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"Enjoy pronunciation practice with Chinese tongue twisters"
"Tongue twisters are ideal for pronunciation practiceIn Chinese, tongue twisters ( rokulng) repeat similar consonants and vowels that are easy to mix up to make them difficult to say. ""Raokouling"" have a distinctive rhythm that make them fun to read out loud, motivating you to keep practicing until you can say them.If you've grown bored of pronunciation practice or if you're having trouble pronouncing certain sounds, try including ""raokouling"" in your practice. And if you get the chance, show off the ""raokouling"" you've learned for your Chinese friends.Beautiful pronunciation by a professional narratorAll voice was recorded by a professional narrator.Includes slow and fast versionsA slow version and a fast version of the tongue twister are included in each movie, one after the other.The subtitles change color in time with the voice, allowing you to follow along and pick up the natural places to pause that aren't obvious from the punctuation as well as practice by imitating the narrator's inflection.Start with the slow version to pay attention to each individual sound, and practice carefully to get as close as possible to the narrator. The more correct your pronunciation, the faster you will get without even trying.Practice different consonants and vowelsThe 76 ""raokouling"" in the course are divided by consonant and vowel types. You can practice them in any order, so listen to them first and choose what you'd like to start with.Review at your own pace with a PDF textbookThe course also comes with a textbook in PDF format, so you can review each raokouling at your own pace.No hanzi requiredDon't know Chinese characters? No problem!Each raokouling is accompanied by voice and pinyin, so you can practice even if you don't know hanzi."
Price: 19.99

"Plan, Design and Deliver an amazing Wedding Speech Couse"
"Ladies and Gents welcome to Significant Speeches. A fully online,self paced, step by step program that will take you from 0-Speech HEROat the completion. We have taken our years of skill and expertise in public speaking and after working with hundreds of clients who have been asking us for a wedding speech specific course we have listened and created something amazing!The moral of our story is that is if you start our course and finish it, while completing all the activities YOUWILLhave a rocking wedding speech.Our course takes you through the key pillars of wedding speech creation that is PLANNING, DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, PRACTICEand DELIVERY.PlanningUnderstanding your roles and responsibilitiesDefining your purpose and your WHYThree step process to planning a rocking speechDesign and DevelopmentCreating a winning structure in 4 partsStartMiddleWOWToastPulling it all togetherFiring emotional arrowsBeing authenticPractice5 steps to practice like a proHow to use technology to your advantangeDeliveryDelivery tips and tricksUsing eye contact effectivelyHow to use humourVocal varietyOvercoming nervesAs we said at the start by the end of the course if you compete all of the lectures and the attached activities you will have created a rocking speech!We are always here to give feedback and support.See you on the inside :)"
Price: 19.99

"Habilidades financieras. Claves de Liderazgo."
"La educacin formal universitaria carece de formacin financiera de manera global en sus carreras, sin embargo existen unos conocimientos mnimos indispensables si deseamos tener una economa ms fluida y capaz de adaptarse a los inmediatos y galopantes cambios que se avecinan.En este curso no nos quedaremos solamente con la exposicin catedrtica y numrica de lo que supone ""hablar de dinero"", sino que ahondaremos un poco ms all para sumergirnos en la subjetividad con la cual el dinero es concebido y manejado por cada quien.Hablar de dinero suele ser complejo, en este espacio podremos mencionarlo sin mayores tapujos, como un elemento ms de uso comn e ineludible en la vida de las personas.Bienvenidos!"
Price: 34.99

"Amliores ta vie drastiquement en 7 tapes"
"As-tu l'impression que ta vie t'chappes?Tu n'as plus le contrle?Certaines situations ou vnements ne te permettent pas d'tre heureux?Il y a quelques annes j'tais stress, anxieux et un peu perdu tant au niveau personnel que professionnel. Mes problmes d'anxit m'ont amen faire divers examens mdicaux et essayer plusieurs thrapies. Cependant je n'arrivais toujours pas m'en dbarrasser. Je rentrais dans la case des ""anxieux"". En parallle je commenais m'intresserau dveloppement personnel etc'est alors que j'ai dcouverts qu'en changeant ma manire de voir certaines choses que mon corps se dtendait et que la toux se rduisait. Ma psychologie pouvait tre responsable de ce stress permanent.J'ai doncvoulu travers ces 7 tapes recompiler des lments qui m'ont servient amliorer ma vie et qui je pense devraient tre accessible au plus grand nombre. Vous pourrez les exprimenter et lesmettre en pratique ds aujourd'hui.J'aime galement faire le parallle avec lefilm Matrix:""Ceci est ta dernire possibilit. Aprs cela, Il n'y a plus de retour en arrire possible. Si tu n'assistes pas cette formation, l'histoire se termine, tu te rveilles dans ton lit et tu peux continuer de crore ce que tu as toujours voulu eten resterl. Mais si tu dcides d'y participer, tu te retrouveras dansun monde de vrit et deresponsabilits. Souviens-toi:je suis juste en train de t'offrir la vrit, rien de plus.""Ce cours pourrait galement se rsumer ce paragraphe en italiquetant le contenu ne sont que des choses pratiquent, vous donnant accs un niveau de conscience. L'objectif est que ce soit le plus pratique possible. A vous de jouer."
Price: 39.99

