"Blender 2.8: Create Photorealistic Exterior 3D Environments" |
"The Main Objective is to Show You the Process of Turning a Real Image into a Realistic 3D Scene.You will Learn the Basics and Principles of Achieving Photorealism by Working on a real reference example of a Exterior Environment: Something that exists in Real Life. You Will Learn everything You need to turn any image reference into a high quality realistic 3D scene in Blender"
Price: 89.99 |
"Learn Photorealism: Create a Maldive Island in Blender 2.8" |
"In this Class You will Learn the Basics and Principles of Achieving Photorealism by Working on a real reference example of a Maldive Island: Something that exists in Real Life.No Other Software's Are Required!! All You need is Blender and Blender OnlyYou Will Learn everything You need to turn any image reference into a high quality realistic 3D scene in BlenderGrab the reference image ""Maldive Island"" and apply the exact same steps from image to final render.- Step 1: Install & Use fSpy add-on to match the exact scale of our reference- Step 2: Build the scene and add all the details in our reference- Step 3: Create all materials needed (by following the instructions)- Step 4: Assign the materials to their objects in Blender 2.8- Step 5: Set the correct lighting in our scene- Final Step: Render the scene & Create a Final AnimationBig Thanks to these Awesome People:- Steve from CG Geek- Andrew Price- Darren Lile"
Price: 129.99 |
"ANGULAR 8 et Firebase par la pratique" |
"Dans ce cours, nous apprendrons utiliser Angular 8 autour d'un cas pratique visant une application web pour une agence immobilire. Cette formation courte mais exhaustive vous permettra de connatre tous les fondements et bonnes pratiques du framework afin d'tre autonome.Vous apprendrez communiquer avec la base de donnes Firebase, grer des comptes utilisateur, intgrer un CRUD, paramtrer la navigation, grer l'envoi d'images ainsi que scuriser les accs certaines pages.Grce Angular, il m'a fallut 3 jours pour dvelopper l'application que nous verront en cas pratique dans ce cours. Sans framework, le dveloppement d'une telle application avec autant de fonctionnalits pourrai prendre facilement 2 semaines en intensif.Angular est conu pour vous rendre la tche plus facile et avoir un code plus optimis et organis."
Price: 104.99 |
"Solidworks Mekanik Modelleme Eitimi" |
"Batan sona etkileimli rnekler ve alma teknik resimleri ile desteklenen bu Eitim her zaman gncellenen, yllarn birikimini tayan ve piman olmayacanz bir eitimdir. Bu eitimde bir snr olmamakla birlikte, srekli kendini gncelleyen bir eitimdir. Solidworks anlatm ve uygulama izimleri ile yeni balayanlarn program renmesi salanrken, program kullanmay bilenler iin bilgilerini tekrar etmesi salanr. 2D izim, 3D izim ve Montaj uygulamalarnn iziminden de bol bol bahsedeceim bu eitim videolarnda, imdilik Sketch (izim), Part (Para), Assembly (Montaj), Drawing (Teknik Resim), Render (Grsellik) ve Sheet Metal (Sa Metal) konularnda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz. Ayrca zamanla daha fazla video ierii ve SolidworksHanesi paylamlar pdf olarak eklenecektir. Kurs bitiminde Udemy tarafndan size verilecek olan Sertifika'y CV'nize ekleyebilirsiniz. Eitimimiz hem anlatm hemde izerken renme niteliinde olup, sizin en iyiye ulamanz salayacaz. Eitim ierisinde kullandmz dkmanlar mevcut olup, kendinizi gelitirebileceiniz farkl dokmanlar da sizlerle zamanla paylalacaktr. Ayrca Eitimimiz belli bir eitim videosu ile snrl kalmayacak SREKL GNCELLENECEKTR. Soru - Cevap ksmndan her zaman sorularnz sorabilir, isteklerinizi iletebilirsiniz.Solidworks Mekanik Modelleme Eitimine HOGELDNZ..."
Price: 199.99 |
"Solidworks Mekanik Modelleme rnekleri" |
"Solidworks Mekanik Modelleme rnekleri eitimi SolidworksHanesi instagram sayfas ibirlii ile almtr. Eitim ierisinde ileri ki zamanlarda SolidworksHanesi destekli teknik resimler paylalacak ve ara sra rnek izimler ile gncellenecektir. Gncellemeler yaplrken SolidworksHanesi paylamlarnn beeni ve yorum durumu gz nnde bulundurulacaktr. Anlatmdan memnun kalmanz halinde, dier eitimlerimi incelemenizi tavsiye ederim. Her zaman en iyiye gitmek iin, bol bol rnek izimler yapmay unutmayn."
