"Tai Chi Qi Gong Fitness for Office - Relax Mind and Body BDJ" |
"Eight-Section Silken Stretching Qi Gong. Baduanjin qigong; variously translated as Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight-Section Brocade, Eight Silken Movements or Eight Silk Weaving, the name of the form generally refers to how the eight individual movements of the form characterize and impart a silken quality (like that of a piece of brocade) to the body and its energy. Tai chi, short for T'ai chi ch'an or Tij qun (Chinese: ; pinyin: Tij qun), is a traditional Chinese martial art which combines mind and awareness of our body, the deep diaphragmatic breathing and Qi, the inherent vital energy, through graceful movements to achieve mindfulness and relaxation. Tai chi is practiced for both its defense training, its health benefits and meditation.Qigong, qi gong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: qgng literally: ""Life Energy Cultivation"") is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used in belief it promotes health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and calm meditative state of mind. Qigong can be viewed as a medicinal movement practice, combining breath work, relaxation, movement and self-massage all in one. In this courses, I will show you through breath control exercise and Tai Chi Skill to regain the peace of mind, relax and control your stress even just sitting on chair in office or even you are in the driver seat in a car. Let we start this amazing journey!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Amazing Classic Chinese Yi Jin Jing Stretching for Office" |
"YI JIN JING QI GONG Y jn jng Classic Chinese Muscle Tendon Stretching Qi Gong. The Yijin Jing (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Yjnjng; WadeGiles: I Chin Ching; literally: 'Muscle/Tendon Change Classic') is a manual containing a series of exercises, coordinated with breathing, said to enhance physical health dramatically when practiced consistently. In Chinese yi means ""change"", jin means ""tendons and sinews"", while jing means ""methods, classic"". While some consider these exercises as a form of Qigong, it is a relatively intense form of exercise that aims at strengthening the muscles and tendons, so promoting strength and flexibility, speed and stamina, balance and coordination of the body. These exercises are notable for being a key element of the physical conditioning used in Shaolin training.Tai chi, short for T'ai chi ch'an or Tij qun (Chinese: ; pinyin: Tij qun), is a traditional Chinese martial art which combines mind and awareness of our body, the deep diaphragmatic breathing and Qi, the inherent vital energy, through graceful movements to achieve mindfulness and relaxation. Tai chi is practiced for both its defense training, its health benefits and meditation.Qigong, qi gong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: qgng literally: ""Life Energy Cultivation"") is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used in belief it promotes health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and calm meditative state of mind. Qigong can be viewed as a medicinal movement practice, combining breath work, relaxation, movement and self-massage all in one. In this courses, I will show you through YI JIN JING QI GONGl exercise and Tai Chi Skill to regain the peace of mind, relax and control your stress in office Let we start this amazing journey!"
Price: 39.99 |
"In this course, students will get a broad overview about Darknet being in that portion of the Internet wherein cybercrime is a default economic activity and wherein all kinds of criminal activities and acts are being done. In this course, students will also get to learn about the various practical legal policy and regulatory issues and challenges that the advent of Darknet is beginning to throw up. In this course, students will also learn how the legal jurisprudence pertaining to Darknet is at a very early stage of its development, and how there is a need for coming up with appropriate innovative legal strategies and approaches so as to deal with the emerging legal challenges thrown up by the Darknet.Dr. Pavan DuggalAdvocate, Supreme Court of India."
Price: 24.99 |
"Xamarin iOS: Aprende desde cero hasta experto" |
"Seas bienvenido al curso de Xamarin iOS, aprende desde cero las principales funcionalidades de iOS en tu camino para ser un experto en el desarrollo de aplicaciones nativas usando Visual Studio para Mac en lenguaje C#.El curso est diseado de tal manera que puedas aprender paso a paso las principales caractersticas del desarrollo para iOS, en donde vers los siguientes temas:Paso entre diferentes vistas (ventanas)Uso de los tabs en iOSReproduccin de contenido multimedia local y de InternetAcceso a la biblioteca de imgenesAcceso a la cmaraAlmacenamiento de imgenes en biblioteca y en la carpeta de la aplicacinGesto de toqueGesto de arrastreGesto de rotacinSensor Biomtrico (TouchID)AcelermetroGeolocalizacinAcceso a los diferentes tipos de Mapas y marcadoresTrazos de rutas en MapasMapas de GoogleGoogle StreeViewAnimacin de gravedadAnimacin de anclajeAnimacin de reboteDiferentes visores WebVisor de documentosNotificacin Local simple Notificacin Local por calendarioNotificacin Local con respuesta y obtencin del mensajeAlmacenamiento en SQLiteConsultas de todos los registros en SQLite y su visualizacin en una TablaConsultas detalladas de SQLite a partir de una seleccin de un listado en una TablaConsulta de datos de un Servicio REST en formato json a partir de la geolocalizacinAlmacenamiento de registros en la Nube de AzureAlmacenamiento de archivos en la Nube de AzureConsulta de datos de la Nube de AzureConsulta de archivos de la Nube de AzureCapa de cargado y consultas en tablas personalizadasGeneracin de certificados de publicacinAutenticacin de cuenta de Apple en Visual Studio con fastlaneGeneracin del archivo iPA desde Visual StudioPreparacin para publicacin con ITunes Connect y Open Application Loader.Todos los mdulos empiezan la aplicacin desde cero, es decir, no tenemos proyectos pre-cargados con cdigos ya realizados previamente. Lo importante es que aprendas el proceso desde que abres Visual Studio para Mac.Nota Importante: Por la cantidad de alumnos en el curso, se incluyen por mensaje directo dentro de la plataforma el link para descargar todos los cdigos usados en el curso, por lo que no se tienen asesoras personalizadas al momento."
Price: 34.99 |
"Xamarin Android: Almacenamiento en la Nube con Visual Studio" |
"Al terminar el curso podrs realizar aplicaciones para Android utilizando Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition que te permita almacenar y consultar informacin en tablas NoSQL y archivos en contenedores de la nube de Microsoft Azure. Adems podrs acceder desde el dispositivo a Servicios REST con acceso a MySQL sobre Ubuntu en la nube de Amazon y Azure.Temas que se tratarn:Creacin de la Interfaz grfica tipo Constraint Layout (Android Studio)Aplicacin de tipografa especficaAcceso a la cmara para obtencin de imagenObtencin de coordenadas de la geolocalizacinEsquinas redondeadas de botones e imgenesAlmacenamiento de informacin en Azure en tabla NoSQLAlmacenamiento de archivos en contenedores de AzureBarra de progreso de cargado de datosConsulta de datos completos de tablas NoSQL de AzureConsulta de datos detallados de tablas NoSQL de AzureColocacin de datos en Lista con inclusin de imgenes ajustadasAplicacin de fondos con degradado Generacin de detalle a partir de consulta especficaGeneracin de adaptador de datosAplicacin mvil con coordenadas en Google MapsLevantamiento de la API-REST ASP.NET Web API 2.0 en C# con Mono tanto de consumo como de almacenamiento de datos en mquina virtual Ubuntu 16 sobre XSP con acceso a MySQL sobre Amazon y Azure.Consumo mvil de la API-RESTCon cdigos incluidos para facilitar el aprendizaje.Nota Importante: Por la cantidad de alumnos en el curso, se incluyen por mensaje directo dentro de la plataforma el link para descargar todos los cdigos usados en el curso, por lo que no se tienen asesoras personalizadas al momento."
Price: 19.99 |
"Xamarin con acceso a .NET Core y SQL Server sobre Azure" |
"El curso te introducir a los siguientes temas:1.- Creacin de una base de datos en SQL Server sobre Azure.2.- Creacin de un servicio de tipo .NET Core Web API con acceso a SQL Server sobre Azure.3.- Montaje del servicio .NET Core WEB API en Azure App Service.4.- Conexin de una aplicacin mvil para Android utilizando Xamarin que se conecte a .NET Core Web API sobre Azure y almacene y extraiga informacin en formato JSON de una consulta de datos a SQL Server sobre Azure.Durante el curso no se explica el proceso de instalacin, por lo que deben de tener instalado lo siguiente:1.- Una cuenta de Azure. (puede ser la versin trial o la versin para estudiantes de crdito de 100dlls).2.- Visual Studio 2017 con los paquetes de Xamarin instalados.3.- Android Studio con un sdk instalado (recomendado versin 7) y su simulador o un dispositivo fsico Android.4.- SQL Server Management StudioRequisitos de programacin:1.- Conocimiento bsico de programacin en lenguaje C#.Una vez inscrito en el curso recibirs el cdigo del curso:1.- .NET Core Web API 2 utilizado en la prctica.2.- Xamarin Android que se conecta con el .NET Core Web API.Nota Importante: Por la cantidad de alumnos en el curso, se incluyen por mensaje directo dentro de la plataforma el link para descargar todos los cdigos usados en el curso, por lo que no se tienen asesoras personalizadas al momento."
Price: 19.99 |
"Doodle Magic Basic & Advanced Techniques" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to doodle? Or maybe you're a seasoned doodler and just want to pick up moretechniques? Well, whatever the case, this class will give you valuable tips, tricks, techniques, ideas, and examples!Some of the things we will cover are:What is DoodlingBest Supplies (But you can use anything you like!:))Making MistakesTips & TricksMessy Vs Clean DoodlesWord & Lettering DoodlesCute & Simple Character DoodlesAbstract DoodlingUsing ReferencesExpanding Your Visual VocabularyBeing CreativeFinding Inspiration& much more!!The class will also show many examples of the doodle techniques being put to use and will help you to believe in your doodling skills and to step outside the box! So, get your doodle pens out and let's make some doodle mayhem! :)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Cyber Security Incident Response" |
"NEW 2019 Hacking Tools Lecture added! Prevent hacking-related incidents by finding vulnerabilities in your systems before malicious users and cyber criminals with Hacking Tools! NEW updated assignment added!! This course will teach you how to effectively respond to Cyber Security incidents as recommended by the United States Department of Defense, FBI Infragard and experienced Information Security professionals.The curriculum includes, but is not limited to, learning the fundamentals of incident response, establishing requirements, setting up operations, communicating effectively, making operations in place work effectively, legal and law enforcement involvement, training and awareness, etc.Learn what roles are needed to manage an incident response team. Given the frequency and complexity of today's cyber attacks, incident response is a critical function for organizations. Incident response is the last line of defense. Detecting and efficiently responding to incidents requires strong management processes, and managing an incident response team requires special skills and knowledge."
Price: 199.99 |
"Linux Kernel Programming - IPC b/w Userspace and KernelSpace" |
"** I am Still Adding Content to this Course** - Last Updated: 26 Jan 2020Welcome to the Linux Kernel Programming world! This is the course on Netlink Sockets in which I have covered Netlink Sockets in Detail which is a kernel facility provided to userspace applications to carry out bidirectional IPC with kernel space. In this course, We shall learn how Netlink Sockets can be used to exchange Netlink Messages between Kernel and Userspace.This Course could also be your first step towards entering the kernel programming world !! This is a good starting point for those who will be writing kernel code for the first time. We shall be writing lots of lots of kernel and userspace code to understand Netlink Based communication. Need-less to say you should be good with C programming.Table Of Contents :******************Section 1 : Setting Up Development EnvironmentAgenda, Pre-requiste, AssumptionHow to do Kernel Programming based Courses ?Setting up Development EnvironmentInstalling Linux Kernel HeadersSection 2 : Writing Linux Kernel ModulesWhat are LKMs ?Hellow-World LKMSection 3 : Understanding Netlink SocketsCommunication Mediums in the SystemSockets - As a unified interfaceNetlink Communication Use-CasesThe Netlink Project for the CourseSection 4 : Netlink Communication - Theory before CodingNetlink Msg formatsNetlink Msg typesNetlink Msg flags Netlink Communication ModelNetlink Sequence NumberNetlink Port ID << Delivered till here as on 26 Jan 2020Section 5 : Writing a First Netlink ProgramGreet Kernel from UserspaceReceive Reply from Kernel to UserspaceSection 6 : Getting Started with Netlink ProjectProblem StatementSending CREATE Netlink Msg to KernelGetting Feedback/Reply from Kernel to UserspaceSending UPDATE Netlink Msg to KernelNetlink DELETE Netlink Msg to KernelNetlink READ operation Reading Data from Kernel Space into USer spaceSection 7 : Netlink Group SubscriptionSending Kernel Data to Multiple Userspace processesMulticast Group Subscription Multicast Group unsubscriptionSection 8 : Selective Event-based Notification(Un)Subscribing for the event in Kernel SpaceWhere to go from here ?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Customer Invoice Billing Application in PHP & MySQL" |
"In this course you are going to build Invoice Billing Application in PHP & MySQL, and it is best suitable for developers who want to learn with hands-on project. This project covers from basic to advanced concepts on working PHP project.This course (Invoice Billing Application in PHP & MySQL) is structured based on the topics. And it is easily understood by any one who has basic knowledge of PHP & MySQL."
