"Comunicating with Children. How to Get Closer to Children" |
"Great communicationwith childrencan bean acquired and practiced skill.It can be very easy to connect with children if you follow some simple steps.Sometime, connecting with children is the base to have a good communication with themUsing empathy one canaccess ""children's world"". From here, you canhave amazingcommunicationwith children.If your relationship with a child is based upon emotional connection, empathy, the child will feel loved, accepted, encouraged, trusted. Through empathy, grown-ups can gain access to their inner child, as we all have an inner child. Will also talk about the kids world, so as to understand what children are capable of at different ages. Will present information briefly, so you can put it into practice as soon as you go through the practical parts of the presentation. Will also give you some tips and tricks, so the techniques shown here can really work.The most important part of this presentation refers to:establishing emotional connections with children (connecting with children)child developmentchildren's worldempathy, smiling, having aplayful attitudeIrecommend this presentation to:educators or having any profession related to young childrenstep parentsfamilies who have adopted children;anyone who wants to deepen their emotional connection with childrenaunts, uncles, or having any degree of kinship with a childmen"
Price: 99.99 |
"Comunicarea cu copiii. Conectarea emotionala cu copiii" |
"O buna comunicare cu copiii poate fi o abilitate dobndit. Poate fi foarte uor s te conectezi cu copiii dac urmeaz nite pai simpli. Uneori, conectarea cu copii reprezint baza pentru a avea o bun comunicare cu acetia Folosind empatie se poate accesa ""lumea copiilor"". De aici, putei avea o comunicare uimitoare cu copiii. Dac relaia cu un copil se bazeaz pe conexiune emoional, empatie, copilul se va simi iubit, acceptat, ncurajat, de ncredere. Prin empatie, adulii pot avea acces la copilul lor interior, deoarece toi avem un copil interior. Va vorbi, de asemenea, despre lumea copiilor, astfel nct s neleag ce sunt capabili copiii la vrste diferite. Informaiile sunt prezentate astfel nct s putei pune n practic imediat ce ati terminat de parcurs prezentriea. De asemenea, v va oferi cteva sfaturi i trucuri, astfel nct tehnicile prezentate aici pot funciona cu adevrat. Cea mai important parte a acestei prezentri se refer la: stabilirea de legturi emoionale cu copiii (conectarea cu copiii)dezvoltarea copiluluilumea copiilorempatiezmbetuljocul.Recomandm aceast prezentare pentru: educatori sau cei care au orice profesie legat de copii miciparinti vitregifamilii care au adoptat copiioricine dorete s-i aprofundeze legtura emoional cu copiiimtui, unchi sau care au un grad de rudenie cu un copilbrbai"
Price: 99.99 |
"3DS MAX 2018 Beginners Course" |
"3ds Max3D modeling and rendering software helps you create massive worlds in games, stunning scenes for design visualization, and detailed characters.Allfuture updates,bonusesin this course are always free. There's an unconditionalfull 30-day money-back guarantee!so that you can check it out, make sure its the right course for you, and get a refund if its not!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 Beginners Course" |
"Photoshop CC, the worlds best imaging and design application. Create and enhance photographs, illustrations, and 3D artwork. Design websites and mobile apps. Edit videos, simulate real-life paintings, and more. Its everything you need to make any idea real.Allfuture updates,bonusesin this course are always free. There's an unconditionalfull 30-day money-back guarantee!so that you can check it out, make sure its the right course for you, and get a refund if its not!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Dimension CC Beginners Course" |
