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"Egyetemi matematika - Matek 1 (BCE - kzgz)"
"dvzllek!Ezzel a kurzussal segteni szeretnk neked, hogy knnyebben megrtsd az egyetemen tanult matekot s sikerljenek a szmonkrseid!A megrtst elssorban gyakorlati mdon, pldk megoldsn keresztl szeretnm elrni. Az elmletet csak rintlegesen, ""htkznapiasan"" mutatom meg, hogy ne a matematikai jellsekben vessz el mr az els percekben.Ne aggdj, a kurzus megrtshez komoly alapismeretek nem szksgesek! Ha felvettek az egyetemre, akkor annyi alapod van, amivel el tudsz indulni s onnantl segtsgedre leszek ;-)A kurzusban a fggvnytani alapok, a sorozatok s fggvnyek hatrrtknek kiszmtsa, a derivls, a fggvnyelemzs, mtrixokhoz s vektorrendszerekhez kapcsol ismeretek s a tbbvltozs fggvnyek hatrrtknek elemzse szerepel. Ha brhol gy rzed, hogy tbb anyagra lenne szksg, akkor nyugodtan szlj! Igyekszem az ignyeiteknek megfelelen mindig tovbbfejleszteni a kurzust, rmmel veszem az szrevteleket! Nzz csak bele az ingyenes videkba, hogy lsd mire szmthatsz! :-)Itt a Udemy-n minden a dikokrt van! Nem kell aggdnod, hogy hnyszor nzel meg egy videt, mivel korltlan hozzfrst kapsz. Radsul rkk hozzfrsz, nem csak a mr feltlttt videkhoz, hanem a ksbbi j anyagokhoz is! Ezen kvl itt vagyok, hogy mindig vlaszoljak a felmerl krdsekre, szval sosem maradsz magadra!Az eddigiekben Udemy-n velem tanul tbb, mint 5800 dik vlemnye szerint hasznosak az anyagaim, szval nagyon remlem, hogy rajtad is segteni tudok ezzel a kurzussal! rmmel ltlak s vrom a te vlemnyedet! J tanulst! Megjegyzs: A kurzus tematikjt elssorban a BCE-s kpzsek kt flves matematika oktatshoz igaztottam. A kapcsold, msodik, kurzusban lesz sz a sorokrl, az integrlsrl, a valsznsg-szmtsrl s a tbbi oda tartoz tmakrrl.Ha mrnki kpzsen tanulsz vagy egyb kpzsen tanulsz analzist, akkor a msik elss matek kurzusomat ajnlom a figyelmedbe. Ha egyb, ms tematikj, matematika kpzsed van, akkor krlek nzz bele a videkba, nzd meg a tematikt s az alapjn dntsd el, hogy neked val-e a kurzus! (Az egyes tmakrk egymstl fggetlenl is rthetek!)"
Price: 39.99

"Egyetemi matematika - Lineris algebra"
"dvzllek!Ezzel a kurzussal segteni szeretnk neked, hogy knnyebben megrtsd az egyetemen tanult matekot s sikerljenek a szmonkrseid!A megrtst elssorban gyakorlati mdon, pldk megoldsn keresztl szeretnm elrni. Az elmletet csak rintlegesen, ""htkznapiasan"" mutatom meg, hogy ne a matematikai jellsekben vessz el mr az els percekben.Ne aggdj, a kurzus megrtshez komoly alapismeretek nem szksgesek! Ha felvettek az egyetemre, akkor annyi alapod van, amivel el tudsz indulni s onnantl segtsgedre leszek ;-)A kurzusban a lineris algebra tmakreit vesszk sorra. Megismertetlek a hrom dimenzis tr vektoraival, majd rtrnk a mtrixok s vektorrendszerek vizsglatra. ttekintjk az egyenletrendszerek megoldsi mdszereit (determinns-szmts, Gauss-eliminci, elemi bzistranszformci), megtanulunk mtrixokat invertlni s a mtrixok sajtrtk-sajtvektor problmjt megoldani. Vgl a kvadratikus alakok segtsgvel elemezzk a tbbvltozs fggvnyek szlsrtkeit.Ha brhol gy rzed, hogy tbb anyagra lenne szksg, akkor nyugodtan szlj! Igyekszem az ignyeiteknek megfelelen mindig tovbbfejleszteni a kurzust, rmmel veszem az szrevteleket! Nzz bele az ingyenes videkba, hogy lsd mire szmthatsz! :-)Itt a Udemy-n minden a dikokrt van! Nem kell aggdnod, hogy hnyszor nzel meg egy videt, mivel korltlan hozzfrst kapsz. Radsul rkk hozzfrsz, nem csak a mr feltlttt videkhoz, hanem a ksbbi j anyagokhoz is! Ezen kvl itt vagyok, hogy mindig vlaszoljak a felmerl krdsekre, szval sosem maradsz magadra!Az eddigiekben Udemy-n velem tanul tbb, mint 5800 dik vlemnye szerint hasznosak az anyagaim, szval nagyon remlem, hogy rajtad is segteni tudok ezzel a kurzussal! rmmel ltlak s vrom a te vlemnyedet! J tanulst! Megjegyzs: A lineris algebrt gyakran az analzissel prhuzamosan tantjk. Ezt a kurzust gy ksztettem, hogy az analzis tanulmnyoktl fggetlenl is rthet legyen. Csupn a tbbvltozs fggvnyek szlsrtknek vizsglathoz szksges az analzis egyik tmakrnek, a derivlsnak, az ismerete.Amennyiben te is prhuzamosan tanulod a lineris algebrt s az analzist, javaslom, hogy nzz r az analzis kurzusomra is!"
Price: 29.99

