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"Learn by Example: JUnit"
"JUnit is one of a family of unit testing frameworks all built with the same philosophy. To abstract the programmer away from the mechanics of running tests. You concentrate on testing the functionality of the application, and the logistics of running, monitoring and displaying results is taken care of by the framework.In this course, well be writing simple tests using all the different features of JUnit tests. Using 25 solved examples, you'll get a complete overview of the JUnit framework and all the functionality within.What's covered?1)Assertions: the fundamental component of any Junit test2)Matchers: Write complicated tests in a very readable way.Implementyour owncustommatchers3)Assumptions: Check for preconditions and external dependencies4)Fixtures: Setup and Cleanup for your tests5)Runners: Understand what goes on under the hood in JUnit. Use different runners to run multiple test classes with different conditions and parameters4)Mockito :Understand the concept of mock objects and use the Mockito framework to run tests on interdependent classes."
Price: 99.99

"Con este curso aprenders a realizar fotografas alucinantescon tu cmara DSLR sinnecesidad de tener experienciaEste curso est diseado y construido para todos aquellos usuarios, fotgrafos, creativos o personas que les encanta este hobby puedan, por fin, tener unificada toda la informacin necesaria. Todo lo que necesitas sabes acerca de cmaras, objetivos, cmo iluminar escenas, componer una fotografa, etc.Existe gran diversidad de cursos de fotografa que estn centrados en objetivos especficos y se hace complicado encontrar un curso completo como este;que es tanto para fotgrafos principiantes como avanzados.Algunas de lascosas que aprenders:Escoger los objetivos perfectos, dnde guardarlos y cmo organizarteControlar perfectamente el modo manual de la cmaraDisparar y guardar fotografas en formato RAWTcnicas para fotografiar, componer e iluminar.A compartir tus creaciones con el mundoMejora tus fotografas, aprende nuevas tcnicas, compone, ilumina y crea fotografas alucinantesNo importa la formacin que tengas, mantenemos la filosofa de que siempre se pueden aprender nuevas cosas que puedan ser muy tiles, es por ello que vamos de cosas sencillas a las ms avanzadas.Si tus gustos son mas sobre fotografa de Moda, Paisajes, Retratos un profesional sabe como componer, iluminar y capturar la fotografa en ese momento. Este curso te permite perfeccionar tus habilidades.Esquema de contenidoPrimero comenzamos explicando como funciona Udemy y como puedes sacarle el mximo partido a la plataforma.Despus veremos como elegir una cmara y como fotografas es ms que pulsar un botn, viendo como funciona real y mecnicamenteuna cmara. Pasaremos tambin por todos los modos que podemos seleccionar en una cmara para realizar diferentes tipos de fotografasA continuacin, veremos los modos seminanuales y finalmente el modo manual. Tendrs diversos trucos para identificar y aprender de una forma rpida las funciones que un fotgrafo experimentado tiene ya interiorizado.Ms adelante damos un repaso por la fotografa en diferentes mbitos.Fotografa deportiva, de moda, de producto, etc.Una vez completado todo esto, pasamos al ordenador y a revelar fotografas.Primero comenzamos conociendo la interfaz, realizando las primeras importaciones y organizando nuestra propia biblioteca.Seguimos con el apartado de revelado y correcciones fotogrficas pasando por diferentes ajustes y mscaras. Para dar a la fotografa el toque que le faltaba.Continuamos con ediciones ms avanzadas, tcnicas creativas y tcnicas ms avanzadas de retoque y efectos.Aadimos un apartado de Plug-in para complementar lo que Adobe Lightroom nos ofrece.Sobre lvaro Prez y Felinu Academylvaro Prez:A nivel profesional, hatrabajado como locutor de Radio, Diseador Grfico, Fotgrafo de Moda, Montador de Video.. y un sin fin de trabajos ms. Actualmente, se dedico a la promocin audiovisual de empresas, fotgrafo de moda, realizador para eventos en directo, diseador grfico y, entre tanto, tengo tiempo para dedicarlo a mi aficin, la fotografa.Felinu Academy:Nuestras formaciones se caracterizan por las ganas de aprovechar y exprimir el tiempo que tan valioso es para todos. Por lo que, tras meses de estudio y muchas personas involucradas, trazamos un mtodo de Aprendizaje Acelerado para que cualquiera pueda aprender mucho en poco tiempo. Actualmente disponemos de ms de 15.000 alumnos entre las diferentes plataformas de formacin y crecemos da a da."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de seguridad elctrica"
"El curso de seguridad industrial establece los lineamientos para reducir los accidentes en empresas e industrias en forma fcil y efectiva.Todos los aos existen mltiples accidentes en las industrias. Que en ocasiones llegan a concluir inclusive en fatalidades.Un accidentes cambia la vida de la persona que lo sufre invariablemente. Despus de sufrir un accidente ya nada es igual. Sobre todo si quedan secuelas. Es muy comn la prdida de brazos, dedos, piernas. Daos como quemaduras de tercer grado a veces incurables.La forma de evitar estas situaciones en mediante la seguridad industrial. Con este curso aprenders lo ms significativo y lo podrs aplicar rpidamente para reducir las probabilidades de ocurrencia de accidentes.NO hay nada ms importante que la salud y la vida."
Price: 2520.00

