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"Prime-Physio Fitness Ultimate Lifting Assessment Guide"
"The course begins with an overview of terms and concepts as it relates to the spine, hips, and how the movements are related. This understanding of anatomy and movement becomes essential when understanding the movements necessary for the four lifts we will be assessing. We start by learning the hip-hinge pattern, and why it is important as it related to our movements. After learning the hip-hinge and how to execute it, we dive into the assessments. We break each exercise down by themovements needed at each joint. We will assess the mobility at the joints and identify if we have joint mobility issues or an issue of motor control, which is simply how our body uses the muscles to perform an exercise. This motor control can be smooth and coordinated, or not so coordinated, which is what we will aim to improve! We will identify limitations andselect the appropriateinterventions to improve the limitations."
Price: 69.99

"Create a Dynamic 2.5D Rig with Body Turn - Moho Anime Studio"
"Learn how to create a Dynamic 2.5D Rig in Anime Studio/Moho. You will learn advanced riggingtechniques which willallow your 2D character to behave and react like a 3D Character Model,transforming your animations for your WebSeries, Feature Filmsand Games. It will improve your workflow, shorten the time it takes to make animations, allow a greater sense of depth to your characters, easily create complex animations, Your completed character will be able to do a full Body Turn from front to back with all the limbs and everything working, will have working muscle groups in the chest and arms, will have perspective bones to simutate 3D Depth for arms and legs, easily customisable to allow a variety of diffferent Characters and clothes and much much more. This Course is for all Levels and I cover the entire process from start to finish in a set off 10 videos, I provide the basic character for free to download fully rigged all you need to do is follow the easy to follow videos to get your own 2.5D Rig"
Price: 99.99

"Cooking And Kitchen Essentials: Tools For Every Home Chef"
"Struggle with cooking the basics in the kitchen? Tired of brown eggs and cutting yourself with a knife? We will show you the techniques that chefs use to create repeatable success. Rob Roath has worked with some of the biggest catering companies and restaurant enterprises in the states. We will tackle everything you need to impress your family, friends and most of all yourself.Here is a quick look at what this course will cover: -Safety in the kitchen -How to choose quality fruits, vegetables, and meats -Cutting with confidence -My pro tips from years in the kitchenJust imagine making these dishes by the end of our journey: -Garlic Guacamole -Fresh Mango SalsaThis is just the start of your journey chef. Look for our other courses that will enrich your playbook and expand what you can prepare with mastery. Welcome to Foodie Cooking School."
Price: 19.99

"Autismo paso a paso: La gua definitiva para las familias"
"El objetivo de este video tutorial es el de aclarar todas las dudassobre lo que significa tener en la familia una persona con el diagnstico de Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo. Vamos a ir explicando las caractersticas, las definiciones, las capacidades que tieneny sobre todolos apoyos que van a necesitar estas personas y sus familias en las diferentes etapas de su vida.A lo largo de mi experiencia como terapeuta me he dado cuenta que es muy necesaria la formacin a las familias, el tener la oportunidad de trabajar en las casas, en el propio entorno de la persona, hace que los objetivos de las terapias se cumplan con mucha ms rapidez si contamos con la ayuda y la implicacin de las familias, pero para poder implicarse y ser Co- terapeutas es necesario un proceso de formacin que muchas veces no existe. La gran mayora de libros, textos, artculos y manuales estn dirigidos a profesionales sanitarios, son muy densos, con demasiada informacin tcnica que muchas veces confunde en lugar de ayudar.Este curso va a ser una herramienta muy til para padres, madres, abuelos, hermanos, educadores y para cualquier persona que tenga inters en conocer con ms profundidad este tema."
Price: 199.99

"Cultivating Inner Peace"
"This courseis designed for those peoplewho arefeeling stressed, who have lost hope, or for thosewho are looking for direction anda way to bring stability and focus intotheir lives. I have found in my Reiki practice people leave my treatment table with such a sense of peacethat they function better in their day. Through thiscourse studentswill learn why a foundation ofpeace will help them feel more confident and bring clarity to their thoughts no matter what they arestruggling with. They will learn how to build that foundation of peaceand thedaily practices needed to stay in touch with theirinner peace.In this course we talk about a number of topics including:Spiritual Practice and where God fits inThoughts as a reflection of your worldVision to put your thoughts into actionBelief, Faith, and what it means to tune inDuty or Work as a calling and what that meansIn between the course topics students are given a self-help practice that they can do on their own.They lead studentstowardexpanding their awareness through personal experiences. The idea is that the practicesbecome life long habits rather than just an exercise for a month or two.The underlying theme for this courseis Consistency partnered with Progress, Not Perfection. This is a beginner level course for everyone who wishes to create long lasting life changes."
Price: 54.99