"Egyetemi matematika - Analzis 3"
"dvzllek!Ezzel a kurzussal segteni szeretnk neked, hogy knnyebben megrtsd az egyetemen tanult matekot s sikerljenek a szmonkrseid!A megrtst elssorban gyakorlati mdon, pldk megoldsn keresztl szeretnm elrni. Az elmletet csak rintlegesen, ""htkznapiasan"" mutatom meg, hogy ne a matematikai jellsekben vessz el mr az els percekben.A kurzusban a differencilegyenletek s a magasabb szint integrls llnak a kzppontban. Bemutatom az analitikusan megoldhat differencilegyenletek megoldst illetve a numerikus megoldsi mdszerek alapjait. Ezutn a vonalintegrl s a felleti integrl kiszmtsa kvetkezik, amelyekhez kapcsoldan megismerheted az integrlelmleteket is.Ha brhol gy rzed, hogy tbb anyagra lenne szksg, akkor nyugodtan szlj! Igyekszem az ignyeknek megfelelen mindig tovbbfejleszteni a kurzust, rmmel veszem az szrevteleket! Nzz csak bele az ingyenes videkba, hogy lsd mire szmthatsz! :-)Itt a Udemy-n minden a dikokrt van! Nem kell aggdnod, hogy hnyszor nzel meg egy videt, mivel korltlan hozzfrst kapsz. Radsul rkk hozzfrsz, nem csak a mr feltlttt videkhoz, hanem a ksbbi j anyagokhoz is! Ezen kvl itt vagyok, hogy mindig vlaszoljak a felmerl krdsekre, szval sosem maradsz magadra!Az eddigiekben Udemy-n velem tanul tbb, mint 5800 dik vlemnye szerint hasznosak az anyagaim, szval nagyon remlem, hogy rajtad is segteni tudok ezzel a kurzussal! rmmel ltlak s vrom a te vlemnyedet! J tanulst! A kurzus pt a derivls s integrls ismeretre. Ezeket a tmakrket rdemes tismtelni. Ha nincs hozz korrekt jegyzeted, akkor ajnlom az Analzis 1 kurzusomat, amiben szerepelnek a szksges alapismeretek.Megjegyzs: A kurzus tematikjt azokhoz a kpzsekhez igaztottam, ahol hrom flv alatt tantjk az alapokoktl a differencilegyenletekig az analzis egyes fejezeteit. Az els matek kurzus a sorozatokhoz, a komplex szmokhoz, a derivlshoz s az integrlshoz kapcsold ismereteket tekinti t. A msodik matek kurzus foglalkozik a mtrixmveletekkel, Fourier-sorokkal s a tbbivel. Ez a harmadik matematika kurzus foglalkozik a differencilegyenletekkel s a magasabb szint (vektormezkre vonatkoz) integrlsi feladatokkal."
Price: 39.99

"Algebra - Complex numbers"
"Welcome!By completing this course, you are going to be able to handle problems containing complex numbers. I'm going to show you the necessary theoretical background in a nutshell, basically through examples. The course really concentrates on solving problems! I believe that you should always learn through solving problems! That's why I made this course practical and I also give you a chance to practice on your own!I teach you one specific skill in every section. I introduce you to complex numbers that appear in polynomial equations and I take you all the way to solving complex polynomial equations. In between, you are going to learn all the essential skills: converting complex numbers between different forms, doing operations with complex numbers and plotting complex numbers. There is always a checkpoint at the end of a section where you get relevant problems with available detailed solutions!I believe in learning through examples so the course is highly practical. If you want to practice even more, you can stop the videos and make an effort of solving the numerical examples by yourself! Or at least you can solve the problems I give you at the checkpoints!You don't need much of a prior knowledge to take this course. Basically if you know some very simple math like addition or multiplication, you are good to go! I'm going to clear the necessary details during the lectures, so do not worry about the challenge!This course is primarily designed for university/college students who are learning Algebra/Calculus and have to deal with complex numbers. If you are struggling with this topic, let me help you! Here you are going to get every help that you possibly need! If you have already completed this topic but you feel like you need to practice the basics, you are also welcome in this course!I hope I can help you with this course just like I've already helped more than 5800 students with my other courses! I can't wait to see you inside! Have fun and learn a lot!Complex numbers appear in various engineering fields (Electricity, Control theory, etc.). Even if you only have to deal with real numbers, complex numbers can aid solution. For example complex solutions for differential equations helps you to find real solutions. This topic is very useful in practice!"
Price: 24.99

