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"Life nuggets: Take control of your life"
"Many of us will have in life times when we feel low, down or lonely and we start to blame others, the government, our partners or the educational system for the outcome of our lives and we lose focus. We look around and it seems as if every other person is having fun but our lives are dry and stagnant. At this times we need a statement, words of encouragement or advice that could transform our lives for the better. This course is a compilation of life transforming videos that will give you the key to taking charge of your life and live with purpose."
Price: 34.99

"Giri Seviyesi Mikrotik Eitimi"
"Bu eitim sonunda katlmclarmz mikrotik cihazlarnn mininum ayarlarnn yaplmasnn renmi olacaklar.Mikrotik cihazlarn ister basit bir switch,router yada firewall yaplandrlmasn yapp kullanabilecekler.Modemden mikrotik araclyla k yada mikrotie modem yetkilerini vererek internet servis salaycsnn verdii kullanc ad ve ifre ile mikrotik cihazlarna balant oluturabilecekler.Mikrotik Cihaznn Kablosuz a yaplandrlmasndan mikrotik cihaza port almasna kadar temel bilgileri iermektedir.Hotspot ve Webproxy kurulumu ,Ethernet portlarna ayr ayr ip atanmas gibi ayarlarn yer ald eitimdir.imdiki blmler balang seviyesi olmasna ramen eitimimiz ileri seviye mikrotik eitimine dntrmeyi dnyorum.lerleyen blmlerde VPN Balants oluturulmas PPPOE Server oluturulmas ve dier cihazlara PPPOE Clientten Ayarlarnn yaplmas konular ilenecektir.SITE TO SITE VPV tarz uygulamalarda daha sonra ele alnacaktr.Eitim Gncellenmeye devam edecektir.Kursu almadan nce benimle iletiime geerek kupon kodu isteyebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99

"El curso est diseado para direccionar a los estudiantes en el anlisis personal y de la empresa, con el objetivo de establecer estrategias que promuevan desarrollo integral de la compaa, personal y sociedad. Durante el curso los estudiantes tendrn la oportunidad de solicitar apoyo y sugerencias que les ayuden en el anlisis y procesos de cambio a realizarse.Al seguir las instrucciones dadas en las distintas secciones, elaborar los documentos solicitados y procesar la informacin recolectada, los estudiantes podrn obtener un panorama que les direccione en las actividades a liderar y procesos a establecer.El curso incluye 5 preguntas especficas del contexto o plan elaborado por los estudiantes."
Price: 99.99

"Escrita Criativa - Os Segredos dos Autores Bestsellers."
"Faa o curso, descubra os segredos dos maiores escritores e tenha a chance de publicar seu texto em uma incrvel antologia!O Mastermind de Escrita Criativa ir despertar o incrvel escritor que existe dentro de voc pois, ao contrrio do que muitos afirmam como verdade, todos ns temos a capacidade de contar histrias. Mas, para cont-las, nada melhor do que as informaes contidas nesse curso que vai, sem tpicos desnecessrios, direto ao ponto, isto , desenvolver um fantstico texto narrativo que ir encantar os seus leitores.O curso composto de seis mdulos com 37 vdeo-aulas com tarefas e elaborao de textos utilizando as tcnicas ensinadas de forma dinmica e envolvente e voc ir aprender desde as tcnicas de observao para gerar a ignio de uma histria e de personagens at a criao da trama, da estrutura, do estilo, do enredo, dos conflitos dos pontos de vista e as finalizaes. E, nos ltimos vdeos, voc ter alguns bnus com dicas incrveis e prticas para usar toda vez que for escrever um texto narrativo, ficcional, profissional ou acadmico.Assista as aulas, faa as tarefas, desenvolva sua histria e tenha a oportunidade de participar da seleo de textos que faro parte das antologias do selo editorial Neblina Negra!"
Price: 129.99

