"Pacote Office - Microsoft Office Essencial Todas as Verses." |
"Obs: Mtodo de ensino aplicvel a todas as verses de 2007 at 2019!Faculdade, cursos livres e tcnicosMercado de trabalho disputado, empresas cada vez mais exigentes...Tempo e Dinheiro, so fatores que ocupam e preocupam pessoas o tempo todo na atual sociedade.MicrosoftOffice Essencial, apresenta a forma mais simples e rpida de aprender as principais ferramentas da Microsoft para a criao de Planilhas eletrnicas, Formatao de Textos e Criao de Apresentaes com os j conhecidos e amplamente utilizados Softwares Excel, Word e Power Point.No atual cenrio as exigncias so cada vez maiores com prazos cada vez mais curtos, pensando nisso foi desenvolvido o curso rpido de ferramentas essenciais que mostra de forma prtica como criar solues administrativas computacionais.O Pacote Office da Microsoft de longe o mais usado (portanto exigido) por empresas de todos os portes, tornando o conhecimento bsico desta ferramenta indispensvel para qualquer pessoa que queira ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou at atualizar - se para ter novas e melhores chances no disputado mercado.Tempo e dinheiro so alguns dos fatores que atrapalham ou at impedem milhares de pessoas na busca de conhecimento, sendo assim, aqui temos a soluo ideal com curso desenvolvido e ministrado por profissional da rea de TI atuante a mais de 16 anos.Planto de Dvidas - Envie sua dvida diretamente ao ProfessorPrtica - Exemplosprticos em 99% das aulasVerses - O curso foi desenvolvido para funcionar com Diversas verses do SoftwareNo Perca tempo, atualize - se e melhore suas chances, esteja preparado.Te Vejo l."
Price: 39.99 |
"Microsoft Office - Word e Excel Iniciante ao Intermedirio" |
"O Microsoft Office um dos requisitos mais solicitados por empresas de todos os portes devido a sua facilidade em proporcionar solues computacionais em todo o mundo.Conhecer e dominar essas ferramentas uma necessidade cada vez maior, visto a atual competitividade no mercado de trabalho onde todo e qualquer recurso um diferencial.Neste curso abordamos de forma simples, fcil e rpida as principais ferramentas do Microsoft Excel e Microsoft Word, com foco em pessoas que no tem tempo a perder e necessitam de um treinamento rpido e objetivo.Aqui voc estuda no seu tempo (sem mensalidades), no conforto e no ritmo que desejar e ainda conta com suporte total do Professor nos campos de perguntas e respostas.Aqui vamos entender tudo o que for necessrio para uma rotina comum de escritrio e utilizar exemplos reais do cotidiano, exemplos que sero de fato aplicveis na vida real.Curso pensado para iniciantes que nos levar at o nvel intermedirio das ferramentas Microsoft Word - Editor de Textos e Microsoft Excel - Utilizado para Planilhas de clculos.Dentre outros recursos teremos em Excel:Clculos Bsicos e FunesEstrutura de Deciso Bsica e AninhadaDesenvolvimento de Macros e Guias PersonalizadasGrficos Planilhas de Controle Buscas de Informaes na Planilha No Word teremos:Formatao Bsica e AvanadaDesenvolvimento de CurrculoConexo com Bancos de Dados (mala - direta)Uso de tabelas, cabealho e rodapFormatao de um TCC (trabalho de concluso de curso) completoNo perca mais tempo, inscreva - se e esteja preparado para o mercado de trabalho com este curso completo de Microsot Office com Excel e Word."
