"How to Start a Profitable Business in Just One Week" |
"Many People come to me ask me ""How to set more that one business in week?"" Since I am an Internet Marketer I see the problem and I create the solution.Get ready to: 1-Fast-Track Your way to Success! 2-Increase your conversions using free traffic and... 3-Stick Your Business On Cruise Control!You could choose to believe that, or you could do this. Copy me & get started today with no special skills or experience.Finally Realist your goal Make it happen & create a Day Job Killing income in the next 30 days.Oh, And finally make that first Dollar online.My suggestion, Take Action My methods works right out the box."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ernhrungsfalle: Zucker" |
"Du fhlst dich ausgelaugt und mde und findest keinen erkennbaren Grund? Du willst dein Wohlempfinden und Aussehen auf ein neues Level bringen?Oder du mchtest dir und deiner Gesundheit etwas Gutes tun? Mchtest endlich etwas verndern und weit nicht wo du anfangen sollst?DannStarten wir mit Zucker!Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. HippocratesUnsere Ernhrung kann uns dabei helfen gesund zu bleiben heute macht uns unsere Ernhrung krank.In unsere westliche Ernhrung haben sich einige fatale Entwicklungen eingeschlichen, die unsere Gesundheit schaden einer von Ihnen ist Zucker.Unsere geliebte Se:Wir werden uns fragen, ist unser Konsum wirklich so schlimm?Was stellt unser Konsum mit uns an? Schadet er uns?Und werden wir vllt von manchen Lebensmittel betrogen?In den drei Stunden wirst du lernenwie du dein Zuckerkonsum senkst ohne das du komplett drauf verzichten musstVersteckten Zuckerquellen auf die Spur zu kommengesunde Alternativen zu entwickelnZu dem bekommst du Rezepte fr Alternativen, eine Einkaufsliste, Foodtracking PDF und eine bersicht versteckter Zuckerquellen.Dein Erste Hilfe-KastenDeine Vernderung wirst du nicht alleine antreten du hast einen Erste Hilfe-Kasten bei dir und bei Fragen stehe ich dir auch jeder Zeit zu Verfgung. Zucker zu eliminieren wird nicht so einfach werden um dich dafr zubereiten hast du ein kleinen Erste Hilfe-Kasten zur Verfgung mit dem du dich auf akute Probleme vorbereiten kannst.Du bist gewappnet und es kann losgehen!Stay fit, Lena"
Price: 79.99 |
"Ernhrungsfalle: Fett" |
"Du hast dich schon fters gefragt, ob Fett fett macht? Hast Angst dein Frhstcksei zu essen, denn es knnte dein Cholesterin in die Hhe treiben? Du willst dein Wohlempfinden und Aussehen auf ein neues Level bringen?Oder du mchtest einfach mal dir und deiner Gesundheit etwas Gutes tun? Mchtest du das ndern?DannStarten wir mit Fett!Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. HippocratesUnsere Ernhrung kann uns dabei helfen gesund zu bleiben heute macht uns unsere Ernhrung krank.In unsere westliche Ernhrung haben sich einige fatale Entwicklungen eingeschlichen, die unsere Gesundheit schaden dazu gehrt auch Fett.Fett ist unser Geschmackstrger:Wir werden uns fragen, ist unser Konsum wirklich so schlimm? Was stellt Fett mit uns an? Schadet es uns oder hilft Fett uns sogar?Und werden wir vllt von manchen etablierten Informationen betrogen?In den zwei Stunden wirst du lernenwie du dein Fettkonsum von schlechten Fetten hinzu guten Fetten entwickelstVersteckten Fettquellen auf die Spur zu kommengesunde Alternativen zu entwickelnZu dem bekommst du Rezepte fr Alternativen, eine Einkaufsliste, und eine bersicht versteckter Fettquellen.Dein Erste Hilfe-KastenDeine Vernderung wirst du nicht alleine antreten du hast einen Erste Hilfe-Kasten bei dir und bei Fragen stehe ich dir auch jeder Zeit zu Verfgung. Fett zu eliminieren wird nicht so einfach werden, um dich dafr zubereiten steht dir der Erste Hilfe-Kasten zur Verfgung mit dem du dich auf akute Probleme vorbereiten kannst.Du bist gewappnet und es kann losgehen!Stay fit, Lena"
Price: 89.99 |
"Penetrating Android phones and phone protection 2019" |
"hacking android phone remotely Step by StepWhat to learn from this course1 - You can through this course the possibility to control the manager of the phone files remotely and conduct the characteristics of download files and delete, transport, copying and paste2 - You can read the phone messages and you can use them to penetrate the accounts of Facebook and Twitter and many other accounts.3. You can view all the accounts in the phone4 - Take a picture through the camera front and back5. View the list of Wi-Fi networks6-See the phone details and find out all the information about the phone (user memory - phone type - and more information)7. View the pages visited by the browser application8-controller in the keyboard9. Send a message remotely10. Know the location of the phone through GPS11 - Show all the applications in the phone and there are more tools you can take advantage of and control all the phone phone"
