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"Una lectura crtica y reflexiva"
"Comprender las estrategias didcticas necesarias para utilizar el libro Una lectura crtica y reflexiva con la finalidad de desarrollar el pensamiento crtico-creativo que le permita al alumno ser un lector audaz y efectivo en la vida prctica.Este curso consta de 10 sesiones que deben ser ledas y revisadas por cada participante para identificar y comprender cada una de los apartados que consta el libro para el alumno: 1) Transforma tu lectura, 2) Construye tus ideas, 3) Construye tus palabras, 4) Literatura en el tiempo, 5) Construye tu pensamiento crtico, 6) Deconstruye tu lectura y 7) Un acercamiento crtico. Todos en conjunto permitirn desarrollar habilidades lectoras en los alumnos.Uno de los temas de mayor importancia es la redaccin de ensayos. En este curso se marcan las pautas para evaluar un ensayo bajo los lineamientos de una rbrica, para estandarizar el conocimiento y generar en el alumno un aprendizaje y desarrollo de su pensamiento crtico, que lo lleve a emitir juicios de valor, adems de perfeccionar su estilo y redaccin.Esta propuesta educativa permitir al joven relacionarse con la lectura de una forma diferente, siendo un lector ms activo y reflexivo, le permitir involucrarse y darse la oportunidad de expresar lo que siente y piensa de lo que lee, en otras palabras, hacer suyo el texto. todo lo anterior redundar en un claro desarrollo de la competencia lectora y por ende, leer la vida desde un punto de vista ms crtico aportndole beneficios personales que reflejar en su entorno social.Las autoras"
Price: 19.99

"Smart B2B Content Marketing: The Winning White Paper Formula"
"Sales becomes simple & straightforward when you've first built trust. A superior content marketing strategy accomplishes this feat. I've spent years in the trenches using special reports and white papers to attracting leads who quickly become six-figure clients. In this course, I conversationally share this winning formula. You'll discover:The six elements to a winning white paper that not only leave your readers itching for more, but also move them one step further in your the sales funnel.The two emotional appeals that must be conveyed on your offer page to entice visitors to become leads.Sample action-inducing bullet points that create an overwhelming uneasiness that can only be relieved by your content.How delaying the delivery of your content by 1 minute can produce immediate results.Which fields are absolutely critical (and which can be ignored) on your lead capture forms.How to make your promotional emails convert like crazy.What you must deliver to your leads within the first 24 hours, 7 days, and the first 30 days so you don't squander your immense opportunity. Start learning now to shortcut your path to producing powerful B2B content marketing with white papers."
Price: 29.99

"Access 2007 Advanced"
"This course builds on the Introduction and Intermediate courses to show you how to bring all of the different Access objects and development phases together to make a cohesive application. It also teaches you many different techniques to make Access even more interactive by using dialog boxes, subforms, and more controls. Finally, the course shows you how to create different types of macros and how to select the proper Control and Event for the best possible outcome. The course will cover programming tips as well."
Price: 39.99

"ATENO: CURSO INDICADO PARA VENDAS PRESENCIAIS DE IDEIAS, PRODUTOS OU SERVIOS.Vender fundamental para o sucesso de qualquer pessoa ou negcio!No importa se voc est vendendo; sua imagem, sua viso como lder, uma ideia de negcio para potenciais investidores, servios como consultor ou conhecimentos como professor, voc precisa saber vender e bem! Nesse Curso de Vendas e Negociao, voc ir aprender no s como vender mais, mas como vender e negociar melhor suas ideias, produtos e servios.Programa:O passo a passo da metodologia AIDA - ateno, interesse, desejo e ao.A tcnica CAVABEN e BENVACA - caractersticas, vantagens e benefcios.Vendedor versus comprador.Como desenvolver a argumentao -Selecionandoos melhores argumentos.MAANA - Melhor Alternativa para um Acordo Negociado ou BATNA - Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.ZOPA - Zona de possvel acordo.Oratria ou Escutatria?Comunicao-verbal e no verbal.Linguagem corporal.Estilos de negociao.Segredos do relacionamento interpessoal.Como superar objees.O que um bom negcio.Negociao baseada em princpios.Benefcios mtuosComo chegar ao sim.O que melhor: manipular, persuadir, influenciarou seduzir?Vrias dicas para vender mais.Como conduzir a negociao para o fechamento de formasimples enatural .Tticas eficientes eeficazes de Vendas.Veja o que os alunos esto dizendo:Aulas Bem Explicadas!Heitor Nobuaki OguraO curso contribuiu para o aprendizado de como negociar, como despertar o desejo de compra no cliente, alm de nos ensinar como agir quando estamos do outro lado da mesa, ou seja sendo compradores. Muito bom, recomendo!!! Cristiane Lacerda F. AlmeidaCurso com linguagem direta, clara, objetiva e simples. Estou adorando! Ana Deise SeidlAproveitea oportunidade e comece agora a fazero ""Curso de Vendas e Negociao"" eaprenda""A arte de fazer Bons Negcios""."
Price: 309.99

