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"Certification de gestion de projet gestion de projet"
"Note: Ce cours comporte des sous-titres en franais, audio et ressources en anglais. Ce cours de gestion de projet sur la faon de devenir un chef de projet, Udemy, est conu pour vous fournir les connaissances et les comptences approfondies dont vous avez besoin pour devenir un chef de projet performant dans n'importe quel secteur.Les postes de gestion de projet augmentent de 1,5 million d'opportunits par an dans le monde entier et les chefs de projet gagnent jusqu' 200 000 dollars par an, voire plus! En suivant ce cours de gestion de projet, vous dvelopperez des comptences en leadership ncessaires pour grer efficacement une quipe qui rpondra aux attentes de vos clients et de vos objectifs commerciaux.La demande de chefs de projet augmente un rythme insens, de plus en plus dentreprises ralisant limportance de ce rle. Mais comment allez-vous aller exactement sur ce terrain? Je vais vous mettre au courant de TOUTES les comptences dont vous avez besoin pour apprendre la gestion de projet ET avoir les meilleures chances d'obtenir le poste que vous souhaitez. Je partagerai galement des ressources que vous pourrez utiliser pour obtenir une certification officielle gratuite ou un cot trs bas par certaines des plus grandes universits du monde. Je vais vous montrer ce que vous devez savoir et ce que vous devez faire - tous enseigns par un expert en gestion de projet.Les tudiants ne sont pas tenus de ne rien savoir l'avance (mais si vous le faites, pas de soucis! Vous apprendrez encore beaucoup). Je vous apprendrai les principes fondamentaux, comment les appliquer, comment devenir un chef de projet avanc, et enfin comment maximiser vos chances d'obtenir un emploi en tant que chef de projet.Pourquoi entrer dans la gestion de projet? La gestion de projet est une carrire enrichissante avec un excellent salaire et des tonnes dopportunits. La gestion de projet couvre tous les secteurs et tous les pays du monde. Le march du travail en gestion de projet est dynamique, actif et riche en offres d'emploi. Contrairement de nombreux professionnels, les chefs de projet sont souvent contacts au sujet des opportunits. Mme si vous ne cherchez pas un emploi que vous tes susceptible d'obtenir des offres d'emploi en tant que chef de projet. Dans la gestion de projet, vous avez la possibilit de diriger des quipes et des projets tout en apportant une valeur ajoute lentreprise. La gestion de projet est un domaine passionnant, vous faites chaque jour diffrentes choses et interagissez constamment avec des personnes de diffrents secteurs de lentreprise. Les chefs de projet ont tendance faire de bons directeurs, directeurs, PDG, directeurs informatiques, vice-prsidents et responsables gnraux. Ils comprennent les deux concepts les plus importants que les personnes occupant des postes de direction doivent grer: les personnes et l'argent.Votre instructeurMauricio Rubio est chef de projet depuis plus de dix ans et est actuellement chef de projet senior dans l'une des meilleures universits du monde (1re en Australie et 8me au monde parmi les jeunes universits). Il a galement travaill avec certaines des grandes marques telles que Johnson & Johnson et est un vtran chevronn dans la gestion de projet.Dans ce cours, vous en apprendrez beaucoup sur la gestion de projet et sur la faon de devenir un chef de projet Udemy, des outils, des applications, des conseils, des concepts et des mthodologies aux choses faire, ne pas faire et aux meilleures pratiques. Vous apprendrez galement livrer un projet avec succs.Que vais-je apprendre? Comment devenir un chef de projet et des comptences cls en gestion de projet. Connaissances de base et comptences appliques en gestion de projet. Mener un projet la russite et comment capitaliser sur les facettes du leadership et du comportement pour y parvenir. Les outils et les techniques permettant de grer le cycle de vie complet de la gestion de projet pour un projet - de l'initiation la clture. quilibrer les compromis critiques en termes de temps, de cots et dtendue pour rpondre aux attentes des clients. La capacit d'appliquer les meilleures pratiques dans divers secteurs et entreprises. Naviguer dans les aspects sociaux et culturels, les pratiques juridiques et rglementaires, la technologie et linfrastructure qui influencent le succs des projets sur le march mondial. Moyens pratiques d'utiliser les comptences de gestion de projet, que votre projet soit vaste ou petit. Acronymes de gestion de projet. Les A FAIRE et NE PAS FAIRE dans la gestion de projet.Pourquoi devrais-je suivre ce cours? Les postes de gestion de projets augmentent de 1,5 million dopportunits par an (source: Project Management Institute). Vous recevrez une certification de gestion de projet (vous recevrez un certificat la fin de ce cours). Vous obtiendrez des gratuits gniaux, y compris laccs 2 cours de gestion de projet tonnants, lun des principaux fournisseurs de formation en ligne en Australie et lautre directement de Microsoft sur la gestion de projets avec Microsoft Project, loutil principal de gestion de projet en entreprise. Le salaire mdian dun chef de projet dentre de gamme est de 84 000 dollars (source: Project Management Institute), mais les chefs de projet principaux gagnent jusqu 200 000 dollars par an, selon le secteur et la complexit de leur rle. Certains font encore plus :) Opportunits de carrire passionnantes dans tous les domaines de lindustrie en tant que chef de projet, consultant de projet, analyste de projet, responsable de programme et chef de bureau de gestion de projet. La gestion de projet est un ensemble de comptences essentiel pour de nombreuses carrires et dans de nombreux contextes de notre vie. Vous conomiserez des milliers de dollars par rapport ce que vous paieriez au PMI ou une universit pour une certification de gestion de projet. J'expliquerai pourquoi vous n'avez pas besoin d'une certification de gestion de projet du PMI pour entrer dans la gestion de projet. Mieux encore, je vous fournirai des ressources pour obtenir gratuitement une certification de gestion de projet de la part de fournisseurs mondiaux de premier plan!A qui est destin ce cours? Les personnes qui souhaitent devenir un chef de projet. Les hommes et les femmes qui souhaitent faire carrire dans la gestion de projet. Les personnes qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur la gestion de projet. Dveloppeurs, analystes mtier, coordinateurs, responsables du changement, analystes et toute personne souhaitant faire carrire dans la gestion de projet. Les personnes intresses trouver facilement des offres d'emploi. La gestion de projet est un march norme! Les personnes intresses gagner entre 80 et 200 000 dollars par an. Et parfois mme plus :) Les personnes qui aiment diriger des quipes, coordonner des tches et tablir des relations de confiance. Ce cours est destin aux dbutants mais aussi aux vtrans expriments. De toute faon, vous trouverez ce cours informatif, productif et prcieux. Les personnes qui souhaitent obtenir une certification de gestion de projet, quils peuvent prsenter sur leur CV."
Price: 174.99

