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"Automatizacin Profesional con Arduino (Proyectos Completos)"
"Este es el primer curso que te ensea de forma totalmente prctica y simple que cualquier profesional, independiente de su rea de actuacin, es capaz de hacer automatizaciones, sean para la industria o como hobby.En las prximas semanas este curso tendr ms 3 mdulos y usted tendr acceso a todos al inscribirse ahora (Programacin, Supervisin, Wifi Wireless).IMPORTANTE: cuando este entrenamiento fue grabado, el curso disponibilizaba el KIT con la placa y sus componentes, pero eso hacia con que el curso tuviese un valor muy elevado, imposibilitando el acceso para algunos alumnos. Por lo tanto, ahora el entrenamiento tiene un valor ms accesible y usted puede adquirir el KIT donde prefiera y en cualquier tienda que venda los componentes del Arduino en su ciudad. No se preocupe: en las clases iniciales, el profesor Cristiano Nazrio les v a pasar la relacin de los materiales que sern necesarios para las aulas prcticas. Ser posible tambin adquirir el KIT apenas cuando empiecen las aulas prcticas. Sea bienvenido al mundo de la Automatizacin Profesional con Arduino."
Price: 109.99

"Express CONAENGE Gerenciamento de Projetos"
"Este produto contempla 03 palestras do palestrante, Daniel Garbin, reconhecido no cenrio nacional sobre Gerenciamento de Projetos (GP). Aprenda mais sobre GP com o Daniel porque esse conhecimento fundamental para qualquer profissional que pretende estar atualizado com as novas tendncias e metodologias. Ao obter esse produto, voc ainda receber duas palestras bnus: Automatizaes com Grficos Dinmicos do EXCEL para Engenheirose Os 5 Pilares para Aplicar a Engenharia de Verdade na Indstria! As palestras deste produto foram transmitidas no CONAENGE 2016 e 2017, o principal e maior Congresso NacionalOnline de Engenharia Mecnica e Automao."
Price: 129.99

"Realidade Virtual e Aumentada - Tecnologias para Aplicaes"
"Arealidade virtuale arealidade aumentadaso duas tecnologias que cada dia mais presentes em nossos dias e em breve ele estar totalmente integrada s nossas atividades. com esse intuito que esse curso foi criado, para que voc compreenda e faa parte desse universo.Voc ter a oportunidade de aprender que a Realidade Virtual e a Realidade Aumentada so capazes de mudar a perspectiva dos usurios humanos de um espectador para o de um participante."
Price: 69.99

"Express CONAENGE Lean Manufacturing (Manufatura Enxuta)"
"Este produto contempla os contedos mais atualizados do mercado sobre LEAN MANUFACTURING, conhecimento fundamental para qualquer profissional que pretende estar atualizado com as novas tecnologias e demandas do futuro. Palestrantes renomados lhe apresentam contedos que faro voc ir para outro nvel de conhecimento. As 5 palestras deste produto foram transmitidas nos CONAENGEs 2016, 2017 e 2018, o principal e maior Congresso NacionalOnline de Engenharia Mecnica e Automao."
Price: 129.99

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Price: 39.99

"Fighting Black Poverty"
"In this course, you will find the many reasons why some African-American men have not escaped poverty. According to CNN Money, about30% of African-American men are below the poverty line. Even worse, the number of black people owning homes and businesses has declined slowly since 2012. What are African-Americans doing to keep their race alive and to show that their lives truly matter? I createdthis courseto help individualsof color and other minority groups escape the cycle of poverty. Specifically, you will find:7 actionable steps to help an African-American man escape poverty Additional resources and links to books written by very successful people who were not raised in a rich family Several key advice black men should follow in order to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. A word of prayer: each chapter ends with a small prayer to uplift the faith of many black folks and other minority groupswho are struggling financially. The need to share my message discussedin this courseto young adults who need help making good financial decisions. Lastly, I hope you will truly enjoy this course. If you follow ALL the seven parts discussedin this course, then I guarantee that you will see some levels of financial success very soon.BONUS: Anyone who purchases my course will get a free e-book version (pdf format) of the course from me! Please enroll right away:)Any questions? Email me: (subject headline: Black men with Poverty; Ill respond within 24 hrs.) I want you to understand that with God, all things are possible. He created you for a purpose! Good luck browsing throughthis courseand I wish you all the best :)"
Price: 24.99