"RapidAction Podcasting - Start a Successful Podcast In Days"
"RapidAction Podcasting is the course for anyone who is interested in establishing their own online podcasting presence. The course delivers an easy to follow technical understanding of setting up a podcast, recording and editing it, publishing it to your own site and on iTunes. The course also focuses on teaching you how to not just technically put together a podcast, but how to actually build a show that people want to listen to. Sean shares tips and secrets gained from his years of podcasting on how to plan, run, maintain, market, monetize and promote an ongoing audience and authority-generating machine. RapidAction Podcasting consists of a 4 module video series, with each module containing between 3 or 7 lectures. The total running time is over 6 hours. The course was originally broken into "Basic" and "Advanced" modules - when you purchase this course you get both modules. Sean also includes all transcripts and MP3 files of each video. As an added bonus he also includes a running sheet for recording a podcast show. RapidAction Podcasting is for anyone, from the beginner to the more experienced user, and anyone in between. Sean recommends the course for people who are involved in online or offline marketing, niche markets, or anyone who is interested in podcasting as a hobby."
Price: 49.99

"How to Smartoutsource Your Virtual Assistant"
"The Global Business Outsource Processing industry is experiencing tremendous growth. Due to global economic conditions,  many companies have chosen to outsource tasks and operations to remain competitive in the global marketplace. For some startup individual entrepreneurs it is still a new challenge- outsourcing overseas. In this course we shall focus on how to smartoutsource your virtual assistant from the Philippines.  Why the Philippines? The Philippines has become a top outsourcing destination by hundreds of global companies for virtual assistants for many good reasons such as: low labor hourly rates, english proficient workforce with neutral accent, western culture affinitity and the filipino people's dedication to work , flexibility to adapt to other cultures and work conditions- all combine to ideals of a great team collaborator.  The following were the top 10 Philippine global business outsourcing companies in 2010 that earned millions in dollar revenues : Accenture, Convergys, Teletech Customer Care, JP MOrgan Chase Bank, Stream International Global Services, Aegis People Support, Sykes Asia, Sitel ,Telephilippines, Telus . Also in 2011 , the Philippine BPO industry  earned 11 billion US dollars. If you are a startup entrepreneur you too can take advantage of the same opportunities these big companies have chosen through outsourcing .   Here are the main course topics we shall be covering to help you. 1.What is outsourcing? what is offshoring? 2. What is a virtual assistant? 3.The five reasons  why you should outsource ? 4. The Factors and events  that led to global outsourcing 5. Rise of Philippine business outsource processing - number one in voice , number two in non-voice-  a 25 US billion dollar industry in the Philippines  by 2016 6. Types of virtual assistants you can hire 7. Where and how to find your virtual assistants fast in the Philippines 8. Guide to interviewing and training your Philippine virtual assistant9. Do you choose a company, agency or hire direct?"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Mobile Games Development with Gamesalad"
"Since the launch of the Apple App Store in 2008, games have been one of the most downloaded categories of apps for iOS devices, the same holds true for the Android App Stores. Most people seem to think games are very hard to build because they require a lot of difficult to learn programming knowledge. But in this class I will teach you how easy it is to make your own games with NO programming knowledge at all. No prior programming or game development experience is needed for this class. In this class you will learn how to use Gamesalad Creator to create three different video games. You'll learn: How to set up and use Gamesalad's development environment How to think like a game developer About key game elements like sprites, behaviors, audio, and more How to set up different kinds of player interaction, keyboard for desktop games and touch controls for mobile games How to add physics to your games How to publish your games as HTML 5 and post it on your own webpage The three games that you will have completed by the end of class are: Classic Pong An Endless Runner And a Physics Puzzle game All three games can be previewed for FREE from the lecture outline below! Learn Gamesalad Book! I have recently published a book titled ""Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad"". While it is NOT required to complete this class it is a great companion to learn more details about Gamesalad and also contains four entirely different game building exercises. Udemy does not allow live links in this area so if you are interested in the book, simple do a Google search and it should pop right up for you. Some features of Gamesalad Creator include: Gamesalad offers a FREE 15 day free trial of their software which should be plenty of time to work through the lessons in this class. After the 15 day free trial you are able to continue using Gamesalad on a monthly or yearly basis through various subscription plans. IOS and Android Publishing Web Publishing with HTML 5 Publish to Macintosh and Windows computers Publish to both the Kindle and the Nook Built in Physics engine Simple Drag & Drop user interface Sign up now and you'll have all the knowledge you need to create and publish your own video games in no time! Note: Gamesalad has versions that work on both the Macintosh and Windows operating systems. This course uses the Macintosh version for all of the lessons, while all of the functionality is the same between operating systems, the interface is different so Windows users will see different window and menu layouts in their software. If you are a Windows user consider watching the free preview of Lecture 3 where I discuss the differences between the Windows and Macintosh versions. If you are a Windows user please be sure and watch and read the Windows lectures in Section 8 Bonus Material first!"
Price: 49.99

