"Cloud Computing Foundation Certification Practice Exams" |
"Cloud Computing Foundation is a certification that tests candidates on the basics of Cloud Computing. This vendor-neutral qualification includes some technical knowledge and looks at the general management aspects of Cloud Computing.Main subjectsThe principles of Cloud ComputingUsing and accessing the CloudSecurity and ComplianceImplementing and managing Cloud ComputingEvaluation of Cloud Computing*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 114 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Bblia e Teologia - Textos Mal Interpretados" |
"Aps anos de convvio no meio religioso, constatei pela observao e interpretao dos textos bblicos que, muitos ensinamentos no Sistema Religioso estavam incorretos, adulterados ou ocultados. Desde ento tenho estudado e me aprofundado, e desejo compartilhar essa viso com quem se interessar pelo tema.Se voc realmente est buscando a Verdade, e tem disposio para ""analisar tudo e reter o for bom"", vamos estudar as Escrituras e desfazer as mentiras e meias verdades propagadas pelo Sistema Religioso.Para realizar as anlises da Escritura, iremos utilizar interpretao de texto. No necessrio nenhum conhecimento altamente especfico como idiomas estrangeiros antigos, nem textos antigos no traduzidos.No pretendo me tornar lder religioso de ningum, apenas munir as pessoas interessadas de informao qualificada para formarem a prpria opinio a respeito do assunto."
Price: 39.99 |
"How To Build, Scale, Optimize Your Social Media Community" |
"If you're looking to learn about how to build and scale your social media community, you are in the right place Whether you're a small business owner, student, or digital marketer, you're going to learn from an social media expert who scaled her own Facebook Community and built it into a 125,000 person community ALLORGANICALLY(no paid ads) with an engagement of 30-70%. Venture into a six week intensive course that covers the following:- Week 1: Foundations of Social Media- Week 2:How To Find Your Target Audience- Week 3:Scale Your Social Media Following- Week 4:Social Media On Autopilot- Week 5:Mindset- Week 6:Monetize Your Social MediaPlus...You'll Find the Following Inside:- How To get Hired As ASocial Media Manager- What Oprah's Social Media Taught Me- Social Media Calendar Template ...and more!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Dog Agility Techniques for Studying Course Maps" |
"This course is designed for dog agility competitors or those in training to enter the sport of dog agility. Phil Seyer,a winner of multiple First Place Blue Ribbons in AKC and USDAA Premier Level dog agility competitions reveals techniques in this course to enable you to:Use expert techniques for memorizing dog agility coursesStructure your run with dog handling techniques.Avoid dropped bars and run-arounds at the final obstacle"
Price: 19.99 |
"Productivity Planning for Writers & Creatives" |
"In this course, you get a complete system for planning your writing life while managing your house, finances and other aspects of your everyday life.The course comes along with 22 pages of Planner Templates that includes the following:Writing Schedule Generator for 2019Monthly Writing LogReading LogBook Review Brainstorm SheetImportant Contact Info SheetMonthly GoalsWeekly GoalsMonthly Planner Template (Sunday Start/ Monday Start)Weekly Planner TemplateDaily Planner TemplateBrain Dump SheetEisenhower Matrix TemplateWeekly Meal PlannerMonthly BillsMonthly ExpenditureBlank Notes SheetAll these templates are available in two design formats in this course: Minimalistic orFloral PatternedYou can use whichever style you prefer or you can use them both too.All the templates are clearly explained through videos and you can understand how to use them in the best possible manner.If you have any queries, please let me know. I would be happy to help."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Masterclass Storytelling" |
"Unieke online cursus storytelling:Als je kijkt naar de meest Inspirerende speeches, overtuigende visies, en briljante ideen, dan zijn deze allemaal verpakt in een goed verhaal. Storytelling: of het nu om feiten, data of ervaringen gaat, het vertellen van een goed verhaal dwingt je op zoek te gaan naar samenhang en betekenis.Maar ja.. Wat is een goed verhaal, hoe vind ik mijn verhaal en hoe vertel ik mijn verhaal goed?Je ontdekt waar je verhalen vandaan haalt en hoe je jouw persoonlijke verhalen kunt inzetten om jezelf, je bedrijf of je idee op heldere wijze over het voetlicht te brengen.Want wat heb je eigenlijk te vertellen? Waarom doe je wat je doet? Wat is je kernboodschap?Maar ook: Hoe begin je? Hoe bouw je je verhaal op? Hoe houd je spanning vast? Welke elementen zijn essentieel om impact te maken?Na deze Masterclass ken je alle ins en outs van storytelling. Let op: dit is een cursus over het vertellen van verhalen tijdens het presenteren en afleveren van speeches. De instructeur demonstreert en leert deze vertelkunst door rechtstreeks met jou, de student, te spreken. Tijdens de masterclass ligt de focus op een krachtige inhoud. Als je op zoek bent naar een cursus met veel afbeeldingen, bewerkingen, geluidseffecten en andere afleidingen, dan is deze cursus niets voor jou."
