"English Listening Mastery - Improve your communication now." |
"If you are working towards fluency in English, improving your listening is something you must focus on. The British council has stated that 45% of communication is listening, so it's important that we develop it alongside our speaking skills!In this course, you will have the opportunity to: Listen to a variety of accents. Practise listening for gist and for detail, through a series of tests, assignments and quizzes. Listen to a variety of scenarios, from watching a travel journal to understanding the news. Discover new vocabulary. Work on the listening skills you will need to pass the IELTS exam. Improve your confidence in asking for clarification when you don't understand. My name is Caroline Rodriguez and I have been teaching English for ten years, specialising in professional and business English. I have also spent the past four years helping people to get their dream job, in companies ranging from small charities to The London Stock Exchange, by helping them with every step from application to job interviews. I'm passionate about teaching English because I've seen what a difference it can make in the lives of my students. I've discovered some tips and secrets along the way and I can't wait to share them with you in this course!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Application and prototype development with QML & Qt5" |
"In this course, you will learn how to develop User Interfaces using QML, fast, easy and reliable! We will start by learning the QML basics, then we will apply what we learned in using the QtQuick Controls 2 module including creating a custom style for our QtQuick Controls 2 widgets and we will end up developing a dashboard prototype application with features like online radio streaming, rss feed, 3d content integration. At the end of this course, you will be able to start already using QML on your own projects and prototypes."
Price: 59.99 |
"LinkedIn 2019 - Empregos & Negcios via LinkedIn" |
"LinkedIn Player 2019Voc gostaria de:1- Fazer a diferena na vida de milhares de pessoas?2- Ter o emprego dos seus sonhos?3- Conhecer e ser facilmente reconhecido por milhares de profissionais das mas diversas reas?4- Fechar negcios com facilidade atravs de um simples clique?Bem Vindo ao Mundo LinkedIn!Hoje o LinkedIn considerado a maior rede social do planeta, com mais de 590 milhes de usurios, em mais de 200 pases e territrios.Atualmente temos mais de 35 milhes de usurios no Brasil. Somos o 4 pas com mais usurios no mundo. Voc acha que existe oportunidade no LinkedIn? Milhes de pessoas encontram grandes oportunidades todos os dias, sejam elasde emprego ou de negcios. Voc vai ficar de fora?Porm para que isso aconteavoc precisa ter um perfil alinhado aos seus objetivos e utilizar tcnicas avanadas de interao.Linkedin Player um curso rpido e prtico, porm muito poderoso, ele teensinar a explorar todo o potencial da rede e atingir em pouco tempo osseus objetivosO que eu ensino no cursoLinkedIn Player exatamente o que utilizei para sair do quase anonimato para mais de 15.000 seguidores em pouco tempo e com issoatingir os meus objetivos profissionais.O LinkedIn se tornou a minha principal ferramenta paraa construo de relacionamentos e gerao de novos negcios.Acredito que voc tambm poder ter o LinkedIn como aliado em sua vida profissional, para isso basta colocar em prtica todas as dicas que eu compartilho nesse curso.No perca tempo, adquira o curso Linkedin Playere comece hoje mesmo a se destacar namultido!Avaliaes:Leandro de MattosUpdated 2 days agoO Curso LinkedIn Player foi extremamente importante para ajustar todo meu perfil e torn-lo campeo. O professor Alexandre nos apresenta o Curso com exemplos prticos. Curso bem didtico e de fcil compreenso, alm de dicas para que o recrutadores possam pesquisar o seu perfil. Eu recomendo o Curso para todos que precisam se recolocar no mercado de trabalho e para quem precisa dar um UP na carreira ou alavancar seus negcios.Douglas R. AndradeUpdated 13 days agoFantstico! Didtica excelente e aulas bem explicativas.Victor Mateus FernandesUpdated a month agoMinha experincia com o curso foi a melhor possvel! O contedo foi de extrema importncia e relevncia, explicaes diretas e esclarecedoras, muito dinamismo e objetividade e, alm de tudo isso, aulas recheadas de simpatia e leveza! Curso show!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Learn how to grow a Brand on Social Media that is profitable" |
"Learn to Generate the Strongest Brand everyone can trust! I will teach all my methods and ways to brand yourself bigger than most would realize! All methods are tested and may work for you better than me!The key things to build a huge brand to find success in your business! Get started today!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Mindful Written Communication" |