"Podcasting Crash Course: Start a Podcast in less than 5 mins"
"It has never been easier to start a Podcast! So what are you waiting for to get started? Welcome to this Podcasting Crash Course. In this course you will learn about the fundamentals of Podcasting and everything you need to know to get up and running with your Podcast in less than 5 mins! We will cover the What, the How, the Why, the Where and the When of Podcasting.In this Podcasting Crash Course you'll also find a lot of valuable Podcasting resources, including where to host your Podcast for FREE and where to find FREE cover images for your Podcast. Plus even free audio you can use in your Podcast.Why Start a Podcast?To make yourself heardTo share thoughts and knowledgeTo expand and grow your audienceTo make money (e.g. passive income)Because you like talking!Because you like sharing knowledgeBecause you've always wanted to create one!Because you want to unleash your inner artist!__________  Who is behind this course?An Indie Podcaster and serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, expert Project Manager and MBA (x2) who founded Podcasters Haven (podcastershaven dot com). __________  What's New (Latest Course Updates)General improvements and enhancementsAdded new tools, apps and resourcesAdded two real world examples of Podcasts that are already Live__________  Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise.  Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 199.99

"The Visual Guide on How Neural Networks Learn from Data"
"Big announcemen: This course has gone FREE!Enroll now!Course Achievements (October 2019): +2,000 Worldwide Students enrolledTrophy Awards for Key Section Achievements! Some Student Reviews are:""Very structured and logical"" (July 2018).""Great Explanation of NN. Will definitely recommend to others."" (April 2018)""Enlightening overview of how neural networks operate mathematically."" (March 2018).""An  Excellent Course"" (February 2018).""The NN is a Complex topic and the instructor explains the NN very clearly. The demonstration shows how NN learns from data in a very precise way. I highly recommend this course."" (January 2018). ""I just loved this course. The course is very well taught and is divided in easy-to-digest units."" (December 2017).More Student Reviews:""Highly visual. Good explaining. Easy to grasp. I can't praise this work enough! Absolutely brilliant teaching material"" (November 2017)""excellently delivered step by step .. visually learning is very clear and easily understandable."" (November 2017)""Very clear and straight forward. Course is a great first step to understand the structure of a NN, and how it works."" (November 2017)""The course is interesting because it explains the basic mathematics of a neural network in a very simple and intuitive way."" (October 2017)""Very clear, very interesting and keeps u motivated to learn more."" (September 2017)""This is the best example and explanation I could find about the internal working of NN (...)"" (August 2017)""This is a unique way of explaining and illustrating the operation of a simple ANN."" (July 2017)""Excellent course! It teaches you the basic of Neural Network in an easy to understand way (...)""  (June 2017)""Great starting point to learn ANNs!"" (June 2017)""v[ery] good explaination"" (May 2017)Hi. Thanks for showing interest in this course!What makes this course special: Step-by-Step Neural Network Learning Process,Master topics like Fundamentals, Objectives, Required Datasets, Weights, Biases, Nodes, Activation functions, Feed-Forward Passes, Predictions, Losses, Gradient Descent, Learning, Backpropagation and more!Plus, personalized feedback and help. You ask, I answer directly!This is your BEST resource for Neural Networks (NN) learning! A must for understanding special concepts and not get lost in computing your own NNs: First:You'll start the Neural Networks Primer with Fundamentals, Objectives, Data and more:Learn concepts using analogies for maximum learning, so you will be fully covered. Learning how NNs learn will be easy with this Primer under your sleeve! Second: You'll continue the NN Primer with Learning, Backpropagation and Predictions and more topicsIn an easy and intuitive way, you will understand how they work, This is fundamental in the NN Learning Process. At the end of this section, you will have mastered the NN Primer! Now, you are ready for the Step-by-Step (in-Motion) sections! Third: You'll start the in-Motion section with Inputs, Weights, Biases, Activations, Nodes and Feed-Forward Passes:See how they work inside an NN,Step-by-step templates, so you can follow every detail, These files will be dynamic, so you'll understand how NNs work as numbers will be updated on-the-fly and right in front of your eyes. Forth:You'll continue with the in-Motion section with NN Learning, Backpropagation, Tuning and Prediction:You will understand how NNs learn from the data. This all part of the dynamic templates you get to keep. You'll do several examples along the way for maximum learning. Lastly, you'll see  what NNs do to make the best predictions. Fifth:You'll finish the in-Motion section by doing a complete rundown on everyting you've learned so far:You'll see how all NN inner components work for learning and prediction. Pay close attention at how all parts adjust, making the NN learn in front of your eyes. After this section, you will be fully versed on how NNs learn! Sixth:I will devote a section for more additional knowledge and resources for continous learning. And then, I will conclude with some Final Words.What are the Requirements?The only thing you'll need for this course is: Excel and PowerPoint: It is that easy! You will also need to bring your Basic Maths too,If you bring your Calculus (Derivatives) knowledge, that will be a big plus for you (but not required),What are some of the Benefits?As it is usual in my courses, you will get all files and spreadsheets for all lectures. This way you can replicate everything I do immediately after each lecture.Neural Networks are the new thing today. With it, you can explore and engage Artificial Intelligence, which I recommend you to dive in as it's part of the future. Plus, it's very rewarding and fun  too!New content coming in the near future, let me know yout thoughts.Lastly, you can post questions or doubts, and Ill answer to you personally. I hope you find this course as useful as I have creating it! Ill see you inside,-M.A. Mauricio M."
Price: 94.99

