"Excel Frmulas e Funes Avanadas Curso Completo" |
"Com este treinamento definitivo, voc aprender a criar e utilizar vrias Frmulas e Funes Avanadas no Excel de forma fcil e descomplicada.Voc vai aprender a utilizar as Funes Avanadas SE, PROCV, PROCH, SOMARPRODUTO, SEERRO, CORRESP, NDICE, DESLOC, INDIRETO, ORDEM, ARRED, INT, ALEATRIOENTRE, AGREGAR, NM.CARACT, PROCURAR, LOCALIZAR, EXT.TEXTO, ARRUMAR, CONCATENAR, Converter Texto, MUDAR e SUBSTITUIR, FRMULATEXTO, DATA, DIATRABALHO e DIATRABALHOTOTAL, DIA.DA.SEMANA CONT.NM, CONT.VALORES e CONTAR.VAZIO, SOMASE, MDIASE, CONT.SE, SOMASES, MDIASES e CONT.SES.Com este Curso completo, voc vai descobrir como utilizar o poder das Frmulas e Funes Avanadas do Excel para agilizar as suas tarefas.No perca tempo e matricule-se agora mesmo. Trabalhar com o Excel fundamental para quem deseja atuar no mercado de trabalho, o Excel uma ferramenta muito importante na administrao de qualquer negcio, alm de ser um fator decisivo na hora da contratao.Ao final do Curso, voc vai estar mais preparado para o mercado de trabalho ou para impulsionar o seu negcio com os poderosos recursos dessa ferramenta to importante."
Price: 99.99 |
Neuroventas |
"Cunto ms podras DOMINAR y TRASCENDER en tu mercado si fueras ms efectivo vendiendo?Cmo te SENTIRIAS si cerraras 70% mas fcil tus ventas?Qu veremos? Con el curso Certificado de Neuroventas aprenders a Venderle a la mente, obtenido RESULTADOS de ventas favorables, permitindote lograr mayores ventas con ms AHORRO de TIEMPO y ENERGIA en el proceso.T tendrs mayor facilidad para hacer ms DINERO vendiendo fcil y de manera inteligente, lo que el cliente desea sin crearle necesidad de algo que no necesita y de sta manera tus clientes AMARAN comprarte y los hars FANS.Tu xito incluso, mejorar tu SALUD y te GARANTIZAR TU SEGURIDAD financiera.Cuando hagas ste DESCUBRIMIENTO, tendrs una NUEVA apreciacin de que venderle a la mente y no a la gente te permitir cautivar a tus clientes de una manera muy FACIL. YAY.. qu tal si, vendieras ms desgastndote menos en el proceso?Aprender a vender con NEUROVENTAS no solo te har mas fcil vender, generaras experiencias increbles y llevaras tus ventas a relaciones tan personales que fidelizaras a tu cliente y el te evangelizara con todos sus conocidos.APRENDERAS Dentro de lo ms relevante que ensean las neuroventas est:Qu le gusta escuchar a la mente?Cmo venderle de forma diferenciada a una mujer y a un hombre?Con cules palabras se activa ms la mente para comprar?Cmo evitar que el precio se convierta en una objecin irrefutable?El 99% de todo lo que el consumidor adquiere lo hace de forma inconsciente. Neuroventas no slo te ensear a vender ms, tambin aprenders a no desgastarte, prometer menos y as, dignificar a los equipos comerciales y de ventas."
Price: 1020.00 |
"Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)" |
"Hello!This is Part 1 of a series of courses intended to dive into the inner mechanics and more complicated aspects of Python 3.This is not a beginner course - if you've been coding Python for a week or a couple of months, you probably should keep writing Python for a bit more before tackling this series.On the other hand, if you're now starting to ask yourself questions like:I wonder how this works?is there another way of doing this?what's a closure? is that the same as a lambda?I know how to use a decorator someone else wrote, but how does it work? Can I write my own?why isn't this boolean expression returning a boolean value?what does an import actually do, and why am I getting side effects?and similar types of question...then this course is for you.Please make sure you review the pre-requisites for this course - although I give a brief refresh of basic concepts at the beginning of the course, those are concepts you should already be very comfortable with as you being this course.In this course series, I will give you a much more fundamental and deeper understanding of the Python language and the standard library.Python is called a ""batteries-included"" language for good reason - there is a ton of functionality in base Python that remains to be explored and studied.So this course is not about explaining my favorite 3rd party libraries - it's about Python, as a language, and the standard library.In particular this course is based on the canonical CPython. You will also need Jupyter Notebooks to view the downloadable fully-annotated Python notebooks. It's about helping you explore Python and answer questions you are asking yourself as you develop more and more with the language.In Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1) we will take a much closer look at:Variables - in particular that they are just symbols pointing to objects in memoryNamespaces and scope Python's numeric typesPython boolean type - there's more to a simple or statement than you might think!Run-time vs compile-time and how that affects function defaults, decorators, importing modules, etcFunctions in general (including lambdas)Functional programming techniques (such as map, reduce, filter, zip, etc)ClosuresDecoratorsImports, modules and packagesTuples as data structuresNamed tuplesTo get the most out of this course, you should be prepared to pause the coding videos, and attempt to write code before I do! Sit back during the concept videos, but lean in for the code videos!And after you have seen a code video, pause the course, and try things out yourself - explore, experiment, play with code, and see how things work (or don't work! - that's also a great way to learn!)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)" |
"This course is an in-depth look at Python dictionaries.Dictionaries are ubiquitous in Python. Classes are essentially dictionaries, modules are dictionaries, namespaces are dictionaries, sets are dictionaries and many more. In this course we'll take an in-depth look at:associative arrays and how they can be implemented using hash mapshash functions and how we can leverage them for our own custom classesPython dictionaries and sets and the various operations we can perform with themspecialized dictionary structures such as OrderedDict and how it relates to the built-in Python3.6+ dictPython's implementation of multi-sets, the Counter classthe ChainMap classhow to create custom dictionaries by inheriting from the UserDict classhow to serialize and deserialize dictionaries to JSONthe use of schemas in custom JSON deserializationa brief introduction to some useful libraries such as JSONSchema, Marshmallow, PyYaml and Serpy***** Prerequisites *****Please note that this is a relatively advanced Python course, and a strong knowledge of some topics in Python is required.Beyond the basics of Python (loops, conditional statements, exception handling, built-in data types, creating classes, etc), you should also have an in-depth understanding of the following topics:functions and functional programming (recursion, *args, **kwargs, zip, map, sorted, any, all, etc)lambdas, closures and decorators (including standard decorators such as @singledispatch, @wraps, etc)iterables, iterators, generators and context managersnamed tuplesvariable scopes and namespaces (globals, locals, etc)For this course you will also need to install some 3rd party libraries, so you need to be comfortable with doing this using the tool of your choice (e.g. pip, conda, etc)Finally, most of the code in this course is illustrated using the freely available Jupyter Notebooks, so you will need that as well."