"Sistema Escolar com PHP"
"O curso de sistema escolar com PHP possui 60 aulas, neste curso focamos na nova linguagem do PHP e nas modificaes do mysqli, nele montamos um painl administrativo completo e um sistema de login com segurana para que possa ser aplicado em qualquer tipo de sistema, este ser o primeiro mdulo de um sistema grande de gerenciamento de escolas que estaremos montando com PHP, acompanhe j o curso e aprenda de vez criar seus sistemas web com PHP.Adquira j o curso e comece a ganhar dinheiro criando e vendendo seus sistemas, voc estar apto a montar sistemas de diversos tipos para diversas reas."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de VBA Excel"
"O curso completo de VBA Excel possui 48 video aulas, neste curso focamos na linguagem VBA no Excel e no design de telas para sistemas com excel, nele montado a estrutura completa de um sistema para academias, este sistema ser finalizado no curso seguinte, adquira j o curso e aprenda programar com VBA e criar sistemas de todo tipo."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Kali Linux"
"O curso completo de Kali Linux possui 30 vdeo aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender usar as ferramentas do Kali Linux para usar em Pentestes e Segurana da informao, mostrado como fazer ataques, testes de vulnerabilidade, criao de payloads e muito mais, adquira j o curso e aprenda a usar este excelente sistema operacional."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de MS Project 2016"
"O curso completo de MS Project 2016 possui 30 video aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender trabalhar com o MS Project para desenvolver e gerenciar seus projetos, durante o curso montado dois sistemas, um de gerenciamento de vendas e outro de gerenciamento de infraestruturas, adquira j o curso e aprenda a desenvolver e acompanhar seus projetos."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Access 2016 - Bsico e Avanado"
"O curso completo de Access 2016 possui 65 video aulas, sendo 32 bsicas e 33 avanadas, ensinando tudo sobre a criao de banco de dados e sistemas desenvolvidos no access, neste curso criamos na prtica um sistema de gesto de estoque, ideal para quem est iniciando em access e j quer desenvolver seus primeiros sistemas."
Price: 19.99

"Powerpoint 4 Video Teil A - Einfhrung - Erste Animationen"
"In meinerSerie ""Powerpoint 4 Video"" zeige ich dir, wie du auf Powerpoint coole Marketing- und Erklrvideos (Explainer Videos)erstellen kannst.Dies ist Kapitel A!Ich habe seit Jahren eine Firma, die Marketing- und Explainer-Videos erstellt. Viele Menschen wissen nicht, dass man schon auf Powerpoint tolle animierte Videos erstellen kann. Hier lernst du wie!Kapitel A heit ""Meet Oscar"" Hier zeige ich dir, wie du einen Comic-Avatar fr deine Explainer-Videos verwendest und animierst.Du lernst 5 verschiedene Animationen:In Teil 1 gebe ich dir eine kleine Einfhrung ber Video Scipting und auch wo du coole Bilder fr deine Avatare finden kannst. Danach beginnen wir mit einer ersten Animation.In Teil 2 zeige ich dir, wie du deinen Avatar durch blinzeln gleich viel lebendiger und menschlicher erscheinen lsst.In Teil 3 lernst du, wie du die Laune deines Avatars ndern kannst.Teil 4 zeigt dir, wie du auch selbst einen neuen Gesichtsausdruck fr deinen Avatar kreieren kannst.In Teil 5 siehst du, wie du deinen Avatar auch sprechen lassen kannst.Weitere Kurse zum Thema Powerpoint 4 Video sind bereits in Planung!Dieser Kurs zeigt nicht, wie man Videos rendert und schneidet, er befasst sich nur mit der Animation auf Powerpoint! Basis-Kenntnisse in Powerpoint sind von Vorteil!Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99

