"Emotions and Expressions (Draw Better Faces)" |
"Drawing accurate facial expressions that viewers can relate to can seem tricky, but by understanding the emotions behind each facial expression and how each emotion changes your facial muscles. We'll talk about the four basic human emotions and I'll show you how to look for points of tension on your face so you can get familiar with the specific facial movements of each unique human emotion.I'll also teach you about facial expression model sheets and walk you through making your own, so you can explore all kinds of facial expressions to get a better understanding of your character's individual emotional range."
Price: 44.99 |
"Using Critical Analysis to Improve Your Drawing Skills" |
"Every artist that I've known (myself included), has had a desire to do better in their work and go beyond the bounds of their creative limitations. At times this can feel daunting or even impossible, but it's important to remember that drawing is a skill; and skills can always be honed and improved upon. There are simple and practical steps you can take to make your drawings better, and this class will help you do just that.Most of us already know that practice is an important key to improving any technical skill, but what else can be done to help speed up your learning? This class will show you how to critically analyze your work, harness your observation skills and demonstrate a couple of practical warm up exercises that will help your drawing be the best it can be.Music courtesy of DJQuads"
Price: 24.99 |
"Curso de Teoria Musical" |
"Total de 37 videoaulas com o contedo completo de teoria musical abordando o aprendizado da leitura da partitura, englobando praticamente todo o contedo necessrio para o domnio de uma leitura musical (notas, ritmos, claves, compassos, expresses, andamentos, etc.) e da estruturao musical (escalas maiores menores e intervalos). Nesse curso voc ter contedos vitais para o conhecimento bsico da teoria musical."
Price: 174.99 |
"Certified EROS Oracle Healing cards - 5 senses technique" |
"Welcome to this course!I am Calliope Oracle investigator, Astral Channeler and Radiesthesia Dowser Healer, almost 20 years.In this course, you will learn the basic steps of an ancient Greek Oracle healing technique of the 5senses. You will be extremely qualified to decode 5 senses operational system of hearing, smelling, vision, touch & taste the way they react each on a matter and transform them in harmony for you or your customers. This is a very new method of Divination & Healing based on Greek Shamans priests. Pythia and Sibilla are well-known titles of Apollos' priestesses, who gave great and accurate Oracles with an unknown technique. The esoteric ancient Greek Philosophy had the paths and the ways How to connect humans with their Divine Soul, Purity, Wisdom, and Grace. Our goal and life purpose are to uncover/decode and bring into the surface, this secret knowledge, and ancient oracle techniques. Divination (Mantiki called in Greek) is one of the Apollonian forces. The purpose of Mantiki is to bring in our conscious/mind accurate and valuable pieces of information, so we can make wise choices in this life and reduce our Karma so we can conquer the Divine Grace vibration. This course is the start of a Divine esoteric journey with great gold, silver and platinum stations. As we travel Many of you, will feel that you are aware of this ... and this is true, cause every awaken soul had at least one lifetime in Ancient Greece so he/she could study the source/birth of Virtues (Aretes in Greek). Every ancient civilization has its priests and their Sun God and they reveal the same themes and purpose, it's like a chain of same mysteries, secret knowledge and high vibrations connected in one Great Source of Akasha (Ether - Etheras in Greek). Having this in mind, no matter what you believe, let polarity aside and dive into your gold ratio field of knowledge in order to connect the lost pieces of the chain though our Oracle courses. Healing 5 senses technique, given in this card method, is a unique step & healing tool!Oracle was and is the first step for a healing process! This course is the first Oracle station on our Oracle trip. Eros and Psyche is our symbolic pathway to see and feel Love as humans and as Divine Cosmic entities of this Galaxy, the same time. But how can we decode these symbols and their myth? Eros and Psyche will lead us to see our self in this life and through the technique we are about to learn, to measure and receive guidance for our Soulmates, our Twin flame and of course for ourselves mirror, till the next level of awakening.Love is the child of Eros & Psyche! We all need this child. We all seek this child even when we have it. Love is all around us and in us. But how we miss it? Is it our Karma? Is it our mind? Is our distance from our Divine I Am? Is all the above? This course analyzes and establishes the healing principals of Divination, so we can find the missing child of Love. Qualifies you to be an expert Eros healer starting with the senses system which is the path of sensing Love! This course is divided into 4 major sections, the Oracle theory, ancient scripts (symbols and decode) and Oracle principles, Analysis of Eros cards set / Archetypes decodePractice with Oracle Eros cards - a techniqueThe healing 5senses method Additionally, we will travel in the electromagnetic field of Cuma Italy Apollo's temple, Sibylla Oracle centrum, and Sibilla's Oracle Cave, so we can connect... Let's not forget that we are humans and we embody a part of our flying soul, that ancient sacred places all over Earth have open Gates for us to enter ... See you at our first station... Eros healing cards deck StationMay Universal Love be in YouCalliope Xrisi Grigorioy"
Price: 24.99 |
"Trigonometry in" |
"Why rush to any coaching center? Why rush to mukherjeenagar, eat unhygenic & waste plenty of yourtime, money & efforts. Learn at your home from Nigania Coaching & achieve your success by studying from one of the best coachingin entire India. And best part is, you have not to go anywhere.After doing this complete course you will be able yo solve all questions of trigonometry within seconds.Do more than 95% of the trigonometry questions in less than 20 seconds."
