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"How to pray in Islam using Arabic Language"
"HOW TO PRAY IN ISLAM USING ARABICLANGUAGE is important because it teaches you how to pray in Arabic, many people want to learn Arabic to read Quran or pray correctly using Arabic language. One of the major problems that Muslims face is that they dont understand Arabic so they pray in English or any other language AND THIS COURSE SOLVES THIS PROBLEM because it explains the process step by step starting from the prayer calling, how to perform wudu , how to pray and what you say after praying all in Arabic ,it also teaches you a lot of Arabic vocabulary and some Arabic Grammar rules that will benefit you in your learning journey , and it is accompanied by audios that will help improve your Arabic pronunciation and textbooks that you can download and study whenever you want. How to pray in Islam using Arabic language covers these topics: Introduction to praying in Islam. The five prayers Al-Athan (calling for prayer) and what to say after that in Arabic. Performing Wudu step by step and its prayer. How to pray step by step ( in Arabic) And finally tips for performing a perfect prayer."
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate Business Communication Course"
"Hi there Welcome to The UltimateBusiness Communication Course. If you are interested inmastering business communications and want to truly connect with people, stay tunedbecause this coursehas everything youre looking for! You will learn how to buildrelationships and connect with people, essential rules to make your writingprofessional, how to write emails, business letters, and reports, how toconquer presentations, and you will learn everything about business meetings,from the notice all the way to the minutes. The content of this course isbased on decades of research by various esteemed authors. The only thing I didwas remove all the fluff to give you the crucial information you will need tomaster business communications. To make sure that you carry thelessons taught in this course, I compiled a FREE ebook for you that summarisesall the lessons in this course, so you can have them handy whenever you needthem. So what are you waiting for, goahead and start The Ultimate Business Communication Course. Ill see youinside"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Beginners Marketing Management Course"
"Hi thereWelcome to The Ultimate Beginners Marketing Management Course. This course is designed for you to be able to answer fundamental questions about marketing, such as: What is marketing? How do we market? What do we market? How to perceive the environment that we market in? After taking this course, you will have the knowledge to answer those questions because this course has:Specialised lectures to address those fundamental questions It has an assignment that turns theory into practice There is a summary after each section in an easy to read pdf It also has quizzes after each section of the course It has a FREE eBook containing all the information in the course And there is a final exam that you can take regularly to help you retain all the information you learned in the course. So, if you like what you hearing, go ahead and start The Ultimate Beginners Marketing Management Course, and Ill see you inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn MAPINFO Professional from scratch ( Zero to Hero )"
"MapInfo Professional is a desktop geographic information system (GIS) software product produced by Pitney Bowes Software (formerly MapInfo Corporation) and used for mapping and location analysis.This course will help you to start with Mapinfo Software and also help you tolearn how to use Mapinfo efficiently and tasks that you could achieve from it."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Coding as RF or Telecom Engineer - Build Real Program"
"This course will cover the basics of programming quickly and go through main concepts and building blocks in HTML and PHP.It will help RF Engineers to start coding as a new skill set and can start developing new programs for their teams / groups.This course is not only for RF Engineers but anyone who wants to start working with HTML & PHP. There are many courses on internet but this will cover the main topics and will go through real application building step by step."
Price: 99.99