"Passwort Hack mit Keylogger"
"In dem Kurs wirst du lernen, einen PC in wenigen Schritten und Minuten so einzurichten, dass alle Aktivitten heimlich aufgezeichnet werden und an deine Email gesendet werden. Du wirst lernen, die richtige Software dafr zu whlen, die sowohl vertrauenswrdig als auch stabil luft. Am Ende des Kurses wirst du verstehen, wie du dich selbst davor schtzen kannst, dass deine Anmeldeinformationen fr verschiedene Konten ausspioniert werden."
Price: 19.99

"Vitamin English: 50 Essential English Idioms"
"Do youwant to sound more like a native Englishspeakers quickly?One of the biggest differences between native and non-nativespeakers is the use of idioms in conversation. Did you know that on averagenative English speakers use three idioms per one minute of speech? Idioms are agreat way to communicate sometimes complex ideas in a concise and easilyunderstood manner.Through this course, you will learn fifty essential Englishidioms that will help you improve your spoken fluency and sound more like anative speaker. You will be given definitions, examples and pictorialrepresentations of each idiom.By completing the many practice exercises,quizzes and conversations, you willmaster and retain these idioms. Soonyou will be hearing and using these idioms all the time. Your friends andacquaintances will be amazed at your improved English."
Price: 19.99

"Vitamin English: American Slang"
"Do youwant to sound more like a native English speaker quickly and understand common colloquial expressions in daily conversations and in American movies, TV programs and other media?One of the biggest differences between native and non-native speakers is the use of slang or informal expressions. Did you know that on average native English speakers use eight colloquial expressions per minute of speech? Slang is a great way to communicate closeness and establish friendships.Through this course, you will learn slang and colloquialisms that will help you improve your spoken fluency and sound more like a native speaker. You will be given definitions, examples and pictorial representations of each expression.By completing the many practice exercises, quizzes and conversations, you willmaster and retain these expressions. Soon you will be hearing and using these slang expressions all the time. Your friends and will be amazed at your improved English."
Price: 19.99

"Vitamin English: Conversation through Modal Verbs"
"Do youwant to sound more like a native English speaker quickly and understand common expressions in daily conversations?In this course, we will be studying modal verbs. Through the proper use of modal verbs, you can establish a strong foundation for expressing yourself clearly, and as you learn new vocabulary, you will have correct grammatical patterns to use the vocabulary naturally and effectively.Through this course, you will learn grammar patterns that will help you improve your spoken fluency and sound more like a native speaker. You will be given definitions, examples and pictorial representations of each pattern.By completing the many practice exercises, quizzes and conversations, you willmaster and retain these patterns. Soon you will be hearing and using these patterns all the time. Your friends will be amazed at your improved English."
Price: 19.99

"Vitamin English: Conversation through Current Events"
"This course explores current events and teaches English verbiage related to these topics.Students will be introduced to current issues and related phrases and vocabulary. They will then read an article related to the topic.Each section includes vocabulary practice, an interactive conversation, speaking practice, comprehension questions, evaluations, and much more.Become a more fluent and engaging conversationalist by learning the vocabulary and phrases needed to discuss today's hot issues."
Price: 19.99

"Como Ser Feliz? Autoconhecimento, o Caminho para Felicidade"
"O auto-conhecimento a chave da felicidade pura, ser consciente de si mesmo.Quando somos conscientes das nossas atitudes, conseguimos filtrar o que de bom para a nossa vida, e o que no .Assim poderemos:Crescer pessoalmente e espiritualmenteDesenvolver um plano de conscincia mais real e optimista sobre a vidaSaber a verdadeira meta ou sentido da vidaProcurar entender e eliminar os nossos defeitos do EgoEntre muitos outros assuntos importantes.Este um curso que requer inicialmente um mente de aprendizagem aberta a novos temas, que podero ser no inicio um bocado estranhos.No entanto necessrio para crescer como ser humano.Este o curso ideal para quem procura a sua bssola, procura o seu amor interior."
Price: 59.99

