"Note Taking System For Ultimate Result" |
"Class DescriptionDiscover how to use simple steps to effectively take notes and retain only the right knowledge. This video class was designed to help you develop an easy-to-follow note taking system that will turn your scribbles into a note-worthy study program.More Info About The ClassDoes note taking feel like an ongoing battle for you?Are you the one who will rather leave everything in your head instead of writing it down?Do you feel a sign of panic rising whenever you have to pick up a pen and paper as the speaker starts talking, OrDo you so like notes taking notes that you write and write and write, only to end up with so much information that you can no longer find the important details in it?Remember that the whole essence of the information you put down is to serve your needs, and unless it does that, its almost a waste of time and resources.If you are like the many people out there who have difficulty taking notes or feel that their notes do not serve them, then this video class is perfectly right for you.What You Will Gain In This ClassOne important thing you must keep in mind is that note taking is NOT the same as transcribing. I know that some people do mistake one for another and that is why they find it difficult to use their notes after conferences or lecturers. Take note of that.There are ways to take notes without having to write down every single word you hear. For a perfect note taking, you should only focus on the details, the most important and useful information you will need afterwards. This is what separates you from the amateurs out there.In this class, you will learn a great system of note taking that will amplify your skills by reducing the time you spend taking notes. You will also learn how to shorten your notes while at the same time getting much more out of them."
Price: 34.99 |
"Video Marketing Strategy For Your Business" |
"Class DescriptionIn todays digital world, discover how to use simple steps to effectively use video marketing strategy for your business. Learn about the secrete of video marketing strategy and stay ahead of the competition.More Info About The ClassDo you sell products or services online?Do you need to increase your sales and you dont know the best strategy to apply?Then welcome to Video Marketing Strategy For Your Business. This training class was designed to help you develop a great strategy that will boost you up on your journey to becoming an awesome marketer.According to different researches, 79% of consumers now agree that video is the easiest way to identify brands online and there is a direct connection between watching a video on social media and the decision-making process to purchase a product or service. In fact, roughly half (46%) of consumers said that they have made a purchase as a result of watching a brand video on social media, while another third (32%) have considered doing so after watching a video.Talking of video, remember that people often buy from people, rather from companies. By using video as part of your marketing and sales strategy, your ideal clients will come to see the person behind the brand and so feel that they are interacting with a person. How do you feel about that?What You Will Gain In This ClassThis easy to follow guide is probably what you will ever need to boost your Marketing Business and create your authority in the market place. Of course, you need to know how to perfectly do this and this is what this class is created for.Carefully follow the class to master some of the most important advantages of using Video as a Strategy for Your Marketing and Business in general:Trust building and credibilityEncourage sharing in the social mediaBoost search engine levelAnd many more"
Price: 24.99 |
"Anlise e Tratamento de Dados com QlikView - Sem mistrios" |
"O curso de Anlise e Tratamento de Dados com QlikView - Nvel Iniciante particularmente indicado para profissionais iniciantes no tema que desejam se aprofundar no aprendizado de tcnicas de tratamento de bases de dados, atravs do relacionamento de diversas fontes, gerando inteligencia ao processo de tomada de deciso do Negcio .Tudo para voc precisa para dominar a construo de informaes de forma gil e inteligente!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Renda Extra: Aprenda a ganhar dinheiro comeando do zero." |
"O objetivo deste curso mostrar como possvel sair dos R$ 0,00 e obter uma boa renda por ms no conforto da sua casa. Vou mostrar 3 passos simples para obter os seus primeiros R$ 100,00, multiplic-los e se voc quiser transform-los em um negcio. Onde voc poder trabalhar em casa, seu horrio e suas regras! No entanto, preciso esforo e dedicao da parte do aluno. Eu posso garantir que voc seguir o que aprender no curso, ser capaz de trabalhar em casa e gerar mais de R$ 1.000,00 de renda extra. Alm disso, apresentarei condies especiais oferecidas por marcas de produtos parceiros, exclusivas para alunos! (na aula bnus)."