Price: 39.99 |
"Microsoft Office Completo - Excel, Access e Word" |
"O Microsoft Office um dos requisitos mais solicitados por empresas de todos os portes devido a sua facilidade em proporcionar solues computacionais em todo o mundo.Conhecer e dominar essas ferramentas uma necessidade cada vez maior, visto a atual competitividade no mercado de trabalho onde todo e qualquer recurso um diferencial.Neste curso abordamos de forma simples, fcil e rpida as principais ferramentas do Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word e Microsoft Access com foco em pessoas que no tem tempo a perder e necessitam de um treinamento rpido e objetivo.Aqui voc estuda no seu tempo (sem mensalidades), no conforto e no ritmo que desejar e ainda conta com suporte total do Professor nos campos de perguntas e respostas.Aqui vamos entender tudo o que for necessrio para uma rotina comum de escritrio e utilizar exemplos reais do cotidiano, exemplos que sero de fato aplicveis na vida real.Curso pensado para iniciantes que nos levar at o nvel intermedirio das ferramentas Microsoft Word - Editor de Textos e Microsoft Excel - Utilizado para Planilhas de clculos e tambm conhecimentos na criao de dois bancos de dados completos com a ferramenta Access para Bancos de Dados.Dentre outros recursos teremos em Excel:Clculos Bsicos e FunesEstrutura de Deciso Bsica e AninhadaDesenvolvimento de Macros e Guias PersonalizadasGrficosPlanilhas de ControleBuscas de Informaes na PlanilhaNo Word teremos:Formatao Bsica e AvanadaDesenvolvimento de CurrculoConexo com Bancos de Dados (mala - direta)Uso de tabelas, cabealho e rodapFormatao de um TCC (trabalho de concluso de curso) completoBancos de dados - Desenvolvendo um Sistema de cadastro em Access para Iniciantes.Na atual sociedade impossvel imaginar organizao de informaes sem a ajuda de um banco de dados.O Microsoft Access uma ferramenta fcil e intuitiva criada para facilitar a criao de um sistema de forma simples e objetiva mesmo sem conhecimentos em programao de computadores.Este curso foi pensado para iniciantes e estudantes de todas as reas de informtica.As chances de um profissional que domina o desenvolvimento de um banco de dados muito maior no mercado de trabalho, tendo em vista os fatores de baixo - custo do Microsoft Access isso o torna vivel para diversas empresas de diversos portes e tambm empreendedores individuais e neste treinamento teremos o primeiro passo para quem deseja conhecer a ferramenta Access.Melhore suas chances no mercado aprendendo aqui os conceitos iniciais de Microsoft Access e seja capaz de criar um sistema de cadastros e emisso de pedidos totalmente moldado e personalizado para sua necessidade.Com a base de conhecimento adquirida neste curso rpido e direto de Microsoft Access voc ser capaz em (poucas horas) de Modelar e Gerenciar um Banco de Dados completo em aulas dinmicas e 99% prticas.No perca mais tempo, inscreva - se e esteja preparado para o mercado de trabalho com este curso completo de Microsot Office com Excel, Access e Word.OBS: Curso compatvel com TODAS as verses do Pacote Office (desde 2007), pois abordamos aqui mtodos de uso em rotinas administrativas e Solues computacionais.Inscreva - se e esteja preparado para o mercado de trabalho."
Price: 39.99 |
"Lgica de Programao Para Iniciantes e Estudantes" |
"Contedo com exemplos simples em Java, Python e JavaScript!J cogitou entrar para uma faculdade ou curso tcnico na rea de tecnologia mais tem dvidas?Gostaria de saber como a rea de desenvolvimento, porm acha difcil de entender codificao?J esteve confuso nas matrias que envolvem programao no seu curso ou Faculdade?Se voc respondeu ""sim"" para uma das perguntas acima este o curso ideal para voc.Este curso indicado para pessoas que querem ter o primeiro contato com programao de computadores, porm no tem pacincia para longas e maantes aulas tericas, aqui teremos prtica de forma simples e direta com o que realmente relevante para iniciantes ou estudantes na rea de programao.Veja tambm alguns exemplos simples e prticos de aplicao com as linguagens Python, Java e JavaScript.Vamos analisar situaes reais que ocorrem no dia a dia da profisso e suas possveis solues, de forma simples e direta.Alm de solues computacionais utilizando a lgica de programao, vamos aplicar exemplos em diversas linguagens para que voc possa ver de fato a lgica mostrada em aula, funcionando na prtica.Neste curso voc certamente dar o primeiro passo para ingressar em uma das mais importantes reas de atuao do mercado de trabalho, em crescimento mesmo em momentos de crise.Tudo em um detalhado passo a passo para que voc possa de verdade entender como funciona a rea de desenvolvimento com a lgica de programao. Em poucas horas voc ter noes de como desenvolver raciocnios lgicos para o desenvolvimento de solues computacionais.OBS: Curso introdutrio, indicado como primeiro contato com a Lgica de Programao no recomendado para pessoas que j programam ou que j conhecem raciocnios lgicos aplicados em programao.Contedo:VariveisTipos de DadosArmazenamento e Leitura de DadosExemplos de Programao WEB - JavaScript aplicado no HTML (marcao)Exemplo simples em PythonIF / Else (SE, Seno, SE OU e SE E)LOOPSwitch CaseExemplo simples em JavaTudo pensado passo - a - passo para iniciantes e estudantes da rea de informtica e desenvolvimento.Inscreva -se agora mesmo.Te vejo l."
Price: 39.99 |
"NodeJS Bitcoin wallet" |
"JavaScript? bitcoin?Bitcoin? Bitcoin!!Bitcoin?Bitcoin?bitcoin?"
Price: 119.99 |
"Develop Bitcoin wallet and converter with NodeJS" |
"Are you afraid that the exchange suddenly closes? Are you afraid you can not take your bitcoin out of the exchange?Bitcoin afraid of being stolen?The best solution is to build your own Bitcoin wallet !!Want to include Bitcoin payments in your app?Want to know how to use the Bitcoin blockchain?Want to know how to use bitcoin to pay?"
Price: 119.99 |
"YouTube LakhPati - From SEO Secrets to Making Money on YT" |
"Only Course for YouTube in HindiIf You want Success, Money, Fame in YouTube. Take this Course.If You don't like it,there are 30 days for returning it, Try it and Believe me -You will Love this Course.It has Everything you need to be successful in YouTube, I have spend one and a half years in making this course. It has Success Mantra that one can be successful in YouTube, make money through it and some SEO Secrets that only .1% people knows.I will show you :How People Really Make Money On YouTubeAffiliate Marketing through YouTubeSuccess Mantra of YouTube Gurus(BB ki Vines, Sandeep Maheshwari)SEO Secrets - How YouTube Algorithm works?"