"Freelancer: earn more by proper interaction with Client"
"This course is about how to uplift your freelancesales.There are a lot of options to do it!In this course we will work with your 'status' and internal position. You might be whatever freelancer or a small business owner each option fits good to course. The main idea is to safely announce yourself to client's company Top Management and receive some win through this. To do such we should: First -> Make an overview of your companies or clients and cooperation possibilities ->(then) -> Discuss comprehensive ways to deliver message from you and about you are doing ->(after) -> study existing examples -> (next) -> prepare your own personalized business proposals ->(following this) -> learn how to deliver your proposals up to the GM ->(finally) -> study what would be the effect. Why this course would uplift sales?-learn&apply:step-by-step correct influence to Client;- learn&apply:communicate to Client's General Manager directly;- learn&apply:avoid mess outcoming from Client's ""contact person"";- learn&apply:reposition your service from ""supplier"" to ""partner"" ideology;- learn&apply:handle easily with delivering your proposals to new Clients;- learn&apply: how toplay your own ""game"".Let's proceed with details!"
Price: 19.99

"Android O and Kotlin"
"Kotlin, Android O . 200 20 5 . , , . . 3Android O and Kotlin . . : : 20 3 200 10 1300 - 400 . 60 16 . ."
Price: 199.99

"Professional Accredited Angelic Healing Practitioner Course"
"This is an Extensive Professionally Recognised Training Course that will enable you to become an Angelic Healing Practitioner.  The course is very thorough and covers the roles of the Angelic Realm in our lives as well as showing you how to connect with them and work with them.   They are here now at this time to support humanity to shift their frequency as we have now entered the Age of Aquarius. More and more lightworkers are waking up and the angelic realm want to show us ways to work with them.This healing modality was shown as a way of making that unique and powerful connection back to the light, it is our divine right to walk in the light as fully empowered, compassionate beings. Once you make the step to becoming a lightworker the angelic realm take note, its like a light bulb lights in the heavenly realms and you are then supported in your journey for as long as you choose to be part of it. The Angelic Realm cannot intervene unless they are asked so they have been waiting patiently for people like  you to decide to make a difference in peoples lives. For that they honour you.Enjoy the journey Namastexx"
Price: 164.99

"Professional Accredited Earth Angel Course"
"In this comprehensive angelic course, we will focus and learn about the Earth Angels who were born onto the Earth with a special soul mission. Do you often look up to the stars and wonder where home is?Do you feel somehow that you don't belong here?Have you always felt different to everyone else?Have you always had a strong sense of right and wrong, even as a child and got upset when people mistreated others, animals and nature?The chances are that YOU could be an Earth Angel!The course contains a 37 question comprehensive questionnaire for you to take to see if you may be an Earth Angel.We will look at the characteristics of Earth Angels to help you identify with them and give you guides to show you how you can cope with life in relationships, friendships, the workplace and spirituality by understanding yourself better.You will have practical acitivities to develp yourself spiritually and you will be taken through some beautiful meditations to connect you with your higher angelic self. Above all you will get a sense of peace and feel the love and connection from the angelic realm as you work through it. blessings and loveTania x"
Price: 164.99

"Crystal Healing Practitioner Course - Professional Training"
"This beautiful course has been designed to empower you to offer paid for healings as a Crystal Healing Practitioner, it has been created so that you can be part of a bigger universal mission to work with the crystal gird of earth, the crystal kingdom and the crystalline energy structure of the body, to lift the frequency and support healing in humanity. You will cover an extensive range of information about the crystal kingdom, the history of healing with crystals, how crystal healing works, colour vibrations, chakra healing and much much more. You will even get to meet the powerful crystal fairies and learn ways that they allow you access to the knowledge and powers of the crystals that they guard.Learn 9 different crystal healings that you can offer, each healing is demonstrated with step by step photos so that you can see exactly what you need to do.You will also discover how to create a home crystal first aid kit and will have suggestions for how they can be used. and much much much more !Sadly you will need to go crystal shopping !!!!!!I am here throughout the course for any help or advice and please feel free to contact me with any questionsyours in the lightTania x"
Price: 164.99

"Professional Aromatherapy For Healthy Living - Level 2"
"Welcome to the Professional Aromatherapy For Wellness And A Healthy Lifestyle Level 2  CourseThere is a Level 1 to this course and you might like to do this in conjunction with this course, both levels qualify you to practise as an Aromatherapy AdvisorWe will recap the safety and mixing guidelines that you learnt in your previous course as these are fundamentally important to ensure you are correctly using the essential oils.In this level of the training we will look at how you can use essential oils and aromatherapy techniques to aid health and wellness, the course is all about you! For those of you who left school a long time ago (I include me in that) there is some basic human biology as well as basic essential oil chemistry, dont worry it wont be too heavy and I like to make sure that all the learning will be fun. We will look at common ailments and the recommended essential oils for those as well as looking at the vast array of essential oils and their methods of application and uses. . New to this course is the Essential Oils and Pets section to help you work with your pets heath and wellbeing at home as well as a section dedicated to essential oils and children who are much more sensitive to the oils than us adults so need an adapted approach to dosage etc, we will delve into the magical world of essential oils and the Ancient Egyptians and  finally we have added a Fun Ways to Incorporate Essentail Oils and Aromatherapy into your lifestyle section, with some great demo videos which we had great fun making! You have extensive pdf notes with this course which you might like to bind to create a lovely reference book. MEDICAL DISCLAIMERThe information provided in this course is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice provided by a qualified doctor. If you are at all concerned about your health you should always consult a fully qualified doctor."
Price: 199.99