"Speed Reading Mastery: Double Your Reading Speed In 7 Days"
"DOES YOUR READING SLOW YOU DOWN? In your everyday life, your to-do list continues to grow, forced to work weekends to meet deadlines and often procrastinate checking your Facebook messages and anything else before starting the task at hand.Imagine if you could learn that language youve always wanted to speak, master an instrument or simply read the unread books on your bookshelf.NO ONE ENJOYS READING SLOWFor many people, they feel out of control because they were left behind by the education system.You also have had enough of throwing more money and hours at personal development books and courses to only feel dissatisfied with the end result.Imagine how incredible its going to feel when people constantly ask you how do you get so much done?!By the end of the course, you will be known amongst your friends as a speed reader who learns anything fast.THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SPEED READINGMost people dont realise you can improve your reading speed. Many of us believe we are either a good or a bad reader.The truth is there is no such thing as a bad reader- just an untrained reader.We are now living in the information era where information is readily available to anyone. With over 1,000 books published every single day, your job is to learn skills that will help you learn anything.Becoming a speed reader is like having a superpower but it isnt easy, however, with the right training and mindset anyone can learn.SPEED READING MASTERY COURSEThis online course helps you improve the four key elements of reading: mindset, memory, eye movement and speed.Once you streamline such a major part of your workload, youll discover you have more hours in the day.Imagine how many hours you can regain in your life when you double or triple your reading speed.If you save just one hour per day for a year, that equals 365 hours and more than nine 40-hour work weeks!Take a competitive edge over your peers by increasing your reading speed.Trust me, this new skill will not go unnoticed.24/7 access to me and the Facebook Private Mastermind! Daily content on speed reading, learning strategies, memory training and much more to help you learn anything faster.Lifetime access to the course. Which includes online applications and book recommendations.Certified speed reading certificate. You can add this to your CV and LinkedIn.BEYOND BEING A SPEED READERHead to your job or class, happy with everything youve learned so far and excited to check off every task on your to-do list.When youre talking to friends and colleagues, theyll ask themselves how you get so much done and yet still seem so calm.And what I encourage you to do is share your new skill with those around you as you will become a source of inspiration.Something once taught is twice learned.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORJordan Harry - CEO at StudyFast TEDx Speaker (1M+ views) Mixed Martial Artist Public SpeakerJordan is a memory and speed reading coach who has given a TEDx talk that has been viewed by 1.4 million people and taught over 15,000 people from 147 countries speed reading and memory.When he was 10, I had a speech impediment which left him struggling with speaking in public and reading.He now reads seven times faster than the average reader (1,500 words per minute), the CEO at StudyFast and an international public speaker.His mission is to make speed reading and memory training accessible to all.Featured in the BBC, TED, Virgin StartUp, LBC Radio and Metro.The average time taken to read this: 27 seconds100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE You are fully protected by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don't double your reading spend and maintain a 65% comprehension level once completing the course over 7-days just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.HOW LONG DOES THE COURSE TAKE?This course will last for 1 week.Only 15 minutes per day!It wont be easy - but if you put the work, you are guaranteed to succeed.WHAT YOU'LL GET INSIDEIntroduction to speed readingDebunking the myths of speed readingHow to speed read fiction and non-fictionHow to improve note-taking skillsReading and comprehension testsCertificate of completionSpeed reading appsBONUS: Speed Reading With DyslexiaBONUS: The Quick Guide to Speed Reading e-bookIf you have a visual or learning disability don't feel like speed reading is impossible... it isn't!Please contact me before enrolling in the course, so I can work with you to ensure your utmost success.I hope you get everything you expect, and more, from the course.- Jordan HarryP.S.: This isn't your normal online course: expect humour, clear and concise content that is far from boring!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to receive free products to review- USA"
"In this course anybody can learn the correct way to earn free items. By the end of this course you will be able to:*Opt in to websites that send you free items to your door.*What to do when you receive those items* Proper way to review items, ideally to get new campaigns.*How to build a proper profile* How to keep your items for freeThis course is made by showing you step by step the proper way to obtain free items to your door."
Price: 19.99