"Goal Setting For Runners"
"Running can be hard, or at least it isn't always fun. Setting a challenging, but doable goal, can make your running a little easier - giving you something to look forward to and strive toward. Being successful and reaching your goals, starts with knowing what you want to accomplish, by setting a goal.But setting the goal is the easy part. Its fun to imagine yourself accomplishing your amazing goal, crossing the finish line (or whatever your goal is). Making that goal happen is often a lot less fun. It requires you be honest about what you are willing to do to accomplish your goal. You need to understand why your goal is important to you and be ready for the possible obstacles you may encounter. You have to make a plan and actually do the work. But if you plan ahead, and consider the why behind your goal, a good running goal will give you a reason to head out the door regularly to run. Who this course is forRunners of all abilities and experience levelsThis class is for you if you'veEver felt unfocused in your running Set goals in the past and quickly lost your drive and motivation to achieve your goalEver started off strong towards accomplishing your goal, but got frustrated when you hit a setback or when things didn't go to planIn this class you will learnThe difference between audacious and realistic goals (and why you should have both)How to look beyond finish time for your running goal Why you need to set appropriate time lines for your goalHow to ensure your goal is important to you Why you need to consider why you've fallen short in the past in order to succeed in the futureThe mistakes that could sabotage your goalRequirements for this courseA desire for more focus and drive to your runningA growth mindset (a belief you can improve your abilities through dedication and hard work)"
Price: 19.99

"In It For The Long Run"
"Long runs are the centerpiece of marathon training and are the workouts that turn runners into marathoners.They are also often misunderstood by new and veteran marathoners alike. ""How will running a shorter distance at a slower pace get me ready for the marathon?"" is a common question.And running longer than youve ever run before can be a little scary when you are training for your first marathon.Long runs are different than other marathon training runs and are different than other longer runs you may have done while training for half marathons or shorter races. Long runs: Prepare your body, your mind, and your stomach for your marathonAre as much a mental challenge as a physical oneAre a perfect dress rehearsal for race day, allowing many chances to perfect what you'll do on marathon morning. This course will prepare you for the marathon training long run by teaching you: What to expectHow to prepareThe mental and mindset issues specific to the long runHow to train your body, your mind, and your stomachLong runs are hard, but they are also totally doable (and totally worth it). This class is not for you if you are looking for a shortcut to marathon glory in 3 weeks without sweat or effort.However, this class is for you, if you:Have always wanted to run a marathonAre willing to do the workAre willing to be kind to yourselfWont let one bad run get you off track"
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to 3D printing"
"2 hours of NESA accredited professional development training for teachers!Applications for 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing) are rapidly expanding in a broad set of industries and the technology is being used as a complementary tool in many professions. As such the Australian education sector has seen accelerating uptake, with 3D printing being not only a field of learning itself but being used to enhance other fields of study by generating student engagement and drawing STEM concepts and digital literacy elements into the broader curriculum. However, many teachers find themselves ill prepared for this transition and overwhelmed by the seeming complexity of introducing, maintaining and integrating this technology in the classroom. This short course is designed to clarify and practically demonstrate the most important concepts for educators to know and promote confidence through fundamental knowledge of the technology."
Price: 24.99