Price: 199.99 |
"Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs and Millionaires" |
"Make Your Success a Habit. This course will teach you the extremely powerful desirable and acquirable habits of successful Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and Millionaires. This course shows you what those behaviours are and how you can acquire these and make them your own. This course is Part 1 of the three-part trilogy and covers the Psychological Traits (8 Habits).The next course will consist of Part 2, the Behavioural Habits of successful entrepreneurs and millionaires. (8 Habits) and third part of the trilogy, Part 3, will cover the Managerial Skills (8 habits) of successful entrepreneurs and millionaires.Whether you are just starting out, or making good progress, in the pursuance of success in your chosen field, this course will help you develop those psychological, behavioural and management habits that will make you much more effective in achieving your goals. The material shows how anyone, no matter where they are in life at this moment, can become successful as an entrepreneur, intrapreneurs, a businessman or millionaire.Why do some people get so rich that they cannot spend their money in several lifetimes and yet other people with great talents remain poor? It is because some people are born with the intrinsic characteristics of what is required for them to be successful. The rest of us have to learn entrepreneurial behaviour. Well, you can learn the habits exhibited by such people.If you want to improve your performance as an employee of a company or an entrepreneur this is the course that will turn your success into a profitable reality.Not everyone is born with the right personality to be successful as an entrepreneur. Everyone has to become the kind of person you have to become to achieve success. Imagine if you woke up one morning with the right characteristics and behaviour to create great wealth. Wouldn't that be just great? It would be great fun. Well, you can learn the habits exhibited by such people. This course can actually provide you with the guidelines to develop these habits and have great fun while doing it.The answer is that you must adopt the habits and behaviours of successful millionaires. You must climb into the mind of a millionaire. You must actually become one before you can get rich. You must in fact become a successful entrepreneur to be a successful millionaire. Interactive ExercisesYoull get exercises to make the habits part of your behaviour..Course OutcomeAfter completing this course, you will understand what the desirable and acquirable psychological habits of successful people are and you would have made them part of your behavioural repertoire.Who is the target audience? Everyone who wants to master the habits of successful entrepreneurs, businessmen and millionaires People with a burning desire to achieve success in their chosen field. Particularly, budding entrepreneurs, businessmen and prospective millionaires. Therefore the development of these behavioural habits are relevant not only to entrepreneurs but to intrapreneurs as well."
Price: 59.99 |
"Marketing de contenidos. Estrategias para tus redes sociales" |
"Atrae Multitud de Clientes con Estrategias Avanzadas de Marketing de Contenidos.Vivimos en un mundo cada vez ms rpido. Los cambios son constantes y ya no se trata de un juego en el que podemos optar a entrar. Si quieres sobrevivir en esta nueva era, tienes que jugar duro s o s y dominar las herramientas para ganar. No hay eleccin o ganas o ests fuera de juego. Haz que sea hoy el primer da de una nueva vida en la que permitas que el viento vaya a tu favor. Ponte manos a la obra y domina ya todas las herramientas que te van a convertir en la persona que no acepta menos que ganar en este nuevo mundo. Deja que te gue y date el permiso de subir un escaln ms en tu vida laboral o en tu propio negocio Vienes?Este programa est creado para marketers, emprendedores, dueos de negocio y personas que quieran hacer despegar suvida laborala travs del marketing de contenidos y el social media.Marketing de Contenidos. Estrategias para tus redes sociales pertenece a la Coleccin Udemy for Business, la plataforma de aprendizaje empresarial de Udemy que ofrece una coleccin selecta de sus mejores cursos.Accede al mismo programa que organizaciones, entre las que se incluyen Mercedes-Benz, JPMorgan Chase, Pinterest, Bloomingdales o PayPal, eligen para desarrollar nuevas habilidades en sus empleados y fomentar su formacin.A lo largo del curso aprenders:- A tener una VISIN CLARA de lo que es el marketing de contenidos.- A descubrir y analizar a tu 'buyer persona' o 'cliente ideal' para crear contenido a su alrededor.- A construir contenido atrayente que llame la ATENCIN de tus potenciales clientes.- A crear confianza en tu marca para que tus clientes vuelvan a ti una y otra vez.- A ser un referente en tu nicho de mercado.*BONUS- Cmo Crear Vdeos Virales- Storytelling- Y mucho ms..!Ms de 5000 estudiantes han pasado ya por nuestros cursos de marketing digital y redes sociales.Desbloquea el curso y no pierdas la oportunidad de hacer crecer tu empresa.Si finalmente 'Marketing de contenidos. Estrategias para tus redes sociales' no es para ti, tienes una garanta de devolucin de 30 das.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Instagram Marketing 2019: Cmo crecer en Instagram" |
