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"Easy Thai For Dating And Flirting"
"Learn Now How To Flirt in Thai And Easy Thai Pickup LinePhrases. This Course is for anyone who fancy learning most practical Thai And Be sassy Speaking Thai. Start afun conversation with Thai girls or Thai people in general. This course includes not only Thaifor dating but more for interacting with Thai people in a fun and cheeky way! You will have morefun speaking Thaias well asmaking first impression with Thai ladies!"
Price: 34.99

"Impariamo da zero SQL con Oracle, SQL Server e MySQL"
"Benvenuti nel corso ""Impariamo da zero SQL con Oracle, SQL Server e MySQL""Il corso rivolto a tutti coloro i quali hanno l'esigenza  di  utilizzare il Structured Query Language (SQL) allo scopo di trasformare i dati in informazioni (creazione di query di selezione e report), inserire, modificare ed eliminare  i dati dalle tabelle e apprendere i principi teorici e pratici di progettazione e creazione dei database relazionali, delle tabelle, degli indici e delle viste.AGGIORNAMENTO AGOSTO 2019: Rinnavata la sezione introduttiva per rendere pi agevole l'installazione e la configurazione dei DBMS Oracle e SQL Server. Rifatte le principali lezioni della sezione 3 ""Selezionare i dati da una singola tabella"" Al termine del corso si avr una chiara conoscenza di:Come ottenere le informazioni da una o pi tabelleCome filtrare e ordinare i datiCome raggruppare e aggregare i datiCome usare le subquery e le query complesseCome inserire, modificare ed eliminare i dati dalle tabelleCome usare i tipi e le funzioni in SQL Server e OracleCome progettare e realizzare i databaseCome creare tabelle con vincoli e integrit referenzialeCome creare gli indici e le visteCome creare ed usare le sequenze in Oracle e SQL ServerCome usare il  SSMS e il SQL DeveloperCome impiegare le numerose funzioni presenti sia in Oracle che in SQL ServerCome creare i diagrammi di database in SSMSCome utilizzare i Data Modeller di Oracle per progettare visivamente nuovi databaseCome usare le funzioni analitiche in Oracle e Sql ServerCome usare la Window ClauseCome usare la With ClauseCome usare i comandi PIVOT e UNPIVOTCosa sono e come funzionano le tecniche di SQL InjectionInstallare ed utilizzare il DBMS MySql in LinuxImpiegare lo Schema E/R per la progettazione di un DB Tutti gli argomenti verranno trattati utilizzando un database con dati reali* ed eseguendo compiti coerenti con  una specifica mansione lavorativa, analizzando, commentando ed eseguendo le query sia nell'Oracle SQL Developer che nel Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS).Diverse sfide permetteranno di testare le competenze acquisite e la capacit di analisi e risoluzione dei problemi.  *I dati provengono da un database di produzione sottoposto ad alterazione casuale per preservare la privacy e la riservatezza dei proprietari dei dati."
Price: 149.99

"JNCIA - Juniper Networks Certified Associate (JN0-102)"
"This course will take you from A to Z to prepare and pass the JNCIA (JN0 - 102) exam.It has been designed from start to end, keeping the JNCIA exam blueprint in mind. This blueprint can be found on Juniper's website.In this course, we start off with networking fundaments - topics like OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, Layer 2 & 3, IPv4, Subnetting, IPv6 are explained in detail before moving on to Juniper-specific topics. With over 65 lectures and 11 hours of video content, this is the most comprehensive JNCIA course on Udemy. And I'll be adding more based on your feedback.Configuration examples are shown on a real Juniper SRX 100B device, these can also be emulated on a virtual device.You'll get lifetime access to all videos, with a 30-day money-back guarantee.I'm confident this course will meet and exceed your expectations, I'll see you on the inside!## Visit the S2 Academy website to get the JNCIA certification bundle (68 videos plus 290 questions) with FREE lab access ##"
Price: 34.99