"Sanacin Angelical Profesional Avanzado"
"Aprovecha el verano profundiza tus conocimientos. En este siguiente nivel de entrenamiento, estaremos en sintona con los 7 arcngeles principales , visitaremos el reino de los Arcngeles de Lyra, aprenderemos sobre el Rayo Dorado de Sanacin Angelical, trabajaremos con el chakra estrella del alma, trabajaremos con el planeta Venus, con smbolos antiguos y aprenderemos 9 procedimientos para guiar y ejecutar un nivel avanzado de Sanacin Angelical en ti mismo y en tus clientes.En este curso encontrars demostraciones en vivo, paso a paso, de los procedimientos de curacin para que puedas estar seguro cuando los ests realizando.Aprenders todo lo que necesitas para establecer tu negocio como un Sanador Angelical de Nivel Avanzado y como  tal  podrs cobrar ms por tus sanaciones."
Price: 19.99

"Engineering Mechanics: Statics (Part 1)"
"'Engineering Mechanics' can be easy and fun to learn and solve complicated problems only if fundamental concepts are clear.In this course we have tried to make fundamental concepts as simple as possible to understand. This makes course interesting and encourage to solve complicated problems. This courseincludes video explanations of most important topics in engineering mechanics (statics), and it includes manyexampleswith easy-to-understand explanations. 'Engineering Mechanics' is organized several differentsections:Introduction to mechanics (Difference between static and dynamics).Resolution of forces (Force, its effects and how o resolve the forces).System of force (How to find resultant for concurrent forces)Non concurrent forcesVarignon Theorem Parallel force system Equilibrium (Different type of loads and supports like beam support)Lami's TheoremTrussFrictionCentroidForces in spacePrinciple of virtual workWho is the target audience?First year engineering students.Any university, college or high school student enrolled in a mechanics course.Anyone with an interest in engineering mechanics.We believe this is best online resource available in video format on ""Engineering Mechanics"""
Price: 199.99

"Curso Hangout Avanado"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como transformar a sua transmisso ao vivo,que seja pelo Youtube ou pelo Facebook de uma forma muito mais profissional, atrativa e que gere muito mais engajamento dos seus participantes de uma forma muito fcil.Vai aprender como usar um software gratuito, mas muito completo para transmisso de contedo por stream com poucos cliques.Com muita ou pouca experincia no assunto, voc vai criar sua apresentao profissional em pouco tempo e sair apresentando seu contedo, para sua audincia de forma arrasadora."
Price: 144.99

"Servicedesk e Inventrio com GLPI"
"O GLPI uma soluo de cdigo aberto para gerenciamento de TI e gerenciamento de servicedesk, GLPI um aplicativo Full Web para gerenciar todos os seus problemas de gerenciamento de ativos de TI: dogerenciamento de inventrio de componentes de hardware ou software de um parque de computador ato gerenciamento do suporte ao usurio.Neste curso voc aprender a implementar uma central de servios com oGLPI. Uma central de servios de TI responsvel por tratar todas as solicitaes feitas equipe de TI, utilizando as boas prticas das bibliotecas de servio mais utilizada no mercado. Alm de montar a central de servios, voc tambm ir implementar a gesto do seu inventrio de hardware e software na mesma ferramenta que o GLPI e poder inclusive automatizar a coleta de dados do inventrio atravs da Integrao com o OCS Inventory NG.Ainda falando sobre integrao com outras solues, neste curso o aluno aprender a integrar a autenticao dos usurios do sistema com o MS Active Directory."
Price: 39.99

"DaVinci Resolve - Specials #01"
"Hallo und herzlich willkommen,Du hast Dich bereits mit den Grundlagen von DaVinci Resolve beschftigt, Deine ersten Filme fertig gestellt und Dein Publikum bekam leuchtende Augen. Doch nun mchtest Du einen Schritt weiter gehen, das Augenleuchten verstrken, Dich neuen Herausforderungen stellen.Die Reihe ""DaVinci Resolve - Specials"", die ich im Laufe der Zeit nach und nach erweitern mchte, versucht genau solche Kenntnisse zu vermitteln. In jedem Special stelle ich sechs Techniken - sei es in Fairlight, in Fusion oder beim Color Grading - vor, die nicht Bestandteil der ""alltglichen"" Arbeit mit DaVinci Resolve sind. Alle Techniken lassen sich leicht auf andere Situationen adaptieren, so dass Du viel flexibler in der Gestaltung noch abwechslungsreicherer Videos wirst.Fr diese Folge, die Specials (1), habe ich folgende Themen ausgewhlt (und die Wahl ist mir wirklich schwer gefallen):Anwendung von MattesDie Technik der Freeze FramesArbeit mit Action Freeze FramesAus Tagaufnahmen ""Nacht-"" Aufnahmen machenParameterbergabe mit ""Publish"" und ""Connect to""Durchscheinende (Titel-) TexteIch hoffe, Euch wird meine Auswahl gefallen. Falls Ihr Ideen fr eines der nchsten Specials habt, lasst es mich gerne wissen.Have a nice post production!Jrgen MthrathCredits:Fotos und Videos: www-pixabay-comMusik: Eric Matyas, www-soundimage-org"
Price: 19.99

