"Crea y sube tu tienda en lnea desde 0 usando Django" |
"Crea tu tienda en linea usando Django y otras tecnologas que facilitan el mundo del desarrollo web, de esta forma podrs hacerlo sin saber programar, de esta forma podrs llegar a tus clientes por un medio electrnico muy usado en este siglo; aprende consigo acerca de grandes tecnologa del mundo moderno"
Price: 24.99 |
"3ds max poligon modelleme" |
"snek birlikte alabilirlik3ds Max; Revit, Inventor ve Fusion 360'n yan sra SketchUp, Unity ve Unreal ile birlikte alr. (video: 3:05 dk.)VDEOYU ZLEYN>Yenilikler3ds Max iin ArnoldMAXtoA eklentisi 3ds Max ile entegre edildi, artk en yeni Arnold zelliklerine eriebileceksiniz.Akkan simlasyonuDorudan 3ds Max'te gereki sv hareketleri oluturun.Open Shading LanguageOpen Shading Language (OSL) haritalarn basit matematik dmlerinden tamamen yntemsel dokulara kadar oluturun.ekil Boole nesnesi3B Boole deerlerinden aina olduunuz kullanc arayzn kullanarak ak veya kapal ekiller iin 2 ya da daha fazla eri zerinde parametrik Boole ilemleri oluturun."
Price: 19.99 |
"Podstawy Fusion 360 Po Polsku" |
"Podstawy projektowania-modelowania w programie Fusion 360. Omwimy podstawowe funkcje w modelowaniu 3D oraz jak przygotowa element do druku 3D. Postaramy si omwi wszystkie niezbdne funkcje do podstawowego modelowania, ktre uatwia Ci projektowanie oraz zaliczenie przedmiotu na studiach z CAD. Po tym kursie bdziesz potrafi zaprojektowa proste elementy oraz nieco skomplikowane. Kurs nie jest dla osb, ktre ju kiedy projektoway, poniewa kurs bdzie w formie opisania programu oraz pokazania jego moliwoci w podstawowych opcjach."
Price: 399.99 |
"Java Exception handling from Basics to Advanced" |
"Exception Handling is a very important concept to learn. In Big, Small java projects Exception handling is Important because this brings the User Satisfaction and we can debug the problems very quickly if Adequate Exception handling in place.This is the very less understood concept - In this course we have tried to clear all the Concepts related to the topic with the help of animations and Code Examples.BEST THING About this course is that every concept is backed up by a code example.This covers most commonly occurred Java Exceptions - this way you can identify the common exceptions and their cause Quickly and code faster next time.This course covers most commonly occurred Java Errors as well.Also We have covered Exception Handling Best Practices!!So Enjoy the course and you can ask the Question in Q&A and we will respond as soon as possible please don't shy away."
Price: 49.99 |
"OOPS in Python 3 including SOLID Design principles" |
"In this Course you will learn Advanced python OOPS concepts using Pyhon 3. We will deep dive into each and every concept in detail and make every concept very clear and confusion free.By the end of this course you will be able to write Python code using classes and Objects more efficiently.We will also explain SOLID design principals applied in Python - this will help you understand how to use OOPS concepts in real life application.Each and every concept is backed by code example so that every concept is practically explained.Happy Learning and Post the Questions in Q&A we will respond as soon as we see them."
Price: 49.99 |
"50 Python Programming practice Questions from Level 1 to 5" |
"This is a course that will teach you learn programming differently. This course will solve and explain 50 programming problems by coding and explaining the logic in front of you.This course is divided into 5 Levels and every level will increase the complexity of the problem.Every Problem solved will be explained in three parts -PROBLEMLOGIC BUILDINGIMPLEMENTATION using PYTHONAs the level is raised the complexity is raised.Also every level is created to keep in mind that after clearing that level you will also be able to remember the logic forever as this is done using coding.COMPLETE PRACTICAL COURSE WHERE 50 PROGRAMS WILL BEWRITTEN AND LOGIC BEHINDIS EXPLAINED.OBJECTIVE1. LOGIC BUILDING2. PROGRAMMING PRACTICE3. PYTHON PROGRAMMING INTERVIEW QUESTIONIf you want to learn basics Python you may follow our course : python-for-beginners-latest-python-372-2019 search in UdemyComes with a money back guarantee so don't worry. Also, we will keep on adding and updating the course time to time with some more programs.We will be available to answers your questions as early as possible."