Price: 99.99 |
"Agjibreathing Krebs CoachDie 5 mintige Survive Ausbildung" |
"Wie Du tglich mit 5 Minuten Agjibreathing den Kampf um Dein Leben gewinnst!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-Minuten, die Dein Leben verndern!! Den TUMOR IN DIR beherrschen !Wenn Du eine Krebsdiagnose bekommst, fhlst Du Dich mglicherweise ohnmchtig, ungerecht vom Leben bestraft und ausgeliefert. Krebspatienten teilten mit mir ihre Gefhle, ihre verschiedenen Lebenssituationen, ihre Hoffnungslosigkeit sowie ihren Mut. Es heit, es ginge darum, den Krebs zu bekmpfen, den Kampf gegen den Krebs zu gewinnen. Wenn es ein Kampf ist, muss man auch wissen, wie man kmpfen kann. Vielen ist klar, vielleicht nur unbewusst, dass der mentale Zustand, also Deine innere Kraft, Deine Selbstliebe, Dein Wille, Dein Mut, Deine bedingungslose Liebe zum Leben eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Krebs zwingt Dich in Deinen Meistermodus zu wechseln. Wenn Du das Glck hast, Menschen zu begegnen, die Dich anleiten, fhle Dich gesegnet, fhle Dankbarkeit und Demut. Warum ist das so wichtig? Es geht nur um Dich selbst! Denke nur an Dich selbst! Dankbarkeit und Demut sind nur wichtig, weil Du dann die Ernsthaftigkeit und Ausdauer in den Weg legst, die der Weg nmlich braucht. Einen Schicksalsschlag in einen Kraftweg umzuwandeln ist eines der grten Herausforderungen dieser Welt. Einige haben zu frh aufgegeben, viele haben es aber auch geschafft. Dein Leben ist genauso wertvoll, wie Du es liebst. Liebe hat die hchste Heilenergie. Deine Emotionen spielen eine groe Rolle auf Deinem Genesungsweg. Vielleicht kennst Du das, Gefhle wie Scham, Schuld und Hoffnungslosigkeit entziehen Dir Energie. Gefhle wie Freude, Zuversicht, Glckseligkeit und Liebe beschenken Dich mit Energie und Heilung. Ein Genesungsweg ist immer ein Kraftweg. Niemand kann auf Knopfdruck pltzlich glcklich sein, aber wir knnen uns dem Glck zuwenden. Wir knnen daran arbeiten, dass es uns Tag fr Tag immer besser geht. Worauf wir uns fokussieren, vergrert sich auch. Wir knnen hassen. Wir knnen lieben. Wir knnen in Rckschlgen verzweifeln und nie wieder aufstehen. Wir knnen unseren Mut sammeln, Vorbild sein und alles was uns wichtig ist, verteidigen.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Wenn Du Dein Leben liebst, gebe bitte nicht auf!----------------------------------------------------------------------------Was heute unerreichbar scheint, dem bist Du morgen schon ein Schritt nher. Werde zu diesem besonderen Menschen, der irgendwann zurckschaut und es geschafft hat. Sei hart und konsequent zu Dir selbst, wenn negative Gefhle Dich runterziehen wollen. Glaube ihnen nicht, vertraue ihnen nicht, sie sind schlechte Ratgeber. Die Kraft Deiner Seele ist grer als die Kraft Deines Geistes. Sie kann Dich aber erst untersttzen, wenn Dein Geist bereit ist und es zulsst. In Dir sind grere Krfte, als Du es Dir vorstellen kannst.Die Anleitung in diesem Kurs sind ein Anfang, ein erster Schritt, ein Herantasten und gleichzeitig ein erstes Aufleuchten und Erblhen. Alles, was Du in diesem Kurs lernst kann Dich Dein Leben lang begleiten. Es hat die Macht ein Feuer in Dir zu entfachen, Kraftquellen zu entdecken, die Richtung zu ndern und Deine Zellen mit Energie aufzuladen. Umarme Dein Leben, umarme Dich selbst, atme ein, schau nach oben und lchle.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dein Leben gehrt Dir! Kmpfe dafr, lass es Dir von niemandem nehmen und lass Dich nicht ohnmchtig in andere Hnde fallen, sei in Dir stark, sei in Dir vital, sein voller Wille, Mut, Trost, Wut, Antriebskraft, sei mchtig, sei tchtig, sei ehrgeizig, sei lebensfroh. Schritt fr Schritt - hol Dir Dein Leben zurck!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99 |
"Erleuchtungs Coach AusbildungFokus: Ewig hohe Energiequelle" |
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Deinem Leben gelingt wirklich nur immer das, was Du eigentlich wolltest und Dich nie so richtig getraut hast.Wenn Du alles tust, so wie es Dir persnlich gefllt und genau nur das, was Dir auch gefllt, wird es Dir wirklich auch gelingen und es wird Dir gut gehen. Aller Stress, Belastungen, Druck fllt pltzlich weg. Wie kann das sein? Es kann sein, weil Du wirklich nur das tust und visionierst, was Dir gefllt und Dir Freude bringt. Negative Energie kann so gar nicht mehr zu Dir durchdringen.Sobald Du Dich verbiegst oder gar anfngst zu zweifeln, machst Du selbstzerstrerisch alles kaputt, was Du Dir aufgebaut hast. Stress, Burn-Out, berlastungen, berforderungen, Depressionen gar sind die Folge.Hre auf Dein Gefhl und tue was Dir gefllt. Dein Geschenk an Dich selbst.Alles GuteMawuli Y. AgboliZweifel zerstrenGefallen, Vertrauen, Glaube baut auf!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Das Meister-Bewusstsein der friedvollen Kraft!Konkrete bungen und wertvolles sowie bereicherndes Wissen leiten Dich durch diesen einmaligen Kurs.Die Master-Session wird Dich nachhaltig strken und Dir die Tr zu wahren inneren Frieden ffnen. Jeder Tag ist voller Herausforderungen und gleichzeitigen verborgenen Gelegenheiten, egal in welcher Lebenssituation Du Dich gerade befindest. Diese Anleitung zu innerem Frieden ist nicht nur etwas fr berlastete Manager, sondern fr jeden Menschen, der die Quelle zu hoher Lebensqualitt entdecken mchte.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lektion 1:Die dreifache Achtsamkeit!Abschnitt 1:Der Weg zum inneren Frieden!Lektion 2:Angeleitete vorbereitende Erdungs-MeditationLektion 3:Inneren Frieden verstehenLektion 4:Praxis: Vorbereitend Fugelenke und Knie ffnen!Lektion 5:Das was Dich aufhlt erkennen!Lektion 6:Praxis: Vorbereitendes ffnen der MitteLektion 7:Inneren Frieden in den Alltag integrierenLektion 8:Master-Praxis: Energiestrom der Wirbelsule ffnenLektion 9:Das Meister-Bewusstsein der friedvollen KraftLektion 10:Das Chi Deiner Organe in Einklang bringenLektion 11:Das Geheimnis der Lebenskraft"
Price: 199.99 |
"Erleuchtungs Coach AusbildungFokus: Herzmagnetausrichtung" |
"Der Glaube, ist das strkste Bewusstsein, was Dich begleitet.Wenn Du wirklich an Dich selbst glaubst, Dir vertraust, versetzt Du Berge und machst pltzlich Dinge mglich, die eigentich von auen gesehen, gar nicht gehen.Weil Du aber an Dich so fest glaubst, bewegst Du Deine Visionen in die Realitt Deines Alltags.Viel Glck auf Deinem atemberaubenden Weg.Mawuli Y. Agboli----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eine besondere Qi Gong Master-Session zur Steigerung & Zirkulation Deines Chi.5.000 Jahre altes Wissen in die MODERNE WELT gebracht.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ob Du Einsteiger bist, oder Fortgeschritten, das Qi Gong Geheimnis entfaltet sich in jenem Moment, wo Du mit der Anwendung beginnst. berliefert ist es, in Form der 3 goldenen Schlssel:- besondere Atmung- besondere Geisteshaltung / Aufmerksamkeit- besondere Bewegung!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeden Tag gewinnst und verlierst Du Energie. Hufig passiert das unkontrolliert,scheinbar ohne das Du Einfluss darauf hast. Das wertvolle am Qi Gong ist es,dass Du von Tag zu Tag,von Woche zu Woche,Monat zu Monat,Deine Energie steigern kannst.Energiemangel durch Stress,Multitasking und berforderung sind hufig Ursachen fr die gngigen Gesellschaftskrankheiten.Umgekehrt kannst Du mit dem richtigen Wissen Gesundheit,Vitalkraft,Lebensfreude und Leistungsfhigkeit steigern und Stabilisieren. ---------------------------------Der Qi Gong Weg,ist ein Weg, der auf Meisterschaft ausgerichtet ist. ----Es gibt kein Ende,nur einen fortlaufenden Prozess einer wunderbaren Entwicklung. Wer einmal in den wahren Genuss echter Qi Gong Praxis gekommen ist, wird davon fasziniert sein und sie nie wieder los lassen wollen. Eigentlich ist es gar nichts besonderes seine Energie zu entwickeln. Wir Menschen sind dazu veranlagt,dies zu knnen. Es ist eine Fhigkeit,die man erlernen kann und immer hher ausbauen kann.Du wirst dadurch widerstandsfhiger, souverner,unantastbarer,glcklicher,frhlicher und bekommst ein strahlendes ueres. ----------------------------------- Lerne, wie Du den Energiestrom Deiner Wirbelsule ffnest- Erfahre, wie Du Erdung aufbaust und damit auch emotional stabiler wirst- Lerne Atmung und Bewegung so zu vereinen, dass Du Energie multiplizierst- Profitiere von ntzlichen Hinweisen, wie Du mit dem richtigen Mind-Set im Alltag Deine Energie beeinflusst- Erlebe eine besondere Session, die Dich sofort erfrischt und frhlich fhlen lsst----------------------------------------------------------------------Manchmal brauchen wir im Leben und Alltagsstress neben allen Herausforderungen auch mal eine Insel der Kraft,zum Auftanken, zum Wohlfhlen und zum Regenerieren. Wer viel von sich fordert und anspruchsvoll ist,ist bereits auf einem Kraftweg. Es ist nicht falsch,viel zu leisten und viel hervorzubringen. Destruktiv ist es nur, wenn man nicht wei, wie man genauso stark auch wieder Energie gewinnt und zu sich flieen lsst. Kleine tgliche Qi Gong Anwendungen, knnen schon Wunder bewirken. Das wertvolle ist, dass Du immer bewusster damit wirst, wie Du Kraft gewinnst und wann Du zu viel Energie verlierst. Das Geheimnis der Meister ist eine Kombination aus einem hochentwickelten Energiebewusstsein, Praxiswissen und dem richtigen Mind-Set zu sich selbst: nmlich eine hochentwickelte Selbstliebe. Gehe Deinen Weg der Kraft, lebe Flle und Glckseligkeit und werde zu einem besonderen vitalen Menschen.Deine Entscheidung Dich Dir selbst zuzuwenden ist das grte Geschenk, was Du Dir und den Menschen, die Dich lieben, machen kannst. Das Ergebnis ist eine hohe Lebensqualitt. Viel Erfolg auf Deinem Weg WNSCHT DIR MAWULI YAW AGBOLI!!SEI DEIN EIGENER KRAFT-MASTER!VERVOLLKOMMENE SELBST DEINEN WERT--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99 |
"Business Erfolgs Coach AusbildungHow 2 succeed in my job" |
"Karriere nicht dem Zufall berlassen, sondern geschickter als alle anderen, Karrierestufen berspringen.Die nie erkannten KarrierehebelWie Karriere-Typen strategisch geschickt und manipulativ in groen Schritten vorankommen, ohne dafr zu verhandeln!Mit hoher Geschwindigkeit kommen einige Menschen in Unternehmen voran und berholen sogar besser qualifizierte Kollegen dabei, die fleiig arbeiten. Das Geheimnis echter Karriere-Typen ist weder eine gute Ausbildung und hoher Arbeitseifer, denn sie beginnen hufig auch ganz unten in der Hierarchie und fallen zunchst nicht durch auergewhnliche Hochleistung auf. Vielmehr gehen sie andere Wege als gewhnlich und wissen sich besser zu positionieren.Umgekehrt sind gut ausgebildete Mitarbeiter, die zuverlssig viel arbeiten hufig Jahre lang in ein und der selben Position ohne, dass sich fr sie etwas positiv verndert oder sie mehr Geld bekommen.Karriere zu machen ist keine Frage der Verhandlungssache, sondern eine Frage des richtigen Verhaltens und der strategisch/ manipulativen Ausrichtung.In diesem Kurs erfahren alle Teilnehmer, wie man seine eigene Karriere in klaren Schritten selber arrangiert und am Ende sogar alle davon profitieren.Das Besondere dabei ist, dass es sogar egal, wo man heute startet.Der Weg nach oben ist immer offen, man muss nur wissen, wie man ihn gehen muss!- Was unterscheidet Arbeitsbienen von schlauen Karriere-Kpfen?- Was sind die hufigsten Fehler, warum die meisten Menschen in ihrer Karriere stagnieren und es nicht einmal merken- Wieso Du mit falschen Annahmen, Dich tot arbeitest und keinen Dank dafr bekommst?- Welche Strategien bringen Dich rasant schnell nach oben, egal wie Du in einer Firma startest- Mit welcher Intelligenz wirst Du vom Praktikant zum Manager- Wie positionierst Du Dich schlau / richtig in Deinem Unternehmen, so dass Du fr Deinen Chef, die erste Wahl bist?- Mit welchem Umdenken gewinnst Du Karrieresprnge, obwohl Du mglicherweise schlechter qualifiziert bist als andere- Wie bereitest Du Karrieresprnge perfekt vor und wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt zuzuschlagen und wann nicht?- Wie denken Geschftsleitung sowie Topmanager und wann wirst Du fr sie unentbehrlichMit einfachen Beispielen und praxisnahen Erklrungen, wirst Du Stck fr Stck durch einen Erkenntnispfad geleitet, der Dich befhigt aus jeder Jobposition Gold zu machen.Ob Du einen Ausbildungsberuf nachgehst oder eine akademische Laufbahn absolviert hast, die Prinzipien sind exakt die selben und fhren immer zum gleichen Ergebnis, nmlich, dass Du unvorstellbare Positionen einnimmst und hufig sogar, obwohl es diese im Unternehmen gar nicht gab. Das besondere ist, Du verdienst deutlich mehr als andere, Dein Job ist gesichert, Du hast mehr Freiheiten und kannst mitentscheiden, welche Aufgaben und Verantwortungsbereiche Du inne haben mchtest.""How to manipulate your boss"" wird Dein Denken und Handeln grundstzlich ndern und Dich auf einen spannenden Erfolgsweg schicken. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Die Investition in Deine Karriere ist gleichzeitig eine Investition in Deine Lebensfreude."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mental Coach AusbildungMehr mentales Bewusstsein & Strke" |
