"naat Mhendislii Hayatna Hazrlk Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs ile gereklemi bir yapm organizasyonu zerinden naat Sektr Yapsn renecek ve naat Mhendislii i hayatna hazr olacaksnz.Kursun Yaps 1. naat Sektr ve Yapm Srecinin Detayl Tantm Bu blmde yatrm karar alnmasndan itibaren, tm paydalar ieren sreci nce adm adm detayl ileyeceiz, yapm srecinin sonuna kadar tm faaliyetlerle greceiz. Devamnda ise sektrde yer alan; iveren firmalar, yklenici firmalar, altyklenici firmalar, danmanlar, melliflerden oluan sektr organizasyonununu birlikte greceiz ve bu firmalarda bir inaat mhendisi ne i yapar, hangi programlar kullanr gibi nemli noktalardan bahsedeceiz. 2. naat Mhendisinin Kariyer Geliiminde Rol Alacak Unsurlar Bu blmde sizi profesyonel i hayatna hazrlayacaz. eriinde inaat sektrne zel cv hazrlama, nitelikli i ve staj bulma gibi konulara deinip ayn zamanda resmi yazmalar ve mlakatlarda dikkat edilecek nemli hususlara birlikte deineceiz.Ayrca konularla ilgili piyasada uzun srede zor renilecek birok bilgiye sahip olacaksnz. Kurs eriiKurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz:naat Yapm Sreleri - 1 Dersnaat Sektr Organizasyonu ve Paydalar - 9 Dersnaat Mhendislii Okurken - 3 Dersnaat Mhendislii iin CV Hazrlama ve Sektrel Uygulamalar - 5 Dersnaat Sektrnde Bulma - 2 Dersnaat Sektrnde Mlakatlar ve Resmi Yazmalar - 2 DersOkul Sonras Kariyer - 2 DersTm bunlar gereklemi organizasyonlar ve grmeler zerinden dzenli ve sral bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Okulda retilmeyen bilgileri bu eitimde tamamlayp sektre zmba gibi giri yaplabilecei dncesindeyim.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99 |
"naat Projelerinde Metraj, Keif, Bte ve Hakedi Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta sfrdan AUTOCAD ve MS EXCEL programlarn kullanarak gerek bir projenin tm aamalar zerinden METRAJ, KEF, YAKLAIK MALYET, BTE ve HAKED hazrlamay birlikte detayl bir ekilde uygulamal olarak reneceiz. Eer programlar hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa ve bu konulara yeterince hakim deilseniz bu kurstam size gre!Kursun Yaps Kurs boyunca her blmde;Analizlerimizi ve hesaplarmz programlar zerinden birlikte uygulamal ekilde yapacaz.Eklerden indireceiniz size sunmu olduum metraj, keif, bte, hakedi dkmanlar ve DWG dosyalar ile birlikte yol alacaz.Dersleri sral ve dzenli bir ekilde, byk bir inaat projesindeki gerek dzenine gre aama aama greceiz.Bildiiniz veya gemek istediiniz dersleri ilgili dersin altnda bulunan tamamlanm dkman kullanarak geip, bu dkman ile bir sonraki derse devam edebilirsiniz.+ Ara derslerde ve hazrlk derslerinde ihtiyacmz olan konu ile ilgili nemli bilgileri birlikte inceleyeceiz.Ayrca her konuyla ilgili piyasada bulunmayan verilere sahip olacaksnz. Kurs eriiKurs boyunca gerek bir proje zerinden gerek dkmanlar ile AUTOCAD ve EXCEL programlarn kullanarak u srada ilerleyeceiz:Projedeki kalemlerin detayl bir ekilde metrajn karacaz. (Kaba, ince ve dier kalemler)Metrajn kardmz kalemleri dzenleyip keif formatna getireceiz.Oluturduumuz metrajlardan yola karak yapmzn yaklak maliyetini hesaplayacaz.nceleyeceimiz kefin nasl bteye dntrldn greceiz.Metrajmz ve kefimizi oluturduktan sonra bunlarn altyapsna dayanan hakedileri detayl bir ekilde grecek ve reneceiz.Kurs boyunca uygulamaya ynelik bilmemiz gereken ekstra greceimiz teorik derslerden bazlar:naat proje organizasyonu ve paydalarn tantmnaat projelerinde yapm aamalarWBS yaplar ve birim fiyat analizleriBte analizleri ve finansal teknikler (dviz oranlar, i kalemlerinin finansal dalm ve m2 birim maliyet)Kesin HesapTm bunlar byk bir inaat projesi zerinden dzenli ve sral ekilde reneceksiniz. Ayrca kursumuzu yeni bilgiler ile srekli gncelleyeceiz!---------------------------------------------Ska Sorulan Sorular:Derslerle ilgili bir sre kstlamas var m? Aldktan sonra tekrar izleyebilir miyim?Derslerimiz video formatnda Udemy zerinde hazr ve ykldr. Kursu aldktan sonra kursa istediiniz zaman balayabilir ve istediiniz kadar tekrar tekrar izleyebilirsiniz. Tek deme ile snrsz olarak size ait olacaktr. Bir sre kstlamas yoktur! 2. Derslerde kullanacamz programlar nereden temin edebilirim?Hazrlk blmnde, derslerimizde kullanacamz programlarn nereden temin edileceinden de bahsetmekteyiz. Yani kursa balamak iin bir n hazrla gerek yok! 3. Derslerde aklma taklanlar size sorabilir miyim?Derslerimiz bire bir zel ders formatnda olduundan platform zerinden srekli iletiimde olacaz, sorularnz bana anlk olarak iletip en ge 12 saat iinde yant alacaksnz. Ayrca eitim ktphanemizde dier arkadalarmzn sorduklar sorular inceleyebilecek ve sizler de soru sorabileceksiniz. 