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"Complete Base SAS programming from Scratch - 2019"
"## Bonus lecture Guide for Joining for FREE official SAS community to interact with people worldwide& links to Free SAS material and Jobs and discussion material ##What I Expect from Students ( This course might seems Short, but none of the courses will teach you the basics and error handling as this course do) :Warning : Course might be boring for first few sections, as we deal with Basic building block (Base SAS Theoretical concept), after that You will be learning tips and tricks and will be applying the same.Please if you don't have patience don't opt this course, as first 4 sections are really boring as they deal with theory and concepts.- I will be adding bonus Lecture soon..of how to become part of SAS community and interact with SAS People all over the world and will be sharing few social groups that you can join for Jobs and Doubts.# Topics / Syllabus To be Covered in this course step by step:Accessing Data:- Use FORMATTED and LIST input to read raw data files.- Use INFILE statement options to control processing when reading raw data files.- Use various components of an INPUT statement to process raw data files including column and line pointer controls.- Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets.Creating Data Structures:- Create and manipulate SAS date values.- Export data to create standard and comma-delimited raw data files.- Control which observations and variables in a SAS data set are processed and output.- Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures.- Sort observations in a SAS data set.- Conditionally execute SAS statements.- Use assignment statements in the DATA step.Managing Data:- Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements.- Use SAS functions to manipulate numeric data, and SAS date values.- Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa.- Process data using DO LOOPS.Generating Reports:- Generate list reports using the PRINT procedure.- Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures.- Enhance reports through the use of user-defined formats, titles, footnotes and SAS System reporting.Handling Errors:- Identify and resolve programming logic errors.- Recognize and correct syntax errors.- Examine and resolve data errors.Note:1)Students might be asked to provide an emailby SAS website , for downloading FREE SASUniversity Edition software for their use.(That is Download SAS free of cost)2) Same applies to SAScommunity or Base SAS community.3) Practice exercises attached to dropbox via Orangedox. In case of any issue please let meknow.Complete Base SAS programming for Non Techies : Only Passion to succeed NeededThis SAS course is specifically designed by keeping in mind Fresh graduates be it from Engineering field or Non Engineering Field.Q: Is it necessary to have programming Background ?Answer: No, Anyone can join and learn SAS programming be it a Non- Programmer , Fresh graduates from non Engineering / Engineering Background, even Professionals looking for a Job change.Q: Will it help me in securing Job?Answer : Yes, It will . Provided You practice each step taught in the course, You will definitely be Impress the interviewer and crack exam their SAS exam too.Q: Will it help me in Official BASESAS exam?Answer: Yes Definitely, we will be moving forward step by step on SAS syllabus guidelines.Q: I am from Clinical field should I join it ?Answer: Why Not ? Every SAS programmer must be proficient in Base SAS programming, then only he/ she can move forward. Moreover here we will work with clinical examples too.Q:DoI need some extra books to follow ?Answer: No, not at all.. But following SAS documentation is recommended...As it is official. But, I suggest you to avoid it, as it will confuse you at this stage.Note: All Sectional Quizzes and more videos will be added soon, so stay Tuned, Your positive review encourages me to add more content. So please do review the course properly , so that new enrolling students can make fast decision and I can add more content.- Course is created by one of our best professionals any queries are welcome."
Price: 199.99

"React JS + Redux + ES6. Completo De 0 a experto! (espaol)"
"Podrs crear aplicaciones React con Redux utilizando todas las features de ES6 y la ltima versin de React. Vamos a ver utilizacin de selectores, herramientas de debugging, la ltima versin de React Router, validaciones con PropTypes, plugins para el editor VSCode y mucho ms. Orientado desde la base de todos los temas, para que cada uno pueda avanzar a su propio ritmo, mostrando siempre primero la prctica y luego la explicacin terica, para que no falte nada y sea mucho ms interesante.Para asegurarte que este curso es la eleccin correcta para t, puedes revisar los temas de cada uno de los videos y aprovechar las lecciones en previsualizacin gratuita.ACTUALIZACIN:Ahora tambin con Hooks!"
Price: 109.99