Price: 199.99 |
"Cure for Neurophobia includes the rule of 4 of the brainstem" |
"The principles in these 5 lectures have evolved from over 40 years of problem-solving in the wonderful world of clinical neurology. When I was a medical student we were given lists of neurology questions that turned out to be totally useless. In this course you will be shown unique techniques that will assist you in dealing with patients who present with neurological problems. These principles demystify an area that many people feel is complex. These rules are also in my textbook clinical neurology a primer (Elsevier) that has been described as a cure for Neurophobia. The 1st lecture is how to take a neurological history using the mode of onset and progression of the symptoms to indicate the likely pathology and the exact nature and distribution of the symptoms to indicate the site of the problem in the nervous system. The nervous system is likened to a map grid with 3 meridians of longitude, the descending motor pathway and the 2 ascending sensory pathways and meridians of latitude being the dermatomes and reflexes in the peripheral nervous system, the cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem and cortical signs in the hemispheres.The 2nd lecture is the rule of 4 of the brainstem first published in Internal Medicine Journal in 2005. It is the number one downloaded paper from that Journal and has enabled many non-neurologists to accurately diagnose brainstem stroke syndromes without knowledge of detailed neuroanatomy.The 3rd lecture demystifies the hemispheres with the simple concept of speech, RAAF to understand the dominant hemisphere and a lost in space to understand the non-dominant hemisphere.The 4th lecture is how to examine the upper limbs and how to use the 5*3*5 rule for diagnosing the cause of weakness in the upper limb.The 5th lecture is how to examine the lower limbs and how to use the 2*2*4 rule for diagnosing the cause weakness in the lower limb"
Price: 29.99 |
"Tap Dancing for Absolute Beginners" |
"Welcome to Tap Dancing for Absolute Beginners, this course has been produced for adults who would love to learn to tap dance and have very little or no previous experience. In this course you will learn some of the basic steps, broken down so you achieve the best technique, advice on what to avoid technique wise, and some short sequences to help you link steps together, which is great for memory! You will learn a fun routine as well, putting together all those steps you have learnt already!Perhaps you don't have the time to get to a weekly class, or you lack the confidence to go to a class because you're worried you won't be able to keep up with the steps, then this course is for you! Learn at your own pace, steps individually broken down and have fun learning a routine at the end. You also have worksheets included with all the written break downs and steps covered in this course, plus extra additional exercises to help strengthen, loosen and improve balance!So what are you waiting for, get those feet tap dancing today!"
Price: 39.99 |
"5 Fun Tap Dance Routines - Best of Swing" |
"Learn 5 fun tap dance routines today all to your favourite swing songs! Whether you're a beginner or improver in your tap dancing journey you have have fun getting your feet tapping along to these classic songs. Each routine has it's own focus step, so you will be mastering 5 new steps with the correct technique with the break down videos, before practising them within the routines. There is also a warm up included, as well as plenty of written resources to help your learning experience."