Price: 39.99 |
"Big data, Cloud, Data Science, IoT, ML - iSMAC - All in One" |
"Understand latest technologies on Big data, Cloud, Data Science, IoT, Machine Learning and how they collaborate in real world.This course covers wide range of technologies and how they collaborate and adds value to any enterprise. In every organisation iOT, Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud (iSMAC), all together plays a significant role in their business success. Being a software engineer or an executing getting the complete understanding on all the technology and its overview would be near to impossible. This course is designed to get complete overview wide spectrum of technologies and how they collaborate. Every technology is explained with appropriate demo.BigDataHadoopHDFSYARNMapReduceApache PigApache HiveApache FlumeApache SqoopHUEAlluxio - In memory storageRDBMSand NoSQLRelational DatabaseNoSQL DatabaseTypes of NoSQL DatabasesColumn Family DatabaseDocument DatabaseKey Value DatabaseGraph DatabaseMachine Learning and Data ScienceMachine LearningModelsDimensionality ReductionSupervised and Unsupervised LearningClusteringRegressionDevops and Continuous DeliveryDevOpsContainerizationDockerDocker ContainerDocker ComposeDocker SwarmKubernetesVirtualizationVirtual BoxContinuous Integration - JenkinsCloud TechnologiesLambda ArchitectureAWS ServicesCloud Scaleability & AvailabilityWebserver and Webpage in CloudServerless Architecture - AWS LambdaQuality control and Rapid Application DevelopmentCode quality verification - SonarQubeAutomated unit testing - JunitBuild process - MaveniOT - Internet of ThingsIoT - ArduinoIoT - Raspberry Pi"
Price: 199.99 |
"Apache Spark SQL - Bigdata In-Memory Analytics Master Course" |
"This course is designed for professionals fromzero experienceto alreadyskilled professionalsto enhance their Spark SQL Skills.Handson session covers on end to end setup of Spark Cluster in AWS and in local systems.COURSEUPDATEDPERIODICALLY SINCELAUNCH: Last Updated : DecemberWhat students are saying:5 stars, ""This is classic. Spark related concepts are clearly explained with real life examples. "" - Temitayo Joseph In data pipeline whether the data is in structured or in unstructured form, the final extracted data would be in structured form only. At the final stage we need to work with the structured data. SQL is popular query language to do analysis on structured data.Apache spark facilitates distributed in-memory computing. Spark has inbuilt module called Spark-SQL for structured data processing. Users can mix SQL queries with Spark programs and seamlessly integrates with other constructs of Spark.Spark SQL facilitates loading and writing data from various sources like RDBMS, NoSQL databases, Cloud storage like S3 and easily it can handle different format of data like Parquet, Avro, JSON and many more.Spark Provides two types of APIsLow Level API - RDDHigh Level API - Dataframes and DatasetsSpark SQL amalgamates very well with various components of Spark like Spark Streaming, Spark Core and GraphX as it has good APIintegration between High level and low level APIs.Initial part of the course is on Introduction on Lambda Architecture and Big data ecosystem. Remaining section would concentrate on reading and writing data between Spark and various data sources.Dataframe and Datasets are the basic building blocks for Spark SQL. We will learn on how to work on Transformations and Actions with RDDs, Dataframes and Datasets.Optimization on table with Partitioning and Bucketing.To facilitate the understanding on data processing following usecase have been included to understand the complete data flow.1) NHL Dataset Analysis2) Bay Area Bike Share Dataset AnalysisUpdates:++ Apache Zeppelin notebook (Installation, configuration, Dynamic Input)++Spark Demo with Apache Zeppelin"
Price: 199.99 |
"Apache Zeppelin - Big Data Interactive Visualization Master" |
"At some point in Big Data Ecosystem, you may be called upon to produce a graph or a chart by analyzing the data from Big Data Ecosystem and from other data sources. Collaborating data from multiple sources can be remarkably complex. What pre-processing to do? Setting up the interaction with various sources, What kind of chart should you use? what are the consequences of that choice? Apache Zeppelin provides web based note book along with 20 plus Interpreters to interact with and facilitates collaboration from a WebUI. Zeppelin server runs on top of Jetty server and supports Data Ingestion, Data Discovery, Data Analysis and Data Visualization with collaboration Using and integration of Interpreters is very simple and seamless. Apache Zeppelin also supports impersonation, Authentication and Authorization.Resultant data can be exported or stored in various sources or can be explored with various visualization and can be analysed with pivot graph like setupThis course introduces every aspect of visualization, from story, to numbers, to architecture, to code. Tell your story with charts on the web. Visualization always reflects the reality of the data."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mr. K's Grammar World Presents: The ""Be"" Verb" |
"This course is designed to introduce or review the basic use of the ""be"" verb in English. This course is suitable for beginning and intermediate English students. The purpose of the course is to give students the tools that they need to make good decisions about when to use the ""be"" verb and what form they need."
Price: 19.99 |
"Get Professional Mixes with Free Plugins" |
"This course is a thorough lesson in finding and using the best free plugins to create professional mixes.By the end of the course, you will be able to easily identify and download incredible free plugins, and use them in your DAW to get great mixes.Several years ago, I was bad at mixing music. I downloaded random plugins I found, simply because they were free, and wasted a bunch of time chasing plugins that didn't help me make any better music. I lacked the knowledge of mixingtechniques that professionals use, and I had no idea how to download the good freebies whileavoiding thebad.However, fast-forward to today, and I professionally record and mix music - and I have a vast collection of the best free plugins available.This course is designed to help you get from where I was to where I am today, without spending as much time as I had to. And you can use any DAW that you like, as long as it supports VST or AUplugins:Logic Pro X, Reaper, Cubase, Studio One, FL StudioandGarageband are all great choices. I will be demonstrating using Reaper.In this course, I will provide you with a hand-picked list of great free plugins that Iuse in almost every single one of my mixes. I will also teach you my secrets to finding the best ones, so you can begin building your own custom collection of great music tools.After I show you where to find these tools, I'll dive deep in showing you how to use them.I won't just dump these tools into your hands and expect you to know how to make them work, I will guide you in the mixing process, showing you my exact settings for mixing drums, bass, vocals, effects, and more. We will mix through an indie rock song together, from start to finish. I'll help you craft a rough mix using the faders and pan pots, shape the tone and dynamics of the tracks and busses, and even master the song and get it ready for release.If you're ready to get the most out of the huge wealth of free plugins available on the internet, sign up for the course today.*Note: Some of the materials in this course are found on websites that also offer paid content, but no paid content will be required, promoted, or suggested in the course."
