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"Aprenda Francs com Msica"
"Aprenda Francs com Msica.Consolidando pronncia e fixando novos vocabulrios cantando...Todo mundo gosta de msica, pelo menos,nunca ouvir falar de algum que no gostasse; ) A msica tem o poder de transformar sentimentos epode nos trazer, paz, calma, alegria, euforia e at tristeza, E por que no aprender um novoidioma com ela? ( no nosso caso, Francs!)e foiidealizando um aprendizado diferenciado, mais moderno, criativo e animado,com etapas simples e tcnicas inteligentes para chegarmos ao aprendizado efetivo da Lngua Francesa de forma divertida, rpida e eficiente. Utilizando uma msica base para o estudo, o aluno seguir uma sequncia de exerccios para fazer o ""perfeito aprendizado""e tambmcom esta mesma cano, outras atividades sero propostas, para que o aluno se torne, ao final, do curso uma espcie de ""cantor/cantora"" desta msica. Como isso? Ah... Voc ter que fazer o curso para saber!. Observao:brinco dizendo que o aluno se tornar um cantor, mas no com tcnicas de canto, mas sim na concepo de um conhecedor da msica, da lngua francesa,de como cant-la corretamente e compreendendo o que nela dito.Assim, fortalecendo o conhecimento do idioma francs. On va chanter en franais? Estou te esperando. trs bientt!"
Price: 39.99

"Advanced Animations in PowerPoint"
"Learning how to make awesome videos is very important nowadays because video is the best mean to online marketing andselling.Many people dont know you could make extraordinary attractive videos using just a simple but very effectiveand powerful software called PowerPoint. This course is aimed to make an expert out of you in using this software for creating intros, outros, motion graphics and generally embellish the presentations and videos you create. Get to the next level in video creation with PowerPoint Set precisely the timings for animations and transitions Learn to use masks Build awesome intros, outros and lower thirds Create cool motion graphics Develop wonderful display videos from scratch Exercise your skillsfor producing great kinetic typography Some powerful skills at your fingertips There are very few detailed courses on advanced animations using PowerPoint for videos. These animations are visually comparable with the ones made with much harder to learn software such as Adobe After Effects but being made with PowerPoint youll have the advantage of this intuitive, flexible and easy to learn software. This course is perfect for anyone who creates video in PowerPoint at a beginner level, for branding, for marketing or selling or anyone who wants to take the ability of his video creation to the next level. Contents and Overview The course has over 30 lectures and over 3 hours of focused, no fluff content. I designed this course to be 95% practice, being completed with working files, with texts, photos, images and audio files. These will help you work alongside me to complete every lecture, because only by practising youll become better and will have quick results. My teaching style is to show you step by step how to do every task, as if youre looking over my shoulder. This way youll see what almost nobodys showing or explaining to you regarding the advanced animations you can develop in PowerPoint. In this course youll learn to visually impress with the videos youre doing with PowerPoint, videos you can offer as a service for others. Or, if you have a local business, youll be able to make professionally looking videos, that get more eyeballs on your business. Dont want to offer services and you dont have a business? No problem! After finishing this course, youll be able to impress your colleagues, friends, parents or peers with the videos youll make by using these skills. Nobody will believe youve made them with PowerPoint! Here's what some of my students said after taking this course:""So far, in this course, I've learned more PPT ""tricks"" than in 3 other courses put together - absolutely brilliant!!""""I loved this course Claudiu! It was very practical and showed the basics but then how to ""fancy"" things up to really look jazzy! There are times that I found it difficult to follow the timing aspects of the animations (which is arguably probably the hardest part to learn) in my opinion. Very well done! I will be purchasing future courses from you I'm sure. Milla""""This is a great course to get to using powerpoint quickly! I went through the course in a week, was very easy to follow and has increased my knowledge ten fold. Great job with the course! I will be purchasing other courses from this teacher, thank you!""Upon the completion of this course youll have the ability to create wonderful videos with PowerPoint, by using advanced animations and motion graphics and youll receive a verifiable Certificate of Completion.In addition to this you will receive bonus material that will reinforce and improve the skills youve learned and there is also a 30 day 100% money back guarantee from Udemy in case youre not satisfied with the course. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So what are you waiting for? Take this course and lets start!"
Price: 74.99