Price: 49.99 |
"Java Collections from basics to Advanced" |
"BEST in Class course for Java Collections, underlying implementation of Data Structures used in Collections, Advanced Java Collections,Concurrent Collections, Java Generics , Java Lambda and Streams to deal with any kind of data.This course will empower you to solve any data structure problem using Java.This course will not only cover Java way to deal with data - Java Collection Framework and Advanced Java Collection APIs but also cover the Modern way of dealing with data in Java by covering Lambda and Streams APIs to make your life easier.We will also explain the underlying data structure before coming to any collection implementation. We will cover all the below topics in detail :Arrays - Basics Java Construct all Data structures are directly indirectly built upon arrays Generics - Type safe and reuable Collections would not have been possible without it.Collections - Yeah! Most of the data structures Java already supplies in form of Collections.Concurrent Collections - Collections in multi threading environment,Lambda Expression - New Java way of writing codeStreams - Give sppeed to your collections and write clean and small code to do a lot of things.Details :Arrays 01 -Arrays and Single D Arrays02- MultiDArrays03- Declaration and initialization,creation of Arrays04- Playing with Syntax05- Traversing Arrays,Length of Array06- Types of Array based on elements it holds07- Assigning and Reassigning Array Objects to Array References08- Anonymous arraysCollections - Deep Dive ... we have broken this into multiple sections.List 01 - List interface 02 - Array Lists 03 - Linked Lists 04 - Vector 05 - Stack 06 - Cursors to travesrse the data... Then we will cover set under collections...01 - HashSet02 - LinkedHashSet03 - SortedSet04 - NavigableSet05 - TreeSet05 - Comparable and ComparatorThen we will move to MAP - and this a very important we have explained this in very very detail ...Belive me if you want to know a Data Structure make sure you know Map.... the complexity of searching and placing an element in Map is O(1).In Map we will cover... 01-HashMap and its internal Working 02-Difference bw HashMap and HashTable 03-Linked HashMap 04 - IdentityHashMap 05 - WeakHashMap 06 - Sorted Map 07 - NavigableMap 08 - TreeMap 09- Summary Of Map Then we will move to the next section ... Concurrent Collections... and this section is also very detailed.. 01 Section Introduction02 Need of Concurrent Collections03 Concurrent Modification Exception04 How Concurrent Collection Solved the problems05 ConncurentHashMap Heirarchy and Methods06 ConncurentHashMap internal Implementation07 ConncurentHashMap in Multithreading Envoirnment Program Demo09 CopyonWrite ArrayList10 CopyOnWriteArrayList - Constctuctors and Methods11 CopyOnWriteArraySetAfter That we will start Lambda Expression the efficient may to write code started in Java 8 , we will also show you how you will be able to simplify your collection code using ... Lambda..01 - Lambda Introduction02 - Write Lambda Expression03 - Functinoal Interfaces04 - Invoke Lambda05-few more Examples of invoking Lambda06 Lambda Summary07 Lambda With Collections08 comparator - Lambda09 Sorting a List Without Lambda and With Lambda10 predefined Functional Interfaces - Predicates11 Predicates Example12 function13 consumer14 Supplier15 Double Colun Operator Method reference 16 Double Colun Operator Constructor referenceAfter that we will start Streams i think the most important concept to learn if you are using Java 8 and Beyond, this can process your data not simply but efficiently.01- Streams basics code to get familiar with Syntax02- stream in Detail - Filter() and Map() Methods04- More on Methods in Streams05- More on Streams06 - Parallel Streams07 - Sequential vs Parallel streams performance Comparison08- Summary Of Streams and what we learnedWe will keep on covering Collections best Practice and common pitfallsBy End of this course you will start fall in Love in collections and with your data. You will also love Java's modern way of dealing with data using lambda and streams.We have covered each and every topic in very much detail.Last but not least : This course comes with a 30 days money back guarantee if it does not fit in your needs, and we are always available to answer your questions.HAPPY LEARNINGBasics Strong"
Price: 99.99 |
"Functional Programming in Java : Lambda Streams" |
"In this course we will explain : Lambda, Streams & parallel stream in detail. These are great Java feature that not only help doing a lot of things with less code but also provide the processing speed using parallel streams.In this course will be practice a lot of code hands on. and Cover these topics in detail.Lambda Expression Functional InterfacesLambda Expression With CollectionsPre-Defined Functional InterfacesPredicateFunctionConsumersSupplier:: Operator - method reference & Constructor referenceStreamsFunctions in StreamsParallel StreamsPerformance comparison between Streams and Parallel streamsHope this course will make you enable to code in java using Lambda and process your data like never before using streams.Don't worry this course comes under 30 days money back guarantee so you may return if you don't like the content.Please ask the Question in Q&A and we will respond as soon as possible. Please don't shy away.HAPPY LEARNINGMohitBasics Strong"