"Fortnite Essential Buildings & Drills"
"What makes Fortnite different from other battle royale games is the building mechanic, yes Mechanic because Building is not a playstyle in Fortnite, its a core mechanic of the game and the most skill based aspect of it.Building is one of the main gameplay elements of Fortnite. It consists of building, editing and repairing basic structures such as walls, floors, stairs, and roofs, as well as placement of traps, to create a functional defensive Fort. Creating structures requires basic building Materials, which are Wood, Stone, and Metal. These resources can be obtained through harvesting or destroying objects.Now to use the building in your gameplay you need to know the essential buildings and be fast at editing, that's why youll learn Essential Buildings in the second section:Single Ramp PushSingle Ramp Wall PushSingle Ramp Floor Wall PushDouble Ramp Wall PushDouble Ramp Wall Floor PushRamp Wall Push SidewaysShield RampRamp tunnelsDropping With 2 Walls & RampDropping With 3 Walls & RampDropping Down SidewaysWall Floor RampBreaking Your FallRamp & Floor 90'sBasic 90'sSupported 90'sDouble 90'sHealing Roof1x1s TurtlingAnd some very important Building Drills to get fast at editing in the third section:Floor EditingRoof EditingBuilding & Editing 1 WallBuilding 2 Walls & Editing 1Building 3 Walls & Editing 1Ramp RotationRamp Rotation & Wall Editing1x1s Editing Down1x1s Editing UpWhat you have to do to really get good at the building mechanic after watching this course is to practice everything you've seen, first at walking speed and then running speed. The good thing is that you can always practice in Creative Mode without thinking wither you going to get attacked by someone or running out of materials.The last tip is to have fun while practicing, because I know that repeating the same thing over and over again can get boring sometimes so I like to watch TV-series or listen to music while practicing it makes it more fun to me, and you can do the same, its really not that hard to do both at the same time, but if you feel that multitasking is affecting your progress just stop and focus on the game only."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning Top 5 Models Implementation ""A-Z"""
"One case study, five models from data preprocessing to implementation with Python, with some examples where no coding is required.We will cover the following topics in this case studyProblem StatementData Data Preprocessing 1Understanding DatasetData change and Data StatisticsData Preprocessing 2Missing valuesReplacing missing valuesCorrelation MatrixData Preprocessing 3OutliersOutliers Detection TechniquesPercentile-based outlier detectionMean Absolute Deviation (MAD)-based outlier detectionStandard Deviation (STD)-based outlier detectionMajority-vote based outlier detectionVisualizing outlierData Preprocessing 4Handling outliersFeature Engineering Models SelectedK-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Logistic regression AdaBoost GradientBoosting RandomForest Performing the Baseline TrainingUnderstanding the testing matrix The Mean accuracy of the trained models The ROC-AUC score ROC AUC Performing the Baseline TestingProblems with this ApproachOptimization TechniquesUnderstanding key concepts to optimize the approach Cross-validation The approach of using CVHyperparameter tuningGrid search parameter tuningRandom search parameter tuningOptimized Parameters ImplementationImplementing a cross-validation based approach Implementing hyperparameter tuning Implementing and testing the revised approach Understanding problems with the revised approach Implementation of the revised approachImplementing the best approachLog transformation of features Voting-based ensemble ML model Running ML models on real test data Best approach & SummaryExamples with No CodeDownloads Full Code"
Price: 19.99

"Cybersecurity with Data Science: Implementation"
"Machine learning is disrupting cybersecurity to a greater extent than almost any other industry. Many problems in cyber security are well suited to the application of machine learning as they often involve some form of anomaly detection on very large volumes of data. This course deals the most found issues in cybersecurity such as malware, anomalies detection, SQL injection, credit card fraud, bots, spams and phishing. All these problems are covered in case studies.Section 1:Statistics - Machine LearningLecture 1:Central Tendency (Preview)Lecture 2:Measures Dispersion (Preview)Lecture 3:Data Visualization (Preview)Lecture 4:Confusion Matrix, Accuracy and KappaSection 2:Case StudiesLecture 5:Introduction to Payment Fraud (Preview)Lecture 6:Machine Learning in Payment FraudLecture 7:""NO CODING""_Machine Learning in Payment FraudLecture 8:Introduction to MalwareLecture 9:Machine Learning in MalwareLecture 10:Introduction to PhishingLecture 11:Machine Learning in PhishingLecture 12:Introduction to IDSLecture 13:Machine Learning in IDSLecture 14:Introduction to SpamLecture 15:Machine Learning in SpamLecture 16:Introduction to Twitter Bot DetectorLecture 17:Machine Learning in Twitter Bot DetectorLecture 18:Introduction to Malicious SQL InjectionLecture 19:Machine Learning in SQL InjectionLecture 20:""NO CODE""_Machine Learning in Medical Fraud Detection (Preview)"
Price: 24.99

"Impara la Business Intelligence di Microsoft da zero"
"il corso esplora i vari aspetti della Business Intelligence, percorrendo in modo facile i vari step dall'analisi dei dati aziendali alla visualizzazione su Excel. L'intenzione del corso dare una panoramica pratica dell'argomento, costruendo un progetto reale di Business Intelligence. Volutamente non si va nel dettaglio dell'argomento, ma si lascia allo studente gli elementi per approfondire."
Price: 49.99