"Business English Pronunciation Master Marketing Phrases"
"In this course, were going to boost your Business English pronunciation and comprehension of essential marketing and advertising phrases.Each lesson will target one (1) marketing phrase in three (3) parts:Phrase Definition - We explore the lengthy official definition of each phrase and give you a simplified meaning which is easier to understand. Pronunciation Practice - We break each marketing phrase into parts and practice EACH syllable to guarantee correct pronunciation.Conversation Examples - We use multiple conversation examples, so you can see each marketing phrase in action.Three Levels of Listening Comprehension TestsAfter we learn, pronounce, and practice the phrases, well test your listening comprehension with three (3) levels of difficulty.With four (4) sections of marketing phrases, three (3) tests per section, and ten (10) questions per test, that's one hundred and twenty (120) questions!This course includes downloadable pdf workbooks for each Listening Test. Use these to fill in the missing words, phrases, and sentences as you take the tests.Be More Confident Using English Marketing PhrasesWhether you use Business English locally or internationally, this course will make you more confident using, pronouncing, and understanding important marketing vocabulary and phrases.~~~Improve your English. Become more Valuable~~~"
Price: 69.99

"Piano for Your Little Ones - Beginner Piano Lessons for Kids"
"Are you looking for piano lessons for kids? Dont have time to take your kids to the music studio?Stop searching now and welcome to "" Piano for Your Little Ones - Beginner Piano Lessons for Kidscourse. It must have taken you a while to get hear, but believe me that you are at the right place. Myname is Cindy and I am teaching piano from more than 14 years and I have all kinds of students fromage 4 to 75.This course contains over 30 lectures and 1.5 hours of content. It's designed for kids in the age rangeof 4-5 years, who wishes to start their journey with Piano. With this course, your kids will able startlearning Piano in a playful and engaging way that doesnt cause them frustration. This course isperfect for introducing your child to piano at home, while bringing a lot of fun and satisfaction alongthe way.Key highlights about this course:Lessons are fun, and it keeps kids engaged Kids can learn to play piano at their own pace Teaches kids music theory as well as fun practical lessons Prepares kids for real-life performances Kids learn to play piano faster than traditional method This course will introduce kids to elementary music theory and technique with engaging songs,games, and creative discovery at the keyboard. In this course, kids will learn the five figure numbers,they will understand the different patterns and learn how to play them. This course will alsointroduce your kids to basic notes, rhythms, white key names, loud and soft dynamic. Kids will listen,sing, create, and play more musically with this course.Is it too early to start learning piano for kinds?This is the frequent questions asked by parents who are interested in starting their kids on the piano.Kids love creativity and humour. There is no definitive age to start learning piano. It is vital that thechild shows a desire and interest in playing the piano, and is happy to sit and concentrate for a shorttime, say 15 minutes to start with.Give your little one the gift of music...!There are many benefits of learning Piano. Playing Piano provide a unique form of mental trainingthat helps kids become more centred as human beings, more focussed within themselves, more self-disciplined, increasing their ability to concentrate, their self-esteem, their ability to learn, theirawareness (in every sense and on every level) and it gives them an invaluable lifelong social andleisure skill that will bring them many years of joy and fun.I am sure that by the end of this course, your kid will have a basic understanding of piano, and canbe able to play a few songs for you, and your family and you will really enjoy them!I dont want you to have a disappointment, if you dont like the course for any reason then you canrequest for the refund in first 30 days from your purchase. Also, remember that this course comeswith lifetime access to the course, that means you will get access to all the future lectures at FREE ofcost.Thanks for your interest in this course and lets start your child s musical journey here...!!!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Powerful Alter Ego (and why you should)"
"In this course you'll discover how to create a powerful alter-ego to help you achieve your goals--even those which are currently far off from your comfort zone. It includes the following ""Create Your Alter-Ego Worksheets"":The Alter-Ego Purpose GeneratorThe Alter-Ego Name GeneratorThe Alter-Ego Origin Story GeneratorThe Alter-Ego Personality GeneratorThe Alter-Ego Image GeneratorThe Alter-Ego Trigger GeneratorThe Alter-Ego Action Generator."
Price: 29.99

