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"Datenvisualisierung mit D3.js - Einfach und Unkompliziert"
"In diesem Kurs dreht sich alles um die vielgenutzte D3-JavaScript-Bibliothek.D3 zhlt zu den populrsten und vielseitigsten Frameworks zur Datenvisualisierung im Webund solltezum Portfolio eines jeden Web-Entwicklersgehren.In mehreren Lektionenwerden dirdie Grundlagen und Funktionsweisen von SVG und D3.js gezeigt underlutert. Anhand von einfachenPraxis-Beispielenund visualisierten Erklrungen erlernst du, wie Diagrammeautomatisch aus Datenstzenerstellt werden undmitwelchenFunktionsweisen und KonzeptenD3 arbeitet.Nach Abschluss des Kurses wirst du im Stande sein, beliebige eigene Grafiken und Diagramme zuerstellen und diese interaktiv zu gestalten.Durch Quiz-Fragen wirddein Wissennach jeder Lektion getestet.Im Anhang stehen Code-Beispiele zu den jeweiligen Themen fr dichzum Herunterladen bereit."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda Photoshop"
"A qui voc aprendera em 5 videos explicativos como utilizar o photoshop suas ferramentas e funcionalidades, fazendo de voc ento um designer de sucesso.voce aprendera neste curso:introduo conhecer todas as ferramentas da barra de ferramentas do photoshop e suas funcionalidadesfuncionalidades do menu horizontalActions, o queso e para que servelayers como funcionamAjustes e estilo de camadas(layers)com estes conhecendo estes 5 passos voc se tornara um designer de sucesso com um presente especial no final do curso."
Price: 39.99

"Master Adobe Illustrator with ease"
"In this course you will learn Adobe Illustrator like never before. Proportions are very important in Graphic Design, the whole curriculum is planned keeping in mind the basic and advancements of proportions while making sure that the course helps every individual to learn illustrator and master the skill of vector art in the least possible time. Multiple artworks, tasks and quizzes will be shared."
Price: 44.99

"Dimagrire in 8 minuti"
"Questo corso ha lo scopo di insegnarti una sequenza di esercizi semplici ma incredibilmente efficaci che sono stati studiati per te per non farti perdere pi di 8 minuti.Hai capito bene.Ho notato che le donne hanno tante cose da fare, casa, lavoro, figli, imprevisti... e non trovano mai il tempo per se stesse.La mia sfida di riuscire a farti stare in forma edaiutarti a dimagrireritagliando meno di 10 minuti del tuo tempo nell' arco di tutta lagiornata.Incredibile vero? Beh, ora possibile!"
Price: 19.99

"Get Started In Real Estate Investing & 9 Reasons to act"
"Hey there,Thanks for your interests,I know there are a lot of courses out there so I hope itsthe right one for you.This Real Estate Investingcourse is for you students that are interested in making your money work for you. The alternative is to always work for your money.In this Real Estate Investingcourse you will learn1.why investing is so important2.why Real Estate is a amazing investing vehicle to get you started on your Investor JourneyI will be sharing resources & linksthroughout the course that will either help you learn more or facilitate any actions.As thetitle indicates this Real Estate Investing Courseis separated in 3 parts:-9 Reasons to invest in Real estate-frequently asked questions & answersaround investing-first steps you can take to get stared to become a Real Estate InvestorLooking forward to see you in the course.Anything you need, just let me know.Thomas"
Price: 29.99