"Impara PowerPoint da zero"
"Il corso accompagna tramite lezioni passo passo alla creazione di una presentazione PowerPoint, coprendo tutti gli argomenti principali dell'applicativo. E' rivolto a tutti, anche se non si hanno particolari nozioni informatiche. E' composto di lezioni di massimo 10/11 minuti in modo da non risultare troppo impegnativo in termini di tempo da dedicarci. Il corso volutamente non scende nei particolari, ma fornisce una chiara panoramica delle funzioni che ti permetteranno di creare una presentazione accattivante"
Price: 19.99

"Yoga voor beginners"
"Start met yoga!Jij wilt beginnen met yoga. Je wilt leniger worden, meer kracht en balans krijgen, meer zen in je leven en meer flow hebben. Dat snap ik en daarom help ik je graag! Met deze online cursus yoga voor beginners, start je jouw yoga-reis aan het begin. Je leert precies hoe je de houdingen moet uitvoeren en hoe je ze kunt aanpassen, zodat ze bij jouw lichaamstype passen. Op momenten dat je er niet uit komt, ben ik er natuurlijk voor je! Leer stap-voor-stap de basis van yoga. Deze cursus is voor iedereen die wil beginnen met yoga of een sterkere basis wilt om op terug te kunnen vallen. Je leert alle klassieke yogahoudingen uit de hatha-traditie. We gaan aan de slag met ademhalingsoefeningen, met meditatie en ontspanning. Bij de cursus zit ook een werkboek met reflectieopdrachten.Deze online cursus yoga voor beginners bestaat uit:Maar liefst acht lessen waarmee je stap-voor-stap kennis leert maken met yoga. De eerste module gaat over de ademhaling je kan dus direct aan de slag kan met de eerste vier ademtechnieken uit de yoga. vervolgens vind je de lessen, hierover krijg je uitgebreide uitleg, zo maak je de oefeningen snel eigen! Er is een hele module met extra instructie video's voor diegene die net wat meer uileg nodig hebben of aanpassingen willen. Daarom past deze cursus bij elk lichaamstype. Als afluiting is er ook nog een module over meditatie en ontspanning. Heb je tussendoor vragen? Dan ben ik er voor je, stuur mij een bericht op neem contact op via de besloten FB-groep, waar je in contact kan komen met je mede cursisten.In deze yogacursus leer je:Hoe je stap-voor-stap de zonnegroet uitoefent;De voordelen van bepaalde ademhalingsoefeningen kennen en hoe je deze beoefend;De traditionele yogahoudingen uit de Hatha-yoga en hoe je deze uitvoert en in welke volgorde;Hoe je uitdagende houdingen kunt opbouwen en kan aanpassen, zodat ze bij je passen;Wanneer je welke houdingen wel (f niet) kan uitvoeren en hoe je ze eventueel kan aanpassen;Beter waarnemen op welk moment je spanning en ontspanning ervaart in je lichaam en je hoofd;Je bewust te worden van de mogelijkheid om je gedachten en lichaam te observeren;Ontspannen aan het eind van de yogabeoefening.Deze yogacursus is geschikt voor:Iedereen die wilt beginnen met yoga;Mensen die thuis yoga willen beoefenen;Beginnende yogi's die duidelijke uitleg willen over de basis van de yogahoudingen;Iedereen die meer geestelijk- en lichaamsbewustzijn wilt creren;Diegene die beter het verschil tussen inspanning en ontspanning wilt leren herkennen;Iedereen die wil ontspannen en met meer aandacht wil bewegen.Altijd al willen beginnen met yoga? Dan is dit is je kans. Thuis oefenen in je eigen tempo n ondersteund worden door mij op de momenten dat je het nodig hebt."
Price: 34.99

"Klavier - lerne Mercy von Shawn Mendes"
"Du wolltest schon immer das Lied Mercy von Shawn Mendes spielen knnen? Dann ist dieser Kurs wahrscheinlich genau das richtige fr dich. Dieser Kurs ist folgendermaen aufgebaut:EinfhrungTipps zur Haltung am KlavierKonkrete besession (Schritt fr Schritt)Intro1. Strophe2. Strophe1. Teil des Refrains 2. Teil des RefrainsOutroDie Gelernten Bausteine zu einem Stck machenTipps zum VorspielenIch wrde mich sehr freuen wenn du dich in diesen Kurs eintragen wrdest und zusammen mit mir Mercy von Shawn Mendes lernst ..."
Price: 19.99