"Create contact forms with PHP, JavaScript and CSS"
"During this course you will learn how to build and add to your website multiple fully functional contact forms, using PHP, CSS and JavaScript.The forms are suitable for getting users feedback, enhancing the user experience with success and error messages.What students say:Bill BurnsThis course does assume some prior knowledge of PHP type programming, with the limited knowledge I have thus far, I find I can follow quite easily as well as learn new techniques. Instructor appears to be very knowledgeable about subject.Dennis FerraroAlthough I could clearly see my lack of skill in php and css I was able to understand enough to execute the new information, given the platforms. The course delivered what it said it would.Timothy DykesThe course was to-the-point without a bunch of rambling on about irrelevant and unrelated things. It was easy to follow along with the creation of the form from start to finish in all of the languages necessary (except the styles, maybe). The finished form is also available as a .zip so that you can explore the source code yourself if there is something you had trouble following in the video.Following the lectures will let you practice step by step the development process. During the course you will understand how to set your page, create an HTML form, stylize it with CSS and later process it withPHP and JavaScript. In the course you will find practical lecture on adding additional protection against Spam bot submission attacks. You will also gain solid understanding on the whole development process.At first, we will overview on what you will be creating during the course, then will structure the initial files and start building the form. Next we add our PHP code to process the information received from the contact form and validate the submitted data with the help of both PHP and JavaScript. We will conclude by adding various protection methods against unwanted Spam bots.Update: featuring 2 new videos on how to build multi-step progress forms as well as showing conditional dynamic fields to the user. Please enjoy the course !"
Price: 99.99

"Natural & Holistic Pet Care (Dog, Cat Health Training - P2)"
"This course is aimed at those who wish to learn more about how to care for their pet's overallhealth and vitality, using complimentary therapies and solutions.Th course contains 9 lectures, from Natural Pet Health & Behaviour Practitioner, Nikki Brown, fromCanine Angel.The trainingcourse was taken from Nikki's live 3 day training workshop and includes lectures about the remarkable new holistic technology of BioResonanace Therapy and how this energetic medicine is helping to aid animal's with their healthprotocols.The course then dives into the an in-depth study of Vaccines, Chemical pest control, microchips, spaying & neutering and what the possible risks and side effects of these protocols are and what other safer alternatives are available.The lectures also take a look into the New UK Dangerous Dog Act 2016 and how some of the rules of this new act of parliament, can affect the animal's health and what alternatives can be put in place to safeguard our best friends.Th course finishes off with a real life case study of how the natural protocols mentioned in the lectures helped one of Nikki's clients to improve the health and quality of life of a very sick dog who had undergone years of veterinary treatment to no avail.We hope you enjoy the training course and look forward to receiving your questions, comments and feedback."
Price: 194.99

"Modelagem do Banco de Dados MySQL e linguagem SQL do ZERO"
"Mais do que decorartodos os comandos do SQL e saber dar SELECT, preciso ter plenos conhecimentos sobre os principaisfundamentos deBancos de Dados Relacionais antes de se autoproclamar o mestre DBA.Conceitos e tcnicas que muitas vezes no so abordadas em cursos online, como o planejamento e amodelagem ER de uma base de dados!Nesse curso no!Aqui voc ir aprender desde os fundamentos mais essenciais at os comandos mais utilizados do SQL. Alm disso, ir ver na prtica como funciona uma base de dados MySQL, seu funcionamento, planejamento e manuteno!No perca tempo, garanta sua vaga!SGBDutilizado:MySQLO curso ministrado em cima do SGBDMySQL. Tecnologia extremamente popular e utilizada no mercado de trabalho, sendo trabalhada por pequenas, mdias e grandes empresas. A tecnologia open source. Apesar de utilizarmos especificamente o MySQL, os conhecimentos adquiridos neste treinamento podero ser aplicados em diversos outros SGBDs: Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server e entre outros."
Price: 459.99

"Complete Codeigniter: From Beginner to Advanced"
"In this course, we're using the CodeIgniter, which is the best and most famous MVC Framework based on PHPMVC is a new technique which help us to Get more with less coding! We just need to call the function name instead of making the new one. The best thing in the CodeIgniter is, it's super secure, super fast, and very easy to use. You don't need to HTMLize your forms anymore. We also now have three things to manages your codes, Model, View and the controller! There is also no No SQL injection anymore and no loop whole anymore!To learn any frameworkCodeIgniter provides all the basics for all the frameworks.CodeIgniter is very easy to learn and use.In thin course we are going to learn all the concepts ofCodeIgniter from basic to advanced, and at the end of course we are going to develop a CRUD application so that you guys will get to know that how the CRUDactually works inCodeIgniter.Thanks & Warm Regards.Valeed Mehmood"
Price: 19.99

"Weight Loss for Women"
""" Are you training like the Menat the gym ?""""Are you lifting like the Men at the gym ?""""After lifting , you feel your arms growing like Arnold's one ? "" Your shoulder going broader than before ?""""Well , men and women . we are 2different kind of human . We both have different body structure , different hormones .So , we should also train differently also! Women ,tend to store fats around their belly , arms and thighs .So by doing what the man does , will not give you the most effective result .STOPwasting your time on doing the biceps curl ! ""This course will show you how should a women should train and the reason behind it .Anything You Need to Know AboutPeriod and Losing Weight!Have you been struggling,stressing.....To losethose female stubborn fat around your arms?belly?thighs?From low confidence and self esteem?Withfitting into your favorite dress or jeansanymore?Wonderinghow to lose weight on your period?So,you are looking for a training programme that able to help youto lose weight on your period?Female Menstrual Cycle Exercise and Weight Loss Course is definitely for you!About This CourseNo previous exercise experience requiredFull lifetime accessI'm continuing to add new material to the course, and you get it for FREE.Is all aboutperiod and losing weightEnrolling this course now,so you can start losing weight during your period right away!You'll Learn...How you can take advantage of your menstrual cycle phases to maximize weight loss.How to lose weight on your periodExactly what type ofexercise ,duration,rest etc that you need to do to loss weight.The science of hormones menstrual cycle.5 Simpletricksyou can use every day totrim inches off of your waist line.What type of exercise you cannot do during your menstrual cycle phases.The exact way to calculate your daily calories to loss weight (simple and easy way)Themenstrual cycle changesand their impact to your training result.Menstrual cycle phasesEXERCISEprogrammingMenstrual cycle phasesDIETPlanprogrammngCalculate your own BMR,calories to loss weight ,the amount of macro-nutrient you should be taking.I also prepared quizzes with answerto make sure you understand the whole course :)And so much more...***IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU ?***in order to maximize your leanining experience , i will recommend you to do the following things before purchasing any of my courses.1) Read the course description and curriculum carefully , so that you will have an idea on what is this coursesreally about .2) Watch the preview lecture . Preview lectures aregood checking point for elements such asaccents and also presentation style .3)Read the review . Im not a perfect instructors , so there will be some positive and negative reviews as a reference for youabout the course.4) Talk to me . Feel free to sent me a message ,and ask me any questions regarding my course, and i will get back to you asap i promise .SO , in the case of if you did purchase one of my courses , and you do not really like it , do not worry!Udemy is offering a100% money back guarantee within 30 days .So u do not have anything to loss.And , if you like my course please give it a 5 stars rating and spread around among your firends and family .See ya , and take care"
Price: 199.99