"This courseis a result of reviewing thousands of written assignments submitted to meby my students. Over the years I have realized there is a somewhat limited and reoccurring list of problems in student writing. These problems can diminish one's communication effectiveness and prevent one from realizing one's full potential in his or her profession.Effective written communication isanessential skill in every field of human endeavor. Interestingly, being able to communicate ideas clearly in writing often has little to do with the writers knowledge of English. Therefore, this course is not about the rules of English language.This course focuses primarily on the principles of written communication that make communication more effective, regardless of which language is used for communication. Written communication effectiveness is defined here as the ability to get ones written message recipient to understand the true intended message with the minimum amount of time and effort. Mastering and practicing these principles will make ones academic papers,notes, memos, emails, reports, manuals, books, etc. easier to understand and, thus, more likely to influence others.I am confident that completing this coursewill be on the best investments of time and money you have evermade."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mac'te Microsoft Office Word ile Sfrdan Tez Yazma" |
"Microsoft office word kullanarak enstit tez hazrlama ynergesini baz alp bitirme projeniz, yksek lisans teziniz ya da doktora teziniz iin word ablonu oluturacaz. Bu kursta srasyla aada yer alan admlar gerekletireceiz.1. tez yazm ynergesinin indirilmesi ve layout oluturma2. kapak sayfasnn tasarlanmas3. tez omurgasnn oluturulmas4. dzey balklarnn oluturulmas daha sonrasnda ise blm balklar ve alt blm balklarnn oluturulmas5. iindekiler, ekiller, grafikler ve tablolar listesinin oluturulmas6.paragraf yaplandrma7. otomatize edilmi formllerin eklenmesi8. atf gsterme ve kaynaka tablosunun oluturulmas"
Price: 49.99 |
"ok Kriterli Karar Vermede Topsis Yntemi" |
"Tezin teorik ksmn yazmak ok da zor olmayan bir itir. ou renci nce teorik ksmla balayp daha sonra tezin uygulama ksmna geldiinde ne yapacan armaktadr. Bu kursta rendikleriniz sayesinde tezinizin uygulama ksmnda analiz gerekletirebileceksiniz ya da bilimsel makalelerinizde kullanabileceginiz yeni bir yntem reneceiniz bur kursta;1 Karar matrisi ve karar matrisinin oluturulmas2 Normalize matrisin tanm ve oluturulmas3 Arlklandrlm normalize matrisin elde edilmesi ve agirliklandirma yntemleri4 ideal ve negatif ideal zm deerlerinin elde edilmesi5 ideal ve negatif ideal uzaklklarnn bulunmas6 greli yaknlklarnn hesaplanmas ve karar aamasen nihayetinde de elde edilen sonularn yorumlanmas gibi konulara deinilmitir."
Price: 49.99 |
"Uygulamal R Programlama Egitimi" |
"Veri Bilimi, Veri Analizi ve Zekas alannda uzmanlamak isteyenler iin Uygulamal R Programlama Eitimi kursunda bol bol uygulama yaparak R programlama dilini renmeye alacaz. Daha nce R kullanmam olsanz bile programlama dillerinin mantna sahip herkes bu kurstan faydalanabilir. Bu kursta yer alan balca konular aadaki gibidir;R ve R Studio nasl yklenir?R Programlamada Veri TipleriVektrler, Matrisler ve DataframesR'de tanimli default veri setleriMantksal Degerler ve OperatorlerDongulerFonksiyonlarDosya ilemleriListelerFaktrlerVeri gorsellestirmeUygulamalarBasabas Noktasi AnaliziFaktorlerListelerSimulasyonNormal DagilimBasit Dogrusal Regresyon AnaliziTekrar Eden Degerlerin Analiz Disi BirakilmasiEgitim ve Test icin Veri Cekme ve KullanmaCok Degiskenli Dogrusal Regresyon AnaliziLojistik RegresyonBankalar icin Kredi Red Kabul UygulamasiVeri NormalizasyonuYapay Sinir AglariUygulamalarla GGPLOTCizgi GrafigiYaylm ve Ortalamanin GorsellestirilmesiMapping ve Setting FarklariHistogram ve Density GrafikleriDuzgunlestirme ve Boxplot GrafikleriTek Grafik Uzerinde Birden Fazla Grafik OlusturmaEksen AyarlamaLegend AyarlamaBaslik AyarlamaApply FonksiyonlariApply fonksiyonuLapply fonksiyonuSapply fonksiyonuVapply fonksiyonuTarih Saat Uygulamalardplyr paketi ve uygulamalarselect fonksiyonufilter fonksiyonumutate fonksiyonuarrange fonksiyonusummarise fonksiyonugroup_by fonksiyonupipe operatoru"
Price: 409.99 |
"ok Kriterli Karar Vermede AHP Yntemi" |
"Bu kursta Microsoft Excel kullanarak ok Kriterli Karar Verme Tekniklerinden Birisi olan Analitik Hiyerari Prosesi(AHP) yntemini formllerle boumadan reneceiz. Kitaptan anlamaya alp zaman kaybetmeden en etkili renme yntemi olan izleyerek AHP yntemini reneceksiniz. Temel dzeyde Excel bilgisi seviyesine sahip olmanz yeterlidir. Bu kursta reneceiniz yntem sayesinde yksek lisans ya da doktora tezinizin uygulamasini yapabileceksiniz. Ayrca kursa sahip olan akademisyenler de bilimsel makalelerinde ve bildirilerinde analiz gerekletirebilecekler."