Price: 49.99 |
"How To Buy Shares for Profit-Step By Step Mastery" |
"What You'll Learn in this Course:What is Stock MarketLearn how the stock market works .Learn the basics of what is share , why companies issue shares, and what can you do to have a piece of the best businessesCharting Vs FundamentalsLearn 2 Approaches of finding shares. We will concentrate on Fundamentals ie make investment decisions based on company's financial healthMagic Of CompoundingLearn how Compounding works and how you can use it to your advantage to grow your InvestmentsTax Efficient Investments and Broker AccountLearn how ISA ( individual saving account) and SIPP (self invested Pension Plan) work for tax efficient investments.Ratio AnalysisLearn all the important ratios you need to analyse shares such as PE Ratio, ROCE, EBIT, CROCI and much moreLean how to Read Financial StatementsSuch and Profit and loss account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement to extract valuable informationFinding Quality CompaniesThis is meat of the course where you will learn to pick Quality companies for potential investments.Stock Analysis Software-Share PadYou will learn how to use cutting edge stock analysis software to do all the leg work for you and save you hours if not days of work.Introduction to FundsWhat is a Funds and how to select profitable and growing funds using Share PadAnd Much Much More...You will be introduced to the steps necessary to make informed decisions and will have a question and answer session at the end.You Can Really Take Control of Your Financial Future !If you are reading this, the chances are that youve decided to take control of your investments. You may have been investing for some time but feel you could do better. Many of you may be new to investing, or have previously left the management of your money to professionals, and are thinking of taking the plunge and going it alone. You can really do it and the times have changed and all the latest technology allows you to take control of your own financial future.With 30 day money back guarantee you have nothing to loose and whole lot to gain. So why not give it a go and invest in your future."
Price: 19.99 |
"Multmetro Bsico 101" |
"Explicaremos el uso del multmetro de manera prctica y ayudndonos con animaciones, sumamente didctico.Hablaremos sobre:Conceptos bsicos de electricidad, tensin, resistencia y corriente (Lo mnimo necesario para entender el multmetro).Como se configura el equipo y comose realizan cada una de esas mediciones de:Tensin alterna y continuaCorriente continuaDiodosContinuidadResistenciaLos distintos tipos de multmetrosComo seleccionarlos y comprarlos.He diseado este curso para que adquieran las nociones bsicas de electricidad y del uso de multmetro, para que al final del curso puedan elegir, comprar y utilizar con confianza y pericia el equipo en todas sus funciones principales.Pero eso no es todo!Podrn realizar los que lo deseen mini evaluaciones y cuestionarios sobre los temas vistos.Por favor, sientanse libres de revisar la descripcin del curso y las primeras clases.Los espero!Gracias."
Price: 29.99 |
"Ingls: Aprender Ingls Gradualmente Nivel Intermedio Verbos" |
"""Me cuesta tanto aprender los verbos, deseara acceder a un listado completo con los verbos ms utilizados, donde pueda encontrar la organizacin, pronunciacin y significado en un solo formato, para poder practicarlos con frecuencia y lograr por fin aprenderlos de memoria"" Curso complementario al aprendizaje de idioma Ingls. Realizado en Ingls, para que puedas avanzar en tus conocimientos: A) Traducciones acotadas con subttulos en Espaol. Las clases cuentan con subttulos generados por mi. B) Comunicacin conmigo en Espaol. La Metodologa se llama: Aprender Ingls Gradualmente + el nombre del Nivel. en Ingls es: L.E.G. Learning English Gradually Intermediate En este caso este Curso es Intermedio General para estudiantes que tengan: Niveles de Ingls Intermedio Medio o Alto.Este Curso es para ti:Si necesitas aprender, reforzar y practicar los listados de verbos de uso frecuente en Ingls, para preparar futuros aprendizajes del idioma.El Objetivo de este Curso es practicar y reforzar los verbos. Este es un Curso con un completo Listado de Verbos (Verb Lists) para practicar y est dirigido a Profesionales, estudiantes (universitarios o tcnicos), hablantes de espaol con conocimientos de Ingls Nivel Intermedio Bajo, Medio o Alto que saben pocos verbos o que necesitan reforzar los listados de verbos, para ampliar sus habilidades en el idioma. Los beneficios que este Curso te dar sern fundamentalmente lograr tener en un solo formato los verbos ms utilizados en el idioma Ingls con su pronunciacin y significado, para lograr dominarlos de acuerdo a las exigencias internacionales para este nivel que en Ingls es: Learning English Gradually Intermediate. Cmo realizar este Curso?Una vez que hayas ledo todos los verbos dedica tiempo a para aprenderlos por lista de agrupacin. Un listado primero hasta que logres saberlo luego seguir con el siguiente y el siguiente hasta saberlos todos. Es la nica forma. Nadie en el mundo los puede aprender en forma automtica, requiere repeticin hasta que logres saberlos de memoria. Es prudente repetir los listados varias veces para practicar y consultarlos cuando sea necesario. Te recomiendo dedicar tiempo de repeticin hasta controlarlos de memoria. Es lo nico en el aprendizaje del Ingls que necesita de memorizacin. Con tranquilidad produccin pausada y ritmica podrs leer, repetir, practicar, reforzar la pronunciacin en forma simultnea, comprender el significado y reconocer sus partes. Comienza a practicar con este Curso y tendrs mejor control y fluidez del manejo de los verbos ms comunes y utilizados, preparando el camino a futuros aprendizajes.Sin conocimiento y memorizacin de verbos es imposible que un adulto profesional o estudiante preparado, pueda organizar el lenguaje como herramienta en su quehacer laboral y personal transfiriendo ideas, pensamientos, deseos, negociaciones a otros, en Ingls.Si miras cada verbo en forma aislada vers que, el secreto de aprender bien la lista radica que por cada parte de un verbo que aprendes en realidad se multiplica por 8 posibilidades de oraciones.Sii sumas todas sus partes tendras que multiplicar 8x6 lo que da un total de 48 posibilidades de realizar una oracin afirmativa coherente. Ms an, si agregamos oraciones negativas e interrogativas habra que multiplicar 48x3 lo que nos da un total de 144 oraciones simples por cada verbo. Y ms an al complementarlos con las combinaciones con los verbos auxiliares podemos seguir multiplicando las posibilidades. En sntesis es una inversin de tiempo que da sin lugar a dudas grandes frutos. T puedes!Saludos cariosos,Elba.Elba Caldern L.E.G. (Learning English Gradually)Teacher of English."