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"Unity Tutorial 2D Space Shooter"
"! : ; ; ; ; ; ;+ . ! , , , Unity. , , , , ., , , C #, , , .., , Unity 2D . , =)"
Price: 164.99

"Unity Tutorial 2.5D Racing Game Unity Ads"
", . , -. , . , ,  2 , :- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- Singleton;- UI;- ;- ."
Price: 109.99

"English Course for Level ZERO!"
"Learn to speak English with perfect Pronunciation and Intonation. By watching the mouth, lips and tongue of your native English teacher, you will create the muscle-memory necessary to pronounce all 44 sounds in English correctly - just like a native English speaker.Listen and repeat, while watching your teacher speak in both slow and normal speeds."
Price: 19.99

"English tips for ALL Levels"
"Watch Tutorials by an experienced Native English teacher and then practice watching, listening and reading with real Conversations! Learn to avoid common errors made by people who do not have a good education in English.Learn grammar and listen to perfect pronunciation in English.Learn from the best teacher on the internet!"
Price: 19.99

"Production musicale pour Windows et Mac [FL Studio 20]"
"Dans cette formation ""FL Studio 20 - Production musicale pour Mac et windows et PC "", je vous montrerai comment faire votre premire musique sur FL Studio en une seule journe. Si vous avez un niveau plus confirm vous allez apprendre de nouvelles techniques de production. Fl Studio est logiciel de musique sur ordinateur (MAO) qui permet de composer, mixer et masteriser une musique de A Z.La particularit de ce logiciel est qu'il a t dvelopp pour les personnes qui ne sont pas musicien, qui n'ont jamais touch un instrument de leur vie, qui ne connaissent rien la thorie musicale !I) Pourquoi apprendre la MAO sur ce logiciel ?Pour :Sa facilit d'utilisation (avec ce cours, vous pourrez matriser les bases en 20 min !)Son rapport qualit/prix : C'est le logiciel professionnel le moins cher du march. A noter, toutes les mises jours sont gratuite vie !Les VST intgrs : Dans Fl Studio vous avez TOUT ce qu'il faut pour composer un morceau professionnel (plusieurs synthtiseurs, une basse, des batteries, un piano, rhodes etc.).Vous allez savoir faire du piano, du violon, de la guitare sans jamais n'en avoir fait, non ce n'est pas de la triche, juste du talent ;PII) Pour qui s'adresse ce cours ?Ce cours s'adresse tous. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissance ou de matriel en particulier.Vous avez juste besoin d'un ordinateur et d'une dtermination dbordante !III) A la fin du cours- Vous serez capable de :Crer une musique simple dans n'importe quel style (hip hop, electro, lofi...)Utiliser Fl Studio comme un pro""Mixer et masteriser"" rapidement et partager votre musique vos proches, sur les rseaux sociaux etc.La qualit de votre musique dpendra :De votre bonne assiduit de cette formationL'application des conseils que je vais vous donnerEn continuant faire de la musique, en vous entrainent et en ne lchant rien ! Vous allez voluer !"
Price: 49.99