"Ruby on Rails de Cero a Proyecto en espaol"
"Desarrolla aplicaciones web utilizando uno de los frameworks ms populares desarrollados en ruby la cual cuenta con una gran comunidad y con una cantidad bastante grande de gems (libreras) las cuales nos ayudaran bastante a la hora de un desarrollo gil, y ademas podemos crear aplicaciones baste til con solo decir que ruby on rails es uno de los frameworks ms utilizados por las startup."
Price: 104.99

"Aprende a programar tus propias plantillas para wordpress"
"Aprende a crear tus propias plantillas para el administrador de contenidos ms populares de todo el mundo, el cual nos facilita mucho el trabajo a la hora de crear algn sitio web, ademas podrs convertirte en todo un freelancer y empieza a generar dinero extra, ya que existen miles de trabajos que buscan programadores wordpres."
Price: 114.99

"How to Install Adobe Muse inside your WordPress Website."
"As designers, our dream is to express our artistic talent to the world but sometimes we face the wall of codes that prevents us from developing as we would like since the creation of a website design should not be so complex.Adobe Muse offers a rich application in design, but to the design is inevitably required to use HTML codes, which represents a serious difficulty for many web designers.That's why as designers we are very happy to have a powerful application such as Muse To WordPress that offers us the conversion of HTML codes, CSS.JS to WordPress without having to pay a lot of money for it.This application is fast gaining a lot of connotation in the internet since many designers are already using it as a main tool to make creations in WordPress.I really appreciate that you are taking this class, however, if you have any doubts, questions or comments, please post it and I will gladly respond to your concerns as soon as possible."
Price: 19.99

"How to Grow Your Online Business With Content Marketing"
"In this content marketing workshop for beginners, you'll learn:How to find your first 1,000 true fansPerform keyword research to rank on Page 1 on Google and other search enginesIncrease engagement and clicks to your websiteRaise more awareness through leveraging other distribution channels, without doing more workHow to guest post for high-profile blogs and publications to gain more targeted customersHow to scale your content growth (step-by-step)"
Price: 49.99

"Universal Language feat. Song writing success"
"Universal Language is everything, however not conscious. You develop so many layers subconsciously when it comes to perception, that triggers are build into audio files and songs to infest you with ear worms and relationships with words.Volume 1 is the Million Dollar Song analysis.English is the main communicator in western songs however, the confusion of how song writing needs to formulate within the landscape of sound can be a dilemma if not aware of the actual propensity in which we are triggered to re-act to sound.Learn the triggers- Phonetic morphing and Structure (syllables /syncopation)- Vowel Placement- Ear-worms ( the strategic alignment of the first two triggers)"
Price: 19.99

"CISM Question Set"
"By the end of this training you will:Be able to define the architecture, design and manage the security of your organization.Acquire the relevant knowledge and skills required to clear the CISM certification examAble to demonstrate a deep understanding of the relationship between information security programs and broader business goals and objectives."
Price: 1280.00

"CISSP Question Set"
"Hackers are becoming smarter day by day and you need to be one step ahead to keep your company and your clientssafe.This cybersecurity certification is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge, advance your career and become a member of a community of cybersecurity leaders. It shows you have all it takes to design, engineer, implement and run an information security program.These practice questions with the explanation for each answer helps students understand why a particular answer is chosen among the options. This will help clarify doubts as to how the best option is selected.The CISSPexam is distributed into 8 domains. Each is listed below:Security and Risk ManagementAsset SecuritySecurity Architecture and EngineeringCommunications and Network SecurityIdentity and Access Management (IAM)Security Assessment and TestingSecurity OperationsSoftware Development Security"
Price: 1280.00