"Cognitive Psychology For Everyone"
"The course Cognitive Psychology for Everyone"" is a great study tool for beginner that want to learn cognitive psychology in a fun and easy to understand way. This course is alsoideal forcollege-level introductory cognitive psychology course , student that want to have a quick revision/refresh on some of the topics or preparing for the course.This coursecover some of the keyconceptsin the study of cognitivepsychology, describe the reason for understanding what it is inside you that makes you dothe things you do ,and also example of the cognition daily activityexample in almost all 27 lectures.This is definitely a Cognition Psychology for Everyone!***IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU ?***in order to maximize your leanining experience , i will recommend you to do the following things before purchasing any of my courses.1) Read the course description and curriculum carefully , so that you will have an idea on what is this coursesreally about .2) Watch the preview lecture . Preview lectures aregood checking point for elements such asaccents and also presentation style .3)Read the review . Im not a perfect instructors , so there will be some positive and negative reviews as a reference for youabout the course.4) Talk to me . Feel free to sent me a message ,and ask me any questions regarding my course, and i will get back to you asap i promise .SO , in the case of if you did purchase one of my courses , and you do not really like it , do not worry!Udemy is offering a100% money back guarantee within 30 days .So u do not have anything to loss.And , if you like my course please give it a 5 stars rating and spread around among your firends and family .See ya , and take care"
Price: 199.99

"Excel Completo 2016, 2019 y 365 - Principiante a Intermedio"
"El curso de Excel est diseado para guiarte paso a paso por los conceptos ms sencillos hasta llegar a dominar a fondo esta poderosa herramienta tecnolgica. Te proporcionar todas las herramientas para que puedas convertirte en un experto manipulando datos, graficando, haciendo tablas, esquemas, y todo lo que necesites para convertirte en el Maestro del Excel.Te facilitar las labores personales, de la casa, oficina, trabajo, escuela, universidad, maestra y estudios en general. Aprovecha mejor tu tiempo y s ms eficiente en tus labores cotidianas con esta poderosa herramienta. Dictado en un espaol sencillo, de fcil entendimiento y accesible a todos. Este curso es el Primero de dos mdulos divididos en Bsico y Avanzado.No dejes pasar la oportunidad de triunfar en el mundo laboral por no conocer esta maravillosa y a la vez poderosa herramienta. "
Price: 24.99

"Excel Completo 2016, 2019 y 365 - De Intermedio a Avanzado"
"El curso de Excel 2016/2019/365 Intermedio/Avanzado est diseado para guiarte paso a paso hasta dominar a fondo y de manera avanzada esta poderosa herramienta tecnolgica. Te proporcionar todas las herramientas para que puedas convertirte en un experto manipulando datos, graficando, haciendo tablas, esquemas, y todo lo que necesites para convertirte en el Maestro del Excel.Te facilitar las labores personales, de la casa, oficina, trabajo, escuela, universidad, maestra y estudios en general. Aprovecha mejor tu tiempo y s ms eficiente en tus labores cotidianas con esta poderosa herramienta. Dictado en un espaol sencillo, de fcil entendimiento y accesible a todos. Este curso es el Segundo de dos mdulos divididos en Bsico e Intermedio.No dejes pasar la oportunidad de triunfar en el mundo laboral por no conocer esta maravillosa y a la vez poderosa herramienta. "
Price: 24.99

"Analysis and Evaluation of Economic Feasibility of Projects"
"This training course takes students through the cycle of project feasibility study preparation and evaluation. Feasibility study is needed before starting a new project (product or service), establishing a new business, or upgrading/modifying/expanding an existing business. Through feasibility study preparation cycle, projects can be determined if feasible/viable from the marketing and technical viewpoints. Given their estimated capital and operation costs (CAPEX & OPEX), projects can also be determined whether profitable or not. As the name implies, a feasibility study is used to determine the viability of an idea. The objective of this study is to ensure a project is legally and technically feasible and economically justifiable. It tells us whether a project is worth the investment or not."
Price: 99.99

"Depreciation, Amortization and Depletion"
"This course addresses the three important fixed production cost elements resulting from acquiring various assets including tangible assets (cost expressed as depreciation), non-tangible assets (cost expressed amortization) and non-renewable resources/ assets (cost expressed as depletion).To this extent , the course provides full explanations regarding asset acquisition costs, service life, economic life, depreciate amount, salvage/scrap value, book value, depreciation accruals,accumulated depreciation and other related concepts.To provide in-depth understanding, depreciation is considered in terms of its various contexts including decline in value, deterioration of assets, obsolescence, asset replacement and others. Taxation, depreciation and tax holiday are also considered showing various depreciation mathematical calculation models reflecting accelerated, decelerated and uniform depreciation. Detailed comparative calculations applying various models and procedures for different countries applying different depreciation/taxation rules for several assets are also presented."
Price: 24.99