"Pagine Web e App con PHP: SQL, PHP OOP,PDO, pattern MVC"
"PHP, nonostante tante critiche pi o meno fondate, fra i linguaggi per il web pi conosciuti ed utilizzati. Le statistiche pi recenti pongono al 75% i siti e le applicazioni che utilizzano PHP per la loro struttura di sviluppo.In particolare, l'attuale versione di PHP, la 7, appare la pi veloce e la pi stabile di sempre.Il nostro linguaggio deve il suo successo alla sua facilit di apprendimento e alla velocit con la quale si possono sviluppare belle pagine dinamiche ed efficienti web app. Il successo   inoltre dovuto al fatto che il core di molto dei pi usati CMS, Wordpress su tutti, in PHP.Questo linguaggio di programmazione di scripting, lato server, nato nell'ormai lontano 1994, ha inizialmente abbracciato solo il paradigma funzionale/procedurale.Oggi ha raggiunto una notevole maturit nell'applicare con successo il paradigma di programmazione ad oggetti che accompagna adeguatamente il pattern MVC.PHP, al di l del suo uso in quanto tale, a capo di un ecosistema folto di framework e librerie con le quali realizzare dalle pi semplici alle pi complesse applicazioni web. Basti citare: Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony e tanti altri.Il corso intende proporre proprio l'insegnamento del paradigma OOP utilizzato normalmente nel pattern MVC che alla base della struttura di tutti i framework citati.Un'ampia parte dedicata al linguaggio SQL per la gestione di database. Cos da integrare query complesse in PHP per ottenere piena funzionalit a pagine web dinamiche e web app.OOP non sostituisce il PHP procedurale ma piuttosto permette di utilizzare con successo PHP su progetti medio-grandi che hanno una grado di strutturazione complessa ed esigenza di modularit e scalabilit elevate.Modularit e scalabilit che sono alla base anche del pattern MVC.Il corso si propone sempre in maniera molto pratica proponendo oltre le lezioni teoriche sulle strutture fondamentali, anche lo sviluppo passo di progetti di graduale complessit.Il corso richiede una minima conoscenza del PHP funzionale. In ogni caso, prevista una sezione di refresh del linguaggio.Si chiede anche una dimestichezza con l'utilizzo di editor/IDE e ambienti server locali  a scelta dello studente. Per quello che riguardo invece la sintassi SQL, OOP, MVC, PDO si parte completamente da zero, quindi il corso adatto anche ai neofiti di questi argomenti.Il corso pu essere utile anche a chi vuole fare un ripasso sistematico degli argomenti e di cui magari ha una conoscenza non sistematica e organizzata.Vista la modularit del corso organizzato in grandi sezioni autonome, si pu decidere un proprio percorso ideale secondo le proprie esigenze individuali.**********Sono previsti aggiornamenti e aggiunte progressive di nuove sezioni soprattutto nella realizzazione di progetti concreti. In particolare prevista nel breve termina la pubblicazione di una sezione dedicata allo sviluppo di un CMS di base***************"
Price: 119.99

"Curso de Servidores Linux en CENTOS para principiantes"
"Este curso esta diseado para brindarte las herramientas necesarias para iniciarte en el mundo de los servidores con GNU-LINUX.Al finalizar este curso estars en la capacidad de:-Crear una maquina virtual.-Instalar el sistema operativo Centos en su versin 6.5.-Actualizar el sistema operativo via la linea de comandos (Terminal).-A manejar los editores de texto (Gdit, nano, vi).-Permitir a un usuario ingresar comandos como root (Modificando el sudoers file).-Asignar permisos de Lectura, escritura y ejecucin a un archivo.-Asignar permisos de Lectura, escritura y ejecucin a una carpeta.-Crear una conexin remota a travs de SSH. (Modo texto).-Cambiar el puerto conocido de SSH.-Permitir un puerto en el IP Tables.-Como obtener la IPde mi Sistema Operativo.-Colocar una IP esttica.-Cambiar el nombre de mi equipo.-Crear una conexin remota de manera grfica a nuestro sistema con XRDP.-Abrir puertos en el IPTABLES para el XRDP.-Abrir programas desde la consola, uso del comando TOP, KILL.-Comprimir archivos, uso de los comandos TAR CF, TAR XF, GZIP-Comandos tiles para networking PING, IFCONFIG, NETSTAT y otros.-Instalacin de APACHE-Instalacin de PHP-Instalacin de Mysql"
Price: 19.99

"Python 3 - Learn the Basics and Go Pro"
"Become a Pro Developer in Python, the most demanded programming language of 2019!In this course we are going to cover the most important aspects of Python, from declaring a simple variable to work with built it libraries and more.The goal of this course is to take you step by step trough the concepts of Python, so in the end you are capable of creating your own programs and continue your specialization in more complex areas such as Machine Learning or Big Data.Our journey begins with a very quick history of Python, how to install it in Windows, Mac or Linux and everything is hands on from there.You can have very basic knowledge of Python or not at all, this course will help you understand how to code your programs, how to run them and even how to test them.This course has a little more than 80 lectures, so you can have a great and quick understanding of the program, with out needing to invest months to learn.All the programming lectures have a Notebook for you to test your skills, and this Notebooks can be dowloaded from this course. You will have lifetime access to all the Lessons and support in the Forum Section for all your questions or comments.What you'll learn here?Python InterpreterInstalling PythonVirtual Environments with AnacondaNumbers, Strings and ListsSetsArrays, Dictionaries and TuplesIf, While and For StatementsTry - Except Exceptions in PythonFunctionsLambda FunctionsLooping TechniquesModulesBuilt In ModulesPackagesFilesClassesInheritanceAnd much more....This course has a 30-day Guarantee. Hoping you to enjoy this course! And always keep learning!.- novfrost"
Price: 34.99