Price: 29.99 |
"Adult Ballet for Absolute Beginners" |
"This adult ballet course has been designed for absolute beginners with no or very little previous ballet experience. It's never too late to start ballet dancing and this course will give you all the basic knowledge, technique and confidence you need to start on your ballet journey. By the end of this course you will have learnt the positions of the arms and feet, lots of ballet terminology all broken down in a written document for you to keep, barre and strengthening exercises, arm exercises, slow adage steps and quicker allegro steps. Take your time and learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home, along to some beautiful piano acoustic tracks I have chosen especially for this course. So what are you waiting for, get your ballet course today!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Build a Stunning Website With Wordpress Offline" |
"My main objective of creating this course is to take beginners with little or no prior knowledge of WordPress to a level where they can comfortably build their own websites as well as take up website jobs without any fear.In this course i will go a little beyond the basics and show you some little tweaks that will help make your site more secure as well as look nicer then the regular WordPress site.I have broken this course down into small chunks to help you move at your own pace, based on your daily targets just in case you have busy schedule.This course is a project based which means that i am not just going to show you how to navigate your way around WordPress but we aregoing to work on a real website project that you can add to your portfolio as part of the things you have done.We shall take advantage of the huge collection of free themes, plugins and other assets such as HD images to help us complete this course.REQUIREMENTSA computer with internet connection (Mac or PC)Basic computer operation skillsXampp (local server)Ability to complete simple tasksThe zeal to learnWHAT YOU WILL LEARN FROM THIS COURSEHow to download and install WordPress offlineHow to download and install free themesHow to download and install free pluginsHow to customize the WordPress login screenHow change the default admin login linkHow to create pagesHow to create postsHow to create categoriesExplore WordPress settingHow to use a page builderFind HD images for our projectand so much more..WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSEAnyone who wants to learn WordPress offline without paying for web hosting.Anyone with a little understanding of WordPress.Anyone who wants to learn how to design a website without coding.Anyone who to learn some awesome new trick that WordPress has to offer.WHO THIS COURSE IS NOT FORNot for anyone who is advanced in WordPress."
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso de Ilustrao Digital" |
"Desenvolva sua capacidade criativa, preparando trabalhos com a integrao dos softwares Photoshop e Illustrator CS5, possibilitando a construo de diversos tipos de projetos grficos e ilustraes.O Adobe Photoshop a ferramenta mais importante para ingressar no mercado de trabalho. O programa abrange diversas reas: tratamento de imagem, restauro, colorizao, pintura digital, design, layout para web e mobiles.O Adobe Illustrator, trabalhos com logotipo, cones, desenhos em vetor, infogrficos, tipografia e muito mais, tudo fica mais prtico."
Price: 114.99 |
"Curso de Revit para Arquitetura" |
"Sendo um software especfico para a modelagem de construo BIM, o Revit funciona da maneira como voc pensa. Em plataforma 3D, voc agiliza o processo de criao concretizando a sua ideia tridimensional com naturalidade, liberdade e produzindo com eficincia, como se j estivesse construindo a sua obra, ou seja, voc desenvolve a ideia como ela vai ficar para ento gerar automaticamente todas as vistas, plantas, cortes e detalhes de um projeto executivo."
Price: 144.99 |
"Curso de Cincia de Dados" |
"As habilidades essenciais de um cientista de dados sero apresentadas na prtica atravs da execuo de um projeto de machine learning utilizando modelos de rvores de deciso.Neste curso, sero utilizados o programa Anaconda com a linguagem de programao Python.CONTEDO PROGRAMTICO: Apresentando a cincia de dados e suas aplicaes; Conhecendo a linguagem de programao python; Aplicao prtica: prevendo preos de carros a partir de suas caractersticas utilizando rvores de deciso. Tratamento de dados utilizando a biblioteca pandas: upload dos dados, limpeza, tratamento de dados categricos, visualizaes e anlises iniciais; Treinamento e aplicao de modelos de machine learning utilizando a biblioteca scikit-learn: treinamento, validao e aplicao de modelos de rvores de deciso;"
Price: 204.99 |
"Rigging com Autodesk Maya" |
"Entre a modelagem e a animao de um personagem ou objeto razoavelmente complexo, existe um passo vital: a preparao dos controles de animao que devem ser planejados, criados e ligados a ele para que possa ser animado.Esta etapa inclui diversas habilidades a serem aprendidas e desenvolvidas e normalmente chamada de ""rigging"" ou ""rigging e skinning"". ""Rigging"" a criao dos esqueletos de animao e demais controles e ""skinning"" a associao entre o esqueleto e o mesh (malha poligonal) que representa um personagem ou objeto.Criar bons rigs exige conhecimento de diversas funcionalidades. O uso de scripting (programao) dentro do programa tambm uma ferramenta popular e necessria para trabalhos mais elaborados, ento no mnimo um bom ""rigger"" deve saber utilizar e adaptar scripts prontos.Conhecimentos bsicos sobre rigging e skinning so necessrios para todos os artistas interessados em uma boa formao geral com CG 3D, mesmo que prefiram modelar, texturizar ou animar. Em especial, todo animador deve ter esse conhecimento bsico para ser capaz de entender melhor como trabalhar com controles de animao e como corrigir problemas no rigging quando precisar.Por isso recomendamos este curso para todos os interessados em modelar e animar com o Maya.O curso ensina os fundamentos de rigging para personagem com o Autodesk Maya 2015."