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Blues Guitar in the style BB King -""KING OF THE BLUES""" |
"Learn to play lead guitar in the style of one of the most influential blues guitarists of all time - the ""King Of The Blues"", Mr. BB King. His brilliant and creative playing has influenced countless guitarists all over the world. He is truly one of the greats, and we can all be inspired and empowered through his playing. In these lessons you will learn all kinds of techniques, devices, scales, and soloing strategies in the style of BB King. Throughout the course you will be given a step by step breakdown of his style and playing techniques.This course is taught by Next Level Guitar instructors Ben Zinn & Dave Nassie and contains 15 in-depth HD video lessons.These total over fourhoursof pure step-by-step, move-by-move instruction you can pause and easily follow along with our on-screen tablature. You also get five killer jam tracks. These are the exact same tracks that we utilize throughout the video lessons. So get will learn how to apply everything you are learning in a musical context. And you also get a highly detailed 41-page PDF eBook. This valuable eBook gives you crucial tips, scale diagrams, soloing strategies, jam track breakdowns, and charts to speed your progress. BB King is considered one of the most influential blues musicians of alltime. His music and guitar playing have had a profound influenceacross the world's musical landscape. One can say that BB has defined the blues for a worldwide audience.He is a 15-time Grammy Award winner and he always ranks high onRolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time.His playing isalways instantly identifiable and phrased impeccably well. All you needto hear is a few of his sweet notes or his stinging vibrato and you knowits BB. His unique style always used his voice and guitar to provide melodyand harmony. His technique was one of spareness and emotiveplaying.He is often cited as being a huge playing influence of guitar playersfrom all generations and musical styles. From classic guitar greats likeJimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Albert King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, BonnieRaitt, and Albert Collins, to more modern blues players like JoeBonamassa, Jon Mayer,Gary Clark Jr, and Bonnie Raitt. Even rappershave sampled Kings music like 50 Cent and Tony Yayo. Yayosampled BB King's Chains and Things, and Ice Cube sampled King'sA Bird in the Hand.Throughout this course we break all the licks, devices, and techniques down into digestible pieces and demonstrate them at slow and regular speeds. Then weteach you how to practice and apply them over the included jam tracks. And all the lessons feature on-screen tablature and close-ups of the fret and pick hands with multiple camera angles to make it easy to follow along. Throughout these lessons you will learn: -All about the gear and tones to get in the BB King style-Lead guitar techniques on BB King style string bending, vibrato, string raking, slides, dynamics, and other devices -Soloing strategies in this style and licks over12-bar blues-All kinds of licks and devices in the style and how to apply them over a slow blues jam-Positional mapping of the guitar neck for increased guitar neck soloing and improvisational vision-How to blend major and minor sounds together in the BB King style-The scales that BB King prefers to solo and jam with-How to get that signature ""sweet"" sound that BB made famous-A boatload of killer minor and major pentatonic licks in this style and how to vary and apply them-Soloing strategies utilizing playing over all the chords as well as soloing while treating each chord as a separate event -All about BB King inspired note selection, theory, and all about mixing scales when jamming the blues-About the concept of space and adding space and melody in this style-Licks, licks, and more licks - learn a ton of them as well as how to build them, vary them, and how to move them all over the neck-All kinds of blues lead guitar licks, techniques, and devices when jamming over a minor blues jam-Improvisational devices, techniques, and concepts for lead playing in the style of BB King-Just enough music theory to take your note selectionnew and inspired levels-How to put all the techniques you learned throughout this course together and apply over jam tracks"
Price: 29.99 |
"Comptabilit pratique pour les entrepreneurs" |
"Vous apprendrez dans ce cours les grands principes de la comptabilit des entreprises, la fois les entreprises individuelles et les socits. Ce cours est ax davantage sur le lancement de l'activit, quand vous tes un peu tous seuls. Vous saurez comment dmarrer votre activit entrepreneuriale, comment enregistrer vos premires critures comptables. Nous reverrons rapidement les formalits de cration galement, pour vous aider oser vous lancer plus facilement. Par la suite, il est probable que vous ayez besoin d'un expert-comptable pour vous aider.Prcision: ce cours n'est pas un guide pour travailler sous tableur (type Excel), mais donne les principes pour vous dbrouiller au dbut quel que soit votre choix (comptabilit papier, logiciel de comptabilit, etc.)"