"Hi, I'm iVito, and welcome to Adobe Dimension CC Beginners Course. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to an exciting new application for working with 3D graphics called Adobe Dimension, and unlike many other 3D tools, Adobe Dimension is specifically designed to be simple to learn and use while still giving you the ability to create amazing results, Adobe Dimension CC empowers graphic designers to achieve photorealistic 3D effects as never before. Adobe Dimension promises to be a game changer and since it's made by Adobe, it works seamlessly with services like Creative Cloud Libraries and Adobe Stock, as well as applications like Photoshop.So we'll start by getting to know the user interface and adding a 3D model. We'll see how to move, rotate and scale 3D objects, how to view them from any angle, and how to apply and customize materials and lighting. We'll also see how to make a 3D object blend perfectly with a background image and we'll finish by rendering the image and taking it into Photoshop for some final adjustments. This is going to be a lot of fun, so let's get going right now with Adobe Dimension CC Beginners Course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desarrollo de juegos HTML5 - Cute Invaders" |
"Bienvenidos al curso Desarrollo de juegos HTML5 con Javascript y Phaser.Un curso en donde aprenders a crear un juego para la web completamente funcional.Mi nombre es Andrs Prez, he sido desarrollador de juegos independiente por ms de 8 aos y gamer desde los 5 aos de edad.Desarrolleste curso pensando en todas aquellas personas que deseen aprender a crear juegos HTML5 para la web.Al final de este curso sers capaz de programar las mecnicas fundamentales para el desarrollo de juegos como portadas, modales, movimiento, colisin, controles, botones, physics y ms.Para este curso utilizaremos las tecnologas HTML5, Javascript y Phaser.Para el curso no slo te dar el cdigo fuente y todos los assets que necesitars para el juego, sino que el cdigo estar explicado lnea por lnea para que no te quede duda de lo que ests escribiendo.Sintete en libertad de checar los videos demo del curso para convencerte.Espero que muy pronto empecemos a crear Cute Invaders juntos."
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduo a Pintura Digital" |
"Comece a criar arte digital! Este curso recomendado para iniciantes que nunca abriram o Photoshop,vamos juntos desde o comeo!Descubratoda a base de ferramentas, atalhos e processos para que voc possa criar com facilidade artes e desenhos digitais. Se voc j tem alguma experincia, tambm vai poder aproveitar esse contedo, poisapresentoem detalhes em todos os meus mtodose configuraes que aprendi nos ltimos 7 anos pintando digitalmente.Alm disso vamos ver os fundamentos da iluminao para entender como criar desenhos sem contornos, utilizando luz e sombra para criar volume e dar aquele aspecto 3D as pinturas, tudo isso com um processo organizado e simples! Comece com o p direito, e sej est nessa jornada, aumente a sua velocidade de desenvolvimento!"
Price: 234.99 |
"Introduo ao Desenho : Rosto, Expresses e Estilizao!" |
"As vezes nossos personagens parecem um pouco sem vida, no muito originais ou simplesmente estranhos. Com esse contedo voc aprendera desenhar os rostos de personagens em qualquer ngulo, com as expresses dinmicas e interessantes!O mais importante compreender os fundamentos, para entendercomo a cabea humana construda, assim vai ficar muito mais fcil simplificar, estilizar e exagerar essas caractersticas e aplicar esses conhecimentos na sua mdia favorita, seja digital ou tradicional.Descubra como criar rostos passo a passo, transformando o que antes poderia ser um personagem sem graa em algo nico e marcante!Alm de vrias outras sugestes de exerccios, desafios e recursos adicionais."
Price: 189.99 |
"Free hand nail art" |
"The course is a step-by-step guide to mastering free hand nail art. If you are a beginner, don't worry: the first section shows all the necessary basics - doing your manicure and painting your nails. If you are already skilled at simple nail painting, you may also choose to watch this section and probably learn new tips and tricks.The second block shows simple-to-do nail designs using removable stickers or tape. These are easy to master and at the same time they already make you stand out of the crowd.The third and fourth sections show the techniques of free hand nail artusing nail art polishes or just thin nail art brushes.You will learndifferent examples of free hand nail designs, starting from the most simple to do ones and advancing to more complicated pictures.You do not have to be an artist or a nail technician to complete this course and start doingflawless manicures, all you need is a passion for nail art and following the steps shown."
