"Integracin CGI con Nuke + 3dsMax Hardsurface + V-ray + HDRI" |
"Cuando trabajamos en la produccin de un video 3d para televisin o cine. El hecho de saber un paquete 3d no basta. Sucede que en esas pelculas donde vemos robots o mounstros movindose con un look tan real, el responsable definitivo de esas imagenes deben ser apoyadas con un programa para post-produccin. Uno de los reyes para lograr esos acabados definitivos es Nuke. Este curso no solo te ensear a crear tu modelo 3d en todas sus etapas de creacin. Sino que crearemos los elementos necesarios como son el HDRI y nosotros mismos tomaremos un video en el entorno real para junto con nuestro CGI (imagen creada por computadora) hacer el ltimo paso, que es trasformar esos passes de render en una imagen integrada de tal forma, que parecer que existe, que respira en la toma. Atrvete a pasar esa ltima barrera y lograr con este curso el acabado final de tu trabajo 3d para cualquier soporte audiovisual. Para tener una idea del contenido del curso:Aprenderemos Nuke desde cero. En el principio tomaremos el software y empezaremos a entenderlo y conociendo todas sus caractersticas.Nos prepararemos para integrar 3d o cualquierimagen por medio de la correccin del color a videos de entorno real. Haremos el Modelado,texturizado,rigging y animacinde un bpedo mecnico hiper realque gracias a un tracking en Nuke que analizar el movimiento de lacmara de nuestro video; integrar fielmente nuestro CGI a un entorno real. (La idea es poder crear nuestro propio elemento 3d y de esta forma poder dominar todas las facetas en la produccin de una pieza digital. Manejaremos los materiales procedurales, passes y luces del motor de render masusado en la industria V-ray. (Utilizando el HDRI creado con tu celular y la ayuda de Photoshop).Lo importante es que a travs de tu celular recolectars las muestras necesarias para poder crear tu propio HDRI, de un entorno real en el que tomars varias grabaciones y escogers una para incorporar tu robot en la escena.Aadiremos trucos al render para agilizar la velocidad de salida.Sacaremos los passes Vray a travs de un EXR. Modalidad muy usada en Nuke. Formato que contiene encapsulado todos los passes para una mejor administracin en el proceso de composicin.En Nuke compondremos todos los passes.Integraremos el CGI al fondo real logrando un trabajo ntegro que puede ser usado para comerciales o para pelculas.Aadiremos piedras escombros, fuego y humo para darle mas dramatismo a la escena, recordando que luego debemos integrarlos con el fondo para que se vea mas realista.Aadiremos varios efectos fsicos al Robot como lo son Motion Blur, Lents Flares, Profundidad de campo, Ligthwrap, etc.Buscaremos de realzar el video con el cambo del color para darle un aspecto ms cinematogrfico y por ltimo le aadiremos una vieta al trabajo final.Aprenderemos a exportar nuestro trabajo final en dos modalidades. Una versin pesada y otra con compresin. Notando que las dos son bastantes semejantes, pero el tamao final es distinto.Con estos estudios tendrs la capacidad de integrar elementos 3d a cualquier fondo real grabado, como tambin modelar piezas reales en CGI independientemente del concepto de arte.Que lo hace diferente:Lo interesante de esta propuesta es que usted mismo tomar las muestras con su celular. Grabar el video y tomar las fotografas necesarias para crear la imagen HDRI, sin contar que este curso es prcticamente un combo, ya que aprender desde cero a crear un Robot hiper-real con el estilo de modelado hard surface; haremos el rigging y la animacin utilizando el motion mixer, herramienta muy til para mesclar nuestras animaciones en 3ds Max. manejaremos el motor de Render V-ray con un plugin aparte muy interesante que nos agilizar las configuraciones de render.IMPORTANTE:Cada seccin tiene el material que se maneja en clases y tambien los editables por si tienes alguna duda poder consultarlos. Te recomiendo que tu mismo escojas un lugar al que te sea fcil tomar las muestras y videos que te servirn de soporte para montar tu CGI. Igual yo te coloque mis muestras tomadas por si quieres saltarte ese paso. Pero pienso que lo ideal sera que tu mismo logrs la experiencia completa. (Al comienzo de cada seccin esta el material a descargar)."
Price: 139.99 |
"Pipeline game con Substance, Maya, Zbrush y Unity" |
"En este curso aprenders todo el pipeline completo en la creacin de Assets y Personajes para juegos, enfocndonos en Substance Painter desde cero a nivel profesional. Lo importante es saber que haremos 2 ejercicios completos. El primero la Creacin de un Asset estilo cartoon y el segundo un Troll con un look mas realista.Primero haremos el bloqueo del Asset en Maya a partir de un concepto de arte.Usaremos Zbrush para proporcionarle a nuestro bloqueo los detalles necesarios para darle un nivel ptimo de realismo.Lo traeremos a Maya y aprenderemos a retopolizar con su nueva herramienta ""Modeling Toolkit"".Haremos sus UV y prepararemos la versin en baja y alto poligono para exporta a Substance Painter.Aprederemos a crear el material ID desde Maya (Asset Casita) y Zbrush (Troll) y asi conocer las dos formas de hacer el bakin en Substance Painter.Ya en Substance Painter:Exploraremos toda la interface y su edicin. Aprenderemos a usar el ""Layer"" y el ""Fill Layer"".Crearemos mascaras y dentro de ellas a crear Levels, Fill, Paint, Blur, Add Generator, etc.Crearemos materiales inteligentes.Nombraremos nuestras capas y las agruparemos para optimizar la organizacin de nuestro trabajo y poder luego editar y corregir sin perdernos en el intento.Con el manejo del Roughness crearemos sudor en el Troll y con la ayuda de las partculas crearemos gotas que caen por su cuerpo.Usaremos el ""Micro Details"". para anadir detalles donde el mapa de curvature no llega.Anadiremos el mapa de Emisive para que nuestros materiales tengan autoiluminacin.en Unity:Importaremos un Asset y sus texturas.Lograremos optimizar la iluminacin para que tenga un look ms parecido a Substance Painter.Utilizaremos plugins free para mejorar el aspecto de la escena.Incorporaremos particulas al Asset para dar un aspecto mgico.Aprenderemos hacer Prefab con partculasLograremos exportar nuestras piezas terminadas a: Marmoset Toolbag 3 Sketchfab ArtStation Todo el proceso completo, exportacin desde Substance Painter hasta la importacin y setteo completo en la plataforma correspondiente."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Federal Government Contracting From An Expert" |
"16videos covering the following topics:Procurement Basics Registering in SAM,Fed Biz Opps, NAICs Codes, FAR, Bidding Options Certifications WomenOwned, Veteran Owned, Disadvantaged (8a) Owned, and HUBZoneGSA GSAMAS, GWACs, BPAs, Reverse AuctionsBidding Bid/No Bid Checklist, Pricing Proposal, Technical ProposalAccounting Basics, DCAA compliance, Financial Statements, Ratios, Bonding25 Downloadable Guides, includingGSA Readiness AssessmentBid-No bid ChecklistBonding GuidelinesFBO_Vendor_GuideGSA Multiple Award_desk_reference"