"The Complete JIRA Agile Project Management Course"
"Have you been tasked by your company to figure out how to use JIRA for your agile software or business projects?Are you tired of looking for quick and easy ways to implement the best JIRAfeatures to help you streamline your agile projects, only to find boring technical explanations with complex, hard to understand videos?Then look no further.In this course, The Complete JIRAAgile Project Management Course, you'll learn how to master JIRA Agile cloud software to help you streamline your projects while turning yourself into a project management professional!Whether you're new to JIRA or Agile methodologies, an Agile Certified Scrum Master, Product Owner or software developer, this course will provide you the strategic and tactical essentials to get the most out of your JIRAAgile projects using a REAL web design example project, while saving you tons of time during the learning process.Each lesson has been carefully crafted to focus on the key core elements of JIRA to help streamline your workflow while applying JIRA best practices FAST! Looking for a quick tip on how to configure something in JIRA? Just skip to the lesson on that topic.So, if you're ready to master your workflow the JIRASoftware way while looking great to your boss and key stakeholders, then click the lesson videos on the right and let's get started!"
Price: 79.99

"SQL Server 2016: Soluciones de alta disponibilidad"
"En este curso nos adentraremos en las caractersticas de alta disponibilidad que SQLServer 2016 tiene para nosotros, aprenderemos a configurary trabajar con ellas. Obtendran los conocimientos necesarios para poder dar la mejor solucion de alta disponibilidad en ambientes productivos y/o desde ceroEl objetivo del curso es que se diviertan y adquieran los conocimientos necesarios que les sern tiles al momento de decidir la mejor solucin de alta disponibilidad a aplicar."
Price: 29.99

"komple uygulamal after effects cc eitim seti"
""" TURUNCU "" kupon koduyla indirimli satn alabilirsiniz :)yabanc kaynaklardan veya uzun uzun anlatlan skc derslerden skldysanz bu eitim tam size gre. tamam trke olan bu eitim setinde sizlerle beraber programn altndan girip stnden kacaz.hibir yerde gremeyeceiniz uygulamal dersler ile bol bol pratik yapp yeni eyler reneceiz. kullandmz btn materyaller eitim setinde sizlerle paylalacaktr."
Price: 199.99

"Marketing para Cuidador de Idosos"
"O mercado de cuidadores de idosos promissor. Para ter uma ideia, o nmero de idosos no Brasil cresceu 50% em uma dcada, e continuar a crescer nos prximos anos. Em virtude disso, h cada vez mais famlias em busca dos servios de cuidadores.Porm, h um problema que nem todos enxergam: Entrar no mercado de cuidados relativamente ""fcil"".Supostamente, basta a pessoa fazer um curso de cuidadorou ter alguma experiencia na rea, ou ainda, ser um enfermeiro ou profissional darea da sade, para candidatar-se a vagas.Mercado fcil de entrar (no exige muitas ou caras qualificaes); mercado crescente (cada vez mais idosos precisando de acompanhantes). Parece o casamento perfeito, no ? Pois , s parece!A realidade que entrar fcil mesmo, e isso atrai muitas pessoas prarea, o que faz com que conquistar o mercado, ou seja, clientes que valorizem o seu trabalho para que voc possa viver bem dele, se torne um grande desafio.Muitos profissionais prestadores de servios, especialmente os da rea de cuidados e bem-estar, no percebem que servios tambm so produtos, mercadoriasvenda no Mercado. O que quero dizer : O servio que voc presta de cuidador de idosos ou crianas, um produto, uma mercadoria no mercado de servios - assim como perfumes da Natura so produtos.Por isso,fazer um curso de cuidador e ter alguma experincia na rea no basta para se sair bem na profisso; lembre-se: h outras pessoas com qualificao idntica ou superior a sua, as vezes cobrando um valor inferior ao que voc cobra.Mas, ento, o que eu faopara conseguir trabalho/ou clientes? - voc deve se estar se perguntando.Resposta: Qualifique-se!O conhecimento indispensvel, tanto a Natura quanto a voc, o Marketing. A Natura sabe que Marketing indispensvel ao sucesso e permanncia da empresa no Mercado, mas e voc, voc sabe o que Marketing e para que ele serve?No, marketing no propaganda. No, ele no serve para aumentar as vendas e os lucrosde empresas. ""Lucro subproduto das coisas bem-feitas"". Frase do professor Philip kotler, o maior nome do Marketing.""Marketing autntico no a arte de vender o que voc faz mas saber o que fazer. a arte de identificar e compreender as necessidades dos consumidores e criar solues que tragam satisfao a eles"".KotlerEm um passado no muito distante, o Marketing no era essencial como hoje,pois omercado era menor, haviamenos opes de produtos e servios -o que significa menos concorrncia. Empresas e prestadores deserviossobreviviamsem conhecimentos e estrategias deMarketing. Mas hoje a coisa bem diferente.Com um mercado super ofertado e pessoas bem informadas e conectadas, o Marketing tornou-se indispensvel.Se voc quer clientes parao seu servio home care ou hospitalar, um curso de cuidador nobasta, vocprecisa aprender estrategias de Marketing.A BOA NOTCIA quehoje possvel adquirir conhecimentos pagando pouco ou mesmo gratuitamente. Aqui mesmo, na internet, voc encontracontedo sobre todos os tipos de Marketing, conhece ferramentas pagas e gratuitas, e por ai vai.A SUPERBOA NOTCIA que preparamos um curso voltado exclusivamente a cuidadores.Este treinamento abrange tudo o que voc precisa saber para comear a testar estrategias, desde a segmentao do pblico-alvo at a criao de parcerias estratgicas e diferenciais competitivos. So estrategias simples, muitas j utilizadas por vendedores de produtos fsicos, eem linguagem de fcil compreenso.NO se candidate a outra vaga antes de fazer este curso!Srio .No faa isso. Em apenas algumas horas a partir de agora, voccomear a agir de forma estratgica e ser assertiva(o)na apresentao dos seus servios. E o preo no deve ser um problema, porque vocter acesso ao treinamento completo de Marketing para CuidadorporR$19,90 - preo promocional.Sim, 19,90! Pagamento nico, acesso vitalicio ao contedo + grupo no Facebook para tirar dvidas e facilitar parcerias.Literalmente, um lanche que voc deixa de fazer.A escolha suaSe quiser comear, clique no boto ""Adicionar ao carrinho"" e inicieagoramesmo.Te espero!"
Price: 54.99