"Acrylic Painting for Beginners: Dreamy Stories Told w. Paint"
"MASTER THE BASICS OF BEAUTIFUL PAINTING IN EASY-TO-FOLLOW STEPS: 1. GET READY all you need to start The basic acrylic toolkit to get you started How to create a stay-wet palette to prevent acrylics from drying up What colors to choose for the beginning (a limited color palette) 2. GET INSPIRED find new painting ideas Imagination-freeing, inspiration-driving exercises Composition tips and tricks Assignment 1 3. WARM UP drawing and painting exercises Drawing animals from reference photos (free stock photos included) Creating quick acrylic sketches Fixing mistakes (we all make them!) Assignments 2 and 3 4. LEARN TO PAINT follow the guided step-by-step process How to paint in successive stages (layers) Creating smooth color gradients Displaying depth in paintingsCreating vibrant, colorful images using only a few basic colors 5. BUILD CONFIDENCE a bonus lesson How to use techniques from the main part of the course to create a new, different image 6. PAINT STRAIGHT FROM YOUR IMAGINATION Creating an original painting based on the outcomes of assignments 1-3, and skills acquired during the course (the final assignment)Painting with depth, skill and creativity But this acrylic painting course IS NOT ABOUT making a copy of my painting. Its a great example of various techniques youll need to master over your creative journey. But this video training course IS NOT ABOUT dry technical instruction, either. This course IS ABOUT the process of painting, from IMAGINATION to CREATION - the inspiration you need to develop your own ideas, and the mindset/skills you need to tell your stories in paint. Express your creative soul! Anyone can do this. Youll be amazed how well you can bring your ideas to life with the techniques I use in my work and the painting know-how Ill share with you through 10 VIDEO LESSONS. Then, a SPECIAL BONUS: a time-lapse complete second video lesson (4 parts) where youll learn to apply what you learned in the main course to create a completely new, different image one straight from your own imagination to build confidence in your skills and talent. Ready? I want you to enjoy the learning process as much as you do creating my art! Becoming an artist does take dedication, practice, and time. But you can start enjoying the process of creating beautiful paintings right away and, if you put your mind to it, you'll reach the stars! You have wonderful paintings inside you just waiting to get out. Let's bring them to life - together!"
Price: 119.99

"Watercolor Painting for Beginners: 2 Cool & Easy Techniques"
"This course consists of two independent lessons. In each of them I'll show somevery easy watercolor techniques.This is a basic course, and you dont need any special skills to complete it. Ill lead step by step through the whole process to make your work fun and easy. In the lesson 1, I will show you how to paint a forest, applying a very cool negative painting technique.In the lesson 2, you will learn how to paint lavender with watercolors. I will show you a few tricks that make the work really simple."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Implementando Firewall Linux com IPTables - Netfilter"
"Neste curso adotaremos uma abordagem terico-prtica, onde os principais conceitos e ferramentas apresentadas sero demonstrados na prtica, permitindo o aluno adquirir habilidades e competncias para: manipular o Iptables para a criao de regras de Firewall; usar as tabelas do Iptables para traduo de endereos e compartilhamento de acesso internet; resolver problemas do cotidiano de um firewall com IptablesObjetivoO curso Firewall Linux com IPTables - Netfilter objetiva capacitar o profissional nas atividades de planejamento e implementao de solues de Firewall em plataforma Linux baseado na ferramenta Iptables / Netfilter."
Price: 159.99

"Curso Tcnicas de Invaso a Redes Sem Fio [Pentest Wireless]"
"Testes de invaso (Pentest) em redes sem fio tm particularidades e caracterstica prprias, bastantes distintas das usadas em redes cabeadas e em redes TCP/IP. O objetivo deste curso demonstrar as vulnerabilidades que podem ser encontradas em redes wireless e as tcnicas e ferramentas para identific-las e explor-las.O curso dirigido aos profissionais de segurana da informao e a pessoas que tm interesse entender as redes wi-fi, seus modelos de uso e de segurana, assim como conhecer (ou aprimorar o conhecimento) dos mtodos de segurana disponveis, suas caractersticas e fragilidades, bem como as tcnicas e ferramentas para testar a segurana dos mais variados tipos de ambientes sem fio.Este curso dividido em duas fases:- Fundamentos sobre redes e segurana (terico)- Tcnicas de Invaso (prtico)"
Price: 279.99

"Shell Script para Hacker: de usurio Ninja em Shell Script"
"Ol! Seja bem vindo(a) ao nosso curso Shell Script para Hackers - de usurio ninja em Shell ScriptEu sou Vincius Vieira, Analista de Seg Info do GovBR e neste curso voc ir aprender:O que Shell?O Shell e o GNU/LinuxConceitos iniciaisDeclarao e invocao de variveisComandos de controle de fluxo, lao, loop, condicionais e etcParmetros em Shell ScriptComandos de tratamento de contedo (grep, sed, awk, tr, cut e etc)Expresses Regulares - perca medo das RegEx e descubra um mundo de possibilidades!!!Funese muito mais!Durante o curso apresentaremos diversos exerccios comentados, onde explicaremos o passo-a-passo da criao dos scripts e seu uso.Nosso curso tem o foco em Segurana da Informao, logo, voc aprender a desenvolver scripts para:Ataques de enumeraoDescoberta e scanner de redes Ataques Brute ForceEngenharia SocialDescoberta de InformaesBig Datae etc.Junte-se a ns nessa jornada fascinante e se torne um Ninja em Shell Script.Vamos l?"
Price: 114.99