"Invertir en inmuebles - una frmula de xito financiero"
"Invertir es una de las habilidades ms importantes en la vida!Sea en atencin, conocimiento, tiempo, dinero o cualquier otra cosa. Debemos utilizar los recursos disponibles de manera eficaz si queremos crear un futuro mejor para nosotros mismos.Cuando se trata de invertir dinero, es importante utilizarlo para obtener el mayor rendimiento posible. Ests interesado en entender:Por qu invertir es tan importante?Por qu inmuebles son un medio de inversin tan efectivo?Cmo empiezas a invertir de manera segura y exitosa en inmuebles?Si sus respuestas a estas preguntas son afirmativas, este es el curso para usted.Una de las tareas ms importantes de la vida es superar ""lo que tienes que hacer"" para comenzar con ""lo que quieres hacer"". La libertad financiera a travs de las inversiones adecuadas puede ayudarlo en esta tarea.No espere ms, cuanto antes comience a invertir, ms rpido podr ser financieramente independiente.Este curso tiene una ""Garanta de devolucin de dinero de 30 das"" y no se le har ninguna pregunta si solicita un reembolso. As que solo puede ganar y no perder nada!Nos vemos en el curso! Thomas.Qu aprenders? Al final del curso puedes:Tomar medidas comprobadas para invertir en inmuebles exitosos.Use conceptos importantes para analizar inmuebles y negociar de manera efectiva.Explicar por qu invertir es tan importante para tu futuro.Argumentar, por qu los inmuebles son una inversin elegante y efectivaResponder a preguntas bsicas de inmuebles e inversiones.El curso incluye:vdeosNotas sobre todas las leccionesexamenEl curso est dividido en 4 secciones:La primera seccin es la entrada y proporciona antecedentes sobre el curso.En la segunda seccin, nos centramos en las razones principales que hacen que la inversin en inmuebles sea tan efectiva.La tercera seccin responde a preguntas generales que a menudo se hacen sobre la inversin en inmuebles.Y en la cuarta seccin le explico los pasos que lo ayudarn a convertirse en un inversionista inmobiliario efectivo.RequisitosBloc de notas / papel y bolgrafoOrdenador o movil con acceso a internet."
Price: 69.99

"Fundamentals of Vue JS"
"Vue.js is a front-end JavaScript framework that is easy to learn if you already know HTML and CSS. Vueis a lightning fast framework that lets you build web apps in a simple way.This course will quickly get you started with Vue.js whereyou'll learn the basics of the Vue framework. You'll learn about core concepts such ascomponents,simple and advanced data binding techniques along with how to manage CSS related attributes dynamically and handle user input and events.After we've covered the basics, we'll take a deep dive into its component system, which can help you create modular, reusable code, and shows how to use the vue-router plugin to set up a single-page application with client-side routing.By the end ofthis course, you'll be able to start building fast-running apps with Vue.js."
Price: 19.99

"Car Maintenance Anyone Can Do"
"Has this thought ever crossed your mind; 'What should I do to my car so it runs well?' Well look no further. Taking care of your vehicle doesn't have to be a scary mystery. This course focuses on thepractical knowledge and tasks needed to do maintenance on your car or truck. Some of what you'll learn:Monthly fluid checks-your car likes to know you careChange the engine oil-the lifeblood of your carWhen and how to change spark plugsHow to safely work on your vehicle- keep all your fingers, they come in handyYou will learn preventative steps that can add years of life to your car and save you some money.For those of you looking to become more independent and self-sufficient,I have also included how to change a flat tire, jump starta car and more. So let's get started."
Price: 24.99

"Let's Automate Your Personal Finances"
"Imagine if your money was running on autopilot.You know exactly how much money you can spend each day, guilt free. You know exactly where all of your money is and where it is going.You have a system that automatically pays your bills on time for you. No more late fees and countless hours worrying about bills anymore.Your debt is being paid off automatically using the classic snowball method. Even your student loan debts are automatically being paid down.You are saving money each month effortlessly and without action on your part. You have a an emergency fund for life's little surprises and are building wealth every month.Most importantly, you are no longer stressed about your money.I did all of this in my own life and here is exactly how I did it:LET'S AUTOMATE YOUR PERSONALFINANCESA step by step system to get out of debt, stop living paycheck to paycheck, automate your bills, and finally save some money.Let's Automate Your Personal Finances is a 4 week course designed to help you put your money on autopilot!"
Price: 99.99