Price: 19.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4" |
"Unreal Engine 4(UE4)UE4UE4AIUE4PS4Xbox OneSwitch"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Papierloses Bro - mit System" |
"Es gibt gefhlt unzhlige Informationen im Internet ber Produktivitt sowie Blogartikel und Anleitungen. Warum habe ich diesen Kurs gemacht? Und warum solltest du dich genau fr dien Kurs anmelden? Seit einem halben Jahrzehnt beschftige ich mich mit dem Thema papierloses Bro. In dieser Zeit habe ich viele gute Anstze und Arbeitsweisen aus dem Internet ausprobiert. Ich habe aber auch die Probleme gesehen, die sich fr Privatpersonen und kleine- bis mittelstndische Unternehmen daraus ergeben.Natrlich ist das nur meine subjektive Perspektive. Aber wenn ich schon Probleme mit den immer komplizierteren und kryptischen Verfahren habe, obwohl ich sehr technikaffin bin, wie muss dieser Umstand dann erst auf andere wirken?Also habe ich viel experimentiert, bin dabei oft gescheitert, trotzdem wieder aufgestanden und habe alles neu gemacht. Bis ich einen simplen Workflow entwickelt hatte, den ich ohne Probleme an technisch nicht so erfahrene Mitmenschen weitergeben konnte. Denn ich arbeite unheimlich gerne nach dem sogenannten K.I.S.S.-PrinzipJetzt wnsche ich dir viel Kraft, Motivation, Mut und Geduld fr dein eigenes papierloses Bro!Was erwartet dich in diesem Kurs?Worauf Du beim Umstieg auf das papierlose Brounbedingt achtensolltestWelche Vor- und Nachteiledas papierlose Bro hatWie Du Dich selbstdigital neu organisierstZahlreiche Tippsaus der PraxisWas unterscheidet diesen Kurs von anderen?365 Tage Zugriff - LebenslangStart jederzeit mglichKompletter Kurs direkt verfgbarZugriff auf privaten Kurs Channel bei den Paperless PioneerUnbegrenzter Udemy-SupportWas hast du berhaupt vom papierlosen Bro?Papierloses Bro ist, wenn du den Versicherungsbeleg von vor 3 Jahren in wenigen Sekunden gefunden hast. Kein lstiges Suchen mehr in Aktenordnern, keine vergeudete Lebenszeit. Verbringe deine neu gewonnene Zeit lieber mit Dingen, die dir wichtig sind: Ein gutes Buch lesen, mehr Zeit mit deinen Kindern verbringen, einfach alles, was dir Spa macht. Du hast also die Wahl, ob du in deinem Bro in Papier ertrinkst oder nur einen Computer mit Scanner stehen hast.Dokumente fr Generationen sichernWer im Herbst seines Lebens steht, hat bis dahin viele Dokumente und Erinnerungen gesammelt, die sehr wichtig sind. Falls die Kinder eines Tages mal den Nachlass zu verwalten haben, so besteht die Gefahr, dass sie diesen Dingen nicht die gleiche Bedeutung beimessen. Papier wird dann schnell entsorgt, digitale Daten hingegen lassen sich leichter aufheben."
Price: 199.99 |
facebuilding |
"- ! : ; ; , - , ( ). , , . 5 , ( - -) , . ( , ). ; 70 , 4,5 YouTube 50 000 . , . : :, , , , , ; ; . ( , , .) 2- !, , - 30-60 ."
Price: 44.99 |
"Facebuilding (Facial Gymnastics). Basic Level" |
"Beautiful and young face is a luxury available for everyone!If you want: to correct the facial shape;to stop age-related and mimic changes of your face;to save the natural beauty of your face for a long time, -wothout injections, you should to do Facebuilding exercises (facial gymnastics). Facebuilding is a complex of exercises for your face that helps to keep it young and good-looking for long time or to correct the existed wrinkles, tighten the facial contour etc.This course includes exercises for all facial zones (forehead, eyes, central part, lips, chin and neck) and techniques of relaxation.After completion of this course you will know:How to control and your relax your facial musclesHow to train facial muscles safely.You can complete facial exercises anywhere. All you need is desire, clean hands and mirror._________________The main cause of sagging skin, wrinkles and other faults is muscles condition. For example: sagging skin occurs when muscles are too weak; wrinkles and creases occur when muscle are too tense.Practised Jenya Baglyk method you tone weak muscles and relax tense muscles.Other important point is safety. Doing facial exercises you must be sure that new wrinkles will not occur. To prevent this we fix our muscles in the point where they connected to the skin. Also such faxation provide an additional load to the muscle.In this videocourse:Jenya Baglyk explains how to do each facial exercise;Describes the effects of the each exercise to the face and tell how many times you should do it.Before started exercises make sure that you made a picture of your face to compare the achieved results after 2 months of facebuilding exercises.Visible results after 2 months of regular exercises."