"Effective Preaching and Teaching"
"Effective Preaching and Teachingwill equip you with basic Bible study and communicationskills. In this course, you will receiveguidancein how to isolate the main ideas within a Bible passage, how to focus those main ideas to meet the needs of your audience, how to choose an appropriate message style, how tostructureaclearBible lesson orsermon,how to interact effectively with an audience, as well asgaining insight into your own unique style. The video lectures are supplemented with notesand avariety of communication examples are provided as examples. The main objective of the course is to enable youto become the Bible communicator you were called to be. Recently added feature: Bible Study and Teaching Worksheet!"
Price: 29.99

"Beginner's Guided Meditation"
"Beginner's GuidedMeditationA QuickPowerful Mastery Course!You will Learnhow to master meditation in 28 Days!This course will blow you away with how it will quickly program your mind in 1 month to master this ancient art!Iwill take you through videoguided meditationsthat hold a variety oftechniquesthatbest help program yoursubconscious mind tolearnand comprehended meditation atafastrate!Now thiscourse has4 big lesson thatdesignedto take youfrom having zero meditation experience, to having high levelmeditation skills within a shortperiod of 1 month.And the only thing you really have to do is follow the simple instructions, engage inthis video course,andlet your mind get programmed tolearnmeditationwithouthaving to do much thinking.You can go andexplore the FREE video previews in this course to see how you like it!Can't wait to see you inside!Enjoy!"
Price: 94.99

"Complete PowerPoint 2016 Guide: Master Presentation Skills"
"Hi there, my name is Victoria White and I will be your instructor for this presentation on Udemy. I would like to welcome you to my course The Complete Beginners Guide to PowerPoint 2016 - How to Master The Art of Presentation Making.Want to be one step ahead of you competitors in the work force? Want to create PROFESSIONAL, EYE-CATCHING, MEMORABLE presentations through PowerPoint? Want to make a statement at you next office meeting or school presentation? Then this is the course for you! PowerPoint is used to help communicate with your audience on a higher level. Not just with words but also many visual aspects as well. Learning the basics can set you a part from everyone. There are many creative ways to use the basic elements that will be shown in this course to create an outstanding presentation. This is the ONLY course that will teach you how to properly use each basic function to its maximum potential. Each lecture is simplified at a beginner level, in order to teach anyone and everyone at all levels the simplest and easiest version of how to use PowerPoint. Lectures are specified on individual sections for less confusion. Straight to the point videos with little to no rambling. Please be sure to look out for my other courses here on Udemy!All of my courses come with a no questions asked, 30-day money back guarantee. Once finished the course, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have, so be sure to rate and leave a comment about what you liked and disliked about my course. Your feedback will help me improve the course, as well as, future courses to come! Feel free to recommend any courses you would like to see me create for your benefit."
Price: 24.99

"Twitter Marketing Secrets 2017-A step-by-step complete guide"
"""500+students enrolledwithin just 5days of the course launch and over2,900 students within 3 months of the course launch!!""One piece of advice, ""Learn making money from the man, who mints money out himself""Don't trust my words. Listen to what my students have to say :""Best Twitter Marketing Course on Earth !! This Course will Skyrocket your Twitter Career. I Highly recommend to take this course""""This is the best course on twitter and on monetizing a twitter page that I've seen online. The instructor is very knowledgeable about this process and the support he provides is also very satisfactory. Well worth the money.""""Always wanted to know how to make $$$ on Twitter. This course is complete and has all the info I need to make money on Twitter""""This course is effective and precise, practically tells you what to do and as soon as you start doing that, you start getting those actual followers who are interested in your products, so its kinda fascinating when it starts producing results when I'm just one week into the course..hope to get a lot of traffic to my blog and sales on my products!""You can check the reviews section also.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Twitter Marketing Guide 2017-A Step-by-Step Complete Guide'contains the road map to gain26,000 REAL AND TARGETED followers in just 20 weeks. Whats different about this course? This course is realistic, it doesnt beat about the bush andis focused.This course is complete so don't monkey around and waste your time.And has many other secrets !The three big take-ways from this course How to become a Twitter expertHow to make money with your twitter marketingHow to grow your followers-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A closer look to what youll learn? Why Targeted Followers are 100X more productiveThe Art of making Killer Twitter profileHow to Master use of Hashtags to improve followersThe Art of creating Free content for your social media followers Running effective social media campaignsThe 25: 75 Rule Highly targeted Followers and their worth The 20 week Killer plan its a social media strategy that works Get you social media marketing objectives in just 20 minutes a dayHow to increase followers continuously without any stopCase Studies: How do I sell my influenceHow to Use Twitter to sell products &servicesand much more...Looking forward to seeing you on the inside ;)"
Price: 159.99