"Descubre las Estrategias ms Actuales para Crecer en Instagram.Bienvenido/ a al curso: Instagram Marketing 2019: Cmo crecer en InstagramVivimos en un mundo cada vez ms rpido. Los cambios son constantes y ya no se trata de un juego en el que podemos optar a entrar. Si quieres sobrevivir en esta nueva era, tienes que jugar duro s o s y dominar las herramientas para ganar. No hay eleccin o ganas o ests fuera de juego. Haz que sea hoy el primer da de una nueva vida en la que permitas que el viento vaya a tu favor. Ponte manos a la obra y domina ya todas las herramientas que te van a convertir en la persona que no acepta menos que ganar en este nuevo mundo. Deja que te gue y date el permiso de subir un escaln ms en tu vida laboral o en tu propio negocio Vienes?Empieza hoy a elevar tu empresa al siguiente nivel.Ms de 4000 estudiantes han pasado ya por nuestros cursos de Marketing y redes sociales.Este programa est creado para marketers, emprendedores, dueos de negocio y personas que quieran hacer despegar suvida laborala travs de Instagram.A lo largo del curso aprenders: - A crear una estrategia que te haga crecer de forma orgnica.- A optimizar tu cuenta para atraer mayor nmero de seguidores.- A identificar quien es tu audiencia para centrarnos en ella.- A crear contenido diario de manera fcil.- A descubrir los hashtags ms relevantes de tu nicho.- A poner anuncios en Instagram.*BONUS:- Trucos para Instagram Stories.- Cmo funciona IGTV, la nueva TV de Instagram.- Cmo viralizar contenido en redes sociales.- Acceso de por vida a contenido actualizado sobre marketing en Instagram.Todas las tcnicas enseadas en este programa han sido adquiridas de las personas ms relevantes a nivel mundial y a da de hoy en lo que se refiere al marketing en Instagram.Inscrbete ya y yo pierdas la oportunidad de ver tu empresa crecer de manera constante.Recuerda que si finalmente el curso no es para ti, Udemy te ofrece una garanta de devolucin de 30 das.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Memorize Scripture" |
"Our brain is a memorization machine--we can't not memorize. But modern methods often do not leverage the power inherent in the memorization process. Not only can you memorize but you can memorize large portions of Scripture. This course is going to teach you how. If you trust the process, you will be amazed.This isn't a course on rote, repetition and pounding the Scriptures in--it's about memorizing for the long-haul. It's memorizing for retention. If you are looking just to go quick for a Bible Bee or for a test, use rote and skip this course. But if you want to have skills that will last, then this course has tools that can help make that possible."
Price: 19.99 |
"Documentary Filmmaking - Concept to Creation for Documentary" |
"Documentary Filmmaking has never been more accessible. There is nothing between you and the Filmmaking dream of making a Documentary. Take this course and start your Filmmaking journey right now.The pro guidance and downloadable resources in this course will support your project from start to finish.Learn and practice repeatable steps to keep things on track and get your Documentary film made in a most straightforward way. This process-focused course will lift you over many predictable hurdles so you can get straight to the point: use Documentary Filmmaking to express your voice. Why reinvent the wheel? Take a proven Film Making path, centered on one big principle: simplicity. This course guides you through the steps of Documentary Filmmaking and keeps you on track with downloadable worksheets in the following:developing your themeevolving your idea into a specific achievable conceptchoosing your toolsfinding crewfinding subjects to be in your filmselecting locationstips on shootingtips for interviewstips for equipment story structure case studyshooting for the editsuccess checklists leading up to shootingtips for data managementcomplete guide through editing process""Both your courses led to more than a few epiphanies. Love the way you reinforced the theory with practical exercises. Extremely helpful in so many respects. Wished Id taken this course years ago at least I did now!"""
Price: 129.99 |
"077 Tcnicas super-secretas de Illustrator" |
"Hola! Soy Ivn Gmez (PROFEIVAN). Soy un apasionado por el diseo grfico y me encanta compartir con el mundo mi experiencia de ms de 35 aos como diseador ycapacitador.Este curso surge como respuesta apreguntas e inquietudes de estudiantes y profesionales que ya conocen el programa pero quieren ir ""ms all"" y optimizar sus flujos de trabajo con el programa. Por esto, herecopilado los mejores trucos de Illustrator que utilizo en mi trabajo diario,tomados de reconocidos artistas digitales y gurs del entrenamiento en herramientas digitales.Aqu encontrars77 tcnicas-la mayora de ellas avanzadas-, que he dividido en grupos de 5. Son 65 videos dondeexplicode manera corta y concisa los ""secretos"" del programa. La idea es que mires cadavideo (la mayora de no ms de 2 minutos), y apliques la tcnicainmediatamente en tus trabajos, sin necesidad de plugins o extensiones adicionales. Es por esta razn, que este curso no incluye archivos de ejemplo. Sin embargo,he incluido en los recursos de la 2a leccin, un PDF con el resumen de las tcnicas, para que puedas revisarlas y tenerlas a mano para practicar.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende las tcnicas super-secretas de los verdaderos profesionalesde Illustrator."