Price: 49.99 |
"Microsoft Word: Formatierung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten" |
"Du bist Student, schreibst gerade deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit Microsoft Word und willst diese professionell formatieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Ich zeige dir kompakt und Schritt fr Schritt alles was du zum professionellen Formatieren deiner Arbeit brauchst. Mittels praktischen bungen nach jedem Kapitel kannst du das Gelernte direkt anwenden.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du eine ansprechend formatierte und automatisierte Vorlage fr deine Arbeit erstellt haben, so dass du dich im Anschluss voll und ganz auf das Schreiben konzentrieren kannst, ohne dir Gedanken um deine weitere Formatierung machen zu mssen. Bisherige Teilnehmer sagten: Der Kurs war umfangreicher als hnliche Angebote, man bekam mehr als das absolute Minimum beigebracht. - GermanistikstudentSehr sinnvoll, auch wenn man schon ein wenig Erfahrung mit wissenschaftlichen Texten hat. Maschinenbaustudent Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du Anfnger bist oder schon Formatierungserfahrung hast. Ich bin davon berzeugt, dass du viele neue Tipps und Tricks lernen wirst, die das Arbeiten mit Microsoft Word erleichtern und die andere Studenten nicht kennen. Konkret wirst du lernen, wie du Seitenrnder individuell bearbeitest. fortlaufende Seitenzahlen einfgst.eigene Formatvorlagen erstellst und bearbeitest.berschriften automatisch nummerierst.Grafiken, Diagramme und Bilder richtig einfgst, so dass sie sich nicht stndig verschieben.Tabellen erstellst und bearbeitest.Grafiken, Diagramme und Tabellen beschriftest.Formeln automatisch nummerierst.Quellen und Zitationen richtig einfgst und anpasst.Fu- und Endnoten einfgst und bearbeitest.Dir die Arbeit mit Querverweisen erleichterst.Ein automatisches Inhaltsverzeichnis und Quellenverzeichnis erstellst und anpasst. Ein automatisches Abbildungsverzeichnis und Tabellenverzeichnis erstellst.Unterschiedliche Seitenzahlen mit arabischen und rmischen Ziffern einfgst.Sich selbst aktualisierende Kopfzeilen mit der aktuellen Kapitelberschrift gestaltest.Ein anspruchsvolles Deckblatt anfertigst. Eine eidesstattliche Erklrung einfgst. Kurzum, du wirst lernen, wie du eine professionelle Formatierung fr deine wissenschaftliche Arbeit erstellst und Microsoft Word in Zukunft schneller bndigst. Dieser Kurs enthlt verschiedene bungen und Arbeitsmaterialien. Du lernst also nicht nur theoretisch wie du deine Arbeit richtig formatierst, sondern kannst das Gelernte direkt an einem unformatierten Beispieldokument umsetzten und anwenden. Nach Abschluss des Kurses wirst du eine fertige Formatvorlage fr deine Arbeit haben, so dass du dich danach voll auf das Schreiben konzentrieren kannst, ohne das Microsoft Word deine Formatierung zerschiet. Mittels deiner eigenen Vorlage bist du auch fr das sptere Schreiben von anderen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten oder auch Papern bestens gerstet und vorbereitet. Auch dein Professor bzw. dein Betreuer wird deine sorgfltige Arbeitsweise zu schtzen wissen und dich wahrscheinlich nach dem ein oder anderen Tipp fragen. Mit deinem neuen Wissen wirst du sicher auch Punkten knnen, wenn dein Lieblingskommilitone dich nach Hilfe bei Microsoft Word fragt.Warum solltest du nicht heute damit anfangen?Klick auf den Button und schreib dich jetzt ein.Dieser Kurs richtet sich vor allem an: Studenten / Studentinnen / StudierendeSchler / SchlerinnenDoktorandenWissenschaftler / WissenschaftlerinnenJournalisten / JournalistinnenAutoren / AutorinnenSchriftsteller / Schriftstellerinnen Microsoft Word: Formatierung wissenschaftlicher Arbeitenis an independent seminar and is neither affiliated with, nor authorized, sponsored, or approved by, Microsoft Corporation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Trastornos de ansiedad: Lo que usted debe saber." |
"Aproximadamente 15 % de las personas presentan un trastorno de ansiedad en algn momento de su vida; son enfermedades que deterioran de manera significativa la vida, disminuyen la productividad y el funcionamiento de las personas, y que aumentan el riesgo depresentar otras enfermedades (Ejemplo: Enfermedades cardiovasculares). Apesar de esto solamente un 20 a 30% de las personas con un trastorno deansiedad son diagnsticas y tratadascorrectamente, esto debido en gran parte al desconocimiento que existe sobre el tema y al miedo y estigma asociado a los trastornos mentales.Este curso pretende llenar estosvacosy brindar a las personas que puedan estar teniendo problemas deansiedad (y a sus seres queridos) con el conocimiento adecuado y suficiente para enfrentar su problema y saber que tipo de ayuda debe recibir.Por qu estoy enseando este curso?.Como profesional en el rea de salud mental, y como un ser humano que tambin ha presentado problemas de ansiedad en diferentes momentos de su vida se que los trastornos de ansiedad son enfermedades tratables y de buen pronstico en la gran mayora de los casos, y que uno de los principales factores que contribuyen a agravarlos es la desinformacin e ignorancia sobre el tema. Con este curso espero ser parte de la solucin y la gua de las personas con problemas de ansiedad y sus seres queridos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginning Intuition - Finding Inner Wisdom and Self-Coaching" |
"Personal growth is accelerated when youstart to see that everything is Mind (all possiblethoughts/ideas), that you are conscious, and that your consciousness allows you to be aware of the thoughts that move through you. Youcan choose which thoughts to align with. This understanding allows you to finally accessdeep Wisdom.What Wisdom is waiting for you, deeper than the noisy and habitual nature of surface mind?What ancient knowledge is awaiting you, deeper than the noise of everyday life? You have an inner resource that allows youaccess to oceans of intelligence -a well of Wisdom.These waters can cleanse, nourish, nurture, grow, enrich and collectively empower. Every question you ask is like a bucket being sent down into the well of yourinner universal. In this course you will learn to ask empowering, rather than disempowering questions.So, what role does your Intuition play in this? This introductorycourse to Intuition reveals concepts and practices that support deeply transformative self-coaching and contemplation. This course will train the foundational intuitive skills needed to find, translate and draw from your inner wisdom.What you will learn:How to tune in, at will, to the inner wisdom stored in your body Module 2How to pick up on, and read the subtleties of, your Inner Wisdom Module 3How to let go and return to yourself by ridding yourself of other peoples burdens andreturn to strength Module 4Liberate yourself with thispractice... Module 5How to improve your self-image greater awareness equals greater self-image, and vice versa Module 6How to practice to find answers, insights and wisdom you will no longer be stuck for answers Module 7How to avoid big life mistakes through developing your intuition by learning to translate the subtle communications and cues from your gut instincts and feelings Module 8How to hear the language of all natural things by tuning-in and listening through your body Module 9 How to practice switching perceptual positions so you can see people, and read situation, from all sides. Youll never be caught by surprise again Module 10Your journey of a thousand miles begins with your first step... That first step should be remembering how to access your deeper more wise self, through your intuition. Your first step back is this course.See you inside."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn English Speaking Course: English speaking secrets" |