"Sales and Negotiation Training"
"Does the thought of working with a salesperson make you cringe?Sales is simply the art of influencing others.To influence others you need to understand the principles behind human relations.Salespeople need not be pushy, untrustworthy, or dishonest. In fact, the best salespeopleare honest andnot pushy (their customers chase them, not the other way around).The best salespeople act nothing like a stereotypical salesperson.Learn how to be that best salesperson. Learn how to get over the tough hang ups in sales (we all face them --sales is not for the weak in heart) that leave you feeling, frankly, sick and tired of your job. Learn how to keep it real, keep it fun, and makemoney."
Price: 194.99

"Vanessa Van EdwardsBody Language for EntrepreneursBody Language for Entrepreneurs25,00093 6 Science of PeopleCaptivate--a hacker's guideNPRBusiness Week, USA TodayCNN, Fast CompanyForbesFortune 500American ExpressClear and ClearConsumer Electronic showMIT Do you want to have more business success? Mastering body language is the missing ingredient for many business owners. Nonverbal communication can not only help you be more effective in your business dealings, but it can also give you an added edge above competitors. 93% of our communication is nonverbal. But we rarely think about our body language when dealing with clients, investors or at networking. We think about what we are going to say, but we don't consider how we say something. Research shows how we say something is even more important than what we say. This course is made up of the 6 areas every entrepreneur needs and how body language can help you succeed. Customer Relations: Building Rapport Successful Selling Winning Client Relations Customer Validation Your Nonverbal Brand: Effective Networking Impactful Elevator Pitching Building Your Online Presence Building Your Business Team Lie Detection Hiring Finding Great Partners Connecting with Colleagues Leadership Management High Pressure Business Situations Fundraising Investor Pitching Public Speaking Negotiations This course will teach you how to be more effective in all of areas of your business. Body language will completely change the way you do business. What People Are Saying About Vanessa and her Courses: ""This body language course ROCKED my world! It's the only tool you need."" --Camille Hollingsworth Vanessa is a dynamic and polished speaker. We would definitely ask her back for more presentations."" Emily Ediger, Portland State University Business Accelerator Vanessa Van Edwards' speech to our club of hundreds was a welcome break from the standard speech. It was always engaging, at times uproariously funny and very informative. As I looked at the audience, everyone was leaning forward and feeling each moment together. We all came away feeling more light-hearted and armed with insights about human behavior that we didn't know at the beginning. It was a treat to hear her speak!"" Mike Pendergast, Business Development Consultant and Rotarian Vanessa's presentation style is so engaging and entertaining that I believe everyone in any job function will get something extremely useful out of it. Monica Enand, Founder of Zapproved"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook, Groupon, Twitter, PinterestInstagram100FacebookPinterestGrouponwebInstagramBurbn400Twitter-------------------------------------------------------------------:10001261000-------------------------------------------------------------------Top rated Udemy Instructor with over 600+ 5 star reviews.Teaches 9 different courses on Entrepreneurship, with over 20,000 students enrolled.All courses by the instructor have are rated an average of 4.97 out of 5 stars.+ Worked as a VC and was in charge of deal flow in Silicon Valley. Oversaw investments in large companies like Facebook, LinkedIn, & Tesla.+ Startup founder for 5 years, raised 3 rounds of capital worth several millions of dollars.+ Currently Director of a Digital Agency that specializes in taking ideas from raw concept all the way to launch."
Price: 169.99