"Essential Sales Skills for Beginners - or Refreshers"
"Hello there and welcome to ""Essential Sales Skills for Beginners - or Refreshers""!Lovely to meet you - e-virtually at least :)Thanks for taking the time to checking out this sales course!My name is Stephanie Bosch and I'm a sales person myself with more than 10 years sales experiences in various industries and roles (Banking, Management Consulting,Recruiting, Luxury Retail, Entrepreneurship). I have B2C sales experience (sales to customers)as well as Business to Business sales experience (B2B salesand Business Development). In this essential sales skills course I will share with you sales tips so you will learn the essential sales skills needed to get started in sales. Actually, there is not too much of a ""magic pill"" in sales - every so often even most experienced sales people need to go back to the sales basics and freshen up their sales skills. Therefore this sales course can easily be used to fresh up your sales skills - even when you are already a sales person. Main target group for this sales course are new sales people though who'd like to learn the essential sales skills. This sales course is NOTFOREXPERTS who are looking to advanced their already existing sales skills!:)What are you going to learn?Get the right sales mindset to successfully sell to your clients - start solving problems and build long-lasting client relationship How do you prepare for your sales visits at your clientsClient interaction - how can you uncover your customers needs andsolve problems for your clientby using your sales skills and empathy Learn how to sell.Learn how to handle objectionsin a sale How toclose the sales After sales and keeping in touch with your customerThis sales course. This means my goal is to support you in becoming more confident in you as a sales person and in the use of your sales skills to close more sales. This sales course won't deliver on the ""hard selling"" philosophy as this is not something I live. This sales course does ratherfocus on how to build long-lasting, fruit-able relationships with your clients. Obviously, I love to close a sale and sell -not by pushing it though. I'd rather solve problems, deliver great service and add value to my client relationships. This way Ican build trust and rapport and form sales relationships that are relevant for a long time. This course was created with exactly this mindset.There are a couple of preview videos which you can access for free. Please feel free to check them out to see whether you like this sales course, my teaching style etc. Below are also some student reviews.I'd love to see you in this sales course :-) Please note, the course has also a 30 day money back guarantee - so no risk or strings attached for you. Like it and keep it or dislike it and toss it.Thanks a mil for taking the time to checking out this essential sales skills course,Stephanie******************************************************************************************What others sayabout this essential sales skills course:*****Great and powerful course in teaching the basics and the details of selling. The course teaches you how to become a great in the sales process and even if you have no experience. The course talks about mindset and attitudes that you can use in-order for you to be successful in sales. Thank you so much :D*****A great short course to learn the basics in Sales. I liked the short sequences covering different major topics - gives a solid overview about the key facts and skills to start your first experience in Sales!*****The course delivered exactly what it promised - basics in Sales from research until the finished sales deal, with great and helpful tips regarding each step during the sales process. Would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in Sales and new to the field to get a good overview and some helpful little tipps to sell succesfully.*****Overall she is amazing at explaining things thoroughly. I was someone who didn't have a clue about sales and well I know my stuff now! This course is super effective at guiding you through the process of making a sale and how to present yourself and your company as a whole when it comes to making sales. My only complaint would just be that the videos need a little bit better editing just because there were a few videos that just simply cut off towards the end but besides the point. Snag yourself this course if you're a beginner like me, it will help you out tremendously!*****The presentation has been extra ordinary and picks the points that really a sales person should know.****Concise, valuable, to the point! A good course for beginners like me who wants to learn sales! Thank You, Stephanie!****I found the speaker clear in the description with a great plan from prospecting, to closing the deal (and after). As a beginner, I learnt some tips and tricks. (I'm a consultant guy going to presales world). What could be improved ? Well, I assume I would be happy to have a recap like a timeline or something and on each step the 2/3 advices. I recommand this course.****Nicely presented and interesting. However, some visualisation would be even better. Now we only see the teacher, no graphics or text slides. Apart from some parts that are to be read, this could just be an audio book. In fact this is the way I used most of the later videos, just listening."
Price: 114.99

