"Big Data: Parallel Processing by SimpleIT" |
"This course explains by real world examples parallel programming - the core of Big Data, Hadoop & MapReduce technology, creating a solid ground to understand deeper technical parts. It was created for people at various levels of expertise (both technical and non-technical) to help them realize what parallel processing is, what are its main strengths and limitations.This class, like all SimpleIT classes, uses simple examples to illustrate how easy it could be to understand IT. I hope it will turn on your imagination and help you come up with new thoughts surrounding 'parallel processing'.See you on my class!"
Price: 69.99 |
Saxofon-Start-Kurs |
"Du brauchst keinerlei Vorkenntnisse - nur Interesse am Saxofon ;)Mit dem Saxofon-Start-Kurs lernst Du auch ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse den EINFACHEN EINSTIEG in das Saxofonspiel.Mit intelligenten bungen und einfachen Tricks lernt jeder die ersten Schritte auf diesem genialen Instrument im Handumdrehen!Am ENDE des Kurses spielst du bereits deine ersten Songs mit cooler Begleitband!Saxofonist und Lehrer Joe Mayer unterrichtet und spielt seit 25 Jahren erfolgreich Saxofon. Seine effizienten Lernmethoden haben schon hunderte Saxofonisten erfolgreich angewendet.Spa durch schnellen Erfolg!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Matematik (Polinomlar, 2.Derece Denklemler ve Fonksiyonlar)" |
"POLNOMLAR* Polinom tanm, Ba katsay ve Derece * Polinomlarda Deer Bulma* Polinomlarda Blme slemleri ve Kalan Bulma* Trev Yardmyla zlebilen Polinom Sorular2. DERECE DENKLEMLER* zm Kmelerinin Bulunuu* Kk ve Katsaylar Arasndaki Bantlar* Kkleri Verilen 2. Dereceden Denklem Kurma* Deiken Deitirilerek Oluan 2.Derece DenklemlerFONKSYONLAR* Fonksiyon Tanm ve Deer Kmeleri* Fonksiyon eitleri* Ters Fonksiyon* Bileke Fonksiyon"
Price: 49.99 |
"Od chaosu do SOLIDa" |
"Kurs zawiera teoretyczne i praktyczne omwienie zasad SOLID.Poruszone zostay wszystkie zasady SOLID, tj.:S Single Responsibility PrincipleO Open/Closed PrincipleL Liskov Substitionion PrincipleI Interface Segregation PrincipleD Dependency Inversion PrincipleZarwno strona teoreotyczna i praktycza zostay omwione w dedykowanych sekcjach kursu.Kurs osadzony jest w kontekcie biznesowy, gdzie tworzenie funkcjonalnoci biznesowych przedkadane jest nad aspekty techniczne. Pokazane zostao jak radzi sobie z problemem tworzenia ustrukturyzowanego oprogramowania rwnoczenie dostarczajc warto biznesow.Kada cz kursu zawiera kod rdowy programu zaktualizowanego podczas pracy w danym module. Uczestnik ma moliwo samemu przedstudiowa dany kawaek programu, by lepiej zrozumie sposb dziaania i implementacj. Cao jest przygotowana w sposb przejrzysty, klarowny i spjny."
Price: 84.99 |
"Investment 4 Everyone - Let's Get 2 Business" |
"Starting from Investing your own Time to be happier, more efficient, more productive and more successful, defining your Goals and Passion. How to Plan Strategically and Operationally. Ready to start your own business? Learn how to transform your ideas into a compelling Business Plan and I'll also let you into some really powerful tips to boost your Pitching Skills. Learn how to properly Invest your Money; whether its in a Business or a Stock. Get properly introduced to Stock Markets and its methods of Analysis. Take a deep introductory dive in Technical Analysis that's applicable on Stocks, Options, Futures, ETFs, FX, Commodities and / or Crypto Currencies. Find out about our featured Charting methodology that you can easily and quickly learn and use to trade right away and manage your own portfolio like professionals"
Price: 24.99 |
"Awakeness: The Secrets of Your Mind & Meditation" |
"Are you interested in learning more about Meditation but don't know where to start?Are you too busy to travel, so are looking for something you can do in your own time at your own pace?Are you looking for a something different from the masses of Meditation courses flooding the market -- something deeper, something that transmits the original, authentic teachings and techniques but in a modern, simple and engaging way?Are you looking for something so powerful that it can completely transform your life?Then The Secrets of Your Mind & Meditation course is for you...**********ABOUTTHETEACHER...Ajarn Sitang is a master teacher who has practised meditation and mindfulness since she was a child growing up in Bangkok, Thailand. After finally deciding to teach all she knows, at the request of her friends (who later also became her students!), Ajarn Sitang developed the Awakeness programme, a holistic and fully integrated system of Meditation, Mindfulness, Health & Decoding, and started teaching it to others in Asia. After recently relocating to the UK, she has continued to teach this system and has helped hundreds of people to experience a taste of True Happiness.For the first time, this course is now available online!**********WHATYOUWILLLEARN...In this content-packed course, you'll learn how to meditate properly in the original way -- the way in which its still taught in Thailand and South East Asia -- but through a lens fit for understanding 21st century living, and in a way that responds to the needs of our busy and often stressful modern lives.. Using an easy-to-understand, relaxed, humorous, dynamic, engaging and media-rich method, Ajarn Sitang will guide you step-by-step through the beginning of an incredible journey that has the potential to completely transform your life.You will start the course by gaining some powerful insights into the true nature and power of the human mind, and will begin to explore the answers to two crucial questions that we dont normally think to ask: Why do we do what we do? and Why do we believe what we believe?You will learn about some of the fascinating science behind the incredible effects of meditation on the brain and body, and understand more fully about the extraordinary benefits a regular meditation practice creates for your personal life, your professional life and the lives of those around you. You will also learn how to overcome potential barriers to developing a great meditation practice.After providing you with the background, Ajarn Sitang will lead you carefully through the correct method for Tranquility Meditation, as well as share with you other powerful techniques, such as The Magic Breath and Secret Mini-Meditations, so that you can meditate correctly and with confidence, and begin to experience immediately the incredible effects for yourself.Please click on the 'PREVIEW' button at the top right of this screen to see a small sample collection of highlights from this course.We hope to see you inside!++++++++++It is advised thatall the sessions are watched back-to-back, initially. After this, it is advised that they are all watched again in sequence, but with each session being watched once per week over consecutive weeks. Sessions 1 and 2 can be watched together in the first week, then sessions, 3, 4 and 5, can be watched, one per week, over the next three weeks. The idea is that the skills from one session are practised consistently throughout that week until the next session, at which point the practice will deepen and another layer of understanding and practice added. ++++++++++'The Secret of Mindfulness' course will be available by the end of April, 2019."