"Build Your Brand: Blogging, SEO, SocialMedia & Relationships"
"Learn the secrets that enable me to get over a thousand visitors everyday to my website. And learn how to market your business and website with a blog, onsite optimization, social media and relationships. A website is essential not only to every business but to everyone in todays economy. In order to create a successful web presence it's becoming increasingly important to "be everywhere". I can explain how to achieve this efficiently and without wasting time. My name's Rob Cubbon I've been running an online business for over 7 years. I will explain: Blogging Website optimisation for the search engines How to be active on social networks without spending too much time on them And, lastly, but by no means least, how to foster meaningful relationships with people in your niche an often overlooked web marketing essential This course will show you exactly how to do this with easy step-by-step instructions. I'm going to show you how to make the most of your WordPress blog. So there will be practical examples of: how to set up and use Google Analytics how to create an XML Sitemap and register it with Google Webmaster Tools how to get on to Google maps how to add social media share buttons how to make sure your WordPress website works quickly which is a really important SEO concern the theory behind blogging and how to make sure it's constantly updated with great articles that are relevant to your niche how to optimise your website for Google and the other search engines how to do proper keyword research for your website so you target search terms that will be easy and profitable to rank for how to create individual blog posts that Google and your visitors will like and that ensures the maximum traffic possible. Social media can be a huge drain on your time and resources. I can show you how to set up and use the most important social media outlets effectively and efficiently: I will show you how : to set up and use Twitter all about Facebook Marketing how to use LinkedIn and YouTube and, how to maintain brand consistency and regular posting throughout all these channels with the minimum of effort. Finally I'll show you how to set up and maintain professional relationships with thought leaders and others in your niche which will make you an authority as well as supplying you with much needed links to your site. Marketing your business on the web today needn't be as confusing as it sometimes seems. I can show you how to do it properly and how to enjoy it. Communicating with your audience has never been more fun :)"
Price: 69.99

"Search Engine Optimization - Keyword Research"
"You need the best and most competitive keywords and you need them now. Seo for websites must begin with strategically chosen keywords which describe products and services. Keyword Research affects every area of online, Internet based marketing efforts. Whether paid search advertising, social media, website or search engine marketing, keyword research impacts every business' bottom line. Effective SEO (search engine optimization) begins with laser focused key phrase mining and aggregation. In this course, we give keyword research best practices in an easy-to-understand video tutorial course.Featuring Google's Keyword Planner, learn to choose only the phrases which pay by joining us RIGHT NOW! Free Video Viewers - to view in best quality which is 720HD, once video is launched, go to bottom right area of video player and switch from '360' to 720HD."
Price: 19.99

"Accounting in 60 Minutes - A Brief Introduction"
"This is not your typical accounting course! Professor Turner has taught thousands of students basic accounting. He has developed shortcuts and analogies to make learning accounting easy. If you want to understand this subject in a simple, fun way then this brief introductory course is for you. This course will show you the very basics of accounting. You can complete it in about an hour. The course includes videos of the instructor at the whiteboard. You will complete simple quizzes to reinforce what you have learned. This course is intended for business owners, business students, managers or anyone who wants to understand basic accounting. It presents the information in an understandable format. Even if you have taken an accounting course you will find the material insightful. The course introduces The Accounting Equation (One you can understand!) Balance Sheets Income Statements Debits and Credits (And how to know which is which!) Why Profit Does Not Equal Cash! If you have dreaded the thought of learning accounting, this is exactly the introduction you will welcome! Why should take this course? You are a business owner. You want your business to succeed and you know that you need a better understanding of how the numbers are put together. You are a manager. You deal with accounting staff, bookkeepers, owners and subordinates. You hear accounting terms daily but you want to know more about what accounting means. You are a business student. You dread taking your first accounting course. Or maybe you are in an introductory class right now. It all sounds so complicated. You want to find a simple explanation of what you are trying to learn. You are an accounting student. You feel that you really did not get a firm grasp of the basics. You would like to start from scratch in an easy to learn format."
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Outlook 2013 Training Tutorial"
"Learn Microsoft Outlook 2013 & 2010 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Outlook Made Easy features 91 video lessons with over 4 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our two printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises.  You will learn all about email, tasks, effective use of the journal and calendar, advanced mailbox options and much more. Whether you are completely new to Outlook or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch a video lesson or open one of the manuals and youre on your way to mastering Outlook. This course also includes bonus lessons for versions prior to 2010, making an upgrade from earlier versions a breeze."
Price: 24.99