"SQL Server DBA Essentials for beginners"
"SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS)from Microsoft that's designed for the enterprise environment.A DBA ( Database administrator) has to perform several responsibilities to ensure the smooth running of the SQL sever database.Some of the key daily responsibilities of a SQL Server DBA includes:BackupsConfirm that backups have been made and successfully saved to a secure locationCheck the backup failure alerts, correct the errors and rerun the backupsReview the average duration of backup, any significant changes occurred investigates on this.Most of the time it happens due to networking low bandwidthValidate the backup files using restore verify only. Jobs can be created to take care of the task and to send a notification if it fails to verify any backup.PerformanceRegularly monitor and identify blocking issues. Check Performance counters on all production servers and verify that all counters are within the normal range. Throughout the day, periodically monitor performance by collecting relevant dataCreate indexes to reduce the time it takes to get responses from the SQL Server after a T-SQLscript is executed.SecurityCheck the auditing logs for failed logins and notify the audit team if necessaryImplement relevant permissions to prevent authorised access to SQL Server databasesT-SQL ( Transact -SQL )Transact-SQL is central to using SQL Server. All applications that communicate with an instance of SQL Serverdo so by sending Transact-SQL statements to the server, regardless of the user interface of the application. T-SQL is Microsoft's proprietary version of the standard SQL(Structural Query language)Using T-SQL you can communicate with SQL Servers to perform task like:Retrieving data from the databaseUpdating informationInserting data into databasesDeleting dataDropping a Table or database"
Price: 164.99

"Developing SQL queries for oracle databases"
"SQL forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. Taking full advantage of its power requires an in-depth understanding of the language.In this course, you learn to use the full potential of SQL to write simple to complex queries for Oracle databases. You will gain the practical skills to choose the best query method to ensure accuracy and avoid common errors or pitfalls.SQL Skills will greatly improve your job prospects either as a contractoror full time employment. It is a useful skill that is always in demand dueto its usefulness. Its everywhere there is a database. The skills you learnon this course will be enough to confidently work as an SQL professional.This is a practical hands on video based course with 40 lectures and 4 hours of content.This course is designed for anyone who has some basic SQL knowledge and can write and understand simple SQL Queries. Also knowing the basics of relational database management systems (RDBMS) would be an advantage.You will Learn how to :Use some essential components to build queries for oracle databasesLeverage SQL Aggregate functions to build queriesLeverage the analytical functions of OracleUse single -row functionsManipulate SET queries to build queriesUse temporary Tables"
Price: 84.99

"How to create Paypal and Credit card Payment Buttons"
"If you plan on setting up an online business in future you ought to have plans for integrating PayPal payment among your payment options. PayPal is internationally know and respected. Accepting online payments through PayPal is both secure and painless.You can create various types of PayPal payment buttons such as:Buy NowAdd to cart ( Useful for multiple items )Donate ( Useful for accepting donations)Gift certificate ( Useful to shop In a specified shop)You will need to have an account on PayPal to create these buttons. One big advantage is that you do not need to write any HTML code that will generate the buttons because PayPal can do that for you from the specifications you provide when creating the buttons.In this course you will learn how to create the following types of PayPal buttons:Buy NowAdd to cart Donate Gift certificate Payment buttons let you securely accept credit card, debit card, and PayPal payments on your website from any mobile device, tablet, or PC. A PayPal button makes it easy to sell through your site or collect donations.If you have a PayPal account you can include a PayPal button on your invoices.When your customers click the buttons they are taken to a PayPal page with your details and the invoice amount already completed for them.I have enjoyed creating this course and hope it will be useful .I look forward to welcoming you on the course.Wishing you the best always :-)"
Price: 64.99