"Javascript oyun yapimi ve programlama dersleri"
"Javascript ile oyun nasl yaplr nasl gelitirilir nasl programlanr? Uak oyunu ile programlama gcnz bir adm daha ilerleyecek.Bir oyun ktphanesi kullanmadan Javascript veHtml5 Canvas elemann kullanarak uak oyunu yapacak ve gelitireceiz.Javascript Class Yaps ile oyunun iskeletini oluturacak ve yardmc fonksiyonlar oluturarak bu gzel oyunu programlayp gelitireceiz.Uak oyununda Html5 Canvas elemann bir izim tuvali haline getirecek ve oyun alanmz tasarlayacaz.Ve nihayetinde javascript kodlar ile uak oyunu yaparak kendiniz daha gzel oyunlar gelitirebileceksiniz.Web tabanl oyun gelitirmek ve oyun programlamak istiyorsanz fazlasyla verim alacanz biroyun yapmeitim seti."
Price: 99.99

"How to speak German without speaking German - Travelling"
"The easy and fun way to learn to speak German where you don't have to be afraid of making mistakes because you will be speaking English. Everyone can learn to speak German with this simple and easy method. In this course we will learn about the basics in travelling across the country and our stay at a hotel."
Price: 19.99

"Tcnica e Expresso na Guitarra Solo"
"O curso Tcnica e Expresso na Guitarra Solo tem como objetivo ajudar os guitarristas e estudantes de guitarra a atingirem os seus objetivos de aprender a solar com expresso, fluncia e velocidade. Aqui voc vai encontrar um programa bem completo e organizado com exerccios cuidadosamente selecionados para voc aprender todas as tcnicas utilizadas na guitarra solo.Com este curso, voc vai economizar o seu tempo, pois no precisa mais ficar procurando exerccios na internet! Tudo o que voc precisa para desenvolver a sua tcnica e atingir o prximo nvel na guitarra solo est aqui!Voc vai aprender desde as tcnicas de expresso como Bends, Vibrato, Rake, Slide, Alavanca, Harmnicos, etc, at as tcnicas de articulao e velocidade como Palhetada Alternada, Economy Picking, Ligaduras, Arpejos com Sweep Picking, Tapping e Palhetada Hbrida. E vai tambm aprender as escalas Pentatnica, Pentatnica Blues e Diatnica.Alm de demonstrar tudo detalhadamente, eu tambm oriento como voc deve se organizar para conseguir estudar todo o contedo.Agora voc no tem mais desculpas, basta querer se desenvolver e o contedo que voc precisa est aqui!Clica no boto e se inscreve no curso!"
Price: 294.99

"WORDPRESS - Dominalo y Hazte un EXPERTO! (78 clases)"
"Quieres aprender a crear t pgina web profesionalest 2018? Quieres DOMINAR el CMS ms usado del mundo?.Si has respondido que S has llegado al curso que buscabas.Mi objetivo con este curso es que puedas aprender a crear t pgina web con Wordpress, el CMS con el que ms se han creado sitios web en el mundo. Una vez terminado este curso podrs dominar la creacin de Proyectos Web como todo un Maestro.Adems de que el Curso estsuper completo para ser un Experto de Wordpress he decidido publicar unos cuantos bonus, estos extras lo que van a darte son ideas muy prcticas de cmo usar tus nuevas habilidades para la creacin de sitios web y algunos complementos te pueden resultar bastante tiles.Tengo que confesarte que me encanta el mundo de los Negocios Online y lo he plasmado en unos cuantos videos, de manera que adems de dominar Wordpress tambin vas a tener una visin de Modelos de Negocio y estrategias que te van a Ayudar en tus Proyectos. Hasta unos Secretos de Marketing te revelo...secretos que te van a potenciar.Ya por ltimo contarte que he estructurado el curso por niveles y les he puesto unos nombres bastante fuera de lo comn. Porqu un curso cmo estos se diferencia del resto hasta en los pequeos detalles.Es hora de tomar accin este 2018, hora decrear t sitio web y tener presencia en el mundo Online. He planeado este curso de manera que constantemente lo este actualizando para que t puedas tener un Curso de Wordpress de Alta Calidad y puedas aprender paso a paso de la mejor manera, por eso tambin he diseado un sistema de Grupos de Facebook donde vas a poder Unirte a una Comunidad Exclusiva de gente que tambin est eneste curso. De esta manera los Avanzados en este Curso van a poder ayudar a los que apenas van comenzando, y adems voy a estar yo ah tambin apoyando.Con Wordpress podemos relajarnos de muchas cosas, como por ejemplo NUNCA tendremos problemas con el HTML porqu ya el CMS se encarga de eso, tampoco necesitas saber programar. Las clases estn diseadas de manera sencilla para que paso a paso te conviertas en un Experto en Wordpress. Yo he probado de todo y he cometido montones de Errores para decirte a ti cual es el mejor camino, este Curso te va a ahorrar muchsimo tiempo al ser un camino directo a Desarrollar tu Pgina Web como todo un profesional, deja ya de mirar tutoriales y cosas desactualizadas.Prepratepara aprender y crear t pgina Web Profesional, este 2018. Nos vemos adentro"
Price: 199.99