Price: 19.99 |
"Team Motivation - 5 sposobw na motywowanie zespou" |
"Czy miae kiedy tak sytuacj, e wszyscy w firmie maj tylko do Ciebie pretensje i daj wicej pienidzy?Jakie myli wtedy przechodz Ci przez gow?Czy nie zastanawiasz si wtedy,jak to jest moliwe, e ludzie mog by tak niewdziczni?Zapewniasz im prac, harujesz, eby byo Ci sta na ich wynagrodzenia, ajedyne co syszysz to jki niezadowolenia.Moe marzysz o tym, eby ktow kocu doceni to co robisz?eby mie jak magiczn rdk, ktra sprawiaby, e Twoi ludziechcieliby pracowa nie tylko ze wzgldu na wynagrodzenie, ktre dostaj, ale tak sami z siebie?Jakby zmienio si Twoje ycie,gdyby Twoi wsppracownicy codziennie, z umiechem na ustach przychodzili do pracy, tryskali kreatywnoci i chcieliby Ci pomc?Chciaby miesystem, ktry na to pozwoli?Sprawd kurs Team motivation!Dziki temu kursowi dowiesz si:jak stworzySYSTEM motywacji, eby nie musie motywowa ludzi z Twojego zespou kadego dniajakie jest5 podstawowych strategii motywowania ludzii jak zastosowa wszystkie 5 w Twojej firmieco to jest feedbacki dlaczego jest tak wany przy prowadzeniu zespoujak poprawnie przekazywa informacj zwrotn, eby zwikszy motywacj do pracy, a nie zgasi czyjego entuzjazmujaki powinien byformat cyklicznych spotka, by cay zesp napdzay do dziaaniaNazywam si Marcin Kdzioka, jestem wspzaoycielem i prezesem najwikszego wydawnictwa elektronicznego w Polsce - Zote Myli.Stworzyem ten kurs, ebypomc osobom takim jak Tyi ja - przedsibiorcom, ktrzy chc zdoby praktyczn wiedz, ktra dziaa. Jednak nie chc za ni paci stawek jak dla korporacji. Dlatego te cena jest utrzymana w takich granicach, ebykady mg sobie na ten kurs pozwoli.Niech Ci jednak nie zwiedzie niska cena - stoi za ni dua warto wiedzy, ktrmoesz od razu wdroy w Twojej firmie.Jeli jeste pocztkujcym przedsibiorci zaczynasz budowa swj pierwszy zesp lub czujesz, eTwj zesp mgby osiga lepsze rezultatyni do tej pory, to kurs Team Motivation to co dla Ciebie.Jeli czujesz, e moesz skorzysta z praktycznej wiedzy, to podejmij najlepsz dla Ciebie decyzj."
Price: 19.99 |
"Business Creator - jak mdrze rozwija wasn firm" |
"Czy zastanawiae si kiedy nad tym jakby to wygldao, gdyby Twj biznes dziaacakowicie bez Twojego udziau?Gdyby przychodzi do firmy dlatego e chcesz, a nie dlatego e musisz?Gdyby mg si skupi na rozwoju biznesu, a nie na codziennym gaszeniu poarw i zaatwianiu kolejnego pilnego drobiazgu?Podoba Ci si taka wizja? Czytaj dalej...By moe jeste pasjonatem tego, czym si zajmujesz. Jeli tak, to gratuluj! Miaem dokadnie to samo.Kochaem to co robiem.Pracowaem coraz wicej i wicej i nagle nie wiadomo kiedy,praca staa si moim najwikszym koszmarem.To co jeszcze niedawno byo niewiarygodn frajd, gdy przemienio si w konieczno i codzienn list nigdy nie koczcych si zada, przestao mi sprawia przyjemno.Dlaczego?Bo zabierao mi coraz wicej czasu, a jaczuem si coraz bardziej zmczony.Nie mogem ju robi tego, co naprawd mnie cieszyo, nie miaem czasu na kreatywno i spontaniczno. Byy terminy do dotrzymania, zadania do zrobienia, dzwonicy klienci, mnstwo maili,wszechogarniajce problemy i ogromna presja z kadej strony.Odpowiedzialno za rodzin nie pozwalaa mi po prostu z dnia na dzie zrezygnowa z codziennego koowrotku.Pewnego dnia po prostu nie wytrzymaem.Gdy podczas upragnionego urlopu zdarzya si ogromna awaria i zamiast odpoczywa musiaem ratowa sytuacj w firmie, a telefon dzwoni jak oszalay, powiedziaem sobie DO.Dosownie rzuciem telefonem.Podjem decyzj, etak dalej by nie moe.e musi istnie lepsza, atwiejsza droga. e budowanie firmy, to nie jest ciga praca 24h na dob.Wtedy razem z moim wsplnikiem stworzylimy Zote Myli.Firm, ktra do dzisiaj dziaa w sposb automatyczny.Na pocztku nie byo to atwe i wymagao cakowitej zmiany sposobu mylenia. Jednak to nowe spojrzenie na biznes odpacio si z nawizk.Na podstawie tych ponad 11 lat dowiadcze stworzyem kursBusiness Creator.Kurs, ktrypozwoli Ci unikn wszystkich bdw, ktre ja popeniem tworzc maj pierwsz firm. Bdw, ktre kosztoway mnie mnstwo nerww i ktre doprowadziy mnie blisko zaamania nerwowego.W Business Creator wyjaniam:co zrobi, eby zbudowa biznes, ktrydziaa bez Twojego udziau, dziki czemu maszznacznie wicej czasu dla siebiejak zidentyfikowajakich osb potrzebujesz w swoim zespole, by dziaa on sprawnie i osiga efekty o jakich marzyszjak opanowa chaos, ktry opanowuje Twoj firm, jednak bez zabijania kreatywnoci Twojej i Twojego zespoujakie s Twoje najwaniejsze zadania w firmie ina czym powiniene si skupi, by dziaa efektywniejak wana jest komunikacja przy tworzeniu firmy i w jakich dziedzinachma ona szczeglne znaczenie dla rozwoju Twojej firmyCay kurs bazuje na praktycznej wiedzy. Na podstawie