"Do you feel frustrated when listening to English native speakers?Is it super difficult to understand English native speakers for you?Do you feel anxious or nervous when you try to communicate with English native speakers in a professional situation?Well, I am here to tell you it is NOT YOUR FAULT ... all the English you studied in high school or a private language school never prepared you correctly, they never teach the little secrets of speaking that help you understand and communicate with native speakers.Normally it is necessary to spend years and years of listening to English and guessing, and trying to understand native speakers, this is a very slow and frustrating process for many people.People feel very frustrated with this situation because in a professional situation it is very embarrassing, people feel worried about their professional credibility because of their English.Work and jobs are more and more competitive in today's world...If you want to advance in your career and professional life and to be an important person in the company you need to be ready to communicate on the phone or in meetings with English native speakers.if you can be the person in the room that is able to communicate in English professionally, you will probably have a 60% better Salary.BUTIf you don't understand the little English native speaker secrets...you will always have a disadvantage....This course can help you learn the secret English native speaker contractions in just a few hours...Normally people need 3 maybe 4 years to learn all the secrets but you can do it in 3 or 4 days!I worked for years teaching people who work in companies...I spent years and years collecting all the ""data"" all the little secrets to help my students learn them quickly!I developed my special RSS learning system that will transform your ability to understand fast English!Rule : I will teach you the grammar rule in a clear simple waySecret : I will teach you how English native speakers BREAK the rules when speaking Shadow: With special ""shadow"" speaking and listening exercises in every video you have an opportunity to practice and train your listening skillsThis course will make you the most important person in the company...you can start to think about promotions or better positions because after this course you will =- Understand natives when they speak quickly- Feel confident to speak to English native speakers- Feel more prepared for meeting and job interviews- Feel more confident to speak on the telephone- You will be able to understand your boss!-Feel super confident in your grammar - You will understand better Movies and Tv series in English- Feel confident when travelling in airports and other cities REVIEWS FROM MORE THAN 11,000 HAPPY STUDENTS""This is an amazing course. I felt my oral English improved a lot. And I will definitely re-watch this course in the future to sharp my skills.""""I loved so much. I recommend this course to everyone. t contains great examinations. maybe best in their field.""""When I started this course, I did not agree with Terry's lessons, so I started watching some movies and I understood exactly what he was teaching. This course is awesome for intermediate to fluent levels, so if you're into them, go ahead and you certainly will not regret it. Thank you Terry for creating and making this training available""""it's a really good course is incredible how the pronunciation make the sentence more shortest and easier""""Hi, Teacher! I've bought here lots of really useful courses, but your English Speaking Course is the best! I like everything in it: your explanation, examples and patterns.Thanks to your course I've managed to overcome the speech barrier greatly! Thanks, Teacher!""""This course is simply amazing. I've never felt so confident in speaking English. In just 10 days I hugely improved my speaking skills. I will definitely go trough this course again and again. There is so much treasure in it, and I am gonna collect it all ?? Terry's approach is unique and I have never seen something similar. His way of teaching is really something that I have needed. I am really looking forward to take some other course from him. I will definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve speaking skills. Besides a knowledge you will definitely get, you will also enjoy in Terry's positive character""""It was amazing for me because I have got more tips especially how to use want to, wanna, wanted and did wanna.""""I really enjoyed this course, it was very useful and beneficial. I strongly recommend English students/ESL teachers and those who want to improve their English communication skills to enroll this course.""""This course is awesome. I love all the contents of this course. So helpful. I love all the courses of Terry because the courses of Terry are always useful, well targeting. I make a lot of progresses. Terry is a great English teacher!!!! Dominique!""FREQUENT QUESTIONS BEFORE STARTING THE COURSEWhat is it ?It is a course to help you learn English speaking secrets super quickly and become the most important person in the room at meetings!When can I expect results?You will see results from the first lesson, after the first lesson you will already understand faster English. Will I learn grammar?This is a complete grammar course, in every lesson we have grammar, pronunciation and speaking in one lesson!Will I learn speaking?You will train your speaking and listening in the special RSS system, you will learn a powerful linguistic technique of shadowing and repeating to train your speak to super confidence!How much time do I have access to the course?You have lifetime access to the course!What if I don't like the course?No problem! We have 30 day money back guarantee for all courses here on udemy, you can try the course to see if it is the right course for you!This course will help students transform their intermediate English into advanced!A complete step by step video guide to transforming their intermediate listening and English speaking from intermediate to advanced !This course will help you become an advanced speaker of English - you will learn how to speak English fluently!When English speakers speak quickly, they break the grammar rules !!!In this course you will learn step by step how to use and understand these