Price: 34.99 |
"Novas regras de concesso dos benefcios por incapacidade" |
"Nesse curso esclarecemos quais foram as principais mudanas implementadas pela lei 13.457/2017 que tornou mais rgido o acesso ao benefcio de auxlio-doena e aposentadoria por invalidez. Alm de esclarecermos os novos procedimentos de reviso dos benefcios de aposentadoria por invalidez e do auxlio-doena, demonstramos quais so as providncias cabveis para o segurado do INSS que teve o seu benefcio cessado deve tomar para restabelecer a sua aposentadoria por invalidez ou auxlio-doena indevidamente cessado/indeferido.Essas aulas so destinadas a qualquer pessoa que recebeu ou recebe o benefcio de auxlio-doena ou aposentadoria por invalidez, bem comopara o profissional advogado, contador, recursos humanos, dentre outros."
Price: 39.99 |
"Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing" |
"We may be familiar with the popular quote, that ""It is estimated that more than USD1.5 trillion from crime is laundered worldwide each year"". Furthermore,terrorism is not only financed byillegal but legitimate sources. Learn how thetwo vices are related, why it is easy to launder proceeds of crime and yet difficult to identify terrorism financing. What arethe preventive steps we need to take and many other steps.In this recently updatedtwin course, we have made learning very simple with our illustrative pictorial approach that will keep you interested to the end while the studentwill alwaysremember what was taught. Therefore, you shouldexpect,A thorough but simpleexplanation of Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorism Financing (TF) which will coverThe art of disguisinglaundered money, a brief history of Money LaunderingHow ML/TFare committed; learn about predicate crimes, why they are committed, what the motive is behind predicate crimes, where and when they are carried out; you will find the illustrations used to explain money launderers' operations very easy to remember.Learn the economic and political consequences of Money Laundering on the society;and what must be done to counter-check the consequence andlots moreBonus MaterialsMoney Laundering: The Al Capone Case Study (PDF)Foreign Terror Fighters: What we need to know about them (Slides)A course designed by Samuel Aremuin partnership withg-Log Consult.He isaCertified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) withPostgraduate degrees inIntelligence,Law Enforcement andCriminal Justice. Mr. Samuel has been a driver in the AML/CFT regime in Nigeria and West Africa. Hehas trained and mentored over 700 students, law enforcement officers, financial and intelligence analysts, andstaff ofFinancial and Designated Non-Financial businessesin Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Togo, South Africa among others."
Price: 19.99 |
"Taxation Overview" |
"A twin course bySylvester Oshode.In the first course you will learn aboutTax Concept which will equally give us an overview of the Tax system. We equally will draw similarities from other countries' tax system among others. At the end of the firstcourse, the student should understand the following among others:The different classes of TaxesPrinciples of an ideal Tax systemExamination of the various tax canonsDirect and Indirect taxationAbility to differentiate between Pay theory and Benefit theoryImportance of Taxation among other objectiveswhile in the second course, Tax systems, Case study:Nigeria,you find out that the tax laws or legal instruments which tax administration rely upon are the basis of authority to implement tax policies of acountry? You will also learn about the complete tax system In Nigeria including;Concept of Nigerian Tax systemWhat is the concept of tax about, what is the relationship betweentax policy, laws and administration?Concept of Tax policythe difference between a policy and a tax policyConcept of Tax LawsWhat are tax laws and the various tax laws, pre-2002 and post-2002, lawslike the company Income tax, VAT Act or sales tax, Petroleum Tax, Education, etc. Learn about their functions, challenges, usefulness and much moreConcept of Tax administrationWho administers tax, how are the various managers constituted, what are their key functions.InstructorSylvester Oshode is a chartered accountant and tax administrator with many years of professional work experience. He is currently a Manager (Compliance audit) at the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) as Team Head, Audit Review Committee. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Accounting and Fraud Detection and Masters in Business Administration. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Customer Due Diligence: AML Controls and Procedures" |
"This is a threetopic course compressed into a three-part module course plus one making it four (4) courses. These will extensively address the followingWhat KYC is, as defined extensively Why KYC isnecessary, why financial institutions likebanks, insurance companies and others are easy AML targets Learn the importance of KYC as advisedby local and international standard settersWhat KYC aims to achieve. Why financial institutions must go beyond just identifying their customers to familiarising themselves. Whythis is necessary. Learn also about the KYC guideUnder CDD, we will defineCDD, and draw a line between KYC and CDD. We will also explain why CDD is Importance and what best standards are availableEnhanced Due Diligence (EDD) -what is it all about and when is it applied, how do you de-escalate enhanced risk etcLearn about recordkeeping and its relevance to CDD/EDD processes. What financial records are expectedto bekept etcWe will examine the essentials of a proper KYC/CDD strategy and why we need to have a good strategyin placeAnd lastly, we willexamine AML risks in details - Region, Product, Customer Transaction."