"How to Produce Charcoal Biomass for Smoking/Grilling Meat"
"Produce charcoal for outdoorcooking on the grill and smoking your meat for adding into delicious dishes.From cutting your logs to weighing in the biomass to seeing your charcoal done, this course will cover all aspects from safety equipment, tools, and of course your production equipment on the production of charcoal.Designed specifically for people who can do burnouts outdoors, have ranches, or large enough backyards where they can make a burnout safely.Other uses for charcoal and alternative sources of energy are briefly discussed."
Price: 19.99

"How to Dry Beef - Make Mexican Beef Jerky 'Carne Seca'"
"Learn the basic recipe for creating beef jerky Mexican style called Carne Seca.  I also add a section on how to smoke it for a smoky flavor AND contains a Cost Revenue Profit applied to the production and sale of beef jerky.You will also learn the labeling requirements for retail as is branding, nutrition information, and bar codes.Optionally you can also learn how and with what wood to smoke your meat.  It's for intermediate users, only because you need a dehydrator for following the course, but if you're willing to sun dry this course may yet prove useful for you, so it won't hurt to give it a try."
Price: 59.99

"Speaking Skills for life"
"Personal branding, career progression and success can all be helped by having the ability to speak in public! This programme is a combination of video, self reflective learning and notes - speaking confidently in public is a life skill that we all can and should pay more attention to and learn to develop further."
Price: 44.99

"Building a Mastermind Group"
"Masterminding is a confidential peer support environment that allows members to present their issues and gain structured advice from the other members and expert speakers, be held accountable for the actions they commit to whilst continuously being supported along the way. Masterminding teaches how to be truly honest and open with others about what you are looking for and trying to achieve. If you dont know exactly what you are trying to achieve, how can anyone help you? Being honest with others, showing that you dont know all the answers, are scared about the next move or need help, is a massive hurdle for most.Once you are involved in a mastermind, that feeling of ""being alone"" while building an empire or just being the best version of you is gone."
Price: 44.99

"Unreal Engine 4 : Create Full Airplane Game from A to Z"
"why this course worth to spend time and money ?i will teach you here how to build full Airplane game including AI fly system , and i will put the final project files in your hands  to download it and use those nice assets in your project , so spend the little to earn more.this course will Cover :Projects & LevelsActor TypesLightingVisual effects Meshes & particle systemMaterialsPawns & InputCollisionsBlueprint Logic User InterfacesAI systemAudioMobile Gravityweapons , projectiles"
Price: 199.99

"Aprendiendo word 2016 con ejercicios prcticos-Nivel bsico"
"Curso de Word orientado a usuarios que se estn iniciando con las herramientas ofimticas y los procesadores de texto. Este curso es prctico 100% ya que desde el primer momento se plantean ejercicios que se deben desarrollar siguiendo un enunciadoy a travs de un video explicativo se va desarrollando paso por paso, con lo que cualquier persona puede realizar los ejercicios y entender con facilidad cmo se ha llegado al resultado final.Se dispone de un total de 20 ejercicios, todos ellos con videos explicativos, que rondan los 15 minutos en la mayora de los casos y que ensean los conceptos fundamentales para poder romper el hielo con los procesadores de texto y hacer documentos con un poco de formato y mejor presentacin."
Price: 19.99