Price: 74.99 |
"The Complete Chess Endgame Masterclass" |
"Welcome Chesslovers to the complete chess endgame mastersclass. This course is all about analysis and study of chess endgames in a beautiful and funny way. The course is made in easy to learn way and the course is very powerful to implement your own ideas in chess.In this course you will learn A to Z concepts of chess endgames.I will cover each and every aspects in very clear way so that you will grab the idea very easily.We will start from Pawn endgames and discuss Knight, Bishop , Queen, King, Rook endgames one by one in complete details.So, Let's Play Some Chess........."
Price: 189.99 |
"Learn Chess Opening: Sicilian Defense -A To Z Concept" |
"When we talk about chess openings, Sicilian defense will obviously come first in that list. The sicilian defense is the most popular chess opening in the history of chess.This sicilian defense is one of the most favorite choice of each and every top level grandmasters.In this full course i will discuss all the variations relatedto sicilian defense.The course content will be like this:We will starts with classical Sicilian.....CLassical SicilianBoleslavsky ApproachRichter-rauzer variationSozin AttckThen We will DIscussThe Najdorf Defense.Scheveningen variationGrand-Prix AttackAlapin VariationTaimanov VariationSicilian DragonSmith-Morra GambitCLosed SicilianSicilian KanSicilian Moscow VariationSicilian Rossolimo AttackWho is the course for?The course is for all chess players who want to develop their chess opening knowledge and become higher rated chess player.The course is designed from both white and black's point of view."
Price: 19.99 |
"ACCA: FR (F7) Financial Reporting" |
"This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills inunderstanding and applying accountingstandards and the theoretical frameworkin the preparation of financial statementsof entities, including groups and how toanalyse and interpret those financialstatements. We will take a look at some of the more complex International Accounting Standards (IAS) as well as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).Once you have completed this course you will have a broader and in depth understanding of accounting and Financial Reporting to better prepare yourself for whatever challenges you may face within the world of finance."
Price: 1000.00 |
"ACCA: MA (F2) - Management Accounting" |
"This course is designed todevelop knowledge and understanding ofmanagement accounting techniques to supportmanagement in planning, controlling and monitoringperformance in a variety of business contexts. By the end of the course you should be able to understand the basics of management accounting in order for you to progress onto more complicated management accounting techniques and methods."
Price: 1000.00 |
"Corporate and Business Law" |
"This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills in theunderstanding of the general legalframework, and of specific legal areasrelating to business, recognizingtheneed to seek further specialist legaladvice where necessary. This course will allow you to obtain knowledge that you can use with great examples on application of the various Acts with in depth explanations within each topic."
Price: 1000.00 |
"Windows 10 Profissional" |
"Tenha capacidade de administrar dispositivosWindows uma habilidade fundamental para qualquer administrador do Windows.Mantenha suas habilidades afiadas e atualizadas com este treinamento de administrao do Windows 10, este cursoaborda os recursos especiais includos na edio Enterprise e os requisitos de hardware para alguns dos novos recursos do Windows 10.Os tpicos incluem:Entendendo as diferentes verses do Windows 10.Instalando Windows 10.Trabalhando com o Windows Diretiva de Grupo.Adicionando usurios e contas de domnio a um PC com Windows 10.Instalando o cliente Hyper-V para virtualizao doWindows.Gerenciando o Windows Firewall.Fazendo backup e restaurando."