Price: 49.99 |
"Identifying AML Suspicious Transactions" |
"The inability of compliance or money laundering reporting officers notto be able to detectsuspicious transactions out of several other transactions orwhat to do next with such transactions is what this course is about. A very thorough examination of what suspicious transactions are, what staff should know about STRs, responsibility of staff, types of red flags among other topics were covered."
Price: 24.99 |
"Suspicious Transaction Report Narrative" |
"Most financial and non-financial Institutions struggle with how to send quality Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIUs) mainly because these reports are lacking in the information needed by the analysts or investigators. Most money laundering reporting officers (MLROs) are not skilled or are confused about how to go about the process. This is what this course seeks to address. By sending a qualitative report, the financial institution helps the analysts understand what the suspicion is all about among other reasons.This is the concluding part of a three-part course namely, Identifying Suspicious Transactions and How to Report Suspicious Transactions under the AML/CFT regime."
Price: 44.99 |
"Introduction to Emotional Intelligence" |
"This course will give you an introduction tothe tools you need to be emotionally Intelligent in your workplace. An employee with high emotional intelligence can manage his or her own impulses, communicate effectively with others, solve problems and build rapport in tense situations. These employees also have empathy, remain optimistic even in the face of adversity and are gifted at educating and persuading, perfect in a sales situation or resolving customer complaints in a customer service role."
Price: 19.99 |
"Assertiveness and Self Confidence" |
"Hello ! Welcome to my course on Assertiveness and Self Confidence. This courses is not just someone lecturing you but rather and opportunity to interact and do exercises together and on your own to really help you understand and learn the great tips and techniques that can help to improve your self confidence and assertiveness. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a review at the end.Assertiveness and self-confidence are comprised of important interpersonal communications skills and traits that can be learned and practiced. This course will provide you with many tips, techniques, and opportunities to try out your own skills.Self confidence plays an important role in our everyday lives. Being confident allows us to set and reach our goals. It provides stability when we are faced with a challenge; it gives us that push that helps us overcome difficulties. Self confidence is necessary in our personal and professional lives, as without it one would not be successful in either. It gives us the ability to stand up to face our challenges and to pick ourselves up when we fall.An assertive person is confident and direct in dealing with others. Assertive communications promote fairness and equality in human interactions, based on a positive sense of respect for self and others. It is the direct communication of a persons needs, wants, and opinions without punishing, threatening, or putting down another person.Assertive behavior includes the ability to stand up for a persons legitimate rights without violating the rights of others or being overly fearful in the process. A skill that can be learned, assertive behavior is situational specific; meaning different types of assertive behavior can be used in different situations.Assertive behavior involves three categories of skills; self-affirmation, expressing positive feelings, and expressing negative feelings. Each will be explored during this course. Define assertiveness and self-confidence, and list the four styles of communication Describe the types of negative thinking, and how one can overcome negative thoughts Explain the difference between listening and hearing, and understand the importance of body language and questioning skills in communication Define the importance of goal setting, and practice setting SMART goals for assertive behavior Utilize methodologies for understanding your worth -- and the use of positive self-talk List reasons why a pleasing appearance and body language are critical for creating a strong first impression Practice sending positive communications phrased as I-Messages Use the STAR model to make your case during a presentation challenge Display rapport-building skills through assertive methods of expressing disagreement and consensus-building techniques Practice strategies for gaining positive outcomes in difficult interpersonal situations.Enjoy the course and please feel free to ask any questions through the portal and please leave a review at the end.ThanksSteve"