"The Meridians Dancing - Stretching Exercises for healing"
"The MeridiansExercise was developed inJapan by Sensay Shizutsu Masonaga-THEZen-Shiatsu Master.I have beenteachingZen-Shiatsu for 25 years in Israel and HAVEdeveloped aneasy and powerful ways that takes this method of STRETCHINGto the next level of SELF HEALING.By folowingthe course, you will receive an INITIATIONto go forward with your intention and imagination,It will only take you 5-10 minute to increase theCHI moving insideyour bodyand you will feel and becomehealthier."
Price: 119.99

"12 Step addiction recovery for alcohol, drugs and food"
"This course is a beginners course for addiction recovery from alcohol, drugs, food, anorexia, bulimia,debting, gambling and co-dependency sex and love addiction.The course gives you the essential information to recover, and the steps you need to find the right 12 step programme and find the right mentor to guide you through the 12 steps.With addictions taking me to kidney failure and near death, I then became a member of many 12 step programmes and now have over 9 years freedom from my primary addiction and live a life of freedom.My hope is that the opportunity I found for a life free from the horrors of addiction will also be your path, starting with taking this course."
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness Meditation Miracle Release for Stress & Anxiety"
"The mindfulness mediation miracle release system is for stressed businesspeople, anxious employees, frustrated addicts and negative thinkers to riseinto their power, authentic presence and higher purpose so they reach theirfull spiritual potential in relationships, health and work.Today there is a new light in theworld and it is you.The challenges most people facetoday is they suffer from a fast-paced life, stress, anxiety, addictions andoverwhelm so they are not able to function to have loving relationships, deepclarity and direction and to make a meaningful contribution in the world. There has never been a better timein history when it's better to release your negative responses to access yourauthentic self.In this mindfulness meditationmiracle release system, I will be teaching you in the areas of relationships,health and work how to release the underlying negative emotions and thoughtsthat create stress and anxiety so that you can connect to your inner peace,happiness and make inspired choices and actions in all areas of your life andlive the life of making a difference that you born to make.My StoryMy story is that at age 30 and Iwas a using addict, extremely stressed and anxious working as the head analystin a stock broking firm, where on a businessflight my feet swelled up andI was immediately taken to hospital facing death. In a moment of surrender Ihad a mystical heavenly experience which led to me learning rei-ki, spiritualhealing, Transcendental Meditation, training as a hypnotherapist, joining many12 step addiction recovery programs, studying A Course in Miracles and meetingand studying under enlightened teachers. The last 17 years of spiritual study which has given me levels ofhappiness, loving relationships, health and a feeling of meaningfulcontribution in all areas of my life.I now do the work I love, I am aUdemy course instructor, have written a book titled Bulletproof Peace on thelife lessons I learned from near death to realising spiritual peace, I have aYouTube channel, run a weekly group in London and I am a spiritualcoach/hypnotherapist and have been featured in the newspaper and magazines.So to get started today hit the enrol button and remember you are coveredby the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 124.99

"Transform Difficult Family Relationships to Love and Harmony"
"The transform difficult relationships system is for you if you want to transform a difficult family or romantic relationship into a loving and harmonious one.In this course I share the experience I gained from transforming a very difficult relatiionship with my mother into a very happy, hamonious and conflict free relationship.My story is that at the age of 30 I was suffering from addictions to food and workaholism in the stockmarket and had a difficult relationship with my mother. On a business flight I suddenly experienced kidney failure and was then admitted to hospital. As the doctors were trying to save my life I had a near death spiritual exerience where I experienced a heavenly peace and a message to find a spirtual solution.This led to a journey of self development where I trained to become a hypnotherpist, Rei-Ki and spirtual healer, joined 12 step addiction meetings and A Couurse in Miracles groups and studied under the enliightened teachers Dr David R Hawkins and Mooji.By applying everything I learned to my mother, my relationship healed and I was able to have a loving relationship with her for many years before she died in February 2018.I am the author of the book Bulletproof Peace and a spirtual coach with my own YouTube Channel. In addition my work has been featured in magazines and in the newspaper.In this course I share tools to tranform your relationships, which include how to release your negative emotions, how to use prayer, the gratitude visualisation, acts of kindness and letting go of the need to be right.My wish is that you be surrounded by loving, happy and harmonious relationships.You also covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee.Hit the enrol botton to get started today."
Price: 34.99