Price: 49.99 |
"Java Generics Uncomplicated practically" |
"Java Generics UnComplicated is a completely practical course starts with coding and end with coding.To help you to make your concepts crystal clear we have also included quizzes and coding exercises.In this course we have tried to make this topics UnComplicated for you.I will recommend to please be ready with your laptop or Desktop to code along with me.The topics that we will cover in this course are Making you familiar to generics with help of CodingGeneric Type - Generic classes and Generic-InterfaceExcerrcising-SubclassingCollection with genericsRaw-TypeMultiple Type ParameterSub-TypingGeneric-MethodsBounded Type Parameter Wildcards, Upper Bounded WildCards Lower Bounded WildcardType erasureI have also ... put some practice Questions as you make progress and i also recommend not to skip those questions...Last but not least there are couple of Home Work coding exercises.Try solving them before you look for the solution attached.By the end of this course you will not only become familiar with Generics but also, you will be ready to apply Generics in real life.The course comes with 100% Money back Gurantee so please feel free to ask for the refund if you don't like the course.Happy LearningBasics>Strong;"
Price: 49.99 |
"Java Object Oriented Programming Analysis Design OOPs & OOAD" |
"Best in class course if your objective is to build a Solid Foundation on OOPs and get your basics strong.This course Course Object Oriented Programming & Design in Java is created with a clear objective in mind to build a solid foundation in Object Oriented Programming.Because Solid and Strong Basics can lead to solve any programming problem! and help to write more elegant Machine and Human friendly code.Object Oriented programming is there for quite a while now but we found that the course covers either only programming syntax and concepts of OOPs or Design Principl and patterns.It is essential that when you start learning OOPs you should also learn many other related things like Design Principles, Object oriented design and Design Patterns as well because without learning these concepts your knowledge portfolio for OOPs is not complete.So we bring to you this course where we will not only cover Object Oriented Programming concepts in Java but also Design Patterns, and Design principles along with best practices and OOPs philosophy.This course also have sections where we will discuss about OOPs philosophy that will improve your thinking in Object oriented world.We have also created a small section on UML where we will discuss mainly class diagram and Sequence diagram that will help us learning design patterns.Outline of what we have covered in this coursePrerequisites to Learn OOPsClasses, ObjectsVariables-Methods-constructorspackages, import keywordAccess ModifiersNon-Access ModifiersYou may skip this section if you already know these concepts. After completing the same as we will be prepared to start the Journey. We will start discussing the actual OO conceptsOOPs ConceptsData HidingInterfaces and Abstract classAbstractionEncapsulationInheritance - ISA relationshipTypes of inheritanceAssociation with concepts of aggregationHAS-A Relationship and compositionPolymorphism - Overloading and overridingThis section will cover the basics of OOPs concept related to Java and in general.In Next section of the course we will Quickly discuss some philosophical Angles of OOPs to improve your thinking in Object Oriented world. This section will not havemuch of a coding but will after completing this you will certainly feel more confident and connected to Object Oriented World.After you start thinking clearly in OOPs we will start some of the very Important Design Principles in OOPs. These principles are the De Facto standard for object Oriented design for several years.Design PrinciplesSOLID principlesDRYKISSYAGNISLAPAfter completing this section you will be very confident and artistic in Object oriented programming.After completing this we will have a section on Quick UML where we will discuss Class and Sequence Diagram because that is necessary to learn Design PatternsUMLClass DigramSequence DaigramWe will use a lot of Sequence diagram and Class diagram in while discussing Design Patterns.Then we will come to a very popular topic in OOPs world and that is Design Patterns.We will discuss all 23 GOF design Patterns with the help of UML Code and Sequence diagram. Creational Design PatternsPrototype Design PatternBuilder Design PatternSingleton Design PatternFactory MethodAbstract Factory Design