Price: 149.99 |
"2D Animation For Beginners , Easy , Fast and Simple" |
"Hello Friend, If you are think you wanna make your own carrier with animation, then you can start in my course, Because in my course you don't need any other motion, graphic knowledge and you don't need any high quality configuration computer. it's very easy, fast and sample to make your won animation and make your gloves as soon as faster."
Price: 49.99 |
"Gradle Build Tool for beginners (Gradle build scripts )" |
"In this course, you will learn gradle build tool from scratch. Gradle is a build automation tool.What is gradle?Why do we use gradle?Concepts of projects and tasks in gradle.How to download and install gradle?Gradle and Eclipse IDE integration.Learn Gradle TasksWorking with files in gradle build scriptsThe course content is more focused on practical learning so that you can apply your learningto real projects in your organisation. The course also contains the test quiz . It would help you practice your knowledge and prepare yourself for gradle interviews. In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especiallyavoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and got themout.All the best!!Happy Learning!"
Price: 54.99 |
"A'dan Z'ye Premiere Pro Eitim Seti" |
"Gelecein meslei olan video editing artk bir tk uzanzda! 1,5 - 2 saat arasnda profesyonel bir ekilde video montaj renmeye ne dersiniz? Kolay ksayollar ve rnekli anlatm ile gelecein mesleine ilk adm atn! Bu eitimde dier eitimlerden farkl olarak uzun yollardan anlatm deil de ksayollar ile anlatm mevcut! En son dersimizde sizler iin btn rendiklerimizi aklnzda daha kalc olmas asndan bir daha iliyoruz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Advanced level Test Manager : ISTQB Certification" |
"This course is a product of years of experience and in addition to covering all the topics from syllabus, it also covers some useful insights. With this course, one with good experience in industry can easily pass the certification for ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager. The course has been designed in concise manner to maintain interest. Hope it will be as useful as it was thought."
Price: 199.99 |
"Intermittent Fasting it's a pattern of eating, it's a Lifestyle. Doing Intermittent Fasting means that you Fast for some hours of the day, and then, you have a eating window where you eat all of the food.This can sound Strange, but people of many cultures have been practiced Intermittent Fasting for Thousands of years,maybe for the Scarcity of the food or for Religious practices. This course if for all the pople who want to Begin and/or Improve their Intermittent Fasting, and lead to an Awesome Health. I answer this questions: Why is important to do Intermittent Fasting? How Intermittent Fasting can Improve our Health? How I use Intermittent Fasting during the day?This Course is an Educational Course about Intermittent Fasting and to encourage you to Improve your Health. If you have certain Metabolic Problems, tell with your Doctor about doing Intermittent Fasting."
Price: 59.99 |
"Permisos de conduccin europeos" |
"En los ltimos aos, muchas son las intervenciones realizadas por gran cantidad de cuerpos de polica local de toda Espaa en materia de falsificacin de documentos, mbito policial este, antes algo mas restringido al Cuerpo Nacional de Polica y Guardia Civil, los cuales contaban ya anteriormente con unidades especficas dedicadas a estos ilcitos."
Price: 49.99 |
"Installer, configurer et administrer Windows Server 2016" |
"Ce cours vous permettra d'acqurir descomptenceset desconnaissances pratiquespour installer, configurer et administrer un serveur sous Windows Server 2016 qui est le nouveau systme d'exploitation serveur Microsoft, utilisdans les petits et moyens rseaux d'entreprises. Il vous servira galement pour mieux prparer et russirvotreexamen 70-740 de la certification MCSA Windows Server 2016 si tel est votre objectif."
Price: 24.99 |
"Configurer un routeur CISCO de dbutant certifi en 2H" |
"Le plus grand rseau au monde savoir Internet ne fonctionnera jamais sans les routeurs.Les routeurs envoient des donnes entre les rseaux et sans eux, les rseaux tendus, tels qu'Internet, ne fonctionneraient tout simplement pas. Cest pourquoi chaque professionnel de la mise en rseau doit savoir comment configurer les routeurs pour prendre en charge la connectivit de base au rseau tendu. Et c'est tout l'objectif de ce cours, dans lequel je vais te montrer tape par tape comment configurer un routeur CISCO l'aide de l'interface de ligne de commande, galement appele CLI.Ce cours trs riche est divis en 7 modules.Dans le premier module, je vais te montrer toutes les mthodes d'accs un routeur CISCO, comment configurer un mulateur de terminal et te faire dcouvrir les bases de l'interface de ligne de commande au travers des diffrents modes savoir le mode utilisateur, mode privilgi, de configuration globale et d'interfaces.Dans le deuxime module, je vais te montrer comment utilis toutes les commandes globales les plus utilises en entreprises pour configurer le nom d'un routeur, dsactiver la recherche de nom de domaine, crer les diffrents types message de bannire, afficher tes configurations, sauvegarder les paramtres, et encore beaucoup d'autres commandes trs indispensables.Dans le troisime module, je vais te donner toutes les cls pour scuriser ton routeur. Je vais te montrer pas pas comment scuriser tous les accs physique et distance, scuriser l'accs en mode privilgi (car une fois dans ce mode, toutes les commandes entres ont un impact direct sur le routeur), et surtout comment chiffrer les mots de passe configurs sur ton routeur pour qu'il ne soit pas en clair dans le fichier de configuration.Dans le quatrime module, je vais te montrer comment configurer toutes les types d'interfaces que tu peux rencontrer sur un routeur en entreprise, les interfaces physiques comme Ethernet, Srie et mme les interfaces virtuelles comme les interfaces loopback. Dans le cinquime module, je vais d'abord t'expliquer de faon trs claire les diffrences entre les routes statiques et les routes par dfaut, te montrer comment les configurer. Je te montrerais galement comment configurer une route statique rcursive, une route directement connecte et surtout une route par dfaut.A la fin du sixime module, tu sauras la dfinition et l'utilit d'un routage dynamique ainsi que les protocoles de routage, comprendre comment configurer un protocole de routage dynamique comme le RIP version 2 et aussi comment configurer des interfaces passives.Dans le septime module et dernier module, je vais te donner avec des exemples trs claires toutes bases pour analyser tous les fichiers de configurations d'un routeur CISCO, que ce soit des fichiers de configurations lis aux routes, aux interfaces ou ceux concernant le dmarrage du routeur. Savoir bien lire et comprendre ces fichiers te permettront de bien diagnostiquer et dpanner des problmes ou prvenir d'ventuels dysfonctionnement de ton rseau en entreprise.Vu que je suis galement certifi CCNA CISCO Switching and Routing, si ton objectif est de passer cette certification, ce cours galement fait pour toi, car tu trouveras la majorit des commandes et des notions qui te seront demandes lors de ton examen.Tu es prt alors dmarrons l'aventure ensemble en commenant par le premier module...."