Price: 49.99 |
"Solidworks Flow Simulation Eitimi" |
"SolidWorks Flow Simulation, tasarmlarnzda nem arz eden akkan akn, s transferini ve akkan kuvvetlerini hzl ve kolayca analiz etmelerini salayan gl bir aratr. Sizin, sv ak analizinin avantajlarndan yararlanmasn salar. Daha iyi kararlar alarak ve tasarmlarnzda stn performans elde etmek iin tasarm varyasyonlarnz hzla karlatrlabilir.rnein bir vanadan geen su akn (basn, hz ve trblans) en iyi duruma getirmek zere analiz edebilir, bir cihazlardaki, tplerdeki ve dar kanallardaki ak test edebilir veya eitli baka uygulamalarn yan sra aralarn evresindeki hava akn denetleyebilirsiniz. Akkan ak analizi, otomotiv, havaclk, savunma, canl bilimi, makine ve ileri teknoloji gibi ok eitli sektrlerde kullanlabilir. Aslnda, neredeyse her tasarm srecinin bir noktasnda, s veya sv, dahili veya harici, akkan dinamikleriyle karlalmaktadr.Bu eitimi alarak analizlerinizi nasl gerekletirebileceinizi rnekler ile greceksiniz."
Price: 399.99 |
"Autocad 2019 ile Teknik izim" |
"Bu eitim program mhendislik, mimarlk, teknikerlik ve teknisyenlikte kullanlan AutoCad programnn uygulamal eitimini vererek Temel Autocad izim program becerisi kazandrmaktr. Eitimde Autodesk Autocad 2019 kullanlm olup, bol rnekler ile konular pekitirilmeye allmtr. Eitim sonunda tm kursiyerlerimize Udemy katlm belgesi udemy sayfas tarafndan verilecektir. rnek izimler her ara ara ilave edilecek ve izimi yaplan teknik resimler kursiyerlerimiz ile paylalacaktr."
Price: 149.99 |
"Curso Pentatnica Rock/Blues" |
"O curso de Pentatnica Rock/Blues foi criado para mostrar novas possibilidades ao tocar essa escala desbloqueando a mente do guitarrista, tornando seu solo incrvel. Nas aulas eu mostro vrios exerccios que podem alavancar qualquer performance, apresentando novos rumos com o seu instrumento. O curso contm:Mais de 80 aulas que mudaro a sua viso sobre a escala pentatnica30 LicksAula com os melhores truques dos guitarristas famososTodo material escrito em PDFSuporte Online"
Price: 189.99 |
"Trigonometry for O Level Add Math" |
"Target AudienceThis course is for students preparing for GCE O Level Additional Math ExamStudents who are studying in Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 in high school will benefitObjectiveThis course can be used as a revision course for students whowant to challenge themselves with more difficult math questionswant to enhance their knowledge by attempting deep concept questionsRequirementsStudents should have a basic understanding of the topic on Trigonometry and application of trigonometryThis course willenhance the understanding of students by showing example questionsillustrate concepts and strategies in solving challenging differentiation problem sumsTopics coveredProving Trigonometric Identity and solving Trigonometric EquationsSolving Trigonometric Special Angle QuestionsSolving Trigonometric Graphs, Period and Amplitude QuestionsSolving Trigonometric Questions on R-formulaHow is this course different from other Math courses?In this course, students will learn how to solve challenging and typical examination questions that are similar to high school Additional Mathematics at the GCE Ordinary Level.Sample questions will first be discussed in the videos. Step by step the approach and strategy of top mind students will be introduced, concepts will be explained followed by the steps to the solution.Quizzes will be given to students to solve, followed by explanations on how to approach and solve the questions on videos.Students will benefit largely by grasping the concepts and strategy. You are not alone in solving the challenging problem sums!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Calculus: Differentiation and Integration for O Level A Math" |
"Target AudienceThis course is for students preparing for GCE O Level Additional Math ExamStudents who are studying in Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 in high school will benefitObjectiveThis course can be used as a revision course for students whowant to challenge themselves with more difficult math questionswant to enhance their knowledge by attempting deep concept questionsRequirementsStudents should have a basic understanding of the topic on Differentiation and application of differentiation and IntegrationThis course willenhance the understanding of students by showing example questionsillustrate concepts and strategies in solving challenging differentiation problem sumsTopics coveredDifferentiationApplication of DifferentiationTangents and NormalsRates of change, increasing and decreasing conceptsMaxima and minima 3. Integration 4. Application of IntegrationArea under a curveKinematicsHow is this course different from other Math courses?In this course, students will learn how to solve challenging and typical examination questions that are similar to high school Additional Mathematics at the GCE Ordinary Level.Sample questions will first be discussed in the videos. Step by step the approach and strategy of top mind students will be introduced, concepts will be explained followed by the steps to the solution.Quizzes will be given to students to solve, followed by explanations on how to approach and solve the questions on videos.Students will benefit largely by grasping the concepts and strategy. You are not alone in solving the challenging problem sums!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Calculus: Integration and Circles for GCE O Level Add Math" |