PatternBehavioural Design PatternsChain Of Responsibility PatternCommand Design PatternInterpreter Design PatternIterator Design PatternMediator Design PatternMemento Design PatternObserver Design PatternState Design PatternStrategy Design PatternTemplate Design PatternVisitor Design PatternStructural Design PatternAdapter Design PatternBridge Design PatternComposite Design PatternDecorator Design PatternFacade Design PatternFlyweight Design PatternProxy Design PatternAfter completing this we will discuss some of the coding best practicesBest practices.Technical DebtHigh CohesionLoose CouplingPrimitive Obsession - Code smellComment why not whatHope this should be enough for you to become comfortable in Object Oriented programming and design in Java.We have crafted the content, code examples and all other stuff in a way so that by end of this complete course you start feeling extremely comfortable and Confident in Programming OOPs.So I am excited to welcome you again to this course hope we will have a very fruitful Journey with a clear objective to learn OOPs and OOPs design.All the Best in building a SOLID foundation.This course come with a 30 Days Money back guarantee so do't worry if it does not fit into your needs.Welcome Again! and Happy LearningTeam Basics>Strong;"
Price: 199.99 |
"Python for beginners & logic building practice Questions 3.7" |
"Best in Class course for covering Pthon 3.7 for Complete Beginners. This course includes 50 Python programming exercises which will help you sharpening your logic and make you practice enough.This Python Course is for those who want to learn python programming just spending couple of hours over weekend.This course will first start with theory and explain you and enable you in logic building by explaining 50 programming problems.By End of this course you will not only learn how to program but also help you how to apply the theory and concepts to real programming problem.JUST SPEND a Weekend with this course and we will make sure you will learn Python and Programming.Comes with a 30 days Money back Grantee so don't worry if this course does not fit into your needsAnd we are always available to answer your questions as early as possible - please don't shy to ask the questions related to the subject.Happy Learning and Welcome Again!Basics>Strong;"
Price: 99.99 |
"Java Interview Questions Boot Camp - 1000+ Q& A Master Class" |
"Here we present our brand new course with a new learning objective.Java Interview Questions Boot Camp Master Class where we are covering a lot of Java topics; on Generics, Collections, MultiThreading, Design Patterns, OOPs, Functional Programming, OOAD and much more all in form of Interview Questions and answers.1000+ java QuestionsIn this course we have explained java concepts in form of 1000+ java QuestionsFirst of all you might be asking your self a Query important Question - why you should take this course?Before this let me clearly state that This course is not for complete Java Beginner. You should have some knowledge about Java like writing few programs and running them.Also, Please Note that; We have Attached few full length lectures from our other best selling course. Where we felt that we should explain the concept in great detail.Now let's see why you should take this course. There are multiple reasons for that Firstly To remember complex java concepts a programmer should keep on asking questions to himself so that it becomes easy to memorize the stuff for a long period.Our memory works better when we ask questions around a concept..SecondlyYou can take this course if you are interested in a particular topic like Collection, Multi-threading or Design patterns and questions around these topicsThis course is arranged and designed in a way thatYou can also skip the sections you think you have expertise on and if you want to take any particular section of your interest for example you want to check multi threading interview questions only. Its totally up to you.You have lifetime access to this course. You can come and learn whenever you want.ThirdlyBecause this is a very enhanced course where we are trying to explain possibly every Java Concept in form of Question and Answer with help of a lot a coding and practiceThis course covers questions for Every level of java developers but mostly Beginners and IntermediateWe will Cover the topics.1. Language Fundamentals 2. Operators & Assignments 3. Flow-Control. 4. Declarations and Access Modifiers 5. OOPs(Object Oriented Programming)6. Inner classes 7. ENUM 8. JVM Architecture, Garbage Collection 9. File I/O NIO 10. Serialization and Deserialization 11. Collections12. Generics 13. Concurrent Collections14. Multi Threading And Advanced Multithreading 15. java lang package 16. Exception Handling 18. functional programming in java using lambda and streams19. Design Principles20. Design PatternsAnd Last but not leastWe will keep updating this course by adding more questions. You also can suggest us any question you think should get covered.We will definitely add that in upcoming upgrade.Hope this clear all your doubts and set the expectations right.Happy LearningBasics>Strong;"