"""Motivate Max"" - das innere Mentalkraft Programm fr persnliche Maximalleistung.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeder Mensch hat schlummernde Potenziale, die er noch nicht kennt!Egal, wo Du heute stehst, egal was frher einmal war und egal was Du bisher von Dir gedacht hast!""Motivate Max"" bringt Dich in ein vllig neues Bewusstsein Deiner Selbst.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mentales Doping ist deshalb so wirkungsvoll, weil es Krfte aktiviert,die Du sonst Dein Leben lang ungenutzt lsst. Unser Geist steuert und beeinflusst unsere Gefhle. Unsere Gefhle steuern unsere krperliche Leistungsfhigkeit. ""Motivate Max"" ist eigentlich fr Leistungssportler entwickelt worden,um die letzten 5% ihrer ungenutzten Potentiale zu aktivieren und sie zu befhigen im entscheidenden Moment ber sich hinaus zu wachsen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mittlerweile haben unzhlige Privatmenschen,Manager sowie Studenten das ""Mental Doping Program"" genutzt,um souvern & kraftvoll genau in jenem Macher-Modus zu sein,in dem so viele Menschen gerne wren. Es ist genau dieser Zustand,in dem Du begeistert bist von Dir selbst,Dir alles leicht von der Hand geht und Dein Krper scheinbar unermtlich Power hat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erfahre wie Du schwache Zustnde in starke umwandelst- Nutze die Stufen des 6 Wochen Programms, um Stck fr Stck Dein mentales Bewusstsein hoch zu entwickeln- Jeden Tag sprichst Du unbewusst zu Dir selbst, sendest Botschaften nach Innen und manifestiert damit Dein Selbstbewusstsein, Deine Selbstwahrnehmung und Deine Haltung zu Dir selbst. Lerne kraftvolle Stze kennen, die Dein inneres Programm auf hchste Power ausrichten.- Lerne negative und manipulative Patterns kennen, die Dich daran hindern voll Du zu sein und Dich so zu entfalten, wie Deine Seele es eigentlich gern mchte.- Professionalisiere Dein Training, Dein ben, Deine Entwicklung und Dein Mentalzustand.- Werde zu einer auergewhnlichen Persnlichkeit, die fr andere beeindruckend erstrahlt.- Lerne die Geheimnisse besonderer Ausrichtung, besonderer Ziele, besonderer emotionaler Zustnde kennen. - Verbinde Dich mit Deinem Meistermodus und lerne Dich neu kennen.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Die Fhigkeit auf natrliche Art und Weise Deine Leistungskraft zu steigern,ist eine Kunst,um die Dich viele beneiden werden. Auf Knopfdruck mehr leisten zu knnen als andere untersttzt Dich in vielen Lebenssituationen. Egal ob im Job oder Privatem,mit mehr mentalem Bewusstsein und geistiger Strke bist Du ein Mensch mit hoher Lebensqualitt und fortlaufenden Erfolgen.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99 |
"Emotions CoachEmotion Energy Health Transformation Training" |
"Wie Du Deine Emotionen kontrollieren, lenken, steuern, verstehen, transformieren, wandeln kannst.Genau Da, wo Du stehst und oft situativ gar nicht die emotionale Situation beherrschen kannst.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Neue nderungen ab 14.01.2020------------------------------------------------------------------------Udemy stellt nach erfolgreichem Durcharbeiten aller Lektionen das Udemy Zertifikat automatisch aus.Wer das H+F EHT Zertifikat beanspruchen mchte, muss folgende Voraussetzungen durchlaufen. Ohne erfolgreiches Bestehen der EHT Abschlussprfung gibt es kein EHT Zertifikat.Nach Abschluss der letzten Vorlesung kannst Du Dein persnliches E>H<T-Abschlusszertifikat KOSTENPFLICHTIG ERWERBEN, welches offiziell von HerrmannFox der Institution fr ""New-Knowledge"" zertifiziert wurde.VORAUSSETZUNG:E<H<T ABSCHLUSSPRFUNGAngabe des Kaufdatums - wird von uns geprftPrfungskosten 75Kontakt: Nachricht an uns: Stichwort EHT PrfungNACH ERFOLGREICHEM BESTEHEN ERHLTST DU DAS EMOTIONAL-HEALTH-TRANSFORMATION ZERTIFIKAT (E<H<T) UND BIST EMOTIONS-MANAGER.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kompletter Kurs fr das Emotional-Health-Transformation Zertifikat (E>H<T): empfehlenswert fr Therapeuten, Life-Coaches------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Werde ein zertifizierter Emotional-Health-Transformation Coach & Berater-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dieser Kurs bietet eine auergewhnliche Grundlage fr diejenigen, die eine nachhaltige professionelle Coaching-Praxis etablieren mchten. Emotionen begleiten uns von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute unser Leben lang. Mal fhlen wir uns berfordert von ihnen und mal sind wir voller Glckseligkeit. Die eigenen Emotionen zu managen ist fr jeden Menschen eine Herausforderung und Kunst zu gleich.Mal gelingt es uns besser und mal schlechter.In dieser Disziplin ausgebildet zu sein,anderen Menschen oder sich selbst zu helfen, ist mehr als vorteilhaft.Denn Emotionen bestimmen mageblich unsere Lebensqualitt und zwar egal in welcher Lebenssituation wir uns gerade befinden.Mit dem E>H<T-Zertifikat ffnen wir erstmalig das Wissen rund um emotionales inneres Management.Ob zum Einsatz zur Beschleunigung von Heilungsprozessen oder um als Persnlichkeit energiestark zu wachsen und sich auch souvern bei anspruchsvollen Lebenssituationen zu fhlen, bietet dieser Kurs das komplette Wissen rund um emotionale Transformation:Emotionen verstehen und negative Emotionen wandelnSich nie wieder emotionalen Schwankungen hilflos ausgeliefert fhlenEmotionale Kompetenz als Heilungskatalysator entwickelnStufenweise zur emotionalen Stabilitt und inneren SouvernittTechniken zum Coachen in der Praxis und privatAndere befhigen Reife, Bestndigkeit und Entschlossenheit zu entwickeln Der chinesische Organkreislauf fr inneres Emotions-Management und Heilungsuntersttzung E>H<T-Modelle verwenden und verschiedene emotionale Zustnde bewltigenGesicherte Wege zur hochentwickelten Lebenszufriedenheit (selbst bei Depression oder Burn-out)Steigere deine sensorische Schrfe und entwickle emotionales Bewusstsein Die Fhigkeit ausbauen, falsch gesetzte Prioritten zu erkennen und Energieblockaden zu identifizierenWerde zu einem einnehmenden, einflussreichen und inspirierenden Kommunikator Identifiziere die begrenzenden Perspektiven und berzeugungen, die Menschen zurckhaltenHinweise zur Fremd- und Eigentherapie und vieles mehr...Ein besonders wertvoller Aspekt von E>H<T ist es, dass es Menschen ermglicht, sich von dem wegzubewegen, was sie im Leben nicht wollen, whrend sie sich zu dem hin bewegen, was ihnen gut tut und was sie in der Tiefe ihrer Seele eigentlich wollen. Dieser lebensverndernde Trainingskurs hilft, sich der eigenen wahren Persnlichkeit zu nhern, in ihr zu wachsen und in ihr aufzugehen. Fr Therapeuten, Coaches und Berater ist es eine Chance die persnliche Karriere auszubauen und die eigene Arbeit mit wertvollen Inhalten zu ergnzen. Mit dem E>H<T-Knowledge bauen Menschen Ihre zwischenmenschlichen Fhigkeiten aus und erweitern ihr Wissen hinsichtlich Einsatz verschiedener Lebensstrategien. Dieser E>H<T Zertifizierungskurs wird Dich mit all den Kernkompetenzen, Erkenntnissen und Werkzeugen versorgen, die Du bentigst, um Deine Reise als E>H<T Coach zu beginnen. Dieser Kurs ermglicht es Dir, Deine neuen Coaching-Fhigkeiten sofort in Deiner jetzigen Berufung umzusetzen.Du erhltst Zugang zu wertvollen Chart-Ansichten, zu ber 10 Modulen voller faszinierender Informationen, Lebenslektionen und zum Nachdenken anregenden Impulsen. Nach Abschluss des Kurses hast Du ein tiefes Verstndnis fr alle Kernkonzepte, Ideen und Prozesse, die die Welt der Emotionstransformation umschliet, um positive Vernderungen in sich selbst und bei Kunden zu ermglichen.Dieser aufregende E>H<T-Kurs beinhaltet eine volle Geld-zurck-Garantie und wenn Du nicht ganz zufrieden gewesen sein solltest, kannst Du Dein Geld ohne weitere Fragen zurckfordern."
Price: 199.99 |
"Apache Kafka for Developers using SpringBoot[Latest Edition]" |
"This course is structured to give you a theoretical and coding experience with Apache Kafka using SpringBoot. This course is targeted for developers who would like to build enterprise standard Kafka Client applications using SpringBoot.If you are looking forward to learning the below-listed things:Use cases where Kafka fits really wellInternals of Kafka and how it worksBuilt Enterprise Standard Kafka Client Applications using Producer/Consumer API using Spring BootUnit/Integration Tests for the Kafka Client ApplicationsThen this is the right course for you. This is a pure hands-on oriented course where you will be learning the concepts through code.By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of coding and implementing Kafka Clients using SpringBoot with Producer/Consumer API.Getting Started with KafkaIn this section, I will give you all a quick introduction to Apache Kafka, terminologies and different client APIs that are part of KafkaDownload and Install KafkaIn this section, we will download the Kafka distribution from the Kafka Website.Understanding Kafka Components and its Internals - (Theory + Hands-On)In this section, we will explore the Kafka internals from a theoretical perspective followed by hands-on exploring the Kafka internals.Learn about the Topics and Partitions in KafkaSetup a Local Kafka Cluster with Multiple BrokersProducer/Consumer messages in the Kafka ClusterLearn about Consumer Offsets and Consumer GroupsCommit Log and Retention PolicyLearn about Kafka Load Distribution and Fault Tolerance and Robustness Application OverViewThis section covers the application that we are going to build as part of this course.Build SpringBoot Kafka Producer - Hands-OnIn this section, we will learn about building a Kafka Producer using Spring Boot.Build RestAPI through which the events can be posted into the application from the outside worldExplore KafkaTemplate to publish the data into the Kafka TopicLearn different approaches to produce the message into the KafkaLearn to publish the Kafka Record using HeadersIntegration Testing using JUnit5 - Hands-OnIn this section, we will learn about different approaches to writing Integration tests using Embedded Kafka.Write Integration test cases to interact with the API using JUnit5Write Integration test cases to interact with Embedded Kafka using JUnit5Unit Testing using JUnit5- Hands-OnIn this section, we will learn about different approaches to writing unit tests Kafka Producer.Write Unit Tests to the controller layer using @WebMVC annotation and MockMVCAdd the validations to the request payload in the endpointWrite Custom Error Handler for different response codesKafka Producer - Sending Message With Key - Hands-OnIn this section, we will learn about sending the record to Kafka Topic with Key.Kafka Producer - Important ConfigurationsIn this section, we will learn about different key configurations to consider when it comes to reliable message delivery to KafkaBuild SpringBoot Kafka Consumer - Hands-OnIn this section, we will learn about building a Kafka Consumer using Spring Boot.Set up the base consumer project library-events consumerLearn about different Spring Kafka Terminologies which are necessary to configure a Kafka ConsumerLearn about how to configure a Kafka Consumer using the @KafkListener AnnotationLearn about how ""Spring Boot Auto Configuration works behind the scenes for Kafka Consumer""Consumer Groups and Consumer Offset Management- Hands-OnIn this section, we will code and learn about consumer groups and offset management.Demonstration how Consumer Groups plays a vital role when it comes to scalable message consumption and consumer rebalanceLearn about the Default consumer offset management by KafkaLearn about how consumer offset can be manually managed from the applicationDemonstration of how to achieve scalable message consumption by increasing the concurrency level to greater than 1Persisting Library Events in DB - Using H2 InMemory DataBaseIn this section, we will code and learn about integrating the DB layer into the library-events-consumer using Spring JPA.Configuring the H2 In-Memory DBCreate LibraryEvent and Book EntityBuild Service Layer to process LibraryEvent - ADD Event TypeBuild Service Layer to process LibraryEvent - MODIFY Event TypeIntegration Testing using Embedded Kafka - Kafka ConsumerIn this section, we will code and learn to write the Integration tests for the Kafka Consumer.Configure Embedded Kafka for Integration TestsWrite the Integration test for posting a ""NEW"" LibraryEvent Write the Integration test for posting an ""UPDATE"" LibraryEvent Integration Tests for Real Databases using TestContainersError Handling, Retry and Recovery - Kafka ConsumersIn this section, we will learn about the different error handling techniques that are available for Kafka Consumer.Custom Error HandlerRetry in Kafka ConsumerRetry SpecificExceptions using Custom RetryPolicyRecovery in Kafka ConsumerHandling Recovery in Kafka Consumer Error Handling, Retry/Recovery - Kafka ProducerError Handling in Kafka ProducerRetry in Kafka Producer - Broker Not AvailableRetry in Kafka Producer - Min.in.sync.replicasRetain/Recover Failed Records in Kafka ProducerBy the end of this you will have a complete understand and knowledge of building enterprise standard Kafka Consumers and Producers using Spring Boot with the Unit and Integration tests using EmbeddedKafka."