"Create Executive Dashboards with SQL Server Report Builder"
"A digital dashboard, also known as an enterprise dashboard or executive dashboard, is a business management tool used to visually ascertain the status (or ""health"") of a business enterprise via key business indicators. Digital dashboards use visual, at-a-glance displays of data pulled from disparate business systems to provide warnings, action notices, next steps, and summaries of business conditions.Dashboards are visual representation of the data already collected and stored on your database. They through visualization convert Data into meaningful information that you can act upon.Data is one of the most valuable assets owned by your business. Converting this data to meaningful information will help executive teams make important decisions.A well designed visual dashboard has the ability to inform business executives across the organization hierarchies and provide on-demand access to core business metrics. These dishoards can be viewed on your desktop and mobile devices.In todays environment data is everywhere sales, marketing, social, paid media, owned media, IT operations, HR and others. Managing and extracting real value from all that data is a key challenge facing executives at all levels in organization starting from an analyst at lowest rung of business hierarchy , managers and CXOs. In seeking a way to simplify data analysis and distribution, executives (across all business hierarchy) often find themselves quickly dealing with data and information overload.Discover how to create and manage interactive reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Report builder. You will build and format reports from a variety of data sources. You will create datasets and build various types of reports .Topics include: Creating a column chartCreating a Pie chartAdding Indicators to reportsAdding Gauge to reportsAdding Maps to ReportsAfter completing this course you will be confident to create your own dashboards."
Price: 94.99

"Toad for Oracle for beginners: A database managment tool"
"Welcome to Toad for OracleToad for Oracle continues to be the de-facto standard tool for database development and administration.Toad for Oracle provides an intuitive and efficient way for database professionals of all skill and experience levels to perform their jobs with an overall improvement in workflow effectiveness and productivity.Toad is widely used in big and medium size organizations as well as fortune 100 companies.With Toad Oracle database professionals can increase their productivity.With Toad for Oracle you can:Managing Database Connectionscreate and configure database connectionsEdit/configure the oracle client settingsNavigate Oracle DatabaseUse Query Builder to build scriptsCreate SQL scripts inside TOAD's editorWork with DDL scriptsWork with DML scriptsBuild Better Code FasterCompare dataUse Schema Browser to view database objectsWork with Data GridsSort dataFilter dataEdit dataExport dataExecute scriptsGenerate data reportsExecute statementsComment out block of codeFormat blocks of codeUse Code SnippetsView and report on dataPopulate tables with sample data,Create joins and sub-queriesReverse engineer sql statementsUnderstand your database environment through visual representations Meet deadlines easily through automation and smooth workflows Perform essential development and administration tasks from a single toolManage and share projects, templates, scripts, and more with ease By the end of this course you will be able to use TOAD for oracle in a live production environment confidently and increase your efficiency and productivity."
Price: 74.99

"A beginners guide to writing SQL Functions"
"SQL has many built-in functions .In this course we will be learning about the SQL functions built in into Oracle Database that are available for use in various appropriate SQL statements. There are various types of SQL functions used to perform calculations on data and manipulate other aspects of data within the database.Understanding SQL functions will help improve your skills and make your work much easier as a database professional. In this course we will be learning about the following types of SQL functions:Aggregate FunctionsAggregate functions return a single result row based on groups of rows, rather than on single rows. Aggregate functions can appear in select lists and in ORDER BY and HAVING clauses. They are commonly used with the GROUP BY clause in a SELECT statement, where Oracle Database divides the rows of a queried table or view into groups. In a query containing a GROUP BY clause, the elements of the select list can be aggregate functions, GROUP BY expressions, constants, or expressions involving one of these. Oracle applies the aggregate functions to each group of rows and returns a single result row for each group.Single Row Functions:Single-row functions return a single result row for every row of a queried table or view. These functions can appear in select lists, WHERE clauses, START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses, and HAVING clauses.Numeric FunctionsNumeric functions accept numeric input and return numeric values. Most numeric functions that return NUMBER values that are accurate to 38 decimal digitsconversion functionsconvert a value from one datatype to another.Analytic FunctionsAnalytic functions are commonly used to compute cumulative, moving, centered, and reporting aggregates.Analytic functions compute an aggregate value based on a group of rows. They differ from aggregate functions in that they return multiple rows for each group."
Price: 124.99