"12 step compulsive overeating and binge eating recovery"
"This course is for you if you would like to use a 12 step addiction recovery program to recover from compulsive overeating, binge eating, food addcition, sugar addiction or a similar food disorders.In this course I will go over the basics of how to find the website for groups like overeaters annoymous or food addicts annoymous and how to get a sponsor or mentor to give you lots of one to one support through the program so you can recover.If you feel this basic beginners program is foryou, then hit the enrol button. You are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 94.99

"Stress Management - 16 Spirtual, Hypnotherpy and NLP Tools"
"This stress management course is for you if you are stressed with relationships, work and other difficult situations. The tools will help you rise into your power and be centred, grouned, peaceful and resourceful in your life.My story is that since being a child I was obese and had chronic low self-esteem and negativity which was compounded in my early teens when my mother told me I had bad breath which made me feel shameful, stressed and wanting to isolate. My parents wanted me to be a high acheiver which I thought would be the answer to not feeling good enough, fast forward to age 30 and I was extremely stressed, anxious and paranoid working as the head analyst in a stock broking firm.On a business flight to London my feet swelled up like balloons and on arrival in London I was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with kidney failure. I realised I was facing death as the doctors tried to find a solution to stop my rapid decline and then I had a heavenly spiritual experience witha message to ""find a spiritual solution"". After the doctors stabilised my condition, I started my journey learning rei-ki, spiritual healing, TM meditation, training as a hypnotherapist, joining many 12 step addiction recovery programs, studying A Course in Miracles and meeting and studying under Enlightened teachers. The last 17 years of study which has given me levels of freedom from stress, happiness and peace that have transformed my life. I share all my experience on stress release in this course.So to get started with this course today hit the enrol button and remember you are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Algebra"
"The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Algebra is a comprehensive course that covers in depth all topics typically taught in a standard Algebra course. The short and digestible lectures allow you to master and practice one concept at a time without becoming overwhelmed early on. However, you will still be challenged as the lessons are progressive and later sections require you to use multiple skills simultaneously to solve problems.  MASTER THE SKILLS OF ALGEBRA IN THIS THOROUGH AND EXTENSIVE COURSE!  1)LEARN                  and become comfortable with the concepts of Algebra  2)BUILD                   on your knowledge and gain confidence as you advance through the course  3)TEST                     your skills with practice problems after each lesson  4)DISCOVER           that Algebra isnt as difficult as you once thought  Algebra  We all are required to demonstrate competency in Algebra at some point in our lives. It could be for any number of reasons such as:   Passing your high school class  Scoring high on the ACT or SAT for college admissions  An aspiration for one of the thousands of careers that require mastery of Algebra  Algebra is much more prevalent in our daily lives than you may realize. Having a strong foundation and knowledge base of these concepts is essential for a wide range of careers including Computer Science, Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Medicine and countless more. Mastering the skills of Algebra is a crucial first step that will empower you to move onto higher level math and thus will pave the way for you to achieve your career goals whatever they may be.  Why this course?  With over 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in teaching Algebra, Ive come to realize how students learn most effectively. This course is a product of learning and working with those thousands of students along the way. Also, because of my experience, I have determined the areas where students have generally had the most difficulty with. This course carefully walks through those topics and Im confident that youll be able to understand these tricky concepts in a whole new way.  The course is made up of over 240 video lessons averaging roughly 3.5 minutes per video. There is absolutely NO DRONING, NO MANUAL HAND WRITING, and NO TIME WASTED. Youll learn the skills quickly and effectively. Youll have the opportunity to complete an additional practice worksheet (with answers) for EACH of the over 240 lessons. These problems are hand made by myself and are perfectly aligned with what was taught in the corresponding lecture.   This course will provide you all the tools you need to become an Algebra master.  I hope to see you soon in class! :)-John"
Price: 99.99