4. Ders videolarn indirebilir miyim?Eitim srecinde ilerleme durumunuzu sistem analiz etmekte ve eitim sonunda sizin adnza sertifika vermektedir. Ayrca eitim platform zerinden videolara ek zel ders formatnda gereklemektedir. Tm bunlardan dolay videolar indirilemez ancak tm dier dkmanlar snrsz olarak indirilebilir. 5. Eitimi nasl alacam ve nereden izleyeceimi anlamadm? u an bulunduunuz sayfada eitimin tantm videosu altnda yer alan ""hemen satn al"" butonuna basn ve Facebook'a kayt olur gibi kaydnz oluturun, devamnda ilgili ynergeleri izleyip kartnzla eitimi alabilirsiniz. Aldktan sonra sisteme yine Facebook'a giri yapar gibi oturum ap ""Kurslarm"" blmnden eitime tklayp izleyebilirsiniz. Eitimi Udemy web sitesi ve mobil uygulamalar zerinden, internetinizin olduu her yerden eitimi takip edebilirsiniz.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 359.99 |
"Popular Music History: Pop, Rock & Dance in the 20th Century" |
"Tired of not knowing which bands/genres your friends are talking about? Or are you trying to find inspiration for your new musical style?This course will guide you through the history of popular music from the 1950s to the 2000s, from Blues to Nirvana, and everything in between! With curated Spotify playlists included, never again will you not have something to say when a conversation strikes up about music; youll be armed with musical trivia, facts, and knowledge of the key historical events that influenced iconic genres and artists.Spotted the retro trend in music recently? Well, maybe youll find the next big thing hidden in our musical past.Designed for anyone with an interest in popular music, for each genre youll learn:The defining characteristicsKey artistsSocio-economic influencesOrigins and legacyGenres & artists covered include:Rhythm & BluesCountry & WesternJazzRockabillyRock n RollSoulMotownSurf RockFolk RockThe BeatlesPsychedelic RockProgressive RockHeavy MetalGlam RockPunk RockHip HopHouseTechnoNirvanaDrum & BassBoost your curiosity, explore your passion, and develop your cultural knowledgeWe can learn so much from every single genre - whether its a moral lesson from Bob Dylan and the Folk Rock movement, or a political lesson from the Sex Pistols and Punk Rock, or even a lesson in fun from the Glam Rockers.Overview of the CourseOur course is aimed towards anyone with an interest in the history of popular music. Whether you are in a band looking for a new style/sound, or just after some tasty pop trivia to wow your friends with, this is the course for you.As you begin the course, youll look at Blues, Country, and Jazz: the early influencers of of Rock n Roll, the first true popular music genre. Youll then be taken on an auditory adventure through time, looking at each genre under a magnifying glass, examining the key artists, characteristics, and influences.By the end of the course youll have a comprehensive understanding of where popular music comes from, why it needs to exist, and youll have an arsenal of fun facts to share with your friends.The InstructorsJonathan Armandary taught Popular Music History at Leeds College of Music, and has toured Europe in bands, as well as being an award-winning composer.Tomas George has a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. He is also the creator of some of the world's most popular music production courses - with over 100,000 studentsYou! You and your fellow students are an integral part of the course. By sharing your favourite bands, artists, and knowledge, youll help yourselves and others to expand your musical horizons.Our GuaranteeWe hope that the course is right for you, and that you know what youre signing up for, but if, for any reason, we offer a 30-day money back guarantee"
Price: 99.99 |
"A crash course on Chinese Pinyin" |
"Designed for English speakers, this course introducesthe Chinese phonetic system -- Pinyin-- in a comprehensive and authentic way. The lessons here are basicallyPowerPoint school lessons.New English captions were uploaded on Nov 6th, 2017 to replace the auto caption generated by udemy.Pinyin defines the pronunciation of Chinese characters.In five lessons, this coursecoversessentially all the Pinyin combinations used in Chinese, and a demonstration audio is provided forevery combination. Overall this course contains all the information you need for Chinese Pinyin."