Price: 54.99 |
"Finanas pessoais - organize sua vida financeira" |
"Aps concluir o curso o aluno estar apto para aplicar as dicas e tomar o controle total de sua vida financeira. Sendo assim, adequando seu estilo de vida para seu oramento, controlando gastos desnecessrios e obtendo renda extra para investir e no depender de ningum, com conhecimento necessrio para iniciar uma jornada de sucesso financeiro. Oaluno aprender para que servem termos da economia, como montar uma reserva de emergncias, como montar um plano de aposentadoria, anotar seus gastos em planilhas disponibilizadas, fazer suas compras de forma consciente e tcnicas para investir e fazer seu dinheiro render mais!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Eletrnica bsica - voltada a celulares e reparo em placas" |
"Curso de Eletrnica Bsica - Teorias e Prticaseste curso para alunos que j fizeram o curso de manuteno de celulares e querem avanar o nvel para reparo em placas.o curso aborda a eletrnica bsica, e vamos voltar os estudos para reparos em placas de celulares.aconselho que para fazer esse curso, voc tenha feito algum curso de manuteno de celulares.segue abaixo uma pequena lista de aulas que iremos abordar no curso.* Conceitos de Tenso, Corrente e Resistncia Eltrica* Medidas prticas de tenso, corrente e resistncia* Sentido Convencional e Sentido Real da Corrente* Soldagem para Eletrnica * Teoria da Tenso Alternada* Notao Cientfica Aplicada Eletrnica* Divisor de tenso - Teoria e Prtica* Leitura de esquema eltrico* Leitura de manual de servio* Reparos em placas, troca de componetes* Reflow* usando Stencilisso s 10% do que iremos abordar no curso, os outros 90% espera voc l."
Price: 489.99 |
"Substance Painter 2018" |
"Substance Painter , Substance Painter Vray 3ds Max Vray ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Alteryx Essentials" |
"Welcome to Alteryx Essentials!My names Andrew Poon and Im from Edgecate. Ive been an IT consultant for 10 years working in data and analytics projects in Australia.Ive created this course to turn Alteryx new starters into highly proficient users, as quickly as possible. You'll learn the following essential tools:-In / Out Tools - Import and export data to and from different file formats,-Data Preparation Tools - Clean and organise data for analysis, -JoinTools - Combine and join datasets together, -Reporting Tools - Visualize your data to derive insights,-Summarize Tools - Group, sum, and count datasets together,-Parse Tools - Parse data into a structured table, and-Batch Macro Tool - Create repeatable tasks using a macro.We'll then put into practise, everything you've learnt above, by solving 3 unique business problems, ranging from novice, intermediate, and advanced:-Support an FTE/ employee forecast by splitting and consolidating reports by Business Unit,-Automate a sales report and dashboard by cleaning, and performing calculations on a sales report,-Create a cryptocurrency arbitrage identifier that takes advantage of price differences between crypto exchanges.At the end of this course, youll have learnt the essential tools required to build intelligent and automated workflows that you can apply in the workplace, with 3 artifacts to back it up with."
Price: 59.99 |
"Empoderamiento para Mujeres Emprendedoras" |
"E'ME = Empoderamiento para Mujeres Emprendedoras. Este programa est destinado a vos, Mujer Emprendedora dispuesta a generar cambios en su vida desde la auto-exploracin, el crecimiento personal, la reflexin y el diseo de acciones.Aqu encontrars 16 videos con ejercicios que te guiarn a trazar el camino entre quin sos hoy y quien quieres ser como emprendedora. El xito de este programa depende de vos, de tu compromiso y tus ganas de crecer. Planteamos un punto de partida: quin sos? para luego definir el punto de llegada: quin quieres ser?. Una vez obtenidos ambos puntos, de partida y llegada, trazamos el camino a recorrer analizando puntos favorables, barreras y acciones.Saldrs de tu zona de confort, explorars acciones nuevas, reflexionars... Como vers, esto es un programa de aprendizaje y prctica, ya ests lista?"
Price: 29.99 |
"Unity AR Course: create your own reality!" |
"Hi everybody! In this course you will learn how to create projects with augmented reality of any difficult level! You will understand hot to use AR software for creating games and projects with augmented reality. During the course, we will look at what augmented reality is, how to connect SDK packages with AR to Unity, create several simple projects. The final touch will be our own AR project, which we will implement in a few lessons. And at the end you will create your own project, which you can later upload on the App Store and Google Play."
Price: 49.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - Learn Beginner and Advanced Techniques" |
"Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet tool today. As your instructor I will use myteaching expertiseto guide you, step-by-step from a beginner level to advanced in a short amount of time.Through this tutorial, you will free yourself of the discomfort of your daily tasks, by automating the process. You begin with the basics to build a strong foundation, further progressing in knowledge into intermediate and advanced levels.When you complete this course, you will achieve mastery of the most common Excel tools. You will have the confidence to execute any Excel task proficiently and professionally. You will learn how to:Managing dataCreate informational spreadsheetsUtilize the versatility of Microsoft ExcelCreate dynamic reportsMaster Excel's most popular functions Automate your daily tasksSo let's dive right in together, ENROLL now to take the first step in mastering your Excel knowledge!! See you inside!!This material was recorded with Excel 2016, but still works with 2010, 2013 and 2016 versions."