"A beginners guide to C# Scripting for Unity Game Development"
"This is course is for absolute beginners who are both new to Unity game development and C# programming language.C# is widely used for Udemy game development. It is a programming language developed by Microsoft.A lot of famous games have been created using the Unity game engine. They include:Deus Ex: The Fall.Assassin's Creed: Identity.Satellite Reign.Escape plan.Temple Run Trilogy.Rust.Battlestar Galactica Online.We will not be creating any block buster games in this course rather we will be going through the basic of creating unity games using C# scripting. We will create game objects from scratch and write C# scripts to attach them.At the end of the course we will create a basic complete 3d Unity game with a c# script attached.You will learn C#, including Test Driven Development, a highly valuable skill. By the end of the course you'll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.Ready to start developing your first game, but need to get up to speed on C#? Learn the basics of programming in C# for Unity and find out how to script your first game development project.We will cover the structure, syntax, and language of C# as it works inside the Unity IDE. The lessons focus on the most important concepts for beginners to master, including variables, methods, data structures, flow control, classes, inheritance, interfaces, and composition. The goal of the course is to teach newbies developers the basics of how to use C# in Unity as well as some higher-level scripting strategies.Topics include:Scripting in UnityC# variables and functionsLists and arraysConditions and loopsC# classesUsing ConcatenationI look forward to welcoming you to the course.Have a great day:-)"
Price: 124.99

"Learn C# Programming For Absolute Beginners From Scratch"
"Welcome to this C# absolute beginners course (pronounced C Sharp). C# is designed to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, borrowing key concepts from several other languages, most notably Java. C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions. Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherits from the System.Object class. C# could be compiled to machine code, but in real life, it's always used in combination with the .NET framework. Therefore, applications written in C#, requires the .NET framework to be installed on the computer running the application. While the .NET framework makes it possible to use a wide range of languages, C# is sometimes referred to as THE .NET language, perhaps because it was designed together with the framework hence it's popularity.C# is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.This course will guide you through C#'s basics, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong C# code. I will show you how to install Visual Studio, a great IDE for developing in C#, and then dive into the language itself. Along the way, we will cover topics such as:Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data typesData type Conversions and TruncatingExploring Basic Arithmetic operatorsCreate your first C# web and Console AppTroubleshoot Compile errorsControlling flow with conditional codeCreating custom classesCreating a complete maths quiz that will generate random problems for the quiz taker to solveIf C# is your first step into programming or adding it your existing skillset, these training videos will help you understand the language and use it to build your own great software.Welcome :-)"
Price: 144.99

"How to Build an E-commerce Online Shop fast with no coding"
"Technology has made it possible for anyone to create an E-commerce online store quickly using simple customizable tools without having to write any computer code .As long as you have a basic understanding of how computer works or know how to navigate your way around a computer and the internet you should have very little problems utilizing the tools available to create your own online store that you can use to sell both physical and digital products.There are both free and paid tools available to assist you create an online store quickly. The paid tools or subscription based models will provide more customizable tools and options based on your subscription level. With some platforms they even let you test drive the platform for a limited period. In this course we will be using Shopify platform to create an online store.Shopify is a trusted and popular hosted ecommerce solution that provides advanced store management in a remarkably clean and easy-to-understand package. You don't need to know HTML or PHP or other backend programming languages; all you need is an email address and a password to get started.This course will take you through the setup, configuration, publication, and management of your first online store using Shopify. I will show you how to select a visual theme, set up products and inventory, collect payments, configure shipping, and manage orders with the Shopify dashboard. Topics include: Create Shopify AccountShopify Subscription PlansAdding a Product to your shopAdding SEO to your productsSelling Digital Downloadable ProductsHow to publish a themeHow to add a logo Featuring your productsAdding a contact formAdding a search optionSetting up shippingAdding free shippingAdding flat rate shippingReal time shipping ratesSetting up payment collection"
Price: 124.99

"A Beginner's Guide To Creating Database Driven Applications"
"Learn the essential skills required to develop a complete application using Oracle Application Express (APEX). Most applications will need some type of database interaction at some point.This beginner's course will teach you how to quickly create a fully functional database driven application using Oracle's application express (APEX) which comes bundled with all instances of Oracle database installation since 2004.Application Express is a free tool by Oracle that enables you to design, develop and deploy responsive and database-driven applications which are robust and scalable. APEX is a rapid tool used to develop web based oracle database applications that can be deployed and published for end users to consume. Application Express runs wherever there is an Oracle database is installed.In this course we are going to build a functional application using sample data from the Oracle database.What You Will Learn include:Create a complete database -driven application from scratchUsing SQL Workshop in Executing adhoc SQL and PL/SQL statements using SQL CommandsHow to create a workspaceCreating and modifying a pageUse Application Builder to create applications from scratchPage rendering and processing overviewCreate a form and associated reportQuickly navigate the builder by using the Developer ToolbarUnderstand how to user the theme repositoryIdentify users using Authentication schemesCreate end user accountsGain understanding of APEX URL structureAfter completing this course you will be able to develop oracle database- driven applications that are robust and scalable using Oracle Application Express (APEX)I look forward to welcoming you to the course"
Price: 124.99