"THE FEAR 2.0 Core Confidence - Gain Confidence In 2020"
"2020 CONFIDENCE COURSE PLUS get the 8 Lecture Long ""THE CONFIDENCE BLUEPRINT "" Bonus Course!  Which teaches you: The fastest way to get true lasting Core Confidence What actually builds confidence and why most confidence-building solutions failHow to be confident regardless of Looks, Money or Status Why your confidence seems to decrease and increases in life[PLUS: 3 Additional Advanced Videos designed to rapidly reprogram your Body and Mind for Confidence.] Yo, what's up! Justin Quinton here! Let me ask you a question..Are you someone who suffers from Fear or Anxiety?When you go out, do you experience feelings of self-doubt, maybe even self-hatred, shynessWhat about other negative thoughts, such as nervousness or a lack of confidence?Do you overthink about social situations or filter yourself around people?This is what I call The Fear, and these anxieties affect most of us daily.They have a profound effect on your self-expression.They have a profound effect on your ability to let go and have fun.They make you afraid to put yourself out there, afraid of sticking out, of being judged, of being rejectedWe are afraid and that fear HURTS US DEEPLYSo, I made conquering this fear my mission.I made alleviating you from anxiety my goal.I became OBSESSED with how to do this .I asked myself, How can I be the spark to help you finally BREAKTHROUGHSo I dove in, head first and started to layout the most effective and powerful strategies to end Social Anxiety ONCE AND FOR ALLI created this because I wish someone had for me, when I was going through this fear growing up.I want to help you achieve a level of confidence that allows you to be yourself in new environments. To be able to confidently strike up conversations with people you find attractive. To be fearless with all types of rejection.To share your ideas and self with the world.So after years of testing, and fine-tuning and countless success stories I am incredibly excited to introduce.. THE FEAR 2.0 Core Confidence Conditioning   You probably know by now that Confidence is required if you want to reach your potential and achieve happiness in life. This course is designed to help you make deep-rooted changes in the way you handle fear by teaching you how to condition your psychology and biology. Ive built a step by step process that you can apply daily to help reprogram the way you respond to Fear and ultimately improve your Confidence. Start Gaining Confidence & Feeling More Satisfaction In Life With This Step By Step Effective Course.Develop A Real Core ConfidenceFeel More Ease & Freedom In Life To Be Yourself Start Conversations With People You Find Attractive Be Fearless In The Face Of Rejection Have The Ability To Share Your Ideas Or Creativity Radiate Genuine Confidence & Self-Esteem To Others Contents and OverviewThis course was made for anyone that wishes to master over their social inhibitions or anxieties and improve their levels of confidence and self-esteem. The only requirements are a flexible mindset and a commitment to changing yourself. Students in this course will have access to this 7 Stage process that can be applied at their own pace. Each Stage has its own Audio Lectures, Video Lectures & Stage Challenges, alongside PDF worksheets and the best selling book format of this program to download onto your computer or Ereader. By following these step by step mental and physical exercises you will learn how to break out of the psychological barriers of fear that once controlled you. The course also includes philosophies for improving all areas of life and strategies for maintaining confidence when anxiety slips back in. You will learn how to deal with stressful situations and rejection. While understanding the nature of your relationship to fear and how it affects yourself and others. Combined with some simple tricks that boost confidence and make you a more effective and attractive individual. Students who complete this course will experience a transformative change in their confidence, and identity. They will feel an ease and control in their life that allows them to feel prepared for the situations that count like wanting to talk to the person of their dreams, or being able to confidently share their ideas in a meeting. Stop letting anxiety prevent you from leading the life you deserve! Start gaining psychological strength with these tools and strategies and don't let the life you could have pass you by."
Price: 204.99

"How To Create an Ecommerce Website - WooCommerce"
"If you want to create an eCommerce website to sell physical or digital products online, this is the course for you.The website well build will have the following features:Variable products that can have different colors/sizesLimits on available inventoryShipping rates automatically applied based on location of customerTax rates automatically applied based on location of customerAuto-generated emails to site owner and customer for new orders, invoices, etc.Checkout page to gather necessary shipping informationPayPal payment gatewayCredit card and debit card payment gatewaysCart page to edit items added to cartCustomer user accountsProduct reviewsRelated products on product pagesCustom domain nameUnlimited bandwidth web hostingResponsive web design, so it will look good on any screen size, tablet, or mobile phoneSecurity pluginsYou Don't Need a Programming background we are going to build this website with out any knowledge and coding."
Price: 149.99