"Learning AutoCAD - 3D Modeling and Rendering"
"This is a hands-on course where you will be involved in the 3D modeling process from the beginning.  You will learn to turn an idea into a model which can be visualized and even printed using 3D printing technology.  If you are a student in any design field from engineering to interior decorating, this course is for you.  If you're a long time user of AutoCAD that has always wanted to delve into new areas and commands that have intrigued you for years, this course is for you.This course requires about 5 days to complete, by working through the examples and applying the material to your own ideas.  The best method for approaching the course is to have a personal project in mind that you can apply this to.  When you're done, please don't forget to share a link to the final renderings or 3D model!"
Price: 29.99

"How I pay my rent selling balloons"
"Two years ago I accidentally discovered a unique business opportunity that has helped me earn upwards of $200 in 2 hours daily, 7 days a week!The idea behind the business opportunity is very simple and has to do with distributing certain types of balloons to local businesses that sell complementary products.My course explains this idea further and is broken down as follows:The first three lecturesexplain how I discoveredmy unique balloon distribution businessidea, how I tested and validated it, and how I turned it into a profitable business(I know it sounds crazy, making serious money with balloons, but I think you'll bepleasantlysurprisedto know how simple it is and how I earn money with it daily, and have FUN while at it!)Step by Step Instructions:My 5 step process illustrates point by point how you can start your own balloon distribution business right away (I've left nothing to chance...I'm spilling all my secrets here)Tips & Hints: Useful tips to help you avoid the mistakes I've made (Becoming a Master Balloon-Smith wasn't easy, there were setbacks and pitfalls, but with all my experience I can now show you how to avoid every single one of them)Photos:Photos showing the idea being implementedThis is truly a very unique way to make money and anyone that lives in or near a metro / urban / suburban location can do it. Rural dwellers will need to find the closest city.My no non-sense course comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you take the course, then take action and don't start earning money within 48 hours, just ask for your money back. Yes, I am that sure this works because I do it on a daily basis."
Price: 24.99

"Guest Blogging Blueprint: Multiply Your Traffic & Influence"
"In this course, I share everything I've learned from writing for 50+ companies & authors on hundreds of guest posts that have driven millions of targeted visitors. Every step is laid out. From how to choose your blog topics, how to find bloggers and I even give you email templates to use when reaching out to bloggers for guest posts. This student got his first post within a few days of starting the course: ""In just a few days after enrolling the course and take action to implement the lessons, I got my first guest post accepted from high quality blog. Now I'm working on the second guest post, because I have got another good response from another high quality blog."" -Muhamad G. ADDED BONUS: ($289 Value) When you purchase this course, you will receive the following at no extra charge. NEW Bonus list of 140+ high authority blogs accepting guest posts The complete PDF Ebook 2 NEW bonus modules Think about your ideal customer. Who do they trust? What blogs do they read every day? If you don't know, that's ok. I'm going to show you exactly how to find out, then I'll show you how to use that information to grow your business. I work with businesses across every industry and the one strategy that is consistently overlooked is guest blogging. There is no better (or faster) way to gain the trust of your customers than having a website that they trust feature you and your ideas in a guest blog post. My approach to finding, pitching and getting featured on these websites isn't magical - It generates results. In this course I will show you the EXACT strategies I've used to double, and in many cases, triple the number of new leads for myself and my clients. After this course, you'll know how to: Identify the blogs your customers visit most Get featured on those sites - You'll even receive email scripts Save time by avoiding the wrong blogs - I'll show you how to spot the red flags Pick a guest topic that will position you as the expert you are The right way and the disastrous way to promote your guest posts Why did I create this? It would be easy for me to keep everything to myself and let everyone else try and figure out what I've spent years developing. And I'd probably make a lot more money. But one of my fundamental values is to help as many businesses as possible. So since I can't take on every business as a client, I've done the next best thing. This course is packed with bite-sized action steps that you can use immediately. And you WILL see results. If you don't or you're unhappy for any reason - let me know within 30 days and I'll give you a full refund no questions asked. Here's What Others Are Saying: The first big guest posting push I helped create for a client using Joel's system landed a post on ProBlogger and dozens of other great sites. - Will Hoekenga By applying the practices found in these lessons, I have increased traffic, personal productivity, and have been inspired beyond measure. You need this! -Lyle Phillips Joel did a splendid job of putting together a well-structured and actionable guide for guest blogging. The course is jam-packed with information and fully prepares someone to take on the world of guest posting. He offers real world viable examples and templates to get the party started. I'd never heard of some of the tools that he presents in the course. There are a couple that I hadn't thought of -- but you'll have to see for yourself. Fortunately, they're easily picked up and easily shareable with the rest of the population. It is indeed a reasonable blueprint for conquering the guest posting world. -Seth Czerepak Master VDT Business Practitioner and Owner of Penetration Media Yes, I realize that you can take the entire course, implement what I teach to land your first guest post and still ask for a refund...but I'm trusting you to be cool. :) You have nothing to lose. I'm looking forward to seeing you inside! Joel"
Price: 54.99