"Microsoft Office Shortcuts and Speed Tips"
"Everyday, for most of the hours of your day,you work onyour computer, trying to convert your thoughts and intentions into digital files. And if you are like most people, that means hand on your mouse, clicking on menus, moving a slow digital fingerand pointing and clicking. You're building spreadsheets, formatting documents, building presentations. What if you could do you work in half the time, or do twice as much in the same amount of time it takes you today? This course will makeyouFASTER.You'll go through the major programs of Excel, Word and PowerPoint and learn the shortcut keystrokes that help you do your everyday, every minute activities at the speed you think them, not the speed you can point and click. You'll also learn some super powerful, but rarely discovered speed tips, like selecting visible cells only in a single click, or inserting a custom header format in a single action.Because this is not a course on specific features only useful in specific situations, but rather general tools to use across all situations, you can instantlyapply what you learn in this course to the files and programs you are using today.So join the course and let's start getting faster at Microsoft Officetoday!"
Price: 79.99

Price: 4800.00

"How to Start and Market an Online Business"
"Are You Ready for Change?Have you been thinking about starting an online business but not sure where to begin?Ever wonder how all the internet gurus started their successful online businesses and curious how you can do the same?If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this will be one of the most important information you will read today.Many others just like you have discovered the benefits of having their own online business and acquiring the ability to work from anywhere they choose...Fast Track the Success of Your Online BusinessThis is a step by step blueprint, plain and simple.These are tried and proven methods that any online business owner can use to start generating massive profits by simply following the blueprint.Its not only about the number of sales you get but the QUALITY of the customers you keep.With How to Start and Market an Online Business you are gaining access to a complete, step-by-step course that will teach you these advanced techniques and help you to take your business to the next level.Watch Your Online Business Grow ProgressivelyThis is your best action plan for seeing continuous growth of your online business over time.Once you learn these strategies, as long as you keep to the blueprint, you can pretty much guarantee growth of your business.With that said, the rest is up to you my friend!Allow me to introduce you to my brand new 10-part step by step course:The Expert Online Money-Making Blueprint is a 10-part course covering the essentials and advanced aspects of building an online business.Here's what you'll discover in this course:How to set up a profitable online business the right way.How to investigate the different internet marketing business models and choose which one best suits what youre are looking for.You'll learn how to develop your own brand so your customers will identify you as the go-to expert in your niche.You will discover how to use a sales funnel to take control of the buying process and customer experience.And much more!It is separated into the following sections for ease or learning. Each Module has a video and downloadable PDF.Internet Marketing Business ModelsGetting to Know Your Market Through ResearchCreating Your Online Identity and BrandSetting Up Your Marketing Website HubHow to Create Downloadable Products?Setting Up A Solid Sales FunnelQuickest Way to Get Visitors to Your SiteThe Art of Building A List of BuyersUsing Competitors Products to Your AdvantageThe Free Method to Finding New CustomersHow to Measure Your SuccessPhysical Product Case StudyWebinar Case StudyBlogging Case StudyBook Case StudyHow to publish a book for freeYou'll also get access to a Rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.Inside you'll find:Top blogs and forumsTop toolsTop tips and how to's + more!"
Price: 19.99

"Diseo de Bases de Datos Relacionales"
"Quieres aprender a Disear e Implementar una Base de Datos Relacional totalmente funcional?Este curso es para ti.No necesitas ninguna experiencia previa, ni ningn conocimiento especializado en el area... Simplemente las ganas de aprender y la dedicacin necesaria para hacerlo.Hay datos por todas partes!En un mundo cada vez ms globalizado, los datos se generan con una velocidad impresionante y para nadie es un secreto que los datos son la base de la Informacin y del Conocimiento y por ello deben ser celosamente asegurados y su Integridad debe mantenerse a toda costa.En este curso vers que una Base de Datos es mucho ms que un simple repositorio de almacenamiento y aprenders un conjunto de tcnicas probadas durante ms de 40 aos, que te permitirn disear Bases de Datos Relacionales Funcionales, Rpidas y Seguras.Algunos de los tpicos ms interesantes que vers en este curso son:Diferentes Modelos de Datos (sus ventajas y desventajas)Bases de la Teora Relacional (lgebra Relacional, Teora de Conjuntos, Dependencias Funcionales)Normalizacin (6 distintas Formas Normales)Solucin de Problemas tpicos en implementaciones de Bases de DatosObjetos de Utilidad como ndices, funciones, procedimientos almacenados y disparadores (triggers)Un curso cargado de informacin terica muy importante para cualquiera que desee entrar en el maravilloso mundo de las Bases de Datos, avanzar en su carrera de Programador y Diseador de Software o simplemente refrescar sus conocimientossobre el tema.Toda la informacin que recibirs en este curso, la podrs aplicar en cualquier Manejador de Bases de Datos Relacionales, sin embargo a lo largo del curso nos veremos en la necesidad de referirnos a informacin especfica dependiente del Manejador de Bases de Datos, como por ejemplo: los tipos de datos, las restricciones y por supuesto la implementacin final de nuestra Base de Datos; en estos casos haremos referencia a una implementacin del Manejador de Bases de Datos Relacionales Microsoft SQL Server y usaremos la interfaz grfica SQL Server Management Studio de este mismo proveedor."
Price: 49.99