Price: 49.99 |
"Ingls Bsico - Domina los Tiempos Verbales en Ingls." |
"Curso de ingls para hispanohablantes paradominarlos tiempos verbales.Aprende a conjugar todos los tiempos verbales en ingls!Los tiempos verbales en ingls son fciles de aprender si se explican adecuadamente.Al finalizar el curso tendrs los conocimientospara expresarte en cualquier tiempo en ingls, y sers capaz de comunicar conceptos complejos de forma segura y fluida en este idioma.Adems de mis vdeos explicativos dispondrsde material de texto para ayudarte en tu aprendizaje,ejercicios resueltos y sin resolverpara practicar lo aprendidoy mi libro de gramticainglesa, de 110 pginas,en el que explico todos los conceptos gramaticales del ingls, desde los ms bsicos hasta los ms avanzados, y que adems cuenta con un anexo con elvocabulario y losverbos de uso ms habitual.Aprenders en el curso:Conceptos generales de los tiempos verbales.Los pronombres personales.Presente simple, presente continuo y presente perfecto.Pasado simple, pasado continuo y pasado perfecto.Futuro simple, futuro continuo y futuro perfecto.Condicional simple, condicional continuo y condicional perfecto.Qu significa esto? Te pongo un pequeoejemplo con el verbo ""trabajar"". Sers capaz de conjugar en ingls:Yo trabajo, yo estoy trabajando, yo he trabajado...T no trabajabas, t noestabas trabajando, t nohabas trabajado...Trabajar l?, estar l trabajando?, habr trabajado l?...Ellos trabajaran, ellos estaran trabajando, ellos habran trabajado...Y mucho ms!Parece difcil? No lo es!Te animas a comunicarte en ingls? Te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Tcnicas de Estudio y Memorizacin para los Exmenes." |
"Curso de Tcnicas de Estudio, Memorizacin y Consejos para los Exmenes.Aprovecha al mximo tu tiempo de estudio y no olvides lo aprendido!Al finalizar el curso habrs aprendido y practicado tcnicas que te permitirn obtener el mximo de tu tiempo de estudio. Comprenders bien lo que has estudiado y conocers las tcnicas para no olvidar lo aprendido. Conocers los diferentes tipos de exmenes y cmo afrontar cada uno de ellos.Adems de mis vdeos explicativos dispondrs de ejercicios para practicar lo aprendido y un libro de 25 pginas con el contenido del curso para que puedas usar de gua en el futuro.En el curso aprenders:Estrategias de estudio.Tcnicas de memorizacin.Tipos de exmenes.Subrayados, resmenes, esquemas, apuntes...Y mucho ms!Te animas a obtener el mximo de tu tiempo y esfuerzo? Te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux - EHwK - 2020" |
"Welcome to this exclusive course on Kali Linux & Ethical Hacking.Here youll learn all the Essentials of Kali Linux, gain Attackers Perspective, ways in which Black Hat Hackers may infiltrate into your System, and develop mindsets to think like White Hat Hackers.This course has been designed considering that, you dont have any knowledge on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking, even you know nothing about Linux. But, you do have strong urge to learn and start your career in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking. You can consider Kali Linux Boot Camp as the introductory course of your Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking expedition. By the end of this course, youll develop a solid foundation on Kali Linux, gain entry into the minds of seasoned computer criminals, and reveal ethical hackers mindset.Through this course, you are going to learn how to build your own lab to practice hack safely, how Kali Linux can be used to compromise another Linux machine, Kali Linux fundamentals, Ethical Hacking, Vulnerability assessment, Penetration Testing, reporting to clients. And, finally you are going to get a flavor of Real World Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Engagement.The ideal student for this course are those, who do want to learn Kali Linux and Hacking, but dont know where to start. Even Experienced Security Professionals, who want to expand and shuffle their present skills of Linux will be benefited from this course.There are no requirements necessary to enroll. I only ask you to be open minded, and ready to learn.Feel free to take a look on the course content, and I look forward to see you in the course."
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Install Carpet Tile and Vinyl Planking" |
"in this video you will be learning the basics as well as in-depth detail on laying carpet squares and vinyl planking.These are two of the most popular flooring options that contractors are installing in most commercial and residential properties.You are going to need a few tools such as a hammer, carpentry knife, Wonder Bar/Crowbar, tape measure, and a few others that will be mentioned in the video.Did you know that your average flooring installation can cost over $1,000 for only 500 square feet?After watching this course you will learn all you need to know about laying different types of flooring and you will not have to spend any money on insulation.I teach you step by step the entire process from prep to finish. You're going to have fun while doing your project because it is really that simple."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cryptocurrency Mining, Investing, App Creation & Outsourcing" |
"In this course you will be specifically taught how to distinguish cryptocurrency altcoin value as well as mining auctions.Will also be touching on outsource your app idea through up-work and how to Outsource the graphics for your app specifically I recommend 99designs.We also go over a few potential ideas on how to dream up new apps as well as copyright and trademark descriptions.As the lectures go on we also talked on how to form an LLC and get your EIN if you decide to take your business to the next level.If you're curious about cryptocurrency investing through binance or Robin Hood this is the course for you.I also encourage you along the way and remind you that 7 year olds build apps and you can do the same as well. If you are passionate about creating apps and forming a company around your ideas you will get it done.Creating cryptocurrency apps is an outstanding way to start creating passive income for yourself.You don't need to know how to write code or be an app developer to create apps anymore. You can also ass all of your ideas pay someone to do it for you and you run the company.I strongly suggest going through Apple instead of Android. Of course for the Sewell need and iOS device.Through this udemy course you will be able to1. Learn the app market as well as trending cryptocurrency topics.2. Understand fully how to Outsource not only your app idea but other aspects of creating a nap as well3. How to form an LLC and attain aEin4. As well as some tips and tricks that I've learned with hands-on experience in the past."