Price: 6400.00 |
"Comment faire notre publicit quand on part en affaires" |
"Lorsqu'on part en affaires, tous les dollars sont importants. Ceci tant dit, il est important d'investir dans son marketing sans quoi, vous n'aurez pas de clients. Comment avoir le maximum de rsultats avec le minimum d'investissement? Voici le thme de cette formationObjectifs :Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez comment:vous servir de votre rseau pour lancer votre entreprise;dvelopper des relationsavec les gens avec qui vous faites affaires;vous servir des rseaux sociaux;organiser des vnements pour mousser l'intrt;se servir de la gratuit/rabais d'une faon stratgique;se servir des outils de communication bons march ou gratuit;choisir les documents de communication essentiels;participer des vnements et activits pour vous faire connatre."
Price: 49.99 |
"Piano Sight-Reading Development with 25 Exercises" |
"In this course, we will break down 25 progressive sight-reading pieces in three unique ways:1) intervallic analysis2) rhythmic analysis3) practice videosBy isolating and strengthening each skill (intervals, rhythms, patterns) with dedicated videos for each example, we will train our eyes to rapidly recognize shapes and patterns, increasing speed, accuracy and efficiency in reading.With 5-10 minutes of daily reading, students who are consistent with practice can expect to finish the entire course within a month, and will have gained a solid foundation not only in sight-reading, but will become more independent in practice with a specific methodology to tackle more challenging scores."
Price: 19.99 |
"Google Maps Business SEO & Google Reputation Marketing" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes: Discover what you need to doto RankPage 1 inGoogle Maps. Google Maps is the next revolution inGoogle. It's taken a backseat to YouTubefor years, but 2018 is The Year of TheMaps! With new changes and the ability to drive INSANE AMOUNTSOFTRAFFICto your website consistently, it's become one of my favorite tools for local businesses. What's that? You say you have a Mobile Business, are aReal Estate Agent, or owna Home Business? That's OK, you can still list your businesson Google Maps, Increase your business today, and get a free local website provided by Google. I don't just leave you there, I also added 10 directories you can use to list your business without an address. This is a way to start your business on a ZEROBUDGET. 70% of mobile users rely on Google maps to find a service/business that can serve their needs, driving calls and text SMS to your home basedbusiness. I will guide you through this process and explain what you need to have a fully optimized, Service based listing on google without all of the hassle of having a retail shop.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------To get the full benefits of Google Maps, its not just about how to get your business on Google Maps, but how to get it ranking higher on Google Maps and Google My Business. Ranking refers to how high your business appears in the list of search results when someone makes a search using Google Maps. Thefirst page of a GoogleMaps listing is a very coveted place to be, as users are unlikely to search farther than the first page of search results. Google Maps Ranking FactorsWhile Google Maps ranking used to be based on such things as proximity and industry categories, Google is now including other factors into its calculation of rankings. This is good news for small and medium-sized businesses whose listings may otherwise be overshadowed by large corporations and chain companies. There are several things you can to increaseyour ranking and market your business on Google Maps. 1. Verify your Google My BusinessInformationThe more Google knows about your business, the better it will be able to correctly display your business listing online. Make sure that your listing is complete and accurate, including:Contact information and website.Include all possible contact information including your name, address, telephone number, and website so that Google can provide as much information as possible.Business hours.Google Maps tells users if a business is open or closed and if its opening or closing soon. Adding business hours to your listing can give potential customers the impetus to use your business.No duplicate pieces of information.Google will discredit businesses with multiple phone numbers or locations listed for one actual business. Weed out the superfluous and make sure all written information is accurate.Make sure your Google My Business name includes keywords as well that relate to your business. While this may affect the consistent appearance of your GMB profile, it will help to reach more customers searching for the services your business offers.2. Get Google ReviewsUser reviews add another dimension of trustworthiness to a business, and Google has recognized that fact by ranking businesses with a high volume of good reviews higher on Google Maps. Keep in mind that, once you open up your business for reviews, there is no turning back. Like other sites like Yelp, you will not have control over what people say, so your reviews may be both good and bad. However, its not all doom and gloom. Unless your service is truly atrocious, bad reviews, statistically speaking, tend to be far and few in-between. To get started, copy your Google review link. Go to your Google map listing, click more information and copy the direct link you find there. Share this link over your social media channels to encourage reviews. You can also create a landing page on your website that leads directly to your Google Maps listing review form.To give yourself a boost, ask a handful of trusted, loyal customers (ones who you know will leave you a positive review) to write a review for you. Just a few positive reviews will be enough to instantly rev up your rankings.3. Properly Categorize Your BusinessWhen you firstcreate a Google Maps listing, you have the option of adding a primary industry category, or keyword to describe your business.What many business owners dont know is that you can addup to five additional categories. You should make use of all five of these. Your primary category should be the main classification for your business (ex: realtor, restaurant), while the remaining five categories should incorporatelocal SEO keywordsthat act as additional descriptors (ex: Dallas realtor, Paradise Heights restaurant).4. Embed a Google Map on Your WebsiteAnother way to rank higher on Google Maps is to embed a Google Map on your website. Most businesses place a map on the contact page of their site. Embedding a Google Map is just another way to telling Google that your business is located where your listings says it is. Use the same address that you have on your Google My Business listing.To embed a Google Map on your website, search for your business name in Google Maps. Click on the three lines next to your business name and click Share or Embed Map. Copy and paste the link on your businesss contact page.5. Optimize Your Listing DescriptionYour Google Maps listing has a character limit, but instead of putting a superfluous description, you should include local SEO keywordsthat describe your business. For example, instead of great realtor offering exemplary customer service write Dallas realtor with best rates or something similar. 6. Use a Local Telephone NumberGoogle looks down upon toll-free (800 and 877) numbers because these types of numbers are frequently used for spam. Local telephone numbers show that your business is a brick and mortar location in the area.For this reason you should be using a local telephone number with an area code that matches your location. Its ok to have a toll free number on your website, but if you want to have a higher Google Maps ranking, use a local number for your Google listing.7. Add Photos to the ListingOne of the easiest ways to stand out on Google Maps is to add a photo to your Google My Business listing. Choose a good photo of your business thats on your website or highlights your business. You can add more than one photo so choose ones that will entice customers to come to your business. To add a photo to your Google Maps listing, you simply edit youroriginal listing on Google My Business.If you have a Google listing, check to make sure that you have all of these things in order to get Google putting your business on the first page of Google Maps. Sasha Millers Course Includes: As a member you have full access to this crash course onmanaging the online reputations of offline businesses. NOTE:the business listing sites mentioned inside this course are U.S. based so if you live outside the U.S. you'll need to research the top business listing sites in your country Mastering Online Reputation Marketing & Management 2.0 Course consists of 2 main parts: Step 1: Building5-Star Reputations In this module youll learnwhat onlinereputation is and whyit's so vital to focus onright now. Successful online companies are well-aware of their reputations; however, many offline companies and local businessesare oblivious to how they are viewed by their customers and prospectson the internet. Here you'll learn... The Theory: how much people actuallytrustreviews online the difference between Reputation Marketing and Reputation Management (yes, they are different!) how people view good reputations, no reputations and bad reputations online how to find these businesses with negative reputations so you can reach out to them the difference between Referral Marketing and Reputation Marketing the 4 Pillars of Online Reputation Marketing. The Tasks: keyword-rich reviews and why they're important for converting more customers Basic keyword research demo to find local service keywords for your clients Why business listing sites are a crucial part of Reputation Marketing Walk-thru on claiming your local business listings How to rank higher in Google Maps (very important for online reputations!) How to optimize a Google+ page listing How to get more reviews & better quality reviews for your clients Step 2: Managing&Marketing 5-Star Reputations Online In these videos, you'll learnhow you can make money with online reputation services and I'll be sharing some awesome ideas that you can use when delivering for your clients. We'll cover how to choose the bestindustries to work with, which ones to avoid and common prospect excuses. I'll alsoshare a neat little hack if you want to outsource all of it if you don't want to do it all yourself.And last but not least, I'll share my companies very own proven Reputation Marketing strategy that built more than 500 5-star reputations online. I've includedthe most important tasksin effectively building,managing and marketingreputations online..."