Price: 39.99 |
"Petit Manuel pour Investisseur Averti : le Crowdfunding" |
"A l'issue de ce cours, vous connatrez les diffrents acteurs du march ducapital investissement ou financement participatif (private equity en anglais), leur business modle, et serezen mesure de faire votre premier investissement participatif dans des entreprises prometteuses tout en minimisant les risques de perte. Vous tes sur le point d'investir comme les experts en capital investissement."
Price: 49.99 |
"Nederlandse Cursus Photoshop voor Beginners en Gevorderden" |
"Is het mogelijk om als beginner Photoshop onder de knie te krijgen binnen een paar uur?Het probleemEr zijn vele mensen die Photoshop proberen en na een korte tijd afhaken. Dit komt omdat er zoveel functies in Photoshop zijn dat je soms het overzicht kwijt raakt. Er is zoveel materiaal te vinden online over Photoshop dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet.De mogelijkhedenHet leren van Photoshop is enorm leuk. Het is alsof je een tovenaar bent op de computer voor anderen. Na deze cursus geen saaie fotos meer, maar fotos die de aandacht trekken, fotos die opvallen. Ook zal ik je leren hoe je grafisch kunt ontwerpen in Photoshop, waardoor je geld kunt gaat verdienen met design! Door Photoshop heb ik ook zelf een bedrijf op kunnen zetten en voor grote bedrijven mogen werken, zoals: Coca Cola, RTL, ICI Paris XL, Adobe en vele anderen. Een simpele oplossingNa enorm veel aanvragen via mijn YouTube kanaal heb ik besloten om dit probleem aan te pakken: Een complete Photoshop cursus waarin je op een snelle en efficinte manier het programma onder de knie krijgt binnen een paar uur.Geen cursus van 40 uur waar geen eind aan lijkt te komen. Gewoon de functies die je nodig hebt in het echte leven of werkveld, zonder poespas.Al 30.000 mensen gingen je voorOp YouTube heb ik al meer dan 4.000.000 weergaven en 30.000+ abonnees behaald met mijn videos, daarom hoop ik dat ik ook veel andere mensen op Udemy tevreden kan maken met mijn werk!Alleen focus op wat echt nodig isMaar hoe bepaal je wat je WEL en NIET leert vraag je je misschien af. Ik geloof dat die vraag eigenlijk alleen beantwoord kan worden door ervaring in het werkveld. Ik ben al meer dan 10 jaar bezig met Photoshop en weet ondertussen wel welke technieken je wel en niet hoeft te gebruiken in Photoshop. Ik heb deze technieken toegepast voor grote en kleine betaalde klant projecten.In je auto gebruik je ook niet alle knopjes om op je locatie te komen toch?Ik help je een handjeOm in Photoshop snel en handig te kunnen werken is een goede werkwijze belangrijk. Daarom maken we gebruik van sneltoetsen waardoor je super snel kunt werken in het programma. Hiervoor heb ik een speciaal document bijgevoegd die je er bij kunt houden (of zelfs kunt printen).Ook heb ik oefenbestanden toegevoegd zodat je zelf aan de slag kunt gaan. Let opAangezien ik constant bezig ben met het verbeteren van de cursus en content kan het zijn dat deze cursus binnenkort offline wordt gehaald of ik de prijs ga verhogen. Daarom zou ik je kans pakken zolang de kortingen nog lopen. Want zodra de cursus op je account staat heb je levenslang toegang.Reviews van anderen""Ik kijk jullie videos elke keer en raak genspireerd van jullie werk/design."" - Sam""Jullie kanaal heeft mij genspireerd om zelf ookte gaan ontwerpen - Jordy""Ik kan niet wachten tot de nieuwe videos en mailtjes! Ik volg jou al 4 jaar, en heb leren designen door jou:)"" - Floor""Trouwens, jullie kanaal heeft mij echt goed geholpen met .. ja .. gewoon ALLES wat met designen te maken heeft."" AlexZonder risicoMocht je mijn cursus echt niks vinden, dan is dat helemaal niet erg. Je kunt zonder moeite je geld terug vragen binnen 30 dagen. Het risico is dus enorm laag!Schrijf je nu in voor de curses en begin direct!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Database Training For Beginners" |
"Microsoft SQL Server developers are earning higher salary in IT industry, but, it's not about writing queries it's about understanding and applying the right query at right time. This course will let you understand the SQL Server concepts in an easy way. This SQL course is for beginners who are interested to learn Microsoft SQL Server Database 2017. This Online SQL Server Training course takes some of the basics and then goes in depth. There are regular quizzes and self practice assignments to help you remember the information. Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Installation Introduction to SQL Server database and its structureDatabase - How to create database - How to modify database - How to delete database - Database delete issuesCloud Database- Amazon AWS- Microsoft Azure Tables - How to create table - How to modify table - How to delete table Data manipulation - How to insert data in tables - How to update data in tables - How to delete data in tables - Truncating data vs deleting Retrieving data - Select statement Filtering data retrieval - Filtering Data with the WHERE clause - Filtering Data with the WHERE clause using various Operators - UNION Operator and UNION ALL Operator - EXISTS Operator - Sorting Data with the ORDER BY Clause - SELECT TOP Clause - DISTINCT Statement - GROUP BY Statement - HAVING Clause Advance Table Concepts - Primary Key - Foreign Key - Unique Key - Null values - Default Values - CHECK constraint Joins Learn to write complex queries using different types of Joins in SQL Server - Inner Join - Left Outer Join - Right Outer Join - Full Outer Join - Cross Join - Self Join Stored Procedure - How