Price: 19.99 |
"Singing Like a Pro: Notice Changes to Your Singing Fast" |
"'This course is INCREDIBLE ! I got what I needed ! Eve Williams is by far one of the best singing teachers that I have encountered. After joining the singing course, the 2nd day I got breakthrough in the high notes, in the 3rd day my singing range increased and had more power and started to manage different styles of singing' - Keith, Udemy student'Eve Williams is by far one of the best singing teachers that I have encountered in this platform. She is straight to the point, engaging and experienced. I found the tips and techniques taught to be helpful in improving my voice range and singing well.' - Aderonkje, Udemy student'A caring tutor who demonstrates herself that she knows what she is teaching us!' - Susie, Udemy studentNew: Course now includes free downloadable mp3 exercises and free Android app.DO YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO SING OUT LIKE A PRO? DO YOU NEED TO OVERCOME CONFIDENCE PROBLEMS OR SOME TECHNICAL ISSUES WITH YOUR VOICE SUCH AS CONSTRICTION, LIMITED RANGE OR INEFFICIENT BREATHING?This is the course for you if you want to stretch yourself beyond your current vocal capabilities and discover your own unique sound. If you have a little tightness in your voice, if you want to improve your range, if you would like more power and control, this course shows you how to be the master of your own unique voice.WHAT MAKES ME THE RIGHT VOCAL COACH FOR YOU?I am a touring singer and recording artist and I've been teaching singing since 2005. I have studied anatomy of voice and the safest, industry recognised singing techniques so your voice is safe with me. Some singers set themselves up as singing teachers without studying vocal pedagogy or anatomy of voice. I am properly qualified to work with every kind of voice, from children's voices to professional voices to those with vocal health issues. I have taught in colleges and universities as well as schools and in private practice with a Master of Music degree and a wealth of music industry experience. I have also had students referred to me by ENT surgeons so you can trust me with your voice.My singing career includes international performances, filmscore, critically acclaimed albums as well as studio work across Europe and the US. I have worked with multiplatinum musicians right the way through to young children. As a songwriter I have worked with graduates of The Voice and The Ones to Watch as well as commercially successful singers and multi platinum producers and songwriters. At present my youngest student is 6 and the oldest is 102! There are no barriers to finding your voice. Age, experience and negative experiences in the past don't need to stand in the way. I pay as much attention to my Udemy students as my onsite students, and if you email me an mp3 or ask me a question you can expect a quick, detailed reply. I'm here to help you! WHAT YOU WILL LEARN TO DO ON THIS COURSEThe course is very practical with exercises in every lecture. You can also ask questions and send mp3s for supportive individual feedback on your singing.The exercises will help you avoid common singing problems like constriction (a feeling of tightness and not being able to get medium high notes out), bridging the break in the passagio (when the higher part of your voice sounds different to the lower part), limited range, running out of breath or lack of stamina.Topics include:BreathingRange Improving PitchVoice qualities (the vocal techniques needed for singing particular styles of music)The break in the passagio (blending registers)Avoiding constriction (singing freely without any tightness)ProjectionDiction Looking after your voice: safe singingWe put all this into practice by performing songs at the end of the course. You can select the level of difficulty you wish to attempt.After the course, with dedication to doing the exercises you will notice changes to your voice. You will increase your range, improve your tone and be able to use the right vocal technique for many genres of music. You will in essence sound like the best version of you.My Press:'An artist of considerable sophistication' - The Musician Magazine'Recalling the great lady vocalists of decades past, Eve Williams is a woman armed with a beautiful, powerful voice capable of carrying entire albums with its frank, expressive, engaging timbre. Hypnotic and soulful, we cant wait to see her live' - YouBloom Headroom, L.A.If you are excited to start hearing real change in your singing, please enroll now. You can enroll with confidence because of Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 49.99 |
"Advanced Singing: Aim for a Record Deal" |
"DO YOU WANT TO BE A SIGNED SINGER? HAVE YOU RECEIVED POSITIVE FEEDBACK ON YOUR SINGING AND NOW YOU WANT TO GO AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO? I can help you get industry ready.New: Course now includes free downloadable mp3 package of singing exercises plus a bonus video of artists I have worked with signed to Universal, Golden Gate and Out of the Woods.This course is a bootcamp for vocalists. It includes advanced and challenging vocal technique taught In a safe way, based on my in depth study of vocal pedagogy and anatomy of voice as well as my expertise as an internationally performing singer and recording artist. You will work hard on this course and stretch your vocal abilities using practical, easy to understand exercises. You will also learn the business information you need to build a career as a professional singer.Do you want to learn the most advanced technicalities of singing? Are you ready to record a demo and get live bookings as well as to find out how to navigate the music industry? Do you want to progress your singing career in an informed, professional way?Singing has taken me all over the world. I am a professional singer, songwriter and recording artist. I've had the privilege of working with multi platinum artists and producers as well as teaching music at all levels for more than 13 years including teaching singing at the prestigious Queen's University of Belfast. Now I would like to work with you to help you achieve your singing potential. My Press as a Singer:'Eve has established herself as an artist of considerable sophistication.'-The Musician Magazine, UK'A woman armed with a powerful, beautiful voice""- YouBloom HeadroomYouBloom, LAFollowing on from my Singing for All Abilities: Find Your Unique Voice course (though it is not necessary to take the basic course as we go over the basics at the start of the course, including breathing, projection, anchoring, diction, range exercises, cool downs. pitching, posture and lightening/darkening sound), this course goes into some very advanced vocal techniques such as vocal frywhistle registerglottal onsetssinging in harmonyworking with studio condenser micsmovement and vocalisationan in depth look at voice qualities (the sounds associated with various genres of music)retraction (singing without constriction) improvisationbridging the break in the passagio (blending chest voice and head voice)We then move on to look at building your artist persona and your brand by coveringstagecraft and performancecreating an artist personarecording studio techniques After that we look at the business side of professional singing:recording contractsyour online presencegetting live bookingsgetting airplaygetting presssourcing the right musical materialrecording a demo to showcase your work to the industryAt the end of this course, you will be ready to face the music industry. As well as the 100 + videos of the course, you will get personal, supportive feedback from me on any mp3s or videos of your singing you send me.I'm really looking forward to being part of your musical journey. Enroll now for the next incredible chapter of your singing career."
Price: 194.99 |
"Music Business: Find Music Publishing & Licensing Placements" |
"Do you write music but don't know how to get artists to record it or have it placed in film, TV, advertising etc?If you have been writing and recording songs and you would like to start making money from them, this course is for you. Music publishing can seem hard to break into, but in this course you will find out that its possible for songwriters at various stages of their careers to have songs placed with artists and used in film, TV and other media by using online platforms and finding reputable companies in the music industry to work on your behalf. We will also look at self publishing. This is everything you need to know about music publishing in one place. Do you want to be a published songwriter but havent been sure how to have your songs published?I am published songwriter named One to Watch twice by Nashville Songwriters Association International. I have been commissioned to write for reality TV graduates, written for up and coming artists, co-written with multi platinum writers and producers and my music has been used in documentaries and advertising. I would like to help you succeed in the music industry in doing what I do. What We Will DiscoverWe will learn about the different kinds of music publishers and music publishing deals and their role in the music industry but more importantly we will learn how to apply this information to your goal of monetising your songwriting.Topics include: Traditional Music Publishers Music Licensing Agencies Online Music Libraries* Being paid royalties When to Find a Music Publisher (assessing the commercial viability of your songwriting) How to Find a Music Publisher Self Publishing Finding and Building Relationships with Music Supervisors Pitching services and how to use them to maximum benefit Organisations to join who can help advance your songwriting career After the course you will Be able to find the right publisher for you Be able to find sync (TV,film etc) opportunities Be able to efficiently make use of online pitching services Use platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter to find placements Understand how to become a published songwriterBONUS: ADVICE FROM SONGWRITERS SIGNED TO MAJORS (UNIVERSAL) AND COOL INDEPENDENT PUBlISHERS If you want to start earning money from your music, please enroll now and Im looking forward to joining you on your musical journey."
Price: 69.99 |
"Arte y Personalidad" |
"Les presentamos un taller destinado al desarrollo de la creatividad divertido, dinmico e interactivo, con actividades correctamente explicadas paso a paso.Realizaremos trabajos llenos de color, mediante la transformacin de objetos cotidianos podrn crear, descubrir e inventar.Aqu podrnliberar la creatividad y hacer cosas diferentes,ste curso ha sido pensado para cubrir vuestras expectativas, los invito a sumarse a ste desafo, Arte y Personalidad es una oportunidad especial para que puedan mostrar toda su creatividad y talento"
Price: 34.99 |
"Lgica de Programao para a FCC - Mdulo 01" |
"O curso visa explicar e comentar 91 questes de concursos da banca do FCC sobre Lgica de Programao. Dessa forma, o aluno poder tanto entender como o assunto cobrado pela FCC quanto treinar seus conhecimentos com as questes da banca. O aluno ir entender deste como os programas so compilados, interpretados e montados, passando pelos primeiros conceitos de algoritmos, bem como variveis, constantes, tipos de dados e TAD's e finalizando com operadores e estruturas de controle nos algoritmos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Lgica de Programao para a FCC - Mdulo 02" |
"O curso visa explicar e comentar 102 questes de concursos da banca do FCC sobre Lgica de Programao. Dessa forma, o aluno poder tanto entender como o assunto cobrado pela FCC quanto treinar seus conhecimentos com as questes dessa banca. O aluno ir estudar, neste mdulo 02, questes sobre pseudocdigos, fluxogramas, mdulos e recursividade."