"Kick off your SQL skills with Oracle Database SQL Workshop"
"This Oracle Database SQL Workshop course offers students an introduction to relational databases like Oracle Database technology.Students will learn the concepts of relational databases and the powerful SQL programming language. This course provides theessential SQL skills that allow developers to write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables,and create database objects.Learning SQL is a very useful skill to have as every business and organisation is so dependent on data. There are not enough skilled SQL professionals hence the demand and pay rate for SQL professionals is quite high.SQL stands for structured query language. It is an international standard languageused to query and manipulate databases. There are different types of databasevendors like Oracle, Microsoft ,MySQL and so on . They all support SQL andperforms certain operations in the same way. Keywords like CREATE,SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE,WHERE and FROM are used the same way with various database vendors.This course will teach you the skills you need to get your foot in the dooras an SQL professional. With the skills you learn on this course you can workconfidently as a data analyst or even progress to be a database administrator.This course will take from scratch to more advanced SQL using TOADStudents will Learn To:Identify what a SQL statement is.Understand the Oracle Relational Database.Use TOAD to connect to Oracle database and perform SQL tasksManipulate data in relational tablesDisplay data from multiple tablesUse of the DESCRIBE commandCreate reports of sorted and restricted dataRetrieve row and column data from tables with the SELECT statementStudents will use TOAD as the main environment tool for writing SQL.How to retrieve data using SELECT StatementHow to restrict and sort dataHow to use Single Row functionsHow to display data from multiple tables using joinsHow to use SET operatorsHow to use Data Definition LanguageHow to use Data Manipulation LanguageHow to use Clauses"
Price: 154.99

"SQL - Bootcamp: Lerne MySQL in 2 Wochen"
"Lerne wie dumit SQL effektive Datenbankankabfragen durchfhren kannst!In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du effizient Datenbankabfragen an deine Datenbank stellst. Dieser Kurs hilft dir nicht nur, wenn du spter eine MySQL - Datenbank verwaltest mchtest, du kannst die im Kurs vermittelten Fhigkeiten auch mit einerOracle-, Microsoft SQL Server, SQlite, oderPostgreSQL - Datenbank anwenden.SQL ist eine unglaublich mchtige Sprache, mit der du effizient deine Datenbank verwalten kannst. Du lernst in diesem Kurs nicht nur die Grundlagen, sondern auch wie duumfangreiche Auswertungen erstellst, dafr sorgst, dass die Datenbank auch bei greren Datenmengen weiterhin performant bleibt, und alles was du sonst als Programmierer im Zusammenspiel mit einer Datenbank bentigst.Mit vielen Praxisbeispielen:Dieser Kurs beinhaltet ganz viel Praxis. Und zwar keine langweiligen Beispiele, sondern Praxis, wo du das gelernte Wissen direkt anwenden kannst. Dazu installieren wir bei dir eine kleine Beispiel - Datenbank, und zu dieser Datenbank bekommst du dann immer wieder Aufgaben gestellt. Dadurch lernst du nicht nur die neuen Befehle kennen, du wendest sie auch direkt an, und kannst dein Wissen testen und festigen."
Price: 99.99