tych wskazwek rozwijam Zote Myli - prawdopodobnie najwiksze wydawnictwo o tematyce rozwoju osobistego w Polsce.Skd w ogle pomys na taki kurs?Ot postanowiem podzieli si wiedz, ktr sam musiaem mozolnie zdobywa przez lata. Jeden z moich synw ewidentnie idzie w kierunku przedsibiorczoci ichciabym uchroni go przed popenianiem bdwswojego taty.Po co jednak tworzy co do szuflady, gdy mona si tym podzieli ze wiatem?Pewnie przyznasz mi racj, egdy si tworzy co z myl o wasnych dzieciach, to czowiek wkada w to cae serce:) Tak jest te w tym przypadku.Poza tym wiem, e dua dawka wiedzy jest po pierwsze trudna do przyswojenia, a po drugie przewanie bardzo kosztowna.Dlatego te postanowiemuatwi Ci proces wdraania informacji w ycie. A co wicej, by mc utrzyma bardzo atrakcyjn cen, skupiem si na dostarczeniuniewiarygodnie konkretnej wiedzy w maksymalnie skondensowanej formie.Dlatego te cao kursu kosztuje naprawd niewiele - jedynie 79 z.Mam nadziej, e jest to cena, ktra pozwoli Ci skorzysta z moich dowiadcze, a Twoja ona, dziewczyna, partnerka bdzie dumna, epotrafisz znale praktyczn wiedz, ktra poprawi Wasze ycie. Wiem jak to jest wane, gdy ma si wsplny budet domowy.A co konkretnie Ci da zastosowanie wiedzy z tego kursu?zbudujesz biznes, ktrybdzie dziaa bez Twojego udziaubdziesz mia wicej czasudla rodziny, na rozwj swojego hobby lub kolejny biznesTwoja firma stanie si aktywem, ktre bdziesz mg po jakim czasie sprzeda, gdyby mia tak ochotPonadto dostanieszgotowy plan dziaania, ktry bdziesz mg zastosowa, eby od razu wdroy zdobyt wiedz w praktyce.Zastanw si, po co masz przechodzi ca ciek samodzielnie i popenia te bdy, ktre byy moim udziaem?Co prawda raczej popenisz ich mniej ode mnie. Gdy zaczynaem, zupenie nie znaem si na biznesie i do wszystkiego musiaem dochodzi sam. Wtedy jeszcze nie byo oglnie dostpnej wiedzy o tym, jak zbudowa biznes, ktry po prostu dziaa. Jednak terazmoesz sign po sprawdzone rozwizanie.Co nazywam sprawdzonym rozwizaniem? Na przykad2249 zamwiezoonych w styczniu 2015 roku. W styczniu, czyli miesicu spowolnienia, ju po grudniowym szalestwie zakupowym. Czy wyobraasz sobie obsuenie ponad 2200 zamwie miesicznie, czyli 75 dziennie bez sprawnie dziaajcego systemu biznesu?Czy chciaby takie zamwienia obsugiwa samodzielnie? Czy lepiej mie od tego system?Sprawdzonym rozwizaniem nazywam te ponad226 tys. fanw na facebooku. Osb z krwi i koci, ktre obserwuj to, czym moesz si z nimi podzieli.Nie ograniczaj si na wasne yczenietylko do 24 godzin, ktre ma Twoja doba. Jeli masz wiksze aspiracje i chcesz doczy do osb, ktre buduj prawdziwy biznes, to by moe Business Creator to co dla Ciebie?Sprbuj. Nic nie ryzykujesz. Gdyby kurs nie spenia Twoich oczekiwa i niczego by si nie nauczy, to zwrc Ci pienidze.Gwarancja satysfakcjiNic nie ryzykujesz. Masz a 60 dni, eby przekona si o wartoci wiedzy ze tego kursu.Jeli w tym czasie stwierdzisz, e z jakiegokolwiek powodu ten kurs nie jest dla Ciebie, to piszesz do mnie wiadomoi zwracamCi ca kwot.Jakie zagadnienia obejmuje kurs (80 minut wiedzy):WstpDugo: 00:04:43cz. 1 - standardowa cieka, czyli w jakie puapki moesz wpa i jak ich uniknDugo: 00:10:51cz. 2 - system automatyzacji - jakie powinien mie zaoenia i jak go zbudowaDugo: 00:22:00cz. 3 - Twoje gwne zadania w firmie, czyli na czym powiniene si skupiDugo: 00:23:42cz. 4 - zosta mistrzem - kluczowe umiejtnoci w biznesie. Jakie s i jak je rozwijaDugo: 00:12:52cz. 5 - plan dziaania, czyli jak najszybciej wdroy wiedz w praktyce?Dugo: 00:10:00Serdecznie pozdrawiam,Marcin KdziokaPS Gwarantuj Ci, e inwestycja w Business Creator bdzie jedn z lepszych decyzji, ktr podejmiesz w swoim biznesowym yciu. Szczeglnie jeli jeste na pocztku drogi przedsibiorcy."
Price: 19.99 |
"Making images pop using Adobe LR and the Nik Collection" |
"Your Tutors:Learn from the renowned master of street and landscape photography, Matt Hart, fujifilm ambassador along with co-presenter, the renowned creative Time-Lord and photographer, Arwyn Bailey,Spending a day with Matt is normally costed at 120.00. Get the FULL course online here at a vastly reduced price!The Learning Objective:By the end of this course you will be able to devise a workflow in editing images in order to make them ""pop"" and gain depth and drama.You need alittle knowledge to gain from this course as it goes back to the basic processes of importing images, using the baselevelsettings and tools within Lightroom moving through to using the FREE software from Google, namely the nik collection and Silver Efex Pro.Summary:At the conclusion of this course you will understand how to think in black and white andhow to produce images of quality and depth."