Price: 39.99 |
"Java Bsico para Concursos - Mdulo 01" |
"O primeiro mdulo do curso de Java Bsico (Standard Edition) para Concursos foca nos primeiros contatos com a Linguagem de Java. Seu histrico, suas caractersticas-chave e seus conceitos iniciais. Tambm sero vistos conceitos introdutrios para essa linguagem como variveis, tipos primitivos, valores literais.Tudo ser abordado com base nas melhores referncias para se estudar Java, alm de apresentarmos esquemas e dicas, bem como com exemplos prticos na IDE Netbeans. Para consolidar tudo isso, teremos 51 questes de desafios de minha autoria e 42 questes de concursos de diversas bancas."
Price: 54.99 |
"Java Bsico para Concursos - Mdulo 02" |
"O segundo mdulo do curso de Java Bsico (Standard Edition) para Concursos avana mais ainda em conceitos sobre a Linguagem Java. Estudaremos operadores, estruturas de controles e arrays.Tudo ser abordado com base nas melhores referncias para se estudar Java, alm de apresentarmos esquemas e dicas, bem como com exemplos prticos na IDE Netbeans. Para consolidar tudo isso, teremos 34 questes de desafios de minha autoria e 40 questes de concursos de diversas bancas."
Price: 54.99 |
"Java Bsico para Concursos - Mdulo 03" |
"O terceiro mdulo do curso Java Bsico (Standard Edition) para Concursos foca numa introduo Programao Orientada a Objetos e os primeiros conceitos da Linguagem Java com foco na POO. O mdulo foca nos estudos da Introduo POO, assim como o uso de Classes e Objetos na Linguagem Java.Tudo ser abordado com base nas melhores referncias para se estudar Java, alm de apresentarmos esquemas e dicas, bem como com exemplos prticos na IDE Netbeans. Para consolidar tudo isso, teremos 22 questes de desafios de minha autoria e 106 questes de concursos de diversas bancas."
Price: 54.99 |
"Your Natural Menopause at Work" |
"Going through the menopause makes life difficult at work formany women. For some, things get so bad that they consider leaving work altogether.However. menopause is a perfectly natural stage of life that every woman goesthrough. One of the problems women encounter is that the peoplearound them do not understand what they are going through and the symptoms thatgo along with it, which may require some adjustments to be madeIn this course you will learn how to manage your menopausenaturally in the work place without needing to resort to HRT andantidepressants.Topics covered includeHow to balance your hormonesHow to manage individual symptoms which affectyour workHow to communicate with your colleaguesHow to talk to your manager and negotiate anychanges you need to makeHow to improve your work life balance"
Price: 49.99 |
"The Artistic Landscape and Cityscape Post-Processing" |
"In this course we will learn how to edit a stunning landscape and cityscape images during different time using Photoshop. We will learn how to edit sunrise, sunset, day time, blue hour and night shoots as well as astrophotography. The main techniques that we will be using are the digital blending and the luminosity masks which are very powerful techniques that will take your editing to a next level."
Price: 29.99 |
"Jack's eBay Drop Shipping Companion Course Updated 2019" |
"This course is designed to educate you about drop shipping. I encourage you to take this course along side other drop shipping courses. You should expose yourself to as much information as possible!Dropshipping is a form of retail arbitrage that allows you to create a store and ship products to your customers using online retailers such as walmart and amazon. Drop shipping makes a fantastic stepping stone for those of you interested in self employment. Anybody in the world can earn money drop shipping, although the strategies will change based on your location. Some strategies are better for the USA while other strategies work well for people based in foreign countries."
Price: 199.99 |
"Advanced Google Ads / AdWords Training - Updated for 2019" |
"** Last Update July 29th 2019 ALL videos now updated for the new Google Ads 2019 Interface. **The only truly Advanced Google Ads course available! 17 Sections, 68 videos and over 6 hours worth of advanced Google Ads training. From the theory all the way through to hands on practice, take your Google Ads skills to the next level.Course Overview:The course is designed for Google Ads (Google AdWords) practitioners that already have basic knowledge in setting up and running AdWords accounts. The course explores advanced techniques and ideas that I have picked up and developed over 11 years running Google Ads campaigns for small to large scale clients. I explain the idea behind each technique and I give you ideas and example cases on how I have used it. I then show you how to set it up step by step inside Google Ads. We also look at how to interpret results and how to apply it to your own campaigns, we look at real data and actual results. I've also now included access to a propriety Google Ads analysis tool that I've built which using ML and regression modelling to help you analyze, predict & forecast performance in your Google Ads accountWhat Students Are saying:Oliver (10th October, 2019) wrote:""This is the best ads course that I have seen. very good to understand...""Peter L. (1st July, 2019) wrote:""Perfect match. I wanted to take my Google Ads and Analytics knowledge to another level, and this course is perfect for it. I've gone through it twice and will go through it at least one more time to really absorb it. I'm looking forward to working through Mark's Conversion Tracking course next.""Chua Yi Cheng (1st June 2019) wrote:""I highly recommend this course for anyone who is managing a Google Ads account and wants to take his/her skills to the next level. I have been managing an adwords account for about half a year now and there are so many changes that I want to implement from the knowledge I learned from this course. This is a great course for advanced users no doubt about that.""Jarrett Webster (May 2019) wrote:""I have been working in google ads for a few years now and was looking for more intermediate/advanced training and ideas. This course gave me new ideas and insights into how I can improve my clients (both old and new) campaign performance. The course uses up-to-date adwords format (as of May 14 2019).""Emmanouil Christoforidis (April 2019) wrote:""Advanced as it says! Really Nice Course!""Christopher Johnson (11th December 2018) wrote:""This guy is a real master. I have spent waaay too much money consulting with big name companies, using big name software associated with adwords thinking I was doing myself / my clients a favor. Google does it better than anyone else, its their platform, after all. However, they dont do a very good job of making the information accessible and digestable to actually use the tools- this course does. A++""Wojciech Idzikowski (9th December 2018) wrote:""Everything is well done. The narration - lector. Speed of the lessen. The way author choose topics. Congratulations.""Tucan Mihai (1st, December 2018) wrote:""I didn't expected to find so many useful information here. This is a course full of new ideas of strategies, different types of campaigns or things that you don't even know that are in Google Ads and great templates ready to use. Thank you for the info and tips and tricks about how to use in a more productive way Google Ads.""Marco Durazo (November 2018) wrote:""It's introductory to advanced concepts, but in the world of advertising 90% of the issue is piecing together what you should focus on, not how to do it. You can learn 1000 skills and be worthless at what you do; mastery is how you piece together the right skills. This course teaches you the right skills.""Christian Krohn (September 2018) wrote:""Some excellent ""nuggets"" of information here provided by an instructor who is clearly experienced. I have been doing PPC for many years, so I wasn't really expecting to learn anything new. I was wrong. Mark provided some advanced tactics in key areas of account management that I immediately incorporated into my client workflow. Glad I bought the course. Looking forward to more content from Mark."" More About the Course:The course covers specialised Ad reports like the organic & paid interaction report, remarketing strategy, machine learning functionality, competitor research, Google Analytics and so much more. Another module contains a free Google Sheets template which automates budget tracking for multiple accounts. Simply connect to Google Analytics and track multiple budgets, never log in again to multiple Ad accounts. It is also gives results as to spend per day to meet monthly planned budgets.I've also included a 30 minute Google Ads Audit, which takes you through step-by-step inside Google Ads from an account level to an AdGroup level all kinds of key issues that often I have found occurring inside accounts. I have completed 100's of Audits, I use this experience to show you common pitfalls and things you should be looking for. The course is module based and not run to a particular order, so you can choose a module or technique that seems useful to you, learn about it and apply it to your own practice. All the techniques taught can be applied to almost any AdWords account, they have been chosen for their practicality and usefulness. I will also be adding more modules into the course with time as I record them. I hope you enjoy the courses!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Total Home Business Blueprint" |
