"Curso de tabela dinmica no Excel - Prtico e rpido!" |
"Voc sabe analisar com preciso e velocidade, grandes quantidades de dados? Com o recurso de tabela dinmica do Excel, voc consegue resumir, filtrar e analisar planilhas gigantes em apenas um lugar, fazendo estudos de diversas perspectivas em segundos e obtendo respostas estratgicas sobre o seu negcio.Com este curso, voc vai aprender de uma vez por todas a usar o recurso de tabela dinmica do Excel de um jeito prtico e rpido, analisando de maneira profissional grandes quantidades de dados, trabalhando com as opes mais simples at as mais complexas.Curso de Tabela Dinmica no Excel - Foco Total!Este curso foi feito pra voc, profissional que utiliza o Excel no dia a dia e que deseja extrair mais da ferramenta, trabalhando com um dos recursos mais utilizados para anlises estratgicas de dados em segundos."
Price: 54.99 |
"Otimizao de sites com Google Search Console - Curso de SEO" |
"Voc se preocupa com a forma que seu site visto pelo Google? Ser que est tudo certo com seu site? Ser que existem erros? Ser que voc implementou todos os recursos possveis para ganhar pontos com o Google e posies nos resultados de pesquisa?Se voc tem um site e quer que ele seja bem visto pelo Google, este curso para voc! Se voc trabalha com marketing digital, webdesign, desenvolvimento web, SEO, vendas online, blogs, ecommerce, enfim, no importa sua rea, basta ter um website e comear.Um dos grandes desejos de profissionais que trabalham com internet que seus sites apaream bem posicionados no Google. Se voc tem um site que vende carros, com certeza quer que ele aparea no topo do Google quando pesquisarem por ""quero comprar um carro"", mas esse desejo no s seu, por isso existe um longo caminho de aprendizado e otimizaes.O caminho de otimizao (SEO) passa por: gerar contedo de qualidade para o site com frequncia; otimizar a parte tcnica; gerar trfego atravs de redes sociais; conseguir backlinks que geram valor; corrigir erros; adicionar todos os recursos possveis relacionados com buscas; e por ltimo, resumindo tudo, seguir as diretrizes do Google.Curso completo! Monitore seu site nas buscas do Google atravs do Search ConsoleO Google Search Console uma sute completa e gratuita de ferramentas que permitem fazer monitoramento, testes, correes e adio de recursos ao seu site, garantindo assim mais qualidade no rastreamento e indexao de contedo, e consequentemente pontos com o Google e melhores posies nos resultados de pesquisa.Este curso de Google Search Console para voc que quer:Fazer o monitoramento total de como o Google indexa o contedo do seu site.Utilizar diversas ferramentas de testes do Google para melhorar o posicionamento do seu site.Identificar e corrigir erros do seu site que podem prejudir a classificao no Google.Identificar e tratar contedo duplicado para evitar impacto negativo nos resultados de pesquisa.Inspecionar URLs e fazer um estudo completo de como o Google encontra e indexa o contedo.Fazer a anlise de links de um site e rejeitar backlinks prejudiciais para a classificao no Google.Utilizar de maneira profissional os recursos bsicos e avanados do Google Search Console.Configurar a ferramenta Google Search Console em qualquer tipo de site.Analisar cliques, impresses, CTR e posio mdia do site nos resultados de pesquisa.Descobrir a posio mdia de pginas especficas nos resultados de pesquisa do Google.Solicitar ao Google a indexao de contedo do site atravs de um arquivo sitemap.Buscar uma URL do seu site exatamente como o rob do Google faz.Configurar redirect de www e conexo segura para evitar contedo duplicado.Definir URL cannico para evitar problemas com contedo duplicado.Definir HTTP cannico e redirect 301 atravs da linguagem PHP.Bloquear o rastreamento de robs em determinadas partes do seu site com robots .txtImpedir que determinadas pginas do seu site apaream nos resultados do GoogleVerificar a compatibilidade do seu site em dispositivos mveis.Colocar dados estruturados e pginas AMP no seu site para garantir mais visibilidade em buscas mobile.Otimizar seu site (SEO) para um bom posicionamento no Google.Agora com voc! Seu site pode ficar melhor ainda e de acordo com as recomendaes do Google."
Price: 69.99 |
"Kivy Demonstration" |
"Learn kivy a cross platform for rapid development of applications.kivy is a cross platform for rapid development ofapplications. It is compatible with Android, IOS, Linux, OS X, and Windows. It is an open source python library for developingpython apps and other multi-touch application software. Kivy supports multipleinputs, offers a powerful APIs for most mobile devices.Kivy has its exceptional""Kv"" language that allows developers to nest elements. This course will show you how to use Kivy, First I will cover the basics and the elementary features of Kivy. Then, you will get a moreadvance experience and all along the way we will be coding together.This course Will NOT provide you with everything you may want to learn about Kivy. Please have a look at the course curriculum prior enrolling. I placed so much time and so much effort into structuring this course and shaping it for a specific audience and it is all about providing this audience with the best experience and the most value possible. This is NOT an advance course but rather a crash course to get you on the right track quickly. It takes you through the basics and it sets you up for success.Unfortunately, there are NO projects NOR homework in this course. Please be aware that there are basic details in this course that you have to know that I couldn't just skip over and at 5.5hours the course is already too long. Pleaseget in touch with me prior enrolling when not sure whether this course is for you.Iam dedicated and committed to answering your questions and helping you all alongthe way."
Price: 34.99 |
"Create Your Life Mentoring" |
"In this course you will learn how to set up and use a vision board as well as why and how to use it. You will learn about your story and how to change it from a story that holds you back to one that serves you and helps move you forward to accomplish anything you want. You will learn tools and do assignments that will help you to change your mindset from one of scarcity and weakness to one of abundance and capability. Through these tools you can also learn to love yourself. As you learn to take control of your life with these tools, you will gain emotional freedom and literally be able to create a life you love."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Wi-Fi Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced 2019" |
"This is a real world, highly advanced Wi-Fi hacking course, exactly what you are looking for. This course will teach you to hack Wi-Fi networks' securities, routers, break all types of encryption and monitor the traffics. This course is special, because:It is full of up-to-date InformationThe tools used in this course are updatedIt shows the most effective methods for hacking any Wi-Fi networkEvery lecture is clearly explained in details with nice examplesA Facebook group dedicated to special support for better experienceAnd many moreWe'll perform all of our attacks on: Linux WindowsBy the time you finish this course, you will have the full concept of Wi-Fi networks. You will learn to break any type of Wi-Fi encryption (WEP, WPA/WPA2), gain access to the network and take full control of it. You will understand yourself how to protect your own Local Area Network (LAN) and can take necessary steps if needs.This course is also beginner friendly. Even if you are just starting your journey to the hacking world, dont worry. It will be the most amazing experience in the hacking world you'll have, and I am here to guide you based on my 7 years of real life experience in Cybersecurity. The sections are organized for better understanding this course.If have any question regarding anything of this course, I will be happy to assist you.So what are you waiting for? Come join me. See you in the course, and I am sure you are going to enjoy it."