Price: 49.99 |
"Must-Know Russian Idioms" |
"This course is for you if you want to improve your understanding of idioms and learn to use them confidently.This course isNOTjust a big list of idioms and definitions. Pure memorization isnt the best way to learn these expressions!Instead, youll:Discoverthe idioms meanings in context.Learnthe idioms from explanations/examples.Practiceusing the idioms with quizzes and exercises.Enroll today!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Ransomware Protection - Protect Your Computer" |
"The internet is great fun but it does have dangers and we want you to be safe online. The consequences of identity theft andfraud can be huge, so you should be aware of the very serious risks of not protecting your computer and the information you store on it. In this course I teach how to locate and install the best free software's to protect your system, once installed these software programs can be ran just once per week and your computer will be free of all types of malware and spyware. The videos are short and easy to understand as I show how to install and run each individual program.After you have taken this course you really will be better protected and knowledgeable than more than 80% of internet users, the course is an on going project so new lectures will be added frequently informing students of anynew free software that come's to market."
Price: 29.99 |
"Darknet - How To Safely Access The Darknet!" |
"Learn What the Darknet Has To Offer?Eager To learn How To Access The Darknet?Want To Learn How To Use Darknet Search Engines?This Course Will teach Everything You Need To Know About The Darknet.ACourse On The Darknet With The Aim Of Getting You On The Darknet Securely And Safely.This Course explainsEverything From How To Access The Darknet With Tor Browser , What Tor Browser Is Everything is Explained InBasic Terminology So You Know How ToSetUp A Secure And Safe Environment For Darknet Surfing.This course will show you the best Online services the Darknetoffers from Search engines To Email Provider.This course also shows how to install and use free software's to run on your PC after accessing the Darknet for your peace of mind thatnothing has infected your PC, thiswill ensure your safety and security from the threats posed not juston the Darknet but the Surface Web also.This course also introduces you to a free ransomware software to install on your PC.This course is aimed at anybody that wants to get started using the Darknet in a very safe, and secure environment. From complete beginners to anyone that has little experience with the Darknet, You are in the right place."
Price: 29.99 |
"Calculus 1 Made Easy" |
"This course in an evergreen course because every weekI upload new videos and quizzes.I also upload new videos each month based on what students need and request.Videos: Every video covers a topic of calculus 1. For every topic I solve several examples from simple to hard. I believe that we learn betterwith more exercises. Quizzes: You can test your understanding and knowledge about a topic by taking a quiz (all of them have complete solutions). If you pass, congratulation. If not, you can review the videos againorlook at the solutions of questionsorask me for help in the Q&A section."
Price: 199.99 |
"Create a remarkable business Facebook page from scratch" |
"So, you've noticed other businesses succeeding on Facebook? You've heard about the power of this social media platform for creating relationships with prospects and customers? But when you go to do it for your business, you lose confidence and you aren't sure quite what to do?Facebook is a fantastic platform for your small business to promote on. The functionality allows you to build a mini website. In this course I will explain the value of a Facebook page and how to make the most of this platform. I will show you how to set-up a page from scratch and guide you on what wording to use, choosing photos and how to post to Facebook so you can confidently use it.My name is Kelly Hodgkins and Im here to guide you, step-by-step, through this process! I have loved marketing for as long as I can remember and I have been working in the industry for over ten years. I am the co-owner in my own marketing consultancy in South Africa. As social media have come to the fore, I have engaged with them, created strategies for them and implemented these strategies for a broad range of clients. I have taught several students the Facebook basics in person and Udemy allows me to teach you, wherever you are in the world! I want your business to have a remarkable, tailored Facebook page and for you to feel confident using it. In this course, we explore the different kinds of Facebook business pages you can choose from and why a Facebook business page is preferable to a personal profilewe will identify who you are talking to and how that affects your contentwe will create the key elements to create a remarkable Facebook business page including:the text for the About Us sectionthe images for the profile and cover photosyour first post we will look at the different kinds of Facebook posts includingphotosvideosliveeventswe will create your Facebook business page, step-by-stepwe will post your first post, step-by-stepTo get the most out of this course, you need to have a Facebook personal profile and use Facebook regularly. My objective is for you to create a well-thought out business Facebook page and manage your page confidently. I will explain each decision we make, why we are doing what we are doing and I will show you step-by-step, click-by-click, how to do it."