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Become a Fiverr Top Seller This Year" |
"Want the Inside Secrets to Selling Like a VettedTop Rated Seller on Fiverr?Sasha Miller and Zach Miller havebeen selling on Fiverr as Top Sellers for over 4years.In This Fiverr Mastercourse, You'll Learn How to Sell on Fiverr Step-By-Step:how to research and find the gigs that sell best on Fiverr.You'll learn how to set up your gig offeringsexactly like Top Sellers do, andhow to optimize your profile andgig listingsfor maximum traffic. I'll even share some inside Top Rated Seller tips, so you can earn more sales & reviews in less timeandrun a highlysuccessful Fiverr business from the comforts of your home.Learn How to Build a Lucrative Side Income with Fiverr FASTER! How We Discovered Fiverr &Became Top Sellers Quickly& How You Can Too! How to ""Success Hack"" Top Earners & Win More Traffic to Your Gigs Our Top Rated SellerTricks, Techniques and TacticsWill Help You Get More Sales & Reviewson FiverrDid you know: Even after earning a Top Rated Seller status, you can be still bedemoted if you don't stay active! That's why I'll also be showing you how to deliver 5-Star quality service to every customerto ensure you remain a Top Rated Seller.After enrolling, you'll also have personalaccess to a Top Rated Fiverr seller (myself), that's been a Top Sellerfor more than 4 yearsso you can get advice,feedback,and support as youimplement these strategies for yourself.This is THE Most Comprehensive Fiverr Course -Find OutWhat REALLYWorks!This course will show you what it takes to behighlyprofitable as aFiverr seller right from the very start. We coverthe ins and outs of craftingyour offers so youunderstand exactlywhat it takes to create a valuableservice that sells well time and time again.Everything Covered in This Course:In Sasha Miller's Lectures You'll Learn:How I became a top sellerWhy Fiverr's a Better Freelance PlatformWhy to Get Started Right NowCreating Your UsernameFiverr New Level SystemHow to Make Your Offer UniqueHow to Create a Professional Gig ListingNo Skills? No ProblemOptimizing Your Gigs and ProfileWhat a Value Ladder IsValue Ladder ON and OFF Fiverr (the secret to building your own business)How to Structure Your Fiverr Gig PackagesAdding Gig ExtrasTips for Recording Fiverr VideosHow to Deliver Orders Like Top Sellers DoFiverr's Messaging SystemDreaded Order ModificationsHow to Cancel GigsWhy to Never Contact Off FiverrHow to Avoid Negative FeedbackHow to Get Paid OutGetting Your First Reviews on FiverrHow to Get More Reviews in SecondsFiverr Seller ToolsAvoid Vacation Mode Like the PlagueHow to Skyrocket Fiverr TrafficFiverr's Referral SystemFiverr FAQWhat Fiverr Pro IsHow to Take Customers Off Fiverr SafelyAn Update for 2019In Zach Miller's Lectures You'll Learn Little-Known Fiverr Tips + How to Build Your Own Business Off FiverrThe Big PictureWhat a Buyer Sees on FIverrDashboard BreakdownFiverr Seller LevelsHow to Success Hack the CompetitionWhy Fiverr's Cut is More Than FairFiverr No No'sTop Selling Gigs on FiverrOptimizing Your FIverr GigsOptimizing Your Fiverr ProfileHow to Always Get 5 Star Reviews100 Clicks a DayThe Attractive Character ModelEmail SequencingSoap Opera SequenceSqueeze Page SecretsWe're so confident that withthese strategies you'll be able to save timeand effort so you can get more from your Fiverr and freelancing business.(*Mmm...I can almost taste that extra guac. right now - can't you?) ENROLL NOW TO BEGIN!Whether you're wondering how to get the best start on Fiverr or you'relooking to increase your Fiverr revenue, reviews,customer satisfaction, orreduce the amount of time you spend on deliveries,this course will help you achieve your goal. If you watch ALL the lectures you'll even learn how to build your own business OFF Fiverr and have the best start possible.We'rerevealing every technique, trick and secret that we've learnedover the last 4 years selling on Fiverr as Top Sellers. And we're readyto share the wealth by sharing our knowledge with you.This course is a tiny investment especially since you can earn back the cost withjust a quick few sales - probably by the end of the week!So if you wantto double yourFiverr business, starting today, thenhit the""take this course""button.Don't wait too long though, because every moment you hesitateyou're missing out on more sales &easy cash that could be in your pocket!You're only regret would be that you didn't find this sooner!I'll see you inside!------------------------FIVERRREVIEW------------------------Time ManagementBenefit: Manage your own time.Freelancing means you dont have to work 9-5 or any sort of set hours. You can decide to take that afternoon yoga class or surf in the morning before work. You decide when you work.Challenge: Time management can be difficult or downright overwhelming.When you dont have set hours, it can be very easy to come off the rails and get to the end of the month when it comes to pay bills and realize you needed to work more. Or the opposite: Youre juggling a few clients and dont understand how to balance when to do what work or youve taken on too much.Solution: Put yourself on a schedule.Decide when youre most productive and make that work time. I find I am most productive for a spurt first thing in the morning and then again between the hours of 2-6pm. For days when I know I have a lot of work, I make sure I am ready to work then, cranking it out. If I want to do something that cuts into that time, I dont have to be rigid about it, but Im mindful that I need to make that time up somewhere. I know my monthly financial goals, so I make sure I have enough work coming in and the time dedicated to meet them. So if Im not meeting my set project/hour rate one week because I am taking a day off, I better make it up another week to hit that monthly goal. And I make sure to enjoy that afternoon yoga class when I can because its important to be grateful for the flexibility to keep you in balance.Working RemotelyBenefit: Work from anywhere.Ive spent the last year and a half as a digital nomad, meaning I dont have a home base and travel while working. Freelancing can sometimes mean you get to be location independent and work from anywhere. You can do a program like I did like Remote Year, Wifi Tribe, or Unsettled. Or if thats not your speed, ditching the commute to work from home or the occasional caf is its own luxury.Challenge: It can be lonely.Once I finished Remote Year, I no longer had a community that I was traveling while working with and found myself pretty lonely. When youre used to making friends at work and enjoy socializing like I do, you might find yourself missing the office.Solution: Find a coworking space.There are other freelancers or solopreneurs like you out there looking to meet people! Joining a coworking space is a great way to meet people, find cool events, and even be more productive. If youre traveling around, I recommend looking at The League of Extraordinary Coworking Spaces or Croissant for location independent options, or if youre not on the move, you can find a spot you like in your city, or check out WeWork which is one of the largest coworking companies with spaces all over the world.Be Your Own BossBenefit: Be your own boss and choose your own work.Youre no longer assigned to difficult clients or put on projects you hate. You are in charge!Challenge: It can be hard to find work and you might run into difficult clients.Especially in the beginning, you might find yourself taking on uncool projects or working with clients who make you cringe. Worse, you might be really struggling to find work to make ends meet.Solution: Stay in action.You might find you spend half your time hustling to find work and thats part of it. This is why platforms like Fiverr are so great because youve put yourself in a place where clients are looking for you! But dont stop there. Let old employers, people in your professional network, and friends know that youre looking for freelance work. Ive found it tremendously beneficial to have regular clients that I have more long term work with to make up the barebones of my monthly goal and then if I am looking to make more money that month for whatever reason, I go on more of a pitching and hustling spree. And its ok to take on less exciting work for because I find work begets other work. Once youve built up more of a portfolio and reputation, start reaching out cold to companies you admire and want to work with. Send samples and let them know why youre interested in working with them.Make The Most Of ItBenefit: Its all up to you.You dont answer to anyone and you can make it all up based on your terms.Challenge: Its all up to you.You dont have a team to rely on to help you with your work when times get tough. You are now CEO, as well as marketing, accounting, ITyou name it. If it goes right, its your win and if it goes wrong, its your fault.Solution: Take it in stride and ask for help.Ive found it has been a huge confidence boost to be freelance. I am really standing on my own two legs and making it all happen for myself. I celebrate that and you should, too. And I like wearing a lot of hats because its apart of what makes freelancing so rewarding. When I get stuck on something or am up against something not in my wheelhouse, I turn to my network. Just today I was working with a client on their website copy and they had a few design questions. I turned to a few design friends who were able to help me out and my client was happy I could go the extra mile. In return, I am always helpful with writing questions or quick help from my own network because we all need to support one another.The benefits of the freelance lifestyle often present challenges as well. But youre resourceful! Youre a doer, so solutions and ways to combat these challenges are never far away. Utilize your network, your experience, and the internal resources you possess, and you can easily turn the freelance dream into a reality."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fiverr Marketing: Freelance To Start Your Online Business" |
"Want to Sell on Fiverr Like a VettedTop Rated Seller?Sasha Miller and Zach Miller havebeen selling on Fiverr as a Top Seller for over 4years now.In this Fiverr Mastercourse, you'll discover:how to research and find the gigs that are sell best on Fiverr.You'll learn how to set up your gig offeringsexactly like Top Sellers do, andhow to optimize your profile andgig listingsfor maximum traffic. I'll even share some inside Top Rated Seller tips, so you can earn more sales & reviews in less timeandrun a highlysuccessful Fiverr business from the comforts of your home.Learn How to Build a Lucrative Side Income with Fiverr FASTER! How I Discovered Fiverr &Became a Top Seller Quickly& How You Can Too! How to ""Success Hack"" Top Earners & Win More Traffic to Your Gigs My Top Rated SellerTricks, Techniques and TacticsWill Help You Get More Sales & Reviewson FiverrDid you know: Even after earning a Top Rated Seller status, you can be still bedemoted if you don't stay active! That's why I'll also be showing you how to deliver 5-Star quality service to every customerto ensure you remain a Top Rated Seller.After enrolling, you'll also have personalaccess to a Top Rated Fiverr seller (myself), that's been a Top Sellerfor more than 3 yearsso you can get advice,feedback, and support as youimplement these strategies for yourself.This is THE Most Comprehensive Fiverr Course -Find OutWhat REALLYWorks!This course will show you what it takes to behighlyprofitable as aFiverr seller right from the very start. I coverthe ins and outs of craftingyour offers so youunderstand exactlywhat it takes to create a valuableservice that sells well time and time again.Everything Covered in This Course:In Sasha Miller's Lectures You'll Learn:How I Became a Top Seller in MonthsFind What Fiverr Gigs are Selling the bestHow to Success Hack the CompetitionHow to Stand Out From the CrowdHow to Optimize Your ProfileCreate a Gig Like the Top Sellers DoOptimize Your Gig for Maximum TrafficOptimize Gig Descriptions & Set Buyer ExpectationsDouble Your Gig Sales in 60 Seconds!Deliver Orders Like Top Earners DoThings to NEVER do on FiverrHow to Find and Keep Good CustomersHow to Build Valuable Gig PackagesDouble Your Income in Minutes with Gig ExtrasHow to Avoid Negative FeedbackGet More Fiverr Reviews in SecondsSecrets to Skyrocet Traffic to Your GigTop Seller Secrets to Earning More on FiverrHow to Take Customers Off Fiverr SafelyA Special Update for 2019In Zach Miller's Lectures You'll Learn How to Build Your Own Business Off Fiverr100 Clicks a Day FormulaThe Attractive Character ModelEmail Sequencing & StrategyEmail ExamplesExpert PositioningSqueeze Page SecretsWe're so confident that withthese strategies you'll be able to save timeand effort so you can get more from your Fiverr and freelancing business.(*Mmm...I can almost taste that extra guac. right now - can't you?) ENROLL NOW TO BEGIN!Whether you're wondering how to get the best start on Fiverr or you'relooking to increase your Fiverr revenue, reviews,customer satisfaction, orreduce the amount of time you spend on deliveries,this course will help you achieve your goal.I'mrevealing every technique, trick and secret that I have learnedover the last 4 years selling on Fiverr as a Top Seller. And I'm readyto share the wealth by sharing my knowledge with you.This course is a tiny investment especially since you can earn back the cost withjust a quick few sales - probably by the end of the week!So if you wantto double yourFiverr business, starting today, thenhit the""take this course""button.Don't wait too long though, because every moment you hesitateyou're missing out on more sales &easy cash that could be in your pocket!You're only regret would be that you didn't find this sooner!I'll see you inside!------------------------FIVERRREVIEW------------------------Time ManagementBenefit: Manage your own time.Freelancing means you dont have to work 9-5 or any sort of set hours. You can decide to take that afternoon yoga class or surf in the morning before work. You decide when you work.Challenge: Time management can be difficult or downright overwhelming.When you dont have set hours, it can be very easy to come off the rails and get to the end of the month when it comes to pay bills and realize you needed to work more. Or the opposite: Youre juggling a few clients and dont understand how to balance when to do what work or youve taken on too much.Solution: Put yourself on a schedule.Decide when youre most productive and make that work time. I find I am most productive for a spurt first thing in the morning and then again between the hours of 2-6pm. For days when I know I have a lot of work, I make sure I am ready to work then, cranking it out. If I want to do something that cuts into that time, I dont have to be rigid about it, but Im mindful that I need to make that time up somewhere. I know my monthly financial goals, so I make sure I have enough work coming in and the time dedicated to meet them. So if Im not meeting my set project/hour rate one week because I am taking a day off, I better make it up another week to hit that monthly goal. And I make sure to enjoy that afternoon yoga class when I can because its important to be grateful for the flexibility to keep you in balance.Working RemotelyBenefit: Work from anywhere.Ive spent the last year and a half as a digital nomad, meaning I dont have a home base and travel while working. Freelancing can sometimes mean you get to be location independent and work from anywhere. You can do a program like I did like Remote Year, Wifi Tribe, or Unsettled. Or if thats not your speed, ditching the commute to work from home or the occasional caf is its own luxury.Challenge: It can be lonely.Once I finished Remote Year, I no longer had a community that I was traveling while working with and found myself pretty lonely. When youre used to making friends at work and enjoy socializing like I do, you might find yourself missing the office.Solution: Find a coworking space.There are other freelancers or solopreneurs like you out there looking to meet people! Joining a coworking space is a great way to meet people, find cool events, and even be more productive. If youre traveling around, I recommend looking at The League of Extraordinary Coworking Spaces or Croissant for location independent options, or if youre not on the move, you can find a spot you like in your city, or check out WeWork which is one of the largest coworking companies with spaces all over the world.Be Your Own BossBenefit: Be your own boss and choose your own work.Youre no longer assigned to difficult clients or put on projects you hate. You are in charge!Challenge: It can be hard to find work and you might run into difficult clients.Especially in the beginning, you might find yourself taking on uncool projects or working with clients who make you cringe. Worse, you might be really struggling to find work to make ends meet.Solution: Stay in action.You might find you spend half your time hustling to find work and thats part of it. This is why platforms like Fiverr are so great because youve put yourself in a place where clients are looking for you! But dont stop there. Let old employers, people in your professional network, and friends know that youre looking for freelance work. Ive found it tremendously beneficial to have regular clients that I have more long term work with to make up the barebones of my monthly goal and then if I am looking to make more money that month for whatever reason, I go on more of a pitching and hustling spree. And its ok to take on less exciting work for because I find work begets other work. Once youve built up more of a portfolio and reputation, start reaching out cold to companies you admire and want to work with. Send samples and let them know why youre interested in working with them.Make The Most Of ItBenefit: Its all up to you.You dont answer to anyone and you can make it all up based on your terms.Challenge: Its all up to you.You dont have a team to rely on to help you with your work when times get tough. You are now CEO, as well as marketing, accounting, ITyou name it. If it goes right, its your win and if it goes wrong, its your fault.Solution: Take it in stride and ask for help.Ive found it has been a huge confidence boost to be freelance. I am really standing on my own two legs and making it all happen for myself. I celebrate that and you should, too. And I like wearing a lot of hats because its apart of what makes freelancing so rewarding. When I get stuck on something or am up against something not in my wheelhouse, I turn to my network. Just today I was working with a client on their website copy and they had a few design questions. I turned to a few design friends who were able to help me out and my client was happy I could go the extra mile. In return, I am always helpful with writing questions or quick help from my own network because we all need to support one another.The benefits of the freelance lifestyle often present challenges as well. But youre resourceful! Youre a doer, so solutions and ways to combat these challenges are never far away. Utilize your network, your experience, and the internal resources you possess, and you can easily turn the freelance dream into a reality."