Price: 199.99 |
"Java Multithreading , Concurrency & Parallel Programming 2/e" |
"BEST in Class course for programmers to learn multitasking, MultiThreading and Parallel programming paradigm.Objective :Computers can execute more than one statements at a time this is called parallel processing. These days when there are multi core processors are easily available programmers should defiantly take advantage of parallel programming for scalable and highly performing and responsive application. This is only possible using Multi Threading programming.Multi threading programming comes with certain complexities and sometimes difficult to program. This objective of this course is make to enable -Basic Multi ThreadingAdvanced Multi threadingMulti ProcessingConcurrent CollectionsParallel algorithms.Asynchronous Programming using Completed Future Parallel Streams for Faster processing of Collections.If you are able to learn these concepts - you will be able to create applications, ready to scale and highly responsive.We will start from very basics and will deep dive into the very advanced concepts.We will start from basics by understanding - Introduction To Multitasking and MultihreadingCreating Thread and Understanding Its LifeThreading APIThen we will move further to challenges associated with - Concurrency ChallengesConcurrency Challenges & Race ConditionsFurther we will discuss into solutions to the challenges Achieving Mutual Exclusion or Solving he challengesLiveness ProblemsThe we will move into some related conceptsDaemon ThreadsFurther in the discussion we will move to some advanced concepts related to MultiThreading - Advanced Multithreading Thread Groups Thread Pool and Executors Thread Local Callable and FutureThe we will discuss Concurrent Collections and Concurrent Utilities Need of Concurrent Collections Concurrent Modification Exception How Concurrent Collection Solved the problems ConncurentHashMap Hierarchy and Methods ConncurentHashMap internal Implementation ConncurentHashMap in Multithreading Environment Program Demo CopyonWrite ArrayList CopyOnWriteArrayList - Constructors and Methods CopyOnWriteArraySet Count Down Lache Cyclic Barrier Blocking Queue Exchangers SemphoresThen we will write and solve some Algorithms using parallel processing Multi Processing and Parrlel Comutin Algorithums Implementing a Multithreading Chat SererWe will also Discuss CompletableFuture is used for asynchronous programming in Java.Hope you will enjoy the journey - please don't forgot to ask questions in Q&A and we will respond as quickly as possible.Last but not least - you got an option to return back the course within 30 days it you find it does not fulfill your needsSee you in the Course and Happy LearningBest ,Mohit"
Price: 199.99 |
artprofypart1 |
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Price: 54.99 |
artprofymakeup |
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Price: 39.99 |
"Multivariable Calculus" |
"In this course you will learn the most difficult topics of Multivariable Calculus in a clear, intuitive and easy to digest way. Master Multivariable Calculus (Multivariate Calculus)In this course you will learn.How to differentiate a Multivariable function.How to find the minima and maxima of a Multivariable function.How to use Lagrange Multiplier.How to solve Multiple Integral problemsWhat are JacobiansHow to apply Multivariable Calculus to real life problems.Multivariable Calculus is an extension of the Calculus that you studied during your High School days to functions of several variables. Multivariable Calculus has far reaching applications in Physics, Engineering and advanced Computer Science. So, if you are planning to make a career in a science you are very much likely to encounter Multivariable Calculus at least once in your life. The best part about learning Multivariable Calculus that hot career fields like Data Science require sound knowledge of advanced mathematics .Throughout this course I have tried my best to provide clear and intuitive understanding of the concepts though video lectures . Each and every concept has been supported by a reasonable number of examples so that you get a good grasp on the concepts involved. At the end of each section there are quizzes and practice tests along with solution that check the depth of your understanding and ensure that you get most out of the lectures.After completing this course you will able to solve the most dangerous problems of Multivariable Calculus. You will able to find the volume of complicated 3D figures and much more!This course works best forEngineering, Math and Physics major university students.Students looking for Multivariable Calculus course for Data ScienceIt can also serve the professionals looking for quick refresher of the subject.Enroll now!See you in the course...."