"Learn SAP BEx Analyzer - Training Course"
"You can now join over 400+ students in this SAP BEx Analyzer Video Academy Course. This in-depth SAP BW BEx training course will teach you how to master the BEx Analyzer and Query Designer tools - the key reporting component of the SAP BW & Business Intelligence suite of applications used by thousands of the worlds largest companies to help them analyze their own business data. This course is a complete A to Z online learning course for the SAP BEx Analyzer (SAP Business Explorer) and Query Designer. No stone is left un-turned. The SAP Business Explorer (BEx) offers a high focus on user productivity, with formatted reporting, intuitive ad-hoc analysis, advanced Excel integration, and model-driven BI applications. This course will teach you how to fully master this toolset. It is fully up-to-date for SAP NetWeaver BW 7.x and provides end users and functional consultants with a detailed reference on how to use all aspects of BEx reporting, from designing queries to linking reports together. You will gain a deep knowledge of BEx and its many uses. First, learn how to use existing reports already available in your system then create and design flexible query definitions that can be used by a wide variety of users, with a focus on performance and usability. You will delve into the capabilities of BEx Analyzer and enhanced navigation features, such as drag and drop to facilitate end-user interaction, the new design mode to develop reporting applications within MS Excel, and additional integration with Excel formatting and formulas. You'll quickly master advanced techniques such as using cell definitions, creating Exceptions & Conditions in your queries as well Report-Report-Interfacing (RRI), a tool that enables users to link reports and jump from one report to another containing additional information. Highlights BEx Query Designer Accessing InfoProviders Creating Custom Templates Defining Jump Targets Build Analysis Application Integrate Exception & Conditional reporting techniques Embed multiple reports into your Workbooks Learn to build new reports in less than 2 minutes! A key feature of this course is you will have direct access to Peter Moxon - a seasoned SAP BI consultant to answer any questions. After you have completed this course you will be able to create unlimited SAP reports, create and use both simple and complex query definitions using the BEx Query Designer and create full Analysis Applications."
Price: 94.99

"Android Programming Tutorial Videos For Beginners"
"Want To Learn How To Build Android Apps The Easy Way?Want Lessons That Explain Everything In Clear Easy To Understand Terms.This Course Teaches You Everything You Need.In this Android App Programming training course, Infinite Skills teaches you how to use the tools that Google provides in order to create your very own Android Apps. Android has the largest user install base in the world, and with this tutorial you can learn how to create your very own Apps for millions of users worldwide to use!You will start by installing the Android Developer Tools you will need to create your Apps, and this course shows you how to use those tools to create your very first App. As you proceed through the video tutorial, you will learn how to work with various App components and APIs, access and utilize resources, create your user interface and add animation and graphics to your App. Additionally, the course teaches you about media playback, device camera access, determining location, and using device sensors. You also learn how to store your Apps data using SQLite and internal device storage.Once you have completed this Android Programming video course, you will understand the tools, and have the skills necessary, to create and submit your very own Android Apps to the Google Play store. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"How to communicate well and in effective way"
"Komunikcia tvor zklad nho fungovania v spolonosti. Bez komunikcie sa jednoducho nezaobdeme, i u doma alebo na pracovisku. Preto je vemi dleit, aby naa komunikcia bola jasn a zrozumiten. Nie vdy vak tak je. V tomto kurze sa oboznmite z podstatnmi prvkami dobrej  a efektvnej komunikcie, tak, aby ste vedeli zlepi vae komunikan zrunosti a dosiahli ciele, na ktorch vm zle.V kurze njdete krtke video prednky, ktor pokrvaj zkladn prvky efektvnej komunikcie.Ak sa teda chcete dozvedie, ako komunikova lepie, tak potom ste tu na sprvnom mieste."
Price: 19.99