Price: 99.99 |
"Revit Architecture 2019" |
"Aprende a desarrollar un proyecto de una vivienda con las herramientas necesarias para un trabajo con la calidad que requiere el mercado de hoy en da. Este curso te llevar paso a paso en la construccin de una casa partiendo del proyecto Arquitectnico.Aprende a trabajar un proyecto de una vivienda de forma correcta en Revit Architecture 2019Conocer las herramientas para abordar proyectos desde la estructura.Entender el funcionamiento de los muros en Revit.Trabajar un proyecto a nivel profesional y real.Aprender el amueblado correcto y la insercin de familias.Aprender a dar terminacin a los proyectos.Conocer las herramientas para crear el entorno de una casa.Este curso tiene una duracin de ms de 57 Clases , con ejemplos prcticos de arquitectura que permitan el entendimiento de las herramientas de diseo que nos ofrece Revit Architecture 2019. Teniendo archivos descargables de las prcticas que se presentarn podrs aprender de una forma fcil la creacin de Muros, Losas, Pisos que se utilizan en la construccin. "
Price: 1770.00 |
"Easy Music for Your Preschooler" |
"Welcome!In this course, you will learn all about using music apps for iPad and Androidwith children aged 2-5. I willtake you step-by-step through some fundamentals of theuse of technology in the early years, explain the basic concepts of music and introduce you to the instrument families,and show you how to use all the features of 30+of the best music apps for young children, according to reviews by users and the family-friendly-technologyorganisation 'Common Sense Media'.Many of theapp lecturesincludea resource with lesson ideas that you can adapt to your own home or learning centre (available inthe student Dropbox folder).After teaching you how to use the apps, I go through 8portfolioprojects you can do with the apps to show off your new skills and inspirekidsto have a go.Music apps are a great complementphysical instruments for exploring music, and you are sure to have a lot of fun exploring them with your preschooler!"
Price: 49.99 |
"PMP 6th. Edition Course" |
"(PMP) :1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13-"
Price: 19.99 |
"Tableau Visual Analytics In 60 Minutes" |
"AUDIENCE:You are an experienced Tableau user who wants to learn more about best practices for sharing information and insights. The Visual Analytics course helps Tableau users design visualizations that viewers can easily understand and use. This course uses Tableau to develop and discuss visualizations, but does not include instruction on how to use Tableau productswe expect that you already know how to navigate and use Tableau.YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO:Design visualizations to effectively leverage sensory and short-term memory.Design visualizations to inform viewers without misleading.Effectively use chart types to answer specific questions.Design dashboards and stories using visual best practices."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cisco CCNA Fundamentos de Networking para Redes IP" |
"Eres un profesional dentro del rea de las tecnologas de la informacin y quieres entender como funciona una red IP?Cansado de no entender correctamente conceptos como: Switching, Routing, Direccin IP, Unicast, ARP, FrameRewrite, VLAN, Capa2, Capa3, Capa 4... ?Buscando el curso perfecto que te ensee las bases y los fundamentos sobre el funcionamiento de las redes IP?Bienvenido alCurso de Fundamentos de Networking para redes IP - CCNAel curso en el que aprenderspaso a pasoy de una formafcil yestructuradalas bases tericas y prcticas del funcionamiento de las redes IP. Ms de 1.000 alumnos en los primeros 4 meses !!! El curso de redes en Espaol con mejor puntuacin en Udemy !!!He creado este curso porque a lo largo de mi carrera profesional, he visto repetidamente como hay multitud de conceptos bsicos sobre las redes IP que no suelen estar claros o se prestan a confusin, afectando as tanto al desempeo diario de un tcnico de red como a la futura comprensin de conceptos ms complejos.Este curso pretende ser un punto de entrada para las personas que tienen inters en el mundo de las redes telemticas actuales, que mayoritariamente son Redes IP. Pero tambin es adecuado para aquellos que ya poseen conocimientos sobre este campo pero desean consolidar y dejar claros conceptos que quizs se haban entendido slo de forma parcial o incompleta.Hoy en da, cualquier profesional del sector de las Tecnologas de la Informacin debera tener unos conocimientos mnimos sobre Redes, pues al fin y al cabo, todo equipo, todo sistema informtico acaba conectndose a una red y deber interactuar con ella. Imaginemos un tcnico de bases de datos, o un administrador de servidores Linux o Windows, si se encuentran en una reunin con otros tcnicos de reas distintas y aparecen temas como Direccionamiento IP, Puertas de Enlace, VLANs, Capturas de trfico, Ruta esttica, Ruta por defecto, Capa2, Capa3, Capa4,... si aparecen estos trminos, esta claro que el especialista debe ser el tcnico de red, pero tambin estaremos de acuerdo que es conveniente que el resto de tcnicos de otras reas entiendan mnimamente de qu se est hablando para poder colaborar y trabajar conjuntamente.Por esta razn, he creado este curso en el que combino la teora con la prctica para que paso a paso vayamos entendiendo cada concepto y construyendo as una base de conocimiento bien cimentada.Qu conocimientos previos se requieren?Este curso no requiere ningn conocimiento previo especfico, slo conocimientos a nivel de usuario de un ordenador y de Internet. El perfil de alumno ideal sera elestudiante de Cisco (CCNA,CCENT o ICND),profesional del sector IT,oaficionado a la informtica y las redesque desee fundar unas bases slidas sobre Redes IP.Qu tiene este curso que no tengan los otros?En este curso se ha cuidado cada detalle para que la experiencia del alumnosea agradable y provechosa, seleccionando muy cuidadosamente los temas a incluir y generando un contenido audiovisual de alta calidad que marcar un antes y un despus en la enseanza online.Este curso me convertir en un experto en redes IP?No. Ningn curso te va a convertir en un experto, pues lo que convierte a una persona en ""experta"" en cierta materia, es el estudio y la prctica de esa disciplina durante cientos o miles de horas. Este curso pretende servir para fundar una buena base, sobre los conceptos bsicos e imprescindibles sobre redes para cualquier profesional del rea de las tecnologas de la informacin. Ya seas un tcnico de sistemas, desarrollador, analista, administrador de BBDD, ingeniero electrnico o tcnico de redes, este curso esta pensado para que al acabar, entiendas correctamente todos esos temas que cualquier profesional en estas reas debera comprender para poder desempear bien tu trabajo y no limitar su potencial.Al finalizar el curso, estar preparado/a para aprobar el examen de certificacin de Cisco - CCNA?No. Con este curso no se pretende dar todo el temario del CCNA de Cisco, simplemente porque para ello se necesitaran muchas ms horas. No hay que olvidar que la gua oficial de Cisco para el CCNA, si unimos los dos volmenes suman ms de 1.000 pginas y sera imposible en un curso de esta duracin dar todo el contenido.Resulta de utilidad este curso para el examen de certificacin de Cisco - CCNA?PORSUPUESTO! Justamente lo que he hecho al crear este curso es seleccionar aquellos temas que considero ms importantes para empezar a entender de forma slida las redes IP y todo este conocimiento forma parte del conjunto global de conocimientos requeridos para la certificacin de Cisco CCNA.En resumen, el curso ayudar a quien quiera certificarse y lo que recomiendo es que se utilice de forma complementaria a la gua oficial de Cisco para entender de forma ms clara los conceptos que normalmente resultan ms difciles o confusos al verlos nicamente por escrito en un libro.No esperes ms y empecemos a aprender juntos desde hoy mismo!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Kryptowhrungen: Entwickle systematische Trading Prozesse" |