to create, alter and drop stored procedure - SQL Injection - Advantages of stored procedure Built-in Functions - String Functions - Numeric Functions - Date Functions - Conversion Functions - Advanced Functions User defined Functions Temp Tables Triggers ViewsException HandlingImport - Import data from excel file - Import data from flat file - Import data from another SQL server database - Filter data while importing - Import data from MySQL Export - Export data to excel file - Export data to flat File - Export data to another SQL server database - Filter data while exportingBulk InsertCursorsTable VariableDerived tables and Except operatorCommon table expressions (CTE)You will make your money back from the price of this course. If you didn't like the course you really have nothing to lose. Udemy guarantees it with their no-risk 30 day money back guarantee. So come on inside and learn about what Microsoft SQL Server has to offer. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. The course will always be up-to-date. I am also available for questions inside the course discussion board. "
Price: 159.99 |
"Microsoft SQL Server For Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn SQL serverbasic concepts.Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Installation Introduction to databases and its structureDatabase - How to create database - How to modify database - How to delete database - Database delete issues Tables - How to create table - How to modify table - How to delete table Data manipulation - How to insert data in tables - How to update data in tables - How to delete data in tables - Truncating data vs deleting Retrieving data - Select statement Filtering data retrieval - Filtering Data with the WHERE clause - Filtering Data with the WHERE clause using various Operators - UNION Operator and UNION ALL Operator - EXISTS Operator - Sorting Data with the ORDER BY Clause - SELECT TOP Clause - DISTINCT Statement - GROUP BY Statement - HAVING Clause"
Price: 34.99 |
"Onlinemarketing fr Rechtsanwlte" |
"Am Ende meines Kurses werden Sie...die 9 hufigsten Fehler kennen, die Rechtsanwlte im Internet machen und wie man sie korrigiertdie 7 wichtigsten Stellschrauben fr die Optimierung Ihrer Kanzlei Homepage kennenerfahren, fr welche Suchbegriffe es sich lohnt mit Ihrer Kanzlei Homepage auf Google Seite 1 gelistet zu werden.eine Methode kennen- und anwenden lernen, die Ihnen dabei hilft, versteckte Potentiale aufzudecken und anschlieend gewinnbringend fr sich umzusetzen.Sie werden erfahren, wie Sie es in die Top-3 Google Kartenergebnisse (Google MyBusiness) schaffen und dadurch Monat fr Monat neue Anrufe und Mandats-Anfragen erhalten."
Price: 49.99 |
"Mes secrets en DROPSHIPPING pour trouver des BEST-SELLERS" |
"Quelques avis des mes tudiants :Philippe Zech : "" Un bon cour, j'y ai appris des faons de procder et des outils d'analyses que je n'avais pas vus ailleurs, mme en prenant des formations payantes.""Dupont Marie : ""Merci toi Amir Mehdi pour m'avoir donn tous ses outils, c'est vraiment trs intressant ta formation, hte que tu en fasses d'autres avec application de vente de produits ! Merci encore ""Bruneau Jean-Christophe : ""Il donne d'excellente base pour se lancer dans le e-commerce. - Comment faire pour trouver une niche - Comment je dois rflchir - Les Astuces nous permettant de dvelopper notre site J'ai avaler le cours en une demi journe et je le remercie pour a, je vais avoir une vue d'ensemble sur mon futur Business Un mentor succs ""Mohamed : ""apprciation du processus et pedagogie du formateur. J'avance et dveloppe cette activit suivant une logique dynamique. MERCI ""Matt Perrin : ""Super cours ! Je recommande vraiment pour ceux qui souhaitent comprendre comment mieux choisir leurs produits vendr. Amir donne de vrai bon conseil et des super astuces, merci ! ""Ce cours apour but de vous partager mon exprienceet mes secretssur la recherche de produit vendre en dropshipping.Un lment plus quefondamental dans la russite de votre site e-commerce en dropshipping, c'est la fondationde tout votre business qui en dcoulera. Mieux vous savez dtecterles opportunits produits, mieux vous russirez votre business en dropshipping.Maintenant Parlons du contenude cecours.Je n'ai pas voulu crer une sorte de stratgie miracle ou de mthode infaillible, car elle n'existe pas. Il existe milleet une faon de trouver des best-sellers, mais encore faut-il savoir les identifier.Je partage galement les diffrents outils (gratuit) que j'utilise pour dcouvrir etvalider mes slections produits.Nous allons aussiparlerdu choix d'image pour mieux vendre avec votre boutique. Unbest-sellersansbonne image ne se vendra pas.Avant de savoir quoi vendre, il faut savoir qui le vendre. Une partie du cours est ddie l'audience. Pour avoir un best-seller, il faut parfaitement connaitre l'audience cible.Je vous offre un petit bonus la fin du cours pour encore plus vous aider russir.Bon courage et bonne chance tous dans vos business !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting" |
"This course is designed for you to learn key concepts and put them immediately into practice. This course will be constantly evolving with real-life audit scenarios and audit templates being added routinely to the Resources tab in the course Dashboard. The goal is to help you perform audits for your business; or to assist you in learning internal auditing for your educational programs or Certified Internal Auditing (CIA) certification; or to boost your resume/CV by adding a new and in-demand skill."