"Verkaufen lernen leicht gemacht (fr Nicht-Verkufer)"
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen bei Verkaufsgrundlagen fr Nicht-Verkufer - der Kurs zumThema Verkaufen leicht gemacht mit Spa.Schn Dich hier anzutreffen und vielen Dank fr Deine Zeit.Dieser Kurs dreht sich um Verkaufsgrundlagen - nach dem Motto""verkaufen leicht gemacht"". Was erwartet Dich?Dich erwartet ein Verkaufskurs mit erprobten Grundlagen aus derPraxis!Mein Name ist StephanieBosch und ich bin Vertriebler seit 12 Jahren. Ich habe vor 2006 als Banker angefangen und den gesamten Bankvertrieb im Bereich Privat- und Geschftskunden kennengelernt. Danach habe ich in der Privatkundenbetreuung gearbeitet und einen eigenenKundenstamm komplett neu aufgebaut. Nach 6 Jahren bin ich dann ins Management Consulting gewechselt und habe ein komplett neues Sales-Skillset aufgebaut mit B2B Sales (Business to Business Vertrieb) und Beratung von Bankvorstnden. Danach bin ich ins Recruiting gewechselt, wo ich sowohl Kandidaten betreut und akquiriert, sowie auf Kundenseite auch Neukundenakquise, Cold Calling, BusinessDevelopment im B2B Sales erfolgreich betrieben habe. Ich war dort sowohl im deutsch-sprachigen Raum, als auch inLondon ttig - mit Cross-Border Recruiting.Whrend meines Mastersstudiums habe ich nebenher bei Tiffany &Co. imFine Jewellery Luxury Retail gearbeitet. Das heit ich kenne auch den Retail und Shop Verkauf.Als Unternehmerin bin ich seit 2 Jahren selbststndig und verkaufen ist ein absolut essentieller Teil meines Geschftes. Ohne Verkauf und Umsatz bleibt sonst jede Firma nur ein Hobby.All diese Erfahrungen habe ich genommen und einen umfassenden Grundlagenkurs zumThema Verkaufen fr Dich erstellt. Vor allem mit Spa und einfach Tipps, die du sofort umsetzen kannst.Kursablauf:Wir starten mit dem richtigenMindset zum Verkaufen bzw. zum Problemlsen.Als nchstes gehen wir darauf ein, was Du am Besten vorbereitest bevor Du auf Kundensuche gehst. Wenn wir all das abgehandelt haben gehen wir in die Kundeninteraktion und sprechen darber, wie man bedarfsgerecht bert, Probleme lst und - am Ende auch verkauft. Jawohl. Es darf verkauft werden. Und da ist auch gar nichts verwerfliches dabei, wenn Du fr deine Arbeit und Beratung am Ende auch belohnt wirst.Da wir aber natrlich nicht nur einen ""schnellen Verkauf"" haben wollen, sondern als Partner langfristig an der Seite unserer Kunden erfolgreich sein mchten, gehen wir am Ende auch noch darauf ein, was nach dem Kaufabschluss zu tun ist. Wie kannst du Kontakt zu deinem Kaufkunden halten und eine langfristige erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit etablieren.Es gibt einige Preview Videos - schau sie dir gerne an. Du hast auerdem eine 30-Tage Geld-zurck Garantie, sollte dir der Kurs wider Erwarten nicht gefallen.Bitte beachte , dass dies ein Verkaufsgrundlagenkurs ist und somit geeignet fr Neue-Verkufer oder Verkufer, die ihrVerkaufswissen und Ihre Sales Skills mit ""Back to the Basics""(absolut sinnvoll) noch einmal auffrischen mchten.Dieser Kurs ist jedoch nicht fr Topverkufer oder Hardcore closergemacht. Generell ist hard selling hier nicht Thema!Der vorgestellte Ansatz ist bedarfsgerechtes, lsungsorientiertes verkaufen.VielenDank, dass Du vorbei geschaut hast und ich freue mich, wenn wir uns im Kurs sehen.Bis dahin,Stephanie************************************************************************************************************************Was andere ber diesen Kurs sagen:*****Der Kurs gefllt mir wirklich sehr gut. Praxisnah und eingngig.*****Als Nicht-Verkufer konnte ich einiges daraus mitnehmen. Mir hat besonders gefallen, dass die Dozentin das Thema so ganzheitlich und unverkrampft angeht. Von der Vorbereitung ber die Kundenansprache bis hin zum Abschluss und darber hinaus. Sehr empfehlenswert!*****Warum sollte der Kunde von mir kaufen? Dies und viele weitere interessante Informationen und Antworten vermittelt dieser Kurs. Gerne empfehle ich ihn weiter.*****Den Mindset, den die Dozentin vermittelt, sollten mehr Verkufer haben.*****Sehr erfahrene Dozentin. Super!*****Es ist gut gemacht und Frau Bosch spricht nicht ber Verkaufserfahrung sondern mit erlebten Verkaufserfahrungen*****Solides Handwerkszeug fr den ungebten Verkufer! Mir persnlich fehlte ein wenig untersttzende Prsentation, doch ist das eher eine Frage des eigenen Geschmacks. Die Themen sind schlssig und flieend vorgetragen worden und die wichtigste Botschaft lautet: ""Du darfst du selbst bleiben"" Gut gemacht!*****Fr mich als Informatiker finde ich ""Verkauf"" ein schweres Thema. Hier wird es gut und schn nachvollziehbar erklrt.****Die Sprecherin scheint zu wissen, worber sie erzhlt. Allerdings knnte ihr Enthusiasmus noch etwas grer sein. Um fair zu bleiben: Ich habe davor einen Kurs mit einem Verkaufstraining mit einer ""Rampensau"" gesehen, das frbt etwas auf meine Bewertung ab.****Alle fr grundlegenden Themen werden abgehandelt und gut erklrt."
Price: 184.99

"Smash your New Year's Resolutions - Reach Your Goals!"
"This course focuses on New Year's Resolutions and Goal Setting and how you get the results you want. Therefore we follow a clear, 4 step process.The first step is to set yourself up for success. We define what you want and give you a tool kit to determine your inner motivators to reach your goals.In the second step we focus on the mindset shift. We try to leave the ""old"" thinking of ""Ionly can change once a year and set goals when it's about to be New Year's Eve"". We go away from massive changes that are unreasonable and unlikely to be realised to a more efficient thinking. We will focus on small, consistent every day changes that can help us to transform our lives substantially and sustainably.The third step is all about preparation and planning to get ready to take massiveaction - into the right direction!In the last step I will provide you with some more tools and little helpers to stay motivated in the process and to stay on track. For big, great results.When you are interested in becoming the best version of yourself and like to have some fun along the way than I look very much forward to see you in this course.Let's smash these Resolutions :)Stephanie************************************************************************************************************************What others sayabout this course:*****I like that the instructor dives right into the core of success. She provides just the right amount of overview and background information to provide context and then dives into what I think is one of the most important things that drive human behavior - the WHY.*****Great lecture of a very interesting subject that has not had the attention it deserves in the past. The course has helped me to prepare a more focused approach of what I want to achieve in 2017. The instructor is showing a very natural and engaging way.****nicely presented summary on the topic, though a little repetitive (especially ""really very important"")"
Price: 74.99