"Wrdest du gerne wissen wie man profitable Trading Ideen generiert?Und wolltest du schon immer mal wissen wie man einen systematischenTrading Prozesse entwickelt?Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr dich!In diesem Kurs wirst du nicht nur technische Analysestrategien lernen, sondern auch fundamentale. Wir werden uns nicht nur mit der Kryptowhrung und dem Chartverlauf, sondern auch der Community und dem Team hinter der Whrung beschftigen und lernen Long-Term Trading Strategien zu entwickeln.Was genau wirst du also im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen?Entwicklung eines Trading Prozesses - Wenn du ohne Trading Prozess anfngst zu traden wirst du schnell viel Geld verlieren. Du bist dann Teil der 90/90/90Regel - 90% aller Leute verlieren 90% ihres Geldes in 90% Tagen - Und das will ich nicht und das willst du auch nicht.Genau deswegen brauchst du einen systematischen Trading Prozess. Diesen werden wir gleich im erstenKapitel entwickeln und ich werde dir meinen eigenen Prozess zeigen den du dann Schritt fr Schritt kopieren kannst.Technische Analyse - Du wirst dutzende Indikatoren, Overlays,Charttypen und andere technische Tools kennen lernen um Charts analysieren und interpretieren zu knnen. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du wissen wie man Indikatoren wie den Double Bottom Indikator verwenden kann, Overlays benutzt und auch komplexere Chartverlufe erkennst wie parabolische Trends. Du wirst zudem lernen wie manBreakouts traded, ICOs und Tokensales findet und vieles mehr.Fundamentale Analyse - Damit du Long-Term Trading Strategien entwickeln kannst, solltest du nicht nur auf technische Indikatorenacht geben, sondern auch fundamentale.Wir werden uns mit den Menschen hinter der Kryptowhrung beschftigen, den eigentlich Wert der Whrung errechnen, News Ticker Seiten kennen lernen und Firmenwerte analysieren.Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen, wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Entwickele systematische Trading Prozesse bestehend aus technischer Analyse und fundamentaler AnalyseBenutze dutzende technische Indikatoren und fhre eine komplette technische Analyse/Chartanalyse durchFhre eine komplette fundamentale Analyse unter Bercksichtigung fundamentaler Indikatoren durchEntwickele erfolgreiche Short und Long-Term Trading StrategienAnalysiere erfolgreiche und verlustreiche Trades durch einen systematischen Analyse ProzessNachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du jedem Durchschnittstrader weit voraus sein. Du wirst fhig sein analytisch Kryptowhrungen zu betrachten und durch systematische Trading Prozesse Investmentideen zu entwickeln.Deswegen warte jetzt nicht lnger, schreibe dich noch heute in den Kurs ein und wir beide sehen unsdann gleich im erstenVideo!Bis dahin! Ich freue mich auf dich!Beste Gre,LeonChaudhari- Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Grundlagen von Kryptowhrungen: Coins, Wallets, ICOs & mehr" |
"Wrdest du gerne mehr ber Kryptowhrungen wissen und nicht immer nur an derOberflche kratzen?Und wrdest du gerne mehr ber Themen wie Mining,Dezentralisierung,Protokolle und Applikationen lernen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich!In diesem Kurs wirst du alles Rund um das Thema Kryptowhrungen lernen. Dieser Kurs ist vor allen Dingen darauf ausgelegt die Theorie hinter der Applikation zu erklren und selbst einen Beginner zu einem Experten im Bereich derKryptowhrungen zu machen.Folgende Dinge wirst du in diesem Kurs imDetail lernen:Technische Grundlagen von Kryptowhrungen- Was sind Kryptowhrungen eigentlich, wie funktioniert eine Blockchain und worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen Bitcoin,Ehereum und Altcoins?Wir werden auerdem ber die Geschichte des Geldes sprechen und warum digitale Whrungen eigentlich gar nicht so unbekannt sind.Dezentralisierung und Consensus- In diesem Teil des Kurses werden wir uns mit der Bedeutung von Konsens innerhalbeiner Blockchain beschftigen. Wir werden diesbezglich auch ber den Proof of work, importance und stake sprechen. Du wirst, nachdem du das Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, ganz genau wissen wie neue Blcke in einer Blockchain generiert werden.Mining und Mining Computer- Wir werden in diesem Teil des Kurses ber drei Arten von Mining sprechen, nmlich CPU, GPUund ASICMining. Auerdem erhltst du von mir eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung zum Aufbau deiner eigenen Krypto Mine, ich werde dir zeigen welche Chips du brauchst, Khler und vieles mehr.Wallets- Damit du deine Investments sicher verstauen kannst, brauchst du ein Wallet. In diesem Teil des Kurses wirst du mit vier unterschiedlichen Wallets vertraut gemacht, nmlich Paper, Mind, Soft und Hard Wallet, wir werden ber Ledger sprechen und vieles mehr.Forks- Sicherlich hast du schon einmal von dem Begriff Fork etwas gehrt und nein ich spreche hierbei nicht ber Gabeln, sondern ber Forks in der Welt der Kryptowhrungen.Du wirst Schritt fr Schritt lernen wie eine Fork funktioniert und am Beispiel Bitcoin lernen welche Implikationen eine Soft und Hard Fork mit sich bringt.Attacken auf Blockchains-Wir werden diesbezglich ber 51% Attacken, Mining Attacken und Sybil Attacken sprechen. Du wirst lernen wie fragil als auch standhaft eine Blockchain sein kann.Coins & Tokens- Am Ende des Kurses werden wir dann uns noch einmal mit den unterschiedlichsten Coins und Tokens beschftigen.Du wirst ber Private Coins,Tainted Coins und vieles mehr lernen. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du nicht nur die Kryptowelt besser kennen sondern fhig sein bessere Trading Entscheidungen zu treffen.Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast:Verstehe wie Kryptowhrungen und Blockchains funktionierenLerne Smart Contracts, das ERC20 Protokoll, Tainted Coins und Private Coins kennenGrnde deine eigene Krypto Mine und lerne CPU, GPU und ASIC Mining kennenLerne den Wert einer Kryptowhrung zu berechnen/schtzenVerstehe wie man Scam Coins identifiziert durch eine systematische HerangehensweiseLerne ICOs zu traden und interessante ICO Investmentmglichkeiten zu identifizierenSei fhig zwischen Ethereum, Ethereum Classic und der Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) zu differenzierenWorauf wartest du also noch?Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kryptowhrungen Meisterkurs ein!Du hast nichts zu verlieren. Ich freue mich auf dich!Beste Gre,LeonChaudhari- Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns - 2020 Update" |
"New for 2020: All students will receive our Turnkey Sponsorship Toolkit - the complete sponsorship solution. This all-in-one sponsorship seeking toolkit includes all of the tools you'll need to start landing sponsors, including:Sponsorship Proposal TemplatesSponsor Cold Email TemplatesSponsorship Pricing CalculatorSponsorship Reporting TemplateSponsorship Lead WorkbookSponsorship Implementation ChecklistA Copy of Our Acclaimed eBook: How to Find Event SponsorsAnd so much more!This entire bundle ($119 value) included with every course signup!Now, on to the course...Our event was doomed... To be more specific, our event was $8,700 in the red. All my friends and I wanted to do was host a weekend taco festival, and bring some delicious fun to an otherwise dreary abandoned lot in Chicago. What we got instead was a barrage of last-minute overages and unforeseen expenses. With less than a month to go, we needed cash, and we needed it bad. So we did what any resourceful event producers would do: solicit sponsors! We spent the next few days putting together our proposal, complete with 3 different tiered sponsorship packages: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Breathing a preemptive sigh of relief, we sent this proposal out to over 500 local businesses (yes, 500!), sat back and waited for the money to start rolling in. 4 weeks later we tallied up the results. Our neat little sponsorship packages had netted us a grand total of$0. That's right. Zero. Absolutely nothing. We had failed to secure a