"Aprendiendo Excel 2016 con ejercicios prcticos-Nivel bsico"
"Curso de Excel orientado a usuarios que se estn iniciando con las herramientas ofimticas y las hojas de clculo. Este curso es prctico 100% ya que desde el primer momento se plantean ejercicios que se deben desarrollar siguiendo un enunciadoy a travs de un video explicativo se va desarrollando paso por paso, con lo que cualquier persona puede realizar los ejercicios y entender con facilidad cmo se ha llegado al resultado final.Se dispone de un total de 20 ejercicios, todos ellos con videos explicativos, que rondan los 15 minutos en la mayora de los casos y que ensean los conceptos fundamentales para poder romper el hielo con las hojas de clculo. Tambin es til para aquellos que conocen las hojas de clculo pero no con mucha profundidad, ya que conocern algunos trucos de Excel."
Price: 19.99

"Save the World With Design, Data Viz, & Gamification"
"Could saving the world be a game?Hell yeah it can. But you have to do it right.This course helpsdesigners,sustainability professionals &social changeentrepreneurslearn how to implement15 unique design,data visualization andgamification techniquesso you canpowerfully motivate your people tocreatereal and measurable changeon the causes you care about.The secret behind good game design is thatit taps into the motivational core of our being.There are many game mechanics we can apply to social and environmental problems that cause people to change in a way that is fun, inspired, and innovative.In this video-course, I will be teaching you how to implementfifteen specific game mechanicsfor your cause. We will learn means that are either high-tech (for programmers and UI designers), or low-tech (using no more than a pen and big peice of paper).This course isunique to other coursesin game design or gamification because it is centred around makingreal and measurable change in the world, so we have a few different, yet critical, principles to focus on.Here's what people have been saying about it:Rebecca Skinner, Stanford Research Associate in Economics and Technology:""This is a very well-thought-out, detailed presentation of the material. My sense of digital design is far from sophisticated and I was extremely impressed to see the many ways that data visualization may be brought to bear on environmental and other sorts of information. All of the projects include detailed explanation of how to carry out design projects, using photostock, graphics, and data manipulation tools, many free, that I was not aware of. Strongly recommended.""Eugene Otto, Computer Programmer, Game Programmer & Entrepreneur:""My background is in software engineering, and although I've applied one or two of these gamification techniques in the past, I've never seen them all tied together in such a logical/repeatable design. The lessons are captivating, and move at a fast but comfortable pace. My favorite thing about this course is how Katie presents each technique with several ideas of hi-tech and lo-tech implementations - everything from stickers on walls to interactive hardware displays. This got me thinking more creatively about what's possible in the real world, and outside the confines of just a laptop screen. I highly recommend this course!""Tim Bennet, Agricultural Scientist, Investor, Consultant to the United Nations Center for Alleviation of Poverty by Sustainable Agriculture:""I am a complete novice at game design, yet I have found the course to be well designed, beautifully narrated and explained, crystal clear in terms of explanations and digestible in videos of up to 10 minutes each. Katie presents her material brilliantly and passionately. This course and the games it will enable are a great opportunity to explore real innovation at the edge of how people are learning and changing behavior. And