little contractions when you learn English.FULL SUBTITLES AND CAPTIONS for complete course and PDF downloads for home study!You will learn all the secrets to be able to speak English fluently and understand like a native speaker!The course is very student focused and makes it easy to learn English. The videos all have practice exercises for you to train your English pronunciation and listening.What will you learn with this course?your English listening skills will improve dramaticallyyou will practice English speaking in structured exercisesyou will feel more confident to speak English and communicate You will learn English intermediate grammar, including advanced conditionalsWho is the course for?Students who are intermediate students but want to take the next step with English speakingStudents who are preparing to visit or study in an English speaking countryStudents who are already living and working in an international environment and want to communicate in English fluentlyInstructorExpert English teacher Terry Mc Gonigle has been teaching students from all over the world for 10 years in Language schools and online.He has helped people from all over the world achieve success with their English, helping people get better jobs with their English or adapt to living in a new country.Today he creates video materials for his online students who want to improve their English fluency.This Course Also Comes With: Lifetime Access to All Future Updates and new videos added to the course Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!COURSE REQUIREMENTSYou will need to have intermediate English as the course is in 100% English.complete captions and subtitles available for every videoThe course will give you a complete review of the intermediate grammar as well as teaching you the secrets of spoken English.#speakenglishfluently #englishspeakingcourse #learnenglish"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to write a perfect IELTS writing task 1 answer" |
"The complete guide to write a perfect task 1 answer on the IELTS writing examination.Many students find it difficult to prepare for the task 1 in the writing, most students have never summarized a graph before, but with this step by step video series you will quickly learn the essential words and sentence structures to quickly describe ANY graph !Full PDFdownload included!FULL SCRIPT INCLUDED IN THE COURSE!All of the course script is written in the course videos, this is to help everyone understand, no matter what their level of EnglishPDF DOWNLOAD OF THE SCRIPT availableThe course has clear simple strategies on howto plan your answer quickly and write an excellent IELTStask 1 answer in just 15 minutes!In part 1 of the course you will learn all about the key structures we can use to describe any graphincluding:The figure for / comparative sentences / superlative sentencesthere are practice exercises with sample answers in the PDFfileyou will study discourse markers and key word structures to describe trendsIn part 2 of the course you will see 4 worked examples,You will see a step by step analysis of how to plan and write a full task 1 answerYou will write 4 of your own task 1 answers in practice examples in the PDFIn part 3 of the course you will learn about other constructions and vocabularyyou will learn new structures to include in your answersyou will learn how to introduce synonyms without changing the grammaryou will build on the previous structures you learned in part 1 of the course"
Price: 149.99 |
"English for job interviews : Pass Job Interview In English" |
"English for job interviews : Pass Job Interview In EnglishYour dream job in English is waiting..You know you are the right person...You know you can do the job...All you need is to pass the job interview and then you will have your opportunity to show everyone what you are capable of !This course teaches you step by step how to answer the most common interview questions and pass your job interview in English.You will learn :-How to understand and answer the most common English interview questions- How to avoid common English grammar mistakes and give grammatically correct answers- Essential English phrases and vocabulary to build your answer- You will learn about ""competency"" questions or the ""hard"" questions-You will learn how to use the STAR job interview techniqueusing simple structures to build amazing answers for the ""hard"" questionsALLVIDEOSCANBEDOWNLOADEDand have COMPLETESUBTITLESAudio mp3 download of complete course available to practice on your phone!After many years of preparing students for job interviews, most jobs have 2 rounds or phases of interivews.The first round, the questions are really predictable!We know what they will be!My course will help you prepare for them perfectly, so you are 100% ready for youThe second round is more difficult, the employer wants to know more about you now.They want to be sure you are the right person, so they ask more complicated questions..Answering complicated questions is about telling the right story..My course teaches you the STAR interview technique, a technique that helps you prepare the right storyand answer ANY QUESTION!!Hundreds of students have already used this course to achieve their dream job!join me now in the course!!#PassyourjobintervieainEnglish #Englishforjobinterviews #Englishinterviewquestions"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ingls para Brasileiros : Caminho a Fluncia Acelerada 1" |
"""O curso FANTSTICO e realmente vale apena adquiri e investir tempo nele. O professor extremamente didtico e aprender ingls nunca foi to fcil.""""Estou aprendendo coisas simples que os cursinhos de ingles no ensina.""""Porque estou aprendendo com clareza. Muito satisfeita.""""Estou adorando as aulas. Ele explica de uma maneira to fcil, diferente de muitos cursinhos que no exigem a conversa, sendo mais a escrita.""Ola! Meu nome Terry , sou Professor de Ingls ( nativo da Irlanda ),fluente em portugus, e meu foco nos ltimos 8 anos tem sido dar aulas para Brasileiros ,Eu trabalhava em uma escola de Ingls onde 90% dos meus alunos so Brasileiros !Aps anos de experincia dando aula em escolas para Brasileiros em Dublin,cheguei a concluso que o que mais me frustrava era ver pessoas/estudantes, sem base na lngua inglesa e/ou com um nvel muito baixo, sofrer durante as aulas porque no estavam preparados para estudar 100 % em outro idioma, no entendendo o professor , e consequentemente no conseguindo acompanhar as aulas e assimilar os novos contedos.Pude observar ao longo dos anos que isso gerava uma grande frustrao nos alunos, e por consequncia eu acabei criando esse curso para reciniciar seu Ingls do zero Assim surgiu o meu problema e minha busca incessante para a soluo !Pensando nisso ( no meu problema e no dos alunos) e muito incomodado em ver muitas vezes esse sonho acabar precocemente, comecei a estudar novas metodologias, para que, o aluno ao iniciar seu intercmbio, esteja preparado para iniciar o seu curso de ingls e ter um resultado efetivo !E a pergunta que