single sponsor! And so the three of us, all college students looking to make some summer cash producing our own festival, learned a very expensive lesson. Even though our event sold out, our failure with sponsorships meant we were each forced to shell out over $3,000 to cover all our remaining expenses. Does this scenario sound familiar? What has your failed sponsorship proposal cost your event or organization? From that day over 10 years ago, I vowed to determine exactly where we had gone wrong with sponsorships, and do everything in my power to ensure no other event producer, entrepreneur, charity, or small organization experienced the same devastating lesson we received that summer. I wanted to decode the mystery of sponsorship, and share the secrets with everyone who had experienced this same pain. My path was set, and it was time to dive headfirst into sponsorships Over the last decade, my career in sponsorships has taken me across the globe. From major music festival production for firms such as Sony and Live Nation, to managing sponsorships and marketing relationships for one of the world's fastest ecommerce start-ups, and finally to where I am today, serving as the President of Event and Sponsorship Management Agency SilverCrate. My current role gives me the privilege and responsibility of showing all our teams the most effective tactics and tools for building profitable sponsorship programs, providing them with the resources they need to start creating successful sponsorship programs on behalf of our clients. This training is the culmination of the last 10+ years Ive spent learning from that costly summer mistake, and pulls together all the best information gleaned from my time developing profitable sponsorship programs for everyone from Fortune 500 firms and Internet Retailer Top 200 companies, to independent event producers, regional sports teams, small charitable organizations and more. A few years back, while in the middle of overhauling what we at SilverCrate call our ""Six-Figure Sponsorships Training Program"" (the training program we use to get our clients earning six figures or more with their event sponsorships), I had an epiphany. While this robust sponsorship training regimen had certainly paid off well for the company and had allowed me to achieve my original goal of decoding the mysteries of sponsorships, I was still not reaching the vast network I had promised to help 10 years earlier. I had made a vow to learn the absolute best ways to succeed with sponsorships, and share this information with entrepreneurs, event producers, and small organizations across the globe, so that they could avoid the painful lesson I had learned. It was time to make good on this promise. In order to expand my reach, I had to build a program that would allow me to share this training with anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world... And so How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns was born! How It Works How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns is more than just an in-depth training on building a profitable event sponsorship program. It's a step-by-step workshop designed to give you everything you need to start finding sponsors for your events in just days. Each lesson is comprised of two components: The Instruction and The Action. During the instruction phase of each lesson, you'll participate in several accelerated video trainings. All substance and zero fluff, these trainings are generally no more than 10-15 minutes in length and will provide you with decades' worth of sponsorship expertise and best practices, condensed down to the core elements needed to build your own successful program. After the instruction phase of the lesson, you'll move on to The Action. In this phase, we show you exactly how to take what you just learned in your video trainings, and apply it directly to YOUR sponsorship program. This means that by the end of the course, you will have already developed all the following sponsorship tools and templates for YOUR specific event: [Your Event Name Here] Audience Profile [Your Event Name Here] Sponsorship Inventory (what you can sell) [Your Event Name Here] Sponsorship Proposal How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns will guide you step-by-step through the creation of all these tools, meaning that when you complete the course, you'll have all these documents ready to go. No more waiting. No more trial and error. You'll have everything you need to begin your journey towards landing deals and creating new revenue streams through sponsorships. What You'll Learn While certainly not easy, everyone we train comes to understand that sponsorships are a relatively simple concept. At their core, sponsorships are nothing more than leveraged value: leveraging the value of the sponsor (brand), the property (event/charity/sports team/etc.), and the audience in a way where everyone wins. In order to maximize your ability to create this leverage valued, our instruction will focus on providing you with several core sponsorship skill sets, including: Understanding the most common sponsorship solicitation mistakes, and ways to avoid these pitfalls Identifying and quantifying your Audience (the MOST important part of sponsorships) Building your inventory of Sponsorship Assets - i.e. ""what you can sell"" (Hint: its a lot more than a logo on a website or a t-shirt) Building your sponsorship offers (and saying goodbye to those generic Silver, Gold, Platinum packages) Creating the perfect Sponsorship Proposal one thats PROVEN to land you sponsorship dollars These skills, taught in-depth over the course of the program, will place you in an elite class of sponsorship seekers, and ensure you never again feel the pain of being unable to generate any significant sponsorship revenue for your events and programs. The Schedule By maintaining a sharp focus on teaching only the most effective and up-to-date sponsorship methods, we are able to keep this course brief and to-the-point. Our ultimate goal is that you sit down with this course in the morning, and by the end of that very same day, youll have created a sponsorship proposal for your own event that is lightyears ahead of what your organization has been using in the past. What's Included in the Course? Students of How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns will receive ALL the following tools, trainings, and bonuses: Unlimited, on-demand access to over 12 exclusive videos trainings Downloadable worksheets and assignments designed to walk you step-by-step in the development of your own profitable sponsorship proposal Unlimited access to email support staff to answer any questions Frequently Asked Questions Whos this course for? This course was built with small-to-medium size events in mind. Whether you run a small Meetup group that hosts monthly networking events, operate a regional racing team, are hosting your charity's annual fundraising dinner, or produce a series of Food Truck festivals for 25,000 people, the concepts in this course will help you develop a proven, profitable sponsorship program for these events. Will this help me get sponsorships for my [race build, blog, chess club, podcast, etc.]