"Creative Writing: From Idea to Publishing: An Overview"
"This is an overview of thirteen critically important areas for fiction writers. If you are one of the 90% of adults who want to write--and publish--a book, then this course is for you. This course will provide an outline of what you should consider as, and even before, you begin to place your words on the page. It has four sections.The first is the introduction, beginning with a summary of my qualifications to teach the course: an undergraduate degree in English and teaching English (literature, grammar, writing) at the secondary level. I also have a doctorate in Educational Leadership and have taught doctoral level courses online for the last twelve years. For my last course just completed, my overallratings from students was a 9.833 out of 10. The introduction also includes a discussion of what creative writing is . . . and is not.The second section addresses pre-writing issues: where you canget ideas; know your audience; know your genre; and a look at the importance of titles and covers. Section three presents an overview of the critically-important components of the story. It begins with a lesson on characters, followed bylectures on plot and setting, and concludes with a lesson on voice and point of view.The final section provides an overview on getting ready to publish and then ends with a discussion of publishing options.I have three novels available in print and Kindle ebookon Amazon. All are rated at this time as 5-Star. I can help you avoid some of the pitfalls that I encountered as I began writing and publishing my books."
Price: 19.99

"How to prepare a dish of grilled fish in the Moroccan way.."
"Do you have an idea about Moroccan cuisine? ? Do you have a chance to taste? Do you think you're setting it up?Want to learn how to prepare Moroccan grilled fish in a traditional and healthy way?Now this is the right time and placeYou will discover how to bring a dish of grilled sardinesYou will learn how to combine the componentsIn each section, we'll set up the first step by stepEnjoy a healthy and easy to prepare meal with a decent diet."
Price: 24.99

"Tcnicas de Estudio. Gestin Efectiva del Tiempo."
"En este curso te mostrar cmo puedes expandir tu capacidad mental y emocional a travs de la tcnica del estiramiento voluntario, te ensear a optimizar la administracin de tus actividades a travs de la tcnica de priorizacin estratgica, la planificacin efectiva, y el control de los resultados. Te explicar acerca del nico tipo de multitasking productivo y cmo puedes aplicarlo de inmediato en tu rutina diaria. Y compartir contigo las tcnicas para leer ms rpido y comprender ms, as como los trucos ms efectivos para aprender ms en menos tiempo, optimizando tus mtodos de estudio."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo superar la postergacin. Tcnicas de estudio."
"En este curso te mostrar cmo puedes manipular tus emociones para generar la motivacin necesaria para llevarte a la accin, asociando una gran cantidad de dolor a la postergacin, y asociando una gran cantidad de placer a la accin inmediata. Te ensear cmo puedes usar eficientemente tu fuerza de voluntad a lo largo del da, y el orden y la forma especfica en la que debes dividir la realizacin de cada actividad segn su importancia, su complejidad, su tamao, su duracin, entre otras variables. Y compartir contigo los mtodos y trucos ms efectivos para optimizar tu ambiente de estudio y de trabajo, eliminando todos los elementos que te causan friccin, y utilizando los recursos ideales para multiplicar tu progreso. Cuando haya terminado contigo, se habrn invertido los papeles en tu vida: lo fcil ser actuar y lo difcil ser postergar."
Price: 49.99

