"Ace the ACT Reading Comprehension Exam" |
"Introduction to the Reading Comprehension Section of the ACT ExamIn this course we will look at all of the following strategies, so that you get the highest number of questions correct.I Strategy: TIME is an issue, perhaps the only time on the test where this is so. 8 to 8.5 minutes for EACH of the four passages, reading the passage and 10 questions.Types of strategies:1) Read the questions first, and answer some without reading the passage. Go to the specific types of questions below, and answer them without reading the passage. There will be anywhere from 3 7 of these every time. Questions with line numbers. Questions with proper names, people, labels, countries. Specific facts and numbers (%s, 6 million years ago) in the questions and answers. Vocabulary words in context.There is a good possibility that these questions can be answered without reading the passage first the questions direct you to the place to look.2) Read the Passage first, then answer the questions. Do the passages you like the most / hate the least -> There is a rationale for this. Read quickly and focus on paragraphs and organization. What are the facts? Is there a tone or direction switch? Underline only 3 things: a) 1st sentence of the paragraphs. b) last sentence of the paragraphs. c) Relevant Facts (this is ACT language).3) Some combination of the above a mix of strategies.There will be questions not answered directly by the passage especially in the prose fiction and humanities passages, which are more philosophical."
Price: 19.99 |
"Literacy Boot Camp 1" |
"Is your son or daughter always (or are you) struggling with long or difficult books? Maybe you are having a tough time getting through the reading. Do you know a college or high school student who is unprepared for the difficulty level of the things you need to read to succeed in class?Literacy Boot Camp will fix all of that.Here are the exercises you'll need in order to become more literate and capable with English. These are the things that your grandparents did. They hated it, but this work is what they did back in the days to become not only LITERATE, but CONFIDENT when it comes to reading and writing. It isn't always fun, but it's the 'bad tasting medicine' that works best. I have included, FORFREE, 3 of my ACTgrammar lectures so you can see how this kind of instruction can help you not only understand English better, but USEit for high scores and success.Get started today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Literacy Boot Camp 2" |
"Is your son or daughter always (or are you) struggling with long or difficult books? Maybe you are having a tough time getting through the reading. Do you know a college or high school student who is unprepared for the difficulty level of the things you need to read to succeed in class?Literacy Boot Camp will fix all of that.Here are the exercises you'll need in order to become more literate and capable with English. These are the things that your grandparents did. They hated it, but this work is what they did back in the days to become not only LITERATE, but CONFIDENT when it comes to reading and writing. It isn't always fun, but it's the 'bad tasting medicine' that works best."
Price: 19.99 |
"SAT Verbal Exam - Reading and Writing in One Place" |
"SAT Verbal Section: Evidence-Based Reading and WritingThe SAT has undergone several significant changes within the past few years. Most notably, the expansion of the verbal section. Prior to 2016, the SAT had only two main sections: verbal and math. The two sections today are identified as math and evidence-based reading and writing.The critical reading and writing sections of the current SAT are almost identical to the previous verbal section with the exception of the analogy questions. These questions have been eliminated from the test. Despite the changes, the evidence-based reading and writing section still measures a test takers verbal abilities.Therefore, your evidence-based reading and writing score will be your verbal SAT score.I will cover the basics with you in this tutorial. We will go over the questions of the most standard kind. There are 2 Reading Comprehension passages, containing a total of 9 questions. This enables us to look at the passages and questions in detail. It is through this pattern that we are able to see to it that you are prepared and you know what's coming.I have included the explanations for both verbal parts of the SAT in PDF format. You might want to look over these explanations for further advance notice. Knowing what the exam creators are doing is always a big help."