Price: 44.99 |
"Expresses idiomticas em francs" |
"Neste curso vamos aprender as 20 expresses idiomticas mais usadas no dia a dia dos francesesSo raros os cursos ou o ensinamento de expresses idiomticas por isso desenvolvi esta super aula para ajud-los a falar como um francsUma das expresses : ""Casser les pieds"". Voc sabe o que dizer? Vem comigo pra essa descoberta?Espero que gostem e que aprendam muito =)Um grande abraoRaquel"
Price: 54.99 |
"ACE The IELTS - Essential Words to Get 7+ Score" |
"Do you want to learn essential IELTS vocabulary fast? Do you like to learn the words? This course is for those students who are preparing themselves for IELTS exams and are looking for an easy and fun way to master and memorize the vocabulary needed for these tests.The practice tests in this course are challenging you to learn in an effective way. Each test comes with very clear and to the point explanations for each and every question.It is aimed at students who are trying to achieve Band 7, but will also be extremely valuable for any students aiming for Band 6 or Band 8. Even Band 9 students may learn something new here!You might think that the IELTS examiners only care about a correct spelling and accurate grammar. This is wrong. These are all important, but There is nothing more beneficial than wide range of vocabulary to boost your score.Who takes the IELTS test? More than 30 million people from all over the world have taken the IELTS test to demonstrate their English-language proficiency.Students planning to study at an institution or universityCandidates for scholarships and professional certificationEnglish-language learners who want to track their progressStudents and workers applying for visas in certain countriesThis practice test will help you understand what you can do to achieve your best IELTS test score.Instructor Using archived test questions, will show you the kinds of ""words"" you can expect."
Price: 59.99 |
"IELTS Phrasal Verbs to Push Your Speaking Score up to 7.5+" |
"Build a larger range of phrasal verbs and work on speaking skill.A self-paced practice test with exercises and quizzes to increase fluency in spoken and written English for IELTS.Buffing up your IELTS Phrasal Verbs can be rewarding in many ways...Impress your IELTS Speaking examinerYou can gain respect in your social circleYoull encourage your intellectual developmentYoull develop your personalityYoull increase your skill at influencing peopleYoull enjoy clearer thinking and readingAnd it can help your put your career on the fast-track!If you feel that your current vocabulary is below par, and want to strengthen your communication skills and impact for IELTS, then this self-paced, self-contained practice test course is right up your alley.As long as you have a middle to high school reading level and an earnest desire and commitment to learn, by the time you complete this course, you'll have a broader phrasal verbs and greater confidence in your written and verbal skills.Never again will you have to be held down by the limitations of a stunted vocabulary. Best of all, because enrollment is open 24/7, there's no reason to keep putting things off. Register today to improve your life by enriching your vocabulary.Looking for a competitive edge in your next job interview? Do you wish you could ""hold your own"" in discussions and debates amongst experts like doctors, lawyers and big business executives?Have you ever humiliated yourself at dinner parties or other social settings by using a word incorrectly or pronouncing it wrong?Are you concerned that your working vocabulary is below par, or that its blocking your from taking your life and career to the next level? If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, then Instructor Emily Foster's practice test on constructing a better, broader IELTS Phrasal Verbs will be a perfect fit for your situation--no matter how hopeless you feel that situation may be!If you encounter questions or areas that leave you confused, you can contact your instructor directly at any time by using udemy!Unlike many classes, Phrasal Verb doesn't require that you wait around twiddling your thumbs, waiting for enrollment to open. Instead of wasting time, you have the freedom to register today--right now even! If you're sick and tired of feeling foolish, then the smart thing to do is to do something about. Now that you're all out of excuses, what are you waiting for? Enroll now!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Role of AMH and Evaluation of the Infertile Female" |
"AMH or Anti Mullerian Hormone is fast becoming the basic test to perform for ovarian reserve testing. What is this hormone ? Why is it so special ? How and when should one test it ? How does it fare against the Antral Follicle count ? Can we trust the test completely or are there some loopholes too ? Also when and how should we evaluate the infertile female ? What are the broad heads under which we should proceed? Within those heads, what specific test to perform and why we should one particular test and not another. Join the course for answers to these questions and many more ......."