"Comment Faire Une INSTRU RAP De A Z [FL STUDIO 20]"
"Dans cette formation ""Comment Faire Une INSTRU RAP De A Z  [FL STUDIO 20] "", je vous montrerai comment faire votre premire instrumental sur FL Studio en une seule journe. Si vous avez un niveau plus confirm vous allez apprendre de nouvelles techniques de production. Fl Studio est logiciel de musique sur ordinateur (MAO) qui permet de composer, mixer et masteriser une musique de A Z.La particularit de ce logiciel est qu'il a t dvelopp pour les personnes qui ne sont pas musicien, qui n'ont jamais touch un instrument de leur vie, qui ne connaissent rien la thorie musicale !I) Pourquoi apprendre la MAO sur ce logiciel ?Pour :Sa facilit d'utilisation (avec ce cours, vous pourrez matriser les bases en 20 min !)Son rapport qualit/prix : C'est le logiciel professionnel le moins cher du march. A noter, toutes les mises jours sont gratuite vie !Les VST intgrs : Dans Fl Studio vous avez TOUT ce qu'il faut pour composer un morceau professionnel (plusieurs synthtiseurs, une basse, des batteries, un piano, rhodes etc.).Vous allez savoir faire du piano, du violon, de la guitare sans jamais n'en avoir fait, non ce n'est pas de la triche, juste du talent ;PII) Pour qui s'adresse ce cours ?Ce cours s'adresse tous. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissance ou de matriel en particulier.Vous avez juste besoin d'un ordinateur et d'une dtermination dbordante !III) A la fin du cours- Vous serez capable de :Crer une musique simple dans n'importe quel style (hip hop/Rap...)Utiliser Fl Studio comme un pro""Mixer et masteriser"" rapidement votre musique pour la partager vos proches, sur les rseaux sociaux etc.La qualit de votre musique dpendra :De votre bonne assiduit de cette formationL'application des conseils que je vais vous donnerEn continuant faire de la musique, en vous entrainent et en ne lchant rien ! Vous allez voluer !"
Price: 49.99

"Apprendre le Mixage/ Mastering sur [FL Studio 20]"
"Dans cette formation ""Apprendre le Mixage/ Mastering sur [FL Studio 20]"", je vous montrerai comment faire votre premier mixage mastering d'une instrumental sur FL Studio 20 avec les plugins de base et ensuite avec des plugins payant . Si vous avez un niveau plus confirm vous allez apprendre de nouvelles techniques de mixage/mastering. Fl Studio est logiciel de musique sur ordinateur (MAO) qui permet de composer, mixer et masteriser une musique de A Z.La particularit de ce logiciel est qu'il a t dvelopp pour les personnes qui ne sont pas musicien, qui n'ont jamais touch un instrument de leur vie, qui ne connaissent rien la thorie musicale !I) Pourquoi apprendre la MAO sur ce logiciel ?Pour :Sa facilit d'utilisation (avec ce cours, vous pourrez matriser les bases en 20 min !)Son rapport qualit/prix : C'est le logiciel professionnel le moins cher du march. A noter, toutes les mises jours sont gratuite vie !Les VST intgrs : Dans Fl Studio vous avez TOUT ce qu'il faut pour composer et mixer un morceau professionnel (plusieurs synthtiseurs, une basse, des batteries, un piano, rhodes etc.).Vous allez savoir faire du piano, du violon, de la guitare sans jamais n'en avoir fait, non ce n'est pas de la triche, juste du talent ;PII) Pour qui s'adresse ce cours ?Ce cours s'adresse tous. Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissance ou de matriel en particulier.Vous avez juste besoin d'un ordinateur et d'un systme d'coute ainsi qu'une dtermination dbordante !III) A la fin du cours- Vous serez capable de :Mixer et Masteriser n'importe quel style (hip hop/Rap...) de musique pour la vendre sur les plateformes de streaming, l partager vos proches, sur les rseaux sociaux, l'envoyer des rappeurs etc...La qualit de votre musique dpendra :De votre bonne assiduit de cette formationL'application des conseils que je vais vous donnerEn continuant faire beaucoup de mixage/mastering, en vous entrainent et en ne lchant rien ! Vous allez voluer, il suffit de s'en donner les moyens !"
Price: 49.99

"Direito tributrio 2.0 (com 100 exerccios prticos)"
"Esse curso de direito tributrio tem como base bibliogrfica a Constituio federal, o cdigo tributrio nacional, apostila da FGV e o manuel do direito tributrio de Eduardo Sabbag, ou seja, o que temos de melhor no Brasil sobre tributos.Todos os arquivos citados acima bem como as 100 (ou mais) questes sero disponibilizadas para baixar.Esse curso para dois pblicos, os que ainda no tiveram nenhum contato com o direito tributrio, e os alunos que j tiveram mas querem se aprofundar ou relembrar o contedo.Nosso curso abordar os conceito mais importantes da tributao brasileira, aprenderemos que so impostos, taxas, contribuio de melhoria, emprstimos compulsrios etc. Aprenderemos os princpios, o que um fato gerador, uma hiptese de incidncia, dentre outros assuntos.Veremos mais sobre:Imunidades e isenesCrdito tributrioLanamento tributrio e seus tiposLimitaes constitucionais ao poder de tributarIremos abordar o cdigo tributrio nacional praticamente todo."
Price: 39.99