Price: 19.99 |
"Declutter Your Life" |
"At some point you stand up and say where did all this stuff come from? Everything would be so much simpler if I could just stay on top of this stuffYoure right, it would! Even if youre like me and you build up attachments to things whether keepsakes and treasures or routines youll wake up one day and start thinking its all more trouble than its worth.Youd be right there too. Well, sort of theres nothing wrong with enjoying those things. It can be great! But if youre here, it could be that your attachments have already created a wall between you, and the lifestyle youd like to be living.This course is designed to help people like you and I simplify our lives and move forward in whatever way we choose.You dont need to abandon your treasured keepsakes or memories to do it. Does that sound optimistic?I hope so, because by the time youve explored all 10 video modules (including support materials, worksheets, and exercises to help you), youll be a master of home organisation.In this course you will learn how to declutter your life. With 10 easy to follow videos, workbook, and exercises, decluttering has never been easier!Its much easier than you think:First, nobodys going to ask you to stop valuing your cherished keepsakes and memories. Dont worry about that!Youre going to learn a system that lets you treat them with the respect and protection they deserve. Youll actually end up loving them more, because instead of being a barrier between you and life youll integrate them into it.Don't delay, start todaySara"
Price: 89.99 |
"Social Storytelling for Human Resources" |
"This course does not require you to purchase any new software or equipment. You can also use the same communication channels you already have access to. This course gives you the gift of a new lens you can look through to be more effective.All it takes is a willingness to understand what drives people. People are social animals. In fact, we are probably the most social creatures on the planet. People also have a secret weapon that have made us successful for eons. We can create feelings and emotions with each other through stories. In this course, you will learn about people as social storytellers. Because we have not evolved cognitively, emotionally, or biologically; we can use positive social drivers such as trust, respect, and esteem to draw people to us and our organizations. Once people become part of a strong, positive group, they do not want to leave. This is how we can retain these great people that we attract."
Price: 19.99 |
"communication institutionnelle" |
"le cours vise a dcrire la fonction de la communication institutionnelle (CI) au sein d'une organisation ou institution.le cours est articul autour de quatre sections1-section1 : introduction cette section est articule en deux session*les niveaux de la communication institutionnelle*Distinction entre Communication institutionnelle et politique 2-section2 :les techniques de la communication institutionnellecette section est articule en deux session*techniques de la communication institutionnelle*les formes de la Communication institutionnelle3-section3 :le plan de la communication institutionnellecette section est articule en deux session*cycle de la communication intgr*Communication projet4-section4 :les outils de la communication institutionnelle*les outils internes*les outils externes*cible et objectifs de la CI*Partage des comptencespuis une conclusion rsumant lessentiel de ce cours."
Price: 19.99 |
"Liderana e Trabalho em Equipe" |
"O curso visa dialogar sobre a tica contempornea do trabalho e gerar reflexes sobre os papis e as competncias necessrias ao pleno desempenho da liderana; alm de exercitar a aplicao de metodologias de liderana, utilizando exerccios prticos e estudo de casos. destinado aos profissionais que desejam desenvolver suas habilidades de liderana na vida empresarial e pessoal."
Price: 54.99 |
"Administrao do Tempo e Eficcia Pessoal" |
"Voc acredita que o tempo est passando mais rpido? Faz muitas coisas todos os dias e no consegue dar conta de tanto volume? Este curso mostra a importncia e o valor do tempo, oferecendo ferramentas e tcnicas para que o participante seja capaz de utilizar seu tempo com mais equilbrio e produtividade; alm de identificar e combater os desperdiadores de tempo: hbitos inadequados que interferem na perda de produtividade. Por fim, capacita o indivduo a eleger prioridades com clareza e preciso, focando seu trabalho em planejar e concluir projetos com eficcia pessoal."
Price: 39.99 |
"Planejamento Estratgico" |
"O curso tem como objetivo criar um entendimento sobre os componentes e as caractersticas da estratgia em uma organizao, atravs da discusso de conceitos tericos e de exemplos documentados; alm de exercitar a aplicao de metodologias de planejamento e gesto estratgica, utilizando exerccios prticos e estudo de casos, incluindo o tema inovao."
Price: 99.99 |
"Desdobramento do Plano de Metas" |
"O curso ensina a identificar os objetivos estratgicos de cada rea da empresa derivados de suas estratgias; mape-los num mapa BSC e a desdobr-los em aes simples, integradas num plano. Tambm mestra como como montar um sistema de indicadores de desempenho para acompanhar as aes e a performance do plano."