"Formation spciale CATIA V5: Design, assemblage, usinage."
"Dessiner des plans et des formes en 2D et les transformer en pices 3D, assembler les pices qui ont t cr chacune indpendamment de l'autre, faire des simulations d'usinage de pices relles avec les conditions relles d'usinage (vitesse, matire) et tirer le code machine commande numrique directement partir de cette simulation."
Price: 34.99

"Toque Melhor Violo Atravs da Cincia"
"Imagine que voc vai numa academia para fazer musculao e ficar mais forte: no basta voc simplesmente se exercitar de qualquer maneira. Existem tcnicas para melhorar seu desempenho que um bom treinador vai te ensinar com conhecimentos cientficos e no apenas empricos. Agora imagine isso no violo. Voc estuda baseado em ""achismo"" ou com embasamento cientfico?Atravs de pesquisas cientficas em fisiologia, anatomia, neurologia, treinamento esportivo, coordenao motora, fora e resistncia muscular, Marcos Kaiser orienta como estudar para melhorar a performance no violo.O curso muito didtico, focado nas informaes que so realmente importantes para que o msico possaimediatamente aplica-las tanto nas suas rotinas de estudo quanto no treinamento de seus alunos. O curso possui aulas tericas e prticas."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a programar desde ceros con 'C'"
"Muchas veces me he topado con cursos de programacin donde los profesores se dedican a ensearte un nuevo lenguaje, ya que para eso estn enfocados sus cursos. Pero para muchos estudiantes nuevos estos cursos no les serviran, ya que los instructores asumen que el alumno posee cierto grado de conocimiento en programacin.Es por eso que he desarrollado este curso para todos aquellos que no tienen algn conocimiento previo en programacin o para aquellos que ya se encuentran sumergidos en ella pero les hace falta conocer o reforzar ciertos conocimientos sobre la materia.En este curso se explican cosas tan bsicas como la estructura de un programa, los signos de puntuacin, hasta las estructuras de control y las funciones."
Price: 270.00

"Exactly How to reach your Profit Goals on eBay every Month!"
"I will show you a Formula to use every time you want to increase your sales on eBay to reach a specific profit point that can be used once,every month,oranytime your profit goal changes.This simple formula uses statistics from youreBay account. This formula shows you how to determine your average profit per item, sell through rate,how many items you need to sell each month,and how many items you need in your inventory that is active in your eBay storeto successfully reach your sales goal every Month. This information is so important when it comes to reaching yourspecific sales Profit goal.Without it, you are basically winging it because eBay does not give you this information. Once you learn this formula, you will see a drastic change in your Sales Profit!"
Price: 19.99

"Do it Yourself - Automotive Electrical Diagnosis - Beginner"
"Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Master Technician and Instructor Steve Liguori, Teaches Beginners, and Do-it-Yourselfers how to Understand Automotive Electrical Wiring Diagrams and Schematics.  He Demonstrates a Process that can Promote Quick and Accurate Diagnostic Results.The Achievable Goal for Some Students will be to Diagnose their own Vehicle's Electrical Problems.  For Others, the Knowledge Gained from Practicing what is Taught in this Program will allow them to Narrow Down the Possible Causes for a Fault they are Experiencing, as well as give them the Confidence to Recognize if the Service Center they utilize is Honest and Competent.The more you practice what is taught in this course and Apply the Process to various wiring diagrams on your car, the more Comfortable and Proficient you will become.  This course explains the foundation material necessary to Understand many Basic Electrical Circuits.Having Educated Thousands of Students over the years, Steve has found a way to Cut to the Chase and provide large amounts of information and understanding in a small amount of time.  Spend a few hours Learning, Reviewing and Practicing the Principles in this Course and you will be well on your way to the Basic Automotive Electrical Understanding You Desire!"
Price: 49.99