"Target AudienceThis course is for students preparing for GCE O Level Additional Math ExamStudents who are studying in Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 in high school will benefitObjectiveThis course can be used as a revision course for students whowant to challenge themselves with more difficult math questionswant to enhance their knowledge by attempting deep concept questionsRequirementsStudents should have a basic understanding of the topic on Integration, Area under a curve, Kinematics and Circles.This course willenhance the understanding of students by showing example questionsillustrate concepts and strategies in solving challenging integration problem sumsTopics coveredIntegrationApplication of IntegrationArea under a curveKinematics 3. CirclesHow is this course different from other Math courses?In this course, students will learn how to solve challenging and typical examination questions that are similar to high school Additional Mathematics at the GCE Ordinary Level.Sample questions will first be discussed in the videos. Step by step the approach and strategy of top mind students will be introduced, concepts will be explained followed by the steps to the solution.Quizzes will be given to students to solve, followed by explanations on how to approach and solve the questions on videos.Students will benefit largely by grasping the concepts and strategy. You are not alone in solving the challenging problem sums!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Quadratic Equations, Sum-Product of Roots and Inequalities" |
"Target AudienceThis course is for students preparing for GCE O Level Additional Math ExamStudents who are studying in Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 in high school will benefitObjectiveThis course can be used as a revision course for students whowant to challenge themselves with more difficult math questionswant to enhance their knowledge by attempting deep concept questionsRequirementsStudents should have a basic understanding of the topic on Quadratic Equations, Sum-Product of Roots, Inequalities, Remainder Theorem, Surds, Logs and Indices.This course willenhance the understanding of students by showing example questionsillustrate concepts and strategies in solving challenging problem sumsTopics coveredQuadratic EquationsSum-Product of RootsInequalitiesRemainder TheoremSurdsLogs and Indices.How is this course different from other Math courses?In this course, students will learn how to solve challenging and typical examination questions that are similar to high school Additional Mathematics at the GCE Ordinary Level.Sample questions will first be discussed in the videos. Step by step the approach and strategy of top mind students will be introduced, concepts will be explained followed by the steps to the solution.Quizzes will be given to students to solve, followed by explanations on how to approach and solve the questions on videos.Students will benefit largely by grasping the concepts and strategy. You are not alone in solving the challenging problem sums!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Binomial Partial Fractions Linear Graphs for O Level A Math" |
"ObjectiveThis course can be used as a revision course for students whowant to challenge themselves with more difficult math questionswant to enhance their knowledge by attempting deep concept questionsThis course willenhance the understanding of students by showing example questionsillustrate concepts and strategies in solving challenging problem sumsTopics coveredBinomial TheoremPartial FractionsLinear GraphsHow is this course different from other Math courses?In this course, students will learn how to solve challenging and typical examination questions that are similar to high school Additional Mathematics at the GCE Ordinary Level.Sample questions will first be discussed in the videos. Step by step the approach and strategy of top mind students will be introduced, concepts will be explained followed by the steps to the solution.Quizzes will be given to students to solve, followed by explanations on how to approach and solve the questions on videos.Students will benefit largely by grasping the concepts and strategy. You are not alone in solving the challenging problem sums!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Surds, Logs Coordinate and Plane Geometry for O Level A Math" |
"ObjectiveThis course can be used as a revision course for students whowant to challenge themselves with more difficult math questionswant to enhance their knowledge by attempting deep concept questionsThis course willenhance the understanding of students by showing example questionsillustrate concepts and strategies in solving challenging problem sumsTopics coveredSurdsLogarithms (Logs)Coordinate GeometryPlane GeometryHow is this course different from other Math courses?In this course, students will learn how to solve challenging and typical examination questions that are similar to high school Additional Mathematics at the GCE Ordinary Level.Sample questions will first be discussed in the videos. Step by step the approach and strategy of top mind students will be introduced, concepts will be explained followed by the steps to the solution.Quizzes will be given to students to solve, followed by explanations on how to approach and solve the questions on videos.Students will benefit largely by grasping the concepts and strategy. You are not alone in solving the challenging problem sums!"