"Learn How To Freestyle Rap"
"Learn how to freestyle rap with ease;acapella or over instrumentals! In thiscourse, I will cover topics such as: rhyme scheme, rhythm,style, and freestylingtechniques. As well as, insight frommy journey as a musician. Various resources are included (e.g. great ways to findinstrumentals,quality examples, face-to-face coaching etc.)"
Price: 19.99

"Estatsticas fornecidas por orgo especializados apontam que cerca de 70% dos problemas de desempenho do banco de dados esto relacionados a instruo SQL.Dentre o problemas mais comuns de desempenho de instrues SQL esto:Falta ndice ou ndice inadequadoFalta de estatsticas, estatsticas desatualizadas ou estatsticas imprecisasQualidade do cdigo da instruo SQLO nvel de conhecimento de cada um destes tpicos muito importante no trabalho de Tuning de instrues SQL, mas isso no ser suficiente se voc nosouber fazer umaleitura correta do plano de execuo, pois a partir desta leitura que conseguimosidentificara causa do desempenho insatisfatrio da instruo SQL.Este treinamento tem um foco muito forte na parte prtica, acredito que a melhor formade consolidar conhecimento atravs da prtica.Todas as teorias deste treinamento so acompanhadas de demonstraes prticas que voc poder reproduzirem um ambiente virtual que ser disponibilizado no treinamento.Alem disso voc ser convidado a realizar exerccios prticos sobre os temas propostos quesero resolvidos e comentados na ultima aula do treinamento."
Price: 84.99

"Oracle SQL Tuning ndices"
"Estatsticas fornecidas por orgo especializados apontam que cerca de 70% dos problemas de desempenho do banco de dados esto relacionados a instruo SQL.Dentre o problemas mais comuns de desempenho de instrues SQL esto:Falta ndice ou ndice inadequadoFalta de estatsticas, estatsticas desatualizadas ou estatsticas imprecisasQualidade do cdigo da instruo SQLO nvel de conhecimento de cada um destes tpicos muito importante no trabalho de Tuning de instrues SQL, por isto neste curso vamos explorar em detalhes a utilizao de ndices pelo Otimizador na montagem do plano de execuo.Este treinamento tem um foco muito forte na parte prtica, acredito que a melhor formade consolidar conhecimento atravs da prtica.Todas as teorias deste treinamento so acompanhadas de demonstraes prticas que voc poder reproduzirem um ambiente virtual que ser disponibilizado no treinamento.Alem disso voc ser convidado a realizar 20 exerccios prticos sobre os temas propostos quesero resolvidos e comentados nas ultimas 3 aulas do treinamento."
Price: 114.99

Price: 19800.00

"Cmo recuperar a tu ex pareja"
"Si preguntas a cincuenta personas cmo fue su separacin, probablemente obtendrs cincuenta versiones distintas: unos tenan cros y otros no, unos convivan desde hace aos y otros slo se vean los fines de semana, a uno le engaaron con su mejor amigo, a la otra le dejaron una nota en la mesita para comunicrselo, otros quedaron como buenos amigos, los hay que haban emprendido un negocio juntos, algunos no se pueden ver ni en pintura, etc. Cada uno tiene su propia historia nica e intransferible.Querer recuperar una relacin no te convierte en mejor o peor persona, en ms fuerte o ms dbil. Hay que olvidarse de ese tipo de etiquetas basadas en el ego. Lo fundamental es querer volver a ella desde la decisin y no desde la necesidad. Por tanto, la poderosa frmula que debemos aplicar es ser-hacer-tener. Ser el tipo de persona que requiere la situacin, te lleva a hacer determinadas acciones concretas. El resultado es que consigues tener aquello que deseas.Caractersticas de este curso:- Est realizado en un lenguaje llano y sencillo para que todo el mundo, sea de la edad que sea,tenga acceso a el.- No necesitas un software o material especfico. Slo una pantalla para ver los videos con los consejos y sugerencias.- Puedes adaptar fcilmente su visionado a tu ritmo de vida. Son lecciones cortas y directas por lo que incluso puedes ver varias el mismo da.Este curso est preparado tanto para aquellas personas que acaban de sufrir una ruptura como para aquellas que terminaron su relacin hace tiempo pero que an guardan una espinita clavada en su corazn. Las claves que se ofrecen proporcionan un proceso flexible y adaptable a tu caso."
Price: 19.99