"Osteo eCourses - Learn Osteopathy Assessment And Treatment"
"Osteopathy was invented over a hundred years ago as an alternative to drugs and surgery.Today,root problems are stillnotaddressed,makingpeople sicker. What A.T. Still, physician and surgeon who created Osteopathy, attempted to do in 1874 was heal the body without doing it harm. This was the paradigm shift. In theoverhundredyears of innovation, the original concepts have been takeneven further.What these healing innovators offer is a new perspective on health. The industrializedmodel of the body as a machine has been replaced with the conceptof the body as an intelligent organization of consciousness.In this coursestudents will learn how to tap into that consciousness and let it guidetheir healing."
Price: 149.99

"Arabic Without Struggle (AWS) Level 1"
"Do you want to learn Arabic withoutstruggle?Have you been trying different teachers and different institutes but with very little success.Well,you have come to the right place. Myname is Hassan Boulaghrasse and I have a fantastic program for you. I will teachyou everything you need in Arabic. I willteach you have to read, how to write, howto communicate, how to hold sound andauthentic conversations -I will eventeach you how to createpoetry inArabic.Learning Arabic does not need to be a struggleThere is no need to struggle, support is available throughout the course viathe forums. This course is carefully designed to equip beginners with all tools needed to master reading and writing Arabic,as well as enabling students to fully comprehend, practice and build their vocabulary.Who is the target audience?This course is for you if you arenew to theArabic language, or maybe youhave already acquired some principles of reading and writingandneed brush up on the basics. I will help you tounderstand the rules of grammar,help you tostart learning how to speak and converse in Arabic Fusha (the Arabic name for literary Arabic, thisis knownas Modern Standard Arabic and Classical Arabic).The Arabic Without Struggle (AWS)programmeThe programhas 4 levels and ithas been developed and refined over the last 23years. It is acomplete program of Arabic learning and acquisition. You willlearnthe skills of writing and reading and acquirethe skills of communication and conversation.OK, so what are you waiting for? Take a look at some of thesample lectures. Check them and see if this is what you're looking for. I have everything you need to learn in Arabic.So, don't delay, enrol today and you will be reading, writing and speaking Arabic in no time!"
Price: 89.99

"Datum StudioR"
Price: 10200.00

"Arabic Calligraphy Introductory Course"
"Always wanted to learn Arabic Calligraphy?Begin your journey with our introductory course as we introduce you to all the letters and how they should be written with their correct proportionsand scales. We start from the absolute basics of how to prepare your very own Bamboo / Reed pen & Ink as well as the most appropriate writing materials to use to become a Calligraphy Artist. Then we move on to the structure of each letter in their Individual form and how to write them if your left handed or right handed.Each Lecture consists of a detailed video tutorial showing you how to hold your pen and how to write each stroke."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de dibujo: figura humana"
"Curso de dibujo, enfocado a la figura humana (y la soltura) como principio del dibujo artstico. Curso para todo pblico, los principiantes encontraran un curso que les lleva desde lo ms bsico al dominio de la figura humana; y que al estudiante intermedio le permita repasar y comprender muchos de los fundamentos de la estructura humana. Este curso es el primero de una serie que busca ir paso a paso desde lo ms bsico hasta abarcar un conocimiento muy amplio de la plstica, pero sobre todo del dibujo y la pintura."
Price: 270.00

"Checkpoint For Your KYC/AML Skills"
"The test is aimed at enhancing the quality of compliance in combating illegal operations and movement of funds through the use of banking channels. KYC and Anti Money Laundering operations have assumed added importance owing to the security risk that it poses to the country, and also to maintain the financial health of the institutions."
Price: 19.99