Price: 109.99 |
"The Qlik Sense Mashup Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to the Qlik Sense Mashup Bootcamp!This is the only course you need to master Front End Web Development, the Qlik Sense APIs and build fully responsive Web Mashups. By the end of this course you will be able to build Qlik Sense Mashups using both the Capabilities APIs and EnigmaJS, leveraging popular frameworks and libraries such as Bootstrap, RequireJS and Webpack.This course includes:6 Complete ProjectsAccess to our Slack community+25 hours of video content+200 LessonsWe will start with the basics to ensure you have the foundational HTML, CSS and Java Script knowledge to get started using the Qlik APIs. We will then dive into building complete mashup projects using both the Capability APIs and EnigmaJS. This will include building a re-usable Mashup Template, loads of practice using and manipulating Qlik HyperCubes and mastering Qlik's open source charting library PicassoJS.Looking forward to welcoming you to the course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Vida Plena a Travs de Mindfulness Prctico" |
"La prctica de Mindfulness est cada vez ms extendida gracias a los grances beneficios que nos aporta, demostrado por la comunidad cientfica y al alcance de todos nosotros.La gran ventaja del Mindfulness es que podemos practicarlo en cualquier momento y lugar, y extender sus beneficios a todos los mbitos de nuestra vida.Este curso de Mindufulness est divido en dos partes fundamentales, una terica y de entendimiento, y otra prctica. La parte terica te permitir adquirir una gran informacin sobre el mindfuness y su significado, mientras que la parte prctica te ayudar a llevar a cabo la prctica del Mindfuness de una forma fcil a travs de meditaciones guiadas.Consigue reducir tu nivel de sufrimiento, estrs, mal humor, irritabilidad... e incluso aumentar tu capacidad de memoria y creatividad. El Mindfulness te permitir mejorar a nivel mental y fsico, eliminando pensamientos perturbadors y disfrutando del momento presente.Si quieres disfrutar de una vida ms plena no puedes dejar pasar este curso de Mindfuness. Te espero en clase!."
Price: 129.99 |
"Operando na Prtica com Criptomoedas: Do Zero ao Avanado" |
"O curso iniciado com os Fundamentos sobre Bitcoins, Blockchain e Exchanges;Na segunda seo abordado o cadastro e validao da conta nas Exchanges, alm do depsito e saque em reais e da compra, transferncia e venda de criptomoedas;A seo trs apresenta algumas informaes relevantes quanto ao Riscos em Investimentos e Criptomoedas; Na seo 4 a diante, abordado os Fundamentos, Simulao Estratgica e Operaes Reais para os diferentes Tipos de Operao (Hold, Spread, Trade, Arbitragem de Bitcoins e Pares com Altcoins)."
Price: 294.99 |
"Curso Prtico: Aprenda a Comprar e Vender Bitcoins" |
"O curso iniciado dando suporte para conseguir acessar uma corretora de negociao;Na corretora (exchange) voc aprender a se cadastrar, validar a conta e obter a autenticao de 2 fatores;Em seguida, aprender a transferir dinheiro da conta bancria para a exchange;Usando dinheiro, vamos comprar, vender e transferir bitcoins;Para finalizar, ensinado a sacar o dinheiro da exchange para a conta bancria."
Price: 84.99 |
"Curso Prtico: Aprenda a Comprar e Vender Aes na Bolsa" |
"O curso totalmente prtico, onde a tela do meu computador gravada e exibida.Primeiramente, ensinarei a se cadastrar nas corretoras. Em seguida, vamos aprender a depositar dinheiro na corretora e a comprar e vender aes na mesa de operaes.Aps assistir o curso, voc saber a comprar e vender aes na bolsa brasileira."