Price: 19.99 |
"SIG desde cero a profesional con ArcGIS 10.x" |
"La empresa GEOMATICA AMBIENTAL SRL, desarrollando el curso Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica desde cero a bsico ArcGIS 10.X, va estar dirigido para toda la poblacin civil y estudiantes profesiones de diferentes ramas, con la finalidad de ampliar sus conocimientos en estudios en SIG, aplicado al geoprocesamiento de entidades, captura, almacena, transforma, analiza, gestiona y edita datos geogrficos, con el fin de obtener informacin territorial para resolver problemas complejos de planificacin, gestin y toma de decisiones apoyndose de la cartografa."
Price: 19.99 |
"SIG Aplicado a Cuenca Hidrogrfica con ArcGIS 10.x" |
"La empresa GEOMATICA AMBIENTAL SRL, desarrollando el curso Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica aplicado a cuenca Hidrogrfica con ArcGIS 10.X, va estar dirigido para toda la poblacin civil y estudiantes profesiones de diferentes ramas, con la finalidad de ampliar sus conocimientos en estudios en SIG, aplicado al geoprocesamiento de entidades, captura, almacena, transforma, analiza, gestiona y edita datos geogrficos, con el fin de obtener informacin territorial para resolver problemas complejos de planificacin, gestin y toma de decisiones apoyndose de la cartografa."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso SIG con QGIS" |
"La empresa GEOMATICA AMBIENTAL SRL, desarrollando el curso Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica con QGIS, va estar dirigido para toda la poblacin civil y estudiantes profesiones de diferentes ramas, con la finalidad de ampliar sus conocimientos en estudios en SIG, aplicado al geoprocesamiento de entidades, captura, almacena, transforma, analiza, gestiona y edita datos geogrficos, con el fin de obtener informacin territorial para resolver problemas complejos de planificacin, gestin y toma de decisiones apoyndose de la cartografa."
Price: 19.99 |
"SIG y GPS con ArcGIS" |
"La empresa GEOMATICA AMBIENTAL SRL, desarrollando el curso Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica y GPS con ArcGIS, va estar dirigido para toda la poblacin civil y estudiantes profesiones de diferentes ramas, con la finalidad de ampliar sus conocimientos en estudios en SIG, aplicado a la delimitacin de cuenca con ArcHydro y utilizando software complementarios al SIG que son: DNRgps, Autocad, Google Earth Pro, BaseCamp, con el fin de obtener informacin territorial para resolver problemas complejos de planificacin, gestin y toma de decisiones apoyndose de la cartografa."
Price: 19.99 |
"Practical Tactics Martial Arts: Level 1" |
"Your Instructor is Sensei Joseph Green. Over 40 years martial arts experience and 20 years teaching experience training law enforcement, MMA fighters and martial art enthusiasts. Sensei Green is the creator and founder of the Practical Tactics Martial arts system. Practical Tactics is a unique compilation of techniques that combine the Power of Muay Thai, the Brutal joint manipulation and pressure points of Ninjutsu and the speed of Tae Kwon Do. These techniques are created to cause serious damage to your enemy but they are also adaptable so you can add them to your arsenal of whatever martial art style you choose."
Price: 44.99 |
"Practical Tactics Martial Arts: Level 2" |
"Sensei Green Takes you into Level 2 of your Practical Tactics training. You will start by learning 12 of the most effective blocks to defend against punches and kicks, then you will move into learning 20 combat striking techniques set in a training mode to effectively utilize blocking and counter striking."