"Sales - How To Sell To Ad Agencies The Professional Guide"
"Learn from one of London's top production companiesIfyou have a product or service you are selling and you want to grow fast, one of the quickest ways to grow is by selling to agencies.Thats what were here to show you using our tried and tested system; how to sell to this industry that is worth 21 Billion in the UK and $48 Billion in the USA alone. Agencies are also the gateway to selling to big brand businesses, because all big brand companies use agencies to run their advertising campaigns.Introduction to the course:This course is a professional guide on how to win business with top brand agencies. It discusses selling creative services to agencies such as TV Commercials, but the same principles and processes apply irrespective of what creative services you are trying to sell to an agency. You should be able to adapt the information in this video to your service or product, and gain insights in to how agencies buy services and how they work.The course takes out all the risk. We will actually be giving you our working model for success. So all you need to do to quickly recoup the cost of your investment in this course is to apply the model and take action.Using our step by step system well guide you through the process of understanding how and why agencies buy services and how they make their decisions so you can win that business too.Nothing like this has ever been created before it is the definitive insiders guide.Once you know from an insider how things work, youll find the whole process a lot easier to navigate through.So what will we be covering?How ad agencies workHow and why they buy what are their decision making processesWhat you need to do in order for agencies to buy your servicesWe cover the various strategies you can use to win businessWhat pitfalls to avoid to ensure your successABOUTYOURINSTRUCTORS:Angelique RodriguesCreative Producer, Course Co-Author and PresenterMitchell BrownPrinciple Filmmaker and Course Co-AuthorDave IrvingHead of Digital Marketing, and Course Co-AuthorZah AhmadFilm Director, Course Co - Author"
Price: 199.99

"Script Development For A Feature Film"
"Product SpecificationsDescription:Self paced online video tutorialDuration: 41 MinutesLevel:Beginner / IntermediateCertificate of Completion:Intermediate Level CourseQuizzes and ExercisesThis course includes quizzes and exercises throughout to help you to really get to grips with the content and become a better film maker.ContentOverview of the Scriptwriting for a feature filmThe process of creating a shooting script for a feature filmCreative vs commercial scriptsBeing clear about your objectives for a feature filmDetermining the target audience of a feature filmCreating an audience profile for your feature filmWhy your feature film should have international appealShowing your screenplay to your target audienceThe importance of getting feedback from your target audience and acting on that feedbackThe marketability of a feature film scriptWorking with industry experts in script developmentWhat makes a good script editor and the costs of hiring oneAboutDo you want to know how to make films but think its adaunting task. Maybe youve been wanting to make a feature film or short film for years but havent got around to it yet.Well weve created this series ofbehind the scenes videosmaking a feature film or short film taking you stepby step through the whole thing as you go on the journey with us.The map of how to make a feature filmThe idea is that you see the whole picture, so that at the end of the process you have an actual map of all the steps involved in making a feature film,which you can use as a model to guide you, and for you to keep and refer to forever.Why are we sharing our knowledge with you?Some people have asked us why are we sharing all our secrets on the web and helping other people do what we do. Well we dont see it like that. For us, we are all a community of film makers and we all have totally different stories to tell to different audiences who need us. So we have to help each other and support each other to create better movies. That way everyone benefits and we all feel supported by each other. Thats the kind of world we want to live in.Whats unique about our feature film making course?Perhaps you have been to film school but found that it was full of teachers who had been academics all their lives and never made a feature film.Or perhaps youve taken online courses but again found they were made by professional trainers who had no real portfolio of work.Perhaps you have also noticed that the problem with most online courses is they never show all the messy details and the real life problems and how to deal with them so everything goes smoothly. They just show you the text book stuff, so youre never fully prepared for the real world situations.Well this behind the scenes series of online video tutorials is made by industry experts and provides a real life working model that you can use to make your own feature film.About the course creatorsThis course is one of many in ESAs Masterclass video series. Our series is the only one produced by an international production company that is currently producing award-winning TV Commercials and corporate videos for some of the worlds leading brands such as SONY, Barclays, Kelloggs, BBC, Microsoft and Nokia to name just a few.Unlike some other film courses taught be a single person or a few individuals, with ESA you will have the collective experience of a whole company behind you to guide you and support you in your career.So what are you waiting for. Enroll today and kicks start your career.Bonus MaterialTo really help you in your career, as part of this course well be giving you checklists and exercises to develop your skills and keep you on track to successOur course includes:In depth video tutorialsDownloadable PDFSAs well as exclusive access to our online exercises and checklists.This course contains 6 exercises for you to complete.You are welcome to submit your completed exercises to us at is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn the whole feature film and short film production cycle from script development to delivery.Dont waste any time. Kick start your career now andBUY IT NOW."
Price: 199.99