"Blender Character Modeling For Beginners HD"
"Blender Character Modeling For Beginners HD is aseries by Riven Phoenix that takes the art student through a step-by-step process in creating a high quality 3D humancharacter design from scratch using a formula based system that uses no reference. The art student will start by building a realistic human figure model using a simple cube, then using special formulas created by Riven Phoenix be able to model the complete human figure down to the last detail. The power of the formula based system is that any person can follow along to get the same exact results. Students will also become very intimate with the design of the human figure using this formula based system as they build out the surface anatomy. This course is designed to teach art students how to use blender and become more confident with it to develop their own character designs from scratch. Each step is explained clearly so the student can follow along with ease."
Price: 44.99

"Text Mining - Learn it from Scratch Using Case Study in R!"
"Are you ready to discover interesting patterns, extract useful knowledge, and support decision making by mining and analyzing your Social Media Data i.e. Unstructured Data/ Text data?Are you ready to build your 1st Word Cloud that gives you Visual insights on your Text Data within Few Minutes!?Now if go by facts and figures than by 2020, there will be around 2.9 billion social network users around the globe. And a vast amount of new information and data is generated every day i.e. Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day, and it's only going to grow from there. By 2020, it's estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on earth. And 90% of world's data is in an unstructured format (text data), which makes mining this unstructured data i.e. text mining one of the most sought after skills in Data Science and Machine learning.LEARN IT FROM EXPERIENCED DATA SCIENCE GUY! Hello Everyone!......... My name is Bhaumik S. Shah and I am a data science guy with master's degree in it and  I have a good amount of experience of working on different data science projects related to Machine learning (Regression, Classification, etc.), Time Series, Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, etc. as a freelancer. I have designed this course to make you familiar with text mining with a practical case study approach unlike other courses out there which focuses a lot on theory rather than practical approach. So in this course, we will start text mining from scratch, so it's okay if you are not familiar with this topic. We will cover some important/ required theory related to text mining in the beginning and we will straight move towards one case study using R for implementing it! . And you will also have access to future classes for FREE that will be updated in this course soon, in order to keep it relevant to the changing scenarios."
Price: 199.99

"ACCA Financial Management (FM): Business Valuations"
"Reviews So Far:""Fantastic Experience.""""The course is really good. I had problems with business valuations during the FM march 2019 exams, but I am finding it easier and I am understanding the concept better.""""I learned a lot. Some of it was above my head at this point. I would have benefited from a little more explanation & 1 or 2 more opportunities to practice for each of the new concepts.""""nice explanations, Thanks""""Excellent""""Good course. God bless you.""""Good way of teaching""""This is a good introduction course. Congratulations to anyone envolved.""""very good concise content. instructor is very knowlegeable and able to summarize info rapidly""""I am not a ACCA student so am not preparing for the exam. It is solely for my own interest. The training program did provide a clear explanations. Able to gain an understanding of the subject quickly. As for how realistic it is to the real world, I can't comment as I have never worked in this field. Therefore it is a 4 star instead of 5 star.""--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course covers the Business Valuations section of the ACCA Financial Management (FM) paper.The topics covered are:1. Nature and purpose of the valuation of business and financial assets.2. Models for the valuation of shares.3. The valuation of debt and other financial assets.4. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) and practical considerations in the valuation of shares."
Price: 29.99

"Convolutional Neural Networks: Zero to Full Real-World Apps"
"Some Student Reviews:""5/5 stars to Mauricio!"" (March 2018).""The implementation part is very good and up-too the mark. The explanation step by step process is very good."" (February 2018).""course done very well; everything is explained in detail; really satisfied !!!"" (February 2018).""Difficult topics are simply illustrated and therefore easy to understand."" (January2018).""So far the course is good, clearly Explanation."" (November2017).***Read the Quick FAQ for the entire course lowdown!***NEW: Final Assignment submission lecture! Send in your CNN app and I'll review it!NEW: Trophy Awards for Key Section Achievements!BONUS: ArtificialNeuralNetworks Summary (for your Review and refreshment)Hi.As always, thanks for showing interest in this course!What makes this course special: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): Concepts, Visual Examples and Presentations Step-by-Step CNN Creation and Training Create your CNN application using your own ImagesPlus, personalized feedback and help.You ask, Ianswer directly! First:You'll start withthe Neural NetworksReview:Quickly learn/refresh all about Neural Networks (NNs): Feed-Forward Passes, Gradient Descent and Backpropagation,Refresh your memory about how NNs learn from data,After this, you will be ready andset to tackle Convolutional Neural Networks. Second:You'll start yourConvolutional Neural Networks endeavor by reviewing their history and motivation:Why are they so good at prediction?What makes them sospecial?What werethe first attempts? Third:You'll continue yourConvolutional Neural Networks endeavorby going into all requiredconcepts:How does Convolutional Neural Networks read images?What's a Convolution layer and how to interpret it?What are the main components of Convolutional Layers?Then, learn how all Neural Networkconcepts stack into Convolutional Layers, i.e. activations, losses, Forth:Before jumping into code, you'll see someConvolutional Neural Networks action:You'll see 2Convolutional Neural Networks LIVE,See how they learn right in front of your eyes,You'll do exactly the same thing in the next sections! So go for it! Fifth:You'll code your firstConvolutional Neural Networks application:Code using the famous MNIST dataset,Easily understand all learnt concepts applied in this section,Tweak parameters according to your criteria and get a feel about howConvolutional Neural Networks learnfrom images. Sixth:Now it's time for you to code your ownConvolutional Neural Networks app with your own images:We'll use the hydrangea (Kaggle) image dataset competition,Learn how to ""take"" images from your PC for yourConvolutional Neural Networks app,Modify the parameters for the best learning process. Seventh:Submit your ownConvolutional Neural Networks appas the course's Final Assignment:Get comments on how to make it betterLearn 100% by applying all concepts in this assignmentOptimize for best resultsLastly, you canpostquestions or doubts, and Ill answer to you personally.Ill see you inside,-M.A. Mauricio M."
Price: 94.99