Price: 54.99 |
"Practical Data Cleaning" |
"Data is a lot messier and noisier than people want to acknowledgeNate SilverIf you want to get the most out of your data, you're going to need to treat it with respect.Most textbooks on data tend not to dwell on practical issues because, well, it can get quite messy. But if you're organised and follow a few simple rules your data cleaning processes can be simple, fast and effective - saving you time and money.Practical Data Cleaning is a thorough introduction to the basics of data cleaning, is perfect for beginners, and takes you through:Data CollectionData CleaningData Classification*Enhanced Section*Data IntegrityWhy do things the difficult way when you can do them simply? It really is all about spending a little bit of time to organise yourself and apply some neat tips and tricks to your process.If you watch this video course you WILL:organise your datasets in a way that will save you timereduce the amount of mistakes you make when entering data into Excelbecome more productiveget your results much fasterWhen you get your data organised, your data cleaning processes become much easier and faster, giving you time to plan your next holiday on company time (I won't tell the boss if you won't...).This is what you will be learning in thePractical Data Cleaning video course.This FREE video course will introduce you to the basic principles of why and how your data should be entered onto a single worksheet.It will also teach you how to utilise multiple worksheets in your workbook to build a chronological flow into your data cleaning processes so you can detect when, how and where errors were introduced.Everything is explained in simple language and is perfect for beginners."
Price: 19.99 |
"7 Critical Areas to Develop before Graduating from College" |
"Hello awesome college student! QUICK WORDS OF CAUTION: DONT LEAVE COLLEGE WITHOUT TAKING THIS COURSE!! DONT LEAVE COLLEGE WITHOUT TAKING THIS COURSE!! DONT LEAVE COLLEGE WITHOUT TAKING THIS COURSE!! A college education is about opening yourself up to new dimensions of knowledge and understanding not just academic and field-based knowledge, but life knowledge and transferable skills. While students may even graduate with high GPAs or with great academic achievements, so many: graduate college without knowing who they are or their purpose in life, which leads to an unclear sense of direction, enter the workforce without having developed well-rounded knowledge and abilities needed to work well in teams or to complement their academic knowledge, end up getting fired or ruin relationships because they havent developed their character or their ability to manage emotions, leave college feeling sad and depressed because many of their college relationships dont last, leave college without having a good grasp on the importance of interdependent work, feel like a fraud and impostor after college and upon entering the workforce Upon identifying these problems faced by too many college graduates, this course was created to help current college students avoid these terrible possibilities and reduce the chances of them happening. ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is the product of over a decade of university-level work as a counselor, advisor and educator, studying and observing the critical areas college students need to develop before leaving college. Development in these 7 areas will either MAKE OR BREAK YOU during or after college. Listed below are the things youll learn: #1- Do Things Right#2- Build Response-Ability#3- Move From a Me To We Mindset#4- Cultivate Meaningful Connections#5- Know Who You Are#6- Identify Your Why#7- Do the Right Thing WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This is a power-packed course for college students who aspire to develop themselves in ways that will undeniably propel them to unimaginable heights of success during college and thereafter. This course is for students at any stage/classification in college, no matter your academic major or field of study. This course is also for students living in any part of the world. This course is right for you if you are serious about becoming the BEST version of yourself and thrive during and after college. WHAT YOU WILL GAIN UPON COMPLETING THIS COURSE Knowledge of the 7 critical areas that will certainly lead to a lifetime of lasting, positive outcomes in all aspects of your life as a college student and thereafter. Clarity and confidence about your life goals. Better leadership skills to guide or work with others more effectively. Greater productivity and effectiveness in your academic and job-related work. Greater empathy towards others. Knowledge and skills that will make all other goals outside of your college life more achievable. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE When students dont pursue their college experiences with intentionality, they miss opportunities to develop themselves in ways that will benefit them for a lifetime after college. This course is an invaluable return on your investment in college, an excellent way to maximize your tuition dollar$ and a powerful resource that will help you make the most of your time in college. Are you ready to GROW, WIN + THRIVE? I hope you are excited to see what youre able to achieve but it begins by TAKING ACTION! So, click Enroll Now to begin this awesome journey of preparing yourself for a lifetime of success. [Closed captioning is available for this course.]"
Price: 19.99 |
"Predict Sports" |
"Learn basic concepts and formulas that you will need to predict sports scores to the three major US sports. Become an informed sports consumer. You'll never watch games the same!In this course I will teach you how to calculate sports predictions to the three major US sports leagues. You only need pencil, paper, internet access and a calculator to complete this course. This course is for sports lovers that find themselves often wondering what will take place in upcoming games. Now you have a chance to come up with similar predictions as sports experts and websites. Watching sports just got a little bit more exciting.I'm an ex overseas professional basketball player. Many years ago one of my teammates came into the locker room before a game excited. He told us that we were a 15 point underdog. I didn't know what that meant in sports books terms at the time. I knew one thing for sure, our opponent wasn't 15 points better than us. In fact, we won the game. According to my teammates the people that bet on us to lose by less than 15 won money that night. At that moment I knew there was opportunity in being able to spot sporting events like this. This began my research and finding the information presented in this course. The results of the formulas learned in this course allowed me to come up with scores similar to sports books. I knew that if I knew how to get similar scores, there will be days where they would post scores that were not what it should actually be. That's what you'll be able to recognize after taking this course!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Introduction au Web Design" |
"Bonjour,Si vous tes intress par le Web Design mais que vous ne savez jamais pas de quelle manirecommencer une cration, que vous voulez arrter de perdre du temps sur des dtails mais qu'il est important d'avoir un rendu premium, alors ce cours est fait pour vous !Dans cette formation, nous allons aborder les bases connaitre pour que vos webDesigns soient russis mais nous allons aller encore plus loin car je vous propose de dcouvrir des astuces et des rgles cls en main pour designer rapidement un site web sans perdre son temps chercher des ides originales. Nous verrons toutes les tapes par lesquelles on passe lorsqu'on ralise un design en passant par:la recherche d'une police d'criturela conception d'une palette de couleursla conception du header + contenu + footerl'export de votre crationla prsentation (mise en avant) de votre webDesignVous connatrez alors toutes les tapes raliser etvous saurez commentles franchir en un minimum de temps.Alors, tes-vousprt devenir un freelance en WebDesign ou simplement gagner du temps dans vos crations?PS : N'oubliez pas de donner votre FEEDBACK a la fin du cours !"