"Improve Student Reading through Direct Phonics Instruction"
"Are you a teacher or parent who have students who struggle with reading? This course will provide you with ways to diagnose problem areas and focus your instruction on directly addressing those areas. Games and easy to create instructional tools are included to provide enough practice so that your students will reach automaticity in their ability to decode words."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Marketplace Stores: E-commerce Guide 2018"
"Have you ever wanted to open an online store? Do you want to make extra money online? Do you want to work part time but make full time income?If you answered yes to one or more of those questions then this course is for YOU! This is your crash course to successfully launching and operating a marketplace store. In this course you will learn the tools, tips, tricks, and hacks to making five figures monthly (or more) from marketplace stores. Learn how to open a store on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, and more!I share my success secrets with you and arm you with the tools to start making income from day one! Plus, get a behind the scenes look at my personal marketplace store and learn how to easily run a marketplace store part time or full time!"
Price: 49.99

"Social Media Hacks for Beginners"
"If you are interested in mastering social media and using it to build up your brand, get traffic, and make money then this Udemy course is for YOU!You will learn successful strategies to:Growth hack your social media accountsAdd thousands of brand new fans and followers to your social network accountsOptimize your social media accounts and posts for maximum exposure, activity, and engagementGet free traffic driven from social media to your websiteUse social media to make moneyIn this course, I share my secret strategies that I've personally used to grow my social media accounts to over 150,000 followers in a short time. Save yourself time and take this course if you want to learn targeted strategy to build up and grow your social network accounts, get loads of traffic, and make money! Optimized to be newbie-friendly, perfect for beginners."
Price: 49.99

"Gelassen bleiben und Stress abbauen"
"aktualisiert: Juni 2017 // danke an bisher ber 120 Kursteilnehmer Fhlst Du Dich oft gestresst und Deinen negativen Emotionen ausgeliefert? Vielleicht hast Du das Gefhl, wie ein verglhender ICE durchs Leben zu rasen, ohne die Mglichkeit anzuhalten? Kleinigkeiten bringen Dich aus der Fassung? Dann kann dieses Gelassenheitstraining Dein Leben verndern! In diesem auf Resultate ausgerichteten Coaching lernst Du, wie Du Stress abbaust und stattdessen mehr Gelassenheit und Leichtigkeit in Deinen Alltag bringst. Du lernst dabei die wirkungsvollsten Techniken fr mehr Glck und Zufriedenheit, die oft nicht schwerer sind als ein Lcheln! Du lernst einen positiveren Blickwinkel auf Probleme zu entwickeln und mit unangenehmen Gefhlen umzugehen, sowie den Kreislauf negativer Gedanken zu beruhigen. Ich selbst stand als Ingenieur stndigen Deadlines gegenber. Mein Alltag war stressig und voller Zwnge. Ich fhlte mich gestresst und ausgeliefert. Das Gefhl von Stress entstand dabei immer wieder auch durch private Probleme oder Rechtsstreite und die Angst vor einer Kndigung. Ich beschftige mich zwar schon seit vielen Jahren mit Meditation, aber das alleine schien nicht zu helfen, wenn mich wirklich schwerwiegende Sorgen beschftigten. Mit diesem Zustand wollte ich mich nicht abfinden. Ich beschftigte mich intensiv mit allen erdenklichen Methoden um auch in stressigen Zeiten und bei schwerwiegenden Problemen gelassen zu bleiben. Nicht alles was ich fand funktionierte, aber ich stie auch auf viele hochwirksame Techniken, die ich von da an immer wieder anwendete. Der Erfolg blieb nicht aus. Das Gefhl von Stress hatte immer weniger Platz in meinem Leben. Ich konnte meine Gedanken von nun an effektiv beruhigen und fand eine wirkungsvolle Methode um mit negativen Gefhlen umzugehen. In diesem Kurs stelle ich dir die wirkungsvollsten Techniken vor um gelassen zu bleiben und dauerhaft Stress abzubauen. Du lernst dabei: - Wirkungsvolle Techniken um dem Kreislauf negativer Gedanken zu entkommen und den dadurch entstehenden Stress abzubauen. - Geniale Gewohnheiten um den stressigen Alltag gelassen zu meistern und Stress vorzubeugen - Nur in diesem Kurs: eine magische Technik um mit negativen Gefhlen umzugehen und diese loszulassen - Hochwirksame Techniken um deinen Krper zu entspannen und Stress loszulassen: eine einfache aber sehr wirkungsvolle Atemtechnik & eine Achtsamkeits-Meditation - Die zauberhafte Methode der Akupressur fr sofortige Entspannung In diesem Kurs zum Abbau von Stress und fr mehr Gelassenheit und Entspannung, werde ich Dir die hochwirksamen Methoden und Techniken genauestens erklren. So wird es Dir leicht fallen diese anzuwenden. Du erlernst dabei auch die Fhigkeit mit Hilfe deiner inneren Einstellungen den Schwierigkeiten des Lebens gegenberzutreten. Die Methoden dieses Kurses wirken dabei unabhngig von den konkreten Auslsern deiner Probleme. Sie helfen Dir also sowohl bei Schwierigkeiten im Job oder sogar Arbeitslosigkeit, beim Umgang mit Krankheiten und zwischenmenschlichen Problemen oder den Problemen von Eltern oder Heranwachsenden. Gelassen und entspannt zu bleiben ist nichts womit man geboren wird, sondern es gibt wirkungsvolle Methoden und Vorgehensweisen, die von JEDEM erlernt werden knnen. Damit Du diese Methoden auch wirklich lernst, verstehst und ausprobierst, wird jede Methode sogleich in einem praktischen Teil der jeweiligen Lektion angewendet werden. So kann nichts schief gehen. Es gibt allerdings eine Bedingung, damit es wirklich Vernderungen in deinem Leben gibt und du von den hochwirksamen Methoden fr mehr Gelassenheit und zum Abbau von Stress profitieren kannst: Du musst sie auch ausprobieren und dann kontinuierlich anwenden. Es gibt keinen Zauberspruch und ich werde Dich auch nicht hypnotisieren: Es ist wie bei einer neuen Sportart, die du lernst, um erfolgreich zu sein, probierst Du neue Sachen aus, bst sie und irgendwann kannst Du dann schwimmen (z.B.). Da Du diese Beschreibung soweit gelesen hast, bin ich mir sicher, dass dein Wunsch zur berwindung von Stress und negativen Gedanken und Gefhlen gro genug ist, um auch die in diesem Kurs angebotenen Schritte zu gehen! Ich bin daher berzeugt, dass auch du erfolgreich sein wirst. Falls sich irgendwelche Fragen zur Anwendung der Methoden oder zum Kurs oder Thema allgemein bei Dir einstellen sollten, kannst Du diese jederzeit hier im Forum stellen. Stell Dir schon mal vor wie es wre, wenn Du trotz all deiner Sorgen und Problem morgens mit einem Lcheln aufstehen kannst und heiter in den Tag starten kannst! Nutze jetzt die Chance diese hochwirksamen Techniken zu erlernen und buche jetzt diesen Kurs. Und keine Sorge es besteht kein Risiko: Fr diesen Kurs gilt eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie, falls Du mit dem Kurs in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest! Je schneller Du Dich einschreibst, desto schneller kannst Du hier loslegen und von den Methoden profitieren! // Wir sehen uns im Kurs! //"
Price: 39.99