"Break Free from Addiction"
"Do you think that youre an addict? Do you call yourself an addict or do you believe youre keeping your addiction a secret from others? Break Free from Addiction is for you whether you just want to cut down on your drinking or smoking - or you have a class A addiction that has destroyed your life and is killing you.Break Free from Addiction will give you confidence that you can beat your addiction. You can change your life and live free from addiction. This course will give you a strong foundation and belief that you have everything you need to deal with any emotion or circumstance without needing the crutch of your drug of choice.Break Free from Addiction will take you on a journey to remember who you really are. Youll get a better understanding of yourself, your beliefs and where your feeling and emotions come from.I understand the questions you have. I know the challenges and Im here to help you. This isnt a course with steps, Im not giving you things to do or techniques to master. I know that youve probably tried other courses or addiction programmes and I admire you for it. You havent failed if you relapsed, youve successfully found a way that didnt work for you but this course will work for you. Im going to show you how easy it really can be to stop your habit and get out of addiction. Ill talk to all of the questions and objections that you might have. Things like:Its too difficult to stopIve got too much bad stuff going on in my life to stop nowIts the only thing in my life I enjoyWho am I without it?Ive tried to stop before but I cantI always relapseI cant help it, Ive got an addictive personalityThis course will help you to get back in control of you and your life without relying on meetings and sponsors - this is your life."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop For T-shirt Design: Advanced"
"This is the advanced Photoshop course that teaches you how to design Killer, Hot Selling, Unique, T-shirts. You will learn how to use the Photoshop and create advanced T-shirts. T-shirts that are eye catching, sort after & in demand! I have also added a few tips & tricks that I learned over my 20 years as a major brnd graphic designer. This course is like no other course on the internet. I not only tech you advanced techniques and inside info. I give the very POWERFUL information on design theory. Things like what are the hot Niches/genres to get into. I also teach T-shirt design techniques like balance & symmetry. This course will blow you away! So what are you waiting for?! Make it happen & I'll see you on the inside."
Price: 49.99

"Learn How to Fix Wi-Fi, Computer, and Networking problems!"
"Are you tired of wondering why the heck your computer just stopped working?Frustrated over slow, intermittent, and dropped Wi-Fi connections?Do you wish you knew more about the technology you use everyday?If you get just a wee bit angry over dropped Wi-Fi connections,software that crashes, slow networks, or failing hardware,thenLearn How to Fix Wi-Fi, Computers, and Networking problems is for YOU!This course willteach you how to troubleshoot all the errors and problems that plagueour technology and all the devices we use each day. There are many common things to look for when diagnosing technical problems and ways of thinking that can bring you closer to fixing them. Learn these techniques and master all the phones, tablets, computers, laptops, networks, hardware, and software in your life today!"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Websites For Killer Productivity"
"Did you know that by simply going to Google you now have access to more information than PresidentBill Clintonhad when he was in office? We live in an amazing time, with more opportunities and choices than ever before. However, all this information can also be overwhelming. It is easy to get distracted, or even drown in all the options thrown at you.In this cIass, I willshare with you some ofmyfavorite websitesandonline toolsthat I use to:increase efficiencyboost productivityEvery single one has helped me save a lot of time. And Im so excited about these tools that I dont want to keep them to myself!I want you to alsoGET MORE DONE.Thats why I created this class. These websites will:save you lots of timegreatly increase your productivityIf you take this course, you will work more effectivelyovernight.So lets get started, click on the Take This Course button and I will see you inside!"
Price: 39.99

"The Entrepreneur's Diet: Introduction to Batch Cooking"
"If you can set aside just a few hours per week, you can cook healthy, fit food that will let you hack nutrition. No more time wasted cooking individual meals, or running out to grab a greasy burger that puts you to sleep. Learn how to have sustained energy throughout the dayby having food always on hand.Batch cooking is your simple secret to trimming up and staying healthy without spending hours in the kitchen every day.Learn how to cook efficiently and affordablyGet in the best shape of your life without starving yourselfMaster the use of focusing on the 20% of activities that will give you 80% of the resultsHaving a nutrition plan is the key to being in shape, feeling good and maximizing daily shouldn't this be one of your top priorities? This course will help to think of nutrition as a long-term actionableplan instead of an overnight get-fit quick scheme.This course was created to be an introduction to the ideas and principles associated to combining two incredibly powerful methods: Batch Cooking + Slow Carb DietsYou will start out by learning the basics of nutrition and how to implement these in your daily dietThen we move onto identifying your goals and metrics, have to set goals before blowing them away!Next step is to learn what to eat, your body is a machine and the fuel you put in mattersHow you eat can matter almost as much as what you eat, keeping it simple will make this whole plan easy to followWe will also review common pitfalls and easy things to cut out that will bring those abs outMy name is Levi McFarland and I have worked as a personal trainer, and have started multiple businesses all while living abroad. What I teach in this course has not onlyhelped multiple clients to get in great shape, but it is my personal plan that gives me the freedom and energy to operate at 100% all day long."
Price: 19.99