"Wordpress for Beginners up to Advanced!"
"You will Get 1 Hour Of Direct to the point Instructions that is the reason that this course is short.Warning, Web Professionals - You May Find This Course Too Basic. We  do not cover creating custom themes or working with codes. This Course is intended for  a beginner who wan't to get a job as Wordpress Designer,  this course is not  for developers.You're here because you want to create your own website really fast right?This is the perfect place to start. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter). While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive. Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.Why learn from my course?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting. Now I like WordPress! I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.Why Take This Course ?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 1 HourThe Wordpress Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)Learn To Create A Logo For Free!USING A FREE Wordpress themeMaster wordpressLearn All the ins And outs of WordpressLearn how to Create an Professional Blog with WordpressUsing Most Up To Date Version of WordPressI have got 4+ Years experience of working with WordPressLearn From a Top Instructor in Wordpress Find out why!"
Price: 99.99

"How to start Dropshipping with Aliexpress & Shopify"
"The Topics and Areas Covered in this Course includeIn this course we will use the application Oberlo.Access to an awesome Shopify 14 Day Free TrialRegistering and Linking a Domain Name to ShopifyFull coverage of Shopify Settings (Payments, Shipping, Checkout etc)How to Add ALL of the necessary Pages to your WebsiteAdding an App that Allows you to Import Products in just a few ClicksSetting up Collections, Product PagesFree Resources for images and the themeCreating Advertisements on Facebook and googleTop Tips and Tricksto Increase your Conversions and SalesAn Overview of Print on Demand DropshippingPlus much, much more!Creating Pages and MenusCreating a LogoEditing your themeMaking Money With your ProductsCreating a shopify storeUploading a themeSetting up a full Ecommerce-website"
Price: 19.99

"Shopify for Beginners up to Advanced!"
"Who Is This Course Designed For?Students should have a basic understanding of Computers They should also have the time, patience, and willingness to implement the lessons and details taught in this course. Students should already have a product, product idea, or product plan.If you have a private label product you sell on Amazon, or are an artist, crafter, or seller of unique items - and need a fully functional ecommerce website - then this course will be of value to you.Warning, Web Professionals -You May Find This Course Too Basic.We do not cover creating custom themes or working in Liquid (the code language of Shopify). This course is intended for entreprenuers,marketers, brand owners and small business people - not developers."
Price: 19.99

"Succeed with Personality Diversity"
"Do you want to have the ability to exponentially advance in your career?  Would you like to feel in control of the choices that you make and spend much less time regretting your actions or inactions?  Would you like to know how to develop stronger personal and professional relationships?  Is the thought of severely reducing your level of frustration caused by people who you dont understand attractive to you?  Then Succeed with Personality Diversity is the perfect course for you.  Our focus is simple, to give you practical tools that you can quickly integrate in your life, enabling you to experience professional and personal success.  The E-Colors and Personal Intervention are the basis of Equilibrias proprietary personality diversity system, which use personality as a common language to lead to greater self-awareness, understanding of others, and meaningful change and improvement.  The FacilitatorsDeborah Duncan and David Oliphant, will help to facilitate your learning journey in this course. Equilibria collaborated with these highly professional facilitators to ensure the most engaging experience for participants. David is a Personality Diversity Specialist with Equilibria and has experience as a TV host. Deborah is currently the TV Host for the Great Day Houston daily morning show.  If you join this course you will have access to:Over 60 lectures divided into six sectionsA minimum of ten articles with guided self-development assignmentsA printable workbook to use throughout the course and after course completionA competency test at the end of the course...and if you meet all of the requirements you will also receive a digital certificate and a digital stamp.**Please note that successful completion of this course will not allow participants to deliver the contents within, if you wish to pursue this option, contact once you have completed the course**BonusPeople who purchase this course will get access to ask questions directly to a team of Equilibria Personality Diversity Specialists. More than half a million people globally are using Equilibrias tools to activate their potential. Join now and be a part of the largest growing personality diversity community in the world."
Price: 149.99

"O SketchUp um programa de desenho que tem o intuito de ajudar os usurios a produzir desenhos e projetos em 3D com ferramentas simples. diferente de outros programas de desenho por sua interface simplificada, intuitiva, e por isso, no se enquadra como programa CAD.O SketchUp utilizado por milhares de estudantes e profissionais de arquitetura, design de interiores, decorao de ambientes, engenharia, paisagismo, planejamento urbano, design de jogos e diversos outros campos. um programa multiuso, alternativa ao complicado software do CAD."
Price: 39.99

"CATIA V5R20 - Bsico"
"Este curso foi feito de maneira direta para proporcionar ao aluno uma experincia mais prtica.Deste modo, modelamos, passo a passo, todas as peas do exerccio para ao final, unirmos tudo numa montagem e fazermos uma simulao de movimento. Alm disso, demonstramos como fazer detalhamento de peas e conjuntos.Este um curso bsico e te dar o conhecimento base para aprender a trabalhar com outros mdulos deste programa, em cursos separados."
Price: 99.99