"Serenity: 14 Ways to Relieve the Feeling of Stress"
"//Updated 08/2017, Thank you for more than 1200 students.// Do you know this situation? You feel stressed. You feel like you're speeding through your life with no opportunity to stop. Often, you feel like you're at the mercy of your negative feelings. Your thoughts circle endlessly around a problem and you cant take a break. Small things can upset you easily. We all know this is not a wanted situation, it costs a lot of energy. Leads to problems in our relationships, in our job and causes health problems! Don't hang on!You're about to improve your life quality with help of this course. In this intensiv course, I will show you the 14 most effective ways to gain serenity, to relieve stress become serene, handle difficulties, be happy and relaxed. You will learn: Great techniques to stop the circle of negative thoughts for instant destressingKiller habitsto relieve stress and to be more relaxed and serene in your everyday lifeONLY IN THIS COURSE: An incredible way to handle our feelings to protect yourself from stress.Powerful techniques to relax your body like a powerful beginner's breathing technique and an easy-to-use beginner meditation, My history: I felt the exact same way (feeling stressed, helpless and full of negative thoughts circling endlessly). However, I also felt a strong desire to change this. I wanted to change the circumstances that made me feel so stressed and negative, but I also felt that it wasn't just about the circumstances, but my ability to deal with them. I wanted to find inner peace and serenity for myself from within. After doing a lot of research: Now I know that relieving stress, being serene and keeping calm are not a matter of miracles or of being born for them. There are certain strategies and methods that enable you to handle difficulties in a more relaxed manner, and there are effective techniques to relax your body and mind. Using this methods I could relieve stress, and managed to stop the circle of negative thoughts and to overcome negative feelings. The results for my live have been amazing. I stated to enjoy my life again. The energy I used to stress and worry was now available to achieve my actual goals. In this Stress Management Course I will teach you exactly how to overcome stress properly so you can relieve anxiety and experience more peace, relaxation and better health. You will learn and use the methods by clearly explained exercises. Relieve stress and keeping calm while small or big problems occur can be learned by everybody. Imagine how nice it would be if you could relieve stress, manage your negative feelings and this negative circle of thoughts...If you could wake up feeling good despite your responsibilities. Imagine being able to stay in a good mood even throughout life's everyday problems. How could this improve your long term joy of life? For me, this is worth a lot. Actually, it's priceless. You can learn to keep calm! I cordially invite you to start changing your life. Change how you handle problems, relieve stress and bring serenity to your everyday live! Take the chance now and enroll in this course for true serenity.This course comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee, and if you're anything less thanfully satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.The faster you enroll the faster you will benefit from these powerful 14 methods!"
Price: 29.99

