.The ln command.Processes.What is the process?Multi-user and Multi-tasking Process Types.Interactive and Automatic Processes.Foreground process.Background process.The less command.Job control.The kill command.Daemons.Linux Pipe.The pg command.The more command.The grep command.The sort command.Linux Filter.Process Attributes.The ps command.Displaying Process.The real group owner of a process (RGID).The effective group owner of a process (EGID).The SGID (Set Group ID upon execution).The pstree command.The top command.How to Create a Process.How to End a Process.Linux Signals.Showing signals list.The common signals in Linux.SIGTERM.SIGINT.SIGKILL.SIGHUP.SIGSTOP.The boot process.What is BIOS?The Master Boot Record (MBR).The boot process init.Init and Systemd.Init Run Levels.The who command.The chkconfig utility.Reboot, halt, and shutdown commands.Managing Processes.The time command.About system performance.About system Load.Managing process priority and niceness.The nice command.The renice command.Managing Process CPU and Memory Resources.The uptime command.The memusage command.The memusagestat command.Tuning System Performance.The vmstat command.The netstat command.The iostat command.Network I/O problems.Network integrity problems.Disk I/O problems.Users classes.The graphical tools.The Gnome System Monitor.The xload application.Interrupting processes.The pidof command.The xkill program.Scheduling processes.The sleep command.The at command.The atq command.The atrm command.The cron and crontab facilities. The Input and Output Redirection.Linux Regular Expressions.Basic regular expressions.Interval Regular expressions.Extended regular expressions.Brace expansion.Simple Redirections.The redirection operators. Input redirection.Combining redirections.The spell command.The append operator.The date command.Advanced Redirections.Use of file descriptors.Separating standard output from standard error.The tty command.The tee command.The uptime command.Communicating Utilities used in Linux.The ping command.The ftp command.The telnet command.The ssh command.Print & Email.The pr command.Printing a file.The lp and lpr commands.Sending E-mails from the Terminal.The ssmtp command.Text Editors.Importance of Text Editors.The Vim Editor.The Vim editor operation modes.The Vim editor basic commands.The vimtutor command.Linux Virtual Terminals.What are virtual terminals?Starting virtual terminals and navigating through them.Virtual terminal shortcuts.The Linux System Administration Basics.Creating a user using the terminal.Creating a user using the GUI.Deleting and disabling an account using the terminal.Deleting and disabling an account using the GUI.Adding a user to a usergroup.Removing a user from a usergroup.The gnome-system-tools.The users-admin command.The finger command.The File Security in Terms of Ownership and Permissions.Levels of authorization in Linux.Ownership in Linux files.Permissions.The chmod command.The chmod command absolute and symbolic modes.Changing Ownership and Group.The chown command.The chgrp command.The File Mask.The umask command.The touch command.Special Access Rights 'Special modes'.for Files and Directories like 'The Sticky bit mode.The SUID (set user ID).The SGID (set group ID).The Bonus of the Course, Steps of installing 'Qt Creator' on Ubuntu OS.###The Commands included in the course:vimvimtutormaninfowhatisaproposcat--help optionapt-getsudodbkgprlplprpwdcdlspasswdfileexittouchmkdirrmrmdirmvcpgrepsortfindlnechojobsbgfgkillxkillttyteedateuptimepspstreetopnicerenicevmstatnetstatiostatsleepatatqatrmnanosystemctcrontabpingftptelnetsshssmtp shutdownchmodaddusersuuserdelgroupmodusermoddeluserchownchgrpgroupsumaskENROLL NOW AND ENJOY LEARNING THE LINUX FUNDAMENTALS / LINUX ESSENTIAL SKILLS!!Who this course is for:Anyone with a desire to learn Linux.Anyone who needs to learn Linux for a personal or business project.A newbie Linux user who wants to be professional in using Linux.An existing Linux user who wants to increase his knowledge.Anyone who wants to learn the basics of Linux system administration.Windows or macOS users who want to switch to Linux.Student testimonials:Raisul Sohan: This is a super course. Now I will install Linux on my pc.Ahmed Salah Bahnasy: Amazing teacher, great enthusiasm, very clear explanations My favourite course this year! Mr Mostafa is a very stimulating teacher who knows his subject very well. I appreciated his enthusiasm for the subject. The teacher was of excellent quality."
Price: 199.99