Price: 24.99 |
"Oral Ovulogens and Gonadotropins in Ovulation Induction" |
"Oral ovulogens and Gonadotropins are used by every single Gynaecologist and Infertility expert, yet sometimes the very basics are missed out. It is like building a beautiful house on a weak foundation. What are the unique features of Clomiphene ? Why was Letrozole banned and why is it being called better than Clomiphene ? How to get over the confusions of "" to use or not use LH"" "" how much dose of gonadotropin to use and from when"" . Get answers to all of the above and many more of your questions during the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Platelet Rich Plasma in Ovarian and Uterine Rejuvenation" |
"There are hundreds of expensive ways to prepare PRP but this course teaches you simple and effective ways of doing it. This is the first and the only course in the world that teaches you how to perform Intra Ovarian PRP via the vaginal route. Why is PRP so important ? How does it work ? How to perform an Intra Uterine PRP therapy for poor endometrial thickness or thin endometrium. Is there a need to activate the PRP sample before using it and if yes then how should one do it ? Finally there is a course that answers all your questions and also shows you how to do it right."
Price: 174.99 |
"Forex Trading Mastery: Clear Mindset Focus On Profit Vol. 3" |
"Learn the secret that ONLY the top %1 of Forex Traders know about Forex TradingIn this course you will learn how to trade Forex in comprehensive and simple terms. Guaranteed. Youll discover a proven step by step system that elite traders use for identifying, engaging and executing winning trades so that you can make more money, waste less time with losing strategies and enjoy trading for a few hours per day. Master real trading skills quickly, without over trading, with this unique Forex trading course for beginners...even if you have lost money trading Forex in the pastWhat will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? CREATION of an mindset for trading so you stop unconsciously making mistakes & do things that lead to profitable trades.UNCOVER what strategies actually WORKS for you & your personal style so that trading becomes easier & more enjoyable.DISCOVER your Forex trade and most profitable market moves so that you waste less time analyzing & more time trading.ESTABLISH a rock solid analysis process so you can consistently execute trades and always know what to do next when live.TRADING the way you are naturally wired, so you encounter less resistance & become profitable with simple techniques. CONTROL the metrics you pay attention to knowing how to create maximum improvement with the least amount of effort.DEVELOP some peak performance secrets so that you can exponentially grow your trading skills to earn consistent income. Just like Warren Buffet Said, Price is what you pay, value is what you getAfter the first couple years of my Trading career I got sick of the grind...the working hours upon hours, feeling burnout...worrying about if a large trade would win or loseand I completely changed my approach.I learned how to maintain a really high winning trade percentage...work less, earn more and enjoy the process a lot more. My entire mindset changed.Unfortunately, many of the Forex trading course books and programs available are written based on very technical and difficult language and formulas, not at all for beginners....when your trading strategy is based something you do not fully understand, you are not going to make consistent profit.thats all changed now and a fresh approach is necessary.......and Ive actually used what I teach to always be at the very top or in the top %1 for every company I worked for. This includes Investment Banks and a Billion Dollar Hedge Fund as well as some of the fastest growing companies on the planet.What makes this course different is that I teach what actually works in easy simple steps. That works.WHATYOUWILLLEARN SPECIFICALLY? How to understand bridge aggregation and how to use it. How to trade using a white label reducing risk improving profit. How to execute trades with FIX application programming interface. How to reduce latency by using the X-Core System. How to know why is best for professional traders to use the X-Core system. How to select a liquidity partner so you can reduce execution costs. How to identify the importance of selecting a prime of prime liquidity partner. How to receive the best pricing and quotes for all trading symbols. How to adopt the correct calm and collected trading mindset. How to keep calm even when you are live trading and under pressure. How to release stress even after a very challenging day/week. How to manage and handle overnight trades and how to deal with them. How to comprehend the meaning of risk management. How to acquire, create and implement a risk management strategy. How to distinguish when to take profit and put profit into the bank. How to calculate drawdown and manage risk in real time. How to extrapolate and increase profits whilst implements a trailing stop loss. How to perfectly execute fundamental process based trading strategies.In short you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to trade Forex, avoid unnecessary stress and learn to love what you do.So, go ahead click the green buy now button on the right hand side, so you can become a trading master, leaving everyone scratching their heads as you make great profit trading Forex for a few hours per day.What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.If you dont love the course, if it doesnt deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so theres no reason not to enroll.Once you enroll youre given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises.Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation."