Price: 99.99 |
"Becoming Aquaculture Expert (Part 3)" |
"Becoming Aquaculture Expert (Part 3)isthe next step (after'Becoming Aquaculture Expert (Part 2)' course that I've initiatedpreviously)into realising your ideas tobecome a sustainableaquaculture producer. This is the final course of Becoming Aquaculture Expert series (Part 1-3)that I've created.It is designed specificallyto provide an overview of aquaculture as the way to farm seafood economically and sustainably.Since the demand of seafood is increasing, aquaculture industry is growing endlesslyto keep a consistent supply of aquatic species for human consumption, pets, medication, recreation,etcand limit the harvesting from wild population. It put a relieve in wild species which would allow them to naturally populate and bring lives back to our ocean.This 2.5hourscourse contains 26 lectures which includedetailexplanation videos andsupplementary articles in each section to guide you along the way.Becoming Aquaculture Expert (Part 3) will bring to you interesting topics includingHormone inducing method for fishbreedingNatural spawning and hand stripping techniqueSelecting broodstock for spawningLarvae rearingSelective breedingMonosex cultureTriploidyTransgenicBacteria pathogenic diseaseParasitic pathogenic diseaseViral pathogenic diseaseBiosecurity measureDisease managementTo help you grasp the knowledge efficiently, I've included asupplementary articlefor every sectionto support what you have learnthrough the videos.The articleswill includes references and links of additional resources of related knowledge and will be updated from time to time.The content of this course isbacked by 100% of researchfromexpertsin the leading field of aquaculture. Through learning this course, you will be able to breedyour fish of interest either for your own consumption, generate side income or just to be your cool pets. Besides, you will discover genetic technology in aquaculture, whichcan be utilised in your own farm to produce the desirabletraits that you prefer. Disease in aquaculture is also one of the main issue that need clarification especially to the farmers. This course will cover major disease in aquaculture and howto manage and prevent them from entering your farm.Afraid not..You will be able to access this course anywhere, anytime at your own pace. If you are already anaquaculturistfor a living, learning specific knowledge from a researcher point of view such as in this coursewillbringyou to anotherlevel.If you are a student or beginner in aquaculture field, this course is perfectly crafted for you. Those completing the course will havestrong understanding of basic aquaculture concept and general principleinvolved in aquaculture system."
Price: 39.99 |
"Physics Current Electricity Urdu" |
"Learn about Current, Voltage, Resistance and all the basic concepts of Current Electricity in Urdu. The hazards of electricity, use of electricity in homes and distribution of electricity in homes.Also AC/DC currents and their uses in daily life. Effect of circumstances on electrical equipment and more. Electrical energy and joule law."
Price: 19.99 |
"AutoCAD 2017 Basics for Beginners Urdu/Hindi" |
"AutoCAD 2017 Basics for Beginners Urdu/Hindi is a course for Autodesk AutoCADlearners and new engineerswho want to design new drawings for their use. Course focuses on Autodesk AutoCAD 2017commands and using these commands in a work environment. Students will master the Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 commands for their practical use."
Price: 24.99 |
"Feature Selection for Machine Learning" |
"Learn how to select features and build simpler, faster and more reliablemachine learning models.This is the most comprehensive, yet easy to follow, course for feature selection available online. Throughout this course you will learn a variety of techniques used worldwide for variable selection, gathered from data competition websites and white papers, blogs and forums, and from the instructors experience as a Data Scientist.You will have at your fingertips, altogether in one place, multiple methods that you can apply to select features from your data set.The course starts describing simple and fast methods to quickly screen the data set and remove redundant and irrelevant features.Then it describes more complextechniquesthat select variables taking into account variable interaction, the feature importance and its interaction with the machine learning algorithm. Finally, it describes specific techniques used in data competitions and the industry.The lectures includean explanation of the feature selection technique, the rationale to use it, and the advantages and limitations of the procedure. It also includes full codethat you cantake home and apply to your own data sets.This courseis therefore suitable for complete beginners in data science looking to learn how to go about to select features from a data set, as well as for intermediate and even advanced data scientists seeking to level up their skills.Withmore than 50 lecturesand 8hours of video this comprehensive coursecovers every aspect of variable selection.Throughout the course you will use python as your main language.So what are you waiting for? Enrol today, learn how to select variables for machine learning, and build simpler, faster and more reliable learning models."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Cucumber Framework for BDD" |
"Behavior-driven development, acceptance testing,and test-driven development is one of the latest, most important trends in software delivery. Learn how to implement BDD software delivery with Cucumber framework using Java, Selenium, and JUnit. Apply your knowledge to a real-world application.In this course, you will how toWrite a feature fileApply Gherkin syntaxOutline a Given-When-Then scenarioParameterize data into scenariosPass data from steps to glue codeIntegrate Cucumber with Selenium"
Price: 99.99 |
"45 Claves Para Atraerte a Ti Mismo y a Una Mujer" |