"Contabilidade para no contadores 2.0 (com anlise avanada)"
"OBSERVAO: Esse curso no de contabilidade para empreendedores, para pessoas que desejam conhecer profundamente as informaes contbeis de uma empresa, anlises avanadas de demonstraes contbeis e outros elementos avanados de contabilidade.Sobre o cursoJ foi lanado um curso de contabilidade para no contadores aqui, e foi um sucesso, muitos alunos inscritos, nesse curso de contabilidade para no contadores 2.0, abordaremos contedos mais profundos ainda, como anlise de rentabilidade e endividamento, estrutura de capital e muito sobre finanas.Nesse cursos de contabilidade para no contadores 2.0 tambm ser abordado sobre as questes tributrias, onde aprenderemos o que so regimes tributrios, alguns tributos empresariais, e assuntos legais, tais como tipos de empresa e empresrios. Teremos muitos outros assuntos.Da metodologiaIremos os analisar demonstraes contbeis de empresas verdadeiras, reais, durante as aulas, e interpretar tais demonstraes.Gravarei a tela do computador durante o curso, apresentarei textos, nmeros, relatrios etc para os alunos, pois mais importante que o aluno veja mais contedo que o instrutor.Do contedoOs contedos usados nos cursos so de livros e apostilas de autores e universidades de renome, bem como textos e resumos de autoria prpria. Utilizaremos contedos abordados na FGV, FIPECAFI, apostilas do CRCs, livro ""anlise das demonstraes contbeis"" de Jos Carlos Marion, e outros textos que julgamos ser de grande valia.Eu estarei sempre a disposio para tirar suas dvidas caso tenha, sempre que me perguntar algo, responderei o mais breve possvel embasado em normas tcnicas, leis ou livros de especialistas.Desde j, agradeo por ter lido at aqui, e j espero voc para nossas aulas."
Price: 39.99

"Contabilidade financeira"
"Assista o vdeo de apresentao da metodologia e olhe a grade curricular para ter certeza que o curso o que voc busca.O curso Contabilidade Financeira recomendado para profissionais, graduados ou no, que atuam na rea de economia, contabilidade, administrao e finanas e buscam aprimorar seus conhecimentos em demonstraes contbeis, sistema de informao contbil e anlise econmico-financeira. voltado para quem deseja compartilhar conhecimentos, trocar experincias e expandir seu networking, alm, de uma aplicao mais rpida e prtica."
Price: 39.99

"Compliance - Curso de extenso"
"Use o cupom abaixo e ganhe desconto. Copie e cole na opo""aplicar cupom"".440192BA952BFC0C73E6Ateno: Esse treinamento no garante que o aluno v conseguir emprego ou conseguir ser um consultor rapidamente, lembrando em toda rea de gesto, o profissional deve sempre buscar atualizao, estgios pra conseguir experincia. A melhor maneira de conseguir experincia nesse ramo de Compliance atuando em escritrios que prestem esse servio. Esse treinamento online foi desenvolvido para todos os interessados no mesmo. O nome do treinamento Compliance para micro e pequenas empresas, pois abordar o assunto somente do ponto de vista dessas empresas, e no das grandes corporaes. Nesse treinamento o aluno aprender os fundamentos, vantagens e os pilares de um programa de integridade.VantagensAntes de tudo, infelizmente nas faculdades  contabilidade, administrao, Direito e afins no abordam de forma profunda esse assunto. Eu mesmo sou formado em contabilidade, e s vi esse contedo nas ltimas trs aulas da disciplina de controladoria, no oitavo semestre. A grande vantagem desse curso sem dvida alguma o aprendizado, pois um novo assunto que ser aprendido, mas existe outra vantagem que eu julgo sensacional, que eu passei os ltimos 3 anos da minha vida juntando pesquisas, compilando material para estudos, muita leitura, muita leitura mesmo, que se um aluno fosse ler tudo que eu li sobre, iria demorar no mnimo 6 meses lendo todos os dias, e nesse treinamento o aluno ter tudo isso compilado. Aprender um novo assunto do mundo corporativo que est sendo muito requisitado no momento. Hoje em dia, todos os advogados empresariais, administradores, contadores e quaisquer gerentes de negcios precisam ter competncias e conhecimento em Compliance. J pensou chegar numa entrevista de emprego e conversar tranquilamente sobre Compliance? muito bom n? pois bem, esse treinamento ir servir para isso tambm. Lembrando que voc ter 30 dias pra solicitar seu dinheiro de volta."
Price: 54.99