it is ridiculously good value! This is a rare resource and I recommend you get engaged and get it done!""SuZen Marie, Community animal rights activist, producer of ""Circuit Breakers TV (a show about alternative energy), off-grid self-sufficiency home owner:""I am so THRILLED to have learned these techniques of Gamification from Katie and how they can be applied to the various causes I am so passionate about! This course is a breath of fresh CLEAN air as Katie has done the work for us by digging deep and getting to the core of what it really takes to instill change in people. This world-changer is SO passionate, not only to her own cause to make real change but, in teaching others how to get REAL RESULTS. My mind has been opened and, after taking Katie's course, I finally feel that there IS hope for those of us wishing to change the world!""What can gamification do for you? It gets results.Providing simple digital award to Wikipedia editorsincreased thiercontributions by 22%.By ranking cities by health data. residents supported anew 1% tax to new build bike pathsand urban greening.Placing star ratings on consumer appliancesincreased water efficiency by 25%.A sign that shows to quantity of recycled materialincrease recycling rates by 77%.An emotive owl avator used in a learning app,increased student scores by 23%.What is this funny word""gamification""?If you're new to the wonderful world of gamification, then you've got a treat ahead of you!""Gamification"" is the process of borrowing features we commonly see in games and applying them to the real world. This means we would give out awards, badges, or stars to encourage our audience to complete a task. We also might leverage social competition, use color to indicate performance, or simply track progress in a public way.Did you mother or school teacher ever make you a star chart on the fridge and give you a star for every day that you did a thing? That's gamification! (My mum made me one to stop me sucking my thumb, it worked!) Have you ever used an excercise tracker like a Fitbit? That's gamification too. It can as low tech as putting stickers on paper, or as high tech as smartphone app connected to a electronic sensors.Star charts aren'tjust for kids. They can also be used in an office to enourage employees' eco-friendly behavior. Each employee gets a cute dolphin sticker for each day they recycle. It works, you'd be suprised how powerfully motivating dolphin stickers are, even in corporate office!Gamification has been studied by universities all over the world and has been proven time and time again to improve human performance. Gamification doesn't really mean inventing new traditional games like ""Angry Birds for recycling' or ""Scrabble for doing housework"". It's about understanding how we can drive human motivation to do more good things, and these techniques can be applied tojust about anything.In this course,""Save the World with Gamification"".I explain how you can implement 15 unique gamification techniques. Each gamification techniquecomes with example designs, case studies and evidence from academic research proving how it works to drive change. If you're inthe business of trying to get any kind of humans to do any kind of thing (which most of us are!) then I pinky-swear promise therewill be some nuggets of gold in this course that you can applyto your special niche.""Katie's approach to doing valuable and impactful work is very well thought out and put together. Her presentation is entertaining, creative and most importantly informative.I love her style - simple and engaging. She will really drive you to figure out how you are making social or environmental change through your own work!""- Valentina Ferenac,Sustainability StrategistI look forward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 89.99