Price: 19.99 |
"Genealogy 101: Becoming a Family Tree Sleuth" |
"This course is a step-by-step introduction to family history research. You will learn how to organize yourself for family history research, create a family tree, and find the relevantdocuments you will need and where to find them for FREE. Finally, we willexamine family history-relateddocuments to find family members from prior generations.In this course, we will visit severalfree, online tools used to search for family records and I will show you how Iuse eachsiteto perform family history research.At the end of this course, students will know how to start their family history journey and be comfortable navigating various sites to find important information. Further, studentswill have a starting place for organization ofall familymaterials collected, so that they more easily put together family trees and create printed family treeposters and banners."
Price: 19.99 |
Python |
"python3jupyter notebook11jupyter notebook"
Price: 19800.00 |
"Trinity Piano Grade 3 (Performance) by Joe Bryer" |
"This is Grade 3Trinity Piano Examination for 2015-2017 series, taught by Joe Bryer. The course included Hand position, Articulation, how to practice, and the full pieces of each songs. So,It is the best way to make it easyfor learners who want to take an exam, and to get a certification for grade 3."
Price: 39.99 |
"Trinity Piano Grade 4 (Performance) by Joe Bryer" |
"This is Grade 4Trinity Piano Examination for 2018-2020 series, taught by Joe Bryer. The course included Hand position, Articulation, how to practice, and the full pieces of each songs. So,It is the best way to make it easyfor learners who want to take an exam, and to get a certification for grade 4."
Price: 39.99 |
"HTML and CSS for complete Beginners" |
"Easy HTML and CSS course is especially designed for beginners but anyone can give a try.Course starts with Introduction to HTML and HTML tags,attributes and Entities.then after finishing HTML section there will be an exercise in which students will make a registration form using html.then students Learn Css from scratch and will be able to design a news website."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Vietnamese Course 2.0" |
"In this course, you will study Vietnamese from very basic to advanced level froma native speaker. Also, some travel experience and life in Vietnam are introduced to ensure that you will have best moments in Vietnam. This course is suitable for any levelincludingwithout any knowledge about Vietnam before, and for any purpose such as traveling, learning or even an examination."
Price: 199.99 |
"illustrator desde 0 a la imprenta" |
"En este curso aprenders a usar todas las herramientas de dibujo en illustrator, desde ver como se usan, a practicar con ellas en ejercicios, aprenders a dibujar e interpretar dibujos y algo de conceptos.Aprenders a generar fichero para su optima impresin y aprenderemos a configurar nuestros proyectos para su posterior envo a la imprenta."
Price: 19.99 |
"ESP8266 for absolute beginner - Arduino alternative 2020" |
"Please Note:- Course content last updated on 29 November 2019.Why should I take this course?This is not just an online course but also covers one business day resolution to all your queries. We have a separate technical support team that is always active to help you whenever you are stuck. *********************************************************************************************************************************************Welcome to the course ESP8266 for absolute beginner - Arduino alternative 2020 Before choosing any development board you will look for three things, the first thing would be, how easily you can connect the sensors and actuators. Secondly, for IoT project implementation, the device should be accessed and controlled remotely. And, finally, it should be portable, inexpensive and readily available.Over the past few years, you might have heard about the popular boards such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Beagle bone black etc. These boards will fulfill all your requirements for your embedded systems project but are costly as well as bigger in size. The idea is to use a board which is tiny and can be embedded anywhere for rapid deployment. In this course, I will cover in detail about NodeMCU and how to set up step by step. After successful installation, you will learn how to flash the latest version of the firmware and get started. We will begin with Lua programming and complete two basic projects to understand the programming flow and the working process. Lua is a powerful and fast programming language that is easy to learn and use and to embed into your application. Lua is designed to be a lightweight embeddable scripting language. Upon successful completion of the above project. I will also teach you how to configure and use NodeMCU with the most popular and widely used Arduino IDE and program it using C++. Using the Arduino IDE, we will code and complete two different projects. In the first project, you will learn how to make various patterns animated graphics and execute it on the LCD. In the second project, we will harness the power of NodeMCU by building a fully functional webserver to remotely control AC appliance. We will not use any third-party app to access the web services; rather we will use web scripting language to code the webpage and the backend server. I will also share the source code so that you can replicate the project by yourself. All technical queries will be answered within one business day. I look forward to you joining the course."