"Piano Boot Camp 1 - Master the Basics of Beginning Piano"
"You've been teaching yourself to play the piano, or have been following videos to learn songs, you know how satisfying it is to be able to make the keys sing! Andyou want to get better and play more advanced songs, but whenever you try, you run into problems. Does this describe you?Often in life, it's what we don't know that we don't know that keeps us stuck in a certain place. For many self-taught beginning pianists, this ""unknown"" is the missing link between where you are and where you want to be.There's nothing wrong with copying what you see shown on a piano tutorial video. It can be a quick way to learn a short song and have fun.But, if you want real progressat the piano, you need to understand certain basic concepts about music and how to use these concepts to achieve your piano goals.There really are no shortcuts to this process. If there were, people wouldn't spend lifetimes practicing and improving their piano skills and musicianship.Just like in any field, there is basic knowledge that the insiders know, which seems very mysterious to the outside world. How can professional pianists learn hundreds of songs and play them beautifully, while it takes you weeks, even months to learn one short song?It's simple. The professional pianist (or even a very advanced amateur) has the ""inside knowledge"" about how music is put together and how to practice effectively.The good news is, you don't need years of lessons and 3-hour-a-day practice sessions to learn the basics of playing the piano. What you need is a teacher who gives you clear and simple information and shows you how to put it to use.Piano Boot Camp is the course that will take you to that next level.In this course you will learn how to:read and play different rhythms usingeighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes, and their corresponding restsread and play with both hands in treble clef and bass clefread and play sharps and flatspractice effectively so that the time you spend at the piano gives you the maximum resultsIf you have 10 minutes a day a desire to learn, a piano or keyboardThen you've got everything it takes for success. Piano Boot Camp gives you a solid beginning piano education in fun and clearly explained lessons that focus on one skill at a time. As you progress through the course, you build your knowledge and skills layer by layer. And you learn how to practice for the best results in the shortest amount of time.Taught by a professional musician with more than 20 years of experience in performing and teaching thousands of students of all ages, Piano Boot Camp gives you all the tools you need to reach your piano goals."
Price: 129.99

"Piano Boot Camp 2 - Beyond the Basics for Beginning Pianists"
"If you have beenteaching yourselfto play the piano, or have beenfollowing videos to learn some songs, you know howgreatit feels to make the keys sing! Andyou want to get better and play more advanced songs, but whenever you try,you run into problems. Piano Boot Campis the course that will take you to that next level.Often in life, it'swhat we don't know that we don't knowthat keeps us stuck in a certain place. For many self-taught beginning pianists, this ""unknown"" isthe missing linkbetweenwhere they are...andwhere they want to be.There's nothing wrong with copying what you see on a piano tutorial video. It can be a quick way to learn ashort songandhave fun.But if you wantreal progressat the piano, you need to understandcertain basic concepts about musicand how to use these them to improveyour piano playing.The truth is, there areno shortcutsto this process. That's why people, even those with lots of natural talent, spend lifetimes practicing and improving their piano skills and musicianship.Just like in any field of study, there isbasic knowledgethat theinsiders know. Knowledge which seems very mysterious to the outside world.How can professional pianists learn hundreds of songs and play them beautifully, while it takes you weeks, even months to learn one short, simple song?Here's the secret. The professional pianist (or even a very advanced amateur) hasthe ""inside knowledge""about how music is put together and how to practice effectively.Thegood newsis, you don't need years of lessons and 3-hour-a-day practice sessions to learn basics of playing the piano. What you need is a reliable system, taught by a professional musician who gives youclear and simple informationandshows you how to put it all to use.In this course you will learn how to:read and play different rhythms usingsixteenth notes and rests, and different dotted rhythmsread and play chordsread natural signs, double sharpand double flat signsread and play tied notes, staccatos, and legatosuse the sustain pedaluse dynamics to communicate emotions through musicIf you have10 minutes a day a desire to learnapiano or keyboard then you haveeverything it takes to succeed.Piano Boot Campgives you a solidbeginning pianoeducation in fun and clearly explained lessons that focus onone skill at a time. As you progress through the course, you build your knowledge and skillslayer by layer, and youlearn how to practice for the best results in the shortest amount of time.Taught by aprofessional musicianwith a Bachelor and Master Degree in Piano Performance, and more than20 years of experiencein performing and teaching thousands of students of all ages."
Price: 129.99