Price: 174.99 |
"Entrepreneurship: Negative Thoughts, Positive Results Vol.2" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Entrepreneurship skills.YOU will learn the foundations to become an amazing entrepreneur from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing entrepreneurial skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a entrepreneur before or don't know where to begin. Entrepreneurs are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? LAUNCH a business that is built with a great structure, clear and concise processes, giving the foundations for full success. BECOME look and act like a CEO. No matter on the size of your business, developing this skill will gain you instant respect.REDUCE stress and time when launching a business, by implementing the simple processes & using tried and tested tricks. REALIZE how to hire the right staff for your company, identifying great people & how to fire staff if they are not performing.OBTAIN an industry leading marketing strategy and develop amazing persuasion skills to get people to do what you need.DEVELOP economical ways to incentivize your staff & keep them motivated by setting attainable goals keeping team focus. MANAGE people from all backgrounds, ages and economic status, becoming a true leader, developing your future leaders. Just like Steve Jobs said, Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirsWhat will I LEARN specifically? How to approach your staff,during or after a difficult situation still making sure the team is motivated & still fully focused.How to lead from the front, something that everyone will love about you, rolling your sleeves up and motivating others.How to use tactics to overcome business difficulties,implementing them skillfully so negotiating around challenges. How to plan expansion and prepare to grow,so when its time to expand you and your business are in the best position. How to secretly be on time for everything,impressing everyone you meet, being in full control of your day and destiny. How to instinctively know when to accept investment,fueling rapid growth and driving your business to new markets. How to negotiate equity give away,as you will be in lions den, be sure you are fully prepared to be the king of the jungle. How to develop amazing marketing campaigns,where you generate so much interest that you will have too many leads. How to easily strategize free marketing exposure,utilizing the most powerful outlets for minimal cost to your business. How to learn the truth about SEO marketing,the tricks of the trade where you can include SEO, gaining fee exposure. How to relax and switch off sales, sales and more sales, developing structured sales process generating sales & growth.How to believe in yourself, without listening to negative people or thoughts, driving you and your business forward. How to improve your persuasion skills,in every relationship, so you can receive the most out of every single life situation.How to act in and out of the office in social events,so that all the employees and anyone in your business respect you. In short you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to become an entrepreneur, avoid unnecessary stress, become your own boss and learn to love what you do. And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and develop into a natural born presenter. To become a good presenter, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a presenter stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Entrepreneurship: How to Launch a Business & Be Free Vol.3" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Entrepreneurship skills.YOU will learn the foundations to become an amazing entrepreneur from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing entrepreneurial skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a entrepreneur before or don't know where to begin. Entrepreneurs are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? LAUNCH a business that is built with a great structure, clear and concise processes, giving the foundations for full success. BECOME look and act like a CEO. No matter on the size of your business, developing this skill will gain you instant respect.REDUCE stress and time when launching a business, by implementing the simple processes & using tried and tested tricks. REALIZE how to hire the right staff for your company, identifying great people & how to fire staff if they are not performing.OBTAIN an industry leading marketing strategy and develop amazing persuasion skills to get people to do what you need.DEVELOP economical ways to incentivize your staff & keep them motivated by setting attainable goals keeping team focus. MANAGE people from all backgrounds, ages and economic status, becoming a true leader, developing your future leaders. Just like Steve Jobs said, Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirsWhat will I LEARN specifically? How to obtain the mindset of an entrepreneur, so when you are controlling a business you will be a success & not fail. How to leave a secure job and how to minimize the risk, when you leave your current job you will be secure financially. How to create a successful business plan, implementing and following this strategic guide enhancing your profitability. How to select the perfect financial model, propelling business straight into a healthy financial position from the get go. How to and where to set up the company, maximizing you full potential & extrapolating the most out of tax efficiency. How to get the company name & URL without breaking your head, planning your digital marketing without mistakes. How to design your logo economically, using a little known trick on how to design an amazing logo at incredible prices. How to promote yourself before launch, so when you move into your market place you already have market exposure. How to grow your business and reduce overheads at the same time, taking you business into stratospheric regions. How to start your business on a shoe budget, don't allow starting capital hinder your progress because there is a plan. How to reap the benefits of market research, moving into an area where the markets full of competition will excite you. How to develop full faith in your ability, so that not only you will have the belief in yourself but so will all that you meet. How to work the working hours you want, gaining full control of a complete lifestyle change, working the hours you like.In short you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to become an entrepreneur, avoid unnecessary stress, become your own boss and learn to love what you do. And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and develop into a natural born presenter. To become a good presenter, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a presenter stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Presentation Skills: Stop Being Boring, Start Exciting Vol.1" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about presentation skills.YOU will learn the foundations to become an amazing presenter from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing presentation skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Presenters are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? CREATING engaging presentations, to encapsulate your audience's attention so they listen & hang onto your every word. AVOIDING many common mistakes, that many presenters do without them even consciously knowing something wrong. REDUCED pressure at the time of deliverance, learn techniques that will help you deal with anxious feelings and nerves. ADVANCE in your overall life, with huge amounts of respect from others, be seen as someone naturally gifted to present. MAGNIFY your confidence in all walks of life, when you are able to deliver a perfect presentation, your life transforms fast.ACQUIRE how to perfectly expose your ideas, creating a laser guided idea & execution plan for the presentation creation.DEALING with your nervousness, before executing a big presentation, you will learn some very simple tricks to mesmerize.Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. Communication works for those who work at it John PowellWhat will YOU learn specifically? How to manage rejection, so that you can accept difficult situations, overcoming them & then work on self improvement. How to communicate the number #1 way, ensuring that people listen and become engaged with anything you say or do. How to easily start a conversation, with anyone from anywhere no matter on race, religion, sex or any other orientation. How to introduce yourself fantastically well, so that people remember where and why they met you and who you are. How to make an lasting and long impression, create amazing & long lasting first impressions that really count & impact. How to develop confidence very fast, so you can gain full control over your life, eradicate doubts allowing you to shine. How to connect with new people, gaining the confidence and skills to speak to new and exciting people enhancing life. How to be engaging so that people find you interesting, making new friendships, allowing you to select the best people. How to build solid relationships, so that you can receive and give loyalty, becoming a person that everyone wants to be. How to avoid and predict before getting emotionally damaged, by reading situations avoiding exceptions and damage. How to become charismatic in every situation, magnetizing people by your new found charm and exonerating coolness. And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and develop into a natural born presenter. To become a good presenter, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a presenter stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Leadership: Never Failing in Important Decision Making Vol.1" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Leadership. YOU will learn the foundations to become a leader from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing leadership skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Leaders are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? IMPROVE The way you manage, handle and deal with all relationships in your life, in any capacity.DEVELOP Confidence, Strength, Inspiration, Loyalty, Empathy, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Passion and Creativity.REDUCED Stress with every interaction, as you have a clear and defined map to why and how people need to be lead. DECISION Making process will be changed and polished so everyone you interact with, aspires to be just like you.VISION 360 degrees, enhancing all the possibilities of any situation that arises, handling it with calmness and ease. LEARN How to delegate tasks effectively, keeping others focused and ensuring that your requests are completed. BREAK The habit of wanting to be like others, vision of future events and being ahead of the curve GENIUS Ideas and phrases of Sean Covey, an amazing author, with joined personal life experiences and research.Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. What will YOU learn specifically? How to encourage when you have to take the first step, make people believe in you or you project to take the first step.How to read reactive and proactive people, analyzing each person to make better judgments and handle all situations.How to know yourself so you know the type of person you are, so you can improve situation handling in the future. How to know the differences between reactive and proactive people, making it simpler to read intentionsand actions.How to improve the way you make decisions, looking at a rounded view, not just a single track mind,seeing all outcomes.How to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again, so you are not contentiously creating insanity in your life.How to deal with failure, taking action on your reaction to upsetting unexpected events, letting your leader qualities shine.How to handle things you dont like about your life, working on yourself so that you can be the best you & a inspiration. How to encourage yourself when you have to take the first step, developing inner confidence and strength personified.How to Double your confidence andself-esteem, so that everyone wants to be around you and a part of your joyful life.And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and build your relationships like a leader. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! To become a good leader, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a leader stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Leadership: Developing a Great Leaders Mindset & Focus Vol.2" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Leadership. YOU will learn the foundations to become a leader from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing leadership skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Leaders are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? IMPROVE The way you manage, handle and deal with all relationships in your life, in any capacity.DEVELOP Confidence, Strength, Inspiration, Loyalty, Empathy, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Passion and Creativity.REDUCED Stress with every interaction, as you have a clear and defined map to why and how people need to be lead. DECISION Making process will be changed and polished so everyone you interact with, aspires to be just like you.VISION 360 degrees, enhancing all the possibilities of any situation that arises, handling it with calmness and ease. LEARN How to delegate tasks effectively, keeping others focused and ensuring that your requests are completed. BREAK The habit of wanting to be like others, vision of future events and being ahead of the curve GENIUS Ideas and phrases of Sean Covey, an amazing author, with joined personal life experiences and research.Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. What will YOU learn specifically? How to develop the mindset of a leader, being a strong loyal and dependable person, whilst be admired by everyone.How to reduce the chances of regretting your decisions, by using our system that enhances the chances of outcomes.How to stop judging and start learning from others, every great leader takes on board all angles and others opinions. How to focus on real facts and avoid assumptions, to ensure that your attention is not being pushed into time wasting.How to keep your mood stable, even when there are tough times & you are feeling angry, upset, stressed, tired or sick. How to be more open-minded, looking at all views instead of having a closed opinion, opening many other possibilities. How to have a clear perception of yourself, others and life, helping you gauge a true prospective over current reality.How to find a centered life, ensuring that life's roller coaster doesn't take you away from being a leader in every aspect. And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and build your relationships like a leader. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! To become a good leader, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a leader stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Leadership: How to Motivate, Staying Focused on Goals Vol.3" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Leadership. YOU will learn the foundations to become a leader from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing leadership skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Leaders are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? IMPROVE The way you manage, handle and deal with all relationships in your life, in any capacity.DEVELOP Confidence, Strength, Inspiration, Loyalty, Empathy, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Passion and Creativity.REDUCED Stress with every interaction, as you have a clear and defined map to why and how people need to be lead. DECISION Making process will be changed and polished so everyone you interact with, aspires to be just like you.VISION 360 degrees, enhancing all the possibilities of any situation that arises, handling it with calmness and ease. LEARN How to delegate tasks effectively, keeping others focused and ensuring that your requests are completed. BREAK The habit of wanting to be like others, vision of future events and being ahead of the curve GENIUS Ideas and phrases of Sean Covey, an amazing author, with joined personal life experiences and research.Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. What will YOU learn specifically? How to set realistic, achievable, smart goals that are obtainable within short periods of time, keeping you motivated. How to build the picture in your head, that will take you to the creation of motivational goals, building an amazing plan.How to stay motivated, even when times get tough or when unexpected challenges arise, staying positive and motivated. How to make important decisions, analyzing all of the outcomes, making an informed decision to ensure the best result.How to stick to your goals consistently even if you are not focused, or having an off day or not quite on the ball 100%.How to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, so that you can live the life that only 1% of the world can.How to attain all this even if you are not gifted with beauty, money or the brain you think you need achieve your goals.And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and build your relationships like a leader. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! To become a good leader, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a leader stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Leadership: Stop Mistakes Start Doing the Right Things Vol.4" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Leadership. YOU will learn the foundations to become a leader from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing leadership skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Leaders are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? IMPROVE The way you manage, handle and deal with all relationships in your life, in any capacity.DEVELOP Confidence, Strength, Inspiration, Loyalty, Empathy, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Passion and Creativity.REDUCED Stress with every interaction, as you have a clear and defined map to why and how people need to be lead.DECISION Making process will be changed and polished so everyone you interact with, aspires to be just like you.VISION 360 degrees, enhancing all the possibilities of any situation that arises, handling it with calmness and ease. LEARN How to delegate tasks effectively, keeping others focused and ensuring that your requests are completed. BREAK The habit of wanting to be like others, vision of future events and being ahead of the curve Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. What will YOU learn specifically? How to get rid of laziness so that you get your day started earlier, completing each task with a smile and total positivity. How to say NO (without being a jerk), the art of saying NO in a certain way that people understand the reasoning.How to organize you time with an app or an agenda, so your focus is laser guided to accelerate tasks being completed. How to manage and reduce stress, even during some of the most challenging of scenarios, you will be totally calm.How to prioritize your tasks, giving you a strategy to implement a daily task list, powering through tasks methodically.How to deal with peer pressure, instead of being a sheep and following, learning to lead therefore not feeling pressure.How to decide between doing important and urgent things, learning how to skillfully negotiate around every task.How to stop procrastination so that you get so much more completed and done in a day, dramatically improving life.And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and build your relationships like a leader. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! To become a good leader, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a leader stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Presentation Skills: Eradicate Nerves, Ooze Confidence Vol.2" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about presentation skills.YOU will learn the foundations to become an amazing presenter from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing presentation skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Presenters are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? CREATING engaging presentations, to encapsulate your audience's attention so they listen & hang onto your every word. AVOIDING many common mistakes, that many presenters do without them even consciously knowing something wrong. REDUCED pressure at the time of deliverance, learn techniques that will help you deal with anxious feelings and nerves. ADVANCE in your overall life, with huge amounts of respect from others, be seen as someone naturally gifted to present. MAGNIFY your confidence in all walks of life, when you are able to deliver a perfect presentation, your life transforms fast.ACQUIRE how to perfectly expose your ideas, creating a laser guided idea & execution plan for the presentation creation.DEALING with your nervousness, before executing a big presentation, you will learn some very simple tricks to mesmerize.Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. What will YOU learn specifically? How to control nervousness, so you are calm and collected throughout your presentation, feeling happy and relaxed. How to grasp great voice control, ensuring each note is clear and crisp so everyone hears you correctly & concisely. How to grab and hold your audiences attention, developing you into a full and total superstar hit with your audience. How to create engaging presentations, because being the best presenter in the world is just not good enough alone. How to control your body language, so you consciously use your know how to keep the audience engaged & excited. How to gain respect your audience, which means you perfecting many different areas and being a rounded presenter. How to take criticism, learn and improve from it, as constructive criticism when received can aid good improvements.How to become a great presenter, in any environment, being the person who has the natural presenter gift and talent. And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and develop into a natural born presenter. To become a good presenter, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a presenter stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Leadership - Transform Yourself so Everyone Loves You Vol.5" |
"Learn the secret that 99% of the people wish they knew about Leadership. YOU will learn the foundations to become a leader from the inside out. Guaranteed. With this course youll discover aproven step by step system where you are able to apply this knowledge, transforming your relationship with your colleagues, friends and family. Masteramazing leadership skills, the easy way, with this remarkable course for beginners.even if you have struggled being a leader or don't know where to begin. Leaders are not born, they are made! What will I be able to DO after I enrolling and completing the course? IMPROVE The way you manage, handle and deal with all relationships in your life, in any capacity.DEVELOP Confidence, Strength, Inspiration, Loyalty, Empathy, Honesty, Integrity, Commitment, Passion and Creativity.REDUCED Stress with every interaction, as you have a clear and defined map to why and how people need to be lead. DECISION Making process will be changed and polished so everyone you interact with, aspires to be just like you.VISION 360 degrees, enhancing all the possibilities of any situation that arises, handling it with calmness and ease. LEARN How to delegate tasks effectively, keeping others focused and ensuring that your requests are completed. BREAK The habit of wanting to be like others, vision of future events and being ahead of the curve GENIUS Ideas and phrases of Sean Covey, an amazing author, with joined personal life experiences and research.Naturally, people will respect you, will trust your decisions and you will become a leader. What will YOU learn specifically? How to ooze confidence and strength so that people naturally follow you, work alongside and for you. How to be a loyal person and receive loyalty from others, transforming your life attracting the best people. How to stand your ground but still inspire others, mind mapping difficult situations, still being followed. How to stop comparing and competing with others and start leading, showing the others without clashing. How to get more friends by exuding the right energy, naturally inviting brilliant people into your life. How to transmit self-assurance, this in turn will make others feel confident in you, themselves, helping others. How to deal with selfish people, controlling yourself and your reactions over situations, places and things. How to decide between many routes and situations that arise, how to act, react and get the best outcome. And LOTSLOTSmore! In short, you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to think and build your relationships like a leader. What have you got to lose? Nothing, BUYNOW! To become a good leader, you must have all these qualities but if you lack some of these qualities, this course willmake YOU as a leader stand out. If you dont love the course for any reason, you can always receive a full refund, in first 30 days, no questions asked. Theres no reason not to enroll. Best of all,you'll have OUR helpif you have any questions or you need help applying the techniques in a specific situation. Press the GREENBUTTONTOBUYNOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Soul Matters" |
"Soul Matters is a journey of self discoverywhich will help you understand a whole lot more about why you act, think and feel the way you do.This course will help you...Connect the dots between your behaviour and your life story.Challenge and changewhat you believe about yourselfin order to chart a course for genuine growth.Gain curiosityabout your inner world, and itsemotional infrastructure.Help you understand whyself awareness is the catalyst for all personal growth. (You cant change what youre not aware of)Learn howowning your own'stuff'is the doorway to self awareness.Explore whyyour life is the sum total of what you consciously or subconsciously believe about yourself.Identify unhealthy patterns of behaviour andemotional dependency, that are affecting your quality of life.Embrace authenticity and who you really areLearn the power of 'Emo-diversity'."