"Laughter Yoga: Experience joy, happiness and health benefits"
"Updated 08/2017, Thank you for more than 2000 students.Laughing is healthy! It makes us happy, relaxed and reduces stress! How often do you usually laugh? Probably too little, right? Thats normal. Our world is full of responsibilities and rushing.Lots of problems may prevent us from coming in the mood for laughing. The truth is: the less we laugh, the harder it becomes. Laughter Yoga provides an easy way to bring laughter in your life no matter where you are or what time it isBy practicing Laughter Yoga regularly, you'll enjoy its countless benefits. Not only that, but you'll have fun and experience happiness while doing it. By practicing Laughter Yoga regularly: Laughter Yoga will bring more happiness and lightheartedness into your life. Youll better withstand difficult times and times of stress. The people around you will feel more comfortable around you and you may infect them with your natural laughter, which will become more frequent throughout the day. You'll experience the positive effects of Laughter Yoga on your health...What is Laughter Yoga? Laughter Yoga is a system of exercises that make you laugh without using any jokes. Yes, this is no joke. Laughter Yoga was invented in 1995 and is now spreading all over the world. Get started now with the Laughter Yoga with this course! One thing is to be mentioned before: Laughter Yoga does not provide jokes or a comedic performance. In this course:You will learn about the concept of laughing without a reason.You will learn what laughter yoga can do for you. You will learn how laughter yoga works. You will learn how to overcome problems in the beginning. In the second part you will start directly with your first LAUGHING EXERCISES. You can use this course to do laughter yoga regularly! 15 years ago, I was searching for happiness. It was then when I remembered all of the funny moments I had in my youth and as a child. I remembered the fits of uncontrollable laughter when I laughed for minutes without even understanding why. Unfortunately, these times were gone. I was experiencing a stressful time and wasn't really happy about the circumstances of my life. Then, I started Laughter Yoga. In the beginning, it was a really new world and it took a while for me to enter it. But even by just trying five times without complete success, I realized that laughter yoga did unleash my smile and laughter. I began to laugh more often during the day! When I finally successfully came to natural laughter while doing laughter yoga, I experienced truly funny moments, and my general feeling of happiness increased. I started to practice Laughter Yoga regularly in a group. It was really fun, and I laughed a lot! Even today, I cant believe how easy it is to be happier! Some years later I wanted to do more, and started to open my own laughter yoga group. I worked as a laughter yoga instructor for a year and a half. Now, I want to give more and more people the chance to experience the multiple benefits of laughter yoga. That's why I created an online course to get you instant access to Laughter Yoga exercises no matter where you are or what time it is. I really want to make this course a good experience for you. Therefore I will clearly explain the basics of voluntary laughter in the first part of the course. In the second part of the course, we can start to directly perform the laughing exercises. We'll do the exercises together so you can benefit from laughter yoga! Heres what others have said about their experience with this Laughter Yoga Online Course on udemy: ***""Very likeable teacher that explains laughter yoga very good, step by step. A course that is a joy to do."" ***""This course is fun and laughing fun...even if you're not in the mood to does its goals and gets one moving and laughing and moving in laughter""***""Its an interesting way to bring happiness into your life and we all need to be happier with all the problems that are experienced on a day to day basis. Thank you for this."" This course comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee. If you're anything less thanfully satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase.Experience a shortcut to happiness and joy: Klick on ""Buy now""!The faster you enroll the faster you can benefit! ;-)//See you in the course! //"
Price: 29.99

"Configuring network protocols: A beginners guide to CCNA"
"CCNA 200-125 labs by BGPGRID utilizing UNetLab software. This course will help prepare for your CCNA exam by showing practical examples of how to configure various protocols and tasks. We take you through configuring the following:VlansIPRouting (OSPF, BGP, EIGRP)GRE TunnelsNATPPPand moreThis course will help you on your journey to becoming a successful network engineer so do not wait any longer.Cisco certifications are some of the most widely respected accreditations in the IT industry. Cisco training brings measurable rewards to network professionals are are highly valued by managers, employers and organizations worldwide.The Associate level of Cisco Certifications can begin directly with CCNA for network installation, operations and troubleshooting or CCDA for network design. Think of the Associate Level as the foundation level of networking certification.Benefits of this courseCustom labsAffordable costEasy to understand lectures"
Price: 19.99