Price: 2400.00

"Marktpreisentwicklungen richtig einschtzen"
"In diesem Videokurs lernst Du, die verschiedensten Mglichkeiten kennen, um eigenstndig die besten Einschtzungen vornehmen zu knnen, wenn es um Marktpreisentwicklungen geht. Auerdem erhltst Du verschiedene Mglichkeiten, wie und mit was Du handeln kannst. Hierbei bleibst Du, komplett flexibel und gewinnst durch diesen Videokurs, eine Menge an Erfahrungswerten, die sich bei mir ber die letzten 9 Jahre aufgebaut haben.Meine Erfahrung habe ich in Tests mit ""Derivaten"" und ""Devisen"", aber auch mit ""Aktien"", ""ETPs"" (""ETFs"" und ""ETCs"") und ""Anleihen"" gesammelt. Hierbei habe ich, zuerst mit Demodepots und Demo Margin Konten gehandelt, bevor ich mich in den echten Handel gewagt habe. So solltest Du das, zu Beginn auch umsetzen.Dieser Videokurs ist fr alle gedacht, ganz egal ob, mit ""Derivaten"" und/oder ""Aktien"" und/oder ""Anleihen"" und/oder ""ETPs"" (wie beispielsweise ""ETFs"") und/oder ""Metallkonten"" und/oder ""Whrungskonten"" und/oder dergleichen gehandelt werden soll oder schon, bereits gehandelt wird.Jede Anlagekategorie, wie beispielsweise ""Derivate"" (""Short ETFs"", ""ETNs"", ""Short ETCs"", ""Zertifikate"", ""CFDs"", ""Optionen"", ""Futures Kontrakte"", ""Optionsscheine"" und weitere), aber auch ""Aktien"", ""ETFs"", ""ETCs"", ""Anleihen"", das ""Sparbuch"", ""Tagesgeld"", ""Festgeld"", ""Sparbriefe"", ""Whrungskonten"", ""Metallkonten"" und dergleichen, haben immer Vor- und Nachteile.Deshalb bietet Dir, dieser Videokurs, einiges an Wissen und langjhrige Erfahrungswerte, um vor allem Marktpreisentwicklungen richtig einzuschtzen. Auerdem fr Dich, mit dabei sind verschiedene Handelsstrategien Beispiele, eine 1zu1 Hedging Handelssoftware (fr den vollautomatischen Handel) und Vorstellungen zu den verschiedenen Anlagemglichkeiten.Viel Spa, Freude und Erfolg beim durch schauen und lernen."
Price: 94.99

"Erfolgreich als Signalgeber/in, per Social- und Copytrading"
"In diesem Videokurs wirst Du alles notwendige erlernen, wenn es um die Signalweitergabe, als Signalgeber/in geht.Dieser Kurs gibt Dir, auch dann, gengende Informationen, Tipps, Wissen und Erfahrungswerte weiter, wenn Du nur selbst fr Deine Konten erfolgreich handeln mchtest. Du bekommst auerdem die jeweiligen Social- und Copytrading-Plattformen vorgestellt, auf denen eine Signalweitergabe mglich ist.Dieser Videokurs beschreibt Dir, ganz genau:Wie verbesserst Du, Deinen eigenen Handel und gibst perfekte Signale an Deine ""Follower"" weiter?Warum solltest Du, Deinen eigenen Handel, berhaupt weitergeben?Was bringt Dir, die Weitergabe Deiner Handelspositionen?Fr Deine besseren Anlageentscheidungen und um perfekte Signale an Deine Signalfolgende weiter zu geben, ist dieser Videokurs fr Dich erstellt worden."
Price: 59.99

"Wie Du, Dir auch mit kleinen Betrgen ein Vermgen aufbaust"
"In diesem Kurs wirst Du genau gezeigt bekommen, wie Du handeln kannst und das vor allem erfolgreich, sicher und nachhaltig. Du entscheidest mit welchen Handelswerten Du handelst.Es werden in diesem Videokurs vor allem verschiedene, sinnvolle und nachhaltige Strategien beschrieben, die Du nicht nur fr Devisen, Derivate und Indizes anwenden kannst, sondern auch mit Aktien, Edelmetallen, ETPs (ETFs/ETCs) oder auch weiteren Handelsinstrumenten, wie beispielsweise ""ETNs"" anwenden kannst.Wichtig ist natrlich das Risiko zu streuen, dies geschieht mit verschiedenen Devisenpaaren und/oder mit weiteren Handelswerten, wie beispielsweise Aktien Indizes.Wenn jedoch mit anderen Handelswerten (beispielsweise mit Indizes), als mit Devisenpaaren gehandelt wird, sollten diese Handelswerte immer beim Marktschluss ausgeschalten werden.Beim bernachthandel von anderen Handelswerten, als Devisenpaaren kann es zu hohen Verlustgeschften durch eine 1zu1 Hedging Strategien Software kommen.Auerdem sollte darauf geachtet werden, mit einer mglichst geringen Hebelwirkung und einer Hedging Strategie zu handeln.Achte bitte auch darauf das Devisenpositionen auf 1.000 (0.01 Lot) genau berechnet werden knnen. Beim DeutschlandTop30 sind das im Durchschnitt (derzeit) 11.500 bis 12.000 Punkte, das bedeutet wenn 1 Punkt, 1 Euro entspricht sind das 11.500 bis 12.000 Euro, mit einem 12-fachen Hebel, bentigst Du somit 1.000 Euro Eigenkapital um eine DeutschlandTop30 Indize Position offen halten zu knnen. Derartige Informationen erhltst Du in diesem Videokurs.Da der Hedge nicht immer, vollstndig 1zu1 bestehen sollte mssen die jeweiligen Hedging Strategien noch mit perfekten Marktbekundungen verbunden werden. Auerdem solltest Du wenig(er) Geld in gehebelte Derivate anlegen. Die 1zu1 Hedging Software Strategie, ist in diesem Videokurs direkt enthalten. Bei dieser Strategie kann auch nur Long oder Short gehandelt werden und somit muss keine 1zu1 Hedging Strategie umgesetzt werden.In diesem Videokurs lernst Du sinnvolle und nachhaltige Strategien, zum manuellen Handeln und/oder aber auch zum vollautomatischen Handel kennen. Diese Strategien sind allesamt, mit der mitgelieferten Handelssoftware Strategie umsetzbar. Die Details werden Dir, direkt in diesem Videokurs genauer beschrieben.Schaue Dir, diesen Videokurs in aller Ruhe, aber aufmerksam an. Nutze auch unbedingt die Textdateien fr Dein Wissen, bevor Du mit dem Handel startest.Herzliche Gre und viel Erfolg."
Price: 69.99