Price: 200.00 |
"Salon Marketing 101-Digital Marketing Introduction" |
"Are you wanting more traffic to your salons website?More clients through your doors and a well known salon reputation?This is your first step to becoming a salon marketing pro, so... Congratulations! You are at the right place to start!Salon Marketing 101 - Digital Marketing IntroductionIn this course I will teach you how to harness the power of your online presence to drive clients into your salon.We will look at Facebook, Instagram and Youtubeas channels to build a brand for your salon.The modern world moves quick, gone are the days of flyer distribution and an advert in the local newspaper, no, look around, everyone is glued to their phone and thiscourse will allow you capture their attention.Together in this course we will create beautiful,exciting &captivating content you can use for yoursocial media. I will assist you to how to identify your target audience and how to build a community for your salon to grow your audience.Welcome on-board!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Barbering 101: An Introduction To Barbering" |
"Barbering 101: An Introduction To BarberingEager to get into a career in Barbering?Want to know more and learn the basics of how to work in a barbershop?My name is Andrew McGrath. Long standing master barber working and managing salons in UnitedKingdom, Dubai & Australia. In this course I share my wealth of knowledge to help bypass common problems and helpyou kick start your barbering career!Learn BarberSkill Basics + How To Build A Barber CareerDetailed knowledge, advice and hacksfrom abarbering masterTest and implement your learning through script and quiz's.Build confidence to move forward into barbering with ease!This course can boost your knowledgeand allow you a clear pathway to make progress in a career as a barber!"
Price: 19.99 |
Amazon |
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Sell on Amazon and Walmart - Go From Beginner to Pro" |
"In this course you will learn how to build your own scalable and sustainable business selling your own private-label branded products on Amazon and Walmart. You will learn from two multi-million dollar Amazon Sellers and all about their strategies that brought them over a million dollar in yearly sales. This course shows you exactly what to do every step of the way. You'll learn how they source products, how to import products from China and all about branding your private label products.We'll also get into a variety of tips to help you become successful at selling your products through your own online store and through Amazon FBA. There is also a bonus section on how to sell on Walmart."
Price: 29.99 |
"Introduction To Meditation - Discover Your Uniqueness" |
"This course is all about YOU!Meditation ishighly beneficial to whatever you want to manifest in your life.I believe that with your uniqueness you also need a unique meditation practice.I introduce you to 7 techniques that you can exercise with. You'll have access to 7 guided meditations (also downloadable mp3 file), I'll explain tools that will help your practice and that willserve you immediately in your daily life. You'll receive a blueprint, my personal mediation structure that gives you the steps to tune out and go inwards. Plus you'll receive video's with breathing exercises and yoga poses that will support you in whatever you want to manifest.After this course you'll be able to make meditationyour own, meaning you can develop your own unique practice in your awesome unique life. You'll increase your self-belief with meditation, create awareness and understanding of the outside influences, your ego and your behaviour. You'll be able to give stress a face and you'll change/decrease it by making more authentic decisions.Meditation Rocks! Don't make it a prison.You can make it as fun as you want.Get introduced to this amazing tool.Sign up now and start creating your own meditation practice right away.Namast JJ"
Price: 109.99 |
"Startupismo - Convierte tus ideas de negocio en dinero" |
"Hola, soy Fric Martnez, el creador de la metodologa Startupismo.Llevo 20 aos como emprendedor y he fundado ms de 15 empresas(con y sin xito), as quedecid crear un libro con mis secretos para que la gente convierta sus ideas en dinero sin cagarla tanto.El libro tuvo tanto xito que se ha convertido en talleres, conferencias y en este curso en linea.Con este curso aprenders las nuevas herramientas del emprendimiento moderno en 20 sencillos pasos para que puedas ponerle orden a las ideas de negocio que siempre has tenido en tu cabeza, pero el chiste es que lo logres sin gastar todo tu dinero a lo wey.Cada uno de los 20 pasos contiene:Videos de introduccin sobre el tema en cuestin.Videos conejemplos de cmoaplicar esto al mundo prctico.Video coninstruccionessobre cmo llenar la Gua Startupera, el material de apoyo de este curso.La Gua Startupera es un PDF para llenar cada uno de los 20 pasos. Puedesllenarla en la compu (PDF editable)o imprimirla del tamao que quieras. Puedes pegarla en la pared para ver tu proyecto en una sola