Price: 199.99 |
"Paiements avec PayPal et Stripe en PHP" |
"Envie d'ajouter votre propre systme de paiement votre site ? Comprendre le fonctionnement de PayPal et de Stripe ? Alors ce cours est fait pour vous.Mon objectif ? Vous permettre de comprendre comment grer les paiements de vos clients sur votre site !Ce cours vous apprend communiquer avec PayPal, notamment leur API, et vous verrez que c'est plus facile qu'on le croit. Ensuite, nous ferons une mise en pratique en vous montrant comment intgrer un bouton de paiement PayPal sur un site de dmo et comment rendre le tout fonctionnel !Puis, nous intgrerons Stripe avec 2 mthodes :Simple : Un bouton basique StripeAvance : Un formulaire personnalis sur notre siteDe plus, nous allons rcuprer nos informations (nom du produit, prix, devise, ...) depuis notre base de donnes pour simplifier la gestion de vos ventes !Bien sr, vous pouvez tlcharger le code source que vous pourrez rutiliser !Et avec la protection 30 jours satisfait ou rembours d'Udemy, vous ne prenez AUCUN risque !Inscrivez-vous !"
Price: 79.99 |
"Flexbox CSS - Le guide complet par la pratique" |
"A la fin de cours vous serez capable de...Aligner vos lments verticalementCrer une galerie / grille moderneRpartir correctement l'espacementRendre tous vos sites responsiveset bien plus !Vous aurez accs :Une F.A.Qo je rpondrai tout(es) vos questions / problmes5 projets (challenges)o vous serez mis l'preuve pour appliquer vos nouvelles connaissances (+ la correction pour chaque projet)Dans ce cours, nous verrons le module Flexbox dans son intgralit :Comprendre toutes proprits du Container :flex-directionjustify-contentalign-itemsflex-wrapalign-contentflex-flowPuis toutes les proprits des items :orderflex-growflex-shrinkflex-basisflexalign-selfNous irons mme plus loin avec les media queries qui nous permettrons de rendre nos sites responsives (adapt sur ordinateur, tablette et smartphone)A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable d'crire du code CSS plus propre et plus professionnel.BONUS : Vous aurez accs un PDF rcapitulatif avec des schmas simples et clairs !"
Price: 149.99 |
"Adobe XD - Le cours complet pour dbutants" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre utiliser Adobe XD par la pratique !Ce cours se base sur la cration d'un projet d'application mobile. Tout au long de celui-ci, nous utiliseront les meilleures fonctionnalits d'Adobe XD comme :Grille de rptitionLes Actifs (couleurs, polices de caractres, symboles)Les pluginsLes lments fixsLes overlays (incrustation)Le prototypingLes animations automatiques...Comment est-ce que je vais progresser ?- Vous pourrez suivre le cours en refaisant la totalit du projet avec de pratiquer !- Des exercices de mise en application seront votre dispositionQu'allez-vous apprendre en plus ?- Crer des modals- Partager votre design (pour que n'importe qui puisse le tester sans avoir Adobe XD d'install)- Exporter votre design- Enregistrer une vido de votre designAdobe XD devient la rfrence dans le domaine du Web Design et du prototyping (applications, web design, ...). Alors, tes-vousprt maitriser Adobe XD sur le bout de vos doigts ?"
Price: 149.99 |
"The Single Most Profitable Business - Real Estate Investing!" |
"Welcome to my Real Estate Investing Course!If you're ready to learn about the exciting opportunities in the great business of real estate, you've come to the right place. Like you, I wanted a change in career and lifestyle. I left a successful career in engineering to pursue the lifestyle and success I wanted. I found this success in real estate, and you can too!I started with nothing, knowing zero about real estate. Yet in just a few short years, I have learned everything I needed to know to make my real estate business a success! My passion is now in teaching as many people as I can about real estate, helping them to grow their own business and success. In this course, you'll learn what you need to know in order to start buying, selling, and investing in property. You'll learn about the three categories of real estate: residential, commercial, and industrial. You'll learn what works in today's market and how to make the market work for you! Come along with me as I teach you my proven step-by-step systems and strategies that will greatly accelerate your success in this lucrative business. Learn how to make money from short sales, an area that many people try to deal in and fail. I'll teach what you need to know, the right way to deal in short sales and win! Envision how investing in this course can drastically improve your life. If you're looking to change careers or make money in your free time, real estate is the perfect venue for you. Real Estate Investing can dramatically change your financial future! Build your success and increase your wealth by learning how to navigate the real estate business. I'll teach you everything you need to know so you can get out there and do it! I was once in your shoes, and by working together, we'll get you where you want to be!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Heel Pain Solution: A Natural Guide to Resolve Heel Pain" |
"Heel pain is very common, and can be called by a few names:plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonits, heel spurs, bone spurs etc. Whatever your heel pain may be, the underlying cause is essentially the same.Environmental, anatomical, postural, and bio-mechanical factors are playing into your pain, and in order to address the pain, you need to address all of these factors first. Unfortunately many current treatments available to you are not addressing all of these underlying causes of heel pain!This is why I developed the Heel Pain Solution.The Heel Pain Solution is an online video instruction series that can be done in the comfort of your own home with tools that you already have around the house. The Heel Pain Solution will address all of the underlying factors that may be playing into your heel pain so you can feel results in a short amount of time.The Heel Pain Solution is a comprehensive solution, meaning that it addresses the posture of the foot, the position of the foot, the way that you need to hold your foot in daily life, and even addresses the way that you sleep! By addressing every possible cause of your heel pain, undoubtedly you will feel relief!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Web Scraping with JavaScript & Node.js" |
"[ NEWRE-RECORDED VERSION! ]Have you heard about Mark Zuckerberg? He has invented Facebook. But before that, he created site called FaceMash. The goal of that project was to compare 2 girls and choose which one is hotter. They weren't just random girls. They were college students. People knew them and that was the point.But how Mark got all those girl's photos? It's simple. He fetched them from public search of colleges.He wrote some script to do that for him, because downloading manually all those pictures would've taken a lot of time.And this is similar to what we are going to do in this course.We are going to fetch people's profiles from website called Badoo and filter them by names.Basically this idea stands even for Google search.Google is parsing pages from the internet and then filter collected data.This is exactly what we you're going to learn in this course.You'll learn how to use JavaScript and Node.js to fetch HTML code from every website you want!You'll create a project with following features:Getting HTML code from any URL you want with Node.jsParsing HTML code to the DOM with JSDOM libraryFiltering parsed DOM by user namesPassing form values with query strings to Node.jsnoUiSlider library for nicely looking age range sliderExpress frameworkIt's worth mentioning that every lecture has it's own source code files. So if you will somehow stuck you can always compare your code with code from particular lecture.Now here's the question:Do you want to effectively learn Node.js with modern JavaScript by creating your own web scraper? If so, just enroll in this course now."