"El poder del MOMENTUM"
"Tienes una pasin? Tienes una idea que quieres llevar a la realidad?...pero no sabes Cmo hacerlo? Bienvenido al curso: El poder del MOMENTUM: un mtodo poderoso para alcanzar tus metas.Todos tenemos una meta o sueo que alcanzar. El asunto es que muchas veces el cumplimiento de nuestro sueo se ve obstaculizado por diferentes motivos. El no tener una metodologa paso a paso que nos gui hacia el cumplimiento de nuestro sueo nos frustra. Muchas veces nos vemos en medio de un mar de ansiedad que termina en depresin porque nuestro sueo sigue all pero no sabemos cmo alcanzarlo. En este curso aprenders una metodologa que te enseara trabajar de manera inteligente y gradual para cumplir tus objetivos, sin promesas mgicas de xito que no funcionan.Sin embargo, querido estudiante no existen recetas mgicas y si eso es lo que estas buscando te agradezco mucho que leyeras esta descripcin pero lamentablemente este curso no es para ti. En este curso aprenders a poner los pies en tierra. En el curso -El poder del MOMENTUM: un mtodo poderoso para alcanzar tus metas-. Desarrollaras el concepto de Momentum y aprenders aaplicarlo, aprenders como construir, mantener y manejar tu momentum para as cumplir tus objetivos. Te garantizo que si aplicas esta metodologa crecers hasta ser IMPARABLE. ---Andrs y Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Code with Ruby"
"Themost comprehensive Ruby courseavailable onUdemy! An in-depthoverview ofcodingwith Ruby, a popular programming language renowned for its simplicity and elegance. Whether you've never written a line of code before or are looking to learna brand new language, this course covers all bases!Learn toCode with Ruby offers more than 30+ hours of video tutorials, 250+ lectures, and dozens of quizzes and exercises to test your knowledge as you proceed through the course.Lessons include:Installation and configuration forboth Mac OS and Windows systemsCommon programming concepts (variables, arithmetic, output)Objects and methodsStringsNumbersBooleansMethods and ConditionalsRangesArraysHashesBlocks,Procs, and LambdasDates and timesFile Input and OutputRegular ExpressionClasses, Modules, and Inheritanceand more!Ruby is a language released by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995 that bills itself as ""aprogrammer's best friend"". Every aspect of Ruby is designed to make programming easier for the developer. There is no better first languageif you're interested in learning how to program.Ruby also serves as the foundation for Ruby onRails, a popular web framework that powers over 1.2 million websites worldwide. The course offers an extensive introduction to the base languageyou'll need to know if you intend to tackle web development in the future.Check out the sample videos below to get a taste of what the course has to offer!So if you're ready to commit yourself, if you're eager to expand your knowledge of programming, if you're ready to discover what makes this elegant language so loved by developers, you are ready toLearn toCode withRuby!Thanks for checking out the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Manifesting Your Best Life with Deepak Chopra Part 2"
"In Manifesting Your Best Life Part 1, you learned the core principles for harnessing the power of intention, attention, and synchronicity to fulfill your desires and destiny. This is the experience of living in SynchroDestiny tapping into your inner knowing and paying attention to the clues and coincidences that support you in having what you really want in life. Now you are ready to take the next step on your journey of expanding awareness, joy, and fulfillment. In Manifesting Your Best Life Part 2, you will build on the solid foundation you established in the Part 1 of the course with world-renowned teacher and author Deepak Chopra and course guide Amanda Ringnalda. Deepak will continue to guide you in the practice of the sutras a powerful meditation technique that is rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition of India. Using the sutras will help you embed your intentions in your consciousness, which increases the likelihood that your desires will be fulfilled. We will complete our exploration of the sutras in this course and establish a daily sutra practice. If you havent yet embarked on Part 1 of Manifesting Your Best Life with Deepak Chopra, we invite you to begin your journey today. If you have completed Part 2, we are excited to welcome you back as we continue to expand our ability to consciously create good luck in every area of our lives."
Price: 99.99