Price: 24000.00

"ASP.Net Live Project"
"This course is all about how to interact with the client, understand the requirements, break requirements into objects, create database design by identifying the relationships among objects, architect the project, implement business objects, data access layer, business logic layer and presentation layer. You will also learn how to secure, compile and publish any web application. This is what students say about this course... VERY HELPFUL COURSE!!! [Uzoma Umekwe Charles II] I was a bit skeptic at first when I saw this course because i was not sure what to expect especially with so many half baked tutorials flying all around online. However, I am very glad I paid for this course because I have learnt a lot from Manzoor. Also I like his style of teaching. I would recommend this for anyone just starting off learning n-tier architecture. Precise Professional Provides What Promised...okay alot of P's [Tarun] I think that there is two ways of learning, one is you go to this-institute-that-institute wandering for attaining good knowledge of the technology then you start to learn and trainers give you something new everyday but sooner or later you get to realize that what to do with this huge pile of knowledge I mean you find yourself webbed because you don't know how the whole thing is integrated as one. I personally call it "Recursive way of learning"(debatable). But the other way of learning could be as- just have an internet connection with optimum speed learn the basics there then join this course designed and taught by Manzoor Sir, as soon as u start your journey with this course , with each and every lecture you will find that your IT-life isn't measurable anymore. and in the last lecture when you start to think, Oh! Is this course going to end so soon, then Manzoor Sir surprises you once saying that he is not done yet..WOW!...... The way Manzoor Sir give you point to point(see two more P's, I started to think that I'm obsessed with the alphabet 'P' today) knowledge without any fancy words is the best possible way to convey the knowledge in my eyes. Now I think I made my point clear to those who are actually want to learn the 3-tier Architecture and for those who didn't get the point only Almighty can save you. I want to thank and congratulate the Udemy development team for providing such a user-friendly environment (I mean one can Gift a course to his/her friends, I haven't saw such feature even on the leading online shopping systems available over web). Great...I wish when I could be able to develop something like this..thanks for inspiring.. Lastly, Millions of Thanks to Manzoor Sir for letting me to learn this life changing course...waiting for what to come... Thanks. Awesom [Bijle Tarannum] I would like thanks for the g8 opportunity I got to learn from Udemy and Mohd Manzoor Ahmed !!!!!! the three tier course by Mohd Manzoor Ahmed i had taken was awesm and was helpful........ i had read the conecpts frm othr sources too bt this was too good and cleard all my concepts regarding the layers and specially database very wel done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I m very keen to learn other courses with Mohd Manzoor Ahmed Pls come with the MVC asap!!!!!!!!!"
Price: 24.99

"The Complete ASP.Net Core MVC With Entity Framework Core"
"By the end of this course you will be in a position to implement the following : -Entity Framework 6 Db First And Entity Framework Core 2.0 Code First :Getting Started With Entity Framework Core 2.0Migrations And Database UpdatesClass Designing TechniquesData Annotations And CRUD OperationsSelect OperationsImmediate Mode Vs Differed ModeList Vs IEnumerable Vs IQueryableEager Loading Vs Explicit Loading Vs Lazy LoadingWorking with Raw SQL And Stored ProceduresAuto And Manual Transactions3 Layered Approach With .Net Standard LibraryASP.Net MVC 5 And ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC :ASP.NET Core can target .NET Core or .NET Framework. ASP.NET Core apps targeting .NET Framework aren't cross-platformthey run on Windows only. There are no plans to remove support for targeting .NET Framework in ASP.NET Core. Generally, ASP.NET Core is made up of.NET Standardlibraries. Apps written with .NET Standard 2.0 run anywhere that .NET Standard 2.0 is supported.Introduction To ASP.Net ApplicationGetting Started With First Static And ASP.Net Core MVC Web AppGet Vs Post And Passing Data From View To ControllerRazor View Engine And HTMLHelper ClassesViewData Vs ViewBag And EF In MVCModel Binding And TempDataTag Helper And Form ValidationsCRUD Operations And BootStrapDependency Injection And LayoutsAuthentication In ASP.Net Core MVC Using Identity ServerInitial Setup And User RegistrationLogIn And LogoutEmail Confirmation And Forgot PasswordAuthorization In ASP.Net Core MVC Using Identity ServerInitial SetupAssign Roles DynamicallyAjaxLinks And AjaxForms (Links And Partial Views)AjaxLinks And Forms(AjaxForms)Introduction To JQueryJQuery Based Ajax Calls - Read OperationsJQuery Based Ajax Calls - Create-Update-Delete OperationsNote : As these videos are from a live recorded session you need to manage a little audio disturbances.Yes not much :)"
Price: 64.99