"Effizient Laufen - Besser Laufen mit Wissenschaft"
"Wir werden uns zusammen alle relevanten Aspekte des Themas Laufen anschauen.Durch eine wissenschaftliche Betrachtung kannst du sicher gehen, dass ich hier nicht nur erzhle, worauf ich gerade Lust habe - alles ist klar gegliedert und fundiert erforscht.Wir werden uns u.a. mit Laufstilen beschftigen - welche gibt es, wann bietet sich welcher an. Oder vielleicht findest du das Thema ""Trainingsgestaltung"" besonders spannend? Bei welcher Temperatur luft man optimalerweise einen Marathon, wie viel trinkt man bei einem 10km Lauf? Was sind eigentlich Minimalschuhe und brauche ich welche?All diese Fragen wirst du im Anschluss beantworten knnen."
Price: 64.99

"How to stop your child being bullied"
"If you are looking for anonline course about children being bullied and how to stop the bullying you have found your resource.If your child is being bullied in school, a club or in the playground you need to understand what bullying is, how it affects your child, what the warning signs are and how to effectively STOP your child being bullied.This course will provide you with all the information you require to help your child through this hurtful and stressful time as well as dealing with all other parties such as schools, clubs, family, the bully and their family.The course not only provides the parent or carer with very helpful information to stop a child being bullied it also has a toolbox with a number of downloads that have been designed specifically for the child to use. These downloads are a fun and informative way to assist the parent in helping their child to understand how do deal with being bullied and how to stop being bullied.Our lecturer (Fiona) is a mediator, established author on bullying issues, and a mother who knows only to well how having a child that is being bullied can affect the whole family. She explains how to get the best possible solution to your bullying issue and advises you on every step of the process.This course has been designed by professional mediators with years of experience dealing with bullied children on a daily basis. It is based on a proven programme called the SALT Programme. This programme is used widely in approximately 50% of schools in Ireland. The methodology is also based ona fully accreditedacademically approvedlevel 7 FETAC mediationcourse. The SALT process isused widely by professional mediators who deal with children affected by bullying. The philosophy behind the course content has been used asthe base content and strategy for the best selling book ""Resolving Bullying""."
Price: 124.99