Price: 39.99 |
"Modern Web Design & Development: Creating a PWA in Angular 8" |
"This course is intended to enable anyone, even if you are starting out with no knowledge or experience, to finish the course with the ability to create progressive web apps, understand the basics of Angular, and learn best design practices along the way! You will complete your own unique version of the project that we will build and host for free with the Angular 8 CLI and Google Firebase.My name is Jacinto Wong and I am currently working as a Senior Developer in Toronto, Canada. For me, only 4 months after starting my first online developer course, I landed my first developer job. I had an advantage, in that Ive been doing layout and design work for magazines and newspapers for over 15 years. Check out more about me at the website jacinto.design But I think what impressed my interviewers the most was the projects I had made through these online courses, which cost a fraction of the time and money that university, college, or even a coding boot camp would have cost. Ultimately, I understand how valuable a well-structured course with an impressive project can be for career success. I believe the course I have put together will be an excellent starting point on that journey and I am excited to share that.Even the longest journeys begin with just a single step. I hope you will take your first steps towards becoming a developer with me!By the end of this course, students will:Be able to build responsive Progressive Web Apps using Angular and FirebasePractice principles of design that will apply to print and web projectsCreate their own unique portfolio websiteHave a solid understanding of Visual Studio CodeLearn how to create project mock-ups with PhotopeaHave the ability to use Chrome Developer Tools to test and audit websitesContents and OverviewThe course will start by setting up all the software. This will begin with installing Git For Windows to integrate with GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Node/NPM, Angular CLI, and Firebase Tools.We will discuss the importance of the planning stage in building a website, as well as implementing best design practices. Then we will discuss what a Progressive Web App its long list of benefits, including being able to function offline.Jumping into our main project, we will work through our project in sections. We will begin with the home page, which will feature a responsive video background. Next, we will add our navigation as a shared component. Later on we will make a responsive version that will display in mobile devices.We will then create an About section with a short bio and link to a resume. Next, our projects section will involve learning how to create mock-ups for other web projects using Photopea (an online free version of Photoshop).We will wrap up the main page content by adding a contact section, as well as a small footer. After this, I will discuss the importance of responsive design, going through how to alter a desktop website to look good on a smartphone in vertical and horizontal orientations. I will explain how this is done, using the Developer Tools in Chrome and then give students to opportunity to finish the rest on their own. In the last section of the course, I will show how to make and implement icons for a PWA. Then we will look at Lighthouse Audits to optimize our project further. We will finish by building, optimizing, and hosting our web app online for free with Firebase.Why Should You Learn This?If you are starting the process of learning to become a web developer, or even if you are already working as a web developer, you will find value in this course. There is an emphasis on design principles throughout, and a unique workflow to efficiently create Progressive Web Apps that are much more functional than regular websites."
Price: 19.99 |
"From Push Up to Handstand Push Up" |
"This course will teach how to use your body as your own personal gym when training the push up, and it's appropriate for all levels!Whether you can barely do one push up or you've been able to achieve multiple push ups but you're ready to start stepping up the difficulty, then this is the course for you. You'll learn how to:modulate the intensity of a push by using mechanical leverage; train the push up sustainably and safely; progress from push up to, ultimately, the handstand pushup using the necessary and appropriate progressions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Setup, Grow, & Connect with High-Quality Leads with LinkedIn" |
"NOTE:CURRENTLY REVAMPING THE PROFESSIONALISM OF THE INTRO &PROMO VIDEOS AND PARTS OF THIS LESSON VIDEO. WE'RE SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE.In this module, you'll learn how to setup your LinkedIn account, use keywords to find your targeted leads, network with others through groups, proper blogging, and using LinkedIn on iPhone optimally for massive networking. This is the first module out of five Ihave made, and each go into depth on how you can enhance your business with this knowledge. P.S. In later modules that I'll be uploading to Udemy shortly, I'll teach how to message properly with LinkedIn Messaging and automate all of this work on LinkedIn..."