"Baby Massage - ""The Gift of Love"""
"Baby massage is fun and easy and a great way to bond with your baby. I'm Laura Lacey, a licensed massage therapist and certified baby massage instructor. In this online class I will teach you everything you need to know to massage your baby from head to toe, as I guide you step by step through various massage techniques. Not only is baby massage a great activity for you and your little one, it has many wonderful benefits - and your baby will love being massaged! This online baby massage class is appropriate for babies ages 6 weeks to 6 months, and is great for Moms, Dads and caregivers. Each lecture has a video that covers a specific body part or technique, so you can follow as I demonstrate with real parents and their babies. What will you learn? Basic principles of baby massage and over 30 massage strokes The best time to massage your baby. How often and for how long you should massage your baby. When baby massage is contraindicated. A safe and soothing massage, fun and energizing stretches Techniques to address common ailments such as colic, gas, teething and congestion."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Publisher 2013 Training Tutorial"
"Learn Microsoft Publisher 2013 & 2010 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Publisher Made Easy features 69 video lessons with over 4 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises.  You will learn how to create dynamic fliers, postcards & business cards, perform mail merges, preparing your projects for printing and much more. Whether you are completely new to Publisher or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch a video lesson or open the manual and youre on your way to mastering Publisher."
Price: 24.99

"28 Day Virtual Gastric Band Weight loss/weightloss Programme"
"This course is about using your natural ability to visualise internally to direct your mind and body to want to eat healthy foods that enable you to slim down  to your natural weight shape and size naturally and effortlessly. The program includes 3 x 30 min MP3/Video's to be listened to daily (can be listened to at bedtime.The course is designed to be completed in 28 days and can take longer, if required. There is additional information to assist with weight management post course. In the 3 main sections there is an MP3 to download for portable listening and a Video/MP4 version. The benefit of this course is that you only have to listen, your mind does the rest!This course is for anyone who has tried every diet on the block and still hasn't managed to either lose weight in the first place, or been able to keep it off!Take this course is you want permanent susatinable weightloss.Why do it the hard way - when you can do it the easy way?"
Price: 19.99

"The Power of Persuasion"
"The Power Of Persuasion is a comprehensive course that will equip you with the 9 most powerful techniques of persuasion. You will learn the most powerful tips, why they work and how to use them according to the situation you're in and what you want to achieve. The Power Of Persuasion is not just another course on persuasion. What you will find here is the essence, everything you need to successfully influence others. And all that in just 1 hour! Yes, you read it right. You can spend only 10 minutes a day, and after a week you will be a graduate of The Power Of Persuasion. And you will know everything you need to know. Imagine no more struggles convincing others of your ideas. No difficulty in selling your products. Finally getting what you want."
Price: 54.99

"Microsoft Excel - From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours"
"This training provides you everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel. From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this online class you will be able to use Microsoft Excel at an expert level. You can learn Microsoft Excel easily and quickly if it is taught correctly.Developed by a Microsoft Certified Master Instructor, this course provides comprehensivecoverage onMicrosoft Excel. A university professor withover twentyyears of experience teaching individuals of all ability levels ""how to use"" Microsoft Excel,Todd McLeod has designed, refined, and perfected thiscourse to make it easy for you to masterMicrosoft Excel.In only five hours of videos, provided to you in 75 separate video lectures so that no one online video is too long, you will learn all of the following about Microsoft Excel: Learn how to navigate around Excel Learn how to enter and edit data in Excel Learn how to adjust the way data and information are displayed in Excel Learn how to write formulas quickly and easily with the point-and-click method Learn how to use relative, absolute, and mixed references in Excel Learn how to create powerful calculations with Excel functions Learn how to visually represent your data with charts and graphs in Excel Learn how to use Excel data tools like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering Learn how to ""freeze columns and rows"" with freeze panes in Excel Learn how to remove duplicates from data in Excel Learn how to ""transpose data"" - switching the columns and rows in Excel Learn how to use Excel to leverage data with Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts Learn how to format worksheets in Excel for impact and appeal Learn how to automate Excel tasks with time-saving macros Learn how to integrate Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Word Learn how to use passwords in Excel to protect your work in multiple scenarios Learn tips and tricks about Excel, as well as Excel secrets and shortcuts Learn how to use printing and sharing in Excel As bonus material, you will also learn two very incredible, and super valuable, skills: how to harvest data from the web how to create online forms which allow you to gather data from individuals As an additional bonus, you can download all of the Excel project files that are used in the videos so that you can get a hands-on approach to learning the material. You will also be shown how to find and download free ""Excel templates"" which are spreadsheet templates that you can use like ""budget templates"" or a ""calendar template"" or a ""schedule template."" Another great aspect of this course is that, at the end of this Excel class, you will be given a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. This course has a quiz after every video so if you need to prove that you have learned the material, or if youre an employer or supervisor that needs to ensure that someone has actually done the work, this is easily done by looking at the results of these quizzes. This class is guaranteed to teach you Microsoft Excel. Once enrolled, you will have access to this Excel course for the rest of your life. You will always be able to come back to this Excel class to review material or to learn new material about how to use Excel. Described as fun and amazing and life changing, Todd McLeods Excel training will forever transform the way you work with numbers. Try this course for yourself and see how quickly and easily you too can learn Microsoft Excel."
Price: 24.99