"Why Music Works"
"A series of videos delving into the reasons behind Western music harmony - why we have keys,  why are there major and minor keys, why there are only twelve of each, why we have scales, why do we have seven notes in the major or minor scale, why is there more than one type of minor scale, why do some notes go better together than others, why do some chords go better together than others, why rhythm works . . .. and much more."
Price: 19.99

"First Steps in Getting Hired in the Digital World"
"This course is designed for anyone seeking to get hired in a digital marketing agency, based on my experience managing people for more than 10 years. By the end of the course, you will be able to manage your time efficiently, to apply Kaizen concept, to process your emails, to secure your data.You will also know how to plan your projects, how to assimilate data, what are the differences between a consultant and a specialist and which one you want to be.You will know how to work and communicate in a team, why it is important to preserve value and what is the used terminology in a digital agency.We will be covering different steps that most of the digital agencies use in their internship programs in order to jumpstart young professional's career. This course is great for those who want to start their careers in digital. We will be covering principles like Muda, Mura, Muri, 0 inbox policy, methods to assimilate data faster, how to multiply your efforts and preserve value. The course will be assisted by different exercises and references that you can use in order to go in-depth on every topic. I will walk you through the entire course step-by-step."
Price: 34.99

"Mindfulness for Everyone"
"This is an introductory course to mindfulness. I will show you how to use mindfulness to enhance your life, be more productive, and be happier. We will cover what Mindfulness is, what Meditation is, the power of living in the present, how to become a better listener and how to manage feelings, and we will look at your ""circle of control."" Last, I share supports for success as you begin your journey."
Price: 19.99

"De A Z : Dropshipping Shopify par influenceur Instagram"
"Il serait dommage de passer ct d'une telle opportunit !L'opportunit, c'est le fait de pouvoir gagner sa vie grce une activit intressante : Du dropshipping par influenceur Instagram.Non seulement vous pouvez rapidement en vivre confortablement, mais en plus c'est novateur, innovant, facile mettre en place ; en particulier en France.Un de mes mentors a pu gagner plus de 37'000 par mois grce ma formation !L'indpendance financire n'est qu'une tape dans cette aventure qu'est le dropshipping.Encore peu de formations en franais existe pour vous apprendre ce business model trs particulier !Pire, AUCUNEne propose de dmarche complte, de A Z.J'ai ainsi dcid de prendre l'initiative de produire une srie de vidos pdagogique pour vous aider vous lancer de dans, de A Z. Du dbut jusqu' la fin.Et je souhaiterais vous communiquer ces connaissances avec grand plaisir !Le cours se divise en 26sessions.Chaque semaine, de nouvelles sessions seront ajoutes, suivant vos suggestions !La formation reste assez concises.Plusieurs point peuvent tre dvelopps.Si c'est le cas, veuillez me le faire savoir par message priv.Je compte rajouter d'autres vidos sur d'autres points du dropshipping par influenceurs Instagram, l'avenir.La formation dure 1,5heures ; mon but est d'atteindre les 6 heures.En me donnant un maximum d'avis, de suggestions, je serai capable de rgulirement sortir de nouvelles sessions, de plus en plus innovantes.Vidos prochainement disponibles : Oberlo : Comment envoyer les produits aux clients?Le service client parfait, SAVe your customer !Cration d'entreprise, quelle structure juridique?Comment rendre un site ""classe"", ""haut de gamme"" ?Comment dterminer le prix de votre produit?Analyse de diffrents shopAnecdotes venant d'utilisateursEt d'autres, en fonction de vos suggestionsSi un des points ci-dessus vous intresse particulirement, dtes le moi. Je ferai de cette vido une priorit.Elle sera publie avant les autres.La formation vous plat, mais vous voulez une aide active de ma part ?C'est possible.Si jamais vous souhaitez vraiment vous lancer, en ayant un mentor, tuteur, coach ; je suis l'homme qu'il vous faut.Grce mes conseils, je vous permettrai de russir atteindre l'indpendance financire bien plus rapidement que si vous vous lanciez seul. Je serai votre disposition tout moment de la journe, 7 jours sur 7.Je pourrai vous aider sur les points suivants :Recherche de produitCration du site ShopifyRelation avec le fournisseur AliexpressRecherche d'InfluenceurNgociation avec l'InfluenceurInstructions de promotion : Story & PostService client,SAVStratgie long-terme, ScalingSi vous tes intresss, envoyez moi un message priv !"
Price: 19.99