"Hands-On Guide to Stock Trading and Investing in the US"
"The MOSThands-on instruction available for stock market investing by a professional trader.Through the course, you'll learn:The Basics: You'll learn about the financial industry, how stocks and bonds work, and how the right account type can save you on taxes.Portfolio Creation:You'll learn how stocks and bonds play into risk and reward. You'll create a portfolio that goes after rewards while minimizing risks.Performance:You'll see how professional analysts scrutinize companies. You'll find simple ways to incorporate these factors into your trading.The biggest problem with the majority of information about investing on the internet is that people always beat around the bush! This course is different. The instructor designed the course coachingreal people through the investing process.Learn the strategy and the implementation with our exact how-tos on everything stock and bonds.No drawn-out sessions with redundant information.Absorb massive knowledge fast! Videos are straight to the point and get you exactly what you need to know. The lectures mimic real-life investing coaching sessions.Get specialized insights. The instructor makes a living off of trading the markets. Get his techniques to analyzing companies and stock pricing.This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You'll learn time-tested values to get you investing in the stock market the smart way.Much of the information is specialized for people trading in the US.With this course you'll get:Hands-on lessons from beginning to end of the skills you need to be a dominant stock market investor.Udemy's money-back guarantee. There's literally no downside.If you apply this training to your life, the upside is limitless.Worksheets for creating an investment plan that's entirely you.Information about different ETFs(funds)you can use to get started.BONUS!When you buy this course through Udemy, you'll also get access to my site's tools! This includes:A guided investment plan builderCalculators to make investing EASYQuick lookup tools so you can compare companies in real time (for companies traded in the US only)"
Price: 199.99

"Corso COMPLETO per attirare clienti verso il tuo brand-N.1"
"Benvenuto al Modulo N.1 Del Metodo Emotion & VisionIl primo minicorso prevede :Come stabilire il tuo obiettivo finanziario (e cosa fare per raggiungerlo) TROVA LA TUA NICCHIA PROFITTEVOLE DISTINGUITI DALLA CONCORRENZAFAI MARKETING STRATEGICOIdentificare le tue clienti ideali Impostare i tuoi socials, le tue newsletter per avere una strategia di marketing Creare dei funnel automatici per avere un flusso continuo di nuovi clienti per non perdere tempo e investire senza sprecare denaro Gli approfondimenti li troverai all'interno della Masterclass su Facebook Iscrivendoti a Palestra di Marketing Emozionale 2.specificando che sei uno studente UDEMY."
Price: 19.99

"Crea libert finanziaria e la vita che vuoi in 21 giorni.N4"
"Modulo N.4Come progettare il tuo futuro economico e imparare a creare soldi e abbondanza e creare la tua libert finanziaria e la vita che vuoi in 21 giorni con esercizi pratici da compiere con successo ogni giorno e con la praticit che viene dalle discipline cinesi e dal loro rispetto per le leggi dell'UniversoAVVERTENZA : PREPARATETUTTOILMATERIALECONVOIASCOLTANDOIVIDEOESEGUITEOGNIGIORNOSENZASALTAREGIORNI;ALTRIMENTIRICOMINCIATE.Potrai iscriverti su FB alla Palestra di Marketing Emozionale 2.per approfondimenti"
Price: 19.99

"Image Processing on Raspberry Pi - Beginner to Advanced"
"Image Processing Applications on Raspberry Pi is a beginner course on the newly launched Raspberry Pi 4 and is fully compatible with Raspberry Pi 3/2 and Raspberry Pi Zero.The course is ideal for those who are new to the Raspberry Pi and want to explore more about it.   You will learn the components of Raspberry Pi, connecting components to Raspberry Pi, installation of NOOBS operating system, basic Linux commands, Python programming and building Image Processing applications on Raspberry Pi.This course will take beginners without any coding skills to a level where they can write their own programs.Basics of Python programming language are well covered in the course.Building Image Processing applications are taught in the simplest manner which is easy to understand.Users can quickly learn hardware assembly and coding in Python programming for building Image Processing applications. By the end of this course, users will have enough knowledge about Raspberry Pi, its components, basic Python programming, and execution of Image Processing applications in the real time scenario.The course is taught by an expert team of Electronics and Computer Science engineers, having PhD and Postdoctoral research experience in Image Processing. Anyone can take this course. No engineering knowledge is expected. Tutor has explained all required engineering concepts in the simplest manner.   The course will enable you to independently build Image Processing applications using Raspberry Pi.  This course is the easiest way to learn and become familiar with the Raspberry Pi platform.  By the end of this course, users will build Image Processing applications which includes scaling and flipping images, varying brightness of images, perform bit-wise operations on images, blurring and sharpening images, thresholding, erosion and dilation, edge detection, image segmentation. User will also be able to build real-world Image Processing applications which includes real-time human face eyes nose detection, detecting cars in video, real-time object detection, human face recognition and many more. The course provides complete code for all Image Processing applications which are compatible on Raspberry Pi 3/2/Zero."
Price: 199.99