"PowerPoint Intro Machine - Create Logo Intros in PowerPoint"
"Creating an animated logointro for your videos, can give an extra touch of professionalism to your business but thats not an easy task! You might think you have to learn some new complicated software like Adobe After Effects. Well that might be a solution, but Im here to show you a better way!What if I told you that by using just a simple software like PowerPoint, you could create amazing logo intros for your videos, for branding your business or for selling them to other businesses as a side income?Thats right PowerPoint could be used also as an intro creationmachine for your videos!Master Logo Intro Creation in PowerPoint QuicklyCreate simple intros with the preset transitionsCreate complex intros with combined animationsCreate advanced level introsTricks and tips for working in PowerPoint quickly & easilyAnimated Logo Intros Ad Value to Your Videos by Increasing Brand Awareness and Perceived Value & ProfessionalismKnowing that videos can get you to the top pages in Google and Youtube searches, Ive used videos very often in content creation and marketing my business online. But I soon noticed that the best video content creators used animated logo intros in the beginning of their videos.The intros were adding some kind of professional look to their videos, or made their brand stick and easy to remember.And theywere also fun to watch and made the viewer spendmore time to watch the whole video!Thissimple, short detail, added to your video, can help immensely your brand awareness, your perceived value and also professionalism.Its just like a logo for your website or offline business, only better because it uses the videos power!Animated LogoIntro Creation In PowerPoint Is Fun and EasyI designed this PowerPoint logoanimation course to be easily understood by beginners and its also completed with over 15 supplemental resources full of graphics, audio and video elements, for your use... Its as if you'd watched over my shoulder while building along with me, step by step, awesome looking logointros.At the end of this course youll have built from scratch at least 7 types of intros for different businesses, and gained a lot of competence and skills in using the animations and transitions not just for intros but also for creating your own motion graphics and video animations in PowerPoint.This would be like a quick and easy, beginner to advanced course in PowerPoint animation, and youll also receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course.In addition to this, you will receive bonus material that will reinforce and improve the skills youve learned and there is also a 30 day 100% money back guarantee from Udemy in case youre not satisfied with the course. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain...So what are you waiting for? Take this course and lets start!"
Price: 49.99

"Creeaza Cursuri Pe Udemy - Unofficial"
"Conform prestigioasei companii de analiza, rapoarte si statistici, Global Industry Analysts Inc., industria educatiei online va depasi suma de 240 de miliarde de dolari pana in 2021. Cine castiga aceste miliarde? O mare parte se duce la instructorii care creeaza continut in aceasta industrie a educatiei online, pe diverse platforme. Una dintre aceste platforme este si Udemy. Pornita initial ca o companie in Silicon Valley, ea s-a extins global, mai intai pentru cei care vorbesc si inteleg limba engleza. De curand, compania se extinde zonal, la pietele locale si iata, acum ajuns si in Romania. Cum poti sa castigi si tu din asta? Pana acum sunt zeci si zeci de instructori romani cu cursuri in engleza, care castiga mii de dolari pe Udemy. Dar acum nu mai e nevoie sa creezi cursuri in engleza, ca sa ai si tu partea ta de castig. Asa cum am scris mai sus, Udemy a ajuns si in Romania. Platforma se va traduce integral si in romana si tu vei putea sa iti pui cunostintele, abilitatile, experienta, in cursuri online, care iti vor aduce un venit alternativ. Practic piata educatiei online din Romania, este virgina. Cu cat vei fi printre primii care profita de asta, cu atat mai bine pentru tine.Acesta este al patrulea curs pe care l-am publicat pe Udemy si primul in romana. Fii sigur ca voi mai face si altele...Creez de ani buni continut gratuit pentru site-ul meu, in timpul liber... Am scris zeci de articole si am creat zeci de video-tutoriale, si desi le postam si pe site-uri de socializare - iar video-urile pe YouTube, vedeam oarecum, foarte in viitor, monetizarea acestui continut - pentru ca este multa munca sa-l produc, daramite sa ii mai fac si marketing sa se vanda!Si atunci mi-a venit o idee: de ce sa produc continut gratuit, cand pot produce continut si sa fiu platit pentru asta?Si asa am gasit Udemy - una dintre cele mai mari platforme de educatie online, pe care puteam sa vand toata experienta si expertiza mea prin cursuri video, fara ca eu sa ma mai ocup de marketing sau vanzari. Era ca si cum as avea o echipa de marketing care lucreaza pentru mine. Si venitul venea in mod 100% pasiv...De ce m-am gandit sa creez acest curs? Pentru ca, desi in engleza sunt multe cursuri care trateaza acest subiect, in romana nu sunt. Si nu toata lumea intelege engleza,... iar romanii au nevoie sa aiba surse de venit alternativ.Poate ca ai cunostinte bune despre un anumit subiect sau experienta mare intr-un domeniu, dar nu stii cum sa iti pui aceste cunostinte intr-un curs video online. Tocmai de aceea am creat acest curs pentru tine: aici poti invata cum sa creezi un curs cat mai repede si fara batai de cap.Cum sa creezi un curs online pe UdemyNu iti trebuie decat un calculator, conexiune la internet si un microfon. Restul programelor de care ai nevoie pentru creatia cursului se gasesc gratuit sau costa foarte putin.In acest curs am sa-ti arat cum:Sa ai mentalitatea si strategia potrivita pentru a crea cursul cat mai repedeSa editezi partea audio sau video, cu programe gratuite sau dupa caz, platite - daca le ai deja (te invat sa editezi pas cu pas, nici o grija)Sa-ti faci o pagina buna de vanzare pentru curs (foarte important)Sa-ti publici cursul usor si sa-l lansezi pe mai multe canale ca sa ai cat mai multe vanzariCursul abordeaza cea mai rapida strategie de creatie de continut - aceea de a crea video-uri din slide-uri de tip PowerPoint (sau alternativa gratuita) si video-uri de tip screenshare (adica inregistrare de ecran) - si te voi invata sa folosesti aceste programe pas cu pas.Nu va trebui sa iti cumperi camera de luat vederi, microfoane scumpe, lumini, teleprompter sau alte accesorii si dispozitive pentru filmare, pentru ca nu ai nevoie neaparat de asa ceva ca sa produci cursuri online Daca le ai, foarte bine, dar nu sunt neaparat necesare si nu e neaparat nevoie sa cheltuiesti bani cu ele, inainte de a produce un venit.Prin cunostintele insusite si exercitiile din acest curs:Iti vei depasi toate obstacolele mentale si te vei pune, in sfarsit, pe treaba - ca sa-ti creezi cursul (sau cursurile) online Vei reduce la zero sau aproape de zero cheltuielile cu programele sau dispozitivele necesare crearii cursului - totul e ieftin sau gratisVei face trecerea de la consumator de info-produse, la producator de info-produse - sau mai pe romaneste, in loc sa cumperi, vei incepe sa vinzi, in loc sa cheltuiesti, vei incepe sa castigiAcest curs se adreseaza proprietarilor de site-uri, bloguri, invatatorilor, profesorilor, consilierilor, instructorilor, coach-ilor sau oricui vrea sa-si impartaseasca expertiza sau experienta prin cursuri video pe o platforma online si oricui vrea sa-si creeze surse de venit alternativ sau chiar pasiv.Pe Udemy poti crea cursuri despre (aproape) orice subiect, din orice domeniu.Daca nu esti hotarat daca cursul este pentru tine sau nu, uita-te la cateva video-uri din curs - pe care le-am lasat sa poata fi vizionate gratuit de catre toata lumea.Si oricum, ai garantie de la Udemy 30 de zile, in caz ca nu este ceea ce cautai si nu gasesti informatiile din curs de absolut nici un folos pentru tine. Deci nu ai nimic de pierdut, doar de castigat!Cursul este valabil pe viata si poti sa-l urmaresti de oriunde si la orice ora, daca ai conexiune la internet. Poti sa-l vizionezi pe calculator, laptop, tableta si chiar pe smartphone, dar te rog sa faci exercitiile din el si sa te implici, ca sa ai rezultate cat mai rapide. Deci, ce mai astepti? Inscrie-te la curs si hai sa incepem!Nu uita: piata din Romania e virgina...Cu cat vei fi printre primii care profita de asta, cu atat mai bine pentru tine!"
Price: 79.99