Price: 199.99 |
"Wondershare FIlmora 9 Principianti impara a creare video" |
"Il videocorso ""Wondershare Filmora 9 Principianti"" dedicato a tutti coloro che si vogliono avvicinare al mondo della creazione video (video-editing) e realizzare da soli i propri lavori.Ho deciso di creare un corso su questo ottimo software per il montaggio video in quanto ho notato che su questo portale non c'era ancora un videocorso su Filmora in lingua italiana.Cos' Filmora 9?Ho scelto Filmora (Release aggiornata: 9) proprio per la sua semplicit di utilizzo rispetto ad altri software di video editing. Inoltre molto intuitivo ma al contempo permette di ottenere risultati molto elevati e molto vicini alla qualit professionale. Infatti oltre 50 milioni di persone nel mondo hanno scelto questo fantastico software per il video-editing.Un prezzo vantaggioso e una versione gratuita con tutte le caratteristicheUn altro motivo per cui ho scelto Filmora 9 che il prezzo della versione a pagamento alla portata di tutti. A differenza di quasi tutti i software, non solo nel video-editing, la versione gratuita di prova ha tutte le caratteristiche della versione a pagamento, compresi tutti i pacchetti di aggiornamento gratuito. L'unica differenza che utilizzando la versione free quando andrai a pubblicare il video verr sovraimpressa una filigrana abbastanza invasiva. Per ovviare a questo inconveniente basta acquistare una licenza. All'interno del videocorso ho dedicato un'intera lezione nel farti vedere come puoi acquistare una licenza ad un prezzo molto vantaggioso. Difficilmente troverai in rete una risorsa con queste caratteristiche e con un ottimo compromesso tra prestazioni e prezzo.Perch Filmora 9?Una delle caratteristiche che rendono questo programma davvero straordinario sta nel fatto che avrai la possibilit di scaricare gratuitamente dei pacchetti supplementari di risorse quali: effetti grafici, template, modelli, etc che ti saranno utili per rendere i video pi accattivanti e di sicuro successo!Insieme vedremo l'installazione del programma e le sue principali funzionalit: impareremo a muoverci tra le varie opzioni che ti permetteranno di creare i tuoi primi lavori.Con un pochino di pratica e con una buona dose di creativit potrai creare dei video in linea con i trend professionali del momento.Non ci sono limiti in questo software, libera la tua fantasia e saprai realizzare dei video d'impatto da condividere con i tuoi amici su Social o all'interno degli spazi di videosharing come ad esempio You Tube.Un corso completo per principiantiHo realizzato questo corso, esclusivamente rivolto a persone che partono da zero o che sono alle prime armi, creando video formativi passo-passo.Ogni lezione contiene un argomento specifico che potrai assimilare facilmente e passare al livello successivo. In questo modo potrai progressivamente specializzarti con Filmora 9 fino a diventare tu stesso un utente esperto.Imparerai a creare dissolvenze, titoli in movimento o in stile cinematografico, video con effetti speciali utili sia per un utilizzo amatoriale privato ma anche per un utilizzo pi specifico e/o professionale.In qualsiasi momento del corso potrai interagire con me facendo domande e/o interventi direttamente su questa piattaforma.Fotoamatori e VideoamatoriSe sei una persona che ha la passione per la fotografia o per le videoriprese grazie a questo corso potrai realizzare delle video-presentazioni davvero spettacolari di tutti i tuoi lavori. In questo modo avrai la possibilit di pubblicare sui social e condividere con i tuoi amici i tuoi scatti e le tue riprese pi belle.Un corso adatto anche a liberi professionisti o a persone che gestiscono un'attivit in proprioHai un'attivit tua o sei un libero professionista?Oggi la videocomunicazione il presente e il futuro dell'autopromozione. Ormai diventato quasi indispensabile utilizzare dei video per fare conoscere la propria attivit, i propri servizi o i propri prodotti. Con questo videocorso potrai imparare a creare i tuoi video promozionali senza dover pi delegare questo compito a dei professionisti a pagamento.Un videocorso per le persone di tutte le etQuesto prodotto formativo dedicato a persone di tutte le et: dai giovanissimi alle persone pi ""stagionate"" che vogliono entrare nel mondo della videocomunicazione utilizzando uno strumento davvero eccezionale come Wondershire Filmora 9.Il videocorso, come altri presenti in questa piattaforma, coperto dalla garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Scratch 3.0 Beginner Course!" |
"In this course I will take you through the creation of 2 games which throughout will teach you how to make your own games! It is a lot easier to code than you think!And is so rewarding..Doesn't matter your skill level, I'll take you from noob to pro quickly and teach you the tricks of the trade!"