"Total Home Business BlueprintThe Total Home Business Blueprint isAn Easy Way to Create Your Info Product &Business,Get Paid by Raging Fan Customers, Who Really Want Your Stuff!We'll do it all together from start to finish on video while following step by step fill in the blank blueprints. Three blanks per blueprint. So easy stuff right? Here's the Details:We begin with your ""Million Dollar Info Niche Report""this revealing reportwill explain everything you need to know about this business from creating the perfect info-niche-product and business,based on what you know, or within a whole new subject you wish to learn about. Why it will work, how and everything in between.Followed by your ""Introductions"" in this video lecture you will learn exactly what we will be covering from A-Z in the following8 blueprints and video lectures. It has some extra stuff that students find extremely helpful to know and usealong the entire way from product creation to your first sale.Next up are your product creation blueprints beginning with:Blueprint 001 Your ""Niche Mining Blueprint""then ontoBlueprint 002: ""Narrow and Defineyour Niche""Blueprint 003:""State Your Perceived Value"", followed by Blueprint 004:""MarketPlace and Competition"" thenfinally onto Blueprint 005:""Content Development Outline"" all leading up to Blueprint 006:""Your Product Creation Blueprint"" which takes all the information wegathered together and helps you create a highly valuable market ready Information Product. And now you are ready to start your business.Wait! That's Not All:To help you start your business, I have added two more amazingly helpful and intuitively designed A- Z Business Creating Blueprints that will help take you fromyour First Sale to 5 Figures, 6, and beyond. (And really, the sky can be your limit using this one to its fullest) That's in Blueprint 007:""Millionaire Multiplier"" a blueprint to launch your sales and build your business and sales exponentially.But I didn't want to stop there, because I remember starting myself and if I had just a few shortcuts early on of which contained what Iknow now, it really could have helped me leapfrog my business to a success level at which Iexperience today, 17 years later. And so Iadded in your final new blueprint, Blueprint 008:""Info Marketers Secret Insiders Resource Center"" an invaluable bonus blueprint to help you shortcut yourtime to success in a myriad of ways just like seasoned home based business professionals.From A - Z and Blueprint to Blueprint, What you know now, or have a passion to learn, turned into a Total Home Business of your own, doing what you love to do already, and getting paid a premium price for it, by raging fan customers who are already searching for what you got. That all for you, your New Total Home Business Blueprint. Start Now!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro - Creative Tools and FX" |
"Updated for 2019 with 8.5 Hours of Downloadable Resources and New LessonsDownload working project files to participate in the learning process to become an advanced video editor.Download 1080p - 4k Lessons for Higher Resolution for Any Device These have been set up so you can see them more clearly than the Udemy capture program that loses resolution on most courses. You will not need a WIFI connection after download which means immediate streaming and no bulky browser allowing for multiple windows.Editing with Simple Hands On LessonsYou will know how to do so many things with Adobe Premiere Pro when you take this class. And what's great is, it's guaranteed.Get to Know Premiere with Real ActivitiesThis class is perfect for someone who wants some easy techniques that will attract an audience quickly. You'll also get some motion backgrounds, animated fonts, and transitions, as well as quick, useful strategies that you can use in your videos immediately.Get Right to the Point With the Latest Version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC2018I use the latest Adobe Premiere Pro version (download as a free 30 day trial if you don't have it).Just Drag the Mouse Where I doNever used Premiere before? It doesn't matter. If you can drag and drop footage and follow the mouse, you can do these advanced steps with ease. Have you used Premierefrequently but want some added tips with a different perspective?That works also.Go Beyond the BasicsThis course will skip what you don't want to know and get right to what you need to know so you cantake your videos to the next level. Make a TVseries, a feature film, make cool effects to get you noticed in the corporate sector or online for business.Compatible with any Version of Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, or CSMake money as a video editor by learning the most important things to get you up to speed. These lessonsare designed to walk you through easy step-by-step activitiesto get you realresults. Worry about the fine details later as these are designed to get you up and running quickly.Use These Effects in Your Videos Right Away To see more of what you will be able to do, check out the free previewcourse videos. Thanks for checking it out and hopefully I'll see you in the course.GetFree Graphics and Animated Fonts to Take With YouYou can use the animated fonts and graphics to place into your projects. Modify them however you want to make your videos come to life. I hope this class will help you and I look forward to seeing you in there.Make Real ProjectsDownload assets and follow along to learn the steps involved to make real life videos used in professional settings."
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro - Travel-Fitness-Real-Estate-Youtube" |
"Download Video Editing Source Clips, Backgrounds & Green Screen Footage ToPracticeAlong With Me.Use thegreen screen footage provided and footagein the courseto compile advanced editing with ashort learning curve. This will make you an advanced editor with creative, out-of-the-box thinking when you move on to your real world projects.Get Right To The Point With the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro CC2018 I use the latest Adobe Premiere Pro version that can be downloaded as a free 30 day trial if you do not have. You can also use other versions like Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, or CS.Make money as a video editor by learning the most important things to get you up to speed. These lessonsare designed to walk you through easy step-by-step activitiesto get you realresults. Worry about the fine details later as these are designed to get you up and running quickly.Do You Need To Have Any Experience?Never used Premiere before? It doesn't matter. If you can drag and drop footage and follow the steps, you can do these advanced steps with ease. Have you used Premierefrequently but want some added tips with a different perspective?That works too.Get Advanced And Go Above & Beyond The Basics.And, there's more,you can learn it all in one day.This course will skip what you don't want to know and get right to what you need to know so you cantake your videos to the next level. Make a TVseries, a feature film, make cool effects to get you noticed in the corporate sector or online for business.Do More Than The Competition. Fast.Yes, you can seriouslylearn how to get your video up to par.Make 3 commercials in the classGreat for beginners and other levelsLearn effective editing techniques without having to learn all of the Adobe Premiere program In less than 2 hours, you will have somegreat tools you can apply to any videoImport footage, cut, add effects and exportUse filters, coloring, scaling, and motionLearn green screen keyingFade audio and video Don't waste time on things you don't needApply these techniques to any videoLook like a pro todayMoney Back Guarantee!You have nothing to lose!Have Fun And Laugh While Learning This Stuff! To see more of what you will be able to do, check out the free previewcourse videos. Thanks for checking it out and let's have some fun!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Salsa 101: An Introduction to Salsa Dancing for Beginners" |
"In this salsa course, we will show youthe basics techniquesof salsa including the basic steps,the right-hand turn, the cross body lead, and the open break. Each lesson builds off the other as weshow you both basicandcomplex variations ofthe cross body lead such as the inside turn, theshoulder check, the stomach wrap, the titanic, and the flare.In addition, wewill alsogive you practicedrills so you can practice effectively andget better faster. Lastly, we'llwarn you about the most common mistakes that we've seen whileteaching so that you can avoid them. By the end of this course you will have over a minute of choreography with a variety of turns and figures that will have you looking great on the dance floor.We trulylovedancing salsa because the music is solively music, theparties are always fun, and you always meet the nicest people while out dancing. It isan activity that has truly enriched ourlives, and we'repassionate about sharing ourknowledge and love ofsalsa with you. We look forward to dancing with you soon!"