"The Commercial Real Estate Lease Modeling Master Class"
"Want to learn how to model complex commercial real estate leases in Microsoft Excel from scratch, even without ARGUS? This course is a complete, step-by-step guide to modeling commercial leases for retail, office, and industrial real estate. This is a project-based course, meaning you'll start with a blank Excel workbook and walk away with a fully-functional, dynamic, commercial lease model that YOU'VE created - from scratch.By the end of this course, you'll be able to build a dynamic, professional-quality commercial real estate lease model from scratch, and your first one will be done by the time you finish the last lecture.This course will teach you how to model things like multiple tenant lease terms and expiration dates, complex reimbursement structures, renewal probability and downtime, tenant improvement allowances, leasing commissions, and much, much more. At the end of this course, you will be able to:Build an institutional-quality, dynamic commercial real estate lease model from scratchLearn key Excel shortcuts to double your real estate financial modeling speedModel multiple lease structures and quickly and easily model complex reimbursement structures (NNN, FSG, MG, & BYS)Use renewal probability to accurately drive your future cash flows at a commercial propertyBuild a dynamic lease structure that models irregular rent increases (or decreases) and dynamically changes cash flows with the click of a buttonModel dynamic leasing commissions on a commercial deal, even if you have different agreements for different periods of a leaseBuild out percentage rent formulas to model percentage rent payments for retail tenants based on net salesCreate easy-to-view annual cash flow roll-ups to quickly review your work and present to investors or colleaguesThis course is perfect for you if:You're a college student or graduate student looking to break into real estate investment after graduation, and you're looking to add the key technical skill sets to your arsenal that will put you head and shoulders above the competition and allow you to land a lucrative career opportunity in the fieldYou're a professional in a different field, but looking to buy real estate on the side and want to be able to confidently analyze a commercial deal You're an existing real estate professional looking to advance your career, increase your compensation, and break into the real estate investment industry.You've bought rental homes or duplexes, and now you're looking to move into bigger commercial properties and want to feel confident in your ability to analyze deals.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Justin really takes a deep dive into crucial concepts that play a huge role in the practical modeling portion of the course. The content is clear and concise, and he makes sure you understand things before moving onto more advanced material. I've taken a few of Justin's courses and every one of them has been indispensable in my REPE analyst intern role.""""Brilliant Justin. Each course I do I get more confident and regularly use the skills and formula writing at work. The great think about these courses is that they revolve around the same base. Each time you complete a different course the base knowledge is reinforced and then built upon.""""This course I found to be complete in all aspects of Commercial Lease Modeling, combined with Justin's teaching style, really enables me to look at Commercial lease modeling opportunities with a renewed sense of understanding, and confidence.""If you have a basic understanding of real estate finance, and you're looking to apply that knowledge to analyze new commercial real estate investment opportunities, enroll now and let's get started building this model together today. Looking forward to having you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"The Real Estate Financial Modeling Interview Exam Guide"
"Want to land a six-figure job in private equity real estate investing?The opportunity in private equity real estate investing careers is HUGE. Top-tier salaries and bonuses, the ability to invest in big deals, and, unlike investment banking, a work-life balance that will general allow you to keep your friends and family and sleep more than 3 hours per night.But breaking in isn't easy. In fact, many of these jobs require a real estate financial modeling interview exam to test your knowledge and ability to contribute from day one.Yup, that's right. Writing ""proficient in Microsoft Excel"" on your resume won't cut it for these roles. The best firms (the ones you actually want to work for) will likely test your real estate financial modeling chops with a timed exam.These firms want to know your knowledge and skill sets in five main categories:Microsoft Excel Formulas & FunctionsReal Estate Finance Commercial Real Estate Lease ModelingCash Flow Statement ModelingARGUS Export ModelingThis exam is usually the last ""gatekeeper"" for the most coveted private equity real estate investing analyst and associate jobs at multifamily, retail, office, and industrial investment firms.This course will teach you how to ace that exam.This is NOT a beginner course. If you're just starting out in real estate investing and real estate financial modeling, this course likely isnt for you.BUT if you have a basic understanding of real estate investing and real estate financial modeling and you're either applying for jobs or preparing for an interview at a real estate investment firm, this course will give you an unfair advantage to land the job you're looking for and stand head and shoulders above your peer group.I'm not really sure why, but it feels like this information is hidden. While investment banking analysts and other professionals generally know what they're getting into with an interview exam, real estate financial modeling exams generally feel like Pandora's box.When I was interviewing for jobs, no one could seem to tell me what I had to know.I honestly didn't even know where to look.So, after taking multiple of these exams, and actually creating these exams for incoming analysts and associates, I decided to create this resource for anyone looking to break into the real estate private equity field.You can do this.You just need to be prepared and KNOW what you're going to be asked ahead of time, and HOW you should answer those questions.Firms are looking for a THOUGHT PROCESS and MODELING EFFICIENCY - and you're going to learn how to master both of these things in this course.Here's what some of our students have had to say: ""Unbelievable value for money. It feels like I just accomplished an MBA in Real Estate Finance."" ""Justin is a very clear instructor who can explain complex topics and formulas with ease. I have learned a ton from all of his courses and hope to use them to enhance my own career path! I highly recommend this course for anyone who is looking to sharpen their excel / real estate financial modeling skills and break into real estate investing."" ""This course greatly helped as a refresher when interviewing for a large institutional Lending position. It also enabled me to be much more efficient in my modeling."" ""Justin's classes are very clear and he drills the parts that you need to know continuously. It is also helpful that he continues to say the keyboard shortcuts so that you remember them."" ""Awesome. Great way to end your programme of courses. I feel like I've definitely gone from a from scratch beginner to probably at the advance intermediate stage now. Many thanks for all your help in putting all these videos together!""If you're ready to build your real estate financial modeling arsenal so you can tackle any questions that come your way on interview day, click the enroll button to get immediate access to five institutional-quality real estate private equity interview exams, with in-depth walk-throughs and explanations every step of the way.See you on the inside."
Price: 199.99