Price: 84.99 |
"Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java" |
"Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java is a great way to get started to develop applications on theAWS lambda platform that scale without the hassle of managing servers.This course is intended for every Java developer that wants to be able to build a productive serverless API within a few hours, usingaws lambdaand AmazonAPI Gateway.The Amazon aws cloud platform offers a lot of amazing services.However, each one of those services has a learning curve, and it can cost a lot of time become productive with any of these services just by reading the developer guides and taking the Trial and Error approach.In this course youll learn how to write and deploy aawslambda functions and how to create an AWS API Gateway endpoint to use that AWS lambda function.At the end of the course youll learn to create a production ready webservice on the Amazon Web Services platformthat can be used to resize any image on the fly.We discuss all of the aws-lambda configuration options, how to configure the IAM (AWSIdentity and access Management) to give your awslambda function access to Amazon Web Servicessuch as AWSs3, AWSCloudwatch, ... and we'll configure AWS API Gateway to create a REST api endpoint for our serverless awslambda function.Overview of the CourseIntroduction to AWS LambdaTools and accounts needed to develop aws lambda functions in JavaAWS lambda Course OverviewSetting up the AWS Lambda Project in the IDEImplementing the AWS Lambda FunctionQuiz :Java concepts for AWS lambda functionsDeploying the AWS Lambda Function on AWSQuiz :Creating a AWS Lambda serverless functionSet up AWS Identity and Access Management IAM permissionsDirect Java Call to an AWS Lambda functionAPI gateway Call to an AWS Lambda functionCalling an AWS Lambda function from other AWS ServicesA dynamic image resizer using Amazon Web ServicesCreating an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket to store resized imagesSetting up the project and creating the input classThe Resizer Class DesignThe Resizer ClassThe createUrl MethodThe readImage methodTying it all togetherDeploying the AWS Lambda Function on Amazon Web ServicesCreating the API on Amazon API GatewayTesting the API on AWS API Gateway"
Price: 59.99 |
"The Complete Basic Electricity & Electronics Course" |
"WHAT'S INITFORYOU?Knowledge of Electricity and Electronics is extremely valuable nowadays!Electronic circuits are everywhere, from computers and smartphones, to home appliances and cars. Think of all the everyday objects that are becoming smart... in the future, most of the things that we own will contain some electronics. Jobs in electronics are in high demand and well paid in almost every country!Building electronic products is incredibly rewarding, whether you do it professionally or just as a hobby. There is just something different and exciting about designing something physical that can be hold in ones hand and that interacts with the outside world, and today it has become incredibly easy to get started thanks to cheap development boards such as the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, combined with the right knowledge.Differently than what happens in other disciplines, knowledge of Electronics does not become obsolete, but it is always current as it is intimately connected to physics and to the fundamental laws of nature. Hence, while new components and chips might come along every year, the fundamental principles of Electronics always stay the same. WHAT'S DIFFERENTABOUTTHISCOURSE?While most of the material and courses available online tend to be high-level and focused on applications (for instance, it shows students how to connect components on a breadboard to create a circuit), the goal of this course is to explain the fundamental concepts of Electricity and Electronics, to allow you to fully understand how circuits work. Every topic is addressed starting from the first principles of the underlying physics and fundamental laws, and only later the acquired knowledge is used to explain how to design more complex circuits for different applications. WHATWILL YOULEARN?Fundamental concepts of Electricity (Current, Energy, Voltage, Power)Most important electronic components (Resistor, Capacitors, Diodes, etc)The main laws governing currents and voltages in circuits (Ohms law, Kirchhoffs laws, etc)Interface with Microcontrollers (coming soon)ANYPREREQUISITE?This is an introductory course about the theory of Electricity and Electronics, so no previous knowledge is required. To get the best out of the lessons, students should be comfortable with some basic arithmetic as I will often write and solve equations, in particular when analyzing simple circuits. Understanding a bit of physics can help too, but it is not required. Most importantly, no special hardware or software is required."