? While geared towards small-to-medium size events, the lessons we teach in How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns are applicable across a wide range of activities. In fact, this course has been used in as diverse applications as Mommy Bloggers looking to find sponsors for their content, athletes searching for endorsement and ambassador sponsorship deals, and musicians seeking sponsors and grants for their ensembles. As long as your [blog, chess club, podcast, etc.] is creating value, the lessons taught throughout the course can show you how to leverage it to gain sponsorships. How much time does it take to complete the course? This course was set up to be completed over the course of a single day, with about 2 hours worth of learning content, and another 6-8 hours of developing your own sponsorship proposal using the skills learned in the course. I'm too busy for this...is there a shortcut? We know that as entrepreneurs, fundraisers, and heads of organizations, you're incredibly busy. That's why we've designed this course to work around your schedule. Though the intention is to take the class in a single day, everything is on-demand, meaning you can dive in wherever and whenever it's most convenient for you. Featuring all substance and zero fluff, this is more than just a course; it's a step-by-step program designed to save you countless hours when it comes time to solicit sponsors for your events. Our lesson plan will bring you that much closer to a completed sponsorship program, ensuring that by the end course, you'll have all the documents, tools, and most importantly - the knowledge - to go out and successfully secure sponsors. Is it a commitment? Yes. But so is everything else in life worth doing. Most of our students run businesses, chair organizations, take care of their family, run side hustles, and have many other responsibilities and obligations. But they're still able to set aside an hour each day to work with us on building their sponsorship program. Because they know that in the end, the success they'll achieve with an effective sponsorship program will be worth every second they put into this course. Next Steps Are you ready to stop spinning your wheels with half-hearted efforts to secure sponsors for your events? Are you ready to develop a robust knowledge of the most widely-accepted best practices, tools, and techniques that events across the globe are using to earn six-figures or more in sponsorships? Great! Then join us in The How to Write a Sponsorship Proposal that Earns course, and start landing sponsors for your event today... "
Price: 99.99 |
"The PowerShell 6 Scripting Crash Course 2019" |
"Hello Everyone, and welcome to the Advanced PowerShell course. My name is Dolwin Fernandes and Ill be your instructor for the course. I have close to 10 years experience in Systems administration and operations and currently work for a Gaming Studio in Sydney, Australia. Ive been using powershell for automating various tasks at my work and also find it to be one the most full featured and powerful scripting tools when it comes to automation. What makes powershell even better, is its ability to run on Linux and Mac as well. In this course, I will take you through from the very basics to the most advanced powershell features and cmdlets. This course is perfect either if youre new to powershell, a seasoned system admin looking to automate tasks or even if you need to brush up powershell for an interview. This course is very straightforward and practical. This is the course I wish I had when I started to learn PowerShell. In under 3 hours, well cover a broad range of topics from CMDLETS to Control Flow, String Manipulation, Advanced functions, different operations, conditional logic, loops, parameter splatting, parameter sets, writing event logs, sending an email with powershell, WMI classes, Powershell remoting, Error handling and a bunch of modules like the Active Directory module, Archiving module as well as the AWS module.My goal is to help you get a good grasp of powershell in less than 3 hours. Thats right, all of the things Ive just mentioned will be thoroughly taught in less than 3 hours. This course is very hands on and to the point. Throughout the course as we learn, well be creating a bunch of useful scripts that you can use at your work place and even our very own powershell CMDLETReady to show off your powershell skills? Lets get right to it."
Price: 19.99 |
"Get Started with Web Development By Building Games" |
"Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript Module Pattern with Publishing and Subscribing message communication by creating a multiplayer Game on Your Own Browser.Game would beReal-Time, Scalable with Data Stream Network which ispresent and future of app development. Be it adding a real time chat feature or secure device to device communication, the most challenging part is getting access to the infrastructure and time to build.Join usfortheawesome course andlearn Hands-On."
Price: 199.99 |
"SAP Web IDE Plugin Development" |
"Learn how to createWebIDEbasedplugin, utilizing the SDK forWebIDE.We are going to create aQuick codesnippet plugin which will allow us to add code snippets to our development, which will help in writing code fast and quickly.Web IDE plugin can automate a lot of manual tasks and make the life of developer or designers easier.As a developer, this is an amazing opportunity to learn plugin development to automate your manual task and also impress others with your work.In future, we are expecting growth on plugin ecosystem and jumping early in this is going to give you an edge."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn HANA SQL" |
"This one comprehensive course covers all the aspect of HANA Development to help you when it matter. We have covered all concepts from basics to intermediate to advance in step-by-step,We have covered the details of HANA Architecture, HANA Modelling, Procedure, XSJS and XS oData and lot More. Also, when it comes to HANA Modeling. We create Logical Containers to hold our Virtual data in views, may it be Attribute Views, Analytical Views, Calculation View or even creating custom calculated column these takes lot of time to search through, and all of these are covered in a detail and simple way with demos in this course. We have given special attention to:Filtering, Selecting , Decision Making, Types, Attributes and measuresAttribute Views - Keys Fields Filtering Records and Preview DataAnalytical Views - Characteristics, Facts and Dimension Table OverviewAnalytical Views - Data Foundation and NodesAnalytical Views - Selecting Columns, Joins and Specifying MeasuresAnalytical Views - Calculated Column and Data PreviewCalculation Views - Characteristics, Nodes and TypesCalculation Views - Adding Data Source, Selecting ColumnGraphical Calculation Views(GCV)GCV - Join, Union, Projection, Aggregation and RankGCV - Renaming Nodes, Auto Layout, Keys and AggregationGCV - Input Parameters, Filtering And Calculated ColumnsScripted Calculation ViewsAnd not only this we have given attention to Procedure, XSJS and XS oData. So you would be able to get complete information on:Table typesLocal temporary tables Scalar Variables and User-defined functionsTable User Defined Functions Looping concept inside Procedures Array functions like array aggregationImperative statement and declarative statement XSJS Service APIsExposing xs oData Services with Views All covered in our course in simple to explanation and hands-on manner."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Machine Learning Maths Behind" |
"Machine learning and the world of artificial intelligence (AI) are no longer science fiction. Theyre here!Get started with the new breed of software that is able to learn without being explicitly programmed, machine learning can access, analyze, and find patterns in Big Data in a way that is beyond human capabilities. The business advantages are huge, and the market is expected to be worth $47 billion and more by 2020.In this course, you will implement your own custom algorithm on top of SAP's HANA Database, which is an In-Memory database capable of Performing huge calculation over a large set of Data. We are going to use Native SQL to write the algorithm of Naive Bayes. Naive Bayes is a classical ML algorithm, which is capable of providing surprising result, it is based out of the probabilistic model and can outperform even complex ML algorithm.In this course are going to start from basics and move slowly to the implementation of the ML algorithm. We are not using any third party libraries but will be writing the steps in the Native SQL, so our code can take advantage of HANA DB in-memory capabilities to run faster even when Data Set grows large."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn UI5 Compression Automation Task Runner Gulp StarterKit" |