"Getting Started in Photography"
"Getting Started in Photography is a course designed to give beginners a solid background in photography as a career and help them do everything from buying their first camera to finding their first clients. Here is what you will learn in the course. You will learn about different career opportunities in photography. You will learn how to buy your first camera. You will learn how to find your first client. You will learn about how to price your work and manage clients. This is NOT a course designed to teach you the technical aspects of photography, but rather teach you the business and career aspects of becoming a photographer."
Price: 24.99

"Marketing Strategies for Creative Professionals"
"Marketing Strategies for Creative Professionals is specifically designed for solo creative professionals such as graphic designers, photographers, and writers who want to learn how to plan and control all of their marketing efforts. Marketing is a struggle for many creative professionals such as photographers, graphic designers, and writers. Most people try to wing it and go from project to project without guiding their marketing efforts, which is usually ineffective. This course includes video lectures, homework assignments, and documents to help you along the way. It is structured to provide you with the basics of marketing and then teach you how to find the right target market, set goals, create a marketing plan, and follow up with prospects. Marketing consultants charge hundreds of dollars to create marketing plans, which is actually something that you can do for yourself. This course is designed to demystify marketing, help you create your own marketing plan, and attract more clients."
Price: 19.99

"Business Development for Entrepreneurs and Creative Thinkers"
"There is a reason and a formula for why people attract clients, retain clients and receive referrals. Only a small portion of those reasons and that formula have anything to do with the "numbers" game of sales and outreach. The information in this course is something you will not hear in sales training course. In this program you will learn the real secrets to attracting, retaining and getting client referrals . It is an energy game, and everything about who you are in the business development process and in the world. In this course you will learn how to magnetize clients into your business. You will understand why clients stay, and why they refer others to you. You will learn how to master that magnetism. You will learn all the secrets that those who are successful in Business Development already know and use. Additionally In this course you will learn tried and true strategies that cultivate success business development. You will develop a perspective and a process that inspires people to want to work with you. You will learn how strong your aptitude is for this type of role, and how to make adjustments for your vulnerable areas. You will learn how to create balance so that your business will empower you to be not only the best in your business but the best you in your life. You will learn the "W's" of business development, mind, body spirit integration, and how that translates to a great income and a great life. This is the last course you will ever need to expand your business and your income. If you consume the principles in this course, you will be a star in your own life and in your business."
Price: 39.99

"Overcome the Power of Frustration"
"Do you feel as if your life is a maze of confusion and chaos? Are the challenges you're facing causing you to live a ""frustrated"" life...always feeling discouraged, dissatisfied and disappointed? Perhaps you're frustrated because you see yourself as an underachiever. Has almost everything you'd planned for a successful career has failed? Maybe you're experiencing the negative effects of the economic dilemma. Would you like to experience inner peace even in the midst of chaotic surroundings? Learn how to build your knowledge base and access your inner strength to master your emotional stress due to difficulties and circumstantial frustration that can drive you to behave in a regretful manner. This course is created to empower and encourage those who desire to master their emotions by tapping into the power of positive thinking and apply the knowledge they have, which may be suppressed because they can only see the unpleasantness of present circumstances and situations. This course teaches you how to: Recognize the most common types of frustrations Identify the triggers that causes frustration. Tap into your innate gift (power, strength, ability) to overcome life challenges. Use your ""knowledge base"" as your power rather than your emotions. By the end of this course, you will be able to redirect your thoughts and tap into the power available to you, and use it to overcome the detrimental power of frustration. Included in the course are PowerPoint videos, audio and downloadable materials. There are eight (8) sections and fifteen (15) lectures. Disclaimer: This course is intended for biblical teaching and educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. In no way are any of these teachings meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or counseling by a licensed professional counselor."
Price: 34.99