Price: 24.99 |
"Installer et configurer Kali Linux sous Windows 10" |
"Kali est une distribution Linux conue pour les tests et analyses de scurit. Normalement, elle peut tre installe de faon native via un live CD ou une cl USB sur un ordinateur ou tre excuter sur une machine virtuelle.Maintenant, avec la nouvelle fonctionnalit de sous-systme Windows pour Linux, nous pouvons utiliser Kali directement sur le bureau Windows sans avoir recours des machines virtuelles.Et c'est tout l'objectif de cette formation, de te montrer pas pas, comment installer et utiliser Kali Linux sous Windows 10.Cette formation, trs riche est divise, en 3 modules.Dans le premier module, je vais tnumrer tout ce dont tu as besoin pour bien suivre cette formation. Je te donnerai tous les lments pour avoir le mme environnement de travail que moi, avec une machine virtuelle Windows 10 et une machine virtuelle Metasploitable Linux qui seront toutes dployes sous Virtualbox.Dans le deuxime module, je vais texpliquer de faon trs simple cette nouvelle fonctionnalit de Windows 10, quest le sous-systme Windows pour Linux, comment fonctionne-t-il, quel est son rle et surtout te montrer pas pas comment lactiver sous Windows 10.Dans le troisime module, je te donnerais toutes les informations sur cette distribution Linux si particulire quest Kali, et je texpliquerai pourquoi cest la meilleure plateforme pour apprendre la scurit informatique. Dans un second temps, je te montrerais comment installer Kali Linux sous Windows 10. Kali tant fourni avec des outils pour dcrypter les mots de passe, analyser les rseaux sans fil, scanner les ports et de nombreux autres tests de scurit et de pntration, je vais te montrer comment les utiliser que ce soit en ligne de commande ou en mode graphique. Et enfin, je vais montrer comment grer les fichiers, les recherches, les processus et comment rinitialiser la distribution Kali sous Windows 10 au besoin.Au cours de cette formation, je te donnerai plusieurs ressources ncessaires pour en apprendre davantage sur Kali pour tous tes besoins en analyse de scuritTu es prt alors dmarrons l'aventure ensemble en commenant par le premier module...."
Price: 24.99 |
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Price: 2400.00 |
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Price: 6000.00 |
"Facebook Marketing Agency: Build A Facebook Marketing Agency" |
"Would you like to learn how to set up and scaleyour own Facebook marketing agency? But do you think that you don't know enough about Facebook marketing?Fear no more! In this course you will not just learn how to set up your company but we will together learn the ins and outs of Facebook marketing!What exactly are you going to learn in this course?Setting up your company -We will learn which steps to take, cover different kinds of businesses, basic accounting, how to find an accountant, how to identify market opportunities and you will learn how to define your Facebook marketing agency's services.Facebook ads - You will learn how to create highly converting Facebook ads for Facebook events, groups, pages and much more! We will cover conversion hacks, local and global marketing strategies, Instagram adsand much more. After completing this chapter, you will be a Facebook ads professional!Content marketing - We will cover together some basic content marketing strategies that will help you and your customers to 10X their organic reach quickly.Facebook groups - You will learn how to create and scale Facebook groups for your clients quickly. We will cover some secret conversion hacks and I will give you my best strategies that helped me to scale Facebook groups to more than 10.000 members in a matter of 12 months!Facebook events & other services - At the end of this course,I will give you a rundown of other Facebook-related services that you could sell to your potential clients.You will be able todo the following things after you watched this course...Set up your company and decide on one kind of company (sole proprietorship, S corporation, LLc etc.)Create highly converting Facebook ads & optimise themKnow how to scale Facebook groups from 0 to 10k membersKnow how attract customers and define a serviceKnow how to scale your Facebook agency with multiple growth techniquesWhile other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on facebook marketing, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on how to build and scale your own Facebook marketing agency!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Instagram Marketing: Start Your Instagram Marketing Agency" |
"Would you like to build your first own Instagram marketing agency?Or do you already have your own marketing agency but struggle to get to 6 figures and beyond?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will show you step by step how to not just set up but scale your own profitable Instagram marketing agency. We will additionally learn how to generate and build upon a highly reliable customer base.So, what exactly will we cover in detail here in this course?Setting up your company & services -We will learn which steps to take, cover different kinds of businesses, basic accounting, how to find an accountant, how to identify market opportunities and you will learn how to define your Instagrammarketing agency's services.Instagram marketing -You will learn how to create highly converting Instagram ads and more! We will cover Instagram marketing strategies and you will learn how to use Instagram for your advantage.Instagram contentmarketing - Not just paid advertising works really well on Instagram but of course also content marketing. In this part of the course, we will cover the most important content marketing strategies that will 10X your clients' sales.Instagram influencer marketing - Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on using key leaders to drive your brand's message to the larger market.We will together learn how to hire influencer or even become one yourself.While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on Instagrammarketing, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on how to build and scale your own Instagram marketing agency!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Personal Transformation: Change Your Mindset, Habits & Life" |