Price: 204.99 |
"Desenvolvimento de Jogos com Unreal Engine 4" |
"Destaques da Unreal 4Acesso total:A verso 4 da Unreal revolucionria: alm de ser gratuita, o acesso a seus recursos absolutamente completo: at o cdigo-fonte dela em C++ vem junto, sempre atualizado, alm de uma constante evoluo.Antes apenas grandes desenvolvedores tinham acesso ao cdigo, a um custo de centenas de milhares de dlares. Falando nisso...Custo baixo:A Unreal 4 completa e atualizada agora completamente gratuita. Basta Voc fazer um pequeno cadastro e ento j pode baixar tudo o que precisa para criar seus jogos e ficar sempre por dentro das novas ferramentas e atualizaes!Blueprints:A Unreal 4 vem com o sistema Blueprint de programao visual, que permite criar jogos bastante elaborados sem precisar escrever linhas de cdigo. Ou seja, voc no precisa saber programar para desenvolver jogos com a nova Unreal.Extras:Alm da engine, suas ferramentas de criao de jogos e o cdigo-fonte completo mais recente, a Unreal 4 tambm vem com bastante material para estudo e prtica:Materiais para iniciantes: Templates para criar jogos em vrios estilos para PC e mobile (vista de cima, em 1 pessoa, em 3 pessoa, vista lateral, Carro, etc..)Jogos completos de exemplo (jogo de tiro para PC, de estratgia para PC e mobile, jogos em rede, etc..)Jogos que esto em lojas, como o Swing Ninja e o Tappy Chicken, ambos feitos com Blueprints para PC e mobile, e totalmente abertos para voc estudar, alm de outros jogos adicionados periodicamente.Cenas de demonstrao: templo mobile, demo de reflexosMais demos de exemplos especficosDocumentao e fruns em InglsPor tudo isso...A Unreal sempre foi de primeiro nvel, desde seu lanamento original nos anos 90. Agora, ento, tornou-se imperdvel para qualquer um que queira se tornar desenvolvedor de jogos."
Price: 159.99 |
"Design de Produtos com Rhinoceros" |
"O Rhinoceros lder de mercado no setor de design de produto e tambm o mais popular dentre seus concorrentes. Utilizando o conceito de NURBS (B-Splines Racionais No Uniformes) o software Rhinoceros 5.0 muito utilizado para o modelagem orgnica, alm de possuir inmeras ferramentas de modelagem poligonal.Seu grande foco trazer preciso industrial, possibilidade da criao modelos e prottipos, alm de possuir ferramentas para apresentao. Trabalha com modelagem hbrida (modelagem de slidos e superfcies simultaneamente) faz toda parte de documentao (Desenho Tcnico) e renderizao."
Price: 159.99 |
"Edio de Vdeo com Adobe Premiere Pro CC" |
"Aprenda tcnicas de edio de vdeo, criao de projetos, importao e exportao de vdeo. Domine a manipulao das ferramentas Premiere, suas peculiaridades e a customizao do sistema para melhor desempenho.O CURSO DESTINA-SE A:Pessoas leigas que queiram entrar na reaProdutores de eventos (casamentos, formaturas e festas em geral)EditoresFinalizadoresDiretoresProfissionais da TVOperadores de PremiereOperadores de Avid"
Price: 129.99 |
"Escultura Digital com ZBrush" |
"Este curso tem como intuito ensinar os fundamentos de escultura digital com o ZBrush 4R4. Nele, voc aprender conceitos de modelagem orgnica, criao de brushes, abertura de malha, texturizao, entre outras tcnicas.O ZBrush um software que veio para revolucionar o mtodo tradicional de modelagem, escultura, texturizao e pintura. Opera nos sistemas Windows e Macintosh."
Price: 129.99 |
"HTML 5" |
"Aprenda a desenvolver sites utilizando a linguagem de marcao HTML na verso 5.Neste curso, o aluno aprender como escrever um cdigo, utilizar tags bsicas em <head>, utilizar estilos em CSS, estrutura do cdigo, criao de links, imagens e legendas on hover, recursos e tags, menu, listas, entre outros recursos, para criarem seus prprios websites."