"How To Meditate: Easy As 1, 2, 3 Complete Guide"
"For too long meditation has been an elusiveand confusing matter. Not any more!Meditation is too powerful of a transformativetool to let slip by.It has the power to change your life!I'll show you how in three steps:1.Structure, 2.Content and3.Focus.The first step is Structure. In this section we'll look at how to structure the time (when and the duration) of yourmeditation. We'll discuss structuring the optimal space for a meditation practice and finally, we'll cover the structure of the body. Here we'll learn the many postures of meditation: sitting, standing, lying down and walking.The second step is Content. This is the 'stuff' of your meditation. Here we discover what to focus on and how to do it.This is where many traditions differ on how to meditate. Lucky, I've had in-depth experience with enough styles to know they can allbe simplified into 8main content-types: Breath, Body, Mantra, Thoughts, Emotions, Sounds, Loving-kindness (heart-meditation), and Open Awareness. By the end of the course you'll have a working familiarity with each and be able to work with the type that most empowers you.The final step is Focus.After deciding what to place your focus on, we can begin to look athow to place your focus. What is the quality of your attention? Here you learn to increase your powers of concentration, enabling you to see, with deep insight, intoyour reality as it unfolds before you. What follows isdeep clarity, inner understanding and tranquility.While this topic is slightly more advanced, it supports the beginning and theintermediate meditator alike,allowing you to take your practice to the next level and see even deeper gains.Lastly, we conclude with a summary of other elements that will support your gains as you continue to develop your meditation practice. We'll look at some science based evidence onthe benefits of meditation practice. We'll look at foods which support meditation, audio techniques tosupport,other textual resources to which you may refer as well as some guided meditation.Also, we'll discuss the potential benefits of meditating with a community as well as the transformative power of coupling physical and breathing exercises in with your meditation practice.Meditation has absolutely transformed my life and the lives of everyone who as adopted an informed and consistentpractice. Let me guide you on this miraculous journey; it would be my sincerest, deepest honor; my greatest pleasure! I hope to see you in class!"
Price: 99.99

"Become an Expert in Chemistry, Reaction Rates & Equilibrium"
"Chemistry fundamentals -Have you ever wondered what affects the rate of a chemical reaction or about chemical equilibrium? Do you find chemistry confusing and want to start from the basics and fundamentals in Chemistry? Do you have a Chemistry Test or Chemistry Exam coming up and need help understanding the basics of Chemistry? Are you in high school or a secondary school or do you wish to student chemistry, pharmacy, biology, nursing, engineering at University but have trouble with General Chemistry? By taking this course, I can help you become a master in Chemistry and pass that Chemistry Exam or Test. Dont let your fear of Chemical Science hold you back, Do not worry if you have very little knowledge of Chemistry, we will go through the basics and build your knowledge in Chemistry. The contents of this chemistry coursewill help improve your understanding andgrade in any chemistry test or exam related to chemical equilibrium and the rates of a chemical reaction. Initially we will look at what a chemical reaction is, how we measure a chemical reaction and factors which effect the rate of a chemical reaction. We will then explore chemical equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium, and Le Chatelier's principle. I have used a wide range of movinganimationsand graphics to explain complex concepts, as I have found this helps in Chemistry. The essential core chemistry theory for each topic is covered clearly and in detail. II have used lots of illustrations and worked examples are used extensively to help your learning and understanding in Chemistry. Throughout the course, questions and exercises are integrated with theory to help you clarify and consolidate your understanding of new concepts in Chemistry. The course includes summary questions and a test in Chemical Equilibrium and Reaction Rates in Chemistry. I have provided detailed answers to all the Chemistry questions in this course to provide you with immediate feedback and a means of enhancing your progress and understanding. By taking this course, you will start to love Chemistry. I will help build your understanding of Chemistry from the ground up."
Price: 29.99

"Corso completo di Architettura 3D per Blender"
"Eun corso completo in cui ti spiego come muoverti efficacementeallinterno di Blender e come, seguendo un workflow logico eacquisendo le giuste tecniche di esecuzione, potrai migliorare le tuecapacit nel campo della modellazione e del renderingarchitettonico.Lobiettivodi questo corso quello di aiutarti ad apprendere in modo piefficiente una metodologia professionale di lavoro che ti permetta dicreare immagini architettoniche virtuali di sicuro impatto visivo."
Price: 119.99

"The Ethical Hacking Starter Kit: 12 Techniques"
"*******************SPECIAL NOTE: WE KEEP ADDING NEW LECTURESPlease note that we keep adding new lecturesto this course on a regular basis! We want to make it the best Udemy course onEthical Hackingand help you feel what's like to be a realEthical Hacker & Pen Tester.*******************This course will help you masterHacking Tricks, as well as the theoretical and practical basis forEthical Hacking&Penetration Testing.You will get lifetime access to the course's content!This course comes with a30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, youll get your money back!Ill personally be answering any questions you have and Ill be happy to provide links, resources andany help I canto help youmasterEthical Hacking & Penetration Testing.What are you waiting for?! Click ""Take This Course"" and let's get started!"
Price: 194.99