"AutoCAD - Perguntas"
"Esse simulado tem como finalidade ajudar a voc, usurio de AutoCAD, a aprimorar os conhecimentos no programa, de uma maneira diferente de um curso normal.Faa o loginQuando voc acessar a pgina do teste, voc deve estar logado no site. Voc pode acessar o login clicando na palavra ""login"" na parte superior do site.Fazendo o testeSelecione uma resposta para cada questo. O teste composto de perguntas de mltiplas escolhas.Apenas uma resposta a correta."
Price: 39.99

"Modelagem Avanada Solidworks - Exerccio Prtico"
"Desenvolvemos este curso para ser totalmente prtico. Voc ver conceitos aplicados diretamente nos exerccios.No desenvolvimento do exerccio, ser abordado diversos tipos de modelamento:EstruturasModelamento em contextoConfiguraesEsboos 3DAlm de recursos bastantes utilizados no desenvolvimento de diversos projetos, como por exemplo:Biblioteca (Toolbox)Criaes de planos auxiliaresEdies de peas no decorrer do projetoTudo isso, com aulas 100% prticas para o desenvolvimento das peas do conjunto."
Price: 54.99

"The 5 Pillars of Building a Successful, Profitable Business"
"The ""5 Pillars of Building a Successful Business or Nonprofit""program is a comprehensive, yet concise learning opportunity for anyone launching or growing a business or nonprofit organization. The foundation for success is in creating a strategy, and then being able to lead the enterprise creating sustainable profit.The 5 modules in the program each have a downloadable action guide for continuing learning. What you will learn in this program can be applied to many types of endeavors.The 5 modules are:Strategy: How to define the future and develop a pathway to achieve the vision.Skill: How to equip yourself for success.Team: How to find and equip the right people for your power team.Financial: How to attract and manage money.Support: How to surround yourself with the people that will bring value to your success such as, advisors, mastermind group members, coach, mentor, board, and others.This program is a condensation of what I have developed in 31+ years of working with social entrepreneurs and discovering the missing elements that compromise their success, their income, and their happiness.Each module has an instructional video accompanied by a comprehensive downloadable action guide for ongoing traction and continuous improvement."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Marketing Advantage 2018: Go Viral"
"This is a sevenpart course where you will learn how to boost your followers, Generate traffic and increase your sales through not just one, but 7 major social media platforms. That includes Youtube, facebook, twitter, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Snapchat and Pinterest. Imagine the growth your business or brand could achieve once youve learned how to convert your social media pages into profit machines!"
Price: 199.99

"Amazon FBA Guaranteed Success in 2019"
"Please Note: Pay SPECIALATTENTION to Lecture 38 and 39. Not appropriately applying the strategy discussed in those lectures will make it very hard to rank your product on Page 1. -------------Amazon FBA Private Label Online Business - Build a private-label brand with Amazon FBA - MasterclassComplete step-by-step guide to build a private label brand with Amazon FBA that you can sell for tens of thousands of dollarsThis course explains how you can build your private-label brand of physical products leveraging Amazon's huge customer base. Amazon FBA business is a very valuable and sell-able asset. Iwill show you, in this course, the simplest yet the most effective method to build a brand fast. You can then either sell this brand, grow it or just enjoy the extra cash it will bring in just a few months time. In this course you will learn highly effective and easy-to-apply techniques ofchoosinga product, sourcing & shipping your product from China and finally launching your products on Amazon like some of the biggest brands. These three are the main focus areas of this advanced brand-building course.Private Label Online Business With Amazon FBA - The CourseFirst, Iwill teach you to choose a product that you can easily sell on Amazon and build your brand fast and without making any mistakes. So you can be on your way to build a business that you can sell for tens of thousands of dollars in months. Secondly,You will learn how to source a product from China and ship your inventory at lowest cost possibleFinally, You will learn to launch your product like some of the biggest brands on Amazon. And touch the 10 units a day mark in roughly about month.Your purchase is 100% RISK-FREE with a LIFE-TIME money back guarantee. (Apply the methods, ask me questions if you get stuck and your products WILLsell and you WILLmake profits. I've refined this method in years and it DOESWORK.)ENROLLNOW! and build a cash-generating asset for you!#amazonfba #privatelabel #onlinebusinessThe course last updated on 2nd Feb 2019"
Price: 149.99