"Inteligencia Artificial y Machine Learning Desde Cero -Facil"
"CURSO EN LNEA CON ACCESO PARA SIEMPREEste es el curso en espaol ms Facil que encontrars sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Machine Learning. Perfectamente estructurado y balanceado, introduce todos los temas de forma sencilla, gradual y 100% prctica (incluye configuracin del entorno).Dividido en varias fases y Facil de Completar.En muchas lecciones se ensea con ejemplos y ejercicios reales de mi propia experiencia como programador.Es un curso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas para apoyar el aprendizaje, comoJupyter Notebook, gracias al que sers capaz de crear tus propios apuntes a la vez que aprendes cada lnea de cdigo.No esperes ms y descubre por qu Python es el lenguaje de moda, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelante en tu carrera profesional.A quin est dirigido?Personas interesadas en aprender sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Machine LearningEstudiantes que quieran mejorar sus conocimientos de Inteligencia Artificial y Macine LearningProgramadores que quieran aprender de Inteligencia Artificial y Macine Learning"
Price: 19.99

"La Biblia Del Machine Learning - (Inteligencia Artificial)"
"CURSOENLNEACON ACCESOPARASIEMPRE Cursoen espaol sobre Machine Learning en Udemy.Perfectamente estructurado y balanceado, introduce todos los temas de forma sencilla,gradual y100% prctica.Dividido en varias fases y Facil de Completar.En muchas leccionesse ensea conejemplos y ejerciciosrealesde mi propia experiencia como programador.Es uncurso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas para apoyar el aprendizaje.No esperes ms ydescubre por qu el Machine Learning esta de moda, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelanteen tu carrera profesional. A quin est dirigido?Aprendices que nunca hayan programadoEstudiantes que quieran mejorar sus conocimientos de programacin o Machine LearningProgramadores que quieran aprender Machine Learning"
Price: 19.99

"WordPressID/PASS ID/PASS WordPressWordPress"
Price: 24000.00

Price: 24000.00

"InfraCorp - Servidor DHCP no Linux"
"E se voc pudesse em um curso, alm de ter o conhecimento conceitual obter tambm um pouco de consultoria baseada na vivncia de mais de 15 anos de mercado ?Este curso fruto de mais de 15 anos ministrando treinamentos para organizaes de todos os portes e reas de atuaes. Est organizado emmduloscomplementares, visando a construo do conhecimento e a possibilidade de adaptaodo contedo aos cenrios encontrados no cotidiano dos aluno.Nosso objetivo explorar os aspectos que baseiam o ""como funciona"",aplicados aos desafios do ""como fazer"" de forma objetiva e prtica atravs de roteiros que visamo entendimento e aimplementao de diversos cenrios encontrados no cotidiano, alm de dar aos alunos a capacidade de contorno de problemas corriqueiros.No primeiro mdulo trataremos da gesto de configuraes de ativos usando o servio DHCP. Com ele, trataremos desde as configuraes mais bsicas at o tratamento condicional das configuraes com uso de CLASS, SUBCLASS, IF e tratamento de FAILOVER."
Price: 54.99

"How to start running - science based training"
"This course is for you, either if you've just started running or if you want to expand your current knowledge about running and how to train properly to get the most out of your running experiences.We will go through the topics below and more:Aerobic and anaerobic trainingRunning methodsCardioEndurancePace playStrength - Why it is importantStrength ExercisesRunning PostureRunning ExercisesMax heart rate testVO2MAX testLactate theshold testAccessories available for runnersApps and online resources"
Price: 49.99