Price: 49.99 |
"Master Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Maps" |
"In this course you will learn about the fundamentals topics of Electronics Engineering like Logic Gates, Boolean algebra and Karnaugh Maps.Boolean algebra and karnaugh maps form the foundations of electronic circuits and computer science.In this course you will learnAbout logic gates.About the different applications of logic gatesHow to perform different Boolean algebraic manipulationsHow to solve different Boolean algebra problems.How to solve different problems involving Karnaugh Maps.Logic Gates, Boolean algebra and Karnaugh Maps find wide variety of applications in different fields of electronic s and computer science. Learning about these topics will help you in understanding advanced topics of electronics and computer science. If you are taking a basic electronics or computer science course at a university this course is certainly going to help you.In this course I have provided video lectures for each and every concept, these lectures are supplemented by quizzes and examples that will help you reinforcing your knowledge and will also help you in learning the techniques of problem solving .After completing this course you will be able to solve the difficult problems of Boolean algebra and karnaugh maps.This course works best forAdvanced high school and engineering students. However, this course can also serve the professionals looking for a refresher on the subject.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Ingls Completo 2.0" |
"Curso de Ingls Completo 2.0. Este o curso que ir te ajudar a chegar a fluncia em ingls. Atravs de aulas dinmicas e prticas, voc conseguir desenvolver e destravar seu ingls. As aulas contm explicaes claras e objetivas, alm de dicas para que voc possa evoluir estudando sozinho. Seja fluente!"
Price: 399.99 |
"Organic chemistry 101" |
"The course features organic chemistry basics and advanced topic ranging from*Alkanes *Alkenes *Alkynes *Alkanols*Alkyl halides*Alkanals/Aldehydes*Alkanones/ketones*Alkoxy Alkanes *Alkanoic acids *carbohydrates *proteins and amin acid *fats and oils:fatty acids e.t.c......And so many more on the rudiments of organic chemistry to equip for exam, free knowledgeSo basically student need a basic and intermediate knowledge of organic chemistry rudiments in the above listed organic compounds to be able to undertake this course so in the comment sections we will take the various puzzling question you may have about the ones Described above."
Price: 19.99 |
"As chaves para uma vida extreme" |
"Voc merece uma vida extraordinria! Marcello Antunes usou seus mais de 15 anos de experincia em desenvolvimento humano para apresentar a voc as 6 chaves que sero destravadas e far com que voc tenha uma vida extraordinria. Conecte-se consigo mesmo e descubra o poder que h dentro de si mesmo!"
Price: 99.99 |
"O poder do lder coach" |
"Desenvolva sua liderana baseado nas ferramentas que o coach oferece. Entenda qual seu estilo de liderana e como aplica-la nas diversas reas da sua vida e veja seus resultados pessoais e profissionais serem potencializados. Marcello Antunes trabalho mais de 10 anos liderando mais de 3 mil pessoas, hoje como coach, ele se dispe a transmitir todos os seus conhecimentos e dicas para que voc desenvolva sua liderana coach!"