"Italian Pronunciation - Perfect for Singers"
"The requirements for this course are: A basic knowledge of the Italian language download and print the PDF worksheets of the lessons with the symbol + STAMPA before starting themThat s how the course will look like:There will be 59 lectures. Each lecture will focus on a specific topic or on one or two sounds of the Italian language. The PDF worksheets (esercizi) include your homework andsome exercises to be done while watching the videos.In case the exercises have to be done while watching the video, you will find the symbol + STAMPA (print) after the lecture title and the sign VIDEO in the PDF worksheet. Please download and print those PDF worksheets before starting those lectures. The other PDF worksheets and exercises are to be done after watching the lecture.The PDF worksheets also provide the solutions to the exercises and at the end of some lectures rules for the pronunciation.Download the lectures to learn when and where you want. At the end of this course, students will be able to Pronounce clearly each sound of the Italian language thanks to audio samples to listen and repeat Articulate each sound of the Italian language with videos of the shape of my mouth to mimic Read and understand the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols of the Italian language Articulate sounds difficult to pronounce for non-native Italian speakers Distinguish sounds thanks to discrimination exercises Use the rules of the Italian pronunciation they have learned I designed this course for...Singers, orchestra and chior conductors, accompanists and every musician in need to improve the Italian pronunciation to become a better performer. Italian learners who want to speak Italian more clearly. The lessons will be in Italian but dont worry: the instructions are very easy and will guide you step-by-step in the learning process. Youll get used to it very soon! Happy learning!"
Price: 39.99

"Master Goal Setting"
"In this course, you will learn how to get anything you want in life more quickly than ever before. You will reach your maximum potential and become unstoppable by creating, setting and achieving your goals.This course is for individuals who want to:Reach their peak performanceAchieve massive successfulGet anything they want in lifeOn the other hand, this course is NOT for individuals:Who are lazyWho just want to get byWho dont want to find their purposeWho dont care about their futureAll you need for this course is:Access to streaming internetA pen and notepadAn unwavering determination to succeed"
Price: 19.99

"Build a Six-Figure Online Business Selling Online Courses"
"If you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, author, coach or career professional who has been struggling to figure out how to earn extra income on the side, or if you want to turn your passion into a full time income, then keep reading. Below, I'll share with you the easiest solution to overcome all of these challenges by creating and selling valuable and profitable online courses.Are you tired of Sunday nights spent dreading the work week?Do you dream of passive income from online courses, but keep talking yourself out of it? Are you looking to get into online business but dont know where to start? Have you launched an online course, but arent getting the results you expected? Whatever your background may be, if youve ever thought about turning your knowledge, your unique gifts and your passion into a profitable online course, then youve come to the right place! Looktheres no doubt that you have valuable insight to share with your tribe. But that doesnt automatically guarantee that you can connect with them and get what youve created in front of them. And even if you do, theres no guarantee that your course is packaged in a way thatll engage them and convert them into buyers. To do all of that and make moneyyou need a lot more than empty promises and hot air. You need a plan. You need a step-by-step guide that will walk you through every aspect of creating a course for people thats irresistible, valuable and most importantly profitable. Thats exactly what this course is. The Internet is full of experts but most of them are wrong. It seems like every day there's a new training, free guide, or blog post promising that you can make a gazillion dollars if you just buy this product. Theres no shortage of training courses teaching the tactical tools and techniques to create and sell an online course. While thats extremely valuable and a necessary part of any course creation and promotion, just knowing the mechanics of doing something doesnt guarantee youll be successful at it. This missing component is the reason so many course creators fail at making their courses profitable. This course is different over 60,000 students is the proof. In the last two years my husband Joe and I have been able to earn a generous 6-figure monthly income running an online business andcreating and selling online courses. By implementing the strategies I teach in this course, Joes courses have enrolled over 60,000 students, earning him Udemys best seller instructor status. All you need to create, launch and profit. This comprehensive training program provides absolutely everything you'll need to successfully launch your own online business, courses and programsand profit from them.From figuring out what you should be teaching to positioning, pricing and marketing, I'll walk you through everything you need to know to create and launch a unique course that customers will happily pay premium fees for... and we'll work together to do it, step-by-step. You won't find anything here that hasn't worked for me or my clients!This is hands-on, action-taking, make-it-happen training."
Price: 94.99