Price: 99.99 |
"Quantum Mechanics in Urdu/Hindi" |
"Quantum Mechanics (QM) seems to be one of the weirdest theories of Physics. Despite all the beauty of this amazing theory, it becomes extremely hard to understand the underlying concepts of Quantum Mechanics. Thismight be the reason behind the famous quote of Richard Feynman about Quantum Mechanics.He used to say that, ""I think I can safely say that nobody understands Quantum Mechanics"".Yet, we can have an insight of themost astounding and bewildering depictions of quantum mechanics.This course is for the beginners & for those students who are struggling to make some senseof Quantum Mechanics. In this course we will understand why do we need Quantum Mechanics & then we will move forward to understand basics & key concepts in Quantum Mechanics which are Fundamental to understand the whole of Quantum Mechanics."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bewerbungstraining kompakt: So bekommst du deinen Traumjob!" |
"handfeste Tipps und Strategien, die du 1 zu 1 so im Bewerbungsgesprch umsetzten kannst!Ich zeige dir, wie du erfolgreich durch den gesamten Bewerbungsprozess kommst und deinen Traumjob oder dein Traumstudium(wie ich) erreichst.ich zeige ich dir, wie du inSelbstprsentation strahlen kannst und von allen Bewerbern positiv hervorstichst!Du bekommst praktisch anwendbare Tipps frden OnlinetestdasTelefoninterviewdas Verkaufsgesprchdie Selbstprsentationder Gruppendiskussion etc.Duerhltstalle Tipps und Tricks eines persnlichen Personalcoachings und ersparst dir damit 160!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified - Solution Architect Associate - MockQA" |
"This course is designed to assessthe candidate'sreadiness to take any, or all, ofthe AWSassociateexams,it focuses primarily on assessing the candidate's readiness of the common Core TopicsKnowledge of allthree AWSAssociate examsincluding:AWS VPC(and its components),EC2, EBS, ELB,Auto Scaling,Route53,Cloud Front,IAM,S3,RDSSNS,SQS,SWFCloud FormationBest ArchitectureGlobal Infrastructure etc.These subjectsconstitute around75% +/-of the AWS associateexams' requiredknowledge, andare,mostly,common to all three AWSassociate exams.Passing this exam at 80% (without memorizing answers via repeated tries) means, you have close to 67% of the actual exam pointsguaranteed, which maximizes your chances to pass on your first attempt. Also, it indicates thatyou have a very good level of knowledge of the core topics.The exam is a truemock exam featuring:60 scenario-based, exam difficulty-level,questionsExam istimed to 80 minutesto mimic a real exam, however, you have an option to pause it if you want to (is not a feature of the real exam)You canmark questions for review, exactly like what you can do in the real examExampassing score is adjusted to be 80%,Passing the core knowledge exam at this score indicates you are ready for this part for the actual exam.Why 90% passing score?The Core knowledge in the actual exam will be around 70% of your exam overall score. Being fully prepared for the core knowledge means, you are very likely to pass the actual exam with little more preparation on the other 20-25% exam specific areas that are not tested here.If you pass this exam, you are good to go for the core knowledge part, you just need to be as prepared for the exam specific content above and beyond the Core Knowledge.What if You couldn't score 80%+ on this mock exam?Do not be distressed, it is better to know this now than know when you fail a try, and waste USD150, not mentioning the emotional disappointment. However, this would thenhighlighta weakness in your understanding/preparation ofthe core knowledge, which then needs to be filled before you sit the exam.There are many ways to fill this gap, one of them, and the easiest way,is the AWS Mock QA toolI have developed (mockqa- a place to practice as much as you can),that covers the core knowledge in the best way possible and guarantees:1)Deepest level of understanding of the AWScore knowledge for all three associate certificates2)Provides guided practice questions, scenario-based, at or slightly above the exam difficulty level, fully explained3)Provides the way to read the questions, how to avoid the pitfalls in reading the questions,4)Teaches you how toBasically,This is yourlow cost, andquicktoolto find out whetheryou are ready for your upcoming AWSassociate level exam(s), atool that cansave you wasting $150/exam on a failedtry, and the emotional stress and disappointment of such an experience.Why should you trust this tool?Judge where you stand yourself in a safer environment, before you are judged by the actual exam, and avoida potentialfailed try!This is the veryreason why this MOCK Exam is created for the Core Knowledge Areas that are common across all three Associate courses.Also, you shouldtrust this tool because:a. The questions are exam difficulty-level questions, multiple choice, multi-answer, so passing and scoring close to 90% means you will not be surprised in The examb. It has been prepared by individuals who have already passed these AWSexam, and know by experience what is and isn't a true exam level questionsc. You have nothing to loose, if you score high enough, you will get a confidence boost that can enable you to sit comfortably for the examd. If you have weaknesses the course will also guide you through how to fix that and be ready to ACEthe exam.e. It is always better to practice more before the exam, take this exam challenge that is way cheaper than the actual exam, and will help you judge where You stand.AlwaysRemember, Practice Makes Perfect!Enroll now and judge yourselfwhere you stand in your preparations!Good LUCK!What are the requirements?Already started studying for one or more of the AWS Associate level certificatesWhat am I going to get from this course?Assess exam readiness for the Core Knowledge Topics of all three associate level AWS certificatesWhat is the target audience?All Candidates for AWS Certified Associate Level Exams."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Easily Create a Website With Google Sites" |
"With Google Sites, building websites is easy. Just drag content where you need it. Create a one-stop destination for all important information, including videos, images, calendars, presentations, documents, folders, and text. Then, quickly and securely share it with an entire organization or the world. With Google Sites you can build internal project hubs, team sites, public-facing websites, and moreall without designer, programmer, or IT help. In this course you'll learn to create and share webpages with Google Sites. We'll demonstrate how to create sites from scratch as we familiarize you with the interface.You'll learn how to manage your site and add collaborators. We'll also go through how to add content such as images, text and links, to embedding YouTube videos and maps from Google Maps."