Price: 84.99 |
"Tesouro Direto: Do Zero ao Primeiro Investimento" |
"Voc sabia que investir no Tesouro Direto rende mais do que a Poupana?Dessa forma, esse curso iniciar pelos conceitos Fundamentais do Tesouro Direto, explicando sobre os Ttulos Venda na pgina do Tesouro Nacional.Em seguida, ser ensinado os principais Fatores que Interferem no Lucro dos Ttulos.E para finalizar, voc aprender a Escolher o Melhor Ttulo Venda e acompanhar um eu Comprando um Ttulo do Tesouro Direto. Alm da compra, estarei relatando o Andamento da Rentabilidade desse ttulo comprado."
Price: 84.99 |
"Como criar Marcas do Zero - Pequenos e Mdios Negcios" |
"Voc est comeando um negcio? Ou j tem um, mas no tem conhecimentos nenhum de marketing e propaganda e gostaria de aprender mais? Ento vem c que esse curso para voc! Em qualquer ao de marketing ou propaganda, o principal ter um conceito de marca j bem estabelecido. Saber quem voc e o que voc representa no mercado. Tambm saber quem o seu pblico e qual a melhor maneira de se mostrar para ele. E pode acreditar, de nada vai valer aquele curso super avanado de marketing se voc no tiver essa base to importante.Este curso um composto de vdeo-aulas, tarefas e leituras que vo te ensinar como criar uma marca desde os primeiros passos. Pensado para pequenos e mdios negcios e para pessoas iniciantes na rea. So conceitos tericos e prticos para que seu negcio vire um grande sucesso! E aproveita que est baratinho, uma chance dessa no d para deixar passar."
Price: 39.99 |
"Programao para Iniciantes usando Portugol Studio" |
"Ol! Eu sou Elieser A. de Jesus, bacharel em Cincia da Computao e mestre em Computao Aplicada!Nesse curso vou compartilhar com voc o que eu aprendi em 14 anos envolvido com programao de computadores.J programei jogos, sistemas e leciono em universidade a quase 10 anos.Alm disso, eu tambm sou msico, e juntei as minhas paixes em um projeto chamado JamTaba, um software que permite tocar online com msicos de outros pases. Nesse projeto eu sou o principal programador e trabalho com colaboradores de vrios pases.Nesse curso voc aprender a base para a programao de computadores: a lgica de programao.Eu planejei esse curso baseado nas dificuldades que eu venho observando nos alunos. Como professor eu percebo que a dificuldade para aprender a programar est relacionada com dificuldades de raciocnio lgico e resoluo de problemas. Pensando nisso eu criei esse curso dando nfase nessas questes, e s depois entramos na codificao. Para iniciantes muito ruim tentar codificar antes de entender a lgica de programao. Geralmente isso causa muitos problemas de aprendizagem.Esse curso est direcionado para:- Pessoas que no tem qualquer noo e querem aprender programao;- Estudantes de graduao que queiram complementar suas aulas relacionadas programao; e- Estudantes de ensino mdio que cursam disciplinas relacionadas com programao e que queiram se aprofundar.Seja bem vind@!"