"Would you like to jumpstart your career, improve your goal-setting abilities and learn about highly advanced philosophical concepts such as stoicism and determinism in a simple and understandable way?Then this course is for you! In this course, we will cover a range of topic. I will help you become more determined and disciplined, we will cover the SMART model and even learning strategies that will you help you to learn more quickly.But what exactly are you going to learn in detail here in this course?Coping with the past - If you struggle with your past or if things happened in your past that you aren't happy about, then this chapter will help you to keep moving forward. We will figure out the problems you had in the past and how to live with them.Habits, discipline and hard work - If you struggle with hard or smart work, then this chapter will be especially helpful for you. In this chapter, we will talk about stoicism, determinism and how to become more determined in general.10 strategies for becoming more successful - Have you ever asked yourself what the difference is between super successful individuals and people who are not as successful?In this chapter, we will cover some proven strategies that will help you to succeed in life. Speed learning - We will now cover learning strategies. You might be asking why we are covering this topic here in this course. I personally believe that being more quick at learning things has huge advantage in all our lives, whether in your job, personal life or other places. We will cover 37 learning strategies and learn how to apply them in creative ways. Career development - Let's talk career!Would you like to get into a higher position in your company or would you like to start your own company?In this part of the course, we will dig deep and figure out which basics traits you need in order to succeed as an entrepreneur or employee. After completing this course, you will be capable to:Understand the SMART model and know how to transform broad goals into smart goalsLearn to stick to your habits and develop new effective onesLearn about stoicism and determinism (and how to apply both concepts in practice)Improve your mindset and become more determined quicklyEmbrace humility and become a more grateful personDifferentiate between and apply three dozens learning strategiesJumpstart your career through 10+ career development hacksWhile other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on personal transformation, this is an A-Z guide - the complete personal transformationmasterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Amazon Video Direct: Sell Videos on Amazon Video Direct" |
"Would you like to to learn how to earn more passive income with your movies, shows or online video courses? Then this course is for you! What exactly will you learn in detail in this course?Basics of Amazon Video Direct - How exactly does Amazon Video Direct work and how much money can you earn through the platform? Additionally, we'll also talk about the technical specifications for videos on Amazon Video Direct.Uploading Videos - Uploading Videos to Amazon Video Direct is not that easy. You'll need to enter metadata, upload and sync subtitles, create cover designs, and more. I will show you step by step how to do that and you will learn how to not make any mistakes in the process.Generate Subtitles - Amazon Video Direct requires you to have subtitles for each video you upload. I'll show you how you do not have to hire someone to create these subtitles and can generate, optimise and convert your subtitles with a few tricks for free.Marketing - Without marketing, your Amazon Video Direct products are likely to be unprofitable. I'll show you how to create highly converting Facebook ads that can quickly get the first people to stream your products through Amazon Video Direct.After completing this course, you will be capable to...Know how to upload and monetise your own video productionsBe capable to drive traffic to your Amazon Video Direct sales pages via Facebook adsCreate 2 highly converting Facebook ads that drive traffic and generate watch timeKnow how to do SEO for your Amazon Video productsYou will also get the opportunity to stay in touch with me throughout the course. If you have any questions, you can message me at any given time. You nothing to risk but everything to gain!What are you waiting for? Join the course and I will see you in the first video!Best regards,Leon Chaudhari- Lecturer -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Amazon Video Direct: Verkaufe Videos mit Amazon Video Direct" |
"Wrdest du gerne mit deinen Filmen, YouTube Videos, oder Online Kursen mehr Geld verdienen?Oder suchst du nach weiteren Quellen fr passives Einkommen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie auch du Produkte hochladen und gewinnbringend verkaufen kannst. Was genau wirst du alles in diesemKurs imDetail lernen?Grundlagen vonAmazon Video Direct -Wie genau funktioniert Amazon Video Direct und wie viel Geld kann man ber die Plattform verdienen?Wir werden auerdem ber die technischen Spezifikationen zu den Videos auf Amazon Video Direct sprechen. Upload von Videos -Der Upload von Videos auf Amazon Video Direct ist gar nicht so leicht.Du musst Metadaten eintragen, Untertitel hochladen und synchronisieren, Designs erstellen und vieles mehr. Ich werde dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie dies gelingt und du keine Fehler im Prozess machst.Untertitel generieren - Zum Horror vieler musst du auf AmazonVideo Direct Untertitel zu jedem Video haben.Ich werde dir zeigen wie du nicht jemanden anstellen musst um diese Untertitel zu erstellen, sondern deine Untertitel mit ein paar Kniffen kostenfrei generieren, optimieren und konvertieren kannst.Marketing - Ohne Marketing werden deine Amazon Video Direct Produkte hchst wahrscheinlich unprofitabel bleiben. Ich werde dir zeigen wie du hochkonvertierende