Price: 89.99 |
"Stress Management: Easy Ways to Deal With Stress in 30 Min !" |
"Stress Management: Easy Ways to Deal With Stress in 30 Min ! - is a course for everyone who feels frustrated, anxious, worried or fatigued , and does not know, what to do about it.Sometimes, our body reacts to inappropriate situations and goes into stress. When in stress, the blood flow is directed to most important muscles required for fight or flight mode. Due to this, the amount of blood entering our brain reduces. As a result our decision making and brain functions will be reduced. This can lead to issues in our work and normal life. If we remain stressed for long, the level of cortisol is increased. This will lead to increase in our blood pressure, sugar level, decrease in sex drive, loss of sleep, weight gain, osteoporosis and less immunity. The good news is, there are many simple and amazingly effective techniques to manage stress. We will learn these techniques in this course.First we will understand what is stress. After that, we will learn, what are stress warning signals, how to check your stress vulnerability and amazingly effective , simple techniques to manage stress.The Science Behind The Course:This is a highly practical course. In this course, I took a very different approach. A concept is followed by a worksheet- where you will have chance to understand, evaluate, analyze and learn to remove your stress. We will also have demo videos for important topics.From understanding how our brain functions, to understanding about stress hormones, we will go into the details of stress situations and techniques to handle it.My Experience of the Topic:In last 25 years, I have trained thousands of people in my life coaching programs in more than 20 countries. During interactions with them, I realized, Stress is one of the most common problem people face.This has led me to develop this course, where people like you, who want to manage their stress situations, can learn this simple techniques, remove stress and can live a happy, healthy and peaceful life.Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to manage their stress situationsAnyone who is feeling frustrated, overworked, worried and wants to know how to deal with itAnyone who is open minded and is ready to try something new. This course is not for people who keep doing same old routines, again and again and are expecting results"
Price: 24.99 |
"NLP- TAKE Total control of your feelings NOW -NLP Anchoring" |
"Have you often felt Frustrated, Anxious, Stressed, Helpless or Unresourceful for any situation?Do you feel Negative most of the time ?Have you often observed that this negative state or frame of mind has adversely affected your behaviour?Your state or your mood, dictate your behavior. If you are in negative state, it affects your life, your family, your profession, your relationship.Being in negative state for long, adversely affect your mental and physical health. It increases stress, anxiety and lead to diseases like hyper tension , Blood Pressure, Heart problems and obesity.On the other hand, being in positive State helps you to access all your required resources. It provides you with Positive Mind, Positive Vibes and Positive life. It helps you to live a happy, healthy and peaceful life. It helps you to achieve your goals and life objectives.In this course, Milan Parikh- Certified NLP Master Practitioner, will take you through, step-by-step, easy to follow methods to change from negative to a more positive and resourceful state immediately, using Simple and Amazingly Powerful Technique of NLP Anchoring.You will start feeling more confident and more resourceful, whenever you wish.This course can help you to achieve success in your personal and professional life by following simple, step-by-step techniques and adopting easy to follow success rituals.Who this course is for:People who are willing to operate at their optimum potential and use their minds effectivelyPeople who want to live a life of a WINNER!People who want to unleash tremendous power of their mindThis course is for people who have realized that their, mood and feelings affect their outcomes. And want to learn how to change their state from negative to more positive and resourceful state"
Price: 24.99 |
"Forex MetaTrader 4 : News System Complete Guild" |
"? 40 ? Forex Forex"
Price: 600.00 |
"15 minutes English language to Thai Karaoke for travel @Thai" |
"If you have a problem for use language in Thailand, This course will help you to speak and learn in Thai language for the tourist. Because words is used general in Thailand and easy to used. This is basic Thai language for the tourist i recommend because you can used everywhere in Thailand."
Price: 24.99 |
"TAROT e Cabala - Pelo Mtodo Cientfico" |
"A obra est organizada em quatro partes. Na primeira, introduzimos a proposta, conceituamos misticismo, ocultismo, cincia e crendices, apresentamos o mtodo cientfico e como ele empregado nos nossos estudos msticos. Na segunda parte explicamos a Cabala, desde as suas origens aos detalhes de cada um dos seus elementos e como estes elementos explicam a realidade que percebemos. Na terceira parte, detalhamos o significado de cada uma das 78 cartas do Tarot, relacionado-as aos elementos cabalsticos que elas ilustram. Finalmente, de posse de condies de contorno da Fsica Quntica, ensinamos a formulao das perguntas, exemplos de jogos, questes ticas e morais ao usar a taromancia como profisso."