Price: 89.99 |
"How to cook vegan for Fitness Vegan Fitness Cooking Course" |
"Learn how to cook and prepare simple and delicious high protein vegan meals to build muscle, loose fat and improve youra on a vegan diet. Free e-book and 30-day money-back guarantee!You have to eat 5-6 meals a day...Eat lots of lean chicken breast, broccoli and rice...Drink 4 gallons of milk if you want to gain size...It is impossible to gain muscle eating only plants...You need meat to grow!... These are some of the most common beliefs and myths that are floating around in the fitness industry. Heck, I myself used to be a strong believer in the statements above and was 100% convinced that it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain muscle as a vegan.I always associated vegans with being skinny because I never met anyone with any significant size who was vegan. That all changed when I saw friends making incredible gains after they became vegan and when I met a few vegan bodybuilders which completely shattered my world-view. I began reading into the topic. I finally made the switch and it was the best decision of my life. I am hardly sick any more, I am full of energy, I feel amazingly healthy and I did not lose any size as I initially feared. Over the past 2 years I taught myself how to cook simple and delicious vegan meals to build muscle. Now I want to share these techniques and methods with YOU in this course. Whether you have been vegan for a while or if you are thinking about making the transition but don't know where to start or are afraid to lose your hard-earned muscle, this course is for you.You will learn about the major vegan protein sources, proven tips and tactics to save you money and time as well as a variety of simple and delicious vegan meals for fitness and bodybuilding. You will get all recipes and info from this course in a free PDF e-book format as well as an overview of all major vegan protein sources so you have a guideline you can use when you go shopping.In this course you will learn the following:Simple high protein vegan breakfast recipes Vegan high protein main dishes How to make amazing vegan protein bars How much protein do you need and the top vegan protein sources How to cook vegan on a budget Tips for bulking as a vegan So let`s embark on this vegan fitness journey and get the body of your dreams-Lukas"
Price: 49.99 |
"Software Architecture : A Pragmatic Approach (Core Concepts)" |
"This course explains an approach to design & document the software architecture with the help of examples and analogies, which is practical, easy to understand and apply, as it is based on real life experiences. It gives you right start that any entry level software architect needed. You will find some concepts and process steps to design & document the software architecture, which you will hardly find in any other available courses. Missing out on the right concepts or the right approach may lead to a wrong path, which not only negatively impact the skills but also the career, brand image and crucial time to become a successful architect.This course is also about clarifying some of the misconceptions, Dos & Don'ts, which help you getting the right architecture thinking. Main objective of this course is to introduce you to the core concepts and a practical approach to design and document the software architecture so that you get a solid base and clarity, when you enter into the software architecture field.This course will also help you getting the knowledge to face interview for Associate or Jr. Software Architect Position.Here are main topics of the course,o Architecture Basics o Architecture Types & Viewso Software Architecture Approacho Architecturally Significant Requirements & Non-Functional Requirementso Architecture Styles, Principles, Tactics & Patternso Architecture Validationo Architecture Documentationo Overview of Software Architect Roleo Common Dos & Don'tso Few Resources and References to help you furtherSee curriculum for further details on sections and lectures for the course."
Price: 49.99 |
"Life Planning and Getting Things Done with Notion" |
"Discover how you can be more productive, organised and focused with NotionNotion is an all in one workspace for organising your life. It is the most flexible and feature rich productivity application available. You can use it for managing tasks, studying, projects, notes, hobbies and life goals. Find out why thousands of people are moving from applications such as Evernote, Todoist, Trello, One Note and Google Keep and are now using Notion.This course is for both those who are new to Notion and those who use it already:New to Notion? - This course will show you how you can improve your personal productivity with Notion. You will learn how to use Notion with confidence and be able to create pages to plan and manage your life.Already use Notion? - This course will give you ideas, tips and templates on how it can transform your productivity further and help with other areas of your lifeThe flexibility how you can personalise your workspace in Notion means it is the perfect application to following best practices in productivity such as David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. The course will show you how you can create a personalised Getting Things Done system with NotionThe course also includes links to templates on life planning and getting things done that you can clone and personalise within Notion. Templates include:Life DashboardProjects and Goals ManagerTask Manager (that can be used to implement Getting Things Done)Travel PlannerMeal Planner and Recipes Database"
Price: 89.99 |
"HTML + CSS" |
" HTML CSS . , . ."
Price: 44.99 |
"Maven, , . , mavena. maven ."
Price: 44.99 |
"Git, , . , gita. git ."
Price: 44.99 |
"SQL, , . , SQL. SQL ."
Price: 44.99 |
"Intellij idea, IDE, . , Intellij idea. Intellij idea ."
Price: 44.99 |
"Hibernate, , . , Hibernate. Hibernate ."
Price: 64.99 |
"JPA, , . , JPA. JPA ."
Price: 64.99 |
"Java, , . , Java. Java ."
Price: 44.99 |