"Master all PHP ideas 2017 to build any project"
"This course is a complete reference for all ideas used in any PHP's an outcome of our 7 years experience in web developing.PHP is a powerful Language to build any web project .in this course,you will learn practically all methods,tips,tricks and ideas used by any developer to build a PHP web project.the advantage of our course it's simplicity,we focused only in a pure PHP code to make you more attention.we provided the simplest way to deliver each idea without any complexity.also,all lessons attached with it's final code files to use them as a reference if you wish to use the code discussed in the lessons later in your project.we guarantee at the end of this course that you will be able to build any PHP web project,you will be able to start your career as a PHP developer,you will be able to solve any technical problems your clients may face,you will be able to convert your basic skills into a real practical skills to produce awesome projects and distribute them among your clients."
Price: 49.99

"Pricing - Entrepreneurs Guide to Setting Prices"
"Did you know that the price of a product or service is one of the key elements that a consumer looks at when making a purchasing decision?Did you also know it is one of the key areas that many new entrepreneurs do not understand? Many even confess to simply pluck the number out of thin air (Make it up) This is a terrible business strategy! It will either decrease sales or leave money on the table. Sure you could spend around a thousand dollars to get a consultant to help you price your product (By far the best way). Although, Likely unrealistic for a small business with tight if any profit margins. This course is the compromise that you have been looking for and will help you understand your product and your market better to make price setting easy and attainable for even the most novice entrepreneur."
Price: 94.99

"Affiliate Marketing Course: Get Sales with Quora And Twitter"
"Quora is a great way to drive traffic to your website.I will show you how to get many views on your Quora answers and Send Targeted Traffic to your website.Quorais a question-and-answer website where questions are created, answered, edited and organized by its community of users. The company was founded in June 2009, and the website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010.Quora aggregates questions and answers to topics. Users can collaborate by editing questions and suggesting edits to other users' answers.I will show how you can make money with affiliate marketing using free traffic. It is a very effective method because I will show how you can send organic and free traffic to your affiliate product without paying advertising. The most important is that it is targeted traffic. Therefore, you can get many sales and more money with few people.I will show the best tips to increase your affiliate sales in your blog or YouTube channel. It is very important, because you need to focus on the most important issues in order to increase the amount of traffic and sales.You dont need to get thousands of visitors to your blog or channel, you need to create a system which allows you get the best results with few followers.I will show how you can make money with affiliate marketing using free traffic. It is a very effective method because I will show how you can send targeted traffic to your affiliate product without paying advertising. You need to create a twitter account in order to get traffic. You dont need to have followers, it can be a new account. The most important is that it is targeted and hot traffic. Therefore, you can get many sales and more money with few people. It is a legal method which has been used by many internet marketers this year.Then, if you want to make money with affiliate marketing using Twitter and Quora astraffic sources.This course is for you.Just click on the enroll button."
Price: 149.99

"Discover Your DSLR say goodbye to auto for good"
"Quickly get to grips with your camera, be it a DSLR or mirror-less model.In this course, you will learn: How your camera works, plus fundamentals such as how to hold and carry a DSLR.Photography basics, such as the Exposure Triangle, Depth of Field & Exposure Reprocity. When to use your Viewfinder, LCD Display, or Live ViewHow to customize your camera settingsWarning: this course isn't just a Talking Head monologue - YOU are required to apply what you've learned in 6 practical exercises.Good News: the videos are illustrated with sample photos, digital animations of key concepts, and closeups of a range of DSLRs. [Canon, Nikon & Sony models are shown.]These practice shoots will teach you: How to use Exposure Compensation, as well as the Metering ModesWhat Aperture range is available on your lenses How to use a narrow Depth of Field to blur the background of your shotsHow to freeze and blur movement using Shutter PriorityHow to use Auto-Focus Points to determine what's in focusHow to find the Sweet Spot on your lensPlus... you get BONUS PDFs to download for reference:12 X Cheat Sheets for each Exercise - designed so you can print out instructions.6 X Professionally-designed PDF guides on each topic.7 X Quizzes to test your new-found knowledge Note: This is a serious course for serious-minded enthusiasts. It requires some dedication and practical application on your behalf, if you wish to succeed, and say goodbye to Auto - for good."
Price: 99.99