Price: 19.99 |
"Past Life Regression Training for Group and 1-to-1 Sessions" |
"This full training course will enable you to facilitate past life regression with groups and on a one to one with yourclients, family and friends.You do not need to be a practising hypnotherapist, but a good understanding of hypnosis is valuable.This course includes a detailed manual and all the scripts you need. You can also watch a real past life regression to show youhow a session works.This course can be logged in your CPD record."
Price: 89.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4: Kapsaml Projeler zerinden Oyun Gelitirme" |
"Bu eitim seti Udemy zerindeki UE alanndatm kaynaklardan daha kapsaml bir ierik sunmaktadr ve tamamen Trke'dir! Hibir ekilde daha ncedenprogramlama/oyun gelitirme tecrbeniz olmad varsaylarak anlatlm olup; rencilerisfrdan ileri seviyeye karmay hedefliyorum. Temel bilgiler ile balayarak salam bir altyap oluturduktan sonrakendi ellerimizle gereki oyunlar oluturarak pratiimizi glendireceiz.Mfredatn en sonunda gelitireceimiz 30 saate yakn srentamamen gereki ve ince detaylarna kadar deinilmi ikimuhteemoyun (1st Person Shooter & 3rd Person Shooter) dnda her blmn sonunda o blmde rendiimiz bilgileri taze taze uygulayabileceimiz zenle hazrlanm projeler gerekletireceiz:Parkur oluturma:""Counter Strike Deathrun""Ragdoll ve 3D sesler:""Flatout""DeathmatchAte etmek ve patlayan mermilerHz gstergesiObje modelleme ve hareketlendirmeKarakter tasarlamaHarita tasarmHava durumu kontrolGiri (login) ve kayt (register) paneliAdmin sistemi"
Price: 409.99 |
"Kartra el mejor software para Marketing Digital" |
"En este curso, van a descubrir Kartra, el mejor software de Marketing Digital actual. En tiempo real, vamos a organizar Kartra de manera que pueden utilizarlo de la manera la ms sencilla y rpidamente.- Las bases de Kartra- Kartra frente a la competencia- Conexin de los sistemas de pago- Conexin de su dominio- Importacin de sus listas de clientes- Creacin de sus pginas de ventas- Creacin de sus sistemas de formacin (Memberships)- Creacin de un embudo completo con productos Dump, pginas Upsell y Downsell- Gestin de todos el sistema de comunicacin :Leads, Newsletter, Tags, Listas...- Utilizacin de un sistema de Calendario integrado- Organizacin y parametrizacin del sistema de Helpdesk- Funciones avanzadas"
Price: 99.99 |
"ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework WebASP.NET WindowsWebEntity Framework WebASP.NETTODOASP.NET MVCEntity FrameworkEntity FrameworkWindows 10Visual Studio Community 2017ASP.NETMVC 5EntityFramework 6"
Price: 22200.00 |
"Escrita Criativa para produzir contos de fico" |
"Voc escreve com o intuito de mudar o mundo, sabendo muito bem que voc provavelmente no consegue, mas tambm sabendo que a literatura indispensvel para o mundo. (James Baldwin)Junte-se aos alunos do curso de Escrita Criativa mais vendido da Udemy Brasil!Esta imerso em escrita criativa foi preparada para voc escrever e publicar um conto durante o curso, alm de aprender a superar bloqueios criativos. Aceita o desafio?Veja os principais benefcios de estudar conosco:1) Contedo 100% online e atualizado: inicie, interrompa e retome o curso a qualquer momento, respeitando suas limitaes de tempo, espao e recursos. So mais de 30 aulas prticas e sem enrolao.2) Acesso vitalcio: voc est a um precinho bacana de ter acesso ao curso para sempre. 3) Reembolso: garantia de devoluo do dinheiro em at 30 dias aps a compra.4) Certificado de concluso ao final do curso, com horas que contam como atividades complementares.Quer mais? Caso aceite o desafio e produza um conto at o final do curso, voc receber gratuitamente um feedback completo via e-mail.Obrigada pela visita e espero ver voc em breve!V. S. K. Watanabe"
Price: 189.99 |