"Selbstberprfung nach 82b GewO"
"Das ""Pickerl"" fr die gewerbliche Anlage.Jeder gewerberechtlich genehmigte Betrieb muss alle 5 Jahre einer wiederkehrenden Prfung unterzogen werden, um die bereinstimmung mit den Genehmigungsbescheiden sowie den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen nachweisen zu knnen. Dieser gesetzlichen Prfpflicht ist ohne weitere Aufforderung durch die Gewerbebehrde nachzukommen.Lernen Sie hier wie eine 82b-Prfung abluft, worauf man achten muss und was alles zu tun ist damit Sie selbst die Prfung durchfhren knnen."
Price: 49.99

"Sinyaller ve Sistemler 1"
"Bu kursta sinyaller ve sistemler dersi icin konu anlatimi yapilmaktadir. Konular en temelden balanarak basit bir sekilde anlatilmaktadir. Konu icerisinde gerekli yerlerde ornek soru cozumleri yapilmaktadir. Kurs iceriginde ayrica ornek sinav sorulari cozulmektedir. Ogrencilerin videolari izlerken ayni zamanda farkli kaynaklardan da yararlanmalari onemlidir. Dersin sonraki konular ayrca Sinyaller ve Sistemler 2 dersi ile sunulacaktr. Kursu takip eden ogrencilerimize sonsuz basarilar dilerim."
Price: 59.99