"How to achieve whatever you want through Powerful Goal Setti"
"The course is aimed at helping students to Achieve their Dream through Powerful Goal Settings. There are five chapters in addition to the introduction. After watching all my videos students will be motivated to perform in right direction. Some tools and techniques are discussed. The lecture will be useful for people of all groups"
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop e Lightroom, Edio de Imagem e Correo de Cores"
"Aprenda como criarseu estilo, tonalidades, acabamentos edomine as principais ferramentas de correo de cores do Photoshop e Lightroome no dependa mais de presets.PHOTOSHOPTudo sobrecorreo de cores, ajuste de iluminao, efeitos e finalizao.Este o curso ideal para vocqueprecisa ajustar as cores das suas fotos e est dependendode plug-ins ou presets, mas no sabe como criar seuprprio estilo de tratamento de imagem.Nesse curso eu vou te ensinar como dominar as ferramentas de correo de cores de forma profissional controlando cada etapa do processo de forma no destrutiva.Eleve seu nvel de tratamento de imageme qualidade visual das suas fotosDomine as principais ferramentas do Photoshop com foco em correo de cor.Aprenda comocriar seu prprio estilo artsticoNo dependa mais dePlug-ins ou PresetsEntregue para seus clientes uma foto diferenciada.Aprenda a trabalhar de forma no destrutiva.Domine os Adjustment Layers.Photoshop Fundamental para o trabalho do Fotgrafo, Editores de imagem, Designers, Artistas.LIGHTROOMAula com foco em organizao e tratamento de imagem.Objetivo com o curso fazer com que voc aprenda tcnicas profissionais de tratamento de imagem e fazer melhor, com mais qualidade e agilidade, gastando menos tempo. Voc vai entender como que funciona o fluxo de trabalho profissional dentro do Lightroom.Voc vai aprendertcnicas profissionais de tratamento de imagem, como trabalhar de forma rpida, commais qualidade,agilidade, gastando menos tempo.Voc vai entender como que funciona o fluxo de trabalho profissional.Este curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC.Asferramentas so apresentadas em ingls.Espero te ver no cursoUm grande abraoThiago Christo"
Price: 579.99

"Photoshop CC 2017 - Tratamento de pele natural profissional"
"Aula de Photoshop com foco em retoque e correo de pele.Tudo o que voc precisa aprenderpara fazer um tratamento de pele profissional, passo a passo.10 passos fundamentais para o retoque de pele profissional01 CAMERA RAW02 LIMPEZA DE PELE03 AJUSTE NA COR DA PELE04 LIMPEZA DOS OLHOS05 LIQUIFY06 RECORTE DE CABELO07 SURFACE BLUR08 UNSHARP MASK09 HIGH PASS10 CAMERA RAW AJUSTES FINAISExtra11 APLICAO FUNDO QUENTE12 APLICAO FUNDO FRIOObjetivo com o curso fazer com que voc aprenda tcnicas profissionais de tratamento de imagem e fazer melhor, com mais qualidade e agilidade, gastando menos tempo. Voc vai entender como que funciona o fluxo de trabalho profissional.Este curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC.Asferramentas so apresentadas em ingls."
Price: 384.99