"How to Automate Web App Testing using Selenium WebDriver API"
"This is a quick introductory course for manual testing professionals. With minimal Java skills the test script creation process becomes fun.Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. Selenium provides a playback tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). Benefits:Platform Portability. Testing is a repetitive process.Language Support. Software is written in a number of languages.Flexibility.Open Source Advantage"
Price: 24.99

"Criando sua experincia de viagem e aprendendo francs"
"Agora voc tem um curso que envolve aprendizado de francs para viagem e dicas para deixar suas frias mais fceis de planejar. Tudo aqui, neste curso de 10 mdulos que te levam pelas ruas de Paris, pelas obrigaes de papelada, dicas de passagens, transporte, alimentao... O melhor do Oh lala, Dani! compilado em mais de 6 horas de contedo para voc acessar de onde e quando quiser.Alm disso, voc conta com um material de apoio para download com informaes que vo te poupar horas de pesquisa no Google. Ah, e atravs dos nossos canais de comunicao (rede social e aqui na plataforma) voc pode tirar todas as suas dvidas e interagir com outros viajantes.Afinal, crescemos com experincias. As nossas e as suas.Bienvenue, bem-vindo, ao #FatorOhlala"
Price: 69.99

"Manipulador de Alimentos certificado Oficial"
"Con la realizacin de este curso se conseguir estar adecuadamente formado en la tarea de manipulacin de los alimentos, siendo la prioridad nica que, una vez finalizado, los alumnos se encuentren capacitados para realizar su trabajo con los conocimientos necesarios y con adecuacin a la legalidad vigente. Conocer las normas de higiene personal que tiene que cumplir un manipulador de alimentos. Conocer las causas de las intoxicaciones alimentarias y como prevenirlas. Conocer la importancia de la figura del manipulador a la hora de prevenir las enfermedades de transmisin alimentaria. Saber utilizar correctamente las cmaras de refrigeracin y congelacin para evitar la contaminacin cruzada y conservar los alimentos de forma segura. Fomentar actitudes correctas en la higiene de los alimentos. Conocer los procedimientos correctos de limpieza para que se lleven a cabo de una forma segura e higinica. Conocer los trminos ms importantes en relacin con la manipulacin de alimentos."
Price: 19.99