Price: 29.99 |
"UX & Design Thinking: Experincia do Usurio nos negcios" |
"Aprenda e pratique UX (Experincia do Usurio) eDesign Thinkingcom centenas de exemplos prticos para se destacar no mercado de Product Design (design de produtos)!O curso ""UX Design e Design Thinking"" uma coletnea de diversas tcnicasque abordam desde as ferramentas prticas de UX at os processos de trabalho que guiam equipes centradas no usurio para voc se tornar um profissional completo e com capacidades para liderar equipes.Tcnicas de UXque voc aprender no cursoConhea mais de 50 tcnicas que passam pela Estratgia, Gerao de ideias, Planejamento, Desenho, Validao e Pesquisa, Mtricas e Lanamento MVP.Mtricas de UX que voc aprender no cursoAprenda a utilizar mtricas de sucesso para produtos e mtricas de UX para avaliar, dirigir e monitorar o design dos seus produtos.Entre as mtricas de produtos, conhea o HEART, uma forma de medir importantes aspectos do contatodos usurios com seus produtos: Happiness (felicidade), Engagement (engajamento), Adoption (adoo), Retention (reteno) e Task Success (sucesso das tarefas).Bnus do curso ""Lean UX: Times geis com foco na Experincia do Usurio""Conhea e aplique afilosofia de projeto de produto que agrega o melhor doLean Startup, doDesign Thinkinge doDesenvolvimento gil. Essa mistura explosiva permite que seu time foque no problema dos usurios do produto, ouvindo com muito mais frequncia o mercado e respondendo rapidamente s suas necessidades.Voc vai aprenderaliderar timesnorteando-os a trabalhar colaborativamente, iterativamente, com poucas dvidas, o mnimo de entregveis e foco total no software e feedback de Mercado.Bnus do curso ""Design Sprints: da ideia ao teste com usurios em uma semana""Aprenda a conduzir uma design sprint para gerar consenso no seu time sobre as necessidades dos usurios em apenas uma semana, comeando com a proposio de ideias na segunda-feira e testando os produtos com os usurios finais na sexta-feira."
Price: 564.99 |
"Lean UX: SCRUM com nfase em melhorar Experincia do Usurio" |
"Lean UX: Experincia do Usurio em Times geis CompletoVoc desenvolvedor de software (frontend ou backend), testador ougerente de projeto e no reconhecido por criar produtos que os usurios realmente precisam?Atualmente, essa habilidade est sendo muito cobrada de vocs no mercado!Equipes geis so multidisciplinares e nenhummembro pode deixar de criar cada funcionalidade pensando em como o usurio final ir interagir com ela! Aprenda a incluir a preocupao com UX no seu dia-a-dia e a conquistar resultados utilizando o melhor do Lean Startup, Movimento gil e Design Thinking.Chega de depender de designers para comear a criar produtos incrveis. Chega de trabalhar de forma gil dependendo de um processo de design cascata moda antiga. Chegou a hora de inserir o UX no dia-a-dia da sua equipe.Se quiser aprender a navegar no mundo de UX na medida certa para seu perfil, o lugar certo aqui! Voc aprender onde o UX se encaixa no seu papel, comotrabalhar colaborativamente,com poucas dvidas, o mnimo de artefatos e foco total no produtoe no feedback do mercado.Motivao do curso muito comum que times de desenvolvimento de softwares ou produtos tenham um membro no time responsvel pela beleza do produto: o to desejado efeito Uau!. Muitas vezes esse profissional um designer, um desenvolvedor de interfaces/frontendou um especialista em experincia do usurio.Por mais que esse profissional seja excepcional, e saiba tudo das melhores prticas da rea, o mundo vem nos demonstrando que nossos produtos precisam ser cada vez mais adaptativos. Nesse contexto, uma andorinha s no consegue fazer vero e no mais possvel seguir trabalhando no modelo cascata. O Big Design Up Front quando o designer desenha toda a soluo para o time de desenvolvimento trabalhar posteriormente j no consegue mais responder as rpidas mudanas do mercado.O que o LEAN UXLean UX uma filosofia de projeto de produto que agrega o melhor do Lean Startup, do Design Thinking e do Desenvolvimento gil. Essa mistura explosiva permite que seu time foque no problema dos usurios do produto, ouvindo com muito mais frequncia o mercado e respondendo rapidamente s suas necessidades. No curso Lean UX: Trabalhe em equipe focando a Experincia do Usuriovoc sentir a diferena desde o dia um! E ter a oportunidade de aprender praticando!Nesse cenrio, o ator principal no mais o profissional de UX. Como veremos no curso, o profissional do UX ainda ter um papel muito importante no projeto das solues, entretanto, seu papel principal ser de liderar o time norteando-o a trabalhar colaborativamente, iterativamente, com poucas dvidas, o mnimo de entregveis e foco total no software e feedback de Mercado.Utilizando essa metodologia voc sentir rapidamente ganhos claros no engajamento de todos em todo o processo e perceber que a cultura de desenvolver produtos extraordinrios estar no sangue dos seus colaboradores.Venha e traga todo o seu time para conhecer essa filosofia de desenvolvimento na prtica!Dica quenteAdquirindo esse curso, voc ganhar umdesconto no mesmo valor que pagoupara comprar tambm o curso ""UX & Design Thinking: Experincia do Usurio nos negcios"" que explora dezenas de ferramentas para voc ficar fera em UX. Basta me mandar uma mensagem.No cumulativo com outras promoes.Caso voc j tenha adquirido o curso ""UX & Design Thinking: Experincia do Usurio nos negcios"". Voc no precisa comprar os dois. Lean UX j est incluso nele.CrditosA metodologia Lean UX foicriada e divulgadaporJeff Gothelf e Josh Seiden no livro Lean UX Design Great Products with Agile TeamsImagem da capa porClaire Murray. Modificada com bigodes.Lean UX: Time gil com foco na Experincia do Usurio"
Price: 549.99 |
"Design Sprints: da ideia ao teste com usurios em uma semana" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender o processode cincodias utilizado pelo Googlepararesponder questes crticas de negcio por meio do design, prototipao e teste de ideias com os clientes.Desenvolvido na Google Ventures, a Design Sprint um processo que te ajudar a melhorar a experincia do usurio e os resultados do seu produto.O processo foitestado por milhares de empresas e qualquer time pode utiliz-locomo ferramenta de estratgia de negcio, inovao, cincia comportamental edesign thinking.O curso te ajudar a reduzir os longos ciclos de debates infinitos que duram meses para apenas uma semana. Ao invs de esperar o lanamento do produto em forma de MVP(menor produto vivel), voc aprender a sair da ideia ao aprendizado sem precisar construir nada alm de prottipos realistas. como se voc ganhasse um novo super poder: avanar para o futuro para ver como seu produto finalizado se comportaria e avaliar as reaes dos usurios, antes de investir pesado em sua construo.O curso um guia para voc rodar sua prpria sprint. Voc aprender a teoria, o passo-a-passo e receber um checklist para aplicar os conhecimentos com sua equipe.Na segunda-feira, voc aprender a definir e mapear o problema que voc vai focar.Na tera-feira, vai criar os rabiscoframes das solues candidatas.Na quarta-feira, tomar decises para tornar ideias em hipteses testveis.Na quinta-feira, criar os prottipos de alta fidelidade.Na sexta-feira, ir testar o produto com usurios de verdade.O que est esperando para entrar nessa jornada?***Esse curso baseado livro ""Sprint. O Mtodo Usado no Google Para Testar e Aplicar Novas Ideias em Apenas Cinco Dias"" deJake Knapp,John Zeratsky eBraden Kowitz (Autor)."