"Illustrator CC 2017 e 18 Completo - do Iniciante ao Avanado"
"IMPORTANTEEste curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).OIllustrator apresentadono curso estemingls.Sugiro fazer a instalao tambm em ingls na verso mais recente CC 2018Adobe Illustrator para Design GrficoDesign de logosIllustrator para criao de Logotipo, Peas Grficas, Comunicao Visual,Design GrficoComo trabalhar com Illustrator integrando com Photoshop e Indesign - Design GrficoIdeal para quem quer trabalhar comDesignGrficoConhecimento prtico das principais ferramentas do Illustrator com foco em criao de vetores, icones, desenhos.Conhea o fluxo de trabalho para construir um peas grficasutilizando as ferramentas do Illustrator.Objetivo com o curso fazer com que voc aprenda as principais ferramentas do Illustrator que so utilizadas nas peas grficas para Design, Publicidade.De forma simples e pratica, aumentando sua produtividade e segurana gastando menos tempo. Voc vai entender como que funciona o fluxo de trabalho profissional do inicio da vetorizao at a finalizao."
Price: 579.99

"Photoshop CC 2018 - Canais, Mscaras e Selees"
"Neste curso voc dominar as principais tcnicas de recorte de imagem para ter controle total nas suas fuses utilizandoPhotoshop CC2018dos recursos mais simples at os maisavanados.IMPORTANTE:Este curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).O curso em portugus mas asferramentas esto eminglsSe voc est comeando agora, e no conhece nada de Photoshop CC 2018mas gostaria de iniciar, conte comigo, eu Thiago Christo sou seu instrutor e vou te ajudar nessa jornada.Segue uma pequena lista do que voc vai aprender:MscarasSeleoMesclagem de layersFuso simplesTodas as aulas possuem exerccio de apoio para voc praticar em casa.Eu estou sempre acessvel atravs da rea de pergunta e resposta do curso.Vejo voc dentro do curso!AbraosThiago Christo"
Price: 384.99

"Photoshop CC 2017 - Composio vintage"
"O foco do curso ser a imagem e todo o seu processo de tratamento e manipulao, do incio finalizao.Pblico-alvo: Diretores de arte, arte finalista, usurio de photoshop, produtor grfico, fotgrafos, manipuladores de imagens que j esto trabalhando com fuso de imagens e querem entender o fluxo de trabalho profissional.Pr Requisito: Conhecimento de Photoshop, Layers, Adjustment Layer, Recorte, Retoque.IMPORTANTEEste curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC.Asferramentas so apresentadas em ingls."
Price: 279.99

"Photoshop Especializao Tratamento e Manipulao de imagem"
"Conhea oFluxode trabalho Profissionalde como fazer fuso de imagens com o PhotoshopAvanado.O foco do curso ser a imagem e todo o seu processo de tratamento e manipulao, do incio finalizao, abrangendo os diversos profissionais envolvidos.O objetivo mostrar as principais etapas de como criar uma composio,complanejamento, organizao, tcnicas que fazem a coisa acontecer, desde criao, edio at afinalizao.FUSO: Foco em fuso, recorte,ambientao, composio, ajuste de cores,finalizao e acabamentos de imagensno Photoshop.Como integrar imagens geradas no 3D com Fotos utilizando o Photoshop,voc vai conhecer o Workflow, a sada do arquivo o 3D e a Ps Produo feita no Photoshop.PHOTOSHOPColorizao:Aula de Photoshop com foco em correo de cores, ajuste de iluminao, efeitos e finalizaoFuso:Foco em fuso, composio, finalizao e acabamentos de imagens 2D e objeto 3D no Photoshop.Retoque:Aula de Photoshop com foco em retoque e correo de imagensMaking of:Aula de Photoshop com apresentao do processo da edio de imagem.MAKING OF FUSO PARAPUBLICIDADE:Vou apresentar meus trabalhos em Layers no Photoshop.Neste mduloavanado no ser apresentado passo a passo.Se voc jtrabalha com manipulao de imagem e quer conhecer mais sobre o fluxo de trabalho e deseja ver como que eu uso isso no meu dia a dia, esse o curso para voc. Vou apresentar meus trabalhosfeito para Agncias de Publicidade.FLUXO DIGITAL:Aula com foco no fluxo de trabalho de design, publicidade, fotografia, edio de imagem.Pblico-alvo:Diretores de arte, arte finalista, usurio de photoshop, produtor grfico, fotgrafos, manipuladores de imagens que j esto trabalhando com fuso de imagens e querem entender o fluxo de trabalho profissional.Nvel: Intermedirio, Avanado.Pr Requisito: Conhecimento de Photoshop, Layers, Adjustment Layer, Recorte, Retoque.IMPORTANTEEste curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).OPhotoshop apresentadono curso estemingls.Sugiro fazer a instalao tambm em ingls na verso mais recente CC 2018No vamos ensinar como utilizar osoftware3DEste curso para quem j trabalha com 3D e precisa trabalhar a ps produo no Photoshop, independente do software que j utiliza.."
Price: 579.99