"Descubre a las personas aprendiendo Grafologa Intensivo"
"Este curso tiene como finalidad aportar conocimientos cientficos indispensables para que el alumno pueda aplicar lo aprendido, a travs de un anlisis interpretativo de los gestos grficos, en una escritura, pudiendo determinar, en profundidad, la caracterstica de personalidad del escribiente.El aprendizaje en Grafologa implica adquirir los conocimientos indispensables para el anlisis minucioso de los signos grficos de la escritura Este curso est dirigido a todas aquellas personas que deseen poner en prctica esta tcnica.Es aplicable en distintos campos de accin profesional: en Seleccin de personal, para obtener perfiles de candidatos ms idneos al puesto, en Educacin, para que el docente pueda conocer mejor a sus alumnos, en Psicologa, para orientar diagnsticos de pacientes, en orientacin vocacional, para identificar aptitudes y capacidades de los jvenes, ms acordes a la carrera a elegir, etc.PROGRAMAUNIDAD 1: Introduccin y conceptos bsicos de la Grafologa- Historia y las principales escuelas. Simbolismo del espacio-Smbolos grficos-Glosario de la estructura de la letra desde su anatoma y neurofisiologa. Significado psicolgico de forma espacio y movimiento basado en la escuela Alemana. Ambientes grficos positivos y negativos.UNIDAD 2: Simbolismo del valo. Concepto de Abreaccin. El ovalo y sus distintas orientaciones.Trazos iniciales y finales. Conceptos y aspectos psicolgicos. Clasificacin mediante la evaluacin por ubicacin, forma, dimensin, presin, regular e irregular.Introduccin a los ocho gneros o aspectos grficos de la escritura.UNIDAD 3: Gnero Orden. Aspecto grafolgico y psicolgico. Anlisis de los subaspectos: legibilidad-ejecucin-disposicin-distribucin-proporcin-impresin de conjunto y blancos en la pgina.UNIDAD 4: Gnero Forma. Introduccin y conocimientos de arquetipos.Subaspecto estructura: Modelo caligrfico escolar. Estructuras generales: caligrfica-caligrafiada-sencilla-simplificada-redonda-redondeada-arqueada-guirnalda-bucleada-angulosa-cuadrada-ornada-complicada- tipogrfica- imprenta mayscula y minscula.Subaspecto Esttica en relacin al ritmo de la escritura: Arritmia- Cadenciada y Montona.Subaspecto coligamento. Caractersticas psicolgicas y forma. Arco-guirnalda-bucle-ngulo-cuadrada-filiforme. Uniones peculiares. Coligamento mixto.UNIDAD 5: Gnero Direccin. Conceptos fundamentales. Distintos tipos de direccin en lnea y en palabras. Lnea: horizontal rgida falsilla ascendente descendente - muy ascendente muy descendente cncava convexa serpenteada rgida variable - desigual. Palabras: imbrincada ascendente y descendente sinuosa - finales cados.UNIDAD 6: Gnero Dimensin. Conceptos fundamentales. Clasificacin general. Regularidad. Clasificacin segn Altura y Anchura. Relacin Mayscula-minscula. Dimensin: mayscula-hampas - jambas y cuerpo medio.UNIDAD 7: Gnero Continuidad. Conceptos fundamentales. Subaspecto cohesin. Subaspecto regularidad. Subaspecto variabilidad.UNIDAD 8: Inclinacin. Introduccin. Relacin emocional y vincular. Tcnica de medicin. Clasificacin e interpretacin psicolgica en base a la inclinacin. Variaciones: rgida regular-vibrante e irregular- torcida progresiva y regresiva.UNIDAD 9VELOCIDAD: concepto -escritura lenta- escritura pausada normal-escritura rpida-. Escritura acelerada y escritura retardada. Velocidad constante. Velocidad variable en prrafos. Desigualdad de velocidad.Rasgos de velocidad.UNIDAD 10PRESIN: 1. concepto. Aspectos que considerar 2. Tensin: (escritura tensa, floja, blanda, dura y suave) Alternativas de la tensin - 3. Profundidad (superficial- profunda-desigual)- 4. Calibre o peso real (robusta- nutrida-ligera) Calibre o peso aparente (escritura pesada o gorda- ligera y sin presin- desnutrida o tenue) 5. Relieve: escritura en relieve y en bajo relieve. Relieve desigual. Presin desigual. 6. Anomalas de la presin patolgicas (torsiones- brisado- fragmentaciones-cisuras -reenganches-cegado-sacudidas).UNIDAD 11Firma: 1- Introduccin. - Gnero orden: - Legibilidad y ejecucin. Firma cuidada y descuidada. 2- Disposicin: (ubicacin respecto al texto) Firma prxima al texto- invadiendo el texto. Alejadas del texto- correctamente situada. (Ubicacin segn la hoja): a la izquierda- a la derecha- centrada. 3- Distribucin: distribucin entre letras- entre palabras. Firmas organizadas firmas desorganizadas. 4- Gnero Forma: firmas angulosas- curvas: arcos guirnaldas- filiformes- grado de armona: firmas armnicas y firmas agitadas 5- Gnero Direccin: ascendente- descendente- sinuosa- horizontal. 6. Gnero Dimensin. Firmas de letras mayores del texto - firmas en maysculas - Firmas creciente - firmas decrecientes sobrealzadas - rebajadas- 7- Gnero Inclinacin: firma inclinada- vertical- invertida. 8- Gnero Presin: Firmas presionadas- firmas poco presionadas. 9- Gnero Velocidad: firmas rpidas- firmas lentas. UNIDAD 12 Rbrica: 12 Concepto y distintos tipos de rbricas: - rbrica invadiendo el texto - tachando la firma- envolvente - subrayado menor y mayor que la firma- rbrica zigzag- rbrica con bolsas- rbrica proyectadas y contenidas - rbrica de rasgos que se entrecruzan - rbrica enmaraada- rbrica reducida a un punto- rbrica inexistente."
Price: 164.99