"Learn C#.Net Core With Real World Examples"
"Q:Hey! I am new to programming and I dont know C Language, Can I take this course?A:Yes! you are at the right place. Here I am going to teach you programming from scratch. Even if you dont know C programming language, you need not to worry. I will be starting from very basic concepts like what integer is, what string is, what double is and how to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. Then I will slowly take you to the real time world examples like with conditional statements and loops, which will make you ready to dive into the object oriented programming ocean.We will be stepping into object oriented programming world with the real time objects students, bank customers, loans etc., And finally you will no more feel that you cannot do programming or object oriented programming.We will be covering the following topics:Basic Programming In C# - Control StructuresIntroduction-Dll-Exe-Getting-Started-With-VS2017-Debugging (51:25)DataTypes - Control Structures (Conditions, Switch Case and Loops) (49:28)Arrays - ForEach - Structures - var Vs dynamic Types (57:27)Basic Object Oriented ProgrammingClasses-Objects-Feilds-Methods-Constructors (44:40)ConstructorsOverloading-thiskeyword-MethodOverloading-Properties-AutoProperties (56:13)Static-Feild-Constructor-Property-Method-Class (32:44)Namespaces-Dll-DotNetStandardLibrary (43:06)Advanced Object Oriented ProgrammingInheritance-baseKeyword-MethodOverriding (53:01)SealedMethodsAndSealedClasses (12:21)AbstractMethod-AbstractClass-RunTimePolymorphism (34:35)Interfaces-PartialClasses-CollectionClasses-LINQ (37:26)ExceptionHandlingAndAssigment (26:01)"
Price: 24.99

"Live Project On ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC(Formerly ASP.Net MVC 5)"
"Formerly : ASP.Net MVC5 With EF Database First Approach (Section 1 to 10)Newly Added : ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC With EF Core 2.0 Code First Approach (Section 11)Are you really excited to learn how to develop a 3-Tier arch using Asp.Net MVC, jQuery, Bootstrap, C#.Net, Entity Framework and MS SQL Server? Then you are going to learn it here with me from scratch.. In this course we are going to learn how to break requirements into objects and find relation among them. We will then learn designing database out of this objects and relationships. Moving forward we will also see how to design arch. of the project and implement various layers. We are going to learn implementation of business object layer using Entity Framework and data access layer using repository design pattern and Entity Framework.For user interface we will see Asp.Net MVC, jQuery and Bootstrap. We will learn how bootstrap makes our application responsive.We will also see how to implement custom sorting and paging. Moving ahead you will learn forms validations and business rules validations as well. We are going to secure our app using custom membership provider and role provider and publish it on web. In Advance operations we will try to understand how to implement transactions, bind multiple models to single view and Ajaxyfiy our Asp.Net web App. Finally we will also see few optimization techniques. As we know very well that Microsoft .Net world is moving towards .Net core on a fast track and it's the right time for us to upgrade our technical skills to ASP.Net Core 2.0.To help you out in making you remain up to date in the competitive world of IT. We will also learn how to create a live project usingASP.Net Core 2.0 MVCandEntity Framework Core 2.0 Code First Approach.New Features Will Be Added:BOL - .Net Core 2.0 Class Library - (Updated On 28 July , 2018)DAL - EF Core 2.0 Code First Aproach With Repository PatternBLL - C#.Net Core 2.0 With Iterator PatternUI - ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC with MVVM PatternDependency Injections For Loose couplingIdentity Server For Authentication And Authorization So, those who purchased""ASP.Net MVC Live Project""course will get thisfor freeand it will be added at the bottom of the course.As these are from a live recorded session you need to manage a little audio disturbances. Yes not much :)"
Price: 44.99

"Kali Linux: Pon a prueba tus tcnicas de hackeo en retos CTF"
"En este curso el alumno aprender sobre los retos o las competencias de pentesting (penetracin de sistemas) y hacking conocidas en Ingls como Capture The Flag y realizar pruebas de pentesting y hacking tico utilizando las heramientas provistas en Kali Linux en un entorno de pruebas de prctica controlado y seguro.Capturar la bandera (""Capture The Flag"" o CTF por sus siglas en ingls) son retos o competencias de hacking tanto para principiantes como para extertos en seguridad informtica que tienen como objetivo que el participante obtenga banderas o pistas al resolver una serie de tareas o hackeos al vulnerar sistemas.Si el alumno ha tomado cursos de hacking tico y desea poner en prctica esos conocimientos de manera segura, este curso le proporcionar las herramientas necesarias. Comenzaremos explicando los diferentes retos de Captura de Banderas (""Capture the Flags"") disponibles en Internet y descargaremos mquinas virtuales parecidas a Metasploitable, diseadas para ser ""hackeadas"" de igual manera, pero algunas con pistas (banderas, tokens, claves, etc.) que nos permitirn seguir vulnerando el sistema poniendo a prueba nuestros conocimientos y destrezas en seguridad infomtica.El curso utilizar herramientas 100% gratuitas que son fcilmente encontradas en Internet."
Price: 24.99