"In this Course we have covered the Compression and Performance Improvement of UI5 Application.- In this Section we will be covering some of the existing tool-kits which will help us to improve the efficiency of UI5 Application.- We will see how this tools can be utilized and how you can automate your deployment activities with the plugins which are already available.- After Completing this section you will be able to understand about gulp plugin which is used to compress UI5 Application and you will be able to understand how to deploy the compressed version of UI5 Application to production with minification, uglification and also you cando testing or automation testing with this Toolkit. This is a powerful framework and we will be focusing our attention to Open UI5.- We will show you some of the speed improvements parts. When it comes to making a SAPUI5 application and OpenUI5 app async in nature.- We will highly recommend this course to everyone those who want to understand how to compress your app to increase the performance and also how to use the modern libraries to automate the task runner-up."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Spark and Hadoop Overnight on GCP" |
"This is a comprehensive hands on course on Spark HadoopIn this course we focused on Big Data and open source solutions around that. We require these tools for our E-commerce end of Project CORE (Create your Own Recommendation Engine) is one of its kind of project to learn technology End-to-EndWe will explore Hadoop one of the prominent Big Data solutionWe will look Why part and How part of it and its ecosystem, its Architecture and basic inner working and will also spin our first Hadoop under 2 min in Google CloudThis particular course we are going to use in Project COREwhich is comprehensive project on hands on technologies. In Project CORE you will learn more about Building you own system on Big Data, Spark, Machine Learning, SAPUI5, Angular4, D3JS, SAP HANAWith this Course you will get a brief understanding on Apache Spark, Which is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing.Spark is used in Project CORE to manage Big data with HDFS file system, We are storing 1.5 million records of books in spark and implementing collaborative filtering algorithm.Spark offers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells.Spark powers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application.Runs Everywhere - Spark runs on Hadoop, Mesos, standalone, or in the cloud."
Price: 199.99 |
"Create Excel or Python App in 15 minutes using Virtual Forms" |
"You will learn the Basics of creating a Professional Excel GUI or Python GUIWindows desktop databaseapplication in under 15 minutes without coding in Excel or with just 6 lines of code inPythonusing a tool called Virtual Forms Framework in this Excel & Python tutorial course.We will create a simple Virtual Form that isable to (CRUD):Create newReadUpdateDeleterecords from databaseFilter records in the Grid control with build in Filter functionalityNo code in Excel or only 6 lines of code in Python.You need to see this!And yes, this course is covered withUdemy30-day money back guarantee.You dont have anything to lose.If you want to impress your boss, colleagues, clients and also impress yourself with Excel and (or)Python, Enroll in this course NOW!See us inside,Davor"
Price: 99.99 |
"Finanas Pessoais na Prtica" |
"Bem Vindo ao curso de Finanas Pessoais na PrticaFinanas Pessoais costuma despertarnas pessoas dois sentimentos conflitantes: todo mundo reconhece sua importncia como o alicerceseguropara umavida mais confortvel e ao mesmo tempo a grande maioria daspessoas acha queos assuntos so muitodifceis de entender e fica deriva esperando que a sorte operea seu favor. Infelizmente,esta segunda reao temse sobreposto primeira bloqueandodesnecessariamente o acesso destas pessoas a um padro de qualidade de vidamelhor com mais realizaes e menos stress ou ansiedade.Este curso se diferencia justamenteneste ponto. Foram selecionadas algumas questesbastante sensveis que estorelacionadas com assuntos que tem uma enorme influnciana vida financeiradas pessoas, tais como a perda no poder de compra e os financiamentos; e, a partirdaprocura-se objetivamente jogar uma luz sobre os pontos que realmenteimportam na resoluo destas questes juntamente com os fundamentos para quevoc possa refletir e decidir sobre o que mais lhe convm. informao objetiva. conhecimento prtico. mais auto-confiana. voc, no comando !UmOlhar sobre o que voc vai aprenderLogo na primeira parte de Fundamentosso tratados as noes de valor do dinheiro no tempo e da equivalnciafinanceira seguidas por duasnoes muito importantes referentes snomenclaturas de taxas de juros e converses.No bloco seguinte sobre a Desvalorizaodo Dinheirosoesclarecidas asperdas do poder de compra devidas inflao quando so discutidasduas questes de interesse muito imediato o comprometimento de renda emdiferentes situaes e a preservao de valor atravs da Caderneta de Poupana.E, por fim, o ltimo bloco versa sobreFinanciamentos que um tema fortemente ligado aos objetivos de vida maissignificativos como a aquisio de um imvel, ou realizar um curso superior ou atmesmo estrear um carro novo. Veremos odilema angustiante que se coloca diante das pessoas entre comear a usufruir logodos benefcios que soliberados atravs da pronta contratao de um financiamento ou sedeveria economizar suas sobras num fundo de reserva para efetivar a aquisiono futuro, sem ter arcar com as pesadas despesas com juros referentes aofinanciamento.Alm deste dilema,abriremos a caixa preta do Custo Efetivo Total onde se esconde o mito do JurosZero e ainda conheceremos alguns detalhes do misterioso comportamento dosvalores em um financiamento contratado num ambiente econmico onde h uma taxade inflao persistente que no sejadesprezvel.Neste percurso contaremos com o suporte de um estudo de caso prticopara nos ajudar a visualizar melhor as diversas situaes e tirar algunsinsights. MinhaapresentaoEu me formei em EngenhariaAeronutica por uma escolha mais sentimental. Logo depois por vocao e pelascircunstncias, a minha formao prosseguiu com a participao em vriosprogramas de educao continuada em Administrao, Finanas e Tecnologia tanto eminstituies brasileirasquanto do exterior.J a minha atuao profissional temse concentrado emgesto e consultoria. Foram muitasatribuies em empresas globaisde primeira linha como a Microsoft, Oracle e Embraer, as quais podem ser agrupadas de forma resumidasob o ttulo de gesto deportfliode projetos de transformao e tecnologia.Mais recentemente conheci os cursos on-linee me encantei com as possibilidades abertas nesta fronteira da educao.Da foi um pulo escolher Finanas Pessoais, que umtema em que me sinto vontade, e preparar um curso diferenciado que buscaesclarecer questes prticasrelevantes para as pessoas, sem escorregar para o lado do entretenimento, etampoucoparao lado acadmico.Em linhas gerais assim que as coisas vemse desdobrando comigo. :-)+++O propsito deste curso INFORMATIVO. No consultoria, nem assessoria. +++"
Price: 84.99 |
"How To Raise Private Money For Your Real Estate Deals" |