"How to Draw Cute Cartoon Chibi Characters"
"LETS REVEAL THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE OF DRAWING CUTE CARTOON CHIBI CHARACTERS IN AN INSTANT!     LAST UPDATE: NOVEMBER 2019Hi, Im Eckyo. I've been in Illustration Industry since 2002. Teaching is my passion, I share techniques about how I create my Illustrations, especially the chibi or cute cartoon style. And I'm currently a lecturer in an University which have been teaching tons of students to reach their passion in the illustrations industryTHIS IS A LIFETIME SKILL!Some of you must be wondering what is Chibi and what the difference of it and cartoon style. Chibi is another word for cute and short. So we will learn how to make character that meet those requirements. This kind of style are very popular among the people, not only for little children, adults love it too! and this kind of drawing can be used for anything. The possibilities are very huge and it's very fun to learn it. ANYONE CAN LEARN IT! Whether you are a new artist or even the professional ones, this course is suitable for anyone. With the reasonable price, you can master and learn more to make chibi cartoon character in an instant.  What a nice gain, right?At completion you'll receive a Udemy Certification of Completion and it's 30 days guaranteed! And also, you can contact me and ask me questions.  You can find it all in How to draw cute cartoon chibi characters course. I will show you how to create a very cute design character.LETS START!"
Price: 79.99