Price: 19.99 |
"English Vocabulary for the TOEFL and SAT Exams" |
"This fun and effective course teaches you new English vocabulary. I use the technique of grouping words together by similar meaning. This helps you to remember a general meaning even if you don't recall the complete definition. I use example sentences and pictures to fix the meaning in your mind. I also go over the parts of speech for each vocabulary word to help you comprehend their meaning anduse them correctly in your speech. Let's get started taking your English vocabulary knowledge to the next level!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Introduzione completa alla chitarra blues" |
"Cos ""Introduzione Completa alla Chitarra Blues""?""Introduzione Completa alla Chitarra Blues"" un corso studiato specificamente per la fruizione su computer o tablet. Integra filmati, file audio, documenti in formato PDF, rimandi a risorse reperibili in rete.Seguendo questo corso con attenzione e impegno arriverai a comprendere le caratteristiche strutturali del blues tradizionale, sarai in grado di eseguire semplici accompagnamenti blues generici o nello stile di alcuni dei grandi maestri e saprai come muoverti in modo stilisticamente appropriato in ambito solista.Diventer un chitarrista blues esperto studiando questo metodo?Il blues un genere musicale caratterizzato da alcuni elementi ricorrenti (fondamentalmente quelli affrontati in questo corso), ma anche da una serie di approcci, peculiarit e varianti legate al periodo storico, allarea geografica di provenienza, allo stile e alle influenze dei vari artisti. Questo corso non si propone di trasformarti in un chitarrista blues esperto, con una conoscenza approfondita dei diversi sottogeneri e delle peculiarit dei singoli artisti. Si propone piuttosto di offrirti una base solida, che coinvolga tutti gli aspetti essenziali della chitarra blues. lideale per chi gi suona ma non ha mai avuto occasione di dedicarsi allambito blues.Com organizzato il materiale?Il corso suddiviso in nove elezioni di progressiva difficolt. In ogni lezione vengono presentati uno o pi concetti chiave, tutti spiegati in video, se opportuno con lausilio di elementi grafici. Seguono numerosi esempi, nei quali i concetti proposti trovano applicazione pratica. La maggior parte degli esercizi sono dimostrati in video, se opportuno anche a velocit rallentata.Gi suono la chitarra, conosco i principali accordi e le tecniche soliste fondamentali, ma non sono di certo un musicista esperto. Questo corso adeguato alle mie capacit?Assolutamente s! Anzi, questo corso stato pensato proprio in primis per studenti come te. Non richiesto un livello tecnico particolarmente alto: gli esercizi e le parti ritmiche e soliste proposte sono sempre piuttosto semplici o al massimo di media difficolt. Potrai concentrarti sui concetti chiave e su semplici applicazioni degli stessi, senza doverti preoccupare dei virtuosismi.Sono un chitarrista esperto e tecnicamente preparato, ma ho sempre suonato altri generi musicali. Questo corso adeguato a me o dovrei cercare qualcosa di pi avanzato?Pu essere che tu abbia gi confidenza con alcuni degli argomenti trattati, ma con tutta probabilit se non hai mai suonato blues la gran parte del materiale sar per te una novit. Il blues veramente un mondo a s, con le sue regole peculiari. Quindi la risposta s, questo corso adeguato a te. Probabilmente troverai gli esempi musicali piuttosto semplici, ma nulla ti impedir - se lo vorrai - di applicare i concetti appresi in parti chitarristiche tecnicamente pi impegnative.Sono un principiante assoluto, questo corso adeguato a me?Se non hai mai suonato la chitarra prima dora ti sconsiglio di partire da qui; gli argomenti proposti ti sembrerebbero eccessivamente complessi. Meglio iniziare con un bravo insegnante o con un metodo di base. Nel secondo caso potresti usare il mio Chitarra Metodo Semplice, edizioni Volont & Co.Quanto tempo servir per metabolizzare il materiale proposto?Nonostante questo sia un corso introduttivo, a seconda della tua preparazione pregressa e del tempo a disposizione potrebbero essere necessari anche parecchi mesi per assimilare tutti gli argomenti trattati. Ti consiglio di affrontarli nellordine in cui sono stati concepiti e disposti, passando a un nuovo argomento solo quando padroneggerai con sicurezza il precedente.Oltre a studiare il materiale fornito cosa posso fare?Come consiglio spesso nei filmati sarebbe unottima cosa cercare di applicare le competenze acquisite di volta in volta nella creazione di parti chitarristiche originali.Ti invito inoltre ad ascoltare quanta pi musica blues possibile, cercando di riconoscere in quello che senti ci che imparerai nel corso. Agli inizi potr sembrarti complicato, ma con lesercizio inizierai riconoscere sequenze di accordi, scale utilizzate e cos via."