"Accede a Nuestro Curso Best Seller y Mejor Valorado Ms de 23,000 estudiantes de 153 pases inscritos en Nuestros Cursos--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alguna vez has querido saber ... Cmo Convertirte en una Persona con Mucho Amor Propio que se Ve a si Misma Como Alguien Realmente Atractivo? Cmo Definir tu Identidad y tu Lenguaje Corporal? Cmo Pensar Desde la Abundancia y ser Congruente con Tus Principios? Cmo NO ser Reactivo, Valorarte MS y Rechazar Personas Txicas de tu Vida? Cmo Desarrollar Dotes de Liderazgo? Cmo Ser MS Seguro de T Mismo? Cmo Atraer a una Mujer a Partir del Amor Propio que Te Tienes? Cmo Construir una Existencia Atractiva Para Que Sea ELLA Quin Se Interese Por T?Si quieres mejorar en alguno de estos casos, entonces ste Es Tu Curso!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El enfoque principal de este curso es Cmo Aprender a Ser Ms Atractivo, Para Atraer De Esa Forma a la Persona Que Te Gusta. A travs de un Nuevo Mtodo creado por nuestro equipo sobre Asesoramiento Online te mostramos las claves para generar atraccin a travs del anlisis del comportamiento femenino. Por medio de Conceptos Explicados, te mostramos los secretos para Convertirte en una Persona Muy Atractiva, y para atraer a la chica que te gusta en cada momento.Adems, este curso est Constantemente Actualizado con material adicional. Disfrtalo!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lo que algunos de mis alumnos dicen sobre este curso: el curso ofrece informacin relevante, explicacion detallada con ejemplos reales del comportamiento femenino y como afrontar diferentes situaciones que se pueden presentar en la prctica, un gran curso!"" - Bladimir Cortes Rodriguez Es un excelente instructor, tiene mucha experiencia en el tema que ensea, ademas de ser muy carismatico y locuaz, lo cual hace mas interesante los temas del curso."" - Guillermo Martinez Los consejos son bastante buenos y parecen dar un muy buen resultado, es altamente recomendable y con bastantes ganas de adquirir alguno de sus cursos en el futuro."" - Adrian Vargas Bones-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regstrate Ahora y Disfruta de Nuestro Soporte De Por Vida, para Convertirte en Tu Mejor T!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Wealth Lab Algorithmic Trading Starter Kit" |
"Some software is ready to run straight after you install it. With Wealth Lab, the story is a little bit different. If you have never used it and you are also very unfamiliar with coding, chances are high that you will open it and close it with disappointment after you cant do anything with it for a few hours.Module I or the Algo Starter in the Starter Kit is designed to give you a feeling of what is it like to be able to use Wealth Lab at 150% of its capabilities. After going through module I you will get a complete understanding of the following:Installing Wealth Lab.Comments on Pro Version and Trial periods.Downloading extensions.Getting market data for US, Forex and other markets.Wealth Lab overview.Main windows, optimization possibilities, combination strategies.Running some demo tests.Setting up the commissions and slippage.Installing and setting up Visual Studio.Installing custom community chart styles and indicators.Building projects inside Visual Studio.Custom options overview.Money management and test date control systems run through.Strategy from rules overview.Charting options.Adding indicators and changing chart styles.Wealth Lab is complexed enough even without coding and it is quite difficult to get around all the possible tabs and windows inside even before you get to strategy design.After this training module, you will find yourself comfortable enough to work with the software without going into code yet. It can be used as a powerful charting software and be a great helper in simple tech analysis. Also, the course goes into basic Visual Studio set up that is required for module II.After you are done with module I you should be comfortable enough to go on further into coding with module II which is Coding for Traders which is all about coding but based on trading within Wealth Lab. The overall syllabus for module II looks like this:Lecture I The BeginningLecture II Data TypesLecture III Working with DataLecture IV Data Inside Wealth LabLecture V Object Oriented ProgrammingLecture VI Collections and LINQLecture VII More Operators and StructureBy this point you will be completely ready to go for your first trade system design. In module III Trade System Design we go over the main framework I use and you can easily learn it for your own strategies. Here is the outline:Lecture I Basic System FrameworkLecture II Coding More Complexed Strategies ILecture III Coding More Complexed Strategies IILecture IV Time Exits, Trailing Stops and SARLecture V Trading Breakthroughs with Stop OrdersLecture VI Multiframe SystemsLecture VII Simple Arbitrage Strategies and Multi Symbol TradingLecture IIX Screener TradingThere is also a bonus at the end of this section which is actually the next section that gives you complete frameworks for most popular trade system design types.PRICE CHANNEL BREAKOUT TRADING SYSTEMTURN AROUND CANDLE PATTERN TRADING SYSTEMEMA CROSSOVERDMI CROSSOVERINTRADAY PIVOT BREAK THROUGHALEXANDER ELDER 3 SCREEN FRAMEWORKFinally I will introduce you to some complex coding and my own work on system performance ranking and making custom trackers for Wealth Lab. Inside the Total Score module you will find out what is it like to feel like a pro.The course is a blend of coding the performance visualizer which requires some extra understanding of C# and creating a ratio that can really help in analyzing how well is the strategy performing overall. After the course you should be able to organize your strategies on a one unit performance basis and compare them across symbols, timeframes, time periods and money management systems.Outline of Total Score Take 99% of the performance data you see in the ordinary Wealth Lab performance card and calculate it by yourself to display on a separate tab in Wealth Lab. Use this data to calculate extra performance data like current drawdown, maximum days since last equity high, current days since last equity high, percent months in profit, average drawdown and more. Take any performance data you wish, combine it and put it into a total score ratio to judge upon system performance using a single unit across all systems. Code your own scorecard for optimization. Put the total score you calculated in the performance visualizer into your optimization scorecard and optimize your strategies using your own performance ratios.Next we dive into some real amazing tools I have created for my own market research and work based on Fractals and Pivots. These tools no matter the circumstances will make your trading much more powerful! At this moment I introduce you to the Fractal and Pivot Masters.Overall look no further, this is the most complete course on Wealth Lab you will ever see on the web. Have fun!Please trade with caution!Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results."