"How to Draw Cute Cartoon Caricature"
"LETS REVEALTHEULTIMATE TECHNIQUEOFDRAWINGCUTECARICATURE INANINSTANT! This is a perfect drawing course for best friends portrait gift, anniversary portrait gift, couple caricature portrait in Valentine day, your loved ones and many more including to open a caricature drawing service!LAST UPDATE: 2018Hi, Im Eckyo. I've been in Illustration Industry since 2002. Teaching is my passion, I share techniques about how I create my Illustrations.In this course, I share about how I draw verycute caricature characters.This is a LIFETIMESKILL!You can find it all in How to draw cute cartoon caricature course.LETS START NOW!***Subtitle available******PDF files downloadable content***"
Price: 69.99

"How To Draw Cartoon Dog Pet Portrait"
"LETS REVEAL THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE OF DRAWING CUTE AND FUNNY CARTOON DOG IN AN INSTANT!     This is a perfect drawing course for portrait gift, for your loved ones who have dog as a pet and including to open a pet portrait drawing service!LAST UPDATE: 2019Hi, Im Eckyo. I've been in Illustration Industry since 2002. And teaching is my passion, I share techniques about how I create my Illustrations since 2006. In this course, I share about how I draw funny cartoon dog as pet portrait.This is a LIFETIME SKILL! LETS START NOW!***Subtitle available******PDF files downloadable content***"
Price: 59.99

"How To Draw Cartoon Cat Pet Portrait"
"LETS REVEALTHEULTIMATE TECHNIQUEOFDRAWINGCUTE AND FUNNY CARTOONCAT INANINSTANT! This is a perfect drawing course for portrait gift, for your loved ones who have cat as a pet andincluding to open a pet portrait drawing service!Hi, Im Eckyo. I've been in Illustration Industry since 2002.And teaching is my passion, I share techniques about how I create my Illustrations since 2006.In this course, I share about how I drawfunny cartoon cat face as pet portrait.It's beginner friendly!This is a LIFETIMESKILL!LETS START NOW!***English Subtitle available******PDF files downloadable content***"
Price: 39.99

"Mixed Media on Canvas"
"Discover enthralling techniques to create a gorgeous mixed media mural on canvas using articles of different mediums like wood, metal, plastic etc. Professional artist Krutika Avlani will show you how to transform a plain white canvas into bold, eye-catching artwork. Start by using novel techniques to create a variety of beautifully textured surfaces. Then you'll layout all your embellishments to add visual appeal to your mural. Krutika will also share the benefits of using texture paste and acrylic colors to enhance the durability of your artwork.Then, unlock fascinating creative possibilities by blending acrylics over the uneven surface of the embellishments to set your work apart. Finally, you'll finish with a mural you'll be proud to hang on your wall."
Price: 29.99

Price: 4800.00

Price: 19800.00

"How to Use Facebook for Success"
"Facebook was born and it developed a virtual world where humans can connect each other and getevolved. Human is evolved to new species called Social Media person.Are you on social media? It means you have habit of looking at your smart phone and keep smiling while looking at its screenall the timeyou are a new species.This is Fb Users' behavior.Sharing on social media isEvolution.If you want to learn about WHY andHOW of Facebook. You should understand how Users Behave and React on Facebook. Facebook is not a software, it is the world.There are many companies claiming they will help you toincrease your businessbut it never happensuntilyou knowhow to be SOCIAL on Fb.Selfie is confidence!Facebook has a feature of sharing a cover picture. Almost all users have cover picture that tells something about you and it spreads positive energy and brings self-confidence. It says YOU are YOU ;) Any behavior change has objections, its universal law. Selfie is absolutely normal behavior! (but not taking while crossing the road. Know more how Selfie can be useful.Fb users have a different kind of love. Secret Love! I always write a post for people who just ""read"" and I address them as YOU, they don't click on ""like"" but they are great READERS and LISTENERS. It is very interesting that users actually ""like"" post but don't click. Its silent Love. I got to know about this Secret-Love when one of my fans came to my office to know the reason whyI couldnt post on Fb for 15 days ;) Have you ever knocked your friends home and said Hey! You remember me? Tagging on Facebook is a new form of knocking others door virtually and sharing memories together. Hook others name on your wall is called Tagging. Tag! Tag! Knock! Knock! It is like speaking little louder so that people who are tagged listen or if you want others to participate what you want them to do. Tagging is also used to discuss on any topic. There was a time when you could live alone, but now it is a time when you can not live alone. The world is connected and lives are complex. The new technologies help you to make relationships. I am not talking about #Robots ;) I am talking about humans. Sharing brings like-minded close. The Facebook has been changing lives of a billion. You share #happiness and it comes back to you. You share your inner best wishes and your wishes come true. SHARE! its love. Lets learn more...."
Price: 19.99