"vod do jazyka Python pro datovou vdu - esky"
"Kdy jsem ped lety zanal s datovou vdou, koupil jsem si knku Big Data: Revoluce, kter zmn zpsob, jak ijeme, pracujeme a myslme. Poten to bylo zajmav a motivan. Zde jsem se dozvdl o internetovch platformch pro analytiky a datov vdce, jako Kaggle, nebo Data Camp. Byl jsem tmto supermodernm tmatem naden a motivovn! Obrovsk zdroj informac, ochotn globln komunita, otevenost, komplexn pklady z relnho svta firem. Mlo to vak hek... Datov analzy a reln pklady aplikac z oblasti velkch dat a strojovho uen, zde byly prezentovny v jazyce Python. Protoe jsem tento jazyk neovldal, byly pro m zatky pomrn obtn... Zaal jsem se uit obecn Python - proel jsem komplexnmi kurzy na Sololearnu a Data Campu, a strvil jsem tm dva msce trninkem. Zjistil jsem vak, e a polovina informac, kter jsem se zde nauil, se v datov vd vbec nepouv...N kurz se proto sousted na vybran konstrukce a objekty jazyka Python, kter jako budouc datov vdec budete nezbytn potebovat, a u pro porozumn logiky existujcch model od pikovch analytik na Kagglu, nebo pro vytven vlastnch analz a model. Clem tohoto kurzu tedy je dostat vs rychle do tmatu ""jazyk Python pro datovou vdu"" a uetit vm as. Pomoci vm porozumt jazyku Python, kter je vedle jazyka R hlavnm globlnm nstrojem datov vdy, a dt vm zklady, na kterch mete zat stavt sv prvn samostatn datov projekty.Clem tohoto kurzu naopak nen udlat z jeho absolvent programtory - datov vdci v Pythonu nep komplexn programy, ani nevytv dn programtorsk veledla. Datov vdec pracuje s Pythonem interaktivn, metodou akce-reakce, pkaz-vsledek. Takto postupn pipravuje data, vytv a testuje sv modely, hled optimln vsledky. V souasn dob ji existuj, a rychle se dle rozvjej pokroil grafick prosted pro datov vdce, nap. skvl Knime, nebo Microsoft ML Studio. Pro vuku, vzkum, i vysvtlen model se vak dle pouvaj prosted typu Jupyter Notebook. Mekka datovch vdc - platforma Kaggle, kde je mon se skuten nauit na relnch pkladech, jak se v datov vd pohybovat, rovn pouv Jupyter Notebook a pm (negrafick) pstup. Platfroma Quantopian, pro automatick obchodovn s akciemi, nebo dal Data Science platforma DataCamp, apod. rovn pouvaj prosted typu Jupyter Notebook a pm zpis pkaz Pythonu. Pokud byste hledali een pro vae budouc lohy, napklad z oblasti aplikovanho strojovho uen, naleznete je opt ve form interaktivnch skript v jazyce Python (nebo R).Co budete potebovatSthnout si archiv s vukovmi materily - viz odkaz v prvn sekci kurzuJupyter Notebook s jazykem Python (on-line - viz lekce 1.1, nebo lpe off-line v rmci distribuce Anaconda - viz instruktn video).Pouit software - Anaconda, jazyk Python, a Jupyter Notebook jsou zdarma. Mme tst, e komunita datovch vdc, podporovan technologickmi giganty, nstroje pro datovou vdu sdl, jako tzv. open-source, a to vetn nejmodernjch a nejvkonnjch systm. Doporuuji navtvit i dal nae kurzy o datov vd:Elderberry Data - datov vda v ExceluElderberry Data - datov vda v PythonuElderberry Data - datov vda v Knime"
Price: 24.99

"PYTHON - NumPy pro datovou vdu - esky"
"Kurz obsahuje ucelen informace o zkladn knihovn jazyka Python pro datov vdce - o knihovn Numpy.Knihovna Numpy je zkladnm stavebnm kamenem ady dalch knihoven Pythonu pro prci s daty, jako napklad Pandas, Matplotlib, nebo SciKitLearn. Datov typ Numpy Array - homogenn n-rozmrn pole, je pouit tm v kad aplikaci strojovho uen, a u jde o rozpoznvn obrzk (Image Recognition), zpracovn pirozenho jazyka (Natural Language Processing), nebo o prediktivn analytiku.Kurz je tvoen vukovmi videi, vytvoenmi v interaktivnm prosted Jupyter Notebooku, pracovnmi notebooky pro jednotliv kapitoly, textovmi informacemi s odkazy na dal zdroje, a cvienm, kde si prci s knihovnou Numpy vyzkoute na een praktickch pklad. Absolvovn tohoto kurzu vm upevn zklady pro efektivn prci datovho vdce, a ped vm znalosti potebn pro pochopen operac provdnch v rmci klasickho strojovho uen a deep learningu."
Price: 19.99

Price: 13200.00

Price: 13200.00

Price: 15000.00

Price: 15000.00

Price: 10200.00

Price: 9000.00

"How to start selling on Amazon."
"This course takes you from 0 to having your first product all set and ready to be sold on Amazon. We will take you step by step through all the phases of getting your Amazon business started. From doing proper product research to finding your first product. Also on how to create your own brand and make the product your own, all the way through negotiating with suppliers and testing your first prototype. This course contains exclusive information gathered by AMZScout from working and interacting with thousands of its users that are successful sellers."
Price: 49.99