Price: 19.99 |
"All About Android(A^3)-Learn App Development by making Apps." |
"In this course we will be making Android Apps to learn Android Development. Students should have a basic knowledge of Java or any other Object Oriented Language. We will be discussing all the concepts while making the App. Please feel free to ask questions on this course. Request you to send a screenshot with your question.You need to have Android Studio installed in your system before your start this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Email Marketing - Atraia e Converta !" |
"Aprender a criar Landing Pages atrativas e otimizadas para a divulgao dos seus servios ou Produtos, se tornar um fator essencial para o sucesso da sua uma estratgia de divulgao do seu servio ou produto, desenvolvendo uma tima maneira de prospeco e relacionamento. O objetivo deste curso ensinar a criar Campanhas de Email Marketing,eficientes e totalmente adaptveis as verses Mobile, transformando as pessoas interessadas em Leads. Ainda vais aprender a criar bancos de dados atravs das Listas de e-mails, obtidas pelos formulrios de captura, chamados de Landing Pages ou Pginas de Captura, formando uma base slida de Prospects, para a gerao das suas campanhas. E ainda tem os super Bnus, que so a anlise das Mtricas e a criao de Questionrios de Satisfao do cliente, que vai te trazer muitas informaes sobre o seu pblico. Atravs deste curso, estruturado em captulos com explicaes simples e diretas e que juntamente com comentrios baseados em exemplos reais de clientes atendidos ao longo de outros trabalhos, tornaro mais simples e tranquilo a absoro e prtica do contedo. Aqui, quem vai definir o tempo ser voc, repetindo nossas aulas quantas vezes for necessrio e na velocidade desejada. Tenho certeza que este investimento lhe trar retornos satisfatrios e adorarei receber todo e qualquer feedback das suas experincias."
Price: 39.99 |
"5 Ways to Start an Online Business In 2018 and Beyond" |
"In this course, we will look into 5 business models that do not require a lot of investment and therefore have very little chances of failure, if done right of course. Dont worry, you not only learn what these business models are but also that why these models are so successful and how you can get started and gain success as well.I am using ny years of experience as a digital marketer and internet entrepreneur to create this course. The goal of this course is to put you on a workable track that will enable you to start getting tangible results within days.Have you spent months trying to figure out how others are making fortunes on the internet and find a way to replicate the process; but failed!This Simple No BS Internet Marketing Course WillTeach You To Create an Online Businesses That WORKS.My idea behind this course is to provide you with 5 super successful business models that have made thousands of online business owners billions and continue to make them more. You just have to learn the concepts in this course, imitate what I explain and how each business model works, and there is no way you can fail again.This course is not a one time or event sort of gig with instant money solutions; I am talking business here. These business models, when applied the right way not only make you money but will keep making you money over and over again.Hundreds of my students started working on these models as a part-time business, and now they are making at least a 4-figure income every month. You can also earn more than what your regular full day work pays you.Success Has Its Prerequisites! One Of Them Is Taking Action.One of the biggest reasons that new online business owners fail is not taking action. Most people who want to make money online never go past the planning stage; therefore, they never succeed.Dont go for perfection right from the start, start slow, start in any way you can but just get your business out to the public and be seen. You might get some criticism but eventually, you will make it big, stay consistent and focused and I can guarantee you success.The Second Thing You Need Is Focus.Dont try to wear too many hats or start with more than one business model at once. I am providing you insight into 5 models for you to see which model suits you the best. Just focus on that until you can see money coming in.BUT Most Important Of All, You Need A PLAN.By taking this course, you will have a good insight into 5 brilliant business to make money online. You will also know how each of these business models is working in the real world, and making money.I have explained each business model with an example so that you can also understand how other successful online entrepreneurs are making money. We will critically evaluate each example discovering the action plan in each model and deriving a success blueprint that you can replicate and gain success as well.Are you ready to make this year the year of your success and possibly grow more than one super thriving online business?Enroll In This Course Now, And You Will Be Fascinated To Learn How Simple It Is To Make A Fortune Online Successfully.Entreprenuer Coach Eugene Bly"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso prctico para aprovechar el tiempo con el mtodo CLAM" |