"Indesign CC 2017, 2018 Completo - do Iniciante ao Avanado"
"IMPORTANTEEste curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).OIndesign apresentadono curso estemingls.Sugiro fazer a instalao tambm em ingls na verso mais recente CC 2018Aprenda como criar posts para mdias sociais, anncios, newsletter com Indesign.Organize seu fluxo de trabalho e aumente sua produtividade.Aula com foco no fluxo de trabalho de Design Grfico utilizando Indesign e integrando com Photoshop e IllustratorIdeal para quem trabalha comDesignGrficoComo criar peas grficas utilizando Indesign.Aula com foco no fluxo de trabalho de design utilizando Indesign e integrando com Photoshop e IllustratorPrincipais ferramentas e etapas para organizar os arquivos da melhor forma aumentando a produtividade e controle.Vamos da introduo / Resoluo / Cor / Organizao / Inserir texto / Criar vetores noIllustrator / Imagem no Photoshop / Finalizao em JPG e PDF / Criar template."
Price: 579.99

"Lightroom Classic CC 2017 Completo do Iniciante ao Avanado"
"LIGHTROOM Aula com foco em organizao e tratamento de imagem.Objetivo com o curso fazer com que voc aprenda tcnicas profissionais de tratamento de imagem e fazer melhor, com mais qualidade e agilidade, gastando menos tempo. Voc vai entender como que funciona o fluxo de trabalho profissional dentro do Lightroom.IMPORTANTEEste curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).O Lightroom apresentadono curso estemingls.Sugiro fazer a instalao tambm em ingls na verso mais recente CC 2018"
Price: 579.99

"Adobe Photoshop 2018 Completo - do Iniciante ao Avanado"
"Neste curso voc dominar o Photoshop CC2018 dos recursos mais simples at os maisavanados. IMPORTANTE:Este curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).Photoshopapresentadono curso estem ingls.Sugiro fazer a instalao tambm em ingls na verso mais recente CC 2018Este curso aborda tudo o que voc precisa saber para Dominar o Photoshop CC 2018Se voc est comeando agora, e no conhece nada de Photoshop CC 2018mas gostaria de iniciar, conte comigo, eu Thiago Christo sou seu instrutor e vou te ajudar nessa jornada.Segue uma pequena lista do que voc vai aprender:Todos os detalhes da interface do Photoshop CC 2018Como trabalhar comLayersMscarasSeleoMesclagem de layersLimpeza de imperfeiesAjuste de cores, iluminaoFuso simplesCamera RawLimpeza de PeleComo desenhar formasComo inserir textosComo criar artes para postsTodas as aulas possuem exerccio de apoio para voc praticar em casa.Eu estou sempre acessvel atravs da rea de pergunta e resposta do curso.Vejo voc dentro do curso!AbraosThiago Christo"
Price: 579.99

"Photoshop como transformar fotos em Pintura Digital"
"Neste curso voc dominar as principais ferramentas do Photoshop CC 2018para trabalhar com Pintura Digital,dos recursos mais simples at os maisavanados.IMPORTANTE:Este curso compatvel com o Photoshop paraMAC e paraPC. Ministrado utilizandoOSX (MAC).O curso em portugus mas asferramentas esto eminglsSe voc est comeando agora, e no conhece nada de Photoshop CC 2018,mas gostaria de iniciar, faa o curso Photoshop Completo que esta na minha grade de cursos.Segue uma pequena lista do que voc vai aprender:Como criar e trabalhar comcores, pincis e formas parapara Ilustraes ePintura DigitalDetalhes sobre controle de pincis /brushesComo criar formas com seleoComo desenhar formasTodas as aulas possuem exerccio de apoio para voc praticar em casa.Eu estou sempre acessvel atravs da rea de pergunta e resposta do curso.Vejo voc dentro do curso!AbraosThiago Christo"
Price: 279.99