sempre me vinha mente :Como fazer isso?Como criar um material preparatrio para iniciantes que tenham o sonho de realizar um intercmbio?Como poderia criar um material, onde pudssemos poupar tempo, energia e principalmente dinheiro gasto dentro de sala de aula?Bom. primeiro eu criei um blog passado o tempo, decidi escrever um livro e finalmente desenvolvi e criei meu prprio curso online com videos aulas !O curso um serie de videos interligados, onde vai ajudar os estudantes na correria do dia a dia a aprender de forma rpida e eficaz , absolutamente tudo que seja essencial do idioma, tanto a parte gramatical como a pronncia correta!O sistema de aprendizado muito simples, as aulas/vdeos possuem de 5 a 7 minutos cada, tornando fcil e acessvel assistir um ou dois vdeos por dia, sem sobrecarregar o aluno.Como funcionam os videos?A primeira parte de cada vdeo eu vou explicar um conceito gramatical, com grande foco na pronncia, explicando e fazendo um paralelo do portugus x ingls .A segunda parte do vdeo, focada em praticar o contedo/conceito apresentado ,ou seja,eu vou passar uma frase em portugus, o aluno ir pausar o vdeo e traduzir em voz alta,feito isso ele retorna o vdeo para escutar a resposta e a pronncia correta, repetindo quantas vezes achar necessrio, dessa forma o aluno estar treinando a sua capacidade de formar frases completas.Esse processo de traduzir frases exatamente o que acontece. Se voc tem uma oportunidade de praticar o seu ingls, mesmo em um nvel bsico, voc certamente ir traduzir palavra por palavra, isso normal, mas na grande maioria das vezes a traduo no est gramaticalmente correta, pois feita ao p da letra!Com meu curso voc vai aprender a traduzir as frases corretamente , e o mais importante , vai aprender a se expressar com frases e sentenas completas e cada vez mais complexas!Nos primeiro mdulo do curso voc vai aprender a formar frases de 5 at 15 palavras!Eu falo quatro lnguas estrangeiras, e vai por mim, o segredo de todo novo idioma aprender a se expressar com frases completas!Mas, importante ressaltar, No tem uma frmula mgica !!!! E eu sei que vocs tm uma vida MEGA ocupada e corrida, com trabalho,estudos,transito outras responsabilidades e ir pra uma escola de idiomas simplesmente no uma opo,Voc vai precisar de apenas 15 minutos por dia com meu curso e eu te garanto que voc no vai mais perder tempo tentando entender uma gramtica confusa, complicada e pouco efetiva!No meu curso eu vou explicando de forma gradativa todo o contedo essencial que voc precisa e assim que terminar voc vai se sentir preparado para se comunicar em qualquer situao. "
Price: 199.99 |
"Ingls para Brasileiros : Caminho a Fluncia Acelerada 2" |
"Voc quer melhorar o seu ingls, ganhar fluncia, mas sente que no tem tempo para estudar?... Voc sabe que o ingls importante para sua carreira, j deixou de participar ou ficou de fora de processos seletivos por no ter o ingls mas no sabe como conciliar os estudos e o trabalho com uma vida to ocupada?Voc j estudou ingls na escola, j se matriculou em vrios cursinhos de ingls mas sente que ainda no aprendeu muita coisa e fica pensando: quando que finalmente conseguirei quebrar essa barreira e me tornar fluente?Esse curso pra voc!- Caminho a fluncia acelerada 2, uma continuao direta -do meu Primeiro curso. Nele voc vai ter , aulas prticas e descomplicadas de ingls. Ao longo dos mdulos, voc vai adquirir mais vocabulrio, e melhorar a sua pronncia com a ajuda de um nativo e chegar mais perto da sua to sonhada fluncia.Ao todo so quatro mdulos e mais de 40 aulas curtas, de 8 a 10 minutos cheias de dicas e contedo100% do curso est disponvel para voc baixar em mp3 assim, voc pode estudar onde e quando voc quiser!Cada aula composta por duas partes, Na primeira parte de cada aula- , voc vai aprender alguma regra gramatical ou vou te dar alguma dica de pronuncia. Na segunda parte, vou te ensinar a traduzir pensamentos em portugus em frases completas em ingls. Vamos colocar tudo o que voc aprendeu em prtica treinando exemplos de frases reais, do dia a dia, que sero essenciais para voc manter uma conversa em ingls. Como vai funcionar?Vou te passar uma frase em portugus, e voc ter alguns minutos para traduzi-la para o ingls mentalmente e depois disso, vou te falar e mostrar a traduo correta em ingls. Ao final voc treinar a frase em voz alta,Com o passar dos mdulos do curso as frases ficaro mais complexas.Este processo de traduzir frases cada vez mais maiores e complicadas e mais elaboradas, te ensina a no s decorar frases, mas a comear a aprender a formular as suas prprias frases sozinho., Cada frase prtica escolhida a dedo e programada para te ajudar a treinar e aprimorar a sua habilidade de formular as suas prprias frases e se sentir mais fluente desde o inicio. Quando eu era mais novo, uns 19, 20 anos, e ainda morava com meus pais, eu queria aprender portugues mas eu trabalhava muitas horas por dia - em um hotel e no tinha tempo para estudar. .Nessa poca eu ainda morava com os meus pais e uUma das minhas responsabilidades em casa era levar o nosso cachorro para passear todos os dia, , ento pensei: porque no usar esse tempo para aprender outras lnguas? , Foi assim, que eu comecei a aprender e me tornei fluente em portugus e outras lnguas!, Ouvindo cursos de Portuguse,no pouco tempo que eu tinha enquanto passeava com o meu cachorro. Falando sozinho e, treinando as frases do curso em voz alta., Ento, Se voc quer falar como um nativo, voc tem que treinar o seu sotaque falando sozinho.E justamente por isso que Assim nas partes de prticas do curso, voc vai escutar e repetir, treinando as frases , e rapidamente voc vai adquirindo mais vocabulrio e fluncia. O objetivo desse curso fazer voc aprender a formular as suas prprias frases e sentir mais confiana em voc mesmo na hora de falar ingls no mundo real Neste curso, com mais de mais de 40 aulas e com 5 horas de contedoNo modulo 1 vamos Aprender a usar Ter que HAVE TO para falar de obrigaes No mdulo 2 vamos Turbinar o seu vocabulrio e a sua pronuncia explorando o universo dos cognatos, o vocabulrio em comum entre ingls e portugus, para Aumentar os seu vocabulrio pra 3000 palavras. No mdulo 3 Vamos ampliar o seu entendimento conhecimento do ingls com aulas sobre como usar IT com verbos e atravs de uma explicao muito detalhada das Preposies TO e FOR. No modulo 4 v, Vou te mostrar tudo que voc precisa saber para se -expressar no passado Com uma quantidade enorme de frases de exemplo para voc treinar e dominar o passado em ingls. Assim se-inscreva no curso hoje para continuar o seu caminho a fluncia O que alunos falam sobre o meu primer curso!!""Muito bem detalhado. Estou gostando desde o incio...Congratulations!!! """"O Terry e suas aulas tem uma didtica incrvel, muito prtica e descomplicado. """"gostei muito do mtodo de ensino do TERRY, para aqueles que desejam aprender ingls mas esto indecisos eu recomendo o curso ingls para BRASILEIROS: CAMINHO A fluncia aceleradaestou fazendo o curso ainda e at agora estou adorando, o fato de aprender com um nativo ajuda muito a aprender ingls da forma correta."