Price: 24.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to True Romance, Love & Dating" |
"True fulfillment can only be found in one thing: The emotional power of our personal relationships""Discover How to improve yourRelationship and Sex life"" In this Coursewe'll show you How to Ethically Use Our Weird Relationship Secrets to Improve Your CurrentRelationship, Marriage & Improve your Sex Life. So if you want to Improve Your Relationship and Have More Sex and better fulfilling Sex without Stagnation in your Relationship or the Lack of Intimacy or Sex, then you need to register and take this breakthrough course event! You can use these techniques to quickly achieve success with our Weird Relationship Secrets That Work. In fact, here's just a part of the secrets we'll reveal in this incredible course: Hidden in Plain Sight! How Understanding your life and relationship blind spots will Increase the LOVE, ROMANCE & SEX Life. (You can understand each other's feelings and needs without having to be told all the time by MODELING what others are doing successfully.) The FORMULA to Change! How to ensure a successful Change in your life and improve your current relationships. (You don't have to be like your parents, let us show you how to have great relationships, (""Nobody escapes childhood without some crazy buttons and triggers"".) How to Get What You Want (Without Complaining) spark a spirit of cooperation and get what you want.. (Fact is: ""The strongest most enduring relationships take lots of hard work,""our culture, education system and parenting styles don't prepare us for the fact that even good relationships take effort.) ... and much, MUCH More! Don't miss out on this breakthrough course that will finally get you the success you want with Our Weird Relationship Secrets That Actually Work!The Ultimate Guide to True Romance, Love & Dating will help you to:Build TheStrongest Connections With Friends, Family, Colleagues and Romantic Partners.Improve YourFamily Relationships (With Spouses, Children & Parents).Understanding your life and relationship blind spots will Increase the LOVE, ROMANCE & SEX LifeTransform the Quality of the Relationship That You Have With Yourself.How to ensure a successful Change in your life and Improve your current relationships.Address Self-Esteem Issues & Your Ability to Attract or Retain a Great Partner.Enhance Your Ability to Identify & Resolve Conflicts in MoreEffective Ways.Recognize & Understand the Factors That Influence Relationship Changes.Define the Characteristics & Attributes That You Want in Your Long Term Partner.Regardless of your relationship status and sexual orientation,The Ultimate Guide to True Romance,Love & Dating will provideyou with an actionable range of crucialcommunication principles, insights and strategies for engaging with other people in the mostimpacting ways. Have you become complacent in your passion? Or, have you resigned to not pursuing romantic partnership at all? Rarely do you see a couple united in both love and attraction, able to sustain their power decade after decade. But, greater passion is possible! In The Ultimate Guide to True Romance, Love & Dating, Obom and Ana Bowen share the tools, insights and principles they have created and discovered through their journey, learning together as a couple, and working with people from every walk of life experiencing the same issues. They can help you to figure out where you really are in your relationships, where you want to be and whats stopping you from having it all. Just imagine what love coaching through the combined power of Obom and Ana Bowen can do for you learn a results-oriented approach for attracting your ideal life partner, strengthening your relationship and reignite the passion you and your partner once shared. Regardless of your past experience or current relationship, the potential for creating something deeper, richer and lasting is within your grasp. Take action now and experience whats possible when you transform your beliefs, eliminate your fears and master the fundamental skills necessary to create your ultimate relationshipPartnered with 100% Money Back Guarantee, join thousands of others in learning how to build stronger, healthier and more fulfilling relationships throughout the most important areas of your life.So if you want to Improve Relationship and Have More Sex and better fulling Sex without Stagnation in relationship, then you need to purchase this breakthrough course today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Marketing en Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter y Google" |
"Tienes un producto o servicio? Sabes cmo hacer una campaa digital? Si no es asi o quieres perfeccionar tu estrategia de difusin, este curso est diseado para ensearte paso a pasoel cdigo que debes seguir para crear La Campaa Digital Perfecta, utilizando Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter y Google las principales en el mundo digital que generan un importante crecimiento en las ventas y reconocimiento de marca.Conoce detalladamente de forma real y en vivo cmo una marca desde cero lleg al punto de crecer en las redes sociales tanto en ventas cmo en marca aplicando paso a paso estas estrategias. Hoy te comento que existen unos pasos importantes para lograr unaCampaa Digital Perfecta yestn detallados de una forma muy profesional plasmados en un video todo el anlisis generado en las diferentes plataformas, porqu es perfecta? porque sencillamente los he puesto en prctica y han funcionado. Hoy puedes tener toda esa informacin y vender lo que t quiera!"