"Mac OS X Terminal"
"O curso no est mais disponvel para compra.O curso no est mais disponvel para compra.Curos indisponvel.O curso no est mais disponvel para compra.Como navegar enquanto estiver no Terminal (arquivo e diretrio orientado)Como gerenciar arquivos e diretrios (criar, editar, excluir, etc.)Executar como usurio de mac administrador via terminalAlterando permisses em arquivos e pastasCada um desses conceitos demonstrado de forma metodolgica para que voc possa acompanhar a aprendizagem fcil.Esboo de CursoIntroduofornece uma viso geral do curso.O curso no est mais disponvel para compra.O bsicofornece o primeiro olhar em vrios comandos principais ou fundamentais.Ao saber como se locomover, gerencie arquivos e at mesmo maneiras simples de usar a sada de comandos.Depois que os conceitos bsicos so cobertos, mergulhamos em conceitos relacionados a permisses assumindo o usurio de administrador enquanto ns alteramos as permisses em arquivos e pastas.Caractersticas do cursoSer o mais objetivo o possvel, sem deixar de lado a parte tcnica."
Price: 39.99

"Prova Tcnica Para Entrevista de Emprego Linux"
"Os Simulados Treina Linux adicionados aqui tem como objetivo ser uma Prova Tcnica para entrevistas de emprego. OBSERVAO O SIMULADO EST EM CONSTANTE DESENVOLVIMENTO E BUSCANDO TRAZER QUESTES NOVAS USADAS NO MERCADO.A proposta desse simulado ajudar voc que tem interesse em passar em sua primeira Certificao Linux.Os simulados tambm so prticos e vo te ajudar a treinar e estudar para passar nas 2 Provas das Certificaes LPI 1 (101 e 102) e CompTIA Linux+ (103 e 104), mas na o simulado no um preparatrio.Chegou a hora de Treina Linux.Como vai funcionar o simulado?Administrao de Sistemas LinuxAdministrao de Redes LinuxO objetivo do simulado em ajudar voc que quer se qualificar em Linux, ou voc que ainda no tirou sua certificao ou que passar naquela entrevista de emprego.Espero que todos gostem."
Price: 39.99

"Analista de Suporte Linux Red Hat"
"As principais atividades de um Analista De Suporte Linux Red Hat, foram filtradas em um curso. Habilidades esperadas Analista De Suporte Linux Red HatRAIDLVM 2DNSNTPDHCPPostFixZABBIX 4DACFirewalldSELINUXGerenciamento de Usurios e GruposGerenciamento de TarefasO curso no visa ser um preparatrio para certificaes Red Hat, mas cada tem que cobrado nos exames RHCSA e RHCE foram marcados, casa voc tenho como objetivo se preparar para os exames.O Analista De Suporte Linux Red Hat atua na administrao de ambiente Linux Red Hat e seus derivados como CentOS 7.5 e 7.6 e Fedora 29.Aproposta inicial do treinamento visa:Entender e documentar cada passo em todos os processos.Preparar o desenho do ambiente.Criar o Ambiente de Homologao.Criao das imagens que sero usadas nos servidores e clientes.Ter o Backup das imagens para em caso de desastres realizar uma fcil restaurao.Homologar cada um dos servidoresImplementar as prticas de segurana, manter os servios e servidores de rede, homologao e produo em funcionamento. Detectar possveis problemas de sistemas e servios de administrao do ambiente operacional Linux. Configurar, operar e monitorar as ferramentas do sistema do ambiente operacional;Subsidiar o servio de monitoramento de infraestrutura de TI no mapeamento e elaborao de alarmes nas plataformas de gerenciamento de falhas e desempenhoO curso uma maratona de estudos e possui muitas tarefas para que voc treine Linux de verdade. Assista primeiro as aulas liberadas antes de comprar o curso, o curso vai ter exigir muito tempo de estudo.Ser necessrio muita interao com as atividades solicitadas, uso Linux desde 2009 e sempre gostei montar bons ambientes de estudos.Te espero no curso."
Price: 399.99