"APRENDA A INVESTIR: O dinheiro trabalhando para voc ;)"
"Bem vindos ao CURSO de INVESTIMENTOS para sua LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA, eu sei que isso pode assustar um pouco, quando entrei nesse MUNDO dos investimentos tambm me assustou.Mas tive a oportunidade de aprender com os MAIORES INVESTIDORES o real sentido do mundo dos investimentos, tambm dediquei horas e horas do meu tempo lendo dezenas e livros sobre o assunto, e cheguei em uma simples concluso: INVESTIR realizar o SONHO da LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA;)Isso mesmo, quando voc investe com propsito, voc alcana a LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA, nesse momento os rendimentos dos seus INVESTIMENTOS pagam seu estilo de vida dos SONHOS, e nessa JORNADA quero ensinar exatamente isso, voc vai aprender o que precisa, sem mimi das teorias financeiras, e sem as conversas fiadas de quem apenas FALA mais nunca FAZ.Tenha certeza, tudo que voc vai aprender nesse curso EU COLOCO em PRTICA na minha VIDA, voc vai ter todos os meus segredos, vou indicar e ensinar apenas o que eu fao.Se o que fao certo?!Os resultados vo mostrar para voc, ento garanta agora sua VAGA nesse incrvel CURSO que vai preparar sua vida para LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA."
Price: 279.99

"""Cmo ser Feliz!!"" Concete a ti mismo."
"No te ha ocurrido que te levantas sin ganas de ir a trabajar, o sin energa. Pensado Por qu te toca hacer lo que estas haciendo?No sabes que te gusta y menos que te hace feliz. Pues el inconveniente muchas veces radica en que no sabes quien eres!!Este curso est basado en mi libro ""La prctica de la Felicidad"", especficamente en materia de Autonocimiento. En el que encontraras herramientas para conocerte mejor, conocer lo que eres, y quien crees que eres, y lo que puedes llegar a SER. Contenidos:Introduccin a la Felicidad: definicin segn la cienciaHistoria de la Felicidad: antecedentes histricosLa ciencia detrs del autoconocimiento:Herramientas prcticas para descubrir:Quin EresCmo te ven los dems La historia de ti vida quin te hizoTipo de personalidad: miedo y motivadoresInteligencia EmocionalPsicologa positiva de Martn Seligman: placer, fluir, propsitoLas 5 dimensiones de la felicidad segn Tal Ben Shahar5 Hbitos de felicidad, retos y actividades. Es el primero de una serie de 7 cursos: PrximamenteLa prctica de la felicidad: relacin con los demsLa prctica de la Felicidad: atencin plena.La prctica de la Felicidad: comunicacin y cooperacinLa prctica de la Felicidad: hbitos mentales positivosLa prctica de la Felicidad: ciencia detrs de la gratitud y la innovacin.La prctica de la felicidad: la felicidad en la empresa."
Price: 19.99

"10 pasos para escribir tu libro (Cmo escribir un libro)"
"Si eres de los que quiere escribir un libro pero no sabe por dnde iniciar, qu se requiere y cmo son los trmites legales, pues este es el curso para ti. 10 pasos sencillos sobre todo el proceso que conlleva escribir un libro, incluye consejos y ejercicios prcticos. Contenido:10 pasos para escribir tu libroPaso 1. Intencin y tipo de libroPaso 2. Miedos y paradigmas al escribirPaso 3. Cmo iniciar: creatividad y Mapas metalesPaso 4. Planeacin y OrganizacinPaso 5. Consejos para RedaccinPaso 6. Revisin y edicinPaso 7. Diseo libro y portadaPaso 8. Editoriales y AgentesPaso 9. Plataformas de Publicacin en lnea (autopublicacin)Paso 10. Registro e ISBNEscribir un libro trae mucha felicidad, pero tambin es una buena opcin al momento de cuidar tus ideas. Despus de haber escrito 6 libros y ms de 100 artculos quiero hacerte la vida ms fcil!! Bienvenido!!"
Price: 19.99

"Recordacin e Interpretacin de Sueos"
"El mundo de los sueos es un lugar de creatividad, sanacin y evolucin.En este curso veremos como los ancestros utilizaban los sueos, la funcin del sueo, cmo dormir bien para recordar, tcnicas de recordacin e interpretar. Al final algunos consejos para los sueos lucidos.Si tienes curiosidad o quieres iniciar en la forma de recordacin e interpretacin de sueos ste es el curso para ti. Curso nivel bsico."
Price: 19.99