"BRANDNEW COURSEOFFERINGONUDEMY!Live In-Person Teachings Converted For Udemy Audience!An Eye-Opening Course On RAISING PRIVATE MONEY For Your Real Estate Deals $$$ ! THISCOURSE PROVIDES YOU WITH PROVEN SCRIPTS, THE PITCH, AND THE EXACT INVESTOR PRESENTATION TO HELP YOU MOVE MOUNTAINS WHEN RAISING MONEYAre you looking to turbocharge your real estate investment strategies? I bet youre sick and tired of the many ""godsend""real estate investing guides and courses that waste your time with a lot of fluff, but offer ZERO effects.Am I right? Of course, I am. I was once there where you are nowtrying to obtain investment advice from the so called gurus out there.The countless books and manuals currently flooding the market promising you methods and investing secrets on how to create a profitable commercial real estate investing business most definitely fail to pave your way to financial independence.They are just too simplistic or imaginary.There is no true content in them.Too generic descriptions, too lengthy presentations, and tiring language make most multifamily investing courses beat around the bush, leaving you with NO hands-on knowledge on HOW to make your life-changing move.You know what? Enough with false promises, enough with fluff-laden books and courses that limit your potential to just theory.Embark On Your Passive Income Journey By Learning Proper Money Raising Skills Tailored Specifically for Real Estate!Whether you are a beginner or an intermediary, it doesnt matter. I show you how the pros raise private money from private individuals. This method has been proven effective for many entrepreneurs out there trying to learn the money raising aspect of their real estate business.How?By taking this course, I will teach you step-by-step on how to raise money with confidence. Ill show you how to master the PEOPLE game so you can radiate with self-confidence and raise more equity than you have deals. After you gain this knowledge, you will skyrocket you cash-on-cash return!In this course, I will be speaking to you like Im sitting right next to you.We will be having a conversation! Just you and me! This is an easy-to-understand, yet detailed investing guide offeringyou an in-depth analysis of how the pros raise money to fund their deals.I will show you how to read between the lines and translate the responses so you can make the most illuminated, confident, and unemotional property decisions.You will stop wasting your time double-guessing yourself and will quickly learn to spot a great multifamily opportunity when you see it.Whether You Are Into Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings, Single Family Houses, Syndication, or Just Looking for Multifamily Property Management Investment Advice, Learn To Raise Money Today!Just have faith in yourself and Ill show you how to invest safely and raise more money than you need in the real estate multifamily business.Are You Ready To Start?=========================================================== ****** Still Not Quite Sure If You Are Ready ToBuy This Course?****** Please note:This course comes with a30-Day Money Back Guarantee!No questions asked.If YOU arenotsatisfied, neither am I. Simply request a refund and we will issue it right away. You have nothing to lose!Still not ready? Well, no worries, I totally understand. There is absolutely no pressure! But hey, before you go, email me to sign up for aFREE One-On-One Private Consultationthat will literally open your eyes. I will conduct an audit of your progress and help you take your multifamily business to the next level. No purchase necessary, nada! Well, there you have it - you have nothing to lose. Your's free! Then, once you are comfortable with my style of lecturing, and work with me privately (for free that is) and realize the value in the content I put out for my students, come back to this course and join me and countless others of your fellow students on the inside to get actionable tasks to transform your business and get yourselfon the right path to financial independence. You can get access to theFREE One-On-One Private Consultationby emailing me atmitul@multifamilydealmakers .com===========================================================See you on the inside, my friend.....Your Instructor,~ Mitul==========================================================="
Price: 54.99 |
"Facebook Marketing- The Complete Facebook Marketing Bootcamp" |
"Do you want to master how to run Facebook ad campaigns for your business, product, leads, Amazon product launches or Shopify store correctly? Then join me as i show you the EXACT blueprint that i use to run my 7 figure online eCommerce using Facebook Ads. Facebook Marketing is a REQUIRED skill for anyone with a product, service, brand, or public figure you need to PROMOTE! In this course i will teach you from A-Z everything that Facebook Marketing and Facebook ads have to offer and by the end you will become a MASTER!REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE NOW:1) Lifetime access to lectures, including new lectures (content is added constantly as updates to Facebook roll out).2) I respond PROMPTLY TO QUESTIONS!3) The course is tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for my 7 figure eCommerce business daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. This course will also layout how to optimize your Facebook page and Facebook ads therefore enabling you to reach any type of target market! 4) YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO TARGET ANY FACEBOOK AUDIENCES CORRECTLY AND WITHOUT ANY HUSTLE EVERY TIME!In this course, you will learn Facebook Marketing from beginner level to advanced level! I delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook and the Facebook Ads Manager including Facebook automation RULES. Learn how to use and optimize every type of Facebook campaign, Facebook custom audience, Facebook pixel... the things you will learn about Facebook will adversely help make you more sales immediately and increase your ROI!You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing and Facebook ads!ENROLL NOW! AND LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING, FACEBOOK ADS, AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A SUCCESS!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Online Course Creation Bootcamp-Udemy Edition (Unofficial)" |
"Do you want to start making money online passively selling courses on the Udemy platform?Then this course is perfect for you since i will guide you step by step how to navigate the Udemy Online Course Creation instructor platform , while giving you tips and tricks top instructor use to sell courses that are actually in demand day in day out.WHAT IS IN THIS COURSE:Secrets to online courses that actually sellHow to come up with great online course topicsHow to validate your online course idea using Udemy Marketplace Insights toolHow to Design an engaging outline sure to generate 5 star student reviewsShow you all the equipment needed to get started on any budgetHow to edit your online courses for high engagement and as per Udemy requirementsHow to launch your online courses successfullyREASONS TO ENROLL NOW:1) Top Online Course Creation Secrets high earning instructors use that are kept secret to all2) Secrets to create high quality highly demanded courses fast3) This course price will be raised at anytime without any notice, so act now while available at this low offer!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Microsoft Excel- The Complete One On One Masterclass (2019)" |
"Get the Ultimate Microsoft Excel One On One Course From Beginner to Advance LevelThis Microsoft Excel course covers5 different levels.Microsoft Excel - Beginner Level ExcelMicrosoft Excel - Intermediate Level ExcelMicrosoft Excel - Advanced Level ExcelMicrosoft Excel MacrosMicrosoft Excel VBAThis course is taught with Microsoft Excel 2016 but the principals and theories apply to Excel 2010 and Excel 2013Enroll now and Master the most popular spreadsheet tool on the world, Microsoft Excel.I have 10+ years of Excel training as an instructor so you can be assured that you are in good hands and that i will take you from complete beginner level to the advanced level in the shortest time possible.You will master the basics, build a solid foundation that will give you confidence and expertise as you progress into intermediate and advanced level topics.By the end of this course you will have mastered the most popular Excel tips and tricks and come out a master with confidence to complete any Excel tasks with efficiency and proficiency. Topics that you will master:Working with Formulas and FunctionsCreating Charts and GraphicsExcel PivotTablesMicrosoft Excel's AddIn, PowerPivotAnalyzing Data with ExcelUsing Advanced Excel FeaturesExcel MacrosProgramming Excel with VBAEnroll now and BECOME an EXCEL MASTER TODAY !"