imagen y as saber qu avances y pendientes tienes.Es una herramienta sper valiosa porque los emprendedores usamos mucho nuestro hemisferio derecho del cerebro (que es el creativo), pero nos hace falta una gua para no divagar, necesitamos ayuda para ordenar nuestras ideas, nuestras tareas y nuestro tiempo.Al adquirir el curso podrs ser parte del Club Startupero, un grupo privadode Facebook donde recibirs asesora por medio de transmisiones en vivo.No tienes un negocio ni una idea? No importa. Este curso te ayudar a que sepas el camino a seguir para usar tus talentos y dedicarte a lo que te gusta.Todos te ensean cmo ir para arriba, pero en este curso tambin aprenders qu hacer cuando se pone difcil la cosa, cuando las cosas no van bien... Es la nica metodologa que tiene secciones sobre la espiritualidad en los negocios y explicaciones sobre lo que es la realidad y cmo puedes tener control sobre ella. Entenders el miedo y el estrs desde otra perspectiva.Con esta metodologa certificada por el Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor aprenders sobre estos temas:Ubica las necesidades que tiene la gente. Los mejores bisnes son los que mejoran la vida de otros. Te dedicas a la msica? Entonces crea un producto que solucione la vida de los msicos. Tienes experiencia en el mundo de la comida? No hagas un restaurante, soluciona los procesos de los restauranteros.Define tu producto, el cual debe ser disruptivo, escalable, replicable, automatizable y transferible [no debes buscar clientes, busca usuarios y consumidores].Haz dinero. Tienes que hacer billete, tu mayor atencin debe estar en la relacin entre tu producto y el dinero que te dar la gente a cambio [los hippies no sirven, si quieres mejorar el mundo, genera riqueza y abundancia].Decdete a emprender. Recibirs inspiracin para aventarte a crear tu proyecto y hacer frente al miedo [obtendrs consejos sobre cmo aguantar vara].Busca a tu media naranja cerebral. Conoce los talentos y cualidades del hemisferio que ms usas de tu cerebro [as sabrs cmo encontrar al socio que necesitas].Disea tu pitch para poder vender tu producto [en un buen pitch tienes que mencionar: el dolor, el alivio, las propuestas de valor y el call to action].Crea un prototipo. Hacer la versin ms reduccionista de tu producto sin gastar dinero es la mejor herramienta de promocin en fases tempranas [Steve Jobs vendi computadoras que no tena hechas, slo tena un prototipo].Aprende los pasos a seguir para la promocin de tu proyecto; El Marketing es todo [somos mamferos muy susceptibles a la imagen, as que crea tu identidad grfica de una forma cautivadora].Sal del closet (como emprendedor o como lo que quieras). Dile a todo mundo tu proyecto. Nadie te va a robar tu idea [promociona tu producto ms importante: t mismo].Define tu MVP. Saca a la venta el producto que ms rpido te pueda dar dinero [y enfcate slo en ese producto, slo en ese solo en ese].Valida tu producto. No basta que tus tas te digan que lo que haces est bien bonito [si no sacan dinerito de su bolsa tu producto no sirve].Obsesionate, carnal. Si no te clavas mal pedo, no logrars nada [si no te tatas el logo de tu proyecto, noms le ests haciendo a la mamada].Cmo pedir inversin semilla a tu gente cercana por medio de campaas de crowdfunding [conocers las 4 razones por las que la gente te dar dinero].Aprenders que t no quieres hacer una empresa, lo que quieres es billete. [te dir las razones funestas por las que alguien necesitara crear una empresa].Ubica a tus mentores. Busca y molesta a los expertos en el tema de tu industria [es bien visto llamarles a las 3 de la maana llorando...]Genera traccin; fanses, seguidores, suscriptores [whatsapp no genera un slo dlar y lo vendieron en 17 mil millones de dlares, por qu?].Pros y contras de las incubadoras. Qu son y qu ofrecen realmente necesitas una?Identifica las razones y formas de pedir inversin. Mientras menos necesites de los inversionistas, mejor [solo recibirs recursos si generas dinero por t mismo].Atrae riqueza y luego mchate con los dems. El dinero es pura energa positiva [no pienses en hacer dinero slo para ti, sino para el mundo entero, y preprate porque llegar].Ten contacto con tu ser espiritual para que te la pele todo. Recibirs consejos sobre qu hacer con el miedo y el estrs [aprenders de dnde sacar energa cuando las cosas van mal].No te pierdas de este curso!No necesitas tener una empresa, no necesitas tener una idea. Esta metodologa sirve para ayudarte a poner en orden tu mente y saber qu pasos seguir para dedicarte a lo que realmente te apasiona.La vida es corta. Haz algo chingn con tu puta vida.Viva Vivir Vivo"
Price: 1545.00 |
"Buenondismo - Qu hacer con el miedo" |