FacebookWerbeanzeigen erstellen kannst mit denen du schnell die ersten Leute dazu bringen kannst deine Produkte ber Amazon Video Direct zu streamen.Nachdem du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein...Verstehe die Grundlagen von Amazon Video DirectSei fhig Videos und Filme auf Amazon Video Direct korrekt hochzuladenSei fhig Untertitel zu generieren und richtig zu konvertierenErstelle hochkonvertierende Sales Funnels fr den Verkauf deiner Amazon Video Direct ProduktePromote deine Amazon Video Direct Produkte via Facebook WerbeanzeigenAuerdem erhltst du die Mglichkeit mit mir durchgehend in Kontakt zu bleiben.Solltest du irgendwelche Fragen haben, kannst du mir jederzeit schreiben.Deswegen worauf wartest du noch?Schreibe dich in den Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video! Ich freue mich auf dich! Beste Gre, LeonChaudhari - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Embedded Systems with 8051 Micro Controller using Embedded C" |
"Learn Embedded Systems with one of the most influential and basic microcontrollers in history, 8051I believe that anyone can learn and experiment with technology.All that is needed is the desire to learn and the right guidance. Thats the reason, this course is focused on both absolute beginners and intermediate developers in embedded systems. Were going to study about embedded systems with 8051 microcontrollers in this course.8051 is by far one of the oldest microcontrollers which are still used today. With over 70+ different manufacturers, 8051 is available in a variety of flavors. What makes it special is the simplicity it offers to the programmers and developers. Being one of the first microcontrollers, the architecture of 8051 is quite simple with very few basic features. And those very basic features make 8051 the winner in terms of simplicity in usage.In this course, well study 8051 with embedded C programming. Were going to study about the 8051 microcontrollers with Keil 8051 IDE. Keil Microvision is a very old and very popular IDE used for microcontroller programming.This is a hands-on driven course where well be writing a lot of codes and trying out its outputs. Were going to study 8051 microcontroller and its interfacing with a number of peripheral devices likeLEDsSwitchesRelayLCDADCTemperature SensorStepper MotorDC MotorPC InterfacingDevice ControlAnd while doing so, well be doing a number of different experiments to evaluate the skills we have been learning. The course outcome is to enable everyone to be able to use 8051 microcontrollers and start creating projects on it.Even if you do not know any C programming before, do not worry, theres a brief introduction to C programming also.This course comes from a developerFrom the past 10 years, I've developed more than 150 projects in 8051 microcontrollers alone. This course doesn't come from a trainer following a set syllabus, this comes from a real developer who's involved in real projects for a better part of his career. So there are many practical considerations mentioned from the time to time in this course.Barebone Controller CodingProgramming and using a microcontroller is not like using Arduinos where you just write C code and download it into IC. This is a barebone coding experience where were going to learn the insights of 8051 microcontrollers and understand at the core how to write the program for each of its features. This single quality separates the hobbyists and professionals apart. If youve once understood how to go into the features of the microcontroller, look into registers and configure them to use, then youve understood the holy grail of embedded systems development. Were going to do exactly this in this course. Well be using each feature of 8051 by completely studying the internal registers. Once youve understood it, you can take any microcontroller and start writing a program for it just by looking into the datasheet. The input/output pins, timers, counters, serial port, are discussed at length to understand the theory better and then weve done some quick experiments with it on the go.SimulationsMany of you may or may not have an 8051 development board with you, hence, Ive included simulation models of every single exercise that were going to do in this course. And Ive also shown the downloading procedure for one of the simplest microcontrollers that I use on a daily basis.Be AssuredBelieve it or not, am doing embedded systems development and training from the past 10 years. Ive developed more than 500 different products / mini projects and trained more than 10000 students from over 65 countries. You can be assured that whatever Ive included in this course comes not only from books but also from my experiences in developing systems.Test Drive itTake the free preview before enrolling in the course, 25% of the course is free for you. Decide if its good for you or not even before enrolling. See and decide if you can understand and cope up with the content and the presenter of the course!!!Enroll now and start experimenting!!!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Arbitragem e Mtodos Quantitativos para Cryptos Modulo II:" |
"Neste Mdulo voc aprender:Prtica de Spread Value Arbitrage Inter Exchange - Aqui sero desenvolvidos os conceitos sobre arbitragem utilizando o Spread das criptomoedas como base, a parte prtica envolve a construo de um roteiro operacional.Conceitobsicosobre Arbitragem Spread.APIs envolvidas e suas caractersticas;Bibliotecas bsicas para automao;Montagem de operao de Spread Value;Tpico de desenvolvimento de script operacional;"
Price: 29.99 |
"Arbitragem Cripto Moeda: Trading Algorithms -Mod Extra" |
"Este curso faz parte de um mdulo extra sobre o tema de arbitragem no mercado de cripto moedas.Foco deste curso introduzir abordagem de automao de algortimos para operaes com cripto moedas e algumas categorias de derivativos.Voc aprender:Conceitos bsicos sobre MQL4 & 5 voltados para rea de operaes financeiras automatizadas.Abordagem de algortimos se dar por meio da apresentao de alguns Setups operacionais que sero posteriormente automatizados para fins de aprendizagem."