"Design Grfico + 60 Projetos Grficos para Web e Impresso"
"Como aumentar sua produtividade trabalhando com Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign e 3D (Modo) aplicado em peas grficas.Fundamentos do Design Grfico aplicado com Photoshop CC 2018, Illustrator CC 2018, Indesign CC 2018 e Modo 3D.Aprenda e coloque em prtica todos os elementos necessrios para se tornar um Designer Grfico. Neste curso, ser abordado passo a passo todas as particulares da carreira de um Designer, desde a criao at a finalizao de projetos grficos, comunicao visual, incluindo manipulao de imagens, criao de logotipos, embalagens, etc, aplicados com os programas Photoshop CC 2018, Illustrator CC 2018 e Indesign CC 2018.Sobre o cursoNeste curso de Design Grfico voc ter conhecimento terico e prtico interagindo com as principais ferramentas de criao, diagramao e edio de imagem utilizadas no mercado.Conhecimento do fluxo de trabalho da criao, desenvolvimento de projeto e finalizao para impresso e web.Habilidades que para quem quer trabalhar com Design Grfico:Voc ser capaz de desenvolver projetos grficos tanto para web quanto para impresso e tudo o que engloba o mundo da arte visual.O que voc vai aprender no curso:Como criar peas grficas de forma mais assertiva, como logotipos, artes para mdias sociais, embalagens, diagramao de jornais e revistas e ainda descobrir como trabalhar com tratamento e manipulao de imagens.Quais programas sero ensinados:Photoshop CC 2018, Illustrator CC 2018 e Indesign CC 2018.Quais so os pontos principais que sero abordados na parte terica: Como trabalhar com Tipografia, Cores, Layout e Composio, Imagens, Fundamentos de Design, Branding e Identidade.O que sero abordados na parte prtica:Criao de Peas Grficas: Fluxo de trabalho para impresso e mdias digitais utilizando Photoshop CC 2018, Illustrator CC 2018 e Indesign CC 2018Noes bsicas sobre formatos e padres grfico;Apresentao sobre cores utilizadas para impresso e cores para mdias digitais;Elaborao de projetos grficos e fechamento de arquivo para impresso e envio para mdias digitais.Adaptao de formatosCriao de Mockup 3D para apresentao (Modo 3D).Preparao para o mercado de trabalho:Com este curso voc ser capaz de atuar em escritrios de design grfico, em agncias de publicidade, criando e desenvolvendo projetos grficos, indstrias grficas ou editoras, ou trabalhar como Freelancer, Home Office.Pr Requisitos:Conhecimento bsico em informtica.Conhecimento bsico dos programas (Illustrator CC 2018, Photoshop CC 2018, Indesign CC 2018)E ter os programas j instalados no seu computador.Opcional - Modo 3D para criao de Mockup.Nesse treinamento eu apresento o fluxo de trabalho utilizando o Modo, mas vou disponibilizar os arquivos em OBJ que pode ser aberto no software de sua preferncia, Blender, 3D Max, Cinema 4d, Maya."
Price: 579.99

"Design Grfico: Adobe CC 2019 + projetos do incio ao fim"
"O curso tem como objetivo explicar todo o processo para a criao de peas grficas. Desde organizao antes mesmo de iniciar a criao, passando pelo desenvolvimento e adaptaes at chegar na finalizao do trabalho. O curso mostra tambm o que precisa ser feito em determinados momentos para evitar retrabalho e aumentar a produtividade. Ao finalizar o curso, os alunos sero capazes de dominar o processo de criao de peas para mdias online e offline e tambm para materiais impressos. Ser apresentado o fluxo de trabalho aplicado na criao de peas grficas, mostrando como ser a utilizao de cada programa da Adobe - Photoshop, Illustrator e Indesign e ao terminar o curso estaro aptos a desenvolver suas atividades profissionais da criao at a finalizao para web ou impresso.Com este o curso o profissional ir produzir mais em menos tempo. Conseguir ter segurana para escolher o programa ideal para cada momento do trabalho, j preparando para futuras mudanas, adaptaes e finalizaes que podem acontecer no processo do trabalho."
Price: 579.99