Price: 114.99 |
"Excel Completo - Desde Principiante Hasta Avanzado" |
"El Curso Completo de Microsoft Excel, est pensado analticamente para brindarle al estudiante todos los conocimientos necesarios para lograr ser un experto en esta poderosa plataforma. Empezaremos este gran viaje desde lo ms bsico para personas que estn iniciando su proceso y se les pueda facilitar su avance a niveles superiores, luegopasaremos al nivel intermedio que es una parte bastante importante, debidoque es una de las ms utilizadas actualmente porlas empresas y una alta demanda en sus funciones, yfinalmente llegaremosal nivel avanzado brindando herramientas maravillosas con casos prcticos y realesque sern de gran utilidad en la vida profesional. El curso est orientado a mejorar la productividady pensado estratgicamente para automatizar las tareas y ser eficientes en el ahorro del tiempo. Vamos!"
Price: 154.99 |
"Curso de Excel - Grficos Avanzados y Visualizacin de Datos" |
"Excel es mucho ms que una simple calculadora, Excel es una plataforma poderosa e inteligente capaz de hacer cosas que posiblemente hasta el da de hoy no sabias. Creme que ya es hora de cambiar los tpicos grficos de tortas o los mal comnmente utilizados grficos de columnas...Si eres de las personas que est buscando algo ms que una simple grfica en Excel, te informo que este curso es perfecto porque emplearemos grficos avanzados fciles de entender para brindarte una comprensin profunda y completa de las herramientas y tcnicas visuales ms efectiva que tiene la aplicacin.Sabes que cada grfico tiene un objetivo real para su utilizacin y el modo que lo selecciones determina la correcta implementacin del mismo? Conocers los diferentes grficos que tiene Excel para presentar informes para luego sumergirnos en proyectos avanzados que te permitan despertar diversas formas de mostrarlos con ejemplos reales de empresas a nivel mundial. Durante el curso tendrs acceso a todo el material descargable para que puedas seguir fcilmente los temas que estaremos compartiendo durante las ms de 5 horas de contenido. Creme que ya es hora de cambiar los tpicos grficos de tortas o los mal comnmente utilizados grficos de columnas, hay muchas formas profesionales de sacarle provecho a todo esto. Estoy seguro y te garantizo que aprenders algo nuevo que ser de mucha utlidad para tu vida profesional. Vamos, es hora de mostrarnos de forma diferente en cualquier presentacin que necesitemos impresionar. Nos vemos dentro del curso!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Design iPhone App Mockup & Prototype using FREE Mac Software" |
"Do you have an app idea but dont know where to get started? Are you on a limited budget? Do you have 0 coding or technical experience?If you answered yes to any of those questions, youre in the right place. Welcome to the one course you need to get started in the app development world.The first step in any app development process is creating mockups and prototypes. Most people use Photoshop or Sketch, or any of the other expensive graphic design software packages out there. The better option is Pages.I want to share with you my 3 part process to creating beautiful mockups and live prototypes using FREEsoftware. This is how Ive created my app mockups in the past and how I will continue to do so moving forward.This course will show you how toOutline wireframesMap out the flow of an iPhone ApplicationGet started with Pages & the Marvel AppDesign High Quality Mockups for FreeReplicate popular app pagesSet Up Live Prototypes for viewing on the Web & Mobile devicesExport screenshotsand more!Bonuses:Matte color paneliPhone Graphical Resources (icons used in many designs)Downloadable files for you to editNew content upon requestAn instructor who truly wants to see your app idea become a realityThere is no point in investing in expensive design software like Photoshop or Sketch when all you need is available for free on your Mac computer.What are the requirements?All you need is a Mac computer and time!Are you excited to FINALLY get started with your app idea? Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"SQL Server DBA 2017 - Beginners to Moderate Level - A Guide" |
"Hello aspiring Learner, Greetings and Thank you for reading this course landing page !Here I am industry veteran having experience of 18+ years having expertise in SQLserver as Architect DBA , Introducing new job oriented course which will help you to introduce yourself as SQLServer DBAin industry. Microsoft SQL DBAis traditional database technology which are very popular in ITspace. Industry are using this technology since year 1997 when Microsoft came out with release of their first version of SQLserver. I would encourage and recommended to aspiring learners to go ahead with this course who would like to build career as SQLDBAand those who are working as SQLDBA and having less than <=3 years of experience. Who should take this course - 1. Those who would like to build their career as SQL Server DBA OR Students /IT Graduates/MBA/MCA with basic computer knowledge. 2. Existing DBA/IT professional who would like to know more about SQL server as Database professional3. Any other professional with basic ITskills.What aspiring learner will achieve after completion of this course -1. He/She Will be professional SQL DBA till moderate/Intermediate level2. Complete course to enter in an organisation as SQL Server DBA (L1 & L2)3. Free additional recommendation by instructor those who will enrol for this coursePlease visit to my course page to know moreAdvantage : Those who will enrol for this job oriented course will get free career guidance for limited period as a promotional activity and will guide them to face interview with most frequently asked questions and best answers with data bank. I am also providing Advance level DBAservices to all the industry leaders. Please contact me to know with further terms. Those who would like to reach out me can reach out to me on my email : rrakeshkjain@gmail.com. Many Thanks.Course Design, develop & Instruct by Rakesh Jainrrakeshkjain@gmail.com"
Price: 24.99 |
"Goals - Why You Are Not Succeeding With Them" |
"We all have different goals that we want to achieve from career, financial, weight loss or something entirely specific. Sometimes we cant achieve those goals, and we have plateaued on our progress. In this course we will be looking at our mindset and other things that hold us back from achieving your goals. I will help you get some tools together to ensure you can make progress daily towards success with any goal you may have."
Price: 44.99 |