Price: 189.99 |
"Adobe XD: UI Design do bsico aos prottipos (Windows e Mac)" |
"**Criado pelo autor do curso mais vendido de UX da Udemy em portugus, no ano de 2018 (com mais de 15 mil alunos). **Quer iniciar sua carreira como Designer de Interfaces? De repente migrar do Design Grfico para o UX/UI Digital?Esse o curso de Adobe XD mais fcil de aprender que voc vai encontrar na Udemy em portugus. Voc vai aprender como usar o Adobe XD para sair do absoluto ZERO ao nvel PROFISSIONAL organizando seu trabalho, seu guia de estilos e trabalhando em equipe com outros desenvolvedores. Durante o treinamento, criaremos projetos reais para voc aplicar nos seu dia a dia.Assista nossa aula de apresentao e conhea tudo que voc vai aprender.O que torna esse curso diferente? Qual a mgica?Nesse curso nada que voc aprender ser teoria por teoria. Cada desenho de retngulo para criar um elemento na tela, cada uso de ferramenta de alinhamento para posicionar um componente de um aplicativo real. Tudo ensinado na prtica para no ficar chato e voc saber exatamente quando utilizar cada recurso no seu dia-a-dia. ***Este curso de Adobe XD vai te ensinar na prticaa criar interfaces para aplicativos e sites responsivos com uma das melhores e mais modernas ferramentas de UI de 2018.Voc aprender:Criar prottipos em papel,desenhar interfaces de apps e sites,organizar seu projeto em guias de estilos,prototipar interatividade e transies,exportar prottipos para testes reais e troca de informaes com desenvolvedores (handoff).EXEMPLO NETFLIXTransformar seus prottipos em papel em prottipos de alta fidelidade,Criar prottipos interativos para seus usurios testarem ou mostrar para seus stakeholders,Utilizar grids para organizar os elementos na tela criando interfaces responsivas,Utilizar as constraints de alinhamento para que seu prottipo se adapte a outros dispositivos sem ""quebrar"",Organizar seu trabalho de forma profissional como um verdadeiro carto de visitas,EXEMPLO BOOKINGCriar guias de estilos com elementos reaproveitveis para acelerar seu processo de construo,E receber de bnus:Minicurso de rabiscoframes para criar prottipos em papel,Minicurso de UsabilidadeChecklist de UX para verificar se seu design tem potencial para gerar boas experincias***Depoimentos dos alunos do curso de UX (4.6 de 5 estrelas)Todos depoimentos esto disponveis na pgina do curso de UX.""Curso sensacional. Dinmico, bem feito, instrutor dominando completamente o contedo. Tudo de uma qualidade excelente. Um dos melhores cursos (seno o melhor) que j adquiri. Parabns!!!"" - Rafael Patrcio""Empresas vieram falar comigo no linkedin me requisitando para entrevistas para trabalhar exclusivamente com UX. Sem experincia de mercado, e as empresas me buscam pelo que aprendi no curso"" - Nayra""O curso foi maravilhoso. Eu tentava vrios estgios e no conseguia. Depois do curso, quando mostrei o que aprendi e os mtodos utilizados na prtica, consegui o emprego! Em menos de 1 semana aps terminar o curso eu j estava estagiando!"" - Alberto""Logo nos primeiros exerccios passei a ter uma viso completamente diferente da razo das minhas dificuldades. Com o passar do curso e aplicando as tcnicas, criei um produto especfico para um pblico bem definido e passei a converter 80% mais clientes!"" - Andr Carvalho""Muito bom, pois alm de trazer toda a base conceitual necessria, tambm apresenta casos reais de utilizao do aprendizado e dicas de como aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos!"" - Jos Leonardo""Nao criei expectativas com o curso porque no o conhecia, porm ultrapassam qualquer pr-julgamento que eu teria feito a respeito. Estou aprendendo muito!"" - Beatriz Rimanski***Qual ferramenta escolher? Se o Adobe XD no for para voc, voc tem outras opes que criei na Udemy!SketchPara usurios MacOS que buscam criar guias de estilos para projetos escalveis. $99/ano.Adobe XDPara usurios Windows e MacOS. Sua verso grtis permite criar 1 projeto. A partir da so $119/ano.FigmaUma das mais promissoras ferramentas do mercado, que permite trabalhar colaborativamente em tempo real com outras pessoas. Tem uma verso grtis que permite criar at 3 projetos. A partir da so $144/ano.Invision StudioA ferramenta que chegou em 2018 fazendo muito barulho no meio do design e que est em verso beta com lanamento em breve. a primeira do gnero com avanados recursos de animaes para microinteraes. Voc pode sair na frente e dominar a ferramenta antes mesmo dela ser lanada. Perde apenas para ferramenta mais especialistas em microinteraes como o Framer X.Esse formato permite que voc escolha sua ferramenta e trabalhe com ela vendo as diferenas sempre que tiver curiosidade. Cada aula de uma ferramenta possui sua correspondente na outra para fins de comparao.***DicaCaso voc queira ir alm, pode tambm adquirir o curso completo de Design de Interfaces, tambm de minha autoria e disponvel aqui na Udemy! Nele voc ir alm das ferramentas (o curso das 4 ferramentas citadas acima esto inclusas) e aprender:Aprenda a escolher, combinar Cores e dominar seus atributos (matiz, saturao, brilho, contraste, etc),Saiba como definir Tipografia e os padres tipogrficos com Modular Scale,Crie Botes que engajam e ajudam o usurio a entender as principais funes da interface,Entenda como projetar Formulrios fceis de preencher,Estabelecer uma Hierarquia Visual na pgina que ajude seu usurio a fazer o que precisa - usando Balanceamento, Ritmo, Harmonia, Dominncia, Alinhamento e Proximidade,Organizar os elementos em Grids,Trabalhar Responsividade e projetar interfaces Mobile first,Criar Guias de Estilos para projetos escalveis e com componentes reaproveitveis (building blocks e atomic design)E muito mais!ATENO: OS CONTEDOS ACIMA ESTO DISPONVEIS SOMENTE NO CURSO COMPLETO DE DESIGN DE INTERFACES. ESSE CURSO QUE VOC EST VISUALIZANDO SOMENTE SOBRE A FERRAMENTA ADOBE XD!***Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Estou certo que ser um dos melhores investimentos que voc far em 2018 com grandes chances de trazer muito mais contedo e por um valor muito menor que qualquer curso online, presencial ou acadmico que voc j tenha feito na vida no Brasil ou Exterior.Junte-se a mais de 15 mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram meu outro curso!Ea, o que est esperando? Vamos nessa?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Sketch: UI Design do bsico aos prottipos responsivos" |