Price: 19.99 |
"React from Basics to Real World Projects" |
"Do you want to start using React but you're not sure if React is just enough for your needs?Probably you've heard also about Angular and Vue, so you may asking yourself:Which one should I choose?Before I've learned React I had a doubt - what I should bet on? Maybe Angular is better. Or maybe Vue?I knew AngularJS already (first version of Angular) and I was afraid that Google (which developed Angular) may completely change it in the future.That's what happened with Angular 2. It was developed as something completely different and incompatible to Angular 1.React has now 16th major version number and still sticks to the core concept.Learning curve is also much easier for React comparing to Angular. Angular is written in TypeScript so you should learn it before learning Angular.But what about Vue? It was clear for me that between React and Angular I will choose React. But there was also a third big player on the front-end development field - Vue.Its learning curve is similar to React. Like React, Vue main concept is also much simpler comparing to Angular.But React is developed by Facebook. They use it on Facebook. If they developed something which successfully work for billion dollar website, I guess it should also works as good for my projects. And as a bonus React has something additional to offer: React Native.If you want to build native mobile applications React Native is all you need. It has similar syntax and workflow so using it comes with ease when you already know React.There's also a job market. Comparing to competitors (Angular and Vue), React has the most job offers available around the world. China is an exception. If you want to get job in China, choose Vue.So after considering all pros and cons I've bet on React. And now you know why.What about Redux?When it comes to using React people often hear/read about Redux. There's also a Flux, Mobx and they all designed for the same job: to manage your application state. But you don't need to use them with React. They're standalone projects working well with vanilla JavaScript.Using React you will build a lot of components. Every (even tiny) element from your website (e.g. navbar, sidebar, newsletter form) could be an independent component. All of your components can manage their own state.Navbar, for example, can store a login user status and show ""log in"" or ""log out"" depends on its state.If you want to share that state with other component like newsletter form you need to move the state to closest common ancestor of that two components.Then the state of login user status will be stored in e.g. parent page component. Navbar and newsletter will be placed as children components.Moving that state from one component to another is not a big deal and you will learn how to do that in this course.But if you want to share a dozens of states with dozens of unrelated components then some state manager might help.Latest React version has already implemented feature called Context, which can be used instead of Redux, which is a good news.Even better is that you might don't need at all a state manager unless you build a real huge and complex application.And what's most important - don't overwhelm yourself. Learn one concept at a time.Ask yourself: would you learn riding a bicycle and juggling at the same time?It's much more effective to master riding bike at first, then learn juggling as an another independent skill.Mixing skills you already know comes much easier than trying to learn multiple new things at the same time.What about other libraries?You need some solution to use different URLs for your pages and an easy way to navigate through them. React doesn't solve this problem out of the box.So in my opinion there's only one additional library which is vital for React web applications. It's React Router.Of course you can create your own router but it would take a lot of time and effort and ultimately you would reinvent the wheel.In this course you will learn how to use React Router to create a complex navigation system for your app.There's also another thing you will definitely need in your app. It's the ability of sending http requests.There are ready to use external libraries like Axios, Request or event jQuery $.ajax which do the job. But in this course we will use something even better - native JavaScript solution - fetch API.Because why use some additional library (which will slow down loading your app), when all modern browsers have already implemented interface for the same job?If you want to support old Internet Explorer (which is no longer supported even by Microsoft) then yeah, you should stick with AJAX requests (but there's also a native JavaScript solution for that). Otherwise use fetch.Why this course?I've been in your shoes. I've struggled while learning React. Probably you have the same questions in your head which I had when I was trying to start using React.So I've decided to make this React learning curve as easy as pie for you. You will get explanations to all gotchas you can face with while building React app.With my little help you will be placed instantly in the middle of an action. You will see how to start using React within seconds with your every HTML project.First you will learn using React with local html file (without running a server). The whole concept, almost every React feature will be explained to you before you will get your hands dirty with real world projects.Next you will use a no configuration web application bundler - Parcel. It will run for you a localhost server and bundle your React project for development or production.At the end of the day you will deploy your real world application (a blog) to GitHub pages. Of course you will be able to run it on whatever hosting you want simply by uploading your html, js and css files.You will also learn how to use wordpress(dot)com service as a free serverless back-end for your React app.Basically you will create whatever content you want in WordPress. Next you'll fetch that data via public API and you will be able to use it in your React app.Free and accessible from the internet, live React website. This is what you will end up with at the end of this course.Ready to start your adventure with React?If so, just ENROLLNOW."