"Whistleberry Tunes: Adventures on Irish Tin Whistle for Kids"
"Welcome to Whistleberry Forest, a musical land of curiosity, creativity, and wonder!Whistleberry Tuneshas been designed by Dr. Thomas Johnston, an Irish traditional musician, educator, and researcher, with over 18 years experience teaching the tinwhistle in Ireland and internationally.Whistleberry Tunesdraws on Thomas' experience as a traditional musician, but also as an educator and a researcher in the areas of Irish traditional music,music education, and theatre for young audiences.In designing Whistleberry Tunes, Thomas set out to create a series of music lessons that would befun, meaningful,and engaging for children (and their adults)at home and at school.Thecourse is suitable for beginner whistle players of all ages, but in particular, it is geared towards children aged between7 and77.Howyouwill learn inWhistleberry Tunesis very similar to how you would learn in atraditional teaching and learning context. As Thomas guides you through each lesson, you will:begin by learning whistlebasics such as (i)how to hold the whistle, (ii)the importance of warming up, and(iii)scales of D major and G major (i.e.,the building blocks of all the tunes you will learn)progressively develop your aural learning skillsdevelop technical musical abilitieslearn lots of oldtraditionaltunes such as Dawning of the Day, Song of the Chanter, and Maggie in the Woodslearn some new tunes composed especially for this course such as Tradoodle Do! andFaoln's frolicsdiscover ways that you can decorate the tune with a range of ornaments such as cuts, taps, and bounces"
Price: 79.99

"HTML5: From Beginning to Advanced !"
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 to make you a VETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. We learn only by doing so here I perform all the practical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of 10:90.10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the rest and this is the only way you can learn.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively."
Price: 19.99

"CSS3 & HTML5: Boot Camp"
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 and CSS3to make you aVETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. Then we move on to the CSS3 and see in much more details that how CSS really works with HTML. Why CSS is came up and Feels the power of CSSby Practical demonstrations.We learn only by doingso here I perform all thepractical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of 10:90. (Ten RATIO Ninety)10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the courseand this is the only way you can learn.First we will explore whole HTML5 from very basics toAdvance.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively.Then, we move on to the CSS3We see what CSSreally is.What is the syntax of CSS is.What is Selector in CSS and how to use Comments in CSS.(With all steps)Then we see how we can use CSS in our HTML Document.(Everything is doneSTEP-BY-STEP) so you can understand.We'll also see how CSS increases the power ofBorders in HTML WEBPAGE.Then we explore Margins in CSS.Afterwards we'll move to Text part how to apply the power ofCSS.We will also learn how to enhance the capability of Links.In short, you will learn pretty much everything that you need to know to start a journey as a WEB DEVELOPER."
Price: 49.99

"Become Front End Web Developer GURU"
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 and CSS3to make you aVETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. Then we move on to theCSS3and see in much more details that how CSS really works with HTML. Why CSS is came up and Feels the power of CSSby Practical demonstrations. Then we began our journey towards adding logic to your Web Pages i.e. Adding JavaScriptto your web site and learn all the necessaryWe learn only by doingso here I perform all thepractical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of10:90. (Ten RATIO Ninety)10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the courseand this is the only way you can learn.First we will explore wholeHTML5from verybasicstoAdvance.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively.Then,we move on to theCSS3We see what CSSreally is.What is the syntax of CSS is.What is Selector in CSS and how to use Comments in CSS.(With all steps)Then we see how we can use CSS in our HTML Document.(Everything is doneSTEP-BY-STEP) so you can understand.We'll also see how CSS increases the power ofBorders in HTML WEBPAGE.Then we explore Margins in CSS.Afterwards we'll move to Text part how to apply the power ofCSS.We will also learn how to enhance the capability of Links.And at last the JavaScript. We learn everything in JS.In short, you will learn pretty much everything that you need to know to start a journey as a WEB DEVELOPER."
Price: 99.99

"Javascript for beginners - Quick JavaScript Fundamentals"
"JavaScript is the technology that makes things happen online. Learn how to create Dynamic and Interactive web pages applying JavaScript. This course covers all the core fundamental concepts like variables, arrays, objects, functions, loops, conditions, Document Object Model Basics and more.JavaScript isFast and Responsive relatively easy language to get started with. All you need is a browser and you are ready to create JavaScript. LearnJavaScript to HTML web pages works across browser.JavaScript is powerful extending the functionality of web pages.Executed on the front-endThis course covers the core fundamentals of JavaScript, so that you can get started or refresh your knowledge of how JavaScript work quickly. Designed as a fast paced informative course that guides you to learn and practice JavaScript.Learn how to create variables, objects and ArraysExplore functions how local and global scope work and how to return values and pass arguments into functionsSee how to apply logic with conditions and ternary statementsSave time with loops do while and for loopsInteract with your web elements connect via the Document Object ModelThis course will startteachingyouvery basic of JavaScript language and will gradually take you to the advance level.You will learn deep understanding of JavaScript concepts. You will seethebeauty and powerof JavaScript language and you would be able to apply all these skills in modern web development."
Price: 19.99