"**Criado pelo autor do curso mais vendido de UX da Udemy em portugus, no ano de 2018 (com mais de 15 mil alunos). **Quer iniciar sua carreira como Designer de Interfaces? De repente migrar do Design Grfico para o UX/UI Digital?Esse o curso de Sketch mais fcil de aprender que voc vai encontrar na Udemy em portugus. Voc vai aprender como usar o Sketch para sair do absoluto ZERO ao nvel PROFISSIONAL organizando seu trabalho, seu guia de estilos e trabalhando em equipe com outros desenvolvedores. Durante o treinamento, criaremos projetos reais para voc aplicar nos seu dia a dia.Assista nossa aula de apresentao e conhea tudo que voc vai aprender.O que torna esse curso diferente? Qual a mgica?Nesse curso nada que voc aprender ser teoria por teoria. Cada desenho de retngulo para criar um elemento na tela, cada uso de ferramenta de alinhamento para posicionar um componente de um aplicativo real. Tudo ensinado na prtica para no ficar chato e voc saber exatamente quando utilizar cada recurso no seu dia-a-dia. ***Este curso de Sketch vai te ensinar na prticaa criar interfaces para aplicativos e sites responsivos com uma das melhores e mais modernas ferramentas de UI de 2018.Voc aprender:Criar prottipos em papel,desenhar telas de apps e sites,criar interfaces responsivas que se adaptam a qualquer dispositivo,organizar seu projeto em guias de estilos,prototipar interatividade e transies,exportar prottipos para testes reais e troca de informaes com desenvolvedores (handoff).EXEMPLO NETFLIXTransformar seus prottipos em papel em prottipos de alta fidelidade,Criar prottipos interativos para seus usurios testarem ou mostrar para seus stakeholders,Utilizar grids para organizar os elementos na tela criando interfaces responsivas,Utilizar as constraints de alinhamento para que seu prottipo se adapte a outros dispositivos sem ""quebrar"",Organizar seu trabalho de forma profissional como um verdadeiro carto de visitas,EXEMPLO BOOKINGCriar guias de estilos com elementos reaproveitveis para acelerar seu processo de construo,E receber de bnus:Minicurso de rabiscoframes para criar prottipos em papel,Minicurso de UsabilidadeChecklist de UX para verificar se seu design tem potencial para gerar boas experincias***Depoimentos dos alunos do curso de UX (4.6 de 5 estrelas)Todos depoimentos esto disponveis na pgina do curso de UX.""Curso sensacional. Dinmico, bem feito, instrutor dominando completamente o contedo. Tudo de uma qualidade excelente. Um dos melhores cursos (seno o melhor) que j adquiri. Parabns!!!"" - Rafael Patrcio""Empresas vieram falar comigo no linkedin me requisitando para entrevistas para trabalhar exclusivamente com UX. Sem experincia de mercado, e as empresas me buscam pelo que aprendi no curso"" - Nayra""O curso foi maravilhoso. Eu tentava vrios estgios e no conseguia. Depois do curso, quando mostrei o que aprendi e os mtodos utilizados na prtica, consegui o emprego! Em menos de 1 semana aps terminar o curso eu j estava estagiando!"" - Alberto""Logo nos primeiros exerccios passei a ter uma viso completamente diferente da razo das minhas dificuldades. Com o passar do curso e aplicando as tcnicas, criei um produto especfico para um pblico bem definido e passei a converter 80% mais clientes!"" - Andr Carvalho""Muito bom, pois alm de trazer toda a base conceitual necessria, tambm apresenta casos reais de utilizao do aprendizado e dicas de como aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos!"" - Jos Leonardo""Nao criei expectativas com o curso porque no o conhecia, porm ultrapassam qualquer pr-julgamento que eu teria feito a respeito. Estou aprendendo muito!"" - Beatriz Rimanski***Qual ferramenta escolher? Se o Sketch no for para voc, voc tem outras opes que criei na Udemy!SketchPara usurios MacOS que buscam criar guias de estilos para projetos escalveis. $99/ano.Adobe XDPara usurios Windows e MacOS. Sua verso grtis permite criar 1 projeto. A partir da so $119/ano.FigmaUma das mais promissoras ferramentas do mercado, que permite trabalhar colaborativamente em tempo real com outras pessoas. Tem uma verso grtis que permite criar at 3 projetos. A partir da so $144/ano.Invision StudioA ferramenta que chegou em 2018 fazendo muito barulho no meio do design e que est em verso beta com lanamento em breve. a primeira do gnero com avanados recursos de animaes para microinteraes. Voc pode sair na frente e dominar a ferramenta antes mesmo dela ser lanada. Perde apenas para ferramenta mais especialistas em microinteraes como o Framer X.Esse formato permite que voc escolha sua ferramenta e trabalhe com ela vendo as diferenas sempre que tiver curiosidade. Cada aula de uma ferramenta possui sua correspondente na outra para fins de comparao.***DicaCaso voc queira ir alm, pode tambm adquirir o curso completo de Design de Interfaces, tambm de minha autoria e disponvel aqui na Udemy! Nele voc ir alm das ferramentas (o curso das 4 ferramentas citadas acima esto inclusas) e aprender:Aprenda a escolher, combinar Cores e dominar seus atributos (matiz, saturao, brilho, contraste, etc),Saiba como definir Tipografia e os padres tipogrficos com Modular Scale,Crie Botes que engajam e ajudam o usurio a entender as principais funes da interface,Entenda como projetar Formulrios fceis de preencher,Estabelecer uma Hierarquia Visual na pgina que ajude seu usurio a fazer o que precisa - usando Balanceamento, Ritmo, Harmonia, Dominncia, Alinhamento e Proximidade,Organizar os elementos em Grids,Trabalhar Responsividade e projetar interfaces Mobile first,Criar Guias de Estilos para projetos escalveis e com componentes reaproveitveis (building blocks e atomic design)E muito mais!ATENO: OS CONTEDOS ACIMA ESTO DISPONVEIS SOMENTE NO CURSO COMPLETO DE DESIGN DE INTERFACES. ESSE CURSO QUE VOC EST VISUALIZANDO SOMENTE SOBRE A FERRAMENTA SKETCH!***Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Estou certo que ser um dos melhores investimentos que voc far em 2018 com grandes chances de trazer muito mais contedo e por um valor muito menor que qualquer curso online, presencial ou acadmico que voc j tenha feito na vida no Brasil ou Exterior.Junte-se a mais de 15 mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram meu outro curso!Ea, o que est esperando? Vamos nessa?"
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