"2D Digital Animation with Flash Part-3 (Visual Effects)"
"Hello Students. Welcome to the course! This module will teach you step by step how to use flash tools and techniques in very smart ways to animate visual effects such as water, fire, smoke etc. These techniques are very simple to use and can give you very professional results."
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Java 9 Tutorial - From beginner to professional"
"THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND IN DEPTH TUTORIAL ON JAVA 9THAT YOU WOULD FIND ON UDEMY. EVERY CONCEPT IS COVERED IN DEPTH AND EXPLAINED THOROUGHLY TO ENABLE YOU TO CODE BETTER.Whats new in the Course ?????Updated December 2017:Added New Section on Modules in Java 9. Lets learn how to use modules in Java and create a modularized Application.Beginning December, we are updating the course to Java 9. Now you shall start seeing stuff that is related to Java 9.We shall be updating existing sections and adding new sections relevant to Java 9. Hope you like the same.Update Sept,2017The most Comprehensive Database Tutorial you would find anywhere on the Internet Covering from the very basics to the newest classes like Rowsets that connect without any Connection to the Database saving expensive Connections.Added new lectures on Wrapper Classes - what they are and how we can use them. More exciting stuff coming soon....The complete section on Loops has been redone with additional Quizzes, Practice Code and more to clear things and check if you are well versed with the lectures.Added New Section on Generics - Now add types to variables, methods and classes. Check out how Java handles Generics and much much more.Well everything is changing. New Sections on Java 8 API on Date and Time and Enumerations, Completely revamped Section on Language Basics and more is coming in 2016.The course intends to teach everything you need to know to kick start a career in Java. The course is focused on learning language basics and teaches you how to efficiently write code in Java.Check out our new Section on Lambda Expressions covering Lambda expressions and method references in detail. The Course is being updated with new Sections & Lectures to add new API's from Java 8. Start learning today as the cost shall be revised with every new Section Addition. If you any doubts while following the course, our support team shall address the same. JUST MAIL US YOUR DOUBTS AT LEARNINGKARTCOURSES@GMAIL.COM and we shall address the same. SO KICK START YOUR JAVA LEARNING NOW. This tutorial is intended to make Learning Java as simple as sipping a cup of Coffee. We cover every minute details of the concepts you need to know and provide examples of how to work with Java API's for practical purposes. About this Tutorial We have tried to cover all basics aspects practically and where ever possible explain things theoretically to clear the fundamentals. The course is conducted mainly on Eclipse to keep up with time and wherever possible for clear understanding we have used Notepad as Editor.Let us know if you still face trouble in learning the language of choice - JAVA 8."
Price: 19.99

"How to maximise Chartboost eCPM and revenue in iPhone apps"
"This course will walk you through how to maximise your mobile ad revenue and eCPM using, one of the leading iOS developer ad networks available today. Created by Chocolate Lab Apps, publisher of over 180 apps and games with #1s in over 50 countries in the past 12 months, this course walks you through the entire Chartboost optimization process. COURSE CONTENT: - How to register a game in the Chartboost dashboard - How to generate the Chartboost IDs for your developer to use in your game - How to create more screen campaigns to earn you money - How to cross promote your games in your more screen - How to set up tiered campaigns to maximise revenue - Ad filtering - How to discover the ads that are earning you the most money - How to qualify and set up direct deals - Real life example of how to approach a large ad company and request a direct deal successfully Note: Chartboost is only suitable for games, it is not accepting non-game apps any more. This course does not include instructions of any of the technical integration of Chartboost. If you wish to learn how to integrate Chartboost yourself please visit my other course: Learn xCode, reskin an iPhone game, ads and upload to Apple. _________________________________________________ Get started on your APP ADVENTURE today! BONUS: Get your FREE weekly app report from #1 Bestselling Author Elaine Heney at Still curious? Check us out at the Chocolate Lab Apps blog."
Price: 49.99

"Beginners FileMaker Pro 12 Training - A Practical Guide"
"This FileMaker Pro 12 training course from Infinite Skills introduces you to the basics of managing your data with the FileMaker Pro database. FileMaker 12 is a very popular cross-platform, relational database application that is known for its easy of use, and powerful, feature set. This video based tutorial is designed for the beginner, and no previous experience in database design or FileMaker is required. You will start by exploring what a relational database is, and why you should use it. This course then takes you through the initial steps of building your interface using the FileMaker layout tools. You will learn how to work with your data - how to enter it, find it, and format it. The course also teaches you database design fundamentals, to ensure the integrity of your data. Other topics that are covered in this video tutorial for FileMaker Pro include; automating functions, using calculations with your data, identifying and using different relationship techniques, and of course, deploying your data. Once you have completed this FileMaker Pro 12 beginners training course, you will have a clear understanding of what a relational database is and how you can create your database with FileMaker. You will understand how to create a basic interface for entering and accessing your data, and how to deploy your completed database. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99