Price: 129.99 |
"ZBrush Avanado - Escultura Hard Surface" |
"Nesse modulo avanado de ZBrush vamos compreender como funcionam os mtodos de modelagem inorgnica. de extrema importncia ter feito o curso de Escultura Digital com ZBrush, porque certos assuntos no sero vistos novamente no modulo avanado.Criado pela empresa Pixologic Incorporated, o ZBrush um software que veio para revolucionar o mtodo tradicional de modelagem, escultura, texturizao e pintura. Opera nos sistemas Windows e Macintosh."
Price: 129.99 |
NeuroLaw |
"In this course, you will learn about the multiple ways in which the emerging field of neurolaw can influence and impact legal decision-making. You will explore aspects of cognitive neuroscience, examine how state-of-the-art medical technology is being repurposed in the legal field, and learn examples of how neuroscience is being used, and potentially abused, in the courtroom. Upon course completion, you will be able to:Identify and employ strategies to avoid the impact of implicit biases on decision-making by you, the jury, and judgesDiscover the most common uses of neuro-technology in the legal field, including the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in lie detectionAnalyze the role of neuroscience in ascribing guilt/liability, sentencing decisions, and rehabilitation regulationsDescribe and discuss related constitutional issues"
Price: 34.99 |
"Revit Mimari ve Elektrik" |
"Mimari izimle birlikte, Revit Elektrik izimi tek eitim paketinde yer almaktadr. Revit MEP projelerinde daha iyi seviyeler elde etmenin esas yolu, Revit mimari ve Family dzenlemeleri hakknda da ciddi bilgi sahibi olmaktan geer. Bu nedenle ncelikli olarak mimari bilgi ve proje familyleri hakknda bilgi sahibi olma konusunda bu eitim paketi kursiyer arkadalarmza ciddi katklar salayacaktr. Eitim paketi bir uygulama zerine odaklanmak suretiyle hazrlanmtr. Eitimin sonucunda rencilerin bir bina projelendirmesini yaparak elektrik projelerini ize bilmeleri hedeflenmitir. Revit Elektrik renmek isteyenlerin mimari hakknda n bilgi sahibi olmalar gerektiinden mimari alt yapnn sunumunu takip etmeleri nerilmektedir.Tm katlmc kursiyerlerimize yksek faydalar salayacak bir Revit eitimi...Sayglarmla..."
Price: 109.99 |
"AutoCAD 3D Hzlandrlm 3 Boyutlu Eitim" |
"Bu kursumuzda sizlere hzl ekilde AutoCAD ile 3d Kat modelleme yapmay retmeyi amalyorum... Kullandm rnekler makine paralar olacak. Makine paralarn izebilen, AutoCAD 3 boyutlu modellemede gerek anlamda uzman olacaktr. Odaklandmz konu da karmak paralar kat olarak modellemek...Baka programlarda (rnein Revit, 3dMax, vb. ) AutoCAD ile 3d model destei salamak byk kolaylklar salyor. Bu eksikliklerini tamamlamak isteyenler iin dnlm, hazrlanm bu kursta elden geldiince skmadan hedefe ynelik anlatm seilmitir.Kursumuzun sonunda;Aslnda AutoCAD program ile ok kolay 3d kat modelleme yaparak, ve bu modelleri gerekirse dier programlara kolayca adapte ederek tasarmda snrlarnz kolayca aabileceinizi greceksiniz... imdiden sizlerin neler yapabileceinizi merak ediyorum. Kursumun tantm sayfasna 50 yanda bir rencimin render grntsn yaynladm. Yapmak isteyen herkes benzer seviyeyi kolayca yakalayabilmekte, istedii tasarm ortaya koyabilmektedir. Ben AutoCAD ile 3d kat modellemeyi retmeyi siz deerli kursiyer arkadalarma garanti ediyorum da, sizlerin hayal gcnzn snrlar nereye kadar uzanyor, onu bilemiyorum...Sizlerden gelecek olan modeller olursa ok sevinirim... imdiden sabrszlkla bekliyorum....Kursumuz en fazla 20 saat srecek diye planladm. ok zaman ayrmak gerekmiyor. Uygulamalar tekrar ederek mouse ile gzlerimizin uyumunu salayp, vereceim altrmalar zmeye almanz gerekiyor... Videolar tamamladka ykleyeceim... imdilik bu kadar...Sayglar, sevgiler..."