"Bible Study Skills 101 - Introduction to the BSS Curriculum"
"Nobody ever outgrows Scripture:our understanding of the book widens and deepens with our years. Charles Haddon SpurgeonThis is an introductory course in Bible Study Skills. It will prepare you for the ongoing adventure of Bible study.I call it an adventure because: The Bible promises great fortune. In a global sense the biblical genre is success literature. It teaches principles of success for every area of this life and how to proceed into eternity. Scripture is loaded with how to succeed directions and case studies. Scripture is a detailed guide to success with God. It's complete with treasure locations, warnings, and instructions for defeating enemies. And there are also guides for the various situations that we may encounter in life. The Bible reveals how to arrive at a right relationship with the Lord. It teaches us how to honor that relationship. And Scripture unveils the treasure found in our relationship with God.I have benefited greatly, because rightly dividing the word of truthIs now being applied in my daily study of the Holy Scriptures.I am learning how to do so effectively. Thank you, Pastor Frey. MCMIf youre a new Christian, the volume and complexity of Scripture might be discouraging. The idea of reading the whole thing might seem intimidating. And how do you study something like that?And even if youve been a Christian for a while, you may have abandoned the idea of trying to study the Bible long ago. It may have seemed like the more you tried the more difficult it became. So, you go to church and review the pastors sermon points and leave it at that.Or you could be an avid student of Scripture. But somehow you know that theres more. More to learn, and more to learn about learning. You would like to know how to get more out of your Bible study.Whatever the case, Ive designed the Bible Study Skills curriculum for you. And in this introductory course, I will clarify: Why you need to take part in this curriculum. The value of Bible Study Skills if you want to please your Heavenly Father. What youre missing if you dont have these skills. What you will be able to enjoy and do with these skills.By the end of this initial course you will be excited about the opportunity to learn Bible study skills. And youll look forward to the upcoming courses and classes.I've followed Frey's writing for several years via blogs, social media, and audio.I appreciate his dedication to continually questioning Biblical truths versus modern day practice and endeavoring to bring the church into alignment on nuanced issues. I had the pleasure of visiting his congregation many years ago,and found it to be genuinely warm, accepting, and authentic. CiaraBible Study Skills 101 will help you do 4 things: Youll learn how to avoid the most common errors people make when interpreting the Bible.The Bible is written with the expectation of being understood. Gods intent is not for you to be confused, in doubt, or wrong, about what He is saying to you. Especially, since He holds you responsible for compliance with what He has said.Today theres are numerous differences in denominational and personal interpretations of the Bible. So, someone has to be wrong about it. By definition, two or more contradictory ideas cannot all be right.Theres no quick fix to this dilemma. This is why Im introducing a curriculum rather that a single course.When shown, youll recognize these common errors easily and wonder why theyre so prevalent. Ill explain that, and how to fortify yourself against these errors. You will know how to get Gods approval of how you interpret the Bible.When you speak or write to someone you expect them to understand you. If they dont understand you, you consider that a problem and will try to fix it. You may say it again or rephrase what you said. And there are those rare occasions when we conclude that the problem is with the person were speaking too.Im convinced that God is like that too. He wants you to understand Him. And understanding Him correctly gets His approval. But notice in the verse below, that the person who gets this approval is called a worker.Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15That doesnt necessarily mean the work is hard or even unpleasurable. It just means the we need to know how to do the work. And well have to decide if the work is worth doing. If you want the approval of God, its available to you. You will know what it means to have integrity as a student and minister of the Bible's message.Integrity is a misunderstood, ignored, and abused principle in our world. In the western world, and I suspect elsewhere, there is little tolerance for integrity. It is just not suitable to our objectives and the constraints in our lives.This malady has found its way into the church, the pulpit, and the pew. But it is so well justified that few see it. Bible study cannot produce a faithful result without real integrity. There must be more than just a claim of being right. There must be a ready defense of what is right.... sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:15-17If youre a Christian, the verse above speaks about the quality of your integrity:o You have sanctified God in your heart.o You display good Christian conduct.o Youre ready to give a defense of your Christian expectation and behavior.o You will even suffer for doing so if thats what is right according to the Bible.But are you really clear on what these points of integrity mean? Are you committed to them? Are you prepared to live according to them?Bible Study Skills 101 clarifies how you can fulfill these points of integrity. This will be a necessary prerequisite to future courses within this curriculum.Most assume they understand and satisfy the requirements of integrity. But you need to confirm this. According to the passage above, integrity is something we do. In this course we will address this in detail. You will have the information you need, to know if the following courses in the curriculum will be of value to you.As much as I would like it to be, this curriculum is not for everyone. This course of study will not interest most people. So, it is the few that I'm looking for.Enter by the narrow gate;for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,and there are many who go in by it.Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13There are unusual Christians who will enter by the narrow gate and take the difficult way. They are not crowd followers. They are Christ lovers.Do you really want to fulfill what it means to love God, to love Jesus, and to love people. What you will learn in the Bible Study Skills curriculum will help you do that.See you at the introduction."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende Laravel 6 desde cero - De 0 a 100 paso a paso"
"Con ste curso de Laravel desde cero. Aprenders diversas funcionalidades del framework, no solamente lo bsico, tambin se abarcarn temas de nivel intermedio y un corto vistazo a temas avanzados. Al finalizar ste curso tendrs un conocimiento bien cimentado que te servir en el desarrollo de futuros proyectos.Apntate al curso, aprende Laravel de 0 a 100 paso a paso, comienza a construir aplicaciones web profesionales con el framework ms popular de PHP y olvdate de una vez por todas del cdigo espagueti.El curso tiene varias secciones con sus lecciones correspondientes, pero de manera implcita est compuesto por:Funcionalidades bsicas: Rutas, Controladores, Modelos, Seeders, Migraciones, Vistas, Middleware, entre otros.Funcionalidades intermedias: Autorizacin, Mailables, Notificaciones, relaciones entre modelos, Eloquent, compilacin de Assets, entre otros.Funcionalidades avanzadas: Introduccin al desarrollo basado en pruebas (TDD).Desarrollo de un proyecto paso a paso.Los conocimientos previos bsicos que debes tener para aprovechar el curso al mximo son: Programacin.HTML y CSS.Programacin orientado a objeto."
Price: 199.99