"Como Vender Mais Identificando o Estilo do Cliente"
"Este curso vai ajudar voc a aumentar muito a sua possibilidade devender mais e melhor porque fundamental que conheamos os estilos de cada cliente.No podemos vender da mesma forma para todas as pessoas.Na verdade, precisamos saber vender para os diferentes tipos de clientes.E isso que voc vai aprender neste curso.Aps este curso, voc ser capaz de:. Conseguir identificar os diferentes tipos de clientes e assim aumentar as suas possibilidades para vender mais. Criar as condies e possibilidades paravender da forma correta para os diferentes tipos de pessoas. Aumentar as possibilidades de vender maispelo uso adequado de palavras e argumentos com diferentes tipos de clientes. Reduzir as perdas de vendas por erros cometidos com argumentaes inadequadas. Aumentar significativamente as probabilidades de vendas porsaber identificar que habilidades de comunicao voc precisa desenvolver e como desenvolv-las. Entender quando realizar apresentaes de vendas mais detalhadas. Falar de forma a criar Rapport e conexo com o cliente. Ajustar o seu estilo de comunicao para diferentes situaesO curso composto por vdeo aulas divididas nas seguintes sees:[1] Introduo. Bem vindo. Estrutura do Curso. Comunicao Subconsciente. Viso Geral dos Perfis[2] Perfil Analtico. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Analtico. Como vender para um perfil analtico. Erros a evitar com o perfil analtico[3] Perfil Criativo. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Criativo. Como vender para um perfil criativo. Erros a evitar com o perfil criativo[4] Perfil Relacionamento. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Relacionamento. Como vender para um perfil relacionamento. Erros a evitar com o perfil relacionamento[5] Perfil Dominante. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Dominante. Como vender para um perfil dominante. Erros a evitar com o perfil dominante[6] Outras Aplicaes de Perfis. Como ajustar equipes de vendas. Como selecionar vendedores[7] Concluso. Parabns e Prximos PassosSobre o Instrutor - Fred GraefCriamos treinamentos, cursos e programas focadosno ser humanohumano. Desenvolvemos capacidades e afloramos o potencial de negociao usando tcnicas avanadas de coaching e vendas. Elas permitem criar um posicionamento mental campeo que ajuda a superar obstculos, motiva e facilita o planejamento de uma carreira comercial de sucesso.As ferramentas que usamos para alcanar esses objetivos so comprovadamente eficazes, testadas e aprovadas. Nossa proposta potencializar a sua capacidade de agir como senhor de sua prpria vida, despertando atitudes que te ajudem a manter o controle sobre ela.A essa especial atitude em relao vida, fazemos questo de somar conhecimento tcnico de excelncia. Assim, existimos e acordamos motivados todos os dias, para te ajudar a alcanar a excelncia nesses dois nveis.A metodologia usada para contribuir com o seu sucesso resultado da experincia e conhecimento acumulados.So mais de 3.300 horas de coaching, de 15 anos de experincia corporativa, dois livros editados e slido conhecimento acadmico em economia e marketing, alm de um Master em PNL."
Price: 54.99

"Cold Calling: Sales Training to Develop Your Calling Style"
"Financial Management Training for AdvisorsHave you ever wondered what separates elite advisors from the rest? It starts withthe phone and who youre reaching out to. Get ready to experience more fun andfreedom with phoning, while boosting your client acquisition rate.Youre about to learn financial management tips and tricksto do this for yourself using your own unique personalityand communication style. Well break it down to make it simple and easy. Youllleave with a turn-keyfinancial managementprocess you can use for successful phoning and prospecting.This financial management boot camp will help youtake your phoningto another level. Youre going to learn not only how to more easily do ityourself, but how to be more genuine and even start to have your staff do it for you!Even if you dont have any staff at this point, you wont want to miss this for whenyou do.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to phone. Chances are, they gaveyou their language and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance thatthey didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why itworks, they just explain that it does. If youre going to make up your own language,you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see Katherine, Karl, Matt, and Chris divein on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will findnew pieces of gold that are within you that you didn't even know were there and theywill help you become a better financial management advisor.What You'll Learn:Session #1: Establish Profitable Phoning BeliefsIdentify Your Non-Profitable Phoning BeliefsReplace Negative Thoughts With Positive ThoughtsTurn Positive Thoughts Into Profitable Phoning BeliefsSession #2: Build a Strategy to Reach Out to PeopleIdentify A Profitable Target MarketKnow When And Where To CallDetermine How You Will Be RelevantSession #3: Develop Your Own Unique Calling StyleDevelop Your Own Natural Tone Of VoiceDevelop Your Own Unique Calling LanguageGive The Prospect Control During The CallSession #4: Get Your Staff to Phone for YouDevelop Your Staffs Language To Introduce YouDevelop A Nurturing Environment For Your StaffHelp Your Staff Call The Right PeopleSession #5: Set Up a Successful Phoning EnvironmentPlan And Prepare The Night BeforeEliminate All Possible DistractionsStay Intentional With Your CallsSession #6: Pick Up the Phone and CallMake Phoning Fun And ExcitingFollow A Specific Phoning Game PlanConnect On A Personal Level Over The Phone"
Price: 199.99