"A Comprehensive Guide On Domain Name & Web Hosting"
"So you are a budding entrepreneur or a self-employed who wants to have your own website?Let me get you started with a FREE domain name. Yes each student who purchases this course until 31st Dec 2016 will be given a free domain name for 1 year for first 100 students!Let this comprehensive course help you avoid all mistakes and save you hundreds of dollars and lot of headache by doing things right the first time.You have tried to see hosting plans and are confused with so many options. You also don't understand the technical jargon and what all those features mean? You also feel its a bit trickly, how come the domain names are offered so cheap by some of the providers and are now guessing which one should you choose and why.Am i right?Let me also guess, you want a quick understanding of these so that you can move on to more important stuff and get your website up and running quickly?My name is Kamlesh Rajpal (call me Raj); a 14 years experience teacher andand i have created this course Understand Domain Names & Hosting Like APRO specially for YOU. My students love me for the simplistic approachi useforexplaining themost complicated concepts. Beginners love me because i use simple English and no technical jargon's to explain. Also my approach of subtly introducing the jargon and concepts that are absolutely essential to know, have helped many students. My methodology is that by the end of the course these should become second nature with any special effort.Who is this course for precisely?Understanding domain names and hosting plans and how they work can be quite a daunting task for a newbie. It can sound very technical, hence i created this course to bring a absolute beginner up to speed and running within a short span of time. If you need to deal with your website developer or hosting providers, then learning this content will put you ahead in the game, where you are in full control and you can go back to focus on the more things.How is it organized?The chapters have been organised such that you can jump to the chapter that you need right away or one that interests you. Each chapter explains 1 topic and stands on its own without depending on other chapters.This ensures, those who already know certain stuff can quickly get what they need and don't need to go through the whole course.What will be my level of understanding at the end of the course?Go from zero to champ in this course learning everything you need to know about domain names and hosting. Learn how to choose the right domain names, avoid costly mistakes and cherry pick the right hosting plan for your business. This course saves you lot of headache and helps you choose the right domain name hosting plan with confidence without burning your pocket.Some advanced concepts like domain parking etc have been introduced for those who might need such services.What is special about this course?Overall the course provides comprehensive coverage of topics. There is a revision pdf at the end that serves two purposes - oneto quickly recap concepts and act like a cheat sheet that can be referred to while actually working.This helps students, that they do not need to keep going back to the course, to find out things while working and can keep the saliet features and Do's and Don'ts handy and save themselves from common mistakes.How is it better than other courses on the same topic?Other courses do not give you a cheat sheet for quick reference and lack the revision i have provided in.What if you have questions? See my unique way of answering them below.Feel free to let me know any questions you may have and i will gladly answer them, all of them. To make it easy for you, i will record videos and share them with you individually to answer your questions."
Price: 44.99

"SAT Math 2 Subject Test - Watch Me Solve!"
"If you're tired of struggling to decipher the explanations provided by the SAT test makers, then this course is for you. I don't know about you, but sometimes it seems to me like they don't even want you to understand the explanations!I created this course with that exact problem in mind. This course allows you to watch me solve these problems in the time required - or less - with easy-to-understand explanations as I go.I've tutored math for nearly 10 years now, so I understand the struggles that most students have. It is my goal to break down each question into easily-digestible pieces that allow you to solve the problem quickly, skillfully, and with confidence. This course is perfect for students who have done some studying but are looking for something to take them to the next level. This course will teach you to be faster, make you aware of the 'tricks' and shortcuts, and give you the confidence you need to succeed on the SAT.Disclaimer: These videos demonstrate me solving problems provided by the College Board. These questions are not my own, and I did not write them. They can be found online on the SAT website."
Price: 24.99

"Learn SOLIDWORKS Basics by practicing 45 exercises"
"This is a practicing course for SOLIDWORKS. Learn the industry-leading CAD software now and have a chance for more job opportunities with an average salary of 58,000$. Master the basics and move to an advanced level in SOLIDWORKS. Why would you take this course?1- Enhance your problem solving skills in the field of 3D modelling 2- Learn SOLIDWORKS by practicing 45 exercises designed to boost your skills in 3D Modeling and Assembly. 3- Upgrade your skills from drawing the first sketch to modelling advanced parts and making realistic assemblies. Course topics overview Many companies in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Industrial Engineering etc use SOLIDWORKS in the design process. We will learn about this software and you will be able to create a new job opportunity as a SOLIDWORKS designer. I designed this course based on Learn by doing approach. A brief introduction will put you on the track of how to start using the software and understand the 3D modelling concepts. You will watch more than 40 parts created step by step, these exercises were designed to cover the most important features in SOLIDWORKS. Finally 5 exercises will teach you how to start making realistic and functional assemblies. Complete the 45 exercises, quizzes and project andyou will move to an advanced level in SOLIDWORKS."
Price: 99.99

"Edit Like a Pro! - 2 - Beckett Bridge Sunset"
"This class takes you through an easy to follow, structured set of editing steps to turn a typical sunset photo into an image of professional quality.We edit the shot adjusting exposure, apply somequite complex adjustments to the bridge to brighten it up against the background anduse radial filters to bring out specific areas of the shot which need localised brightening.Although I use Adobe Lightroom, the techniques can be applied using any photo editing application, and I've split out each different technique into separate sections so they can be watched and applied more easily. Why not watch the class with your own photo open in your own editing application and follow along, applying the techniques I show to your own image? It's really easy - go on - have a go!"
Price: 19.99

"Edit Like a Pro! - 4 - Castletown Stately Home"
"This hour long class takes you through a detailed landscape image edit, covering almost all of the various Develop module tabs in detail.You will learn how to crop to panoramic ratios, apply global and selective edits, and end up with two very different versions of the original shot - one in colour, the other a dramatic black and white.Anyone can follow and benefit from this class - no prior knowledge required!"
Price: 19.99

"Ten different ways to make great living online."
"Want to make online money without spending timeto become popular on youtube or on your personal website? This course is definitely for you!!In this course I will discuss ten different ways with a practical example for each one , This coursewill allow you to make great money online.If you are looking for a way to earn living instead of the nine hours job.....just enroll into this course."
Price: 199.99