Price: 19.99 |
"PC POWER PRO 2: Ecco il Corso Pi COMPLETO per Velocizzare al Massimo il tuo Computer PC Windows impallato, rallentato o piantato.Questo corso copre ogni aspetto su come rendere i tuoi click istantanei.Va bene per qualsiasi Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7 e anche XP.Trasformerai il tuo PC Windows da Lumaca a Gazzella! Ancora pi veloce di quando lo avevi scartato, nuovo fiammante ma predestinato a un rapido declino di prestazioni.Se sei gi un po' ""pratico"" di computer, questo corso probabilmente avr ancora qualcosa di molto interessante per te.Questo corso online l'ho insegnato anche in sessioni dal vivo, con dei computer veri (portatili e fissi), ""col freno a mano tirato"".Sono riuscito a migliorare i loro indici di prestazioni e rendere stra-felici i proprietari.Seguendo passo passo questo corso non dovrai comprare costosi programmi di ottimizzazione che ti aggiustano da una parte ma fanno un disastro dall'altra.Si perch i computer, un po' come le automobili col motore a scoppio, necessitano di manutenzione, di un ""tagliando"" ogni tanto.Le persone che affermavano di sapere tutto ci di cui avevano bisogno per migliorare il loro Windows hanno affermato di aver appreso pi di quanto pensavano....Argomenti trattati da questo corso:Introduzione, Misurazioni e Precauzioni Per Non Fare Nessun Danno al tuo computer...Prima della Cioccolata un po' di Minestra, che fa bene al tuo PC... (altre precauzioni, backup e misurazioni).Perch e come puoi fare Backup dei tuoi File Importanti?Come Riportare Il Tuo PC ancora + Veloce di quando comprato e scartato?Perch SOLO Collegamenti Su Desktop?1 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...2 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...3 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...4 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...[POTENTISSIMO Da Adesso Inizierai a notare una Grossa differenza] 5 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...6 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...[Altra perla per Togliere il Freno a Mano...] 7 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...8 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo...9 Colpo al Tuo Windows Per Velocizzarlo... [Ultimo e Indispensabile].Tanti mi chiedono: ""Leo, Perch il 5 Colpo, il 6, il 7... per Velocizzare, per Sfrenare, per sciogliere il mio Windows non me lo hai fatto fare prima?""Perch ogni passo, ogni colpo stato pensato nella sequenza ottimizzata al massimo...Te ne renderai conto,tra poco,quando sarai dall'altra parte e inizierai, senza fretta a gustarti video dopo video le performance della tua macchina, del tuo windows, migliorare all'inverosimile. Sar una piacevole sorpresa.Riassaporerai quella velocit, snellezza, rapidit di cui ti eri proprio dimenticato.E non finita...+ BONUS N.1 [In lavorazione -------- uscita prevista Febbraio - Marzo 2019 ------------]Per chi ha gi preso questo corso PPP2 i video saranno gratis, per gli altri aumenter il prezzo...Si, ora veloce supersonico come mai prima... Ma non mi accontento... Vuoi ancora di pi?Come Puoi Aumentare le prestazioni e valutare un'aggiunta di Memoria RAM?Quale modello di RAM per il mio PC?Come e dove comprare la Memoria RAM adatta perfettamente al mio PC senza spendere cifre astronomiche?Come Faccio a capire se posso montare + di 4 Gb di RAM?Te lo spiego passo passo, nessuno deve rimanere indietro e sulla Community dei PCPoweristi ne vedrai/leggerai/scriverai delle belle.La Memoria RAM arrivata: come faccio a montarla, passo passo?Come posso valutare un cambio di hard disc?Come posso passare dal mio normale disco Rigido a carbone, a RPM a un SSD performante?+ BONUS N.2Come e Dove Puoi Scaricare Linux, Gratis, senza rinunciare al tuo Windows veloce supersonico?Quale Versione di Linux Dovrei Scaricare?Se vuoi, come puoi Preparare l'Installazione di Linux in maniera semplice?Dual Boot di Linux con Windows 10: Cosa Dovrei Fare Sul BIOS? Te lo Spiego Passo Passo...[L'Errore Che Anche Io Facevo]: Come Attivare Il Dual Boot Correttamente?+ BONUS N.3 Come Puoi Recuperare il PenDrive USB (La Chiavetta USB) che sembrava ""Bruciata""?...+ BONUS N.4- Cosa ACRONIS e cosa ci puoi fare?- Come funziona il Software ACRONIS e cosa ci puoi fare?- Perch considerato il Software N.1?- Come puoi scaricarlo gratis e usarlo da subito sul tuo Computer (Windows ma anche Linux...)--> FA ATTENZIONE: Mi assumo io tutti i rischi: Garanzia Soddisfatto o Rimborsato al 100%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prendi questo corso PPP Pc Power Pro "" VELOCIZZA Il Tuo Windows In 9 Colpi"" senza pensarci troppo perch potrebbe cambiare il tuo modo di vedere e vivere il Computer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Un conto cliccare e aspettare secondi impazienti, un conto avere tutto subito: fast, veloce, immediato.Ti aspetto dall'altra parte?N.B: Chi prima arriva paga meno: man mano che aggiunger altri video di aggiornamento aumenter anche il prezzo, perci chi prima arriva meglio alloggia! ;-)P.S. Visto che iniziate ad essere numerosi PCPoweristi , incluso in questo corso PPP, se ti va, hai anche l'accesso Gratis al Gruppo VIP riservato su Facebook, qui: groups/pcpowerproTi basta mandarmi un messaggio privato e accederai anche te alla Community dei PCPoweristi..."
Price: 199.99 |