"En algn momento has sentido frustracin pues no te alcanza el tiempo? Antes me he sentido as pero me he dedicado a aprender todo lo relacionado a efectividad personal,por eso he decidido compartirte mi conocimiento.Te ensear los mtodos prcticos que ofrezco en mis cursos presenciales y sesiones de coaching, quehe desarrollado basndome en la investigacin as como de mi experiencia profesional y personal.Estas herramientas han demostrado su efectividad al mejorar la vida de otros y es momento que las aprendas:Entenders las creencias que no te permiten aprovechar el tiempo para modificarlasAprenders a hacer planeacin diaria utilizando agenda y planeador mensualSabrs como delegar proyectos en 6 pasos y utilizando la herramienta que yo utilizoHars la planeacin estratgica de tu objetivo ms ambicioso para ponerle accinObtendrs claridad en tus prioridades e ideas paradedicarles tiempoHe invertido muchos aos en el perfeccionamiento deeste aprendizaje para que tu no tengas que hacerlo, ahora slo deseo compartir este conocimiento tan arduamente ganado contigo.Ests listo para que te alcance el tiempo?"
Price: 420.00 |
"English With Kids - Teaching ESL to Young Children Naturally" |
"Supporting English as a second language - natural and fun learning with respect to childs interests.GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLEThis brand new course is for: Parents who would like to teach their kids English or support their children to become confident and fluent in English and perhaps practise their conversational skills on the wayEducators teaching English as a Second Language, who would like activity ideas and lesson plans to introduce English in daily fun activities and routines to ensure fluency and confident using of the language.English With Kids Course will show you how to establish playfulEnglish momentsthat can help little children (esp. 2-6 yrs) learn soeasilyas they did with theirnative language. We respect their interests and encourage the overall development. With our handy printouts summarising all ideas you can be anactive and effective guidein this wonderful process. From my own experience I found ESL teaching methods at schools to be very passive. I learned English fluently later during my studies in the U.S. But for children little English moments can take them onlife-changing adventures while staying at home! As a mother of three daughters I was fascinated by the process ofpassing onthe gift of native language. I have been successfully employing the practical techniques that you are about to learn when sharing English as a second language with my children and they became bilingual. In our learning materials you will find the most effectiveparent like approach based on thechild-centered Montessori Method.For the last 6 years I encourage other parents and teachers on my blog, in the seminars and weekly courses. Our approach helpschildrenunderstand and speak with such an ease that makes me stop and wonder every time they surprise me with their progress. It makes children comfortable enough toreally use English to communicateand with no effort. We want to make it super easy for you. See theACTION WITH CHILDRENand have the summary with helpful picturesand phrases at hand. I am excited to invite you in! Check out the FREE preview videos! Join us and have fun :-)Eva"
Price: 19.99 |
"Movement for Misfits, Metaphysicians and Merfolk" |
"This course jumps right in with three cohesive, 20-minute, standing movement practices. These practices are a non-traditional approach to vocabulary based in Qi Gong and peppered with elements from Tai Chi and Tribal Fusion dance. They can be done in a small space, even wearing work-clothes if that's how you like it. Accompanied by a unique sound-score by music-for-movement composer Michael Wall, and filmed in the scrappy tropics of Providence, Rhode Island, the idea here is that the body is profound and movement practice is meant to be somethinginteresting, delicious and part of an inspired life."