Price: 199.99 |
"Understanding CouchDB : Learn Basic & Advanced NoSQL Skills" |
"CouchDBis an exciting NoSQLdatabase that is easy to get up and running with. It stores JSON documents and attachments of any type. You are free to store your data the way you want, and access it the way you want. It features a brilliant web interface which allows you to quicklymaintain many aspects of the program and each database.In this course we will discuss:The fundamentals of what CouchDB is, and how it differs from traditional databasesThe different versions of CouchDBthat are available (1.6, 2.0 and Cloudant)How to install CouchDB on MacOS, Windows and LinuxHow to sign up for a hosted CouchDB accountWorking in the web interface (Futon and Fauxton)Working with the RESTAPICreate and work with Design DocumentsMore content will be added to this course as CouchDB develops.The official slogan of CouchDB is ""Relax.""So relax and enjoy this class and CouchDB. There are no stupid questions, so relax and ask them."
Price: 199.99 |
"Ableton Live - Tech House Tutorial 2017" |
"In this course, we teach youhow to produce a modern, bass driven tech house track in Ableton Live. The course spans 59 videos, totalling 9 hours of lectures.The Tech House Tutorial 2017 covers everything from start to finish, from a blank canvas to a fullymixedand mastered track.After completing this course, you will be able to take the techniques used throughout the course and produceyour own tech housetrack to play out atthe club!This course uses a few third party plugins:Native instruments Monark (moog style bass synthesiser)Rave generator (a free lead synthesiserdownload included in the course)This course will recreate some of the popular sounds currently in the Beatport Top 100 Tech House Charts, with similarities linking to industry greats such as Solardo, Leonardo Gonelli and Latmun."
Price: 29.99 |
"Ableton Live 10 Lite - A Comprehensive Course For Beginners" |
"This course has been created as an entry level course for complete beginners wishing to learn everything about how to produce music using the Ableton Live software.This course is suitable for: DJ's, new producers, live acts & musicians, and even those with no musical background.You will start the course with a 'Quickstart' crash-course in Ableton Live, to get you hands on, using the music production software straight away. Next, we go through every single feature of Ableton Live in microscopic detail. The aim here is to teach you everything you need to know about producing, recording, editing and arranging in Ableton Live 10. The Ableton Live Lite software often comes bundled free with hardware MIDI keyboards and controllers. So this course is great for those of you that have purchased a keyboard or controller and would like to take up a new hobby, or even those who are already playing around in Live & wish to take it more seriously. We have managed to cram so much knowledge into the 9.5 hours of this course that we guarantee you that you will learn much faster here than you would spending weeks trawling through YouTube videos. We have also included 7 Free Ableton Live 10 project files which are used throughout the course. These files can be used for you to practice, play or use as a head start in your own productions to help you reach your fullest potential in Ableton Live 10!We are so confident that you will be happy with this course that we are offering a 30-day money back guarantee for anyone who may still be unsure about learning Ableton Live with us, so there really is absolutely nothing to lose!If you are still in any doubt, then check out our ratings & reviews. We are proud to have great feedback on Udemy, YouTube, ADSRsounds & our ownStudioSlave website.We hope to see you learning with us in the near future!A bit about Your tutor: Studio Slave has been DJ'ing, producing, and using Ableton Live for Live performance for the past 8 years. After Studying at PointBlank Music School in London, he graduated with a 1st Class Honours degree in electronic music production &DJ practice at the School of Sound Recording in Manchester. Studio Slave has been teaching electronic music production for the past 4 years and is looking forward to educating you throughout the course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Reddit Marketing: Start Getting Traffic Today" |
"Do you want to learn how to Get Thousand and Millions of Traffic on yourYouTube Videos orwebsites?Professional marketers have been doing it for decades. How? By using provenmethods and formulas.I've developed a course thatwill show you how to Market on Reddit. You will be taken through astep-by-step Guidethat will teach you everything you need to know to start Marketing on Reddit.INSIDE THE Reddit Marketing Guide YOU WILL LEARN...Basics of RedditBefore Starting Reddit Marketing you needto know the Basics of Reddit so may easily promote your things on Reddit without any hurdle.Basics of Sub_RedditSubReddits Role in Reddit Marketing is very important that's why you need to learn which SubReddits you needto use for promoting your website/products and How to Find your Niche Related SubReddits.How to Increase Link & CommentKarmaLink karma(known as Post Karma) and Comment Karma are very much important before starting Reddit Marketing so we have shared some hiddentips and techniques to increase your Karma Easily.Reddit Account ban GuideReddit is so much tricky in Banning your Account so you need complete information about How and Why Reddit BanAccounts in order to be safe from Account Banning.Getting Views on YouTube VideosSo here comes the Very important Part of Reddit Marketing Guide 101.in this Part you will Learn about getting views on your YouTube Videos no matter what type of video it is, a Niche Related video or a Video for Affiliate Marketing. you can get thousands of views using the trick which is shared in this Course.Getting Views on Website:There are manypurposes of getting Views on Website.But i Have Explained the main two methods. forCPCNetworks like Adsense andfor Affiliate Marketing. You can get views in thousands andMillions after learning the tactics which are explained in this course.I created this courseto help you make money and succeed. And I know that sometimes, a little help is needed.So if you decide to join the Academy you will also get24/7 direct access to me via the course discussion board."
Price: 199.99 |
"Invertir en Bolsa de Valores USA para Principiantes" |
"Con nuestro CURSO BOLSA DE VALORES, podrs aprenderdesde cero todos los conocimientos necesarios que te permitan invertir en la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos.Durante este cursodeBolsa de Valores para principiantes, aprenders qu es una bolsa de valores y cmo hacer parainvertir tu dinero en la bolsa de valores de Nueva York. Adquiriendo losconceptos bsicos sobre la Bolsa de Valores en Estados Unidos.Adems adquirirs lasherramientas que te permitirn construir un portafolio de activos financieros que se negocian en la Bolsa de Valoresde Estados Unidos, como los bonos y las acciones, que se ajuste atuperfil de riesgoy te permitael logro de tusobjetivos de inversin de mediano y largo plazo.Nuestro cursoBolsa de Valores es su mejor opcin, sobre aburridos manuales o libros que utilizan lenguaje tcnico difcil de entender.Nunca es tarde para dar el primer paso y aprender cmo hacer que el dinero genere ingresos y/o crezca en el tiempo. Se parte de los millones de personas que invierten en la Bolsa de Valores en Estados Unidos.Esperamos te inscribasen nuestro curso Bolsa de Valores para principiantesy descubras al inversionista que hay en ti."