Price: 29.99 |
"30-minute MBA in Branding" |
"Top MBAs are expensive, time-consuming, and extremely difficult to get into. My goal with this course is to give you an MBA level ofunderstanding branding. If you sell marketing services, this will give you a sophisticated edge over other marketers. If youre a marketing manager, this will give you a strategic understanding of the role of branding. This course focuses specifically on branding both brand strategy and brand tactics such as design. This is not a course on advertising, marketing strategy at large, graphic design, or digital marketing. This course is built on my personal experience developing and marketing brands, my academic experience, and research from myself and others. Ill dispel commonly held myths about branding and give you a solid, reliable resource for understanding brands."
Price: 19.99 |
"Growing Your Healthcare Business" |
"This course is for naturopaths, physicians, dentists, psychologists, health coaches, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and other health service providers.In this course, you will learn how to:Get more patientsGrow your health service businessIncrease your profitsCut your costsIncrease your prices without alienating patientsBecome a trusted advisorDevelop a rock-solid strategyGrow faster than competitorsMarket your services"
Price: 29.99 |
"Get Rich By Investing - Alternative Investment Ideas" |
"How to generate 10-30% returns with completely passive investmentsThis course will teach you how to invest to get high returns using unconventional investments. Get Rich With Alternative InvestmentsBy the end of this course, youll be able to outperform most investors using passive investing techniques. Ill give you specific investments that generate returns between 10 and 30% per year.Ill introduce you to alternative investments that most people have never heard of. These include stock-investment formulas, passive real estate, litigation investing, video game investing, and special Canadian investments.Ill also give you some tips on reducing taxes and fees, how to use leverage to amplify your returns, and how to consider risk in evaluating investments.This course is designed for Americans who have money to invest and dont want to settle for average performance.Thank you for checking out this course. Lets get started!#alternativeinvesting #ideas #strategies #highreturn #highperformance #getrich"
Price: 79.99 |
"How to Grow your Web Design Business" |
"This course will teach you how to grow your web design business in the most profitable wayspossible.You will learn the following:The fundamental mistakes web designers make in running their businessesHow to get more clientsHow to raise your pricesHow to develop a strategy for your web design businessHow to interact with clientsHow to get large contractsTactical marketing tipsThe fundamental economics of growth"
Price: 29.99 |
"Marketing Analytics - Quantitative Marketing" |
"This course is the ultimate overview of marketing analytics. In it, I will teach you how to analyze data to make better marketing decisions.Courses on marketing analytics tend to be very focused on one specific area of marketing. The intent of this course is it to give you a more comprehensive, MBA-level view of marketing analytics. The lead instructor for this course has an MBA in marketing from the Kellogg School of Management, which is widely regarded as the top marketing school in the U.S. Well talk about analytics that help you make strategic decisions such as who your target customers should be, how to segment your audiences, and what your value proposition is. Well also talk about tactical analytics such as A/B testing and measuring awareness and purchase intent. Well discuss some other key KPIs including ARPU and customer lifetime value. Ill show you some very simple calculations and also some advanced statistical methods. Ill talk about digital and traditional media. This is not a software training course, although along the way I will teach you a few tricks in Excel and discuss other programs such as Optimizely, SPSS, Stata, and others. The focus here is on marketing metrics and decision-making. This course is suitable for B2B and B2C; large companies and small companies; products and services. Lets begin!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Soft Skills You Need to Be Successful at the Office" |
"This course will teach you the fundamental soft skills needed to survive and get ahead in an office environment. Iwas a Division Director in Toastmasters and a Brand Manager at Sony, two positions that relied heavily on soft skills.I've done countless leadership training programs and received an M.B.A. from a top-5 U.S. business school.Learn how to:Gain power and get promotedResolve conflictsNegotiate dealsWrite emailsTalk on the phonePersuade peopleManage up, down, and sideways"
Price: 24.99 |
"How people really get 6-7 figure jobs" |
"This course will teach you the essential strategies and tactics of getting a job that pays between $100,000 and $1,000,000 per year. I'll discuss the underlying economics of these jobsand give you specific tactics for landing them.You'll learn the following:The 3 drivers of home incomesHow to negotiate a higher salaryHow to manipulate supply & demand in your favorHow to position yourself in the market for high incomeHow to get into high-paying companiesHow to use education effectivelyHow to persuade people to get a high-paying positionInterview mistakes to avoidHow to exploit differences between countries, cities, and statesHow to develop a high-income strategy"
Price: 19.99 |
"8 Buddhist Steps to Lasting Happiness" |
"Buddhism has one central purpose: to make you as happy as possible. Most people are introduced to Buddhism through meditation, but meditation is actually just one important part of an 8-step happiness system.I've been practicing and studying Buddhism for over 10 years, and here Iwill distill Buddhism downinto 8 simple guidelines for how to live your life.You'll learn:The precise way the Buddha taught meditation, which is not how most meditation teachers teach it.How to be lastingly happy.How to pick a career that will make you happy.How to change your behavior.How to deal with disappointments.How to energize yourself.How to communicate.How to go into deep, blissful meditation.The 8 central teachings of the Buddha.Let's begin!"
Price: 19.99 |