Price: 114.99 |
"Understanding Systems of Oppression" |
"Understanding systems of Oppression to better access leverage points for personal and collective liberation. How to decolonize your mind, your relationships, and your organizations. A comprehensive course unpacking social justice theories. No quiz/test evolving education model. Resources to meet multiple learning styles. Goal of collective Liberation. Some of the subjects covered: Systemic Oppression Defining Social Justice Terms.Social Permaculture and Climate Action Trauma Response (Intergenerational Transmission) and Trauma recovery MicroaggressionsSocial Science Evaluation & Monitoring techniques Racial Identity formationBronfenbrennersGenogramsPsychology and Social Justice Multicultural competent counselingBowens Theory Social Dominance TheoryWhite Fragility Tools for White Allies in Countering RacismEmpowerment Tools for marginalized communities like LGBTQI & BIPOC and much morespecial focus on intersectional movements Detailed Description: Understanding Systems of Oppression:How Sustaining Self and Others forms a feedback loop.Decolonization, Empowerment, and Trauma focus on anti-discriminationIntersectional movements and approaches to increase efficiencyInnovating activism to bridge across divides.Introverted activism, and a revolution of the heart.Unpacking social justice theories to better access liminal spaces as leverage points for personal and collective liberation.Utilizing comics, games, exercises, articles, lectures, case studies, journaling, mindfulness & meditation, somatic trauma release practices and more to meet multiple learning stylesIntersectionality (Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia), hegemony, Institutional racism, and white cis-patriarchial heteronormative supremacy, legitimizing the authority of the normative and power. Intersectional movements (such as social justice & climate action)Systems Theory The role utilizing larger models and assessments on assisting in comprehensive analysis of how oppression is woven and unwoven in individuals and collectives. Genograms and tracking intergenerational patterns, Bronfenbrenner model, Social Dominance Theory and Testing, Bowens Nuclear Systems Theory and inventory. Evaluation methods for multicultural competence.How the legitimization of authority and identity formation plays a role in countering or perpetuating oppression: medical-industrial complex classifying defect to necessitating cure, How integration is not assimilation development of psychologically recognized Racial & Integrated models (other social locations) of Identity formation stages and phasesTrauma How it factors into the perpetuation of oppression as a barrier to engagement and a catalyst for transformation. Dialectic deficiencies from subversive triggers (white fragility), contexts such as how the oppressed becomes the oppressor. the accumulation of trauma on lowering self-determination. limited emotional Intelligence and social capacity's role in creating far-right thinking, Microaggressions & Intergenerational Transmission:Trauma Healing as a radical act of Social Change. Trauma, a catalyst for resilience: post-traumatic growth. Integrating Trauma recovery methods and practices to co-create effective intersectional movements.Utilizing spiritual technologies for the sake of countering oppression reclaiming its appropriation as a form of spiritual bypass. Two eyes seeing form of Integrating western healing practices with indigenous ways of knowing to co-create more effective transformative programs.Somatic inquiry into power and understanding modes of power: social power, power over/under, power with and power from within.Diversity's role in increasing positive fiscal outlooks and innovative approaches in business management.A comprehensive look at the perspective of collaborative hierarchy attenuation regenerative leadership as a means to counter oppression.Exercises and Practice to gain fluency: The Power Shuffle/ Step Forward Step Back etc.Tools for marginalized communities to gain empowerment. Tools for Privileged Allies in Countering OppressionHow to be an ally and proper ways to engage in discussions on the topic without committing classic faux paus of re-traumatization. Interactive practice to familiarize participants with having anti-oppressive dialogues. Microaggressions and theater of the oppressed.Decolonize minds, movements, & collectives to increase effectiveness."
Price: 199.99 |
"Licitaes para Obras e Servios de Engenharia [COMPLETO]" |
"Curso Licitaes para Obras e Servios de Engenharia [COMPLETO]: Neste Curso voc vai aprender sobre Licitaes Pblicas voltado para Obras e Servios de Engenharia, vamos ver o processo de Busca, anlise de editais e montagem de um processo licitatrio passo a passo. Ao final deste Curso voc vai estar apto a atuar tanto na iniciativa privada ou em comisses de licitaes, caso seja funcionrio pblico ou como empreendedor, caso seja proprietrio de uma empresa de engenharia e queira contratar com a Administrao Pblica. Por que participar?O curso de Licitaes de Obras e Servios de Engenharia tem como foco principal a apresentao detalhada sobre o processo licitatrio em nvel nacional, destacando as previses constitucionais prprias.A quem este curso se destina?Todos os profissionais da iniciativa privada que se dispe a