"Chess For Absolute Beginners"
"Do you want to know how to start playing Chess? This course has everything you need. From the most basic rules in chess to special rules to winning chess games, this course will take you from absolute zero knowledge to a beginner-intermediate stage.I am not a Chess Master but I am super excited to share my knowledge and experience with you. My rating on Chess(dot)com is comparable to the average tournament players (around 1600).This course is special because you not only learn the basics, I will show you games with computers and live games with other players. I'll walk you through the games and explain some of the most basic scenarios that happen in chess games so that you will have a better idea of how you can get started with playing chess.This course doesn't require you to know anything. In fact, Iexpect that everyone who's going to start are complete beginners who are excited about Chess and want to learn how to play.At the end of the course, you will be able to start playing chess games with family and friends at home or challenge normal people at coffee houses and places like that.I'm sure this course will bring a lot of value to you. And of course, as an instructor of the course, I am happy to answer your questions and to help you when you have any problems.Good luck and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende Conteo Musical y Metodologa para Instructor Fitness"
"Este es un curso diseado con herramientas didcticas y precisas que te muestran todo lo que realmente necesitas dominar para ingresar al mundo del fitness como instructor y destacarte como un profesional. Contars con explicaciones puntuales de cada tema y ejemplos guiados para garantizar tu aprendizaje. Tambin tendrs la opcin de consultar con nuestro equipo a la hora de tener alguna duda o inquietud. Se proponen ejercicios tericos y prcticos que podrs aplicar a tu rea de especializacin ya que el curso es aplicable a una extensa gama de disciplinas fitness. Lo que aprenders aqu te funcionar con: aerbica, baile, ciclismo esttico, entrenamiento funcional, fitness de combate, entrenamiento HIIT, tonificacin localizada, entre otros.Los contenidos se muestran en formato audiovisual muy dinmico y atractivo, que te dejarn claro cada tema pero cuyo dominio ideal estar sujeto a la prctica continua."
Price: 24.99

"Economize em sua viagem"
"Sem tempo e dinheiro para tirar aquela sonhada viagem do papel? Ns te ajudamos com isso!Com esse curso voc ir aprender tudo que precisa em tempo recorde para planejar sua viagem e o melhor: poupar o mximo possvel. Desde passagens areas at os documentos necessrios para uma viagem internacional - aprenda o beab para viajar sem nenhuma preocupao, ou como gostamos de dizer, sem nenhuma turbulncia."
Price: 159.99

"Introduction to CMake"
"CMake is a powerful tool for software developers and every C++ developer should know how to use it properly. In this course, you will learn to program modern CMake in order to manage your build processes. The course contains videos, slides and quizzes. After this course, you will use CMake like a programming language and you will be able to create your own build pipelines for your C++ projects."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Selenium Course in Arabic including frameworks"
". ."
Price: 194.99