Price: 19.99

"Oracle SQL PLSQL Training Online Tutorial Course Videos"
"Oracle SQL PLSQL Training Course (A Prerequisite Course for Oracle Apps Technical Course Learners) with Live Meeting SupportTopics covered are Introduction to RDBMS, Introduction to SQL, Oracle data types, classification of sql, DDL and DML Commands, DDL and DML Commands Continued, Integrity Constraints, SQL Functions, Character Functions, Number Functions, SQL Functions Continued, Date Functions, Group Functions, Joins, Sub Queries and Clauses, Database Objects, Database Objects Continued, DCL and TCL Commands, Introduction to PL/SQL, Data Types and PLSQL Blocks, Looping Structures, Looping Structure While and Nested Loops, Looping Structure Continuation, Conditional Statements, Cursors, Exceptions, Exceptions continued, Procedures, Functions, Packages. ."
Price: 3200.00

"Oracle Apps Manufacturing Training Oracle ERP Manufacturing"
"Oracle Apps Manufacturing Training with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.From this course, you will get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing, Introduction to Oracle Applications, Versions, Multi Org Structure, Introduction to P2P and O2C Cycles, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials Applications, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Subinventory Overview, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Explaining Lot Control(Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with two Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer Charges, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Introduction about BOM, BOM parameters, Resource Groups, Department Class, Creation of items and assign cost to item, Overheads and Routings, Define Discrete jobs, Define Bills, Types of Bills, Option Class Bill and Where we use item in BOM, Bill Comparison, Where we use resource in bill, Setup of Alternative bills, Introduction to WIP, WIP Parameters, WIP Accounting Class, Schedule groups, Supply Types, Supply Type Push, Supply Type Operation Pull, Supply Type Assemble Pull, Supply Type Bulk, Supply Type Panthom, OSP."
Price: 9280.00

"Oracle Apps WIP (Work in Process) Training"
"Oracle Apps WIP (Work in Process) Training with Live Meeting SupportFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to WIP, WIP Parameters, WIP Accounting Class, Schedule groups, Supply Types, Supply Type Push, Supply Type Operation Pull, Supply Type Assemble Pull, Supply Type Bulk, Supply Type Panthom, OSPWho is the target audience?End Users, Business Analysts, Sales Consultants, Support Engineer, Technical Consultant, Functional Implementer"
Price: 3200.00

"Oracle Apps R12 BOM (Bill of Materials) Training"
"Oracle Bill of Materials (BOM) Training with Live Meeting SupportFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction about BOM, BOM parameters, Resource Groups, Department Class, Creation of items and assign cost to item, Overheads and Routings, Define Discrete jobs, Define Bills, Types of Bills, Option Class Bill and Where we use item in BOM, Bill Comparision, Where we use resource in bill, Setup of Alternative bills."
Price: 3200.00

"Oracle SSHR (Self Service HR) Training SSHR in Oracle HRMS"
"Oracle SSHR (Self Service HR) Training SSHR in Oracle HRMS with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.Oracle SSHR Self Service Human Resources in oracle HRMS allows your workforce to update and use employee-specific information, online via a browser, that is personalized to an individuals role, experience, work content, language, and information needs. Self-service means that the originator of a task is also the person responsible for that task. Using a standard web browser, the user accesses HR data and performs a specific task, for example, registering a change of address. By transferring the responsibility for the task to the originator of the task, data accuracy is increased and administration costs are reduced.From this course you will get a clear idea of Introduction TO SSHR, Functions and Features of SSHR, Fundamentals of SSHR, Self-Service Basics, User Access and Security, User Access to People, Configuring SSHR, Functions, Menus, and Responsibilities, Configuring Functions, Configuring Web Page Layouts, Approvals, Using SSHR, Common SSHR Functions, Employee Directory."
Price: 3200.00

"Essential Academic English: Biology"
"Everyday, more and more students around the world are learning English. With a competitive job market and rising standard for international exams, academic English has never been more important.Are you looking to improve your English? This course is perfectly designed for students looking to do so.Through animated videos,taught by a fully-qualified native ESL teacher, well look at over 200+ keywords. Well look at grammatical variances, synonyms, pronunciation, as well as how to use these keywords in everyday English. With activities in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, well work together to improve your understanding in this area of academic English.This course is specifically looking at biology in the English language. Hugely important for everyday life, biology looks at living things and how things might affect them.Whether youre preparing for international exams like IELTS or TOEIC, looking to study abroad, or you're looking to improve your conversational English;this course is perfect for you.This course includes:Interactive lecturesListening and speaking practiceTwo worksheets per unitQuizzesCertificate of completionUnits covered:ScienceThe EcosystemFoodThe EnvironmentClimate ChangeHealthSickness"
Price: 99.99