Price: 99.99 |
"Performance Testing Using Gatling - Advanced Level" |
"Welcome to our course for learning advanced concepts of Gatling!This course is in continuation to our popular beginner level course on Gatling. In case you want to start learning Gatling from scratch, we would recommend you enroll in our beginner level course first. If, however, you know the basics of Gatling we welcome you to enroll in this advanced level course.In this course, we will first lay the foundation by going through Scala concepts so that you understand Gatling scripts better.Then we will dig deep into the advanced concepts of Gatling like session management, feeders, checks, response handling, advanced level injection profiles and more. We will then move ontoGatling's support for protocols like SSE& WebSocket. Gatling is getting popular as it fits well with continuous integration platforms. We do not want you to miss out on that, and hence a complete section is dedicated to the integration of Gatling with Jenkins. While you may think you are done with the advanced concepts, we believe that your journey has just begun. While we would have already given lots of hands-on activities, we present you with the development of complete performance framework for Gatling.We are sure you are going to like our course for it is created with the clear focus of making you understand and implement the advanced concepts of Gatling. In case you need any assistance, we are always there to help you!Looking forward to having you onboard with us. Regards,Bushra & Anuradha"
Price: 19.99 |
"Performance Testing Using Locust" |
"Hello,It's time to swarm your application by modern load testing framework - Locust! It's easy to start & quick to understand. It simply figures out how many concurrent users an application handle. It is supported by most popular language python which makes it highly flexible!It offers highly scalable and distributed testing and all this comes at no cost! There is no reason why you should not learn this light & yet highly powerful tool. It could be an effective tool for both developers & testers.Here in this course, I will take you through deeper sections of the tool and make sure that you get highly enabled to use this wonderful tool. Multiple assignments at each step will make you more confident about the concepts learnt. Additionally, all the scripts walked through during lectures and also the solution to the assignment are available in corresponding resources of the lectures.In case of queries/issues, I would try to respond as early as possible.I am sure you will be happy to choose this course!Happy Learning!Anuradha"
Price: 19.99 |
"Lean Six Sigma White Belt (Cinturn Blanco)" |
"La industria 4.0 ha impulsado a lderes empresariales a implementar Lean Six Sigma (LSS) para impulsar la mejora continuaen organizaciones de cualquier giro, permitiendo as mejorar sus procesos, hacer uso eficiente de los recursos, reducir sustiempos de ciclo y los desperdicios, mejorando as la competitividad y rentabilidad.Es vital para las organizaciones lograr la ventaja competitiva en est cuarta revolucin industrial."
Price: 945.00 |
"Lean Six Sigma Masterclass" |
"Desde hace ya algunas dcadas, los lderes empresariales han impulsado la adopcin de Lean Six Sigma (LSS) para impulsar mejoras en todas las industrias, permitiendo a sus empresas reducir el tiempo de ciclo y los desperdicios, mejorando as la rentabilidad y competitividad, generar mayores ingresos.Lean y Six Sigma son una filosofa de trabajo para lograr la mejora continua en las organizaciones y eliminar todo aquello que no agrega valor, variabilidad y defectos."
Price: 24.99 |
"DMV Knowledge Test -New Jersey" |
"These practice tests will help you on your final preparation for NJ DMV Knowledge test . After successful completion of this course you will be able to pass NJ DMV Knowledge test exam in 1st attempt.All the questions are absolutely aligned with real exam and this practice test guarantees 100% passing in real exam.The pass marks of each test is 80% although it is recommended that you target for more than 80% in these practice tests."
Price: 1280.00 |
"PROCURE TO PAY CYCLE In SAP: All About Procurement Process" |
"This is a course containing step by step, detailed lectures on Procure To Pay Cycle concept and how the cycle works in SAP. In this course, the students or learners will get a step by step approach to the cycle and can explore every component in the cycle in more detail."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Python project: create the Pong game" |
"This course is for anyone who is new to programming and is bored of repeating book exercises over and over and wants to move on towards more exciting projects. In this course you will gradually build a Pong game while improving your programming skills. This is a hands-on course meaning you will start creating the game straight away without going through hours of development theory."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Collection Classes in C# Using Visual Studio" |
"This course has very recently been updated to contain two brand new sections on HashSet<T> and SortedSet<T> with a total of five additional lectures introducing the section topics and offering extensive practical code base coverage over these sections. This course covers the Non-Generic, Generic, Concurrent and Specialized Collection classes in C#. The course includes important concept building topics in Reflection, Multi-threaded applications (with thread safety), Asynchronous Programming and Object-Oriented concepts of Interfaces and Abstract Class that the students need to grasp in order to get the full benefits from the course. Several coding exercises, an assignment, and a mini-project are aimed to keep the students engaged with the contents. These exercises are also means of self-assessing the progress with the course. A number of bonus articles and lectures have been added to enhance the learning process in related technologies. "
Price: 79.99 |
"ASP.NET Core 3 with MVC and MongoDB" |
"This is an all-level course in Building apps with ASP.NET Core 3 Using MongoDB as a back-end database. To start with, it handles the concept of a NoSQL database comparing it with the conventional relational databases (RDBMS). The course then proceeds with one of the most popular NoSQL databases, the MongoDB which is a document-based database for proceeding further with applications developed with the popular ASP.NET Core framework. The course uses the latest ASP.NET Core 3 for the hands-on development work. It shows and teaches the creation of an ASP.NET Core 3 MVC application in-depth, from scratch. It covers all the critical concepts associated with an MVC (Model-View-Controller) application built with the ASP.NET Core framework. The main highlights of the MVC application being the introduction of a data access layer using a repository pattern in keeping with Industry best practices. It also uses async programming (as opposed to synchronous programming) which is at the core of the new web framework of ASP.NET Core that has been rewritten from the earlier popular ASP.NET framework. ASP.NET Core 3 has just been released in the .NET Conference 2019 on September 23, 2019, so the course uses the latest cutting edge technology released by Microsoft for which the Microsoft developer community has been waiting for long!"