"Learn C - Let's Start the Code journey"
"sfd dddd ddddddddd ddddzcxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx sd s s dsad sd dsa d fd ds sda asd add a dd da da a ada ae ad aea aad dda a a a daa ae a aa ad daaad da a adda aada aa ad a d ad ad adsdaa d aa ddadadaaf qwd f a aaww a w waaw wa aa ea a awe."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a programar en Java"
"Java es el lenguaje de programacin ms utilizado por la comunidad mundial de programadores. Crear aplicaciones con Java requiere el conocimiento, no solo del lenguaje de programacin, sino de las miles de APIs o conjuntos de clases de utilidades con las que se puede hacer prcticamente cualquier cosa. Con este curso queremos ensearte a programar con este lenguaje, que conozcas todos los elementos sintcticos del mismo y que dispongas de la base y conocimientos necesarios para poder abordar con garantas en cursos posteriores el aprendizaje de las APIs de utilidades y los frameworks y tecnologas empleados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones profesionales."
Price: 19.99

"Acceso a datos en aplicaciones Java con JPA e Hibernate"
"Es cada vez ms habitual que el acceso a datos en aplicaciones informticas, tanto de escritorio como Web, se realice a travs de una capa de persistencia que exponga las filas de las tablas relacionales como objetos de datos a la aplicacin. JPA es una especificacin Java para la creacin y manipulacin de una capa de persistencia, independiente del tipo de base de datos con el que se va a trabajar. Por tanto, son cada vez ms demandados, por parte de las empresas software, los perfiles de programadores Java EE que conocen esta tecnologa.A travs de este curso te ensear a construir una capa de persistencia, tanto en aplicaciones Java Estndar como Web, as como a acceder a la misma a travs del API JPA. Aprenders a realizar, tanto operaciones sencillas tipo CRUD, como otras ms complejas que involucren diferentes tablas de la base de datos, utilizando consultas JPQL y relaciones entre entidades, todo ello, utilizando no solo el APIJPA, sino tambin las clases e interfaces nativas de Hibernate. Tambin te ensear a utilizar el API criteria para poder construir consultas de forma dinmica. Todo ello, con un enfoque sumamente prctico.nimo, estar encantado de resolverte cuantas dudas puedan surgirte durante el curso."
Price: 19.99

"Programacin Orientada a Objetos con Java"
"En este curso , por un lado, presentamos las clases bsicas utilizadas en la creacin de todo tipo de aplicaciones Java y, por otro,analizamos los conceptos de orientacin a objetos y su aplicabilidad en la creacin de programas. Dedicamos tambin unas lecciones al estudio de las expresiones lambda, la principal novedad de la versin Java 8, y sus aplicaciones en la manipulacin de conjuntos de datos a travs de streams.La realizacin de este curso te proporcionar sin duda una slida formacin del lenguaje Java y las APIs bsicas, que te permitir afrontar con total garantas el estudio de las libreras y tecnologas especializadas en la creacin de diferentes tipos de aplicaciones, como Android, Java EE, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Evolve with Qigong"
"This course is an in-depth, step by step guide to the main principles of an effective qigong practise, that can transform the way you think and feel on a daily basis.Your tool box is your body and mind. No other equipment is necessary.By the end of the course, students will have a life-long personal toolbox of skills that enables them to:Developgreater mindfulnessMove more fluidlyDeepenthe breathRelease energetictensionTake great care of the spineFeel more confident and spontaneousDeepen body awarenessFeel and work with one's energyStudents will alsounderstand how these skillsmaybe applied in daily livingfor a balanced, healthy and rewardinglife."
Price: 64.99