"Fale Francs! - Curso bsico de Francs I"
"Voc quer aprender Francs? Ento veio ao lugar certo!Aqui voc ir aprender o bsico da lngua francesa com uma professora nativa, diretamente da Frana!""Fale Francs!"" um curso para quem no possui nenhum conhecimento prvio deFrancs mas tambm pode ser til para refrescar a memria de quem j fala um pouco da lngua francesa.Vamos comear dobsico: no inicio desse curso voc ir aprender o alfabeto francs,mas ao trmino do curso voc vai poder ter conversas curtas com falantes de francs e, mais que isso, voc vai soar como um verdadeiro francs!Vamos comear?"
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Guide To Mastering All Difficult Conversations."
"*******************************************************************************************************30 day money back guarantee. Life time access to all the content in this course. Free bi-weekly video conferences. Ongoing course content development. Communityforum. My commitment and passion is for your success. I am always here for you!*******************************************************************************************************I'm going to help you increase your influence and ability to 'Master all Difficult Conversations' at work, home and play.This is the only course that you need in order to master all difficult conversations.My 32 years of teaching these TIPS to thousands of students will enable you to improve your Attitude, Skills and Knowledge, (ASK). Here are some of the Benefits, Advantages and Results(BAR) for taking this course:Learn how to remain calm under extreme pressure6 amazing TIPS to listening actively in every difficult conversationPreparing for success with your boss, peers, staff, colleagues and friendsNegotiate effectively with confidence, power and integrityVastly improve your Attitude, Skills, Knowledge (ASK) and mindsetLearn how to benefit from difficult conversationsEasy memory aids that increases your learning and retentionFREE access to my bi-weekly video conferences to ask any question30 day money back guarantee and lifetime access to all the information in this courseThis course is constantly updated with new TIPS, content and lectures. You pay once for a never ending supply of developer training.I am allergic to time wasting and boring lectures. I will always go directly to what you need to learn without cutting any corners.Once you register to attend any of my courses you also register to learn with me for life.Download every video, PowerPoint slides, PDF documents and MP3 files.The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. Personal growth is my passion. Let us journey and improve together.In addition you will receive:Ongoing support from me through the Udemy platform, including the discussion forum and private messages.A response to your questions within 18 hours. I am totally committed to your success.Even if you never take this course, I sincerely appreciate the fact that you visited this course."
Price: 29.99

"Cisco CCNA R&S - Curso Completo - 200-125"
"Este curso tem o intuito de trazer todo o contedo programatico para a certificao Cisco CCNA 200-125.Ele foi pensado da melhor forma para que voc entenda todos os tpicos que podem ser cobrados naprova, bem como para conceitos e problemasque so vivenciados em nosso dia a dia. Durante todo nosso treinamento irei trazer problemas/informaes sobre a prova e tambm analogias com os problemas quem enfrentamos em nossa rea.Nos iremos explicar desde endereamento binrio, hexadecimal, Modelo OSI, TCP-IP, passando pelas tecnologias de Layer 2 (STP, HSRP, PPP, Etherchannel, etc ), pelas tecnologias de Layer 3 (Etherchannel, NAT, IPv6, etc ), protocolos de roteamento (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP Basico ), Tecnologias de VPN (DMVPN, Site-to-Site ). Enfim, temos muito contedo para apresentar para voc com muita qualidade."
Price: 309.99

"Ionic Framework (Basic) by Senchabox"
""" Senchabox""Dev 1 Android iOS ! Mobile Developer (Hybrid Application) 7 Udemy Style Relax ... Video Online !"" "" Developer :) Application"
Price: 6400.00

"Piano Unbound. Piano learning method, a course for beginners"
"I am writing this course hoping to expose the newly-excited, first-time student to a musical world far, far larger than that taught in traditional courses, unbound by the rigors of analytic note-learning and theory notions memorization structured in an organic, easy to follow set of lessons. This course uses pieces composed by Bela Bartok in Vol. I of his wonderful collection entitled ""Mikrokosmos"", a set of six volumes, 153 delightful pieces.You will advance as a pianist right from the start, with all concepts explained through targeted musical sessions, developing your inner ear and artistic intelligence in parallel with mastering piano dexterity. The end of the course will bring you a level of understanding of musical pieces of not only score-reading and analysis but how to go deeper than the score and add your own piano interpretation into the musical act."
Price: 194.99

"Badminton Mastery: How to unleash your badminton potential"
"If you want to start beating opponents you never seem to be able to beatat your community centre, school, or badminton club, then you need skills you currently don't have. I've studied over 6000 students and figured out the most effective ways to teach the most difficult badminton techniques. This course is designed to help you learn the key skills that will elevate your badminton game to the next level. So that when you go on the badmintoncourt, you have the confidence to dominate your opponent!The funny thing about badminton is the longeryou use the wrong techniques, the harder it is unlearn.So what do you say we get started on training you in the art of badminton today?"
Price: 39.99

Price: 39.99