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing Everything" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:People that are skilled at outsourcing can be TENTIMESmoreefficient thanthose whoaren't.Knowing how to outsource effectively is an incredibly useful skill whether you're an entrepreneur, a manager, a marketer, or small business owner. Being able to incorporate outsourcing into your project, your business, or even your job can dramatically change your rate of success.Cost is often the single largest factor in whether or not a project succeeds or fails. By mastering outsourcing you can virtually guarantee that you get the lowest and most reasonable price every time you launch or engage in a project.Learn how to outsource and you'llmake magic with your project's to-do list. You'll be able to hit goals sooner whilespendinga fraction of what you planned. Save your project by going lean and shifting your attention and resources to other crucial areas.Website development, mobile app development, logo design, market research, customer feedback, email marketing, sales, promotion, scheduling, editing, proofreading, ghostwriting, interviewing, application testing, bookkeeping, employee vetting- these are just someof the things you can outsource.Virtually every company and startup outsources in some way. Outsourcing has endless possibilities - you just need to know how to use it.SashaMillers Course Includes:""Don't Try to Do Everything Yourself - Because You Can't""- Athena TurnerWhether you've been in it for years or youre just starting out - running your business can get exhausting....Even if its just building a simple website youve got to do keyword research, buy a domain, set up the hosting, design and optimize it, create compelling sales copy, create a content marketing plan, and then actually create that contentOh!Not to mention, then you have to find a way to get lots ofvisitors!And thats just for ONE single project - to get your website up...Its no wonder so many of us spend timeon social media looking at cat videos, procrastinating instead ofworking onwhat should really be getting done -were just too overwhelmed!But no matter if you spend 30 hours a week working on your business or 80 we cant doeverything ourselves! Trust me, I'm a recovering work-a-holic!Thats why if we ever hope to run a successful business,we have to learn the practice of delegating and outsourcing.As a business owner it's your job to spend your time growing your business - not getting stuck working IN it!Nows the time to lighten your load and find the right(and inexpensive) freelancers to help you.There are thousands of capable, talented freelancers just waiting to cross paths with you. Theyre actively looking for work you've got too much workand many of them will happily take care of whatever project youve been putting off.What You'll Learn in This Course ""Outsourcing for Beginners""Besides, wouldnt you rather spend your time doing what YOU want to do? Whether it be spending more time with your kids, growing your business, or finding other ways to give back in the world you owe it to yourself and your company to outsource. That's exactly what this course will help you do. In Outsourcing for Beginners, youll learn what outsourcing is, when its the right time to outsource and some awesome tips to get the most bang for your buck when working with freelancers.Youll also learn the challenges you may encounter when outsourcing, how to find the right freelancers for your projects and how to navigate the top online platforms to hire freelancers.Finally youll discover how to narrow down your search when hiring a freelancer, tips after hiring and communication tips to ensure you get the best work from every freelancer you hire.Buy this course & start outsourcing today!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------WHAT IS OUTSOURCING?Outsourcing refers to the way in which companies entrust the processes of their business functions to external vendors. Any business process that can be done from an offshore location can be outsourced. This includes functions like transaction processing, payroll and order and inventory management to name a few. Plus, there are a whole lot of call center services that are being outsourced as well. BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING YOUR BUSINESS PROCESSESThere are many benefits of outsourcing your business processes to destinations around the world. Some of them are - 1.COST ADVANTAGES- The most obvious and visible benefit relates to the cost savings that outsourcing brings about. You can get your job done at a lower cost and at better quality as well. Due to the difference in wages between western countries and Asia, the same kind of work that is done over there can be done in India at a fraction of the cost. There is a cost savings of around 60% by outsourcing your work to India. Plus, the quality of the services provided is high thereby ensuring that low-cost does not mean low-quality. 2.INCREASED EFFICIENCY- When you outsource your business needs to an outsourcing partner like Flatworld Solutions, they bring years of experience in business practices and expertise in delivering complex outsourcing projects. Thus, they can do the job better with their knowledge and understanding of the domain. This leads to an increase in productivity and efficiency in the process thereby contributing to the bottom-line of your company.3.FOCUS ON CORE AREAS- Outsourcing your business processes would free your energies and enable you to focus on building your brand, invest in research and development and move on to providing higher value added services. 4.SAVE ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNOLOGY- Outsourcing eliminates the need for investment in infrastructure as the outsourcing partner takes the responsibility of the business processes and hence develops infrastructure for the same.5.ACCESS TO SKILLED RESOURCES- You no longer need to invest in recruiting and training expensive resources for your business. Providers like Flatworld Solutions take care of the resourcing needs with their pool of highly skilled resources. The resources employed by Flatworld Solutions are well educated in the respective business areas and are experienced in handling the business needs of companies that want to outsource. Further, Flatworld Solutions employs world class business practices perfected over the years by catering to customers around the globe. Get access to the expertise and capabilities of Flatworld Solutions.6.TIME ZONE ADVANTAGE- Apart from the cost advantage, the other much touted benefit has to do with the time zone differential between your country and the location you are outsourcing to. Get your job done while you are closed for the day and wake up to your service being delivered the next morning. This unique advantage gives you the benefit of round-the-clock business operations7.FASTER AND BETTER SERVICES- Make your service offerings better with high quality deliverables and decrease the lead time it takes for your product to reach the marketplace. Thus you would be faster in getting your ideas converted into products and better at delivering the value-added proposition. For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research & SEO" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:Link Building Made Easy!As a website owner its hard to know what tactics are viable in growing your websites online visibility. Everyone says that links are important in gaining traffic from Google, but no one talks about how to secure good links that make sense from relevant websites.That's why we put this course together: we want to share our agencys experience. Weve built links for every business imaginable, from Fortune 500 to small online mom and pop shops.In our course, well cover the basics: why links matter, Google algorithm's that rank your site, how to build these EDU&GOVlinks, how to research the correct keywords and SOMUCHMORE!After that we will teach you how to find target sites for link prospecting, including analyzing a competitors backlinks, using advanced search in Google, and how to analyze a website and post a link to it.SashaMillers Course Includes:Keyword research is the first step to every successful campaign online.Whether it's for niche ormarket research, yourwebsite, product creation,planning acontent strategy, Pay-Per-Click advertising, asocial media strategy, or just about anything else - the first step before creating content or optimization is - KEYWORD RESEARCH!SEO has changed A LOT over the past few years and yes, it's MUCHharder to rank for keywords now.Thus it'smore important for us to focus on the right keywords. Meaning terms with low-medium organic competition that we actually have a chance of ranking for. Because after all, most of the search traffic comes from page 1 - so if you aren't on page 1 for your keywords - you aren't getting much traffic.Nowadays we must focus on ranking low-medium competition keywords so we can rank faster!It's time we work smarter - not harderin our SEO and marketingapproaches. If not, youll be stuck wasting a TON oftime and money.Enroll now and discover:What keyword research isHow to find the exact phrases and keywords customers are using to find services & productslike yoursHow to find profitable long tail keywords that are easy to rank forHow to choose your keywordsfor maximumoptimization,traffic & conversionsKeyword research tips for Google Keyword Planner & Long-Tail ProMy favorite FREEkeyword tools to gather hundreds of potentialKWterms!The Customer-Buying ProcessHow to sort keyword research like a professional in minutesHow to sort keyword research by user-intent like the prosWhere to place keywords on your websiteHow to Find Current& Seasonal Trends for Your ContentUsing Google Trendsa few BONUSES I know you'll love!Plus so MUCH MORE!Sasha, How Do YouKnow So Much About Keyword Research?I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing keyword research both through my own company and through Freelancing. And I kind of fell in love with it. It allowed me to get to learn about new industries and new products popping up in the marketplace.While I'm no longer a service provider, I still love keyword research(I'm anerd I know!)and Iuse Google's organic search engine every single day which means SEO and keywords are still very important for us to understand asonline business workers.Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?Whether you're a blogger, author, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional looking to increase yourvisibility orwebsite traffic,you'll benefit greatlybylearning how to do keyword research properly and make the most of your keywords by utilizing them in specific ways throughout your website and marketing materials.Why Is Keyword Research So Important?I don't want to give everything away here but I will share the 3 most important reasons.#1) keyword research allows you to see whether your idea for a business, product, service, ect. will be profitable or not. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people skip keyword research then come back to me 6-12 months later asking for me to do keyword research for more traffic. If only they would have done niche research andkeyword research up front - they could have probably been rank page 1 in Google by now!#2) Keyword research allows you to find out your target customers exact pain-points.This allows you to custom-tailor your site language, products, services, and marketing all around your ideal prospect/customers which results in more sales &higher conversion rates.#3)Keyword research is the first step of every SEO, traffic, andlead-gen campaign.Without it - you're D.O.A.Enroll right nowand discover how to increase your SEO and traffic bydoingstrategickeyword research the easyway.By finding longtail keyword terms you can ACTUALLY RANK FOR you can gain more website visitors and sales.Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?You getlifetime accessto course material.You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!The techniques you will learn in this course aresimple, easyand effective!Master the art of finding easier-to-ranklong-tail keywords.The same strategies used for clients.This course will also layout how to best use your keywords for maximum SEOand build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your blog, squeeze page, website, store or social media profile!In this course, you will learnKeyword Researchfrom beginner level to advanced methods, including the use of Google Keyword Planner, Long-Tail Pro Platinum and a few special BONUSES I know you'll love!See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"SEO Keyword Research That Finds Buyers Instantly" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:If you want to besuccessfulwithSEOandranking in Google,you NEEDthis course! You will learn theprinciplesandstrategiesthat we have used tofind 1000's of long tail keywords that we (and our clients) now RANK for in Google search!Join this course today to master Keyword Research with LongTail Pro Platinum (and now desktop versions)and start profiting from organic search engine traffic!Do you want to partake in a CONSTANTLY updated Keyword Research course that teaches you everything required to improve SEO, ranking for keywords (short and long tail keywords), and understanding Long Tail Pro from A to Z?!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantlyas updates roll out).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Master the platform Long Tail Pro and learn the keyword research strategies I implement for clients daily! This course will also layout how to optimize your keyword usage and build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your website, store, blog, or social media profile! We love Long Tail Pro because it is aONE STOP SHOPfor everything related to keyword research... so you can get back to what you do best, running your business!In this course, you will learnKeyword Researchfrom beginner level to advanced with LongTailPro!You will be able to be optimize web pages, blogs, meta descriptions, title, headings, social media bios, and MORE with the PERFECT keywords that will drive traffic to your content! You will be able to create endless seed keywords for content creation,ranking in GoogleORGANICALLY! Learn how to take your brand, product or service to the next level with LongTailProKeyword Research!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR BUSINESS/BRAND AND LEARN HOW KEYWORD RESEARCH WILL MAKE YOU A HOUSEHOLD NAME! ENROLL NOW!***NOTE*** Long Tail Pro is a paid monthly membership service. Feel free to watch the entire course, THEN decide if you want to buy their service or not.BUT you can use these keyword research and content creation techniques with almostANY keyword research software.I just loveLTP.SashaMillers Course Includes:SEO sure isnt what it used to beYou used to be able to pick out a keyword, add it to an article a few times and BOOMyoud be ranking page 1 by the end of the week!Those days are long gone and nowits MUCH MORE difficult to rank forkeywords.Thats why weve got to work smarter and be more strategic in our SEO approaches. If you're not, youll be stuck constantlyfighting an uphill battle, and wasting an enormousamount of time and money.BUT Theres GOOD NEWS!This course solves many of the major issues we often encounter with modern-day SEOThis course provides:How to discover EXACTLY what your prospects want instead of guessingCreative places to find problem-basedkeyword ideas straight from prospects!Proven ways to find hundreds of longtail keywords that are easier to rank forKeyword research tactics for Google Keyword Planner & Long-Tail Pro PlatinumKeyword targeting strategies that allow you to get more traffic & convert more visitorsAdvanced keyword SEO strategies thatelite SEO professionalsuse to outrankcompetitors fasterHow to Find Current Trends & Seasonal Trends to Use in Your Marketing MaterialsHow to Use The Customer-Buying Process &Keywords to Your AdvantageTips for Using Keywords to Create PerfectSEO ContentAnd a few BONUSES you're gonna love!Sasha, How Do YouKnow So Much About Keyword Research?I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing keyword research both through my own company and through Freelancing. And I kind of fell in love with it.It allowed me to get to learn about new industries and new products popping up in the marketplace.While I'm no longer a service provider, I still love keyword research(I'm anerd I know!)and Iuse Google's organic search engine every single day which means SEO and keywords are still very important for us to understand asonline business workers.Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?Whether you're a blogger, author, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional looking for free website trafficyou'll benefit greatlybylearning how to do keyword research properly and make the most of your keywords by utilizing them in specific ways throughout your website and marketing materials.Why Is Keyword Research So Important?I don't want to give everything away here but I will share the 3 most important reasons.#1) keyword research allows you to see whether your idea for a business, product, service, ect. will be profitable or not. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people skip keyword research then come back to me 6-12 months later asking for me to do keyword research for more traffic. If only they would have done niche research andkeyword research up front - they could have probably been rank page 1 in Google by now!#2) Keyword research allows you to find out your target customers exact pain-points.This allows you to custom-tailor your site language, products, services, and marketing all around your ideal prospect/customers which results in more sales &higher conversion rates.#3)Keyword research is the first step of every SEO, traffic, andlead-gen campaign.Without it - you're D.O.A.What are you waiting for?Enroll right nowand discover how to increase your SEO and traffic bydoingstrategickeyword research the easyway.By finding longtail keyword terms you can ACTUALLY RANK FOR you can gain more website visitors and sales.Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?You getlifetime accessto course material.You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!The techniques you will learn in this course aresimple, easyand effective!Master the art of finding easier-to-ranklong-tail keywords.The same strategies used for clients.This course will also layout how to best use your keywords for maximum SEOand build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your blog, squeeze page, website, store or social media profile!In this course, you will learnKeyword Researchfrom beginner level to advanced methods, including the use of Google Keyword Planner, Long-Tail Pro Platinum and a few special BONUSES I know you'll love! See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Building Your WordPress Website" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:If you've ever thought about web design or creating websites, but just don't know where to begin OR are looking to speed up the process- THISISYOURCOURSE!Even the most advanced website designers look for ways to speed up their website creation process. And that's exactly what this course does. We take you from A-to-Z of everything you need to build your next WordPress website (and for less than $20).This course is meant to be a hand-holding experience, taking you step-by-step through domain registration,the setup of website hosting, theback-end of a website and so much more. Everything is done with screencasting and video sync, so that you can see exactly what I'm doing, as I'm doing it!Get ready to be able to create living-breathing websites in under a couple hours, even if you've never done it before!BESTPART?You can sell these websites for $1500-$3000 each (+$50 / mo for hosting)and it'll only take you 3 hours &$20-$80 to build.Cool, huh?SashaMillers Course Includes:If you're NOT currently ranking on the first page of search engines - you're missing out!Because the first page of Googlegets the mosttraffic,prospects, and ultimately more profits.But- this course is gonna change that! Now you can learn the SEOsecrets & methods ofgettinghigh ranking positions too.My tips are simple, workable and effective... Heres what makes my course different:-No technical knowledge is required. Perfect for complete beginners!-Learn my step-by-step optimization process so you can rank all your content higher in the search engines.- How to maintain yourfirst page rankingswhen everyone elses is panicking about Google'salgorithm changes. NOTE:This isnt a temporary trick, so you never have to worry aboutgetting penalized.This course covers:What is SEO?How Do Search Engines Like Google Work?Black Hat, White Hat & GrayHat SEOThe Top Google Ranking Factors for 2018How to Install & Use Yoast SEO PluginHow to Optimize Your Tags, Categories, Imagesand Permalinks for higher rankingsHow to Get Reviews to Show Up Next to Your Content inGoogleWhy Content is King in SEO & How to Produce Quality ContentHow to Get an SEO Audit of Your Site for FREEHow to Remove Bad BacklinksHow to Save Hundreds on SEO ServicesBusiness Listings for SEOPLUS a few BONUSES you're gonna love!Sasha, How Do YouKnow So Much About SEO?I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing keyword research and optimization servicesboth through my own company and through Freelancing. While I'm no longer a service provider, I stilluse Google'sengine every single day which means SEO and keywords are still very important for us to understand asonline business workers.Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?Whether you're a blogger, author, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional looking to increase your keyword rankings, traffic and your visibility in the search engines,you'll benefit greatlybylearning the tips in this course.Why Is Optimization Important for an article?Aperfectlyoptimized article can bring in 100's or even 1000's of hungry visitors looking to buy something.So once you know the keywords you want to focus on, we'll dive into each element of optimization that you'll do in every article you create. My articles rank well in Google because I follow these ideas. I only focus on a single keyword or long tail keywordphrase at a time whichallowsme a better opportunity to rank higher in thesearch engines.What are you waiting for?Enroll right nowand discover how to optimize your content like a pro toincrease your SEO and traffic.Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?You getlifetime accessto course material.You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!The techniques you will learn in this course aresimple, easyand effective!Master the art of finding easier-to-ranklong-tail keywords.The same strategies used for clients.This course will also layout how to best use your keywords for maximum SEOand build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your blog, squeeze page, website, store or social media profile!In this course, you will learn how to achievePerfect SEO Optimized Articles to Rank Page 1 on Googlefrom beginner level to advanced methods, including the use of wordpress SEO plugins like Yoast, plus a few special BONUSES I know you'll love! See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Perfect SEO Article Guide + Backlink Building Secrets" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:Article Optimization for Page 1 RankingsThe first and most important step of any online business is making sure you have the right keywords to build your whole foundation upon. Without knowing the right search terms for your niche, all the optimization in the world wouldnt help you rank higher or get more traffic. So we start there, first!Aperfectlyoptimized article can bring in 100's or even 1000's of hungry visitors looking to buy something.So once you know the terms, phrases, topics (aka keywords) you'll be writing on, we dive into the topic of optimization for each and every article you make.All of my articles rank well in Google because I follow these ideas. They only focus on a single keyword or long tail keyphrase at a time, thus allowing me a better opportunity to rank well in search engines.Once you know how to write these articles,I'm going to give you a simple life-hackthat will cut your writing time by 86%!!!+Content Marketing: The Strategy to Market in MinutesTired of writing articles, blog posts, creating pictures, infographics, videos and gettingZEROTRAFFIC?If so, then I have the solution for you.Content Marketing is the beautiful art of making work that matters and then, finding ways to share it with people who want to see it.Imagine posting photos to your Instagram account and gaining a following for your work. Evenmeeting the right clients by giving them what they want (i.e.cultivating a relationship instead of feeling like a sleazy salesperson).What if you could create something that people actually wanted to download? You can communicate with your audience so THEYLOVEYOU!You can end upcreating fans and followers in an authenticway!If youre tired of creating content that doesnt go anywhere, in our content marketing course youll learn our proven strategies for building an audience, growing your leads, and creating valuable content that actually gets shared.Along the way, Ill share with you specific strategies for growing an audience, building a body of work, and positioning youas a thought leader within your industry.SashaMillers Course Includes:SEO isn't dead, but it isn't as easy as it used to be...It Used to Be As Easy As Popping Your Keywords In A Few Times & BOOM - First Page Rankings!NOT ANYMORE!Those days are long gone and nowits MUCH MORE difficult to rank forkeywords.It's time to get more strategic in our SEO methods.If you're not, youll be wasting a TONof time and money.TheGOOD NEWS is...Many of the major issues weencounter with modern-day SEO can be solved in this course...This course provides:How to Install & Use Yoast SEO PluginHow to Optimize Your Images in Bulk & Why It Helps for SEOHow to Optimize Your Tags, Categories and PermalinksHow to Get Reviews to Show Up Next to Your Content inGoogleHow to Rank High in Google Nowadays (in 2018)Why Content is King in SEO & How to Produce Quality ContentHow to Get an SEO Audit of Your Site for FREEHow to Remove Bad BacklinksSEO Tips for Beginners like (What SEO Is, What Meta Data Is,What Backlinks Are, ect.)And a few BONUSES you're gonna love!Inlecture 2I go over Yoast SEO PluginLecture3I go into the actual article optimization.Icover all the other aspects from there.Lectures 4-7How to OptimizeVarious Elements in WordpressLectures 8-9How to Rank Higher in GoogleLectures 10-15SEO TipsSasha, How Do YouKnow So Much About SEO?I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing keyword research and optimization servicesboth through my own company and through Freelancing. While I'm no longer a service provider, I stilluse Google'sengine every single day which means SEO and keywords are still very important for us to understand asonline business workers.Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?Whether you're a blogger, author, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional looking to increase your keyword rankings, traffic and your visibility in the search engines,you'll benefit greatlybylearning the tips in this course.Why Is Optimization Important?Aperfectlyoptimized article can bring in 100's or even 1000's of hungry visitors looking to buy something.So once you know the keywords you want to focus on, we'll dive into each element of optimization that you'll do in every article you create. My articles rank well in Google because I follow these ideas. I only focus on a single keyword or long tail keywordphrase at a time whichallowsme a better opportunity to rank higher in thesearch engines.What are you waiting for?Enroll right nowand discover how to optimize your content like a pro toincrease your SEO and traffic.Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?You getlifetime accessto course material.You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!The techniques you will learn in this course aresimple, easyand effective!Master the art of finding easier-to-ranklong-tail keywords.The same strategies used for clients.This course will also layout how to best use your keywords for maximum SEOand build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your blog, squeeze page, website, store or social media profile!In this course, you will learn how to achievePerfect SEO Optimized Articles to Rank Page 1 on Googlefrom beginner level to advanced methods, including the use of wordpress SEO plugins like Yoast, plus a few special BONUSES I know you'll love!See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Niche Keyword Research + Free Software" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:SEO Keyword Research:Do you want to find the leastcompetitive keywords for your website?Want to rank higher in the search engines and get explosive amounts of traffic?Are you searching for a STRATEGY to performkeyword research?If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you are at the right place.I guarantee you'llfind the answer to these questions and more in this course.I have astep-by-step blueprint for you to follow andperform your ownkeyword research. I have also discussed about lot of ways to do the research,so that you can choose your own path.This course containsall my keyword researchtechniques for you to be able to start ranking your website higher in Google.Above all I'm also providing you the long tail keyword software totally free with the course.This software will help you get your long tail keywords and it will also help you find out the competition for each keywords.So what are you waiting for, I'll also provide you 100% Money back guarantee if this course doesn't satisfy you.I'm confident that this course will be a great help for you..give a try on the system..you are also going to get my software worth 67$ 100% Free with the course. Enroll to my course today and use the keyword research techniques to find hot competitive keywords to your website.SashaMillers Course Includes:Looking to findthe rightprofitable nichefor your new online businessbut don't know where to start? Or maybe you're brand new to internet marketing ¬ even sure what a niche is...Maybe you're a freelancer or SEO specialist that wants toadd niche market research as a valuable serviceto your clients... Or perhaps you're an affiliate marketer and arelooking for the next lucrative nicheto tap into... Whatever the case may be,if you need to do niche market research -THIS is the course for you!Finding a profitable niche market or online business idea that is viable, profitable, AND thatyou canpersonally can compete inis a crucial part of having lasting success online. If you don't get that right - you won't have an profitableonline business aseverything relies on yourniche market.If you follow the steps I lay out -you WILL find a profitable niche.Some of the worst business advice Iveever heardin the digital marketing industryisFollow Your Passion, the Money Will Come.This is particularly disastrous in the online marketing world, where it's incrediblyeasy to sink a ton of time,money & energy into adigital project you're passionate about only to have itgenerate very little(if any)income.In today's super-paced marketplace,being well-informed & passionate about your website ordigital projectisn't enoughto make it a profitable business. You have to do the proper marketresearch to see if the niche hasenough profit potential to sustain a business for the long-term andmeet your financial goals.Starting an Online Business is an Investment*To all you newbies out there, remember:It costs to setup and maintain aprofessional business online not a ugly, crappy, free website but one that has a strong branding, is SEOoptimized, optimized tocapture leads, and take customers through the e-commerce buyingprocess. Your platform/s online shouldshowthat you are serious about doing business. You'll need to spend time, energy and money on design, web development, copywriting, web hosting, tracking analytics,etc. not to mentiongenerating traffic... So yeah there aresome up-frontcosts involved.Ensure You Can Run a Profitable BusinessBy Doing Niche Market ResearchIt's not as""easy"" to setup an online business and have it start generating cash as it used to be, and that's whyRESEARCH IS VITAL TO YOUR SUCCESS ONLINE!Look I get it, surfingthe internet for answerscan often feel like swimming ina vast ocean -sometimesyou feel like you're drowning in information. Or maybe you've been in the industry a while now and desire to tap into new niches but have been coming up short in your search.MyGuaranteeIf you go through this entire course and go through the steps I recommend,then I'm MORE THAN CONFIDENTyou will find your ownprofitable niche(that's just right for you!)And after watching all the lectures, if you're not completely satisfied you can get a 30-day money-back guarantee! But I'm so sure you'll enjoy it thatI'm going to throw in a few BONUSES just to sweeten the deal!: )Sasha, How Do YouKnow So Much About Keyword &Market Research?I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing research both for my own company and through Freelancing. And I kind of fell in love with it. It allowed me to get to learn about new industries and new products popping up in the marketplace.While I'm no longer a service provider, I still love research(I'm anerd I know!)and Iuse Google's organic search engine every single day which means SEO, markets and keywords are still very important for us to understand asonline business professionals.Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?Whether you're a blogger, author,freelancer, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional looking to find your perfect niche online,you'll benefit greatlybylearninghow to do niche marketresearch properlyand make the most of your findings by utilizing them in your website, content, productsand marketing materials.Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?You getlifetime accessto course material.You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!The techniques you will learn in this course aresimple, easyand effective!Master the art of finding profitablenichesonline.The same strategies used in professional marketing agencies.See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Video & Image SEO to Rank Page 1 in Google" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:I get it - you gota great video, but NOTHING has really happened since you posted it online, right?If you feeluseless withyour marketing, can'tget your video toshow up inGoogle, YouTube or other search engines - I'll teach you how to succeed!Even with ZEROSEO experience,youll be able to optimize and rank videos like a pro!Why learn SEOfor videos?>> Videos are much easier to rank than text content (about 10-20xeasier)>> 50%+ of searchers click on avideo inGoogle search results>> You can DOUBLE conversion rates whenevera visitorwatchesa video (collect anemail, sell a product, etc.)So your video can be a great source of traffic and customers but only if your targeted prospects have the opportunity to watch it.Thats exactly what youll learn in this course:how to make sure that people will find YOUR VIDEOwhen they search for your type of product or service. You will become an expert at ranking your videos.SashaMillers Course Includes:Strugglingtorank for your keywordsin Google?Don't know where to begin with image optimization?Or simplywant to learn how to increase your brand's visibility online?...If you answered'Yes'to any of the following questions, thenthis is the course for you!DID YOU KNOW:As of 2018 nearly a third of all Google searches are image-related?!That meansif you're not properly optimizing your images - you're missing out on some sweet search engine traffic!That's whyImage SEO is one of the most underrated, under-utilized - yet powerfulSEO methods!When given a choice,people would much rather learn visually than through boring old text.That's why images and video are so popular! And images are only becoming more and more popular as the usage of the internet and smartphones continue to rise year after year. With all the time, money and energy it takes to get an online business up and running,it'd be foolish for us not to make the most of every asset on our site through optimization- images included.Inside thiscourse you'll discover:Why Image SEO is ImportantThe Benefits of Image OptimizationThe Top Ranking Factors forImage SEOHow to Properly Optimize Your Images for safety, SEO and increased visibilityHow to Select the Right ImagesAnd MUCH More!By the end of this course, you'll learn at least3 new ways to get moretraffic to your website:1) You will be able to increase the keywordrankingsof your pageshigher by doing correct image optimization.2)You'll know how torank in Google's image search results, and get more website visitors.3)You'll understand how image & file size effects your page load times, and be able to reduce the sizes to improve site speeds and user engagement to reduce bounce rates.*IMPORTANTNOTE-I recorded this course on a new computer and after I realizedthe audio settings were a bit lower than normal -please turn up the volume or use head phonesfor this the best learningexperience.NOW IS THE BEST TIME to take advantage of this course while the COMPETITION IS STILLLOW!What are you waiting for? Carpe diem!Ill see you on the inside!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------How to SEO your imagesThere are several elements to optimize when using images in your content. When you add a new image in WordPress your screen looks like the example below and it is the place to optimize your images for better SEO.Lets see below what you should enter in each of the above boxes:Filename: The name of the image is the first thing to check, before even uploading to WordPress. Filenames should be informative and describe the image. When you purchase an image or take a photo using your phone, they usually have names like DC0001IMG.jpg or something similar that does not make any sense.Instead you can rename your image to have more meaningful names i.e. nexus-6p-rear-view.jpg or link-building-guidelines.png, like the example above. In other words, try to describe in a few words what the image is about and use that as the filename separated with dashes.Image file size: As a general rule of thumb the smaller the image is (in bytes) the better. Large images will take longer to load and this can negatively impact the user experience especially for users on mobile.A good practice is to use tools like image optim (for mac users) that can reduce the file size of an image without losing quality. For all the images I use in my posts, I first open then in Pixelmator (similar to Photoshop) and then export them in png or jpg. Before uploading to WordPress I also use image optim to reduce the file size even further.On WordPress you can install ewww image optimizer, a plugin that will automatically reduce the size of all uploaded images, without affecting the quality.Responsive images: Since version 4.4, there is native support for responsive images in WordPress. This means that when you upload an image to your pages or posts, WordPress will create a number of smaller images in different sizes and will automatically fetch those to users depending on the device they are using. In simple words what this does is making the use of images more efficient and loading of a page faster.Consider this example:You upload a big image (1000600) to your post. The file size of the image is 100KB. When users on mobile view your page, they wont have to download this image and waste their bandwidth but WordPress will automatically show users an image that is 320200 in size and only 15KB. The result is less bandwidth and faster loading speeds.Alt Text: Alt text is perhaps the most widely used element for image SEO. Search engine crawlers are not so good in understanding what an image is about and although they are getting better year by year on image recognition, they still need the help of the ALT Text.Alt text is used to describe the contents of an image to bots and also as a guide for people that are visually impaired and cannot actually see the image.When writing ALT text of your images have the following in mind:Dont use dashes in your alt text. Write normally and try to describe in a few words what the image is about.Use keywords that are relevant to the content of the page but dont overdo it.Keep your alt text short and to the pointSome people (including me) tend to use the post title as the alt text of the featured image and although this is not the most efficient way, it is acceptable and a common practice.See below what Google recommends about alt text.Image Caption and Titles: Besides the ALT text, search engines can use the image title and caption to better understand the subject matter of your image, so it is necessary to provide them with these values.Image position: You can position your images anywhere you want in the page but if you want a particular image to be taken into account by search engines as an important image of your content (may its a custom image you did that is unique, original and useful), then you need to add it closer to the top with the relevant alt text, image titles and caption.Open graph meta tags: Open graph is a protocol introduced by Facebook in 2010. The concept is similar to schema markup where you use tags to help crawlers identify the important parts of your content and their meaning.Open graph tags allow you to specify which image Facebook (and other social networks) will take into account when users click the SHARE or LIKE buttons from your website. When you have a page with more than one images, you can use the og:image tags to tell FB which image to use.The best way to add open graph protocol support to your WordPress website is to install the official facebook plugin.Image Sitemaps: I have explained the importance of having an optimized XML sitemap in a previous post but you can further enrich your sitemap to provide information about your post images or use a dedicated image sitemap.If you use Yoast SEO to generate your XML sitemap, then images are already included. If you want a separate image sitemap file, you can use this plugin.You can check your Google search console (option SITEMAPS under CRAWL) to see how many images from your website are included in Google index.How to SEO your VideosBesides images, the next popular visual element is videos. People like to watch videos instead of reading text and its no wonder that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the World.In the context of this article, I will explain how to SEO videos you add to your WordPress website and not on YouTube or any other service.Similar to images, Videos have their own schema markup and sitemap format. Both are essential in helping Google understand what your video is about so that it is indexed properly and a candidate for higher rankings.The most reliable plugin for creating the schema and also the video sitemap is the Video SEO plugin by Yoast. Its not a free plugin but its one of the best plugins that can do both tasks efficiently and easy.What you can do for better results is to make sure that:You use meaningful titles and descriptions in the video related tags. Dont forget that these are the tags that search engines will use to understand what your video is about. Titles and descriptions have to be unique for each and every video you add on your website.Specify a location for the video thumbnail, making sure that the size is at least 16090. The thumbnail may be used in the search results together with the other information about your video.Create a dedicated page for each of your videos. The page should have the proper schema markup.Check your robots.txt and make sure that Google can access the videos.Check the video expiry date and make sure that this is not in the past.Once you submit your video sitemap, login to your Google Search Console and check if there are any problems with the indexing of videos.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to YouTube, Video & Image SEO" |
"BUYTHISCOURSE and GET2 COURSES FORTHEPRICEOF1!!!Zach Millers Course Includes:In this course you will learn 3 new ways to get traffic to your website:1) You will be able to rank every one of the pages on your website a little higher by doing correct SEOtagging of your images.2)You will be able to rank in image search, and get traffic from Google image search.3)You will understand how image size inside your web pages effects the image rendering, and you will be able to make ideal social media posts that render perfectly no matter which social network you are posting on, and by rendering perfectly, you'll have a nicer post which gets more engagement and more traffic to your website.UNDERRATEDBUTPOWERFULWhen you hear people talk about SEO, they rarely mention image-SEO. This is great because it isn'tas crowded as any of theSEOfields (Organic,Video, PPC, etc)and it is less competitive, which is good for YOU.SashaMillers Course Includes:Are you struggling to make good videos?Do you want to increase your video views, engagement and watch time?Would you like to know how you can increase video rankings in YouTube AND Google?If you saidyesto any of these questions,THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!Inside well be covering how to:Find relevant video keywordsCreate videos thatmakepeople want to clickOptimize your videos for the search enginesImprove viewer engagement & watch timeBuild a YouTube brand and communityPromote & market your videoAnd MUCH MORE!*NOTE: I do not cover Video Ads inside this course.Did you know thatYouTube is the second largest search engine onlineafter Google?In fact, as of 2018 YouTube gets over 30 million visitors PER DAY andthe average mobile user session lasts around 40 mins!Thats more than Facebook AND Twitter combined!Experts say by 2025, there will be more demand for video than written content. And by the looks of it theyre right!Also, did you know thatonly 9% of U.S small businesses are currently using YouTube?Nows the best time to discover YouTube & video marketing!Inside this courseI'll also be sharing:YouTube's ranking factors as of 2018what's changed for video marketing in the past few yearsthe NEWGame Plan to dominate YouTube and Google's video search resultstips for creating high quality videos like the prosthe best video creation tools to help the process go smoothlySo what are you waiting for?!Enroll now & take control of your video marketing!""Sasha, how do you know so much about video SEO and marketing?""I've worked in the SEO industry for over 7 years and in that time, I did a lot of research, on-page SEO and video optimization work. Ive worked with a number of small businesses, local businesses, musicians and entrepreneurswho came to me exclusively for YouTube marketing and video marketing. With my research, optimization, and promotion techniques, my customers were able to successfully increase their video views, CTRs, engagement and video rankings.DisclaimerI can't guarantee any specific results. Results will vary from student to student based on, yourchannel type, your niche market and how well you implement the strategies in the course.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Theres a lot of hype surrounding ranking blog posts and thats understandable because youd want to rank in search engines and get as much traffic as you possibly can. But people often forget that YouTube is the worlds second largest search engine with over 1 billion unique visitors each month and over 6 billion hours of video being watched monthly. Thus, ranking on YouTube and having a strong presence there is equally important.Video SEO is not just about stuffing keywords in the title and description. It begins with careful keyword research using the keyword research tool. Those keywords are then used in places such as the video file name, thumbnail file name, title, description, tags, video timeline, closed captions or transcripts and more. You also have to harness the power os simple strategies such as internal linking through annotations with strong descriptions serving as anchor text or the fact that you can create mini channels with playlists, each with their own title and description. You can also create and submit a video site-map just like you would for your blog. And dont forget the SEO of your channel overall.It all begins with careful keyword research and you can use the YouTube Keyword tool for that.Keywords are then inserted in the:Video File Name: The optimization process begins before even saving the edited video. Each video should be saved with a keyword rich file name at the time of saving after editing. This is similar to image optimization where you save the image with a keyword rich name.Thumbnail Image File Name: This is a minor factor for ranking, but it should still be done. If you are using a custom thumbnail for your videos, the thumbnail image should be saved with the main keyphrase you want to rank for.Title: Put the main keywords/keyphrase at the beginning of the title.Video Tags: While uploading there is a section for adding video tags. Dont go overboard with this. Adding 5-6 main keywords/keyphrases is better than adding 15 and that way they are given more weight-age.Description Box: Add the keywords at the beginning of the description box in the first sentence and repeat the keyword a few times in the description if possible (this is similar to keyword density in a way).Video Timeline: A video timeline should be created and entered in each videos description box. This should be done in addition to the transcripts and closed captions file. A video timeline explains what is talked about during what time giving the exact minute and second for the start and finish of the topic. The time ranges show up in blue so your viewers can click on them and go straight to the topic they are interested in. This is important for optimization because it tells YouTube your videos main sub topics so it can rank for them.Also dont forget to choose an appropriate video Category. On the upload page, YouTube gives you a list of video categories to choose from.Besides inserting keywords, there are various other strategies:Annotations: Annotations are the little notes that appear on top of videos and these should be used to link to other previous videos and keywords should be used in the sentence used to describe the video. This is very similar to inter linking like the way it is done for blog posts and the text used to describe the link is similar to anchor text.Closed Captions and Transcripts: Closed captions and transcripts are hidden gems of video SEO. They are similar but different, so you can choose to use one of them. A closed captions file should be uploaded for each video (this file contains captions and time codes- what is said and when it is said). This helps in optimization as your captions contain relevant keywords. A transcript file can also be included for each video as well (this file is similar to closed captions, but no time codes are given). These files are important for optimizing because your captions contain keywords.Video Sitemap: Just like for blogs, you can create a video sitemap for your YouTube channel and submit it to YouTube.Playlists: All the videos of your channel should be organized through playlists and each playlist should be given a keyword rich title and description. Many times when you search for a topic on YouTube, playlists appear in the search results along with videos so it is very important to start having your playlists rank as well.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 199.99 |