"Learn Matlab Programming in Arabic"
". 25 10 ."
Price: 19.99

"5 minutos al da para mejorar tu ingls: para gente ocupada"
"Gracias or tomarse el tiempo de ver este curso. tal vez este es el curso correcto para ti! Pero, Por qu deberias elegir ste y no otro?. Bueno, antes que nada, este curso no es para todos. Este curso es principalmente para principiantes o novatos, o estudiantes intermedios que quieren recordar y repasar sus habilidades en Ingls. Si esto te describe, entonces aqui estan algunos de los rasgos nicos que el curso ofrece: No hay dificultad para entender ilustraciones y tablas de verbos. por qu? Es un curso en espaol comienzas con lo que ya sabes. Mi Espaol no es perfecto, pero no te preocupes, el curso tiene subtitulos. ste curso es diseado espicificamente para t, hispano-parlante. He estado enseando a hablantes de Espaol por tres aos. No es un curso para hablantes ingleses, Rusos o Japoneses. No, es slo para t. Si tienes cinco minutos al da, puedes completar una lectura completa,incluso, tal vez dos. No tendrs que digerir una lectura de cuarenta y cinco minutos, los videos son cortos de dos a cuatro minutos. No tendrs que comprar un libro de trabajo o de estudiante, todo est en el curso. No falta nada. Todo lo que necesitas est en el curso. No hay juegos ni distracciones, slo aprendizaje, tu tiempo es valioso y no quiero que desperdiciarlo.Soy un hablante nativo de Ingls Brintnico, y como Bretaa es donde el Ingls tuvo sus orgenes, Por qu no comenzar con un hablante Britnico?No tendrs que presionarte para escucharme o comprenderme. La calidad del audio es excepcional. Todas las lecciones estn grabadas en una cabina con un micrfono de alta calidad.Siete grandes razones para adquirir el curso, si ya has obtenido el curso, recibe mi infinito agradecimiento. Si ests pensando en adquirirlo, por qu no lo haces y aprovechas la garanta de reembolso que Udemy tiene para ti?"
Price: 59.99

"Master Sentence Diagramming Basics Now! (basic grammar too)"
"Always wanted to master sentence diagramming?Are you a visual learner?Prefer videos over books? This course is for you! You will learn so much in such a short time with this basic, but amazing, sentence diagramming course. Once you enrol you'll quickly get to the heart of sentence with no fluff or filler, just the real deal. The heart of the sentence is the heart of grammar. As you study this course your ability to understand, conceptualize and understand complex sentences will increase dramatically. Your ability to express yourself clearly in written or spoken form is also guaranteed to improve. What's in the course.Discover how to recognise, diagram and understand;subject and predicate linking verbs and action verbs adjectives and adverbs predicate nominativespredicate adjectives direct and indirect objects prepositional phrases verbals; gerunds infinitives participles Non-essential parts of sentence appositives nouns of address interjections interrogatives imperatives non-simple sentences noun clauses compound sentences complex sentences compound-complex sentences"
Price: 29.99

"iPad Ganz Einfach: Der iPad Grundkurs fr Silersurfer"
"Der Grundkurs von iPad-ganz-einfachmacht Sie innerhalb weniger Wochen (je nach Ihrem Lerntempo) zu einem souvernen und selbstsicheren iPad-Nutzer.Vor ca. einem Jahr hat sich mein Vater sein erstes iPad gekauft und war anfangs vllig berfordert. Er ist 64 Jahre alt und fragte sich anfangs, ob er fr diesen ""Technikkram"" (wie er es nannte), nicht schon zu alt sei.Das iPad bietet ja auch unglaublich viele Mglichkeiten- und es stimmt auch in diesem Fall:Aller Anfang ist schwer. Ohne die Basics einmal gelernt zu haben, ist an ""hhere"" Sphren gar nicht zu denken. Mit dem iPad ist es so:Eigentlich ist die Bedienung gar nicht schwer- aber man muss eben einmal gezeigt bekommen, wie es funktioniert. Und dann wird alles total einfach!So erging es auch meinem Vater. Die anfnglichen Schwierigkeiten waren bald berwunden:Das W-Lan richteten wir zusammen ebenso ein wie seinen Mail-Account, seine Safari-Favoriten und seine Kontakte. War das einmal geschafft, waren die Tore zu weiteren iPad ""Wundern"" weit geffnet!Speicherplatz freimachen, Fotos bearbeiten und einzelne Apps kennenzulernen stand dann im zweiten Schritt auf dem Programm. Heute nutztmein Vater dasiPad ohne meine Hilfe. Das iPad ist in seinem Alltag ein treuer Begleiter geworden, den er nicht mehr missen mchte.Mein Kurs behandelt exakt die Themen, die ich auch damals mit meinem Vater nach und nach durchgegangen bin. Und sie sehen:Heute ist er ein regelmiger iPad-Nutzer. Ich werde Ihnen mit meinen Videos helfen, Ihr iPad sicher zu bedienen- und zwar in jeder Situation.Und falls Sie das noch nicht berzeugt hat:Zustzlich biete ich eine 30-Tage Geld Zurck Garantie. Gefllt Ihnen mein Kurs nicht?Dann bekommen Sie Ihr Geld zurck!"
Price: 49.99

"Excel Tools for Financial Modelling"
"This course equips delegates with Excel tools to build financial models. This course takes delegates through the most useful Excel functions, add-ons and formulas to build financial models, perform lookups, assess risk and scenarios and build reports.The course also delves into Goal Seek, Solver and Data Tables for optimisation and scenario analysis.The course gives an outline of the financial modelling process and cash flow waterfalls."
Price: 200.00