Price: 69.99 |
"Opciones sobre Acciones" |
"Sabas que los mercados de opciones son los que ms dinero mueven en el mundo?. Esto se debe a que ofrecen grandes oportunidades para generar ganancias recurrentes y tambin para cubrir portafolios en momentos de incertidumbre. Sin embargo, al igual que la mayora de inversores, puedes tener la creencia que las opciones son algo muy complejo. Da el primer paso para descubrir el mundo de las opciones sobre acciones, al inscribirte en el curso de opciones sobre acciones que hemos preparado especialmente para ti.Conoce las nociones bsicas, hasta los conceptos ms avanzados en la negociacin de opciones sobre acciones. Todo explicado paso a paso y con demostraciones de negociacin en simuladores, que te permitirn la fcil comprensin de los contenidos del curso de opciones. Al finalizar el curso, adquirirs los conocimientos y herramientas que te brindarn mayor seguridad para comenzar el trading de opciones."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction To Software Testing" |
"This course is designed to teach students the basics of Software Testing. The material is presented in a step-by-step format from defining what software testing is to reporting software defects.In this course you will learn the following: What is Software TestingWhy Software Testing is important,Software Testing and the economy,Software Tester DutiesWhat are System Requirements and how Software Testers utilized them.What are Test Scenarios/ Test Cases/Test DataWhat are Software DefectsThe cost to fix defects at various phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). How to create and report defects"
Price: 19.99 |
"Get Started Teaching ESL Online" |
"This course covers a wide range of topics related to teaching ESL online, mainly as it pertains to the job hunt process, teacher certification, and interacting with students. Here are some of the more detailed topics we cover: Benefits and drawbacks of teaching ESL online, what makes a good online ESL teacher, ESL teaching certification, companies vs. teaching with your own tutoring business, teaching with an actual online public or private school, pay, lesson planning as it relates to deciding who to work for or to work for yourself, record keeping, schedule, what to expect from an application/interview process with a company, interview questions you may be asked and questions you should ask in an interview, training with a company, introduction videos when you work for a company, the equipment you need to teach online, how to share ideas with students in an online environment, tutor manuals if you work for a company, how to effectively for your first class, tips for getting more students and higher ratings, how to engage students online, some online resources for teaching online, online communities of online ESL teachers, and where to find online ESL teaching jobs. This course is best suited for current ESL teachers who are considering making the move to teaching ESL online. It is also good for those who are looking at starting an online career but who have not quite decided what job they want. The course is not designed to help you start your own business teaching ESL online, although I do offer some points to consider if that is the route you want to take. Also, I point out some resources to train you on how to do that."
Price: 24.99 |
"Buyers Attraction Mastery" |
"The frustration of having a good offer that you don't know how to show it to the right audience is enormous. Through the eCommerce and marketing community in general there are a lot of challenges when it comes to target the right audience with the right offer to insure sales. In many cases audience research is a topic of a great void. I've gone ahead and assembled this easy-to-follow course for you to see how you can promote your brand to the right audience through a simple process. In this course I will show you techniques that if I knew them 4 years ago - I could earn 10 times more than now.In this course you will learn the following topics:How to spy onexistingbuyers in your niche and discover their interests.How to gather a high affinity audience in your nice (in-spite of Facebook's removal).How to extract emails from people that are highly active in your nice and target them.How to create an ad that will convert the best in your nice in few simple steps.How to avoid amateur mistakes that can kill your business.As a personal bonus I wanted to share with you my T-shirt mockup collection that you can use for your Facebook advertising (the mockups are Facebook approved) and my ad+product design and copy. I added another gift for those who will tune in till the last video, so keep your eyes and ears peeled in the bonus video!Enjoy the techniques that I will teach you and share your success :)"
Price: 49.99 |
"How Not To Screw Up Your e-Commerce Business" |
"In this course I will teach how to avoid very common mistakes which can ruin your e-commercebusiness overnight.I burned through thousands of dollars and spent many sleepless nights figuring out why my business was failing, even though I followed all the ""gurus"" out there to the last letter.There is no need for you to learn the hard way like I did.After you complete the course you, will have the tools to ensure massive profits in e-commerce with reduced risk- youwill make way more sales than before!In the course Iwill cover the following topics:Saturation - how to avoid it and how to sell in-spite of it.Bankruptcy - how to minimize your financial risks in e-commerce.Competition Analysis - how to swaggerjack what works for your competitors and match it to your store, thereby ensuring sales.'TheShopify Funnel' - how to increase conversion rate using proven and relevant techniques.Positive ROI - how to ensure profitability in each and everysale (in the scaling/lifespan phase).Tools for success - how to masterthe tools you have gained inthis course and where to go from here.Enjoy my course and Ihope you will save yourself the money and the time that Iwasted on making the mistakes that Ilisted before you.Share the success :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Hacking Literature: How to Write Your Novel Like the Pros" |
"The purpose of this course is to give you the tools necessary to put pen to paper and write your first novel. We will provide you with in-depth lessons to writing your novel. The steps we will cover are tried and true methods and will help you overcome some of the barriers that writers encounter. Together we will conquer writer's block and fill in plot holes."
Price: 79.99 |
"ForteMente - Desenvolvimento Pessoal" |
"O Fortemente um Programa de Desenvolvimento Pessoal todo estruturado com base em tcnicas de Psicoterapia Cognitivo-comportamental, envolvendo os trs movimentos dessa escola de Psicoterapia, a cognio (pensamentos e crenas), o comportamento e a contemplao (meditao).Trata-se de um conjunto de ferramentas psicolgicas validadas cientificamente para te ajudar a viver melhor, ter uma melhor regulao emocional e se livrar de aflies mentais.O mtodo te mostra o caminho para desenvolver uma srie de recursos prprios, habilidades e competncias emocionais, bem como evitar as armadilhas da Mente.Cuide bem da sua Mente, ela a sua maior riqueza."
Price: 519.99 |