"Sentimos miedo y ansiedad todo el tiempo yno sabemos por qu somos tan infelices.Buenondismo es un manual para entender los conceptos bsicos de la existencia y as evitar sufrir tanto en nuestra mente y disfrutar ms la vida.En Buenondismo aprenders de los siguientes temas:Por qu sufrimos? Por qu tenemos tanto miedo? Analicemos el relajo que vivimos en nuestra mente.De qu forma nos afectan nuestras creencias. Tenemos la mente muy condicionada, todo el tiempo estamos comparando todo con nuestras vivencias pasadas, as que no disfrutamos el presente.Cmo sobrevivir las relaciones? Si ests bien de la cabeza, no necesitas a nadie.Si quieres cambiar el mundo, haz billete. El dinero es pura energa, es un mundo de posibilidades. Si eres buena persona, t debes tener mucho dinero, ya que hars buen uso de l. Crees que el dinero es malo? Entonces dselo a quienes lo necesitan ms!chate un clavado a tus vivencias y crate. Estars mucho mejor si ordenas toda la informacin que ha entrado a ti desde la infancia.Quin hizo todo esto llamado Vida? Quin est detrs de todo esto?Dios tiene muchos nombres. El trmino ms universal es Conciencia. La conciencia es quien ha creado todo lo que existe. Pero no slo eso, ella habita dentro de nosotros, podemos sentirla.Todo iba bien hasta que lleg el Ego a cagarlo todo. El ego es la persona que t crees que eres, es la suma de tus vivencias.Qu hacer? de qu me sirve saber todas estas cosas? Hay cosas muy sencillas que puedes hacer para no volverte loco en tu mente y disfrutar ms de la vida.Eso de que la Ley de atraccin trata de pedirle cosas al universo suena muy New Age, te explicar una forma ms cientfica de verla y cmo sacarle provecho verdadero.Al final habr un video con una conclusin para que te queden claros los puntos ms importantes de este manual.Espero te sirva mucho este curso y comiences a disfrutar mucho ms de la vida!"
Price: 1470.00 |
"Marketismo - Vende tus servicios y productos!" |
"En este curso en lnea nos enfocaremos de una forma muy prctica en una pequea rama del mundo del marketing digital: te dar un tutorial paso a paso para crear anuncios de Facebook e Instagram para que recibas mensajes de Whatsapp de tus posibles clientes.Hablar de una forma general del tema de marketing en nuestra era.Explicar cmo ordenar campaas, conjunto de anuncios y los anuncios.Crear una campaa (hay 8 tipos de campaas pero nos centraremos en una).Crear un conjunto de anuncios.Definir la audiencia a la que nos dirigiremos.Segmentacin.Uso de imgenes de Shutterstock.Crear un copy (son 3 textos los que se deben escribir, te explicar la mejor forma de acomodarlos para ser ms efectivos).Crear un cdigo sencillo para que quienes vean tu anuncio piquen un botn y los lleve directo a tu Whatsapp, en donde ellos encontrarn que ya est pre-escrito un texto (que t definirs), de forma que ellos slo deban dar click en enviarConocers el Ad Manager para editar tus anuncios y crear nuevas campaas y anuncios.Tienes talento. Yo te ayudar a que utilices de una mejor forma tu energa para que tengas mucha chamba y puedas generar riqueza para ti y los que te rodean."
Price: 1470.00 |
Inkscape() |
Price: 4800.00 |
myxjzpbb |
Price: 3600.00 |
"Photoshop CC :" |
Price: 7200.00 |
"#1 Complete ASP.NET Core MVC Single-Page App[The Future]" |
"I HELP ALL STUDENTS VIA TeamViewer USING Skype CALL TO FIX ALL INITIAL ISSUES.Im always updating this course with fresh content, too..Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak). Creative way to turn any version of ASP.NET-MVC or ASP.NET CoreApplication Into Single-Page Application Within 2 minutesafter using my (toufiqElahySPA.js)Jquery Plugin. Here,toufiqElahySPA.js is a Jquery Plugin which is responsibleto turn any web application into single page application. I developed this Plugin to minimize developer's effort while working on Creating Single Page Application. Let's see, how my Plugin can make developers life better.Single page applications are more capable of decreasing load time of pages and the amount of data transfer from server to client. Why This Course?There are several pain points while working with Javascript framework like AngularJs, React, VueJs, Knockout, meteor e.t.c. in a ASP.NET MVC application in order to create Single-Page Application. Few Pain Points Are:Need to specify routing for each requestNeed to modify Server side technology according to Javascript frameworkOnly possible to debug on run timeHard-coded data-binding caused too many errorIncreasethe complexity a lot developerno need to learn any javascript frameworkand alsono need to write much Jquerycodeto make Single Page Application after using my Jquery Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js).Note: developer can also use other JavaScript framework(angularjs, knockout, react e.t.c.) side by side with my Jquery Plugin. But no need, i will prove.I applied the Plugin in a .NET Web application. This plugin will also work for Other Web Technologies too. Iwill show in my future course.90% of time Developer no need to Create View-model Classes.This course is so important to Developer who loves:Strongly Typed data-binding(Razor code)Compile time error checking,auto code completion(IntelliSense),Re-usability,not to get Run-time error unexpectedlyto get rid fromcomplexityshould definitely take this course.Why (toufiqElahySPA.js)Jquery plugin is betterthanany JavaScriptframework:(1) Developer won't need to write too much Javascript code after using my plugin wheres developer usually writes too many javascript code while working with AngularJs(javascript framework)(2) Developer won't need to write Jquery ajax code because the plugin has ajax function specified which will be called automatically as a common function(3) Developer won't need to specify routing as like AngularJs because My plugin will follow ASP.NET MVC routing by default.