Price: 49.99 |
"Algorithmic Trading with NinjaTrader" |
"In this course I share my professional experience with NinjaTrader. The course is mostly designed to show some of the under cover possibilities and opportunities that this amazing piece of software brings.Since my trading experience carries on every day, this course is a live organism and I always add new features I discover that are exciting as well as have been painfull to understand and become aware of.The course is strictly based upon personal experience. Inside I show how to hack NinjaTrader inside out using the power of .NET to bring in winforms, powerfull research tools, extra design features and make your own software on top of NinjaTrader.Some of the covered topics include:Designing simple and complex strategies with NinjaTrader.Implementing custom buttons to toolbar, chart trader and anywhere you like.Creating custom forms, Trading NinjaTrader in half automated fashion using Chart Trader.Creating custom indicators.Interfearing with the chart zone.Creating custom optimization fitness parameters.Designing your own indicators, analyzers, addons.Creating components to reuse code.Working wit multiple timeframes and symbols at the same time.Creating custom bar types.Stay tuned to this course and you will always be updated on real life scenarios from the live trading world.Please trade with caution!Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results."
Price: 59.99 |
"Libertad financiera has de una idea un millon" |
"Estas cansado de trabajar da tras da sin ver resultados diferentes?, solo trabajas para pagar tus deudas?, entra en la nueva era de la libertad econmica, Como lograrlo? en este curso te enseare y compartir mis experiencias de como logre ser libre financiera mente, porque la libertad financiera es felicidad, todos los conceptos que veras han sidoprobados por las personas mas ricas del planeta, as como ellos lo lograron tu tambin podrs lograrlo aplicando los conceptos de este curso, ingresa ya y mejora tu vida."
Price: 19.99 |
"MBA in Business Fundamentals & Startup Basics" |
"Who should take this course?StudentsEntrepreneursHouse-wivesUn-Employed GraduatesCOURSE CONTENTSPART 1: THE REALITY WE LIVE INWhat is this World? How does it work?PART 2: MINDSET DEVELOPMENTEffectuation Theory of EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial MindsetEntrepreneurial DNA:Having a Strong Why:PART 3: BUSINESS UNDERSTANDINGGeneral Business BasicsBusiness Structure/ Business ModelFixed CostsVariable CostsTop Line/ Bottom LineVisualization of Business Costs for:Hair Dresser BusinessSalon BusinessRestaurant BusinessSoftware Development BusinessConsultancy BusinessSuper Store BusinessClothing Store BusinessSports Equipment ShopGym BusinessFitness Trainer BusinessJobWhich Business to Enter?Business Planning BasicsExecutive SummaryGoal/ Objectives of the businessWhy of the businessWhy is the business being launchedWhat is the need that you have identifiedWhat are the problems that are being faced by the target marketWhat of the businessWhat is the solution/product for solving the needWhat is the size of the marketWhat are existing solutions in the marketWhat is different about your product/ solutionWhat are the costs and profit margins in the industryWhat are the assets that you may need for making the product/ providing the service such as office, factory, store/shop, cars/ bikes etc.How of the businessHow are you going to make money?How are you going to make/provide the product/ serviceHow you going to market it to the target marketHow are you going to supply itHow are you going to provide after sales servicesHow are you going to finance/ fund the businessHow are you going to train your peopleDetailed Business Plan Structure and SamplesStarting Up"
Price: 199.99 |
"Welcome to Russia!" |
"Have you booked your tickets to Russia? Are you already familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet? Are you ready to get on a Trans-Siberian train? Do you want to dive into the Russian culture? Have you been accepted at a Russian university? Will you be working at the Moscow office next year? Do you want to teach your native language to the Russians? Do you want to make the most of your two weeks in Russia?If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, this program is definitely for you. Watch the video below!I created this programme for all of you that are planning to visit, travel, study, work, or, perhaps, live for some time in Russia. All these tips and secrets were learned through my experiences. I lived all this myself, and now its time to share it with you. This programme was also inspired by you. Here, youll find the answers to your questions.This programme starts now and never ends. Youll become a member of an exclusive Explore Russian community with which Ill be continually sharing new videos and resources. Again, youll be choosing the content!This programme is not the end of my journey and the start of yours. Its the start of our journey in Russia! or Welcome to Russia!!!"
Price: 29.99 |
WebillustratorCC |
Price: 5400.00 |