Price: 119.99 |
"CompTIA Server+ practice exams" |
"CompTIA Server+ ensures pros have the skills to work in data centers or cloud environments. ********************************************************************************************CompTIA Server+ certified candidates can work in any environment because it is the only vendor-neutral certification covering the major server platforms. It is the only industry certification that covers the latest server technologies including virtualization, security and network-attached storage. CompTIA Server+ certification validates the skills necessary to be a server administrator. Successful candidates will have mastered the following concepts:Virtualization Storage Security Troubleshooting ***** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 255 questions ******"
Price: 34.99 |
"CompTIA Project+ practice exams" |
"CompTIA Project+ gives business professionals inside and outside of IT the basic concepts to successfully manage small- to medium-sized projects. Project+ certification allows employers to easily recognize a qualified professional project manager to help manage and direct company initiatives. Hiring decisions on project manager jobs can potentially be decided on credentials like certification. CompTIA certification helps show employers that a potential employee is skilled, knowledgeable and capable of managing projects for their organization.The CompTIA Project+ exam covers the project management life cycle and tests for the skills required to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control and close a project. Project+ certification also covers ""the business, interpersonal and technical project management skills"" required for successful management of projects and business initiatives.***** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 118 questions ********"
Price: 24.99 |
"CompTIA Mobility+ practice exams" |
"CompTIA Mobility+ has already firmly took its position in the list of the best CompTIA certifications for IT professionals who want to stay ahead of the mobile-ready curve. This certification confirms expert knowledge in the latest mobility trends and the ability to work with a wide range of existing and new mobile technologies.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 268 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ practice exams" |
"CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (ITF+) is an introduction to basic IT knowledge and skills. The CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ exam focuses on the essential IT skills and knowledge needed to perform tasks commonly performed by advanced end-users and entry-level IT professionals alike, including:Using features and functions of common operating systems and establishing network connectivity Identifying common software applications and their purpose Using security and web browsing best practices This exam is intended for candidates who are advanced end users and/or are considering a career in IT. The exam is also a good fit for individuals interested in pursuing professional-level certifications, such as A+.**** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 240 questions ******"
Price: 29.99 |
"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst CSA+ practice exams" |
"CompTIA states that CompTIA CSA+ certification bridges the skills gap between CompTIA Security+ and the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) certification exams to generate a vendor-neutral cybersecurity career path for IT security professionals. While CompTIA Security+ gives usual cybersecurity information and skills, both CSA+ and CASP, with a distinct focus, are recognized standard and advanced level certifications respectively and do approach the expanding need for specialization that cybersecurity now claims of professionals.The CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+) certification is designed to reflect the prevailing job positions of security analyst professionals at the intermediate level while CompTIA Security+ certification is excellent for acquiring the necessary skills for cybersecurity positions, it is extremely recognizable globally and, while it may pose a challenge, with proper preparation any dedicated candidate can be successful. This covers every base for making the Security+ your first certification. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 103 questions ****"
Price: 29.99 |
"SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner practice exams" |
"Earning a globally recognized advanced security administration and operations certification like the SSCP is a great way to grow your career and better secure your organizations critical assets.SSCP certification demonstrates you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure using security best practices, policies and procedures established by the cybersecurity experts at (ISC).Prove your skills, advance your career, and gain the support of a community of cybersecurity leaders here to help you throughout your career. *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 250 questions ****"
Price: 24.99 |
"CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) practice exams" |
"CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification is for instructors who want to verify they have attained a standard of excellence in the training field. CTT+ validates the knowledge and use of tools and techniques necessary for successfully teaching in todays learning environments.Earning the CTT+ certification designates you as an exceptional trainer in your field. As an instructor, you not only have to plan engaging classroom lectures, practice tasks and exams, but you must also be a knowledgeable and effective communicator. CTT+ certification provides comprehensive training standards to validate your skills in a traditional or virtual classroom environment, and ensures that you can teach effectively and step up to the front of the class with confidence. **** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 180 questions ****"
Price: 29.99 |