(4) Developer can learn using my plugin easily and quickly. justneed to followonly 5 rules of my pluginand any complex scenario can be achieved through this plugin like AngularJs [i will prove](5)Developercan also make Single-Page app even not following those 5 rules of the plugin. Those rules are for critical situation. First 2 rules is enough to solve any heavy lifting work.What technology is used infront-end?Mainly JqueryHTML & Razor CodeWhat technology is used in back-end?c#, LinqASP .NET-MVC CoreEntity Framework CoreWhat tools you will need?Any Version of Visual Studio will Work but try to getLatest Updated VersionASP.NET Core 2.0 will need to be installed in your MachineAny browser Whatever you like mostWhyI applied My Plugin toAsp .NET Core application:Cross-platform needs.High-performance and scalable systems.Allcoding best practices(asynchronous programming, dependency injection)Within this course I will Show:How powerful and complexcross-platformsingle page application we can build with my Plugin And how my SPA techniquecan improve the Software performance both on server and client side.How toufiqElahySPA.js(jquery plugin) works:If End user click any Link or submit any Form or click Backward or Forward button on browser, the common ajax function of the Plugin will be invoked automatically. 5 rules of the plugin to handle critical situation:I will explain all these 5 rules in 10 minutes within this course. True fact is: learning these 5 rulesareenough to learn this entire Course. Learn By Doing.Money-Back Guarantee:After taking this course, if any student fail to achieve his goal, i will refund. Make sure you followed my video's and source code and specially my 5 rules. If something is still unclear, you can askquestion in the forums, i will reply. Happy Coding!I hope! You will Enjoy this magic Course.Important Notice:i want to ensure all the Student that my Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js) will not be responsible for any serverrelated error while applying the Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js) in your own Project. you may just need to modify toufiqElahySPA.css according to your application need. If you get a server related exception that means your implementation has problem which need to be fixed. Don't ever think that the Plugin maybe the reason for this exception.please, give good ratings and comments if you want to get this type of creative and unique course in future. Good feedback will definitely encourage me to make more course on Udemy. Thank you!Notice(to all):If i don't getgood ratings and comments, i will not able to get inspired to share more content. if u really want to get Advanced Topics . please give me true ratings and comments."
Price: 199.99 |
"Hackea tu timidez y multiplica tu confianza en 3 capitulos!" |
"Muchos se fijan en lo duro que es dejar de ser timidos, pero has pensado en lo que cuesta seguir con una confianza tan baja? Lo que cuesta a nivel de relaciones, lo que cuesta sentirse incomodo en todas las stituaciones sociales? Le has hablado a la persona que te atrae ultimamente? Eso va a cambiarImagina que este curso es una escalera (y asi es), enla parte ms baja de la escalera representa a las personastimidas y con confianza extremadamente bajas. Estas personas :Se sienten intimidados en situaciones sociales en las que estn rodeados de personasSiempre tratan de asegurarse de no hacer nada que los pueda avergonzar frente a las personas.Mentalmente se preparan para reaccionar ante situacionesespecficas, antes que pasen, para saber qu hacer si ocurren.No expresan su opinin para no contradecir a la persona con la que hablan y as evitar una discusin.Encuentran difcil el hacer contacto visual sobre todo con el sexo opuesto.Siempre se muestran de acuerdo con las personas, incluso cuando no lo estn.Se sienten ansiosas al pensar en abordar a alguien que no conocen.Le temen al ser rechazado por el sexo opuesto, especialmente en frente de sus amigos.Les preocupa el poder satisfacer a los demasPiensan que hay personas con un mayor valor que ellos.La cima de la escalera representa a las personas con una autoestima y auto-confianza extremadamente altas. Las personascon alta autoestima:No se preocupan de lo que la gente piense de ellos.Creen que el mundo es su saln de juegos y pueden hacer lo que les plazca (dentro de lo razonable).Disfrutan del desafo de atraer al sexo opuesto.No le temen al rechazo de nadie, sea hombre o mujer.Saben exactamente qu quieren de la vida.Saben lo que aceptarn y no aceptarn de otros seres humanos. Por ejemplo, si otra persona se comporta de manera grosera, ellos se lo harn saber y le dirn que se detenga, en vez de aceptar sus crticas.Pueden acercarse a cualquier desconocido, no importa lo genialque sea, y aun as sentirse tan confiados