Price: 199.99 |
"Teespring-The Complete Teespring Bootcamp 2019" |
"How would you like to be able to make money fast as an affiliate T Shirt marketer without any experience?Then this course is for you. You will master step by step how to sell t-shirts and print on demand merchandise using Facebook ads and Teespring.Why this business model is perfect for youThe business that I'm talking about is the affiliate t-shirt business. All you need is Facebook for traffic and Teespring as the t-shirt selling platform. You don't need a website or any of those other things and you don't need months to learn how to set up campaigns. You can turn the traffic on and off instantly. If your campaign is profitable let it run, if not turn it off. No waiting weeks or months for the traffic.You can do this type of business part-time, full-time or even occasionally whenever you need some extra cash. If you want to see the type of money that it's possible to make selling t-shirts then be sure to check out the free preview videos in the course below.After completing this course you will also be able to do affiliate marketing the easy way. And that is selling t-shirts as an affiliate with Teespring and Facebook.How this business worksYou will use Teespring to sell and deliver the t-shirts, set up 7-10 day, campaigns in Teespring. Then I drive traffic to those campaigns with inexpensive Facebook ads. Don't worry, I show you how to get cheap clicks and you can get started with just $5 to $10 per day in ad spend. The whole business is simply setting up t-shirt campaigns and driving traffic to them.It's Fast and EasyThis course is designed for complete beginners and it's easy to get started. It's not the type of thing that takes weeks or months to learn or set up. You could easily be running your own t-shirt campaigns within 24 hours of completing the course.I go through all of the basics step by step. Just watch me complete each simple task on my computer screen, pause the video, then do it yourself. This course is an easy reference should you go back and review a specific task. The video lessons are very easy to follow and understand. I will guide you through each technical vocabulary in a lay man's language.After completing this course you will be able to set up your own affiliate t-shirt marketing business from square one. With my training anyone can do it. So let's get started. Enroll now and start making money fast!What is covered in this course:Module 1-IntroductionBusiness ModelTeespring MillionaresTeespring benefitsTshirt Ideas Research SitesModule 2-Teespring OverviewAccount CreationAccount overviewTeespring designerModule 3-Facebook AdsFacebook FanpageDark post and page post adsFacebooK PixelAudience TargetingRetargetingModule 4-ScalingLookalike audiences Facebook Reports"
Price: 199.99 |
"Social Media Marketing One On One Masterclass" |
"Do youwant to bemasterinSocial MediaMarketing? Then this course is right for you!Youwill learn theprinciplesandstrategiesthat work for small businesses to fortune 500 companies that we have used this exact model to build highly profitable converting ads across Facebook and Twitter!Stop wasting your money blindly running ads. MASTER paid online advertising once and for all! The optimization of your social media accounts is aREQUIREDskill for ALL marketers and business owners. TAKE ACTION and learn social media marketing on two of the biggest social media platforms in the world, Facebook and Twitter!Become a PRO today!This Social Media Marketing course is CONSTANTLY being UPDATED with all the latest tips and tricks and it will teach you paid advertising and online marketing skills required in two of the biggest social media platforms in the world! Learn social media ads from A to Z all in one place!REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantlyas updates to social networks roll out).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for clients daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. This course will also layout how to optimize your paid ad strategy on the two social media networks giants and enable you to reach any type of target market! Make the most of social media marketing and make it easy, so you can get back to what you do best, running your business!In this course, you will learnSocial Media Marketingfrom beginner level to advanced!You will be able to optimize your ads for increased conversions and engagement, while decreasing costs and PPC/CPM/CPL/CPA. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of SMM ad and social media platforms online marketing strategy we use for our clients! You will be able to grow your page likes, account following, and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand and INCOME to new heights... ALL via social marketing!Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Social Media Marketing!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS TODAY!LEARN HOW SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BRAND A HOUSEHOLD NAME!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Market Research-Complete Digital Marketing Research Bootcamp" |
"Do you want to learn market research? Then this course is perfect for you!For you to be able to run and succeed in your business, you need sufficient and proper market research. This course is for you if you are looking to findthe rightprofitable nichefor your new online businessbut don't know how to find profitable products, competitor traffic, competitor back-links and the required necessary capital to start your businessThis course will show you 3 types of market research methods:Quantitative researchQualitative researchMixed method researchYou will master market research using the biggest eCommerce Eco-systems in the world such as Amazon, Facebook, Google ads and LinkedIn. This training will be especially beneficial for small business owners, startup, and consultants. We will use the following tools:Google Keyword plannerFacebook InsightsAmazon BestsellersJungle ScoutSimiarWebSEMRUSHReasons to Take This Course?lifetime accessto course material.Practice challengePractice challenge solutionThe techniques taught in this course aresimple, easyand effectiveThis are the same strategies used by marketing agencies.ENROLLNOW and become a master at market research."
Price: 199.99 |
"STARTER PACK OUD : Dbutant" |
"Sous forme de vidos, je vous accompagne tape par tape en prenant le temps de bien vous expliquer afin que vous progressiez un MAXIMUM de votre ct ! Dans ce programme, nous verrons comment bien tenir son Oud et avoir une bonne posture. Ensuite, nous verrons comment accorder son Oud de la bonne manire, nous apprendrons les Maqams (Gammes Orientales) puis diffrents morceaux dans chacun de ces Maqams... En plus des vidos exceptionnelles dont vous disposerez, vous pourrez me contacter au moindre doute, je vous rpondrai grce au groupe priv dont l'accs vous sera fourni... Vous n'avez pas besoin d'apprendre le solfge, la science des rythmes ou autre concept musical. Nous avons facilit au MAXIMUM pour que vous preniez du PLAISIR ds le dbut ! Cependant l'avenir il y aura du contenu pour les personnes qui dsirent aller plus loin... Le temps est prcieux et c'est d'autant plus vrai aujourdhui. Vous pouvez suivre ce programme comme bon vous semble, il est accessible 24H24. Vous progressez donc votre rythme et sans pression. Notre objectif est que vous preniez du plaisir pratiquer..."
Price: 109.99 |