"Bulletproof Amazon FBA Product Selection Formula"
"The aim of my course is to ensure that anyone with no experience of selling physical products online can start their online brand on Amazon. Iwant you to start selling consistently in less than a month and free yourself from financial worries. But choosing the best product sell as a brand goes beyond just selling a product you are interested in. Most seasoned sellers agree upon the fact that real profit is not made while sourcing your inventory. Selecting a profitable product requires many considerations. A few of those important considerations are analyzing the demand & competition, setting the price, choosing to compete at cost or quality, selling a premium product or selling volumes, what profit margin is enough for you, how profit margin can be increased, which keywords to use, and much more. In this course, Iwill give you a very simple yet highly-effective method select a product that WILLeven if you haven't sold anything ever. And following these very simple steps, you will be on your way to building a brand with 4 to 5 or even more highly related products that generate cash for you consistently. You can then either grow this brand or sell it.My aim is to make this as simple and easy for you as it possibly can be to build a great brand in just a few months. There is 30 days, no-questions-asked money back guarantee.Enroll now! and build your business fast without wasting any more time."
Price: 19.99

"Bulletproof Product Selection 101"
"Selecting a profitable product requires many considerations. A few of those important considerations are analyzing the demand & competition, setting the price, choosing to compete at cost or quality, selling a premium product or selling volumes, what profit margin is enough for you, how profit margin can be increased, which keywords to use, and much more. In this course, Iwill give you a very simple yet highly-effective method select a product that WILLeven if you haven't sold anything ever. And following these very simple steps, you will be on your way to building a brand with 4 to 5 or even more highly related products that generate cash for you consistently. You can then either grow this brand or sell it."
Price: 19.99

"Bulletproof Product Sourcing & Shipping Formula"
"In this course I will you the information to source from China quickly, securely, and economically. Everything contained in this course is based on my experience, not theory. Sometimes shipping agents pretend to be actual manufacturers and sell products on higher prices because they have to keep their profit margin in every product. This kills your profits. In this course you will learn how to completely avoid dealing with fake suppliers and only buy from the most legit, high-quality suppliers. There is a 30 days money back guarantee.Enroll Now! and add new high-profit products to your brand"
Price: 19.99

"Bulletproof Product Launch Formula"
"Launching a product is one of the most critical tasks for your Amazon brand. It can make or break your business. Amazon's algorithm gives huge attention to your product during the first few weeks. If you know what to do, you will use Amazon's algorithm to your advantage. If however, you are not sure which strategy is right, Amazon will consider your product a not-so-good product and make it very hard for you to come the first pages later. While launching your product , you cannot take chances. It's either right or wrong. Most business on Amazon fail because or wrong or no strategy. Ihave made this course to share with you my strategy to powerfully launch a product. It is an extremely effective strategy and at them same time, a very easy strategy that a first-timer can apply in just hours. It took me years to make this strategy. Ihave failed many times, learnt from those failures and created this course so you don't make those mistakes. You are also covered by 30 days no-questions-asked money back guaranteeEnroll Now! and make your success certain"
Price: 24.99

"Absolute Javascript for Beginners - Novice to Master"
"Javascript is a very popular language used among many people around the world.This  Javascript beginners course introduces you to Javascript through carefully crafted examples and fully worked mini tasks. Javascript language is a very powerful tool to acquire for every student who wants to quickly jump in learning Javascript  in simplest way as quick as possible.Have you seen other courses that use complex terms or that jump steps and leave you thinking ""why did that just happen""? You won't find that with this carefully Javascript  crafted course. Many Javascript books out there had failed to ease the way of teaching their audience in a simplistic way, but rather ended up confusing the reader and giving up reading the book after couple pages.This Javascript  course has been designed with the coding beginner in mind or those who may have picked up bad habits and wish to refresh their coding skills.I have made this Javascript  course very easy and simple to follow so you will not feel your self intimidating or lost in some complex coding form that will discourage you from improving your skills in this powerful language.Start your journey today in the Javascript world, and enjoy very simple tutoring that we will help you move on and advance your knowledge of Javascript in the scripting language world of programming for the web."
Price: 39.99

"PHP For Absolute Beginners - From novice to PHP master"
"This PHPfor beginnerscourse introduces you to PHP through carefully crafted examples and fully worked mini tasks. PHP scripting language is a very powerful tool to acquire for every student who wants to quickly jump in learning in simplest way as quick as possible.Have you seen other courses that use complex terms or that jump steps and leave you thinking ""why did that just happen""? You won't find that with thiscarefully crafted PHP course.This PHP course has been designed with thecoding beginnerin mind or those who may have picked up bad habits and wish to refresh their coding skills.I have made this PHPcourse very easy and simple to follow so you will not feel your self intimidating or lost in some complex coding form that will discourage you from improving your skills in this powerfullanguage.KnowingPHPwill allow you to build web applications, websites or Content Management systems, like WordPress and other powerfulll PHPCMS. The sky is the limit with what you can do with PHP scripting language. One most important thing to know about PHP is the more you practice the more it start to get easy for you and make sense . You will find your way mastering this language in no time.All it takes is patient and hours of practice of PHP to lead your way into an amazing world of creation of dynamic PHP pages or sites."
Price: 39.99

"Ethical Hacking"
"Ethical Hacking"
Price: 24000.00

Price: 2400.00