"Python Pandas: connect & import directly any database"
"Don't be the guy who can only import a csv fileinto Pandas, learn the techniques to connect directly with Python toa variety of database sources and import data directly into Pandas DataFrames.At the end ofthis course you will be able to connect and import directly fromORACLE Database, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Postgresql, andSQLite, and you will know how to deal with tricky connection parameter andwhere to find them.This course is design for you to stand out from the crowd."
Price: 64.99

"Pandas: Professional Data Exploration for client projects"
"Don't jump too early into analyzing data you haven't spent enough time exploring properly.In this course you will learn the proper professional way to approach Data Exploration, before you move into Data Analysis.A mistake beginners make, is to jump too early into analysing data they do not understand. The resulting analysis is obviously too generic, and often misses the point.I have 15 years experience providing professional services to Major companies including ExxonMobil, Shell, British Petroleum, Unilever, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, and many more.I have worked on high profile projects including the bribery investigation, that led the US department of justice to impose criminal and civil penalties for bribery on oil companies. This involved the use of advanced data analysis to acquire evidenceThis course is for anyone who wants to be ready for real life client projects, it sets you apart by providing you with robust techniques.If you want to learn the proper professional way to explore data so your resulting analysis is better appreciated by the client, hit the button to enroll, I look forward to welcome you in the course."
Price: 64.99

"Learn Excel"
"Microsoft Excelis a spreadsheet developed byMicrosoftfor Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications.By taking this course, you'll be able to :MASTER SHORTCUTS, FUNCTIONS AND FORMULAS THAT SAVE TIME AND INCREASE PRODUCTIVITYLEARN HOW TO PRODUCE PROFESSIONAL-LOOKING CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS FOR REPORTS, PRESENTATIONS AND PRINTOUTSSHORTEN WORKDAYS USING RECORDED AND PROGRAMMED MACROSUNDERSTAND THE WORK OF COLLEAGUES AND EXCEL SOLUTIONS FOUND ON THE INTERNET"
Price: 1600.00

"The Basics of Recruitment"
"HI Everbody!Will you like to receive the tips(and tricks)of a Talent Acquisition Expert that has work for companies like AMAZON, HPE and LIONBRIDGE!? Well, this is your chance then! In this course I am going to show you the basics of the recruitment process, so in this way you will be able to understand how to get the JOB of your DREAMS or how to help other to get the JOB of their DREAMS!Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. It is crucial to organisational performance. Recruitment is a critical activity, not just for the HR team but also for line managers who are increasingly involved in the selection process. All those involved in recruitment activities should be equipped with the appropriate knowledge and skills.In this couse, you will find videos, tips, tricks, examples and FREE material, that will make your learning process a funny and fantastic experience!See you later!Andrey"
Price: 19.99

"A TOP Recruiter tells you how to setup your Upwork Profile"
"HiEverbody!Will you like to receive the tips(and tricks)of a Talent Acquisition Expert that has work for companies likeAMAZON, HPEandLIONBRIDGE!? Well, this is your chance then! In this course I am going to show you the basics when it comes to creating an Upwork profile, so in this way you will be able to get theJOBof theirDREAMS!Upwork, formerlyElance-oDesk,is a globalfreelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely. In 2015, Elance-oDesk was rebranded as Upwork.Upwork allows clients to interview, hire and work with freelancers and agencies through the company's platform. The platform now includes a real-time chat platform aimed at reducing the time it takes to find and hire freelancers.In this couse, you will find videos, tips, tricks, examples andFREEmaterial, that will make your learning process a funny and fantastic experience!See you later!Andrey"
Price: 19.99

"Post-Production of Voice Recordings - Adobe Audition"
"You want to record your voice but you have a lot of background noise, and when you record it you don't know exactly what to do to make your voice sound great.Whether it is a voice recording for a course, a voice over, or any recording of vocals, you will learn advanced techniques simplified for you, step by step in the right sequence to take your sound from bad to good and from good to great."
Price: 49.99

"Davinci Resolve 15: Editing"
"Welcome, in this course you will learn how to Edit in Davinci Resolve 15how to create projects and organise them in foldersThe importance of setting your Frame ratehow to import mediahow to automate the organisation of 100s of media with Smart binsyou will feel comfortable in the interface, I will show you every part of itYou will master the 4 Edit modesThe 7 Edit toolsThe 3 methods to speed up your editing using caching and two types of proxiesTransitionsOpenFX and where to get free effectsAnd how to export your projectI will spend more time on some aspects not because they're complicated, but because they're important.This is not your typical classroom teacher, I'm a filmmaker, and I will take you in a journey in which we also talk about stuff you should do while filming so when you reach the editing stage it goes smoother."
Price: 59.99