Price: 49.99 |
april2019 |
". - -"
Price: 79.99 |
"Ace the Job Race: Hack the Craigslist & Indeed Hiring Code" |
"This course was WRITTEN in late January 2019 by an author with 35+ years experience in job recruiting, business development, interviewing and psych analysis. With thorough attention to detail, each chapter addresses its topic in totality. No wonder it took 74 hours to write, design, compile and stylize all 12 hours of its contents.The introduction, Chapter 0, includes a complete break down of what will be covered and includes a FREE 20 minute mini-lesson. In chapters 1 - 10, case studies and examples are introduced utilizing an easy to follow, step-by-step process. Since our lectures can be paused and replayed by the user, each chapter is complete within its scope of coverage.Supplemental case studies, which we share freely with the public, can also be found on our You Tube Channel: Career Consulting Room Series"
Price: 199.99 |
"Winning Products For Dropshipping: Proven Research Methods" |
"Hi, I'm Travis. As a Shopify Partner, I have the privilege of working with hundreds of Shopify stores, including 5 and 6 figures dropshipping stores. Through this, we have gained valuable key insights into what makes a product the next hot seller, and what kind of products to avoid. Why is it crucial to spend time on careful, methodical product research? The simple answer is if you don't, and just choose dropshipping products at random or based on what you ""feel"", you're just throwing away money on ads. You would be surprised, dropshipping is not a game of quantity but QUALITY. Lazily uploading tons and tons of products to your store and hoping for sales will NEVER WORK, we can promise you that. Instead, if you have done proper research, all you need is that ONE killer product to generate tons of sales. As a product research specialist, you will be learning from someone who is actively researching for hot sellers on a daily basis, which means the skills I equip you are fresh, up to date, and practical.I guarantee you, we will employ some unconventioned but powerful methods you will not find anywhere else. Lastly, the proof is in the pudding. In the course I will be going through quick case studies of products that generated 5 and 6 figures, backed by empirical evidence. Key skills you'll pick up:Why investing time and effort in product research is key to salesFundamental metrics you should utilise to determine product(s)Key indicators that ensure your product is hot selling, trending, and has growth potential Step-by-step methods on how I find products using Aliexpress, Google Search, Competitor Hack, Facebook, and Amazon Equip yourself with this life changing skill now!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Creating A Powerful Shopify E-commerce Store For Beginners" |
"Hey there! I'm Travis, a Shopify Partner based in Singapore. I've helped hundreds of merchants build successful e-commerce businesses in the Shopify platform through my range of services that includes store setup and conversion optimization.I've gained key insights into what truly works for a successful, profitable Shopify store and I wanted to create a simple course that anyone can follow along and start building their very own e-commerce store optimized for sales conversion. This course is meant for beginners, so if you have no clue how to start, this course will point you on the right track. The potential value in this course is limitless. In e-commerce, there is no limit how much you can make. The only determining factor is how much effort you put in. Whether you have a store as a side hustle or a full time e-commerce business making 6-figures revenue and above, it's fully up to you. My course is to point you in the right direction, avoid common pitfalls, and give you all the tools you need to succeed.Feel free to contact me for any questions, and thank you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to build massive self confidence" |
"Become a attraction magnet personally and professionally. Learn the tools and techniques to help you improve in all areas, start getting paid what you are worth, then adding tax- because you have the guts and confidence to ask for it!!!. You deserve to live a life only once possible in a dream. You can be the life of the party. You can be the person you have always wanted to be. You can do this! Its's up to you. do it now. Do it today."
Price: 29.99 |
"Ayurveda - Prakriti - Dosha Body Type Analysis And Advice" |
"This course helps you to learn about Tridosha body constitution step by step. For creating this course, the ancient Ayurveda textbooks - Sushruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita and Ashtanga Hrudaya are used as source. There are no difficult Sanskrit words. Each feature has been explained with scientific reasoning. Comparison charts are given to compare different Prakriti traits based on Doshas. How to calculate percentages of Dosha features and how to decide the Prakriti has been explained with examples. Diet and lifestyle advice guidelines for each Dosha types have been given. At the end of this course, you will be able to master the Prakriti analysis process."
Price: 19.99 |