"Sicherheitstraining Level 1"
"Yuukikai-Cheftrainer Sren Kalmarczyk fhrt euch in die Grundlagen der Gefahrenvermeidung ein. Selbstverteidigung beginnt damit, Gefahren und Gefhrder zu erkennen und ihnen aus dem Weg zu gehen, bevor man berhaupt in Gefahr gert. Mit Profiling-Techniken und den speziellen Yuukikai-Sicherheitsinhalten lernst du hier, wie du deine Krperhaltung von ""Opfer"" auf ""Respektsperson"" umstellst, wie du dich positionierst und deine Umgebung einschtzen kannst. Nach kurzen, prgnanten Lektionen ber Krperhaltung und Umfeldbetrachtung folgen tiefgehende Lektionen zum schnellen Profiling aller Personen, denen du begegnest und zum grundlegenden Verhalten, wenn es doch mal zum Schlimmsten kommt.Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist, dir die Fhigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu vermitteln, um Gefahren zu erkennen und zu vermeiden, Konfrontationen zu deeskalieren und wie man sich im Ernstfall verhlt, wenn alles andere versagt hat. Du wirst hier theoretisches Wissen erhalten, jedoch nicht kmpfen lernen, dazu besuche bitte vor Ort eine kompetente Kampfkunstschule, die du daran erkennst, dass sie die Kursinhalte anwenden und vertiefen kann."
Price: 59.99

"How to write a POWERFUL CV to secure your dream job"
"Are you struggling to write a good CV? or perhaps you have written a good CV and applied to several jobs but constantly getting rejected? The reality is that your CV only gets 6 seconds to make the cut and many job seekers fail to get interviews due to poorly structured CVs. Ihave experienced this first hand and Ilearnt the hard way the art of creating stellar CVs that went on to land me interviews to top multinational firms.If you have been applying for jobs and constantly getting rejected then this course is exactly what you need. In 1.5 hours I will teach you the principles to writing a CV that will make you stand out and have recruiters calling you for interviews. These are tried principles that worked for me and many others, landing interviews to top multinationals. This course is for you if you are: An unexperienced or experienced job seeker A student or recent graduate looking to start applying for jobs Have been rejected severally after applying for jobs"
Price: 29.99

"Forex Trading : Your Complete Guide A-Z For Beginners"
"In this course you will learn everything you need to know to start Trading the Forex Market right now!This is not just a theoretical course, there is LIVE Trading Included (where we show you how to use the information learned to Trade Live)Here at 2nd House were more than just trade geeks, this is your 2nd HOME. That means were family, We trade together, encourage each other and Study TOGETHER!"
Price: 69.99

"Prospecting Strategies for Fast Growth: Financial Advisers"
"Prospecting Strategies for Fast Growth is a complete, step by step sales and business development process. It shows you the mindset, sales strategies and techniques needed to identify high quality prospects for your business easily  and consistently WITHOUT the need to make cold calls.The most successful sales efforts are based on strategy. Strategic prospecting is maximizing your resources using your resources to the very best advantage in order to position yourself favorably amongst the most qualified prospects.This program will help you to identify your most profitable prospects, where to locate them and the most effective strategies for reaching out and connecting with them. We will also be exploring several online and offline prospecting strategies.By the end of this course, you will be able to sell the most to the greatest number of customers at the least cost and at the highest possible profit."
Price: 49.99

"Strategic Product Management and Leadership"
"Product Management Course for all aspirants transitioning into the most in-demand role as a product manager. We will be discussing on topics as below.Foundations of Product Management.A framework of Product Discovery.The process of Product Definition.Essentials of Product Delivery.we will discuss all the strategic concepts that will shape your attitude and mindset."
Price: 24.99

"Fun Math Tests for 1st graders and 2nd graders"
"This is a very simple collection of exams targeted for kids of 3-8 year old.The content will escalate in difficulty as the course goes on providing a sense of success for the students.The different tests will cover basic math knowledge ranging from additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions across multiple levels of difficulty. In order to get the best out of it, I recommend the supervision of an adult to support on answering difficult questions. This tests will provide you accurate data on what areas your kid must improve and how you can help them. It's the same as a light in the dark to support you helping your kid.A good start in the early school will ensure your kid success later on his career."
Price: 19.99