Price: 189.99 |
"Amazon Satc FBA ve Dropshipping Eitimi" |
"Eitim, balang seviyesinden ileri dzeye kadar kapsamaktadr. Amazon'da dropshipping ve fba zerine younlalm, en temel seviyeden, en ileri seviyeye kadar eitim verilecektir. Satlarnz artracak, sizi iyi bir Amazon satcs yapacak dzeye ulaabileceksiniz. Hi bir yer de bulunmayan ve inlilerin sat artrma teknii olarak uygulad teknikleri renecek, bir ok Amazon satcsnn nne geebileceksiniz.n Bilgi:n bilgi gerektirmez, daha nce hi Amazon'da sat yapmam kiiler iin de uygundur.Amazon'da sfrdan satlarnz artrmaya ynelik tm bilgileri ierir.Eitimi tamamladktan sonra Amazon'da bir satc hesab aabilecek, sat yapmaya balayabilecek bilgiye ileri dzeyde sahip olacaksnz.Hi bir yer de bulunmayan ve inlilerin sat artrma teknii olarak uygulad teknikleri renecek, bir ok Amazon satcsnn nne geebileceksiniz"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn how to assemble and paint beautiful miniatures" |
"Learn how to assemble, coat and paint your miniatures! This guide will lead you through this beautiful hobby, that can be really hard to face alone. Master your paintbrush and your colors, master the main techniques, and you will be able to paint stunning and wonderful models! Let's follow me on the course."
Price: 59.99 |
Holyscapes |
"No settled family or community has ever called its home place an environment. None has ever called its feeling for its home place biocentric or anthropocentric. None has ever thought of its connection to its home place as ecological, deep or shallow. The concepts and insights of the ecologists are of great usefulness in our predicament, and we can hardly escape the need to speak of ecology and ecosystems. But the terms themselves are culturally sterile. They come from the juiceless, abstract intellectuality of the universities which was invented to disconnect, displace, and disembody the mind. The real names of the environment are the names of rivers and river valleys; creeks, ridges, and mountains; towns and cities; lakes, woodlands, lanes roads, creatures, and people.Wendell Berry (1993) Where are you right now? This may seem like a simple question, but it's at the heart of a deep unease Western culture and civilization. Holyscapes is a project that seeks to explore the 'where' of our lives with the deep rooted 'why' at the heart of who we are as creations of a loving Creator. The purpose of this course is to explore together the coming together of our inner landscapes with the world around usthe points of contact between landscapes of earth and soul. In this course and in the series of courses that are to follow, I am eager to explore with you the depth and breadth of the worlds rich spiritualities of place and landscape (particularly forested landscapes). While much of my public writing happens under the name Holyscapes, another popular term for this relationship is Spiritual Ecology. Holyscapes as a project could be characterized as nested within the broader Spiritual Ecology movement.Spiritual Ecology boldly proclaims that our current ecological crises are just as much moral crises as they are political, economic and technological. Certainly we need all hands on deck, solutions and minds from all sectors of society, but spiritual ecology focuses its energy diagnosing the problems with our inner ecosystems as much as we need to work together to solve problems on a global ecological scale.Climate change and global ecological change can often feel abstract, but its effects are always locally felt, and felt in radically different ways in different parts of the world. Thus, this course will feature a combination of theoretical, case-based, and practical knowledge aimed at equipping us with the tools and instincts to be better readers of our places. To fall in love with our places as a mode of global ecological activism.This course provides an opportunity to cultivate an awareness to place, landscape, and the people and creatures with whom we inhabit the world, while at the same time working within whatever spiritual or religious tradition you may (or may not) subscribe to in order to explore the contours of the vast terrain within. This is not to say that the course advocates a dualist perspective (spirit and matter as distinct substances). Rather, interiority is more of a contour of the many folds that make up the world, rather than a compartment within it. This course will be an overview and an invitation to engage in a lifelong practice of ecological literacy, deepened sense of place, and personal introspection.Consider becoming a Patron for free access to this and all future Holyscapes Workshops. Just search Holyscapes on Patreon dot com!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Aprender a crear base de datos y a hacer consultas en SQL" |
"Quieres aprender una habilidad que pueda ayudarte a generar mas ingresos? Si es as, entonces este curso es para ti!SQL (lenguaje de consulta estructurado) es el lenguaje que utilizamos para interactuar con las bases de datos que almacenan datos. Esto nos permite recuperar datos con facilidad y simplicidad. A medida que trminos como inteligencia empresarial y big data se vuelven ms familiares, las empresas necesitarn ms personas para aprender el lenguaje SQL.Este curso le ensear cmo usar el lenguaje SQL dentro de MySQL, uno de los motores de base de datos ms populares del mundo.Tendr muchas lecciones en video para ensearle la mayora del contenido."
Price: 270.00 |