como siempre.Creen que en SU VIDAvalen mas que cualquiera, porque es SU vida.QUE VAMOS A HACER PARA LLEGAR HASTA AHI?El curso se basa en un metodo de analisis, en el que estudie y clasifique los puntos que hacen la mayor diferencia para aumentar la seguridad en si mismo de una persona, en el menor tiempo posible. Esta pensado para dejar de ser timido, una vez que te muestre porque no sos timido, vamos a enfocarnos en aumentar tu confianza. Desarrolle este ""metodo de optimizacion progresiva"", que es esta especie de escaleracon diferentes niveles de confianza para que avances desde el lugar en que estas ahora. Vas a conocer las mejores tecnicas psicologicas para avanzar mucho mas rapido (PNL). Vas recibir la motivacion e informacion que necesitas para transformarte en una persona segura, sociable y atractiva. Eh leido cientos de libros y probado decenas de tecnicas y metodos, por eso pude tomar los puntos mas efectivos y poner a tu disposicion este material que cambio mi vida y tengo la esperanza que haga mismo con la tuya.Es un placer que te unas a nosotros!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Shopify For Beginners" |
"From author Ken Walker (Copywriting for Today's Internet Marketer).This course teaches complete newbies how to setup a Shopify store from start to finish. You'll learn simple tricks of the trade as well as expert insight to make your new business venture profitable as quickly as possible. Enrollment in my course gives you access to:Support directly from me while you setup your new store - getting answers quickly...Expert advice on best practices - skip over the learning curve hurdles by tapping into my 20+ years ofreal-world-experience...Discover the easy way toboost saleswith free add-on apps...Discounts on my other courses including advanced social media marketing strategies, email marketing and more...Once your store is setup you'll also be able to take advantage of my bonus content that includes Social Media Marketing to start getting traffic to your new store quickly so you can make sales before your Shopify trial is even over!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Email Marketing Domination" |
"Ken Walker (Author of Copywriting for Today's Internet Marketer) explains how email can make your business more money through automation and creative communication with your prospects and clients.Successful businesses large and small, digital product owners, filthy-rich bloggers and affiliate marketers all have one thing in common - the LIST. An email list of subscribers is like money in the bank ready for you to make a withdrawal month after month.Today, if you're not using email marketing you are leaving money on the table, and lots of it.You know how hard it can be to get a new customer. Advertising expenses, man-hours trying to close those deals, video production, conference presence, it's all out there taking up time and money. But the whole time you've got something in your backyard that could instantly DOUBLE your income. Every. Single. Month.Your existing customers already love you. They've proven that by buying what you're selling. This course will teach you how to tap into that fountain, gushing with hungry buyers, right in your own backyard. But more than that...this powerful system works FOR YOU to get new customers, turning prospects into PROFITS automatically, while you rake in the rewards of your labors.We're talking about Email Marketing Domination. You'll get a first-hand look right inside the world of Email Marketing and how successful marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners, from mom-and-pop shops to huge retail chains tap into FREE money with every single email they send.I'm Ken Walker and for years I've worked with a close-knit group of online marketers building list after list in laser-targeted niches just like yours. It doesn't matter what your business is - I can show you how to build a list from scratch and effectively market to those subscribers generating revenue for your business, over and over again.Enroll today and start building not only your list but your future as well."
Price: 19.99 |
"Python From A to Z" |
"Be an awesome Python Programmer now & Learn one of the most sought-after programming language by employers in 2017!.This course takes you from the very beginning steps and basics of Python until you become comfortable in using the language. if you are a beginner programmer or intermediate programmer or switching from another language to Python then this is the right course for you !We are going to first start by learningbasic syntaxin Python and learn the concepts of programming in Python like if statements and conditions, variables, for/whileloops &functions. Then we move to the Object Oriented Programming & Learn Classes & Objects , which is probably the most important concept in all programming languages.We finally learn how to import packages in Python& use them to build our awesome appsthat solves real problems.So what are you waiting for? it's time to get your career to the next level & get your dream job!"
Price: 29.99 |