contratar obras e servios de engenharia com a Administrao Pblica; dirigentes, engenheiros, arquitetos, profissionais que atuam na rea de oramentos e de elaborao de propostas, administradores, membros de comisses de licitao; equipes de apoio e demais profissionais que tiverem interesse em ingressar nesta rea que muito promissora.DiferenciaisO curso, de linguagem simples, de forma objetiva aplicando a teoria a aplicaes prticas do processo licitatrio. Apresenta os princpios constitucionais em consonncia com os aspectos tcnicos, propiciando aos participantes o entendimento de todos os procedimentos relacionados s licitaes, desde o planejamento at o acompanhamento e assinatura do contrato.Projeto Final: Adquirindo este Curso, durante este ano, ser adicionado mais dois cursos, Licitaes Pblicas - As Leis e Licitaes Pblicas - Recursos e Contratos Administrativos, voc adquire um e leva 3 Cursos. Ao final este Curso ser o Curso com maior contedo sobre Licitaes Pblicas para Engenharia, com acesso vitalcio e tambm com garantia de devoluo do seu Dinheiro, caso no atenda suas expectativas.Bnus: Manual de Licitaes e Ebook Resumo Lei 8666/93 e Ebook Resumo Lei 8666/93"
Price: 189.99 |
"Como abrir uma Empresa de Engenharia - Mini Curso" |
"O Mini CursoEste Mini Curso formado por 3 mdulos onde voc vai aprender como Montar uma Empresa de Engenharia e como dar os primeiros passos para participar de licitaes pblicas para obras e servios de engenharia.Este um mini-curso rpido e objetivo que vai tirar suas dvidas sobre qual modelo de empresa escolher, o modelo tributrio, jurdico e tambm aprender sobre atestados de capacidade tcnica e algumas estratgias para participar de licitaes pblicas. Ao final deste Curso voc vai adquirir o embasamento necessrio para poder abrir uma empresa de engenharia e comear a participar de licitaes para a Administrao Pblica. Por que participar?O curso Abrir uma Empresa de Engenharia e Participar de Licitaes Pblicas tem o foco principal trazer as noes de como abrir uma empresa de engenharia, mostrando as peculiaridadesdeste tipo de empresa e tambm como dar os primeiros passos para participar de licitaes pblicas.A quem este curso se destina?Todas as pessoas que tem interesse em empreender e montar uma empresa de engenharia e realizar obras e prestar servios na rea e tambm contratar obras e servios de engenharia com a Administrao Pblica; engenheiros, arquitetos, agrnomos ,e demais profissionais que tiverem interesse em ingressar nesta rea que muito promissora.DiferenciaisO Mini Curso de linguagem simples, apresenta o contedo de forma objetiva e direta. Mostrando os atalhos, detalhes e estratgias para voc no perder tempo em todo processo, tanto de abertura da empresa como ao comear a participar de licitaes Pblicas."
Price: 99.99 |
self_efficiency |
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Price: 19.99 |
intplanning |
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Price: 24.99 |
"Finanziell Fit: Erfolgreich mit Geld umgehen" |
"Du willst nie wieder Geldsorgen haben?Du willst den Grundstein fr einen langfristigen und erfolgreichen Vermgensaufbau legen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!Hier lernst du...wie du dir das richtige Geld-Mindset aneignest. wie du Schulden mglichst effizient abbaust und in Zukunft keine mehr machst.wie du monatlich mehr Geld zur Verfgung hast, ohne mehr zu verdienen.was der grte Denkfehler beim Umgang mit Geld ist.welche drei Fragen dich vor finanziellen Fehlentscheidungen bewahren.wie die finanzielle Grundregel #1 lautet.Auf dieser Grundlage kannst du aufbauen und deinen Geldsorgen fr immer Tschss sagen!Ich freu mich auf dich,Carsten"
Price: 24.99 |
"Desvendando os segredos da Escrita" |
"Neste curso, sero apresentados contedos para a elaborao do trabalho de concluso de curso. Dessa forma, voc aprender desde estabelecer um plano mental adequado para obter sucesso ao decorrer da pesquisa at a construo e desenvolvimento do seu TCC.Mindset. Tema e delimitao do tema.Problema e objetivos.Metodologia e justificativa.Referencial terico; resultados da pesquisa.Tipos de citao; expresses latinas no texto (apud; infra; supra; sic.).Consideraes finais.Bnus: Manual prtico para Artigo Cientfico.Professora Priscila Goes @priscilaagoes (Instagram)"
Price: 69.99 |
"How To Pitch Anyone On Anything" |
"Hey guys, my name is JB and Ive launched this intensive mini course to give you that immediate confidence and ability to sell from the get go without any BS that youll find in other courses.Are you completely new to sales and want to stand out above the competition straight away or do you have your own business and you're fed up of getting rubbish results?Whatever the reason is, youre here right now looking at this course TAKE ACTION.My course How To Pitch Anyone On Anything will go through the full basics of a sales pitch, the techniques I use, train my staff to use & have coached countless business owners to use, how to handle objections and techniques for this PLUS my bonus section *State of mind*You will also get my cheat sheets you can download and print out to remind you while selling!This course isnt for people who want to spend a couple of dollars and forget about it, this course is for the people who want to make a drastic change in their sales performance and take action. Ill see you in my first lesson."
Price: 39.99 |