Price: 24.99 |
"Basics of 3D Graphics with Blender 2.7x" |
"If you don't have dozens of extra hours in your day to learn 3D, this is the course for you. I tell you only what you need to know to get started with 3D. Follow the comprehensive assignments to understand 3D tools, how to manipulate geometry and understand volume. If you don't have loads of hours to spend watching tutorial videos but you still want to become a 3D artists, this is the course for you.The great thing about learning tools and specific skills is that you can transfer what you've learned to other software packages.Bonus curriculum includes:Creating 2D objects"
Price: 19.99 |
"Hand-Painted Tiled Textures in Blender 2.7x" |
"This course explores my process behind creating re-usable tiled textures and using them as stencils inside of Blender. This is not a step-by-step instruction. I show you the tools and give you my ideas behind my decisions. The lectures are short and to the point. You should have an understanding of how to use blender before starting this course.What you'll learn:Hand-painted texturingWoodMetalLeatherFurStone"
Price: 19.99 |
"Art: Enhance Your Style Series: 1" |
"Lets embark ona journey to enhanceyour art style. There is a lot to discoverwhen utilizingimagination techniques,usingintuitiontocreate art, and exploring your own visual voice. From the basics to advanced you will see how all of the information in this class is beneficial for you in enhancing your overall creative and artisticstyle.In this course there are9 MainLectures and9 Co-Lectures consisting of severalVideo Demonstrations, useful Class Exercises, and PDFs. This series will benefit Artists of all skill levels to enhance their creative and artisticstyle. Whether you want to paint for fun or as a professional this class is for you! In Series1we willdiscuss:Color TheoryElements of Art & Principles of DesignEmotional Color TheoryUnique ToolsPast and Present Day ArtistsArt JournalingImaginationCollagePortfolioIf you join nowyou'llbe on your waytoenhancing your Art style today!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Art: Enhance Your Style - Series: 2" |
"The journey continues with more informative and useful information that will help you to further enhance your artistic and creative style. In this course there are9 Lectures embeddedwith Video Demonstrations, usefulClass Exercises, and PDFs. This series will benefit Artists ofall skill levelsto enhance their creative and artisticstyle. Whether you want to paint for fun or as a professional this class is for you! In Series2we willdiscuss: Expressive Abstract Art History The Painterly Style Compositional Structures Media and Medium vs. Mediums Precisionism The Underpainting Deconstructivism Art Critiquing Gicle Enroll now so you can begin using these skills today!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Forex Price Action Training: Trade Management & Rules" |
"Background:The Training Programme is to introduce the basics of FX trading to retail traders. As 80% of retail traders exit the FX market by either wiping out their entire trading account or just give up without achieving what they have set to achieve from FX trading, this course aims to bring retail traders into the light but emphasizing on the fundamentals and trading psychology and strategies.Training Objectives:Retail Traders will be able to understand the basics of FX trading design their trading plans and formulate trading strategies based on their trading plan while maintaining the right trading psychology throughout their entire trading journey.Learning Outcomes:The Learner will be able to list the advantages of trading FX, explain the different stages of a trader and what is FX trading.The Learner will be able to differentiate the different type of trading charts, in particular the Candle Sticks chart. Identify chart structures and apply trading technical like Fibonacci, Harmonics and Double Top and Double Bottoms.The Learner will be able to formulate a trading plan with identifiable trade ratings. Implement trading rules and routine, set trading parameters and perform back testing while maintaining positive trading psychology.The Learner will be able to apply money and risk management technique in their trading strategies.The Learner will be able to evaluate effectiveness of their trading plan."
Price: 209.99 |