"The 2019 Front End Web Development"
"This course willtaught you form the basics of HTML5 and CSS3to make you aVETERAN. We start with understanding the very basic structure of the HTMLdocument and eventually learn all the concepts of HTML. Then we move on to theCSS3and see in much more details that how CSS really works with HTML. Why CSS is came up and Feels the power of CSSby Practical demonstrations. Then we began our journey towards adding logic to your Web Pages i.e. Adding JavaScriptto your web site and learn all the necessaryWe learn only by doingso here I perform all thepractical demonstrationand gave you as many as possible exercises so you can learn much more from it.I am here following the pattern of10:90. (Ten RATIO Ninety)10% is from my side but that is enough to help you complete the rest 90% of the courseand this is the only way you can learn.First we will explore wholeHTML5from verybasicstoAdvance.We start with the basic of HTML5 Document Structure.Then see what HTML5 Elements and Attributes are in Depth.In the third section we see what HTML5 Headings are.Then we apply STYLE to HTML and see what PARAGRAPHSare in depth.Then we understand Formatting in HTML5 and also learn Quotes.We then learn completely the COLORS in HTML5 how to apply them.How to use Images, apply anchor tags on it and to use them effectively.Then,we move on to theCSS3We see what CSSreally is.What is the syntax of CSS is.What is Selector in CSS and how to use Comments in CSS.(With all steps) Then we see how we can use CSS in our HTML Document.(Everything is doneSTEP-BY-STEP) so you can understand.We'll also see how CSS increases the power ofBorders in HTML WEBPAGE.Then we explore Margins in CSS.Afterwards we'll move to Text part how to apply the power ofCSS.We will also learn how to enhance the capability of Links.And at last the JavaScript. We learn everything in JS.In short, you will learn pretty much everything that you need to know to start a journey as a WEB DEVELOPER."
Price: 19.99

"Become Bitcoin Guru"
"This course acts as a starting point for anyone who is new to bitcoin and wants to learn the fundamentals of this exciting new technology and digital payment system. The course assumes that the reader has zero knowledge of computer programming or economic analysis.Advanced topics such as algorithms and money supply deflation will be explained in layman's terms so it will be easy for you to understand.In thiscourse you will learn:What Bitcoin is and howto understand the market valuesHow toInvest in BitcoinHow toBuy, Sell and Trade BitcoinHow to use real money to buyBitcoinCryptocurrency fundamentals such as the name,volume, price, volatility &graphcandlesticksA basic introduction to the blockchain and it's importanceHow To Transact With BitcoinHow To Store Bitcoin SecurelyWho Is Satoshi Nakamoto?Decentralized Autonomous CorporationsUsing the Blockchain for Digital FinanceUsing the Blockchain for the IoTBitcoin SidechainsBitcoin as a Ledger TechnologyIncoming Surveillance of BitcoinSupranational Governanceand more!At the conclusion of this course, you will be well-versed in both the functionality of the bitcoin blockchain and the potential for global commerce that comes with a borderless, digital economy."
Price: 19.99

"Build Blockchain from SCRATCH using JavaScript"
"Nowadays, everyone is talking about Blockchain. But, what exactly a Blockchain is? How it really works? What are the some basic principles behind the Implementation of a Blockchain?Well all these questions will be answered in this course.First we will begin with some of the basics of Blockchain and Bitcoin.In the second section we'll understand some basics of the JavaScript. ( If you know any Programming language to certain degree you can skip this.)In the third section we'll start building our own Blockchain.The best thing is you really don't need to understand the programming stuff if you don't know what that really is. If you stuck at any point just ask in the Q&A section Iwill be happy to help you out."
Price: 99.99

"Numpy Become Zero to Hero"
"NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things:a powerful N-dimensional array objectsophisticated (broadcasting) functionstools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran codeuseful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilitiesBesides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data-types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases.>>> import PracticalDemonstration as pdThis course is designed only to be PRACTICAL. Everything in this course is gonna be interactive.We will learn the entire NUTS & BOLTSof Numpy starting from the basics to more Advance functions."
Price: 99.99