"Create a Smart Kitchen That Helps You Live Longer & Happier"
"This course will help you make the right choices for creating your kitchen. Don't let the kitchen specialists sell you just any kitchen.Team with them to create yoursmart and idealkitchen that will fill you with joy, reduce your time cleaning and most importantly, that helps preserve your health.After renovating several kitchens,I finally created one that was the ideal kitchenasI renovated an old European house. Ilive inthat housefor a few yearsand latersoldit. (The kitchen sold the house to the 2nd couple who walked in).Then though I travel internationally and haveenjoyed many luxurious and beautiful kitchens, I've got to find a smarter kitchen than that ideal kitchen.I must say that I had to fight for what I wanted in that kitchen.The kitchen specialists wanted to offer me things that are""standard',while I wanted my ideal kitchen.Most kitchens seem to promote back pain and slaving away for a nice meal. If you love cooking, cleaning up a poorly design kitchen can discourage you to cook.Learn here how to get the most outof your kitchen while preserving your time, your health and wealth;then team with the kitchen specialiststo create it.Understand that I am, a technology management consultant with long work hours, I travel much and have2 young kids. I ampassionate aboutcooking, decoratingand at home entertaining.I don't take shortcuts when cooking (mostly from scratch).So for anyone that busy, theideal kitchenis efficient, welcoming, practical,easy to clean anddoes not requireslave away to maintain or keep clean.Furthermore, the house that I use as a model for this courseis averynice size,butthe kitchen spaceisrather limited and challenging. It makes it more interesting and you get to learn more.Follow this course before meeting your kitchen specialists, then team with them to create YOUR ideal kitchen.I am looking forward to seeing YOUR smart kitchen!Let's get it done!Nadia"
Price: 49.99

"Winning Digital Transformation Approach"
"Transform or DieBut, it is not entirely true for every business. Heres why.Not all transformation lead to success, unfortunately. Some only accelerate the business death. I have rescued many transformation projects of all sizes and across several industries. Most of them have in common a poor business transformation approach. Waiting for when tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of investments are at high risk to call for help is not a successful strategy.""No business can force its way through digital transformation. You need a winning approach to win!""I created the Winning Digital Transformation Approach as a consulting package for clients who were starting digital transformation as well as other businesses I was rescuing. After much positive feedback and demand, it became clear that more companies need that help. I then turned it into a course package with even greater value for entrepreneurs.Though the satisfaction I get for saving businesses from the worse is gratifying, we can achieve outstanding success without the unnecessary loss, and the desperate pain that goes with it, just by starting right. I guarantee this approach is more rewarding than crawling back from the brink of bankruptcy, and the celebration is much sweeter!""Winning Digital Transformation Approach"" is the first step towards accomplishing your business goals. I'm inviting you to take that first step toward success with me.Expertise you can trust!With a background in technology and business management (MBA), I have 20 years of experience transforming businesses and organizations, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses in Europe and the USA.My services help clients increase their business revenues, multiply their revenue streams, free-up more time for them to do what they want, reduce their operating costs, and autogenerate multi-millions on a regular basis.Let's Innovate and Disrupt to Thrive!Here is why it is urgent to transform your business now.Digital Transformation is not new, despite the buzz around it today. I have been transforming businesses for 20 years, and Ive seen the trends come and go and identified and implemented only the time-tested principles. As digital technologies evolve at an even faster pace, the need for transformation is more critical than ever.Right now could be the last opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and transform your business. Soon the inevitable will happen, and only those who dared to completely and successfully transform their business will remain on the market.Whether you choose toinnovateordisrupt, you must start right or course correct today while you still have time to do so.Effective solutions that you and your team can implement!I provide you with practical video learning lessons, worksheets, assessment quizzes and templates to direct you towards the best solutions for your business. I also offer live Q&A sessions along with additional solutions and tools to help you start and complete your digital transformation journey!Learn and implement at your own pace. Access the courses and contents at any time for years to come.Even if you have already started transforming your business, you will still reap immense benefits from this program, especially if you are facing unforeseen hurdles. I have used this same program for assessing companies looking to improve their transformation results at nearly every step of the transformation process with nearly identical results."
Price: 49.99

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Price: 74.99