"Ozobot for Beginners"
"Ozobot is atiny, but practical robot, which makes it a great first robot. Ozobot is very easy to start with, and what's even better - it doesn't take any room at all!If you know nothing about building a robot, if you have never programmed in your life, and maybe even fear electronic toys a little bit, then this course is just for you. The course is divided into 5 main sections - we start by helping Ozobot out of its box and taking a look at the different gadgets included. Next, we will learn to control Ozobot with markers, after which we will head on to play with apps and conclude with the basics of programming Ozobot. We will also take a look at what fun games to make for Ozobotbyourselves and what has the manufacturer come up with. The more you learn about Ozobot, the more you will start to like it!"
Price: 99.99

"Edison for Beginners"
"Welcome to the course, ""Edison for beginners""!Edison is a small educationalrobot that is great for beginners for gettingfamiliar with robotics and programming. With the help of Edison's demo programs and the graphical programming interface of EdBlocks you can already start with Edison in kindergarten and develop further as you pick up new maths knowledge from school. Build fascinating devices from Edison and LEGO bricks, control themwith your TV remote or clapping, do line following races or even a sumo battle!Flash LED lights, write music, avoid obstacles or make Edison robots tocommunicate with each other.The knowledge acquired from the videos is reinforced with the help of worksheets. Teachers can be assisted by the lesson plans developed by the manufacturer.The course is divided into three parts: we start by experimenting with Edison's inputs, outputs and other options with the aid of demo programs. We continue by creating interesting programming tasks for Edison with the help of the EdBlocks programming language and end with concluding what we have learned and viewing somegame ideas. See you at the course!"
Price: 99.99

"mBot for Beginners"
"Welcome to the course mBot for Beginners!mBot is a constructor robot with a friendly and technological appearance.It's a good playmate for somebody in kindergarten, but can also be a fun programming challenge for a student or a grown up.mBot can drive around like a car, avoid obstacles, follow a line, flash colourful LEDs, play music using an octave of notes and understand when it's lifted up. mBot is in parts in its box, which means that you can put it together from its 40 pieces yourself using the guide. If you haven't programmed before, don't worry - with mBot's play and programming apps you will become a skillful programmer and robot driver very quickly.The course is divided into four parts - we start with constructing the robot and controlling it using the remote and the app.After this, we will play educational games in the app, which teach mBot programming principles.After this programming tasks await us.We will finish with game ideas, mBot extra construction sets and introducing extra sensors.See you at the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Dash for Beginners"
"Hi! Welcome to the course ""Dash for beginners!""I am Janika, your guide throughout this course. At first sight, Dash might just seem like a simple toy, but in reality it is a very smart robot. If you haven't programmed it yet, it may happen that Dash will try to get your attention by shouting friendly or scurrying across the floor. Dash can see, hear, drive around, show colors, play music, and you can direct it with a remote control as if it was a RC toy car or with programs like any other robot. To start with Dash, you don't need to know anything about robots or programming. And yet you might turn out liking programming so much that you would spend all your spare time programming Dash. The course consists of six main parts: we start by unpacking Dash and controlling it using its intuitive app. The next four parts are about the controlling and programming apps. Finally, we will find out what kind of accessories there are available for Dash and will create some little cool games for Dash together. See you at the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Alta performance e desenvolvimento pessoal"
"Este curso foi criado para que voc possa inciar um autoconhecimento de forma prtica , abordando de uma maneira eficaz quais so os obstculos que impedem seu crescimento pessoal ou profissional. Para isso so utilizadas perguntas poderosas baseadas em ferramentas de coaching , para que voc possa conversar consigo mesmo e traar o plano de ao para sua vida pessoal e profissional , encontrando sua verdadeira felicidade ."
Price: 114.99